CH 4 Satellite Communication, GPS

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ECE 423 :Advanced


Supervised by

Dr :/ Somaya Abdel
Azeem ElFeshawy
Chapter 4:- Satellite Communication
➢ It is one kind of wireless communication
which uses artificial satellite to
communicate. This kind of
communication provides services like
voice, internet, video calling, TV, radio
channels, Fax, etc.
➢ This communication can be possible for
long distances, and it can be operated
under some conditions.
➢ The artificial satellite can be placed
within space to make possible
communication between the different
points on the globe.
Types of Satellite Communication
The satellite-communication can be classified into three types which include the

1). Fixed Satellite

This system aids in data transmission across the world through permanent points
on the surface of the earth.

2). Mobile Satellite

This system is used in connecting aircraft, and ships at remote places.

3). Research Satellite

This kind of system is mainly useful in different research methods for the
researchers. They gather the required data using the research satellite system.
How does it Work?
In this type of communication, the satellite is arranged at the space to get the
signals from the globe by using an antenna. These signals are improved to the
best level and after that, they have transmitted again back to the globe using
transponders. Then the earth station gets the signals from the satellite, changes
again and assists in communication.
Three stages are involved, which
explain the working of satellite

Satellite Communication Services

There are two categories in which satellite communication

services can be classified:

•One-way satellite communication

•Two- way satellite communication

One-way Satellite Communication
• In one-way satellite communication, the communication usually takes place
between either one or multiple earth stations through the help of a satellite.
• The communication takes place between the transmitter on the first earth
satellite to the receiver which is the second earth satellite.
• The transmission of the signal is unidirectional.

Some common one-way satellite communication is:

Position location services
Tracking is a part of space operations services
Internet services take place with broadcasting satellites
One-way Satellite Communication
Two-Way Satellite Communication

• In two-way satellite communication, the information

is exchanged between any two earth stations. It can be
said that there is a point-to-point connectivity.

• The signal is transmitted from the first earth station to

the second earth station such that there are two uplinks
and two downlinks between the earth stations and the
Two-Way Satellite Communication
Types of orbits
❖ Geosynchronous
Same rotational velocity as earth
Maintains position relative to the earth
Altitude 35786 Km
Velocity 11300 Km per Hour

❖ Asynchronous
Much lower altitude= much higher velocity
Position over earth constantly changing.
Types of orbits

GEO: 36000 km from the earth

MEO: 6000- 20000 km from the

LEO: 500- 1500 km from the

Geostationary Equatorial Orbit (GEO)

• Objects in Geostationary orbit revolve around the earth at

the same speed as the earth rotates.
• This means Geo satellites remain in the same position relative
to the surface of the earth.
• Because of the long distance from the earth, it gives large
coverage area.
• High transmit power needed and launching of satellites to
orbit are complex and expensive.
• Not useful for global coverage for small mobile phones and
data transmission, typically used for Tv and radio
Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

• LEO satellites are much closer to the earth than GEO

satellites, ranging from 500 to 1500 Km above the
• LEO satellites don’t stay in fixed position relative to the
surface and are only visible for 15 to 20 minutes each
• Handover necessary from one satellite to another.
• Need for routing.
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)

• MEO satellites have a larger coverage than LEO

• A MEO satellite’s longer duration of visibility and wider
footprint means fewer satellites are needed in a MEO
network than a LEO Network.
• A MEO satellite’s distance gives it a longer time delay
and weaker signal a LEO satellite, though not as bad as
a GEO satellite.
Advantages of Satellite Communication

The following are the advantages of satellite

• Easily installed.
• Possibilities of broadcasting, and the network can be controlled
by the user.
• The elasticity of these circuits is excellent (Flexibility).
• With the help of satellite communication, every corner of the
earth can be covered.
• The user fully controls the network.
Disadvantages of Satellite Communication

The following are the disadvantages of satellite


•Initial expenditure is expensive.

•There are chances of blockage of frequencies.

•Propagation and interference.

Applications of Satellite Communication System
• This type of communication is used in ships, where
mobile phones are not operated. So, satellite phones
are used in communication.

• The satellite phones, radios, TVs works on the

satellite-communication principle.

• This kind of communication is mainly used in distant


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