Free Earthdawn Flyer 2 of 3
Free Earthdawn Flyer 2 of 3
Free Earthdawn Flyer 2 of 3
Ardis Foarr sat after
sharing his story with the
village. The village leader "I amnamed
stood once more and spoke Me'gana, Swordmaster
from the village Lowilla.
to the assembly. "These
Our kaer, which lies in the
two will aid us against the
Caucavik Mountains to the
creature that dwells within
far northwest, only recently
our kaer. Will others offer
opened its doors. I learned
their services?"
the Discipline of the
A handful of heart-
Swordmaster from my
beats passed, then a young
father before his death at
elven woman stood to face the hands of a Horror. He
the crowd. She wore bat- and his forefathers had
tered leather armor, and served Lowilla as sword-
two scabbards hung at her masters since long before
sides. the Scourge. I, too, was to
serve the village, but others
took my place so that I
could travel the lands and
help others rebuild their
homes and lives. I join
Ardis Foarr and Thom
Hammerblade in their
pledge to enter your kaer.
And as they have done, I
share with you my story.
Soon after the vil-
lage of Lowilla was rebuilt,
a trio of adventurers came
seeking shelter for the
night. They stayed for a
few days, sharing legends
of creatures and treasures
they had encountered and
heard of all across Barsaive.
When they prepared to
leave, I offered to join
them, that I might aid those
in need in other towns and
Attributes Talents
Dexterity (17): 7 /D12 Avoid Blow (1): 8/2D6
Strength (15): 6/DlO Maneuver (1): 8/2D6
Toughness (12): 5/D8 Melee Weapons (3): 10/DlO + D6
Perception (14): 6/DlO Taunt (2): 7 /D12
Willpower (11): 5/D8 Wound Balance (1): 6/DlO
Charisma (10): 5/D8
Movement Skills
42 yards Alchemy (1): 7 /D12
per round Artistan/Runic Carving (Weapons) (1): 7 /D12
Creature Lore (1): 7 /D12
Initiative Combat
Dice: DlO Physical Defense: 9
Spell Defense: 8
Damage Social Defense: 6
Death Rating: 34 Armor: 4
Wound Threshold: 9 Mystic Armor: 1
Unconsciousness Rating: 26
Recovery Tests per day: 2
Recovery Dice: D8
Attributes Talents
Dexterity (16): 7 /Dl2 Air Sailing (1): 6/DlO
Strength (21): 8/2D6 Battle Shout (2): 5/DS
Toughness (21): 8/2D6 Fireblood (1): 9/DS + D6
Perception (14): 6/DlO . Great Leap (1): 8/2D6
Willpower (11): 5/DS Melee Weapons (3): 10/DlO + D6
Charisma (5): 3/D4
Movement Skills
38 yards per round Ancient Weapons (1): 7 /D12
Artistan/Crystal Carving (1): 7 /Dl2
Initiative Troll History (1): 7 /Dl2
Dice: DlO
Equipment Physical Defense: 9
Backpack Spell Defense: 8
Battle-Axe (Damage: 14/D20 + D4) Social Defense: 4
Bedroll Armor: 6
Broadsword (Damage: 13/D12 + DlO) Mystic Armor: 1
Hardened Leather Armor
2 Torches Damage
Tra veling Garb Death Rating: 46
Troll Sling (Damage: 12/2Dl0) Wound Threshold: 13
1 Waterskin Unconsciousness Rating: 39
1 Week Trail Rations Recovery Tests per day: 4
Recovery Dice: 2D6
Racial Abilities: Heat Sight
Air Sailing: Enables a character to serve on the crew of an
airship. The Difficulty Number for using this talent is 4.
Battle Shout: Allows a character to intimidate opponents
by shouting at them. The Difficulty Number equals the target's
Social Defense number. If the test result is successful, the target
subtracts 2 from all his dice roll results for the next two Combat
Fireblood: Allows a character to heal Damage during com-
bat. The character spends one of his available Recovery Tests to
Targ Boneslicer is a troll Sky Raider from the Twilight
use this talent. The test result determines the number of
Peaks. Targ stands 8 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs 550 pounds.
Damage Points the character heals.
Targ learned the Discipline of the Sky Raider from his troll clan.
Great Leap: Allows a character to jump great distances.
After his clan joined other clans through the Ritual of the
The test result is th e number of yards a character can jump in a
Trollmoot, he joined the crew of a crystal raider airship, battling
single round.
with his crewmates against Theran airships in Barsaive's south-
Melee Weapons: Allows a character to attack an opponent
with a melee weapon. Use the target's Physical Defense number
Targ finds it difficult to trust anyone who is not a troll.
as the Difficulty Number for the Attack Test.
Despite deep reservations, he has begun to accept others as
Using Talents potential allies on his adventures. Targ has learned a g reat deal
To use a talent, a player rolls the dice indicated for each about the other races of Barsaive since his airship crashed and
talent. For example, when using the Melee Weapons talent, a he began his travels back to the Twilight Peaks. Recently, Targ
player would roll a DlO+D6. Compare the result of the roll to has begun to question his people's history of raiding and pillag-
the Difficulty Number listed in the talent d escription. If the test ing other races.
result is higher than the Difficulty Number, the action succeeds.
The crowd murmured among themselves as "O ur drakkar battled many Theran vedettes,
Me'gana sat down again, but the noise quickly qui- freed many slaves, and claimed many Theran lives.
eted when a large troll stood, his head rising a full But our last battle damaged our ship. We crashed in a
four feet above those seated around him. mountain range near the Servos Jungle, and only fif-
"I am Targ Boneslicer, renowned Sky Raider teen members of our brave crew survived.
from the Twilight Peaks. I feel sure that your other "After giving our dead brethren every honor they
heroes will welcome my capable help. richly deserved, we began our travels back toward our
home in the Twilight Peaks . After
battling a fierce storm for several
days, we were finally forced to
seek shelter. Discovering a cave in
a nearby ravine, we soon learned
that it concealed the entrance to a
still-closed, forgotten kaer.
"As we waited out the
storm, we decided to open the
kaer and bring its inhabitants the
good news that the Scourge was