Fallen Eyrie - Mausritter
Fallen Eyrie - Mausritter
Fallen Eyrie - Mausritter
2. Broken gate – Sturdy metal gate from a metal pipe that rises to 8. Eyrie for sparrows – Small well
appears locked. the loft behind barracks, light maintained nests in old rack
Lock has been broken on gate can be seen at the top. Saddles and other equipment for
Adventure site compatible with Hidden spike pit on other side of Roll 1 times for hidden treasure Sparrows hang next to empty
Mausritter door. Easily fallen into if door (p38) Keys to vault. nests
Watch Location
Night Sleeping in rafters
Morning Hunting outside
Afternoon Hunting outside Sparrow riders Spear:
Evening Perched on loft beam
A lighter weight spear used by
If a big noise or an alarm if made
sparrow riders for a quick flight.
and Munnin is out hunting then they
D6 Hooks
1 A baby sparrow has lost its
mother and cannot fly.
2 Dead Sparrow and rider found
with important documents.
3 Sparrow Hawk attacked a local
trade caravan.
4 An urgent message needs to be
sent via Sparrow messenger.
5 A researcher needs help getting
Creature stats including hawks and
to the order to help pick the
sparrows can be found in Bestiarium:
next head.
6 A drunken rider is lamenting in
m-mausritter Map created using
a tavern.
Dungeon Scrawl by Portabletrain on :
Avian Crown: https://probabletrain.itch.io/dungeon-
Be Understood: Make your meaning scrawl The Fallen Eyrie is an independent