PSV Circular 33 of 2023
PSV Circular 33 of 2023
PSV Circular 33 of 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the advertisements of vacant
posts and jobs in Public Service departments.
1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Department is not
responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an advertisement must be addressed to the
relevant advertising department.
2. Directions to candidates
2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge
and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the department in which the
2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.
2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the
department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration must not be
approached for such information.
2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the applicable
closing dates.
3. Directions to departments
3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential
candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where
applicable, interviews.
3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15 (affirmative
action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should be applied.
Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness through the
filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote
representativeness, will receive preference.
3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to employment
in the Public Service.
4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding the course
please visit the NSG website:
AMENDMENTS : DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM: Kindly note that the correct salary level for the
post of Professional Development Officer that was advertised in Public Service
Vacancy Circular 32 dated 08 September 2023 is R359 517 per annum (Level
that the following position was advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular
32 dated 08 September 2023, (1) SCM Clerk: Provisioning and Logistics with
Ref No: 2023/381, Centre: Mmabatho Regional Office, please note that the
position is ring-fenced for people with disability closing date is extended to 29
September 2023.
DEFENCE B 29 - 38
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive package). The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be
structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the
National School of Government (NSG). Applicants must be in possession of a
Grade 12 Certificate and Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Financial
Management / Economics / Commerce (NQF Level 7). 5 years of experience
at middle / senior managerial level in a finance field. Job related knowledge:
Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, Knowledge and
experience in Basic Accounting Systems (BAS), Knowledge of Estimates of
National Expenditure (ENE) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework
(MTEF) process, Knowledge of compiling annual financial statements. Job
related skills: Facilitation and presentation skills, Analytical and problem-
solving skills, People management skills, Communication skills (verbal and
written), Project management skills, Service delivery innovation skills, Report
writing skills and Computer literacy. Ability to work under pressure and in a
team. Ability to meet deadlines. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Develop and maintain budget and reporting system. Plan and coordinate the
development of trading account and budget. Monitor and evaluate revenue
trends and integrate funding needs. Compile financial and treasury reports.
Maintain the accounting system and support to the provincial offices. Maintain
the standard chart of accounts on A Complete and Comprehensive Program
for Accounting Control (ACCPAC) system. Manage project registrations
process. Provide PLAS payment services. Manage the entity banking services.
Effect payments to service providers. Provide accounts payable, and
reconciliations thereof. Provide accounting control and expenditure services.
Liaise with management and external clients. Provide operational access and
improvements systems support and training to Provincial Shared Service
Centre (PSSC’s). Provide internal control and reporting services. Manage the
control environment of the entity and all financial policies and procedures.
Coordinate all aspects of the trading account annual financial reporting.
Provide advice on accounting standards. Liaise with management and external
clients. Coordinate the monthly management packs. Provide PLAS investment
management support. Manage investment of PLAS trading account. Report on
investment decision and results. Undertake due diligence on investment
options for PLAS Trading account. Provide investment analysts with financial
information and recommendations for decision making. Provide administrative
support to the Chief Director.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Mokono Tel No: (012) 312 8183
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and
White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package). The
package includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that
may be structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management
Services (SMS).
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Successful completion of Pre-entry Certificate for SMS as endorsed by the
National School of Government (NSG). Applicants must be in possession of a
Grade 12 Certificate and Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma in Computer
Science / Information Technology (IT). Minimum of 5 years’ experience at
middle management / senior managerial level. Job related knowledge: The
Public Finance Management Act and Regulations, and other relevant
legislation e.g. National Strategic Intelligence Act, National Archives of South
Africa Act, Promotions of Access to Information Act, Public Service Act. The
Department and its core objectives and functions. Public Service, strategies
and goals. Knowledge of Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
and Control Objectives for Information and related Technologies (Cobit)
frameworks. IT operating systems and technical knowledge. Data
management. Information management. The development of IT strategies.
The e-Government Policy framework. The Government Information
Technology Officers (GITO) strategy, standards, norms, regulations and
policies. Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS). Good corporate
governance principles. Government priorities and imperatives. The white paper
on the transformation of the Public Service (Batho Pele). Job related skills:
Strategic capability and leadership skills. Programme and project management
skills. Financial management skills. Change management skills. Knowledge
management skills. Service delivery innovation skills. Problem solving and
analysis skills. People management and empowerment. Client orientation and
customer focus. Communication skills (verbal and written), Honesty and
integrity. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Manage ICT network and telecommunications services. Implement, manage
and maintain all ICT network infrastructure. Implement, manage and maintain
telecommunication infrastructure. Implement, manage and maintain the Wide
Area Network (WAN). Manage ICT operations, infrastructure and exchange
services. Implement, manage and maintain server room infrastructure. Ensure
continuous ICT service improvement. Implement, manage and maintain ICT
services. Implement, manage and maintain exchange services. Manage ICT
cyber security services. Implement, manage and maintain all ICT security
infrastructure. Implement cyber security awareness in DALRRD. Manage ICT
internal disaster recovery and ICT resilience. Implement, manage and maintain
ICT service continuity. Test the internal ICT disaster recovery plan (DRP)at
least once a year.
ENQUIRIES : Ms PT Sehoole Tel No: (012) 319 6196
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and
White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply
Directorate: Internal Communication Services
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Marketing / Brand Management / Communication / Public Relations
(NQF Level 6). Minimum of 3 years junior management experience in
Marketing / Brand Management / Communication / Public Relations
environment. Job related knowledge: Marketing and brand management
principles. Public relations. Development communication. Labour Relation Act.
Employment Equity Act. Public Service Regulations. Public Service Act. Job
related skills: Computer literacy. Problem solving skills. Financial management
skills. Project management skills. Interpersonal skills. Analytical skills. Graphic
design skills. Communication skills (verbal and written). Organisational skills.
A valid driver’s license. Team-work. Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Provision of brand management services for the Department and Ministry.
Conduct internal and external brand research and surveys to guide brand
management interventions. Manage perceptions of staff, public and
stakeholders on the departmental and ministry brand. Manage the signage and
wayfinding of the Department. Compile specifications, procure and manage
branding and promotional inventory. Management of corporate identity of the
Department and Ministry. Develop and implement corporate identity
guidelines. Monitor compliance departmental corporate identify guidelines.
Conduct awareness campaigns to staff and external partners on corporate
identity. Approval of items and merchandise bearing departmental branding.
Provision of corporate advertising and media buying services. Conduct
research on the appropriate paid media platforms. Conceptualise and develop
paid media campaigns. Develop content briefs for advertising with client
offices, language services, newsroom and print production units. Book and buy
advertising media spaces. Monitor flighting of placed advertisements.
Management of corporate promotions and awareness campaigns. Develop an
annual exhibition calendar. Conceptualise and implement exhibition aligning
with the theme of the event / activity and audience. Develop content briefs for
exhibitions and promotions information material with language services,
newsroom and print production units. Manage promotional campaigns of the
Department. Conceptualise marketing campaigns through online
communication platforms. Management of the distribution of information,
statutory and promotional material. Develop and manage the distribution
strategy and plan of products produced by the department for dissemination to
the public and to market departmental products and services. Develop and
manage an up-to-date distribution database for information and promotional
ENQUIRIES : Mr F Mutangwa Tel No: (012) 312 8283
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Indian and White Females and
Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Human Resource Management / Human Resource Development
(Management of Training) / Public Management / Public Administration (NQF
Level 6). Minimum of 3 years’ experience at junior management level in
Performance Management environment. Job related knowledge: Knowledge of
the National Skills Development Strategy of South Africa. Understanding of
Government regulatory framework and processes. Knowledge and
understanding of The White paper on the transformation of the Public Service
(Batho Pele). Job related skills: Facilitation and presentation skills. Analytical
and problem-solving skills. Communication skills (verbal and written). Financial
management skills. Project management skills. Conflict management skills.
Career management skills. A valid driver’s license. Working under pressure
and irregular hours.
DUTIES : Ensure and coordinate the process of performance management and
development. Manage the maintenance and review the approved Employee
Performance Management and Development Systems (Senior Management
Services Performance Management and Development System and EPMDS).
Develop systems to ensure that employee performance management is
aligned with organisational performance management. Ensure that all
employees are informed on the principles of performance management and
development and the application thereof. Provide guidance on the
maintenance of a database on employee performance management statistics.
Coordinate and ensure timeously submission of employee’s performance
agreements and annual performance assessments. Monitor trends in the
application of the EPMDS and render an advisory to the Department. Ensure
that the departmental performance management is in line with Human
Resources policies and strategies. Ensure compliance to the performance
incentives remuneration budget. Oversee the administration support of
EPMDS. Monitor and follow-up on the submission of performance agreements,
personal development plans and performance assessments. Oversee the
management of the PMDS database. Co-ordinate the moderating committee
meetings. Provide advisory and secretariat services to the moderating
committee meetings. Coordinate the appointment of the moderation
committees. Render a secretariat service to the Senior Management Services
(SMS) moderation committee. Monitor and advise / manage performance
rewards and expenditure. Develop, maintain and implement performance
management and development strategies, policies, guidelines and procedures.
Develop and implement performance management and development policies
and strategies. Conduct research to improve performance management
processes. Develop measures and strategies for monitoring and
management of performance management and development processes.
Establish and maintain relationship and partnerships with management and
SMS members within the Department. Assist with the transformation of
employee mindset towards the successful functioning of the PMDS and
Performance culture. Coaching business partners on performance
management best practices. Impact analysis of the implemented programmes.
Provide capacity building to line managers and employees on PMDS. Identify
and address the performance management needs for employees. Develop
briefing sessions / workshops on performance management and development
plans. Conduct workshops / training sessions. Assess the impact of the
implemented intervention on performance management. Manage the sub-
directorate. Manage the resources of the sub-directorate. Monitor and ensure
proper utilisation and maintenance of equipment. Monitor and evaluate
performance of employees. Ensure capacity building and training of staff in the
sub-directorate. Conduct strategic and operational planning. Manage
probationary reports administration. Quarterly probation reports. Confirmation
of probationary period. Oversee the maintenance and updating of the probation
reports records / database.
ENQUIRIES : Mr B Bilankulu Tel No: (012) 312 9581
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Auditing / Information Technology. Minimum of 3 years’ junior
management experience in Information Technology Auditing. Membership of
the Institute of Internal Auditors is recommended. Job related knowledge:
Project Management best practice. The Standards of the Institute of Internal
Auditors. Risk based Internal Audit methodologies and procedures and
software. Job related skills: Communication skills (written and verbal).
Interviewing skills. Analytical and problem-solving ability. Staff and
interpersonal skills. Project management skills. Computer skills. Business
process analysis skills. Risk and control assessment skills. A valid driver’s
DUTIES : Participate in the compilation of the Information Technology Audit Directorate’s
strategic and operational plans in line with the Chief Directorate’s quality
standards, methodologies, policies and procedures on an annual basis.
Participate in the compilation of the Information Technology Audit Directorate’s
operational plan by April each year. Compile the Information Technology Audit
Directorate’s operational and process risk registers by April each year.
Implement the Information Technology Audit Directorate’s operational plan and
risk register action plans allocated to this position on a continuous basis and
report progress to the Director: Information Technology Audit on a monthly
basis. Participate in the compilation of the Information Technology Audit
Directorate’s portion of the Strategic 3 year Rolling and Annual Internal Audit
Plans by April each year. Execute / Manage the planning of the specialised
annual audit plan projects according to the deliverables and timelines defined
on the approved audit projects planning memoranda. Execute / Manage the
compilation on the electronic audit software of the Planning Phase Deliverables
of the Information Technology Audit Directorate’s specialised projects
allocated to this position, in line with the Chief Directorate’s quality standards,
methodologies, policies and procedures on the continuous basis, and reports
progress to the Director: Information Technology Audit on a weekly basis.
Execute / Manage the Execution of the specialised annual audit plan projects
according to the deliverables and timelines defined on the approved audit
projects planning memoranda. Execute / Manage the compilation of the
electronic audit software of the Execution Phase Deliverables of the
Information Technology Audit Directorate’s specialised project allocated to this
position, in line with the Chief Directorate’s quality standards, methodologies,
policies and procedures on a continuous basis, and report progress to the
Director: Information Technology Audit on a weekly basis. Execute / Manage
the Reporting of the specialised annual audit plan projects according to the
deliverables and timelines defined on the approved audit projects planning
memoranda. Execute / Manage the compilation on the electronic audit software
of the Reporting Phase Deliverables of the Information Technology Audit
Directorate’s specialised projects allocated to this position, in line with the Chief
Directorate’s quality standards, methodologies, policies and procedures on a
continuous basis, and report progress to the Director Information Technology
Audit on a weekly basis. Execute / Manage the Closure of the specialised
annual audit plan projects according to the deliverables and timelines defined
on the approved audit projects planning memoranda and follow–up on
implementation of management action plan on Internal Audit Report of the
specialised annual report previous audit plan projects. Execute / Manage the
compilation on the electronic audit software of the Closure Phase Deliverables
of the Information Technology Audit Directorate’s specialised projects
allocated to this position, in line with the Chief Directorate’s quality standards,
methodologies, policies and procedures on a continuous basis, and report
progress to the Director: Information Technology Audit on a weekly basis.
Analyse the line managements status of implementation of action plans of the
Information Technology Audit Directorate’s specialised internal audit reports
allocated to this position and clarify the statuses with line managers on a
quarterly basis. Manage the Information Technology Directorate’s resources
allocated to this position. Manage human, logistical and financial resources
allocated to this position on an on-going basis in line with Departmental
ENQUIRIES : Mr M. Rammutla Tel No: (012) 312 9840
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma (NQF 6) in Financial Management / Accounting / Public
Administration. Minimum of 3 years junior management experience in the
financial management environment. Knowledge of the Public Finance
Management Act. Basic Accounting System. Treasury Regulations. Medium
Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). Computer Literacy. Communication
Skills (Verbal and Written). Interpersonal skills. Organising Skills. Analytical
skills. Decision making Skills. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide quality assurance with regard to completeness, accuracy, cut off,
classification and accuracy of classes of transactions in the Financial
Statements, Valuation, completeness, existence and rights and obligation of
account balances in the financial statements. Quality assure the presentation
and disclosure in the financial statements in line with financial reporting
framework, (GRAP). Interpret and implement accounting standards. Review
files, reports and all implementation guidance from National Treasury, the
Accounting Standards Board and SAICA. Provide requisite knowledge of
Financial Reporting Framework through Knowledge of Accounting Standards
and interpretations (including implementation guides) and consultations.
Review interim and annual financial statements in line with the relevant
financial reporting framework (standards of GRAP and interpretations). Review
all presentation and disclosure to ensure that it is accurate and complete in
accordance with GRAP requirements. Quality assure reports supporting
financial statements and other supporting schedules. Quality assure accounts
transactions and account balances for compliance with internal financial
controls (Completeness, occurrence, cut off, classification, accuracy,
valuation, existence and rights and obligations). Facilitate the process of
ensuring that other officials preparing and reviewing financial statements and
reports have the requisite knowledge that is in line with the relevant financial
reporting framework and in line with the Accounting Standards Boards
requirements for preparers and reviewers of financial statements. Conduct
consultations with the ASB, SAICA and National Treasury to keep abreast with
the financial prescripts amendments. Provide risk management and
implementation of internal legal and financial controls. Forward audit queries
to relevant line manager for appropriate response within five working days.
Coordinate audit request from AGSA. Coordinate AFSAs, queries raised and
ensure action is taken to respond to queries raised by line manager.
Coordinate Internal Audit queries raised and ensure action is taken to respond
by line managers with reasonable time. Coordinate risk registers and ensure
that monitoring of risk as per risk guidelines is adhered by line managers.
MPAT reporting. Coordinate implementation of management action plan.
Provide assistance in the prevention of unauthorised, irregular and fruitless
expenditure. Review the report of irregular and fruitless. Analyse all payments
made to detect any irregular fruitless expenditure. Facilitate the implementation
of good governance principles to enhance cost effective and efficiency in
service delivery. Formulate creative and innovative solutions to enhance cost
effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L Tshivhase Tel No: (012) 338 7238 and Mr. R Saila Tel No: (012) 338
APPLICATIONS : Please ensure that you send your application to Private Bag X918, Pretoria,
0001 or Hand deliver it to the Office of the Chief Registrar of Deeds at Corner
Bosman and Pretorius Street, Pretoria- Central, Pretoria, 0001 before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Females and African Coloured, Indian and
White Males and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11) (All-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Law / National Diploma Deeds Registration Law / Buris / B Proc /
LLB. Minimum of 4 years’ experience at junior management level in Deeds
environment. Extensive and proven ability in knowing, interpreting, and
applying various legislation and Acts pertaining to registration of Deeds
including (but not limited to): Deeds Registries Act, Sectional Titles Act,
Ordinances, Proclamations, Case Law, Common Law. Ability to address a
professional audience comfortably. Ability to convey knowledge to others.
Planning and execution skills. Communication skills. Project Management
DUTIES : Monitor examination of deeds and documents. Check deeds and documents
for registrability and take corrective measures. Grant hearing to Conveyancers,
make ruling and provide guidance. Provide inputs for the update of deeds
practice manual, legislation, and draft circulars. Report on examination team
performance, standards, and turnaround times. Update acts, manuals, and
circulars. Execute deeds. Validate that appointed appearer has signed
execution clause / request for registration. Verify validity date of relevant
certificates. Sign all deeds and documents that are registrable. Report
problems with regard to execution of deeds, to ARD / DROD in charge of
execution. Draft reports to court. Receive the notice of motions and all
supporting documents. Peruse notices of motions and supporting documents.
Research the facts there in. Compile a report to court and attach all relevant
documents. Manage the execution of deeds and documents. Attend to the
requests for late and expedited execution of deeds and arrange for final black
booking. Notify conveyancers regarding problems encountered on deeds at
execution and provide guidance. Monitor execution register for Conveyancers.
Reject deeds that are not registrable. Attend to simultaneous registration with
other offices. Manage distribution of deeds. Verify the information on the
distribution list with actual deeds batches and spot-check. Verify returned
deeds against distribution list and initiate corrective measures. Manage
statistics, exception reports and implement corrective measures. Prevent and
address backlogs. Attend to queries relating to deeds on the system. Authorize
request for withdrawal of deeds. Manage the update procedure manual.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. DP Sambo Tel No: (012) 312 8737
APPLICATIONS : Please ensure that you send your application to Private Bag X183, Pretoria,
0001 or Hand deliver it to the Office of the Registrar of Deeds: Pretoria at 600
Lillian Ngoyi Street, Berea Park, 0001
NOTE : African, Indian and White Males, and African Females. People with disabilities
are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11) (All-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture Degree. Minimum of 3 years junior management
experience in plant production or agronomy. Job related knowledge:
Knowledge of legislation and policy formulation. Knowledge of scientific
research. Good knowledge of global and national agricultural research systems
and activities. Good knowledge of production practices and trends in South
Africa. Job related skills: Good communication skills (verbal and written). Good
programme project management skills. Strategic planning and management of
resources. Organizational skills. Financial management skills. Good leadership
and managerial skills. Good computer skills (Microsoft Project, Word, Excel,
Access and PowerPoint). A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Develop policies, programmes and processes in relation to the sustainable
plant production and management of agronomic crops. Formulate strategic
outputs as per the organization strategies and priority programmes of the
Department and the needs of the sector. Develop and implement policies,
legislation, norms and standards on plant production research and technology
development. Coordinate the setting of standards and operating procedures.
Provide support and advise to the industry and stakeholders. Monitor the
efficient implementation of policies and programmes. Provide leadership and
co-ordination of research and technology development programme including
the preparation of guidelines, manuals and scientific and technical reports.
Analyse and give advice of evaluation, assessment and application of research
and development activities on plant production. Ensure that biological scientific
trials are designed, conducted and interpreted in a sound scientific manner.
Provide strategic leadership at national and Provincial research activities.
Coordinate appropriate research with other relevant institutions such as
Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR) and Provincial Department of Agriculture research institutes.
Participate in relevant research and technology fora through writing of scientific
and popular publications as well as attending conferences / congresses and
other events. Publish and present reports on research and technologies
developed. Source funding for research projects. Co-ordinate and provide
leadership in participation of the Directorate in priority programmes of the
Department as well as other government initiatives. Contribute towards the
implementation of the South African Climate Change Sector Plan and other
natural disaster management programmes. Contribute towards the
development and implementation of global missions (Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO)) on conservation agriculture. Contribute towards the
implementation of the agreement on co- operative sectoral approaches and
sector specific actions of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate
Change. Participate in committees and for implementation of Natural Resource
Conservation programmes. Liaise with clients and stakeholders from other
government Departments, parastatals and industry and provide advice to
ensure effective coordination of South African research activities. Liaise with
stakeholders, strategic partners, producer organizations, scientific bodies,
academia and research institutions and other spheres of government (Local,
Provincial and other National Departments through relevant fora, the National
Sector Working Groups as well as the Interdepartmental Working Groups).
Provide technical advice to relevant producer organizations, Non-
Governmental Organization (NGOs), Research Institutes, Regional (Southern
Africa Development Community (SADC)) and Global (FAO). Provide general
management of the agronomy division. Provide mentorship and training to
promote skills / knowledge transfer to clients and staff. Supervise the
performance and development of junior officials. Implement knowledge sharing
initiatives. e.g. workshops and seminars.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J Mahlabe Tel No: (012) 319 6072
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured and Indian Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
rates from Municipality. Prepare memorandums for payment of rates. Acquire
proof of payment of rates. Obtain certificates from Municipality. Monitor the
transfer process until the end and inform the claimants.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KE Sebitiele Tel No: (018) 388 7115
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X74, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand
delivered during office hours to: Corner James Moroka and Sekame Drive,
West Gallery, Megacity, Mmabatho, 2735
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
providing services to identified groups (e.g. vulnerable workers on farms,
women, etc.). Facilitate the establishment of sector transformation forums and
task teams where necessary and coordinate their activities. Capacitate
stakeholders in the sector on transformation matters. Provide support in
stakeholder mobilization and advocacy on sector transformation matters.
Coordinate awareness campaigns, training sessions and workshops on sector
transformation. Assist in the planning, coordination and hosting of national
events related sector transformation policies, programmes and projects.
Perform administrative support and related functions in the Directorate.
Develop and maintain database. Compile and submit reports in the following:
Transformation and empowerment. Gender and youth development. Equality
and equity. Disability. Vulnerable workers. Compliance with the Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) and Transformation Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Seloane Tel No: (012) 319 6228
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08), (Plus 37% in lieu of benefits)
CENTRE : Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and National
Diploma in Public Administration / Public Management / Business
Administration / Business Management. Minimum of 2 years’ experience in
administration environment. Job related knowledge: Public Service
Regulations. Financial procedures. Treasury Regulations. Basic Accounting
System (BAS). Job related skills: Computer literacy, Interpersonal skills,
Organising and planning skills, Communication skills (written and verbal),
Analytical skills, Problem solving skills, Financial management skills and
Reporting writing skills.
DUTIES : Provide financial management services. Facilitates, plan, oversee, drive the
timely and accurate preparation of the annual budget in line with Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations Strategic priorities weekly /
monthly / quarterly. Compile Demand Management Plan (DMP), Medium Term
Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Adjustment Estimates (AE) and Estimated
National Expenditure (ENE). Oversee effective, efficient and economical
utilisation of funds. Document and communicate procedures for accessing and
shifting of funds. Coordinate budgeting, audit and financial functions. Verify
Transport and Subsistence and sundry and overtime payment. Administer the
procurements of goods and services. Compile, manage and maintain Demand
Management Plan. Facilitate supply chain management services. Facilitate
monthly, quarterly and annual reporting on supply chain management related
matters. Control over safekeeping, utilisation and maintenance of all assets.
Ensure proper administration of sourcing and evaluation of quotations. Capture
and authorise goods / services on LOGIS system. Handle queries from internal
and external clients relating to supply chain matters. Render general office
support services. Supervise, motivate and develop staff through individual
performance agreements. Provide assistance in the developing / reviewing of
operational plan. Compile various submissions / memoranda and responses.
Attend to queries from Internal Audit. Administer leave forms / attend to leave
queries. Make travel / conference bookings and confirmations. Provide
secretariat services. Administer Asset. Maintain asset register. Liaise with
asset unit during asset verification. Manage outgoing and on-going assets.
Allocate equipment to officials.
ENQUIRIES : Dr N Netnou-Nkoana Tel No: (012) 319 6214 / 6024
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
analysis and report interpretation skills. Ability to develop solutions to a variety
of problems in line with Supply Chain Management guidelines and
departmental policies. Good computer literacy in Microsoft office suit. Ability to
work under pressure and deliver to tight deadlines. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Administer payments on Logistical Information System (LOGIS). Authorise
payments on LOGIS. Ensure payments are processed within 30 days. Ensure
Item Control Number (ICN) codes are captured correctly. Ensure correct
information is captured in the systems such as quantities in the order. Authorise
in line with allocated delegations. Refer system related payments queries to
the system controller. Administer LOGIS as a system controller. Coordinate
fleet services and travel arrangements. Facilitate Official Flight, Transport and
Accommodation Request (OFTAR) and Departmental Official Transport
Request (DOTR) through travel agencies. Monitor and issue vehicles. Conduct
reconciliation of payments. Verify all transactions captured against the actual
payment parcel. Ensure that all processed payment parcels are paid. Attend to
any bank rejections. Monitor internal financial control measures. Provide
annual financial statements and monthly reporting inputs. Comply with all
applicable prescripts. Put internal control measures in place to ensure all
invoices are paid on time. Provide effective performance of LOGIS as a system
controller. Facilitate registration of new users. Coordinate LOGIS training for
users. Monitor profiles for LOGIS users. Liaise with National Treasury in terms
of LOGIS transactions. Provide effective processing of orders. Process
requisitions as and when received. Obtain quotations. Ensure that orders are
placed as per the request.
ENQUIRIES : Mr LS Mahasha Tel No: (015) 495 1956
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post, Private Bag X 9312, Polokwane, 0700, or hand
delivered during office hours to: 61 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0700
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post Private Bag X09, Hatfield, 0028 or hand it delivered
to: Suncardia Building, 6th floor, 524 Corner Steve Biko and Stanza Bopape
Street, Arcadia, 0083
NOTE : Coloured and Indian Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females and
Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
month. Ensure filing of invoice and order copies. Develop recon for all
contractor’s payment. Ensure Demand Management Plan (DMP) is in place
and submitted. Support with the management with physical security
operations. Oversee control room operations. Coordinate repairs or
replacement of malfunction security system. Conduct security inspection of all
security equipment’s. Ensure access control compliance and adherence of
security policies. Coordinate and monitor key control measures. Facilitate and
coordinate key audit. Identify training course for key custodian. Conduct
security key control measures awareness to officials. Research for new key
control systems methods. Assist with preliminary investigation for security
breaches. Report all breaches to all relevant stakeholders. Create registers for
security breaches. Ensure officials open cases with South African Police
Services (SAPS). Inform management immediately. Conduct physical security
assessments. Conduct security assessments and audits. Submit assessment
reports with recommendations for approval.
ENQUIRIES : Mr TK Maila Tel No: (012) 312 8627
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and African Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Rights Policy and System Development. Maintain asset register. Liaise with
asset unit during asset verification. Manage outgoing and on-going assets.
Allocate equipment to officials.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mehlomakulu Tel No: (012) 312 8150
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and
White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
security in the database. Check all the errors found in the tape library
(Hardware, Software). Check the security of the archives tapes at the storage
and verify that are readable. Process and report on all the captured aerial
imagery spatial flight plan (Photo, flight lines and boundary) in the database.
Process the captured aerial imagery ground position system data into the
database according to the allocated aerial imagery job. Acquire, process and
produce geospatial information for all mapping purposes. Edit and manipulate
geospatial data for creating maps. Prepare and import all the geospatial data
for maps spatial environment. Process captured geographic names and other
data required to produce a map. Apply defined cartographic generalization
principles in producing the maps. Ensure compliance to standards and
specifications at all times. Conduct and apply photogrammetric absolute
orientation of aerial imagery in accordance with standards and specifications.
Capture and validate elevation data in accordance with standards and
specifications. Perform quality and data verification on data at all times. Assist
with archival of the final maps and geospatial data. Disseminate, promote and
assure quality of geospatial information and services to clients. Provide correct
geospatial information, create awareness and quality to clients in accordance
with service delivery standards. Engage in awareness of geospatial information
with internal and external clients. Prepare datasets of products and services
for established vendors and district municipalities under limited supervision.
Assist with stock management and stock recounts. Prepare and send invoices
and quotations to clients. Perform administrative and related functions.
Acquire, validate and process ancillary data for topographic mapping
purposes. Collect and prepare base materials for field annotation for each map.
Source the latest geospatial ancillary data and identify the changes detected
on the previous edition map. Prepare digital field annotation and provide a list
of features to be verified in the field. Process all the captured ancillary data by
authenticating its accuracy for geographic names and their positions in the
Integrated Topographic Data.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Rambau Tel No: (021) 658 4300
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X10, Mowbray 7710 or hand delivered
during office hours to: 14 Long Street, 5th Floor, Cape Town, 8001
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and African and Indian Females and
Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
NOTE : Coloured and Indian Males, and African and Indian Females. People with
disabilities are encouraged to apply.
regarding data capture, structuring and manipulation. Aerial photo
interpretation for topographic mapping. Cartography. Photogrammetry.
Surveying. Job related skills: Data search skills. Computer literacy. Data and
information management skills. Communication skills (verbal and written).
Knowledge management skills.
DUTIES : Capturing of different geospatial data into the Integrated Topographic System.
Capture topographical features from the imagery. Deleting and modifying the
existing topographical features by applying topological rules. Capture the
identified land cover classes. Update the national quality control points for land
cover using high resolution imagery. Always maintain data security of
geospatial data. Copy geospatial data from the database (Integrated
Topographic Data) to the other medium format. Clean geospatial data from
various formats and sources according to the requirements. Capture aerial
imagery spatial flight plan data (photo, flight lines and boundary) into the
database. Capture aerial imagery ground position system data. Acquire,
process and procedure geospatial information for all mapping processes.
Prepare, edit the geospatial data to be used for creating maps. Import
geospatial data for map spatial environment. Capture and process the
geographic names and other data required to produce a map. Cartographic
generalization principles are applied during map production. Produce maps in
accordance with standards and specifications. Apply photogrammetric
absolute orientation of aerial imagery in accordance with standards and
specifications. Capture elevation data in accordance with standards and
specifications. Perform quality checks on all the data processed. Disseminate
and promote and assure quality of geospatial information and services to
clients. Assist with preparation of geospatial information to clients in
accordance with service delivery standards. Assist with the preparations of
datasets of products and services for established vendors and district
municipalities. Assist with stock management. Perform administrative and
related functions. Assist with preparation of invoices and quotations. Acquire,
validate and process ancillary data for topographic mapping purposes. Assist
with the identification and collection of base materials for field annotation.
Identify the latest changes detected in the previous edition map. Capture digital
field annotation as per standard requirement. Generate annotation queries for
each map to be addressed in the field. Capture all the ancillary data in the
database as per requirement.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Rambau Tel No: (021) 658 4300
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X10, Mowbray 7710 or hand delivered
during office hours to: 14 Long Street, 5th Floor, Cape Town, 8001
NOTE : Indian and White Males and African, Indian and White Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X74, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand
delivered during office hours to: Corner James Moroka and Sekame Drive,
West Gallery, Megacity, Mmabatho, 2735.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White
Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
DUTIES : Capture, maintain and update alpha numeric data of all cadastral documents.
Capture alpha and numeric information from newly submitted cadastral
documents and undertake mathematical consistency checks and data
verification for proposed new land parcels. Update cadastral survey databases
through the addition or amendment of every approved document to maintain
an electronic alpha-numeric repository. Capture and verify historical cadastral
documents. Maintenance of cadastral documents in accordance with legislated
processes. Perform withdraw or cancelation of cadastral documents. Deduct,
cancel and endorse cadastral documents with registered land parcels, leases
or servitudes. Amend approved and registered cadastral documents. Insert all
newly approved cadastral documents into the archive. Extract and issue out
cadastral records. Refile returned cadastral records. Repair and keep cadastral
records in good usable condition. Conduct technical examination of cadastral
documents. Check designations of newly submitted lodgements. Update the
noting sheets through the addition of every approved cadastral land parcel.
Perform technical examination of diagrams and general plans. Perform
technical examination of survey records. Perform technical examination of
sectional title plans. Supply cadastral information to internal and external
clients. Issue survey data to Land Surveyors when required. Disseminate
cadastral information to the public as required, in hard copy or digital formats.
Supply aerial photographs, rectified imagery and maps from National Geo-
spatial information (NGI) according to signed service level agreements.
Capture, maintain and update spatial data. Capture newly submitted
documents to determine if there are any spatial overlaps prior approval. Add
all newly created land parcels to the spatial datasets. Add data, update and
maintain an accurate dataset of cadastral spatial information, including the
addition and updating of historical data. Scan all cadastral documents on
approval, amendment, endorsement or withdrawal. Scan newly approved
cadastral documents. Rescan all updated cadastral documents. Link the
deposited scanned images to the alpha-numeric data.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C.N. Mtshali Tel No: (033) 355 2900
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X9132, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or
hand delivered to: 1st Floor, 270 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
NOTE : Coloured and White Males and Indian and White Females as well as Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Identify variances. Capture, allocate virements on budgets. Distribute
documents regarding the budget. File all documents. Receive and capture
cash payments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SH Sambo Tel No: (012) 312 8861
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured and Indian Males and African, Coloured and Indian Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
POST 33/28 : HUMAN RESOURCE CLERK REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/603 (X2 POSTS)
Office of the Registrar of Deeds
Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep
records for archived documents.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. DP Sambo Tel No: (012) 338 7230
APPLICATIONS : Please ensure that you send your application to Private Bag X833, Pretoria,
0001 or Hand deliver during office hours work to 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street
(Formerly Known as Van der Walt Street) Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002.
Identifies venues, invites role players, organise refreshments, sets up for
scheduled meeting and events. Process the travel and subsistence claims for
the unit. Process all invoices that emanate from the activities of the work of the
senior manager. Record basic minutes of the meetings of the senior manager
where required. Draft routine correspondence and reports. Do filing of
documents for the senior manager and the unit where necessary. Administer
matters like leave registers and telephonic accounts. Receive, record and
distribute all incoming and outgoing documents. Handle the procurement of
standards items like stationary, refreshments etc. Collect all relevant
documents to enable the Director to prepare for meetings. Remain up to date
with regard to prescripts / policies and procedures applicable to her / his work
environment to ensure efficient and effective support to the senior manager.
Study the relevant Public Service and the departmental prescripts / policies
and other documents to ensure that the application thereof is understood
properly. Remain abreast with the procedures and processes that apply in the
office of the senior manager.
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Leberegane Tel No: (053) 830 4060
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to Private Bag X5007, Kimberley, 8300 or hand
delivered to: Magistrate Court Building, 6th floor, Knight Street, Corner of Stead
Street, Kimberley, 8300
NOTE : African, Indian and White Males and Indian and White Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
delivery book / register. Perform general office assistant tasks. Make copies,
fax and shred documents.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Mampe Tel No: (012) 312 8155
APPLICATIONS : can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known as Van
der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20 Steve
Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and
White Female and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023 (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies
will not be considered).
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from
any Public Service Department office i.e effective 01 January 2021 or on the
DPSA web site link: Should an
application be received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will
be disqualified, which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and
which must be accompanied by a detailed CV only (with full particulars of the
applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience).
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview
which should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above
instructions will result in applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for
more than one post must submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the
documentation mentioned above) in respect of each post being applied for. If
an applicant wishes to withdraw an application it must be done in writing.
Should an application be received where an applicant applies for more than
one post on the same applications form, the application will only be considered
for the first post indicated on the application and not for any of the other posts.
Under no circumstances will photostat copies or faxed copies of application
documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be subjected to
Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record, citizenship & financial/asset
record checks and qualification and employment verification). Successful
candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes. Applicants
who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months after the
closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Due to the large
volume of responses anticipated, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates
only. For more information on the job description(s) please contact the person
indicated in the post details. Successful candidates will be appointed on
probation for the period of twelve (12) months in terms of the prescribed rules.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J. Dicker/Ms N. Kitsile Tel No: (012) 676 3840/2
APPLICATIONS : Military Ombud, Private Bag X163 Centurion 0046, or may be hand-delivered
to Block C4, 349 Witch Hazel Ave, Eco Origin, Highveld 0157 or email to
ENQUIRIES : Mrs L. Jansen Tel No: (021) 787 3571
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Directorate Human Resource Career Management
PSAP (Western Cape Office), Private Bag X1, Simons Town, 7995.
NOTE : Chief Directorate Human Resource (Directorate Human Resource Career
Management PSAP) is guided by the principle of Employment Equity Act;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the Division. African males, white males and
Indian males, are encouraged to apply. Successful applicant must be willing to
travel within the Western Cape region.
NO: MO/01/33/23/03
Office. Monitor the ‘to do’ list for the Directorate and ensure quality assurance
and proper tracking of tasks. Receive and compile monthly, quarterly and
annual statistical requirements (e.g., Outreach Programme attendance
register). Arrange and coordinate meetings, minutes, venues and
refreshments. Coordinate travel arrangements for the Directorate and related
logistical arrangements. Respond to enquiries and provide information to
responsible Officials. Support members of the directorate in the execution of
their daily tasks Collaborate with other directorates to ensure seamless
workflow. Receive and compile monthly and quarterly statistical requirements
for the Director. Manage the Asset Register for the Directorate. Keep control
of pool equipment and cutlery, crockery and perishable food items.
Procure/purchase of basic goods and services in line with procurement
prescripts (e.g., stationery and refreshments). Operating and ensuring good
working condition of equipment like fax machines and photocopiers. Ensure
safe working environment by reporting OHS shortcomings to the Director.
Perform over and above tasks. Remain up to date with regard to
prescripts/policies and procedures applicable to his/her work to ensure efficient
and effective support to the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms J. Dicker/Ms N. Kitsile Tel No: (012) 676 3840/2
APPLICATIONS : Military Ombud, Private Bag X163 Centurion 0046, or may be hand-delivered
to Block C4, 349 Witch Hazel Ave, Eco Origin, Highveld 0157 or email to
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria/ Kimberly/ Heidelberg/ Lohatla
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma / B Tech/ B Degree in Communication Studies, Human
Resource Management, Library Science & Information, Political Science,
Logistics Management, Hospitality Management, International Relations,
Financial Management, Accounting, Auditing, Management of Accounting,
Language Practice, Psychology.
ENQUIRIES : Lieutenant Colonel N.I. Cain Tel No: (012) 355 1294
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Army Headquarters, Directorate Army Human
Resources, Private Bag X981, Pretoria, 0001 or. Hand delivery at South
African Army, Dequar Road, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Communication Studies (Media
Studies), Journalism, Public Relations Management, Marketing Management,
Hospitality Management and Tourism, Supply Chain Management, Logistics
Management, Archive and Records Management and Electrical Engineering.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E.M. Rabapane Tel No: (012) 312 1038
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Air Force Headquarters, Air Command-Directorate
ETD, Private Bag X199, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at South African Air
Force, 1 Dequar Road, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria/ Simon’s Town
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Sports
Management, Human Resource Management, BSc in Chemical Engineering
or Equivalent.
ENQUIRIES : Commander N.R. Nchabeleng Tel No: (012) 339 4405
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, SA Navy Headquarters, Private Bag X104, Pretoria
0001 or hand delivery at 224 Visagie Str, SA Navy Headquarters, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria/ Bloemfontein/ Durban/ Makhado/ Kimberly/ Hoedspruit
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Public Administration, Accounting
Management and Financial Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G.V.T. Maditla Tel No: (012) 674 4745/4741/Mr N. Mashola Tel No: (012)
674 4628/4627
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel: 012 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Financial Management Division, Private Bag X137,
Pretoria 0001 or hand delivery at 195 Bosman Str, Poyntons Building, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Logistics Management, Marketing
Management, Human Resource Management.
ENQUIRIES : Corporal N.P. Buthelezi Tel No: (012) 355 5332
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: 012 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Defence Reserves, Private Bag X161, Pretoria, 0001
or hand delivery at Armscor Building, Cnr Boeing & Nossob Str, Erasmuskloof,
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma in Public Management, National Diploma in Logistic or
Supply Chain Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr K.N. Nkoko, Tel No: (012) 355 6299
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Defence Reserves, Private Bag X910, Pretoria, 0001
or hand delivery at Armscor Building, Cnr Boeing & Nossob Str, Erasmuskloof,
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Public Relations, Photography,
Journalism and Fine Art.
ENQUIRIES : Lieutenant Colonel N.I. Ndesi/ Major N.J. Masigo Tel No: (012) 355 6315/6322.
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Directorate Corporate Communications, Private Bag
X161, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at Department of Defence, Armscor
Building, Cnr Boeing & Nossob Str, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Degree in International Relations/Political Science.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E. Bogopane Tel No: (012) 355 5435.
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Defence International Affairs, Private Bag X910,
Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at Department of Defence, Armscor Building,
Cnr Boeing & Nossob Str, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Internal Auditing.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs J.S. Nkosi/Ms L. Mtsweni Tel No: (012) 649 1031/1051
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Internal Audit Division, Private Bag X1910, Pretoria,
0001 or hand delivery at 70 Ribbon Grass Road, Eco Glades 1, Eco Park
Highveld, Pretoria 0001.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Diploma in Information
Science/Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Systems,
Archive and Records Management, Human Resource Management, Project
ENQUIRIES : Mr Y.M. Manya/ Warrant Officer S.A. McMaster Tel No: (012) 649 1462/1458.
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, CMIS Division, Private Bag X161, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand delivery at Department of Defence, 70 Ribbon Grass Road, Eco Glades
1, Eco Park, Highveld, Pretoria 0001.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Human Resource Management, Public
Administration and Industrial Psychology.
ENQUIRIES : Major K.C. Mphokane / Ms G. Mzenze Tel No: (012) 339 5246/5133
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, CD HR Management, Private Bag X976, Pretoria,
0001 or hand delivery at Bank of Lisbon Building Cnr Paul Kruger and Visagie
Streets Pretoria
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Human Resource
ENQUIRIES : Lieutenant Colonel N.E. Semaushu Tel No: (012) 355 5253
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, HR Division, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at Department of Defence, Armscor Building, Cnr Delmas & Nossob
Str, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Supply Chain Management/ Logistics
Management and Transport Management.
ENQUIRIES : Major M.P. Mohlola Tel No: (012) 355 5046
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, HR Division, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at Department of Defence, Armscor Building, Cnr Delmas & Nossob
Str, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Human Resource
Development/Management, Management of Training, Research and
Development/ Design, Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Language
ENQUIRIES : Ms E. du Preez Tel No: (012) 674 4767
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Training Command HQ (PS School), Private Bag
X1024, Thaba Tshwane, 0143 or hand delivery at Department of Defence, PS
School, 7 Johannes Pretorius Str, Thaba Tshwane 0143.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Degree in Languages (majoring in English language and
ENQUIRIES : Mr D. Smit Tel No: (012) 355 5311
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, HR Division, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at Department of Defence, Armscor Building, Cnr Delmas & Nossob
Str, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
DPTSR 16/2023 (X4 INTERNS)
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Supply Chain Management, Human
Resource Management and Sport Management (with coaching qualifications)
ENQUIRIES : Major C.B. Mehlo Tel No: (012) 392 5825
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Human Resource Division, Directorate Physical
Training Sport & Recreation, Private Bag X159 Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery
at Department of Defence, 195 Poyntons building, Cnr Bosman and W.F.
Nkomo Street, Pretoria.
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Information Technology/ Information
Science and Knowledge Management. National Diploma in ParaLegal /LLB in
Law degree.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C.M. Msiza Tel No: (012) 649 1401
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Defence Enterprise Information System Management
Division, Private Bag X910, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery at Department of
Defence, 70 Ribbon Grass Road, Eco Glades 1, Eco Park, Highveld, Pretoria
STIPEND : The stipend will vary as per different qualifications and will be paid as follows:
(Diploma/Advanced Certificate-R5000, Bachelor’s Degree-R5 500, Post
Graduate Diploma Professional Qualification and Honours Degree-R6 500 per
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma/ B Tech/ B Degree in Industrial Psychology, Human
Resource Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Journalism,
Communication, Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management, Public
Administration and Freight Management.
ENQUIRIES : Colonel V.Z. Willie Tel No: (012) 402 2704, Lieutenant Colonel M. Baloyi Tel
No: (012) 402 2665
General Enquiries: Mr J.M. Kgosiemang Tel No: (012) 355 6079
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, Logistic Division, Private Bag X319, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand delivery at House 2 Buthongo building, Visagie street, Pretoria.
be an added advantage. Certified Internal Auditor Certificate a pre-requisite.
Pre-entry Certificate into SMS is required. 5 years’ working experience at
Middle/Senior management level in Internal Audit environment is a
requirement. Institute of Internal Auditors Membership a pre-requisite.
Knowledge: Performance Audit and Internal Audit Standards. Customer
Relationship Management. Fund Governance and Risk Management.
Budgeting and Financial Management. Relevant stakeholders. Batho Pele
Principles. Legislative Requirement: COIDA; PFMA; National Treasury
Regulations. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency; Business Writing Skills;
Analytical thinking. Decision making; Communication (verbal and written);
Customer focus and Responsiveness; People and Performance Management;
Managing inter-personal conflict; Problem solving. Planning and organising;
Team leadership; External Environmental Awareness.
DUTIES : Oversee the Compliance and Assurance Audits, ICT Audits, and Performance
Audits of the Fund in line with the relevant Legislation, Regulations and
Standards. Provide strategic leadership to the audit function of the Fund.
Manage stakeholders and monitor the performance of the internal audit
function to the Fund. Manage and maintain quality assurance and improvement
program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity. Manage resources
in the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Fakir Tel No: (012) 319 9495
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to
(Re-Advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-
(Re-Advertisement, applicants who previously applied are encouraged to re-
REQUIREMENTS : Three-year tertiary qualification in Financial Management/Financial
Accounting/Cost and Management Accounting. 2 years’ functional experience
in debt collection environment of which 1 year is supervisory experience.
Knowledge: Compensation Fund business strategies, policies and procedure.
Understanding audits processes, principles and practices. Customer Service
principles (Batho Pele Principles) Understanding of risk management.
Understanding of public sector revenue and debt collection processes.
Understanding of Debt Collection internal controls. COIDA. Legislative
Requirement: Public Financial Management PFMA. National Treasury
regulations. Promotion of Access to Information Act. Skills: Client orientation
and customer focus. Communication (verbal and written). Bad debt
management. Debt collection. Financial compliance and reporting. People and
performance. Problem solving and analysis. Planning and organizing.
DUTIES : Provide debt collection service for the Compensation Fund. Perform financial
administration process on debt collection. Send Reminders for debt collection.
Supervising of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Ms D Mbulawa at (082) 783 1875
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to
African National Standards (Codes)- incorporated Codes become regulations,
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, Unemployment
Insurance Act. Skills: Facilitation Skills, Planning and Organizing, Computer
literacy, Interpersonal skills, Conflict handling skills, Negotiation skills, Problem
solving skills, Interviewing skills, Presentation skills, Innovation skills,
Analytical skills, Communication Skills (Verbal and Written).
DUTIES : To plan and independently conduct inspections with the aim of ensuring
compliance with the Occupational Health and safety Act, Act 85 of 1993,
Regulations and incorporated Standards. To confirm registration of with the
Unemployment Insurance Act and the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
and Diseases Act. Plan, investigate and finalize independently incidents and
complaints reported pertaining to the OHS Act and the relevant regulations and
enforce as and when necessary, appear in Court as a state witness. Plan and
conduct allocated proactive inspections as per schedule to monitor compliance
with the relevant labour legislation including compiling and consolidating
reports emanating from such inspections. Plan and conduct advocacy
campaigns an all labour legislation independently, analyse impact thereof,
consolidate and compile report. Contribute at a higher level to planning,
drafting and maintenance of regional inspection plans and reports including,
execution of analysis and compilation of consolidated statistical report on
regional and allocated cases.
ENQUIRIES : Mr KI Ximba Tel No: (035) 760 1614
Ms Fope JM Tel No: (015) 290 1699/1694
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Richards Bay Labour Centre: Private Bag X 20033,
Empangeni, 3880 Or hand deliver at 11 Lira Rink Road, Richards Bay. For
Attention: Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office:
Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 9368, Polokwane, 0700
Or hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane. For Attention: Sub-
directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane.
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X9368, Polokwane, 0700 Or
hand deliver at 42a Schoeman Street, Polokwane.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, Polokwane.
NO: HR 5/1/2/3/42
Proficiency, Communication (verbal, written, listening and questioning skills),
Fund Operating Systems, Data capturing, Data and records management,
Telephone skills and etiquette, Planning and organising, Problem solving and
decision making.
DUTIES : Render pension administrative duties. Claims adjudication and processing.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S Ndimande Tel No: (054) 331 1752
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: Private Bag X 5012, Kimberley, 8301 or
hand deliver at Laboria House, c/o Pniel & Compound Street, Kimberley.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Deputy Director: Human Resources Management
REQUIREMENTS : A three (3) year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Call Centre, Contact
Centre Management/ Public Management/ Business Administration/ Business
Management/ Administrative Management/ Communication/ Finance
Management. Two (2) years functional experience in Call Centre/ Customer
Service environment. Knowledge: Telephone Etiquette, Call Centre
Processes, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public Service
Regulations (PSR). Public Service Act (PSA). Basic Conditions of Employment
Act (BCEA). Batho Pele Principles. Skills: Computer Literacy. Interpersonal.
Communications. Listening. Customer. Focused. Telephone etiquette.
Problem Solving. Planning and Organising. Analytical. Report writing.
DUTIES : Evaluate the quality of the calls received and provide advice on Standard
Operational Measures. Retrieve, analyse and provide systematic call centre
reports. Maintain call centre systems. Maintain call centre equipment and agent
ENQUIRIES : Ms ZW Chauke Tel No: (012) 337 1886
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivery at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building,
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office: KwaZulu-
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to
Occupational Health and Safety Act, PFMA and National Treasury
Regulations, Promotion of Access to Information Act, PAJA, Constitution Act
108 of 1996(amended), Road Accident Fund (RAF), Unemployment Insurance
(UIA), General Knowledge of the Public Service Regulations, LRA, EE Ac, SDA
& BCEA. Skills: Required Technical Proficiency, Business Writing Skills,
Analytical Thinking, Decision Making, Communication and information
Management, Customer Focus and responsiveness, People and Performance
Management, Managing Interpersonal conflicts and resolving problems,
Planning and Organising, Team Leadership.
DUTIES : Provide an effective legal administrative and support services for the Fund.
Provide legal services to the Fund. Handle litigation for and on behalf of the
Fund. Represent the Fund at the hearing in terms of section 56 and 91
applications hearings. Liaise with third parties. Manage and review claims of
objections hearing process. Render administration support in terms of section
56 and 91 application hearings.
ENQUIRIES : Dr B Dunga Tel No: (043) 702 7500
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations, Private Bag X 9005 East London, 5201,
Hand deliver at No.3 Hill Street East London
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office, East London
(verbal & written), Listening, Computer literacy, Customer Relations, Decision
DUTIES : Receive and assess all the UI Claims on the relevant systems in line with the
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Register all employers and verify the
declaration of employees as per the relevant prescripts, execute the payment
of approved claims as per the set times frames, attend to enquiries relating to
all the processed claims or any other matter relating to the processing of
claims, perform administrative duties in the section.
ENQUIRIES : Mr SA Mchunu Tel No: (031) 331 1500(Durban)
Mr M September Tel No: (033) 341 5300 (Pietermaritzburg)
APPLICATIONS : Deputy Director: Durban Labour Centre: P. O. Box 10074, Marine Parade,
4056 Or hand deliver at Government Buildings, Masonic Grove, Durban.
Deputy Director: Pietermaritzburg Labour Centre: Private Bag 9048,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Or hand deliver at 370 Langalibalele Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office: KwaZulu-
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 955, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver
at 167 Thabo Sehume & Madiba Street, Delta Heights Building.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Planning Practices and Administration,
Compensation Fund.
NOTE : Coloureds, Indians Whites and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to
ERRATUM: (Cape Town): Kindly note that the following post is advertised in
Public Service Vacancy Circular 29 dated 18 August 2023, Provisioning Admin
Officer: Demand and Acquisition Management with Ref No: CFO41/2023, the
salary has been amended as R294 321 per annum.
NO: OC35/2023
appointable applicants from underrepresented designated groups in terms of
the Department’s equity plan. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to
apply. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates only. Short-
listed candidates will be subjected to screening and security vetting to
determine their suitability for employment, including but not limited to: Criminal
records; Citizenship status; Credit worthiness; Previous employment
(reference checks); and Qualification verification. Short-listed candidates will
be expected to avail themselves at the Department’s convenience. Entry level
requirements for SMS posts: In terms of the Directive on Compulsory Capacity
Development, Mandatory Training Days & Minimum Entry Requirements for
SMS that was introduced on 1 April 2015, A pre- entry certificate obtained from
National School of Government (NSG) is required for all SMS posts prior to
appointment. The course is available at the NSG under the name Certificate
for entry into SMS and the full details can be obtained by following the below
Furthermore, candidates shortlisted for the SMS post will be subjected to a
technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job.
Following the interview and the technical exercise, the Selection Panel will
recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency
assessment in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of
competency-based assessments. The person appointed to this position will be
subjected to a security clearance, the signing of a performance agreement and
an employment contract. The department reserves the right not to make an
appointment. If you have not been contacted within three 3 months after the
closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your application was
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
implementation of the regulatory instruments developed to minimise the threats
of chemical pollution in the environment.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Pardon Ndlovu Tel No: (012) 399-8807
APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted to the Director-General, Department of Forestry, Fisheries
and the Environment, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-delivered to:
Environment House, Erf 1563 Arcadia Extension 6, Cnr Soutpansberg and
Steve Biko Road, Arcadia, Pretoria. Cape Town/ Northwest/ Northern Cape
applications must be submitted to the Director-General, Department of
Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment: Private Bag X4390, Cape Town,
8000 or hand-deliver to 14 Loop Street Cape Town
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a New signed Z83 form obtainable from any
Public Service Department accompanied by a recent detailed Curriculum Vitae
only, to be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
certified copies of qualifications, Senior Certificate, identity document and
driver’s license on or before the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The National Department of Forestry, Fisheries
and the Environment is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
Preference may be given to appointable applicants from the underrepresented
designated groups in terms of the Department’s equity plan. Persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. Correspondence will be limited to
successful candidates only. Short-listed candidates will be subjected to
screening and security vetting to determine their suitability for employment,
including but not limited to: Criminal records; Citizenship status; Credit
worthiness; Previous employment (reference checks); and Qualification
verification. Short-listed candidates will be expected to avail themselves at the
Department’s convenience. Following the interview and the technical exercise,
the Selection Panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency-based assessments. The person appointed to
this position will be subjected to a security clearance, the signing of
performance agreement and employment contract. The Department reserves
the right not to make an appointment. If you have not been contacted within
three 3 months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
land custodians. Facilitate submission of annual reports to the National Office
via Provincial office. Assess firebreak exemption applications. Organise and
coordinate stakeholder participation. Implement business plan for awareness
campaign. Render general administration.
ENQUIRIES : Ms AN Mudau Tel No: (015) 287 9964
APPLICATIONS : Must be submitted to the Director-General, Department of Forestry, Fisheries
and the Environment, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-delivered to:
Environment House, Erf 1563 Arcadia Extension 6, Cnr Soutpansberg and
Steve Biko Road, Arcadia, Pretoria. Cape Town/ Northwest/ Northern Cape
applications must be submitted to the Director-General, Department of
Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment: Private Bag X4390, Cape Town,
8000 or hand-deliver to 14 Loop Street Cape Town
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a New signed Z83 form obtainable from any
Public Service Department accompanied by a recent detailed Curriculum Vitae
only, to be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
certified copies of qualifications, Senior Certificate, identity document and
driver’s license on or before the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The National Department of Forestry, Fisheries
and the Environment is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
Preference may be given to appointable applicants from the underrepresented
designated groups in terms of the Department’s equity plan. Persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. Correspondence will be limited to
successful candidates only. Short-listed candidates will be subjected to
screening and security vetting to determine their suitability for employment,
including but not limited to: Criminal records; Citizenship status; Credit
worthiness; Previous employment (reference checks); and Qualification
verification. Short-listed candidates will be expected to avail themselves at the
Department’s convenience. Following the interview and the technical exercise,
the Selection Panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency-based assessments. The person appointed to
this position will be subjected to a security clearance, the signing of
performance agreement and employment contract. The Department reserves
the right not to make an appointment. If you have not been contacted within
three 3 months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R2 158 533 per annum (Level 16), All-inclusive salary package and 10% non-
pensionable HoD Allowance
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Grade 12 or equivalent, an Undergraduate qualification in Public
Administration/ Management/ Business Management/ Human Settlements or
any other relevant qualification (NQF level 7) as recognized by SAQA and a
relevant post-graduate qualification (NQF level 8) as recognized by SAQA). 8
-10 years’ relevant experience at senior management level of which at least 3
years should be with any organ of state as defined in the Constitution.
Knowledge and understanding of housing and the human settlements sector
including policy, legislative, regulatory compliance and governance universe
and environment. Capable and competent financial, human resource and
administrative experience. Manage operations to achieve the planned
outcomes in line with the mandate of the Department. Applicants must be in
possession of strategic capabilities and leadership qualities. Applicant must be
able to develop strategies and manage the implementation thereof. Knowledge
and experience in Financial Prescripts and Practices as well as strategic
capacity and leadership. Proven high-level liaison, written and verbal
communication will be important. Strong focus on service delivery innovation.
Prior to appointment, a candidate will be required to complete the Nyukela
Programme: Pre-entry Certificate to Senior Management Services as
endorsed by DPSA which is an online course. The course is available on the
NSG website under the name Certificate for entry into the SMS and the full
details can be sourced by the following link: The
appointed candidate will be expected to sign a performance agreement and
disclose his or her financial interests.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for the following Key Performance
Areas: Oversee research, policy development, strategy formulation and
planning within the Human Settlements Sector. Oversee upgrading of Informal
Settlements and the provision of Emergency Housing. Oversee the delivery of
Affordable Rental and Social Housing. Oversee departmental entities,
Intergovernmental Relations and monitoring and evaluation of human
settlements programmes and projects. Oversee the provision of corporate
support services. Oversee finances of the department and grants allocated for
human settlements programmes. Oversee the provision of Executive support
services. Oversee the provision of Risk and Integrity management services.
Oversee the provision of Internal Audit services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Thusi Tel No: (012) 444-9082
APPLICATIONS : The National School of Government (NSG), Private Bag X759, Pretoria, 0001
or hand delivered at 70 Meintjies Street Sunnyside Pretoria 0001 Emailed
applications will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023 @ 16h00
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form, obtainable from any
Public Service Department website, stating the field of study the intern is
applying for as well as comprehensive Curriculum Vitae in order to be
considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and ID. The National School of Government reserves
the right not to make a placement. Due to large number of responses
anticipated, correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If
you have not been contacted within six months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.
Applicants applying for more than one field of study must submit a separate
Z83 form as well as required documentation mentioned above to the relevant
application address provided. Applicants must meet the following
requirements: have satisfied the academic requirements for the advertised field
of study/discipline as detailed below, should not have previously served as an
intern or contract worker in the Public Service. All appointments are subject to
the verification of educational qualifications, citizenship, reference checks and
security vetting. Applicants who participated on the internship programme in
the past will be disqualified.
STIPEND : R5 898.00 per month, National Certificate (N6) and a letter from registered
institution of learning indicating need for work integrated learning.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Applications must be in possession of N6 in the qualifications to apply:
Commercial Photography, Graphic Design, Office Practice, Film Production,
Video Editing and Information Communication and Technology.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Matsoai Hlahane Tel No: (012) 441 6735
The National Treasury is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from persons living
with disabilities. It is the department’s intention to promote representivity through filling these posts in
line with the department’s approved Employment Equity Plan. Our buildings are accessible to persons
living with disabilities.
Division: Office of the Director-General (ODG)
Purpose: To manage litigation brought by, or against, the National Treasury
and advise on the legal implications of administrative action taken by National
necessary related matters within the area of responsibility. Provide custody of
all relevant documents and journals, including but not limited to summonses,
instructions to attorneys, experts, and trials. Ensure that an effective and
efficient litigation process is followed. Prepare legal pleadings, motions, etc.
Develop and update the litigation manual in line with the latest procedures.
Manage the litigation database with relevant information for future reference.
Identify litigation trends and patterns and related risk management. Ensure that
where external resources are utilised the scope and costs have been approved
by the Chief Director and the resources are managed in line with the agreed
quality, milestones, deadlines, and budget. Professional Legal Assistance:
Analyse specific legal problems and assist in the development of responsive
solutions and strategies. Provide Legal Advice to Clients. Represent Clients at
appropriate Forums. Scrutinise legal documentation. Draft legal documents /
pleadings / opinions. Perform legal and/or factual research and investigations
as specifically assigned, analyse data, and recommend courses of action, as
appropriate. Respond to parliamentary questions. Reporting: Provide input on
various reports i.e., audit committee report, contingent liabilities, etc. Provide
input to questions from oversight bodies. Client and Relationship Management:
Effectively build and maintain good relationships and interactions with clients,
stakeholders, and business representatives. Establish strong relationships with
internal and external service providers. Monitor the level of client satisfaction
at regular intervals and after each significant delivery of product or service.
Respond to clients’ queries and complaints ensuring that corrective action is
taken when necessary.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
Division: Asset and Liability Management (ALM)
Purpose: To finance the government’s borrowing requirements through the
issuance of RSA Retail Savings Bonds and manage the government’s existing
stock of retail debt in broadening the total investor base.
events and their impact on the South African economy and the debt portfolio.
Manage the compliance process of bond listing requirements and draft terms
of conditions on new financial instruments. Analyse and advise on prudent debt
management policies and recommend corrective debt strategies for
implementation. Participate in annual budget process through funding
strategies and the provision of figures on transactions, payments, and
outstanding amount of the total debt portfolio. Research Market volatility:
Initiate research on capital markets pertaining to market volatility in the prudent
management of debt. Perform research on local and international markets to
stay abreast of developments impact retail debt issues. Analyse and provide
inputs to briefing notes and speeches.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
Division: Economic Policy (EP)
Purpose: To monitor, evaluate and advise on data held at the Secure Data
Facility as well as provide analysis of the socio-economic impacts of policy
proposals in conjunction with stakeholders using the available data. The
incumbent will also be required to initiate research on key policy issues using
the available data.
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent
to an NQF level 6) or Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to an NQF level 7) in any
of the following disciplines: Economics or Econometrics. A minimum of 4 years’
experience of which 2 years should be at an Assistant Director level or
equivalent obtained in an economic policy development and analysis
environment. Knowledge and experience of applied microeconomics,
Knowledge, and experience of the latest trends in research and research tools
and Knowledge and experience in the dissemination and interpretation of
economic policy outcomes.
DUTIES : Economic Analysis: Provide research assistance and capacity building.
Maintain databases of micro-economic and macro-economic indicators to
assist in economic analysis. Advice and Stakeholder Engagement: Engage
with SARS on data extractions and data quality industrial policy issues for
consideration. Provide inputs (i.e., economic analysis) into policy discussions
and assist to develop National Treasury policy positions in conjunction with
other stakeholders. Draft data guidelines, technical notes, and briefing notes
for consultation with stakeholders. Represent National Treasury on
intergovernmental and other external forums and committees. Policy and
Research: Initiate and conduct research on firm level dynamics and identify the
implications thereof for government policies and priorities e.g., growth,
employment, and investment. Initiate and produce in-depth analysis of the
socio-economic impact of related policy and research proposals. Initiate and
conduct research into policy-relevant developments in the primary, secondary,
and tertiary sectors and (where appropriate) initiate benchmarking exercises
with international institutional best practices and trends. National Budget &
MTBPS: Provide inputs into Chapter 2 of Budget Review and MTBPS. Sector
analysis, updates, tables, charts. Verify numbers for correctness and proof-
reading processes. Project Management: Initiate the collaboration of
research projects pertaining to the administration of data contributing to
working papers. Provide inputs to the drafting of concept notes and terms of
references. Optimise data lab processes pertaining to software, hardware, and
other administrative processes.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
presentations and engage stakeholders Inform the National Treasury of new
developments in data availability/management and software. Research and
benchmarking: Initiate research with recognised institutions on the
development of best practices pertaining to databases of information for
implementation. Create a platform for benchmarking and other interventions to
stay in touch with changes and new ideas pertaining to database manipulation.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
post admission experience of which 2 years should be at an Assistant Director
level or equivalent obtained in a legal environment with specific reference to
litigation and administrative law. Knowledge of International, Constitutional and
Administrative law and also Interpretation of Statutes. Drafting skills.
DUTIES : Litigation Management: Consult and liaise both internally and externally with
stakeholders on litigation matters. Obtain instructions and liaise with the State
Attorney regarding court cases and draft letters of instruction to the State
Attorney and compile relevant documents. Prepare documents for all courts
and other legal tribunals. Assess all claims and litigate, if necessary, related
matters within the area of responsibility. Prepare legal pleadings, notice
motions, etc. Legal Advice / Opinion: Analyse specific legal problems and
assist in the development of responsive solutions and strategies. Provide legal
advice to clients. Scrutinise draft legal documents / pleadings / opinions.
Perform legal and / or factual research and investigations as specifically
assigned, analyse data, and recommend courses of action. Reporting: Provide
input on various reports i.e., audit committee report, contingent liabilities, etc.
Provide input to questions from oversight bodies. Client and Relationship
Management: Establish relationships with external service providers. Respond
to clients’ queries and complaints and take corrective action when necessary.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
strong relationships with internal and external service providers. Respond to
clients’ queries and complaints ensuring that corrective action is taken when
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
HEAT call system, phone queries, emails etc. Assist with the distribution of
financial cooperative correspondence through email or postage. Payment’s
administration: verification of transactions: Assist with the verification of
payments, interests, redemptions, and fees payments, etc. Assist with the
reconciliation process of rejected transactions and all queries. Administration:
power of attorney requirements: Assist with the loading and updating all power
of attorney documentation, ensuring that documents are valid and up-to date.
Assist with ensuring that all documentation received is FICA compliant,
including the reviewing of all power of attorney documentation for validity and
filing of all the documents.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
Division: Office of the Director-General (ODG)
(2 Years Contract)
Purpose: To execute the committee mandate, as articulated in the Committee
APPLICATIONS : National Office Midrand: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your
application to: The Director: Human Resources, Office of the Chief Justice,
Private Bag X10, Marshalltown, 2107 or hand deliver applications to the Office
of the Chief Justice, Human Resource Management, 188, 14th Road,
Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685.
Gauteng Division: Pretoria/Johannesburg/ Provincial Service Centre
Gauteng Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The
Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X7, Johannesburg,
2000. Applications can also be hand delivered to the 12th floor, Cnr Pritchard
and Kruis Street, Johannesburg.
Eastern Cape Division of the High Court: Mthatha: Quoting the relevant
reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the
Chief Justice, Postal Address: Private Bag X13012, Cambridge 5206, East
London. Applications can also be hand delivered to 59 Western Avenue,
Sanlam Park Building, 2nd Floor, Vincent 5242, East London.
Western Cape: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application
to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X14, Vlaeberg,
8018. Applications can also be hand delivered to 30 Queen Victoria Street,
Cape Town.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NOTE : All applications must be submitted on a NEW Z83 form, which can be
downloaded on internet at / or obtainable from any Public
Service Department and should be accompanied by a recent comprehensive
CV only; contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must
be indicated). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. Each
application form must be fully completed, duly signed and initialled by the
applicant. The application must indicate the correct job title, the office where
the position is advertised and the reference number as stated in the advert.
Failure by the applicant to fully complete, sign and initial the application form
will lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
Applications on the old Z83 will unfortunately not be considered. Should you
be in a possession of foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Dual citizenship holders must provide the Police Clearance certificate from
country of origin (when shortlisted All non - SA Citizens will be required to
submit a copy of proof of South African permanent residence when shortlisted.
Applications that do not comply with the above mentioned requirements will not
be considered. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability
check (criminal record, financial checks, qualification verification, citizenship
checks, reference checks and employment verification). Correspondence will
be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
three (3) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to
make any appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Applicants who do not
comply with the above-mentioned requirements, as well as applications
received late, will not be considered. The Department does not accept
applications via fax or email. Failure to submit all the requested documents will
result in the application not being considered during the selection process. All
successful candidates will be expected to enter into an employment contract
and a performance agreement within 3 months of appointment, as well as be
required to undergo a security clearance three (3) months after appointments.
The Office the Chief Justice (Constitutional Court) comply with the provisions
of Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA); Act No. 4 of 2013. We will
use your personal information provided to us for the purpose of recruitment
only 121 and more specifically for the purpose of the position/vacancy you have
applied for. In the event your application was unsuccessful, the Office of the
Chief Justice will retain your personal information for internal audit purposes
as required by policies. All the information requested now or during the process
is required for recruitment purposes. Failure to provide requested information
will render your application null and void. The Office of the Chief Justice will
safeguard the security and confidentiality of all information you shared during
the recruitment process.
SALARY : R811 560 – R952 485 per annum, (all-inclusive remunerative package). The
successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Midrand
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate and a three (3) year National Diploma/Bachelor Degree in
Human Resource Management and/or Development, Public
Administration/Management or an equivalent relevant qualification at NQF
level 6 with 360 credits as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of five (5) years’
experience in Human Resource Management of which three (3) years must be
at an Assistant Director level. Formal PERSAL training (shortlisted candidates
will be required to submit PERSAL Certificates). A Valid driver’s license.
Knowledge of Human Resource Management. Knowledge of Human
Resources Management Policies, Human Resources Systems and
Procedures. Knowledge and understanding of the Legislation/prescripts and
framework governing the public service i.e public service Act, Public service
Regulation, labour Relations Act, Employment equity Act, basic Conditions of
Employment Act, skills Development Act, collective agreements, codes of
Remuneration and the Public Finance Management Act. Knowledge of HR
related standards, practices processes and procedures. Structure and
functioning of the Department, Business functions and processes of the
Department, Change management.
DUTIES : Management and monitoring of service conditions and benefits; Monitor the
correct application of service conditions and benefits to all employees. Ensure
the accurate implementation of salary structured packages for OSD, MMS and
SMS employees; Manages termination of services (resignation, ill health,
retirements, death, dismissals, etc.) within the department. Ensure
management and compliance of leave administration processes; Monitor,
review and approve the leave transactions on PERSAL; Prepare the monthly
report on the implementation of leave; Monitor and implement the application
of temporary and permanent incapacity leave and ill Health retirement (PILIR);
Manage the appointment and transfers process of officials within the OCJ;
Implement the appointment or transfers of the recommended candidate after
selection process on PERSAL; Facilitate the development and implementation
of service conditions and benefits policies in line with legislative frameworks,
system and processes;. Manage the sub directorate, Administration of
employees’ pension benefits. Develop or review the service conditions and
benefits policies in line with Public Service Prescripts and DPSA guidelines;
Review all the service conditions and benefits templates and submit for
approval. Manage the efficient and effective administrative support within the
sub-directorate; Develop plans and reports for the sub-directorate and submit
to the Director.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries: Mr W Mekoa Tel No: (010) 493 2500
HR Related Enquiries: Mr A Khadambi Tel No: (010) 493 2500
SALARY : R424 104 – R508 692 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Gauteng Division High Court: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate plus an LLB Degree or a four (4) year Legal qualification as
recognized by SAQA. A minimum of two (2) years’ legal experience obtained
after qualification. A minimum of three (3) years’ legal research experience and
completed articles will be an advantage. Knowledge of Electronic Information
Resources and online retrieval (Westlaw, LexisNexis, Jutastat). Skills and
competencies: Excellent research and analytical skills. Report writing and
editing skills (written and verbal) Problem analysis, solving and planning skills.
Computer literacy (MS Word) Project Management, including planning and
organizing ability. Ability to integrate knowledge from diverse sources.
Accuracy and attention to detail. Interpersonal skills. Ability to work under
pressure. Time management skills. Creative and analytical skills.
DUTIES : Perform all legal duties for the Judges to enable them to prepare judgements.
Research and retrieve all relevant material from all sources in both hard and
electronic formats on legal issues as requested by a Judge. Read all relevant
material and analyse it thoroughly. Discuss all possible variations on a legal
point with colleagues and/or the Judge’s attention. Prepare a comprehensive
memorandum on the outcome of the research. Proofread all judgements,
articles, speeches and conference papers with respect to spelling and
grammar. Double-check all references and footnotes in all judgements and
legal articles against the original text to ensure correctness. Correct mistakes
with the assistance of track changes so that the Judge can accept or decline
any proposed changes. Monitoring and bringing to the attention of Judiciary
new developments in law and Jurisprudence. Performing any court related
work requested to improve the efficiency of the court.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms PN Shandu Tel No: (012) 315 7564
HR enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R293 847 – R1 005 801 per annum, (MR3 – MR5, Salary will be in accordance
with the Occupation Specific Dispensation Determination). Shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit a service certificate/s for determination of
their experience. The successful candidate will be required to sign a
performance agreement.
CENTRE : Gauteng Division of the High Court: Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate and an LLB Degree or a four (4) year legal qualification. A
minimum of three (3) years’ legal experience obtained after qualification.
Driver’s license. (MR3 - LLB Degree or equivalent plus a minimum of 2 years
post qualification experience in legal profession. MR4 - LLB Degree or
equivalent plus a minimum of 8 years post qualification experience in legal
profession. MR5 - LLB Degree or equivalent plus a minimum of 14 years post
qualification experience in legal profession). Skills and Competencies:
Excellent communication skills (verbal and written), Computer literacy,
Numerical skills, Attention to detail, Planning, organizing and decision-making
skills, Customer service orientated, Interpersonal skills, Conflict management,
strong work ethics, professionalism, ability to work under pressure and meeting
of deadlines, result driven, honesty/trustworthy and Observance of
DUTIES : Co-ordination of Case Flow Management support process to the Judiciary.
Manage the issuing of all processes. Initiating Court proceedings. Co-ordinate
interpreting services, appeals and reviews. Process unopposed divorces and
the facilitation of Pre-trial conferences. Quality checks on Criminal Record
books. Authenticate signatures of Legal Practitioners, Notaries and Sworn
Translators. Supervision and management of staff. Provide practical training
and assistance to the Registrar’s Clerks. Ensure annotation of relevant
publications, codes, acts and rules. Attend to and execute requests from the
Judiciary in connection with cases and case-related matters. Exercise control
over the management and safekeeping of case records and the record room.
Deal with the files in terms of the relevant codes and legislation.
ENQUIRIES Technical enquiries: Ms S Letlaka Tel No: (010) 494 8486
HR enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa, Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Provincial Service Centre: Gauteng
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate. National Diploma in Accounting, Financial Accounting, Cost
and Management Accounting or equivalent qualification will serve as an
advantage. A minimum of 2 year’s relevant experience. Knowledge of BAS and
PERSAL and other government transversal systems. Knowledge of PFMA,
PPPFA, Treasury Regulations and Financial Instructions. Skills and
Competencies Honest and open minded, Presentable/ Acceptable:
Assertiveness: Communication and interpersonal skills. Accuracy and
Attention to detail. Computer literacy (MS Office). Good communication skills
(written and verbal). Good administration and organisational skills. Good
interpersonal and public relations skills. Ability to work under pressure,
independently and self-motivated.
DUTIES : Preparing and capturing of sundry and creditor payments. Ensure invoice are
paid within 30 days. Prepare and process S&T and cell phone claims. Generate
BAS reports. Proper filing of physical payments and receipts batches for audit
purposes. Maintenance of all registers. Distribute payslips.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Mr S Majola Tel No: (010) 494 8479
HR enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Gauteng Division High Court: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. The following will serve as an
added advantage: Experience in general administration or Court related
functions with regard to court recordings and/or case flow management. A valid
driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Prepare court before court proceedings to test and operate recording
equipment. Perform digital recording of court proceedings and ensure the
integrity of such documents. Provide administrative support in circuit courts.
Collecting statistics. Provide administrative support in general on court
performance and case flow management. Provide any other administrative
support in performance duties in HR, finance and supply Chain as required by
the Judiciary, Court Manager and Supervisor. Computer literacy (MS Office).
Good communication (verbal and written) Good interpersonal skills Good
problem solving skills. Accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to work under
pressure. Customer service. Document management and operational
knowledge of operating a DCRS/CRT machine.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms PM Mahlangu Tel No: (012) 492 6759
HR enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Gauteng Division of The High Court: Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. The following will serve as an
added advantage: Relevant experience in Asset Management and
Provisioning Administration/ Supply Chain Management. A valid driver’s
licence. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the PFMA, Treasury
Regulations, PPFA, Supply Chain Management guidelines and other related
prescript. Knowledge of the Public Sector procurement process, rules and
regulations. will be an added advantage. Skills and Competencies: Accuracy
and Attention to detail. Computer literacy (MS Office). Good communication
skills (written and verbal). Good administration and organisational skills. Good
interpersonal and public relations skills. Ability to work under pressure,
independently and self-motivated.
DUTIES : Keep and update of all records on the asset register. Bar-code all newly
acquired assets. Conduct quarterly assets and ensure that assets condition in
the register matches the condition of its existence. Identify assets for disposal
and facilitate the transfer thereof. Assist with reconciliation of the JYP assets
register and BAS. Update records of leases on assets and maintain copies for
audit purposes. Follow up on losses reported to Legal Liability and update
assets register according to assets status. Facilitate the movements of assets.
Update of inventory list and asset register. Compile daily, weekly, and monthly
statistics. Handle external and internal enquiries. Assist with general office
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms S Letlaka Tel No: (010) 494 8448
HR enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Eastern Cape Division of The High Court: Mthatha
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. The following will serve as an
added advantage: A minimum of one year work experience, appropriate
general administration, a valid driver’s licence. Willingness to travel (the person
will required to work/go out to circuit courts), court or digital court recording
experience will serve as an added advantage. Skills and competencies:
Excellent communication skills (verbal and written). Computer literacy.
Numerical skills. Attention to detail. Planning, organizing and control. Problem
solving and decision-making skills. Customer service orientated. Interpersonal
skills. Conflict management. Strong work ethics. Professionalism. Ability to
work under pressure and meeting of deadlines. Results driven.
Honesty/Trustworthy. Observance of confidentiality.
DUTIES : Operate the recording machine and recording of court proceedings ensure
integrity of such documents. Preparing and setting up the recording machine
and make sure that the recording machine and microphones is functioning
properly. Report all malfunctions on the machine. Make sure the recording is
on before court starts. Make sure all voices are audible. Exporting cases.
Downloading proceedings on RW-CD. Keep record of all the requests made
for transcription and record time spent in court per case. Document scanning
and data capturing.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries: Mr M Mhlontlo Tel No: (047) 504 5500
HR Related Enquiries: Mr S Mponzo Tel No: (043) 726 5217
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Midrand
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate. The following will serve as an added advantage: National
Diploma in Finance or equivalent qualification at NQF level 6 with 360 credits
as recognised by SAQA. A valid driver’s license Experience in asset
management; understanding of the PFMA, Treasury regulations: PPFA,
Supply Chain management guidelines and other related prescripts; Accuracy
and attention to detail; Computer literacy (MSOffice, Excel, Access and
outlook); Proven Knowledge of LOGIS and BAS systems (Asset Management
Functions); Strong analytical, administration as well as interpersonal skills;
good communication skills (written and verbal); good administration and
organising skills, good Interpersonal public relations skills, ability to work under
pressure, independently and self-motivated. Willing to adopt work schedule in
accordance with Office requirements.
DUTIES : Receive, barcode, capture all newly acquired assets in the asset register
system. Ensure accuracy and completeness of all assets recorded on the
assets register. Administer the maintenance and updating of departmental and
leased asset register. Manage the movement/transfer of assets between
officials /sections /Departments/Courts. Identify assets which are
obsolete/redundant and are due for disposal. Perform monthly spot checks.
Conduct quarterly and annual departmental & leased asset verification, report
& investigate discrepancies. Assist external and internal auditors with the
asset’s verification process. Prepare BAS/Departmental and lease asset
register reconciliation and ensure that non-reconciling items are promptly
resolved on a monthly basis. Conduct ad-hoc analysis related to assets as
requested by management. Provide clerical support services
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries: Mr Karabo Mthethwa Tel No: (010) 493 2607
HR Related Enquiries: Mr. A Khadambi at 064 614 9551
SALARY : R171 537 – R199 461 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Western Cape Division of The High Court: Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. Minimum proven typing speed of
35wpm, Prior experience as a typist in a legal environment, will be an added
advantage. Shortlisted candidates will be required to pass a typing test. Skills
and Competencies: Excellent communication skills (verbal & written).
Computer literacy (MS Office )Good interpersonal skills, good public relations
skills Ability to work under pressure and to solve problems Numerical skills,
Attention to detail, Good timekeeping. Telephone etiquette, Ability to work in a
DUTIES : Typing of court orders, appeals, reviews, reports, minutes, circulars, notice of
set downs, pre-trial notices, witness statements, taxing master reports,
affidavits, memorandums, J349 certificates, right of appearance certificates
and apostilles/authentication certificates. Relief of administration personnel
where necessary. Filing, opening files and making appointments. Dealing with
public queries and other administration duties.
ENQUIRIES : Technical/HR Related Enquiries Ms M Baker Tel No: (021) 469 4000
APPLICATIONS : Forward your application, stating the relevant reference number to: The
Director-General, Office of the Office of the Public Service Commission, Private
Bag X121, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver at Commission House, Office Park
Block B, 536 Francis Baard Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE : 16 October 2023, 15:45pm
NOTE : Applications must consist of: Only a fully completed and signed Z83 form
(which can be downloaded at and a recent
comprehensive CV with contactable referees (telephone numbers and email
addresses must be indicated. Only shortlisted candidates’ will be required to
bring certified copies of ID, license and qualification on or before the interviews.
Should you be in possession of a foreign qualification(s), it must be
accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA). The successful candidate will be required to obtain a top
secret clearance issued by the State Security Agency. The OPSC will verify
the qualifications and conduct reference checking on short-listed candidates.
Candidates will be subjected to Competency Assessment to determine their
suitability for the post. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Please
take note that late applications will not be accepted. Applicants are advised
that the old Z83 which was valid until 31 December 2020 will not be accepted.
Should an individual wish to apply for a post, he/she will be required to submit
the new application for employment (Z83) form which became effective on 1
January 2021 and can be downloaded at From 1
January 2021 should an application be received using incorrect applications
for employment (Z83) form, it will not be considered.
distributed and certified correctly and timeous as regulated Control over filing
and safe keeping of salary related documents. Supervise the work
performance of subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mr DJ Fabricius Tel No: (012) 352 1080
SALARY : R1 663 581 per annum (Level 15), all-inclusive remuneration package ranges
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : 8-10 years relevant Senior / Executive Management experience in the private
sector or government; An undergraduate and post graduate (NQF Level 8)
qualification in Economics / Finance / Business Admin / Public Management or
related field. Demonstrated leadership in the development of policies and high-
level policy implementation skills. Insight into the South African and global
economy. Deep knowledge of relevant Government legislation, policies and
priorities. Be conversant with the structure and operation of the Public Sector.
Good interpersonal, problem-solving, teamwork and networking skills.
DUTIES : The Competition Policy and Economic Planning (CP&EP) branch oversees the
coordination of Government’s competition policy. Under the direction of the
Minister, the branch guides the direction of competition policy, enables the
positive public interest impact of mergers and acquisitions, follow-ups on
market enquiries on the structure of concentrated sectors, and provides
oversight to the work of the Competition Commission and Competition
Tribunal. The branch is also charged with matters relating to the social
economy and broad-based empowerment. Potential job priorities could include
supporting the development of Black Industrialists, driving the implementation
of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment policies and providing
oversight to the B-BBEE Commission.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
SALARY : R1 663 581 per annum (Level 15), all-inclusive remuneration package ranges
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : 8-10 years relevant Senior / Executive Management experience in the private
sector or government; An undergraduate and post graduate (NQF Level 8)
qualification in Economics / Finance / Business Admin / Public Management or
related field. Demonstrated leadership in the development of policies and high-
level policy implementation skills. Insight into the South African and global
economy. Deep knowledge of relevant Government legislation, policies and
priorities. Be conversant with the structure and operation of the Public Sector.
Good interpersonal, problem-solving, teamwork and networking skills.
DUTIES : The Spatial Industrial Development and Economic Transformation (SID&ET)
branch oversees the Department’s spatial policy interventions and leads on
key transformation initiatives. The branch is charged with providing strategic
support to South Africa’s network of Special Economic Zones and Industrial
Parks, supporting the development of Black Industrialists, and driving the
implementation of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment policies. The
branch is also charged with contributing to national policy coordination efforts
through the District Development Model, and with providing oversight to the B-
BBEE Commission. Potential job priorities could include oversight of foreign
direct investment flows and domestic investment by providing a one-stop shop
for investment promotion, investor facilitation and after care.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
Department of Transport is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment
equity targets. Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the department in
achieving its Employment Equity targets at these specific levels in terms of the Department’s
Employment Equity Plan, therefore White male / female, Coloured male/ female, Indian male / female and
people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Transport, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at
the 159 Forum Building, Cnr Struben and Bosman Street, Pretoria
FOR ATTENTION : Recruitment Unit. Room 4034.
CLOSING DATE : 20 October 2023
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by a completed new Z83 form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department, (or obtainable at Applicants
must fill in full new Z83 form part A, B, C, and D. A recent updated
comprehensive CV (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed,
i.e. positions held and dates). Applicants will submit certified copies of all
qualifications and ID document on the day of the interviews. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill the
post. All shortlisted candidates for will be subjected to undertake a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job; the logistics
will be communicated to candidates prior to the interviews. Recommended
candidates will also be required to attend a generic managerial competency
assessment after the interviews also take a note that National School of
Governance (NGS) has introduce compulsory SMS pre-entry certificate with
effect from 01 April 2020 as Minimum Entry Requirements for Senior
Management Services (submitted prior to appointment) and can be accessed
through the following link:
entry-programme/. The competency assessment will be testing generic
managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency
assessment tools. The successful candidate must disclose to the Director-
General particulars of all registrable financial interests, sign a performance
agreement and employment contract with the Director-General within three
months from the date of assumption of duty. The successful candidate must
be willing to sign an oath of secrecy with the Department. Applicants will be
expected to be available for selection interviews and assessments at a time,
date and place as determined by the Department. An offer letter will only be
issued to the successful candidate once the following has been verified
educational qualifications, previous experience, citizenship, reference checks
and security vetting. Please note: Correspondence will only be entered into
with short-listed candidates.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package, of which 30%
can be structured according to individual needs.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate NQF level 7 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Civil
Engineering with 6 years working experience in the Road Infrastructure
Development and Management within the Built environment of which 5 years
must be at a senior management level. Registered with ECSA as a
Professional Engineer or Engineering Technologist will be an added
advantage. Certificate of Successful completion of the National School of
Government's Senior Management Service Pre-Entry Programme. Knowledge
and skill: A sound knowledge and experience in the development of the road
infrastructure standards and guidelines. Knowledge and understanding of the
guidelines and specifications relevant to civil engineering in South Africa.
Extensive knowledge and understanding of the road infrastructure
development and roads supervision. Knowledge and understanding of the
importance of community development programs and participation. Working
knowledge of PFMA, MMFA, Treasury Regulations and GIAMA. Verbal &
Written communication - English - above average. Computer literacy — above
average. Governance related to information. Research and Policy experience.
Procurement experience & Project Management. Compilation of management
and technical reports and proposals. Budgeting, financial management and
economic skills. Communication: Verbal & Written communication - English -
above average - Governance related to information.
DUTIES : Undertake research, coordinate the development and updating of technical
norms, standards, guidelines and the best practice. Coordinate the
development of an asset management systems for road infrastructure in
compliance with GIAMA and related asset management requirements.
Participate in project teams to achieve a multi-disciplinary approach to meet
set objectives of the Department. Manage the resources of the Chief
ENQUIRIES : Mr Chris Hlabisa Tel No: (012) 309 3170
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Female, Coloured Male /Female, White
Male, Indian Female and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for
the position.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary package, of which 30%
can be structured according to individual needs
CENTRE : Pretoria / Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate NQF Level 7 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Political
Science Law / Public Management / Business Administration / Communication
/ Strategic Management with 6 -10 years' experience in government's
integrated governance system of which a minimum of 5 years' experience must
be at a middle management level. Certificate of Successful completion of the
National School of Government's Senior Management Service Pre-Entry
Programme. Knowledge and skills: Knowledge and experience of
Parliamentary & legislative processes. Broad knowledge and understanding of
the functional areas covered by the executive authority’s portfolio. Knowledge
and experience of the Government Cluster System. Knowledge and
experience of strategic management processes in government. Political
awareness and familiarity with broad lines of government policy. Ability to liaise
effectively with senior government officials and politicians. Excellent writing and
editing skills. Compilation of management reports. Communication: Verbal &
Written communication - English - above average. Governance related to
DUTIES : Manage, coordinate and facilitate the flow of information and documentation
within the Office of the Director-General. Manage Parliamentary processes.
Provide an efficient and effective support system in the Office of the Director-
General Manage the resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Fikile Nhangombe Tel No: (012) 309 3514
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male/Female, Coloured Male /Female,
White Male, Indian Female and persons with disabilities are encouraged to
apply for the position.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), all-inclusive salary package, of which 30%
can be structured according to individual needs.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate NQF Level 6 qualification as recognized by SAQA in Civil
Engineering, with 3 years of relevant experience at a Junior management or
Assistant Director level in road and site construction management. Knowledge
and skill: Knowledge and understanding of the National Land Transport Act.
Knowledge and understanding of the Committee of Transport Officials (COTO)
manuals. Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA),
Division of Revenue Act (DORA) and the Treasury regulations. Computer
literate (Design & GIS). Project Management skills. Analytical and problem-
solving skills. Supervisory skills. Communication- Verbal & Written
communication: English - above average - Computer literacy. Governance
related to information.
DUTIES : Develop Road Management Strategies for the Six Different Classes of Roads
as per Road Infrastructure Strategic Framework for South Africa (R.I.S.F.S.A.)
Reclassification. Ensure Implementation of Best Practice Delivery Models for
Roads. Develop and facilitate Detailed Project Planning for Nationally Driven
Road Projects. Manage the handling of enquires and dealing with road
infrastructure queries. Participate in project teams to achieve a multi-
disciplinary approach to meet set objectives of the Department. Manage the
ENQUIRIES : Mr Whitey Maphakela Tel No: (012) 309 3519
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male, Coloured Male /Female, White Male
and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.
for discussion during international visits to the Minister. Provide general
administration support as required.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Vincent Makhoba Tel No: (012) 309 3300
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male, Coloured Female, Indian
Male/Female, White Male and persons with disabilities are encouraged to
apply for the position.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Kobela Moloisi Tel No: (012) 309 3464
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Female, Coloured Male/Female, Indian
Male/Female, White Male/Female and persons with disabilities are
encouraged to apply for the position.
as well as be responsible for facilities for financial management and corporate
support in the Cluster Office. Prepare and manage the Area office budget.
Manage and control state-owned land and facilities related to water resource
infrastructure. Ensure monitoring and evaluation of Cluster Office activities as
well as reporting thereon. Manage administration and technical staff. Promote
good stakeholder relations and ensure a customer-focused service delivery
related to water resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. N Ndumo Tel No: (012) 741 7302
APPLICATIONS : Central Operation (Bloemfontein): for purposes of response handling, please
forward your application quoting the relevant reference number to The
Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street,
Pretoria, 0001.
FOR ATTENTION : Planning, Recruitment and Selection Unit
APPLICATIONS : Pretoria (Head Office): Please forward your application quoting the relevant
reference number to The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag
X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of
Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Planning, Recruitment and Selection Unit
SALARY : R687 879 – R1 035 084 per annum, (all-inclusive OSD salary package), (offer
will be based on proven years of experience)
CENTRE : Pretoria Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : Science degree (BSc) (Hon) in Geohydrology / Earth Science or relevant
qualification. Compulsory registration with the South African Council of Natural
Scientific Professions (SACNASP) as a professional Natural Scientist. Three
(3) years post qualification natural scientific experience related to protection of
water resources. The disclosure of a valid unexpired driver’s license.
Knowledge of geohydrology, hydrology, water quality, geochemistry, and
chemistry as major subjects would be ideal. Good knowledge of the National
Water Act and relevant environmental management legislation and policies.
Sound knowledge towards integration with other sciences (e.g., hydrology,
geology, and related geoscience practices, etc), into integrated water
resources management and protection. Good interpersonal skills, project,
financial management practices, skills, and experience. Excellent
communication skills both (verbal and written). Demonstrate to be innovative.
Computer literacy in groundwater related applications including GIS. Ability to
interpret data and results. Willingness to travel.
DUTIES : Determining the groundwater components of the Reserve for water resources
in the country. Review and recommend scientific projects. Monitor progress on
the implementation of projects related to water resources protection.
Production of Reserve Maps. Assessing line function water resources
managers in the implementation of water resources protection requirements.
Assessing with the development of strategies, procedures, and guidelines in
support of Reserve determination of groundwater resources and providing
technical service with regards to water resources protection to the Department
of Water and Sanitation as part of the Chief Directorate: Water Ecosystems
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Y Atwaru Tel No: (012) 336 7816
APPLICATIONS : Pretoria (Head Office): Please forward your application quoting the relevant
reference number to The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag
X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building, Corner of
Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Planning, Recruitment and Selection Unit
high level user requirement analysis and develop processing model and
workflow diagram. Develop and implement spatial and other standards.
Determine capacity requirements. Policy making and institutional guidance,
Identify and understand underlying strategic issues. Identify and analyse
relevant strategic information. Oversee the process of advance spatial analysis
and modelling for institutional strategic guidance. Develop and evaluate
alternative strategic solutions and recommend the best possible policy
direction. Research, identify, investigate, and evaluate new technologies and
advise on research viability and feasibility. Undertake environmental scanning
to understand the problems in the GISc industry and advise. Develop an
appropriate plan to respond to the research problem. Compile reports and
make relevant proposals. Participate and liaise with relevant bodies and
council on GISc matters. Manage human resources requirements. Draft
Tender documents and terms of reference. Draft service level agreements.
Determine project cost and quality level. Develop contingency plans. Adhere
to financial legislation and regulations. Review and monitor budget to ensure
that the required financial procedures are adhered to.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. B Viljoen Tel No: (053) 830 8800
APPLICATIONS : Northern Cape (Kimberley): Please forward your application quoting the
relevant reference number to The Provincial Head, Department of Water and
Sanitation, Private Bag X6101, Kimberley, 8801 or hand-deliver to 28 Central
Road, Beaconsfield, Kimberley, 8301.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms. C Du Plessis
Branch: Corporate Support Services
SD: Cloud and Infrastructure Management
assurance al payroll transactions. Authorise reimbursement transactions on
the accounting system. Oversee the reconciliation of transactions (interface)
on the payroll (PERSAL) with the accounting system (BAS). Authorise
payments to third parties (employer contributions to pension funds, medical aid
funds, tax contributions and reconciliations etc) outside the payroll system.
Oversee verification of information for payroll certification. Oversee verification
of source documents. Oversee the quality assurance and verification of
transactions on BAS/LOGIS. Ensure that expenditure is in line with budget and
item provisioning. Oversee the correct capturing of banking details on the
accounting system. Oversee creditor reconciliation (ensure that service
providers are paid timely and correctly). Oversee and reconcile payment
requests with budget provisions and the availability of funds. Oversee the
process to ensure that the relevant institution is eligible for a transfer
payment/subsidy and that they comply with the relevant financial legislative
requirements. Authorise the payment of transfers and subsidies processed on
the accounting system. Oversee the processing of information to determine
expenditure against budget. Ensure the safeguarding of all source documents.
General supervision of employees. Allocate duties and do quality control of the
work delivered by supervisees. Advice and lead supervisees about all aspects
of the work. Manage performance, conduct and discipline of supervisees.
Ensure that all supervisees are trained and developed to be able to deliver
work of the required standard efficiently and effectively. Develop, implement,
and monitor work systems and processes to ensure efficient and effective
ENQUIRIES : Ms. MJ Ramoshaba Tel No: (053) 830 8800
APPLICATIONS : Northern Cape (Kimberly): Please forward your application quoting the relevant
reference number to The Provincial Head, Department of Wate and Sanitation,
Private Bag X6101, Kimberly ,8301 or hand-deliver to 28 Central Road,
Beaconsfield, Kimberley, 8301.
Decommissioning of hardware and software. Receive equipment that is to be
removed from the system. In case of equipment with memory capabilities-
ensure all data is permanently removed from devices. Executing client
installations of Transversal systems (PERSAL, SAP, BAS, LOGIS) and ensure
software connectivity. Perform quality control for the Local Area Network
(LAN). Perform installations, maintenance and upgrading of computer
hardware and second-line fault-finding identification. Install and upgrade
software applications not performed by resources from the outsourced partner.
Provide and maintain internet and e-mail client services. Ensure that antivirus
software signature and operating systems patches are up to date. Initiate and
co-ordinate the change control procedures. Provide technical input for training
and development of computer end-user skills. Perform routine back-ups for all
the available servers. Compile monthly performance reports. The appointees
will be expected to perform overtime and standby duties when necessary as
well as assist the Deputy Director: Regional Information Services Support with
all IT related tasks.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. TG Dilima Tel No: (012) 741 7344
APPLICATIONS : Central Operations. Please forward your applications quoting the relevant
reference number to The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X
273, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at Praetor Forum Building, 1st Floor
Reception, 267 Lillian Ngoyi Street, Pretoria, 0001.
SALARY : R353 013 – R531 117 per annum, (all-inclusive OSD packages), (offer will be
based on proven years of experience)
CENTRE : Free State
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma in Engineering: Mechanical or relevant qualification. Three
(3) years post qualification Engineering Technician experience required. The
disclosure of a valid unexpired driver’s license. Compulsory registration with
ECSA as a Professional Engineering Technician. Knowledge of programme
and project management. Knowledge of technical design and analyses of
dams. Significant dam engineering experience related to design, construction,
management, operation, maintenance, and safety of dams with a safety risk.
Knowledge of the water sector and relevant legislation (including but not limited
to the Chapter 4 and Chapter 12 of National Water Act (NWA, Act No. 36 of
1998) and the Dam Safety Regulations published in Government Notice R. 139
of 24 February 2012). Understanding of research and development.
Knowledge computer-aided engineering applications including relevant
computer software. Technical report writing, networking, and professional
judgement. Problem solving and analysis, decision making, team leadership,
creativity, self-management, customer focus and responsiveness. Sound
interpersonal and leadership skills. Strong verbal and written communication
skills. Planning, organizing and people management. Willingness to travel
throughout South Africa for the execution of some duties.
DUTIES : Render technical services and support. Provide inputs in engineering
drawings, research, design, manufacturing, operations and maintenance to the
Area Offices and Scheme Offices. Assist Control Engineering Technicians and
associates in the field, workshop and technical office activities and appraisals
for technical reports, Business and Demand Plans. Monitor the implementation
of Government Water Resource Schemes projects through conducting site
inspections, site meetings, compilation, and submission of progress reports.
Development of Condition Assessment and Mechanical Maintenance
Inspection Address breakdowns and perform fault findings. Optimize the life
cycle of equipment. Initiate maintenance / refurbishment projects. Technical
support for Dam Safety Rehabilitation Projects. Promote safety in line with
statutory and regulatory requirements. Evaluate existing technical manuals,
standard drawings and procedures to incorporate new technology. Evaluate
technical designs and engineering drawings with specifications complete with
bill of quantities and submit for approval by the relevant authority. Perform
administrative and related functions. Provide inputs into the budgeting process
as required. Compile and submit monthly and quarterly expenditure reports as
required. Evaluation of quotations and proposals together with verifying and
certifying invoices for payment from contractors and Public Service Providers.
Execute cost analysis and feasibility studies for new and refurbished
equipment. Maintain proper records and documentation for all projects to
enable a clean audit. Provide and consolidate inputs to the technical /
engineering operational plan. Develop, implement, and maintain databases.
Supervise technical personnel and control strategic assets.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. HS van der Westhuizen Tel No: (051) 405 9000
APPLICATIONS : Central Operation (Free State): Please forward your application quoting the
relevant reference number to The Department of Water and Sanitation, Private
Bag 528, Bloemfontein,9300 or hand deliver to Bloem Plaza Building, second
floor, Corner Charlotte Maxeke & East Burger Street, Bloemfontein.
APPLICATIONS : Additional Note: Applicants must make use of the e-Recruitment system when
applying for Chief Executive Officer and Programme Manager (Subject
Specialist) Community- PN D4 posts, Link:
Applications directed to the addresses as indicated below or Hand Delivery as
indicated below:
St Patricks Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, St Patricks Hospital
Private Bag X 531, Bizana 4800 or Hand Delivery to St Patricks Hospital
Bizana. Enquiries: Ms Gxaweni; Tel No: (039) 251 0236
Grey Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Private Bag X0043, King William's Town,
5600 or hand deliver to: HR Office, Grey Hospital, Eales Street, King Williams
Town, 5600. Enquiries: Ms Phillips Tel No: (043) 643 3300
Amathole District Office - Post to: HR Office, Amathole District Office, Private
Bag X 022, Southernwood, East London 5200 or Hand deliver to: Human
Resource Office, Amathole Health District 19 St James Road, Medical Centre
Building, Southernwood, East London, 5200. Enquiries: Ms N Nene Tel no: 043
707 6748.
Empilisweni Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Empilisweni
Hospital, P/bag X5029, Sterkspruit, 9762 or Hand delivery: HR Office,
Empilisweni Hospital, Umlamli Road, Sterkspruit, 9762. Enquiries: Mr. S.L
Bosholo – Tel no: 051 611 0259/078 530 7136.
Maclear Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Maclear Hospital, PO
Box 93, Maclear, 5480 or Hand delivery: HR Office, No 1 Fourie Street, Maclear
Hospital. Enquiries: Ms N Zuza - Tel no: 045 932 1028. Enquiries: Mr. S.L
Bosholo – Tel no: 051 611 0259/078 530 7136.
Madzikane Ka Zulu Hospital - Post to: HR Office Madzikane ka Zulu Hospital
Private Bag x9003 Mt Frere 5900 Enquiries Mr. Sigola Tel no 039 255
Cala Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Private Bag X516, Cala,
5455 or hand delivery to Drully Lane Street, Cala, 5455. Enquires: Ms Z Sentile
– Tel no: 047 874 8000
Alfred Nzo District Office - Post to Human Resource Office, Alfred Nzo
District Office, Private Bag X3515, Kokstad,4700: Enquiries Mr. Praim Tel no
Sipetu Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office Sipetu Hospital P/Bag
X9005, Tabankulu, 5090. Enquiries: Ms L Mahlati Tel: 039 255 0077
Settlers Hospital - Post to: HR Office Settlers Hospital, Private Bag x1007
Grahamstown 6140 or hand delivery to: HR Office, Settlers Hospital Milner
Street, Cradock Heights Grahamstown 6140 Enquires: Ms S Diva Tel no 046
602 5046.
Tafalofefe Hospital – Post to: HR Office, Tafalofefe Hospital Private Bag X
3024, Butterworth, 4960 or hand deliver to: HR Office, Tafalofefe Hospital,
Kabakazi A/A Centane 4960. Enquiries: Mr Bongani Tel no 047 498 8900.
Sarah Baartman District Office - Post to: Human Resource Office, Sarah
Baartman Health District, Private Bag X27667, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth,
6057, or Hand deliver at: Human Resource Office, Sarah Baartman Health
District, No 16 Grace Street, Laboria House, Port Elizabeth 6057. Enquiries:
Ms T. Mpitimpiti Tel no: 041 408 8509
Umzimvubu Sub District - Post: Human Resource Office, Umzimvubu Sub
District, Private Bag X3515, Kokstad 4800 Enquiries: Mr. Magadla Tel no 039
727 2090.
Senqu Sub-District - Post to: Human Resource Office, Sengu Subdistrict,
Private Bag X5009, Sterkspruit, 9762 or hand delivery: HR Office, Sengu Sub-
district, Bensonvale Collage. Enquiries: Tel no: 051 633 9617/0781161958
Alfred Nzo District Office - Post to Human Resource Office, Alfred Nzo
District Office, Private Bag X3515, Kokstad,4700: Enquiries Mr. Praim Tel no
Nelson Mandela Metro Office - Post to: HR Office, Nelson Mandela Health
District, Private Bag X 28000, Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6057 or hand deliver
to: Registry Office Nelson Mandela Health District Office, (Old Walton Building)
Conyngham Street, Parson Hill, Port Elizabeth, 6057. Enquiries: Ms P
Makuluma Tel No: 041391 8164.
Mthatha Regional Hospital - Post to: HR Office Mthatha Regional Hospital
Private Bag x 5014 Mthatha 5099 or hand deliver to: HR Office, Mthatha
Regional Hospital 71 Nelson Mandela Hospital. Enquiries: Ms Mkhosi Tel no
047 502 4143/4008
Dr Malizo Mpehle Hospital - Post to: Human Resource, Dr Malizo Mpehle
Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X1400, Tsolo, 5170. Enquiries: Ms Makalima
Tel no 047 542 6300
Kouga Sub District - Post to: The Human Resource Office, Kouga Sub
District, P.O. Box 1154, Humansdorp, or Hand Delivered to Room 131 Ground
floor, Kouga Sub District Office Humansdorp, 6300. Enquiries: Mrs Phillips Tel
no 042 200 4214.
Midlands Hospital - Post to: The Human Resource Office, Midlands Hospital,
P/ Bag X 696, Graaf-Reinet, 6280. or Hand Deliver at: Human Resource Office,
Midlands Hospital, Graaf-Reinet. Enquiries: Ms M. Human Tel no 049 807 7739
Port Alfred Hospital -Post to HR Office, Alfred Hospital, Private Bag x227,
Port Alfred, 6170 or Hand Deliver to HR Office, Southwell Road, Port Alfred,
6170. Enquiries: Ms L Raco Tel No 046 604 4000
PE Pharmaceutical Depot: Post to: HR Office PE Pharmaceutical Depot
Private Bag x6033 Struandale Port Elizabeth 6000 or Hand deliver to: HR
Office PE Pharmaceutical Depot 1104 Struandale Port Elizabeth
6000.Enquiries: Ms U Xwayi Tel 041 406 9831.
Makana Sub-District Office, 49 Beaufort Street, Grahamstown or posted for
the attention of Human Resource Office: Private Bag x1023, Grahamstown,
6140 Enquiries: Ms. Qaleni Tel: 046 622 4901
Willowmore Hospital - Post to: The Human Resource Office, Willowmore
Hospital, Private Bag X 239, Willowmore, 6445. Enquries: Ms R Schutte Tel:
044 923 1127
Nompumelelo Hospital - Post to Nompumelelo Hospital Private Bag x13
Peddie 5640 or hand deliver: Grahamstown Road, Peddie 5640, Enquiries: Ms
Mlotana Tel no: 040 673 3321
EMS: Buffalo City Metro District Office - Post to: HR Office, Buffalo City
Metro District Office, Private Bag X9015, East London, 5200 or hand Deliver
to: HR Office, Buffalo City Metro District Office, 64 Terminus Street, Old
Standard Bank Building, East London 5200. Tel. No. 043 7433 006/057
EMS: Amathole District Office - Post to: Amathole District Office, Private Bag
x 022, Southernwood, East London 5200 or Hand deliver to: Human Resource
Office, Amathole Health District 19 St James Road, Medical Centre Building,
Southernwood, East London, 5200. Enquiries: Ms N Nene Tel no: 043 707
EMS: OR Tambo District Office - Post to: District Manager, OR Tambo Health
District Office, Private Bag X OR 5005, Mthatha 5099 or Hand Delivery 9th
Floor Room 19 Botha Sigcawu Building Enquiries: Tel 047 502 9000.
EMS: Sarah Baartman District Office - Post to: Human Resource Office,
Sarah Baartman Health District, Private Bag X27667, Greenacres, Port
Elizabeth, 6057, or Hand deliver at: Human Resource Office, Sarah Baartman
Health District, No 16 Grace Street, Laboria House, Port Elizabeth 6057.
Enquiries: Ms T. Mpitimpiti Tel no: 041 408 8509.
EMS: Chris Hani District Office - Post to: Human Resource Office, Chris Hani
District Office, PO Box 1661, Queenstown 5320 or hand delivery at Chris Hani
District Office, Ward F HR Office. Enquires: Ms Nyoka Tel no 045
EMS: Joe Gqabi District Office - Post to: Human Resource Office, Joe Gqabi
District Office, Private Bag X1005, Aliwal North, 9750 or Hand delivery: HR
Office, Joe Gqabi District Office, 32 Dan Pienaar Street, Hot springs, Aliwal
North 9750. Enquiries: Mr. J.S Ndzinde – Tel no: 051 633 9631.
EMS: Alfred Nzo District Office - Post to Human Resource Office, Alfred Nzo
District Office, Private Bag X3515, Kokstad,4700: Enquiries Mr. Praim Tel no
EMS: Nelson Mandela Metro Office - Post to: HR Office, Nelson Mandela
Health District, Private Bag X 28000, Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6057 or hand
deliver to: Registry Office Nelson Mandela Health District Office, (Old Walton
Building) Conyngham Street, Parson Hill, Port Elizabeth, 6057. Enquiries: Ms
P Makuluma Tel No: 041 391 8164.
St Elizabeth Regional Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, St
Elizabeth Regional Hospital, Private Bag x1007, Lusikisiki, 4820. Enquiries:
Mr. M Nozaza – Tel no: 039 253 5012.
Madzikane Ka Zulu Hospital - Post to: HR Office Madzikane ka Zulu Hospital
Private Bag x9003 Mt Frere 5900 Enquiries Mr. Sigola Tel no 039 255
Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital - Post to: Nelson Mandela Academic
Hospital, Private Bag x5014 Mthatha 5099. Hand Deliver to: Human Resource
Office, Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha
5099. Enquiries: Ms Calaza Tel no: 047 502 4469.
Elizabeth Donkin Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Elizabeth Donkin Hospital,
Private Bag X6024, Port Elizabeth, 6000 or hand deliver to: HR Office, 1 La
Roche Drive, Elizabeth Donkin Hospital, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6001.
Enquiries: Mr. E Felkers Tel no 041 585 2323.
Andries Vosloo Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Andries Vosloo
Hospital, Private Bag X27667, Port Elizabeth, 6057, Enquires: Ms CZ Zozo –
Tel no: 042 243 1313
Livingstone Tertiary Hospital - Post to: Recruitment & Selection Section,
Private Bag x, Korsten, 6014 or Hand deliver to Nurses Home, 2nd Floor,
Standford Road, and Korsten Port Elizabeth. Enquiries: Ms L Mabanga Tel no
041 405 2348
St Lucys Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, St Lucy’s Hospital, P.O
St Cuphberts, Tsolo, 5171. Enquiries: Ms Mayikana Tel no 047 532 6259.
Camdeboo Sub-District - Post to: The Human Resource Office, Margery
Parkes Hospital, P.O. Box 13, Graaf Reinet 6280. Or Hand deliver at: Human
Resource Office, Margery Parkes Hospital, Graaf Reinet. Enquiries: Mr. MT
Buyelo Tel: 049 893 0031.
Tower Psychiatric Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Private Bag X228, Fort
Beaufort, 5720 or hand deliver to: HR Office, Tower Psychiatric Hospital,
Street, Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, 5720. Enquiries: Mrs. V Whitecross Tel
no 046 645 5008
King Sabatha Dalindyebo Sub-District Office - Post to: King Sabatha
Dalindyebo Sub-District, OR Tambo Health District Office, Private Bag X 5005,
Mthatha 5099 or Hand Delivery 8th Floor Room 19 Botha Sigcawu Building.
Enquiries: Ms O Gcagca Tel no 047 531 0823.
OR Tambo District Office - Post to: District Manager, OR Tambo Health
District Office, Private Bag X OR 5005, Mthatha 5099 or Hand Delivery 9th
Floor Room 19 Botha Sigcawu Building Enquiries: Tel 047 502 9000.
Mhlontlo Sub District - Post to Human Resource Office, Mhlontlo Sub –
District, Private Bag X421, Qumbu, 5180, Enquiries:Ntlabi Tel No: 047 553
Amahlati Sub-district - Post to: Human Resources Office, Amahlati Sub-
district, Private Bag x7425, King Williams Town, 5600. Hand Delivery: Amahlati
Sub-district, 01 Bridge Street, West Bank, King Williams Town, 5600. Enquires:
Ms B Mngxe Tel no: 043 643 4775/6.
Holy Cross Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Holy Cross Hospital,
Private Bag X1001, Flagstaff, 4810, Enquiries: Ms B Mbutye – Tel no 039 252
Qaukeni Sub-District - Post to: Qaukeni Sub District: Lusikisiki College of
Education, Department of Health Offices, Private bag x1058, Lusikisiki, 4820,
Enquiries: Ms N Hlobo – Tel No 039 253 1541
Nessie Knight Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Nessie Knight
Hospital, P/Bag X420, Qumbu, 5180 or hand delivery to Sulenkama Admin
Area-Nessie Knight Hospital-Qumbu, Enquiries: Ms O.N Sotsako- Tel No: 047
553 6007/8/9.
Cloete Joubert Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Cloete Joubert
Hospital, P/Bag X7, Barkly East, 9786 or Hand delivery: HR Office, No 1
Voortrekker Road, Cloete Joubert Hospital. Enquiries: Mr. Z.O Mgeyi – Tel no:
045 971 0091
Taylor Bequest Hospital (Mt Fletcher) - Post to: Human Resource Office,
Taylor Bequest Hospital (Mount Fletcher), Private Bag X1129, Mount Fletcher,
4770, Hand delivery: HR Office, Elundini LSA Police Street, Mount Fletcher.
Enquiries:Mr JZ Nzinde Tel no: 039 257 0099.
Maletswai Sub-District - Post to: Human Resource Office, Parklane Avenue
no 1, Aliwal North Hospital, Aliwal North, 9750 or Hand delivery: HR Office,
Maletswai Sub-District, Aliwal North Hospital, Aliwal North, 9750. Enquiries: Mr
JZ Nzinde Tel no: 051 633 9617.
Umlamli Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Umlamli Hospital, Private
bag X5016, Sterkspruit, 9762 or Hand delivery: HR Office, Umlamli Hospital.
Enquiries: Ms Mpithimpithi - Tel no: 051 611 0079/90.
Dr Malizo Mpehle Hospital - Post to: Human Resource, Dr Malizo Mpehle
Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X1400, Tsolo, 5170. Enquiries: Ms Makalima
Tel no 047 542 6300
Elliot Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, P.O. Box 523. Elliot, 5460.
or Hand deliver to Elliot Hospital, Maclear Road, Elliot, 5460. Enquiries: Ms NB
Puza – Tel no 045-9311321.
Hewu Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Hewu Hospital Private Bag
x1409 Queenstown 5320 or hand deliver to: HR Office Hewu Hospital
Ekuphumleni Township Main Road Whittlesea. Enquiries Mr. Mabandla Tel no
040 841 0133
Burgersdorp Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Burgersdorp
Hospital, Burgersdorp, 9744 or Hand delivery: HR Office, Burgersdorp
Hospital, Daantjie Van Den Heever street. Enquiries: Ms N Zondi - Tel no: 051
Greenville Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Greenville District
Hospital, Private Bag X 559, Bizana, 4800, Enquiries: Mr. Bango – Tel no: 039
251 3009.
Taylor Bequest Hospital (Mt Fletcher) - Post to: Human Resource Office,
Taylor Bequest Hospital (Mount Fletcher), Private Bag X1129, Mount Fletcher,
4770, Hand delivery: HR Office, Elundini LSA Police Street, Mount Fletcher.
Enquiries: Mr JZ Nzinde Tel no: 039 257 0099.
Canzibe Hospital - Post to Human Resource Office Canzibe Hospital, P/Bag
X104, Ngqeleni, 5140 or Hand Deliver to: HR Office, Canzibe Hospital,
Ngqeleni 5140. Enquiries: Ms Solwandle – Tel: 047 568 8291/2/3
Dora Nginza Regional Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Dora Nginza Hospital,
Private Bag X11951 Algoa Park 6005 or hand deliver to: Room DG71, Admin
Building 1st Floor, Dora Nginza, Spondo Street Zwide Port Elizabeth 6201.
Enquiries: Ms B Bomela Tel no 041 406 4421.
Cofimvaba Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Cofimvaba Hospital,
Private Bag x 1207. Cofimvaba 5380. Enquiries: Ms A Mbana – Tel no 047 874
Molteno Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Molteno Hospital, Stuart
Street, Molteno 5880. Enquiries: Mr. L Tsengiwe Tel no 045 967 0089.
St Elizabeth Regional Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, St
Elizabeth Regional Hospital, Private Bag x1007, Lusikisiki, 4820. Enquiries:
Mr. M Nozaza – Tel no: 039 253 5012.
Empilweni TB Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Private Bag X6060, Port
Elizabeth, 6000 or hand delivered to: HR Office, Empilweni TB Hospital, 01
Mati Road, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, 6200. Enquiries: Ms K Sinyahla Tel
no: 041 406 7627.
Temba TB Hospital - Post to: The Human Resource Office, Temba TB
Hospital, P.O. Box 20, Grahamstown, 6140. Or Hand deliver at: 36 A Street,
Fingo Village, Grahamstown. Enquiries: Mr. Ntsepe Tel: 046 622 3524
Frere Tertiary Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Frere Hospital,
Private bag X 9047, East London, 5200 or Hand deliver to: Human Resource
Office, Frere Hospital, Amalinda Main Road, East London, 5200 Enquiries: Ms
N Mthitshana Tel no: 043 709 2487/2532.
Orsmond TB Hospital - Post to: HR Office, Orsmond TB Hospital, PO Box
246, Uitenhage, 6230 or hand deliver to: HR Office, Orsmond TB Hospital, 1
John Dissel Avenue, Uitenhage, 6230. Enquiries:Ms D Davids Tel no. 041 988
Jansenville Hospital - Post to: HR Office, PO Box 156, Jansenville, 6265 or
hand deliver to: Janseville, Hospital, College Street, Jansenville, Enquiries: Mr
T Marenene Tel No: 049 836 0086
Emalahleni Sub District - Post to: Human Resources Office, Emahlahleni Sub
District Lady Frere 5410. Enquiries: Ms NP Mtshabe Tel no 047 878 4300
Ngcobo Sub-District - Post to: Human Resource Office, Ngcobo Sub-District,
P.O Box X 215, Ngcobo 5050 or hand delivered to: All Saints Hospital Ngcobo
(Old Maternity Ward) Enquiries: Ms N. Matala Tel No 047 5480022/34/072 355
Intsika Yethu Sub-District Office: Post to: Human Resource, Recruitment
Office, Intsika Yethu Sub-District Office, Private bag X 1250, Cofimvaba, 5380.
Enquiries: Ms A Mabentsela – Tel No: 047 874 0079.
Lukhanji Sub-District - Post to: Human Resource Office, Lukhanji Sub District
Private Bag x1 Queenstown 5320. Enquiries: Ms Mtweni Tel no 045 807 8908
Sakhisizwe Sub-District - Post to: Human Resource Office, Sakhisizwe Sub-
District, P.O. Box 1126, Cala 5455 Enquiries: Ms B Mtsi Tel No 047-8770931.
Glen Grey Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Glen Grey Hospital,
Private bag X 1142 Lady Frere, 5410 or hand and deliver to Glen Grey Hospital,
5410. Enquiries: Ms N Ralushe Tel No: 047 878 2800.
Nelson Mandela Metro Office - Post to: HR Office, Nelson Mandela Health
District, Private Bag X 28000, Greenacres Port Elizabeth 6057 or hand deliver
to: Registry Office Nelson Mandela Health District Office, (Old Walton Building)
Conyngham Street, Parson Hill, Port Elizabeth, 6057. Enquiries: Ms P
Makuluma Tel No: 041 391 8164
Elundini Sub–District - Post to: Human Resource Office, P Bag X1129, Mount
Fletcher, 4770 or Hand delivery: HR Office, Elundini Sub–District Office, Police
Street, Enquiries: Mrs. Du Plessis – Tel no: 039 257 2400.
Bambisana Hospital - Post to: Human Resource Office, Bambisana Hospital
P/Bag X1046, Lusikisiki, 4820 or Hand deliver to Goqwana A/A, Lusikisiki,
4820, Enquiries Mr. S Mahlangeni –Tel No: 039 253 7262.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NOTE : Applications must be posted on the new Z83 Form, a comprehensive CV,
indicating three reference persons: Name and Contact Numbers, a relationship
with reference, Furthermore, Applicants are only required to submit a Z83 form
and a comprehensive CV. Communication from the HR of the department
regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted
candidates. Therefore, only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to
submit certified documents (copies of Qualification(s) inclusive of Matric
certificate, Identity document, Proof of registration, proof of citizenship if not
RSA citizen) on or before the day of the interview following communication from
HR. Applicants must note that further Personnel Suitability checks will be
conducted on short-listed candidates and that their appointment is subject to
the outcome of these checks which include security clearance, security vetting,
qualification verification and criminal record checks. Reference checks will be
done on nominated candidate(s). Note that correspondence will only be
conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted by
the Department of Health within three (3) months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. We
thank all applicants for their interest. People with disabilities are encouraged to
apply for these posts.
SALARY : R1 371 558 – R1 635 897 per annum (Level 14), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Nelson Mandela Metro, Livingstone Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognized by SAQA in the clinical field coupled with Five (5) years’ experience
in the Health Sector at Senior Management level. Registration with the relevant
Professional Council. Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National
Health Act, Mental Health Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public
Service Act and related regulations and policies. Senior Management Pre-entry
Programme Certificate (Nyukela) required prior to appointment.
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : To plan, direct coordinate and manage the efficient and effective delivery of
clinical and administration support services through working the key executive
management team at the hospital within the legal regulatory framework. To
present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums. To provide
Strategic leadership to improve operational effectively within the health
establishment to improve health outcomes. Strategic Planning: Prepare a
strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10-point plan,
national, provincial, regional and district plan. Finance Management: Maximize
revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that
Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant
guidelines. Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in
place to enable prudent management of financial resources. Planning of
financial resources mobilization. Monitoring and evaluation and Asset and Risk
management. Finance management: Maximize revenue through Collection of
all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the
budged in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines. Ensure that adequate
policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management
of financial resources. Planning of financial resources mobilization. Monitoring
and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Mabanga Tel No (041) 405 2348
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
SALARY : R1 162 200 – R1 365 411 per annum (Level 13), an all-Inclusive package
CENTRE : Amathole, Tower Psychiatric Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognized by SAQA in the clinical field coupled with (5) years’ experience in
the Health Sector at Middle Management level. Registration with the relevant
Professional Council Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National Health
Act, Mental Health Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public
Service Act and related regulations and policies. Senior Management Pre-entry
Programme Certificate (Nyukela) required prior to appointment.
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : To plan, direct coordinate and manage the efficient and effective delivery of
clinical and administration support services through working the key executive
management team at the hospital within the legal regulatory framework. To
present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums. To provide
Strategic leadership to improve operational effectively within the health
establishment to improve health outcomes. Strategic Planning: Prepare a
strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10-point plan,
national, provincial, regional and district plan. Finance Management: Maximize
revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that
Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant
guidelines. Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in
place to enable prudent management of financial resources. Planning of
financial resources mobilization. Monitoring and evaluation and Asset and Risk
management. Finance management: Maximize revenue through Collection of
all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the
budged in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines. Ensure that adequate
policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management
of financial resources. Planning of financial resources mobilization. Monitoring
and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. V Whitecross Tel No: (046) 645 5008
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
SALARY : R1 162 200 – R1 365 411 per annum (Level 13), an all-Inclusive package
CENTRE : Nelson Mandela Metro, Dora Nginza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognized by SAQA in the clinical field coupled with (5) years’ experience in
the Health Sector at Middle Management level. Registration with the relevant
Professional Council Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National Health
Act, Mental Health Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public
Service Act and related regulations and policies. Senior Management Pre-entry
Programme Certificate (Nyukela) required prior to appointment.
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : To plan, direct coordinate and manage the efficient and effective delivery of
clinical and administration support services through working the key executive
management team at the hospital within the legal regulatory framework. To
present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums. To provide
Strategic leadership to improve operational effectively within the health
establishment to improve health outcomes. Strategic Planning: Prepare a
strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10-point plan,
national, provincial, regional and district plan. Finance Management: Maximize
revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that
Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant
guidelines. Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in
place to enable prudent management of financial resources. Planning of
financial resources mobilization. Monitoring and evaluation and Asset and Risk
management. Finance management: Maximize revenue through Collection of
all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the
budged in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines. Ensure that adequate
policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management
of financial resources. Planning of financial resources mobilization. Monitoring
and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Bomela Tel No: (041) 406 4421
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
SALARY : R1 162 200 – R1 365 411 per annum (Level 13), an all-Inclusive package
CENTRE : OR Tambo, St Elizabeth Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognized by SAQA in the clinical field coupled with (5) years’ experience in
the Health Sector at Senior Management level. Registration with the relevant
Professional Council. Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National
Health Act, Mental Health Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public
Service Act and related regulations and policies. Senior Management Pre-entry
Programme Certificate (Nyukela) required prior to appointment.
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : To plan, direct coordinate and manage the efficient and effective delivery of
clinical and administration support services through working the key executive
management team at the hospital within the legal regulatory framework. To
present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums. To provide
Strategic leadership to improve operational effectively within the health
establishment to improve health outcomes. Strategic Planning: Prepare a
strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10-point plan,
national, provincial, regional and district plan. Finance Management: Maximize
revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that
Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant
guidelines. Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in
place to enable prudent management of financial resources. Planning of
financial resources mobilization. Monitoring and evaluation and Asset and Risk
management. Finance management: Maximize revenue through Collection of
all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the
budged in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines. Ensure that adequate
policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management
of financial resources. Planning of financial resources mobilization. Monitoring
and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Nozaza Tel No: 039 253 5012
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
SALARY : R1 162 200 – R1 365 411 per annum (Level 13), an all-Inclusive package
CENTRE : Joe Gqabi, Taylor Bequest Hospital (Mt Fletcher)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, an undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) as
recognized by SAQA in the clinical field coupled with (5) years’ experience in
the Health Sector at Senior Management level. Registration with the relevant
Professional Council. Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National
Health Act, Mental Health Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public
Service Act and related regulations and policies. Senior Management Pre-entry
Programme Certificate (Nyukela) required prior to appointment.
Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : To plan, direct coordinate and manage the efficient and effective delivery of
clinical and administration support services through working the key executive
management team at the hospital within the legal regulatory framework. To
present the Hospital Authoritatively at provincial and public forums. To provide
Strategic leadership to improve operational effectively within the health
establishment to improve health outcomes. Strategic Planning: Prepare a
strategic Plan for the Hospital to ensure it is in Line with the 10-point plan,
national, provincial, regional and district plan. Finance Management: Maximize
revenue through Collection of all income due to the hospital, ensure that
Hospital is managed within the budget in line with the PFMA and Relevant
guidelines. Ensure that adequate policies, systems and Procedures are in
place to enable prudent management of financial resources. Planning of
financial resources mobilization. Monitoring and evaluation and Asset and Risk
management. Finance management: Maximize revenue through Collection of
all income due to the hospital, ensure that Hospital is managed within the
budged in line with the PFMA and Relevant guidelines. Ensure that adequate
policies, systems and Procedures are in place to enable prudent management
of financial resources. Planning of financial resources mobilization. Monitoring
and evaluation, and Asset and Risk Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JZ Nzinde Tel No: (039) 257 0099
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Buffalo City Metro, District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate specialist qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Family Physician Plus at
least 5 years’ experience after obtaining qualification. Sound knowledge of the
following: Own clinical discipline, Medical ethics, Programme planning,
implementation and evaluation, Information management programmes,
Epidemiology and statistics, Quality assurance and improvement programmes,
Human resources and financial management, Health and Public Service
legislation, regulations and policy. Demonstrated skills in the following areas:
Leadership, Communication, Teaching, mentorship and coaching, Problem
solving, Functioning in a multi-disciplinary team, Computer literacy.
Behavioural attributes reflecting the following: Stress tolerance, Self-
confidence, Objectivity, Ethical, Empathic. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Represent family medicine as a member of the District Clinical Specialist Team
(DCST) responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers, babies
and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable distribution
of resources and access to an appropriate level of care for all mothers, babies
and children throughout the district. Maintain personal competency as a family
physician by spending 10 to 20% of time on continuing professional education
and clinical care at a relevant facility be it a district, regional or tertiary hospital.
Spend at least 80% of time on supporting the improvement of health services
within the district. Support community orientated clinical services in the district
by responding to family and community health needs, spanning the range of
risk and environmental hazards within families and communities. Primarily
support clinics, community health centres and primary health care outreach
teams, including engaging private sector practitioners regarding service
delivery related matters. Secondarily support district hospitals with all aspects
of service delivery related to family practice. Promote clinical effectiveness in
all facilities through supporting outreach programmes to primary care teams in
their community, dissemination or implementation of clinical protocols and
standard treatment guidelines aligned with national norms and standards.
Facilitate and participate in the development, training, and mentorship of health
professionals in all facilities within the district. Facilitate and participate in the
training, development and mentorship of under- and post graduate medical,
nursing and allied health professionals. This may require involvement with local
academic training institutions. Work with the District Management Team to
establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health information,
communication and referral guidelines and processes to support the delivery
of medical services, including epidemiological research, disease profiles and
establishment of community needs. Provide support to ensure appropriate
infrastructure, equipment, resources and sundries for the provision of quality
clinical care. Initiate, support and participate in risk management activities for
patients (e.g. critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings),
practitioners (e.g. infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance
reviews). Initiate, support and participate in clinical audit and quality
improvement cycles. Implement effective monitoring and evaluation
processes, effective use of data and appropriate reporting on outputs and
health outcomes. Initiate, support or participate in relevant research. This may
require involvement with local academic training institutions. Foster effective
teamwork and collaboration within the DCST. Enable engagement with the
local community, relevant non-government organisations and private
providers. Facilitate and ensure effective communication with all management
structures within the district, the regional and tertiary hospitals as relevant, as
well as the provincial Department of Health. Present regular reports on
activities, health services and programmes. Participate in provincial and
national activities and initiatives to save mothers, babies and children. Assist
with strategic and operational planning of services in the district and/or
catchment area of the regional hospital. Assist with the coordination and
supervision of medical services within the district. Assist with the recruitment
and management of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Jaceni Tel No: (043) 7433 006/057
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Joe Gqabi, District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate specialist qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Family Physician Plus at
least 5 years’ experience after obtaining qualification. Sound knowledge of the
following: Own clinical discipline, Medical ethics, Programme planning,
implementation and evaluation, Information management programmes,
Epidemiology and statistics, Quality assurance and improvement programmes,
Human resources and financial management, Health and Public Service
legislation, regulations and policy. Demonstrated skills in the following areas:
Leadership, Communication, Teaching, mentorship and coaching, Problem
solving, Functioning in a multi-disciplinary team, Computer literacy.
Behavioural attributes reflecting the following: Stress tolerance, Self-
confidence, Objectivity, Ethical, Empathic. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Represent family medicine as a member of the District Clinical Specialist Team
(DCST) responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers, babies
and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable distribution
of resources and access to an appropriate level of care for all mothers, babies
and children throughout the district. Maintain personal competency as a family
physician by spending 10 to 20% of time on continuing professional education
and clinical care at a relevant facility be it a district, regional or tertiary hospital.
Spend at least 80% of time on supporting the improvement of health services
within the district. Support community orientated clinical services in the district
by responding to family and community health needs, spanning the range of
risk and environmental hazards within families and communities. Primarily
support clinics, community health centres and primary health care outreach
teams, including engaging private sector practitioners regarding service
delivery related matters. Secondarily support district hospitals with all aspects
of service delivery related to family practice. Promote clinical effectiveness in
all facilities through supporting outreach programmes to primary care teams in
their community, dissemination or implementation of clinical protocols and
standard treatment guidelines aligned with national norms and standards.
Facilitate and participate in the development, training and mentorship of health
professionals in all facilities within the district. Facilitate and participate in the
training, development and mentorship of under- and post graduate medical,
nursing and allied health professionals. This may require involvement with local
academic training institutions. Work with the District Management Team to
establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health information,
communication and referral guidelines and processes to support the delivery
of medical services, including epidemiological research, disease profiles and
establishment of community needs. Provide support to ensure appropriate
infrastructure, equipment, resources and sundries for the provision of quality
clinical care. Initiate, support and participate in risk management activities for
patients (e.g. critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings),
practitioners (e.g. infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance
reviews). Initiate, support and participate in clinical audit and quality
improvement cycles. Implement effective monitoring and evaluation
processes, effective use of data and appropriate reporting on outputs and
health outcomes. Initiate, support or participate in relevant research. This may
require involvement with local academic training institutions. Foster effective
teamwork and collaboration within the DCST. Enable engagement with the
local community, relevant non-government organisations and private
providers. Facilitate and ensure effective communication with all management
structures within the district, the regional and tertiary hospitals as relevant, as
well as the provincial Department of Health. Present regular reports on
activities, health services and programmes. Participate in provincial and
national activities and initiatives to save mothers, babies and children. Assist
with strategic and operational planning of services in the district and/or
catchment area of the regional hospital. Assist with the coordination and
supervision of medical services within the district. Assist with the recruitment
and management of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. J.S Ndzinde Tel No: (051) 633 9631
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Nelson Mandela Metro, District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate specialist qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Family Physician Plus at
least 5 years’ experience after obtaining qualification. Sound knowledge of the
following: Own clinical discipline, Medical ethics, Programme planning,
implementation and evaluation, Information management programmes,
Epidemiology and statistics, Quality assurance and improvement programmes,
Human resources and financial management, Health and Public Service
legislation, regulations and policy. Demonstrated skills in the following areas:
Leadership, Communication, Teaching, mentorship and coaching, Problem
solving, Functioning in a multi-disciplinary team, Computer literacy.
Behavioural attributes reflecting the following: Stress tolerance, Self-
confidence, Objectivity, Ethical, Empathic. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Represent family medicine as a member of the District Clinical Specialist Team
(DCST) responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers, babies
and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable distribution
of resources and access to an appropriate level of care for all mothers, babies
and children throughout the district. Maintain personal competency as a family
physician by spending 10 to 20% of time on continuing professional education
and clinical care at a relevant facility be it a district, regional or tertiary hospital.
Spend at least 80% of time on supporting the improvement of health services
within the district. Support community orientated clinical services in the district
by responding to family and community health needs, spanning the range of
risk and environmental hazards within families and communities. Primarily
support clinics, community health centres and primary health care outreach
teams, including engaging private sector practitioners regarding service
delivery related matters. Secondarily support district hospitals with all aspects
of service delivery related to family practice. Promote clinical effectiveness in
all facilities through supporting outreach programmes to primary care teams in
their community, dissemination or implementation of clinical protocols and
standard treatment guidelines aligned with national norms and standards.
Facilitate and participate in the development, training and mentorship of health
professionals in all facilities within the district. Facilitate and participate in the
training, development and mentorship of under- and post graduate medical,
nursing and allied health professionals. This may require involvement with local
academic training institutions. Work with the District Management Team to
establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health information,
communication and referral guidelines and processes to support the delivery
of medical services, including epidemiological research, disease profiles and
establishment of community needs. Provide support to ensure appropriate
infrastructure, equipment, resources and sundries for the provision of quality
clinical care. Initiate, support and participate in risk management activities for
patients (e.g. critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings),
practitioners (e.g. infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance
reviews). Initiate, support and participate in clinical audit and quality
improvement cycles. Implement effective monitoring and evaluation
processes, effective use of data and appropriate reporting on outputs and
health outcomes. Initiate, support or participate in relevant research. This may
require involvement with local academic training institutions. Foster effective
teamwork and collaboration within the DCST. Enable engagement with the
local community, relevant non-government organisations and private
providers. Facilitate and ensure effective communication with all management
structures within the district, the regional and tertiary hospitals as relevant, as
well as the provincial Department of Health. Present regular reports on
activities, health services and programmes. Participate in provincial and
national activities and initiatives to save mothers, babies and children. Assist
with strategic and operational planning of services in the district and/or
catchment area of the regional hospital. Assist with the coordination and
supervision of medical services within the district. Assist with the recruitment
and management of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Makuluma Tel No: (041) 391 8164
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : OR Tambo, District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate specialist qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Family Physician Plus at
least 5 years’ experience after obtaining qualification. Sound knowledge of the
following: Own clinical discipline, Medical ethics, Programme planning,
implementation and evaluation, Information management programmes,
Epidemiology and statistics, Quality assurance and improvement programmes,
Human resources and financial management, Health and Public Service
legislation, regulations and policy. Demonstrated skills in the following areas:
Leadership, Communication, Teaching, mentorship and coaching, Problem
solving, Functioning in a multi-disciplinary team, Computer literacy.
Behavioural attributes reflecting the following: Stress tolerance, Self-
confidence, Objectivity, Ethical, Empathic. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Represent family medicine as a member of the District Clinical Specialist Team
(DCST) responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers, babies
and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable distribution
of resources and access to an appropriate level of care for all mothers, babies
and children throughout the district. Maintain personal competency as a family
physician by spending 10 to 20% of time on continuing professional education
and clinical care at a relevant facility be it a district, regional or tertiary hospital.
Spend at least 80% of time on supporting the improvement of health services
within the district. Support community orientated clinical services in the district
by responding to family and community health needs, spanning the range of
risk and environmental hazards within families and communities. Primarily
support clinics, community health centres and primary health care outreach
teams, including engaging private sector practitioners regarding service
delivery related matters. Secondarily support district hospitals with all aspects
of service delivery related to family practice. Promote clinical effectiveness in
all facilities through supporting outreach programmes to primary care teams in
their community, dissemination or implementation of clinical protocols and
standard treatment guidelines aligned with national norms and standards.
Facilitate and participate in the development, training and mentorship of health
professionals in all facilities within the district. Facilitate and participate in the
training, development and mentorship of under- and post graduate medical,
nursing and allied health professionals. This may require involvement with local
academic training institutions. Work with the District Management Team to
establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health information,
communication and referral guidelines and processes to support the delivery
of medical services, including epidemiological research, disease profiles and
establishment of community needs. Provide support to ensure appropriate
infrastructure, equipment, resources and sundries for the provision of quality
clinical care. Initiate, support and participate in risk management activities for
patients (e.g. critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings),
practitioners (e.g. infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance
reviews). Initiate, support and participate in clinical audit and quality
improvement cycles. Implement effective monitoring and evaluation
processes, effective use of data and appropriate reporting on outputs and
health outcomes. Initiate, support or participate in relevant research. This may
require involvement with local academic training institutions. Foster effective
teamwork and collaboration within the DCST. Enable engagement with the
local community, relevant non-government organisations and private
providers. Facilitate and ensure effective communication with all management
structures within the district, the regional and tertiary hospitals as relevant, as
well as the provincial Department of Health. Present regular reports on
activities, health services and programmes. Participate in provincial and
national activities and initiatives to save mothers, babies and children. Assist
with strategic and operational planning of services in the district and/or
catchment area of the regional hospital. Assist with the coordination and
supervision of medical services within the district. Assist with the recruitment
and management of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Z Mtimba Tel No: (047) 502 9000
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Alfred Nzo, District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate specialist qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as an Paediatrician Plus at least
5 years’ experience after obtaining qualification. Sound knowledge of the
following: Own clinical discipline, Medical ethics, Programme planning,
implementation and evaluation, Information management programmes,
Epidemiology and statistics, Quality assurance and improvement programmes,
Human resources and financial management, Health and Public Service
legislation, regulations and policy. Demonstrated skills in the following areas:
Leadership, Communication, Teaching, mentorship and coaching, Problem
solving, Functioning in a multi-disciplinary team, Computer literacy.
Behavioural attributes reflecting the following: Stress tolerance, Self-
confidence, Objectivity, Ethical, Empathic. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Represent paediatric specialist discipline as a member of a District Clinical
Specialist Team responsible for the delivery of quality health care for mothers,
babies and children at all levels within a health district. Promote equitable
distribution of resources and access to an appropriate level of care for all
mothers, babies and children throughout the district. Maintain personal
competency as a paediatrician by spending 10 to 20% of time on continuing
professional education and clinical care at the regional or tertiary hospital.
Spend at least 80% of time on supporting the improvement of paediatric
services within the district. Support neonatal, child and youth health service
delivery in the district. Primarily support district hospitals with all aspects of
service delivery related to paediatrics and child health. Secondarily support
clinics, community health centres and primary health care outreach teams,
including engaging private sector paediatricians with service delivery related to
paediatrics and child health. Promote clinical effectiveness in all facilities
through supporting outreach programmes and development, dissemination or
implementation of clinical protocols and standard treatment guidelines aligned
with national norms and standards: Facilitate and participate in the
development, training and mentorship of health professionals in all facilities
within the district. Facilitate and participate in the training, development and
mentorship of under- and post graduate medical, nursing and allied health
professionals. This may require involvement with local academic training
institutions. Work with the District Management Team to establish and maintain
systems including surveillance, health information, communication and referral
guidelines and processes to support the delivery of paediatric and child health
services. Provide support to ensure appropriate infrastructure, equipment,
resources and sundries for the provision of quality clinical care in paediatrics
and child health. Initiate, support and participate in risk management activities
for patients (e.g. critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings),
practitioners (e.g. infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance
reviews). Initiate, support and participate in clinical audit and quality
improvement cycles with specific focus on paediatric and child health
assessments. Implement effective monitoring and evaluation processes,
effective use of data and appropriate reporting on outputs and health
outcomes. Initiate, support or participate in relevant research. This may require
involvement with local academic training institutions. Foster effective teamwork
and collaboration within the DCST. Enable engagement with the local
community, relevant non-government organisations and private providers.
Facilitate and ensure effective communication with all management structures
within the district, the regional and tertiary hospitals as relevant as well as the
provincial Department of Health. Present regular reports on activities, health
services and programmes. Participate in provincial and national activities and
initiatives to save mothers, babies and children. Assist with strategic and
operational planning of services in the district and/or catchment area of the
regional hospital. Assist with the coordination and supervision of paediatric and
child health services within the district. Assist with the recruitment and
management of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Praim Tel No: (039) 797 6070
SALARY : R1 227 255 – R1 362 063 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Alfred Nzo, Greenville Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate. Appropriate qualification that allows registration
with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Registration with HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner. A minimum of Three (3) years appropriate experience as a
medical officer after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner.
Knowledge of relevant legislation such as National Health Act, Mental Health
Act, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public Service Act and related
regulations and policies. Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership,
Program and Project Management, Financial Management, Change
Management, People Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery
Innovation, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving and Analysis,
Communication, Client Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s
DUTIES : Provision of quality patient centred care for all patients. Examine, investigate,
diagnose and oversee the treatment of patients. Provision of after-hours
services to care for emergency cases. Provide medicine related information to
clinical staff as may be required. Undertake on-going care individuals’ patients
to allow for continuity of care. Maintain accurate health records in accordance
with legal ethical considerations. Train and guide staff and health associated
professionals actively participate in morbidity and mortality reviews. Attend and
participate in continuous medical education. Participate in quality improvement
programmes. Ensure that cost effective service delivery is maintained within
the respective department. Attend to administrative matters as required
Perform commuted overtime.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Bango Tel No: (039) 251 3009
SALARY : R1 227 255 – R1 362 063 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : OR Tambo, Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate. Appropriate qualification that allows registration
with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Registration with HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner. A minimum of Three (3) appropriate experience as a medical
officer after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Knowledge of
relevant legislation such as National Health Act, Mental Health Act, Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public Service Act and related regulations
and policies. Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Program and
Project Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provision of quality patient centred care for all patients. Examine, investigate,
diagnose and oversee the treatment of patients. Provision of after-hours
services to care for emergency cases. Provide medicine related information to
clinical staff as may be required. Undertake on-going care individuals’ patients
to allow for continuity of care. Maintain accurate health records in accordance
with legal ethical considerations. Train and guide staff and health associated
professionals actively participate in morbidity and mortality reviews. Attend and
participate in continuous medical education. Participate in quality improvement
programmes. Ensure that cost effective service delivery is maintained within
the respective department. Attend to administrative matters as required
Perform commuted overtime.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Calaza Tel No: (047) 502 4469
SALARY : R1 227 255 – R1 362 063 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : Buffalo City Metro, Frere Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate. Appropriate qualification that allows registration
with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Registration with HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner. A minimum of Three (3) appropriate experience as a medical
officer after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. Knowledge of
relevant legislation such as National Health Act, Mental Health Act, Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Public Service Act and related regulations
and policies. Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership, Program and
Project Management, Financial Management, Change Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Service Delivery Innovation, Knowledge
Management, Problem Solving and Analysis, Communication, Client
Orientation and Customer focus. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provision of quality patient centred care for all patients. Examine, investigate,
diagnose and oversee the treatment of patients. Provision of after-hours
services to care for emergency cases. Provide medicine related information to
clinical staff as may be required. Undertake on-going care individuals’ patients
to allow for continuity of care. Maintain accurate health records in accordance
with legal ethical considerations. Train and guide staff and health associated
professionals actively participate in morbidity and mortality reviews. Attend and
participate in continuous medical education. Participate in quality improvement
programmes. Ensure that cost effective service delivery is maintained within
the respective department. Attend to administrative matters as required
Perform commuted overtime.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mthitshana Tel No: (043) 709 2487/2532
understanding of the relevant employment acts including the PFMA. Good
communication skills, report writing and presentation skills. Computer literacy.
Willing to tutor both pharmacist assistants and pharmacist interns.
DUTIES : Ensure efficient drug supply management. Ensure overall quality management
of all pharmaceutical services. Assist in the development of SOPs, policies and
health systems. Innovative in the improvement of pharmaceutical care
services. Establish operational systems. Plan and organise own work and work
of subordinates to allow smooth flow of pharmaceutical services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Calaza Tel No: (047) 502 4469
SALARY : R930 747 - R1 045 731 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : OR Tambo, Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification Diploma/Degree in Nursing or equivalent qualification
that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse General. Minimum
of 9 years after registration as a Professional Nurse, at least 4 years’
appropriate recognizable experience must be at Management Level.
Demonstrate advanced understanding and application of Nursing legislation
and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Knowledge of PFMA, HR
Management. Knowledge of Public Sector Legislation and relevant
Prescript/Regulation, Batho Pele Principles and patient Right Charter. Strong
leadership, good interpersonal relations, effective problem solving,
management and decision making skill. Good verbal and written
communication skills are essential requirements. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : To manage and provide strategic Nursing leadership and direction to the
Nursing Services. Plan and monitor the objectives of the specialized unit in line
with the strategic plan of the institution and Department. Coordinate and
maintain conducive/constructive working relationships with Nursing and other
stake holders. Ensure compliance with professional and ethical practice.
Monitor and ensure nursing care is practiced in accordance with the statutory
law, policies and procedures governing the Nursing Profession, Labour and
Health Care. Effective management and utilization of Human and Material
Resources. Ensure effective implementation of PMDS. Monitor compliance to
Quality Assurance and Infection Control and Occupational Health and Safety
standards and National Core Standards Compliance. Ensure efficient and
effective execution of administration functions of the Nursing unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Calaza Tel No: (047) 502 4469
SALARY : R930 747 - R1 045 731 per annum, (OSD), an all-inclusive package
CENTRE : OR Tambo, Dr Malizo Mpehle Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification Diploma/Degree in Nursing or equivalent qualification
that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse General. Minimum
of 9 years after registration as a Professional Nurse, at least 4 years’
appropriate recognizable experience must be at Management Level.
Demonstrate advanced understanding and application of Nursing legislation
and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Knowledge of PFMA, HR
Management. Knowledge of Public Sector Legislation and relevant
Prescript/Regulation, Batho Pele Principles and patient Right Charter. Strong
leadership, good interpersonal relations, effective problem solving,
management and decision making skill. Good verbal and written
communication skills are essential requirements. Valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : To manage and provide strategic Nursing leadership and direction to the
Nursing Services. Plan and monitor the objectives of the specialized unit in line
with the strategic plan of the institution and Department. Coordinate and
maintain conducive/constructive working relationships with Nursing and other
stake holders. Ensure compliance with professional and ethical practice.
Monitor and ensure nursing care is practiced in accordance with the statutory
law, policies and procedures governing the Nursing Profession, Labour and
Health Care. Effective management and utilization of Human and Material
Resources. Ensure effective implementation of PMDS. Monitor compliance to
Quality Assurance and Infection Control and Occupational Health and Safety
standards and National Core Standards Compliance. Ensure efficient and
effective execution of administration functions of the Nursing unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Makalima Tel No: (047) 542 6300
Knowledge of Public Service Administration Act and Legislation such as Health
Act, SAQA, CHE, NQF, Nursing Act, Rules and Regulations, College Policies,
PSR, Disciplinary Code and Procedures, Labour Relations Act, etc. Excellent
communication, interpersonal and leadership skills. Report writing skills,
Facilitation skills, liaison skills, presentation skills, management skills,
Analytical skills, motivation skills, Research skills.
DUTIES : Manage implementation of clinical and theoretical academic content for the
College and Campuses. Ensure quality assurance and change management
in the implementation of all teaching and learning programmes and student
competencies. Co-ordinate and monitor Community Based Education (CBE)
and work-integrate learning (WIL) at the College and Campuses. Facilitate
effective and efficient implementation of College Policies in all disciplines.
Oversee clinical allocation of learners in the identified and approved clinical
facilities for all the relevant disciplines. Monitor compliance to set standard as
laid down by SANC, CHE and SAQA. Ensure continuous staff capacity building
to promote academic excellent. Exercise supervision and support to academic
staff. Manage various submission in relation to student academic matters,
including recruitment, registration and SANC records. Facilitate a research
culture for both academics and students to promote evidence-based teaching
and learning.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Mene Tel No: (043) 700 9717/26
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must apply for this post by using e-Recruitment system
in General Nursing. At least 6 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience after obtaining the one year post basic
course/qualification in the specialty. At least 3 years of the period referred to
above must be appropriate/recognizable experience at management level.
Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team. Knowledge of PFMA, Batho Pele
Principles, Patient Rights Charter and other relevant legal framework, Labour
Relations and Public Service Acts. Managerial and communication (both
written and verbal), report writing and problem solving skills. Knowledge of six
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Promote quality on service delivery. Ensure that the clinical nursing practice by
the team is rendered in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing
standards as determined. Ensure the implementation of the Patient’s Rights
Charter as well as Batho Pele Principles of nursing care. Demonstrate an in
depth understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing
practices and how these impacts. Render supervision services in the clinics
within Buffalo City Sub District. Monitor the implementation of clinic’s budget
and expenditure. Monitor the implementation of health programmes within the
clinics. Implement the Eastern Cape Clinic Supervisors manual. Monitor and
improve quality care in clinics.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Jaceni Tel No: (043) 708 1700
Principles, Patient Rights Charter and other relevant legal framework, Labour
Relations and Public Service Acts. Managerial and communication (both
written and verbal), report writing and problem solving skills. Knowledge of six
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of an effective and effective
patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation if nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Develop, establish
and maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders (interpersonal professional, intersectoral and multi-disciplinary
teamwork). Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of
nursing guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor
proper utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and
participate in health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant,
accurate. And comprehensive information of health care.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Sigola Tel No: (039) 255 8200/11/12
facility. Promote quality of nursing care as directed by professional scope of
practice and standards determined by the health facility. Demonstrate a basic
understanding of HR and Financial policies and practices. Demonstrate in-
depth understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing
practices and how it expects a service delivery. Demonstrate knowledge of
Neonatal Care Standards and in reporting and monitoring of indicators. Ensure
that the environment complies with Health and Safety Act and Infection
Prevention and Control Policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Makalima Tel No: (047) 542 6300
manage PMDS of subordinates. Manage risk and ensure that the environment
complies with the Health and Safety Act and Infection and Prevention Control
Policies. Ensure effective and efficient budget control and assets control for the
department. Preparedness to engage and manage any project aimed at
improving the image of the nursing profession and the effectiveness and
efficiency of the health service. Overall management of the Community Health
ENQUIRIES : Ms N. Matala Tel No: (047) 548 0022/34/072 355 8144
of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Provision of
quality Nursing Care, assist team members with Quality Assurance and
monthly audits and development of clinical guidelines and policies. Maintain,
manage PMDS of subordinates. Manage risk and ensure that the environment
complies with the Health and Safety Act and Infection and Prevention Control
Policies. Ensure effective and efficient budget control and assets control for the
department. Preparedness to engage and manage any project aimed at
improving the image of the nursing profession and the effectiveness and
efficiency of the health service. Overall management of the Community Health
ENQUIRIES : Ms Mtweni Tel No: (045) 807 8908
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and participate in
health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mthitshana Tel No: (043) 709 2487/2532.
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing or equivalent
qualification that allows registration with SANC as a professional nurse. A
minimum of 8 years’ appropriate experience after registration as a Professional
Nurse with the SANC of which at least 3 years should be at a managerial level.
Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team. Knowledge of PFMA, Batho Pele
Principles, Patient Rights Charter and other relevant legal frameworks, Labour
Relations and Public Service Acts. Managerial and communication (both
written and verbal), report writing and problem solving skills. Knowledge of six
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of an effective and effective
patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Develop, establish
and maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders (interprofessional, intersectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork).
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and participate in
health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Z Maneli Tel No: (046) 645 1142
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of an effective and effective
patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Develop, establish
and maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders (interprofessional, intersectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork).
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and participate in
health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms O Gcagca Tel No: (047) 531 0823
written and verbal), report writing and problem solving skills. Knowledge of six
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of an effective and effective
patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Develop, establish
and maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders (interprofessional, intersectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork).
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and participate in
health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Bomela Tel No: (041) 406 4421
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L Tsengiwe Tel No: (045) 967 0089
Relations and Public Service Acts. Managerial and communication (both
written and verbal), report writing and problem solving skills. Knowledge of six
key priority areas, ability to work under pressure. A valid driver’s license.
Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of an effective and effective
patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Develop, establish
and maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders (interprofessional, intersectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork).
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines, practices, standards and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Initiate and participate in
health promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Calaza Tel No: (047) 502 4469
understanding of HR and Financial policies and practices. Demonstrate in-
depth understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing
practices and how it expects a service delivery. Demonstrate knowledge of
Neonatal Care Standards and in reporting and monitoring of indicators. Ensure
that the environment complies with Health and Safety Act and Infection
Prevention and Control Policies.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Bango Tel No: (039) 251 3009.
teaching and training of staff and students. Supervision and performance
evaluation. Facilitate the formulation/ Developing of SOP, strategies,
guidelines & protocols in line with service development in consultation with
relevant stakeholders Implement and maintain the quality assurance and
National Core Standard and norms at departmental level. Adhere to provincial,
hospital and departmental policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations.
Perform record keeping, data collection, assist with budget control and assets
management. Contribute and participate in professional development of self,
colleagues and members of the interdisciplinary team members. Participate in
research projects of the department. Participate in quality assurance methods
Ensure radiation safety and control for public and staff, in support of the
Medical Physicist. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders. Exercise
care with all consumables and equipment Applicant should be prepared to
undergo Medical Surveillance as an inherent job requirement. Comply with the
Performance Management and Development System (contracting, quarterly
reviews and final assessment). Ensure radiation safety and control for public
and staff, in support of the Medical Physicist. Facilitate teaching and training of
staff and students. Attend departmental meetings and represent the
department at external meetings as required.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Nozaza Tel No: (039) 253 5012
knowledge of all prescripts and policies relevant to the operations of EMS. Must
be computer literate, especially in the use of Microsoft Office.
DUTIES : Facilitate implementation of operational standard operating procedures and
policies. Control the issue and use of emergency medical equipment and
vehicles. Management of vehicle use for operational purposes. Ensure
Compliance with quality assurance standards relevant to documentation such
as duty roster, vehicle check list and log sheets. Quality checks and verifies
DHIS data before it is exported to district level. Complete monthly report on all
operational activities and recommendations if any and provide such to the
District Manager. Implementation of the EMS Regulations in the District.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AK Munilal Tel No: (040) 608 1911
reports as required; Provide and consolidate inputs to the technical operational
plan; Update databases; and Manage artisans and related personnel and
assets. Financial Management Control and monitor expenditure according to
budget to ensure efficient cash flow management; and Manage the commercial
value add of the discipline-related activities and services. People management
Manage the development, motivation and utilization of human resources for
the discipline to ensure competent knowledge base for the continued success.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. V Whitecross Tel No: (046) 645 5008
experience registration with the HPCSA as ECT. Grade 5: Successful
completion of the CCA course or National Diploma that allows registration with
the HPCSA as Paramedic. Registration with the HPCSA as a paramedic. Three
(3) years’ experience after registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic. Grade
6: Successful completion of the B Tech-degree that allows registration with the
HPCSA as ECP. Registration with the HPCSA as as an ECP. Three (3) years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA as ECP. Appropriate Valid
Driver’s License. Valid Public Driving Permit. Registration with the HPCSA.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of related policies, protocols, directives and
legislation e.g. labour relations. Strong Communication and Interpersonal
skills. (Verbal and written). Be able to work under pressure, excessive hours
and be prepared to travel. Computer Literacy. Commitment, Integrity,
Professional, Loyalty and Confidentiality Problem solving. Knowledge of PFMA
and Treasury Regulations.
DUTIES : Responsible for all EMS activities in the station. Provide advice on procedures
and policy matters to staff. Ensure compliance with all policies operating in the
service. Ensure effective communication for ambulances and staff in the
station. Ensure that fleet management id properly implemented to provide for
the maintenance and replacement of all vehicles. Investigate service
complaints received. Ensure the control and have inventory of all resources at
the station assist District Manager in the control and implementation of the
EMS Policies. Maintain, monitor and review continuous quality improvement
for the station in accordance with the policy on quality improvement of EMS.
Collect all relevant statistics and indicators. Process all relevant documents
including leave forms for human resource submission. Ensure that staff attends
to call timeously. Ensure adherence to EMS procedures. Attend to major
incidents and co-ordinate such incidents within operational area. Ensure
effective control and be accountable over resource in the station. Undertake
any other duties as allocated by management. Ensure that station comply with
OHS standards in respect of medical waste storage and disposal.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AK Munilal Tel No: (040) 608 1911
for the station in accordance with the policy on quality improvement of EMS.
Collect all relevant statistics and indicators. Process all relevant documents
including leave forms for human resource submission. Ensure that staff attends
to call timeously. Ensure adherence to EMS procedures. Attend to major
incidents and co-ordinate such incidents within operational area. Ensure
effective control and be accountable over resource in the station. Undertake
any other duties as allocated by management. Ensure that station comply with
OHS standards in respect of medical waste storage and disposal.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AK Munilal Tel No: (040) 608 1911
Ngcobo EMS Ref No: ECHEALTH/EMSSM/NGC/ARP/01/09/2023 (X1 Post)
Emalahleni EMS Ref No: ECHEALTH/EMSSM/EMA /ARP/01/09/2023
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 3: Successful completion of the ILS courses that allows registration with
the HPCSA as AEA. Registration with the HPCSA as AEA. Three (3) years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA as AEA. Grade 4: Successful
completion of the ECT programmes courses that allows registration with the
HPCSA as ECT. Registration with the HPCSA as an ECT. Three (3) years’
experience registration with the HPCSA as ECT. Grade 5: Successful
completion of the CCA course or National Diploma that allows registration with
the HPCSA as Paramedic. Registration with the HPCSA as a paramedic. Three
(3) years’ experience after registration with the HPCSA as Paramedic. Grade
6: Successful completion of the B Tech-degree that allows registration with the
HPCSA as ECP. Registration with the HPCSA as as an ECP. Three (3) years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA as ECP. Appropriate Valid
Driver’s License. Valid Public Driving Permit. Registration with the HPCSA.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of related policies, protocols, directives and
legislation e.g. labour relations. Strong Communication and Interpersonal
skills. (Verbal and written). Be able to work under pressure, excessive hours
and be prepared to travel. Computer Literacy. Commitment, Integrity,
Professional, Loyalty and Confidentiality Problem solving. Knowledge of PFMA
and Treasury Regulations.
DUTIES : Responsible for all EMS activities in the station. Provide advice on procedures
and policy matters to staff. Ensure compliance with all policies operating in the
service. Ensure effective communication for ambulances and staff in the
station. Ensure that fleet management id properly implemented to provide for
the maintenance and replacement of all vehicles. Investigate service
complaints received. Ensure the control and have inventory of all resources at
the station assist District Manager in the control and implementation of the
EMS Policies. Maintain, monitor and review continuous quality improvement
for the station in accordance with the policy on quality improvement of EMS.
Collect all relevant statistics and indicators. Process all relevant documents
including leave forms for human resource submission. Ensure that staff attends
to call timeously. Ensure adherence to EMS procedures. Attend to major
incidents and co-ordinate such incidents within operational area. Ensure
effective control and be accountable over resource in the station. Undertake
any other duties as allocated by management. Ensure that station comply with
OHS standards in respect of medical waste storage and disposal.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AK Munilal Tel No: (040) 608 1911
DUTIES : Responsible for all EMS activities in the station. Provide advice on procedures
and policy matters to staff. Ensure compliance with all policies operating in the
service. Ensure effective communication for ambulances and staff in the
station. Ensure that fleet management id properly implemented to provide for
the maintenance and replacement of all vehicles. Investigate service
complaints received. Ensure the control and have inventory of all resources at
the station assist District Manager in the control and implementation of the
EMS Policies. Maintain, monitor and review continuous quality improvement
for the station in accordance with the policy on quality improvement of EMS.
Collect all relevant statistics and indicators. Process all relevant documents
including leave forms for human resource submission. Ensure that staff attends
to call timeously. Ensure adherence to EMS procedures. Attend to major
incidents and co-ordinate such incidents within operational area. Ensure
effective control and be accountable over resource in the station. Undertake
any other duties as allocated by management. Ensure that station comply with
OHS standards in respect of medical waste storage and disposal.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AK Munilal Tel No: (040) 608 1911
ENQUIRIES : Ms Nazo Tel No: (046) 602 2300
DUTIES : Perform patient consultation across all ages in a District Hospital. Apply clinical
reasoning in the assessment and of patient. Provide emergency care when
need arises. Perform investigative and therapeutic procedures appropriate for
District Hospital. Prescribed appropriate medication within the scope of
practice. Facilitate communication and provide basic counselling. Integrate
understanding of family, community and health system in practice.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R Schutte Tel No: (044) 923 1127
technical faults in all makes of technical structures and equipment. Perform all
trade related duties as per the relevant trade in plumbing. Supervise trade
assistants and general assistants allocated to the Workshops within the
institution allocated to him/her and mentor all artisan development trainees
placed on the platform. Facilitate for outsourcing of high-tech repair and
maintenance service and provide for overall support to the infrastructure
maintenance and repair services of the province as and when required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Nazo Tel No: (046) 602 2300
DUTIES : Render technical services: Undertake building and repair work of all technical
components in the institution. Inspect and investigate technical faults in all
makes of technical structures and equipment. Electrical: Diagnose and repair
electrical panels, circuits, wiring and related systems. Repair or replace
switches receptacles, ballast’s, fuse boxes, heat systems, electric motors, fans,
lights and extension cords. Plumbing: Diagnose and repair plumbing fixtures,
toilets, faucets, sinks, tubs, water heaters, water reticulation, drain lines and
sluicing facilities. Unblock and clean pipes, tanks, floor drains and sewers.
Repair and maintain steam traps and pipes on heat system. Carpentry: Repair
and install shelves, cupboards, drawers, ceilings and hangs doors. Repair and
replace fascia and barge boards. Construct or build wooden apparatus e.g.
tables, desks, benches, partitions and occupational therapy aids. Repair all
makes of carpentry items. Bricklaying: Build and repair masonry structures.
Install and repair paving works. Build walls and partition structures. Fitter and
Turner: Strip and assemble machinery and equipment. Lead and guide on all
technical activities. Provide maintenance of technical services: Servicing of all
makes of technical equipment. Maintain the electrical infrastructure of the
institution. Maintain domestic, irrigation and sprinkler system. Undertake daily
preventative and maintenance work. Inspect and monitor quality of the
technical work.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. V Whitecross Tel No: (046) 645 5008
function for dental clinics. Maintain infection control standards in all Oral Health
Clinics in the hospital. Provide Oral Health Education.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Qaleni Tel No: (046) 622 4901
prescribed in-service training that allows for the required registration with the
HPCSA as Dental Assistant. Good written and verbal communication skills.
Service record as proof of previous where applicable.
DUTIES : Assist in provision of Dental Care service by providing quality dental care
patient to PHC dental facility. Perform general route administration/clerical
function for dental clinics. Maintain infection control standards in all Oral Health
Clinics in the hospital. Provide Oral Health Education.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Makuluma Tel No: (041) 391 8164
HPCSA. Inherent requirement of the job: Willingness to work shifts, including
extended hours. Experience: Grade 1: None after obtaining an appropriate
qualification or prescribed in-service training that allows for the required
registration with the HPCSA as Dental Assistant. Grade 2: A minimum of 10
years’ appropriate experience after obtaining an appropriate qualification or
prescribed in-service training that allows for the required registration with the
HPCSA as Dental Assistant. Good written and verbal communication skills.
Service record as proof of previous where applicable.
DUTIES : Assist in provision of Dental Care service by providing quality dental care
patient to PHC dental facility. Perform general route administration/clerical
function for dental clinics. Maintain infection control standards in all Oral Health
Clinics in the hospital. Provide Oral Health Education.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Mlotana Tel No: (040) 673 3321
SALARY : R1 214 805 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Please note that the salary
will be adjusted according to years of experience as per OSD policy).
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows for registration with HPCSA as a Medical
Specialist in Internal Medicine and or a sub- specialist Internal Medicine.
Registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine. No
experience required after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Specialist in
Internal Medicine. The following will be an added advantage. Preference will
be given to candidates with experience in research, teaching and independent
practice with HPCSA. Knowledge: Integrity, Patient first mentality, professional
dependability, Cost- containment, management training and experience. Skills:
General management skills, excellent communication skills, good professional
judgement, leadership experience, conflict management, Technology and
computer skills, coaching and mentoring experience.
DUTIES : As a consultant, the candidate will be responsible for clinical management of
general medical patients and sub specialist medicine responsibilities. The
incumbent will be required to lead operational and academic ward rounds
including post- intake, follow-up and grand rounds. As the most senior doctor
in the unit, the incumbent will be required to supervise registrars, medical
officers, intern doctors and students in patient care and the performance of
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Other clinical duties will include
managing patients at OPD, managing patients attending the Subspeciality
OPD or Speciality Ward Consultations within a relevant Sub-speciality. The
desired candidate will be required to set an appropriate example of an
exemplary medical practitioner and serve as a role model and clinical mentor
to junior doctors and associated clinical staff. Co-Ordination of sub- specialist
services at CMJAH and cluster hospitals for both inpatient and outpatient
services. Supervision of clinical technology services as required. Overseeing
the development of appropriate referral pathways and development of services
at referral hospitals. Participation in the academic duties of the WITS Internal
Medicine and related Departments/ Sub- Specialities. Performance of research
within the department. Supervision of research within the department and
MMed students. Training and supervision of Senior Registrars, Medical
Officers, Medical Interns and Medical students including tutorials, Teaching
ward rounds and skills development. The desired candidate will also be
required to provide medical support and guidance to nursing staff.
ENQUIRIES : Prof. A. Mahomed Tel No: (011) 488 3654/3554
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the
following email-address Please use the
reference as subject.
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
certificate), registration with HPCSA, proof of current registration with HPCSA,
driver’s license and identity document to be submitted on request (only when
shortlisted). The relevant reference number must be quoted in the application
form. In terms of the National Qualification Framework Amendment Act 2019 it
is an offence for any person to claim falsely or fraudulently to hold a
qualification. Any person found to be misrepresenting their qualifications, work
experience or facts in their CV will be disqualified and reported to the
appropriate authority. This post is a joint appointment with the Department of
Psychiatry, University of the Witwatersrand. The incumbent will be expected to
participate in the teaching program of the department and to provide training
to a range of students and healthcare workers.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R1 214 805 per annum, (all-inclusive - package), (Please note that the salary
will be adjusted according to years of experience as per OSD policy)
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Medical qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as a
Specialist in the Internal Medicine. HPCSA registration as Medical Specialist
in the Internal Medicine. None experience after registration with the HPCSA as
a Medical Specialist in the Internal Medicine. Added advantage: Preference will
be given to candidates with experience in research, teaching, and independent
practice with HPCSA. Essential Skills: Patient first mentality; General
management skills; Excellent communication skills; Good professional
judgment; Integrity and professional dependability; Leadership experience;
Conflict management; Cost-containment; Management training and
experience; Technology and computer skills; Problem-solving experience;
Coaching and mentoring experience.
DUTIES : As a consultant, the candidate will be responsible for the clinical management
of general medical patients and sub specialist medicine responsibilities. The
incumbent will be required to lead operational and academic ward rounds
including post-intake, follow-up, and grand rounds. As the most senior doctor
in the unit, the incumbent will be required to supervise registrars, medical
officers, intern doctors and students in patient care and the performance of
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Other clinical duties include managing
patients at OPD, managing patients attending the Sub-specialty OPD or
Specialty Ward Consultations within a relevant Sub-specialty. The desired
candidate will be required to set an appropriate example of an exemplary
medical practitioner and serve as a role model and clinical mentor to junior
doctors and associate clinical staff. Co-ordination of specialty services at
CMJAH and cluster hospitals for both inpatient and outpatient services.
Supervision of clinical technology services as required. Overseeing the
development of appropriate referrals pathways and development of services at
referral hospital. ACADEMIC: Participation in the academic duties of the Wits
Internal Medicine and related Department/Sub Specialities. Performance of
research within the department. Supervision of research within the department
and MMed students. Training and supervision of Senior registrars, registrars,
medical students including tutorials, teaching ward rounds and skills
development. The desired candidate will also be required to provide medical
support and guidance to nursing staff.
ENQUIRIES : Prof. A Mahomed Tel No: (011) 488 4649/3564
Ms M.P. Rapetswa Tel No: (011) 488 3711
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the following email-
address Please use the reference as
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply. NOTE: We reserve the right not to fill the
post. Invited candidates will be subjected to employment vetting process and
medical surveillance.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NO: TDHS/A/2023/46 (X1 POST)
SALARY : R1 214 805 per annum, (all inclusive), (Grade of the post and remuneration will
be determined by years of experience after registration with the HPCSA as a
Medical Specialist according to OSD guidelines
CENTRE : Tshwane District Health Services
REQUIREMENTS : M MED (PSYCH) or FCPSYCH (SA)or equivalent. Relevant experience in
community psychiatry, previous academic involvement and research training
will be an added advantage. A minimum of one publication and / or scientific
conference presentation are required. Skills and Knowledge: Generic
knowledge and skills, including relevant ethics, laws, policies, guidelines, and
regulations as per Departmental and HPCSA standards, good interpersonal
workplace relations, ability to work in a team, computer literacy and training
skills. Valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : The post is a joint-appointment specialist psychiatrist post in Tshwane District,
Gauteng Department of Health, and at the Department of Psychiatry, School
of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria. The main task
of this post will be: provision of specialist mental health services in the district,
involvement in other general psychiatry work in the District as required;
designing and implementing community-based specialist outpatient psychiatric
services and community-level outreach programs; organise and manage
mental health clinical activities and services in a proficient and integrated
manner; support and collaborate with the district Family Physicians and
Primary Health Care practitioners in the provision of an integrated
comprehensive mental health care services; facilitate intra-and inter-district
referral pathways for mental health care services including hospitals and other
relevant stakeholders; assist with the development of protocols and procedures
on mental health services across all levels of care system in the District;
collaborate with non-health sectors within the District regarding identification,
care, treatment and rehabilitation of people with mental illness; monitoring and
evaluation of services towards improved quality of mental health care,
compliance with policies, guidelines and statutory legislation. The successful
candidate will be expected to be involved in research academic training and
teaching of undergraduate students, postgraduate students, medical officers
and other health care professionals, under the Dept. of Psychiatry at the School
of Medicine, University of Pretoria. Doing research and supervising research
are part of the duties. Other duties also includes general management and
administration appropriate to the post, including involvement in the District and
University related committees. An interest to further studies in psychiatry, for
example a doctoral degree, is advised.
ENQUIRIES : Dr AT Masango Tel No: (012) 451 9247
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
communication skills, including the ability to prepare documents; and display
the capacity in human resource planning, and people management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Karigani Tel No: (011) 953 2152 (Monday to Friday: from 08h00 to
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to West Rand Health District Services, Cnr Luipaard and
Vlei Street, Krugersdorp, or Private Bag X2053, Krugersdorp, 1740. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023 @ 16h00
to a minimum and that measures are in place to prevent fruitful and wasteful
expenditure. Handle and oversee all day-to-day activities in the Regional
Pharmacy. Be part of the different committees and forums in the District and at
Provincial level as and when needed. Participate in meetings in the District and
at Provincial level. Attendance and feedback of allocated meetings. Ensure that
all performance indicators are monitored and reported on. Develop and
manage relevant SOPs at the Regional Pharmacy. Ensure proper cold chain
management for thermolabile medicines that includes but not limited to correct
storage at the Regional Pharmacy to delivery to PHC facilities. Ensure proper
asset management at the Regional Pharmacy. Ensure effective and efficient
coordination of campaigns where medicines are involved and liaison with the
different program coordinators in the District. Ensure proper management of
private providers that receive medicines from the Regional Pharmacy.
Performance management and Development System. Deputize for the District
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Michelle Haines Tel No: (012) 356 9202
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: HAST
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Tsholofelo Nkhodi Tel No: (012) 451 9040 / 9022
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Family Medicine
training Family medicine department, assessment and treatment of patients. A
registrar is expected to carry out related administrative duties, to participate in
all activities of Family Medicine which relate to teaching and research. S/he will
participate in departmental audit activities, prepare and write reports. The
registrar will be rotated through related departments at various hospital
complexes in their specific outreach programs in line with the departmental
curriculum of the preferred University, including community health centres and
clinics. Perform any other related function as required by the manager.
Commuted overtime is compulsory and RWOPS is not permitted in this training
post. The post is a four year non renewal contract program and the applicant
is expected to vacate the post upon completion of the stipulated period.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. AT Masango-Makgobela Tel No: (012) 451 9247/ 072 879 9349.Monday to
Friday during office hours
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
APPLICATIONS : applications can as an alternative also be hand delivered to The Director:
Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to
3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human
Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01,
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
considered). N.B: For Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Applications should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the
following email-address Please use the
reference as subject. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully completed (please
refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and
signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should
state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to
submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that
specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order
indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting
and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be
in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
apply. Employment Equity.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
do commuted overtime. Attendance of relevant administrative meetings like
mortality meetings, near miss meetings and completing Medico-Legal
Documents timeously (e.g., Death certificate). Improve quality of care by
providing appropriate clinical care. Reduce medical litigation by exercising
good clinical ethos. Implement and monitor adherence to National Core
Standards (norms and standards). Participate in multidisciplinary team to the
management of patients. Performance of practical procedures relevant to the
care of patients. Participation in departmental meetings, journal clubs, case
presentations, lectures, and ward rounds. Ensure that administration and
record keeping is done in the department. Rendering of after-hour (night,
weekend, and public holiday) duties to provide continuous uninterrupted care
of patients. Registrars will inter alia be responsible for rendering of clinical
services, assessment and treatment of patients, Registrars will be rotated
through related departments at various hospitals, comprising hospitals served
in their specific outreach programmes. Registrars will be appointed jointly
between the Gauteng Provincial Government and the following tertiary
institutions: University of the Witwatersrand (WITS). Comply with the
Performance Management and Development system (contracting, quarterly
reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Prof Velaphi Tel No: (011) 933 8400/ 8416
APPLICATIONS : applications can also, as an alternative, be hand delivered to The Director:
Human Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital from 8am to
3pm at Ground Floor, Main Admin Building or posted to The Director: Human
Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01,
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
considered). NB: For Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Applications should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the
following email-address Please use the
reference as subject. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully completed (please
refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and
signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should
state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to
submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that
specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order
indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting
and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be
in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
apply. Employment Equity.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Directorate: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Directorate: Diagnostic Radiology
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Directorate: Ophthalmology
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Please note that the salary will
be adjusted according to years of experience as per OSD policy).
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualifications that allow registration with HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner. Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. No
experience required after registration with HPCSA as Medical Practitioner.
DUTIES : Provide effective patient care. Teaching of undergraduate students. Participate
in departmental activities. Administrative duties such as capturing data on
RedCap. Commuted overtime is compulsory.
ENQUIRIES : Prof A. Makgotloe Tel No: (011) 717 2549
Ms M.P. Rapetswa Tel No: (011) 488 3711
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the following email-
address Please use the reference as
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Please note that the salary will
be adjusted according to years of experience as per OSD policy).
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Chris Hani Baragwanth
Academic Hospital, Hellen Joseph, Tara hospital, Sterkfontein hospital,
Westrand District, Sedibeng District, Ekurhuleni District and Metro District.
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualifications that allow registration with HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner. Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. No
experience required after registration with HPCSA as Medical Practitioner. The
following will be an added advantage: Diploma in Mental Health and
experience in psychiatry.
DUTIES : Clinical assessment, History taking, Mental status examination and physical
examination of psychiatric patients, formulation, development and execution of
evidence based and compassionate patient care plans. The application of cost
containment measures in service delivery is important. Assessment and
management of medical and psychiatric emergencies. Counselling and
education of patients and families. Proper clinical record keeping, including all
laboratory results. Preparation of referral letters and discharge summaries for
all patients. Participation in ward / departmental administrative duties.
Teaching of students. Commitment to highest level of care, ethics,
professionalism and punctuality. Work within a multi-disciplinary team and
report all conflict of interest and corruption. Participation in outreach, academic
and research programs at any of the Gauteng Health facilities affiliated to the
Department of Psychiatry at the University of the Witwatersrand. Clinical and
overtime duties performed at any of the Gauteng Health facilities affiliated to
the Department of Psychiatry at the University of the Witwatersrand.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. N Afriedien Tel No: (010) 214 0612
Ms M.P. Rapetswa Tel No: (011) 488 3711
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the following email-
address Please use the reference as
NOTE : The new Z83 form must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R880 521 – R1 197 150 per annum, (inclusive package), exc. commuted
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as a Dentist in the category of independent practice.
Minimum of 5 years’ appropriate experience post community service as a
Dentist preferably with exposure to undergraduate teaching and training. MSc
Dent Degree/equivalent or postgraduate qualification in a Health related field
will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Dentist will be responsible for clinical service rendering including extended
clinical platforms, teaching and training, conduct research and participate in all
departmental activities and related administration. Ability to perform under
pressure and meet deadlines. Incumbent will also be expected to participate in
relevant committees, as and when necessary.
ENQUIRIES : Dr DF Kotsane:
HCU: General Dental Practice
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 application forms must be sent to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private
Bag X15 Braamfontein, 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits
Oral Health Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Area 255 Block 2 (Yellow Block), Parktown. No faxed applications will be
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees.
Certified copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest
required qualifications as well as and current proof of HPCSA where
necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human
Resources on or before the day of the interview date. Failure to do so will result
in your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be
accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA. Applications received
after the closing date will not be accepted. Please note that correspondence
will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The employer reserves
the right not to fill a position.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Laudium CHC
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Coloured Males,
Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian Females, African males and
African Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Admin Building Room 08. No. 17 Jubilee Road, Park town 2193.
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Coloured Males,
Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian Females, African males and
African Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
nursing service in the unit. To provide support and advice to health institutions
within the cluster and catchment area. Control the provision of nursing care
through staff scheduling and supervision. To ensure that the environment
complies with the Health and Safety Act and Infection and Prevention Control
Policies. See in-service training as part of the daily duties. Ensure effective and
efficient budget control and assets control for the department. Will be required
to do hospital calls as required by the service.
ENQUIRIES : Mr GNB Moeng Tel No: (011) 488 3424
Ms M. Maseko Tel No: (011)488 4732
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Admin Building Room 08. No. 17 Jubilee Road, Park town 2193.
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Coloured Males,
Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian Females, African males and
African Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
determined by the institution. To apply basic HR and financial policies when
coordinating care to our patients and other stakeholders. To do hospital
departmental calls as required by the service. to demonstrate effective
communication with patient, relatives, supervisors, other health professionals
and junior colleagues including more complex report writing when required. To
work as part of the multi- disciplinary team on a supervisory level to ensure
good nursing care by the nursing team and optimal theatre utilization at night.
To work effectively and amicably at a supervisory level, with persons of diverse
intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences and able to manage own
work, time and that of junior colleagues to ensure proper nursing service in the
unit. To provide support and advice to health institutions within the cluster and
catchment area. Control the provision of nursing care through staff scheduling
and supervision. To ensure that the environment complies with the Health and
Safety Act and Infection and Prevention Control Policies. See in-service
training as part of the daily duties. Ensure effective and efficient budget control
and assets control for the department.
ENQUIRIES : Mr GNB Moeng Tel No: (011) 488 3424
Ms M. Maseko Tel No: (011) 488 4732
APPLICATIONS : should be submitted at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Admin Building Room 08. No. 17 Jubilee Road, Park town 2193.
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. Coloured Males,
Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian Females, African males and
African Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Directorate: Nursing
in Health Care Services Management obtained from a recognised and
registered tertiary institution and similarly, recognised by SAQA. A minimum of
9 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
professional nurse with SANC, at least 3 years of the period referred to above
must be appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing management, should
be able to demonstrate knowledge of legislations relevant to health care
services. The candidate should be computer literate and possess a valid &
unendorsed driver’s licence including competency in driving. Shortlisted
candidates will be assessed for computer-use competency. Correspondence
& engagement will only be entered into with candidates who meet the
DUTIES : To plan, organise and monitor the objectives of the PHC facility in the
consultation with District Management & Subordinates. Provision of Quality
Nursing Care through the implementation of standards, policies and
procedures coupled with supervision and monitoring the implementation
thereof. To provide a therapeutic environment to staff, patients and the public.
To effectively manage the utilisation and supervision of human, material and
financial resources. Coordination of the provision of effective training and
research. Maintain professional growth / ethical standards and self-
development. Implement & monitor aspirations of PMDS. Implementation and
management of Infection Control and Prevention Protocols as well as
Occupational Health & Safety Standards. Maintain accurate and oversee
completion of patient records according to legal requirements. Operate and
manage relevant District Health Information Management Systems (DHIMS);
particularly producing top-end data. To participate in quality improvement
programmes and activities. Have insight and be able to conduct Ideal Health
Facility Realisation assessments. Have deep insight into OHSC processes and
prescripts. Conduct periodical clinical audits. Participate in staff & student
development activities. Exercise independent control over discipline, grievance
and labour relations issues according to the existing policies and procedures.
Identify, develop and exercise management of risk in the workplace. Liaise the
Sub District, District and all other essential stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Mr SR Makua @ 079 872 6077; Monday to Friday and during office hours only
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023 @ 15h00
Directorate: Nursing
must be appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing management, should
be able to demonstrate knowledge of legislations relevant to health care
services. The candidate should be computer literate and possess a valid &
unendorsed driver’s licence including competency in driving. Shortlisted
candidates will be assessed for computer-use competency. Correspondence
& engagement will only be entered into with candidates who meet the
DUTIES : To plan, organise and monitor the objectives of the PHC facility in the
consultation with District Management & Subordinates. Provision of Quality
Nursing Care through the implementation of standards, policies and
procedures coupled with supervision and monitoring the implementation
thereof. To provide a therapeutic environment to staff, patients and the public.
To effectively manage the utilisation and supervision of human, material and
financial resources. Coordination of the provision of effective training and
research. Maintain professional growth / ethical standards and self-
development. Implement & monitor aspirations of PMDS. Implementation and
management of Infection Control and Prevention Protocols as well as
Occupational Health & Safety Standards. Maintain accurate and oversee
completion of patient records according to legal requirements. Operate and
manage relevant District Health Information Management Systems (DHIMS);
particularly producing top-end data. To participate in quality improvement
programmes and activities. Have insight and be able to conduct Ideal Health
Facility Realisation assessments. Have deep insight into OHSC processes and
prescripts. Conduct periodical clinical audits. Participate in staff & student
development activities. Exercise independent control over discipline, grievance
and labour relations issues according to the existing policies and procedures.
Identify, develop and exercise management of risk in the workplace. Liaise the
Sub District, District and all other essential stakeholders systems within the
unit. Uphold the Batho Pele and Patients’ Rights Principles.
ENQUIRIES : Mr SR Makua @ 079 872 6077; Monday to Friday, during office hours only
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023 @ 15h00
physical resources. Submission of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual
Therapeutic services reports, statistics and other administrative duties to
district and provincial Therapeutic services Directorate. Establish good working
relationships with other stakeholders within the district e.g. NGO’s, NPO’s,
Mental Health, Organizations for People with Disabilities etc. Coordinate and
ensure health Promotion, prevention and community intervention activities are
rendered in the district. Ensure continuous professional development activities.
Implementation of quality assurance policies and development of quality
improvement plans the unit is adhered to. Attend all relevant meetings at
District and Provincial levels. Provide support to sub district Therapeutics
services. Provide support to the sub district Therapeutic Services.
ENQUIRIES : Dr S.K Reinprecht Tel No: (012) 451 9290 & Mobile at 082 452 9845 (Monday-
Friday during working hours only 07h30-1600)
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane Health District, Fedsure Building, 3319 Cnr
Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0001. 1st Floor. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Nuclear Medicine
SALARY : R444 741 per annum, (plus benefits), (Please note that the salary will be
adjusted according to years of experience as per OSD policy).
CENTRE : Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate Qualifications that allows for the required registration with the
HPCSA in Nuclear Medicine Radiography. Registration with the HPCSA as
Diagnostic Radiographer. 4 (Four) years appropriate experience after
registration with the HPCSA as Diagnostic Radiographer. Knowledge and
skills: Sound knowledge of Nuclear Medicine procedures and equipment.
Clinical competency and dexterity in procedures. Good communication and
problem-solving skills. Knowledge of health and safety policies, regulations
and acts. Knowledge of quality assurance procedures and methods. Sound
knowledge of radiation safety and protection regulations.
DUTIES : Render effective patient centred Nuclear Medicine service for in-patients and
out-patients in adherence to the scope of practice health protocols. Assist in or
perform complex nuclear medicine procedures. Implement and maintain the
quality assurance and National Core Standards at departmental level. Perform
record keeping data collection, assist with budget control and assets
management. Participate in professional development of self, colleagues and
members of the inter-disciplinary team.
ENQUIRIES : Prof M.D. T.H. Vangu Tel No: (011) 488 3608
Ms M.P. Rapetswa Tel No: (011) 488 3711
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be submitted strictly on a (PDF Format only) to the
following email-address Please use the
reference as subject.
NOTE : The new Z83 must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83
special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and signed. On the Z83 the
Department where position was advertised it should state Department of
Health. According to Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a
fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae
should be recently updated that specifies the following: All experience should
be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and respective
dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the interview.
Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification (Reference checks- Provide
at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor and must be contactable,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates in possession of a foreign
qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) (Only when shortlisted). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. Institutions reserves
the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the
recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s).
The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department
of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People with
disabilities, Coloured Males, Coloured Females, Indian Males and Indian
Females are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Directorate: Nursing Department
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications: Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma /Degree) that allows
registration with South African Nursing Council (SANC). Current registration
with the council as a professional nurse and midwife with a minimum of 10
years after registration. Post basic diploma in Occupational Health Nursing
Science with a minimum experience of 4 years after registration with the South
African Nursing Council, of which a minimum experience of 2 years must be as
a Health and Safety Officer. Dispensing course certificate with a valid licence
Incumbent must be registered with South African Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health (SAIOSH/ The South African Institute for Occupational
Hygiene (SAIOH) and South African Council for the Project and Construction
Management Professions SACPMP). Skills: Good interpersonal and
communication skills (verbal and written), high level investigative skills, report
writing skills, planning ability, computer literacy, (including Excel, Word, Access
and PowerPoint. Critical thinking skills and creative problem solving, Self -
motivated and goal orientated. Analytical and solution orientated. Ability to
effectively communicated to technical and nontechnical personnel at various
levels in the organisation. Exposure to Hospital Environment and a valid
driver’s license will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Conduct Risk Assessment for the institution, provide recommendations and
participate in the implementation of those findings. Develop and implement a
Medical Surveillance Plan Programme for the institution and demonstrate
ability to work collaboratively in the successful implementation of the plan.
Develop a Wellness Programme for the institution that is aligned with the health
needs of the employees and use a Primary Healthcare Strategy for promoting
health at all levels of care. Applies the epidemiological process in the
surveillance of occupational diseases and injuries. Design programmes that
support a positive lifestyles and individual efforts and “right to know training “as
prescribed in the Occupational and Safety Act. Plan and Implement Health
Promotion campaigns within a team approach and participate in continuing
professional development sessions and demonstrates an understanding of
lifelong learning. Participate in the development of OHS committees including
and conduct meetings when necessary. Participate in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of disaster management and emergency care
programmes. Network and communicates across all levels within the facility,
including but not limited to, worker, labour unions, middle and senior
management. Conducts internal and auditing including Ideal Hospital
Realisation Framework to assess the quality of compliance within the institution
and participate in the development of QIP’S. Initiates, develop and implement
policies and protocols for proper management of the programme. Participate
in the development of the Business Plan for the unit and procurement of goods
and service related to OHS and develop financial management system. Identify
research needs and opportunities for the development of Occupational Health
for the benefit of the institution.
ENQUIRIES : Matron T Mquqo
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 application forms must be sent to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private
Bag X15, Braamfontein 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits
Oral Health Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital,
Area 255 Block 2 (Yellow Block), Parktown. No faxed applications will be
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees.
Certified copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest
required qualifications as well as and current proof of HPCSA where
necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human
Resources on or before the day of the interview date. Failure to do so will result
in your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be
accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA. Applications received
after the closing date will not be accepted. Please note that correspondence
will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The employer reserves
the right not to fill a position. Should you not be contacted within 3 months of
the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your application to be
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : (PN-B1) R431 265 - R497 193 per annum, plus benefits
(PN-B2) R528 696 - R645 720 per annum, plus benefits
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric. Basic R425 qualification (i.e., diploma or degree in nursing)
or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African
Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a
duration of at least 1 year in Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science Health
Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48) accredited with SANC. Grade 1:
minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade
2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least
10 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable
experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification as mentioned
above. Valid & unendorsed driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service in line with the
existing legislative prescripts. Provide more complex and advanced
comprehensive nursing treatment and care to patients in a cost effective,
efficient and equitable manner. Act as shift leader, plan and implement health
promotion and prevention activities. Link to the community structures and
community-based services. Collect data and submit reports. Provide PHC
services to other facilities in Sub-District 1 when needed. Competencies: Ability
to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper
nursing care. Effective communication with all stakeholders & report writing
aptitude. Work as part of the MDT to ensure good nursing care and outcomes.
Display uncompromising concern for patients, promoting and advocating
proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to
patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate an
understanding of nursing legislation and other related legal frameworks.
Competency in processes of the Ideal Health Facility Realisation Programme
as well as prescripts of the Office of the Health Standards Compliance (OHSC).
ENQUIRIES : Ms S.T. Dibakwane at 082 452 3882 (Monday to Friday; during working hours
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : (PN-B1) R431 265 - R497 193 per annum, plus benefits
(PN-B2) R528 696 - R645 720 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : (Phedisong 4 CHC X1)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric. Basic R425 qualification (i.e., diploma or degree in nursing)
or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African
Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a
duration of at least 1 year in Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science Health
Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48) accredited with SANC. Grade 1:
minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade
2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least
10 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable
experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification as mentioned
above. Valid & unendorsed driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service in line with the
existing legislative prescripts. Provide more complex and advanced
comprehensive nursing treatment and care to patients in a cost effective,
efficient and equitable manner. Act as shift leader, plan and implement health
promotion and prevention activities. Link to the community structures and
community-based services. Collect data and submit reports. Provide PHC
services to other facilities in Sub-District 1 when needed. Competencies: Ability
to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper
nursing care. Effective communication with all stakeholders & report writing
aptitude. Work as part of the MDT to ensure good nursing care and outcomes.
Display uncompromising concern for patients, promoting and advocating
proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to
patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate an
understanding of nursing legislation and other related legal frameworks.
Competency in processes of the Ideal Health Facility Realisation Programme
as well as prescripts of the Office of the Health Standards Compliance (OHSC).
ENQUIRIES : Ms S.T. Dibakwane at 082 452 3882 (Monday to Friday; during working hours
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : (PN-B1) R431 265 - R497 193 per annum, plus benefits
(PN-B2) R528 696 - R645 720 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : (Kgabo CHC X2)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric. Basic R425 qualification (i.e., diploma or degree in nursing)
or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African
Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a
duration of at least 1 year in Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science Health
Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48) accredited with SANC. Grade 1:
minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade
2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least
10 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable
experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification as mentioned
DUTIES : Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service in line with the
existing legislative prescripts. Provide more complex and advanced
comprehensive nursing treatment and care to patients in a cost effective,
efficient and equitable manner. Act as shift leader, plan and implement health
promotion and prevention activities. Link to the community structures and
community-based services. Collect data and submit reports. Provide PHC
services to other facilities in Sub-District 1 when needed. Competencies: Ability
to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper
nursing care. Effective communication with all stakeholders & report writing
aptitude. Work as part of the MDT to ensure good nursing care and outcomes.
Display uncompromising concern for patients, promoting and advocating
proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to
patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate an
understanding of nursing legislation and other related legal frameworks.
Competency in processes of the Ideal Health Facility Realisation Programme
as well as prescripts of the Office of the Health Standards Compliance (OHSC).
Valid & unendorsed driver’s license is essential.
ENQUIRIES : Ms S.T. Dibakwane at 082 452 3882 (Monday to Friday; during working hours
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : (PN-B1) R431 265 - R497 193 per annum, plus benefits
(PN-B2) R528 696 - R645 720 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : (Boikhutsong X1 Post)
(Maria Rantho X2 Posts)
(Tlamelong X1 Post)
(Phedisong 6 X1 Post)
(Jack Hindon X1 Post)
(Block X X2 Posts)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric. Basic R425 qualification (i.e., diploma or degree in nursing)
or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South African
Nursing Council (SANC) as Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a
duration of at least 1 year in Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science Health
Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48) accredited with SANC. Grade 1:
minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognisable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade
2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognisable experience after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least
10 years of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable
experience after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification as mentioned
above. Valid & unendorsed driver’s license is essential.
DUTIES : Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service in line with the
existing legislative prescripts. Provide more complex and advanced
comprehensive nursing treatment and care to patients in a cost effective,
efficient and equitable manner. Act as shift leader, plan and implement health
promotion and prevention activities. Link to the community structures and
community-based services. Collect data and submit reports. Provide PHC
services to other facilities in Sub-District 1 when needed. Competencies: Ability
to plan and organise own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper
nursing care. Effective communication with all stakeholders & report writing
aptitude. Work as part of the MDT to ensure good nursing care and outcomes.
Display uncompromising concern for patients, promoting and advocating
proper treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to
patients’ needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate an
understanding of nursing legislation and other related legal frameworks.
Competency in processes of the Ideal Health Facility Realisation Programme
as well as prescripts of the Office of the Health Standards Compliance (OHSC).
ENQUIRIES : Ms S.T. Dibakwane at 082 452 3882 (Monday to Friday; during working hours
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. No faxed
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Nursing
Resource Management on a supervisory level 7 and 8 within the Public
Service. Computer literacy (MS Word, MS Excel and PowerPoint). Knowledge
of and experience in PERSAL system. Knowledge of the Public Service Act,
Finance Management Act and Other legislative prescripts that govern Human
Resource Management. Knowledge of Human Resource administration
processes. Ability to communicate well with people at different levels and from
different backgrounds. Must be a customer- focused individual with excellent
planning, organizing (verbal and written) communication skills, good
interpersonal and presentation skills. Ability to interact at strategic level and
implement turn-around strategies. Must be able to manage and lead a team,
ability to multi-task and prioritise. Ability to work in high volume and highly
pressurised environment. Proven project management skills and good
supervisory and planning skills.
DUTIES : Manage and render effective personnel administration, salary administration,
recruitment and selection, appointments, promotions, transfers, housing
allowances, leave management, PILIR, terminations of service and PMDS,
(Performance Management and Development System). Manage and
administer all conditions of service practices by providing guidance to
subordinates to ensure compliance with Human Resource Legislative
Framework and Prescripts. Manage and implement of grade and pay
progression for professional and administrative cadres under both the
occupation specific dispensation (OSD) and Non – OSD categories, RWOPS;
Declaration of Financial Disclosure, monitor overtime capturing. Manage leave
and work attendance by staff. attendance Attend to audit queries and
implementation of the recommendations thereof. Provide training and support
in the Unit. Do other reasonable ad hoc exercises and task as and when
required to enhance service delivery in the district. Adhere to timelines on
projects and provide stats and monthly reports on deliverables. Co-ordinate
and provide training to subordinates and other employees of the district, as well
as induction training to new employees of the District on Benefits and Service
Conditions. Be willing to undergo continuous training and development. Attend
meetings and training programmes as approved and delegated by the Manager
Human Resource Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Rafedile Tel No: (012) 451 9203
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
DUTIES : Assess and treat all adult and/or paediatric patients with physical and/or
psychiatric disorders, within allocated clinical load. Assist with other clinical
loads as needed. Partake in allocated administrative duties. Adhere to
provincial, hospital and departmental policies, procedures, guidelines and
regulations. Participate in quality assurance methods. Communicate effectively
with all stakeholders. Follow the correct channels of communication. Oversee
allocated officials. Participate in CPD activities. Supervise OT students.
Exercise care with all consumables and equipment.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Soulsby Tel No: (011) 933 8187
APPLICATIONS : applications should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver
to Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human
Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag x01,
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
considered). Please use the reference as subject.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully completed (please
refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and
signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should
state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to
submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that
specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order
indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting
and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be
in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
DUTIES : Render effective, patient centred dietetics service in allocated health facilities
in adherence to scope of practice and health protocols. To work with
colleagues, relieve as and when the need arises and to work closely with the
interdisciplinary team members. Carry out delegated duties. To participate in
student training, supervision, and performance evaluation. Implement and
monitor Integrated Nutrition Programme (INP) strategies, including Vitamin A
supplementation, the Community Based Nutrition, Initiative, growth monitoring
and promotion, Mother Baby Friendly Initiative and Nutrition Counselling,
Support and Treatment. Provide nutrition promotion, advocacy, and education
to communities and counselling and advice to individuals for appropriate
nutrition and awareness. Technical support in facilities, including stock control
of nutritional supplements, equipment, and materials, as well as in-service
training of staff. Exercise care with all consumables and equipment. Perform
accurate record keeping, data collection and reporting on Nutrition indicators.
Participate in quality assurance methods and CPD activities. Communicate
effectively with all stakeholders. Adhere to Provincial, Facility and
Departmental policies, procedures, guidelines, and regulations. Strict
adherence to HPCSA and departmental policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Tsholofelo Nkhodi. Tel No. (012) 451 9022 / 9040
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, corner of Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria. Application box
at 1st floor in the reception area. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
NO: EHD2023/09/07
Directorate: Primary Health Care
SALARY : Grade 1 – Grade 3: R293 670 – R543 969 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District (NSDR)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Basic R425 qualification (i.e diploma /degree in Nursing) or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with South African Nursing
Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. Registration Certificate
with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Current registration with SANC as a
Professional Nurse. Good interpersonal skills. Report writing and problem-
solving skills. Knowledge of relevant policies, protocols and guidelines. Work
independently and as a team.
DUTIES : Assess and evaluate patients’ needs for care. Provide nursing interventions
accurately and keep record of all patient information. Implement physicians’
prescriptions, administer medication, start intravenous fluid and perform as
requested. Carry out daily task as delegated. Participate in quality
improvement activities in the facility. Keep and submit accurate weekly,
monthly and quarterly statistics/report. Collaborate with all health workers to
provide comprehensive care to all patients. Proper control of stock, medicine,
and equipment in appropriate records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms G.S Mateza Tel No (011) 565 - 5160
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin Street,
Germiston, 1400 at Ground Floor or posted to The Human Resource Manager,
Private Bag X1005, Germiston, 1400. No S&T claims and resettlement
allowance will be paid.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicant should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification,
criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment
verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. People with disability are encouraged to apply. Employment equity
profile will be taken into consideration.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : Grade 1 – Grade 3: R293 670 – R543 969 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District (ESDR)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Basic R425 qualification (i.e diploma /degree in Nursing) or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with South African Nursing
Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. Registration Certificate
with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Current registration with SANC as a
Professional Nurse. Good interpersonal skills. Report writing and problem-
solving skills. Knowledge of relevant policies, protocols and guidelines. Work
independently and as a team.
DUTIES : Assess and evaluate patients’ needs for care. Provide nursing interventions
accurately and keep record of all patient information. Implement physicians’
prescriptions, administer medication, start intravenous fluid and perform as
requested. Carry out daily task as delegated. Participate in quality
improvement activities in the facility. Keep and submit accurate weekly,
monthly and quarterly statistics/report. Collaborate with all health workers to
provide comprehensive care to all patients. Proper control of stock, medicine,
and equipment in appropriate records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N.M Xaba Tel No (011) 737 - 9700
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin Street,
Germiston, 1400 at Ground Floor or posted to The Human Resource Manager,
Private Bag X1005, Germiston 1400. No S&T claims and resettlement
allowance will be paid.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicant should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification,
criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment
verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. People with disability are encouraged to apply. Employment equity
profile will be taken into consideration.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : Grade 1 – Grade 3: R293 670 – R543 969 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District (SSDR)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Basic R425 qualification (i.e diploma /degree in Nursing) or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with South African Nursing
Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. Registration Certificate
with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Current registration with SANC as a
Professional Nurse. Good interpersonal skills. Report writing and problem-
solving skills. Knowledge of relevant policies, protocols and guidelines. Work
independently and as a team.
DUTIES : Assess and evaluate patients’ needs for care. Provide nursing interventions
accurately and keep record of all patient information. Implement physicians’
prescriptions, administer medication, start intravenous fluid and perform as
requested. Carry out daily task as delegated. Participate in quality
improvement activities in the facility. Keep and submit accurate weekly,
monthly and quarterly statistics/report. Collaborate with all health workers to
provide comprehensive care to all patients. Proper control of stock, medicine,
and equipment in appropriate records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P.T Mngomezulu at 082 412 2483
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin Street,
Germiston, 1400 at Ground Floor or posted to The Human Resource Manager,
Private Bag X1005, Germiston 1400. No S&T claims and resettlement
allowance will be paid.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicant should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification,
criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment
verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. People with disability are encouraged to apply. Employment equity
profile will be taken into consideration.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
Directorate: Pharmacy
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Directorate: Medicine and Psychiatry- (HAST Programmes)
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate or equivalent Certificate of Enrolment with the South African
Nursing Council as a Enrolled Nurse. Current Registration with the South
African Nursing Council. Minimum 2 years work experience in the HAST
programme. Experience in WBHCOT will be an added advantage.
Competencies /Knowledge /Skills: Computer literacy in the Microsoft package
(MS Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel & PowerPoint) Knowledge of the TB
TIER.Net module, EDRWEB Strengthen and support active TB case finding
programme. Knowledge of Ward Based linkage system. Knowledge of all
record systems in hast and TB programmes.
DUTIES : Screen and collect sputum for diagnostic purposes. Strengthen and support
active TB case finding and treatment. Coordinate activities that facilitate down
referral and linkage with health facilities and communities. Trace and Liaise
with the outreach teams for the follow up of all clients diagnosed with TB. Give
health education to patients on treatment and compliance. Ensure and
maintain accurate health information records on Hast and all TB programmes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr NB Mulaudzi Tel No: (011) 933 9779/0134
APPLICATIONS : applications should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver
to Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human
Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag x01,
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
considered). Please use the reference as subject.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully completed (please
refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialed and
signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should
state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to
submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that
specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order
indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting
and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be
in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Matric. Enrolled Nurse Certificate that allows registration with the
South African Nursing Council (SANC) as such. Proof of current registration
with the South African Nursing Council as an Enrolled/Staff Nurse (only when
shortlisted). Driver’s license will be an added advantage. Grade 1: No
experience required after registration as a Staff Nurse with SANC Grade 2: A
minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration a with the SANC as Staff Nurse Grade 3: A minimum of 20 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration with the
SANC as Staff Nurse Skills: Good Communication & Reporting (Verbal &
Written), Excellent time management, skills, Counselling, Interpersonal
Relations, Conflict Management, Decision-Making and Problem-solving skills.
Valid & unendorsed driver’s license is essential required (only when
shortlisted): Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures. Knowledge
of SANC Rules and Regulations and other relevant Legal Framework,
Knowledge of Quality Assurance programmes, display of uncompromising
concern for the welfare of patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment
and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patients’ needs,
requirements and expectations (Batho-Pele & Patient Rights).
DUTIES : Responsive and accountable stewardship of District Health Services by
overseeing to it that Annual Performance Plan targets are met by ensure safe,
effective, and quality-laden clinical nursing practice for patients. Ensure
effective implementation of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) relevant and
applicable to PHC. Uphold and maintain the Nursing Standards with regards
to PHC patients. Ensure effective communication according to hierarchy.
Ensure efficient utilization of resources. Demonstrate basic understanding of
nursing procedures. Demonstrate basic understanding of the legislative
framework protocols, policies governing the Public Service. Participate in
implementation of Ideal Health Facility realization. Maintain professional
growth /ethical standards and self-development. Execute other duties as shall
be so delegated by the Professional Nurse.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Theodore Dibakwane at 082 452 3882
APPLICATIONS : Documents must be submitted to Tshwane Health District Fedsure Building,
3319 Cnr Pretorius and Lilian Ngoyi Streets, Pretoria, 0002. Applications must
be submitted to first floor reception: Tshwane Health District Services,
3319Fedsure Forum Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria,
0002.No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
other operational managers. Monitor compliance with operational standards,
departmental policies, and practices. Any National Diploma (NQF 6)/
Bachelor’s Degree (NQF 7) in Health sciences field will be advantage,
postgraduate will be added advantage.
DUTIES : Ensure compliance to infection control procedures and perform inventory
control at the clinics. Have knowledge for dental equipment’s maintenance.
Make arrangements with a dental technician for equipment repairs. Ensure that
all clinics' stocks are ordered and delivered timeously. Direct dental assistants’
overtime and capture monthly statistics for overtime for all dental clinics. Assist
in recruitment and selection of dental assistant, provide training required for all
dental assistant in Tshwane. Provide trainings, hands on coaching and other
workforce developmental needs within the department. Conduct induction for
new recruits for dental assistant. Direct and assign employees as needed to
ensure all aspects of quality service delivery. Management of performance in
line with current regulations. Effective management and allocation of resources
in collaboration with supervisors at clinic level.
ENQUIRIES : Dr S.K Reinprecht Tel No: (012) 451 9290
APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to Tshwane District Health Services, 3319 Fedsure Forum
Building, Cnr Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, Pretoria 0001, Application Box,
First Floor Reception. No faxed applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents when applying but submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Medicine and Psychiatry- (HAST Programmes)
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
considered). Please use the reference as subject.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form. The application form is
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully completed (please
refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be initialled and
signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it should
state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to
submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that
specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological order
indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting
and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be
in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three
months. After the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of
Employment Equity; therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance
with the Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Directorate: Medicine, Psychiatric and Out Patient Department
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health
Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a medical officer. Current
registration with the HPCSA as a medical practitioner. Basic medical degree
(MBCHB) or equivalent). Post graduate qualification in Occupational Health
/Medicine (DOMH). Dispensing License and registered with HPCSA as an
Occupational Medical Practitioner.5 years’ experience in an Occupational
Health environment. A valid driver’s license and computer literacy is essential.
Grade 1: Less than 5 years relevant experience. Grade 2: At least 5 years, but
less than 10 years, relevant experience, Grade 3: 10 years and more relevant
DUTIES : The Occupational Medical Practitioner shall be responsible for: Establishing
and maintaining an appropriate system for medical surveillance, considering
the health hazards to which employees are or may be exposed to, providing
information to the employer can use in determining measures to: Eliminate,
control, and minimize the health risks and hazards to which employees may be
exposed or Prevent, detect, and treat occupational health diseases and Ensure
that records are kept as stipulated in the act for each employee exposed to
health hazards. Ensuring that occupational health services are well equipped,
take measures that reasonable to: i. Promote health and safety of employees
at Ekurhuleni Health District. Assist employees in matters relating to
occupational health medicine, Ensure that appropriate professional
assessment, investigation, and diagnosis of employees undergoing medical
surveillance takes place, Ensure that occupational health management
systems, including referral systems are in place and functional, Assess any
employee who is potentially unfit to perform work and if declared unfit for own
occupation, notify the employer and make recommendations for suitable
alternative placement. OMP must specify employee limitations/restrictions so
that employer may consider reasonable accommodation, If employee is
declared unfit as a result of an occupational health disease, notify employer
and ensure that investigation is carried as stipulated in the act. Where
applicable, assist workplace evaluations in conjunction with Occupational
Health Practitioners and Occupational Hygienist section 12.1 appointee,
Advise the employer on legal and regulatory compliance for all occupational
health and medicine issues. Ensure legal and regulatory compliance for
occupational health and medicine related issues that OMP is directly
responsible for. Ensure compliance with the Act responsible for record keeping
of all occupational health matters and securing confidentiality, Ensure
compliance with Medicine and Related Substances Act No 1011 of 1965, Allow
time for sites inspections and familiarization with activities. Assist employer on
instantiating medical boarding when required. Attend Medical Review and
PILIR meetings monthly. Facilitate and support the provision of primary health
care services in the district including clinics, Community health centres and
district hospitals as part of DHS. Improve clinical quality of PHC services
through direct patient care, mentoring and supervision of health care
professionals through an integrated approach programme. Participate in
24hour PHC services including Medico-legal and EMS. Support the
development of the clinical department of family medicine and participate in
academic teaching and learning in family medicine and PHC in the district.
Support the training and the CME activities for nurses, intern, and community
service doctors in the district. Support or participate in the development of
district research projects.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A.A. Mdunyelwa Tel No: (011) 876 – 1721
APPLICATIONS : should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin Street,
Germiston, 1400 or posted to The Human Resource Manager, Private Bag
X1005, Germiston, 1400. No S&T claims and resettlement allowance will be
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification,
criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment
verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Employment equity
profile will be taken into consideration.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
NOTE : Applications are not required to submit copies or qualifications and other
relevant documents when applying but submit fully completed New form Z83
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates for the post will be
required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following Communication with HR. If you have not been contacted within three
months. After the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of
Criminal Verification obtainable from the South African Police Service at their
own cost. The recommended candidates may be subject to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the principles of
Employment Equity; therefore, all the appointment will be made in accordance
with the Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
Communication from HR. If you have not been contacted within three months,
After the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
The recommended candidate/s may be subject to medical surveillance as
required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity;
therefore, all the appointments will be made in accordance with the
Employment Equity target of the department. No applications will be
considered after the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : R2 158 533 – R2 428 830 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package)
plus a 10% non-pensionable allowance applicable to Heads of Departments.
CENTRE : Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) and post graduate
qualification (NQF level 8) in Public Management or Business Administration.
8 to 10 years’ experience at Senior Managerial level of which 5 years must be
of SMS in the Public Service. Key Competencies: Proven ability to
operationalize and ensure compliance with legislation and policy development
at national, provincial and local level. Demonstrable experience in
management at an executive level. Knowledge understanding of government
priorities. Insight into Government’s Outcomes Based Approach, including
performance monitoring and evaluation. Strategic leadership, change
management and project management. Capabilities should include service
delivery innovation, exceptional reporting skills as well as the ability to
communicate eloquently, compliance with the Public Finance Management Act
(PFMA) and financial regulatory frameworks underpinning good governance in
South Africa. Excellent co-ordination, communication, networking, negotiation,
corporate governance and multi-tasking skills. Ability to work under pressure
and willingness to work long hours. Willingness to work irregular hours and
travel extensively.
DUTIES : Serve as Accounting Officer of the Department in accordance with the
provisions of the PFMA. Providing strategic leadership to the Department.
Overseeing the development, implementation and monitoring of organisational
programmes in line with organisational policies. Ensuring sound financial
management as well as application of ethics and good corporate governance
principles. Specific focus areas include the following: The successful
incumbent will be directly accountable to the member of the Executive Council
for the realization of Government priorities and Intergovernmental Programme
of Action. Ensuring operational efficiencies and strategic outputs of the
Department, agencies or special units associated with the Department. Ensure
the roll-out of a network infrastructure that will connect government facilities,
schools, hospitals, offices and economic zones. Create an enabling platform
and support service; enable GCR entities to deliver e-Government Research
and Development Services; establish a GCR e-Government Research and
Development governance structure to drive priorities, policies, standards and
regulations; promote the usage of e-Government Research and Development
services; stimulate the ICT economy through facilitating incubation and
innovation; and encourage public and private partnerships for the development
and roll-out of e-Government Research and Development services. Support
the Member of the Executive Council in his/her duties as political head of the
Department; and represent the department at various fora.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Pange Radebe Tel No: (011) 2985637
APPLICATIONS : should be sent through quoting
the relevant reference number to Human Resources Administration. No late
applications will be considered.
NOTE : Applicants should please note the following: The successful candidate will be
required to enter into an employment contract and conclude an annual
performance agreement with the Premier of Gauteng within three (3) months
of commencement of duty. The recommended/short-listed candidates will be
subjected to security clearance. Qualifications will be verified (it is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South
African Qualifications Authority, i.e. SAQA). The incumbent will be required to
disclose his/her financial interest in accordance with the prescribed regulations.
Qualifying applicants should submit their application form (Z83) which is
obtainable from any government department or on the,
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Failure to comply with these
instructions will disqualify applications from being processed. Correspondence
will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted
within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. NB. Requirement for all senior management
positions: Nyukela Programme: Pre-entry Certificate to Senior Management
Services as endorsed by DPSA which is an online course, endorsed by the
National School of Government (NSG). The course is available at the NSG
under the name Certificate for entry into the SMS and the full details can be
sourced by the following link:
pre-entry-programme. No appointment will take place without the successful
completion of the pre-entry certificate and submission of proof thereof.
Qualifying applicants should submit their application on the New Application
Form (Z83), found on, Received applications using the
incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each
application for employment form must be fully completed, duly signed and
initialled by the applicant. Failure to sign this form may lead to disqualification
of the application during the selection process. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV (with detailed current and previous work
experience including dates). The communication from the HR of the
Department regarding the requirements of the certified qualifications, ID,
Drivers licence etc. will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore, only
shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following the communication
from HR. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the
application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed
candidates only. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive, applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not be contacted
within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your
application to be unsuccessful. The Gauteng Office of the Premier reserves the
right to cancel the filling/ not to fill any vacancy that was advertised during any
stage of the recruitment process.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
ERRATUM: Kindly note that the following post were advertised in Public
Service Vacancy Circular 32 dated 08 September 2023, The Administration
Clerk (Mortuary) (X1 Post) with Ref No: MURCH 32/2023 (For UGU Health
District: Murchison Hospital) is hereby withdrawn. Kindly note that the
following post was advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 32 dated 08
September 2023.The Clinical Programme co-ordinator (Quality Assurance)
with Ref No: ILE 14/2023 (X1 Post), (For ILembe District office) has been
withdrawn. Kindly note that the position of Ultrasound
Radiographer/Sonographer with Ref No: GJGM61/2023 (X1 Post) and
Diagnostic Radiographer with Ref No: GJGM60/2023 (X1 post) that was
advertised on Public Service Vacancy Circular 31 dated 01 September 2023
(For General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital), includes the
following other benefits: 13thCheque, Medical Aid – optional, 12% inhospitable
allowance, Home owner allowance, employee must meet prescribed
requirements. Kindly note that the following post was advertised in Public
Service Vacancy Circular 32 dated 08 September 2023, Professional Nurse -
Specialty (Peads): (X1 Post) Ref No: CTK 31/2023 (For Harry Gwala Health
District: Christ The King Hospital) have been withdrawn.
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 214 805 per annum. Salary package is subject to OSD
determination plus commuted overtime depending on needs of the
CENTRE : Various (KZN):
Sub-Speciality Training in the following sub-specialties:
Sub-Specialty: Cardiology Ref No: S05/2023 (X2 Posts)
Infectious Diseases Ref No: S06/2023 (X1 Post)
Diabetes and Endocrinology Ref No: S07/2023 (X1 Post)
Clinical Haematology Ref No: S08/2023 (X1 Post)
Rheumatology Ref No: S09/2023 (X1 Post)
REQUIREMENTS : Tertiary qualification (MBCHB) or equivalent; PLUS current registration for
Independent Practice as a Medical Specialist with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa, Valid driver’s license. Preference will be given to
candidates with at least two (2) years’ experience as a specialist. Basic
knowledge of the relevant sub-speciality, basic knowledge of Medical Practice
Ethics, clinical skills relevant to the sub-speciality, ability to manage patients
independently, ability to learn, innovate and be prepared to work overtime,
good interpersonal and communication skills, good administrative and
organizational skills, good decision-making ability, knowledge of the ethical
and academic basics of research principles and an interest in conducting
research, knowledge and respect of the Patients’ Rights Charter and Batho
Pele Principles.
DUTIES : Participation in academic and teaching programmes and meetings in the
respective departments, responsibility for care of patients at designated
levels/sites, e.g. outpatients, wards, theatres, ICUs etc., clinical management
of patients in the relevant sub-speciality, attendance at ward rounds and/or
tutorials, supervision and teaching of undergraduates, registrars, medical
officers, nursing and ancillary staff, provision of after-hours care for emergency
services, clerking and keeping of comprehensive records of patients in the
hospital file, outreach activities as deemed necessary by the clinical supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Rolize Erasmus Tel No: (033) 395 2742
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be addressed to Mrs R Erasmus, Human Resource
Management Services, Registrar Programme, Department of Health, Private
Bag X9051, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or hand deliver to Mrs R Erasmus, Human
Resource Management Services, Registrar Programme, 330 Langalibalele
Street, Natalia Building, Room 6-106 South Tower
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs R Erasmus Human Resources Tel No: (033) 395 2742
NOTE : All trainees will be expected to register with the University of KwaZulu Natal at
their own expense. All trainees will be required to sign a contract which includes
training and service responsibilities. Trainees will be required to complete
Performance Agreements and assessments as stipulated by the Department.
The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Form Z.83), which is obtainable at any Government Department OR from the
website - Comprehensive CV (with detailed
experience) with full record of service, stating duties performed/performing and
years of experience written in full e.g. 01/01/2022. Copies of Qualifications,
Registration Certificates and drivers licence must not be submitted when
applying for employment. Only shortlisted candidates will be requested to bring
certified copies on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number
must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83. Applicants are
discouraged from sending applications through registered mail because the
Department will not be responsible for non-collection of these applications. No
late applications will be accepted. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have
foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA). Non- SA Citizens/ Permanent Residents / Work permit holders must
provide documentary proof on or before the day of the interview. Failure to
comply may result in the application not being considered. The appointments
are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency
(SSA) to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance,
credit records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by
SAQA, verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from
the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Faxed / emailed
applications will not be considered. Persons with disabilities should feel free to
apply for the post/s. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify
applicants. If you have not been contacted within three months of the closing
date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. Whilst applications are invited for the above sub-specialties, not
all may be filled. Applicants will be advised in due course, should a sub-
specialty which has been applied for be excluded from this process. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is
to promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R1 045 731 per annum, all-inclusive package. Other Benefits: Rural allowance
on a claim basis.
CENTRE : Amajuba Health District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. A basic qualification (i.e diploma/degree in
Nursing) or an equivalent qualification that allows registration with the South
African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse. Plus A post-basic
Nursing qualification with a duration of at least 1 (one) year accredited with the
SANC in a relevant speciality; ( Diploma in Nursing Science Health
Assessment ,Treatment and Care) Plus A minimum of 10 (ten) years
appropriate / recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing: At least 6 (six) years of
the referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience in the
specific specialty after obtaining the one-year post basic qualification in the
relevant specialty. At least 4 (four) years of the referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience at management level. (Minimum of 6
years as an Assistant Manager Nursing). Valid code EB Driver’s License
(code8). (Applicants are not submitting copies/attachments/
proof/certificates/ID/Driver license/qualifications on application, only when
shortlisted). Knowledge, Skills, Behavioural Attributes and Competencies
Required: Knowledge: Own discipline. Relevant legislation, regulations and
policies, Programme planning, implementation and evaluation. Information
Management, Quality assurance and improvement programmes. Programme
planning, and evaluation. Information management. Human resources and
financial management skills: Leadership. Communication. Problem solving.
Computer literacy. Behavioural Attributes: Stress tolerance, Self confidence.
Objective. Emphatic.
DUTIES : Represent own discipline as member of Clinical Specialist Team responsible
for the delivery of quality health care for mothers, new born and children at all
levels within a health District. Promote equitable access to an appropriate level
of care mothers, new born and children throughout the district. Maintain
personal competency in own clinical discipline. Supports clinical effectiveness
in all facilities through supporting outreach programs and developments,
dissemination or implementation of clinical protocols and standard treatment
guidelines aligned with national norms and standards. Facilitate and participate
in the development, training and mentorship of health professionals in all
facilities within the district. Facilitate and participate in the development,
training and mentorship of nursing and allied health professionals and
community workers under their supervision. Work with the district management
team to establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health
information, communication and referral guidelines and process to support the
delivery of services. Provide support to ensure appropriate infrastructure,
equipment, resources and sundries for the provision of quality clinical care.
Assist, support and participate in risk management activities for patients (e.g.
critical event analysis, morbidity and mortality meetings) practitioner (e.g.
infection control) and the organization (e.g. performance reviews). Assist,
support and participate in the clinical audits and quality improvement cycles in
health facilities and, where appropriate, in community settings such as schools
and Ward based Primary Health Care teams. Implement effective monitoring
and evaluation processes, effective use of data and appropriate reporting on
outputs and health outcomes. Assist, support and participate in relevant
research. Foster effective teamwork and collaborate within the district
specialist team and with other professionals in the district involved in the
delivery of Primary Health Care. Enable engagement with the local community
and relevant non-government organizations, promoting adherence to district
clinical and public health guidance as appropriate. Facilitate and ensure
effective communication with all management structures within the district, the
regional and tertiary hospitals relevant as well as the provincial Department of
Health. Present regular reports on activities, health services and programmes.
Assist with strategic and operational planning of services in the district and/or
catchment area of the regional hospitals-coordinate and supervise discipline
related services with the district. Assist with the recruitment and management
of relevant human resources.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Amet Tshabalala Tel No: (034) 328 7000
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Acting Deputy Director: Human
Resource Management Services: KZN Department of Health, Private Bag
X6661, Newcastle, 2940 or Hand delivered to: 38 Voortrekker Street,
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) This is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the
website form (Z83) must be accompanied
by detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other documents on application but must submit the Z83 and
a detailed Curriculum, Vitae. Certified copies of qualifications, proof of
registration and other relevant documents will be requested from the shortlisted
candidates only which may be submitted to HR on or before the day of the
interview. Original signed letter from your current employer, confirming current
and appropriate work experience related to the requirements and
recommendation of the advert (only when shortlisted). The Reference Number
must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB:
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully
informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within 3 months after
the closing date, they must accept that their applications were unsuccessful.
Please note due to financial constraints, there will be no payment for S&T
claims. Employment Equity Target for this post is African Male, and peoples
with disability may feel free to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R930 747 per annum, (all-inclusive package). Other Benefits: 12% Rural
CENTRE : Othobothini Community Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / STD 10/ Grade12. Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma/
degree in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
SANC as a Professional Nurse. A minimum of 9 years
appropriate/recognizable nursing experience after registration as Professional
Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 4 years of the period referred
to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience at management level.
Current registration with SANC (2023 Receipt). Valid Driver’s Licence.
Recommendation: Degree / Diploma in Nursing Administration. NB: All
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of work experience
endorsed and stamped by employer/s prior to the date of the interview.
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of
Nursing Care process and procedures, nursing statuses and other relevant
legal frameworks such as Nursing Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act,
Patients; Rights Charter, Batho-Pele Principles, etc. Sound Management,
negotiations, interpersonal and problem solving skills. Good verbal and written
communication skills. Sound working knowledge of nursing management.
Knowledge of HR and Financial Policies and practices such as Skills
Development Act, Public Service Regulations, Labour Relations Act including
disciplinary procedures. Basic Financial Management Skills. Demonstrate an
in Depth understanding of Nursing Legislation and related legal and ethical
practices. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Provide guidance and leadership towards the realization of strategic goals and
objectives. Support and promote relevant research. Lead change in the
Nursing. Delegate, Supervise and coordinate the provision of effective efficient
quality of care. Ensure the promotion of nursing ethos and professionalism.
Manage and utilize resources in accordance with relevant directives and
legislation. Establish, maintain and participate in inter-professional and multi-
disciplinary teamwork that promotes efficient and effective health care. Utilize
information technology and other management information system to manage
nursing information for the enhancement of service delivery. Develop and
monitor the implementation of policies, programmes, regulations, practices,
Procedures and Standards pertaining to nursing care. Ensure the
implementation of Nursing Care Management activities according to the
standards of Practice and Scope of Practice. Provide Professional, Technical
and Management support for the provision of Quality Patient Care through
proper Management of Nursing Care Programs. Represent Nursing
Department in the Senior Management Team.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. D.S Mkhwanazi Tel No: (035) 572 9002
APPLICATIONS : Please forward applications quoting reference number to: Human Resource
Management Service, Othobothini CHC, Private Bag X12, Jozini, 3969 or hand
deliver to Othobothini CHC, HR Department.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z83),
which is obtainable at any Government Department or from website- Curriculum Vitae (CV). Only shortlisted candidates will
submit copies of ID, Std 10 Certificate, educational qualifications, Certificate of
service/Proof of experience signed by HR officer. People with disabilities
should feel free to apply. Reference numbers must be indicated on the space
provided. Please note that appointment will be subject to positive outcome
obtained from NIA on the following checks: security clearance, credit record,
qualifications, citizenship, and previous experience verification. Should you not
hear from us three months after the closing date, please accept that your
application was not successful. African Males are most welcome to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Cluster: Maternal Child and Women’s Health and Nutrition
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), an all-inclusive MMS salary package
CENTRE : Head Office: Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate (Grade 12) Plus An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level
7 or Diploma (NQF6) in Nursing. Medicine (MBChB) Plus Registration SANC
or HPCSA Plus A minimum of 3-5 years as an Assistant Director Plus Five (5)
years’ experience after registration with professional body in Maternal, Child
and Women’s Health Programme PLUS Valid code EB Driver’s License (code
8) Plus Computer literacy Recommendations: A Masters in Public Health or
similar in research will be a great advantage. NB: All shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit proof of work experience endorsed and stamped by the
employer/s prior to the date of the interview. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competencies Required: Job Purpose: To promote the right to Sexual and
Reproductive Health (SRH) for women and adolescent girls, and guide
provincial and district policy makers and Programme managers in
implementing quality effective integrated, comprehensive SRH services which
are standardized across the province. This must include access to an
appropriate method-mix of voluntary contraceptive options for all women and
girls at risk of pregnancy; coverage of first and second trimester termination of
pregnancy services; companionate and professional care for victims of sexual
assault; effective cervical and breast screening and treatment Programme;
access for Department of Health clinical staff to training in women’s health
knowledge and skills; comprehensive data collection, analysis and strategic
planning in the field of women’s health. The Ideal candidate must possess the
following: Technical knowledge on women’s health policies, Knowledge of the
current health and public health services legislation, Financial management
skills, Project management skills, Understanding of epidemiology and
statistics, Leadership skills, including Good communication, decision making
and clinical skills, Possess sound knowledge of human resources,
Management skills, including budgeting, planning, implementation, and quality
assurance. Note: candidates will only be considered if they are willing to
actively promote comprehensive coverage of Choice on Termination of
Pregnancy (CTOP) services across the province. Those with a conscientious
objection to CTOP services cannot be considered for this post.
DUTIES : Develop, review and ensure implementation of relevant policies and
guidelines: Performance standard, Update existing provincial women’s health-
related guidelines and policies, Develop new guidelines and policies for the
Province in response to identified issues in women’s health field, Provide
guidance to districts regarding best practices for women’s health coordinators;
Identify women’s health advocacy needs according to priorities; Develop and
implement strategies to reduce women’s health-related morbidity and mortality:
Performance standard; Develop annual strategy for each key area of
Programme (family planning/contraceptive services; CTOP services; cervical
screening; sexual assault); Report on key activities conducted aligned to these
strategies; Facilitate engagement on programme performance at women’s
health management and provincial quarterly meetings; To provide technical
support and capacity building at the district Performance standard; Facilitate
district-specific women’s health issues; Support the districts in devising district
plans to address district-specific women’s health issues; Provide technical
assistance to district and facility management team; conduct outreach support
visits (on site or virtual to all districts) with priority given to districts with poorest
performance; Facilitate training in all key areas of women’s health Programme;
Monitoring and evaluation of policies and strategic planning: Performance
standard; Reviews and update women’s health data elements; Quarterly
reports prepared with remedial actions; Women’s health data improved;
Analysis of women’s health indicator performance with the team; Compile and
submit quarterly women’s health performance reports; Monitor quarterly the
implementation of women’s health policy recommendations; Improve
partnership with the community: Performance standard; Ensure working
relationship with the NGO’s; Ensure community activities; Conduct relevant
campaigns to promote women’s health in the community (e.g. pap smear drive)
Undertake other managerial and administration duties: Performance standard
;Completion of women’s health administrative task; EPMDS completed
;Compile DORA Report; Reports submitted on request; Supervise, support and
input into district women’s health activities; Support HR women’s health
Programme related trainings and workshops; Participate in provincial and
district interviews as panel member.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. M Netshinombelo Tel No: (033) 395 2740
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Chief Director: Human Resource
Management Services: KZN Department of Health, Private Bag X9051,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand delivered to: 330 Langalibalele Street, Natalia
Building, Registry, Minus 1:1 North Tower
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) which must be originally signed, initialled and dated. Applications
received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required information
on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all information
will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be accompanied by
a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to positive
outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must
be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to
provide proof of such evaluation at request if shortlisted. Applicants: Please
ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no late
applications will be considered. It would be appreciated if you can attach
course certificates only applicable to the post requirements. If you apply for
more than 1 post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply
for. Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 03 October 2023
POST 33/294 : PHARMACIST GRADE 1&2 REF NO: EB25/2023 (X1 POST)
SALARY : Grade 1: R768 489 – R814 437 per annum, all-inclusive package in terms of
Grade 2: R830 751 – R880 521 per annum, all-inclusive package in terms of
CENTRE : East Boom CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Matric / Grade 12 certificate or equivalent, Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)
Degree, Current Registration as a Pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy
Council (SAPC) (2023), Current annual fee payment to SAPC (2023), Proof of
work experience as a registered pharmacist, endorsed and stamped by your
Human Resources Department (Proof will only be required from shortlisted
candidates), Locum experience must include letters of service, stating relevant
period of experience, indicating number of hours per day or if is full time Proof
will only be required from shortlisted candidates, Non-South African citizen
applicants need to have a valid work permit in compliance with HR Circular 49
of 2008 obtainable from any government department. Grade 1: South African
Qualified persons, registration with the South African Pharmacy Council after
Community Service has been completed. Foreign qualification, one (1) year
relevant experience after registration as a pharmacist with a recognized foreign
health professional council in respect of foreign qualified employees of whom
it is not required to perform community service as required in South Africa.
Grade 2: Five (5) years relevant experience after registration with SAPC as a
pharmacist. Six (6) years relevant experience after registrations as a
pharmacist with a recognized foreign health professional council in respect of
foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required to perform community
service as required in South Africa. Knowledge, Skills, Trainings and
Competencies Required for the post: Knowledge and understanding of the
legislation, policies and regulations pertaining to Pharmacy Practice, Control
of Medicines, Public Service and Public Finance Management, among others,
Knowledge of Pharmacy pertaining to OHSC and SAPC audit structures,
Appropriate clinical knowledge and experience in all aspects of Medicine
Supply Management, Good communication skills, leadership, decision-making
and problem solving qualities, Ability to apply principles of Clinical and
Corporate Governance, Proficiency in Microsoft Office Software, Good
supervisory, analytical, team building skills, project and time management
skills, Commitment to service excellence, Willingness to register as a tutor with
the South African Pharmacy Council.
DUTIES : Provision of pharmaceutical care for all patients within the Msunduzi Central
Sub-District, Ensure effective and efficient functioning of the supported PHC
Clinics Pharmaceutical Processes, Perform duties of a Pharmacist,
maintaining and improving the quality of patient care as a member of the
multidisciplinary team, Promote Public Health, Quality, Priorities, Patients’
Rights Charter and Batho Pele Principles, Evaluation of the patient medicine
related needs by determining the indication, safety and effectiveness of the
prescribed therapy, Furnishing of information and advice to any person,
regarding the safety, effectiveness and use of medicine, Provision of
comprehensive patient counselling and liaison with clinicians to ensure optimal
therapeutic outcomes, Ensure medicine availability through implementation of
all aspects of Medicine Supply Management [Demand Management,
Procurement, Logistics and Distribution] within the Msunduzi Central Sub-
District, Ensure that section 21 medicine procedures are adhere to by health
professionals and schedule 5 and 6 registers are balanced and maintained,
Assist to implement and monitor adherence to standard operating procedures,
OHSC, SAPC and Ideal Community Health Centre and Clinics norms and
standards, and other statutory regulations, Management of resources in the
Pharmacy (including human resources), Supervising, evaluating and
managing performance for all categories of staff in the allocated and delegated
section, including Outreach, Compiling of reports for submissions to the
Pharmacy Management, Deputize for the Assistant Manager: Pharmaceutical
Services and Sectional Heads when required, Attend to performance
management, discipline and counselling of staff, Provide support to East Boom
CHC departments as well as EB CHC down-referral clinics, Tutoring of Intern
Pharmacists and Learner Pharmacist Assistants, Perform all duties within the
scope of a pharmacist, according to the South African Pharmacy Council,
Compliance with the Performance Management and Development System
(contracting, quarterly reviews, and final assessment), Perform any other
duties/ tasks as may be deemed necessary by the Pharmacy Management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Majozi Tel No: (033) 264 3201
APPLICATIONS : to be submitted, East Boom CHC Private Bag X4018, Willowton,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201 or hand delivered to 541 Boom Street,
Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Practices
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit fully completed Z83 form and
detailed curriculum vitae, only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R768 489 – R769 368 per annum. Other Benefit: 13th Cheque (service bonus)
Plus 17% rural allowance medical aid: optional. Housing allowance: employee
must meet prescribe requirements.
CENTRE : Manguzi Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 Certificate. Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree / Diploma, Registration as
pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy Council. Current registration with
South African Pharmacy Council for 2023. Valid driver's license. NB: All
shortlisted will be requested to provide certificate of service endorsed by
Human Resource Department. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
Required: Thorough understanding and knowledge of the relevant Acts, Good
Pharmacy practices, the national drug policy, District Health System and
essential drug list. Sound knowledge of work processes and procedures in the
pharmacy department. Good communication, organizational and interpersonal
skills. Computer literacy. Ability to manage conflict and apply discipline. Ability
to work under pressure. Commitment to service excellence with sound decision
making, ethical and innovative skills.
DUTIES : Provide accurate, efficient cost and quality pharmaceutical services. Provide
comprehensive pharmaceutical services for inpatients and outpatient sections.
Provide expert and professional advice regarding medicine information,
counselling and education services to health care professionals and patients.
Assist with management of human, financial and material resources in the
pharmacy. Maintain accurate and appropriate patient’s records and statistics.
Supervise Pharmacist interns, Pharmacist Assistants. Exercise rational
medicine use and participate in PTC activities. Ensure maintenance of cold
chain in the pharmacy and satellite clinics. Monitor expenditure of
pharmaceuticals to prevent over expenditure and wastage of pharmacy
resources. Provide adequate pharmaceutical support to all clinics attached to
the hospital. Provide training to Pharmacist Interns and Pharmacist Assistants.
Perform management duties when required. Organize and control the
prepacking and compounding of pharmaceutical products. Ensure compliance
with Good Pharmacy Practice, Norms and Standards, policies and procedures.
Provision of pharmaceutical services after normal working hours.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. NT Ngubane Tel No: (035) 592 0150
APPLICATIONS : should be forwarded to: Mr. N.T Ngubane, Assistant Director: HRM, Manguzi
District Hospital, Private Bag X301, KwaNgwanase, 3973.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application must be accompanied
by new Z83 form, obtainable from any Public Service Department, or
obtainable at ( and a recent updated Comprehensive
Curriculum Vitae (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed i.e.
positions held and dates). In the case of foreign qualification: it must be
accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA) or other regulating bodies to their applications if shortlisted.
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on
or before the day of the interviews following communication from the
department failure to submit the requested document/ information will result in
your application not be considered. Applicants are respectfully informed that, if
no notification of appointment is received within 3 months after the closing date,
they must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in
the Public Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a
notch/package above the minimum as that of the advertised post are free to
apply. This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer,
whose aim is to promote representative in all levels of all occupational
categories in the Department. The appointment is subject to positive outcome
obtained from the NIA to the following checks: Security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications.
Failures to comply with the above instructions will results to your application
being disqualified. Note: Due to financial constraints S&T Claims will not be
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R627 474 - R703 752 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque Rural
Allowance is compulsory Homeowner’s allowance must meet Prescribed
CENTRE : Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/Senior certificate, An appropriate B Degree/Diploma in General
nursing .Post basic diploma in Trauma & Emergency Nursing Science or
Orthopedic Nursing Science, Minimum of 9 years appropriate/recognizable
nursing experience after registration as Professional nurse with SANC in
General Nursing with 4 year post basic qualification in Trauma & Emergency
/Orthopedic Nursing Science (no attachments/copies/certified
copies/proof/certificates on application, only Z83 and CV, applicants will submit
documents only when shortlisted). Knowledge, Skills Training and
Competencies Required: Leadership, organizational, decision making,
supervisory and problem solving abilities within the limit of the Public sector
and institutional policy framework, Knowledge of nursing care process and
procedures, Nursing statutes and other relevant legal framework, Ability to
formulation patient’s care related policies, vision, mission and objectives of the
component, Communication and interpersonal skills including Public Relations,
negotiating, coaching, conflict handling and counselling skills Finical and
Budgetary, Knowledge pertaining relevant resources under management,
Insight into procedures and policies pertaining relevant resources under
programmes. Willingness to work shift, day and night duty, weekends and
Public holidays, Competencies (knowledge/ skills), Good communications and
interpersonal skills, planning and organizational skills.
DUTIES : Provide optimal, holistic specialized nursing care according to set standards
and a professional/legal growth. Provide comprehensive, quality nursing care
to patient/clients in a specialty unity in a cost effective, efficient manner. Assist
in decreasing burden of diseases. Assist in planning, organizing and monitoring
of objective of the specialized unit and OPD. Manage all resources within the
unit effectively and efficiently to ensure optimum service delivery. Able to plan
and organize own work and that support personnel to ensure proper nursing
care. Display concern for patient, promoting and advocating proper treatment
and care including awareness and willingness to respond to patient needs,
requirement and expectation (Batho Pele). Able to manager clients during
disaster and implement disaster plans. Work as part of the multidisciplinary
team to ensure good nursing care. Demonstrate effective communication with
patient, supervisors and other clinicians including report writing when required
ensure compliance with all national, provincial and professional prescripts in
order to render a safe patient service and improve client’s satisfaction.
Participate in the analysis and formulation of nursing policies and procedure.
Assist in EPMDS evaluation of staff within the unit and participate in monitoring
the training need of staff. Provide direct and indirect supervision of all staff
within the unit and give guidance. Order and monitor appropriate level of
consumables. Ensure that equipment in the unit is adequate and is checked
and in working order. Provide for a safe therapeutic and hygiene environment.
Work effectively and amicably at supervisory level, with persons of diverse
intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Demonstrate and
understanding of Human Resource and Financial management policies and
procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care management of all patients and
ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. T. P. Ndlovu Tel No: (034) 271 6400
APPLICATIONS : All application should be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, 92 Hlubi
Street C. J. M. Hospital Nqutu, Private Bag X5503, Nqutu, 3135.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Due to financial constraints no S&T or relocation costs will be paid for attending
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
at an optimal level and delivered in a cost effective manner. Promote patient
care practices and professional performance that is regularly assessed using
valid and reliable criteria. Monitor, evaluate and report on delivery of quality
care at the institution including clinical care, waiting times and client experience
of care. Monitor implementation of plans to promote clean audits. Ensure
efficient and effective utilization of resources allocated to the component,
inclusive of the development of staff. Monitor and evaluate staff performance
(EPMDS) and deal with identified developmental needs. Exercise control over
discipline and manage grievances and staff conflicts in terms of laid down
policies and procedures.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Z.C. Mzobe Tel No: (033) 506 7008
APPLICATIONS : all applications should be forwarded to: The Chief Executive Officer:
Montebello Hospital, P/Bag X506, Dalton, 3236.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) which must be originally signed, initialled and dated. Applications
received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required information
on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all information
will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be accompanied by
a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to positive
outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must
be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to
provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure
that you submit your application before the closing date as no late applications
will be considered. It would be appreciated if you can attach course certificates
only applicable to the post requirements. If you apply for more than 1 post,
submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Should you not
be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please
consider your application to be unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
49/2023 (X1 POST)
SALARY : R497 193 per annum, (all –inclusive package). Plus 12% rural allowance, 13th
Cheque, Medical aid (optional) and housing Allowance (employee must meet
the prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (KwaZulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10/ Grade 12. Diploma / Degree in General Nursing. Registration with
the SANC as a Professional Nurse. A minimum of 7 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
professional nurse. Current Registration with SANC as a General Nurse.
Knowledge Skills Training and Competencies Required: Advanced knowledge
and skills of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes and
other relevant legal framework. Strong interpersonal, communication and
presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions, problem solving and
conflict resolution. Ability to prioritize issues and other work related matters and
to comply with time frames. Insight into the public health sector strategies and
priorities including nursing strategy, standard procedure and policies pertaining
to nursing care. Basic computer skills.
DUTIES : Provide a safe therapeutic environment that allows for the practice of safe
nursing care as laid by the Nursing Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act
and all other applicable prescripts. Demonstrate effective communication with
patients and other health professionals and junior colleagues including
complex report writing as required. Display a concern for patients, promoting,
advocating and facilitating proper treatment and care and ensuring that the unit
adheres to the principles of Batho Pele. Manage and monitor proper utilization
of human, financial and physical resources. Develop and implement quality
assurance programs, policies, operational plan, standard operating procedures
and guidelines for the unit. Improve quality care through reduction of patient
complaints. Promote quality of nursing care as directed by the professional
scope of practice and standards as determined by the institution and other
regulating bodies. Develop/establish and maintain constructive working
relationship with nursing and other stakeholders. Ensure that infection control
and prevention policies are implemented in the unit. Supervise and ensure the
provision of an effective and efficient patient care through adequate nursing
care. Develop, monitor and evaluate staff in terms of EPMDS. Exercise control
over discipline, grievance and all labour relations issues. Perform both clinical
and administrative duties as required. Attend to meetings and workshops as
directed. Adhere to correct channels of communication as per the hospital
ENQUIRIES : Ms. S.T Gumede (Assistant Nurse Manager) Tel No: (035) 595 3101
Email address:
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602
Ubombo 3970.Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital Ubombo Main Road.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer and preference will be given to previously disadvantaged
groups.It is the Department’s to intension to promote to equity (race, gender
and disability) through the filing of this post with a candidate whose transfer/
promotion / appointment will promote representatively in line with the numeric
targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : R497 193 – R559 686 per annum. Other Benefits: Home Owner Allowance
(conditions apply), 13th Cheque (conditions apply), Medical Aid (Optional), In-
hospital Area Allowance (8% of basic salary)
CENTRE : Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in General Nursing and
Midwifery) that allows registration with the ‘South African Nursing Council’
(SANC) as a Professional Nurse. Certificates of Registration with the SANC
(General Nursing and Midwifery). Current registration with the SANC (2023).
Experience: a minimum of 7 years appropriate/ recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing. Recommendation: Computer literacy. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competencies: Demonstrate an in depth understanding of nursing legislation
and related legal and ethical nursing practices. Possess communication skills
for dealing with patients, supervisors and other members of the
multidisciplinary team including the writing of reports when required. Good
human relations displaying a concern for patients, promoting and Advocating
proper treatment and care including a willingness and awareness to respond
to patient’s needs, requirements and expectations (Batho Pele). Demonstrate
a basic understanding of HR and Financial policies and practices. Demonstrate
basic computer literacy as a support tool to enhance service delivery. Ability to
plan and organise own work, time and that of support personnel to Ensure
proper nursing care in the unit.
DUTIES : Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team to ensure good nursing care that is
cost effective, equitable and efficient in outpatient services. Perform a quality
comprehensive clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope of
practice and nursing standards as determined legislative framework and
national Core Standards and Office of Health Standard Compliance. Perform
duties within the ambits of legal framework as required. Ensure compliance to
professional and ethical practice. Work effectively and amicably at a
supervisory level with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious
differences. Perform duties as delegated by the supervisor and relief duties of
the assistant nurse manager’s office as required. Ensures implementation of
programs relevant to the area of speciality. Serves in quality improvement, IPC
and Health and Safety committees. NB: Must be prepared to work shift as per
allocation; includes night shift, weekends and Public Holidays.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs R.M Abboo Tel No: (031) 907 8518
APPLICATIONS : to be forwarded to: The Human Resource Manager OR Hand deliver to A-Block
1st Floor white applications box. Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital, Private
Bag X07, Mobeni, 4060
NOTE : The applicant must submit a fully completed Z83 form and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae (CV) only. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit proof of all documents and Certificate of Service endorsed by Human
Resources. The official Z83 form ‘Application for employment’ (the new
amended version of the Z83 form effectively from 01/01/2021 must be used
only; the old Z83 form will be rejected, if used). The amended Z83 application
for employment form is obtainable at any Government Department OR
downloaded from the website – or
vacansies. The ‘Reference Number’ and ‘Position’ for which are applying (as
stated in the advert) must be clearly indicated in the columns provided on the
form Z 83 e.g. Reference number PMMH/OMN/OS/01/2023. For those with
internet access, the online e-Recruitment system is accessible through a
computer or mobile device i.e., Phone or Tablet. The system has the following
functionality: All adverts are available for viewing by the public through the
address Applicants will be required to register
on the system by providing a username and password. Applicants require a
mobile phone number and a valid email address to register and will be guided
through the registration process by the system. Applicants must update their
profile on the system, which is in line with the approved Z83 application form.
Applicants will be able to upload a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (CV), and the
system makes provision for the uploading of other documents such as Identity
Documents, Driver’s Licence, Qualifications, etc. The appointment is subject to
positive outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks (security
clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience
verifications). The successful candidate would be required to sign a
performance agreement within three months of appointment. Please note that
due to the high number of applications anticipated, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only.
If you have not been contacted within two months after the closing date of the
advertisement, consider your application as unsuccessful, please. Persons
with disabilities from all designated race groups are encouraged to apply for
the post. Please note that no S&T payments will be considered for payment to
candidates who are invited for interviews. It is the shortlisted candidate’s
responsibility to have a foreign qualification, which is a requirement of the post,
evaluated by the South Africans Qualifications authority (SAQA). Failure to
comply will result in the application not being considered. The Department
reserves the right not to fill the post/s. Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. (This Department is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all levels
of all occupational categories in the Department.)
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Grade 2: R528 696 per annum
Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Home Owner’s Allowance (Employee Must Meet
Prescribed Requirements), Medical Aid (optional) and 8% rural allowance
CENTRE : Untunjambili Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate. Degree/Diploma in General Nursing, Midwifery plus 1 year
post basic qualification in Primary Health Care. Registration with SANC as
General Nurse, Midwife and Primary Health Care Nurse Computer Literacy:
MS Software. A Valid Driver’s License code 08 or code 10. Grade 1: Grade 12
or Senior Certificate. A minimum of 4 years appropriate recognizable
experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in
general nursing. One year Post Basic Qualification in Primary Health Care.
Grade 2: A Minimum of 14 years appropriate recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in general nursing
of which at least 10 years must be appropriate/ Recognizable experience after
obtaining the one year post basic qualification in primary Health Care. One
Year Post Basic Qualification in Primary Health Care. Applicants are not
submitting copies/ attachment/ proof/ certificates /ID/Driver’s License/
qualifications on application, only when shortlisted. Knowledge, Skills,
Attributes and Abilities: Knowledge of all applicable legislation and guidelines,
including scientific nursing and nursing Principles. Good interpersonal
relationship skills and good listening skills. Good communication and problem
solving skills. Co-ordination and planning skills. Ability to relieve in the service
areas. Team building and supervisory skills. Ability to formulate patient care
related policies.
DUTIES : Coordinating, overseeing and managing delivery of comprehensive PHC
services in High Transmission Area sites focusing mainly on prevention, case
finding, linkage and retention of Key Populations, to HIV, SIT’S and TB health
services and thus assist with the acceleration of activities in order achieve 95
95 95 HAST goals. Conducting community dialogues and awareness
campaigns. Participate in Operation Sukuma Sakhe initiatives. Ensure safe
keeping and proper utilization medical equipment and pharmaceutical and
surgical stock. Participate in induction, training and monitoring of all support
and nursing staff. Provide direct and indirect supervision and guidance to all
support and nursing staff. Identification of high transmission areas for HIV, TB,
STI’s and other communicable diseases (TVET colleges, Truck stops,
correctional services establishments, taverns, brothels, factories, farms and
other areas with marginalized and vulnerable populations). Work with other
governmental departments, civil society and other non-governmental
organizations to address social determinants of health. Collaborate with other
outreach teams. Assist with implementation of differentiated models of care.
Participate in new Operation Phuthuma approach nerve Centre meetings. Be
willing to work flexi-hours and shifts in order to increase access of health
services to key populations.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs NP Ngubane Tel No: (033) 444 1707
APPLICATIONS : should be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X216
Kranskop, 3268 or hand deliver or courier your application.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The Reference Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided
thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the
post. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the
State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification
of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they must
accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package
above of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures,
S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental
budgetary constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees
outside the appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must
accompany the application. You will submit these documents only when
shortlisted. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies
of Identity Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for
applicants who are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of
relevant experience from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer,
highest required qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will
only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before
the day of the interview date. NB Persons with disabilities from all designated
race groups, African Males, Indian Males, and White Male/Females are
encouraged to apply for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
APPLICATIONS : may be forwarded to: Assistant Director - HRM, Private Bag X542, Ixopo, 3276
or Hand delivered to: Christ the King Hospital, Human Resource Office, No 1
Peter hauff Drive, Ixopo, 3276
FOR ATTENTION : Mr Z.C Mhlongo Human Resources, Tel No: (039) 834 7500
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new FormZ83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification, will only be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview
date. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z.83 e.g. CTK 19/2023. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply
for the post/s. N.B. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify
applicants. No e-mailed or faxed applications will be accepted. Appointments
are subject to positive outcomes obtained from State Security Agency (SSA)to
the following checks: security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship, verification of educational qualification by SAQA, and
verification from the Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). Please note that
due to financial constrains no S&T claims will be paid to candidates invited for
the interview. The Employment Equity target for this post is African Male. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is
to promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Component: Charles Johnson Memorial Nursing Campus
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(form Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department OR from the
website- Applicants are not required to submit copies
of qualifications and other relevant documents on application, but must submit
the Z83 and a detailed curriculum vitae. The Reference Number must be
indicated in the column provided on the Z83, e.g. CJMNC04/2023. Faxed and
emailed applications will NOT be accepted. NB: Failure to comply with the
above instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Please note that due to a
large number of applications we receive, applications will not be
acknowledged. Communication will only be entered into with candidates that
have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us one month after the
closing date, please consider your application as being unsuccessful. Non-
RSA Citizens/Permanent Work. Please note that due to financial constraints,
No S&T claims will be considered for payment to candidates that are invited
for interviews.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(form Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department OR from the
website- Applicants are not required to submit copies
of qualifications and other relevant documents on application, but must submit
the Z83 and a detailed curriculum vitae. The Reference Number must be
indicated in the column provided on the Z83, e.g. CJMNC05/2023. Faxed and
emailed applications will not be accepted. NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to positive
outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Please note that due to a large
number of applications we receive, applications will not be acknowledged.
Communication will only be entered into with candidates that have been
shortlisted. If you have not heard from us one month after the closing date,
please consider your application as being unsuccessful. Non-RSA
Citizens/Permanent Work. Please note that due to financial constraints, No
S&T and resettlement claims will be considered for payment to candidates that
are invited for interviews.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
in relief duties of the supervisor. Act as junior shift leader on both day and night
ENQUIRIES : Ms. P.P.L Nkala Tel No: (033) 4139 400
APPLICATIONS : forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X5562, Greytown, 3250.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Z83) which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the Website
- The Z83 form must be completed in full in a manner
that allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a candidate based
on the information provided in the form Applicant for employment are not
required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on
application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae(CV)
The certified copies of qualifications and all other required relevant documents
will be requested only from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted
to HR on or before the day of the interview Faxed applications will not be
accepted The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on
the form Z83 e.g. GTN 01/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to a
positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of educational qualification.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
on the information provided in the form Applicant for employment are not
required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on
application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae(CV)
The certified copies of qualifications and all other required relevant documents
will be requested only from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted
to HR on or before the day of the interview Faxed applications will not be
accepted The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on
the form Z83 e.g. GTN 01/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to a
positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of educational qualification.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
GTN 42/2023 (X1 POST)
Component: Nursing (Theatre & CSSD)
ENQUIRIES : Ms. P.P.L Nkala Tel No: (033) 4139 400
APPLICATIONS : forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X5562, Greytown, 3250.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Z83) which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the Website
- The Z83 form must be completed in full in a manner
that allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a candidate based
on the information provided in the form Applicant for employment are not
required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on
application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae(CV)
The certified copies of qualifications and all other required relevant documents
will be requested only from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted
to HR on or before the day of the interview Faxed applications will not be
accepted The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on
the form Z83 e.g. GTN 01/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to a
positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of educational qualification.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
/2023 (X2 POSTS)
Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since we
are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose
aim is to promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the
Department. Note: The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the
notice of all eligible officers and employees on your establishment of all
Institutions. Institutions must notify all candidates who qualify for post in this
circular minute even if they are absent from their normal places of work to
apply. Direction to Candidates: the following documents must be submitted:
Application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable from any
Government Department OR from the website -
application form (Z83) must be completed in full and accompanied by a detailed
Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
certified copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the
day of the interview following communication from Human Resources. The
reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83
and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being
considered”. Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications
will not be acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to
shortlisted candidates only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T
claims will be considered for payment to the candidates that are invited for an
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
implementation of quality assurance programmes. Collaborate with other
internal and external stakeholders and build a sound relationship within the
Department. Oversee the supervision of students. Policy analysis and
development. Development and review of nursing curricula for all categories of
training. Implements the new nursing programmes in line with SANC and CHE
regulations. Participate in the provisioning of Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) activities at the Campus. Participate in all governance
structures of the College. Support the mission and promote the image of the
college. Exercise control over students.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs R Bridgemohan Tel No: (031) 907 8314
APPLICATIONS : should be posted to: The Registrar, Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus, Private
Bag X10, Mobeni, 4060.
FOR ATTENTION : Miss.NP Mkhwanazi
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the most recent prescribed Z83 application
form for employment obtainable from all Public Service Departments or from which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The reference number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided
thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the
post. Faxed and emailed applications will not be accepted. The appointments
are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency
(SSA) to the following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Shortlisted candidates in possession
of a foreign qualification will be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South Africans Authority (SAQA). Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit the Z83 form and a detailed curriculum. Copies of certified qualifications
and other relevant documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted
candidates. Please note that communication will only be entered into with
candidates that have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us within two
months after the closing date, please consider your application as being
unsuccessful. Due to financial constraints, S&T claims will not be paid to
candidates who attended interviews.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 per annum, plus 12% Rural Allowance
Grade 2: R528 696 per annum, plus 12% Rural Allowance
Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional), Home Owners Allowance
CENTRE : Mfundo Arnold Lushaba CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Degree / Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery; Registration with SANC
as General Nurse, Midwife; A minimum of 4 years appropriate / recognizable
registration experience as a General Nurse; 1 year Post Basic Qualification in
Advanced Midwifery; Current Certificate with SANC to practice in 2023. Grade
1: A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with South African Nursing Council
(SANC) in General Nursing plus one year post basic Qualification in Advanced
Midwifery. Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate / recognizable
experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in
General Nursing and Midwifery which 10 years must be appropriate /
recognizable experience after obtaining the one year post basic qualification in
Advanced Midwifery. only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on or before the
date of the interview. Skills, Training, and Competence Required: Knowledge
of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant
legal framework such as Nursing Act, Mental Health Act, OH&S Act, Batho
Pele and Patients’ Rights Charter, Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary
Code and procedures in the Public Service, etc; Leadership, organizational,
decision making and problem solving abilities; Interpersonal skills within the
limits of the Public Sector, Personal Attitudes, Responsiveness,
Professionalism, supportive, assertive and must be a team player.
DUTIES : Coordination of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standards and professional/legal framework; Demonstrate an in depth
understanding of legislation and related ethical nursing practices and how this
impact on service delivery; Provide a therapeutic environment for staff, patients
and public; Manage utilization of all resources efficiently and effectively;
Maintain competence in the execution of her/his duties, while managing high
standards of performance including for others; Assist in the coordination and
implementation of the Norms & Standards and Ideal CHC in Maternity and in
the whole institution for better quality patient care; Manage the unit in the
absence of the Supervisor; Interpersonal skills including public relations,
negotiating, conflict handling & counselling; Ensure adherence to principles of
IPC practices in the unit; Assist with the allocation / change list, day and night
duty rosters and inputs for leave; Assist in orientation, induction and monitoring
of all nursing staff; To complete patient related data and partake in research;
Demonstrate effective communication patient and families with the multi-
disciplinary team, other department within the hospital; Ensure accurate record
keeping for statics purposes; Ensuring clinical nursing practice by the nursing
team in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as
determined by the relevant health facility; Computer skills in basic
ENQUIRIES : Mrs T.T Shezi: Deputy Nursing Manager Tel No: (039) 972 8265
APPLICATIONS : to be forwarded to: The Assistant Director: HRM, Mfundo Arnold Lushaba
Community Health Centre, Private Bag X07, Hibberdene, 4220.
FOR ATTENTION : Miss S. Pillay
CLOSING DATE : 13 October 2023
audits. Improve the knowledge of staff and patients through health education
and in service training. Implement standards, practices criteria for quality
nursing. Maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing and other
stakeholders. Supervision of patients’ reports and intervention, keeping a good
valid record on all client interventions. Ensuring proper utilization of Human,
material and financial resources and keeping up to date records of resources.
Ability to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure
proper nursing care in the clinic. Motivate junior staff regarding development in
order to increase level of expertise and assists patients to develop a sense of
self-care. Strengthen data systems and treatment outcomes by assisting and
capturing on Assist with capturing patients on patient registration
(HPRS) system. Support the realization and maintenance of Ideal Clinic
Programme in the facility. Coordinate and manage the provision of the services
to manage COVID 19 pandemic.
ENQUIRIES : Ms KB Mabika Tel No: (035) 595 3103
Email address:
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital Ubombo Main Road.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained from
the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer and preference will be given to previously disadvantaged
groups. It is the Department’s to intension to promote to equity (race, gender
and disability) through the filing of this post with a candidate whose transfer/
promotion / appointment will promote representatively in line with the numeric
targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
DUTIES : Conduct screening and comprehensive eye and visual examinations. Provide
clinical and professional intervention, order and dispense optical devices.
Screen and diagnose eye problems associated with systemic diseases. Ensure
execution of appropriate treatment and provide visual counselling. Refer
patients requiring more specialized care to specific institution for further
management. Maintain accurate patient medical records and compile daily
statistics. Be part of multidisciplinary team in patient management and link with
external service providers, NGO’s and organizations for persons living with
disabilities for holistic care. Assist with management of department, ordering
and maintenance of departmental equipment. Ensure rotational visits to
attached clinics to provide optometry services conduct or partake in
departmental in-service training. Participate in clinical audits and quality
improvement programs. Participate in panned healthcare awareness’s and
outreach campaigns to communities.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. T.C Ngwenya (Medical manager services) Tel No: (035) 595 3106
Email address:
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office, Bethesda Hospital, Ubombo, Main Road.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer and preference will be given to previously disadvantaged
groups.It is the Department’s to intension to promote to equity (race, gender
and disability) through the filing of this post with a candidate whose transfer/
promotion / appointment will promote representatively in line with the numeric
targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
POST 33/312 : DIETICIAN GRADE 1, 2 & 3 REF NO: GJGM70/2023 (X1 POST)
Component: Allied Health Component
DUTIES : Render nutritional counselling services. Prescribe and authorize special diet
products. Implement guidelines for the maintenance of healthy nutritional
practices. Compile and implement information pamphlets on nutrition. Plan and
implement a suitable program for an individual or a group.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Lesenyeho (Manager: Medical Services) Tel No: (032) 437 6000
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609, Stanger,
4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General Justice
Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street,
Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview following communication from Human Resources. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by
SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants:
Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no
late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit
separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that
due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Management reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital
is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-
cutting measures, S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
Component: Allied Health Component
diagnoses e.g. cerebral palsy/neurological conditions, tracheostomy and
genetic disorders. Conduct group work/therapy and or block therapy as
identified. Confidential and ethical multidisciplinary approach to treatment of
patients. Administrative work related to patient care: report writing, statistics,
meetings, case conferences, legal reports as needed e.g. disability grants,
medico-legal work and insurance. Quality improvement initiatives: clinical
guidelines, teaching and training, audits (core standards, infection control,
ideal hospital, etc.) Effective communication with all stakeholders (patients,
NGOs, caregivers, etc.) Ensure professional development in line with patient
care profile. Initiate and propagate health awareness and health education
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Ramyiad (Speech Therapist) Tel No: (032) 437 6224
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609, Stanger,
4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General Justice
Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street,
Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview following communication from Human Resources. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by
SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants:
Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no
late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit
separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that
due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Management reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital
is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-
cutting measures, S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : R359 517 - R420 402 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Home Owner’s
Allowance (Employee must meet prescribed Requirements), Medical Aid
CENTRE : Untunjambili Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Grade 12 National Diploma in Environmental Health or
Safety Management. A minimum of 3 to 5 years’ experience in Safety
Management. A Valid Code EB driver’s license. Applicants are not submitting
copies/attachment/proof/certificates/ID/Driver’s License/qualifications on
application, only when shortlisted. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and Abilities:
Knowledge of relevant legislations pertaining to Occupational Health Safety.
Identification, control, elimination and monitoring of hazards. Health education
and administration of the services. Knowledge of computer literacy. Accident
investigation. Disaster management.
DUTIES : Identification of potential situation that could lead to injury/disability/death of
staff member/visitor. Proper damage or loss, internal disaster, medico-legal
claim and reporting thereof to the Occupational health and safety manager.
Ensuring the delegate management and administrative functions are carried
out timely and correctly in order for health and safety to function in the
institution. Assisting in development and compilation of manuals, policies and
protocol that will be included in the rolling out of the health and safety training,
orientation and induction programmes. Participate in safety audits for the
institution in compliance with the occupational health and safety Act, 85 of
1993. Assisting the occupational health and safety manager in ensuring that
building, construction, plants, and machinery meet and maintain compliance
certificates that are regulated by the occupational health and safety Act, 85 of
1993 and its regulation. Organize and record the Disaster drills. Ensure that all
employees and service providers within the hospital complies with the required
safety protocols.
ENQUIRIES : Mr L.R. Dlamini Tel No: (033) 444 1707
APPLICATIONS : should be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X216
Kranskop, 3268 or hand deliver or courier your application.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The Reference Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided
thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the
post. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the
State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification
of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they must
accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package
above of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures,
S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental
budgetary constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees
outside the appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must
accompany the application. You will submit these documents only when
shortlisted. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies
of Identity Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for
applicants who are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of
relevant experience from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer,
highest required qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will
only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before
the day of the interview date. NB Persons with disabilities from all designated
race groups, African Males, Indian Males, and White Male/Females are
encouraged to apply for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
SALARY : R359 517 – R420 402 per annum, plus 13th cheque, medical aid (optional),
home owners allowance, etc, (employee must meet the prescribed
CENTRE : Greys Hospital: Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Standard 10/Grade 12) or equivalent; Bachelor’s
Degree/Diploma in Social Science/Social Work or National Diploma in
Employee Wellness/Nursing/Healthcare and Therapy. Current registration with
the relevant statutory body e.g. South African Council for Social Services
Professions (SACSSP), South African Nursing Council, etc. 3-5 years’
experience in the Employee Wellness Field. Certificate of service/proof of work
experience (endorsed by Human Resources Department). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit proof of experience/certificate of service
endorsed by HR Department. Recommendation: Valid Code B/C Driver’s
License. Computer Literacy. Knowledge, Skills and Experience: Knowledge of
the Public Sector, Employee Wellness and developing guidelines and
standards. Knowledge of Healthy Lifestyle Programmes, HIV/AIDS, Sick
Leave, PILLIR, Stress Management, etc. Knowledge of National, Provincial
and Departmental policies, prescripts and legislations. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS
Counselling and crisis management. Ability to display problem solving and
analytical thinking skills. Ability to display research analysis, presentation and
excellent report writing and general writing skills. Boasts project planning and
management, change management and facilitation skills. Boasts time
management, policy development, and communication and conflict
management skills. Boasts good interpersonal relations and the ability to deal
with all levels of management. Boasts computer literacy, tact and diplomacy
skills. Boasts planning, organizational and leadership skills. Boasts honesty
and integrity, respect/courtesy and confidentiality. Boasts fairness and
objectivity, diligence and loyalty, reliability, professionalism, innovative and
team orientated ness. Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Ensure the implementation and maintenance of policies and procedures that
will address Employee Wellness Programme at institutional level. Establish
and facilitate Employee Wellness Programmes based on policies, trends,
needs and case analysis, and: Monitor and evaluate the Employee Wellness
Programme, and: Provide an assessment, referral, intervention and
appropriate counselling and aftercare services to employees at the institution
based on relevant qualifications and experience. Market and Promote EWP
services within the institution. Ensure the implementation of Special
Programmes such as HCT, Financial Wellness, that is, retirement planning,
garnishee management, financial education, as well as Substance abuse and
absenteeism management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JM Khumalo Tel No: (033) 897 3468
APPLICATIONS : applications to be forwarded to: The Human Resources Management Office,
Greys Hospital Private Bag X9001, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs M. Chandulal
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit the new Application for Employment
Form (Z83) - 81/971431 effective 01 January 2021 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Applicants must fill all sections of Z83. The employment equity target for
this post is: African Male; Indian Male and White Male.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
SALARY : R359 517 per annum. 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (optional) and Housing
Allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Grade 12 Plus A Diploma/Degree in Library and Information
Science. At least two (2) years’ experience in the relevant field. Knowledge,
Skills and Experience: The candidate must have an ability to make
independent decisions. Leadership, management, planning, organizing and
co-ordination skills. Have the knowledge of Health activities, Research
methodology. Clinical terminology and Library practices. National Archives of
South Africa Act, 1996. Public Service Act, 1994. Skills Development Act,
1998, Labour Relations Act, 1997. Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997.
Project Management and Research. Computer Literacy. Communication both
internal and external stakeholders. Promotion, marketing and supervisory
DUTIES : To design, develop and maintain a collection of research reports, journals and
other health related material and manage the accessibility thereof to users.
Classify, catalogue and index new material acquired by the Library and update
the information management system to reflect the new material. Administer the
material on loan to and from the library to ensure that the material is current, in
good condition and is returned timeously. Perform information searches on
material in the library, in other libraries and on the internet in order to meet the
knowledge requirements of library users. Design and implement a health-
specific library index and associated information management system to
facilitate the efficient and effective storage and retrieval of health and medical
research material including information contained on media such as CD’s;
video’s and DVD’s. Promote the use of the library in order to contribute to the
development of a culture of continuous learning within the Department. Review
library processes to enable an improved service to users. Provide orientation
to new staff and students on the use of library services.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs R Bridgemohan Tel No: (031) 907 8314
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: The Registrar, Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus,
Private Bag X10, Mobeni, 4060.
FOR ATTENTION : Miss.NP Mkhwanazi
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the most recent prescribed Z83 application
form for employment obtainable from all Public Service Departments or from which must be originally signed and dated. The
application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The reference number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided
thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the
post. Faxed and emailed applications will not be accepted. The appointments
are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency
(SSA) to the following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Shortlisted candidates in possession
of a foreign qualification will be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South Africans Authority (SAQA). Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit the Z83 form and a detailed curriculum. Copies of certified qualifications
and other relevant documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted
candidates. Please note that communication will only be entered into with
candidates that have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us within two
months after the closing date, please consider your application as being
unsuccessful. Due to financial constraints, S&T claims will not be paid to
candidates who attended interviews.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
POST 33/317 : SOCIAL WORKER GRADE 1, 2 & 3 REF NO: GJGM 68/2023 (X1 POST)
Component: Allied Health
statistics. Conduct psycho social assessment of patients and their families. To
participate as a team member in the HIV/AIDS programme. To conduct home
visits. Assessments and counselling of patients and families in respect of
various social problems, coping with disease and bereavement counselling.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs ZI Maxhakana Tel No: (032) 4376252
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609, Stanger,
4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General Justice
Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street,
Stanger, 4450.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview following communication from Human Resources. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by
SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants:
Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no
late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit
separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that
due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Management reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital
is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-
cutting measures, S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Home Owners Allowance
& Medical Aid. (To qualify: Employee must meet all the prescribed policy
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent. Degree/National Diploma in
Human Resource Management / Public Administration. A minimum of 3 to 5
years’ experience in Human Resource Practices. Recommendation: Valid
Code EB driver’s license. Computer literacy e.g. MS Office. PERSAL
Certificates. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of Computer
literacy, MS software applications. Communication and interpersonal skills is a
necessity. Leadership skills to manage the Human Resource section. Sound
organising, planning and problem solving skills. Extensive knowledge of the
PERSAL system.
DUTIES : Responsible for the advertising of vacant posts in the institution. Co-ordinate
the shortlisting and selection process. Co-ordinate the interview process. Serve
as an HR Practitioner for interview processes. Prepare submissions for
delegated approval and appointment letters once interviews have been
finalised. Ensure finalised recruitment files is handed over to HR Practices for
appointments to be done timeously on PERSAL. Conduct all verification
processes i.e. Verification of qualification, security checks, reference checks
etc. Send verification reports once received to HR Practices for capturing on
PERSAL. Assist with other HR Practices duties i.e. Compilation of HR reports,
checking and auditing of attendance registers for all departments within the
hospital, Conduct staff head count. Co-ordination of post establishment i.e.
request for creation, abolishing, downgrading and upgrading of posts. Assist
with the relief of HRO Supervisors. Daily supervision of HR Registry clerks and
other allocated interns. Perform any ad hoc tasks that could arise in HR.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Latha (Deputy Director: HRM) Tel No: (032)4376006
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609, Stanger,
4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General Justice
Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street,
Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview following communication from Human Resources. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by
SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants:
Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no
late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit
separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that
due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Management reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital
is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-
cutting measures, S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum: Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Home Owners Allowance
& Medical Aid. (To qualify: Employee must meet all the prescribed policy
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent. A minimum of 3 to 5 years’
experience in Human Resource Practices. Recommendation: Valid Code EB
driver’s license. Computer literacy e.g. MS Office. Persal Certificates.
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of prescripts, policies and
procedures pertaining to the Human Resource section. Extensive knowledge
of computerised personnel and salary systems, MS packages and application
thereof. Communication and interpersonal skills is a necessity. Leadership
skills to manage the Human Resource section. Sound organising, planning and
problem solving skills.
DUTIES : Supervise and undertake the more complex implementation and maintenance
of Human Resource administration practices. Recruitment and selection
(advertisement, appointments, transfers, verification of qualifications,
secretarial functions at interview, absorptions, probationary periods etc.).
Implement conditions of service and service benefit (leave, housing, medical
aid, injury on duty, long service recognition, overtime and relocations).
Pension, Allowances, PILIR etc. Performance Management, Termination of
service (indicate steps). Recommend (Approve) transactions on Persal
according to delegations (higher authorization should happen on a higher level
preferable AD Higher level). Prepare reports on Human Resource
Administration issues and enquiries. Supervise Human Resource staff.
Allocate and ensure quality of work personnel development, assess staff
performance and apply discipline.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Latha (Deputy Director: HRM) Tel No: (032)4376006
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609, Stanger,
4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General Justice
Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka Street,
Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA)
to the following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit
records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview following communication from Human Resources. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by
SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants:
Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no
late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit
separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that
due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful.
Management reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital
is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-
cutting measures, S&T and Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 04 October 2023
SALARY : R241 485 per annum. 13th Cheque, Medical aid (optional) and housing
Allowance (employee must meet the prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (KwaZulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10/ Grade 12 or equivalent as recognized by SAQA, 2 years Admin/
clerical experience. Recommendations: Computer literacy. Knowledge Skills
Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles.
Staff supervision skill. Problem solving skill. Office based practice skill.
Planning and organizing skill. Telecommunication skill. Listening skill.
DUTIES : To ensure that all call registers are up to date. To ensure that all major
complains are handled in a professional manner. To ensure that all booked
calls are recorded on the call register. To ensure that all incoming calls are
received and transferred as per caller’s request. To ensure that all Batho Pele
Principles are implemented. To ensure that the quality of service is maintained.
Ensure proper utilization of all resources allocated to Telecommunication
section. To log all telephones faults and call Telkom for technical support. To
issue and control all telephone secrete pin codes. To train and supervise
telecommunication staff within the institution.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. P.M Jiyane AD: Systems Tel No: (035) 595 3108
Email address:
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital, Ubombo, Main Road.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer and preference will be given to previously disadvantaged
groups. It is the Department’s to intension to promote to equity (race, gender
and disability) through the filing of this post with a candidate whose transfer/
promotion / appointment will promote representatively in line with the numeric
targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Component: Maintenance
associated with other trades such as the fitter, plumber carpenter. Work
overtime with remuneration when consider and with the approval of the
maintenance supervisor. Must be prepared, in times of crisis, to perform other
essential services such as strikes, flood etc .viz. Maintenance oriented duties.
ENQUIRIES : Mr R.M Mosikili Tel No: (033) 413 9450
APPLICATIONS : forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X5562, Greytown, 3250.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Z83) which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the Website
- The Z83 form must be completed in full in a manner
that allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a candidate based
on the information provided in the form Applicant for employment are not
required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on
application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae(CV)
The certified copies of qualifications and all other required relevant documents
will be requested only from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted
to HR on or before the day of the interview Faxed applications will not be
accepted The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on
the form Z83 e.g. GTN 01/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to a
positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of educational qualification.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
Component: Maintenance
leakage relays using a socket tester and logged one per week. Weekly safety
test of all laundry equipment such as door switches and ensure that proper
recording is done on all tests conducted on the relevant register. Keep up to
date with current equipment register. Be responsible for material issued and
completing of job cards. Weekly testing of fire alarms and all associated
equipment viz, booster pumps etc. To perform standby duties and after hours
call out. These duties at times can at times include duties associated with other
ENQUIRIES : Mr. RM Mosikili Tel No: (033) 4139 400
APPLICATIONS : forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, Private Bag X5562, Greytown, 3250.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Z83) which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the Website
- The Z83 form must be completed in full in a manner
that allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a candidate based
on the information provided in the form Applicant for employment are not
required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on
application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae(CV)
The certified copies of qualifications and all other required relevant documents
will be requested only from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted
to HR on or before the day of the interview Faxed applications will not be
accepted The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on
the form Z83 e.g. GTN 01/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointments are subject to a
positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship),
verification of educational qualification.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
DSD/2023/01 (X1 POST)
NO: DSD/2023/03 (X1 POST)
license (with exception of persons with disabilities). Core and Process
Competencies: Strategic Capability and Leadership, Programme and Project
Management, Change Management, Financial Management, People
Management and Empowerment, Knowledge Management, Problem Solving
and analysis, Client orientation and customer focus, Communication.
Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge of Public Service Regulations, Acts, policies
and procedures. Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA).
Leadership & Management skills. Communications. Conflict management.
Policy analyzing and interpretation skill. Report writing skills. Project
Management. Problem analysis and analytical thinking. Leadership &
Management skills. Communications. Conflict management. Policy analyzing
and interpretation skill. Report writing skills. Project Management. Problem
analysis and analytical thinking.
DUTIES : Provide leadership and strategic direction in the division. Develop the business
plan in line with the strategic objectives of the department. Provide corporate,
liaison service and internal communication. Management of website and
intranet. Manage financial, administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms PN
Mabitsela / Mr QLM Mogotlane / Ms ME Gafane Tel No: (015) 230
exception of persons with disabilities). Knowledge and Skills: Computer Skills.
Interpersonal Skills. Communication Skills. Report Writing Skills. Management
and Evaluation Skills. Knowledge of supervision model within the sector.
Knowledge of relevant programmes in Social Work. In-depth knowledge of
social work service delivery model. People management and empowerment.
DUTIES : Ensure that social work services are rendered with regard to the care, support,
protection and development of vulnerable individual, groups, families and
communities through the relevant programmes. Ensure service compliance to
norms and standards. Ensure social worker’s compliance with South African
Council for Social Service Professions [SACSSP] projects. Supervise and
advise social workers and social auxiliary workers. Coordinate and manage all
programmes including transformation of social welfare services. Rendering
support and mentoring social workers. Rendering counselling to clients.
Monitoring and evaluation of non-profit organisations.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms PN
Mabitsela / Mr QLM Mogotlane / Ms ME Gafane Tel No: (015) 230
REQUIREMENTS : Qualifications and Competencies: An appropriate recognized NQF level 4
(Grade 12) or equivalent qualifications as recognised by SAQA and Basic
qualification in Child Care. Current registration with South African Council for
Social Services Professions [SACSSP]. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge and
understanding of the legislative framework (Children’s Act, Child Care Act,
Child Justice Act) governing the Child & Youth Care Centres. Good
communication and listening skills, Good interpersonal relationship, Ability to
handle pressure. Honesty and confidentiality, customer care skills.
DUTIES : Receive children and youth to the care facility after admission. Provide
orientation of the child to the centre. Provide care and development of children
and youth where their needs are protected. Ensure that children/youth receive
medical services. Facilitate the independent living to external services. Assist
with implementation of development and therapy programmes. Perform
administration duties.
ENQUIRIES : General enquiries about the advertised posts should be directed to Ms PN
Mabitsela / Mr QLM Mogotlane / Ms ME Gafane Tel No: (015) 230
APPLICATIONS : quoting the relevant reference should be forwarded as follows: The Head of
the Department, Department of Economic Development and Tourism P/Bag
X6108, Kimberley, 8300 or hand delivered to MetLife Towers, (Post Office
Building), 13th Floor (Registry Office), Kimberley.
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NOTE : All applications must be submitted on a NEW Z83 form, which can be
downloaded on internet at or
obtainable from any Public Service Department. Each application for
employment form must be fully completed, initialled and signed by the
applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form may lead to
disqualification of the application during the selection process. All fields of
Section A, B, C and D of the Z83 must be completed in full. Section E, F, G
(Due to the limited space on the Z83 it is acceptable for applicants to indicate
refer to CV or see attached. A recently updated comprehensive CV (with
detailed previous experience) is required. The questions related to conditions
that prevent re-appointment under Part F must be answered. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other
related documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from Human Resources. Each application form must be fully
completed, duly signed and initialed by the applicant. The application must
indicate the correct job title, the office where the position is advertised and the
reference number as stated in the advert. Failure by the applicant to fully
complete, sign and initial the application form will lead to disqualification of the
application during the selection process. Applications on the old Z83 will
unfortunately not be considered. Should you be in a possession of foreign
qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the
South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) (only when shortlisted). Dual
citizenship holders must provide the Police Clearance certificate from country
of origin (only when shortlisted). Applications that do not comply with the
above-mentioned requirements will not be considered. Suitable candidates will
be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record, financial checks,
qualification verification, citizenship checks, reference checks and employment
verification). Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If
you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of
this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The
Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the
advertised post(s). Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned
requirements, as well as applications received late, will not be considered. The
Department does not accept applications via fax or email. Failure to submit all
the requested documents will result in the application not being considered
during the selection process. All shortlisted candidates for Senior Management
Service (SMS) posts will be subjected to a technical competency exercise that
intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical
exercise, the selection committee will recommend candidates to attend generic
managerial competencies using the mandated Department of Public Service
and Administration (DPSA) SMS competency assessment tools. Applicants
could be required to provide consent for access to their social media accounts.
One of the minimum entry requirements to the Senior Management Service is
the Nyukela Public Service SMS Pre-entry Programme (certificate) which is an
online course, endorsed by the National School of Government (NSG) .For
more details on the pre-entry course visit: The
successful candidate will be required to complete such prior to appointment.
All successful candidate will be expected to enter into an employment contract
and a performance agreement within 3 months of appointment, as well as be
required to undergo a security clearance three (3) months after appointments.
Applications received after the closing date as well as those who do not comply
with the requirements will not be taken into consideration. All applications,
including those submitted via registered mail must reach the department before
16h00 on the day of the closing date. Incomplete applications, applications on
incorrect forms, applications sent or delivered to the wrong address or
applications received after closing date will be disqualified.
Development Strategy; National R&D & Innovation Strategy, Industrial Policy
Action Plan; New Growth Path). Understanding of Government priorities and
mandates. Knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework for the
Public Service e.g. Public Service Act, PFMA, Public Service Regulations,
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act,
Service Delivery Frameworks (Batho Pele), and relevant statutory provisions.
DUTIES : Managing and overseeing the design, development, and implementation of
electrical systems for renewable energy projects. Provide technical expertise
and guidance on electrical design engineering. Develop appropriate policies
and strategies for the promotion and integration of renewable energy into the
energy economy. Facilitate, implement and monitor the execution of activities
to support and sustain the growth of the Renewable & Green Energy industry.
Identify and manage key obstacles that obstruct the growth of the sector.
Facilitate better access to finance and markets through improved infrastructure
facilities and business support. Develop policies and strategies aimed at
improving service delivery. Promote coordination between related energy
sectors and stakeholders regarding the development, implementation of
policies, strategies, legal and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy.
Promote and advise on renewable energy and related technologies for
submission to Senior Managers. Manage secretariat services required for
stakeholder management with respect to strategy development and oversight
thereof. Flowing from the strategies and directives, develop annual
performance plans for area under responsibility. Develop, coordinate and
implement Unit’s projects and programmes aligned to the overall Strategy of
the Theme/Enabler/Driver. Manage and co-ordinate stakeholders and
institutions as it relates to overall themes and projects under the sub-
directorate’s responsibilities. Manage the resources of the Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Musa Tel No: (053) 839 4076
SALARY : R811 560 - R952 485per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Kimberley Office
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a (NQF7) Degree in Economics. A
minimum of three to five years of Junior Management experience in renewable
energy. Valid driver’s license. Skills & Knowledge: Technical, Planning and
Organising, Communication (verbal & written), Interpersonal, Problem solving,
Project Management, Research and analytical, Conflict resolution and
Management skills. Knowledge of national, provincial policy frameworks, local
government systems, business and industries driving the Northern Cape
Economy. understand the Electricity Act and Energy Crisis. Understanding of
the Policy frameworks relevant to industrial sector development (e.g. National
Development Plan, Macroeconomic Reform Strategy, Integrated Action Plan,
National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and Provincial Growth &
Development Strategy; National R&D & Innovation Strategy, Industrial Policy
Action Plan; New Growth Path). Understanding of Government priorities and
mandates. Knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework for the
Public Service e.g. Public Service Act, PFMA, Public Service Regulations,
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act,
Service Delivery Frameworks (Batho Pele), and relevant statutory provisions.
DUTIES : Economist to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the promotion and
integration of renewable energy into the energy economy. Facilitate and
monitor the execution of research activities to support the growth of the
Renewable & Green Energy industry. Facilitate and conduct realistic economic
analysis and identify key obstacles that obstruct the growth of the sector.
Facilitate better access to finance and markets through improved infrastructure
facilities and business support. Develop policies and strategies aimed at
improving service delivery. Promote coordination between related energy
sectors and stakeholders regarding the development, implementation of
policies, strategies, legal and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy.
Promote and advise on research and development regarding renewable
energy and related technologies for submission to Senior Managers. Manage
secretariat services required for stakeholder management with respect to
strategy development and oversight thereof. Flowing from the strategies and
directives, develop annual performance plans for area under responsibility.
Develop, coordinate and implement Unit’s projects and programmes aligned to
the overall Strategy of the Theme/Enabler/Driver. Manage and co-ordinate
stakeholders and institutions as it relates to overall themes and projects under
the sub-directorate’s responsibilities. Management of the human resources of
the sub-directorate to achieve the pre-determined performance indicators and
service delivery imperatives, motivated, competent, appreciated and
performance orientated staff and sound labour relations. Plan the sub-
directorate’s budget and manage expenditure, through responsible
implementation of policies, practices and decisions in order to achieve unit
objectives effectively and efficiently. Manage the resources of the Sub-
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Musa Tel No: (053) 839 4076
SALARY : R811 560 - R952 485 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Kimberley Office
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a (NQF7) Degree in Finance, Economics,
Accounting or relevant. A minimum of three to five years relevant experience
at Assistant Director level. Valid driver’s license. Skills & Knowledge: Planning
and Organising, Communication (verbal & written), Interpersonal, Problem
solving, Project Management, Research and analytical, Conflict resolution and
Management skills. Knowledge of national, provincial policy frameworks, local
government systems, business and industries driving the Northern Cape
Economy. Understanding of the Policy frameworks relevant to industrial sector
Understanding of Government priorities and mandates. Knowledge and
understanding of the regulatory framework for the Public Service e.g. Public
Service Act, PFMA, Public Service Regulations, Service Delivery Frameworks
(Batho Pele) and relevant statutory provisions.
DUTIES : Monitor, evaluate and report on the achievement of the B-BBEE targets
(management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier
development, socio-economic development). Create an enabling environment
for the implementation of B-BBEE policy in the province. Lobby and advocate
business to the concept of B-BBEE. Review and align government
procurement procedures with the B-BBEE strategy. Monitoring, evaluation and
reporting on the impact of the B-BBEE strategy. Ensure compliance and
ongoing commitment to the B-BBEE strategy by the organization, provincial
departments, agencies and municipalities. Stakeholder relations management.
Conduct literature reviews using existing reports from both private and public
sector and benchmark B-BBEE trends in the province within the context of
complex multi-stakeholder intergovernmental relations (IGR). Develop
Strategies and processes to exploit and stimulate inclusive economic
participation initiatives. Manage the resources of the Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. A. Ntidisang Tel No: (053) 839 4072
Knowledge of legislation, policy and prescripts in the Public Service, job
evaluation/benchmarking processes and organisational design.
DUTIES : Facilitate Job Evaluation Processes, facilitate implementation of OMF:
Collecting information for SDIP, Service Standards, Service Charters, SDM
and SOP’S, collecting information for HR Planning and HRPIR reports,
Facilitation of Batho Pele initiatives, Render organizational design Identify the
needs for changes to the organogram and establishment services. Conduct
research, develop and design of organogram. Render Administrative support
in the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M. Barlow Tel No: (053) 839 4075
APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NOTE : Only applications submitted online at: or will be accepted. All shortlisted candidates
must make themselves available to be interviewed at a date, time and place as
decided by the selection panel. Please ensure that you submit your application
on or before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. The
selection process will be guided by the EE targets of the employing
department. Kindly note that technical support is only available from Monday
to Friday from 8:00 to 16.00. Should you experience any difficulties with your
online application you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214. All shortlisted
candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant
technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by
the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection
panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial competency
assessment (in compliance with the DPSA directive on the implementation of
competency-based assessments). The competency assessment will be testing
generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS
Competency Assessment tools. The nominated candidate will be required to
complete the Senior Management Pre-Entry Programme before they may be
appointed into this post. The purpose of the Senior Management Pre-Entry
Programme, which is a public service specific training programme applicable
to all applicants who aspire to join the SMS, is to ensure that potential SMS
members have a background on processes and procedures linked to the SMS.
The duration of the online Pre-Entry Programme is 120 notional hours (15
days). Full details may be sourced by the following link:
Furthermore, thanks to the huge public interest we receive many applications
for our positions, and as such will not be able to respond personally to all
applications. Therefore, should you not hear from us within 10 weeks from
close of advert please consider your application unsuccessful.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package
CENTRE : Department of Agriculture, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Masters in Agricultural Sciences (NQF 9); 5 years appropriate experience at
senior management level; A valid unendorsed driver's license, or alternative
mode of transport for people with disabilities. Recommendation: Ph.D in
Agricultural Sciences; Extensive experience in strategic management at a
senior management level, and in particular in the agricultural research
environment; Extensive knowledge of the line function management at a senior
management level; Extensive knowledge of administrative management at a
senior management level; Extensive knowledge of financial management,
prescripts and legislation, inclusive of PFMA and Treasury guidelines;
Extensive knowledge of Personnel Management; Extensive knowledge of
Supply Chain Management; and Good knowledge of agricultural research
systems and important role players. Competencies: Exceptional
communication and leadership skills; Computer skills; Good knowledge of
project management and coordination; Strategic and management skills;
Presentation skills; Financial management skills; and Advanced negotiation
DUTIES : Strategic Management; Line function management; and Administrative
management (financial, personnel and supply chain).
ENQUIRIES : Dr I Trautmann Tel No: (021) 808 5012
In line with the Employment Equity Plan of the Department of Health it is our intention with this
advertisement to achieve equity in the workplace by promoting equal opportunities and fair treatment in
employment through the elimination of unfair discrimination.
SALARY : R1 288 095 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual’s personal needs. It will be expected of the successful
candidate to participate in a system of remunerated commuted overtime).
CENTRE : Khayelitsha District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Medical Practitioner. Registration with a professional council: Registration with
the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner (independent practice). Experience: A
minimum of 3 years appropriate experience as a Medical Officer after
registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. Inherent requirements
of the job: A valid (Code B/EB/C1) driver’s licence and willingness to travel.
Willingness and skills to do after-hour’s clinical work. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Strong business orientation with proven skills and abilities
in the clinical management of a health service. Proven management
competencies in a healthcare environment. Computer literacy (MS Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Internet and Email). Appropriate experience in managing
clinical and allied health services.
DUTIES : Strategic and operational management of the Health Services in the
Khayelitsha hospital. Management and governance of clinical and clinical
support services/allied health services. Effective, efficient, and sustainable
management of finances and supply chain processes, human resources, and
non-clinical support services. Display competence, accountability, innovation,
responsiveness etc. in mitigating service pressures as determined by rampant
social determinants of health in Khayelitsha. Coordinate the provision of clinical
services at the hospital including forensic services. Involved in training and
development and research support. Forge good relations with other key role-
players/stakeholders internally and externally; nursing, facilities management,
and ensure good management of all consultants as well as PHC,
CBS/NPOs/Step down facilities and support COPC approach and work
towards strengthening DH system.
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Binza Tel No: (021) 360-4520
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates will be subjected to a competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Counsellor. Grade 3: A minimum of 16 years of appropriate experience as a
Counsellor after registration with the Health Professional Council (HPCSA) as
Counsellor. Inherent requirements of the job: Ability to communicate in at least
two of the three official languages of the Western Cape. Valid (Code B/EB)
driver’s licence. Willingness to travel in the sub-district/ district to consult clients
and attend and conduct meetings and training sessions.
Competencies(knowledge/skills): Knowledge and/or experience in counselling,
psychometric assessments, and identification of mental health challenges.
Ability to think strategically and analytically, as well as the ability to interpret
and implement policies and guidelines. Work within your professional scope of
practice and know when to refer for more specialized mental health
interventions. Knowledge and experience in providing mentoring and
supervision of other lay health workers. Computer literacy (i.e., MS Word,
PowerPoint, and Excel). Knowledge and application of regulations, policies,
and procedures relevant to health programs. Able to work independently and
in a team. Good presentation skills and the ability to conduct meetings and
training. Good intra- and interpersonal skills aimed at professional relational
development, maintenance of good professional relations and effective conflict
resolution. Adaptable and innovative in a high-pressure environment.
Conceptualization skills as appropriate for individual and group evidence-
based intervention identification and application. Ability to work in a diverse,
multi-cultural and inclusive environment. Ability to effectively communicate in
at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
DUTIES : Providing preventative and developmental counselling services and
interventions on all systems levels. Performing supportive psychological
interventions to enhance mental well-being on an individual basis, group basis
or at community level. Performing basic psychological screening aimed at
overall generalized functioning enhancement. Provide counselling in
conjunction with interdisciplinary/multi-sectoral support teams. Provide
psychoeducation and mental health promotion. Report writing and providing
feedback to clients/supervisor(s) on interventions. Provide supervision,
mentoring and support to lay health workers. Attend regular clinical
supervision. Form part of the sub-district and district mental health teams.
ENQUIRIES : Ms ME Ramokgadi Tel No: (022) 913-3062
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to a competency test. No payment of
any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates who are not in
possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also apply. Such
candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of
application for registration to register with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
knowledge of appropriate legislation, regulations and Departmental Policies.
Knowledge of Human Resources; Financial guidelines, protocols, and control
of budget levels. Computer literacy (MS Office).
DUTIES : Operational management of a CDC (Leadership, internal and external
governance). Integrated services delivery in rendering comprehensive health.
Effective management of Support Services which includes, Information
Management with regards to data collection, verification, report writing and
submission of data, People Management (supervision of staff, development
and performance management), Finance and Supply Chain Management.
Quality management. Infrastructure, maintenance, and facilities management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms LM Appolis Tel No: (021) 202-0933
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
fit to perform duties as required. Valid Code (B/EB/EC1) driver’s licence.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Be conversant with the requirements of the
Machinery and Occupational Health and Safety Act.
DUTIES : Strategic Planning and management of health facility maintenance needs and
infrastructure projects. Provide input and assistance with technical
specifications. Render sound quality and risk management practices.
Implement strategies to ensure continuous adherence to OHSA and other
legislative frameworks. Training of staff on HV Maintenance and HV Switching.
Draft monthly reports and perform relevant administrative tasks. General
support functions to supervisor and colleagues.
ENQUIRIES : Mr ID Fortuin Tel No: (021) 938 4236
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to a practical test. No payment of any
kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
application for registration to register with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Midwife. A post-basic qualification with a duration of at least 1-year Diploma in
Clinical Nursing Science: Health Assessment, Treatment and Care, accredited
with SANC (R48). Registration with a professional council: Registration with
the SANC as a Professional Nurse. Experience: Grade 1: A minimum of 4
years of appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade 2: A minimum
of 14 years of appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration
as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 10 years
of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience
after obtaining the 1-year post-basic qualification in Clinical Nursing Science:
Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (R48), accredited with the SANC.
Inherent requirements of the job: A valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence.
Communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the
Western Cape. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Extensive knowledge and
experience in the Primary Health Care and acute services field of practice.
Basic computer skills in MS Word, Excel, and Outlook. Relevant knowledge,
skills and experience in training and practical mentorship.
DUTIES : Training needs analysis of health science professionals and health workers.
Planning and coordinating clinical training programmes and maintenance of
competence intervention of health personnel. Presentation, facilitation and co-
ordinate of formal and in-service training programmes. Monitoring, evaluation
and reporting on health/clinical training and skill development programmes
(quarterly and annual reports). Conduct the necessary administrative and
interactive, communicative duties required for efficient and effective training
and skills development. Monitor and assist with the improvement of technical
quality which includes morbidity and mortality reviews.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MJF Marthinus Tel No: (044) 814-1100
APPLICATIONS : applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration in the post-
basic qualification: Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment,
and Treatment Care.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
three official languages of the Western Cape. Problem-solving, report writing,
liaison and facilitation skills. Basic computer skills in (i.e., MS Word, Excel,
DUTIES : Manage and provide clinical comprehensive PHC service. Assist with Wellness
programmes in the district and ad-hoc at PHC facilities. Plan and implement
Health Promotion and Prevention activities. Link to the community structures
and NPOs. Collect data and submit reports. Provide PHC services to the
surrounding communities.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MJF Marthinus Tel No: (044) 814-1100
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration in the post-
basic qualification: Diploma in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment,
and Treatment Care.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also apply. Such
candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of
application for registration to register with the relevant council and proof of
payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable to candidates who apply for the first time for registration in the post-
basic qualification in: Advanced Psychiatric Nursing Science with the South
African Nursing Council.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Action Plan (HR AAP). Administer and ensure that audit investigations, follow-
up and feedback of audit findings are done timeously. Manage Human
Resource Development and the implementation of HRD policies, prescripts
and Institutional Work Skills Plans, and oversee the training of staff. Manage
sound Labour Relations and effective participation in IMLC and labour relations
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Kana Tel No: (021) 826 5789
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : Shortlisted candidates may be requested to complete a practical test.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
of occupational health and safety activities. Continuous Professional
ENQUIRIES : Ms E Van Ster Tel No: (022) 487-9269
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. You will be
required to do a practical computer exercise.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
and Account Receivable). Knowledge of the Public Financial Management Act
(PFMA), and National and Provincial Treasury Regulations.
DUTIES : Responsible for the overall management of all Finance, Revenue and NPI
Management functions and ensuring the effective and efficient application of
policies and processes within the Overberg District. Responsible for effective
expenditure control, budget allocations and management. Responsible for
Payment and journal authorization in respect of Revenue and NPI’s and all
other suppliers. Preparation of reports and assist with the compilation of the
Annual and Interim Financial statements. Clear Asset and liability accounts and
Debt Management. Monitor and Evaluation of Revenue and NPI’s within the
Overberg District. Supervision of Staff and Admin support.
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Lamohr Tel No: (028) 214-5839
APPLICATIONS : applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
of monthly pay slips, debt management, verify documents, qualifications, etc.
Responsible for capturing transactions on PERSAL. Handle all personnel
enquiries and correspondence (written and verbal). File personnel data,
policies, regulations, and circulars and maintain registers, i.e., PILIR, RWOPS,
Appointments, Service Terminations, and audit personnel/leave records.
Assist with recruitment and selection process. Assist staff, supervisor,
management, and members of the Public regarding Human Resource and
Personnel matters and effective support service to Supervisor, i.e., relief
duties, and attending meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Mr EJ Jewel Tel No: (023) 414-8291
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
DUTIES : Provide office management and secretarial support to the office of the Chief
Executive Officer. Document management. Record keeping. Provide
Secretarial support for meetings. Coordinate bookings and preparation of
meeting venues.
ENQUIRIES : Ms W Sonnie Tel No: (021) 508-7401
APPLICATIONS : applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services
requirements of the job: Communication skills in at least two of the three official
languages of the Western Cape. Ability to lift/move heavy objects and work at
heights requiring the use of a stepladder. Willingness to work shifts, public
holidays, weekends, overtime, and night duty. Relief in other departments
when necessary. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good communication and
interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Renders effective, efficient, and safe hygiene and domestic services in the
Nursing Component. Renders support services to Household supervisor.
Contributes to effective management of domestic responsibilities. Contributes
to effective utilisation and functioning of apparatus and equipment. Adheres to
loyal service ethics.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Julius Tel No: (022) 487-9304
APPLICATIONS : The District Director: Westcoast District Office, Private Bag X02,
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023