PSV Circular 30 of 2023
PSV Circular 30 of 2023
PSV Circular 30 of 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the
advertisements of vacant posts and jobs in Public Service departments.
1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the
Department is not responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an
advertisement must be addressed to the relevant advertising department.
2. Directions to candidates
2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies,
knowledge and experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the
department in which the vacancy/vacancies exist(s). NB: PROSPECTIVE APPLICANTS MUST
2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.
2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries
to the department where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration
must not be approached for such information.
2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the
applicable closing dates.
3. Directions to departments
3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies.
Potential candidates from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies
and attending where applicable, interviews.
3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15
(affirmative action measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998
should be applied. Advertisements for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote
representativeness through the filling of the vacancy and that the candidature of persons whose
transfer/appointment will promote representativeness, will receive preference.
3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to
employment in the Public Service.
4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding
the course please visit the NSG website:
HEALTH H 43 - 46
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive package). The package
includes a basic salary (70% of package), and a flexible portion that may be
structured in accordance with the rules for Senior Management Services
CENTRE : (Lejweleputwa / Fezile Dabi District Office)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of Nyukela (Pre-entry Certificate to the
SMS) and a Grade 12 Certificate and a Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced
Diploma in Business Administration / Public Management / Public
Administration / Bachelor of Arts in Sociology / Anthropology / Community
Development / Development Studies / Advanced Diploma in Project
Management (NQF level 7). Minimum of 5 years’ experience at a middle /
senior managerial level within a project management environment. Job related
knowledge: A thorough understanding of Project Management. Experience in
the implementation and management of projects. Understanding of corporate
governance principles. Ability to implement Performance Management and
monitoring systems. Knowledge of government systems. Ability to think
conceptually when analysing data and designing concepts to modify corporate
policies, procedures and processes. Job related skills: Project management
skills. Analytical skills. Problem solving skills. Facilitation and coordination
skills. Decision making skills. Financial management skills. Presentation skills.
Computer literacy. Communication skills (verbal and written). Willingness to
travel extensively, work under pressure and after hours. A valid driver's licence.
DUTIES : Provide capacity building and National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC)
services. Provide NARYSEC support services. Facilitate the establishment and
support of participatory community development institutions. Facilitate and
coordinate NARYSEC project implementation. Facilitate youth programmes
and skills development at Provincial and District level. Reduce household
poverty in accordance with Comprehensive Rural Development Programme
(CRDP). Provide strategic land acquisition services. Implement strategic land
acquisition projects including Agri-Parks and Animal and Veld Management
Programme (AVMP). Procure service providers for development of project
proposals. Coordinate the implementation process of land acquisition and
allocation with CRDP Virtuous Cycle. Provide strategic land acquisition support
services in the District including District Land Committees. Facilitate poverty
reduction and the development of cooperatives, rural enterprises and
industries. Promote rural businesses development and facilitate rural
development financing. Facilitate establishment and support of primary
cooperatives. Facilitate organisation of primary cooperatives into secondary
and tertiary cooperatives and provide support. Facilitate the development of
rural enterprises and industries. Provide land development support services.
Manage the development of business plans for the development of agrarian
development projects. Promote the participation of farmers through ownership
and control across commodities value chains. Facilitate strategic farming
partnerships between farmers. Facilitate capacity building of agricultural
graduates and farmers on agrarian development projects. Monitor the
implementation of land development support projects and development
business plans. Provide property management services. Administer and
provide property leases administration support. Administer and provide
property holdings and disposals. Implement land rights and tenure reform
programmes. Provide communal land tenure programmes. Provide land rights
programmes. Establish, maintain and support communal property institutions.
Facilitate land dispute resolutions. Render corporate and financial support
services. Provide legal advice. Provide telecommunication services. Provide
administration and financial support services. Provide client relations services.
Provide office services.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Mzizi Tel No: (051) 400 4200
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X20803, Bloemfontein,
9300 or hand delivered during office hours to: 136 Charlotte Maxeke Street,
Bloemfontein, 9300
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS).
CENTRE : Northern Cape (Kimberley)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in a possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a Bachelor’s
Degree / National Diploma in Law / Commerce / Agriculture / Economic
Sciences / Development Studies / Social Sciences. Minimum of 3 years’
experience in a junior management level. Job related knowledge: Through
knowledge and understanding of and experience in Land reform. Knowledge
of applicable legislation, policies and procedures governing Restitution of Land
Rights. Basic knowledge of financial management and administration systems.
Experience in research management and implementation. Development
management including strategic management. Research methods and
techniques. Community facilitation. Understand and interpret business plans.
Through knowledge in land reform and development-related issues. Job
related skills: Strategic planning skills. General management skills. Operational
planning skills. Proven supervisory skills. Project management skills.
Facilitation skills. Negotiation skills. Policy analysis skills. Communication skills
(verbal and written). Computer literacy. Contract management skills.
Leadership skills. Ability to draft Terms of Reference for service providers.
Ability to manage consultants. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to undertake
field trips entailing long distances and work irregular hours.
DUTIES : Manage the processing of claims. Screen and categorise claim files. Identify
competing claims. Manage the validation of lodged claims. Coordinate the
research of land claims. Conduct in-loco inspections of claims. Commission
pre-feasibility studies. Manage the verification of validated claims. Conduct
homestead Identification. Conduct ordering and analysis of aerial photographs.
Coordinate the engagement with elders. Compile verification reports.
Stakeholder management. Conduct negotiations with landowners and
claimants. Conduct options workshops. Prepare offers. Manage settlement of
claims. Draft section 42D.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Oliphant Tel No: (053) 830 4056
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to Private Bag X5007, Kimberley, 8300
or hand delivered during office hours to: Magistrate Court Building, 6th floor,
Knight Street, Corner of Stead Street, Kimberley, 8300.
NOTE : Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with the rules for MMS).
CENTRE : Office of The Director General: Gauteng (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 12 Certificate and a National
Diploma in Office Management / Public Administration / Office Management
and Technology / Public Management. Minimum of 3 years’ experience in
relevant environment. Job related knowledge: Knowledge of frontline customer
care. Knowledge of Public Sector policies and procedures. Knowledge of
meeting procedures. Understanding of the manner in which the office of the
Director General operates. Job related skills: Ability to communicate well with
a variety of people. Organising skills. Computer literacy. Interaction skills. A
valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Schedule engagements of the Director General. Manage and maintain the
manual diary of the Director General. Coordinate high level meetings on behalf
of the Director General with other government Departments and stakeholders.
Develop, update and circulate the departmental year calendar. Render
administrative support services to the Director General. Manage all travel
arrangements of the Director General. Ensure that subsistence and travel
claims are finalised. Render support to Director General in the Pretoria and
Cape Town offices. Manage emails of the Director General. Coordinate
external and internal meetings. Ensure that Information Technology equipment
and infrastructure of the Office of the Director General functions effectively and
efficiently. Stay abreast of applicable prescripts and procedure to ensure
efficient and effective support to the Director General. Study the relevant Public
Service and departmental prescripts / policies and other documents to ensure
that the application thereof is properly understood. Remain abreast with the
procedures and processes that apply in the Office of the Director General.
Coordinate the budget for the Office of the Director General and handling of
petty cash requests. Facilitate, plan oversee and drive the timely and accurate
preparation of the budget of the Office of the Director General in line with Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations and strategic
priorities weekly, monthly and quarterly. Compile Demand Management Plan
(DMP), Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), Adjustment Estimates
and Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE). Compile various submissions /
memoranda and responses in relation to the disbursement function. Oversee
effective, efficient and economical utilization of the Director General’s funds.
Provide leadership and management in the Private Office. Maintain a
professional environment in the Private Office. Coordinate and manage the
quality of work in the Private Office. Monitor and manage the daily attendance
register. Ensure the development of performance agreements and assessment
reports. Facilitate all training requirements and activities. Facilitate recruitment
processes. Maintain accurate leave records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms A Stevens Tel No: (012) 312 9667
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or
hand delivered during office hours to: 600 Lilian Ngoyi Street (formerly known
as Van der Walt Street), Berea Park, Pretoria, 0002 or to Agriculture Place, 20
Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083.
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
POST 30/08 : OFFICE ASSISTANT REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/561
Office of The Surveyor-General
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post: Private Bag X9086, East London, 5201
or hand delivered to: 1A Waverley Office Park, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Chiselhurst, East London, 5206
NOTE : African, Coloured, Indian and White Males and Coloured and Indian Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
DUTIES : Render general clerical support services. Record, organise, store, capture and
retrieve correspondence and data (line function). Update registers and
statistics. Handle routine enquiries. Make photocopies and receive or send
facsimiles. Distribute documents / packages to various stakeholders as
required. Keep and maintain the filing system for the component. Type letters
and / or other correspondence when required. Keep and maintain the incoming
and outgoing document register of the component. Taking and drafting of
minutes. Provide supply chain clerical support services within the component.
Liaise within internal and external stakeholders in relation to procurement of
goods and services. Obtain quotations complete procurement forms for the
purchasing of standard office items. Stock control of office stationery. Keep and
maintain the asset register of the component. Provide personnel administration
clerical support services within the component. Maintain a leave register for the
component. Keep and maintain personnel records in the component. Keep and
maintain the attendance register of the component. Arrange travelling and
accommodation. Provide financial administration support services in the
component. Capture and update expenditure of the component. Check
correctness of subsistence and travel claims of officials and submit to manager
for approval. Handle telephone accounts and petty cash for the component.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Williams Tel No: (021) 409 0300
APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X10, Mowbray 7710 or
hand delivered during office hours to: 14 Long Street, 5th Floor, Cape Town,
NOTE : African and White Males and African, Indian and White Females and Persons
with disabilities are encouraged to apply
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (an all-inclusive remuneration package).
The package includes a basic salary (70% of package) and a flexible portion
that may be structured in terms of the applicable guidelines.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 certificate and an undergraduate qualification in Accounting/
Auditing/ Financial Management, or equivalent qualification (NQF Level 7 as
recognised by SAQA) At least 5-10 years’ experience in an audit and risk
management field at middle management level. Proficiency in Microsoft Word.
Senior Management Pre-entry Programme. Additional requirements
(Advantage): Government Financial Systems. Internal Control tools and
techniques. PFMA, Treasury Regulations and guidelines. MS PowerPoint, MS
Project and MS Excel. Technical competencies: Knowledge and understanding
of legislative environment, amongst other: The Public Finance Management
Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations, General Accepted Accounting Practices
(GAAP), General Recognised Accounting Principles; and Basic Accounting
System (BAS). Knowledge and experience in the establishment of an
integrated internal control system. Knowledge and experience in the
development and maintenance of government frameworks. Knowledge and
experience in fraud prevention. Knowledge and experience in the
development, implementation, and maintenance of an effective loss control
system. Knowledge and experience in policy development. Knowledge and
experience in statistical and qualitative analysis. Advance experience in
computer proficiency in MS Office, BAS, PERSAL, LOGIS. Knowledge and
experience in general ledger reconciliations and analysis. Experience in
research and/or audit report writing.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be expected to perform the following duties: Develop,
monitor and review departmental internal control policies, procedures and
processes. Implement and maintain appropriate delegation framework in line
with applicable legislation and regulations. Facilitate and coordinate all
assurance services including responding to oversight and related committees.
Develop an appropriate financial information retention system/ repository
system. Manage the implementation and maintenance of the departmental loss
control system.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Mbulelo Sigaba Tel No: (012) 334 0617
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted electronically via email to URS Response Handling Tel No: (012) 811 1900.
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 940, Durban, 4000 or hand
deliver at 267 Anton Lembede, Durban, 4000
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate Human Resource Management, Provincial Office: KwaZulu-
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 at 16:00
NOTE : Instruction: Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be
submitted on the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at Received
applications using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not
be considered. Each application for employment form must be fully completed,
initialled and signed by the applicant. Failure to fully complete, initial and sign
this form may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection
process. All fields of Section A, B, C and D of the Z83 must be completed in
full. Section E, F, G (Due to the limited space on the Z83 it is acceptable for
applicants to indicate refer to CV or see attached. A recently updated
comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience) is required. The
questions related to conditions that prevent re-appointment under Part F must
be answered. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of
the interview following the communication from Human Resources and such
qualification(s) and other related document(s) will be in line with the
requirements of the advert. Foreign qualification must be accompanied by an
evaluation report issued by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)
(only when shortlisted). Applicants who do not comply with the above-
mentioned instruction/ requirements, as well as applications received late will
not be considered. The Department does not accept applications via email or
fax. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application
not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates
only. If you have not been contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing
date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability
check (criminal record, citizenship, credit record checks, qualification
verification and employment verification). The Department reserves the right
not to make any appointment(s) to the above post. The successful candidate
will be expected to sign a performance agreement. The Department is an equal
opportunity affirmative action employer. The Employment Equity Plan of the
Department shall inform the employment decision. It is the Department’s
intention to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of
this post(s)
Executive Programme Manager. Manage a register of all contract for the Waste
ENQUIRIES : Mr Pardon Ndlovu Tel No: (012) 399-8807
SALARY : R527 298 per annum, (Total package of R733 453 per annum/ condition apply)
CENTRES : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Postgraduate Diploma or Bachelor of Science or Honours
Degree (NQF level 7) in Forestry or equivalent qualification. A minimum of
three to five (3-5) years’ experience in forestry or experience in the related
fields. Knowledge and understanding of the National Forest Act, 1998 (Act 84
of 1998) and the National Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1996 (Act 101 of 1996).
Extensive subject knowledge and related technical skills in the planning and/or
management of forest estates / research related to forest ecology, production
forestry, agroforestry, urban forestry and/or environmental or economic
aspects of forestry or in the rendering of forestry scientific services. Knowledge
of conservation planning (mathematical methods), timber yield estimation and
regulation (mathematical methods), design of forest management systems,
development of forest/conservation management plans, map reading, species
identification, and forest inventory/ floristic survey/ wildlife census. Design and
commission research, implement and disseminate research findings (innovate
and forest science development) advance forest science through research and
communication of research findings. Skills: Extensive knowledge and technical
skills of project management, facilitation and coordination skills as well as
excellent analytical thinking and problem solving, superior verbal and written
communication and presentation skills. Good leadership and interpersonal
relations. Ability to negotiate in difficult situations. Advanced computer skills in
MS Office software. Physical fortitude and ability to work extensive hours and
under pressure. A valid driver’s license and must be willing to travel.
DUTIES : Monitoring of forest resources through forest assessments and surveys:
involving classification and mapping of forests, field data collection, data
maintenance and analysis. Design and conduct research and communication
of research findings. Provide scientific advice in relation to the protection of
trees, forests and environmental resources Provide scientific guidance on
sustainable forest management for planted trees and all types of forests, with
reference among other to water, soil conservation, climate change and
biodiversity; and risks such as fire, pests and diseases. Conduct data analysis
on various forestry related topics. Development of information products about
forestry and related subjects. Provision of technical support for compliance and
law enforcement measures as well as integrated environmental management.
Provision of forestry scientific support in relation to domestic and international
policy discourse, including multilateral environmental agreements. Liaise with
stakeholders, coordinate and facilitate events and meetings. Supervision of
staff, financial and physical resources of the unit as well as reporting.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JJ Bester Tel No: (012) 309 5767
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to skills/knowledge test as part of
the selection process.
SALARY : R359 517 per annum, (Total package of R529 878 per annum/conditions
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma / Bachelor of Science. (NQFL6) in Forestry or Natural
Science. 2-3 years experience in Forestry or related field Understanding of
forest science theory and application, understanding of the forestry legislation
and regulatory framework, project management. An Honest, reliable, Accuracy
and precision, Initiative, creativity, problem solver, Ability to work long hours
voluntarily, physical fortitude and ability to conduct physical fieldwork work,
ability to gather and analyse information, ability to develop and apply technical
procedures/policies, ability to work individually and in team, good interpersonal
relations skills, ability to work under extreme pressure, Character beyond
reproach, Articulate, sense of responsibility and loyalty. A valid driver’s license
and must be willing to travel. Skills: Computer software, Research, Analytical,
Organising, Planning, Presentation, Forest mensuration + GIS, Good
communication skills (verbal and written) Good interpersonal. General science
DUTIES : Monitor natural forest resources for Sustainable Forest Management. Maintain
existing forest monitoring systems for all types of forests (Natural Forests.
Woodlands, plantations, and other cultivated forest trees) Conduct Forest
surveys and inventories. Produce original data through field recording as per
forest monitoring programs and projects. Conduct preliminary data integrity
evaluations. Apply appropriate data archiving protocols to ensure data
preservation and accessibility. Process data gathered and interpret information
during forest monitoring, including through use of applicable software and
modelling approaches. Conduct Forest Surveys and inventories. Provide
Scientific and Technical Support for Protection of Trees and Forests. Provide
data in relation to threatened forest ecosystems and other vegetation types.
Provide scientific and technical support towards planning for protection of
forests and woodlands. Conduct field assessments and site inspections to
generate updated site-specific information. Provide technical support and
scientific content in the development of forest conservation / management
plans. Provide Technical Support for Regulation of Forests. Provision of advice
on matters regarding to development affecting forests. Assist internal clients
with provision and site visit in relation to EIA and provide mitigation measures
for implementation (Environmental Impact Assessment). Provide Scientific
information and technical advice in support of policy development and
implementation; including domestic and international policy processes such as
relating to climate change, biodiversity, desertification and international trade
in forest produce and wildlife.
ENQUIRIES : Mr JJ Bester Tel No: (012) 309 5767
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to skills/knowledge test as part of
the selection process.
course/sms-pre-entry-programme/. For more information regarding the course,
please visit the NSG website:
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants should be in possession of National Diploma (NQF level 6) in
Internal Audit/Bcom In Auditing/Business Administration/Public Administration
or relevant qualification as recognized by SAQA Registration as a Certified
Internal Auditor plus 4 years relevant experience internal audit of which 2 years
should be on a supervisory/management experience (ASD- salary level 9 or
10); or (Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), Certified Government
Auditing Professional (CGAP).Generic competencies: Service delivery
innovation, Problem solving and analysis, People management and
empowerment, Client orientation and customer focus, Computer literacy and
communication. Technical competencies: Operational and performance audits,
Risk management and auditing practices, knowledge of The Public Finance
Management Act, Treasury Regulations, Corporate governance, Development
of policies and strategies.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for managing the internal audit
sub directorate, ensure the maintenance of efficient and effective controls and
achieving the objectives of the department by evaluating the department’s
controls/objectives, to determine their effectiveness and efficiency through
internal audits. Communicate the results of internal audit engagements.
Review, collect information and compile internal audit reports to the accounting
officer and audit committee, compile progress reports against audit plan,
Quarterly reports and annual reports. Monitor the policy and legislative
framework to ensure that cognizance is taken of new developments. Develop
and maintain internal audit methodologies policies and procedures. Provide
advice and guidance to role players on the requirements and implementation
of internal audit methodologies policies and procedures. Implement, monitor
and report on the Quality Assurance Improvement Program. Develop strategic
internal audit plans, Identify the key risk areas for the institution emanating from
current operations as set out in the strategic plan and risk management
strategy. Participate in the development of the three year strategic risk based
internal audit plan. Develop the annual internal audit operational plan.
Participate in the coordination with other internal and external service,
providers of assurance to ensure proper coverage to minimise duplication of
effort. Keep up to date with new developments in the internal audit
environment. Study professional journals and publications to ensure that
cognisance is taken of new developments. Monitor and study the relevant
industry, legislative, standards changes and policy frameworks continuously.
Engage in relevant continuous professional development activities (tools and
techniques) as required/prescribed. Manage the sub-directorate Internal Audit,
maintain discipline, manage performance and development, undertake Human
Resource and other related administrative functions. Establish implement and
maintain efficient and effective communication arrangements. Develop and
manage the operational plan of the sub-directorate and report on progress as
required. Develop, implement and maintain processes to ensure proper control
of work, compile and submit all required administrative reports, serve on
transverse task teams as required, procurement and asset management, plan
and allocate work, quality control of work delivered by employees, functional
technical advice and guidance.
ENQUIRIES : Mr D Modiba Tel No: (012) 473 0054
NOTE : The Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the
Employment Equity goals. People with disabilities will be given preference
regardless of race and gender.
Directorate: Government Communication Monitoring and Evaluation
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Applicant must have a relevant appropriate three-year tertiary Degree (NQF
level 7) or a National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Media Studies, Communication,
Politics, Social Sciences, Public Governance, or a relevant recognized
qualification by SAQA with (4) years’ relevant experience of which two (2) years
should be at salary level nine (9) or ten (10), Strong knowledge and
understanding of Government policy priorities. Knowledge of and an interest in
the SA socio-political situation. and understanding of the media landscape.
Proven experience in media content analysis processes and concepts.
Experience working with databases and dashboards. Knowledge of public
finance budgeting. The ability to work independently and under pressure. Time
management and project management skills. Report writing and editing skills.
Decision making and ability to delegate. Good communication, presentation,
planning and research skills. Inclination to pay attention to detail and
willingness to take initiative. Well-developed interpersonal and problem-solving
skills as well as an ability to coordinate work within a team environment.
Advanced computer skills (including power point, excel and databases).
Proficiency in internet searches use of database and electronic dissemination
of products.
DUTIES : To monitor and analyse media content of selected key government
programmes and policies to inform communication strategizing and
messaging. Provide media content analysis support to Government
Communication Projects Attend and participate in daily Rapid Response
meetings. Compile media content analysis/synthesis reports on identified
issues for clients as and when required. Produce media content analysis
reports on selected government priorities for key stakeholders. Produce daily
media coverage reports on SONA and other key government events. Manage
and supervise a team of media analysts. Assists with administrative functions
of the directorate. Assist with the development and management of relevant
media analysis systems. Provide mentoring and training on media analysis.
Oversee the utilization of enterprise Information Management (IM) Systems,
especially SharePoint Document Centre for the employees supervised.
ENQUIRIES : Nkele Sebasa Tel No: (012) 473 0207
NOTE : The Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the
Employment Equity goals. People with disabilities will be given preference
regardless of race and gender.
Directorate: Western Cape Provincial Office
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for MMS)
CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of an appropriate three-year tertiary Degree
(NQF level 7) or a National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Media Studies,
Communication, Journalism, Social Sciences or relevant recognized
qualification by SAQA. The applicant should have four (4) years of sufficient
communication experience, of which two years should be on salary level nine
(9) or ten (10), with knowledge of communication disciplines, including media
liaison, research, grass-root and development communication. Job knowledge:
Sound knowledge of the Western Cape Province and a solid understanding of
the government communication system and the workings of provincial and
local government are essential. Experience: Proven managerial experience
with sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act. Knowledge and
experience in managing procurement processes and development of content.
Experience in project management is also vital. Competencies required: A valid
driver’s license and computer literacy are prerequisites.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible for the following: Support the Provincial
Director in managing the provincial office with special attention to monitoring
of performance and reporting on the province business plan, financial
administration, information management, assets and performance
management. Support the Provincial Director in the development and
maintenance of partnerships towards communication initiatives with
stakeholders from government and civil society in the province. Support the
Provincial Director with the extension of government communication systems
to local government. Providing support to the district offices of GCIS in
implementing communication activities and campaigns based on the
Government Communication Programme. Support the Provincial Director in
driving the marketing and communication Programme for Thusong Service
Centre’s. Support the Provincial Director in broadening the provincial Office
stakeholder database for content dissemination. Support the provincial
Director on content development. Oversight of research and other processes
associated with the assessment of the communication campaigns in the
province. Project leadership of government communication campaigns in the
province when required.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Geraldine Thopps Tel No: (021) 418 0533
NOTE : The Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the
Employment Equity goals. People with disabilities will be given preference
regardless of race and gender.
Directorate: Western Cape Provincial Office
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to design and coordinate the media
activity diary on behalf of government communication in Parliament. Ensure
media liaison support is given to government-related media activities in the
Parliamentary precinct and beyond. Distribute media releases/advisories
statements to external stakeholders, including the media. Identify
communication opportunities and appropriate communication interventions
together with the Deputy Director. Keep abreast of developments within the
Parliamentary environment that may impact on government communication
and participate as well as consult with the Department’s communication
structures in order to coordinate communication activities on behalf of
Government in Parliament. Monitor and interpret Parliamentary Processes to
assist with government messaging and communication. Supervise databases,
including media and other stakeholders that may have interest in government
work in parliament. Facilitate hybrid, virtual and physical interactions with
media and have basic level of technical knowledge of social and broadcast
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Cerf Tel No: (021) 465 3658
NOTE : The Organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the
Employment Equity goals. People with disabilities will be given preference
regales of race and gender.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 before 12h00 noon No late applications will be considered.
NOTE : Take note of the disclaimer mentioned on each advert. It is mandatory that
applications which consist of a signed Z83 and comprehensive CV be emailed
to the respective email addresses indicated on each advert. Ensure that you
use the correct inbox/email. Applications send to the incorrect inbox will be
deemed a regret. Ensure to sign your Z83 before you scan it. Please use your
signature or valid e-signature and not your name written in block/typed print. A
Z83 not signed will be deemed a regret. From 1 January 2021, a new
application for employment (Z83) form will be effective and if the old Z83 is
used, it will be deemed a regret. Should an individual wish to apply for a post
after 1 January 2021, he/she will be required to submit the new application for
employment form which can be downloaded at or Requirements: Applications must be submitted on the
new form Z83 as indicate above (signed and scanned). The relevant reference
number must be quoted on all documentation and on the subject heading of
the email. An application should consist of (a) a comprehensive and detailed
CV (specifying all experience and duties, indicating the respective dates
MM/YY as well as indicating references with full contact details) and (b) a duly
completed Z83 (refer to Circular No 19 of 2022 in this regard). When applying
through the online system, applicants are required to attach copies of all
qualifications including National Senior Certificate/Matric certificate/equivalent/
ID, etc., however, these documents need not be certified at the point of
application, but certification will be required prior to attending the interview. The
candidate must agree to the following: Shortlisted candidates must avail
themselves for a virtual or in-person panel interview at a date and time
determined by the GPAA. Note that certain information contained in the
application (CV and Z83) may be verified through the request for official
documents and or other methods of verification and proof (when shortlisted).
The certification of all supporting documents will be expected of the shortlisted
candidates only. Applicants must note that pre-employment checks and
references will be conducted once they are short-listed and the appointment is
also subject to a positive outcome on these checks, which include but not
limited to: security clearance, security vetting, qualification/study verification,
citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, previous employment
verification and criminal record. Applicants will be required to meet vetting
requirements as prescribed by Minimum Information Security Standards. It is
the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Correspondence will only be
conducted with the short-listed candidates. If you have not been contacted
within six (6) months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept
that your application was unsuccessful. The candidate must take note of: It is
intended to promote representativeness through the filling of these posts and
the candidature of persons whose promotion/ appointment will promote
representativeness, will receive preference. Disabled persons are encouraged
to apply. For applications on salary levels 11 – 15, the inclusive remuneration
package consists of a basic salary, the state’s contribution to the Government
Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion in terms of applicable rules.
The GPAA reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests/competency
assessments for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process
(candidates who are shortlisted will be informed accordingly) to determine the
suitability of candidates for the post(s). The GPAA reserves the right to cancel
the filling/not to fill a vacancy that was advertised during any stage of the
recruitment process. The successful candidate will have to sign an annual
performance agreement and will be required to undergo a security clearance.
APPLICATIONS : It is mandatory to email your application (comprehensive CV and new Z83
signed) to quoting the reference number in the subject
heading of the email.
NOTE : The purpose of the role: To provide keys custodian and incident management
processes and activities within GPAA. One permanent position of Senior
Administrative Officer: Key Custodian is currently available at Pretoria Head
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive), PSR 44 will apply to candidates
appointed in the salary level
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Bachelor’s degree (NQF Level 7) in Finance or Economics or related field. A
Qualification in Public Finance will be an added advantage. A minimum of 4
years post training/ internship experience with at least 6 years’ experience in
Project Finance, Corporate Finance or Structured Finance with at least 1 year
at management level. Experience in the public service will be an added
advantage. Competencies Required: Computer Literary: Knowledge and ability
to use computers and technology efficiently. Refers to the comfort level someone has
with using computer programs and other applications associated with computers (MS
Office, Internet, email). Includes the ability to learn new applications associated with
the business. Development Financing: Knowledge of development financing
approaches and methods including the financing of long-term projects and
public services based upon a non-recourse or limited recourse financial
structure, in which project debt and equity used to finance the project are paid
back from the cash flow generated by the project. Economic Development:
Knowledge of South African economic development policies and programmes
with a specific focus on approaches and methodologies to making markets
work for the poor. Financial Analysis: Knowledge of financial data analysis
including the ability to collect and monitor data, conduct financial modelling,
analyse results; monitor variances; identify trends; recommend actions and assist
with annual and quarterly forecasting. This further includes knowledge of types of
agreements/contracts typically used in non/limited recourse finance. Government
Knowledge: Knowledge of the tiers and sectors of government and inter-
governmental relationships, and the economic and social development
priorities and programmes of national, provincial and local governments. Grant
Management: Knowledge of grant funding (non-repayable funds) approaches
and methods and the regulatory environment governing the management of
public funds. This includes knowledge of the South African grant funding
reforms initiative and grant management systems. Internal Control/Audit:
Knowledge of how to evaluate control systems for financial, administrative,
programme, and operational activities to provide reasonable assurances that
obligations, costs and disbursements comply with applicable regulations and
laws, that property is funded, and assets are safeguarded; and that revenues
and expenditures applicable to operations are properly recorded and
accounted. Labour Markets: Knowledge of how labour markets work and the
current active labour market policy interventions. Legislative Knowledge:
Knowledge of the regulatory environment and processes regarding the
implementation of policies, legislation and services delivery programmes, and
knowledge of the PFMA and NT regulations pertaining to the Jobs Fund.
Project Management: Knowledge of project management principles, methods,
or tools for appraising, conceptualising, structuring, scheduling, coordinating,
and managing projects and resources, including monitoring, evaluating and
reporting on project impact, costs, work, and contractor performance. Public
Finance Economics: Knowledge of field of economics that studies government
activities and the alternative means of financing them. Client Service
Orientation: The ability to interact with and respond to internal and external
client needs and expectations in a manner that puts into practice the Batho
Pele spirit and meets and exceeds service delivery standards, with priority
given to client satisfaction. Concern for Quality and Order: The desire to see
things done logically, clearly and well. It takes various forms: monitoring and
checking work and information, insisting on the clarity of roles and duties,
setting up and maintaining information system. Effective Communication: The
ability to transmit and receive information clearly and communicate effectively
to others by considering their points of view in order to respond appropriately.
This may involve listening, interpreting, formulating and delivering: verbal, non-
verbal, written, and/or electronic messages. It includes the ability to convey
ideas and information in a way that brings understanding to the target
audience. Emotional Intelligence: The capacity for recognising their own
feelings and those of others, for motivating themselves and others as a result
of this awareness, and for managing emotions within themselves and in others.
Integrity/ Honesty: Contributes to maintaining the integrity of the organisation;
displays high standards of ethical conduct and understands the impact of
violating these standards on an organisation, self, and others; is trustworthy.
Problem Solving and Analysis: The ability to understanding a situation, issue,
problem, etc., by breaking it into smaller pieces, or tracing the implications of a
situation in a step-by-step way. It includes organizing the parts of a problem,
situation, etc., in a systematic way; making systematic comparisons of different
features or aspects; setting priorities on a rational basis; and identifying time
sequences, causal relationships, or if-then relationships. Create timely and well
developed solutions by examining alternatives, risks and consequences.
Resources Planning: Organizes work, sets priorities and determines resource
requirements; determines short- or long-term goals and strategies to achieve
them; coordinates with other organisations or parts of the organisation to
accomplish goals; monitors progress and evaluates outcomes. Team
Participation: The ability to work co-operatively with others, to work together as
opposed to working separately or competitively. Valuing Diversity: The ability
to understand and respect the practices, customs, values and norms of other
individuals, groups and cultures. It goes beyond what is required by
governmental employment equity regulations to include the ability to respect
and value different points-of-view, and to be open to others of different
backgrounds or perspectives. It includes seeing others’ differences as a
positive part of the work environment. Vision and Purpose: Modelling and
promoting high personal and professional standards that support the
organisation’s vision, mandate and values. Sharing goals, objectives and ideas
to encourage others to commit to and be enthusiastic about realising the vision.
DUTIES : To analyse corporate financials and appraise investment proposals from
public, private and non-governmental organisations as they relate to Jobs Fund
applications and the Jobs Fund portfolio of investments in activities that
contribute directly to enhanced employment creation in South Africa. Jobs
Fund Regulatory Framework: Prepare and maintain mandated documents as
required. Review Jobs Fund policies for alignment with accounting standards
and provide explanations on processes and techniques and recommend
actions. Assist Jobs Fund staff in interpreting laws, rules, and regulations, and
clarifying procedures. Jobs Fund Applications and Investment Opportunities
Appraisals: Appraise new investment proposals (due diligence) and
opportunities submitted through the Calls for Proposals. Determine optimal
funding allocations including establishing standard costs across models and
collecting operational data on models. Conduct commercial analysis, financial
modelling and analysis, risk analysis and institutional analysis. Prepare
appraisal reports for submission. Review proposed contracts for adherence to
Jobs Fund policy, existing laws and regulations. Negotiate project documents.
Jobs Fund Portfolio Investment Analysis: Analyse investment project reports
and corporate financials. Examine accounting data for accuracy,
appropriateness and documentation. Compare and analyse actual results with
plans and forecasts to identify financial status and monitor variances. Audit
documents submitted for payment and verify compliance with Jobs Fund
guidelines. Identify, report and ensure resolution of non-compliance issues and
project risks. Prepare disbursement request reports for consideration. Monitor
and check approved disbursements to projects. Monitor and report on project
progress post-investment. Jobs Fund Performance and Reporting: Coordinate
with other members of the Jobs Fund Project Management Unit to review
financial information and forecasts. Analyse current and past financial data and
performance, identify trends in financial performance and provide
recommendations for improvement. Provide information and technical support
in the development and revision of policies and regulations. Assist with the
compilation of data, financial reports and interpretation of legislated financial
reporting requirements and regulations. Review and verify statistical and
financial information and prepare financial reports as requested. Analyse and
interpret data, conduct comparative analyses and recommend actions. Jobs
Fund Support: Liaise with implementing stakeholders and promote a culture of
adherence towards efficiency and achievement of value for money. Promote
knowledge management through research and publication of papers. Maintain
communication with staff regarding financial matters. Manage team dynamics
in order to meet the Fund’s objectives. Assist with the development and
maintenance of financial models and forecasting methodologies and tools.
ENQUIRIES : HR: Kaizer Malakoane at (066) 250 7072,
Technical Job Enquries:
SALARY : R424 104 per annum (Level 09), (excluding benefits), PSR 44 will apply to
candidates appointed in the salary level
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A bachelor’s degree/ National Diploma in Communications or related field, a
Postgraduate qualification in marketing and/or communications, and or public
relations will be an added advantage. 3-4 years of experience in the
management, promotion and delivery or corporate communication strategic
and operational activities, and public relations, experience working in a public
sector is highly desirable. Overall, the Jobs Fund is looking for a highly
motivated and professional individual with a passion for communications,
social development, and creating an impact. This individual is expected to,
amongst others: Hit the ground running and quickly develop a comprehensive
understanding of the organisation, its strategy, its projects and where it is
located within South Africa’s development landscape; Use their creativity to put
forward ideas to promote the work of the Jobs Fund; Have excellent spoken
and written English language skills; Gather information for the production of
good quality, relevant articles/content; Manage the Fund’s social media
accounts; Have excellent professional etiquette and display this at all times; Be
comfortable working independently, keeping track of deliverables and ensuring
communications targets are met on time, as per the expected quality
standards. Competencies Required: Administrative Operations: Knowledge,
capabilities and practices associated with the support of administrative and
management activities to facilitate organisational and mission goals and
objectives. This competency requires knowledge of the appropriate rules,
regulations, processes and associated systems within various enabling
functions which may include human resources management, resource
management, employee support services, documentation, procurement and
financial management. Policy Development and Management: Knowledge of
Treasury-related legislation, the legislative process, and public affairs as it
pertains to NT, includes the ability to monitor legislation that is of interest to
Treasury. Utilizes a wide variety of resources and tools to develop, maintain,
monitor, enforce and provide oversight of policies and regulations. Project
Management: Knowledge of the principles, methods, or tools for developing,
scheduling, coordinating, and managing projects and resources, including
monitoring, and inspecting costs, work, and contractor performance. Computer
Literacy: Knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently.
Refers to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and
other applications associated with computers (MSOffice, Internet, email).
Effective Communication: Ability to transmit and receive information clearly and
communicate effectively to others by considering their points of view in order
to respond appropriately. This may involve listening, interpreting, formulating,
and delivering verbal, non-verbal, written, and/or electronic messages. It
includes the ability to convey ideas and information in a way that brings
understanding to the target audience. Emotional Intelligence: Capacity for
recognising their own feelings and those of others, for motivating themselves
and others as a result of this awareness, and for managing emotions within
themselves and in others. Concern for Quality and Order: The desire to see
things done logically, clearly and well. It takes various forms: monitoring and
checking work and information, insisting on the clarity of roles and duties,
setting up and maintaining information system. Problem Solving and Analysis:
Understanding a situation, issue, problem, etc., by breaking it into smaller
pieces, or tracing the implications of a situation in a step-by-step way. It
includes organizing the parts of a problem, situation, etc., in a systematic way;
making systematic comparisons of different features or aspects; setting
priorities on a rational basis; and identifying time sequences, causal
relationships, or if-then relationships. Create timely and well-developed
solutions by examining alternatives, risks, and consequences. Team
Participation: Works co-operatively with others, working together as opposed
to working separately or competitively.
DUTIES : The Communications Officer will be responsible for coordinating the planning
and execution of the knowledge sharing and communications activities of the
Jobs Fund Project Management Office (PMO). This includes producing
content, organising events, sourcing information, monitoring, and responding
to internal and external enquiries, managing databases and records, and
contributing to the Jobs Fund (JF) communications strategy. Public Relations:
Plan and coordinate public relations programmes designed to create and
maintain a favourable public image for JF. Provide clients with information
about new promotional opportunities and current PR campaigns progress.
Design, write and/or produce presentations, press releases, articles, leaflets,
‘in-house' journals, reports, publicity brochures, information for web sites and
promotional videos. Events: Plan and implement promotion of events to target
audiences in order to maximise JF’s profile (such as webinars, press
conferences, open days, exhibitions and site visits). Coordinate requests from
Jobs Fund Partners and External stakeholders for JF to participate in events,
obtaining the relevant approvals from management. Prepare speaking notes
and/or presentations for events. Communication Framework: Coordinate
communications strategies, including the development of brochures, social
media posts, website content, articles, corporate publications, and media
releases to maximise promotion and reach of activities. Form partnerships with
relevant bodies and persons on developments in the fields of Communications.
Subscribe to relevant publications, Newsletters, and websites to keep abreast
of developments in the fields of Communications and PR and socio-economic
development. Promote the participation of management in relevant industry
events, conferences, and workshops. Develop, communicate, and monitor
compliance against guidelines and procedures related to organisation-wide
communications policy. Promotions and Marketing: Assist in providing content,
production and design advice for all marketing/ PR/ communications
publications as required. Develop new publications and facilitate other
information-sharing opportunities to assist in achieving marketing targets.
Coordinate market research to understand the needs of specific target groups
and ensure maximum participation in all internal and external JF surveys and
polls. Website and Social Media Administration: Leverage existing and
emerging technologies to engage audiences including integration of social
media into marketing campaigns and activities to maximise effectiveness.
Review and redevelop the presentation of website, intranet, social media, and
other digital applications to ensure currency and communication excellence
whilst enabling continuous improvement. Coordinate all social media activity
(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) and manage corporate social media accounts.
Inbound and Outbound Communication: Coordinate and monitor JF’s internal
communication programme. Manage the Jobs Fund inbox and ensure all
enquiries are responded to within the acceptable time limit. Escalate issues to
management. Coordinate the communication with applicants during funding
rounds: Respond to queries from applicants; Ensure that applications to the JF
who are not successful are duly informed; Communicate eligibility criteria to
unsuccessful applicants as per instruction from management. Communicate
approved publications and invitations to internal and external stakeholders as
applicable. Database Management: Proactively identify key stakeholders and
contacts that can be useful in promoting the Jobs Fund network and influence
and with management concurrence update the Jobs Fund Contacts Database.
Be the custodian of the media list, the communications database, and the
enquiry log. Maintain and update the databases as per the prescribed intervals
which could be daily, a few times per week, monthly or quarterly. Regularly
submit the enquiries database and summary of activity to management. Liaise
with legal regularly on POPIA compliance and remove any individuals on the
database who no longer wish to receive JF publications.
ENQUIRIES : HR: Kaizer Malakoane at (066) 250 7072,
Technical Job Enquiries:
It is the Department’s intension to promote equity (race, gender, and disability) through the filing of this
post with a candidate whose transfer /promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with the
numeric targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
SALARY : R946 461 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package), (basic salary
consists of 70% or 75% of total package, salary package will be structured
according to Middle Management Service guidelines.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma (NQF 6) in Environmental Health. A Degree (NQF 7) in
Environmental Health will be an advantage. Registration with Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as an Environmental Health
Practitioner and in good standing. At least three years’ experience in
Environmental Health in a local, provincial, or national sphere government as
Assistant Director. Knowledge on development of health information system
and experience in implementation processes. Knowledge and experience on
monitoring and evaluation of relevant systems, indicators and services and
report writing. Knowledge of related legislation applicable to environmental and
port health services. Good communication (verbal and written), analytical,
project management, research, presentation, and computer skills (MS Office
packages). A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Identify Environmental Health (EH) priority diseases and establish an
environmental health surveillance programme. Coordinate and support
provinces and municipalities in environmental health surveillance matters.
Develop and manage an Environmental Health Information System (EHIS).
Ensure engagements and coordination with various sub-programs within the
Cluster on information related matters. Monitor data collection, reporting, and
analyse reported data. Monitor environmental health indicator data set
reporting in the District Health Information Systems (DHIS). Monitor and
provide support to provinces and municipalities on environmental health
surveillance and information management issues. Conduct the necessary
capacity building to provinces and municipalities on environmental health
information systems. Manage and supervise staff and resources. Develop and
monitor work plans and performance for the sub-programme.
ENQUIRIES : Ms APR Cele Tel No: (012) 395 8522/21
SALARY : R946 461 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package), (basic salary
consists of 70% or 75% of total package]. The flexible portion of the package
can be structured according to Middle Management Service guidelines.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma (NQF 6) in Biological Sciences or Public Health and
registration with HPCSA in the relevant profession. A Bachelor’s Degree in
Epidemiology (NQF 7) qualification will be an advantage. At least three (3)
years’ experience after registration with HPCSA in epidemiology and/or public
health. Knowledge of epidemiology and research principles, diagnosis, and
treatment of emerging and infectious diseases. Understanding of the
epidemiology and surveillance of communicable and non-communicable
diseases as well as experience and skills in epidemiology and research
methods. Knowledge and experience in monitoring and evaluation of activities
as well as development of policy guidelines. Good communication (verbal and
written), presentation, leadership, training, report writing, co-ordination, project
management, planning, organization, and computer (MS Office package)
skills. Ability to work under pressure, independently whilst integrating tasks with
team members and willingness to travel and work irregular hours. Valid driver’s
DUTIES : Strengthen the implementation of regulations relating to the surveillance and
control of notifiable medical conditions (National Health Act, 2004 No 61 of
2003). Coordinate drafting and inputs on regulations relating to the surveillance
and control of notifiable conditions. Strengthen epidemic preparedness and
response in line with adapted International Health Regulators. Assist in
establishing a functional mechanism for the coordination and integration of
relevant sectors in the implementation of surveillance. Implement effective
surveillance systems, policies, and guidelines to support the implementation of
the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). Manage risks
associated with the implementation of KRAs. Develop surveillance information
systems, conduct research, and produce monitoring reports for disease
outbreaks and implementation of IDSR.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T Zondi Tel No: (012) 395 8411
Directorate: Hospital Management
SALARY : R811 560 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package), (basic salary
consists of 70% or 75% of total package, salary package will be structured
according to Middle Management Service guidelines
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A National Diploma (NQF 6) in Health Science/Hospital Management/Health
Services. A Bachelor’s Degree (NQF 7) will be an advantage. Five (5) years’
experience in health services and hospital management and quality
improvement. Knowledge and experience in policy development and analysis.
Knowledge of the National Health Act and other relevant legislation and
prescripts. Knowledge of General Healthcare Management and Healthcare
Systems, Public Policy and Frameworks, Human Resources Policies and
Application and Corporate Governance. Knowledge of PFMA, DORA, Treasury
Regulations and Health and Project Management Information Systems. Good
communication (verbal and written), planning, organizing, problem solving,
decision making, project management, team leadership, people management,
facilitation, change management, interpersonal relationship, and computer
skills (MS Office package). A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Development and implementation of policy and provision of support for
Provinces and Hospitals. Conduct stakeholder analysis to determine key
stakeholders to participate in the process for the review of the regulation
relating to the classification of Hospital. Development and implementation of
organizational management and development guidelines. Strengthen and
support decentralization of hospital management. Develop and monitor the
Hospitals Improvement Plan and establish the hospital information systems.
Develop a performance management system that will assist in monitoring and
evaluation of hospital efficiency across the country. Review management
training and development initiatives for hospitals and assist in the redefining of
such programmes. Manage risk and audit queries.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Ncha Tel No: (012) 395 8257
SALARY : R811 560 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package), (basic salary
consists of 70% or 75% of total package, salary package will be structured
according to Middle Management Service guidelines
CENTRE : Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor’s Degree (NQF 6) / National Diploma (NQF 6) in Financial
Management or Accounting. A Bachelor’s Degree (NQF 7) will be an
advantage. At least five (5) years’ experience as an assistant manager in
financial management / fund management and/or claims management.
Knowledge and understanding of the application of government and
departmental policies. Sound understanding of financial policies as guided by
treasury regulations. Good strategic capabilities and leadership,
communication (written and verbal), computer literacy, coordination, and
project management skills. Ability to work independently, under pressure, with
the team and work irregular hours. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Management and supervision of claims section to ensure an effective service.
General supervision of employees, Allocation of duties and performing quality
control on the work delivered by supervisors. Advice and lead supervisors
regarding all aspects of the work. Project management: support on the
outreach and support projects set by the commissioner including supporting
occupational health centres. Provide awareness, training and support to ex-
mine workers and mini workers on compensation and ODMWA. Preparation of
audit and response to all findings, report on actuarial valuation of the fund and
preparation of annual reports. Ensure procurement of the vendor on actuarial
valuation. Performance monitoring and reporting. Prepare and present monthly
and quarterly reports to the National Department of Health, Department of
Monitoring and Evaluation and Legislated Committees. Provide support to the
Directorate with transversal services including technical and administrative
functions. Manage the budget and procurement administration process.
Management of risk. Ensure the safety and confidentiality of the information
and documents as well verify all the in and out correspondence and documents
in the office of the Commissioner. Ensure and verify claims documents for the
rightful beneficiary and avoid double payments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Thembisa Mama Tel No: (011) 356-5602
Directorate: Nutrition
solving, initiative and creativity, time management and computer skills (MS
Office package).
DUTIES : Support the implementation of food and nutrition security interventions to
address hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in vulnerable populations.
Implement the South African Food-Based Dietary Guidelines (SAFBDG) to
promote good health and prevent chronic diseases. Establish nutrition
research and surveillance system to inform evidence-based policies and
interventions for improving population health and nutrition outcomes.
Prevention and management of obesity in the South African population.
Implement Nutrition Information, Education, Communication and Advocacy
(NIECA) initiatives. Coordinate food fortification programme for addressing
micronutrient deficiencies. Conduct capacity building and training initiatives to
ensure the successful implementation and long-term sustainability of nutrition
intervention/programmes. Collaborate with and provide technical support to
relevant internal and external stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Rebone Ntsie Tel No: (012) 395 9118
SALARY : R811 560 – R952 485 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package). The
successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognized by SAQA in
Information and Communication Technology; A minimum of 3 years experience
at management (Assistant Director) level in ICT Project Management focusing
on infrastructure; Knowledge and understanding of ICT project management
and monitoring framework, government systems and processes; Knowledge
and understanding of Public Service Regulations, Public Finance Management
Act and Treasury Regulations; Knowledge of ICT Strategic Planning, ICT
Business Value Metrics, Information and System Management, Software
Development Lifecycle Methodologies (SDLC) (Agile and Waterfall
Methodologies) with SCRUM processes, PMBOK and Prince 2. Skills and
Competencies: Applied strategic thinking; Communication and information
management; Continuous improvement; Developing others; Diversity
management; Managing interpersonal conflict and resolving problems;
Planning and organising; Problem solving and decision making; Team
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Manage the overall initiation, planning, execution,
monitoring, controlling and closing of ICT infrastructure projects; Manage the
development and implementation of project management strategies and plans
for ICT infrastructure projects; Manage the administrative support for ICT
infrastructure projects and attend to all related project governance issues;
Manage the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of service providers and monitor
performance; Prepare progress reports for ICT infrastructure projects to all
stakeholders, Manage the human, finance and other resources in the
ENQUIRIES : Ms. R Sema Tel No: (012) 315 1333
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: Human Resource: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001 or Physical address:
Application Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329
Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognized by SAQA in
Information and Communication Technology; A minimum of 3 years experience
as a Specialist in ICT Project Management; Knowledge and understanding of
Project Management Framework, ICT Business Value Metrics, Software
Development Lifecycle Methodologies (SDLC) (Agile and Waterfall
Methodologies), PMBOK and Prince 2 Project Management Methodologies,
MS Project/EPM Tool; Knowledge and understanding of Public Service
Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, and
Government financial systems and processes. Skills and Competencies:
Applied strategic thinking; Communication and information management;
Continuous improvement; Developing others; Diversity management;
Interpersonal relations and conflict resolution; Planning and organising;
Problem solving and decision making; Team leadership.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Undertake the planning, execution, monitoring and
controlling of ICT Business Applications and Infrastructure projects; Monitor,
evaluate and report on budgets as project progresses; Manage administrative
support to projects; Facilitate project related activities; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Mokoena Tel No: (012) 744 2026
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal
address: The Human Resources: Department of Justice and Constitutional
Development, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001 or Physical address: Application
Box, First Floor Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius
Street, Pretoria.
SALARY : R228 915 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to sign a
performance agreement.
CENTRE : Provincial Office – Mahikeng
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB Degree or 4 year recognized legal qualification; A valid driver’s license;
Knowledge of South African Legal System, and legal practices with specific
reference to civil litigation; Knowledge of criminal procedures and practice;
Knowledge and experience in office administration. Skills and Competencies:
Legal Research and drafting; Dispute resolution; Project management;
Strategic capability and leadership skills; Conflict and knowledge
management; Reliability; Excellent Communication (written and verbal);
Computer literacy; Compliance management.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Draft legal documents and give legal advice to the
Department and other organs of the State; Provide support services to the
courts regarding quasi-judicial functions; Respond to petitions, representations
and complaints from civil society and other government departments; Liaise
with other departments, Director Public Prosecution, and communities on
programmes around crime prevention; Prepare memoranda for the
appointment of Commissioners of Oath and Appraisers; Determine Legal
Liability, recover loss and damage to State property and oversee the smooth
functioning of dedicated courts in the region; Facilitate implementation of
relevant legislation including the Victims Charter and the Restorative Justice
National policy Framework; Initiate, plan, implement and conduct community
awareness campaigns on legislations administered by the Department.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Shoai Tel No: (018) 397 7088
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The
Provincial Head, Private Bag X2033, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand delivery it at 22
Molopo Road, Ayob Gardens, Mafikeng.
APPLICATIONS : Postal: The Principal: National School of Government, Private Bag X759,
Pretoria, 0001 or use the e-mail address indicated for each post. Should you
submit your application and CVs to the address not as specified, your
application will be regarded as lost and will not be considered. Applicants are
encouraged to apply via the e-recruitment system.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 at 16h00
FOR ATTENTION : Enquiries: Kindly contact Mr Thabo Ngwenya Tel No: (012) 441 6108 or Mr
Mpho Mugodo Tel No: (012) 441-6017.
NOTE : Applications must consist of: A fully completed and signed new Z83 form with
a comprehensive CV containing contactable references. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day
of the interview. The relevant reference number must be quoted in the
application form. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Shortlisted
candidates non-SMS post might be subjected to a technical exercise for the
post (s). All appointments are subject to personnel suitability checks such as
security vetting, citizen verification, financial records check, and qualifications
verifications. Applications who do not comply with the above-mentioned
requirements as well as applications received late, will not be considered. The
selection process of the SMS post will be in line with the Senior Management
Service requirements. The successful candidate will be expected to sign a
performance agreement within three months from the date of assumption of
duties and to disclose particulars of all registrable financial interests within a
month. Appointments are subject to personnel suitability to sign a performance
agreement within three months from the date of assumption of duties and to
disclose particulars of all registrable financial interests within a month. The
successful candidate will be expected to sign a performance agreement within
three months from the date of assumption of duties and to disclose particulars
of all registrable financial interests within a month. The selection process will
be in line with the NSG Recruitment and Selection Policy and other prescripts.
The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of
the Department to achieve its employment equity targets. It is the Department’s
intention to promote equity (race, gender, and disability) through the filling of
this post. The NSG reserves the right not to make an appointment and to use
other recruitment processes. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only.
SALARY : R424 104 per annum (Level 09), plus competitive benefits cost to company.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A tertiary qualification registered at (NQF Level 6) in Human Resource
Development, Business Administration & Management, Public Administration
& Management, Operations Management or Project management. 3 years’
experience in education, training, and development (ETD) coordination or
working in an ETD environment, including supervisory experience. Knowledge:
Good understanding of the education, training, and development (ETD)
environment. Practical and proven knowledge of ETD co-ordination or client
service coordination. Proficiency with necessary technology such as software
applications, computers etc. Good understanding of the public sector, relevant
policies, and applicable legislative frameworks (including but not limited to:
Public Service Act; Public Administration and Management Act; Public Service
Regulatory Frameworks). Knowledge of professional bodies and regulatory
body requirements (e.g., South African Qualifications Authority, Quality Council
for Trades and Occupations, Council for Higher Education) Advanced
computer literacy, including excellent working knowledge of MS Office suite
and relevant software for data analysis. Batho Pele principles.
Competencies/skills. Events and project management Time management.
Strong interpersonal skills. Problem solving skills. Research and analysis
techniques. Excellent organising and planning skills. Computer literacy in
Microsoft Office Suite and other relevant solutions. Proven writing skills,
including report writing, submissions and articles Digital skills to work in digital
environments with digital systems, management and reporting tools. Good
conflict management skills. Creative and analytical skills Personal Attributes:
Participate in professional development growth activities for maintaining
professional knowledge and staying current with business solutions trends.
Ability to multi-task and organize, prioritize, and follow multiple projects and
tasks through to completion with an attention to detail. Ability to work
independently while contributing to a team environment. Ability to analyze
problems, identify solutions and take appropriate action, resolve conflicts using
independent judgment and decision-making processes. Ability to establish and
maintain effective working relationships with management, employees,
stakeholders, and the public. Integrity and honesty; detail oriented; creative
and innovative; ability to work under pressure. Travel and work extended
DUTIES : Co-ordinate the planning process for the delivery of ETD events (e.g., face to
face, virtual, e-learning and blended training). Manage bulk booking not to
exceed the actual booked number. Co-ordinate ETD interventions with client
departments, contracted service providers, and internal business divisions.
Manage the processes related to procurement of logistics (e.g. venue and
catering). Deployment of the panel of experts and HEI’s in accordance with
their area of specialisation. Prepare case files for handover (final attendance
registers, verification of captured records, deviation memos/submissions, etc.)
and submit to Learner Records after course reports. Management of priority
clients (schedule meetings, ensure MOU/MOA project plans implementation).
Monitor and assess each ETD event’s success, prepare reports and identify
areas of improvement. Manage the logistics related to printing and packaging
of course material (for face-to-face training) and delivery before the ETD
intervention. Monitor and replenish the stock levels of course material
timeously and efficiently. Ensure the distribution and completion of learner
evaluation questionnaires and feedback forms and submit to the relevant
business unit. Ensure the thorough completion of attendance registers and the
prompt receipt of reports from the panel of experts and higher education
institutions (HEIs) subsequent to the educational and training development
(ETD) intervention. Quality assure physical and online documentation received
from the Contact Centre before co-ordination activities. Manage the quality of
course materials distributed in line with the approved specification before
printing as well as before dispatch to clients. Undertake periodic site visits to
ETD venues (internally and externally) to ensure quality standards. Monitor the
quality and performance of service providers responsible for catering, venues,
and printing in line with the NSG policies and standards. Create awareness of
NSG Standards, to Departmental Coordinators. Provide support in the
orientation of contracted panel of experts and HEI’s and assist in presenting
on training logistics matters. Manage and verify the accuracy of data capturing
into the system. Ensure quality of the ETD interventions into the system,
through continuous monitoring and in liaison with relevant programme
managers. Manage data integrity and security of learner personal information
into the system. Liaise with Learner Records after each ETD intervention for
the issuing of payments and certificates. Manage the resources (people,
finance, systems, assets) allocated within the sub-directorate. Implement
operations management within the sub-directorate, including determination of
service standards, standard operating procedures, business process
management, total quality management and digital transformation. Develop
appropriate strategies and plans for the achievement of performance targets
and sub-directorate requirements, including quarterly performance reporting.
Identify and manage strategic and operational risks within the sub-directorate,
as well as mitigation plans, including business continuity plans. Manage a
team of employees, who are expected to accomplish assigned duties in an
efficient, effective, and competent manner and to strive for improvement and
excellence in all work performed. Preference will be given to Youth, African
Males, African Females, Coloured Males, and people with disability in
accordance with our employment equity requirements.
ENQUIRIES : Thabo Ngwenya Tel No: (012) 441 6108
APPLICATIONS : Postal: The Principal: National School of Government, Private Bag X759,
Pretoria, 0001, hand delivery at ZK Mathews Building, 70 Meintjies Street,
Sunnyside, Pretoria, or e-mail at
SALARY : R424 104 per annum (Level 09), plus competitive benefits cost to company.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A tertiary qualification at (NQF level 6) in Business Information Systems,
Computer or Data Science. Registration with a relevant professional
association/body may be an added advantage. Three (3) years’ experience in
business systems and data management, business analysis including
supervisory experience. Knowledge: In-depth knowledge of business
information systems and software. Knowledge of data management and
analysis. Knowledge of education and training environment, including
enrolment and delivery. Proficiency with learning management system (LMS)
technology relating to digital innovations, software applications and hardware.
Good understanding of the public sector, relevant policies, and applicable
legislative frameworks (including but not limited to: Public Service Act; Public
Administration and Management Act; Public Service Regulatory Frameworks).
Advanced computer literacy, including excellent working knowledge of MS
Office suite and relevant software for systems and data analysis. Ability to
interpret technical information for translation to operational issues. Batho Pele
principles. Competencies/skills. Strong interpersonal skills. Problem solving
skills. Research and data analysis techniques. Proficiency in communication
and presentation skills. Excellent project, time and people management skills.
Report writing skills. Excellent organising and planning skills. Computer literacy
in Microsoft Office Suite. Digital skills Personal Attributes: Participate in
professional development growth activities for maintaining professional
knowledge and staying current with business solutions trends. Ability to multi-
task and organize, prioritize, and follow multiple projects and tasks through to
completion with an attention to detail. Ability to work independently while
contributing to a team environment. Ability to analyze problems, identify
solutions and take appropriate action, resolve conflicts using independent
judgment and decision-making processes. Ability to establish and maintain
effective working relationships with management, employees, stakeholders
and service providers. Integrity and honesty; detail oriented; creative and
innovative; ability to work under pressure. Work extended hours, when
DUTIES : Manage the efficient functioning of the Training Management System (TMS)
from client enrolment to delivery and certification. Co-ordinate the integration
of the TMS with other systems internally and externally. Liaise with TMS users
to determine their needs and co-ordinate user requirement specifications with
ICT unit and outsourced service providers. Undertake business systems
analysis to define requirements and specifications for core business system
solutions, including the documenting of interfaces between new and legacy
systems. Serve as the TMS Systems Administrator and co-ordinate responses
to unresolved incidents logged on the TMS as well as daily systems issues.
Manage the training of users on the core business systems and provide user
support. Facilitate and coordinate System change management and User
Acceptance testing processes. Manage and analyse data on the TMS to
generate trends and reports that inform reporting and decision-making.
Manage the capture of accurate and timely data into the Training Management
System and various learner management systems (QCTO, PSETA). Build
algorithms to merge, manage and extract data to develop tailored reports to
internal business units. Ensure the data security and integrity on the TMS,
working closely with the outsourced service providers. Undertake monthly,
quarterly and annual reporting on ETD delivery performance, and ensuring
management of evidence for audit purposes. Provide advice and make
proposals to management on the use of digital solutions for efficient ETD
delivery. Undertake research on new digital innovations and technological
trends to adapt to new and beneficial technologies. Liaise with the ICT unit and
outsourced service providers to ensure that the core business systems align to
the NSG strategy and performance areas. Identify and manage areas for new
or existing software systems and hardware configurations that the NSG may
require. Translate business needs into recommendations for digital
improvements and eliminate outdated dated programmes/hardware/ software.
Serve as the focal point between the business and systems requirements,
through consistent liaison with TMS users and outsourced service providers.
Participate in internal and external networks and multi-sector relationships that
serve the interests of the NSG. Participate in relevant internal governance
structures (e.g. Systems Administrators Forum). Collaborate with the
outsourced service provider to undertake surveys to assess efficiency and
performance of the TMS. Supervise the resources (people, finance, systems,
assets) allocated within the sub-directorate. Implement operations
management within the sub-directorate, including determination of service
standards, standard operating procedures, business process management,
total quality management and digital transformation. Develop appropriate
strategies and plans for the achievement of performance targets and sub-
directorate requirements, including quarterly performance reporting. Identify
and manage strategic and operational risks within the sub-directorate, as well
as mitigation plans, including business continuity plans. Supervise a team of
employees, who are expected to accomplish assigned duties in an efficient,
effective, and competent manner and to strive for improvement and excellence
in all work performed. Preference will be given to Youth, African Males, African
Females, Coloured Males, and people with disability in accordance with our
employment equity requirements.
ENQUIRIES : Thabo Ngwenya Tel No: (012) 441 6108
APPLICATIONS : Postal: The Principal: National School of Government, Private Bag X759,
Pretoria, 0001, hand delivery at ZK Mathews Building, 70 Meintjies Street,
Sunnyside, Pretoria, or e-mail at
The National Treasury is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from persons living
with disabilities. It is the department’s intention to promote representivity through filling of these posts in
line with the department’s approved Employment Equity Plan. Our buildings are accessible to persons
living with disabilities.
Division: Corporate Services (CS)
Purpose: To establish and sustain an organisational and change process for
the National Treasury that supports the human capital in accomplishing
business goals and engage clients in contributing an organisational culture
which recognise and value individual and team contributions.
REQUIREMENTS : A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent
to an NQF level 6) or Bachelor’s Degree at (equivalent to an NQF level 7) in
any of the following disciplines: Political Science or Law or Economics or Public
Management. A minimum of 4 years’ experience, of which 2 years should be
at an Assistant Director level or equivalent obtained in parliamentary
procedures and processes. Knowledge of parliamentary structures and the
legislature. Knowledge of oversight and public participation of parliamentary
workings, and knowledge and experience of the broader policy framework of
working groups and their mandates.
DUTIES : Committee / Cabinet Support and Monitoring: Attend and monitor
parliamentary committees relevant to the National Treasury (not only limited to
finance and appropriations committees). Develop, maintain and update weekly
parliamentary committee and plenary programmes, database of all committee
meetings and attendance of National Treasury officials. Monitor Parliamentary
Committees to ensure relevant officials are kept abreast of the committee
programme. Keep abreast all activities in both the National Assembly and the
National Council of Provinces. Provide documents for presentations and
timeously share with committee members and liaise with committee section
and Office of the Leader of Government Business regarding parliamentary
committees and legislative programmes. Provide the parliamentary manager
with detailed minutes of committee engagements after every parliamentary
committee meeting and escalate updated schedules of meetings and requests
to relevant officials for action. Track and monitor events in Cabinet that have
bearing on the Department and support the Ministerial Cabinet Liaison Office
in the Ministry. Peruse Cabinet documents like minutes of Cabinet and Cabinet
Committees – that will have an impact on the Department. Track Cabinet
commitments made by the Executive Authority that will have a bearing on the
Department. Monitor meetings of the cabinet committees and structures to
identify matters that have a bearing on the Department and the Executive
Authority. Tabling, Legislative and Research Support: Liaise with relevant
departments, entities and stakeholders on due processes and procedures for
statutory tabling and introduction of document/s in Parliament and legislative
divisions in the department in preparation for tabling of Bills in Parliament.
Distribute documents proposed for tabling in Parliament which have a direct
bearing on the functions of the National Treasury. Monitor and identifying
relevant parliamentary business and trends and liaise with various cabinet and
cabinet committee structures regarding all meetings. Research, analyse and
evaluate information to ensure that the National Treasury is accurately
informed about key issues in parliament. Develop and maintain current
knowledge of Bills in the parliamentary system. Conduct research on
Parliamentary Questions, legislation and queries related to the mandate of the
National Treasury. Administrative and Team Support: Obtain and dispatch
copies of documents tabled in Parliament and copies of the Annual Reports
and Strategic Plans tabled in Parliament to the relevant officials in the
departments and entities. Obtain reports tabled in Parliament by the Auditor-
General and dispatch documents tabled in Parliament by other Ministries to the
relevant officials within the National Treasury. Develop, compile, and maintain
a detailed database of a list of legislation enacted for the Annual Report of the
National Treasury. Obtain and dispatch Reports of Parliamentary Committees
having a bearing on the function of the National Treasury. Obtain Minutes of
the National Assembly and NCOP pertaining to the functions and communicate
parliamentary working programmes to all National Treasury stakeholders of the
National Treasury. Provide the National Treasury with the necessary
departmental support to enable them to meet all parliamentary obligations and
any parliamentary information that might impact on their responsibilities. Study
and remain up to date regarding the applicable prescripts/policies and
procedures that apply to both the parliamentary and cabinet work terrain. Client
and Stakeholder Engagement: Coordinate all National Treasury Parliamentary
enquiries and questions from other departments and entities for a prompt
response. Escalate all members of Parliament and officials of departments and
entities’ concerns to the relevant officials within the National Treasury for
action. Follow-up on outstanding deliverables and update stakeholders on the
progress of their enquiries or concerns. Engage parliamentary protocol and
rules to National Treasury for compliance. Liaise with stakeholders in
Parliament, especially the Office of the Leader of Government Business about
the availability of the National Treasury in relation to National Assembly and
National Council of Provinces matters. Liaise with members of Parliament on
issues and advise the National Treasury and relevant stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : enquiries only (No applications):
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
APPLICATIONS : To apply visit:
Division: Office of The Director-General (ODG)
Purpose: To assist with the execution Information Technology (IT) Audits on
controls in accordance with the Audit plan pertaining to IT audits.
APPLICATIONS : National Office: Midrand Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your
application to: The Director: Human Resources, Office of the Chief Justice,
Private Bag X10, Marshalltown, 2107 or hand deliver applications to the Office
of the Chief Justice, Human Resource Management, 188, 14th Road,
Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685.
Free State Provincial Centre: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct
your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private
Bag X20612, Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand deliver applications to the Free State
High Court, Corner President Brand and Fontein Street, Bloemfontein, 9301.
Labour and Labour Appeals Court: Johannesburg Quoting the relevant
reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the
Chief Justice, Private Bag X7, Johannesburg, 2000. Applications can also be
hand delivered to the 12th floor, Cnr Pritchard and Kruis Street, Johannesburg.
Eastern Cape Division of the High Court: Gqeberha: Quoting the relevant
reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the
Chief Justice, Postal Address: Private Bag X13012, Cambridge 5206, East
London. Applications can also be hand delivered to 59 Western Avenue,
Sanlam Park Building, 2nd Floor, Vincent 5242, East London.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
NOTE : All applications must be submitted on a NEW Z83 form, which can be
downloaded on internet at / or obtainable from any Public
Service Department and should be accompanied by a recent comprehensive
CV only; contactable referees (telephone numbers and email addresses must
be indicated). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. Each
application form must be fully completed, duly signed and initialled by the
applicant. The application must indicate the correct job title, the office where
the position is advertised and the reference number as stated in the advert.
Failure by the applicant to fully complete, sign and initial the application form
will lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
Applications on the old Z83 will unfortunately not be considered. Should you
be in a possession of foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Dual citizenship holders must provide the Police Clearance certificate from
country of origin (when shortlisted All non - SA Citizens will be required to
submit a copy of proof of South African permanent residence when shortlisted.
Applications that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements will
not be considered. Suitable candidates will be subjected to a personnel
suitability check (criminal record, financial checks, qualification verification,
citizenship checks, reference checks and employment verification).
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The
Department reserves the right not to make any appointment(s) to the
advertised post(s). Applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned
requirements, as well as applications received late, will not be considered. The
Department does not accept applications via fax or email. Failure to submit all
the requested documents will result in the application not being considered
during the selection process. All successful candidates will be expected to
enter into an employment contract and a performance agreement within 3
months of appointment, as well as be required to undergo a security clearance
three (3) months after appointments. The Office the Chief Justice
(Constitutional Court) comply with the provisions of Protection of Personal
Information Act (POPIA); Act No. 4 of 2013. We will use your personal
information provided to us for the purpose of recruitment only 121 and more
specifically for the purpose of the position/vacancy you have applied for. In the
event your application was unsuccessful, the Office of the Chief Justice will
retain your personal information for internal audit purposes as required by
policies. All the information requested now or during the process is required for
recruitment purposes. Failure to provide requested information will render your
application null and void. The Office of the Chief Justice will safeguard the
security and confidentiality of all information you shared during the recruitment
SALARY : R424 104 – R496 467 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Free State Provincial Service Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate and a three (3) year National Diploma/Bachelor Degree in
Human Resource Management and/or Development, Public Administration or
an equivalent related qualification at NQF level 6 with 360 credits as
recognised by SAQA. A minimum of three (3) years’ experience in Human
Resource Management and two years must be at supervisory level in HR and
related fields. A valid driver’s license. Formal PERSAL training. Knowledge and
understanding of current public service legislations, regulations and policies.
Skills and Competencies: Computer literacy (Microsoft Office). Good
communication skills (verbal and written). Accuracy and attention to detail.
Good administration skills. Planning and organising skills. Good interpersonal
skills. Ability to meet strict deadlines and work under pressure. Ability to work
independently and self-motivated. Report writing skills.
DUTIES : Manage and coordinate HR administration matters to contribute to the
rendering of a professional Human Resource Management environment.
Manage and coordinate conditions of service and benefits (leave, housing
allowance, terminations, long service recognition, overtime, resettlement,
acting allowance, injury on duty). Manage and coordinate HR provisioning
(recruitment and selection, appointments, transfers, probations). Manage and
coordinate performance management and development. Address all HR
related enquiries to ensure the correct implementation of human resource
management policies, prescripts and practices. Ensure the successful
implementation of departmental/public service policies and prescripts on
matters related to human resource management and development. Prepare
and consolidate reports. Inform, guide and advice on human resource
management matters. Supervise the personnel within the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Technical and Hr Related Enquiries: Ms N. de la Rey Tel No: (051) 492 4523
SALARY : R202 321 – R235 611 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : National Office: Midrand
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate. One (1) year experience in the registry/records environment
will be an added advantage. Understanding of the National Archives Act and
Regulations. Understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public
Service. Knowledge of storage and retrieval procedures in terms of the working
environment. Understanding of the work in registry. Knowledge of Batho Pele
Principles. Skills and Competencies: Communication (written and verbal).
Interpersonal relations. Computer literacy (MS Office). Time Management.
Planning and organizing skills. Report writing skills. Ability to work under
pressure. Ability to work independently. Flexible. Ambition. Confidentiality.
DUTIES : Provide registry services within the Office of the Chief Justice. Render an
effective filling and record management service. Open and close files
according to record classification system. Filing/storage, tracing
(electronically/manually) and retrieval of documents and files. Receive and
register hand delivered mails/files. Handle incoming and outgoing
correspondence; receive all mail and couriers. Sort, register and dispatch mail.
Distribute notices on registry issues. Process documents for archiving and
disposal. Arrange and package files for archives and distribution. Keep records
for archived documents. Maintain the departmental records and filing systems.
Record receipt files and protection records and ensure correct filling. Maintain
all related records and all submission in register. Attend to queries relating to
registry services.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related enquiries: Mr L Masia Tel No: (010) 493 2532, HR Related
Enquiries: Mr A Khadambi Tel No: (010) 493 2527
SALARY : R202 233 – R235 611 per annum, (The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Labour and Labour Appeals Court Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. A minimum of one year’ relevant
experience will be an added advantage. Understanding of appeal process and
petition procedures will be an added advantage. Appropriate experience in
general administration or court related functions will serve as an added
advantage. A valid driver’s license will be an added advantage. Understanding
of confidentiality in Government. Skills and Competencies: Good
administration and organising skills. Excellent communication skills (written
and verbal). Computer literacy (MS Office) Good interpersonal and public
relation skills. Ability to work under pressure and solve problems. Numerical
skills. Attention to detail and Customer service skills orientated.
DUTIES : Rendering effective and efficient case flow management support service to the
Court. Attend to all stakeholders’ enquiries and correspondences. Ensure
proper filing and safekeeping of all court records. Proper Administration of all
appeal and petition processes. Ensuring proper receipt, processing,
Administration and filing of all appeals and applicants for Leave to appeal.
Perform general administrative duties.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms T Nzimande Tel No: (011) 359 5718, HR enquiries: Ms
T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R171 537 – R199 461 per annum. The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Eastern Cape High Court, Gqeberha
REQUIREMENTS : Matric Certificate or equivalent qualification. Shortlisted candidates will be
required to pass a typing test - Minimum typing speed of 35 wpm. Skills and
Competencies Computer literacy (MS Word/Excel), Good communication skills
(written and verbal), Good interpersonal relations, Planning and organization
skills, Good problem solving skills, Accuracy and attention to details, Ability to
work under pressure, Good timekeeping, Telephone etiquette.
DUTIES : Typing of appeals, reviews, reports, minutes, circulars, notice of set downs,
witness statements, taxing master reports, affidavits, memorandums and court
orders. Relief administrative personnel where necessary. Filing, opening files
and making appointments. Dealing with public queries and other administration
duties. Assisting taxing master with drawing taxation files, taxation dates for
attorneys and his/her diary, Attending to telephone calls regarding taxation
dates and court order processes, if the matter was heard and order was made.
Attend to switchboard operation and other task allocated by the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Technical Related Enquiries: Ms I Buys Tel No: (051) 502 6626, Hr Related
Enquiries: Mr S Mponzo Tel No: (043) 726 5217
SALARY : R147 036 – R170 598 per annum, (The successful candidate will be required
to sign a performance agreement
CENTRE : Labour and Labour Appeals Court: Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate. Computer Literacy (MS Word); Knowledge of purchasing and
safe Keeping of stock, Good Communication Skills (verbal and written).
DUTIES : Ensure that the Judges board and tea rooms are clean, tables neat and set
correctly. Ensure that the tea is ready for the Judges not later than 09h00 and
11h00. Ensure that crockery and cutlery are neat and clean, ready and
established according to the Judges. Clean both kitchen and tea room and mop
the floors. Clean the fridge and cupboards. Ensure that the urn and Kettles are
clean, shiny Wipe the table and chairs in the tea room. Prepare tea or Water
for the Judges meeting as per their request. Purchase monthly stock, storing
food and ensure safe keeping of tearooms keys Provide tea and refreshment
to Judges on Specific meetings. Prepare tea, water jugs for the Panel sitting
for Shortlisting/ interviews. Report any losses, damages or theft not less than
24 hours. Collect cleaning products at procurement on monthly basis. Perform
any other duty assigned to by the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms T Nzimande Tel No: (011) 359 5718, HR enquiries: Ms
T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), all-inclusive salary package. The
remuneration package consists of a basic salary, the State’s contribution to the
Government Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion that may be
structured according to personal needs within the relevant framework.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A 3-year tertiary qualification (NQF level 7) in Public Administration/ Social
Sciences/ Law or related field of study. A post graduate qualification (NQF level
8 or higher) will be an added advantage. Minimum of 10 years’ appropriate
experience in public sector governance or civil society and/or government anti-
corruption sector, or criminal justice system, or forensic auditing (public
procurement/supply chain management) with at least 5 years proven
experience as a member of the Senior Management Service (SMS) in the
Public Service or equivalent. A valid driver’s license. Competencies Skills: A
sound knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Public
Sector Legislative and Policy Frameworks, National Development Plan,
Medium-term Strategic Framework and the National Anti-corruption Strategy
(NACS), Knowledge of International conventions and protocols on anti-
corruption initiatives and interventions that South Africa is signatory to.
Strategic capability and leadership, programme and project management,
financial management, change management, people management and
empowerment. Experience and skills in designing and developing monitoring,
evaluation and learning systems, particularly in the governance, public sector
finance or anti-corruption fields. Proven ability and experience in using an agile
approach to developing and deploying inter-operable ICT solutions in the South
African public sector or similar complex environments. Good problem-solving
and adaptive working abilities. Demonstrated commitment to advancing a
capable, ethical and developmental South African State. Managerial Skills:
Management skills including people management and empowerment, and
experience in managing multi-disciplinary teams. The ability/experience to
create an environment for high performance culture and staff development.
Decision-making, Problem solving, Written and Verbal Communication,
Stakeholder Management and Coordination, Strategic Thinking and
Leadership, Analytical Skills, Interpersonal Relations, Team-Work,
Confidentiality, Financial Management, Research, Change Management,
Project and programme management with the ability to manage multiple
projects. Technical Skills: Monitoring and evaluation, project management,
public policy development, human rights, anti-corruption, gender, youth and
disability, Generic Skills: Diversity Management, Communication and
Information Management, Interpersonal Relations, Facilitation, Negotiation,
Presentation, Report Writing, Computer Literacy and Conflict Management.
Personal Attributes: The incumbent must be assertive and self-driven,
innovative and creative, client orientated and customer focused, solution
orientated and able to work under stressful situations.
DUTIES : The incumbent of the post will be responsible for managing, developing,
reviewing and supporting detailed planning, implementation, monitoring &
evaluation and supporting the NACS and will perform the following duties:
Provide technical and strategic leadership for the development and approval
of sector implementation plans for the National Anti-Corruption Strategy
(NACS). Design and develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning system for
tracking the implementation of the NACS and its priority projects. Design and
develop a monitoring, evaluation and learning system for NACS
implementation focusing on detection and diagnosis of the NACS
implementation, tracking resolution across the implementation ecosystem.
Bring agile, technology centric skills to the team supporting the NACAC and
the implementation of the NACS. Ensure that the system specifically includes
the monitoring and evaluation of the effect of corruption on human rights,
gender, youth and people with disabilities. Provide reports and advice to
NACAC, Presidency and DPME on progress with the implementation of the
NACS. Support NACAC, Presidency and DPME to establish transparent
reporting to South African society on implementation of the NACS. Ensure data
and data systems are established for successful NACS implementation
monitoring and evaluation. Coordinate the participation of relevant state and
non-state actors in the implementation of NACS; and advise and facilitate
appropriate interventions where necessary (whole of government and societal
approach monitoring). Develop and maintain a learning and knowledge
management system for purposes of reporting, learning and information
retention and information dissemination to relevant stakeholders from
government, civil society, media, business and academia in South Africa.
Collect and maintain data on the contributions of development partners to the
implementation of the NACS and advise on the coordination of the
ENQUIRIES Mr M Cilo Tel No: (012) 312- 0543 or Email:
SALARY : R958 824 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Middle Management Service)
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A three year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Civil Engineering; The
candidate must have Knowledge of construction Industry and project
management, Experience in Labour-intensive methods of construction;
Knowledge of the structure and functioning of the department and government;
Ability to communicate at all levels; Ability to meet tight deadlines whilst
delivering excellent results; Ability to work independently and Valid driver’s
license. Willing to travel. Willing to adapt to a work schedule in accordance with
office requirements.
DUTIES : Provision of support to provincial roads departments and State-Owned
Companies in the Transport sector to ensure implementation of the Expanded
Public Works Programme (EPWP) projects in the Infrastructure Sector by
providing assistance in the following: selection of suitable projects, advocate
for design of projects promoting the use of labour-intensive methods, setting of
targets, development of EPWP policies that support implementation of labour
intensive methods in the roads sector. Liaison with various stakeholders like
the National Department of Transport and provincial roads departments to
ensure that adequate technical support is provided to facilitate the
implementation of EPWP. Provide assistance to provincial roads departments
and relevant State Owned Companies in the transport infrastructure sector in
quarterly reporting on the EPWP reporting system. Monitor the use of relevant
grants in the roads sector for the implementation of the EPWP. Assist in the
compilation of relevant EPWP provincial roads directorate reports.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. L. Mulaudzi Tel No: (012) 492 1440
APPLICATIONS : Head Office Applications: The Director-General, Department of Public Works,
Private Bag X65, Pretoria, 0001 or CGO Building, Corner Bosman and Madiba
Street, Pretoria.
APPLICATIONS : Bloemfontein Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager,
Department of Public Works, P/Bag X 20605, Bloemfontein, 9300 or Hand
Delivered to 18 President Brandt Street, Bloemfontein, 9300.
(36 Months Contract)
relation to all payments and monthly reports etc. Supervise filing of the
processed documents and employees in respect of coaching and mentoring.
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries for all advertised posts should be directed to the recruitment office
Tel No: (012) 394-5286/43097
APPLICATIONS : Candidates must submit applications to and quote
the reference number for the abovementioned position on the subject line
(email) when applying i.e. “REF NO: SSA FA”
NOTE : The Department of Small Business Development is committed to the pursuit of
diversity and redress. Candidates whose appointment will promote
representativity in terms of race, disability, youth & gender will receive
preference as per the DSBD EE Plan.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 at 16h00. Applications received after the closing date will
not be considered.
NOTE : The Department of Small Business Development is committed to the pursuit of
diversity and redress. Candidates whose appointment will promote
representativity in terms of race, disability, youth & gender will receive
preference as per the DSBD EE Plan.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 at 16h00. Applications received after the closing date will
not be considered.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in Economics / Mining
Engineering / Commerce. 5 years’ relevant middle/senior managerial
experience in a Mining Engineering / Construction / Policy Development Mining
/ Construction environment. Skills/Knowledge: Experience in policy
development, industrial planning, and strategy implementation within the
minerals processing and construction sector. Experience in research and
analysis, stakeholder and customer relations, monitoring and evaluation,
research and analysis, people management, project management and
financial management. In-depth understanding of policy development
processes and stakeholder engagement. Strong analytical capabilities to
interpret data and trends, informing decision-making. Strong analytical skills
with a proven ability to manage research and analysis projects. Excellent
verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to represent the sector
in various forums. Ability to package research information for strategy
development. Strategic capability and leadership skills, presentation skills,
organisational planning and customer focus. A sound knowledge and
understanding of Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations,
Public Service Act, Industrial Policy Action Plan, Preferential Procurement
Policy Framework Act, a Sector Master Plan: Steel Sector and other related
regulations. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Manage the formulation and development of sector-specific policies and
strategies, driving the execution of the Annual Performance Plan (APP). Foster
continuous engagement and coordination within the sector through impactful
policy advocacy. Manage quarterly sector performance analysis, guide
research and analysis within critical sub-sectors to shape policies. Consolidate
research findings to refine policies in line with the Strategic Plans of the dtic
and Government. Drive government initiatives for localizing and enhancing
value-addition in the Primary Minerals & Construction sector. Manage technical
inputs and industry engagements to ensure successful localization efforts.
Establish and maintain engagement platforms with key stakeholders,
collaborating with other departments to create a conducive policy environment.
Represent the department in sector-specific forums and focus groups. Develop
strategic plans, managing budgetary and human resource aspects of the
directorate. Provide key inputs for government reporting structures, ensuring
streamlined internal administration. Oversee third-party contracts, including
Service Level Agreements and consultant engagements. Navigate governance
aspects related to third-party contracts. Conduct policy and methodology
reviews, benchmarking against international best practices. Extend support for
seamless program implementation, contributing to sector advancement.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835
Overview: To develop policies, analysis and implementation action plans,
advise and provide technical support on Mining Equipment, Minerals
Beneficiation and Construction sector in South Africa, rest of Africa, South
America and other markets.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year National Diploma / B Degree in Public Policy /Economics /
International Relations / Mechanical Engineering/ Mining Engineering/
Electrical Engineering/ Mineral Processing/ Metallurgy/ Industrial Engineering/
Technology. 3-5 years’ relevant managerial experience in conducting research
and developing policies. Skills/Knowledge: Proven experience in developing
and reviewing policies, procedures, and strategy implementation within the
Minerals sector. Proficiency in research and analysis, stakeholder
management, monitoring and evaluation, people management, project
management, and financial management. Exceptional analytical abilities for
conducting research, interpreting data, and creating actionable
recommendations. Ability to support sector development interventions and
drive policy directives. Strategic planning skills, including action plan
development and execution. Strong financial acumen, including budgetary
planning and oversight. Expertise in project management and monitoring
methodologies. Strategic capability and leadership skills, including effective
communication (verbal and written), analytical thinking, presentation skills,
problem solving skills, organizational planning, stakeholder management and
customer focus. Sound knowledge of global markets and export strategies.
Sound knowledge of legislative acts such as the Public Service Regulations,
Treasury Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, Public Service Act,
Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. Proficiency in MS Office
DUTIES : Develop and enhance programs to elevate SA suppliers' competitiveness in
the minerals sector value chain across diverse markets. Formulate localization
programs within SA and export programs for the global minerals value chain.
Refine sector export programs to strengthen the global minerals value chain.
Assis tin implementing government policies for advancing the Minerals Value
Chain in SA. Advocate for policies and co-coordinate within growth potential
Capital Equipment Industries. Collaborate with relevant government units to
create a supportive policy environment. Foster collaborations through
stakeholder liaisons and joint program development. Actively engage in forums
addressing capital goods and services supply to minerals value chain. Identify
stakeholder needs within Minerals Value Chain Equipment sector. Establish
partnerships and drive initiatives through partnership agreements. Cultivate
relationships with stakeholders, including government departments, business,
labour, and tiers of government. Oversee research to inform growth-focused
interventions. Research competitiveness and sub-sector development in
Minerals Value Chain Equipment sector. Provide technical inputs for local
content promotion in Minerals Value Chain procurement. Analyze capital goods
and services requirements within minerals value chain. Support sector
development interventions in alignment with policy directives. Execute action
plans for policy implementation and sector growth. Create export development
plans for Minerals Value Chain Equipment sector. Conduct annual reviews,
propose remedial actions, and prepare reports. Contribute to annual business
plans, MTEF, MTSF, and budget planning. Compile monthly progress reports,
ensuring adherence to timelines and budgets. Submit performance-related
documents per performance management requirements.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year National Diploma / B Degree in Economics / Development
Studies. 3-5 years’ relevant managerial experience in Entrepreneurship and
Business Development environment. Skills/Knowledge: Experience in
developing and implementing market access policies, programme and strategy
implementation. Experience in research and analysis, stakeholder and
customer relations, monitoring and evaluation, research and analysis, people
management, project management and financial management. Strong
analytical skills with a proven ability to manage research and analysis projects.
Ability to package research information for strategy development. Proficiency
in data management and analysis tools. Strategic capability and leadership
skills, communication skills (verbal and written), analytical skills, presentation
skills, organisational planning and customer focus. In-depth knowledge of
South African infrastructure policies, programs, and regulations. A sound
knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Regulations, Public Service Act, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework
Act and other related regulations. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Conceptualize and implement a comprehensive framework for Small, Medium,
and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in business infrastructure. Develop strategies
for managing SMME asset bases and facilitate their growth. Promote SMME
participation in road construction and maintenance projects. Facilitate access
to support mechanisms for SMMEs. Manage research on enterprise
development opportunities within the rail sector of South African Infrastructure
Programmes (SIPS). Identify potential avenues for enterprise development
through thorough research and analysis. Maintain a comprehensive database
of researched information. Identify opportunities for enterprise development in
the rail sector of SIPS and map the economic infrastructure. Collaborate in the
development of strategies and programs to enhance market access.
Collaborate with service providers for feasibility studies related to market
access. Drive the promotion of the Southern African Development Community
(SADC) economic infrastructure and logistics programs. Explore the feasibility
of establishing a northern aviation hub in Africa, considering industrialization
opportunities. Develop project frameworks for economic infrastructure and
logistics initiatives. Provide essential inputs for submissions and work
documents related to economic infrastructure and logistics. Conduct site visits
for various projects. Analyze the impact of infrastructure investment and
logistics efficiency on Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs). Draft comprehensive
reports on the state of South Africa's infrastructure, logistics networks, and
trade policies. Establish and nurture relationships with relevant government
departments, agencies, and private sector stakeholders. Address logistics
challenges and economic infrastructure needs in collaboration with
stakeholders. Act as a link between market opportunities and all stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: 012 394 1809/1835
Overview: To manage the promotion of regional and local economic
development and enhance the competitiveness of regional and local
economies through targeted regional programmes, Geographic Information
Systems and policy measures.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year National Diploma / B Degree in Economics / Development
Planning Studies. 3-5 years’ relevant managerial experience in an Economic
Development environment. Skills/Knowledge: Experience in programme and
strategy implementation. Experience in Geographic Information Systems and
data management. Experience in capacity building, contract management,
stakeholder and customer relations, monitoring and evaluation, research and
analysis, people management, project management and financial
management. Proven track record in Local Economic Development project
management. Ability to conduct reviews and prepare comprehensive reports.
Ability to package research information for strategy development. Strategic
capability and leadership skills, communication skills (verbal and written),
analytical skills, presentation skills, organisational planning and customer
focus. A sound knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management
Act, Treasury Regulations, Public Service Act, Preferential Procurement Policy
Framework Act, Regional Industrial Development Plans and other related
regulations. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Facilitate collaborative planning and detailed implementation strategies with
provinces and municipalities, ensuring alignment with key policies and
economic objectives. Manage ongoing interventions by the unit, ensuring their
congruence with overarching policies. Generate thematic maps through
Geographic Information System (GIS) for economic potential assessment and
industrial opportunities. Produce detailed analytical reports supporting
economic potential and industrial opportunities. Oversee GIS server
management, procurement, updates, and licensing. Utilize geo-spatial data
sources to enhance service delivery. Manage storage, analysis, publication,
and distribution of geo-spatial data and maps to stakeholders. Identify capacity
constraints and competencies among municipality officials. Analyze needs and
recommend system improvements for improved service delivery. Foster
sustainable Regional Growth Coalitions and recommend coalition partners.
Guide Local Economic Development Agencies through collaborative work
programs. Lead Local Economic Development project implementation.
Enhance processes, benchmark efficiency, and ensure effective
communication of project progress. Develop internal work processes to
improve customer service and institutionalize project management
methodologies. Monitor project milestones and create informed
implementation plans. Develop and oversee tender specification documents
for outsourced services. Coordinate selection processes for service providers.
Draft Bid Evaluation Committee minutes, secure approvals, and facilitate
monthly meetings. Evaluate outputs and ensure service provider payments.
Build relationships with key economic development stakeholders.
Communicate project statuses and provide information to stakeholders.
Disseminate best practices in regional economic development. Manage site
visits for proposed economic development proposals. Assess program and
project impact in provinces. Conduct annual reviews, prepare impact reports,
and generate quarterly performance reports. Collaborate with the OCIO to
manage Geographical Information System memory space. Recommend
interventions for comprehensive municipal participation in global markets.
Manage research information for strategy and related instruments. Identify
regional development potential and needs, prioritizing key objectives.
Conduct international and local-based research and benchmarking for policy
experiences and good practices.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your
application contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835
Department of Transport is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment
equity targets. Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the department in
achieving its Employment Equity targets at these specific levels in terms of the Department’s
Employment Equity Plan, therefore White male / female, Coloured male/ female, Indian male / female and
people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Transport, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at
the 159 Forum Building, Cnr Struben and Bosman Street, Pretoria
FOR ATTENTION : Recruitment Unit. Room 4034.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by a completed new Z83 form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department, (or obtainable at Applicants
must fill in full new Z83 form part A, B, C, and D. A recent updated
comprehensive CV (previous experience must be comprehensively detailed,
i.e. positions held and dates). Applicants will submit certified copies of all
qualifications and ID document on the day of the interviews. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill the
post. All shortlisted candidates for will be subjected to undertake a technical
exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job; the logistics
will be communicated to candidates prior to the interviews. The successful
candidate must disclose to the Director-General particulars of all registrable
financial interests, sign a performance agreement and employment contract
with the Director-General within three months from the date of assumption of
duty. The successful candidate must be willing to sign an oath of secrecy with
the Department. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection
interviews and assessments at a time, date and place as determined by the
Department. An offer letter will only be issued to the successful candidate once
the following has been verified educational qualifications, previous experience,
citizenship, reference checks and security vetting. Please note:
Correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates.
Branch: Corporate Services
Chief Directorate: Human Resources Management and Development
Directorate: Human Resources Management and Administration
Sub-Directorate: Human Resources Administration
Directorate: Orthopaedic Surgery
Directorate: Anaesthetics
Directorate: Surgery (Breast Unit)
Directorate: Surgery (Endocrine Unit)
Directorate: Cardiology
(This is a Three (3) year contract)
Training Fellowship in Cardiology and the candidate will be expected to write
the Certificate in Cardiology)
Directorate: Intensive Care Unit
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Directorate: Urology
Directorate: Paediatrics and Child Health
Directorate: Intensive Care Unit
Directorate: Neurology
Directorate: Radiology
Directorate: Paediatrics and Child Health
Directorate: Radiology
Directorate: Internal Medicine
Directorate: Internal Medicine
Directorate: Anaesthetics
Directorate: Anaesthetics
Directorate: Orthoapadic Surgery
Directorate: Orthoapaedic Surgery
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner, HPCSA registration as a medical practitioner for 2023/2024. No
experience required.
DUTIES : Fulfilment of all assigned clinical service and academic related duties as
expected or as directed by the Clinical Head of Department or proxies. The
Medical Officers shall work in support of the Registrars and Interns and
participate in commuted overtime. Participation in identified outreach
programmes and adherence to regular performance and development
management processes will be mandatory. Clinical assessment, history taking,
mental state examination and physical examination of all patients. Assessment
and management of emergencies. Counselling and education of patients and
families. Proper clinical record keeping. Preparation of referral letters and
discharge summaries for all patients. Recording of all lab results. Participation
in ward/department admin and academic program. Commitment to providing
emergency care. Highest level of ethics, professionalism, and punctuality.
Ability to work in a team and to report all potential conflict of interests and
corruption. Comply with the Performance Management and Development
system (contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment.)
ENQUIRIES : Prof Ramokgopa Tel No: (011) 933 8914
APPLICATIONS : Applicant should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver
to Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human
Resource, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01,
Pimville, 1808. (Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
NOTE : Please use the reference as subject. Applications must be submitted on the
new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at The new Z83
must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for
clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the Department where
position was advertised it should state Department of Health. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications, service certificate
and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed
Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently
updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological
order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the
starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83
must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
apply. Location: Department of Orthoapadic Surgery – Based Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic
Hospital and Helen Joseph Hospitals.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Directorate: Otorhinolaryngology (Ent Department)
Directorate: Paediatric Surgery
Directorate: Ophthalmology
Directorate: Ophthalmology
Directorate: Emergency Department
SALARY : Grade 1 - Grade 3: R768 489 – R961 614 per annum, (all-inclusive
remunerative package)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Basic qualification accredited with the South African Pharmacy
Council (SAPC) that allows for registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist.
Current Registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist. Comprehensive
knowledge of Government prescripts. Computer literacy (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel,
Power-Point) including RX-solution and RDM. Engage in overtime and after
hour’s call. Administrative and people management skills. Sound
communication skills (both verbal and written). Good planning and
organizational skills. Good problem solving and interventional skills. Must be
highly motivated and enthusiastic to contribute to pharmaceutical services in
the public sector. Rx- solution and RDM experience is advantageous.
DUTIES : Provide pharmaceutical care, including prescription evaluation, dispensing of
medication, dispatching of patient ready medicine parcels and provision of
information to all stakeholders. Ensure the cost effective and efficient
procurement, storage, control, and distribution of pharmaceuticals. Prevention
of fruitless and wasteful expenditure by enforcing adherence to the Standard
Treatment Guidelines (STGs), rational prescribing and utilization of medication
and through appropriate stock management. Provision of medicine related
information to the public and other healthcare professionals. Ensure
compliance to institutional formulary, EML and promote the rational use of
medicines. Professional advisory service, including the training, education and
development of pharmacy staff and other health workers, and promotion of
public health. Participate in continuous professional development to stay
current and assist with the facilitation of pharmacy staff training and tutoring.
Assist the manager in the co-ordination of activities of the District Pharmacy
and Therapeutics Committee (PTC), or in any other committees that is of
benefit in improving and managing pharmaceutical services. Participate in the
Implementation of the National Core Standards and ensure compliance with
the 6 priority standards. Perform all other duties delegated by supervisor or
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Burisch Tel No: (011)878 - 8550
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin
Street, Germiston, 1400 or posted to The Human Resource Manager, Private
Bag X1005, Germiston, 1400.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was Candidates will
be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference
checks, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks,
credit/financial stability checks and employment verification). The
recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required
by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. People with disabilities
are encouraged to apply. Employment equity profile will be taken into
consideration. unsuccessful. Candidates will be subjected to Personnel
Suitability Checks (PSC) – Verification (Reference checks, identity verification,
qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability
checks and employment verification). The recommended candidate may be
subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and
Safety Act, Act 5/1993. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Employment equity profile will be taken into consideration. No S&T claims and
resettlement allowance will be paid.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R768 489 – R814 437 per annum, (all-inclusive remunerative package)
CENTRE : Ekurhuleni Health District (Germiston CDU)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 with Basic qualification accredited with the South African Pharmacy
Council (SAPC) that allows for registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist.
Current Registration with the SAPC as a Pharmacist. Comprehensive
knowledge of Government prescripts. Computer literacy (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel,
Power-Point). Engage in overtime and after hour’s call. Administrative and
people management skills. Sound communication skills (both verbal and
written). Good planning and organizational skills. Good problem solving and
interventional skills. Must be highly motivated and enthusiastic to contribute to
pharmaceutical services in the public sector. Driver’s license is essential and
be willing to travel within Ekurhuleni. Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation
processes. Rx-solution and RDM experience is advantageous.
DUTIES : Provide pharmaceutical care, including prescription evaluation, dispensing of
medication, dispatching of patient ready medicine parcels and provision of
information to all stakeholders. Ensure the cost effective and efficient
procurement, storage, control, and distribution of pharmaceuticals. Prevention
of fruitless and wasteful expenditure by enforcing adherence to the Standard
Treatment Guidelines (STGs), rational prescribing and utilization of medication
and through appropriate stock management. Provision of medicine related
information to the public and other healthcare professionals. Ensure
compliance to institutional formulary, EML and promote the rational use of
medicines. Professional advisory service, including the training, education and
development of pharmacy staff and other health workers, and promotion of
public health. Participate in continuous professional development to stay
current and assist with the facilitation of pharmacy staff training and tutoring.
Assist the manager in the co-ordination of activities of the District Pharmacy
and Therapeutics Committee (PTC), or in any other committees that is of
benefit in improving and managing pharmaceutical services. Participate in the
Implementation of the National Core Standards and ensure compliance with
the 6 priority standards. Perform all other duties delegated by supervisor or
ENQUIRIES : Ms E. Seabi Tel No: (011) 278 – 7891
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be hand delivered to Ekurhuleni Health District at 40 Catlin
Street, Germiston, 1400 or posted to The Human Resource Manager, Private
Bag X1005, Germiston 1400.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z.83 form and must be completed in
full, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants should register their application forms on the
specific register books according to the reference number as per advert.
Failure to do so your application forms will not be considered. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other related
documents on application but must submit the Z.83 and a detailed Curriculum
Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required /requested to submit certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before the
day of the interview. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months
after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks, identity verification, qualifications verification,
criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment
verification). The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act
5/1993. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Employment equity
profile will be taken into consideration. No S&T claims and resettlement
allowance will be paid.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
CHBAH 681 (X 1 POST)
Directorate: Nursing Services (Medicine & Psychiatry Functional Business
Directorate: Nursing Division: Medicine and Psychiatric FBU
after the closing date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be
NOTE : Please use the reference as subject. Applications must be submitted on the
new Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at The new Z83
must be fully completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for
clarity), it must be initialed and signed. On the Z83 the Department where
position was advertised it should state Department of Health. According to
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022,
applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications, service certificate
and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed
Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently
updated that specifies the following: All experience should be in a chronological
order indicating the position, institution and respective dates indicating the
starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83
must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be
required/requested to submit certified copies of qualifications, service
certificate, other relevant documents on or before the interview and candidates
in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to furnish the
Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications
Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification
beyond names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant
information preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the
candidate. Identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record
checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The recommended candidate
may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by the Occupational
Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993. CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical
exercises/tests for non-SMS positions during the recruitment process to
determine the suitability of candidates for the post(s). The Department reserve
the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng Department of Health is guided by the
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Directorate: Nursing Personnel
Directorate: Nursing Services (Critical Care, Oncology, Theatre Technique,
Advanced Midwifery, Child Care Nursing
principles of Employment Equity. People with disabilities are encouraged to
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Directorate: Physiotherapy
Directorate: Dietetics
Directorate: Clinical Technology (Neurology)
Directorate: Employee Health and Wellness
Directorate: Obstetrics And (Gynaecology
Directorate: Orthopaedic Workshop
APPLICATIONS : With the implementation of the online recruitment system, applicants for any
vacant post within the Province of KwaZulu-Natal may apply for a post in the
following ways: via the S’thesha Waya Waya - KZN Online recruitment portal
at (, by emailing their Z83 and CV directly or by submitting paper copies of their Z83 and
CV directly to the department to: The Head: Community Safety and Liaison,
Human Resource Management, Private Bag, X9143, Pietermaritzburg, 3200,
or hand delivered to 179 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg. Applications
may be forwarded by post.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
NOTE : Applicants must not submit copies/attachments/ poof /certificates/ID/Driver
license/qualifications on application, only when shortlisted. A completed Z83
application for employment form and a detailed CV must only be submitted.
Applicants must utilise the most recent Z83 application for employment form
as issued by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration in line with
Regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 and failure to do so will
result in disqualification. All personal data on applications will be dealt with in
terms of the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013.
Persons with disabilities are also encouraged to apply.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package) is payable to the
successful candidate. The package includes a basic salary (70 % of package)
and a flexible portion (30% of package) that may be structured in terms of the
applicable rules. The successful candidate will be subject to security clearance
and the signing of a performance agreement within three months of
CENTRE : Amajuba District (Newcastle)
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree or National Diploma (NQF level 6) or higher in Social / Police Science
or relevant equivalent qualification with a minimum of 3 years junior
management experience in the crime prevention environment. A valid driver’s
license. Applicants must be prepared to work extended hours. Knowledge of
the Constitution of RSA, 1996, Knowledge of public service Act and
regulations, PFMA, South African Police Act,1995, National Crime Prevention
Strategy, 1996, KZN Commissions Act,1999, Domestic Violence Act,1998,
Child Care Act, Labour Relations procedure Act,1977, Employment Equity
Act,1998, Skills Development Act,1998, Promotion of Administrative Justice
Act,2000, Promotions of Access to Information Act,2000, Electronic
Communications & Transactions Act, 2002, State Information Technology
Agency Act,1999, National Youth Development Agency Act, 2008, Civilian
Secretariat for Police Service Act,2011, Fleet management, Labour Relations
Act,1995, Communication and protocol, Communication skills, Project
management skills, Report writing skills, Computer Skills, Financial
Management skills, Conflict Resolution skills.
DUTIES : To monitor and evaluate the performance of police stations and promote
community partnerships within the districts. Develop an integrated, effective
and efficient policing system for the district. Develop monitoring and evaluation
mechanism of police performance in the district. Coordinate functional
initiatives to allow for integrated police service delivery. Monitor indicators
which measure the impact of policing in order to positively impact police
practices in the district. Coordinate the management of crime prevention in the
district. Ensure effective management of resources for the district.
ENQUIRIES : Dr L.M Zondi Tel No: (033) 341 9300
SALARY : R811 560 per annum, (an all-inclusive remuneration package) is payable to the
successful candidate. The package includes a basic salary (70 % of package)
and a flexible portion (30% of package) that may be structured in terms of the
applicable rules. The successful candidate will be subject to security clearance
and the signing of a performance agreement within three months of
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree or National Diploma (NQF level 6) or higher Public Administration or
relevant equivalent qualification with a minimum of 3 years junior management
experience in. A valid driver’s license. Applicants must be prepared to work
extended hours. The successful candidate must have: - The Constitution of
RSA, 1996, Public Service Act and Regulations, PFMA, South African Police
Act,1995, HR systems including “PERSAL”, National Crime Prevention
Strategy, 1996, KZN Commissions Act,1999, Employment Equity Act,1998,
Skills Development Act,1998, Promotion of Administrative Justice Act,2000,
Promotions of Access to Information Act,2000, Electronic Communications &
Transactions Act, 2002, State Information Technology Agency Act,1999,
Civilian Secretariat for Police Service Act,2011, Labour Relations Act,1995,
Communication and protocol, Communication skills, Project management
skills in criminal justice, Report writing skills.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to ensure implementation of protocol
and coordination of intergovernmental relations and render inter-sectoral
project management. Maintain good working relationships with National
Departments, Provincial Departments, Local Government, NGOS, and CBOs.
Provide institutional and strategic support to the Senior Manager with regard
to Inter-governmental and inter-sectoral fora. Coordinate and implement
special projects.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. X Diko Tel No: (033) 341 9300
APPLICATIONS : To be posted to: The Chief Director, Human Resource Management &
Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs,
Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand Delivered To: The Chief
Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street,
Pietermaritzburg. Applicants can also submit their Z83 and CV directly to the
following email address [
CLOSING DATE : 08 September, (Applications received after this date will not be accepted).
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Application for Employment Form
(Z83) available from any Public Service Department and should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV. The Department discourages
applications sent by registered mail and will not be held responsible for
applications sent via registered mail which are not collected from the post
office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application
reaches the Department timeously. Failure to comply with any instruction will
disqualify applicants. Appointment is subject to a positive outcome obtained
from State Security on the following checks (Security Clearance, Citizenship,
qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous
employment). Faxed or late applications will not be accepted. Should
applicants not receive any response from the Department within three months
of the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is
committed to empowering people with disability.
Business Unit: Monitoring Evaluation and Strategic Planning
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate (NQF level 7)
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Monitoring and Evaluation/
Performance Management/ Public Management/ Public Administration or a
related qualification coupled with 5 years' experience at senior management
level in the monitoring and evaluation and/or reporting environment as well as
an SMS Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National School of Government
(NSG) (SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to appointment). Essential
Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The successful candidate
must have: - Knowledge and an understanding of relevant legislation,
Knowledge of Public Sector legislation, Knowledge of M & E methodologies
and Project Management, Planning and strategic planning skills, Team
development, decision making and problem solving skills, Financial
management skills, Good communication skills (verbal & written), Computer
literacy in MS Office, A valid code driver's licence.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to manage the business unit
responsible for monitoring and evaluation to keep track of the performance of
the Department, municipalities and traditional affairs in order to inform the
Province of the skills gaps with the following responsibilities, Develop and
coordinate monitoring and evaluation systems for all departmental
programmes, Develop a framework for monitoring the Five Year Local
Government Strategic Agenda, Manage reporting of M & E, Facilitate co-
operative governance between all spheres of government, Render programme
manager functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Tubane Tel No: (033) 260 8047
Chief Directorate: Corporate Services
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate (NQF level 7)
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Public Administration/ Business
Administration/ Management coupled with 5 years’ experience at a senior
managerial level within the corporate services environment as well as an SMS
Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National School of Government (NSG)
(SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to appointment). Essential
Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The successful candidate
must have: - Knowledge of Government prescripts (PFMA, Public Service
Regulations, Public Service Act, Treasury Regulations, etc), Knowledge of
policy analysis and interpretation, Knowledge of of fleet management policies
and ICT protocols and administration, Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation,
Knowledge of project management and financial Management, Planning and
organizing skills, Conflict resolution and tme management skills, Team
development and Project management skills, Decision making and problem
solving skills, Management of finances and financial skills, Strategic planning
and leadership skills, Good communication skills (written and verbal),
Computer literacy in MS Office, A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to manage corporate services within
the Department with the following key responsibilities: - Manage an Information
and Communication Technology service within the department, Manage the
development and implementation of strategies, policies, procedures, norms
and standards and toolkits within the sphere of work, Manage the resources of
the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Tubane at Tel No: (033) 260 8047
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate (NQF level 7)
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Public Governance, Public
Management, Public Administration, Law (LLB) coupled with 5 years’
experience at a senior managerial level within the local government
environment as well as an SMS Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National
School of Government (NSG) (SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to
appointment). Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The
successful candidate must have: - Knowledge of public service prescripts,
Knowledge of relevant legislation & policies, Knowledge of Integrated
approach to service delivery, Knowledge of Legal framework of Local
Government, Knowledge of strategic management and planning, Knowledge
of policy analysis and programme management, Knowledge of spatial planning
and financial management, Understanding protocols of the clients, Good
planning, organising, leadership skills, Team development and decision
making skills, Networking and presentation skills, Community development
and researching skills, Legal and conflict resolution and management skills,
Good communication skills (written and verbal), Computer literacy in MS
Office, A valid code driver’s license.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to manage and ensure proper
municipal governance and administration by municipalities in the province with
the following key responsibilities: - Manage the promotion and support of sound
municipal administration, Promote and support good governance practices in
municipalities, Manage, monitor and support municipal legal matters and
ensure the application of the rule of law in municipalities, Manage and support
municipalities in the fight against maladministration, fraud and corruption,
Ensure the facilitation of synergistic partnerships between municipalities and
traditional leadership. Render Programme Manager Functions.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Khathide Tel No: (033) 3556482
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate (NQF level 7)
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Informatics/ Computer Science/
Information Technology coupled with 5 years’ experience at a middle
management/senior management level in an information technology
environment as well as an SMS Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National
School of Government (NSG) (SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to
appointment). Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The
successful candidate must have: Knowledge of policy analysis, Knowledge of
service level agreements, Knowledge of IT strategy development and project
management, Knowledge of E-Government and enterprise architecture,
Knowledge of systems development and IT service management, Knowledge
of the PFMA, Planning, team development and decision making skills, Problem
solving and financial management skills, Good communication skills (verbal &
written), Computer literacy in MS Office and the MS environment, Sound
knowledge of ICT frameworks (TOGAF,GWEA), A valid code 8 drivers licence.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to manage an information and
communication technology support service to the Department with the
following key responsibilities:- Manage the provision of IT related business
solutions, Manage the operations pertaining to user support, system
maintenance, performance and service level, Develop and manage the
implementation of a governance model and IMST architecture, Define and
manage all IT service agreements, Manage e-governance implementation
within the department, Manage the resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms ZT Mtshali Tel No: (033) 260 8028
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in a possession of a minimum Bachelor’s Degree
or NQF level 7 as recognized by SAQA in Monitoring and Evaluation or related
field coupled with 5 years’ experience at a middle managerial level in a
monitoring environment SMS Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National
School of Government (NSG) (SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to
appointment). Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The
successful candidate must have: - Knowledge of understanding relevant local
government legislations, Knowledge of project management, Knowledge of
information management, Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation and
implementation, Knowledge of strategic planning & management, Good
planning skills, Team development skills, Decision making and problem solving
skills, Good communication skills (verbal & written), Computer literacy in MS
office, A valid code 8 driver’s licence.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to provide support to the Department
implementation and management of monitoring and reporting with the follow
key responsibilities:- Ensure the timeous submission of quality progress reports
across the Units of the Department, Facilitate information management;
reporting and monitoring processes in the Department and facilitate co-
ordination and alignment between all spheres of government, Provide
assistance in ensuring validity and reliability of all data/ information reported in
the quarterly progress reports and build capacity, Provide input to national and
provincial policy and legislative processes as well as structures regarding
monitoring of public sector policies; programmes and projects, Management of
the units resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mshengu Tel No: (033) 260 8011
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
RQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in a possession of an undergraduate (NQF level
7) qualification as recognised by SAQA in Social Sciences, Community
Development or related field coupled with 5 years’ experience at middle/ senior
managerial level in local government and or related public service environment
as well as an SMS Pre-entry certificate as offered by the National School of
Government (NSG) (SMS pre-entry certificate submitted prior to appointment).
Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies Required: The successful
candidate must have:- Sound knowledge and understanding of relevant
legislations and policies, Knowledge of community development; Knowledge
of financial management, Knowledge of community development work and
programme management, Integrated approach to service delivery, Team
development and decision making skills, Leadership and presentation skills,
Planning, research and organising skills, Networking, communication and
controlling skills, Good communication skills (verbal & written, Computer
literacy in MS Office, A valid code 8 drivers licence.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to facilitate the establishment,
implementation and management of the CDW programme with the following
key responsibilities: Develop and implement Provincial CDW Programme,
Monitor and evaluate impact of CDW interventions, Promote synergistic
functional relationship of the CDWP, Facilitate access to government services,
Manage the implementation of the response mechanism to service delivery
protests, Manage resources of the component
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Makhanya at Tel No: (033) 897 5605
Chief Directorate: Finance
Directorate: Supply Chain Management
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Service)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
REQUIREMENTS : The ideal candidate must be in possession of an undergraduate (NQF level 7)
qualification as recognised by SAQA in Supply Chain Management/Finance
field coupled with 5 years’ experience at a middle management level within the
supply chain management environment as well as an SMS Pre-entry certificate
as offered by the National School of Government (NSG) (SMS pre-entry
certificate submitted prior to appointment). Essential Knowledge, Skills And
Competencies Required: The successful candidate must have:- Sound
knowledge of policy analysis, Knowledge of project management and practice
notes, Knowledge of financial management system and supply chain
management, Knowledge of public finance management best practices and
recognised accounting principles (GRAP), Knowledge of government
processes, Planning and team development skills, Decision making and
problem solving skills, Financial Management and budgeting systems skills,
Analytical and management skills, Good communication skills (verbal &
written), Computer literacy in MS Office, A valid code 8 drivers licence.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to provide integrated supply chain
management services in the Department with the following key responsibilities:
Administer procurement services within the Department, Manage asset
management and logistical services, Manage the development and
implementation of policies, frameworks and processes, Manage the resources
of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Y Joyi Tel No: (033) 260 8036
Chief Directorate: Municipal Planning
Directorate: Spatial Planning
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 288 095 per annum, (all-inclusive package excluding commuted
CENTRE : Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current Registration as a
Medical Practitioner, plus Full registration with the Health Professionals
Council as a Medical Practitioner, plus A minimum of three (3) years
appropriate experience after registration with HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner.
Advantages: Minimum of Two (2) years’ management experience will be an
advantage. Public Medicine diploma or degree will be an advantage.
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competence Required. Knowledge of current
health and public service legislation and policies. Sound clinical knowledge,
experience of the respective disciplines. Excellent human relations,
communication skills, leadership and team building skills. Ability to develop and
monitor policies. Computer Literacy. Sound negotiation, planning, organizing,
decision making and conflict management skills. Knowledge and experience in
the District Health System.
DUTIES : The incumbent of the post is to assist the Senior Manager: Medical Services in
the following areas: Managing the system for dealing with medico legal claims.
Ensure the provision of protocols and guidelines to the Medical and Allied
Professional teams. Formulate policies and procedures for clinical services and
ensure that they are in accordance with the current statutory regulations and
guidelines. Provide leadership, management and support to all Cluster
Managers, Clinical Heads, Pharmacy, Allied Health professionals and all staff
under their supervision. Conduct service assessment and implement quality
improvement programmes. Lead Clinical Governance functions within the
institution. Liaise with other stakeholders within and outside Department of
Health such as Chief Specialists, other Hospital management teams, the
District Office and Medical School on medical and management issues. Ensure
optimal use of resources, both human resources and financial resources
Ensure continuous monitoring of morbidity and mortality through clinical audits.
Ensure that cost-effective service delivery is maintained within the hospital.
Maintain discipline and deal with grievances and Labour Relation issues in
terms of the laid down procedures and policies. Improve Clinical Quality and
Patient Satisfaction. Establish multi-disciplinary teams and improve
competencies of Health Care Workers. Participate in Senior Management and
strategic activities. Monitor of adverse events. Ensuring adherence, in the
domains, to entry and exit criteria. Ensuring that the operational plan of the
hospital is implemented within the medical component of each domain.
ENQUIRIES : Dr L.P Mtshali (Senior Manager: Medical Services) Tel No: (031) 2401124
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be addressed to the Human Resources Manager, and
should be placed in the application box situated at Security at the entrance to
the Management Building at IALCH or posted to Private Bag X03, Mayville,
NOTE : An Application for Employment Form (Z83) must be completed and forwarded.
This is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the
Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of qualifications, proof of
registration and other relevant documents will be requested from shortlisted
candidates only which may be submitted to HR on or before the day of the
interview. Original signed letter from your current employer, confirming current
and appropriate work experience related to the requirements and
recommendations of the advert to be submitted only when shortlisted. People
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the posts. The reference number
must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref
APRO/1/2006. Please note that failure to comply with the above instructions
will disqualify applicants. It is the short listed candidate’s responsibility to have
the foreign qualification, which is the requirement of the post, evaluated by the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof of such
evaluation on or before the day of the interview. Failure to comply will result in
the application not being considered. The selected candidate will be subjected
to a pre-employment screening and verification process including a CIPC
(Companies Intellectual Property Commission) screening. Due to the large
number of applications we receive, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. Should you not be advised within 60 days of the closing date,
kindly consider your application as unsuccessful. Please note that due to
financial constraints, there will be no payment of S&T claims. This Hospital is
an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to promote
representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in the Hospital.
Person with disabilities and African males are encouraged to apply. Please
note that other race groups are also not restricted from applying.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R1 288 095 per annum. Other Benefits: Commuted Overtime, 22% Rural
Allowance, Medical Aid (optional).13th Cheque, Housing Allowance (employee
must meet the Prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : MBCHB degree or equivalent. Current registration with HPCSA. Current
registration certificate with HPCSA as medical Officer. At least (03) three years’
experience as a medical practitioner with the HPCSA. Diploma in HIV / AIDS
management. 3 years’ experience in managing HIV/TB and STI. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of experience/service
certificate endorsed by HR department. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
General medicine and paediatrics with sound knowledge of HIV/AIDS
management. Ability to work in in a multidisciplinary setting. Excellent
communication skills and ability to teach and train staff. Flexibility. Ability to
work and maintain meaningful relationships.
DUTIES : Provision of high quality and holistic HAST services. Provide clinical leadership
to the HAST team. Provide medical support for the Nimart team. Develop
policies and protocols in line with the national guidelines to improve the
management of HIV and TB. Provide innovative preventative strategies to
promote health. Train and mentor colleagues in the management and
prevention of HIV/TB. Facilitate the provision of outreach services with the sub
district. Compulsory overtime. Participate in academic programmes, clinical
audits and quality improvement programmes as required for the national core
standards. Ensure the provision of male medical circumcision in line with sub
district targets. Act for medical manager when the need arises.
ENQUIRIES : Dr T.I.W Khumalo Tel No: (034) 271 6404
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, The Chief
Executive Officer, Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X5503,
Nqutu, 3135
NOTE : Due to financial constraints no S&T or relocation costs will be paid for attending
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R1 288 095 per annum. Other Benefits: (This inclusive package consist of 70%
basic salary and 30% flexible Portion that can be structured in terms of
applicable rules), Commuted Overtime plus 22% Rural allowance.
CENTRE : C. J. M. Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Matric or Grade 12. MBCHB Degree or equivalent
qualification. Current registration with HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. At
least 7 years’ experience as a Medical Practitioner after registration with
HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner, 3 of which must have been spent in a
recognised O&G department of a regional hospital. Valid driver’s license code
EB. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of
experience/service certificate endorsed by HR department Knowledge, Skills,
Training and Competences Required Knowledge of health legislation and
policies at public institution. Excellent human, communication and leadership
skills. Sound knowledge and clinical skills. Ability to develop policies. Sound
knowledge of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Computer literacy. Sound
negotiation, planning, organizing, decision making and conflict management.
Skills: Knowledge of training as an ESMOE trainer. Good team building and
problem solver. Knowledge of medical disciplines and management skills.
Knowledge and experience in District Health System.
DUTIES : Management of Obstetrics and Gynaecology inpatients. Provide the
management support and supervision to all medical officers in Maternity ward
and theatre. Support continuous professional development by information
seminars and scheduling external meetings. Chair monthly perinatal and
mortality in absence of the chairperson. Support medical manager in Clinical
Governance meetings Participate in Clinical audits. To ensure provision of
protocols and guidelines to doctors. Participate to quality improvement plans.
Ensure continuous monitoring of perinatal and mortality meetings through
clinical audits. Perform overtime when need arises. Provide an after hour
emergency Obstetrics and Gynaecological services. Ensure the running
Antenatal and Gynaecology outpatient clinic. Manage the work in labour ward
and Theatre. Participate in Academic activities of the Department and teaching
of junior staff. Contribute to the running of the obstetrics services in the
community referral clinics. Work as a part of team providing district hospital
based Obstetrics and Gynaecology services under consultant guidance.
Support clinics referring to Obstetrics and Gynaecology department. Act for
medical manager when necessary.
ENQUIRIES : Dr T.I.W Khumalo Tel No: (034) 271 6404
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: Human Resource Manager, The Chief
Executive Officer, Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X5503,
Nqutu, 3135
NOTE : Due to financial constraints no S&T or relocation costs will be paid for attending
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Component: Medical Services
SALARY : R1 288 095 – R1 427 352 per annum, plus benefits and 13th Cheque and
Medical Aid optional. Housing Allowance meet prescribed requirements.
CENTRE : King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Matric or Grade 12 MBCHB Degree or equivalent
qualification Current registration with HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner. At least
3-5 years’ experience as a Medical Practitioner after registration with HPCSA
as a Medical Practitioner. Minimum 2 year experience in clinical management
in hospital settings. Valid driver’s license code EB Recommendation A post
graduate qualification in obstetrics and gynecology Dip. Obstr (SA) and
ATLS/PALS. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competences Required:
Knowledge of Health legislation and policies at public institution Excellent
communication and leadership skills Sound clinical knowledge and clinical
skills Management of obstetrics emergencies Ability to develop policies and
protocols Computer literacy Sound negotiation, planning, organising, decision
making and conflict management skills Good team building and problem solver
Knowledge of medical disciplines and management skills Knowledge and
experience in District Health system.
DUTIES : Consultation, assessment, briefing, informing, education counselling and
giving the appropriate prevention and treatment to patients and their family.
Along with the emotional and social aspect of the patients disease. Arranging
the outreach support to the patients and referral clinics. Clinical management
of Inpatient/outpatients. Ensure safe medical practice in the institution to
reduce the risk of medicolegal cases and manage the reports of medico legal
cases. Managing the training, development, recruitment and performance
management of the staff. Play a leading role in all clinical governance
structures/committee, administration and management of the department.
Promote and conduct research, Manage the formulation, implementation and
monitoring of the policies and protocols at the institutional level. Along with the
quality assurance programmes with good output. Provide overall sound
management of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department Conduct regular
departmental mortality and perinatal meetings Represent the hospital in the
district perinatal meetings. Performance of Commuted overtime in the O&G
department is compulsory.
ENQUIRIES : Dr T Mabesa: Senior Manager: Medical Services Tel No: (031) 242 6000 ext.
1181 / 6298
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Attention: Human Resource Registry
Department - Rooms 38 and 39 – Basement, King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
P O Dormerton, 4000
NOTE : This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose
aim is to promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in
the Department). Directions to the candidates the following documents must
be submitted: The application must include only completed and signed new
Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. NB: Proof of
current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human
Resource Manager (Certificate of service and service record) must be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview
date. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z.83 e.g. reference number KDHC 05/2023. NB: Failure to comply with
above instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to
positive outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks: (security
checks, credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience
verifications) Please note that due to the large number of applications
anticipated, applicants will not be acknowledged, however, they will be advised
of the outcome of their applications, in due course. If notification of an interview
is not received within three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may
regard their application as unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable
where applicants use incorrect/no reference number(s) on their applications.
NB: Due to budgetary constraints, shortlisted candidates will not be entitled to
S&T payment for attending interview. NB. No payment of S&T and resettlement
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : PND5: R1 045 731 per annum, (an all-inclusive package). Other Benefits:
Medical aid (Optional), Housing allowance.
CENTRE : Addington Campus
REQUIREMENTS : Current registration (2023) with SANC as a General Nurse, Midwife/Accoucher
Plus; Post -basic qualifications in Nursing Education and Nursing
Administration/ Nursing Management/Health Service Management registered
with the South African Nursing Council Plus; A minimum of 11 (eleven) years
appropriate/recognizable experience after registration as a Professional Nurse
with SANC in General Nursing Plus; At least 7 (seven) years of the above
period must be recognizable experience in Nursing Education after obtaining
post basic qualification in Nursing Education of which three (3) years must be
relevant management experience in a Nursing Education Institution, In
possession of an unendorsed valid RSA Driver’s License. (Certificate required
when shortlisted) Recommendation: One year Post Basic qualification – SANC
regulation (R212), Masters’ Degree in Nursing. Basic Computer Literacy
(certificate required when shortlisted). Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competencies Required: Possess knowledge of the relevant legislation, Acts,
Prescripts and Policy Frameworks informing the area of operation. Have
excellent communication skills (written & verbal) and presentation skills. In
depth knowledge of nursing education programmes and curriculum.
Proficiency in teaching and assessment in Nursing Education including
evaluation approaches. Knowledge of policy development, interpretation,
implementation monitoring and evaluation. Sound conflict and decision making
/ problem solving skills. Willingness to travel. Good research and analytical
skills. Good managerial and interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Develops an integrated plan for all nurse training programmes in the Campus.
Maintains all clinical records and reports of learners. Provides and manages
all resources to facilitate learning and teaching. Maintains appropriate nursing
standards based on current legislation and guidelines. Manages and controls
the Campus Budget. Plans and implements theoretical and clinical instruction
and evaluation of learners. Ensures control of discipline and deal with
grievances in the Campus. Plans and implements student clinical
accompaniment. Formulates and analyses policies and its enforcement.
Monitors, evaluates and assesses Performance Management and
Development of staff. Undertakes quality promotion programmes within the
Campus. Develops reviews and implements the strategic plan of the Campus.
Plans, facilitates and participates in Curriculum Development initiatives for the
implementation of the New Nursing Qualifications. Plan, prepare and
implement initiatives towards Campus accreditation for the New Nursing
Programmes. Implement new nursing programmes. Liaises with relevant
internal and external stakeholders on nursing education issues.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. EN Hlongwa Tel No: (033) 940 4903
APPLICATIONS : Completed applications to be hand delivered to: Attention: The Registrar
Academic, Addington Campus, 16 Erskine Terrace, South Beach, Durban,
4001, or Post: PO BOX 977, Durban, 4000
NOTE : Directions to candidates; The following documents must be submitted:
Complete the most recent Z83 application form for employment obtainable
from all Public Service Departments or from website –
The Z83 must be completed in full in a manner that allows a selection
committee to assess the quality of the applicant. A detailed Curriculum Vitae
(CV), The Reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 e.g. ref number ADD CAMP 04/2023, Faxed and emailed applications
will not be accepted. Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the
Z83 form and a detailed CV. Copies of certified qualifications and other relevant
documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted candidates.
Please Note that communication will only be entered into with candidates that
have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us within two months after
the closing date, please consider your application as being unsuccessful. The
appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State
Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance vetting,
criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship), verification of Education
qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience for employers and
verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). It is
the applicant’s responsibility to have a foreign qualification, which is a
requirement of the post, evaluated by the South Africans Qualifications
Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof of such evaluation on application when
shortlisted. Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 - R975 738 per annum. Other Benefits: Commuted Overtime, Rural
Allowance (18% of basic salary), 13th cheque and Medical aid (optional).
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate. An MBChB degree or equivalent qualification. Current
registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner or FWMP approval from
NDOH to register with HPCSA. Registration with HPCSA as a Medical
Practitioner. Foreign candidates require 1 year relevant experience after
registration with a recognized foreign health professional council, of whom it is
not required to perform Community Service; Applicants in possession of foreign
qualifications only shortlisted candidates will submit proof of an evaluation
certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Priority will
be applied to incumbent that is available immediately in order to maintain
clinical services. ESMOE, ATLS, PALS, and ACLS. Diploma in Anesthesia
(DA) Other relevant CMSA diplomas: Dip PEC (SA), DCH, Dip Obs. Anesthetic
work experience in a large regional or tertiary hospital. Sound knowledge of
clinical (medical and surgical) skills associated within the practice of a District
Level hospital, e.g. Caesarian sections and spinal anesthetics, circumcisions,
etc. Knowledge and skills in, inter alia, General Medicine including
management of HIV/AIDS and TB, General Surgery, Paediatrics and
Obstetrics & Gynecology. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Teaching and supervision of junior doctors. Knowledge of MDR-TB.
Knowledge of all applicable legislation.
DUTIES : Clinical and administrative duties. Perform commuted overtime. Implement
quality standards and practices and treatment protocols so as to ensure correct
and effective management of patients. Examination, diagnosis and treatment
of patients in OPD/casualty, wards and clinics. Diagnosing and facilitating
referrals to higher level of care. Perform certain emergency procedures and
administer anesthesia. Facilitation of staff training and ongoing medical
education. Manage patients in the MDR-TB unit.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. S M Dludla (Acting Medical Manager) Tel No: (035) 474 8407/8/9
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital: Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya
Area next to Mehlwana Primary School, UMlalazi Municipality Ward15,
Amatikulu, 3801.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(new version Z83 form), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from
the and a comprehensive CV indicating three
reference persons: Names and contact numbers, Therefore only shortlisted
candidates for a post will be required to submit certified copies of qualification/s
and other relevant documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR, a Reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial
constraints, no S&T allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview
and no resettlement allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will
be given to African Male.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
POST 30/162 : PHARMACIST GRADE 1, 2 OR 3 REF NO: EGUM 28/2023 (X1 POST)
Component: Medical
Re-advertised - applicants that previously applied must re-apply
SALARY Grade 1: R768 489 - R814 437 per annum, all- inclusive packages
Grade 2: R830 751 – R880 521 per annum, all- inclusive packages
Grade 3: R906 540 – R961 614 per annum, all- inclusive packages
CENTRE : E.G. & Usher Memorial Hospital: Kokstad
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: South African qualified persons, registration with the South African
Pharmacy Council after Community Service has been completed. Foreign
qualification a One (1) year relevant experience after registration as
Pharmacist with a recognized Foreign Health Professional Council in respect
of foreign qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform community
service, as required in South Africa. Grade 2: Five (5) years post registration
experience as Pharmacist. Six (6) years relevant experience after registration
as Pharmacist with a recognised Foreign Health Professional Council in
respect of foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required to perform
Community Service as required in South Africa. Grade 3: Thirteen (13) years
post registration experience as Pharmacist. Eleven (11) years relevant
experience after registration as a Pharmacist with a recognised Foreign Health
Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees of whom it is not
required to perform Community Service as required in South Africa.
Recommendations: Driver’s License suitable to manual Transmission vehicles
Experience on the different Modules of RxSolution Conversational proficiency
in Zulu / Xhosa Experience in CCMDD Service within multidisciplinary teams
such as Antimicrobial Stewardship Team, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Committee, or affiliated sub-committees Conversant with current guidelines
relating to HIV/Aids and TB inclusive of Multi Drug Resistant TB Basic IT
troubleshooting. Other Benefits: Rural Allowance (12%) Minimum
Requirements for the post for all Grades: Matric/ Grade 12 or Senior certificate
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm Degree) or equivalent qualification accredited
by the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that allows registration with
the SAPC as a Pharmacist. Registration with the SAPC as Pharmacist. Proof
of current registration with the South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC 2023),
all the attachments / proof will be submitted by shortlisted candidates only.
Current and previous experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
(Employment History). Candidates are encouraged to submit full detailed
curriculum vitae and completed Z83 application form only. All the attachments
/ proof will be submitted by shortlisted candidates only. Knowledge, Skills,
Training and Competencies Required: Management of staff, Knowledge of the
items pertaining to pharmacy within the OHSC and SAPC audit structures,
Knowledge of the Acts and policies pertaining to Pharmacy inclusive of Good
Pharmacy Practice, Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines
List, Public Finance Management Act among others. Experience in all aspects
of Drug Supply Management Appropriate clinical and theoretical knowledge.
Good communication skills, leadership and decision making qualities. Sound
planning, Organizational and Administrative skills as regards completing
various required statistics, drafting of SOP’s, and creating QIP’s Proficiency in
Microsoft Office Software.
DUTIES : The provision of pharmaceutical care for patients at the hospital Evaluation of
the patient medicine-related needs by determining the indication, safety, and
effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. Dispensing of medicines or scheduled
substance as prescribed according to hospital Standard Operating
Procedures. Furnishing of information and advice to any person with regards
to the safe and effective use of the medicine. Determining compliance of
therapy and necessarily follow up to ensure the patients medicine-related
needs are met. Assist with the formulation and implementation of Standard
operating Procedures as applicable to Pharmaceutical structures that meet the
various audit requirements and are in line with National, Provincial and District
policies and recommendations. Comply with standard operating procedures,
OHSC, SAPC, and Ideal hospital norms and standards, and statutory
regulations (eg. GPP, GMP and PFMA). Provide support in the compilation of
the various reports and statistics as need Provide comprehensive patient
counselling and liaise with clinicians to ensure best therapeutic outcomes.
Monitor patient treatment adherence and appropriate use of chronic medicines
Stock control and correct handling and storage medicines consulting with
Medical Officers to ensure compliance to standard treatment guidelines and
EML providing in-service training, promoting the rational and safe use of
medicines and monitoring availability to essential medicines. Supervising of
Pharmacists Assistants and Interns Promote Public Health, Quality, Priorities
and Batho Pele Principles. Ensure safekeeping of pharmaceuticals,
implementing measures to prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure.
Deputize for the senior pharmacists. Perform all duties within the scope of
practice of a pharmacist. Evaluate and manage staff performance and
development within your area. Ensure that section 21 medicine procedures are
adhered to by health professionals and schedule 5 and 6 registers are
balanced and maintained. Conduct service assessments and implement
quality improvement plans. Comply with the Performance Management and
Development System (contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S Bull Tel No: (039) 797 8100
APPLICATIONS : Department, EG & Usher Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X506, Kokstad, 4700.
Hand delivered application may be submitted at Security Office (Application
box available). Please note due to large number of applications received,
applications will not be acknowledged. If you are not contacted by us three
months after the closing date please regard your application as being
unsuccessful. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for these posts.
Applicants that applied before must re-apply for the post.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
New (Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the
Website -, updated and fully detailed with experience
Curriculum Vitae. In addition, only shortlisted applicants will be requested to
bring originals of qualifications, Identity document and proof of registration for
related council when required in the advert. Faxed and emailed applications
will not be accepted. The reference number must be indicated in the column
provided on the form Z83 e.g. EGUM 03/2022.NB: Failure to comply with the
above instructions will disqualify applicants. Please note due to large number
of applications received, applications will not be acknowledged. If you are not
contacted by us three months after the closing date please regard your
application as being unsuccessful. The appointments are subject to a positive
outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (criminal clearance, credit records and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Applications in possessions of a foreign qualification
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
the attachments /proof will be submitted by shortlisted candidates only). Non-
RSA / Permanent Residents / Work permit holders the attachments /proof will
be submitted by shortlisted candidates only). Please note that due to large
number of applications received, applications will not be acknowledged.
However, every applicant will be advised of the outcome of his or her
applications in due course. If you have not heard from us within three months
from the closing date, Please accept that your application has been
unsuccessful. Please note that the target group in terms of the Employment
Equity Target for this post is as follows: African Male, People with disabilities
should feel free to apply NB: Due to financial constraints, no S&T will be paid
to candidates when attending the interviews.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023 at 16H00 afternoon
SALARY : Grade 1: R683 838 – R767 184 per annum. Plus 13th cheque, Medical Aid
Subsidy (optional) and home owners allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
CENTRE : Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Grade 12. Diploma/Degree in General Nursing and
Midwifery. Plus 1 year post basic qualification in critical care / trauma
/Operating Theatre technique. A minimum of 10 years appropriate /
recognisable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse
with the SANC in general nursing of which at least 6 years of the period referred
to above must be appropriate/ recognizable experience after obtaining the one
year post basic qualification in the relevant speciality. At least 3 years of the
period referred to above must be appropriate / recognizable experience at
management level. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required:
Knowledge of nursing care and processes and procedures, nursing statutes
and other relevant legal frameworks such as Nursing act, Health act,
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Patients right charter, Batho Pele
principles etc. Knowledge and understanding of legislative framework
governing the Public Service, knowledge of HR and Financial Policies and
Practices such as skills development Act, Public Service regulations, Labour
Relations Act. Good communication skills. Co-ordination and liaison and
networking skills. Report writing and facilitation skills. Leadership skills.
Problem solving and negotiation skills. Planning and organizing skills.
Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and co-ordinate the provision of effective and efficient
patient care through adequate nursing care. Initiate and participate in health
promotion to ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and
comprehensive information on health care. Develop/ establish and maintain
constructive working relationship with nursing and other stakeholders (i.e. inter-
professional, inter sectorial and multidisciplinary team work). Participate in the
analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines, practices,
standards and procedures. Monitor and ensure all nurses are licensed to
practice. Deal with grievances, labour relations issues in terms of the policies /
procedures laid down i.e. manage workplace discipline. Monitor and ensure
proper utilization of financial and physical resources. Implement and monitor
EPMDS and PSI Policies. Monitor and manage Human Resources. Monitor the
implementation of National core standards. Improve data management as well
as management of all relevant programmes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr GTD Mthethwa Tel No: (031) 502 1719, ext. 2015
APPLICATIONS : Please forward application quoting the reference number to the Human
Resource Office, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X13, Mount
Edgecombe, 4300 or Hand Delivered can be submitted to Human Resources.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Applicants must utilize the most
recent Z83 application form for employment obtainable from any government
department or from the Applicants are
required to complete and submit Z83 Form and Curriculum vitae (CV). Z83
form must be completed in full in a manner that allows a selection committee
to assess the quality of a candidate based on the information provided in the
form. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other
relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed
curriculum vitae (CV). The certified copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be
submitted to HR on or before the day of the interview. The reference number
of the post must be indicated in the column provided on the Z83 application
form e.g. MGMH/01/2023. Faxed / emailed applications will not be considered.
N.B: failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants.
Applicants are advised that due to a number of applications anticipated,
individual applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not receive a
Response within six (6) weeks after the closing date the application must be
considered unsuccessful. People with disability should feel free to apply. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is
to promote representativity in all levels of all occupational classes of the
department. S & T and Resettlement will not be paid to the eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R627 474 – R703 752 per annum. Plus benefits and 13th cheque and Medical
Aid optional. Housing Allowance meet prescribed requirements.
CENTRE : King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10 certificate/Grade 12 Diploma / Degree in Nursing Science Current
registration with South African Nursing Council as Professional Nurse Diploma
in Post Basic specialty: Post-Basic Psychiatric Nursing Science (Advanced
Psychiatric Nursing Science) Minimum of 9 years appropriate / recognizable
experience as a Professional Nurse At least 5 years of the period referred
above must be experience after obtaining Post Basic qualification in the
specialty and Current registration with SANC (2023 receipt) Knowledge, Skills
And Competencies Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures
Knowledge of nursing statutes and relevant legal framework Knowledge of
Human Resource Policies Operational Management, co-ordination, networking
liaison skills Good communication, interpersonal relations, problem solving,
conflict management skills Planning and organizing, report writing skills People
management and financial management skills.
DUTIES : Co-ordination of optimal holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standards and a professional / legal framework. Manage effectively the
utilization and supervision of human, financial, physical and material resources
and services. Co-ordination of the provision of effective training and research.
Provision of effective support to nursing services Maintain professional
growth/ethical standards and self-development. To supervise patient care, staff
performance and ensure smooth functioning of the unit. To partake in overall
specialized unit functions, Team Building Participate in the analysis,
formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines practice standards and
procedures Maintain constructive working relationships with nursing and other
stakeholders i.e. inter-professional and inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary
team work.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs HN Mchunu Tel No: (031) 242 6000
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Attention: Human Resource Registry
Department - Rooms 38 and 39 – Basement, King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex,
P O Dormerton, 4000.
NOTE : This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose
aim is to promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in
the Department. Directions to the candidates: The following documents must
be submitted: The application must include only completed and signed new
Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date.NB: Proof of current
and previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
Manager (Certificate of service and service record) must be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. The
reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83
e.g. reference number KDHC 05/2023. NB: Failure to comply with above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks: (security checks, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications) Please
note that due to the large number of applications anticipated, applicants will not
be acknowledged, however, they will be advised of the outcome of their
applications, in due course. If notification of an interview is not received within
three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application
as unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable where applicants use
incorrect/no reference number(s) on their applications. NB: Due to budgetary
constraints, shortlisted candidates will not be entitled to S&T payment for
attending interview. NB: No Payment of S & T and resettlement expenditure.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R627 474 – R703 752 per annum. Plus benefits and 13th cheque and Medical
Aid optional. Housing Allowance meet prescribed requirements.
CENTRE : King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10 certificate/Grade 12 Diploma / Degree in Nursing Science Current
registration with South African Nursing Council as Professional Nurse 2023.
Diploma In Post Basic specialty: Post-Basic Specialty Nurse Course in child
Nursing Science. Minimum of 9 years appropriate / recognizable experience in
Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing. At least 5 years of the period referred above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience after obtaining the one year Post Basic
qualification in Specialty. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of
nursing care processes and procedures. Knowledge of nursing statutes and
relevant legal framework. Knowledge of Human Resource Policies Operational
Management, co-ordination, networking liaison skills. Good communication,
interpersonal relations, problem solving, conflict management skills. Planning
and organizing, report writing skills. People management and financial
management skills.
DUTIES : Co-ordination of optimal holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standards and a professional / legal framework Manage effectively the
utilization and supervision of human, financial, physical and material resources
and services Co-ordination of the provision of effective training and research
Provision of effective support to nursing services Maintain professional
growth/ethical standards and self-development To relieve with duties of the
supervisor To partake in overall specialized unit functions, Team Building
Participate in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing
guidelines practice standards and procedures Maintain constructive working
relationships with nursing and other stakeholders i.e. inter-professional and
inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary team work.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Z F Dlamini: Nursing Manager Tel No: (031) 271 1267
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Attention: Human Resource Registry
Department - Rooms 38 and 39 – Basement, King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex,
P O Dormerton, 4000.
NOTE : This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose
aim is to promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in
the Department. Directions to the candidates: The following documents must
be submitted: The application must include only completed and signed new
Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date.NB: Proof of current
and previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
Manager (Certificate of service and service record) must be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. The
reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83
e.g. reference number KDHC 05/2023. NB: Failure to comply with above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks: (security checks, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications) Please
note that due to the large number of applications anticipated, applicants will not
be acknowledged, however, they will be advised of the outcome of their
applications, in due course. If notification of an interview is not received within
three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application
as unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable where applicants use
incorrect/no reference number(s) on their applications. NB: Due to budgetary
constraints, shortlisted candidates will not be entitled to S&T payment for
attending interview. NB. No payment of S & T and resettlement expenditure.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R578 367 per annum. 13th Cheque, Medical aid (optional), housing
Allowance (employee must meet the prescribed requirements) plus 17% rural
allowance, Medical Aid Optional, Home Owners /Housing Allowance
(Employee must meet prescribed requirements).
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (Kwa Zulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 / Senior Certificate. An appropriate qualification that allow registration
with HPCSA as a Physiotherapist. A minimum of five (05) years relevant
experience after registration with HPCSA in respect of South African qualified
employees of which three (03) years must be at supervisory level. Current
registration with the HPCSA (2023) as a Physiotherapist. Knowledge, Skills
Training and Competencies Required: Good communication, leadership,
interpersonal skills, conflict management and knowledge of labour relations
and disciplinary process/procedure. Human Resource and financial
management skills. Sound knowledge of disciplinary processes and grievance
procedures. Knowledge of competency in high quality diagnostic and
therapeutic Physiotherapy service. Sound knowledge of the application of
clinical Physiotherapy theory, practices and ethics. Ability to function under
pressure and provide psychosocial rehabilitation service to Mental Health Care
DUTIES : Execute all physiotherapy management duties, functions and responsibilities
to the best of ability and within all applicable legislation. Manage all the hospital
multi-disciplinary rehabilitation team. Provide a consultative physiotherapy and
rehabilitation services to health professionals and patients. Develop protocols
to ensure that physiotherapy and rehabilitation services comply with
occupational health and safety. To solve complex professional and
management problems and policy issues by exercising sound judgment on the
best possible outcome. Manage the allocated budget and implement the
financial management system for the rehabilitation department. Maintain the
optimal utilisation of human resources in the rehabilitation department. Provide
expect advice and guidance on the selection and purchase of rehabilitation
equipment whilst ensuring quality cost effectiveness. Provide clinical training
to physiotherapy students from tertiary institutions. Respond to the priorities of
transformation within rehabilitation department.
ENQUIRIES : Dr T.C Ngwenya Tel No: (035) 595 3106
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital Ubombo Main Road. Email address:
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained from
the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R520 785.per annum. 13th Cheque, Medical aid (optional), housing
Allowance (employee must meet the prescribed requirements) plus 17% rural
allowance, Medical Aid Optional, Home Owners /Housing Allowance
(Employee must meet prescribed requirements).
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (Kwa Zulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Grade 12 / Senior Certificate. An appropriate qualification that allow
registration with HPCSA as a Physiotherapist. A minimum of 3 years relevant
experience after registration with HPCSA as a physiotherapist. Current
registration with the HPCSA (2023) as a Physiotherapist. Knowledge, Skills
Training and Competencies Required: Good verbal and written communication
skills. Good interpersonal skills. Knowledge of departmental administrative
tasks. Knowledge of ethical code and scope of practice. Ability to problem-
solving and apply analytical processes to patient care. Supervisory skills for
junior and students.
DUTIES : Execute all physiotherapy supervisory duties, functions and responsibilities to
the best of ability and within all applicable legislation. Provide a consultative
physiotherapy and rehabilitation services to health professionals and patients.
Assist in developing protocols to ensure that physiotherapy and rehabilitation
services comply with occupational health and safety. To solve complex
professional problems and policy issues by exercising sound judgment on the
best possible outcome. Maintain the optimal utilisation of human resources in
the rehabilitation department. Assist in providing advice and guidance on the
selection and purchase of rehabilitation equipment whilst ensuring quality cost
effectiveness. Provide clinical training to physiotherapy students from tertiary
institutions. Respond to the priorities of transformation within rehabilitation
ENQUIRIES : Dr T.C Ngwenya Tel No: (035) 595 3106
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital, Ubombo Main Road. Email address:
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and
must originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be
accompanied by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the
HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will
be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a
post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the
interview following communication from HR. the reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth
19/2023). Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. The appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained from
the State Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance
vetting); criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational
Qualification by SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification form the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The
institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to
promote representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R497 193 – R559 686 per annum. Other Benefits: 13 Cheque,
Medical Aid optional. Housing Allowance (Employee to meet the prescribed
CENTRE : King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10 certificate/Grade 12 Diploma/Degree in General Nursing Science
Current Registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Professional
Nurse. At least minimum of 7 years’ experience appropriate/recognizable
experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in
General Nursing Current registration receipt with S.A.N.C. 2023 Knowledge,
Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of nursing care processes and
procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal frameworks such as:
Nursing Act, Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Patient Rights
Charter, Batho Pele principles, Public Service Regulations, Labour Relations
Act, Disciplinary Code and Procedure, Grievance Procedure, etc. Leadership,
organizational, decision making and problem solving abilities. Interpersonal
skills including public relations, negotiating, conflict handling and counselling
skills. Planning and organizing, report writing skills Computer skills in basic
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and coordinate the provision of effective and efficient
patient care through adequate nursing care adequate nursing care. Participate
in the analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines,
practices, standards, policies and procedures. Manage and monitor proper
utilization of human, financial, physical and material resources.
Develop/establish and maintain constructive working relationships with nursing
and the multi-disciplinary team. Management of complaints and patient safety
incidents. Reporting of patient safety incidents and immediate investigation
and ensure documentation. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards
and self-development. Provide day services for quarantine/isolation facilities.
Provide adequate support to nursing services and assist with relief duties of
the Supervisor. Manage 72 hour observation ward for mental health care users.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. HN Mchunu Tel No: (031) 242 6028/242 6036
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Attention: Human Resource Registry
Department - Rooms 38 and 39 – Basement King Dinuzulu Hospital Complex,
P O Dormerton, 4000
NOTE : This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose
aim is to promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in
the Department. Directions to the candidates: The following documents must
be submitted: The application must include only completed and signed new
Form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date.NB: Proof of current
and previous work experience endorsed and stamped by Human Resource
Manager (Certificate of service and service record) must be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. The
reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83
e.g. reference number KDHC 05/2023. NB: Failure to comply with above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA to the following checks: (security checks, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications) Please
note that due to the large number of applications anticipated, applicants will not
be acknowledged, however, they will be advised of the outcome of their
applications, in due course. If notification of an interview is not received within
three (3) months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application
as unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable where applicants use
incorrect/no reference number(s) on their applications. NB: Due to budgetary
constraints, shortlisted candidates will not be entitled to S&T payment for
attending interview. NB. No payment of S & T and resettlement expenditure.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
REF NO: MGMH35/2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R497 193 – R559 686 per annum. Plus 13th cheque, Medical Aid
Subsidy (optional) and home owner’s allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
CENTRE : Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10 (grade 12) certificate. Degree/Diploma in General nursing
science. Registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a
General Nurse and Midwife. A minimum of 7 years of appropriate recognizable
nursing experience after registration as ‘Professional Nurse’ with the South
African Nursing Council (SANC) in General nursing. Diploma/ Degree in
nursing management. At least 3 years of experience in a supervisor’s capacity
will be an advantage and Basic Computer literacy is recommended.
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public
Service Policies, Acts and Regulations. Knowledge of SANC Rules and
Regulations. Sound knowledge of scope of practice. Good communication,
leadership, interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Knowledge of Code of
Conduct and Labour Relations. Ability to function well within a team. Conflict
management and negotiation skills. Decision making and problem-solving
skills. Ability to write good report. Skills in organizing, planning and supervising.
Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles and Patients’ Rights Charter.
DUTIES : Ability to provide professional leadership in night duty supervisory services.
Provision of Quality Nursing Care through the implementation of Standards,
Policies and Procedures coupled with supervision and monitoring the
Implementation thereof. To develop and ensure implementation of Nursing
Care Plans. To participate in Quality Improvement Programs and Clinical
Audits. Identify, develop and control Risk Management systems within the unit.
Uphold the Batho Pele and Patients’ Rights Charter principles. Provide a safe,
therapeutic environment as laid down by the Nursing Act. Occupational Health
and Safety and all other applicable prescripts. Participate in staff, student and
patient teaching. Exercise control over discipline, grievance and Labour
relation issues according to the laid down policies and procedures. Manage
and supervise effective utilization of all resources eg. human, financial, material
etc. Implementation and management of Infection Prevention and Control
protocols. Maintain accurate and complete patient records. Display a concern
for patients, promoting, advocating and facilitating proper treatment and care
and ensuring that the facility adheres to the principle of Batho Pele. Participate
in performance reviews i.e. EPMDS. Participate and ensure implementation of
National Core Standards, Ideal Hospital Realization Framework, National
Health Priorities, Quality Improvement initiatives including national priority
program plans.
ENQUIRIES : Mr GTD Mthethwa Tel No: (031) 502 1719 ext. 2015
APPLICATIONS : Please forward application quoting the reference number to the Human
Resource Office, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X13, Mount
Edgecombe, 4300 or Hand Delivered can be submitted to Human Resources.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Applicants must utilize the most
recent Z83 application form for employment obtainable from any government
department or from the Applicants are
required to complete and submit Z83 Form and Curriculum vitae (CV). Z83
form must be completed in full in a manner that allows a selection committee
to assess the quality of a candidate based on the information provided in the
form. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other
relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed
curriculum vitae (CV). The certified copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be
submitted to HR on or before the day of the interview. The reference number
of the post must be indicated in the column provided on the Z83 application
form e.g. MGMH/01/2023. Faxed / emailed applications will not be considered.
N.B: failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants.
Applicants are advised that due to a number of applications anticipated,
individual applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not receive a
Response within six (6) weeks after the closing date the application must be
considered unsuccessful. People with disability should feel free to apply. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is
to promote representativity in all levels of all occupational classes of the
department. S & T and Resettlement will not be paid to the eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R464 466 per annum. Other Benefits: Medical Aid (optional). 13th Cheque,
Housing Allowance (Employee must meet the prescribed requirements) plus 1
2% Rural allowance
CENTRE : Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification. Degree/Diploma in
General nursing that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Certificate of registration as a professional nurse. A minimum of 7 years
appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General nursing. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit proof of experience/service certificate
endorsed by HR department. Recommendation: NMART Trained. Knowledge,
Skills Training and Competencies Required: Through knowledge of nursing
care process and procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal
frameworks such as Nursing Act, Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety
Act and Patients’ Rights Charter. Batho Pele principles etc. Operational
Management skills. Ability to interact with diverse stakeholders and health care
users and givers, Good communication skills. Report writing skills,
Coordination skills, Liaison skills, Networking, Problem solving skills.
Information Management, Planning and Organizing skills, Computer literacy
DUTIES : Monitor Health care programme with reference to HIV/AIDS, S’TI’S and ensure
HIV/AIDS care service within the facility and its clinics. Manage and monitor
proper utilization of human, financial and physical resources. Participate in the
analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines, practices
standards and procedures. Supervise and ensure the provision of an effective
and efficient patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and
monitor the implementation of nursing plan evaluation. Maintain constructive
working relationship with nursing plan and other stakeholders (i.e. inter-
professional, inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork.) Provide relevant
health information to health care users to assist in achieving optimal health
care and rehabilitation of patients.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. T. P. Ndlovu Tel No: (034) 271 6405
APPLICATIONS : All application should be forwarded to: Human Resource Office 92 Hlubi Street
C. J. M. Hospital Nqutu, Private Bag X5503, Nqutu, 3135
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions
must notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if
they are absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to
Candidates: the following documents must be submitted: Application for
Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable from any Government Department
OR from the website - application form (Z83) must
be completed in full and accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from Human Resources. The reference number must
be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 and on the back of the
envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions
will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities should feel free to apply
for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from
the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification,
citizenship and previous experience employment verification). Failure to
comply will result in the application not being considered”. Due to the large
number of applications, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged.
However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Please
note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered for
payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
HRM 64/2023 (X2 POSTS)
Directorate: Radiology
SALARY R431 265 – R497 193 per annum. Other Benefits: 8% rural allowance, 13th
cheque, Medical aid (optional) and home owner’s allowance (employee must
meet a prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10/Grade 12 certificate. Degree/ Diploma in General nursing and
Midwifery registered with SANC.A post basic one year specialized qualification
in Paediatric Nursing Science. 4 years’ experience in nursing after registration
with SANC as General Nurse. Current SANC Annual practicing certificate.
Knowledge of SANC rules and regulations. Knowledge of nursing procedures,
relevant acts and policies. Knowledge of Batho Pele and Patient’s Rights
Charter. Knowledge of code of conduct and labour relations. Good
communication skills. Decision making and problem solving skills. Basic
financial management.
DUTIES : Manage child health services as per policies/protocols/ rules and regulation of
the DOH and SANC. Provide in service training to all midwives allocated in
Paediatric ward and POPD area. Manage staff and patient care in the absence
of an Operational Manager Nursing. Demonstrate procedure to staff with the
aim of capacitating them. Provide reports and QIPs as required by DOH
standards. Participate in the planning for all ward activities and equipment.
Manage all complications in the absence of the doctor and report. Ensure all
policies and SOP’s of the unit are updated. Ensure all protocols and guidelines
are available and known by the staff. Maintain ethics and professionalism.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. P.Z. Mbonambi (Assistant Manager Nursing) Tel No: (035) 474 8407
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital: Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya
Area next to Mehlwana Primary School, UMlalazi Municipality Ward15,
Amatikulu, 3801.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(new version Z83 form), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from
the and a comprehensive CV indicating three
reference persons: Names and contact numbers, Therefore only shortlisted
candidates for a post will be required to submit certified copies of qualification/s
and other relevant documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR, a reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial
constraints, no S&T allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview
and no resettlement allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will
be given to African Male.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, Plus 13th cheque, Medical Aid
Subsidy (optional) and home owner’s allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
Grade 2: R528 696 – R645 720 per annum, Plus 13th cheque, Medical Aid
Subsidy (optional) and home owner’s allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
CENTRE : Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior certificate / Grade 12. Basic R425 qualification i.e. Degree or Diploma
in nursing qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional
Nurse plus. A post basic nursing qualification (Critical care nursing science /
Child nursing Science or Advanced midwifery) with a duration of at least 1 year
accredited with the SANC in one of the specialities referred to above. Current
registration with SANC as a General Nurse and Midwife and Post basic –critical
care nursing science / Child nursing science or Advanced Midwife 2023. Plus
Grade 1: A minimum of 4 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing
after registration as Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing and
midwifery. A post basic nursing qualification (Critical Care nursing science /
Child nursing science or Advanced midwifery) with a duration of at least 1 year
accredited with the SANC in one of the specialities referred to above. Grade
2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a professional nurse with SANC in General nursing and
Midwifery. At least 10 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience in the specific speciality after obtaining 1
year post basic qualification in Critical care nursing science / Child Nursing
science or Advanced Midwifery. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competencies Required: Knowledge of nursing care and processes and
procedures. Basic knowledge of public service regulations. Disciplinary code
human resources policies, hospital generic and specific policies. Leadership
and supervisory skills. Team building and cross-cultural awareness. Good
communication and interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Provide holistic nursing care to patients in a speciality unit in a cost effective,
efficient and equitable manner. Assist in planning / organising and monitoring
of the objective of the specialised unit in consultation with subordinates.
Provide direct and indirect supervision of all nursing staff /housekeeping staff
and give guidance. Execute duties and functions with proficiency within
prescript of applicable legislation. Provision of quality patient care through
setting of standards, policies and procedures. Participate in quality
improvement programmes and clinical audits. Uphold Batho Pele and patient’s
rights principles. Provide safe, therapeutic environment as laid down by the
Nursing Act. Maintain accurate and complete patients’ records according to
legal requirements. Exercise control over discipline, grievance and labour
relations issues. Manage and supervise effective utilization of all resources e.g.
Human, Finance and material. Implementation and management of infection
control and prevention protocols. Maintain clinical, professional and ethical
standards. Assist with performance review i.e. EPMDS.
ENQUIRIES : Mr GTD Mthethwa Tel No: (031) 502 1719 ext. 2015
APPLICATIONS : Please forward application quoting the reference number to the Human
Resource Office, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Private Bag X13, Mount
Edgecombe, 4300 or Hand Delivered can be submitted to Human Resources.
NOTES : The following documents must be submitted: Applicants must utilize the most
recent Z83 application form for employment obtainable from any government
department or from the Applicants are
required to complete and submit Z83 Form and Curriculum vitae (CV). Z83
form must be completed in full in a manner that allows a selection committee
to assess the quality of a candidate based on the information provided in the
form. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other
relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83 form and detailed
curriculum vitae (CV). The certified copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be
submitted to HR on or before the day of the interview. The reference number
of the post must be indicated in the column provided on the Z83 application
form e.g. MGMH/01/2023. Faxed / emailed applications will not be considered.
N.B: failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants.
Applicants are advised that due to a number of applications anticipated,
individual applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not receive a
Response within six (6) weeks after the closing date the application must be
considered unsuccessful. People with disability should feel free to apply. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is
to promote representativity in all levels of all occupational classes of the
department. S & T and Resettlement will not be paid to the eligible candidates
due departmental budgetary constraints.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
MAD 37/2023 (X3 POSTS)
EE Target (African Male)
SALARY : R424 101 per annum. Plus other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (optional),
Home Owner Allowance (Subject to meeting prescribed requirements)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) Plus Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma in Human
Resource Management/ Personnel Management/ Human Resource
Development or Public Management A minimum of five years operational
experience in Human Resource of which three years of that must be
supervisory experience in Human Resource. Valid Driver’s license. Certificate
of service endorsed by Human Resource Department is required (only when
shortlisted). Knowledge, Skill, Training and Competencies Required:
Knowledge of Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and Prescripts,
Knowledge of PERSAL System, Knowledge of basic Principles of HR
Management. Ability to interpret and apply policies, Acts, ability to comprehend
Human Resource issues. Interpersonal relations, innovation and
communication skills. Financial Management, Change Management, Decision
making, Time management, Facilitation skills, Risk management and Good
interpersonal relation skills. Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : Provide Strategic leadership of human resource management for the facility.
Manage all Human Resource Components i.e Human Resource Practices,
Human Resource Planning and Development, Staff Relations and
Occupational Health Nurse and ensure that efficient and effective services are
provided. Monitor and evaluate human resource activities. Ensure quality
development of HRMS in line with norms and standards for CHC ideal Clinic
realization and Maintenance Programme. Monitor human resource records
and documents management system. Manage the payroll programme and
ensure the timely and efficient compensation of employees. Manage
recruitment, selection and verification process. Monitor and evaluate the
effectiveness Human Resource Provisioning and Practices. Ensure the co-
ordination Institutional Management Labour Committee Meetings (IMLC).
Ensure training of staff on labour relation. Create awareness of labour relation.
Ensure compliance with grievance and disciplinary procedures. Coordination
of conciliation, mediation and arbitration proceedings. Ensure that a
misconduct case in the institution is dealt with timeously. Monitor and evaluate
effectiveness of Employee Wellness, ensure co-ordination of institutional
Employee Wellness Committee Meetings (IEHWCM) Ensure training of staff
on employee Health Wellness. Create awareness of Employee Health
Wellness Programme within the institution. Ensure implementation of
Employee Health and Wellness Programme, Occupational Health and
Employee Assistance Programme. Provide leadership for management
processes for the alignment of organizational and post establishment
structures in line with emerging service delivery demands as well as the
imperatives set in the Annual Performance Plan for the facility. Request and
downloading and analysing PERSAL Reports.Serve in the transformation Plan
of the department or facility such budget allocations as well as standard and
workload statistics. Conduct staff satisfaction survey and exit interviews.
Oversee the effective implementation of the Human Resource Management
policy imperatives and ensure consistency in the application. Develop
strategist aimed at improving service delivery. Ensure and facilitate the
consolidation of HR Plan and Employment Equity Plan for the facility. Manage
HRM relates risks and ensure efficiency in utilization of COE budget.
ENQUIRIES : Dr S.E Mnguni Tel No: (036) 637 9600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager St
Chads Community Health Centre, Private Bag X9950, Ladysmith, 3370, or
Hand Delivered to Corner Helpmekaar and Ezakheni Main Road, Ezakheni,
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: The advertisement of post must
clearly spell out that the applicants for employment must submit fully completed
Z83 form and detailed CV only. Copies of certified qualifications and other
relevant documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted
candidates. Application for Employment From effective 01/02/2021, which is
obtainable at any Government Department or from . The Reference Number must be indicated
in the column provided on the Z83, e.g. STC 10/2022. NB: Certified copies
should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from State Security Service to the following checks (security
clearance, credit records, qualifications, citizenship and previous employment
experience). Please note that applications will not be acknowledged.
Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within three months after the closing date of advertisement,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department is an
equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Foreign
Qualification will be requested for submission from shortlisted candidates only.
Please note that no S&T payments will be considered for payment to
candidates who are invited for interviews. This Department is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the Department. Person with
disability are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R424 104 per annum. Plus 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional), Home owners
Allowance (employee must meet the prescribed requirements).
CENTRE : Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate /Grade 12 or equivalent. Senior Certificate /Grade 12 or
equivalent. Degree/ National Diploma in Human Resource Management/
Public Administration or Public Management plus 3 - 5 years supervisory
experience in Human Resource, Labour Relations. Unendorsed valid Code EB
driving licence (Code 08). Recommendations: Training Programmes and/or
experience in investigation, presiding and grievance handling will serve as a
recommendation. Proven computer literacy. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competence Required: The incumbents for this post will report to the Deputy
Director – HRM and will be responsible for providing integrated staff relations
advisory services to ensure sound labour practices in the institution. The ideal
candidate must process expert knowledge of the legislative and policy
imperatives informing the area of operation. Have mediation and negotiation
skills. Have the ability to analyse information relating to the area of operation
and to utilize the information to identify trends, progress and potential
problems, planning and organizing skills. Process high level of confidentiality.
Have ability to work independently and under pressure. Have good
interpersonal relations. Process high level of communication skills (both written
and verbal). Ensure effective communication between Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme
Memorial Hospital and the Unions Regional Manager. Ensure effective
communication between management and Organised Labour. Be computer
literate with proficiency in MS Office Software Applications.
DUTIES : Assist in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of policies,
procedures and processes to ensure effective and efficient Labour Relations
at Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital. Promote constructive labour
peace between Organised Labour and Management for Dr Pixley ka Isaka
Seme Memorial Hospital based on the core values of the Department of Health.
Formulate SOP’s that are related to Labour Relations Component. Effective
management and screening of grievances, misconduct and dispute cases
within Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital to ensure resolutions are
met. Ensure continuous in-service trainings on labour related issues. Ensure
effective utilization of resources in labour relations including management of
EPMDS. Represent the employer at conciliation and arbitration sittings. Proper
handling of bilateral meetings with Organised Labour & management, ensure
high level of confidentiality and professionalism is maintained. Promote
effective communication with different HR Components before involving
Organised Labour and Management. Submission of statistics and capturing of
cases into PERSAL system and provide weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual
reports. Ensure all items submitted to IMLC by Organisational Labour are fully
motivated before presenting them to Management. Take full responsibility and
accountability in managing strike actions. Receiving memorandum and ensure
timeous responses are given to Institutional Management, Head Office and
Organisational Labour.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs GC Buthelezi Deputy Director: HRM Tel No: (031) 530 1403
APPLICATIONS : To be hand delivered to 310 Bhejane Street (Hospital Gate Number 2)
Kwamashu or Emailed To:
FOR ATTENTION : Deputy Director: HRM
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted, Application for employment form
(Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department or form website- No attachments on application, only Z83 and CV.
Applications must be submitted on or before the closing date. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 e.g.
DPKISMH 43/2023. NB: Failure to comply with the above instruction will
disqualify applicants. Please note that due to the number of applications
anticipated, applications will not be acknowledged. Correspondence will be
limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
two months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. The appointment is subject to positive outcome
obtained from NIA to the following checks (security clearance, credit records,
qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment verifications
and verification from the company Intellectual Property (CIPC). The
Department reserves the right not to fill the post (s). This Department is an
equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity
in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department. Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
POST 30/188 : CASE MANAGER REF NO: PSH 60/ 2023 (X1 POST)
SALARY : R424 104 per annum (Level 09). Other Benefits: Medical Aid (optional) and
Housing Allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements.
CENTRE : Port Shepstone Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : A minimum of 5 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing Matric /
Senior Certificate. Diploma/Degree in General Nursing Current registration
with SANC as General Nurse and midwife 2023 SANC Receipt Computer
Literacy Certificate of service endorsed by HR. Knowledge, Skills And
Competencies Required Knowledge of Hospital Indicators/Medical Schemes
Act 131 of 1998 as amended/UPFS Manual/South African Coding Standards,
PFMA, Constitution of the Republic of South Africa(Act No.30 of
1996)Unemployment Insurance Act. Computer literacy - proficient in the MS
package (Word/ Excel/ Outlook/ PowerPoint). Skills in: Applying Expertise and
Technology/Adhering to Principles and Values /Delivering Results and Meeting
Customer Expectations /Writing and Reporting/. Formulating Strategies and
Concepts/Presenting and communicating Information. Team work/Linking a
diagnosis to an ICD-10 alpha numerical code.
DUTIES : Ensure efficient and effective communication is done and update clinical
information for externally funded clients, by submitting accurate ICD-10, UPFS
and Procedure codes, Consult with the multidisciplinary team regarding patient
treatment and progress, advice regarding available benefits and resources and
refer appropriately e.g. step-down facility, base hospital. Assist with rejected
claims; follow the escalation process with regards to account and authorization
queries, Coordinate the workflow process between clinical and administrative
personnel. Check that charges for all services rendered to the patient appear
on the account including ICD-10, UPFS tariffs and Procedure codes and
communicate with Billing/Revenue department. Ensure that all externally
funded patient diagnosis have been assigned the ICD- 10 code, Ensure that
the updated version of the UPFS / Hospital Fees Manual is uploaded on the
hospital’s system to ensure that accurate billing takes place. Monitor the
following Hospital indicators: Bed Utilization Rate (BUR) Patient Day
Equivalent, (PDE), and Average length of Stay (ALOS), Conduct audits on
patient files for compliance, Verification of benefits available, Authorization and
reauthorization, Assist Billing/Revenue department with account queries by
providing valid and complete ICD- 10 codes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr DG Gounden Tel No: (039) 688 6111
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be posted to: The Human Resource Manager, Port
Shepstone Regional Hospital, Private Bag X5706, Port Shepstone, 4240 or 11
– 17 Bazley Street, Port Shepstone, 4240
NOTE : Detailed application for employment (Z83) and Curriculum Vitae. Certified
copies must not be submitted when applying for employment. NB Applicants
are encouraged to utilise courier services (Only short listed candidates will be
requested to submit proof of qualifications and other related documents).
Please Note: Due to financial constraints, there will be no payment of S&T
Claims. The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the State
Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Due to financial
constraints, S&T claims will not be paid to candidates who attended interviews.
The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the NIA to the
following checks: security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship
and previous experience employment verifications.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R359 517 per annum, (all –inclusive package). 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
Optional, Home Owners /Housing Allowance (Employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (Kwa Zulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Degree / National Diploma in Health & Safety/
Environment Health. 3-5 years’ experience in Health &Safety environment.
Computer Literacy, MS Office Software application. Recommendations Valid
driver’s License Knowledge Skills Training and Competencies Required: Good
communication skills, written and verbal. Good auditing, investigation and
report writing skills. Knowledge of legislation pertaining to health and safety.
DUTIES : To ensure Safety Audit functions are carried out for the institutions in
compliance with Occupational Health & Safety Act of 1993. To participate in
designing and rolling out of health training programmes, orientation and
induction programmes. To ensure prevention management of potential
situations that could lead to injury/disability or death of staff members or
visitors. Management or prevention of internal disaster. To ensure the
delegated management and administration function are carried out timeously
and correctly in order for health and safety to function. To assist in compiling
all health and safety manuals and protocols. To identify, measure and control
potential hazard risks in the workplace pertaining to the Health and Safety, the
environmental aspects within the broad context of preventing injuries, diseases
and degrading of the environment. Attend to disaster management committee,
building site meetings and all other relevant meetings. Demonstrate a basic
understanding of HR and financial policies and procedures.
ENQUIRIES : Mr PM Jiyane Systems Manager Tel No: (035) 595 3105
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office Bethesda Hospital Ubombo Main Road. Email address:
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department or from the and must
originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be accompanied
by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the HR of the
department regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited
to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a post will
be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from HR. the reference number must be indicated in
the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth 19/2023).
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the applicants. The
appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained from the State
Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance vetting);
criminal clearance; credit records; Verification of Educational Qualification by
SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and verification form
the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The institution is an
equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to promote
representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s)
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
Component: Wellness
SALARY : R359 517 - R420 402 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, medical Aid
(Optional), Homeowner`s allowance employee (Must Meet prescribed
CENTRE : St Apollinaris Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/senior certificate/ Grade 12 or an Equivalent qualification. Bachelor’s
Degree/ Diploma in Social Sciences/ Social Work or National Diploma in
Employee Wellness.1-2 years’ experience in Employee Wellness Field. Proof
of current and previous experience endorsed by Human Resource Department.
Educational qualifications, certificates of service and registration certificates
need not be submitted as only shortlisted candidates will be requested to
supply certified copies and proof of registration. Recommendations: A valid
Driver’s License. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Good
knowledge of Public Sector. Sound knowledge in Employee Wellness.
Knowledge in developing guidelines and standards. Sound knowledge of the
healthy lifestyle Programme, HIV/AIDS, Sick leave, PILLIR, Stress
management etc. Knowledge of National, Provincial, and Departmental
policies, prescripts and legislation Counselling. HIV/AIDS Counselling. Crisis
Management. Excellent report writing and writing skills. Project planning and
Management. Presentation Skills. Problem Solving. Analytical thinking.
Communication and conflict management skills. Tact and Diplomacy.
DUTIES : Ensure the implementation and maintain policies and procedures that will
address Employee Wellness Programme at institution level. Establish and
facilitate Employee Wellness Programme. Monitor and facilitate Employee
Wellness Programme. Provide an assessment, referral, intervention and
appropriate counselling and aftercare services to employees at the institution
based on relevant qualifications and experience. Marketing and Promotion of
Employee Health Wellness (EHW) within the institution. Ensure the
implementation of Special Programme such as, Financial Wellness that is
retirement planning, garnishee management, financial education, as well as
substance abuse and absenteeism. Co-ordinate sport activities for the staff at
the facility.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MT Dlamini Tel No: (039) 833 9001-8
APPLICATIONS : Direct your application quoting the relevant reference number to: The Assistant
Director, St. Apollinaris Hospital, thulani.dlamini@kznhealth , or to be
Hand delivered to Human Resource Section (St Apollinaris Hospital) Creighton
on or before the closing date before 16:00.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources Section
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on form Z83 obtainable from any Public Service
Department or from the website and should be
accompanied by a CV (experience must be comprehensively detailed). The Z83
must be fully completed (all sections), failure to complete or disclose all information
will automatically disqualify the applicant. Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application, certified
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be requested only to
shortlisted candidates before or on the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have a foreign qualification, which is the requirement of the post,
evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and to provide proof
of such evaluation on application only when a candidate is shortlisted. Failure to
comply will result in the application not being considered. Applications received
after the closing date and those that do not comply with the requirements will not
be considered. The Department reserves the right not to fill the post after
advertisement. Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence will be
limited to shortlisted candidates only. The appointments are subject to positive
outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks
(criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of Educational
Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from Employers and
verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC. “People
with disabilities should feel free to apply”. The target group in terms of employment
equity for posts advertised is African males. The Department will not be liable where
applicants use incorrect/no reference numbers on their applications. Short-listed
candidates will not be compensated for S & T claims.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R359 517 – R420 402 per annum (Level 08). Other Benefits: 13th Cheque,
home owner’s allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements),
medical aid (optional)
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12), National Diploma/Degree in Public
Administration/Management or equivalent qualification. 3-5 year appropriate
experience in Systems Components. Only shortlisted candidates will submit
proof of previous and current work experience endorsed by the Human
Resources. Valid Code 08/EB Driver’s license. Computer literacy. Human
resources management skills. Financial management skills Risk management
skills. Conflict management. Project management. Organizational skills.
Strong leadership qualities, good decision making, communication skills and
problem solving skills. Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
Excellent customer care and interpersonal team building skills. Must be driven,
courteous enthusiastic and demonstrate a high level of efficiency. Must be able
to promote, practice and maintain patient confidentiality. Good report writing
and interpersonal skills. Have a high level of planning and organizational skills.
Attended Registry and Records Management course.
DUTIES : Maintain the overall control of record and registry management,
telecommunication, transport services, catering services, laundry services,
messenger’s services, pottering services, mortuary services, staff
accommodation, typing services, cleaning and ground services, security
services, it services, garden and grounds and admitting section. Check
mortuary register regularly to ensure proper maintenance. Ensure that
secretarial services are provided at management meetings. Provide to
management and heads of sections on matter relating to administrative support
services. Maintain adequate availability and efficient utilization of staff in all
sub-sections. Provision of staff accommodation. Serve as the member of
relevant institutional Multidisciplinary Committees. Deputizing as the Systems
Head in the absence of the Systems Manager.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. E Kleinhans Tel No: (035) 474 8407/8/9
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital, Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya
Area next to Mehlwana Primary School, UMlalazi Municipality Ward15,
Amatikulu, 3801.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(new version Z83 form), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from
the and a comprehensive CV indicating three
reference persons: Names and contact numbers, Therefore only shortlisted
candidates for a post will be required to submit certified copies of qualification/s
and other relevant documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR, a reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial
constraints, no S&T allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview
and no resettlement allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will
be given to African Male.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08). Plus other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional), Home Owner Allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) Degree/ National Diploma in SCM/Public
Management/Public Administration/Accounting/ Financial/Business
Management or any equivalent qualification. A minimum of 3-5 years
Supervisory experience in Supply Chain Management. Computer Literacy (MS
Office Software applications. Certificate Of Service Endorsed by Human
Resource Department Is Required (only when shortlisted). Recommendations:
Valid driver’s license code8/10. Knowledge, Skill, Training and Competencies
Required: Knowledge of the Public Management Act, Treasury Regulations,
Inventory & Logistics Management, Acquisition and demand Management,
Assets Management. Knowledge of SCM and procurement process and
procedures. Good written and verbal communication skills. Good report writing
and presentation skills. Customer care and interpersonal relations skills,
problem solving and decision making. Ability to maintain high level of
confidentiality Organizing, planning and numerical skills. Ability to work under
pressure and meet required deadlines. Organizing planning numerical skills.
Be computer literate with a proficiently in MS Office software application.
Knowledge of PFMA.
DUTIES : Manage day to day functioning of SCM.Oversee Budget and Expenditure
Component and SCM. Consolidate Financial monthly and quarterly reports.
Ensure monthly, quarterly and annual monitoring of the budget to prevent over
and under expenditure. Identify, reduce and report fruitless provision of
demand, logistics and warehouse, acquisition and assets management
services in SCM unit to support core service delivery. Assist with the
reconciliation of the CEO’s Management Pack. Manage stores or warehouse
where all stock are kept. Manage Suspense Accounts and maintain debt files.
Ensure effective, efficient and economical management of allocated resources
of the section as well as staff development. Manage and maintain stocktaking
processes. Authorize commitments, payments, debts and journal on BAS.
Oversee the reconciliation of transactions (interface) on PERSAL with BAS.
Ensure proper voucher control and submission. To ensure that goods and
services are in line with the procurement plan and adhered to budget allocation.
Manage submission of monthly reports including RIDV template. Ensure
compliance with Departmental SCM Policy Framework, Practice Notes and
Treasury Regulations and Sops’. Develop and implement Risk Management
pal as outlined on the institution Risk Plan and attend to Audit queries
timeously. Provide technical support to managers regarding SCM processes.
Supervise, train and develop staff in line with EPMDS and segregation of duties
in order to improve service delivery. Manage, evaluate and direct performance
of supply chain management. Assist and provide input with regard to
development of procurement/ sourcing strategy, research, analyze and the
plan procurement requirements of the department. Ensure annual procurement
plan is compiled. Review specifications and terms of reference received, verify
quotations compiling pf BID documents, advertising of bids, organizing briefing
sessions, administer opening dib box, accurate recording of bids received and
render secretariat to the bid committee. Monitor and follow up on outstanding
requests and documents in SCM. Conduct assets verification and spot checks.
Maintain asset register and ensure newly procured assets are barcoded and
captured. Coordinate the movement of assets. Coordinate the asset disposal
process. Ensure monthly updating and reporting of FAR. Carry out all
responsibilities delegated by Assistant Director Finance.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S.J Pinaar Tel No: (036) 637 9600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager, St
Chads Community Health Centre, Private Bag X9950, Ladysmith, 3370 or
Hand Delivered to Corner Helpmekaar and Ezakheni Main Road, Ezakheni,
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: The advertisement of post must
clearly spell out that the applicants for employment must submit fully completed
Z83 form and detailed CV only. Copies of certified qualifications and other
relevant documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted
candidates. Application for Employment From effective 01/02/2021, which is
obtainable at any Government Department or from . The Reference Number must be indicated
in the column provided on the Z83, e.g. STC 10/2022. NB: Certified copies
should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from State Security Service to the following checks (security
clearance, credit records, qualifications, citizenship and previous employment
experience). Please note that applications will not be acknowledged.
Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within three months after the closing date of advertisement,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department is an
equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Foreign
Qualification will be requested for submission from shortlisted candidates only.
Please note that no S&T payments will be considered for payment to
candidates who are invited for interviews. This Department is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the Department. Person with
disability are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08). Other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional), Home owners Allowance (Employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 / senior certificate. Three years Bachelor Degree/National Diploma
in Public Administration, Public Management plus at least three years (3)
appropriate experience. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
proof of experience/service certificate endorsed by HR department.
Recommendation: Computer literacy. Valid driver’s license Knowledge, Skills
Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge and experience in Public
Service, PFMA, Treasury Regulation, Legislation ETC. Knowledge of Labour
Relations. Leadership skills and ability to supervise. Good communication and
interpersonal relations. Management discipline and grievance skills. Cross
culture awareness.
DUTIES : To ensure proper management and optimal usage in cost effective manner and
maintaining the overall control of the following areas: Laundry Services,
Registry Cleaning Services, Telecommunication Services, registry, Information
Systems and Technology services, Gardening and Grounds Services, Patient
Administration, Mortuary, Housekeeping, Security services, Transport services
and Catering services within the institution. Training and development of staff
to deliver efficient exercise budget and expenditure control. Implement, monitor
and evaluate staff performance management in the various department under
your control. Monitor and advise contractors in order to deliver quality services.
Maintain adequate availability and efficient utilization of staff in all sub-section.
Oversee risk management systems at the institution to ensure that an effective,
up to date disaster and major incident management plans are maintained.
Render expects advice to management on matters relating to systems
administration to ensure compliance with all statutory regulations. Contribute
as member of multi-disciplinary management team towards the effective and
efficient management of the institution. Deputiizng as the systems head in the
absence of the Assistant Director: facilities management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T. D.Ndaba Tel No: (034) 271 6410
APPLICATIONS : All application should be forwarded to: Human Resource Office 92 Hlubi Street
C. J. M. Hospital Nqutu: Private Bag X5503, Nqutu, 3135
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Due to financial constraints No S&T or relocation costs will be paid for attending
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R294 231 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Home Owners Allowance
& Medical Aid. (To qualify: Employee must meet all the prescribed policy
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Matric (Grade 12). Degree/ Diploma in Human Resource
Management / Human Sciences / Public Administration / Public Management
/ Labour Law. 3 – 5 years’ experience in staff/ Labour relations.
Recommendations: Unendorsed valid Code B drivers licence (code 8),
PERSAL Certificate. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Sound knowledge
of Human Resource Management with emphasis on Staff Relations. In-depth
knowledge on relevant prescripts. Good verbal communication, presentation
and report writing skills. Computer literacy with knowledge of the PERSAL
system. Sound analytical thinking, good interpersonal, problem solving and
decision making skills. Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.
DUTIES : Maintain the functioning of staff relations in the institution to ensure the
provision of high quality services. Participate in the formulation and review of
Staff Relations Standard Operating Procedures and strategies to ensure that
current SOP’s used in line with the latest Acts, Policies and Regulations.
Maintain a database for Staff Relations and an efficient administration system.
Provide efficient conflict management resolution. Assist with the identification
of training gaps and ensure the implementation of in- service training
programmes. Attend to all referred grievances, misconducts, conflicts and
dispute resolutions. Investigate and preside over disciplinary hearings when
need arise. Update HR Staff Relations records and registers and maintain a
proper filing system. Prepare staff relation reports. Collect and analyse staff
relations statistics and conduct staff satisfaction surveys. Promote orderly
collective bargaining within the institution.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Latha (Deputy Director - HRM) Tel No: (032) 437 6006
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department,
General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson &
King Shaka Street, Stanger, 4450.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified documents on or
before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. Faxed applications will not be considered Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to positive
outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must
be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to
provide proof of such evaluation (when shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure
that you submit your application before the closing date as no late applications
will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, submit separate
applications for each post that you apply for. Please take note that due to the
large number of applications received, applications will not be acknowledged.
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Should you not
be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please
consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management reserves the right
to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal opportunity,
affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all occupational
categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental
budgetary constraints. Those who apply previously are free to re-apply.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07). Plus other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional), Housing Allowance (Employee must meet prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Vryheid Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent Plus Computer literacy in Ms Word,
Ms Excel, Ms PowerPoint and Ms Outlook, 3-5 year’s work experience in
Supply Chain Management department NB: Proof of working experience
endorsed by Human Resource, will be required from shortlisted candidates
(service certificate). Recommendations: Valid driver’s license. Degree or
National Diploma in Supply Chain Management / Cost &Management
Accounting / Financial Management/ Financial Accounting/ Public
Management/ Public Administration. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competencies Required: Sound knowledge development and implementation
of policies and procedures pertaining asset division. Sound knowledge and
understanding of Public Finance Management Act, Treasury. Practice note,
Accounting Practice, Supply Chain Management Act and assessment policies.
Good verbal and written communication skills. Ability to plan, prioritize and
execute duties in order of importance. Ability to meet deadlines. Strong
leadership, interpersonal, relationship, problem solving and decision making
skills. Skills in management of discipline and grievance procedure. Numeracy
skills and high level of accuracy.
DUTIES : Compile and maintain records (e.g. assets records/ databases). To supervise
the process of issuing furniture, equipment and accessories to components
and individuals. Identify redundant, non- serviceable and obsolete equipment
for disposal. Verify and update asset register. Confirm that the items delivered
are according to specification specified in the order. Provide logistical support
during the bid consideration and contracts conclusion process. Maintain
records of all equipment sent for repairs. Receive request for goods from end
users. Provide input into the movable asset audit plan. Issue goods to end
users. Implement and provide input to the movable asset management
strategic plan. Capture goods in registers database. Responsible for ensuring
the provision of logistic management services. Ensure that all stocktaking is
conducted on regular basis. Monitor the procurement planning process and
compliance to SCM policies Ensure the effective, efficient and economical
management of allocated resources of division as well as staff development.
Prepare and analyse monthly reports including RIDIV Template, related to
supply Chain management. Manage, evaluate and direct performance of
supply chain management. Ensure compliance with Departmental SCM Policy
Framework Practice notes and Treasury Regulations. Internal auditing and risk
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext.
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Vryheid,
District Hospital, Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at
Human Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to use courier
services since there are some challenges with Post Office.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum. Other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional) and Home Owner Allowance (employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Estcourt District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate – Grade 12, Degree/Diploma in Human Resources/Human
Sciences/Public Administration/Public Management, 3-5 years’ experience in
Human Resource Development, Computer literacy- MS office (Word, Excel,
Outlook and Power Point), Valid driver’s licence. Knowledge, Skills and
Competencies: Knowledge and understanding of Public service Act 1994,
Skills Development Act 1998, Public service regulations 1999, SQA and the
NQF, Basic Conditions of Employment Act 1997 and Labour Relations Act,
Good interpersonal relationship skills and good listening skills, Good
communication and problem solving skills, Co-ordination and planning skills,
Report writing, Team building and supervisory skills.
DUTIES : Ensure proper and full implementation of EPMDS. Coordinate Trainings and
manage training needs analysis for the institution. Implement Grade
progression to all qualifying employees. Develop, Implement and evaluate
Human Resource Plan, Employment Equity Plan, and Workplace Skills Plan.
Compile training statistics and QMR. Manage and processing of Improved
Qualifications. Strategies and conduct projects within District: Internships,
Bursaries, Work Integrated. Manage the Induction and Orientation of staff
programme. Render effective advisory services to Management and
employees at the Hospital. Provide and perform secretary duties for IHETD
committee and all HR Planning and Development related meeting. Check and
approve transactions on Persal and ensure effective and efficient record
keeping. Manage and maintain a database of Human Resource development
and planning training programmes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S.S. Manyathi Tel No: (036) 342 7094
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: The Chief Executive Officer, Estcourt District
Hospital, Private Bag X7058, Estcourt, 3310 or be hand delivered to Human
Resource Office, (Estcourt Hospital) No. 01 Old Main Road Estcourt.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Section
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the new Z83 form obtainable from any
Public Service Department or at website and should be
accompanied by a CV(previous experience must be comprehensively detailed
Please note that to due financial constraints no S&T will be considered for
payment to candidates that are invited for interviews. This Department is an
equal opportunity, Affirmative Action employer, whose aim is to promote
representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07). Plus other benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional), Home Owner Allowance (subject to meeting prescribed
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate /Matric (Grade 12) Degree/ Diploma in Human Resource
Management / Human Science/ Public Administration/ Public Management/
Labour Law. Minimum of 3-5 experience in staff/ Labour relations. Certificate
of service endorsed by Human Resource Department is required (only when
shortlisted). Recommendations Valid driver’s license code8/10Persal
certificates: Knowledge, Skill, Training and Competencies required: Sound
knowledge of Human Resource Management with emphasis on Staff
Relations. In- depth knowledge of relevant prescript good verbal
communication, presentation and report writing skills. Computer Literacy with
knowledge of PERSAL system. Sound analytical thinking, good interpersonal,
problem solving and decision-making skills. Ability to maintain a high level of
DUTIES : Maintain the functioning of staff relations in the institution to ensure the
provision of high quality services. Participate in the formulation and review of
Staff Relations Standard Operating Procedures and strategies to ensure that
current SOP’s used in line with the latest Acts, Policies and Regulations.
Maintain a database for staff Relations and an efficient administration system.
Provide efficient conflict management resolution. Assist with the identification
of training gaps and ensure the implementation of in-service training
programmes. Attend to all referred grievances, misconducts, conflicts and
disputes resolutions. Investigate and preside over disciplinary hearings when
need arise. Update HR Staff Relations records and registers and maintain a
proper filling system. Prepare staff relation reports. Collect and analyze staff
relations statistics and conduct staff satisfaction surveys. Promote orderly
collective bargaining within institution.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S.D Mdletshe Tel No: (036) 637 9600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager, St
Chads Community Health Centre, Private Bag X9950, Ladysmith, 3370, or
Hand Delivered to Corner Helpmekaar and Ezakheni Main Road, Ezakheni,
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: The advertisement of post must
clearly spell out that the applicants for employment must submit fully completed
Z83 form and detailed CV only. Copies of certified qualifications and other
relevant documents will be requested for submission from shortlisted
candidates. Application for Employment From effective 01/02/2021, which is
obtainable at any Government Department or from . The Reference Number must be indicated
in the column provided on the Z83, e.g. STC 10/2022. NB: Certified copies
should not be older than six months. Failure to comply with the above
instructions will disqualify applicants. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from State Security Service to the following checks (security
clearance, credit records, qualifications, citizenship and previous employment
experience). Please note that applications will not be acknowledged.
Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not
been contacted within three months after the closing date of advertisement,
please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department is an
equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the institution. Foreign
Qualification will be requested for submission from shortlisted candidates only.
Please note that no S&T payments will be considered for payment to
candidates who are invited for interviews. This Department is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all occupational categories in the Department. Person with
disability are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R241 485 – R255 306 per annum (Level 06). Other Benefits: 13th cheque,
Medical Aid (Optional), Home owner’s Allowance (Applicant must meet a
prescribed requirements).
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/ Senior Certificate/ Grade 12. Minimum of 3-5 years in
Telecommunications environment. Computer Knowledge. Staff supervision
skill. Problem solving skill. Office based practice skill. Listening skill. Planning
and organizing skill. Telecommunication skill. Knowledge of Batho Pele
DUTIES : To ensure that all call registers are up to date. To ensure that all major
complains are handled in a professional manner. To ensure that all booked
calls are recorded on the call register. To ensure that all incoming calls are
received and transferred as per caller’s request. To ensure that all Batho Pele
Principles are implemented. To ensure that the quality of service is maintained.
Ensure proper utilization of all resources allocated to Telecommunication
section. To log all telephones faults and call Telkom for technical support. To
issue and control all telephone secret pin codes. To train and supervise
telecommunication staff within the institution.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. E Kleinhans Tel No: (035) 474 8407/8/9
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital: Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya
Area next to Mehlwana Primary School, UMlalazi Municipality Ward15,
Amatikulu, 3801.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(new version Z83 form), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from
the and a comprehensive CV indicating three
reference persons: Names and contact numbers, Therefore only shortlisted
candidates for a post will be required to submit certified copies of qualification/s
and other relevant documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR, A Reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above-mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial
constraints, no S&T allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview
and no resettlement allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will
be given to African Male.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R241 485 per annum (all–inclusive package). 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
Optional, Home Owners /Housing Allowance (Employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Bethesda District Hospital - (Kwa Zulu - Natal)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Degree / National Diploma in Food Service
Management, Food and Beverage Management or Catering Management
Recommendations At least 1-2 relevant experience. Computer Literacy, MS
Office Software application. Knowledge Skills Training and Competencies:
Required Operation of food services system. Stock control procedures and
production management. Food services equipment and kitchen floor layout.
Nutrition, menu planning and recipe development. Kitchen Hygiene Principles
and Risk Management. Food safety and HACCP principles. Computer literacy.
Accounting and presentation. Training and coaching. Decision making and
problem solving.
DUTIES : Manage and control the food services budget utilization. Provide effective
catering services at the hospital. Ensure compliance with government
prescripts. Compile and implement operational plans, policies and procedures
that will all enhance provision of quality services. Ensure acceptance and
nutritiously balanced diet that will enhance optimal health status of patients are
provided. Ensure the safe. Efficient, effective and economical utilization of
resources allocated to the subcomponent including the development of staff.
Make inputs in the planning and upgrading of floor layout and equipment of the
unit to achieve service efficiency. Monitor and assess staff performance as per
Key Performance Areas outlined on EPMDS and job description.
ENQUIRIES : Mr PM Jiyane Systems Manager Tel No: (035) 595 3105
APPLICATIONS : The Human Resources Manager, Bethesda Hospital, Private Bag X602,
Ubombo, 3970. Hand delivered applications may be submitted at Human
Resources office, Bethesda Hospital, Ubombo Main Road. Email address:
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant
will be disqualified forthwith: applications must be submitted on the prescribed
most recent application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department or from the and must
originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must be accompanied
by detailed Curriculum Vitae only. The communication from the HR of the
department regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited
to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a post will
be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview
following communication from HR. the reference number must be indicated in
the column provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (Beth 19/2023).
Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the applicants. The
appointments are subject to position outcomes obtained from the State
Security Agency (SSA); the following checks (security clearance vetting);
criminal clearance; credit records; verification of educational qualification by
SAQA; verification of previous experience from Employers and verification form
the Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). (The institution is an
equal opportunity; affirmative action employer; whose aim is to promote
representatively at all levels of different Occupational categories in the
institution and Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s).
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R220 533 - R244 737 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional) and Home owner’s allowance (employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade10/ Standard 8/ N2, Trade test certificate under Manpower Act 8, 1981
as a Mechanical Fitter. Valid Driver’s Licence. Minimum of 3 Years’ experience
as a Fitter in maintenance workshop environment after obtaining trade test
certificate. Knowledge of Occupational Act and Safety Acts, Knowledge of
oxygen, distribution and plant in a Hospital. Mechanical plan, ventilation etc.
Team work, creativity and self-management skills. Problem solving to all
Mechanical plant.
DUTIES : Regular checks and visual inspections to air handling units, kitchen and
mortuary cooling units, autoclaves, calorifier pressure vessels, gas banks/gas
manifolds, oxygen generation plant, laundry and kitchen equipment, Repairs
to any broken and condemnation of equipment, Testing of oxygen plant, and
changing and record keeping of oxygen gas cylinders, Keep and monitor
service intervals of all plants and equipment, Maintain and keep service record
for future references.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. A. Kruger Tel No: (035) 474 8407/8/9
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital, Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya
Area next to Mehlwana Primary School, UMlalazi Municipality Ward15,
Amatikulu, 3801.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(new version Z83 form), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from
the and a comprehensive CV indicating three
reference persons: Names and contact numbers, Therefore only shortlisted
candidates for a post will be required to submit certified copies of qualification/s
and other relevant documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR, A Reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to
receive; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial
constraints, no S&T allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview
and no resettlement allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will
be given to African Male
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
SALARY : R157 761 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional),
Home owner’s allowance (employee must meet prescribed Requirements)
CENTRE : Othobothini Community Health Centre (Jozini Clinic and Makhathini Clinic)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / STD 10/ Grade12. Certificate of enrolment with South
African Nursing Council as Nursing Assistant. Current registration with SANC
as Nursing Assistant (2023). Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies
Required: SANC rules and regulations and nursing procedures. Code of
conduct. Good interpersonal relationships. Good communication skills.
Prevention of cross infection. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles.
DUTIES : Execute duties and function within the scope of practice and under the
supervision of a Professional Nurse and Enrolled Nurses. Provide elementary
assistance to medical and nursing professions. Provide health promotion
through health education. Maintain accurate patient’s records. Maintain client
satisfaction through quality service, innovation and nursing care. Contribute to
expenditure control. Provide a safe environment to patients, visitors and staff.
Adhere to infection control for speedy recovery of patients. Provide nursing
care in a manner that promotes quality productivity.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. C.K Zulu Tel No: (035) 572 9002
APPLICATIONS : Please forward applications quoting reference number to: Human Resource
Management Service, Othobothini CHC, Private Bag 12, Jozini, 3969 or hand
deliver to Othobothini CHC, HR Department.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z83),
which is obtainable at any Government Department or from website- . Curriculum Vitae (CV). Applicants are not required to
submit Copies of ID, Std 10 certificate, educational qualifications, certificate of
service / proof of experience signed by HR office such documents will be
requested only from shortlisted Candidates. People with disabilities should feel
free to apply. Reference numbers must be indicated on the space provided.
Please note that appointment will be subject to positive outcome obtained from
NIA on the following checks: security clearance, credit record, qualifications,
citizenship, and previous experience verification. Should you not hear from us
three months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
not successful.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R906 540 - R1 491 627 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Ermelo Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : MBChB degree (qualification) that allows registration with the HPCSA as a
Medical Practitioner. Current registration with the HPCSA as a Medical
Practitioner (2023) (Independent Practice). A valid work permit will be required
from non-South Africans. Sound knowledge of medical ethics. Multidisciplinary
management and team work and experience in the respective medical
discipline. Knowledge of current Health and Public Service regulations and
policies. Additional experience in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Neuro Surgery,
Anaesthesiology, Urology and ENT will serve as recommendation. Skills in
terms of consultations, history taking, examination, clinical assessment and
clinical management. Grade 1: No experience required after registration with
the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner (Independent Practice). Minimum of 1 year
relevant experience after registration with a recognised Foreign Health
Professions and / or the HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner (Independent
Practice) for foreign qualified employees. Grade 2: A minimum of five (5) years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner
(Independent Practice). A minimum of six (6) years relevant experience after
registration with a recognised foreign health profession council and / or the
HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner (Independent Practice) for foreign qualified
employees. Grade 3: A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience after
registration with the HPCSA as Medical Practitioner (Independent Practice). A
minimum of eleven (11) years relevant experience after registration with a
recognised foreign health profession council and / or the HPCSA as a Medical
Practitioner (Independent Practice) for foreign qualified employees.
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competences Required: Sound knowledge of
medical ethics. Multidisciplinary management and team work and experience
in the respective medical discipline. Sound clinical knowledge, competency
and skills in general clinical domains. The ability to work under supervision as
an efficient team member. Good communication, leadership, interpersonal,
and supervisory skills. Ability to manage patients independently, diligently,
responsibility and engage when necessary. Knowledge of current health
policies, legislation, programmes and priorities within the domain. Ability to
teach, guide and junior staff within the department. Behavioural Attributes:
Stress tolerance, to work within a team, self-confidence and the ability to build
and maintain good relationship.
DUTIES : To execute duties and functions with proficiency, to support the aims and
objectives of the Institution that consistent with standards of patient care.
Accept responsibility for the management of patients admitted in a level 2/3
package of service facility. Assist in the preparation and implementation of
guidelines and protocols. Participate in academic and training programmes.
Sound clinical knowledge with regard to medicine. Ability to deal with all
medical emergencies. Knowledge of ethical medical practice. Assist with
clinical audits actively participate in continuous professional development.
Provide support to hospital management towards an efficient standard of
patient care and services is maintained.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R990 066 - R1 145 748 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Bethal Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus Basic qualification accredited with the South
African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that allows registration with the SAPC as a
Pharmacist (2023). Minimum of five (5) years appropriate experience after
registration as a Pharmacist with the SAPC. Good communication,
interpersonal and computer skills (MS Word and Excel). Ability to work in a
team. Good understanding of the National Drug Policy and Good Pharmacy
Practice. Sound knowledge of the Pharmacy Act and the Medicine and Related
Substance Control Act. A valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Ensure efficient drug supply management. Ensure overall quality management
of all pharmaceutical services. Assist in the development of SOP’s, policies
and health systems. Innovative in the improvement of pharmaceutical care
services. Plan and organize own work of subordinates to allow smooth flow of
pharmaceutical services. Manage the pharmaceutical budget and monitor
expenditure. Provide expert advice on selection and procurement of
pharmaceutical and surgical supplies. Assist with the training, education and
development of Pharmacy staff and other health workers. Promoting of public
health, report to the Pharmaceutical and Clinical Manager in respect of general
issues of Pharmacy. Assist in the implementation of Provincial Comprehensive
HIV/AIDS care and CCMDD. Coordinate Implementation of RX solution and
Stock visibility systems. Manage human and financial resources.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R627 474 – R724 278 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Witbank Hospital (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the South African Nursing Council in Terms of Government
Notice 425, (i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing) or Equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023) plus a post
basic nursing qualification, with duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice No R212 in Advanced Midwifery. A
minimum of nine (09) years appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing
after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
At least five (05) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate /
recognizable experience in Midwifery after obtaining the 1 year post basic
Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science. A post basic qualification
in Nursing Administration will be an added advantage.
Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Leadership, ward
Management/Administration, planning, Organizing, co-ordination, and
communication skills. Ability to take charge and make appropriate independent
decisions. Knowledge of administrative policies and Guidelines. Display
empathy for patients, promoting advocacy and Facilitate holistic treatment and
Nursing care.
DUTIES : Supervise and evaluate quality of nursing care as directed by Professional
scope of practice and set nursing standards within a professional/legal
framework. Implement nursing legislation and related framework and ethical
nursing practices. Manage resources effectively and efficiently in the unit.
Monitor implementation of Maternal Health care guideline and ESMOE.
Compile and analyse reports to improve quality of patient care. Participate in
training, research, and self-development. Be allocated to work night shifts,
Weekends, public holidays and relieve the Night supervisor when required.
Perform as an Operational Manager in accordance with the scope of practice
demonstrate effective Communication with patients, supervisor and other
health professionals and junior colleagues. Implement ideal Hospital
Framework. Management of personnel performance and review thereof.
(Contracting, quarterly review and final assessment.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R627 474 – R724 278 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Witbank Hospital (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the South African Nursing Council in Terms of Government
Notice 425, (i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing) or Equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023) plus a post
basic nursing qualification, with duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice No R212 in Advanced Midwifery. A
minimum of nine (09) years appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing
after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
At least five (05) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate /
recognizable experience in Midwifery after obtaining the 1 year post basic
Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science. A post basic qualification
in Nursing Administration will be an added advantage.
Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Leadership, ward
Management/Administration, planning, Organizing, co-ordination, and
communication skills. Ability to take charge and make appropriate independent
decisions. Knowledge of administrative policies and Guidelines. Display
empathy for patients, promoting advocacy and Facilitate holistic treatment and
Nursing care.
DUTIES : Supervise and evaluate quality of nursing care as directed by Professional
scope of practice and set nursing standards within a professional/legal
framework. Implement nursing legislation and related framework and ethical
nursing practices. Manage resources effectively and efficiently in the unit.
Monitor implementation of Maternal Health care guideline and ESMOE.
Compile and analyse reports to improve quality of patient care. Participate in
training, research, and self-development. Be allocated to work night shifts,
Weekends, public holidays and relieve the Night supervisor when required.
Perform as an Operational Manager in accordance with the scope of practice
demonstrate effective Communication with patients, supervisor and other
health professionals and junior colleagues. Implement ideal Hospital
Framework. Management of personnel performance and review thereof.
(Contracting, quarterly review and final assessment.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R627 474 – R724 278 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Gottenburg Clinic and Msogwaba Clinic (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the South African Nursing Council in Terms of Government
Notice 425, (i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing) or Equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023 plus a post
basic nursing qualification, with duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice No R212 in Primary Health Care. A
minimum of nine (09) years appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing
after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
At least five (05) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate /
recognizable experience in Primary Health Care after obtaining the 1 year post
basic PHC Nursing Science qualification. Experience and knowledge of the
District Health System. Demonstrate an in depth understanding of nursing
legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices and how this impacts
on service delivery. Demonstrate a basic understanding of HR and financial
and practices. Knowledge of relevant legal framework such as Nursing Act,
Health Occupational and Safety Act, Patients Right Charter, Batho Pele
Principles, Operational Management Skills. Problem solving, planning and
Organizing Skills. Expected to work under pressure and on night duty.
Leadership. Supervisory, problem-solving, conflict resolution, inter-personal ad
communication and communication skills. Demonstrate an in depth
understanding of legislation and related ethical nursing practices and how this
impact on service delivery. Computer literacy will be an added advantage (MS
Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Manage and provide PHC facility supervisory in line with the PHC Supervision
Guideline. Ensure clinical nursing practice by the nursing team in the facility in
accordance with the scope and practice and nursing standard as determined
by the relevant health facility. Promote quality nursing care as directed by the
professional scope of practice and standard in accordance to the PHC delivery
package. Ensure the implementation on National Core Norms and Standards
including Six Priority Areas. Advocate for patients through ensuring adherence
to Batho Pele Principles. Coordinate community involvement and participation.
Manage and Monitor effective use and maintenance of assets and
infrastructure of the facility. Monitor information management and
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R627 474 – R724 278 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of SD).
CENTRE : Ermelo Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the South African Nursing Council in Terms of Government
Notice 425, (i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing) or Equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023) plus a post
basic nursing qualification, with duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice No R212 in Paediatric Nursing Science.
A minimum of nine (09) years appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing
after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
At least five (05) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate /
recognizable experience in Midwifery after obtaining the 1 year post basic
Paediatric Nursing Science. A post basic qualification in Nursing Administration
will be an added advantage. Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Leadership,
ward Management/Administration, planning, Organizing, co-ordination, and
communication skills. Ability to take charge and make appropriate independent
decisions. Knowledge of administrative policies and Guidelines. Display
empathy for patients, promoting advocacy and facilitate holistic treatment and
Nursing care.
DUTIES : The candidate will be responsible for Planning, Organizing, Managing, and
coordinating as well as maintaining an optimal Nursing Services as an
Operational Manager in Paediatric Unit. Develop / establish and maintain
constructive working relationships with Nursing and stakeholders (i.e. inter-
Professional, inter–sectoral and multi – disciplinary team workers). Participate
in the analysis, formulation, and implementation of nursing guidelines,
practices, Standards, and procedures. Effectively manage the utilization of
Human, Financial and Physical resources. Maintain professional Growth /
Ethical standards and self-development. Deliver a supportive service to the
Nursing Service and the institution by taking overall supervision after hours and
on weekends. Ensure implementation of Norms and Standards and Ideal
Hospital Framework and develop Quality Improvement Plans. Manage
Performance and Development of staff as well as participating in the Managers
scheduled meetings. Exercise control of discipline, grievance and other labour
related issues in terms of laid down policies or procedures. Manage data in the
unit and ensure submission to facility information office. Identity develop and
control Risk Management Systems within the unit. Provide safe therapeutic
environment as laid by Nursing Acts, Occupational Health and safety Acts and
all the applicable prescripts. Implementation and management of Infection
Prevention and Control protocols. Uphold the Batho Pele and Patients Right
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R578 367 – R639 744 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Provincial Office, Mbombela (Nelspruit)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus appropriate qualification that allows for the
required registration with the Health Professional Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) in the relevant profession (2023). A minimum of three (3) appropriate
experience in the relevant profession after registration with the (HPCSA) as
independent practice of which five (5) years must be appropriate experience in
supervisory / management level. Knowledge in strategic planning, financial
management and budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. The individual must
be able to work under pressure. Possess a valid driver’s license.
Understanding Environmental Health Services related policies. Strategic
leadership qualities and programme management abilities. Good
communication and human relation skills. Problem solving and decision is
making skills. Report writing skills. Computer literacy. Valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Develop and implement environmental health related policies, guidelines,
plans, norms and standards and procedures. Provide capacity to the sub-
districts and municipalities on existing and newly promulgated legislation and
norms and standards. Ensure the implementation of Chapter 3 of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1988 (Act 108 of 1998), Assist in the
development and compilation of Environmental Management Plan for the
National Department of Health and ensure annual compliance reporting in
compliance to NEMA 1998. Facilitate the implementation of health impact
assessment of the development in South Africa. Ensure the integration of
health impact assessment within environmental impact assessment processes
in the country. Coordinate and support the implementation of water quality
monitoring and sanitation programmes by the sub-districts and municipalities.
Capacitate Environmental Health Practitioners in the sub-districts and
municipalities on norms and standards for health water quality monitoring for
protection of public health. Coordinate the implementation of hygiene
promotion programmes in the country towards the implementation of
sustainable development goals. Build capacity of community health workers,
health promoters and environmental health workers on hygiene behaviour
chance promotion. Execute any related activities as directed by the immediate
supervisory / management level.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R497 193 - R559 686 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Impungwe Hospital (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus Basic qualification accredited with the South
African Nursing Council in Terms of Government Notice 425, (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the
SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023). A minimum of seven (7) years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. A Diploma / Degree in
Nursing Administration and Management will be an added advantage.
Knowledge/skills: Basic computer literacy, strong Leadership, Good
communication and Sound Interpersonal skills. Ability to work under pressure,
manage own time, function as an effective leader of the nursing team.
Implement and manage change. Willingness to work shifts and standby in
accordance with the requirements of the unit and nursing services. Report
DUTIES : The candidate will be responsible for Planning, Organizing, Managing, and
coordinating as well as maintaining an optimal Nursing Services as an
Operational Manager in General Ward. Develop / establish and maintain
constructive working relationships with Nursing and stakeholders (i.e. inter-
Professional, inter–sectoral and multi – disciplinary team workers). Participate
in the analysis, formulation, and implementation of nursing guidelines,
practices, Standards, and procedures. Effectively manage the utilization of
Human, Financial and Physical resources. Maintain professional Growth /
Ethical standards and self-development. Deliver a supportive service to the
Nursing Service and the institution by taking overall supervision after hours and
on weekends. Ensure implementation of Norms and Standards and Ideal
Hospital Framework and develop Quality Improvement Plans. Manage
Performance and Development of staff as well as participating in the Managers
scheduled meetings. Exercise control of discipline, grievance and other labour
related issues in terms of laid down policies or procedures. Manage data in the
unit and ensure submission to facility information office. Identity develop and
control Risk Management Systems within the unit. Provide safe therapeutic
environment as laid by Nursing Acts, Occupational Health and safety Acts and
all the applicable prescripts. Implementation and management of Infection
Prevention and Control protocols. Uphold the Batho Pele and Patients Right
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Amajuba Memorial Hospital (Gert Sibande District) and Rob Ferreira Hospital
(Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic
nursing qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice R212 specialty in Theatre Nursing
Science. Minimum of four (4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC.
Recommendations: Ability to function independently and to prioritize work.
Leadership and sound interpersonal skills, problem solving and decision
making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards
and within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health
care services in the in-Theatre Care Unit. Ensure effective and efficient
management of resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and
standards. Participate in quality improvement programs. Supervise and
implement patient care standards. Implement and practice nursing health care
in accordance with the statutory laws governing the nursing profession, labour
and health care. Implement constructive working relations with nurses and
other stake holders. Ensure compliance of Infection Prevention and Control
policies. Ensure that equipment are functional and ready all the time. Ability to
prioritize, coordinate activities of patient management according to protocols.
Able to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure
proper nursing care. Participate in staff development and performance
management. Report patient safety incidence, challenges and deficiencies
within the unit. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons of
diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Ensure adherence
to Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE Evander Hospital and Embhuleni Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic
nursing qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice R212 specialty in Advanced Midwifery
Science. Minimum of four (4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC.
Recommendations: Ability to function independently and to prioritize work.
Leadership and sound interpersonal skills, problem solving and decision
making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards
and within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health
care services in the in Advanced Midwifery Unit. Ensure effective and efficient
management of resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and
standards. Participate in quality improvement programs. Supervise and
implement patient care standards. Implement and practice nursing health care
in accordance with the statutory laws governing the nursing profession, labour
and health care. Implement constructive working relations with nurses and
other stake holders. Ensure compliance of Infection Prevention and Control
policies. Ensure that equipment are functional and ready all the time. Ability to
prioritize, coordinate activities of patient management according to protocols.
Able to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure
proper nursing care. Participate in staff development and performance
management. Report patient safety incidence, challenges and deficiencies
within the unit. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons of
diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Ensure adherence
to Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per. annum (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Mthimba Clinic and Nkwalini Clinic (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 qualification or equivalent plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration
with the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic
nursing qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the
SANC in terms of Government Notice R212 specialty in Primary Health Care
Science. Minimum of four (4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC.
Recommendations: Ability to function independently and to prioritize work.
Leadership and sound interpersonal skills, problem solving and decision
making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards
and within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health
care services in the in Primary Health Care Unit. Ensure effective and efficient
management of resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and
standards. Participate in quality improvement programs. Supervise and
implement patient care standards. Implement and practice nursing health care
in accordance with the statutory laws governing the nursing profession, labour
and health care. Implement constructive working relations with nurses and
other stake holders. Ensure compliance of Infection Prevention and Control
policies. Ensure that equipment are functional and ready all the time. Ability to
prioritize, coordinate activities of patient management according to protocols.
Able to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure
proper nursing care. Participate in staff development and performance
management. Report patient safety incidence, challenges and deficiencies
within the unit. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons of
diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Ensure adherence
to Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY R359 622 – R408 201 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE Piet Retief Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus an appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as
Dental Therapist. Current registration with the HPCSA as Dental Therapist.
Grade 1: No experience required after registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as Dental Therapist. Knowledge, Skills
Training and Competencies Required: Good verbal and written communication
skills. Good interpersonal relations. Problem solving skills. Knowledge of
relevant Health and Safety Act. Ability to perform basic quality assurance tests.
Computer literacy. Valid driver’s licence.
DUTIES : Communicate effectively with patients to obtain and evaluate their dental
history and diagnose the condition. Scale and polish teeth. Carry out clinical
examinations. Treat and restore deciduous teeth known as pupil therapy.
Responsible for dental extractions. Take dental impressions and dental
radiographs. Recognize, identify and interpret abnormalities and common
pathology. Remove plaque and other coatings. Advice children and adults with
special needs about their dental treatment. Motivate and educate individuals
or groups of people to care for their oral hygiene and eat a healthy diet. Refer
patients where necessary to other healthcare professionals. Records
accurately patient’s dental history and dental treatment plan.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R293 670 – R409 275 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Marapyane CHC and Impungwe Hospital (2) (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 qualification or equivalent plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (I.E. Diploma/
Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery) or equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse (2023). Grade 1: A
minimum of 1-10 years appropriate / recognizable Theatre experience in
nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing. Recommendations: Ability to function independently and to prioritize
work. Leadership and sound interpersonal skills, problem solving and decision
making skills.
DUTIES : Demonstrate an understanding of Nursing legislation and related legal and
ethical nursing practices. Perform a clinical nursing practice in accordance with
the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined by the health
facility. Promote quality of nursing care as directed by the professional scope
of practice and standards. Participate in the implementation of the National
Core Standards and Ideal Hospital Realization Framework. Demonstrate
effective communication with patients, supervisors and other clinicians,
including report writing when required. Work as part of the multi-disciplinary
team to ensure quality nursing care. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably
with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Able
to plan and organize own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper
nursing care. Display a concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper
treatment and care including awareness and willingness to respond to Patient
needs, requirements and expectations (Batho- Pele). Effectively manage
resources allocated in your unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R293 670 – R409 275 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Nkomazi Sub-district (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 qualification or equivalent plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (I.E. Diploma/
Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery) or equivalent qualification that
allows registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse (2023). Grade 1: A
minimum of 1-10 years appropriate/ recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Valid
driver’s licence. Extensive knowledge of prevention and promotion of health
care services, Community based Health Care services and Primary Health
Care. Good knowledge of policies on the provision of School Health Services.
Proven experience in the provision and health care services especially at
Primary Health Care setting. Knowledge and understanding of the Department
of Health Mpumalanga Comprehensive service Plan. Skills: Verbal and Written
communication skills. Change and knowledge management skill. Decision
making skill. People management and empowerment. Able to work
independently under pressure. Understanding legislative frame works and
related policies in the school health Services and other prescripts.
DUTIES : Visiting of all schools in jurisdiction. Learner assessment, screening and health
education for the Foundation and Senior phases according to School Health
Policy. Provision of on-site services according to the policy. Referral of learners
with challenges for further management and intervention. Follow up of referred
learners. Conduct home visits where there is a need for intervention. Work in
partnership with schools and social workers for the benefits of the learners.
Attend parent’s meetings to raise awareness about Health Promotion in
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R220 533 – R244 737 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Standerton Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum of Grade 10-12 or equivalent qualifications plus an appropriate
completed apprenticeship and trade test certificate in Plumbing. Must have
basic computer knowledge for time entry, preventative maintenance and work
orders. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to work irregular hours and attend
to emergencies when required. Ability to communicate in two of the three
official languages of the Mpumalanga Province (read & write) Ability to work
under pressure Must be willing to work in adverse weather conditions In
physical sound and healthy condition Prepared to perform overtime and
standby duties, including weekends and public as well as over peak periods,
as and when needed.
DUTIES : Responsible to monitor reservoir levels and sewer pumps Responsible for
repairs and maintenance of water & sewer pipelines (mains) and fittings.
Installation and maintenance of sewer connections and new mains.
Responsible for materials and sores requisitions. Recordkeeping of daily work.
Responsible for on-site Occupational Health & Safety. Responsible for
Municipal assets and equipment. Responsible for supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
NOTE : All applications will be considered, but in terms of its Employment Equity
Target, the Department would prefer to appoint a Females candidate in that
category can be identified.
SALARY : R220 533 – R244 737 per annum, (Depending of years of experience in terms
of OSD).
CENTRE : Standerton Hospital (Gert Sibande District)
REQUIREMENT : Minimum of Grade 10-12 or equivalent qualifications plus an appropriate
completed apprenticeship and trade test certificate in Carpentry. Must have
basic computer knowledge for time entry, preventative maintenance and work
orders. A valid driver’s licence. Willingness to work irregular hours and attend
to emergencies when required. Ability to communicate in two of the three
official languages of the Mpumalanga Province (read & write) Ability to work
under pressure Must be willing to work in adverse weather conditions In
physical sound and healthy condition Prepared to perform overtime and
standby duties, including weekends and public as well as over peak periods,
as and when needed.
DUTIES : They should also assist the supervisors when planning the structures,
designing them, and installing layouts. The carpenter should conduct repair
work as and when required. They should also install windows, doors, drywall,
stairs, cabinets, and various other fixtures when required. The carpenter can
also assess the proper quality of materials and woodworks. They are also
capable enough to operate different tools, equipment, and machines.
Carpenters should also maintain compliance with safety and health regulations
and the local building codes. Provide outstanding customer service and be very
warm with the customers. Have great stamina to stand for prolonged hours, lift
heavy objects, climb, and pull.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms.
Sebenzile Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk: Tel
No: (013) 766 3018.
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
NOTE : All applications will be considered, but in terms of its Employment Equity
Target, the Department would prefer to appoint a Females candidates in that
category can be identified.
APPLICATIONS : must be forwarded for attention: The Director-General, Office of the Premier,
Private Bag X129, Mmabatho, 2735 or hand delivered at the Directorate of
Human Resource Practices and Administration, Ground Floor, Ga-rona
Building, Mmabatho or can be emailed to:
(Applications must have reached the Office by 16h00 pm on the closing date,
otherwise they will not be considered).
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
NOTE : General Instructions: The Office is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. It is our intention to promote gender and disability in the
Department/s through the filling of this post. Candidates whose
transfer/promotion/appointment will promote the aforementioned will receive
preference. The Applicant must fully complete all fields on the New Amended
Z83 Form (81/971431) as prescribed with effect 01 January 2021, which must
be signed, initialled on every page. The new Z83 Form obtainable from any
Public Service Department or on the Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) website link:
and must be accompanied by a recently updated and Comprehensive/Detailed
Curriculum Vitae with competencies and experience, including three (3) names
of contactable referees. Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application. The
communication from the HR department regarding the requirements for
certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only
shortlisted candidates for the post will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
HR. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your application
not being considered. Shortlisted candidates for senior management posts will
be subjected to a technical assessment and the selected interviewed
candidates will be subjected to a two day competency assessments. Please
note: Applications with incorrect information and/or those received after the
closing date indicated below will, as a rule, not be accepted. Due to the large
number of applications we envisage to receive, applications will not be
acknowledged. You may, however, contact the relevant enquiry persons to
confirm if your application has been received. If you do not receive any
response from us within 90 days of the closing date, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right not to make
any appointments to the advertised posts.
SALARY : R1 663 581 per annum (Level 15), (all-inclusive remuneration package
consisting of a basic salary, the states’ contribution to the Government
Employees Pension Fund and a flexible portion that may be structured i.r.o the
applicable rules) plus non-pensionable Head of Department’s allowance equal
to 10% of the all-inclusive remuneration package
CENTRE : Provincial Office (Mmabatho)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate Bachelor’s degree (NQF level 7) plus a Postgraduate
qualification (NQF Level 8) as recognised by SAQA. A minimum of eight (8)
years’ experience at senior managerial level of which at least three (3) years
must be with an organ of state. The office reserves the right to introduce other
objective requirement/s should a need arise. Applicants who do not possess
SMS Pre-Entry Certificate shall be considered for short listing and interviews,
but the successful candidate shall not be appointed before successfully
obtaining the certificate (SMS Pre-Entry/Programme) offered by the National
School of Government. Information can be accessed via this link: https://
Management Competencies: Strategic capability and leadership skills. Client
orientation and customer focus. Financial management. People management
and empowerment. Communication. Project and programme management.
Change management. Knowledge management and service delivery. Client
orientation and customer focus. Problem solving and analysis. Knowledge of
MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.
DUTIES : Provide effective, efficient management and administration in the Department.
Provide strategic direction and leadership to the Department. Ensure effective
utilisation and training of staff. Maintain sound labour relations and discipline
of staff. Ensure proper use, care and maintenance of state assets and
resources. Render sound financial management in the Department, including
serving as an Accounting Officer of the Department. Implement all laws and
policies applicable to the Department, any other function that may in law be
entrusted, assigned, or delegated to an Accounting Officer and or Head of
ENQUIRIES : Dr F Ngqobe Tel No: (018) 388 2043/1668
NOTE : The successful candidate must enter into a performance agreement and sign
employee contract.
Directorate: Strategic People Management
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with the rules for MMS
CENTRE : Head Office, Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : 3-Year National Diploma in (NQF 6) or degree in Human Resource
Management/ Information Science/Public Management/Administration. 3-
Years relevant experience. A valid (Code B or higher) drivers’ licence.
Knowledge of people empowerment related process. Knowledge of people
empowerment related systems. Knowledge of related prescripts. Ensure
compliance with educator/public servant prescripts. Labour Relations Act
(LRA), 66 of 1995. Employment of Educators Act 76 of 1998. Public Service
Act, 1994. South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. Basic Conditions of
Employment Act (BCEA) 75 of 1997. Knowledge of other related legislation
Skills: Numeracy, Literacy, Computer Literacy, Language skills, Project
Management, Accounting Finance and Audit, Legal Administration Other,
Managerial skills, Leadership skills, Interpersonal skills, Communication skills
(written and verbal), Analytical skills, Problem solving Decision. Making,
Facilitation and Presentation skills, Conflict resolution, Organizing.
DUTIES : Plan, organise, control and manage the development of the Workplace Skills
Plan (WSP). Plan, organise, control, implement and coordinate. HRD functions
(Bursaries, Inductions, and Internships). Plan, organise, control, implement
and coordinate all Leadership and Development Interventions. Manage and
coordinate all people empowerment related programmes for the department.
Manage the human resources of the component to achieve the predetermined
performance indicators and service delivery imperatives, motivated,
competent, appreciated and performance orientated staff and sound labour
relations. Financial Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Cronje: Tel No: (021) 467 2080
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structed in
accordance with the rules for MMS
CENTRE : Head Office, Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : 3-Year National Diploma in (NQF 6) or degree in Human Resource
Management/ Information Science/Public Management/Administration. 3 -
Years relevant experience. A valid (Code B or higher) drivers’ licence.
Knowledge of people management and ethics administration related process.
Knowledge of people management and ethics administration related systems.
Knowledge of related prescripts. Knowledge of performance management
systems. Ensure compliance with educator/public servant prescripts. Labour
Relations Act (LRA), 66 of 1995. Employment of Educators Act 76 of 1998.
Public Service Act, 1994. South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. Basic
Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) 75 of 1997. Knowledge of other related
legislation Skills: Numeracy, Literacy, Computer Literacy, Language skills,
Project Management, Accounting Finance and Audit, Legal Administration
Managerial skills, Leadership skills, Interpersonal skills, Communication skills
(written and verbal), Analytical skills, Problem solving, Decision Making,
Facilitation and Presentation skills, Conflict resolution, Organizing.
DUTIES : Plan, organise, control and manage the development, monitoring, moderation
and evaluation of public service employees (SL 1-12) performance
management systems. Manage the compilation process of performance
agreements (PAs) (Public Service Act). Oversee probation processes (SL 1-
12 and educators) and administer grade/pay progressions (educators and
public service employees). Manage compliance with the administration and
reporting on the Ethics Framework (E-Disclosures, Remunerative Work
Outside of Public Service (RWOPS). Oversee the performance management
systems (PERMIS). Manage the HR of the component to achieve the pre-
determined performance indicators and service delivery imperatives,
motivated, competent, appreciated and performance orientated staff and
sound labour relations. Plan the component’s budget and manage expenditure,
through responsible implementation of policies, practices and decisions in
order to achieve component objectives effectively and efficiently.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Cronje Tel No: (021) 467 2080
Directorate: Business Strategy & Stakeholder Management
Directorate: Strategic People Management
NO: 232
District Office: Metro Central Education District Office
been amended to An appropriate National Diploma/ Degree (NQF 6) and
closing date extended as follows Closing Date: 8 September 2023.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual’s personal needs).
CENTRE : Overberg District (Stationed in Caledon)
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: An appropriate tertiary qualification (NQF
Level 7) in a Health/Social Science or related field as recognized by SAQA or
4-year degree in an appropriate management field with at least 6 years’
experience at a middle/senior managerial level. Pre-entry Certificate for the
Senior Management Services (Candidates not in possession of this entry
requirement can still apply but are requested to register for the course and
complete as such as no appointment can be made in the absence thereof. The
course is available at the National School of Governance (NSG) under the
name Certificate for entry into the SMS and the full details can be sourced by
following link:
programme/. All costs associated hereof will be the responsibility of the
applicant). Experience: Proven extensive management experience of health
services. Inherent requirement of the job: Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s licence
and willingness to travel extensively in the province. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Knowledge and understanding of Health Systems (District
Health Services). Knowledge of financial and people management policies
applicable to the public service. Proven experience in the provision and
management of health services.
DUTIES : Manage the implementation of the full package of health services (inclusive of
district hospital, primary health care, home and community-based services and
Specialized Hospitals) within the relevant district, in line with Departmental
policies. Ensure the implementation of health service priorities within the
district. Ensure quality management in the relevant District to improve patient
experience and a safe working environment in line with the relevant prescripts.
Manage the corporate services of the district. This includes Finance, Supply
Chain, Support Services and People Management. Co-ordinate the rendering
of professional support services (including information management) within the
district. Collaborate with key stakeholders within the district, such as other
government departments, community structures, non-profit organisations
(NPOs), local government, and private sector to promote WOSA principles.
ENQUIRIES : Dr L Phillips Tel No: (044) 695-0047
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
Chief Directorate: Rural Health Services
SALARY : R1 887 363 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual’s personal needs).
CENTRE : George Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate qualification that allows
registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a
Specialist in Internal Medicine. Registration with a professional council:
Registration with the HPCSA as a Specialist in Internal Medicine. Experience:
A minimum of 3 year’s appropriate experience as Medical Specialist after
registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist in Internal Medicine.
Inherent requirements of the job: Valid Code B drivers’ licence. Good
communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the
Western Cape, as well as computer literacy. Be able to work commuted
overtime in the Internal Medicine Department. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Must have strong record of clinical expertise and clinical
governance, research and experience of training and teaching at both under
and post graduate levels. Strong people management skills, analytical thinking,
problem-solving, decision-making and ability to work in a multi-disciplinary
team. Ability to deal with problems of a generalist nature, as well as focus on
sub-speciality requirements. Financial and Resource Management. Additional
experience in Management or Supervision will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Manage overall performance of a 24/7 Internal Medicine service, including
being part of the after-hours call roster and the outreach program of the
department. Manage overall performance of the Oncology division of Groote
Schuur Hospital at George Hospital. Provide leadership and ensure
appropriate clinical governance systems are in place for the Garden Route and
Central Karoo District. Represent George Hospital at Provincial and local
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committees. Corporate governance of the
Internal Medicine Functional Business Unit which includes financial and human
resource management. Co-operation and liaison with other Departments within
the hospital and function within the Executive Management Team and apply
knowledge of public health administration and management. Supervise and
train junior and senior staff, as well as teaching of undergraduates and
postgraduates rotating in the Internal Medicine Department.
ENQUIRIES : Dr T Koen Tel No: (044) 802-4535
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R1 018 047 per annum, A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual's personal needs.
CENTRE : Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: An appropriate qualification that allows for
registration with the HPCSA as a Medical Physicist. Registration with
professional council: Registration with the Health Professions Council of South
Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Physicist. Experience: At least 3 years’
appropriate experience after registration as a Medical Physicist. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Skills pertaining to the scope of the profession of Medical
Physicist with specific focus on Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, as well as
knowledge of the statutory regulations regarding the medical use of ionizing
radiation. Thorough understanding of the physics of nuclear medicine,
diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy equipment, including computers and
software, and radioisotopes. Good communication and interpersonal
relationship skills, with the potential to develop management skills. Teaching,
training, research and development skills.
DUTIES : Responsible for the management of the dosimetry, quality assurance and
radiation protection functions of Medical Physics at Groote Schuur Hospital in
the Departments of Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, with support to Radiation
Oncology; as well as to the Imaging Department at Red Cross War Memorial
Children’s Hospital. Coordinate and supply physics support and active
participation in the routine execution of clinically related medical physics tasks
in the Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Department, with support to Radiation
Oncology as required. Active participation and assistance with the
management of the Medical Physics teaching and training programme, with
reference to formal and informal lecturing, and experiential training for medical
physics interns. Active participation and assistance with the management of
the research and development programme of the Medical Physics Division.
Assistance with the management of staff, management of Medical Physics
internship programme, departmental administration, and equipment planning,
including equipment specifications and tender preparation, and
commissioning. Assistance in the Quality Control and audit of Medical Physics
functions related to radiation safety, incident management, equipment quality
management and licensing.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Joubert Tel No: (021) 404-6240/6266. Email:
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, A portion of the package can be structured according to
the individual's personal needs.
CENTRE : Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic qualification accredited with the
South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that allows registration with the SAPC
as a Pharmacist. Registration with a professional council: Registration with the
South African Pharmacy Council as a Pharmacist. Inherent requirement of the
job: Ability to cope with pressure and maintain a high standard of
professionalism. Experience with hospital pharmacy processes. Experience: A
minimum of 3 years appropriate experience after registration as a Pharmacist
with the South African Pharmacy Council. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Knowledge of National and Provincial Health Policies as well as the Acts and
Laws that govern the practice of Pharmacy. Computer literacy. Ability to
communicate fluently in two of the three official languages of the western cape.
DUTIES : Manage and supervise the workflow in an area within the Pharmacy
department. -Management and training of staff including the completion of
performance appraisals. Monitor and facilitate effective Medicine Supply
Management in the Pharmacy department. Manage resources within the
Pharmacy department including equipment. Participate in Continuous Quality
Improvement Initiatives. Pharmacist duties in line with the Pharmacist’s scope
of Practice.
ENQUIRIES : Ms V Naicker Tel No: (021) 404-3216
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual’s personal needs).
CENTRE : Worcester Community Day Clinic (Breede Valley Sub-district)
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic qualification accredited with the
South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that allows registration with the SAPC
as a Pharmacist. Registration with a professional council: Registration with the
SAPC as a Pharmacist. Experience: A minimum of 3 years’ appropriate
experience after registration as a Pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy
Council (SAPC). Inherent requirements of the job: Valid Code (B/EB) drivers’
license and willingness to travel in the subdistrict. Willingness to work overtime
when and if required. Language proficiency in at least two of the three official
languages of the Western Cape. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Computer
literacy (MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook). Sound Management,
communication and conflict handling skills. Ability to work accurately under
pressure and maintain a high standard of professionalism. Appropriate
knowledge of National and Provincial Health Policies and Pharmaceutical acts
and laws.
DUTIES : Effective monitoring of pharmaceutical expenditure, implementation and
evaluation of budgetary control measures. Manage the Chronic Dispensing
Unit (CDU) and Private Provider processes. Ensure adherence to minimum
standards for dispensing as well as accessibility to medication and
pharmaceutical care to patients. Human Resource Management which
includes disciplinary processes, performance management processes and
staff development. Promotion of rational drug use and chairing of Sub-District
Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee Meetings.
ENQUIRIES : Ms A Theron Tel No: (023) 348-8115
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
Directorate: Employee Relations (Stationed on the premises of Stikland
SALARY : R811 560 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according
to the individual.)
CENTRE : Head Office, Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: An appropriate 3-year National
Diploma/Degree in Law (LLB) or appropriate three-year qualification in Labour
Law. Experience: Appropriate experience in dealing with labour disputes
(conciliation and arbitration) and labour court litigations. Appropriate
managerial experience Competencies (knowledge/skills): Basic computer
literacy. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of all
relevant Labour Legislation and all other legislation relevant to the Health
Sector. Knowledge, experience, and skills wrt dispute resolution of the relevant
Bargaining Council and CCMA. Knowledge, experience, and skills wrt Labour
Court procedures and practices. Ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Providing formal legal advice and guidance pertaining to Labour disputes and
Litigation matters. Researching, analyzing, and evaluating applicable Labour
Legislation and case law. Drafting and presenting advice to management of
decisions based on case law and investigation outcomes. Managing labour
disputes and labour court litigation matters instituted against the Department.
Ensure uniform action and conduct for all institutions in the Department in
respect of labour relations matters. Provide Training in labour disputes and
labour court matters. Attend and participate in Labour Relations Officers Form,
LR Liaison Officers meeting and other forums as requested. Management of
Staff within the sub-directorate: Disputes and Litigation.
ENQUIRIES : Adv W Small Tel No: (021) 831-5852
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who previously applied don’t need to re-apply.
CLOSING DATE : 08 September 2023
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries: Northern/Tygerberg Sub-structure: Mr A Patientia Tel No: (021) 815
Southern/Western Sub-structure: Ms L Appolis Tel No: (021) 202-0933/
Klipfontein/Mitchell’s Plain Sub-structure: Ms NF Bell-Mandla Tel No: (021)
Khayelitsha/Eastern Sub-structure: Ms N Peton Tel No: (021) 360-4633/
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via
(click “online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates
who are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements, may also
apply. Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition
that proof of application for registration to register with the relevant council and
proof of payment of the prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview. This concession is only
applicable on health professionals who apply for the first time for registration in
a specific category with the relevant council (including individuals who must
apply for change in registration status).
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualifications: Senior Certificate (or equivalent) and
competencies. Experience: Appropriate working experience within a support
services environment and contract management. Inherent requirements of the
job: Ability to communicate in at least two of the three official languages of the
Western Cape. Valid (Code B/EB) driver’s license and willingness to travel.
Willingness to work overtime when required. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Computer literacy (i.e. MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and emails). Knowledge
of Human Resources, Supply Chain, Fleet Management, Waste Management,
Maintenance policies and prescripts and Service Level Agreements. Good
communication, interpersonal and organising skills, ability to manage and
supervise multiple teams and ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Overall responsibility and effective management of the Support Services for
both sub-districts (Transport Services and Fleet Management, Maintenance
and Infrastructure, Housekeeping, Laundry Services, Food Services, Grounds,
telecommunications). Overall responsibility and effective management of
different contracts (i.e. Cleaning Services, Grounds, Security Services, Pest
Control, and Waste Management Services). Management and supervision of
personnel for different sections situated at both sub-districts (including
performance management, applying disciplinary code, training and
development, roster and duty planning). Support to supervisor, colleagues and
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Wege Tel No: (028) 514-8400
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
DUTIES : Manage switchboard, answer telephonic queries and deliver messages.
Effectively answer of all queries at the front Desk regarding Appointment
System. Effective management of Patient flow, scan all patient appointment
cards and assist with the PHCIS Waiting room Data. Provide relief for
admission department, clerical and administrative support to the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Mr MJF Marthinus Tel No: (044) 814-1100
APPLICATIONS : The Manager Eden District Office, Private Bag X6592, George, 6530.
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a competency test.
CLOSING DATE : 15 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 11 September 2023
NOTE : Only applications submitted online at: or will be accepted. Shortlisted candidates
will be required to submit copies of their documentation for verification
purposes. These candidates will be required to attend interviews on a date and
time as determined by the department. The selection process will be guided by
the EE targets of the employing department. Should you experience difficulties
with your online application, kindly note that technical support (challenges with
online application) is only available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16.00.
you may contact the helpline at 0861 370 214. Otherwise, all other queries
relating to the position, kindly contact the enquiries person as indicated in the
advert. Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date
as no late applications will be considered.
SALARY : Grade A: R1 146 540 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (OSD as
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Electrical Engineering Degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification; A
minimum of six years post qualification experience required as a Registered
Professional Engineer; Compulsory registration with ECSA as a Professional
Engineer; A valid driving license (Code B or higher). Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Programme and Project Management;
Compilation of contract documentation; Contract law and Contract
adjudication; Financial Management; Engineering, legal and operational
compliance; Engineering operational communication; Process knowledge and
skills; Maintenance skills and knowledge; Engineering design and analysis
knowledge; Research and development; Creating high performance culture;
Engineering and professional judgement. Strategic capability and leadership;
Communication (written and verbal) skills; People Management; Planning and
organising; Behavioural competencies: Problem solving and analysis; Decision
making; Team leadership; Creativity Customer focus and responsiveness;
Conflict management; Negotiation and Change Management skills; Technical
report writing skills; Contact documentation and administration; Procurement
processes; Ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines.
DUTIES : Feasibility of Pilot renewable energy solutions in municipalities; Demand Side
Energy Management; To inform the Western Cape municipalities of potential
revenue impacts, it is critical to understand the future energy needs of large
private sector electricity users in the province; Enable electricity wheeling on
municipal grids in the province; Municipal IPP procurement; Making
government (WCG / municipal) land available for utility scale energy project
usage; Review municipal electricity master plans, Cost of Supply Studies
(CoSS) for NERSA Approval, Mini-integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) ;
Protecting energy infrastructure from vandalism and theft in the municipal
space. Manage resources and provide input for resource utilisation; Monitor,
control and report on expenditure and service delivery; Continued professional
development to keep up with new technologies and procedures; Working
knowledge of legislature and regulations related to energy. Input towards
improvement of standard documentation and administrative procedures.
Financial Management: Ensure the availability and management of funds to
meet the MTEF objectives within the engineering environment/services;
Facilitate the compilation of innovation proposals to ensure validity and
adherence to organizational principles; Manage subordinates’ key
performance areas by setting and monitoring performance standards and
taking actions to correct deviations to achieve departmental objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
NO: LG 41/2023
Infrastructure (contract position until 31 March 2026)
SALARY : Grade A: R1 146 540 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (OSD as
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Electrical Engineering Degree (B Eng/ BSC (Eng) or relevant qualification; A
minimum of six years post qualification experience required as a Registered
Professional Engineer; Compulsory registration with ECSA as a Professional
Engineer; A valid driving license (Code B or higher). Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Programme and Project Management;
Compilation of contract documentation; Contract law and Contract
adjudication; Financial Management; Engineering, legal and operational
compliance; Engineering operational communication; Process knowledge and
skills; Maintenance skills and knowledge; Engineering design and analysis
knowledge; Research and development; Creating high performance culture;
Engineering and professional judgement. Strategic capability and leadership;
Communication (written and verbal) skills; People Management; Planning and
organising; Behavioural competencies: Problem solving and analysis; Decision
making; Team leadership; Creativity Customer focus and responsiveness;
Conflict management; Negotiation and Change Management skills; Technical
report writing skills; Contact documentation and administration; Procurement
processes; Ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines.
DUTIES : Feasibility of Pilot renewable energy solutions in municipalities; Demand Side
Energy Management; To inform the Western Cape municipalities of potential
revenue impacts, it is critical to understand the future energy needs of large
private sector electricity users in the province; Enable electricity wheeling on
municipal grids in the province; Municipal IPP procurement; Making
government (WCG / municipal) land available for utility scale energy project
usage; Review municipal electricity master plans, Cost of Supply Studies
(CoSS) for NERSA Approval, Mini-integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) ;
Protecting energy infrastructure from vandalism and theft in the municipal
space. Manage resources and provide input for resource utilisation; Monitor,
control and report on expenditure and service delivery; Continued professional
development to keep up with new technologies and procedures; Working
knowledge of legislature and regulations related to energy. Input towards
improvement of standard documentation and administrative procedures.
Financial Management: Ensure the availability and management of funds to
meet the MTEF objectives within the engineering environment/services;
Facilitate the compilation of innovation proposals to ensure validity and
adherence to organizational principles; Manage subordinates’ key
performance areas by setting and monitoring performance standards and
taking actions to correct deviations to achieve departmental objectives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No:(021) 483 2856
SALARY : Grade A: R831 309 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (OSD as
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) Electrical or relevant qualification; A minimum
of six years post qualification experience; Compulsory registration with ECSA
as a Professional Technologist; A valid code B driving license. Competencies:
Knowledge of the following: Programme and project management; Computer
application; Legal compliance; Financial systems; Disciplinary codes and
procedures; Monitoring systems; Skills needed: Report writing; Creating a high
performance culture; Networking; Written and verbal communication.
DUTIES : Manage technological advisory services: Plan technological support to
Engineers and associate professionals in the field; Solve broadly defined
technological challenges through application of proven techniques and
procedures; Research/ literature studies in new technologies. Monitoring and
evaluation of technological designs: Assist with feasibility studies of new
technology Ensure quality assurance of technical designs with specifications
and make recommendations for approval by the relevant authority; Identify and
optimize technical solutions by applying engineering principles. Manage
administrative and related functions: Provide inputs into the budgeting process;
Compile and submit reports as required; Provide and consolidate inputs to the
technological/engineering operational plan; Ensure the development,
implementation and maintenance of databases on excel and ArcGIS Pro;
Manage and supervise technological and related personnel and assets.
Continuous professional development to keep up with new technologies and
procedures; Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on engineeringrelated
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (or higher qualification) in
the Built Environment; A minimum of 3 years management level experience in
the Built Environment. Recommendation: An appropriate 3-year National
Diploma/B-Degree (or higher qualification) in the Built Environment.
Recommendation: Infrastructure and/or Programme Management certificates.
Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Programme and Project
Management; ArcGIS; Professional judgement; Computer applications; Legal
compliance; Technical and general report writing; Monitoring systems;
Managing contractors and consultants; Skills needed: Communication (written
and verbal); Presentation and facilitation; Customer liaison; Networking;
Financial Management; Negotiation; Ability to create a high performance
culture; Audit compliance.
DUTIES : Investigate service delivery complaints from public; Develop indicators for
monitoring maturity levels In terms of infrastructure governance and service
delivery; Participate in IGR platforms, TIME,IDP, LGMTEC and JDA; Provide
input into the Single Support Plan from a municipal infrastructure perspective
and facilitate the implementation thereof; Manage the human resources of the
component to achieve the pre-determined performance indicators and service
delivery imperatives, motivated, competent, appreciated and performance
oriented staff and sound labour relations; Plan the component budget and
manage expenditure, through responsible implementation of policies; practices
and decisions in order to achieve unit objectives effectively and efficiently.
Ensure the development, implementation and maintenance of databases on
excel and ArcGIS Pro.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate 3-year National Diploma/B-Degree (or higher qualification) in
Electrical engineering; A minimum of 3 years management level experience in
Electrical engineering. Recommendation: Appropriate experience in renewable
energy. Competencies: Knowledge of the following: Programme and Project
Management; ArcGIS; Professional judgement; Computer applications; Legal
compliance; Technical and general report writing; Monitoring systems;
Managing contractors and consultants; Skills needed: Communication (written
and verbal); Presentation and facilitation; Customer liaison; Networking;
Financial Management; Negotiation; Ability to create a high performance
culture; Audit compliance.
DUTIES : Investigate service delivery complaints from public; Develop indicators for
monitoring maturity levels In terms of infrastructure governance and service
delivery; Participate in IGR platforms, TIME,IDP, LGMTEC and JDA; Provide
input into the Single Support Plan from a municipal infrastructure perspective
and facilitate the implementation thereof; Manage the human resources of the
component to achieve the pre-determined performance indicators and service
delivery imperatives, motivated, competent, appreciated and performance
oriented staff and sound labour relations; Plan the component budget and
manage expenditure, through responsible implementation of policies; practices
and decisions in order to achieve unit objectives effectively and efficiently.
Ensure the development, implementation and maintenance of databases on
excel and ArcGIS Pro.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand at Tel No: (021) 483 2856
LG 42/2023
Contract Position Until 31 March 2026
SALARY : R202 233 per annum (Level 05), plus 37% in lieu of benefits
CENTRE : Department of Local Government, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Senior Certificate or equivalent qualifications). Competencies: A
good understanding of the following: Supply chain management and financial
procedures; Document tracking, storage and retrieval; Office administration;
Proven computer literacy in MS Office; Written and verbal communication
DUTIES : Taking of minutes; Follow-up and report on action minutes; Daily follow-up and
reporting on action deadlines; Update critical milestone/reporting annual
calendar; Render general clerical support service to progammes; Monthly
update of programme budget; Quality check all programmes
submissions/letters/cabinet submissions; Assist with Power Point
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Brand Tel No: (021) 483 2856