PSV Circular 32 of 2023
PSV Circular 32 of 2023
PSV Circular 32 of 2023
1. Introduction
1.1 This Circular is, except during December, published on a weekly basis and contains the advertisements of vacant
posts and jobs in Public Service departments.
1.2 Although the Circular is issued by the Department of Public Service and Administration, the Department is not
responsible for the content of the advertisements. Enquiries about an advertisement must be addressed to the relevant
advertising department.
2. Directions to candidates
2.1 Applications on form Z83 with full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge and
experience (on a separate sheet if necessary or a CV) must be forwarded to the department in which the
2.2 Applicants must indicate the reference number of the vacancy in their applications.
2.3 Applicants requiring additional information regarding an advertised post must direct their enquiries to the department
where the vacancy exists. The Department of Public Service and Administration must not be approached for such
2.4 It must be ensured that applications reach the relevant advertising departments on or before the applicable closing
3. Directions to departments
3.1 The contents of this Circular must be brought to the attention of all employees.
3.2 It must be ensured that employees declared in excess are informed of the advertised vacancies. Potential candidates
from the excess group must be assisted in applying timeously for vacancies and attending where applicable,
3.3 Where vacancies have been identified to promote representativeness, the provisions of sections 15 (affirmative action
measures) and 20 (employment equity plan) of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 should be applied. Advertisements
for such vacancies should state that it is intended to promote representativeness through the filling of the vacancy
and that the candidature of persons whose transfer/appointment will promote representativeness, will receive
3.4 Candidates must be assessed and selected in accordance with the relevant measures that apply to employment in
the Public Service.
4.1 To access the SMS pre-entry certificate course and for further details, please click on the following link: For more information regarding the course please
visit the NSG website:
PREMIER: Kindly note that the following post was advertised in the Public Service
Vacancy Circular 29 dated 18 August 2023. The post minimum requirements are
amended as follows:
Requirements: National Senior Certificate, an NQF level 7 qualification
(Degree/Advanced Diploma) in Logistics Management/Supply Chain
Management/Financial Management/Public Administration as recognized by
SAQA. Three (3) year’s experience at salary L7/8 in a Logistics Management
environment. Logis/Bas Certificate. A valid driver’s license. Competencies and
capabilities: Knowledge of the public sector and its regulatory and legislative
framework, the education and school management regulatory and legislative
framework, particularly the following: PFMA, Treasury Regulations, PSR, PS Act,
BCEA, EEA and related policies /regulations. The public sector financial
management regulatory framework; and control and reporting requirements. Public
sector management reporting requirements. Be Computer Literate. The closing
date for the post is extended to the 22 September 2023. Enquiries: Ms N. Mafu at
082 562 2347/Mr N. Mhlawuli at 076 783 6993/Ms Nomthandazo Xesha at 060 584
4059. For e-Recruitment enquiries send an email with your ID Number, Profile
email address and the details of the issue to:
APPLICATIONS : Submitted via post to: Private Bag X895, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver to: The
Department of Basic Education, 222 Struben Street, Pretoria. Please visit the
Department of Education’s website at
FOR ATTENTION : Mr A Tsamai/Mr M Segowa
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the most recently approved Z83 Application for
Employment Form, obtainable from the DBE Website or any Public Service
Department/Webpage. Use of the old Z83 Form will result in disqualification. The
Z83 must be completed in full and page 2 duly signed. A clear indication of the post
and reference number that is being applied for must be indicated on your Z.83.
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit the Z83 with a detailed Curriculum Vitae
(only). Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be
requested from shortlisted candidates on or before the day of the interview.
Successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal
record, citizenship & financial/asset record checks, qualification and employment
verification including social media profiles). Appointment is subject to positive
results of the security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required
to sign an annual performance agreement and, where applicable, annually disclose
his/her financial interests. All applicants are required to declare any conflict or
perceived conflict of interest, to disclose memberships of Boards and directorships
that they may be associated with. Applicants who do not comply with the
abovementioned requirements will not be considered. Applications received after
the closing date and e-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered.
Relations and Conditions of Service; Sound operational planning and management
skills; Computer literate; Problem solving, Decision making and conflict resolution
skills; A valid driver’s license and willingness to travel.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be expected to participate in meetings between
labour and employer to discuss and attempt to resolve issues of mutual interest;
Schedule or co-ordinate Employer Caucus meetings and serve as secretariat to
the Employer Caucus; Assist the negotiating team to plan, obtain mandates and
provide secretarial services to the negotiating team; Render an excellent
contribution to the continued improvement of the conditions of employment of
educators; Work with the internal and external stakeholders; Monitor, support and
report on Provincial implementation of Collective Agreements and Human
Resources Policies; Prepare quarterly and annual reports when required; Manage
and monitor the Implementation of Collective Agreements between the Department
and its recognised trade unions; Assist the Chief Negotiator in liaising with trade
unions on matters of mutual interest.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A Tsamai Tel No: (012) 357 3321/Mr M Segowa Tel No: (012) 357 4291
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates may be expected to demonstrate their skills in a short
task as part of the interview and will be subjected to a security clearance.
Shortlisted candidates may perform competency assessment. The successful
candidate will have to sign an annual performance agreement, annually disclose
his/ her financial interests and be subjected to a security clearance.
APPLICATIONS : Must be mailed timeously to Private Bag X922, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered or
couriered to 268 Lilian Ngoyi Street, Pretorius Street, Fedsure Building 2nd floor,
Pretoria at the Reception Desk. No late applications will be accepted. Failure to
comply with this requirement will result in the candidate being disqualified.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new prescribed application form Z.83 of the
Public Service Act, obtainable from any Public Service Department or any Public
Service and Administration website or Recruitment Office within the Secretariat for
Police Service. Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and
other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and
a detailed Curriculum Vitae (e.g. indicating positions held, dates and key
performance areas/responsibilities). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interviews following
communication from the Department. Failure to submit the requested
documents/information will result in your application not being considered.
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been
contacted within three months of the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. All shortlisted candidates’ posts will
be subjected to a technical competency exercise that intends to test relevant
technical elements of the job, the logistics of which be communicated by the
Department. Following the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will
recommend the most suitable candidate. Short-listed candidates will be subjected
to a security clearance. The Secretary of Police Service has the right not to fill the
post. All posts are based in Pretoria. Preference will be given to youth, people with
disability and women in accordance with our employment equity. NB: Please
ensure that your application reaches this office not later than 16h00 on week-days.
reports, compilation of various submissions/ memoranda and responses in relation
to the disbursement function. Oversee effective, efficient and economical utilisation
of the funds.
ENQUIRIES : Ms NM Sefiti/Mr M Maiko Tel No: (012) 4931 390 / 012 4931 338
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023, (Applications received after the closing date and faxed copies
will not be considered).
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (obtainable from any
Public Service Department office i.e effective 01 January 2021 or on the DPSA web
site link: Should an application be
received using incorrect application employment form Z83, it will be disqualified,
which must be originally signed and dated by the applicant and which must be
accompanied by a detailed CV only (with full particulars of the applicants’ training,
qualifications, competencies, knowledge & experience). Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other
related documents on or before the day of the interview which should not be older
than six months. Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in
applications being disqualified. Applicants applying for more than one post must
submit a separate form Z83 (as well as the documentation mentioned above) in
respect of each post being applied for. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an
application it must be done in writing. Should an application be received where an
applicant applies for more than one post on the same applications form, the
application will only be considered for the first post indicated on the application and
not for any of the other posts. Under no circumstances will photostat copies or faxed
copies of application documents be accepted. The successful candidates will be
subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record, citizenship &
financial/asset record checks and qualification and employment verification).
Successful candidates will also be subjected to security clearance processes.
Applicants who do not receive confirmation or feedback within 3 (three) months
after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful. Due to the
large volume of responses anticipated, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged and correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only.
For more information on the job description(s) please contact the person indicated
in the post details. Successful candidates will be appointed on probation for the
period of twelve (12) months in terms of the prescribed rules.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Defence International Affairs Division, Armscor Building, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (NQF L4) or equivalent with a recognised Bachelor’s Degree/Advanced
National Diploma (NQF Level 7) in Political Science, International Law,
International Politics, Economics or Law. Minimum of three (3) years relevant
experience as Assistant Director and a valid driver’s licence. Be willing to travel and
working irregular hours may be required, ability to work on your own initiative and
as part of a team. Special requirements (Skills needed): Basic knowledge of
Government Policies, Departmental policies. Wider Intra- Departmental Activities
in Government. Knowledge of International Politics and Public Finance Legislations
and Financial Management. International Politics, Good analytical skills. Computer
literacy. Excellent writing ability. Good reasoning and problem-solving ability.
Communication skills (verbally and written). Good inter-personal proficiency. Good
presentation skills and good networking skills. The ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to perform the following functions:
Analysing of International legal instruments, including treaties, Agreements Pacts,
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU’s), protocols, Status of Forces Agreement
(SOFA’s), Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA’s), Troop Contributing Country
(TCC) Agreements, Letter of Assist (LOA’s) and Technical Arrangements /
Implementation Arrangement with the scrutinizing of all International Agreement
documentation to ensure adherence to international legal prescripts. Provide
specialist advice on international legislation. Assist with the analysis and research
of foreign relations policy and perform analytical support and the management of
international agreement. Execution and development of department of Defence’s
international agreement; the servicing of all DOD international agreements. Co-
ordinate the legal and administrative processing of concluding International
Agreement and obtaining presidential approval. Facilitate the tabling of
International Agreement in parliament for ratification. Monitor the progress on
implementation of International Agreement and compile status report. Assist with
the execution of general management practices and principles within the
directorate to ensure effective and efficient utilisation of allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M. Tsanwani Tel No: (012) 355 5214
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence Defence International Affairs Division, Private Bag X910,
Pretoria, 0001 or may be hand-delivered at Armscor Building C/O Nossob and
Delmas Ave, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Mr T.E. Bogopane or Mr K. Davhana
relevant experience. A valid driver’s licence. Be willing to travel and working
irregular hours may be required, ability to work on your own initiative and as part of
a team. Special Requirements (skills needed): Basic knowledge of Government
Policies, Departmental policies. Wider Intra- Departmental Activities in
Government. Knowledge of International Politics and Public Finance Legislations
and Financial Management. International Politics, Good analytical skills. Computer
literacy. Excellent writing ability. Good reasoning and problem solving ability.
Communication skills (verbally and written). Good inter-personal proficiency. Good
presentation skills and good networking skills. The ability to work under pressure.
DUTIES : Facilitate the process to obtain departmental approval for the establishment of the
identified commitments. Assist with establishment and maintaining of liaison
channels with multilateral organisations e.g. Southern African Development
Community (SADC), African Union (AU) and United Nation (UN). Assist with
compiling and promulgating of comprehensive instructions for the maintenance and
enhancement of multilateral commitments. Coordinate participation in annual and
inter-sessional forums such as Summits, Conferences and Ministerial Meeting. Co-
ordinates the legal and administrative processing of concluding International
Agreements and obtaining presidential approval. Facilitate the tabling of
Agreements in parliament for ratification. Monitor the progress on implementation
of agreements and compile status reports. Manage database of international
agreement. Analyse and make recommendation on outcomes of multilateral
meetings and ensure that follow up actions undertaken. To keep abreast of current
economic; political and security development that impact on the multilateral
engagements and inform management. Assist in reviewing the strategy for
engagements with United Nations agencies and other multilateral organisations.
Participate and provide guidance during departmental meeting with other
government departments and to highlight departmental position on related defence
and security matters. Prepare and coordinate draft briefing and speaking notes.
Organise and coordinate internal and external clients meeting. Arrange meeting
and minute taking during meetings. Assist in the internal management of the
directorate to ensure efficient utilisation of allocated resources
ENQUIRIES : Mr M. Tsanwani Tel No: (012) 355 5214
APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence Defence International Affairs Division, Private Bag X910,
Pretoria, 0001 or may be hand-delivered at Armscor Building C/O Nossob and
Delmas Ave, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Mr T.E. Bogopane or Mr K. Davhana
Administration. Senior Management Leadership Programme Certificate. Five (5)
years middle management experience. Knowledge: Departmental policies and
procedures, Public Service Regulation (PSR), Public Service Act (PSA), Labour
relations Act (LRA), Employment Equity Act (EEA), Project management principles
and methodologies, Project management information technology e.g. PMBOK, MS
projects etc. Skills: Computer literacy, Change management, People development
and empowerment, Strategic management and leadership, Financial Management,
Project management, Communication, Report Writing, Presentation, Interpersonal
DUTIES : Develop and ensure the implementation of administrative measures for the
effective and efficient operation of the Commissioner’s office. Manage the
Commissioner’s engagements with stakeholders and other government
institutions. Provide strategic project coordination service within the Fund. Manage
resources within the office of the Commissioner.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MP Roux Tel No: (012) 337 1529/ 1729
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery
at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF
Communication, Computer Literacy, Time Management, Interpersonal, Report
Writing, Planning and Organizing, Analytical, Creativity, Facilitation, Presentation.
DUTIES : Facilitate the design and review of the organisational structure. Coordinate Job
Evaluation Process within the fund. Coordinate the implementation of
Organisational structure, Legislations/ Directives. Facilitate the development and
signing of job profiles. Manage resources (Human, Financial, Equipment / Assets)
in the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms SE Mokoena Tel No: (012) 337 1912
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Corporate Services: P O Box 1851, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivery
at corner Lilian Ngoyi and Pretorius Street, ABSA Towers Building, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Management, UIF
Greenhouse Gas. Specialist knowledge of the latest international and national
theory and developments in respect of environmental impact, land use and spatial
planning legislation, policies, and strategies. Ability to manage and plan for
activities including projects. Ability to develop, interpret and apply policies,
strategies and legislation. Knowledge of HR management practices, legal issues,
negotiations and dealing with conflict. Demonstrated grounding in finance, Public
Service procedures and policies. Knowledge of HR management practices, legal
issues, negotiations skills and ability to deal with conflict; Stakeholder engagement;
Strategic Capability and Leadership; Programme and Project Management;
Financial Management; People Management and Empowerment.
DUTIES : Conduct research and prepare greenhouse gas data and related information to
facilitate the development, review and refinement of SA national emissions
trajectory and development of emissions pathways and scenarios. Provide support
on climate change mitigation interventions undertaken to facilitate implementation
of South Africa’s Low Emission Development. Analyse and report progress in the
implementation and effects of key mitigation actions to South African and
international audiences. Continuously develop and upgrade the tools/ system that
will be used to evaluate, monitor, and verify national climate change mitigation
responses. Facilitate and coordinate carbon sinks research and climate change
mitigation responses related to land and ocean. Facilitation of the development,
review and alignment of existing and new sector policies, legislation and regulation
that have an impact on national carbon sinks. Facilitate and coordinate
arrangements for the implementation of carbon sinks programmes and projects
through formalization of institutional arrangements. Facilitate research and analysis
to inform climate change mitigation decision and responses for the Agriculture,
Forestry and Land Use sector. Conduct research to facilitate the development,
review and refinement of SA national emissions trajectory and development of
emissions pathways and scenarios.
ENQUERIES : Mr J Witi Tel No: (012) 399 9048
reports. Oversee maintenance of the Department’s online Organisational
Performance Management System (Balance score card) and support continuous
improvement of the overall DFFE performance monitoring, evaluation, and
reporting system.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. L Tsekiso Tel No: (012) 399 9661
investigative diary. Ability to draft legal defensible administrative notices, directives.
Knowledge of the provisions of the National Environmental Management Act
(NEMA) and National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEM: BA).
Good interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to work under pressure and
attend meetings with stakeholders, Willingness to travel, Computer literacy. A valid
driver's licence.
DUTIES : Criminal investigations and administrative enforcement in relation to invasive alien
species within the country. Drafting of enforcement strategies to inform actions to
be taken. Drafting of legal documents, notices, affidavits, charge sheets, plea and
sentence agreements. Obtain warning statements from suspects, open criminal
cases to prosecute offenders. Consult with prosecutors, police and all other
stakeholders regarding criminal investigations. Liaise with Directorate: Litigation
and other directorates, provincial departments and local municipalities, external
experts and/or consultants as well as other government institutions. Implement the
directorate’s filing system efficiently. Implement relevant SOPs and guidelines.
Participate in EMI events, training and projects. Assist in responding to both
Parliamentary and Media queries. Develop and facilitate the implementation of
national policies, strategies and programmes relating to the compliance and
enforcement with the AIS regulations. Compile and submit monthly reports to the
supervisor and perform other administrative and related functions.
ENQUIRIES : Sonja Meintjes Tel No: (012) 399 9597
procedures, Financial management, and Personnel management. Knowledge of
Demand Management, Acquisition, and Contract Management. Knowledge of
Public Service Legislative framework. Skills: Good interpersonal relations,
Stakeholder engagement. Ability to gather and analyse information, and be able to
work individually and in a team. Ability to apply policies, Good interpersonal
relations, and communication skills. Be able to work under pressure, Ability to work
with difficult persons, and resolve conflict. Sense of responsibility and loyalty,
Initiative and creativity. Must be able to work long hours voluntarily.
DUTIES : Verify and handle the administration of the acquisition of goods in compliance with
SCM legislation, prescripts, and sound corporate governance. Verify the
correctness of bid/quotation numbers allocated and the closing date for bids to be
advertised. Ensure timeous advertisement/publication of bids in the National
Treasury eTender publication portal and Departmental website. Advertisements of
quotes on the National Treasury eTender publication portal. Updating the Bid and
quotation registers. Facilitation of briefing sessions. Verify administration of
received bids. Opening/facilitating of bidding box on the closing date at 11h00 and
collection of submitted bid documents. Ensuring opening of received bids. Prepare
the bid opening certificate. Administer procurement of bids above R1 000 000.00
to be completed within 120 days. Provide secretariat services to BSC and BEC.
Ensure the arrangement of BSC and BEC meetings according to proposed meeting
dates. Calculate the price and preference points. Administration of
TORs/Specifications below R1000 000. Receive requisition/Log2 and check the
correctness of specification and advise. Keep a record of all processed TORs for
monthly and quarterly reporting. Coordinate the implementation Monitoring of the
procurement Plan.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Mabece Tel No: (021) 493 7239
with knowledge of communication disciplines, including media liaison, research and
development communication. The applicant must have an understanding of
development communication, and knowledge of the Western Cape Province with
specific insights in the Overberg District and its local Municipalities.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible to support the Deputy Director:
Liaison in the implementation of a strategic government communication function in
the Overberg District as follows: implement key communication projects guided in
line with government priorities and in accordance with the guidelines for
development communication practice and platforms as developed by GCIS.
Coordinate and monitor the government communication function in the district,
including the monitoring and supervision of the work of the district based on Senior
Communication Officers as well as any communication interns or learners assigned
to the region, including their administrative and operational functions, and report
these to the Deputy Director: Provincial Liaison. Ensure the establishment and
where necessary review and strengthening of communication coordination
structures in the District to ensure the effective cascading of government
communication content especially to leaders and structures of local government
across the District. The candidate will support all initiatives aimed at strengthening
Local government communication system through interface with strategic IGR
structures at local level. The candidate will further provide communication support
in various integrated service delivery models of government such as the Thusong
service center programme. The successful candidate will also be responsible for
the development and maintenance of effective high level stakeholder relations in
the region with a bias towards civil society, minority groups, local government and
traditional leaders. A strategy to this end will be one of the first necessary
deliverables. Coordination and implementation of rapid response requirements in
the District as well as writing articles on government developments in the region
from time to time. The regional coordinator will also be responsible for the revision
and development of a new regional distribution strategy for government information
products. The successful candidate will additionally, on a regular basis, be required
to develop local communication environment assessments of the District for use by
various stakeholders and clients with required communication interventions
ENQUIRIES : Ms Geraldine Thopps Tel No: (021) 418 0533
NOTE : Applicants who previously applied are encouraged to reapply. The organisation will
give preference to candidates in line with the Employment Equity goals. People
with disabilities will be given preference regardless of Race and Gender
and strong time-management skills and extremely good in the management of
deadlines. Must be computer literate and be able to convey ideas and views well
verbally and in writing. A valid driver’s license is essential as the post will entail
extensive travel. Very strong ability to work under pressure, in a fluctuating
environment and be available to work overtime.
DUTIES : Serve as Radio Presenter and Producer for the GCIS Radio Unit. Introduce and
host radio programmes. Interview guests in studio, by telephone or on location.
Compile and record radio news bulletins. Research topics and background
information for items to be featured on the programme. Recording of governmental
events (Presidency, Communications Department, and other departments. Voicing
and Production of adverts. Edits audio (e.g., pulls audio clips and soundbites for
show and channel use). Obtains audio materials needed for production. Ensures
that on-air product is up to broadcast standards before it leaves the studios.
Maintains database of program content for archival use. Assists in the development
of content for shows. Excellent admin, creative writing and communication skills for
radio. May be required to fill in for other Producers on occasion and be willing to
assist with CSA media productions other than radio, should the need arise.
Technical production skills an added advantage.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Ndawonde Tel No: (012) 473 0441
NOTE : The organisation will give preference to candidates in line with the Employment
Equity goals. People with disabilities will be given preference regardless of Race
and Gender
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: The Branch: Human Resources,
Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 or be hand delivered
to: 149 Bosman Street, Pretoria.
FOR ATTENTION : Ms. L Pale / Ms. V Maja, Human Resources Tel No: (012) 764 3976 /012 764 3912
CLOSING DATE : 26 September 2023 (16:00)
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form Z83 (NB. The new
application for employment form can be downloaded at
vacancies, the old prescribed application for employment form Z83 was withdrawn
with effect from 31 December 2020) and must be completed in full with page 2 duly
signed (failure to do so will result in your application not being considered), and
clear indication of the reference number on the Z83. The application must include
only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required
qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted
by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the day of the interview date. It is the
responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit
evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The
Government Printing Works reserves the right to fill or not fill its advertised posts.
General information. Applicants applying for SMS posts are required to
successfully complete the Nyukela Public Service Senior Management Leadership
Programme (submitted prior to finalisation of an appointment) as endorsed by the
National School of Government available as an online course on Applicants
are expected to pay for the course and may enrol for it at a cost of R265.00. The
duration of the course is 120 hours. Shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be
subjected to a technical exercise, which intends to test relevant technical elements
of the jobs by the Government Printing Works. Following the interview and the
technical exercise, the Selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a
generic management competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA
Directive on the Implementation of Competency-based assessments). The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies, using
the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. Personnel suitability
checks will also be administered as a part of the selection process. Successful
candidates will be required to enter in an employment contract and performance
agreement (as relevant) and must obtain a positive security clearance. Applications
received after the closing date as well as those who do not comply with the
requirements will not be taken into consideration. If you have not received a
response from this institution within three months of the closing date, please
consider your application unsuccessful.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (an all-inclusive salary package) structured as
follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State contribution to the Government
Employee Pension Fund – (13% of basic salary). The remaining flexible portion
may be structured in terms of the applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree in Strategic Management/ Business Management/ Public Management
at NQF Level 7 as recognised by SAQA. A postgraduate qualification will be an
added advantage. 5 years senior management experience in a strategic
management environment.
DUTIES : Ensure the overseeing and managing the process to develop, align and monitor
the implementation of strategic plans and related policies and procedures and
ensuring monitoring and compliance. Overseeing the developing, alignment and
monitoring of the implementation of strategic plans and related policies and
procedures. Overseeing the developing of strategic plans, business plans and
business processes. The overseeing of the monitoring of performance and
compliance. Ensuring the monitoring against the APP and Strategic Plans.
Overseeing the identifying of strategy execution shortfalls and remedies. Managing
the developing of service delivery improvement mechanisms. Ensuring programme
and project management support. Managing and assisting with capacity building.
Managing the Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO). Ensure and
manage the development and execution of the stakeholder management,
strategies and policies. Overseeing the rendering of comprehensive
communication services. Managing the mapping of the stakeholder database.
Ensuring the stakeholder engagement plan is properly executed. Overseeing the
management of stakeholder relations and segmentation. Overseeing the
management of events. Ensure the undertaking of innovative marketing of GPW’s
products and services at various platforms and managing customer satisfaction.
Ensuring the proper liaison between GPW customers and technical teams to
design customer solutions. Overseeing the conducting of proper market research
and that effective and innovative products and services are proposed. Manage the
process to collate and process organisational data and institutional knowledge and
to manage the resource centre with updated and relevant publications/materials.
To oversee the managing of publications and related product sales. Overseeing
the mapping of bulk publications stores. Overseeing the selling of publications to
clients. Managing the rendering of subscription services to customers/clients. To
coordinate liaison with Parliament. Ensuring proper communication to Parliament
and that answers to questions and documentations to be tabled/submitted are done
on time. To manage the processing and collating of organisational data and
institutional knowledge. To ensure that required information is collected and
collated on time. Manage the rendering of programme and project management
support. Oversee the management of multiple projects at all stages of the project(s)
lifecycle from initiation to implementation. Manage the implementing and leading
Lean value/benefits management, risk and dependency management capabilities.
Effectively and efficiently manage the resources for project management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms CA Dreyer Tel No: (012) 764 3932
GPW 23/70
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (an all-inclusive salary package), structured as
follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State contribution to the Government
Employee Pension Fund – (13% of basic salary). The remaining flexible portion
may be structured in terms of the applicable remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree in Public Management/Security Management/ Facilities Management/
Property Management/ Social Sciences qualification at NQF Level 7 as recognized
by SAQA. 5 years’ senior management experience in facilities and security services
DUTIES : Oversee and manage the rendering of an effective, comprehensive, and sound
security management service. The overseeing of the process of ensuring effective
and efficient security at all GPW premises. Ensuring the provisioning of guarding
services to all GPW premises. The overseeing of the provisioning of the key
management system. The overseeing of the rendering of an information and
examination security service. Overseeing the implementation of security strategies
and policies. The ensuring of proper implementation of the security policies, plans,
and procedures. The overseeing of the provisioning of an effective and efficient
security administration. The overseeing of the provisioning of service level
agreement compliance in terms of contract management. The overseeing of the
process to ensure compliance and administration of the National Key Point (NKP)
prescripts and the Act. The overseeing of the provisioning of security awareness
coordination and liaison with relevant stakeholders. The overseeing and
management of provision of security systems. The overseeing of the provisioning
of sound technical security strategy and plans and electronic security systems and
processes. The ensuring of effective surveillance, detection, reporting and follow
through of all security incidents. The overseeing of the administering of security
vetting and screening of staff members and service providers. The overseeing of
the provisioning of effective and sound fraud and corruption strategies and plans
and to undertake proper investigation services. Oversee security budget and cost
effective spending. Oversee the management of security expenditure in line with
the PFMA. Manages that financial resources are used effectively and according to
good practice, policy and standards. Manages that all procurement practices
followed in unit are compliant, transparent and fair. Completes unit financial
planning, budgeting and forecasts according to good practice and in line with
GPW’s requirements. Ensure and manage facilities, property, and offices services.
The overseeing of the provisioning of property management services. The
overseeing of the rendering, directing and managing of office services. Manage all
facilities of the GPW including branch offices as well as all owned or rented
property. Procurement and contract management. Oversee the maintenance of
building and grounds. Oversee that health and safety procedures are adhered to.
Overseeing the obtaining of quotes from different contractors and presents the
quotes to be approved with recommendations. Overseeing the calculation and
comparing of costs for required goods or services to achieve maximum value for
money. Oversee that project management is undertaken to supervise and co-
ordinate work of contractors. Direct and plan essential central services such as
reception, security, maintenance, mail, archiving, cleaning, catering, waste
disposal and recycling. Manage and lead change to ensure minimum disruption to
core activities. Oversee the preparing of the maintenance and budgets are
undertaken. Oversee the assessment of prospective new buildings together with a
professional assessor (e.g., architect) and reports on alterations that would need
to be done prior to occupation. Ensure that office support services are undertaken
in a professional and cost-effective manner. Oversee the providing of record
management services. Oversee the providing of effective and efficient transport,
gardening, cleaning and messenger services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms CA Dreyer Tel No: (012) 764 3932
printing schedule and planning of print orders within the Division processes of jobs
to next Division/Section. Determine and apply continuous improvement measures
to production processes. Ensure that all procedures, standards and systems
relating to the protection of security products matters are observed by all staff
members. Proactively identify security risks and ensure that mitigating measures
are in place. Ensure a smooth workflow between the workstations in the Division
and the synergetic co-ordination of work in progress in line with the process value
chain within the Finishing Division and other Divisions. Proactively identify and
resolve possible bottlenecks timeously to ensure that printing orders are delivered
as per the customer’s specification. Ensuring that production equipment are kept
in good condition, regularly maintained and adherence to maintenance plan and
schedule. Ensure proper records keeping and accurate reporting on time as
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Khumalo Tel No: (012) 748 6329
customers, investigate, resolve, and provide feedback within deadline. Liaise with
clients to ensure effective and satisfactory service delivery. Ensure the rendering
of effective auxiliary services including transport administration and cleaning
services. Ensure that leave application are managed effectively as per Policy.
Develop Document control methods to ensure that documents are stored. Ensuring
the rendering of effective and efficient administrative and auxiliary support services.
Ensuring that leave are managed effectively as per GPW Policy. Ensuring that petty
cash and fuel card is effectively managed. Ensuring that Debtors Section is
supported. Manage inventory. Maintain accurate records for all inventory
transactions including receipts, issues and returns. Develop and implement
inventory control procedure to ensure accurate stock levels. Monitor inventory
levels, track usage patterns, conduct regular audit. Co-ordinate with supply chain
management and contract printing to ensure that stock is received on time.
Ensuring that replenishment of stock is executed timeously. Ensuring that
transaction are updated regularly on GPW ERP System. Identify Slow and obsolete
stock. Manage warehousing operations. Ensure and monitor the correct
dispatching of items. Manage inbound and outbound flow of material within the
warehouse. Implement and enforce best practices for picking and packing process
in the warehouse. Ensure the adherence to Health and Safety requirements in the
Division. Ensure compliance with all OHSA safety requirements. Oversee health
and safety of employees. Monitor the maintenance of good housekeeping. Provide
inputs on policy development and recordkeeping. Assist with developing and
implementing of effective and efficient warehousing strategies, policies,
procedures, and practices and ensure adherence thereto. Ensure compliance with
all company policies and procedures. Ensure up to date records in the Division to
ensure the providing of accurate information for reporting purposes as required on
ENQUIRIES : Mr V Manganye Tel No: (012) 748 6131
Manage/ Provide gardening Services. Establish landscape, gardens and ground
maintenance service strategies. Develop and establish effective landscape,
gardens and ground maintenance solutions inclusive of techniques and processes.
Set formal and measurable performance targets and reporting strategies in
conjunction with a Service Level Agreement. Employ sound environmental and
ecological practices. Improve the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding environment
to complement existing architecture and ensure longevity of the grounds. Ensure
effective oversight of contractors and the maintenance of equipment. Provide
managerial activities. Monitor and ensure proper utilisation and maintenance of
equipment. Evaluate and monitor performance appraisal of subordinates. Ensure
capacity building and training of staff. Develop job descriptions for subordinates.
Implement workplace discipline. Effective management of sub-ordinates’ leaves.
Allocate of work. Provide inputs to the monthly and quarterly reports
sufficient/aligned to Business Plan/APP/Strat Plan. Provide inputs to the annual
spending plans aligned to business plan on coming year. Perform a stakeholder
analysis for the component and identify their needs - incorporate in business
planning process. Develop/review internal work processes (SOPs); and Provide
inputs on the development / review of Business plans with clear roles and
responsibilities assigned with the resources requirements identified.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E Louters Tel No: (012) 748 4085
NO: GPW 23/76
DUTIES : Provide an administrative support service to the office of the Directorate Legal
Services. Provide administrative support by compiling submissions and reports,
photocopying documents and scanning information as required. Providing
reception services including call screening as well as attending messages. Diary
Management. Manage Filing system in the Office of the Directorate Legal Services.
Support with the management of leave and compilation of leave register. Ensures
effective flow of information and documents to and from the office of the Directorate
Legal Services. Ensure the security profile and classification of documentation
reports and information related to the office. Handle procurement of standard items
like Stationery and refreshment for the activities within the office of the Directorate
Legal Services. Liaise with stakeholders and implement actions in line with the
relevant protocols and delegations. Respond to enquiries received from internal
and external stakeholders. Distribute/allocate tasks to staff and provide deadlines.
Provide secretarial support to the Directorate Legal Services. Arrange meetings
and coordinates logistical arrangements for the meeting i.e. venue, refreshments,
agenda, action log etc. Record minutes/decisions and communicates to the
relevant role players and follow up on progress made. Administer documents
control within the Directorate Legal Services office. Management of all incoming
and outgoing correspondence; as well as tracking correspondence and
submissions; Ensure that all documents are registered on Electronic system.
Coordinate responses to and submissions on, all requests the Director: Legal
Services. Scrutinize routine documents and make notes for the Directorate Legal
Services. Forward correspondence to the Director: Legal Services. Redirect
correspondence as per instructions and maintain copies of documents. Make follow
up on referred correspondence. Coordinate feedback from stakeholders, refer to
the Director: Legal Services and dispatch accordingly. Provide logistical support to
the Directorate Legal Services. Make travel arrangements by sourcing relevant
quote and prepare submission for approval. Arrange bookings (i.e. Flights,
accommodation, car hire, and shuttle) and provide information to the traveller.
Prepare Substance & Travel claims upon return from the trip. Efficient administrate
and manage Budget. Check and correlates reports to ensure that expenditure is
correctly allocated. Keep record of expenditure commitments, monitor expenditure
and alters manager of possible over and under spending. Identify the need to move
funds between items, consults with manager and compile submission in this regard.
Handle procurement processes within the Directorate Legal Services.
ENQUIRIES : Adv S Ramasodi Tel No: (012) 748 6321
security measures. Collaborate with other units, such as production, procurement,
and quality assurance, to coordinate the flow of materials and provide accurate
information on stock availability, lead times, and any issues affecting warehouse
operations. Ensure the safekeeping of stock. Ensure the proper and secure
handling of material and stock in the warehouse, including loading and unloading
shipments, moving materials between storage areas, and the proper packaging
and protection to prevent damage. Responsible for maintaining accurate and up-
to-date inventory records of all travel and ID document production materials stored
in the warehouse. Ensure that regular and accurate stock checks are conducted.
The evaluation of stock count accuracy and completeness as well as the
reconciliation of discrepancies. Ensuring the security and compliance of the
warehouse by implementing security measures, such as restricted access controls,
surveillance systems, and inventory tracking mechanisms, to prevent unauthorized
access and minimize the risk of theft or loss. Identify security risks and recommend
and implement plans to mitigate the risks. Provide efficient administration support
services for the Sub-division. Rendering of all administrative related functions.
Render logistical support, the ordering and issuing of stationary, etc. Proper
recordkeeping and maintaining of the filing system. Provide accurate reports as
required on time. Manage human resources services in the section. Form part of
the recruiting and selecting process of staff in the Section. Allocate and check work
of staff. Functional/Technical advice to staff in the Section. Formal disciplinary
measures applied according to prescripts and procedures if necessary. Conduct
performance reviews per GPW policy. Promote and foster team building in the
Section. Safety, health, environment, risk, and quality (SHERQ) management in
the Section. Comply with all OHSA safety requirements. Monitor and mitigate plant
related safety risks. Ensure that SHERQ processes are adhered to it all times. The
ensuring of up-to-date policies and procedures for the Sub-Directorate. Assist with
the developing and review of policies and procedures for the Sub-Directorate. Keep
up to date with new trends in the industry.
ENQUIRIES : Ms L Bhanda Tel No: (012) 748 6224
obtains the necessary signatures on documents like procurement advice and
monthly salary reports. Provides support to manager regarding meetings.
Scrutinizes documents to determine actions/information/other documents required
for meetings. Collects and compiles all necessary documents for the manager to
inform him/her on the contents. Records minutes/decisions and communicates to
relevant role-players, follow-up on progress made. Prepares briefing notes for the
manager as required; and coordinates logistical arrangements for meetings when
required. Support the manager with the administration of the manager’s budget.
Collects and coordinates all the documents that relate to the manager’s budget.
Assists manager in determining funding requirements for purposes of MTEF
submissions. Keeps record of expenditure commitments, monitors expenditure and
alerts manager of possible over and under spending. Checks and correlates BAS
reports to ensure that expenditure is allocated correctly. Identifies the need to move
funds between items, consults with the manager and compiles draft memos for this
purpose; and compares the MTEF allocation with the requested budget and informs
the manager of changes. Studies the relevant Public Service and departmental
prescripts/policies and other documents and ensure that the application thereof is
understood properly. Remains up to date with regard to the prescripts/policies and
procedures applicable to his/her work terrain to ensure efficient and effective
support to the manager; and remains abreast with the procedures and processes
that apply in the office of the manager.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Mahlangu Tel No: (012) 748 6317
It is the Department’s intension to promote equity (race, gender and disability) through the filing of this post
with a candidate whose transfer /promotion / appointment will promote representivity in line with the numeric
targets as contained in our Employment Equity plan.
APPLICATIONS : The Director-General, National Department of Health, Private Bag X399, Pretoria,
0001. Hand delivered application may be submitted at Reception (Brown
Application Box), Dr AB Xuma Building, 1112 Voortrekker Rd, Pretoria Townlands
351-JR or should be forwarded to quoting the reference
number on the subject e-mail.
CLOSING DATE : 26 September 2023
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the new Z83 form obtainable from any Public
Service department and should be accompanied by a CV only (previous experience
must be comprehensively detailed). The Z83 must be fully completed (in line with
DPSA Practice note), failure to comply will automatically disqualify the applicant.
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant
documents on application. Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents will be requested prior to the final selection phase. Applications should
be on one PDF format (If emailed). Applications received after the closing date and
those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications and national certificates
(where applicable) evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The Department reserves the right not to fill the posts. The successful candidate
will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and other vetting procedures.
Applicants are respectfully informed that correspondence will be limited to short-
listed candidates only. If notification of an interview is not received within three (3)
months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application as
unsuccessful. The Department will not be liable where applicants use incorrect/no
reference number(s) on their applications.
NDOH 53/2023
Directorate: National Tertiary Services Grant
Agreements, Business Plans, Developmental Plans and the Modernization of
Tertiary Services. Ensure the annual updating, preparation and submission of the
SLA’s to provinces. Responding to internal audit and Auditor-General on Request
for Information’s (RFIs).
ENQUIRIES : Ms B Maclou Tel No: (012) 395 8235
ERRATUM: (Thekwini TVET College): Kindly note the following post was
advertised in Public Service Vacancy Circular 31 dated 01 September 2023. The
Post: Labour Relations Practitioner Sl7 with Ref No: ER 01/2023 is amended: This
post is on (12) twelve months contract and it is College Paid. The closing date has
been amended to 22 September 2023.
SALARY : R424 104 per annum (Level 09), plus 37% in lieu of benefits
CENTRE : Gauteng CET Central Office (Ormonde)
REQUIRMENTS : Matric/Grade12 Certificate plus a recognised 3-year National Diploma or Degree in
Project Management/Marketing/ Public Relations, fundraising, or any related field.
(Honours or Master’s Degree will be an added advantage) Minimum experience:
At least 3-5 year’s fundraising experience or equivalent commercial sector
experience generating multi-channel income programs. Excellent written, verbal,
and telephonic communication skills. Demonstrated success in leading projects,
building project teams. Demonstrable track record of Strategic Fundraising. Proven
track record in fundraising that has directly resulted in increased income for an
organisation, A drivers License. Excellent understanding of development of
partnerships, fund-raising, functions and international relations. Ability to draft the
proposal based on the Gauteng CET College needs. Excellent inter-personal skills,
and ability to maintain strong relationships, Strong cross-cultural skills and
versatility in dealing with different types of partnerships. Personal integrity with an
honest and open style. Approachable, with an ability to engage partners at all
levels. Able to become innovative and creative.
DUTIES : Set annual income projections in consultation with the College Management and
lead fundraising input to all organisational planning and reporting. Ensures that the
Gauteng CET College develops and maintains positive and effective partnerships
and purposeful relationships that are relevant to the implementation of the
Partnership Strategy; Promotes the vision and objectives of the Gauteng CET
College Strategic Plan to external and internal stakeholders. Develops and
implements a Partnership Strategy that supports the Gauteng CET College
partnerships, and ensures the very best of relationships with partners, donors and
others. Create strategies for ongoing innovation and testing in the fundraising
programme. Assist in the Establishment of Enterprise Arm of the College. Ensures
effective engagement of strategic partners, especially industry and commerce.
Develops strategic partnership-building approaches with government, Donor, Civil
Society, Corporate, and Gauteng CET College stakeholders. Able to apply for the
Strategic Projects such DGs, UIF and NSF Proposal. Lead the annual fundraising
planning process to produce effective strategies to achieve income targets across
the range of revenue streams, identify new potential income streams and produce
strategies to access the funds. Managing individual relationships with current and
prospective donors. Putting together persuasive and engaging proposals and
applications to corporate sponsors, stewarding these relationships throughout their
terms including writing evaluations and crediting supporters. Any other duties as
delegated by the principal.
ENQUIRIES : Ms I.S Maisane Tel No: (010) 900 1154 / Mr M.T Maboe Tel No: (010) 900 1168
APPLICATIONS : Must be hand delivered at: Head office: Block D, 2nd Floor Crownwood Office Park,
100 Northern Parkway, Ormonde 2091: or email to
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 form, obtainable from any Public
Service Department or DPSA website which must be completed in full and originally
signed and an updated CV. Only shortlisted candidates will submit qualifications,
ID and Drivers license. The specific reference number of the post must be quoted.
Failure to comply with these instructions will disqualify applications from being
processed. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months of the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The
Department of Higher Education and Training Gauteng CET College reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Suitable candidates will
be subjected to personnel suitability checks (criminal record check, citizenship
verification, qualification/ verification. The Candidate(s) will be required to sign an
annual performance agreement, disclose his/her financial interests. Persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. The Gauteng CET College comply with the
provisions of Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA); Act No. 4 of 2013.
We will use your personal information provided to us for the purpose of recruitment
only and more specifically for the purpose of the position/vacancy you have applied
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023 at 12H00
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08), plus 37% lieu benefits
CENTRE : Northern Cape Community Education and Training College
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent qualification and an appropriate recognised 3 – year
National Diploma / bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Management/
Business Administration. A Diploma in Project management will be added
advantage. Five years relevant working experience with traceable reference in the
field of project Management. Ability to analyse, interpret policies and develop
proposals and Memorandum of Understanding and Valid driver’s license and
preferably having own vehicle. The relevant experience where such experience
includes: A thorough understanding of financial management and accounting
principles, with the ability to consolidate sets of accounts in the required format/s.
The ability to investigate and reconcile multiple accounts is essential. Previous
experience in community engagement would be an advantage. Previous
experience in writing a requirement e.g. fundraising proposals or reports or
academic papers etc. Previous experience working within a computerised
accounting environment and having worked with Excel at an advanced level.
Previous experience in working with word-processing (including being able to
create and maintain databases), email and the internet. Previous experience in
setting up and maintaining filing and administrative systems. Candidates who are
certified bookkeepers (i.e., they belong to a professional body) will be at a distinct
advantage. A Drivers license is a distinct advantage.
DUTIES : Recruitment of learners, Administer the induction of learners, ensuring portfolio of
evidence of the facilitators/ learners are compiled for compliance with the quality
Councils, ensure that the assessment reports received are processed and safely
filled, uploading of learners and their results on / quality Councils SETA database
system, Handling the certification of learners with relevant ETQA Distribution of
tools, Learning material and PPE, Liaise with SETA, service providers and other
divisional managers on matters regarding learners / students, Monitoring of
learners on sites and in learning, prepare invoice for the funders, Consolidating
reports for monthly or scheduled reporting administer/ Prepare all project meetings,
Consolidate project data for monthly and quarterly reporting, Reconcile monthly
project expenditures. Assist in the compilation report on finances of the project to
funder, Capture student monthly stipend claims on excel and prepare them for
submission to procurement and finance for payment. Responsible for projects
office clerical functions like faxing, printing, photocopying of documents, telephone
enquiries and safe keeping of documents.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Masabatha Phakathe, Human Resources Tel No: (053) 753 2014/ 063 241
APPLICATIONS : All applications must be forwarded to: Corporate services, Northern Cape
Community Education and Training College, 19 Oliver Road, Klisserville,
Kimberley, 8301
FOR ATTENTION : Ms Eugenia Phaladi, Human Resources Tel No: (053) 753 2014/ 084 717 1645.
NOTE : The Northern Cape Community Education a Training College is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is intended to promote representativity
through the filling of posts. The candidature of persons whose appointment
/transfer/promotion will promote representativity will receive preference.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023 @at16h00
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must have a Senior Certificate/Grade 12, Degree/National Diploma in
Public Administrations/ Public Management/Office Management on NQF 6 as
recognised by SAQA or recognised relevant equivalent qualification on NQF 6 ; a
minimum of 5 years’ experience within justice cluster environment; or 2 years
supervisory experience; Knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act, Public
Service Act, Public Service Regulations and National Treasury Regulations; A valid
manual driver’s licence and willingness to travel. Skills and Competencies:
Computer literacy (MS Office); Sound Interpersonal relations; Communication
(verbal and written) skills; Planning and organizational skills; Able to work under
pressure, independently and willing to work extra hours; Problem-solving and
leadership skills; Ability to pay attention to detail. Good conflict resolution skills.
Exposure in the justice cluster environment will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for supervising the work of
Independent Correctional Centre Visitors (ICCVs) and providing support to the
ICCVs. Attend to Visitors Committee/Stakeholders meetings. Conduct
performance audits/ assessments; arrange inductions/training and attend to
disciplinary matters related to ICCVs. Monitor all mandatory complaints according
to policy. Capture unresolved complaints from VC meetings on the system.
Rendering of administrative support services to the ICCVs. Manage the relationship
with stakeholders (good working relationships).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S Sibanyoni /Mrs. S Naidoo Tel No: (031) 366 1900
NO: JI 82/2023
(36 Months Contract Appointment)
SALARY : R75 837 per annum (3/8th, Level 05), plus 37% in lieu of benefits.
CENTRE : Centurion (Northern Management Region)
REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must have a Grade 12/Senior Certificate. Computer literate and
accurate. Ability to work independently and as a team. Public spirited and sound
knowledge of the Batho Pele principles. Assertiveness and ability to work under
pressure. Ability to communicate (verbally and in writing).
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible for receiving and capturing all
complaints/requests on the database. Opening and maintenance of case files.
Make follow-ups on outstanding complaints. Submission of monthly reports.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Mentoor/Ms G Thabethe Tel No: (012) 663 752160
NOTE : Provide statistical analysis of all complaints received. Attend to enquiries. Ad-hoc
tasks as delegated by the supervisor.
SALARY : R531 381 – R1 252 374 per annum, (Salary will be in accordance with OSD
determination). The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance
CENTRE : National Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An LLB Degree or 4 years recognized legal qualification; At least 8 years
appropriate post qualification legal experience; Knowledge of the South African
Legal System, Legal Practices and related spheres with specific reference to civil
litigation and the law of contract; Knowledge of the Constitution, Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Regulations, Departmental Financial
Instructions and the State Liability Act, Superior Courts Act and Magistrates Court
Act; Knowledge and experience in Office Administration. Skills and Competencies:
Legal research; Legal drafting; Applied strategic thinking; Budgeting and financial
management; Communication and information management; Continuous
improvement; Citizen focus and responsiveness; Diversity management; Impact
and influence; Managing interpersonal conflict and resolving problems; Planning
and organizing; Team leadership.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Provide guidance and advice on various legal and policy
frameworks and regulations; Provide legal advice for the Office of the Director-
General; Coordinate Statutory Structures of which the Director-General is
responsible; Attend meetings and workshops as required, providing support as
required and monitor decisions; Provide effective people management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Msiza Tel No: (012) 315 4754
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: Postal address:
The Human Resources: Department of Justice and Constitutional Development,
Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001. OR Physical address: Application Box, First Floor
Reception, East Tower, Momentum Building, 329 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.
SALARY : R424 104 – R 496 467 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to
sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Provincial Office, Durban
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 6) as recognized by SAQA in Human
Resource Management/ Industrial and Organizational Psychology; A minimum of
3 years’ experience in human resource management environment at supervisory
level within the Service Conditions environment; Knowledge of Persal System,
human resource management directives/policies/prescripts; Knowledge and
Understanding of Employment Equity Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act,
Public Service statutory frameworks, Financial Management and regulatory
framework/guidelines, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations, Treasury
Regulations, Departmental Financial Instructions, Public Finance, Management
Act, Government initiatives and decisions. Skills and Competencies: Computer
literacy (MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel etc); Research and analytical skills;
Strong leadership with strategic capabilities; Budgeting and financial management;
Communication and information management; Diversity management;
Interpersonal skills; Conflict management and problem solving skills; Planning and
organizing; Decision making; Project management.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Coordinate the implementation of service benefits;
Coordinate the implementation of policies and frameworks for Condition of Service;
Consolidate reports on human resource administration matters; Manage and co-
ordinate human resource administration practices; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Ms M.P. Khoza Tel No: (031) 372 3000
APPLICATIONS : Quote the relevant reference number and direct your application to: the Regional
Head, Private Bag X54372, Durban, 4000 or physical address: Recruitment, First
Floor, 2 Devonshire Place Off Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001
SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to sign
a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Provincial Office, Bloemfontein
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or NQF equivalent qualification; A minimum of 3 years relevant
experience in human resource administration work environment. Skills and
Competencies: Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, Outlook and Persal); Good
communication (written and verbal) skills; Ability to work under pressure;
Facilitation and minutes – taking skills.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Implement transactions in respect of Recruitment and
Selection, Transfers, Promotions, Probations, Pay/Grade Progression,
Appointments, Payment of Casual Interpreters and maintenance of the
Establishment; Provide general administrative support in performance
management and condition of service benefits; Check and approve transactions of
PERSAL; Provide monthly statistics of HR functional matters and analyse reports;
Provide effective people management.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Dywili Tel No: (051) 407 1800
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Director: HR,
Private Bag X 20578; Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand delivered at 53 Colonial Building,
Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein 9300.
SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to sign
a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Magistrate Office: Tseki (to be stationed at Vrede)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 and National Diploma in Legal Interpreting at NQF 5 or equivalent
qualification at NQF 5 and minimum of three years practical experience in court
interpreting; or Grade 12 and ten years practical experience in court interpreting;
Proficiency in English and two or more indigenous languages Language
Proficiency: English, Sesotho, IsiZulu and Afrikaans; A valid driver’s license will be
an added advantage. Skills and Competences: Good communication (written and
verbal); Interpersonal relations; Accuracy and attention to detail. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Interpret in court of law (Criminal and Civil cases);
Interpret in confessions, commissions and tribunals and family law; Translate legal
documents and documentary exhibits used in court; Perform any other duties that
may be assigned to in terms of rationalization of office.
ENQUIRIES : Ms NM Dywili Tel No: (051) 407 1800
APPLICATIONS : Please direct your applications to: The Director: Human Resource, Private Bag
X20578, Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand deliver to Physical Address 53 Colonial
Building, Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9301.
SALARY : R294 321 – R343 815 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to sign
a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Magistrate Johannesburg
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 or equivalent; A minimum of 3 years’ experience in administration;
Knowledge of Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Departmental Financial
Instruction (DFI), Basic Accounting System (BAS) and Justice Yellow Pages (JYP).
Skills and Competencies: Computer literacy (MS Office, MS Excel & PowerPoint);
Good Communication (verbal and written); Good interpersonal relations and
problem solving skills; Ability to work under pressure and work independently;
Accuracy and attention to details.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Render general clerical support services; Provide Supply
Chain clerical support services within the component; Provide personnel
administration clerical support services within the Court/ Cluster; Provide financial
administration support services in the Court/ Cluster; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Ms P Raadt Tel No: (011) 332 9000
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial
Head, Private Bag X6, Johannesburg 2000 or physical address: Provincial Office –
Gauteng; Department of Justice and Constitutional Development; 7th floor
Schreiner chambers, Corner Pritchard and Kruis street, Johannesburg.
SALARY : R228 915 – R1 005 801 per annum, (Salary will be in accordance with OSD
determination). The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance
CENTRE : Magistrate Office, Mosselbay Ref No: 86/2023/WC
Magistrate’s Office, Kroonstad Ref No: 23/65 /FS
REQUIREMENTS : LLB Degree or recognized 4 year legal qualification; A valid driver’s license;
Knowledge of the maintenance system, Maintenance Act and family law matters;
Understanding of all services and procedure in the area of Maintenance. Skills and
Competencies: Computer literacy (MS Office); Good communication skills (verbal
and written); Numeracy skills; Facilitation and mediation skills; Litigation skills;
Legal terminology and process in simple language skills; Good interpersonal
relations; Innovative and work in a pressurized environment.
DUTIES : Key Performance Areas: Manage duties or functions of a Maintenance Officer in
terms of the Maintenance Act; Obtain financial information for the purposes of
maintenance enquiries; Implement bench orders; Provide effective people
ENQUIRIES : Cape Town: Ms L Mayedwa Tel No (044) 693 3113
Bloemfontein: Ms. NM Dywili Tel No (051) 407 1800
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town: Please forward your application to: Provincial Head: Private Bag X
9171, Cape Town, 8000 or physical address: 8 Riebeeck Street, 5th Floor Norton
Rose House, Cape Town. For Attention: Cape Town: Ms L Keyster
Bloemfontein: Direct your application to: The Director: HR, Private Bag20578,
Bloemfontein, 9300 or hand deliver to Physical Address 53 Colonial Building,
Charlotte Maxeke Street, Bloemfontein, 9301
NOTE : Separate application must be made quoting the relevant reference number.
APPLICATIONS : Please forward your application, quoting reference, addressed to: The Director-
General, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Private Bag X96, Pretoria,
0001. Application may also be hand delivered to Trevenna Campus, corner
Meintjies and Francis Baard Street, former Schoeman alternatively to Matimba
House Building 192 Visagie Street Corner Paul Kruger & Visagie Street Pretoria.
General enquiries may be brought to the attention of Mr P Ndlovu 012 406 7506/
Ms M Palare 012 406 7426/ Ms T Mothoagae 012 406 7737
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the recent Z83 application form which came into
effect from 01 January 2021 as issued by the Minister of the Public Service
Administration in line with regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 as
amended, which is obtainable online from and All
sections of the Z83 must be completed (In full, accurately, legibly, honestly, signed
and dated), and accompanied by a comprehensive/ detailed Curriculum Vitae only.
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents will be required from
shortlisted candidates only on or before the day of the interview. The Curriculum
Vitae must have at least three (3) reference persons and their contacts. Failure to
provide accurate information on a job application as well as incomplete information
will result in a disqualification. Job applicants are required to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). After
the interviews the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic
managerial competency assessment. If an invitation for an interview is not received
within three (3) months after the closing date, please regard your application as
unsuccessful. Requirements stated on the advertised posts are minimum inherent
requirements; therefore, criteria for shortlisting will depend on the proficiency of the
applications received. Applicants must note that personnel suitability checks (PSC)
will be conducted on the short-listed applicants, therefore will be required to give
consent in terms of the POPI Act in order for the Department to conduct this
exercise. PSC includes security screening and vetting, qualification verification,
criminal records, financial records checks. Applicants who do not comply with the
above-mentioned requirements, as well as application received after the closing
date will not be considered. If an applicant wishes to withdraw an application, He/
She must do so in writing. The Department reserves the right not to fill any
advertised post at any stage of the recruitment process.
ERRATUM: Kindly take note that the post of State Accountant: Payroll and
allowance with Ref No: DMRE /2436 advertised in the Public Service Circular 31
dated 01 September 2023, the post title has been amended to State Accountant.
institutions. Financial management, negotiation skills, conflict resolution. Strong
ability to think innovatively, identify development opportunities through recognition
synergies and the drive to see these through to completion. Strongly ability to
facilitate workshops, achieve shared vision, set realistic targets and initiate and
manage projects. Thinking Demand: Recognising viable development
opportunities. Strong ability to be innovative and exploit synergies within the
regulatory framework to promote development initiatives. Strong ability to think
laterally. Identify linkages and effectively communicate to establish co-operation
between various.
DUTIES : Engage stakeholders to build relationship between community, labour, business,
and other government departments. Coordinate inputs on policies, legislation, and
guidelines from Mineral Regulation. Provide specialized Social Labor Plan
Services. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of relevant legislation related to
Social and Labor Plans (SLPs). Coordinate and identify social and labour plan
training and development needs. Provide managerial activities.
ENQUIRIES : Mr N Zweni Tel No: (012) 444 3919
NOTE : Indian/ coloured/ white male and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
DUTIES : Provide input in the development of strategic internal audit plans. Prepare and
supervise the planning and execution of audit projects. Compile reports on audit
findings and make recommendations thereof. Ensure follow -up on the
implementation of management action plans for reports issued. Supervise and
develop staff. Keep up to date with new developments in the internal audit
ENQUIRIES : Ms E Lavhengwa Tel No: (012) 406 7880
NOTE : Indian/ coloured/ white male and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.
The National Treasury is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from persons living
with disabilities. It is the department’s intention to promote representivity through filling of these posts in
line with the department’s approved Employment Equity Plan. Our buildings are accessible to persons living
with disabilities.
strategic planning for Internal Audit. Assist with the completing deliverable as per
internal audit strategic action list.
ENQUIRIES : Enquiries Only (No applications):
NOTE : The closing date has been extended to 26 September 2023. We apologize for the
inconvenience caused.
APPLICATIONS : The Department of Public Enterprises, Private Bag X15, Hatfield, 0028 or hand
deliver at 80 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0008 or by email:
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resources
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit the Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Department will request certified copies of Qualifications and other relevant
documents from the shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR on
or before the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been
contacted within 3 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. Shortlisted candidates will be
subjected to screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a person
for employment. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions. Failure
to submit the requested documents will result in your application not being
considered. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply and preference will be given to the EE
monitor progress with approval. Maintain effective internal administrative
processes. Co-ordinate budget according to projects of the Unit. Ensure that
invoices are paid for services provided. Facilitate planning processes for the Unit.
Develop quarterly reports for the Unit. Co-ordinate Portfolio of Evidence for the Unit.
Arrange travel process, travel forms and claims. Maintain records of the Unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Benneth Baloyi Tel No: (012) 431-1029
entryprogramme/.Applications must be submitted as a single document to the email
addresses specified for each senior management position. Hand delivered, posted
and late applications will NOT be accepted only for SMS positions. All shortlisted
candidates for SMS positions will be subjected to a compulsory technical or
competency-based test that forms part of the interview process. Following the
technical exercise and the interview the selection panel will identify candidates to
undergo the generic management competency assessments and successful
candidate to sign a performance agreement and be subjected to security clearance.
NB:(For Senior Management Positions Only: Kindly note that the emailed
applications and attachments should not exceed 15mb)
ERRATUM: Kindly note that the following position was advertised in Public Service
Vacancy Circular 31 dated 01 September 2023, Assistant Director: Acquisition
Management with Ref No: 2023/364, Centre: Gqeberha Regional Office please be
informed that the position mentioned has been withdrawn.
SALARY : R1663 581 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Total package to be structured in
accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services.
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification NQF 7 and a post graduate qualification NQF 8 as
recognised by SAQA in construction or policy development or equivalent
qualification; 8-10 senior management experience in relevant field. Knowledge:
Functioning of national, provincial and local government, Fundamental economics,
Financial management, EPWP goals and objectives, Employment creation
strategies, Appropriate labour intensive technologies and Skills development
strategies. Skills: Strategic management, Executive management skills, Tender
processes, Effective communication (verbal and written), Marketing and liaison,
Programme and project management, Relationship management, Influencing skills
and Negotiation skills. Solution orientated Ð ability to design ideas without direction.
Ability to work under stressful situations. Ability to communicate at all levels,
including political office bearers.
DUTIES Provide strategic leadership in the development and implementation of legislation,
strategies, and policies for the branch: Commission researches on latest trends.
Ensure the development and implementation of effective and efficient acts,
strategies and policies. Ensure that all branch policies are in line with the
departments` strategic objectives. Determine and develop strategic intervention
mechanisms where there are problems/ challenges to implement efficient, effective
and uniform procedures and policies. Ensure that the budget framework is in line
with Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Develop and implement regulatory
framework aimed at addressing the transformation, growth and development of the
construction industry: Provide strategic leadership in the development of building
regulations, norms and standards. Research, develop, monitor and review
construction sector policies. Establish best practice partnerships with various
stakeholders in the construction industry, local and international. Facilitate policy
integration with DPW Public Entities. Oversee the development of policies within
the Department. Regulate the property industry to promote transformation, growth
and development; and to promote uniformity and best practice in immovable asset
management in the public sector: Research, develop, monitor and review policies
and regulations. Establish best practice partnerships with various stakeholders in
the property industry, local and international. Provide support to Immovable Asset
Management. Oversee the development of policies within the Department. Develop
and manage the implementation of international relation framework: Manage,
integrate and coordinate international relations. Identify and articulate issues of
strategic significance to the department. Develop international relations framework.
Manage the Policy Research & Regulation branch: Establish and maintain
appropriate internal controls and reporting systems in order to meet performance
expectations. Develop and manage the operational plan of the Branch and report
on progress as required. Manage performance and development of employees.
Establish, implement and maintain efficient and effective communication
arrangements. Compile and submit all required administrative reports. Quality
control of work delivered by employees. Manage and monitor the budget and
expenditures for the Branch.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs TB Hlatshwayo Tel No: (012) 406 1990
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
NOTE : The successful candidate will have to enter into an annual performance agreement
and annually disclose his/her financial interests
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services).
CENTRE : Polokwane Regional Office Ref No: 2023/352A
Johannesburg Regional Office Ref No: 2023/352B
REQUIREMENTS : An Undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7) in the Property, Built Environment
discipline or Management Science, Behavioural Science or Law coupled with 5
years relevant experience at senior management level. Knowledge: Property
management, the Public Finance Management Act, Government budget
procedures/timeframes (MTEF), financial management and administration, Project
management, Construction regulations, Financial administration processes and
systems, the Public Service Act, Public service regulations, Financial manual and
Treasury regulations. Skills: Construction management, Financial management,
Client/ customer relations, Intergovernmental relations, People management,
Presentation, Competency in policy analysis and development, Negotiation,
Communication, Management skills in general, Advanced report-writing, Planning
and organising, Diplomacy, Policy analysis and development, Problem solving,
Presentation and Budgeting.
DUTIES : Take responsibility for the overall management of the Regional office. Effectively
manage the capital and maintenance budget to promote Black Economic
Empowerment. Support development and empowerment initiatives of Government
and DPW in particular. Effectively implement construction projects on behalf of
client departments. Provide office accommodation to client Departments.
Participate in intergovernmental forums and regularly review programmes and
report on progress. Ensure financial management of the Region. Develop, review
and implement the Region’s Business plan in line with the strategic plan. Ensure
implementation of the departmental strategic plan in the Regional office. Manage
the implementation of the Department’s operational programmes, which entail
service delivery improvement, Expanded Public Works Programmes,
Client/customer and stakeholder relations, property management, people
management and financial management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Mdakane Tel No: (012) 406 1282
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management service)
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A B Degree (NQF 7) in Statistics, Economics, Econometrics, Demographics,
Geography, Mathematics, Social Science (with Statistics or Mathematics as major
subjects/ or related qualifications). 5 years Senior Management experience in the
relevant field. Knowledge: Expanded Public Works Programme, Government Job
Creation Policies, Programme and Project Management, Monitoring and
Evaluation methods, Public Finance Management Act and Government prescripts.
Skills: Effective communication (verbal and written), Language proficiency, Report
writing, Financial administration, Organising and planning, Computer literacy, Basic
numeracy, Advanced interpersonal and diplomacy skills, General office
management and organisational skills, Project management, Time management,
Problem solving skills, Decision making skills, Motivational skills and Influencing
skills. Personal Attributes: Analytical thinking. Innovative. Creative. Solution
orientated Ð ability to design ideas without direction. Ability to work under stressful
situations. Ability to communicate at all levels, including political office bearers.
People orientated. Hard-working. Highly motivate. Extensive travelling.
DUTIES : Oversee the execution of all the Secretariat functions of the Public Employment.
Programmes -Inter-Ministerial Committee (PEP-IMC), Technical IMC, Technical
Working Group and the NCC: Oversee the coordination of PEP-IMC meetings and
secretariat functions. Ensure the annual schedules for the PEP-IMC, Technical
IMC, Technical Working Group and National Coordinating Committee (NCC) are
developed. Ensure all the resolutions of the PEP-IMC and NCC are captured,
implemented and recommend remedial action for non-compliance where possible.
Manage the PEP-IMC research studies. Ensure proper records and documents
management for the PEP-IMC and NCC. Manage the development of EPWP
Frameworks (policy, SOPs and guidelines): Undertake and/or manage research for
the development of EPWP Frameworks. Oversee the drafting of EPWP
Frameworks. Review the frameworks as and when required. Manage the
development and review of EPWP Convergence Frameworks and convergence of
other sectors in relation to the EPWP by: Oversee the coordination of sector
convergence (awareness creation & strategic guidance). Ensure the profiling and
showcasing of good practice on convergence. Promoting cross-cutting issues
across sectors. Promote the development of cross-sector norms and standards.
Promotion of sector convergence in the EPWP. Manage the coordination of the
Audit Processes of the EPWP Branch by: Ensure the development of guidelines on
audit processes. Managing the pre-audit visits on sampled projects for audits.
Ensure the compilation of responses for Confirmation of Factual Findings (COFF)
issued to the EPWP. Managing the audit register. Ensure follow ups are done on
unresolved findings and communicate to Accounting Officers of public bodies.
Guiding public bodies and sectors in response to audit queries. Manage the
analysis of EPWP reports based on the same reference data source and
customised to the needs of different stakeholders by: - Ensure the drafting and
submission of quarterly reports to DPW M&E (APP & Business Plan). Manage the
consolidation of progress reports for DPW EXCO & MINTOP, Technical MINMEC
and MINMEC (Ð WOs and beyond, including spatial analysis). Oversee the
compiling of NEDLAC reports as per NEDLAC template, Outcome 4 reports.
Ensure compilation of response to Parliamentary Questions. Commissioning
programme analysis studies. Conduct analysis and trends across sectors. Monitor
compliance of EPWP public bodies to Legislative prescripts (e.g., Ministerial
Determination, Code of Good Practice and Recruitment Guidelines). Effective
management of the Chief Directorate: Manage the co-ordination and administration
of the component. Manage the employment related processes the administration
and development of staff. Oversee the implementation and maintenance of
financial control systems. Manage the budget and expenditures of the component.
Ensure that all financial transactions comply with Treasury Regulations. Report and
breach or failure to comply with any financial and cooperate governance guideline
and frameworks.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. CJ. Abrahams Tel No: (012) 492 3080
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Total package to be structured in
accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services.
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Business
Administration/Management, Development Studies, Economics, Commerce,
Public Management, Accounting, Human Sciences, Behavioural Sciences,
Construction Management and Built Environment, or related field of study plus 5
years relevant working experience at Middle/Senior level. Knowledge: Expanded
Public Works Programme, Governments Job Creation Policies and Programmes,
Programme and Project Management, Labour-Intensive Methods of Construction,
Stakeholder Management; Functioning of national, provincial and local
government, Monitoring and Evaluation methods, Training, Enterprise
Development and Communication, SAQA / NQF framework, the Public Financial
Management Act, Municipal Public Finance Management Act (MFMA), Treasury
Regulations, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and the Minimum
Information Security Standards (MISS) Act and Government prescripts. Skills:
Management. Client Orientation, Customer Focus, People Management, Conflict
Management, Policy Development, Numerical, Analytical, Computer Literacy,
Planning and Organising, Project Management, Problem Solving, Report Writing,
Financial Administration, Presentation, Decision Making and Research
Methodology. Willingness to adapt to working schedule in accordance with office
DUTIES : Support the development frameworks, incentive grant agreements & frameworks,
policies, protocols and guidelines for the EPWP. Facilitate and conclude the signing
of contracts, protocols, business plans, incentive grant agreement and any other
documents with stakeholders. Ensure stakeholder dialogue and buy-in of
frameworks, standard operating procedures (SOPs), business plans (BPs),
incentive grant agreements/frameworks, policies, protocols and guidelines and any
other key documents. Lead on EPWP policy, protocols and key stakeholder
engagement related documents. Support the development, consultation and buy-
in of governance, capacity building, training, enterprise development, knowledge
management, audit related matters, EPWP Sector issues, communications and
monitoring & evaluation guidelines/frameworks and any other key documents for
the EPWP. Establish and maintain relationships between EPWP and relevant
stakeholders. Manage communication and feedback processes between the
EPWP, municipal and provincial structures with relevant structures; identify and
communicate programme opportunities to various EPWP sectors. Coordinate
EPWP governance and institutional arrangement interventions. Provide reports to
EPWP units as requested. Manage the compilation of the EPWP provincial and
municipal contact database. Participate and represent EPWP in municipal and
provincial structures; promote and encourage participation of municipal, provincial
and other institutions; monitor performance of provincial institutions. Identify and
communicate programme opportunities to various EPWP sectors. Conduct regular
reporting sessions with provinces. Ensure efficient engagements in the province.
Support, manage, monitor and oversee data capturing, reporting and monitoring of
work opportunities and key performance data within the programme for the
province. Oversee and manage external and internal audits within the province, as
per the prescribed guidelines. Ensure compliance with the audit action plan.
Oversee EPWP technical support in the province. Oversee and support EPWP
training through public body funds in the province. Oversee, support and implement
EPWP communications in the province. Oversee and support EPWP sector
coordination in the province. Oversee the EPWP capacity building initiatives in
programme. Manage the coordination of sustainable livelihood initiatives for EPWP
participants. Oversee the implementation (planning, preparation, recruitment and
monitoring) of sustainable livelihood support initiatives by training and enterprise
development in the province. Implement training and enterprise development
initiatives. Establish and maintain appropriate internal controls and reporting
systems in order to meet performance expectations. Develop and manage the
operational plan of the Regional Office/Directorate and report on progress as
required. Manage performance and development of employees. Establish,
implement and maintain efficient and effective communication arrangements.
Compile and submit all required administrative reports. Quality control of work
delivered by employees. Monitor the budget and expenditures for the Regional
Office/Directorate. Managing the all the resources i.e. financial, human resources
of the Regional Office/Directorate, in-line with the departmental policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms CJ. Abrahams Tel No: (012) 492 3080 / (012) 492 1443/ (012) 492 1445
APPLICATIONS : ll applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
NOTE : The successful candidate will have to enter into an annual performance agreement
and annually disclose his/her financial interests
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive salary package), (Total package to be
structured in accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services).
CENTRE : Head Office: Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An Undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 7)/ B Degree in Public Administration
or related qualification. 5 years Middle management in strategic planning or in the
relevant field. Knowledge of Strategic management processes; business planning
processes; applicable legislation, norms and standards related to the built
environment industry, including the Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Instructions, Public Service Act, Public Service Regulations and the Minimum
Information Security Standards (MISS) Act; functioning of national, provincial and
local government; fundamental economics; structure and functioning of the
Department; Parliamentary protocol processes; linkages with government clusters;
Departmental standards and regulations. Skills: Executive management skills;
sound analytical and problem identification and solving skills; marketing and liaison;
advanced communication; advanced report writing; research methodologies;
financial administration; financial analyses; computer literacy; programme and
project management; decision making skills; conflict management; motivational
skills. Ability to work effectively and efficiently under sustained pressure; ability to
meet tight deadlines whilst delivering excellent results; ability to communicate at all
levels, particularly at an executive level; people orientated; able to establish and
maintain personal networks.
DUTIES : Manage the development and maintenance of the departmental strategic and
annual performance plan in line with planning policies and strategies-: Undertake
researches on the latest development of policies, professional guideline and
standards; Ensure that all policies, guidelines and standards implemented are
aligned to the Departments outcomes; Develop and implement procedures, tools
and systems for effective organizational performance information management and
strategic planning; Develop strategies to effectively communicate planning
objectives, developmental performance indicators and performance outcomes to
internal and external stakeholders; Monitor and ensure the implementation and
continuous adherence to professional guideline and standards. Manage the
development, adoption and publishing of the departmental Strategic Plan, APP and
Business Plans for the department: Lead the annual planning process for
DPW/PMTE; Support top management in strategy formulation, strategic process
improvement and communication of strategies to all stakeholders; Coordinate
research and data collection initiatives in support of departmental strategic/other
planning processes; Undertake scenario planning and develop forecast
projections; Develop, maintain and update the strategic information portal for
planning purposes; Oversee integration of the strategic planning processes with
other processes such as risk management, budget plans, service delivery
improvement and audit action plans; Prepare and submit executive reports. Advise
DG, DDG and top management on strategic matters relating to internal operations
and policy; Ensure the organizational alignment of impacts and outcomes into
operational plans and performance agreements; Manage and coordinate
stakeholder input processes; Facilitate the development and maintenance of
measurable performance indicators for all departmental planning instruments.
Oversee the strategic planning process and planning documents of the public
entities and BECPs- Set out the annual strategic planning process for Public
Entities and BECPs. Arrange workshops to brief public entities and BECPs on the
planning requirements. Attend the strategic planning session of the public entities
and BECPs and provide strategic guidance on the sector priorities. Conduct a
review of the SPs and APPs of the public entities and BECPs in accordance with
the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans. Provide written
feedback and workshop public entities and BECPs on the SPs and APPs submitted
to the Department. Participate in the development of core performance indicators
for the Public Works Sector-: Engage Provinces to commence the process of
setting core performance indicators. Coordinate workshop with Provinces (logistics
and content). Facilitate the workshop and set core performance indicators and
technical indicator descriptions for each Programme. Assess and review the
implementation and impact of the SP and APP; provide ongoing support to the
Business units; prepare and submit executive reports; prepare and submit
environmental scanning reports which include policy analysis and interpretation of
relevant government policy interpretation; develop trend analysis of organizational
past performance, conduct benchmark of measures, targets and formulate
baselines of performance targets per year; identify performance barriers and
conduct root cause analysis; make recommendations on alternative courses of
action incorporating risk management. Manage the Directorate. Establish and
maintain appropriate internal controls and reporting systems in order to meet
performance expectations; Develop and manage the operational plan of the
Directorate and report on progress as required; Manage performance and
development of employees; Establish, implement and maintain efficient and
effective communication arrangements; Compile and submit all required
administrative reports; Quality control of work delivered by employees; Monitor the
budget and expenditures for the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms K. Sebati Tel No: (012) 012 406 1351
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Total package to be structured in
accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services. Note: The
successful candidate will have to enter into an annual performance agreement and
annually disclose his/her financial interests
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A Degree (NQF L7) in Corporate Law, Finance, Business Administration or related
field (Corporate Compliance). A minimum of 5 years relevant experience at
middle/senior managerial level in the field. Knowledge: Financial prescripts (GAAP
and GRAP), Government Financial systems (PERSAL, PMIS, WCS, LOGIS and
BAS), Public Finance Management Act, National Treasury Regulations (Directives
and Guidelines), Budget Management Systems and Procedures, Supply Chain
Management Framework and International Accounting Services. Skills:
Administrative skills, Managerial skills, report writing, Accounts and numeric skills,
Finance, Analytical thinking, Communication Skills, Interpersonal skills, Problem
solving skills, Organizing and planning, Goal and solution orientated,
Assertiveness, People and client orientated, Team player, Leader, Innovative,
Ability to work under stressful conditions, Dedicated, Hardworking, Ability to
communicate at all levels, Ability to adapt in accordance to office requirements and
DUTIES : Manage and oversee control systems to prevent or deal with violations of legal
guidelines and internal policies: Develop and oversee systems for uniform handling
of non-compliance issues, Ethics and proper reporting; Evaluate the efficiency of
controls and improve them continuously; Revise procedures, reports etc.
periodically to identify hidden risks or non-conformity issues; Collaborate with
relevant stakeholders to monitor enforcement of standards and regulations; Assess
the department future ventures to identify possible compliance risks and Ethical
Conduct; Keep abreast of regulatory developments within or outside of the
department as well as evolving best practices in compliance control; Report on the
departmental governance and compliance; Manage the implementation of
corporate governance framework: Review and guide corporate strategy through
the establishment of key policies and objectives; Determine potential risks faced by
the department and establish processes to mitigate them; Ensure that the
objectives of the department are achieved within its ethical and cultural framework;
Forecast the organizational leadership involvement in Ethics and organizational
culture building; Manage the implementation of compliance framework to provide
central oversight of compliance with identified policies, regulations and processes:
Support policy owners to ensure policies are accessible to and adopted by
employees; Develop a compliance framework to provided central oversight of
compliance with identified laws and regulations; Strengthen compliance
approaches and build relevant skills and knowledge in teams; Brief colleagues on
new developments as appropriate and implementing new processes required to
ensure compliance; Develop and implement corrective action plans for resolution
of problematic issues; Provide continuous support and advice on policy
implementation; The Management of the Directorate: Establish and maintain
appropriate internal controls and reporting systems in order to meet performance
expectations; Maintenance of discipline; Management of performance and
development; Establish implement and maintain efficient and effective
communication arrangements; Develop and manage the operational plan of the
directorate and report progress as required; Compile and submit all required
administrative reports; Serve on transverse task teams as required; Quality control
of work delivered by employees and Monitor the budget and expenditure.
ENQUIRIES : Mr L Mahlangu Tel No: (012) 406 1977
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive package), (Total package to be structured in
accordance with the rules of the Senior Management Services.
CENTRE : Head Office (Pretoria)
REQUIREMENTS : A Bachelor’s Degree in Town and Regional Planning or equivalent qualification
(NQF level 7) as recognized by SAQA with extensive relevant applied post-
registration experience in various facets of metropolitan planning and property
development of which five (5) years must be at a middle/senior managerial level.
Registration as a Professional Planner and valid membership with the South
African Council for Planners (SACPLAN) is compulsory. Valid driver’s license and
willingness to travel extensively. Experience in urban design will serve as an
advantage. Knowledge: Knowledge of Programme management; Built environment
and related legislation; Government regulatory framework; Client relations.
Properly developed knowledge and understanding of National Government’s
responsibility to improve access to Government social services. Inter-related
macro/micro design aspects related to the revitalization and development of
metropolitan urban centers for improved metro inner-city (CBD) economics. Guide
development of design concept and site development to meet inner-city
regeneration and initiatives. Project management principles (including coordination
of various activities and processes). Liaison with metropolitan authorities /
structures. Feasibility studies. Legislative and legal aspects of built environment
developments and informed decision making. Knowledge of GIS and how it is
relevant in sustainable spatial planning. Skills: Management skills; Advanced report
writing; Advanced communication; Strategic planning; Advanced facilitation skills;
Analytical thinking; Policy formulation; Financial management; Communication
skills; Ability to effectively and efficiently perform under pressure; Ability to meet
tight deadlines whilst producing excellent results. Well-developed project
management, analytical, planning and legal compliance. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : Provide guidance on the objective of inner city regeneration ventures and specific
site development deliverables. Monitor precinct concept development and
packaging, project budget, spending and job creation success. Advise/monitor
public participation, participate in precinct development seminars, briefing of
management on precinct roll-down performance. Manage site planning and
development intervention, moratoriums, objections and risk. Oversee the in-depth
development of precinct development deliverables and ensure such development
initiatives are sustainable and implemented. Attend/participate in precinct meetings
with other spheres of government, service providers, role players and design
forums. Ensure community and other stakeholders/role-player liaison as required
on precinct development. Oversee the delivery of in depth precinct development
plans to meet business plan requirements. Revitalization and development of urban
centres for urban economies. Guide the co-sponsoring of
development/regeneration initiatives, National Treasury approvals. Oversee
appointment and co-management of service providers on precinct development
level. Advise on precinct development funding methodologies and models in
conjunction with National Treasury. Oversee planning and implementation projects
development: Develop and implement strategic government renewal projects that
will support efficient utilization of national government assets in urban centres.
Identify and package government site and renewal projects for implementation.
Monitor that precinct projects are delivered to the required specification and
standards within agreed budget and programs, in order to meet expenditure,
receipt and physical output. To verify that the renewal projects contribute to social,
economic and physical renewal of targeted areas. The revitalization of the selected
urban localities and job creation through the refurbishment or redevelopment of
infrastructure, local economic development projects and social integration.
Oversee the closing of SLA’s with local authorities renewal site/project
implementation. Support/manage regional renewal project. Oversee the
appointment of appropriate consultants required to implement the approved
government site and renewal projects. Attend project initiation and precinct
meetings. Advise on the packaging of government catalytic projects. Oversee the
preparation of project schedules, execution plans and project management
documentation. Oversee the procurement of required service providers to finalise
precinct development and to execute the work. Monitor and assess precinct
management/development. Coordinate with relevant stakeholders and DPWI
support services. Ensure good corporate governance and management of the
Directorate Ð Planning and Precinct Development (Metropolitan Planning).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. T Rachidi Tel No: (012) 406 1885
APPLICATIONS : All applications for this position must be submitted only via email to: Recruitment23-
understanding of the government procurement processes (SCM directives and
DUTIES : Manage day to day maintenance of mechanical equipment’s. Facilitate effective
project execution in terms of cost, quality and time in the state owned properties.
Manage project costs and budgets. Conduct site inspections to ensure compliance
with specifications set out by the department and laws. Ensure OHSA and
regulations compliant. Assist in development of building programs and conduct
conditional surveys and report regularly on the progress thereof. Render a
coordinated and professional service at all levels regarding the maintenance and
management of DPWI clients. Update asset register.
ENQUIRIES : S Khumalo Tel No: (013) 101 0130
APPLICATIONS : Nelspruit Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of
Public Works, Private Bag X11280, Nelspruit, 1200. Physical Address: 30 Brown
Street, Nedbank Building, 9th Floor, Nelspruit.
SALARY : R353 013 per annum, (all-inclusive package in accordance with OSD rules)
CENTRE : Gqeberha Regional Office
REQUIEREMENTS : A three year tertiary qualification (NQF Level 6) in Water Care or Analytical
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Water and Sanitation qualification with
relevant exposure or experience in water and wastewater treatment. Valid motor
vehicle driver’s License and registration with SACNASP as a Certificated Natural
Scientist is compulsory. Three years minimum post qualification experience
demonstrating a high level of competencies in water and wastewater treatment
practices and sound knowledge of commercially available plants. A sound
understanding of legislation pertaining to water and environment is required.
Performance of analytical techniques for the analysis of water samples, handling
of electronic laboratory equipment and the handling of the treatment plants
equipment (pumps, dosing, siphons, distribution arms on bio filters, aerators,
mechanical screens etc.). Computer literacy. Good communication (verbal and
written) and human relations skills. Technical problem solving abilities, reasoning
and persuasion abilities. Understanding of technology with regard to drinking and
wastewater treatment processes. Working knowledge of the design and operational
procedures of water care facilities will be of great advantage. Knowledge of the
applicable legislative framework like Water Act, Water Service Act, National
Environmental Management Act and relevant Regulations e.g. Blue Green No
DUTIES : Scheduled inspections on weekly, monthly, quarterly and six monthly basis.
Sampling of drinking and wastewater treatment plants, final effluent and plant
components as necessary. Interpret, review Operation and Maintenance Manual
and as built drawings. Operator training as necessary. Assessment of drinking and
wastewater plants and the relevant processes. Evaluation of commercially
available plants. Technical problem solving, and amongst others analysis of final
effluent, perform calculations for the determination of sludge age, dosage quantities
etc. from drinking and wastewater treatment plants, report writing on
compliance/non-compliance of plants, Analysis of water samples if required.
Maintenance, calibration and operation of scientific equipment. General
housekeeping and care for electronic apparatus. Interpretation of analytical data
and problem identification. Establishment of inspection routine schedules.
Compilation of reports on final drinking water and wastewater quality. Operation of
IRIS system to ensure compliance with DWS Regulations. Assessment and
recommendations on improvement of water quality. Forming partnership with
Project Managers in addressing challenges during Water Management related
projects execution.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. M Ntshona Tel No: (041) 408 2307
APPLICATIONS : Port Elizabeth Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of
Public Works, Private Bag X3913, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056. Hand delivery:
Room 430, Corner. Hancock & Robert Street, North End, Port Elizabeth, 6056.
NOTE : Ring fenced for women & people with disabilities.
SALARY : R344 811 per annum, (all-inclusive package in accordance with OSD rules)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : A Trade Test in Painting in terms of the provision of Section 13 (2) (h) of the
Manpower training act, 1981, as amended or a certificate issued under the
provision of the repeal section 27 of the Act. Five years post qualification
experience as an Artisan. Valid driver’s license. Computer literate, knowledge of
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 and relevant Regulations. Must
have the understanding of engineering drawings.
DUTIES : The successful candidate must be able to compile material list per project, will be
required to maintain all Government Buildings including new work to buildings.
Must be willing to work overtime if and when required, and compile progress reports
on projects and monitor/train/mentor Artisans, Artisan assistants and learners
regularly. Maintain good housekeeping in the Workshop and manage equipment,
tools and machinery used as per Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993.
The job involves a lot of travelling. It will be expected of the incumbent to climb
ladders for inspection and maintenance on the government building & other Islands
(Marion, Gough and Antarctica).
ENQUIRIES : Mr E. Ryklief Tel No: (021) 402 2163
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of
Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000. Or Hand Deliver at Ground
floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town.
SALARY : R220 533 per annum, (all-inclusive package in accordance with OSD rules)
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
REQUIREMENTS : A Trade Test in Carpentry in terms of the provision of Section 13(2) (h) of the
Manpower training act, 1981, as amended or a certificate issued under the
provision of the repeal section 27 of the Act with relevant experience. A valid
Driver`s License. Knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Act 85, of 1993
and Regulations. It is expected of an official to have a general knowledge in
Carpentry fraternity. Must have General knowledge of tools, equipment and
machinery in the workshop. The inherent requirement of the job: It will be expected
of the incumbent to climb ladders for inspection, work in confined spaces and
perform maintenance on Government Buildings.
DUTIES : The successful candidate must be able to compile material quantities per project,
will be required to maintain all Government Buildings including new work to
buildings, must be willing to work overtime if and when required, and compile
progress reports on projects and monitor Artisan assistants and Learners. Report
directly to Artisan Superintendent. Must have vast knowledge of Occupational
Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. It will be expected of the incumbent to participate
in various expeditions including other Islands (Marion, Gough & Antarctica) &
Robben Island.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T. Mudau Tel No: (021) 402 2333
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of
Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000. Or Hand Deliver at Ground
floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town.
(Re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously are encouraged to reapply)
APPLICATIONS : Please forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number, to the
Director-General, Department of Social Development, Private Bag X901, Pretoria,
0001. Physical Address: HSRC Building, 134 Pretorius Street In the event of hand
delivery of applications, applicants must sign an application register book as proof
of submission. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Curriculum vitae with a detailed description of duties, the names of two referees
and copies of qualifications and identity document must accompany your signed
application for employment (Z83). Short listed candidates for a post will be required
to submit certified documents on the date of the interview. Applicants are advised
that from 1 January 2021, a new application for employment (Z83) form is effective
and must be completed in full, failure to use the new Z83 will result in
disqualification. The new form can be downloaded online at
vacancies. Applicants applying for SMS posts are required to successfully
complete the Certificate for entry into the SMS which is submitted prior to
appointment and full details can be sourced by following the link: Applicants
are expected to pay for the course and may enrol for it at a cost of R400.00. The
duration of the course is 120 hours. All shortlisted candidates for SMS posts will be
subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of
the job, the logistics of which will be communicated by the Department. Following
the interview and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend
candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance
with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competency based
assessments). The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial
competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The
successful candidate will sign an annual performance agreement, complete a
financial discloser form and will also be required to undergo a security clearance.
Candidates nominated for posts on salary levels 2 - 12 may be subjected to a
competency assessment during the selection process. If the candidate is applying
for an OSD post, certificates of service must be submitted on the date of the
interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated
by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Failure to submit the
requested documents will result in your application not being considered.
Personnel suitability checks will be conducted on short listed candidates and the
appointment is subject to positive outcomes of the checks. Correspondence will be
limited to shortlisted candidates only. The selection of candidates will be done with
due regard to the relevant aspects of the selection process as set out in the Public
Service Regulations, 2016, Regulation 67. Applications received after the closing
date will not be taken into consideration. If you have not been contacted within three
months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. Candidates requiring additional information
regarding the advertised post may direct their enquiries to the person as indicated
above. Internal applicants must submit and register their employment applications
at the register book in the DSD reception area for the attention of Mr T Mapela.
DSD reserves the right to cancel the filling/ not to fill a vacancy that was advertised
during any stage of the recruitment process.
Chief Directorate: Monitoring and Evaluation
Senior Management Services
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum. This inclusive remuneration package consists of a basic
salary, the states’ contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a
flexible portion that may be structured i.t.o. the applicable rules. The successful
candidate will be required to enter into a performance agreement and to sign an
employment contract.
CENTRE : HSRC Building, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate degree in Social or Economic Sciences/ Corporate
Governance/Development studies or equivalent qualification (NQF level 7 as
recognized by SAQA), Plus minimum of 5 years' experience at middle management
in government, non-government institutions and parastatals. A post-graduate
qualification in social sciences or equivalent field will be an added advantage.
Knowledge of the relevant Public Service legislation. Knowledge of public service,
planning, monitoring and evaluation policy framework. Knowledge of results-based
management framework. Knowledge of monitoring and evaluation tools, systems
and methodologies. Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research.
Knowledge and understanding of government reporting requirements.
Competencies needed: Programme and project management skills. People
management and empowerment skills. Financial management skills.
Communication (written and verbal) skills. Client orientation and customer focus
skills. Policy development and implementation skills. Strategic capability and
leadership skills. Computer literacy. Change Management skills. Knowledge and
information management skills. Problem solving and analytical skills. Service livery
innovation skills. Attributes: Good interpersonal relations. Ability to work under
pressure. Ability to work in a team and independently. Adaptability. Assertiveness.
Creative and innovative. Independent thinker. Cost consciousness. Honesty and
DUTIES : Facilitate the development/review of the department's systems for data and
information as well as reporting. Provide support to the sector to implement and
manage performance assessments and reporting in line with government wide
frameworks and legislations. Develop frameworks, policies and guidelines for
assessing and reporting on performance. Manage the quality of performance
assessment and reporting data and information. Develop performance assessment
and reporting plans in line with departmental framework and policies. Manage the
performance data collection and analysis process. Facilitate performance review
sessions to provide analysis and feedback on performance to departmental senior
management. Consolidate departmental performance assessment reports.
Coordinate the provision of other inputs into the annual report. Coordinate the
drafting of the annual report for the department. Facilitate engagements with key
stakeholders and strategic partners to obtain additional data and information with
regards to performance assessments and reporting. Prepare departmental
performance reports in line with the Department's reporting requirements. Provide
performance report in response to requests from stakeholders. Participate and
contribute to government-led country initiatives. Oversee quality assurance of
performance information. Ensure adherence to the compliance schedule for
performance reporting. Establish and maintain proper storage and archiving of
information in line with the information and knowledge management standards.
Collating, analysing and sharing reports and information with various stakeholders.
Lead and coordinate peer review reports. Coordinate inputs, produce and
disseminate reports to Ministry, Parliament, The Presidency, National Treasury,
Auditor General of South Africa and provide information in response to queries from
other stakeholders. Consolidate DSD inputs into and produce progress reports on
the State of the Nation Address (SONA) including Five- and Ten-Year Review
Reports. Review, institutionalise and produce sector progress report on the
recommendation of the Portfolio Committee's Budgetary Review and
Recommendation Report. Disseminate institutional and sector performance reports
to various stakeholders including Parliament, The Presidency, National Treasury,
Auditor General of South Africa, among others. Develop the strategic plans and
annual operational plans for the Directorate and ensure implementation thereof.
Allocate and manage resources at functional levels to ensure the delivery on set
targets for the Directorate. Develop solutions to technical challenges. Conduct
financial planning and account for allocated budget. Ensure adherence to policy
and statutory directives relevant to the functional terrain of the directorate. Monitor,
evaluate and report on the performance of the Directorate. Manage client relations.
Ensure staff capacity building in the directorate.
ENQURIES : Mr T Buthelezi Tel No: (012) 312-7880
NOTE : In terms of the Chief Directorate: Monitoring and Evaluation employment equity
targets, African, Coloured, Indian and White males and African, Coloured and
White females as well as persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
The Department of Tourism is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. It is our intention to
promote representivity (race, gender and disability) in the Department through the filling of these posts.
APPLICATIONS : Applications, quoting the relevant reference number must be forwarded to the
attention of Chief Director: HR Management and Development at Department of
Tourism, Private Bag X424, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at Tourism House, 17
Trevenna Road, Sunnyside, Pretoria.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023 at 16:30 (E-mailed, faxed and late applications will not be
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed New Z83 form obtainable from
any Public Service Department or on the internet at
Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed signed Z83 form and
a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to HR on or before
the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). All
instructions on the application form and this advert must be adhered to. Failure to
comply with these requirements will result in the applicants being disqualified.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you have not been
contacted within three months of the closing date of this advertisement, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right
not to make an appointment. Short-listed candidates will be subjected to pre-
employment screening and security vetting to determine the suitability of a person
for employment. Shortlisted candidates may further be subject to a job-related test.
One of the minimum entry requirements for SMS is the pre-entry certificate
submitted prior to appointment. For more details on the pre-entry course visit: By
applying for this post, you are consenting to the Department of Tourism processing
your personal information subject to POPIA.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package consisting of a basic
salary, the State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a
flexible portion that may be structured according to personal needs within a
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised B-degree (NQF7) or equivalent qualification in International
Relations/Economics/Public Administration/Tourism or related field plus proven
strategic management and leadership skills. A minimum of 5 years’ experience at
a Senior Management position. Understanding of Bilateral and Multilateral
Relations; Knowledge of South Africa’s domestic and international policies in
relation to Tourism; Public Service Legislative Frameworks relating to International
Relations; Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act; International agreements,
treaties, resolutions, commitments and outcomes of major global development
conferences. Required skills: Well developed strategic capacity and leadership
skills; High degree of strategic and analytical thinking and advanced project
management skills; Diplomacy; Change Management; Communication (verbal and
written); Financial Management; People Management; Stakeholder management;
Policy Development. Possession of a valid driver’s license and willingness to travel
DUTIES : Reporting to the Deputy Director-General: Tourism Research, Policy and
International Relations the successful candidate provide strategic leadership and
direction with respect to the following key functions: Lead the national priorities
through bilateral and multilateral relations preferably in the tourism sector; Oversee
the implementation of international tourism agreements; Coordinate stakeholder
engagements to identify and resolve international tourism related barriers; Manage
capacity building initiatives as a contribution to regional integration as well as
internationally; Drive strategic interventions and form partnerships for tourism
development; Refine the policy framework to enhance the development and growth
of tourism in the region, continent and internationally; Promote cooperation with
international organisation and institutions in line with South Africa’s national values
and foreign policy objectives; Coordinate tourism related regional, continental and
international collaboration and partnerships; Monitor developments in the tourism
sector; Identify and direct national priorities through bilateral and multilateral
relations; Manage the Chief Directorate’s resources (human and financial).
ENQUIRIES : Ms A Malan Tel No: (012) 444 6380
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to
test relevant technical elements of the job. Some of the interviewed candidates will
be subjected to a 2-day competency assessment that will test generic managerial
competencies. Appointment will be subject to the signing of the performance
agreement, employment contract and annual financial disclosure. EE Preference
will be given to Asian, Coloured and White Females.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package consisting of a basic
salary, the State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a
flexible portion that may be structured according to personal needs within a
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised B-degree (NQF7) in Supply Chain Management or Logistics
or Public Administration or Management. Minimum of 5 years’ working experience
at middle/ management level. Understanding of government policies. Required
proven skills: Computer literacy, Analytical thinking, Strategic planning, Supply
Chain Management, Communication skills (verbal and written), Project
management skills. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge of PFMA and Treasury
DUTIES : Reporting to the Chief Financial Officer the successful candidate will provide
strategic leadership and direction with respect to the following key functions:
managing Demand, Acquisition, Logistics, Assets, Transport and Travel units in the
department, ensuring submission of a consolidated Procurement Plan, ensuring
that bid specifications and evaluation reports are aligned to project objectives and
complies with SCM laws and regulations; coordinate of conclusion contracts
(SLA’s). Ensuring effective implementation of Supply Chain and Asset
Management policies and standard operating procedures. Maintain an accurate,
complete and valid asset register, ensure that BAS and LOGIS asset reconciliation
reports are reviewed; ensuring the submission of recommendations on theft/
losses/ damages to the committee; Provide support during the audit process and
ensure that responses are submitted within the required time frames. Develop,
implement, review and monitor risks within the directorate. Responsible for
compiling monthly, quarterly, annual reports. Develop, implement and monitor the
execution of the budget and operational plan of the directorate. Manage the
resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr T Koena Tel No: (012) 444 6154
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to
test relevant technical elements of the job. Some of the interviewed candidates will
be subjected to a 2-day competency assessment that will test generic managerial
competencies. Appointment will be subject to the signing of the performance
agreement, employment contract and annual financial disclosure. EE Preference
will be given to Asian, Coloured and White Females.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum, (all-inclusive remuneration package consisting of a basic
salary, the State’s contribution to the Government Employees Pension Fund and a
flexible portion that may be structured according to personal needs within a
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised LLB (NQF8) qualification; Minimum of 5 years’ working
experience at middle/ senior management level in the Public Service. Proven
extensive experience in the practice of law, either as a member of the Bar, an
admitted attorney or a legal advisor in a public service environment. Valid driver’s
license. Required skills: Litigation; Legislative drafting; contract management
including drafting, negotiation and vetting of all types of legal agreements; Legal
drafting and research; Compliance management; Dispute Resolution; Presentation
skills; Good communication (verbal and written) Project management; Strategic
capability and leadership; Analytical thinking; Planning and organising; Project
Management; People and resource management; Computer literacy. Required
Knowledge: Prescripts governing the Public Service including: the South African
Constitution, PFMA, PAJA, PAIA. High Court, Magistrates Court and CCMA Rules.
DUTIES : Reporting to the Chief Director: Legal Services the successful candidate will
provide strategic leadership and direction to ensure efficient and effective provision
of legal services and management of staff in the Directorate with respect to the
following key functions: Manage the provision of legal advice and opinions in the
department; Review internal policies; Review and draft legislation; Manage
litigation; negotiate, draft and quality assure contracts, international agreements,
MOA’s and MOU’s. Continuously monitor compliance with statutory obligations and
provide advice. Prepare and manage the submission of monthly, quarterly or ad
hoc reports. Quality assure the work produced in the Directorate. Provide
continuous support and training of departmental staff on legal matters. Manage
Directorate’s staff and allocated resources.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Boikanyo Tel No: (012) 444 6104/6275
NOTE : All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to
test relevant technical elements of the job. Some of the interviewed candidates will
be subjected to a 2-day competency assessment that will test generic managerial
competencies. Appointment will be subject to the signing of the performance
agreement, employment contract and annual financial disclosure. EE Preference
will be given to Asian, Coloured and White Females.
SALARY : R527 298 per annum (Level 10), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognized NQF level 6/7 qualification in International Relations/
Economics/ Tourism or related field. 3-5 years’ working experience in a supervisory
position within an International Relations or Tourism environment. Project
Management skills. Sound knowledge and skills in stakeholder management,
financial management and human resource management. Excellent writing and
analysis skills. A valid driver’s licence and willingness to travel.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for facilitating the development of
strategic plans for multilateral engagements; assisting in reviewing the strategic
plans in line with national priorities; coordinating South Africa’s national interests
and strategic partnerships with prioritised multilateral organisations and strategic
formations; facilitating the development of the stakeholder consultation framework;
assisting with the engagement with stakeholders and identifying areas of analysis;
coordinating the process of stakeholder consultation; maintenance of multilateral
engagements database for the department; facilitating and updating the database
and retrieving information upon request; assisting in analysing international trends
to identify the best practices; facilitating identification of points of interface with
prioritised multilateral organisations; developing briefing notes and lobbying and for
country positions; monitoring and reporting continuously in terms of multilateral
ENQUIRIES : Mr V Maseko Tel No: (012) 444 6646
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male and White Male
DT 34 /2023
SALARY : R527 298 per annum (Level 10), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised NQF6/7 qualification in Tourism Development, Economics or
related studies. 3-5 years’ management experience in tourism related
management. Project Management skills. Knowledge of relevant Acts and
Prescripts. Knowledge of Tourism Policies and procedures. Knowledge of South
Africa’s domestic and international policies in relation to tourism. Understanding
and knowledge of South Africa, regions and the continent. Ability to manage people
and empower or motivate people. Language skills and the ability to communicate
well with people at different levels and from different backgrounds. Client
orientation and customer focus. Leadership skills. Proper and strong negotiation
skills. Financial management skills. Sound organising skills. Ability to act with tact
and diplomacy. Computer Literacy with knowledge and understanding of all MS
Office packages.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for auditing all tourism routes in the
country including cross border initiatives. Setting up initial engagements with
industry operators on initiatives, facilitate trade relations networking between
operators and travel trade, Coordinate intergovernmental and cross border
relations engagements on route development initiatives. Identify strategic tourism
routes and trails that can significantly enhance visitor experience and facilitate
tourism development and investment in thriving tourism nodes. List number of
critical routes and initiatives that can enhance tourism experience, drafting
motivations to solicit support from management. Develop tourism route support
framework and policy through which the State can contribute in enhancing visitor
experience through development of routes/trails. Develop route support and
incentives framework that embraces government strategic objectives, develop
guidelines and framework for roles and responsibilities in route development,
design policy, forms and processes for supporting route initiatives. Do trend
analysis for new forms of tourism niche market development. Producing regular
tourism trend analysis report. Drafting of cases or motivations for management
support for development of the market. Conducting baseline research on niche
markets, identify niche markets aligned to national tourism strategic objectives.
Identify development funding and investment opportunities that can support market
development. Start initial engagements with relevant partners to support the
development of such a market, support in the management of partnerships for
experience and route development.
ENQUIRIES : Ms F Mbam Tel No: (012) 444 6419
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.
SALARY : R527 298 per annum (Level 10), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised relevant Degree or National Diploma in Tourism Management/
Social Studies. 3-5 years’ working experience relevant environment. Knowledge
and understanding of the tourism sector. Understanding of the SETA landscape.
Knowledge of Human Resource Development and the Skills Development Act.
Knowledge of the Tourism Act, Public Service and departmental procedures and
prescripts related to HRD and Tourism. Programme and Project Management
skills. People Management and Presentation Skills. Sound organising and planning
skills. Coordination and Facilitation skills. Good communication, problem solving
and writing skills.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will assist in creating awareness and advocacy on skills
development initiatives for the tourism sector; monitoring the creation of a work-
readiness programme for the unemployed in collaboration with relevant
stakeholders; ensuring the establishment of relevant structures and bodies that
would enhance synergy amongst the activities of role players and address pertinent
issues affecting industry course; building capacity for the sector and local
government communities and the promotion of tourism culture, coordinate the
implementation of stakeholder engagements and enhancing awareness of the
tourism industry amongst learners, students and unemployed youth; conducting
education and skills training programmes targeting learners, Educators, Civil
society and community representatives; Assist in the implementation of Foreign
education and training awareness initiatives; Ensure that there is establishment,
participation and monitoring of working groups or task teams to create synergy on
the implementation of skills programmes; Implement and drive interventions that
raise awareness on of the socio-economic benefits of domestic tourism; facilitating
engagement sessions with industry on skills development initiatives and any other
related matters; maintain strategic partnerships that supports awareness and
education within the sector; assisting in the identification of relevant sector
Departments for collaboration in support of Social Tourism, coordinating the
participation of the partners in various stakeholder engagements platforms.
monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Domestic Tourism Growth
Strategy to track and advice on the implications; coordinating continuous reporting
on the progress of Social Tourism Growth Programme; identifying implementation
mechanisms of tourism sector strategies; providing inputs in drafting a stakeholder
consultation framework with regard to Social Tourism Development Intervention.
ENQUIRIES : Ms MP Jones Tel No: (012) 444 6574
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 10), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised NQF 6/7 in Human Resources Development, Tourism, Public
Administration or equivalent qualification. 2-3-years’ working experience in a
related environment. Knowledge of HR practices and procedures. Knowledge and
understanding of Administrative procedures. Financial and project management
skills. Sound knowledge of Personnel management. Understanding of financial
delegations and Protocol. Sound organising and planning skills. Good
communication skills. Computer Literacy.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting the establishment of
national body/agency to coordinate the skills training systems; providing support in
the implementation of the Executive Development programme for women;
providing support in the implementation of the Tourism Human Resource
Development Strategy (TSHRD) initiatives i.e. RPL; providing support in the
professionalization and continued development of TSHRD; facilitating
communication with industry association to professionalise certain tourism related
professions; coordinating logistical arrangements for stakeholders’ engagements;
maintaining stakeholder database; providing secretariat services and logistical
arrangements for professionalization and development structure meetings;
ensuring proper recording and safe keeping of structure and other meeting
minutes; coordinating sub-directorate travel arrangements including Subsistence &
Travel (S&T) Claims.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. CT Madlala Tel No: (012) 444 6416
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.
SALARY : R359 517 per annum (Level 08), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised NQF 6/7 qualification in Risk Management/Accounting/
Internal Auditing/Business Management. 2-3 years’ working experience within a
Risk and Integrity Management environment. Registration with the institute of Risk
Management of South Africa (IRMSA) and the Association of Certified Fraud
Examiners South Africa Chapter (ACFESA) would be an added advantage.
Understanding of the legislative requirements relating to Enterprise Risk
Management. Good understanding of Integrated Risk Management principles and
practices such as: Corporate Governance (King IV), Public Sector Risk
Management Framework, COSO framework, Code of Ethics and their incorporation
into various business processes, Treasury regulations. A valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating departmental
operational, ethics and fraud and corruption risk registers; benchmarking with best
practices in Risk Management to review the Risk Management Frameworks;
compiling and analysing the audit finding tracking system and conducting regular
analysis of the programme environment to identify emerging risks and liaising with
programmes; facilitating reporting on the implementation of financial disclosure and
remunerative work outside the public service dispensation by employees; compiling
quarterly operational and fraud mitigation progress reports, collating and analysing
the risk management quarterly reports and draft risk mitigation analysis reports;
facilitating approval of Risk Management Committee and providing secretarial
services (compile meeting packs, assist with logistical arrangements for RMC
meetings including special meetings); preparing the payment of fees for the
external independent RMC Chairperson; developing a schedule and facilitating
logistical arrangements for awareness sessions and source promotional material;
monitoring implementation of Business Continuity Management and facilitating
Business Continuity Impact risk assessments; assisting in the development of
Business Continuity Management framework and implementation plans.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R Motshegwa Tel No: (012) 444 6591
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07), excluding service benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised NQF 6 or equivalent qualification (a Secretariat specific
qualification would be an added advantage). 3-5 years’ work experience in
rendering secretariat support to senior management. Sound knowledge and
experience in financial administration. Project management skills. Computer
literacy. Sound communication skills, including report writing and verbal
communication. Organisational and problem-solving skills. Self-management and
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for preparing and maintaining the year
plan and calendar; managing reminders and informing manager about
appointments; ensuring that the diary is clear from clashes and rescheduling
appointments to prioritise meetings; coordinating with and advising the manager
regarding engagements; receiving telephone calls for the senior manager;
performing advanced typing work; clarifying instructions and notes on behalf of the
manager; utilizing discretion to decide whether to accept/decline or refer to other
employees’ requests for meeting based on the assessed importance and urgency
of the matter; ensuring the effective flow of information and documents to and from
the office of the manager; ensuring safekeeping of all documentation in line with
relevant legislation and policies; scrutinizing routine submissions / reports and
making notes and /or recommendations for the manager; drafting documents and
filing of documents for the manager and unit; collecting, analysing and collating
information requested by manager; managing the leave register for the unit;
compiling the stakeholder contact list for manager; scrutinizing documents to
determine actions / other documents required for meetings; recording minutes and
communicating with the relevant role players; coordinating logistical arrangements
for meetings; making bookings of flights, accommodation and car rental; collecting
and coordinating all the documents that relate to the manager’s budget; keeping
records of expenditure commitments and monitor expenditure; checking and
correlating BAS reports to ensure that expenditure is allocated correctly; managing
of telephone accounts for the unit; handling the procurement of standard items for
the activities of the manager and the unit; comparing the MTEF allocation with the
requested budget and inform the manager of changes.
ENQUIRIES : Mr S Pearce Tel No: (012) 444 6587
NOTE : EE Requirement: Preference will be given to Coloured Male and White Male
SALARY : R228 915 – R397 323 per annum, (suitable notch to be determined in accordance
with the OSD determination)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A SAQA recognised LLB degree, 1 to 8 years’ post qualification legal experience
in accordance with the OSD determination. Knowledge of relevant Acts and
Prescripts. Knowledge of the Constitution. Knowledge of the PFMA, knowledge of
Civil Procedure (high court and magistrate court rules), Knowledge of PAJA &
PAIA, computer literacy, analytical thinking, legal drafting, dispute resolution, legal
research, good verbal and written communication skills and project management
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for administering legal advice/opinion
in the Department, research the applicability of legal principles on legal Opinion,
higher legal position of the Opinion, conduct research on applicable policy,
legislation or regulations and legal principles with legal Opinions, formulate
questions to be answered on legal Opinions, study and cite relevant cases on
aspects related to legal Opinions, ascertain whether legislation is in accordance
with principle of drafting and interpretation of statute, ascertain that intention of
Department and entities are reflected in the said proposed bill or amendment bill,
peruse and study draft of proposed bill or amendment bill, facilitate with the drafting
for cabinet memorandum, pilot legislation through the parliamentary process,
respond to legal opinion aspects that arise during public hearing and parliamentary
sessions, consult with relevant line function. Litigation management, provide
evidence in regards to possible settlement and negotiate settlement with opponent,
prepare instruction to State Attorney and make recommendations for appointment
of suitable Advocate to be appointed if necessary, monitor the court case from the
inception to its finally finalisation, consult with the relevant line function at each
stage of the pleadings, draft, verify the contracts and international agreements to
be drafted and edited, conduct research on applicable policy, legislation or
regulation to be followed, draft legal documents and advice on hand or mentor
juniors on drafting of legal documents that provide clear motivation/justification for
a particular position pertaining to the case, administrative duties, liaise with
shareholders on legal interventions, draft and/or edit legal correspondence on all
legal administrative enquiries, conduct awareness on the legal interventions,
submit monthly and quarterly report to the Senior Legal Administration Officer.
ENQUIRIES : Mr AP Letsoalo Tel No: (012) 444 6313
NOTE : EE Requirements: Preference will be given to Coloured Male, Asian Male and
White Male Candidates.
SALARY : R1 663 581 per annum (Level 15), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : 8-10 years relevant Senior or Executive Management experience in the private
sector or government; An undergraduate and postgraduate (NQF Level 8)
qualification in Economics, Finance, Business Admin, Public Management or
related field. Demonstrated leadership in effective implementation, with knowledge
of the core issues in the Department’s mandate and knowledge of relevant
Government legislation, policies and priorities. Be conversant with the structure and
operation of the Public Sector. Good interpersonal, problem-solving, teamwork and
networking skills.
DUTIES : The Department has a number of programmes, covering trade policy, export
promotion, investment and SEZs, incentive administration, competition and
transformation, consumer and corporate regulation, sector policies and industrial
masterplans, research and administration. The responsibilities with this post are to
develop and oversee the implementation of action plans for the departmental
strategic plan, ensuring alignment across the different parts of the dtic and with the
Medium-Term Strategic Framework. In addition: Align the department's operational
strategy with policies. Implement a strong monitoring and review system, introduce
corrective measures, and facilitate performance review sessions. Ensure the dtic
has effective, efficient and transparent systems and frameworks for effective risk
and entity management particularly governance, engagement, planning,
monitoring, and reporting. Lead institutional transformation projects, championing
institutional change within the department to achieve its mandate. Establish internal
and external communication systems, enhancing branding and media relations.
Manage the human and financial resources and assets of the business unit.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To provide specialist advice to strengthen the dtic’s ability to engage on
domestic rail and road challenges including efficiency, reliability, user costs,
servicing of under-developed regions, infrastructure expansion, and servicing of
sector-specific requirements.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Post-graduate or Masters qualification in any of the following: engineering;
transport policy; international logistics; road or rail policy; logistics; or economic
policy-related fields. Five years’ relevant senior managerial experience in transport
policy; logistics; transport economic regulation; or economic policy development
Skills/Knowledge: Proven experience in policy development, strategic planning,
and analysis, preferably within the rail, road, transport or logistics sectors. Strong
analytical skills, with the ability to translate complex data into actionable insights.
Demonstrated experience in forecasting demand and supply trends. Adept at
building and maintaining relationships across various levels of government and
industry. Strong leadership skills and the ability to work effectively in
interdisciplinary teams. Extensive experience in international policy analysis and
assessment, with a strong understanding of rail and road policy, logistics systems,
infrastructure, and markets. Proven ability to track global policy trends and translate
them into actionable strategies and interventions to enhance South Africa's position
in the international trade landscape. Proficiency in producing both quantitative and
qualitative analysis, including demand and supply forecasts, benchmarking, and
vulnerability assessments. Demonstrated success in cultivating and managing
strategic relationships with diverse stakeholders, fostering partnerships, and
participating in intergovernmental collaborations. Communication skills (verbal &
written), research and analytical skills, negotiation skills, project management skills,
interpersonal skills, planning and organising skills & time management skills.
Knowledge and understanding of key legislation applicable to public entities and
the dtic. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Policy Development, Strategy and Advice: Track, analyse, and assess international
policy trends, translating their implications for South Africa into actionable
mitigation or support measures. Lead the development of dtic's policy stance on
the restructuring, expansion and operation of rail and road logistics systems,
markets, and infrastructure. Provide high-level guidance for policy interventions
that boost the global competitiveness of manufacturing, mining, and agricultural
sectors. Produce comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of South and
Southern Africa's rail and road logistics systems, infrastructure, markets, efficiency,
and growth potential. Offer strategic policy advice to enhance the efficiency and
cost-effectiveness of SA's rail and road infrastructure, system and markets.
Monitoring and Reporting: Prepare regular monthly, quarterly, and annual reports
on port logistics, infrastructure, market trends, and growth potential. Stay current
with developments in rail, road and transport policy, identifying opportunities for
efficiency measures, growth, and potential challenges. Deliver quantitative reports
benchmarking South Africa's rail and road logistics infrastructure and system
against international comparators. Provide qualitative reports identifying
vulnerabilities, challenges, and growth opportunities within the rail and road
logistics system. Demand and Growth Forecasting: Develop scenarios for SA rail
and road market, infrastructure expansion, system optimisation, growth
opportunities, risks and threats along with potential mitigation measures. Provide
accurate demand and supply forecasts for rail and road usage to inform planning
and decision-making. Stakeholder Management: Build and nurture strong
relationships with key stakeholders crucial to the success of rail and road policy.
Foster partnerships and enhance communication with stakeholders to ensure
alignment and collaboration. Contribute actively to interdepartmental and
intergovernmental task teams focused on rail, road and transport policy. Data
Management: Collect and source relevant data, identifying gaps and establishing
a robust data repository to strengthen quantitative analysis and reporting.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To provide specialist advice with regard to port logistics, policy and inter-
model connectivity to strengthen the dtic’s ability to engage on domestic port
logistics challenges including efficiency, reliability, user costs, and servicing of
under-developed regions.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Post-graduate or Masters qualification at NQF Level 7 in any of the following:
engineering; transport; international logistics; maritime and ports management;
transport logistics; or economics related field. Five years’ relevant senior
managerial experience in ports; trade; logistics; or transport-related policy.
Skills/Knowledge: Proven experience in policy development, strategic planning,
and analysis, preferably within the port logistics or related sectors. Strong analytical
skills, with the ability to translate complex data into actionable insights.
Demonstrated experience in forecasting demand and supply trends. Adept at
building and maintaining relationships across various levels of government and
industry. Strong leadership skills and the ability to work effectively in
interdisciplinary teams. Extensive experience in international policy analysis and
assessment, with a strong understanding of port logistics systems, infrastructure,
and markets. Proven ability to track global policy trends and translate them into
actionable strategies and interventions to enhance South Africa's position in the
international trade landscape. Proficiency in producing both quantitative and
qualitative analysis, including demand and supply forecasts, benchmarking, and
vulnerability assessments. Demonstrated success in cultivating and managing
strategic relationships with diverse stakeholders, fostering partnerships, and
participating in intergovernmental collaborations. Communication skills (verbal &
written), research and analytical skills, negotiation skills, project management skills,
interpersonal skills, planning and organising skills & time management skills,
mentoring and coaching. Knowledge and understanding of key legislation
applicable to public entities and the dtic. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Track, analyse, and assess international policy trends, translating their implications
for South Africa into actionable mitigation or support measures. Lead the
development of dtic's policy stance on the restructuring, expansion and operation
of port logistics systems, markets, and infrastructure. Provide high-level guidance
for policy interventions that boost the global competitiveness of manufacturing,
mining, and agricultural sectors. Produce comprehensive quantitative and
qualitative analysis of South and Southern Africa's port logistics systems,
infrastructure, markets, efficiency, and growth potential. Offer strategic policy
advice to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of SA's port logistics
system. Monitoring and Reporting: Prepare regular monthly, quarterly, and annual
reports on port logistics, infrastructure, market trends, and growth potential. Stay
current with developments in port logistics, identifying opportunities for efficiency
measures, growth, and potential challenges. Deliver quantitative reports
benchmarking South Africa's port logistics against industry trends. Provide
qualitative reports identifying vulnerabilities, challenges, and growth opportunities
within the port logistics system. Demand and Growth Forecasting: Develop
scenarios for SA ports logistics, infrastructure, and growth, along with
recommendations for potential mitigation strategies. Provide accurate demand and
supply forecasts for port logistics to inform planning and decision-making.
Stakeholder Management: Build and nurture strong relationships with key
stakeholders crucial to the success of port logistics efforts. Foster partnerships and
enhance communication with stakeholders to ensure alignment and collaboration.
Contribute actively to interdepartmental and intergovernmental task teams focused
on port logistics. Data Management: Collect and source data, identify data gaps,
and develop an appropriate data repository to enhance quantitative analysis and
reporting on energy-related issues.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To manage and provide specialist advice with regard to energy policy to
strengthen the dtic’s ability to assess the domestic energy and especially electricity
markets and market reforms in terms of effectiveness, reliability of supply, access
to the national grid, cost of supply, and servicing of underdeveloped regions.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Post-graduate or Masters qualification in an engineering, energy policy, economic
regulation, economic policy or related fields. Five years’ experience at Senior
Management Level in energy policy, economic regulation or economic policy
environment. Skills / Knowledge requirements: Extensive experience in energy
policy analysis, renewable energy, economic regulation or economic policy or a
related area. Strong understanding of international energy policy trends and their
potential impact on South Africa. Proven experience in policy analysis, scenario
planning, and forecasting Familiarity with data collection, management, and
reporting. Proven ability to work effectively in interdepartmental and inter-
governmental task teams. Strong problem-solving skills and ability to provide
strategic advice. Attention to detail and strong analytical skills. Excellent
stakeholder engagement and management skills. Exceptional written and verbal
communication skills. Experience in reporting, stakeholder management, project
management, strategic capability and leadership. Knowledge and understanding of
key legislation applicable to public entities and the dtic. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Policy Development, Strategy and Advice: Track, and analyse international policy
trends, assess their implications for South Africa, and develop mitigation or support
measures, including policies, strategies, and program interventions. Develop the
dtic's policy position on the restructuring of the energy system, market, and
infrastructure. Guide potential policy interventions to enhance the global
competitiveness of manufacturing, mining, and agricultural sectors. Produce
quantitative and qualitative analysis of South and Southern Africa's energy
infrastructure, markets, efficiency measures, growth potential, demand, and supply
forecasts. Provide high-level policy advice to the dtic on measures to improve the
efficiency and cost-effectiveness of SA's energy system, transmission
infrastructure, electricity generation facilities, renewable energy opportunities,
expansion of electricity infrastructure, private-sector participation in the energy
market, electricity trading, and localisation opportunities. Stay informed about and
advise on national, regional, and global discussions on relevant policies, financing,
and management/ownership models for the energy logistics sector. Respond to
requests for technical assistance and policy advice from the dtic's executive and
senior management. Monitoring and Reporting: Provide regular reports on energy
logistics on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis, as well as when required.
Monitor developments related to energy systems, infrastructure, markets, efficiency
measures, growth potential, and demand and supply. Provide quantitative reports
detailing trends and benchmarking of South Africa's energy and electricity markets.
Provide qualitative reports highlighting vulnerabilities, challenges, and growth
opportunities in the energy and electricity markets. Demand and Growth
Forecasting: Develop scenarios for SA's energy infrastructure, growth, challenges,
and mitigation strategies. Provide demand and supply forecasts for energy
especially electricity. Generate comprehensive quantitative and qualitative
analyses of energy infrastructure, markets, efficiency, growth potential, and
demand-supply dynamics. Stakeholder Management: Establish strong
relationships with stakeholders critical to energy policy. Strengthen partnerships
and communication with all relevant stakeholders. Participate in task teams
involving multiple departments and government levels focused on energy and
electricity policy. Data Management: Collect and source data, identify data gaps,
and develop an appropriate data repository to enhance quantitative analysis and
reporting on energy-related issues.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: The Senior Specialist for New Metal Trading System Development and
implementation will play a pivotal role in the dtic’s efforts to combat metal
infrastructure theft and damage. This role involves leading the development,
implementation and institutionalisation of a cutting-edge Metal Trading System that
effectively identifies stolen public infrastructure entering the scrap metal value-
chain, export market, or legitimate metal production industry.
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Post Graduate Degree (NQF 7) in a relevant field such as Engineering, Material
Science, Information Technology, Business Science and Commerce related or a
related discipline. 5 years of experience at senior management level in project
management, system development, or a related role. Skills / Knowledge
Requirements: Experience in and understanding of the Metals sector. Experience
in leading strategy development and implementation. Experience in managing
systems design and development. Proficiency in utilizing technology for data
management and reporting. Strategic thinker with the ability to drive innovative
solutions. Proven ability to network and build partnerships with various government
agencies, industry associations, and international organizations. Knowledge and
understanding of Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations,
public service regulations. Experience in reporting, risk management, stakeholder
and customer relations management, people management, financial management,
project management, strategic capability and leadership. Proficient in MS
DUTIES : Strategy Development and Implementation: Provide strategic oversight and
leadership to the combatting of metal infrastructure theft and damage to the
industry. Develop a comprehensive strategy for the implementation of the New
Metal Trading System, aligning with the department's goals to eliminate metal
infrastructure theft and damage. Build relationships and collaborate with senior
stakeholders to establish clear objectives, milestones, and key performance
indicators (KPIs) for the initiative. Monitor progress, identify potential challenges,
and make adjustments to the strategy as needed. Take proactive steps to improve
the system and implement actions. System design and development: Lead the
(design) development, and implementation of the Metal Trading System, leveraging
technology solutions such as data analytics, machine learning, and blockchain to
identify stolen metal infrastructure. Work closely with technical teams, external
consultants, and vendors to ensure the successful implementation of the system.
Ensure compliance with data security and privacy regulations while designing the
system. Stakeholder engagements: Build and maintain strong relationships with
relevant government agencies, law enforcement, industry associations, and other
public and private sector stakeholders. Lead engagement efforts to secure support,
cooperation, and participation in the Metal Trading System initiative. Collaborate
with stakeholders to gather insights, feedback, and recommendations for refining
the system's design and functionality. Regulatory Compliance and Legislation: Stay
up-to-date with relevant laws, regulations, and policies related to metal trading and
infrastructure protection. Collaborate with legal experts to ensure that the Metal
Trading System aligns with existing regulations and contributes to the development
of new legislation if necessary. Data Analysis and reporting: Oversee the analysis
of data collected by the Metal Trading System to identify patterns of stolen metal
infrastructure. Prepare regular reports and presentations for senior management,
government officials, and stakeholders to communicate progress, successes, and
challenges. Training and capacity building: Develop and deliver training programs
for industry stakeholders, law enforcement personnel, and system users to
effectively use and benefit from the Metal Trading System. Provide ongoing support
to users and address any technical or operational challenges that arise.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
SALARY : R1 371 558 per annum (Level 14), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Masters qualification in a labour law related field as recognised by SAQA. Must be
a registered advocate in labour law. 8- 10 years’ relevant senior managerial
experience in a labour law related field. Skills / Knowledge Requirements:
Extensive experience in providing legal advice and support on labour and
employment law matters. Experience in investigating labour related issues,
identifying case law and provide support to managers. Excellent interpersonal and
communication skills to collaborate effectively with internal and external
stakeholders. Proficiency in utilizing technology for data management and
reporting. Strategic thinker with the ability to drive innovative solutions. Knowledge
and understanding of Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations,
Public Service Act and Public Service Regulations. Experience in reporting, risk
management, stakeholder and customer relations management, people
management, financial management, project management, strategic capability and
leadership. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Expert Legal Advice and Support on Labour and Employment Law: Analyse and
interpret intricate labour laws and regulations for expert advice. Identify risk areas
in employment matters and provide guidance. Advise on positive employee
relations, dispute resolution, and grievance handling. Offer guidance on
discrimination laws, harassment policies, and legal compliance. Investigate
Labour-Related Issues and Support Managers: Identify pertinent case law to
establish legal precedents. Assess case strengths and advise managers on
potential success. Guide managers on actions aligned with case law and
compliance. Participate in alternative dispute resolution and assist in dispute
management. Conduct Legal Research and Ensure Compliance: Stay updated on
labour and employment law changes. Research and interpret legal issues for
expert advice. Evaluate legislative changes' impact on client compliance. Advise
clients on policy modifications and risk mitigation strategies. Create Awareness of
Labour Law Best Practices: Develop training materials and deliver sessions.
Identify compliance gaps and offer targeted training. Audit policies for compliance
and suggest improvements. Assist clients in implementing effective compliance
systems. Participate in Business Development for Labour Law Practice: Identify
and pursue business growth opportunities. Develop proposals, engage branches,
and build relationships. Collaborate with colleagues for practice expansion
strategies. Demonstrate expertise through thought leadership and client
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To oversee and coordinate export promotion and marketing in the
relevant region.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Postgraduate qualification in Business Management/Economics/Marketing. 5
year’s relevant middle/senior managerial experience in an export promotion
environment. Skills / Knowledge requirements: Strong understanding of export
strategies, market intelligence and stakeholder coordination. Experience in
reporting, risk management, customer relations management, people
management, financial management, project management, strategic capability and
leadership. Knowledge and understanding of key legislation applicable to public
entities and the dtic. Knowledge and understanding of regulations, Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations, public service regulations. Proven
leadership abilities and strategic thinking. Excellent interpersonal, communication,
and negotiation skills. Proficiency in project management and coordination. Ability
to foster relationships with government entities, private sector firms, and
international agencies.
DUTIES : Strategic Planning and Coordination: Oversee the development and finalization of
the business plan for the Africa region within the Export Promotion Unit. Market
Intelligence Assessments and Outcomes. Oversee the gathering of market
intelligence information for inputs into export strategies. Oversee collaboration
between researchers and deputy directors of the relevant region to ensure that
research is done in prioritised areas. Oversee the development of export promotion
strategies for markets in Africa. Oversee the compilation of country strategies for
markets in Africa. Oversee the development and maintenance of databases of
companies for the African region. Oversee the update of the export opportunities
in matrices for the African region. Oversee the collaboration with dtic Entities and
Export Councils to identify companies for exports. Lead the identification, initiation,
scoping and implementation of region/market specific International Trade
Initiatives. Export Services and Aftercare: Oversee the development and
continuous improvement to client services, policies, processes and procedures.
Oversee the establishment of client reception and interface facilities for African
markets. Ensure that all export enquiries are dealt with effectively and efficiently by
the staff in the unit. Oversee the provision of information on capabilities of the
sectors to the clients and stakeholders. Review the database of targeted
companies and allocate resources to interact with the companies. Oversee the
communication of identified opportunities to relevant stakeholders associated with
markets in Africa. Oversee the collaboration with dtic Entities and Export Councils
to recruit companies for exports. Co-ordinate Export Promotion Strategies.
Oversee the realisation of Export Promotion projects as per business plan. Oversee
the organisation of specialised and generic export promotion projects. Oversee the
facilitation of ad hoc projects. Oversee the recruitment of companies that are ready
to participate in Export Promotion projects such as Inward and Outward Missions,
as well as National Pavilions. Oversee the coordination of business forums for
incoming and outgoing State visits. Oversee country branding and profiling to
optimise the promotion of South African products at various forums. Ensure
flagship projects are prioritised according to export promotion strategies for Africa.
Provide general support and assistance to the Exports Executive Management on
key projects and daily activities. Provide inputs for briefing documents and
information for Ministers. Stakeholder Partner Coordination: Facilitate the
involvement of Export Partners in Export Promotion projects (Such as Provincial-,
Metro-, Municipal, as well as Export Councils, Industry Associations and private
sector firms). Lead the cooperation with other Government departments, e.g.
DIRCO and the Presidency, on projects such as BNCs, State Visits. Lead the
collaboration on joint trade promotion activities with e.g. Metros, Municipalities, and
Provinces. Lead the collaboration with international agencies and institutions (e.g.
USAID, CBI, Chambers etc.) including donor funding for projects. Establish and
maintain relationships with key contacts abroad with regards to export destinations
and foreign economic offices. Progress Monitoring and Evaluation: Facilitate the
review of export promotion strategies, projects and action plans in the export
promotion services sector monitoring outcomes as per activity calendar and project
plan with the Chief Director: Export Promotion and Marketing. Oversee the
reporting of monthly and quarterly progress on export promotion projects,
strategies and action plans for African markets. Review customer satisfaction
surveys and make relevant adjustments to ensure adherence to service delivery
improvement plans. Knowledge Management: Ensure the institutionalisation of
Export Promotion methodologies by overseeing the transfer of these onto a central
database. Oversee the inputs and updates to the dtic website on export promotion
activities in the relevant region.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To oversee and coordinate export promotion and marketing in the
relevant region.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Postgraduate qualification in Business Management /Economics/ Marketing. 5
year’s relevant middle/senior managerial experience in an export promotion
environment. Skills / Knowledge requirements: Experience in reporting, risk
management, stakeholder and customer relations management, people
management, financial management, project management, strategic capability and
leadership. Extensive experience in developing and implementing export promotion
strategies in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. Strong understanding of
market intelligence analysis, export opportunities, and trade initiatives. Excellent
interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate effectively with internal and
external stakeholders. Proficiency in utilizing technology for data management and
reporting. Strategic thinker with the ability to drive innovative solutions and adapt
to changing market dynamics. Proven ability to network and build partnerships with
various government agencies, industry associations, and international
organizations. Knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management Act
and Treasury Regulations, public service regulations Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Overseeing Business Plan Development: Consolidating inputs and finalizing
business plans for the relevant regions of the Export Promotion Unit. Market
Intelligence Assessments and Outcomes: Gathering market intelligence for export
strategies and collaboration with researchers. Developing and maintaining
databases of companies. Identifying export opportunities and collaborating with
relevant entities. Initiating and implementing region/market-specific international
trade initiatives. Managing Export Services and Aftercare: Developing client
services, policies, and continuous improvement. Ensuring effective handling of
export inquiries and provision of sector information. Coordinating with stakeholders
for identified opportunities and recruitment. Co-ordinating Export Promotion
Strategies: Realizing export promotion projects as per business plan. Organizing
export promotion projects, including specialized events. Coordinating participation
in trade projects and forums. Branding and profiling South African products
internationally. Stakeholder Partner Coordination: Collaborating with export
partners, government departments, and international agencies. Establishing and
maintaining relationships with key contacts abroad. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Reviewing export strategies and projects. Reporting progress on projects and
strategies. Enhancing service delivery based on customer feedback. Knowledge
Management and Communication: Institutionalizing export promotion
methodologies and maintaining documentation. Updating the company website
with export promotion activities
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
(12 months contract)
Overview: To oversee and coordinate export promotion and marketing.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Postgraduate qualification in Business Management /Economics/ Marketing. 5
years’ middle management experience in an export promotion environment. Skills
/ Knowledge Requirements: Extensive experience in international trade, trade
policies, barriers, and market access strategies. Experience in engaging in
advocacy efforts, lobbying, and trade dispute resolution processes. Excellent
interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate effectively with internal and
external stakeholders. Proficiency in utilizing technology for data management and
reporting. Strategic thinker with the ability to drive innovative solutions and adapt
to changing market dynamics. Proven ability to network and build partnerships with
various government agencies, industry associations, and international
organizations Knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management Act
and Treasury Regulations, public service regulations. Experience in reporting, risk
management, stakeholder and customer relations management, people
management, financial management, project management, strategic capability and
leadership. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Develop and Implement Trade Barrier Strategies: Conduct comprehensive
research and analysis to identify existing and emerging trade barriers impacting
exports. Develop and implement strategies to overcome trade barriers, enhance
market access, and optimize export opportunities. Collaborate with cross-functional
teams to resolve barriers. Stakeholder Management: Establish and maintain
effective relationships with government agencies, trade associations, export
councils, industry partners, and other relevant stakeholders. Collaborate with
Departmental branches and entities to align trade barrier strategies and address
compliance issues. Represent the Department in trade-related engagements,
meetings, and industry forums. Trade Barrier Resolution: Develop and implement
initiatives to resolve trade barriers, such as engaging in advocacy efforts, lobbying,
and trade dispute resolution processes. Collaborate with internal and external
stakeholders to develop innovative solutions and alternative approaches to resolve
trade barriers. Monitor the effectiveness of implemented strategies and adjust them
as needed to achieve desired outcomes. Barrier Research and Analysis:
Coordinate market research to identify barrier impact on potential export markets
and evaluate the feasibility of their resolution. Analyse market trends, customer
demands, and competitor activities to identify trade barrier challenges and
opportunities. Provide insights and recommendations to senior management based
on research findings. Team Leadership and Development: Lead, mentor, and
inspire a team of trade barrier resolution specialists and analysts. Provide
guidance, support, and training to team members to enhance their skills and
knowledge on barriers. Foster a collaborative and results-oriented work
environment, promoting cross-functional teamwork and knowledge sharing.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Postgraduate qualification in Business Management/Economics/Marketing. 5
years’ experience in Communication/Marketing/Export Promotion Environment in
Middle Management Level Skills / Knowledge Requirements: Proven experience in
developing and managing export networks and partnerships, preferably in an
international investment and export environment. In-depth knowledge of the export
industry, global trade practices, market dynamics, and regulatory requirements.
Strong negotiation and relationship-building skills to establish and maintain
productive partnerships with exporters and international stakeholders. Proven
ability to network and build partnerships with the export community, various
government agencies, industry associations, and international organizations.
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate effectively with
internal and external stakeholders. Strategic thinker with the ability to drive
innovative solutions and adapt to changing market dynamics. Knowledge and
understanding of Public Finance Management Act and Treasury Regulations,
public service regulations. Experience in reporting, risk management, stakeholder
and customer relations management, people management, financial management,
project management, strategic capability and leadership. Proficient in MS
DUTIES : Strategic Partnership Development: Develop and implement a comprehensive
strategy to identify and establish strategic partnerships, alliances and export
networks to support the country’s export goals. Identify potential partners,
distributors, agents, and other relevant stakeholders in target markets to support
export networks. Conduct market research and analysis to identify emerging
opportunities, trends, and competitor strategies in the export environment and
target markets. Stakeholder Management: Build and maintain strong relationships
with international partners, distributors, agents, and industry associations to
strengthen the dtic export networks. Collaborate with export network members and
partners to align export objectives, develop joint marketing strategies, and unlock
export opportunities. Provide ongoing support, training, and resources to export
network members to ensure effective collaboration and achievement of export
targets. Market Expansion: Identify and evaluate new market opportunities for
exports, considering factors such as market demand, competition, regulatory
environment, and potential risks. Develop market entry strategies and plans in
collaboration with cross-functional departmental teams and export network
members. Implement market entry strategies together with export network
members by leveraging available tools, mechanisms and resources, domestically
and in international markets. Performance Analysis and Reporting: Establish key
performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the effectiveness of export
networks and partnerships. Conduct regular analysis and evaluation of export
networks performance and contributions by members, to identify areas for
improvement and optimization. Prepare comprehensive reports and presentations
to communicate export network performance, achievements, challenges, and
recommendations to senior management and Leadership.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Undergraduate qualification (NQF 7) in a relevant field such as Engineering,
Material Science, Information Technology, Business Science and/or Commerce
related or a related discipline. 3- 5 years of experience at managerial level in project
management, engineering, system development, or a related role, preferably within
the government or technology sector. Skills / Knowledge Requirements:
Experience in and understanding of the Metals sector. Experience in strategy
development and implementation. Experience in system design and development.
Proficiency in utilizing technology for data management and reporting. Strategic
thinker with the ability to drive innovative solutions. Proven ability to network and
build partnerships with various government agencies, industry associations, and
international organizations. Knowledge and understanding of Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations, public service regulations. Experience
in reporting, risk management, stakeholder and customer relations management,
people management, financial management, project management, strategic
capability and leadership. Proficient in MS Packages.
DUTIES : Strategy Development and Implementation: Assist in developing and
implementation of a comprehensive strategy for the New Metal Trading System,
aligning with the department's goals to eliminate metal infrastructure theft and
damage. Assist senior management to collaborate with leadership to establish
clear objectives, milestones, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the
initiative. Support the senior specialist in monitoring progress, identify potential
challenges, and make adjustments to the strategy as needed. System design and
development: Support the development and implementation of the Metal Trading
System, leveraging technology solutions such as data analytics, machine learning,
and blockchain to identify stolen metal infrastructure. Work closely with technical
teams, external consultants, and vendors to ensure the successful implementation
of the system. Assist in ensuring compliance with data security and privacy
regulations while designing the system. Stakeholder engagements: Together with
the Senior specialist, build and maintain strong relationships with relevant
government agencies, law enforcement, industry associations, and other public
and private sector stakeholders. Participate in engagement efforts to secure
support, cooperation, and participation in the Metal Trading System initiative.
Collaborate with stakeholders to.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1310
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year National Diploma / B Degree in Economics / Public Administration /
Engineering / Science. 3-5 years’ relevant managerial experience in the Technical
Infrastructure field. Skills/Knowledge: Proven experience in the development and
review of Technical Infrastructure policies, procedures, and strategy
implementation. Proficiency in research and analysis, stakeholder management,
monitoring and evaluation, people management, project management, and
financial management. Comprehensive knowledge of industry trends, regulatory
frameworks, and best practices. Strategic acumen and leadership skills, including
effective communication (verbal and written), analytical proficiency, presentation
skills, organizational planning, and customer focus. Sound knowledge of technical
infrastructure, including Accreditation, Compulsory Specifications, and Building
Regulations and the related legislation and policies such as the National Regulator
for Compulsory Specifications Act, Accreditation for Conformity. Assessment,
Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, National Building Regulations and
Building Standards Act, Industrial Policy, Public Service Act, Preferential
Procurement Policy Framework Act, and related regulations. Proficiency in MS
Office Packages.
DUTIES : Lead policy development and review for Technical Infrastructure on Accreditation,
Compulsory Specifications, and Building Regulations locally, regionally (SADC),
AfCTA and internationally, including at the WTO-TBT committee. Advocate policies
and collaborate with Technical Infrastructure Agencies (SANAS and NRCS) to
strengthen manufacturing and value-added sectors. Guide Technical Infrastructure
entities to align with dtic's strategic plans and industrial policy framework.
Implement key Acts: Accreditation Act, National Regulator for Compulsory
Specifications Act, and Building Regulations Act. Actively engage in department
forums, contributing to resolving technical infrastructure challenges. Identify needs
of Technical Infrastructure agencies and stakeholders, especially related to
Accreditation, Compulsory Specifications, and Building Regulations.
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office on Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835
Overview: Accountable for all issues relating to operations, policy implementation,
systems and people management.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive remuneration package)
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : A three-year National Diploma or Degree in Contact Centre or Marketing &
Communications. 3-5 years’ relevant managerial Call Centre experience.
Skills/Knowledge: Experience in developing and implementing contact centre
management systems and processes. Experience in managing Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) with internal and external stakeholders. Experience in,
stakeholder management, people management, project management.
Demonstrate expertise in customer service strategies, contact centre technologies,
and best practices. Sound knowledge and understanding of customer relationship
systems and information management. Strong risk assessment skills to ensure the
smooth functioning and security of contact centre operations. Strong leadership
and team management skills with the ability to motivate and inspire a diverse team.
Excellent problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Proficiency in data
analysis and reporting to drive performance improvements. Strategic capability and
leadership skills, communication skills (verbal and written), analytical skills,
presentation skills, organisational planning and customer focus. A sound
knowledge and understanding of Public Finance Management Act, Treasury
Regulations, Public Service Act, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act
and other related regulations. Proficient in MS Packages. Familiarity with HR
practices and the ability to effectively manage human resources within the contact
DUTIES : Customer Contact Centre Management: Develop and manage efficient contact
centre management systems and processes to ensure seamless operations.
Develop and manage service levels and targets, consistently striving to improve
customer satisfaction. Implement and oversee the effective utilization of contact
centre technology to enhance service delivery. Conduct risk assessments to
identify and mitigate potential challenges. Ensure optimal facility management for
a conducive and productive contact centre environment. Benchmark industry best
practices and implement operational improvements accordingly. Develop and
manage SLAs with branches to ensure streamlined communication and
collaboration. Oversee the management of customer relationship systems and
information. Customer Service: Drive the implementation of the dtic customer
charter, service standards, and complaints handling processes within the contact
centre. Manage the implementation of the dtic's customer relationship strategy to
foster positive interactions. Participate in the dtic Customer Service Forum (Batho
Pele Forum) to contribute to service enhancement initiatives. Collaborate with other
branches for outreach initiatives and collaborative projects. Handle and resolve
customer complaints, ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction. Foster strong
relations with other government departments to facilitate seamless cooperation.
Contribute to the department's outreach programme to expand the reach of
services. Human Resource Management: Oversee performance management and
appraisals for contact centre staff. Effectively communicate the contact centre’s
strategy and business plan to all team members. Facilitate soft skills training and
product knowledge transfer to enhance staff capabilities. Drive general skills
development and manage associated administration tasks. Foster a positive and
motivating work environment that encourages professional growth and
ENQUIRIES : Should you have enquiries or experience any problem submitting your application
contact the Recruitment Office Tel No: (012) 394 1809/1835
Overview: To render security services for the dtic.
Department of Transport is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with clear employment equity
targets. Preference will be given to candidates whose appointment will assist the department in achieving its
Employment Equity targets at these specific levels in terms of the Department’s Employment Equity Plan,
therefore White male / female, Coloured male/ female, Indian male / female and people with disabilities are
encouraged to apply.
APPLICATIONS : Department of Transport, Private Bag X193, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver at the
159 Forum Building, Cnr Struben and Bosman Street, Pretoria
FOR ATTENTION : Recruitment Unit. Room 4034.
CLOSING DATE : 06 October 2023
NOTE : Applications must be accompanied by a completed new Z83 form, obtainable from
any Public Service Department, (or obtainable at Applicants must fill
in full new Z83 form part A, B, C, and D. A recent updated comprehensive CV
(previous experience must be comprehensively detailed, i.e. positions held and
dates). Applicants will submit certified copies of all qualifications and ID document
on the day of the interviews. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The
Department reserves the right not to fill the post. All shortlisted candidates for will
be subjected to undertake a technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical
elements of the job; the logistics will be communicated to candidates prior to the
interviews. Recommended candidates will also be required to attend a generic
managerial competency assessment after the interviews also take a note that
National School of Governance (NGS) has introduce compulsory SMS pre-entry
certificate with effect from 01 April 2020 as Minimum Entry Requirements for Senior
Management Services (submitted prior to appointment) and can be accessed
through the following link:
programme/. The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial
competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools. The
successful candidate must disclose to the Director-General particulars of all
registrable financial interests, sign a performance agreement and employment
contract with the Director-General within three months from the date of assumption
of duty. The successful candidate must be willing to sign an oath of secrecy with
the Department. Applicants will be expected to be available for selection interviews
and assessments at a time, date and place as determined by the Department. An
offer letter will only be issued to the successful candidate once the following has
been verified educational qualifications, previous experience, citizenship, reference
checks and security vetting. Please note: Correspondence will only be entered into
with short-listed candidates.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive salary package) of which 30% can
be structured according to individual needs
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENT : An undergraduate NQF Level 7 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Civil
Engineering with 6 — 10 years' experience in the road infrastructure development
field of which 5 years must be at Middle Management level. Registered with ECSA
as a Professional Engineer or Engineering Technologist. Certificate of Successful
completion of the National School of Government's Senior Management Service
Pre-Entry Programme. Knowledge and Skills: A sound knowledge and experience
in the development of the road infrastructure standards and guidelines. Knowledge
and understanding of the guidelines and specifications relevant to civil engineering
in South Africa. Extensive knowledge and understanding of the road infrastructure
development and roads supervision. Knowledge and understanding of the
importance of community development programs and participation. Working
knowledge of PFMA, MMFA, Treasury Regulations and GIAMA. Verbal & Written
communication - English - above average. Computer literacy — above average.
Governance related to information. Research and Policy experience. Procurement
experience & Project Management. Compilation of management and technical
reports and proposals.
DUTIES : Conduct research, develop and update policy related strategies for roads
development, management, delivery and environmental management. Investigate
and benchmark, plan and manage road delivery programmes for municipal,
provincial and national roads. Establish systems to monitor and evaluate the
effective implementation and compliance with norms, standards and guidelines.
Participate in project teams to achieve a multi-disciplinary approach to meet set
objectives of the Department. Manage and control the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr Chris Hlabisa Tel No: (012) 309 3170
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male/Female, Coloured Male /Female, White
Male, Indian Female and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the
NO: DOT/HRM/2023/62
Branch: Road Transport
Chief Directorate: Road Transport Regulation
Directorate: Road Traffic Legislation and Standards Regulation
Sub Directorate: Road Accident and Incident Investigations
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive salary package) of which 30% can
be structured according to individual needs
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENT : An undergraduate NQF level 6 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Mechanical
Engineering / Civil Engineering / Built Environment with 5 years relevant experience
a Junior Management or Assistant Director level in Road Traffic Legislation and
Standard field. Knowledge and Skills: Knowledge and understanding of the
development of South African National Standards (SANS) and its processes.
Knowledge and experience in road traffic-related matters. Knowledge of the
National Road Traffic Act and its regulations. Knowledge of the National Road
Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No.93 of 1996). Knowledge and understanding of the Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA). Communication- Verbal & Written
communication - English - above average.
DUTIES : Develop appropriate legislation and regulate the standardisation of accident
investigation in conjunction with stakeholders. Audit the level of compliance to the
relevant standards and procedures. Keep a database of all ma-or accidents and
determine the trends. Monitor the implementation of recommendations on accident
investigations and report results through structures. Regulate and coordinate the
standardisation of Road Incident Management on all incident scenes in the country.
Manage the resources of the Sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Mr John Motsatsing Tel No: (012) 309 3574
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male, Coloured Male /Female, White Male and
persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), (all-inclusive salary package) of which 30% can
be structured according to individual needs.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate NQF Level 6 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Civil
Engineering / Built Environment / Transport and Logistics Management with 5
years' experience in the road transport regulation environment of which 3 years'
experience must be at a Junior Management or Assistant Director level. Knowledge
and Skills: Extensive NaTlS (National Traffic Information System) experience in at
least the vehicle and MIB modules. Knowledge and interpretation of the National
Road Traffic Act and Regulations Forensic Audit skills. Advanced word processor,
spreadsheet and presentation skills. Advanced financial recording and
administration skills Computer literacy. Communication- Verbal & Written
communication - English - above average - Governance related to information.
DUTIES : Oversee the Inspectorate for Manufacturers lmporters and Builders as prescribed
in the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996. Perform system audits on NaTIS
to detect and report fraud and corruption. Manage policies and procedures with
regard to abnormal loads. Participate in project teams to achieve a multi-
disciplinary approach to meet set objectives of the Department. Mana e the
resources of the sub-directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Laetitia Botma Tel No: (012) 309 3763
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male, Coloured Male /Female, White Male and
persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for the position.
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate NQF Level 6 qualification as recognised by SAQA in Civil
Engineering /Transport Planning with 3 year’s work experience at supervisory or
practitioner level in a built environment field. Registered with ECSA relevant
professional body. Drivers license required. Knowledge And Skills: Knowledge and
understanding of Engineering Standards. Background and understanding of
Engineering Standards. Compilation of management report PFMA, Report written
skills and Presentation skills. Verbal and written communication, Computer literacy
and Governance related to information. Compile and manages budges, controls
cash flow, institutes risk management and administers tender procurement process
in accordance with generally recognised financial practice in order to ensure the
achievement of strategic organisational objective. Provide a vision, sets the
direction for the component / unit and inspires other to plan, execute, deliver and
report on the organismal mandate. Manage and encourage, monitors and
evaluation specific activities in order to deliver the desired outputs and outcomes
(Project Planning, Evaluation and Reporting) Willing and able to deliver service
effectively and efficiently in order to put the spirit of customer services (Batho Pele)
into practice.
DUTIES : Coordinate a safety audit strategy and framework with all key role-players and
stakeholders. Monitor the implement of infrastructure safety audits. Monitor road
quality assurance. Participate in project teams to achieve a multi-disciplinary
approach to meet set objectives of the Department. Manage the Sub-Directorate.
ENQUIRY : Mr Mkhumbuzi Turwana Tel No: (012) 309 3618
NOTE : Preference will be given to African Male, Coloured Male /Female, White
Male/Female, Indian Male and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply for
the position.
Branch: Office of the Director General
Chief Directorate: Public Entity Oversight
Directorate: Roads Public Entity Oversight
Sub-Directorate: Roads Public Entity Oversight
APPLICATIONS : Kimberley, for purposes of response handling, please forward your application
quoting the relevant reference number to the Department of Water and Sanitation,
Private Bag X350, Pretoria, 0001 or hand deliver to Delta Continental Building,
Corner of Visagie and Bosman Street, Pretoria, 0001.
FOR ATTENTION : Recruitment and Selection Unit
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Interested applicants must submit their applications for employment to the address
specified on each post. Applications must be submitted using the newly
implemented Z83 form obtainable on the Department of Water and Sanitations
website, under career opportunities or the DPSA website, under vacancies in the
Public Service (point 4) and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV (with
full particulars of the applicants’ training, qualifications, competencies, knowledge
& experience). All required information on the Z83 application form must be
provided. Other related documentation such as copies of qualifications, identity
document, drivers license etc need not to accompany the application when
applying for a post as such documentation must only be produced by shortlisted
candidates during the interview date in line with DPSA circular 19 of 2022. With
reference to applicants bearing professional or occupational registration, fields
provided in Part B of the Z83 must be completed as these fields are regarded as
compulsory and such details must also be included in the applicants CV. For posts
requiring a drivers license, annotate such details on CV. Failure to complete or
disclose all required information will automatically disqualify the applicant. No late,
applications will be accepted. A SAQA evaluation certificate must accompany
foreign qualification/s (only when shortlisted). Applications that do not comply with
the above-mentioned requirements will not be considered. All shortlisted
candidates pertaining to Senior Management Services (SMS) posts will be
subjected to a technical and competency assessment and a pre-entry certificate
obtained from the National School of government is required prior to the
appointment. (Individuals who have completed the course already, and who are
therefore in possession of a certificate are welcome to submit such, however, it is
not required that an applicant submit such when applying for the post prior to the
closing date. The link for the completion of the course for the certificate for the pre-
entry into SMS can be found on
entry-programme/. Candidates will be required to complete a financial disclosure
form and undergo a security clearance. Foreigners or dual citizenship holders must
provide a police clearance certificate from country of origin (only when shortlisted).
The Department of Water Sanitation is an equal opportunity employer. In the filling
of vacant posts, the objectives of section 195 (1) (i) of the Constitution of South
Africa, 1996 (Act No: 108 of 1996) the Employment Equity imperatives as defined
by the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No: 55 of 1998) and relevant Human
Resources policies of the Department will be taken into consideration.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you do not hear
from us within three (3) months of this advertisement, please accept that your
application has been unsuccessful. Faxed or emailed applications will not be
considered. The department reserves the right not to fill these positions. Women
and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply and preference will be given
to the EE Targets.
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), (all-inclusive salary package)
CENTRE : Kimberley
REQUIREMENTS : Relevant B - degree NQF level 7 Qualification in Finance, Public Management,
Business Administration, or related qualification. Five (5) to ten (10) years’
experience in corporate services or finance, of which at least five (5) years must be
at middle/senior managerial level. A pre-entry certificate obtained from the National
School of Government is required prior to the appointment (Refer to SMS note
above). The disclosure of a valid unexpired driver’s license. Extensive knowledge
of relevant legislation, policies, and practices. Knowledge of Human Resources
Policies within Public Service and SMS Handbook. Knowledge of policy
development and implementation. Knowledge of Records Management policies.
Knowledge of PFMA and General Accounting Principles of Practice (GAP).
Knowledge of Administrative laws. Knowledge of financial management.
Knowledge of programme and project management. Knowledge of local
government sector. Knowledge of Public Service Act and Public Service
Regulations. Strong Leadership and strategic planning capability. Exceptional
relationship management and outstanding interpersonal relations skills coupled
with strong listening, analytical and problem-solving skills. Must be self-disciplined,
ethical, accountable as well as be capable of working under pressure and beyond
normal working hours, as the incumbent will be expected to travel. Must be
computer literate and have good report writing, communicating and presentation
DUTIES : To provide strategic oversight on financial management within provincial
operations. Provide management, and financial accounting services. Provide
revenue services. Provide assets management (including fixed assets) Provide
effective Supply Chain Management services. The provision of strategic direction
in the implementation of HR policies, prescripts, and strategies. Manage human
resource development, HR administration, recruitment and selection, and Labour
Relations. Coordinate employee health and wellness programmes. Monitor,
manage and mainstream relevant development programmes. Management of IT
systems and contractors/ consultants. The coordination of the procurement of IT
equipment and services. Ensure the provision of office support services. Facilitate
the implementation of records management policies, guidelines and procedures.
Manage records and information. Provide security advisory services and liaise with
security agencies. Ensure provision of office accommodation. Ensure effective
corporate contract management services. Ensure provision of telecommunication
services (reception services, telephones, video conferencing etc). Develop and
disseminate information. Ensure management of subsidized vehicles scheme and
business travel arrangement. Ensure the rendering of communication services.
Render corporate and development communication services. Manage and
coordinate provincial and development communication services. Effective
management of the development and management for media products and
corporate branding services. Liaise with media services for the provincial
ENQUIRIES : Ms. I Lekalake Tel No: (053) 830 8803
APPLICATIONS : Applicants are encouraged to apply via the e-recruitment system. However,
applications can be forwarded via one of the following options: Utilize the e-
recruitment system which is available on or https://e- OR Hand delivery: The Director: Human Resource
Management, Department of Human Settlements, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Chiselhurst, East London. Courier Services: The Director: Human Resource
Management, Department of Human Settlements, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road,
Chiselhurst, East London. To report glitches with the E-Recruitment system and
assistance regarding the activation of your profile, send an email to: (NB: For technical glitches only – No CVS). Technical
support is limited to working hours: (08:00 am to 16:30pm Mon-Thurs and 08:00
am to 16:00 pm on Fridays). Should you submit your applications/CV to: and not as specified, your application will be regarded as
lost and will not be considered.
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685 / Mr M. Kana Tel No: (043) 711 9743.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed Z83 (effective from 01 January
2021) form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants are not required to submit any copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully
completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-
recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore not signable; so,
applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment system will not be
disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications,
and other relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants
with foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the
interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the
application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check,
citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification
and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be
subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be
subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. The Department reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with disability
and people from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. It is
the department’s objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action
Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable
representation across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and
people living with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the
right to amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest
of the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). targets of the
department will be adhered to. For SMS (Senior Management Service) Posts: In
terms of DPSA Directive on compulsory capacity development, mandatory training,
and minimum entry requirements for members of the Senior Management Level for
SMS appointments, it is a requirement for applicants to produce a pre-entry
Certificate (Nyukela) as offered by the National School of Government (NSG) for
entry into the SMS posts and the full details can be sourced by following the link: (SMS pre-
entry certificate is not requirement for shortlisting is submitted prior to appointment).
Successful candidates will be appointed on a probation period of 12/24 months.
The competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies
using the mandated DPSA SMS competency assessment tools.
functioning of government systems and applicable legislations and regulations.
Ability to take initiative. Good communication skills, project management skills,
presentation skills, report writing skills, planning, and organising, problem solving
and analysis skills. Ability to work in a team. Effective and efficient management
and monitoring of organisational budget and expenditure. Must possess a valid
driver’s licence. Computer literate. Able to work under pressure and difficult
deadlines. Must possess a valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Monitor the development and implementation of housing asset management policy.
Evaluate national, provincial and other policies relating to state owned housing
assets. Facilitate the drafting of policies and strategies. Monitor the implementation
and review of policies. Monitor the administration and maintenance of the housing
debtor system, land and residential building asset register. Facilitate the designing
and maintenance of systems. Monitor and review procedures and strategies.
Monitor the administration of sales and rental/deed of sale contracts. Facilitate the
establishment and maintenance of procedures and criteria for evaluation of rental
and deed of sale contracts. Facilitate the establishment and maintenance of rental
and deed of sale contracts database. Monitor the phasing out programme and
implementing of the Enhanced Extended Discount Benefit Scheme. Facilitate the
designing and maintenance of systems to ensure monitoring and supervision of the
system and register. Promote the programme and scheme. Monitor the
maintenance of state-owned housing assets. Facilitate the development of policies
and procedures to ensure quality maintenance of state-owned assets. Facilitate the
designing and maintenance of systems to ensure adequate monitoring and
supervision of the assets. Manage the appointment of service providers. Manage
the allocated resources of the directorate. Timeously develop job description.
Manage performance of the directorate. Manage sound employment relations.
Manage employee conditions of service. Facilitate coaching, mentorship, training,
and development of sub-ordinates for effective and efficient service delivery.
Establish, implement, and maintain effective and efficient communication. Manage
assets of the directorate. Audit plan. Financial management. Monitor the planning
and reporting of the directorate programs. Manage and mitigate risk in the
directorate. Monitor the development and the implementation of the directorate
standard operating procedures. Attend to internal audit and AGs RFIs and Audit
outcomes and findings.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
different roles and functions. Oversee management, planning and execution of
internal and external events. Ensuring that information released is consistent with
the strategy at large and mandate of the Department. Manage the department’s
image in the digital space, traditional media (print, electronic etc.) all social medical
channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube etc. Cultivating an
environment of readiness and alertness and maintaining an awareness of risks and
threats. Ensure quality control of all information released and manage positive
image and identity of the department. Management of audio-visual services,
content management and graphic designing support services. Management of
digital photographs, speeches, visuals on CDs and DVDs. Designing of layout of
all strategic documents. Production of videos, adverts and documentaries for
external and internal use. Creation and maintenance of an audio-visual library.
Provision of public address-sound system for official functions, seminars and
conferences. Provision of photography and videography services. Facilitate the
provision of language management services in terms of Language Act of 2012.
Provide translation services. Language promotion and literature development and
publishing. Manage the allocated resources of the directorate. Maintain high
standards by ensuring that the team/section produces excellent work in terms of
quality/quantity and timelines. Must have excellent analytic skills in communication
(both written and verbal), digital management with deep understanding of social
media platforms and channels. Strong strategic capability and leadership, public
knowledge management skills, people management, diversity management, risk
management, corporate governance, client orientation and customer focus. Strong
budgeting and financial management, change management and service delivery
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
and personal development plans (PDP’s) for all employees in the sub-directorate.
Manage daily employee performance assessments of all sub-ordinates. Maintain
high standards by ensuring that the team/section produces excellent work in terms
of quality/quantity and timelines. Resolve problems of motivation and control with
minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on individual
potential. Provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff adequate
training and development opportunities. Ensure management, maintenance and
safekeeping of assets. Ensure sound employee relations in terms of the applicable
labour legislation. Ensure that policy, systems and procedures to manage discipline
are implemented and maintained. Implement a human resource development
strategy for the unit. Build effective teams. Build capacity through the management
of continuous training and development programmes for categories of staff.
Knowledge of applicable legislations and prescripts, government programmes,
information management, policies and procedures, Public Finance Management
Act (PFMA). Excellent research, report writing, negotiation, interpersonal relations,
communication, facilitation, computer literacy, analysing, conflict management,
presentation skills and working in a team.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
(PDP’s) for all employees in the sub-directorate. Manage daily employee
performance and ensure timely performance assessments of all sub-ordinates.
Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team/section produces excellent work
in terms of quality/quantity and timelines. Resolve problems of motivation and
control with minimum guidance from manager. Delegate functions to staff based on
individual potential provide the necessary guidance and support and afford staff
adequate training and development opportunities. Ensure management,
maintenance and safekeeping of assets. Knowledge of applicable legislation and
prescripts, government programmes, information management, policies and
procedures, Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Excellent research, report
writing, negotiation, interpersonal relations, communication, facilitation, computer
literacy, analysing, conflict management, presentation, strategic capability and
leadership, programme and project management, service delivery innovation,
people management and empowerment skills.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
communication. Manage assets of the directorate. Financial management. Monitor
the planning and reporting of the directorate programs. Monitor the development
and the implementation of the directorate standard operating procedures. Attend to
internal audit and AGs RFIs and Audit Outcomes and findings.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
Framework, protection of personal information act. Must possess a valid driver’s
DUTIES : Manage the installation, configuration, maintenance of servers, networks, and
cloud infrastructure. Facilitate the configuration of desktops and servers. Facilitate
consultations with service providers for LAN, Cloud and server support. Facilitate
the desktop support, instructions, and training. Manage and monitor server
performance. Facilitate the continuous and installation of windows update.
Facilitate the creation of user accounts and mailboxes. Facilitate and maintain
uptime of LAN link. Manage and maintain ICT infrastructure, ICT risks and ICT
security. Facilitate the implementation, management and maintenance of IT
continuity plans and ICT Security infrastructure. Manage the storage and backups
of Departmental Data and Information. Maintain availability of user data. Facilitate
the implementation and management of antivirus, anti-malware and patch
management solution. Develop and facilitate the implementation of IT security
policies on the safe keeping and storage of data. Conduct IT security reviews and
IT risk assessments. Manage and maintain ICT services and ICT assets. Facilitate
the management and resolution of user’s problems. Facilitate the management and
maintenance of ICT service charter. Facilitate the management and installation of
network devices. Facilitate the management and maintenance of user rights and
user access reviews. Facilitate the implementation and management of ICT service
desk system. Manage the performance of employees. Facilitate coaching,
mentorship, training, and development of employees. Develop and manage
implementation of the plan. Manage the employee conditions of service and
allocation of resources of the sub-directorate. Maintain sound employment
relations. Establish and maintain effective and efficient communication. Conduct
monthly operational meetings with the team.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
assets of the unit. Manage the employee conditions of service. Maintain sound
employment relations. Manage assets of the unit. Establish and main effective and
efficient communication. Conduct weekly operational meetings with the team.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
progress meetings with relevant stakeholders. Update works control system.
Provide reports, estimates, and recommend. Monitor expenditure and payments.
Verify accuracy of tender documents, specifications, and bills of quantities.
Promote and assist SMME’s, BBBEE and PPPs. Promote the initiatives of the
Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP). Facilitate the compilation of the
relevant project documentation for new and existing structures. Develop and
interpret plans and sketches. Draw up quotation documents and compile
specifications, bills of quantities and bid documents. Adjudicate and provide
recommendations on quotations and bids. Liaise with relevant stakeholders in
respect of technical aspects. Manage the activities of contractors and consultants.
Provide advice and guidance to contractors and consultants in respect of
compliance to legislations, regulations, and procedures. Put systems and
procedures in place to ensure contractors and consultants adhere to legislation,
regulations, and procedures. Verify invoices and certify progress of payments.
Check and process variation orders and requests for the extension of deadlines.
Brief contractors and consultants on projects and certify claims for fees. Administer
contracts. Facilitate and resolve problems emanating from projects and develop
progress reports on projects.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
service regularity framework, information management and performance
management. Human Settlements experience will be an added advantage. Must
possess a valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Facilitation integrated sustainable human settlements through the upgrading of
informal settlements. Source updated informal settlements list from municipalities.
Facilitate the feasibility studies of assessment, categorisation, and plan of
prioritised informal settlements. Facilitate engagement of service providers with the
respective council and communities. Facilitate the completion of upgraded plans.
Facilitate the procurement processes for the upgrading of informal settlements.
Facilitate the implementation of the upgrading informal settlements projects.
Facilitate the implementation process of upgrading projects from the municipalities.
Facilitate the prioritization of projects for implementation through project packaging.
Facilitating the project and funding approval for upgrading informal settlements.
Facilitate the completion of projects in the upgrading of informal settlements.
Establish partnerships with sector departments and ensure the upgrading of
informal settlements. Collaborate with all upgrading project stakeholders in
ensuring projects are efficiently implemented. Facilitate project claim payments.
Facilitate all necessary phase(s) are closed out in the process for upgrading
success. Coordinate and facilitate the implementation of social-economic
amenities. Facilitate the feasibility studies and the needs analysis assessment.
Source project funding for social and economic facilities. Establish partnerships
with sector departments and other users to ensure project success. Facilitate
procurement and the contracting process. Collaborate with district offices in
ensuring project implementation processes are conducted. Facilitate project claim
payments. Facilitate close-out process, handover and utilization. Manage the
allocated resources of the directorate. Manage the performance of employees.
Facilitate coaching, mentorship, training, and development of employees. Develop
and manage implementation of the unit plan. Manage the assets of the unit.
Manage the employee conditions of service. Maintain sound employment relations.
Manage assets of the unit. Establish and maintain effective and efficient
communication. Conduct weekly operational meetings with the team. Support
strategic leadership and risk management through directorate including IGR.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
Work in collaboration with National for the final assessment done by an
Independent Capacity Compliance Assessment Panel. issue a compliance
certificate. Draft submission soliciting MEC approval for those found competent.
Establish the capacity status of the municipalities. Analyse assessment reports.
Consolidate municipal project information. Identify problem areas and deficiencies.
Implement support mechanisms. Co-ordinate establishment of National Housing
Needs Register in municipalities. Coordinate support to municipalities with NHNR.
Monitor performance of municipalities on NHNR and provide support where
needed. Monitoring Hands-on support programme. Monitoring Unemployed
Graduates Program.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
maintain departmental PERSAL salary manuals, policies and procedures. Liaise
between departmental system users and provincial treasury. Liaise with national
treasury on PERSAL salary related queries. Report on the correctness of
information on the system. Manage control and audit measures on PERSAL. Liaise
with ICT for 100% up time PERSAL system. Facilitate the implementation of
instructions issued by National Treasury (PMFA). Evaluate and recommend/reject
requested changes to the PERSAL system from salary users (SSC). Analysis and
identify any control weakness. Provide PERSAL salary management information
reports to salaries and finance. Supply PERSAL reports on specific information to
be utilised by management and other users for decision making. Draw salary
reports from PERSAL. Draw, analyse and distribute PERSAL salary exception
reports. Draw audit control reports from PERSAL. Report on cleaning of exception
reports and RACF findings. Facilitate accurate allocation codes on PERSAL for
interface with BAS. Maintain up to date establishment on PERSAL. Liaise with BAS
Systems Controller regarding all salary related allocations. Monitor linkage of
Compensation of Employees allocation codes to the Organisational Structure on
PERSAL. Coordinate PERSAL user account management. Maintain security
profiles of users. Verify users and communication to Provincial Treasury on user
amendments. Review function allocation and user access. Facilitate that security
profiles are in sync with segregation of duties. Issue compliance certificates.
Review and action RACF reports. Provide documentation to provincial treasury for
the creation and maintenance of users (for all centralised departments). Submit
and facilitate the accuracy of documentation to provincial treasury to open and
close PERSAL salary related codes. Terminate all dormant salary users who have
not accessed the system for a period of 90 days and after receiving written
confirmation from the section concerned. Facilitate that the documentation is up to
date for all profile registrations and changes for salary users. Facilitate the resetting
of salary users. Facilitate the training of salary user group. Identify the training
needs. Provide person to person training. Facilitate the formal and informal
PERSAL training. Train and develop salary users. Report the training conducted
for users and submit to HRD.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
and development of employees. Maintain sound labour relations. Establish and
maintain effective and efficient communication.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
Purpose: To render effective and efficient rebates services.
NO: DHS24/09/2023
CENTRE : Head Office (East London)
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) / B.Degree (NQF level
7) in Finance/Auditing/Accounting/Cost and Management Accounting or equivalent
qualification with 2 years’ experience. Knowledge of public service act, public
finance management act, public service regulations. Preferential procurement
policy framework act, treasury regulations. Be able to work under pressure, tight
deadlines, assertive and confident.
DUTIES : Verify supply chain management (SCM) related transactions. Check compliance
with applicable SCM prescripts. Check the correctness and completeness of
source documents. Check compliance of authorizations with delegation framework,
conditions and budget availability before issuing of orders. Identify discrepancies
in submitted documents and check alignment with policies and procedures.
Observe the bid closing process. Report on incidents of non-compliance and
irregularities. Control the document movement, incoming and outgoing. Verify and
analyse the submitted payments claims. Monitor compliance with the delegation
framework and conditions. Verify correctness and completeness of conditional
grant, general payments and salary related claims. Confirm the availability of the
allocated budget before a claim is authorised for capturing on PERSAL and BAS.
Identify discrepancies and facilitate corrective actions. Provide necessary guidance
on applicable limits as per the departmental S&T policy. Provide support during the
assessment or irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Identify and register
irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. Run BAS and HSS reports required
for assessment or investigation or irregular expenditure. Verify submitted fruitless
and wasteful expenditure monthly before reporting. Safeguard face value
documents. Keep face value documents in strong room. Issue face value document
on request by users. Monitor closure of face value documents during financial year
end. Supervision of staff. Manage the performance of employees. Manage
employee conditions of service. Facilitate coaching, mentorship, training, and
development of employees. Maintain sound labour relations. Establish and
maintain effective and efficient communication.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
NO: DHS26/09/2023
Support to the Office of the Head of Department
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate, National Diploma (NQF level 6) / B.Degree (NQF level
7) in Archives and Records Management/Library and Information Science or
equivalent qualification with 1 to 2 years’ working experience. Knowledge of registry
duties, practices as well as the ability to capture data and operate a computer.
Working knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the
public service. Knowledge of storage and retrieval procedures in terms of the
working environment. Must possess a valid driver’s license.
DUTIES : Provide registry counter services. Attend to clients. Handle all courier related
enquiries. Facilitate the sorting and dispatching of mail. Handle telephonic and
other enquiries received. Receive and register hand delivered mail and files.
Distribute notices on registry issues. Handle incoming and outgoing
correspondence. Render an effective filing and record management services.
Facilitate the opening and closing of files according to the record classification
system. Facilitate the filing/storage, tracing (electronically/manually) and retrieving
of documents and files. Facilitate the completion of index cards for all files.
Facilitate the operation of the office machines. Facilitate the opening and
maintenance of the franking machine register. Facilitate the franking of post,
recording of money and the updating of register on daily basis. Conduct spot
checks on post to ensure that no private post is included. Lock post in postbag for
messenger to deliver to the Post Office. Open and maintain remittance register.
Record all valuable articles as prescribed in remittance register. Hand delivers and
signs over remittances to finance. Send wrong remittances back to sender via
registered post and record reference number in register. Keep record daily of
amount of letter franked. Process documents for archiving and disposal.
Electronically scan files. Sort and package files for archives and distribution.
Compile list of documents to be archived and submit to the supervisor. Keep record
of the archived documents. Keep record daily of number of letters franked.
Supervision of staff. Manage the performance of employees. Manage employee
conditions of service. Facilitate coaching, mentorship, training and development of
employees. Maintain sound labour relations. Establish and maintain effective and
efficient communication. Facilitate the use of courier services and the payment of
the courier invoices. Ensure the development and implementation of work plans for
all subordinates. Ensure that records are safe and files in a proper and correct
manner using the departmental file plan. Ensure maximum protection of files
against, fire, heat, water and insects.
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
NO: DHS2023/03 (X1 POST)
Directorate: Support to the Office of the Head of Department
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
APPLICATIONS :, courier and hand delivery to the Department of
Human Settlements, Steve Tshwete House, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst
ENQUIRIES : Can be directed to Mrs W. Hartzenberg Tel No: (043) 711 9685/Mr M. Kana Tel
No: (043) 711 9743
For e-recruitment Enquiries email:
APPLICATIONS :, courier and hand delivery to the Department of
Human Settlements, Steve Tshwete House, 31-33 Phillip Frame Road, Chiselhurst
APPLICATIONS : Applicants are encouraged to apply using e-Recruitment system which is available
on The system is available 24/7 and closes at
23:59 on the closing date. To report technical glitches, for assistance regarding the
system, and/or for activation of your profile, send an email to: OR
(NB: For Technical Glitches only – NO CVs). Email with your ID Number, your
profile email address, details of the issue. Technical support is limited to working
hours: (08:00-16:30 Mon-Thursday and 08:00-16:00 on Fri). Refer all application
related enquiries to the specified contact person.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed Z83 (effective from 01 January
2021) form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants are not required to submit any copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully
completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-
recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore not signable; so,
applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment system will not be
disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications,
and other relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants
with foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the
interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the
application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check,
citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification
and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be
subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be
subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. The Department reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with disability
and people from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. It is
the department’s objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action
Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable
representation across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and
people living with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the
right to amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest
of the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). targets of the
department will be adhered to.
Purpose: To manage the implementation of Financial and Associated Governance
Norms and Standards within Provincial Departments.
experience in Financial Accounting of which 3 years must have been at an
Assistant Director Level. Skills and Competencies: Cash-Flow Management.
Financial Risk Management. Investment Management. Application of PFMA.
PERSAL. BAS. Financial Accounting. Policy Analysis. Computer Literate.
Analytical Thing. Communication Skills.
DUTIES : Ensure Monitoring of Compliance with Payment within 30 Days in terms of the
PFMA and National Treasury Regulations by all Provincial Departments: Monitor
provincial departments payment cycle to ensure suppliers are paid within 30 days
in compliance with National Treasury Regulations 8.2.3. Prepare comparative
analysis report and graphical representation of data thereof. Present, communicate
and engage provincial departments on outcomes thereof. Engagement with
National Treasury on outstanding payments especially for exempted micro
enterprises (EMEs) and qualifying small enterprises (QSEs). Respond to all queries
received from supplier complaints, as well as to the ad hoc questions from the
Legislature with regards to creditor payments. Facilitate and conduct quarterly
finance forums for provincial departments to create awareness on best practices in
dealing with payment cycle, accruals, and payables. Further ensure the accurate
reporting of Annexure B in terms of National Treasury Instruction Note 34. Ensure
effective communication and stakeholder management on settlement of accruals
and payables. Design template on accruals and payables plan and circulate to
departments for completion and monthly submission to Provincial Treasury.
Prepare and maintain a schedule of Audited accruals and payables for each
provincial department. Prepare quarterly feedback letters to provincial
departments. Monitor the performance of creditor reconciliations for major accounts
of provincial departments. Provide monthly reports to management. Ensure
adequate capacity building in provincial departments. Engage with relevant
stakeholders on debtors’ management. Manage Area of Responsibility: Sound
Administration of a Unit. Maintain high standards by ensuring that the team / section
produces excellent work in terms of quality / quantity and timeliness. Resolve
problems of motivation and control with minimum guidance from manager.
Delegate functions to staff based on individual potential provide the necessary
guidance and support and afford staff adequate training and development
opportunities, Ensure Performance Agreements, Work Plans and Personal
Development Plans (PDP’s) for all subordinates are developed and implemented
timeously. Manage employee performance daily and ensure timely submission of
Performance Assessments of all subordinates. Ensure assets are managed,
maintained and kept safely by subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 /Ms B Bavuma at 083 734 9641/ Ms B Ndayi at
060 573 5574
For technical glitches send an email to: / OR (NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
management related controls are implemented within departments. Facilitate and
implement strategies to address gaps identified by assessment results. Coordinate
and evaluate the implementation of these corrective strategies and provide senior
management with periodic reports. Facilitate and coordinate in the development
and implementation of appropriate asset management policy. Assist in the
management, treatment and disclosure of inventories related expenditure in
compliance with the relevant guidelines. Facilitate and coordinate the preparation
of financial disclosure annexures and notes relating to expenditure on movable and
immovable assets. Issue annual circular communicating the submission dates for
the U-AMPs and C-AMPs in terms of Section 9 of GIAMA. Facilitate and provide
support in the review and implementation of annual provincial GIAMA
implementation plan by DRPW. Assist in the revision and submission of draft U-
AMPs and C-AMP to National Treasury in conjunction with DRPW. Provide Support
in Provincial Departments with Asset Management Capacity Building: Assist in
preparation of annual assessments of provincial asset management structures for
adequacy and relevance to perform asset management function. Support the
identification of training needs and planning for relevant training. Prepare all the
necessary documentation for workshops and forums aimed at roll-out of asset
management related reforms from National Treasury as well as enhancing
provincial best practices sharing amongst practitioners. Render Support and
Implement Risk, Finance and Supply-Chain Management Protocols and Prescripts
in the Area of Responsibility; Identify and manage risks in area of responsibility.
Manage the Unit’s procurement planning and ensure specifications are developed
timeously in compliance with Supply Chain Management prescripts. Ensure the
Unit’s assets are managed, maintained and kept safely. Provide inputs on financial
implications of propositions and align expenditure to cash flow projections.
ENQUIRIES : Ms T. Nkonyile at 083 8755 707 /Ms B Bavuma at 083 734 9641/ Ms B Ndayi at
060 573 5574
For technical glitches send an email to: / OR (NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
For technical glitches send an email to: / OR (NB: For Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
NOTE : This post is earmarked for a person with disability
APPLICATIONS : Provincial Office: Hand Delivery: Albertina Sisulu Building, No 7 Beatrice Street
(behind KFC-Alexandra Road), King William’s Town, for the attention of Ms. Z
Njeza or Post to the Director: HRA: Social Development, Private Bag X0039,
Bhisho, 5605.
Alfred Nzo: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag
X401, Mount Ayliff, 4735 or hand deliver at Room 7 Mt Ayliff Counselling Centre,
Garane Street for the attention of Mr S Shweni. Enquiries may be directed to Mr S
Shweni Tel No: (039) 254 0900
Amathole: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag
X9066, East London, 5200, or hand delivered at Absa Building, No. 85 Oxford
Street, East London for the attention of Ms Z. Habe. Enquiries may be directed to
Ms Z. Habe Tel No: (043) 711 6626
Buffalo City Metro: The District Director, Department of Social Development,
Private Bag X9066, East London 5200, or hand deliver at Ideal Homes Building,
No 172 Oxford Street, East London, for the attention of Ms P. Kula Enquiries may
be directed to Ms P. Kula Tel No: (043) 705-5675
Chris Hani: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private Bag
X7191, Queenstown 5320 or hand deliver at Pandarosa Building, 54 Ebden Street,
Queenstown, for the attention of Ms N Mzinjana. Enquiries may be directed to Ms
Mzinjana Tel No: (045) 808 3709
Joe Gqabi: The District Director, Department of Social Development and Special
Programmes, Private Bag X 1002, Aliwal North or hand delivered at Aliwal North
Spar Hotel, Dan-Pienaar Street, Aliwal North. Enquiries may be directed to Ms N.
Duba Tel No: (051) 633-1616 OR Ms P Tsuputse Tel No: (051) 633-1609.
Nelson Mandela Metro: The District Director, Department of Social Development,
Private bag X 3906 North End 5056 or hand delivered at Room 208, Ibhayi Bulding,
Straundale Road. Enquiries may be directed to Ms L. Thompson 041 406-5750
Sarah Baartman: The District Director, Department of Social Development, Private
Bag X 1008, Grahamstown, 6139, or hand delivered at Room 11, 2nd floor, Corner
African and Hill Street, Old SABC Building, Grahamstown Enquiries may be
directed to Mr M Sipambo Tel No: 046 636-1484
OR Tambo: Department of Social Development Private Bag X6000 Mthatha 5099
or hand delivered to office number 10-126 10th floor Botha Sigcawu Building,
Corner Leeds and Owen Street, Mthatha, 5099 for attention of Mrs Z Dlanjwa Tel
No: (047) 531 2504
The e-recruitment system which is available on
The e-Recruitment System Closes at 23: 59 on the closing date. To report technical
glitches, for assistance regarding the system, and/or for activation of your profile,
send an email with your ID Number, your profile email address, details of the issue
to: (NB: FOR Technical Glitches Only – No CVs).
Technical support is limited to working hours: (08:0016:30 Mon-Thursday and
08:00-16:00 on Fri). Should you submit your applications/CVs to: and not as specified – your application will be
regarded as lost and will not be considered.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a duly completed Z83 (effective from 01 January
2021) form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Applicants are not required to submit any copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit a fully
completed signed Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae. NB: Z83 in the e-
recruitment system is currently not downloadable and therefore not signable; so,
applicants who submitted applications via the e-recruitment system will not be
disqualified for an unsigned Z83 instead will be requested to sign on interview day.
Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications,
and other relevant documents to HR on or before the interview date. Applicants
with foreign qualifications would be required to submit an evaluation certificate from
the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) on or before the day of the
interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will disqualify the
application. Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within six (6) months after the closing date of this
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Selected
candidates will be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check,
citizenship verification, financial/asset record check, qualification/study verification
and previous employment verification). Successful candidates will also be
subjected to security clearance processes. Where applicable, candidates will be
subjected to a skills/knowledge test. Successful candidates will be appointed on a
probation period of twelve (12) months. Misrepresentation in the application
documents will result in automatic disqualification and disciplinary action in the
event the candidate has already been appointed. The Department reserves the
right not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Persons with disability
and people from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. It is
the department’s objective to address the Employment Equity Affirmative Action
Measures in line with the Employment Equity Plan and to achieve equitable
representation across race and gender. In filling of these posts gender equity and
people living with disability will be highly considered. The Department reserves the
right to amend / review / withdraw advertised posts if by so doing, the best interest
of the department will be well served. (Females and People with disabilities are
also requested to apply and indicate such in their applications). targets of the
department will be adhered to.
Substance Abuse Act, 2008, Child Justice Act, 2008 and Restorative Justice
Process. An understanding of Child and Youth Care Systems including expert
knowledge of the Minimum Standards of Child and Youth Care. Inherent
enthusiasm for work with children in conflict with the law. Experience in working
with children in trouble with the law in a secure care environment. Strategic
planning skills. Sound knowledge of the Labour Relations Act of 1995 as well as
the grievance procedure. Financial management skills. Stakeholder relations skills.
Project management skills. Leadership and good interpersonal relations skills.
Policy analysis. Computer literacy. Good communication and writing skills.
Facilitation, monitoring and evaluation skills.
DUTIES : Provide strategic leadership to the Centre through planning, budgeting and
development of monitoring and evaluation systems. Manage and empower
personnel in the Centre in line with the Public Service Act and other policies.
Ensuring that there are good employee relations within the institution. Ensuring that
all professionals within the centre are registered with the SACSSP. Develop and
strengthen relationships with the NPO sector and other. Government Departments
and agencies within the Criminal Justice System. Ensure alignment of plans and
budgets. Manage the finances of the Centre in line with the Public Finance
Management Act. Analyse policies and develop programmes at the Centre for the
management of children in conflict with the law. Coordinate other departments and
civil society for integrated services and programmes for children admitted at the
Centre. Provide a social work service of the highest, most advanced and
specialized nature within defined area(s) of specialization with regard to the care,
support, protection and development of children through the relevant programmes
in partnership with stakeholders. Attend to any other matters that could result in, or
stem from social instability in any form. Facilitate the development and planning of
programmes and interventions to render a social work service through the efficient,
economical and effective utilization of financial resources. Willingness to travel
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
DSD 002/09/2023
others. Conflict management: Must be able to resolve disagreements and conflicts
in a constructive manner. Networking and building bonds: Must be able to build and
maintain a network of professional relations. Planning and organizing: Must be able
to plan and organize the work of the work unit and groups. Project management:
Must be able to plan and manage projects in order to deliver on time, within cost
and at the required quality level. Understanding social work values and principles:
Must demonstrate social work values and the principles of human rights and social
justice. Be Computer literate.
DUTIES : Strengthen developmental social welfare service delivery through legislative and
policy reforms. Manage the development, review and monitor the implementation
of policies, strategies, guidelines and legislation for regulation of Social Service
Practitioners. Capacity Building and monitoring the implementation of the
framework for social welfare in line with the White Paper for Social Welfare (1997).
Develop, review, capacity building and monitoring the implementation of the Quality
Assurance Framework for social welfare services (2012). Capacity Building and
monitoring the implementation of the Social Service Professions Act no. 110 of
1978. Conduct capacity building and monitoring the implementation of the
framework for social welfare services. 126 Monitor the implementation of
Supervision for social welfare service as well as guidelines for workload
management. Establish and strengthen collaborations for Social Welfare Services.
Establish an effective and efficient institutional framework for regulation of Social
Service Practitioners. Develop and implement programmes for professional
support services. Develop and monitor the implementation of induction policy and
induction programme for Social Service Practitioners in line with the Social Service
Professions Act no. 110 of 1978. Manage and empower Social Service
Practitioners employed by the Department in line with the Public Service Act and
in adherence to Code of Conduct and Course of Ethics. Conduct developmental
quality assurance assessments to NGOs funded by the Department of Social
Development. Ensure alignment of plans and budgets. Formulate and Analyse
policies and provide guidance to the provision of social work service of the highest,
most advanced and specialized nature within defined area(s) of specialization
regarding the relevant legislations and programmes in partnership with
stakeholders. Attend and give professional guidance to any other matters that could
result in, or stem from, social instability in any form. Coordinate and Facilitate
access to accredited training with continuous personnel development (CPD) points
acquired by Social Service Practitioners. Coordinate and facilitate the
establishment of various national and provincial fora to engage Social Work
Supervisors. Manage database, provision of reports on recruitment and retention
of social service practitioners. Evaluate the impact of the programmes, submit
project plan, budget proposals and make recommendations for programmes.
Provide professional guidance for provision of Child Care and Protection Services
in line with the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 as amended
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
orientation and customer focus, Good project management, report writing,
facilitation skills, analytical skills, presentation and communication skills (written
and verbal), Conflict management, Planning and organizing. Problem solving,
Computer Literacy (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and a valid driver’s license.
Sound Financial and budgeting management.
DUTIES : Facilitate, manage and coordinate the strategic planning processes in the
Department. Develop a multi-year departmental planning programme that is
aligned with DSD constitutional mandate and government priorities. Coordinate
departmental inputs into government planning processes including the MTSF, P-
MTSF, Provincial Programme of Action and Sector Planning. Facilitate the
development of the departmental strategic plan, and annual performance plans,
Annual operational plans and service delivery improvement plans in the Provincial,
District and Local Service offices. Ensure validation and approval of performance
planning documents by respective delegated authorities. Ensure effective and
inclusive processes for planning including integration of plans within the local
government sphere. Keep abreast of relevant national and international trends in
planning, monitoring and evaluation. Provide expert advice and guidance to
management and staff on planning matters. Develop a systematic and standard
approach, frameworks, Standard Operating Procedures, Business process,
Manuals for performance planning in the Department. Convene strategic planning
sessions for the Department. Quality assure the inputs to ensure alignment
between outcomes, outputs, output indicators, impact indicator and targets.
Participate in Provincial Planning Forums and Integrated Planning Engagements.
Ensure operational efficiency and service delivery within the sub-unit. Report on
the performance of the sub-unit against the operational plan to the Director.
Effectively manage the performance of the sub-unit against agreed service level
agreements, business requirements and targets. Manage effective implementation
of process and systems enhancement initiatives within the sub-unit. Problems.
Networking and Building Bonds. Planning and Organising. Problem Solving and
Decision Making. Project Management. Team Leaders.
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
service and probation supervision orders. Be responsible for family finding or
tracing where it is necessary.
ENQUIRIES : Amathole: enquiries may be directed to Ms Z. Habe Tel No: (043) 711 6626
BCM: enquiries may be directed to Ms P. Kula Tel No: (043) 705-5675
OR Tambo: enquiries may be directed Mrs Z Dlanjwa Tel No: (047) 531 2504
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
equality. Co-ordinate the celebration of institutionalised days. Compile and submit
monthly and quarterly reports.
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
of Human Resource Policies, Strategies and related matters. Knowledge of PMDS.
Knowledge of Budgeting Processes in the Government Sector. Strategic capability,
analytical and negotiation skills. Knowledge of disciplinary procedure, code and
relevant legislation, Good written and oral communication skills, customer care,
people management, change management, coordination and planning. Strong
planning skills, sound interpersonal and conflict management skills.
DUTIES : Management of recruitment, selection, appointments and other life cycle events of
employees. Manage compensation and condition of service of employees and
leave management. Management of Human Resource Personnel Records. Provide
and facilitate Performance Management and Development Services. Provide and
co-ordinate Training and Skills Development support Services. Prepare and submit
consolidated monthly, quarterly and annually reports for the unit. Manage and
supervise staff.
ENQUIRIES : may be directed to Ms Mzinjana Tel No: (045) 808 3709
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate plus B Degree/ N Diploma (NQF 6/7) in Fleet/ Transport
Management/ Fleet/Transport Economics and Logistics Management /Public
Management/Public Administration/relevant equivalent qualification. A minimum of
3-5 years relevant experience and must be at supervisory level (Level 7/8). A valid
driver’s license is a prerequisite. Competencies: Good coordination, planning,
communication (return and spoken), interpersonal relations, conflict management
and resolution, report writing and organisational skills, ability to work long hours
and render assistance to subordinates and to clients voluntarily, gathering and
analysing of information, drafting of reports, interpret and apply policies, work
independently and in a team.
DUTIES : Coordination and management of government fleet, updating and maintaining of
asset register for government vehicles, development of departmental circulars for
government vehicles, Reporting of accident/ incident of government vehicles,
conduct physical verification of Government Fleet as well as Trainings on usage of
vehicles throughout the province, compile and submit monthly report on usage of
government fleet, tracing of traffic fines.
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
DSD 012/09/2023
(12 Months Contract)
driver’s license will be required to submit the proof within six (6) months from the
date of assumption of duty. Competencies: Communication: Must be able to
exchange information in a clear and concise manner with clients and supervisors
including report writing. Teamwork and collaboration: Must be able to work
effectively within teams including social work teams and multidisciplinary teams.
Valuing diversity: Must be able to work effectively, cooperatively, amicable with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Planning and
organizing: Must be able to plan and organize own work. Computer literacy: Must
demonstrate basic computer literacy as a support tool to enhance service delivery.
Trustworthiness: Must be able to build a positive relationship of trust with
colleagues and clients. Empathy: Must demonstrate compassion, be able to
respect and build positive relationships with clients. Understanding social work
values and principles: Must demonstrate social work values and the principles of
human rights and social justice. Developing others: Must be able to develop, coach
and foster long term learning of others.
DUTIES : Understanding social dynamics: Must be able to challenge structural sources of
poverty, inequality, oppression, discrimination and exclusion. Understanding
human behaviour and social systems: Must have knowledge and understanding of
human behaviour and social systems Social Work Intervention: Must be able to
intervene at the points where people interact with their environment in order to
promote social wellbeing. Social empowerment: Must be able to assist and
empower individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to enhance
their social functioning and their problem-solving capabilities. Social support: Must
be able to promote, restore, maintain and enhance the functioning of individuals,
families, groups and communities by enabling them to accomplish tasks, prevent
and alleviate distress and use resources effectively. Protecting vulnerable
individuals: Must understand and be able to provide social work services towards
protecting people who are vulnerable, at risk and unable to protect themselves.
Understanding social work legislation: Must demonstrate an understanding of
social work policies, legislation and related legal and ethical social work practices.
ENQUIRIES : Amathole: enquiries may be directed to Ms Z. Habe Tel No: (043) 7116626
BCM: enquiries may be directed to Ms P. Kula Tel No: (043) 705-5675
Joe Gqabi: enquiries may be directed to Ms N. Duba Tel No: (051) 633-1616
Sarah Baartman: enquiries may be directed to Mr M Sipambo Tel No: (046) 636-
OR Tambo: enquiries may be directed to Mrs Z Dlanjwa Tel No: (047) 531 2504
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
(12 Months Contract)
Programmes and Districts. Assist with the preparation of inputs to meet the
Departmental reporting mandate. Conduct data quality assurance.
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of working procedures in
terms of the working environment. Be Computer Literate.
DUTIES : Supervise and render general clerical support services. Supervise and provide
NPO clerical support services within the component. Supervise and provide
personnel administration clerical support services within the component. Supervise
and provide financial administration support services in the component. Capturing
data on the system.
ENQUIRIES : Sarah Baartman enquiries may be directed to Mr M Sipambo Tel No: (046) 636-
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
and provide financial administration support services in the component. Capturing
data on the system.
ENQUIRIES : OR Tambo enquiries may be directed Mrs Z Dlanjwa Tel No: (047) 531 2504
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
CENTRE : BCM: District Office
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate / relevant equivalent qualification. Computer literacy. No
experience required. Competencies: Basic knowledge of financial functions,
practices as well as the ability to capture data, operate computer and collate
financial statistics. Basic knowledge and insight of the Public Service financial
DUTIES : Render Financial Accounting transactions. Perform Salary Administration support
services. Perform Bookkeeping support services. Render a budget support service.
ENQUIRIES : BCM enquiries may be directed to Ms P. Kula Tel No: (043) 705-5675
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
number in register. Keep daily record of amount of letters franked. Process
documents for archiving and/ disposal. Electronic scanning of files. Sort and
package files for archives and distribution. Compile list of documents to be archived
and submit to the supervisor. Keep records for archived documents.
ENQUIRIES : Provincial Office Enquiries may be directed to Ms Z Njeza Tel No: (043) 605
e-Recruitment Technical Support:
032/09/2023 (X1 POST)
ERRATUM: Kindly note that the following post was advertised in Public Service
Vacancy Circular 31 dated 01st September 2023, The Medical Officer Grade 1-3
(X1 Post) with Ref No: 31/102 under Tara, the H. Moross Centre has been
Directorate: Community Dentistry
SALARY : R1 887 363 per annum, (inclusive package), excluding Commuted Overtime
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with the HPCSA as Community Dentistry Dental Specialist in a normal
specialty or a recognized Sub-Specialty. A minimum of 3 years’ appropriate
experience as a Dental Specialist after registration with the HPCSA as a
Community Dentistry Specialist. Proven record of teaching at under and
postgraduate levels. A track record of supervision or co-supervision of
postgraduate research projects. Good standing in the profession and experience
in management and supervision of junior staff members.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible, inter alia, for the general supervision and
administration of the Community Dentistry Department. To manage and direct the
activities of the department including monitoring of service rendered to hospital
patients in this discipline, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training,
supervision of research projects and academic outreach. Report to the HOD:
Community Dentistry.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Y Malele-Kolisa Tel No: (011) 717 2594
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 applications must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X15,
Braamfontein, 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown or email to No
faxed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : This post is a joint appointment for Gauteng Health and Wits University. The
application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as current proof of HPCSA registration where necessary, will
only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the
day of the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being
disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report
issued by SAQA. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.
Please note that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed
candidates. The employer reserves the right not to fill a position. Should you not be
contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider
your application to be unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Radiology
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Specialist in a normal specialty. Registration with the HPCSA as a Medical
Specialist in a normal specialty and current registration. Interventional Radiology
skills will be an advantage.
DUTIES : The incumbent will be responsible to interview, investigate, diagnose, and oversee
the treatment of patient. Improve quality of care by providing appropriate clinical
care supervising of junior medical staff. Willing to do commuted overtime rendering
of after-hour (night, weekend, and public holiday) duties to provide continuous
uninterrupted care of patients. Attendance of relevant administrative meetings like
mortality meetings, near miss meetings and completing MEDICO Legal Documents
timeously (e.g., Death certificate). Participation in academic program in the hospital
and all activities of the discipline in relation to teaching and research. Ensure proper
and accurate record keeping as legally and ethically required. Reporting to the head
of unit on service delivery, clinical audits, and where necessary quality
improvement plans. Assist the HOD to monitor, implement and adhere to the
compliance to National Core Standards within their specific outreach programs.
Preparing and writing of reports. Assist the Clinical Head with Administration
responsibilities. Comply with the Performance Management and Development
system (contracting, quarterly reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Prof. V Mngomezulu Tel No: (011) 933 8393/ 0193
APPLICATIONS : Applicant should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver to
Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human Resource,
Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
(Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution after the closing
date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be considered).
NOTE : Please use the reference as subject. Applications must be submitted on the new
Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department
or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully
completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be
initialled and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it
should state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant documents on
application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All
experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and
respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications, service certificate, other relevant documents on or before the
interview and candidates in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to
furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding
the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification,
qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks
and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3)
months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Surgery (Vascular)
qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks
and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3)
months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Paediatric Surgery
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding
the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification,
qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks
and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3)
months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Obstetrics and Gynaecology
required to furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South
African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond
names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within
three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Intensive Care Unit (Paediatrics)
ENQUIRIES : Dr Mustafa Tel No: (011) 933 0270
APPLICATION : Applicant should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver to
Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human Resource,
Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
(Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution after the closing
date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be considered).
NOTE : Please use the reference as subject. Applications must be submitted on the new
Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department
or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully
completed (please refer on the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), both pages
must be initialed and sign the last page. On the Z83 the Department where position
was advertised it should state Department of Health. According to Department of
Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not
required to submit copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant
documents on application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae. The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies
the following: All experience should be in a chronological order indicating the
position, institution and respective dates indicating the starting and ending period
(DD/MM/YYYY). The information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the
Curriculum Vitae. Only shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit
certified copies of qualifications, service certificate, other relevant documents on or
before the interview and candidates in possession of a foreign qualification will be
required to furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South
African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –
Verification (Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate
supervisor, the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond
names provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information
preceding the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity
verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial
stability checks and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within
three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
and standards. Facilitate and participate in the development, training, and
mentorship of health professionals in the department. Work with District Team to
establish and maintain systems including surveillance, health information,
communication and referral guidelines and processes to support the delivery of
services. Provide support and guidance ensuring appropriate infrastructure,
equipment, resources, and sundries for the provision of quality clinical services.
Initiate, support, and participate in clinical audits and quality improvement cycles.
Implement effective monitoring and evaluation processes effective use of data and
appropriate reporting on outputs and health outcomes. Work integrated with all the
other team members in supporting the other streams of PHC reengineering.
ENQUIRIES : Dr. Theletsane JD Tel No: (016) 930 3356
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be posted to Private Bag X058, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 or hand
delivered to Sebokeng Hospital, Human Resource Department, Moshoeshoe
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 application for employment form as
issued by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration in line with
Regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulation, 2016, failure to do so will results in
disqualification of the application. Z83 form is obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at In terms of DPSA
circular no 19 of 2022, fully completed and signed Z83 form should be accompanied
by a recent updated CV. Copies of qualifications and other relevant documents
may not be included on application. Only selected candidates will be required to
submit certified copies of Identity Document, Qualifications, and other relevant
documents to Human Resources unit before or on the day of the interview. Failure
to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being
considered. Communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right
not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Gauteng Department of
Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the
appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity targets of
the of the institution. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Recommended candidates will be subjected to medical assessment.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Community Dentistry
SALARY : R1 214 805 – R1 605 330 per annum, (inclusive package), excl commuted
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Dental
Specialist in Community Dentistry. Registration with HPCSA as a Dental Specialist
within the relevant discipline. Appropriate Clinical experience as Specialist in
Community Dentistry after registration with Health Professional Council of South
Africa. Experience in teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate
students after qualifying as a specialist will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of academic dental services on the Oral
Health Teaching platform. Supervisory and administrative role with regards to
teaching and training of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Responsible for quality assurance of teaching/training and clinical governance.
Carry out own and supervise research. Participate in any other activity as directed
by the Head of Department.
ENQUIRIES : Dr Y Malele-Kolisa Tel No: (011) 7172594/3
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 applications must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X15
Braamfontein, 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown or email to No
faxed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : This post is a joint appointment by the Gauteng Health and Wits University. The
application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link:
145 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as valid of HPCSA where necessary, will only be submitted
by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of the interview
date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified. Foreign
qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA.
Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. Please note that
correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The employer
reserves the right not to fill a position.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Oral Medicine and Periodontology (OMP)
SALARY : R1 214 805 – R1 605 330 per annum, (inclusive package), excl commuted
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualification that allows registration with the HPCSA as Dental
Specialist in Oral Medicine and Periodontology. Registration with HPCSA as a
Dental Specialist within the relevant discipline. Appropriate Clinical experience as
Specialist in OMP after registration with Health Professional Council of South
Africa. Experience in teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate
students after qualifying as a specialist will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of academic dental services on the Oral
Health Teaching platform. Supervisory and administrative role with regards to
teaching and training of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Responsible for quality assurance of teaching/training and clinical governance.
Carry out own and supervise research. Participate in any other activity as directed
by the Head of Department.
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 applications must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X15,
Braamfontein, 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown or email to
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as current proof of HPCSA where necessary, will only be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of
the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified.
Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by
SAQA. Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. Please note
that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The
employer reserves the right not to fill a position.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (inclusive package), exc. commuted overtime
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Dentist in the category Independent Practice. A
minimum of two (2) years’ clinical experience as a Dentist excluding Community
Service. Completed primary subjects is a prerequisite for this post. Applicants must
have proven interest within the relevant discipline. An MSc degree or equivalent
qualification relevant to the specialty will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Incumbents will follow a course of study which on successful completion will entitle
the graduate to register with HPCSA as a specialist in the Prosthodontics discipline.
Training will involve treatment of a variety of patients within the relevant discipline,
writing and presenting seminars on academic topics, completing a research project
and assisting with teaching and training of undergraduate students plus
involvement in the service rendering and administrative duties of the department.
ENQUIRIES : Prof JL Shackleton
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 applications must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X15,
Braamfontein, 2017 or hand delivered to Wits Oral Health Centre, c/o Charlotte
Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Hospital Street, Area 254 (Yellow
Block) Wits Dental Hospital Reception, Parktown. No faxed applications will be
NOTE : This training post is a joint appointment for Gauteng Health and Wits University.
The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document and the highest required qualifications as well as and
current proof of HPCSA where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted
candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of the interview date. Failure
to do so will result in your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must
be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by SAQA. Applications received
after the closing date will not be accepted. Please note that correspondence will
only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The employer reserves the right
not to fill a position.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right
not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Gauteng Department of
Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the
appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity targets of
the of the institution. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Recommended candidates will be subjected to medical assessment.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (inclusive package), exc. commuted overtime
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Dentist in the category Independent Practice. A
minimum of two (2) years’ clinical experience as a Dentist excluding Community
Service. Completed primary subjects is a prerequisite for the post. Applicants must
have proven interest within the relevant discipline. An MSc degree or equivalent
qualification relevant to the specialty will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Incumbent will follow a course of study which on successful completion will entitle
the graduate to register with HPCSA as a specialist in the relevant discipline.
Training will involve treatment of a variety of patients within the relevant discipline,
writing and presenting seminars on academic topics, completing a research project
and assisting with teaching and training of undergraduate students plus
involvement in the service rendering and administrative duties of the department.
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 application forms must be sent to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag
X15, Braamfontein, 2017 Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown. No faxed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : This training post is a joint appointment for Gauteng Health and Wits University.
The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as and current proof of HPCSA where necessary, will only be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of
the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified.
Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by
SAQA. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Please
note that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The
employer reserves the right not to fill a position. Should you not be contacted within
3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your application
to be unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (inclusive package), exc. commuted overtime
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Dentist in the category Independent Practice. A
minimum of two (2) years’ clinical experience as a Dentist excluding Community
Service. Completed primary subjects is a prerequisite for the post. Applicants must
have proven interest within the relevant discipline. An MSc degree or equivalent
qualification relevant to the specialty will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Incumbent will follow a course of study which on successful completion will entitle
the graduate to register with HPCSA as a specialist in the relevant discipline.
Training will involve treatment of a variety of patients within the relevant discipline,
writing and presenting seminars on academic topics, completing a research project
and assisting with teaching and training of undergraduate students plus
involvement in the service rendering and administrative duties of the department.
ENQUIRIES : Prof RE Rikhotso
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 application forms must be sent to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag
X15, Braamfontein, 2017. Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown. No faxed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : This training post is a joint appointment for Gauteng Health and Wits University.
The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as and current proof of HPCSA where necessary, will only be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of
the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified.
Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by
SAQA. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Please
note that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The
employer reserves the right not to fill a position. Should you not be contacted within
3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your application
to be unsuccessful.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
POST 32/187 : DENTIST GRADE 1/2/3 REF NO: DENTPR/04/23 (X1 POST)
Directorate: Pediatrics and Restorative Dentistry
SALARY : R880 521 – R1 197 150 per annum, (inclusive package), excl. commuted overtime
CENTRE : Wits Oral Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Registration with HPCSA as Dentist in category independent practice. Minimum of
five years’ appropriate experience as a Dentist preferably with exposure to
undergraduate teaching and training. MSc Dent Degree/equivalent or postgraduate
qualification in Health will be an added advantage.
DUTIES : Dentist will be responsible for clinical services, teaching, research and trainings,
participation in all departmental activities and related administration.
ENQUIRIES : Dr MM Mothopi-Peri
APPLICATIONS : New Z83 applications must be send to Wits Oral Health Centre, Private Bag X15,
Braamfontein, 2017 Direct applications must be delivered to Wits Oral Health
Centre, c/o Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Area 255 Block 2
(Yellow Block), Parktown. No faxed applications will be accepted.
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the DPSA web site link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae with
names, contact number and e-mail addresses of three recent (3) referees. Certified
copies of Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required
qualifications as well as and current proof of HPCSA where necessary, will only be
submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of
the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified.
Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by
SAQA. Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Please
note that correspondence will only be entered into with short-listed candidates. The
employer reserves the right not to fill a position.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e., Diploma/degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification
that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council as a Professional
Nurse. A post basic qualification in Health Services Management will be an added
advantage. Current registration with the South African Nursing Council. A minimum
of ten (10) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration
as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least six (6) years
of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience in a
clinical specialty after obtaining the one (1) year post basic qualification in
Operating Theatre Nursing Science. At least three (3) years of the period referred
to above must be appropriate/recognize experience at management level.
Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: leadership, ward management/ward
administration, planning, organizing, co-ordination, and communication skills.
Ability to take charge and make appropriate independent decisions. Display
empathy for patients, promoting advocacy and facilitating holistic treatment and
care. Knowledge of administrative policies and guidelines.
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and co-ordinate the provision of effective and efficient patient
care through adequate nursing care. Initiate and participate in health promotion to
ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and comprehensive
information on health care. Develop/establish and maintain constructive
relationships with nursing and other stake holders (i.e., inter-personal, inter-
sectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork). Participate in the analysis, formulation of
nursing guidelines, norms, and standards. Implementation of Ideal Hospital
Maintenance Framework Version 2.0. Manage effective utilization and supervision
of human, financial and material resources. Co-ordination of provision of effective
training and research. Be allocated to work night shifts, weekends, public holidays
and relieve the supervisor when required. Maintain professional growth/ethical
standards and self-development. Management of personnel performance and
review thereof. (Contracting, Midterm review and final assessment)
ENQUIRIES : Mr. N.B. Mulaudzi Tel No: (011) 933 9779/0134
APPLICATIONS : Applicant should be hand delivered to Human Resources at the Chris Hani
Baragwanath Academic (CHBAH), between 8am and 3pm. At CHBAH deliver to
Ground floor, Main Admin Building or posted to the Director: Human Resource,
Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, Private Bag X01, Pimville, 1808.
(Kindly note that the application forms received by the institution after the closing
date of the advert irrespective of the reasons will not be considered).
NOTE : Please use the reference as subject. Applications must be submitted on the new
Z83 form. The application form is obtainable from any Public Service Department
or on the internet at The new Z83 must be fully
completed (please refer to the left side of Z83 special notes for clarity), it must be
initialed and signed. On the Z83 the Department where position was advertised it
should state Department of Health. According to Department of Public Service and
Administration (DPSA) Circular 19 of 2022, applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications, service certificate and other relevant documents on
application but must submit a fully completed Z83 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
The Curriculum Vitae should be recently updated that specifies the following: All
experience should be in a chronological order indicating the position, institution and
respective dates indicating the starting and ending period (DD/MM/YYYY). The
information on the new Z83 must be in sync with the Curriculum Vitae. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required/requested to submit certified copies of
qualifications, service certificate, other relevant documents on or before the
interview and candidates in possession of a foreign qualification will be required to
furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Personnel Suitability Checks (PSC) –Verification
(Reference checks- Provide at least 3 off which one must be immediate supervisor,
the Department shall reserve the right to conduct verification beyond names
provided, where necessary. Failure to submit all the relevant information preceding
the statement above will result in disqualifying the candidate. Identity verification,
qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks
and employment verification. If you have not been contacted within three (3)
months after the closing date, please accept that your application was
unsuccessful. The recommended candidate may be subjected to medical
surveillance as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 5/1993.
CHBAH reserves the right to utilize practical exercises/tests for non-SMS positions
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Nursing
This post is a re-advertisement, applicants who applied previously are encouraged
to re-apply.
SALARY : Grade 1: R683 838 – R713 865 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Sebokeng Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic R425 qualification (i.e. diploma /degree in nursing) or equivalent qualification
that allows registration with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a
Professional Nurse and Midwife. Registration with the SANC as Professional
Nurse. A post – basic nursing qualification with duration of at least one year,
accredited with SANC in Emergency and Trauma Nursing in terms of R212.
Diploma/degree in Nursing Administration will be added an advantage. Current
registration with the SANC – as a Professional Nurse and Midwife. A minimum of
10 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse and Midwife with SANC. At least 6 years of the period referred
to above must be appropriate/ recognizable experience after obtaining the 1 year
post basic qualification in Emergency and Trauma. At least 3 years of the period
referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience at management
level. (Less one year from experience for candidates appointed from outside Public
Service after complying with registration requirement). Supervisory, problem
solving, conflict resolution and interpersonal skills; Leadership, communication
skills and computer literacy. Knowledge of nursing legislation related legal and
ethical nursing practices and framework. Labour relations legislation and relevant
Public Sector policies and protocols. Human resources and financial management.
Knowledge of UPFS billing forms, NCS, HIS performance indicators related to
Emergency and Trauma. Demonstrate basic understanding of human resources,
disciplinary producers as well as financial management policies, guidelines, and
DUTIES : Delegate, supervise and co-ordinate the provision of effective and efficient patient
care through adequate nursing care. Initiate and participate in health promotion to
ensure consistent communication of relevant, accurate and comprehensive
information on health care. Develop/establish and maintain constructive
relationships with nursing and other stake holders (i.e., inter-personal, inter-
sectoral and multi-disciplinary teamwork). Participate in the analysis, formulation of
nursing guidelines, norms, and standards. Implementation of Ideal Hospital
Maintenance Framework Version 2.0. Manage effective utilization and supervision
of human, financial and material resources. Co-ordination of provision of effective
training and research. Be allocated to work night shifts, weekends, public holidays
and relieve the supervisor when required. Maintain professional growth/ethical
standards and self-development. Management of personnel performance and
review thereof Contracting, Midterm review and final assessment
ENQUIRIES : Deputy Director S.J.K. Sejeng Tel No: (016) 930 3302
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be posted to Private Bag X058, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 or hand
delivered to Sebokeng Hospital, Human Resource Department, Moshoeshoe
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on a new Z83 application for employment form as
issued by the Minister for the Public Service and Administration in line with
Regulation 10 of the Public Service Regulation, 2016, failure to do so will results in
disqualification of the application. Z83 form is obtainable from any Public Service
Department or on the internet at In terms of DPSA
circular no 19 of 2022, fully completed and signed Z83 form should be accompanied
by a recent updated CV. Copies of qualifications and other relevant documents
may not be included on application. Only selected candidates will be required to
submit certified copies of Identity Document, Qualifications, and other relevant
documents to Human Resources unit before or on the day of the interview. Failure
to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being
considered. Communication will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you
have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please
accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department reserves the right
not to make appointment(s) to the advertised post(s). Gauteng Department of
Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity Act; therefore, all the
appointments will be made in accordance with the Employment Equity targets of
the of the institution. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Recommended Candidates will be subjected to medical assessment.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Tara Hospital is committed to the pursuit of diversity, redress and will promote
representation in terms of race, disability, and gender. Applications must consist of
a fully completed and signed new (effective from 01/01/2021) Z83 (81/971431) form
with a comprehensive CV containing at least three (3) contactable references.
Certified copies of qualifications (including a matric certificate), registration with
HPCSA, proof of current registration with HPCSA, driver’s license and identity
document to be submitted on request (only when shortlisted). The relevant
reference number must be quoted in the application form. In terms of the National
Qualification Framework Amendment Act 2019 it is an offence for any person to
falsely or fraudulently claim to hold a qualification. Any person found to be
misrepresenting their qualifications, work experience or facts in their CV will be
disqualified and reported to the appropriate authority.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Clinical Technology (Neurology)
(This is re-adverts: those who previously applied need not to re-apply)
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: Cardiology
during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the
post(s). The Department reserve the right not to fill the post. The Gauteng
Department of Health is guided by the principles of Employment Equity. People
with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : applications must be addressed to the Acting Head of Department and may be
hand delivered or couriered to 4 Pin Oak Avenue, Hilton, 3245. Applications may
also be posted to Private Bag X6005, Hilton, 3245. Applicants are encouraged to
apply for posts through the online e-Recruitment system at or submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following
email addresses Applicants may also visit any one
of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) where our friendly staff will
assist you with applying online or receiving your hardcopy application. You can find
the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : For all SMS posts, appointments will be subject to submission of the pre-entry
certificate into the SMS obtainable from the National School of Government.
Applicants using the manual application process must submit their applications on
the prescribed form Z83 obtainable from any Public Service Department and all
applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV. Applicants must
ensure that the Z83 application form is completed, duly signed and initialled as
failure to do so may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection
process. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of
qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview
following the communication from Human Resources. Applicants are discouraged
from sending applications through registered mail because the Department will not
be responsible for non-collection of these applications. No late applications will be
accepted. Applications submitted electronically will be taken as a final application
and may not be amended or supplemented in any way after the closing date
indicated in the advertisement. If you have not been contacted within three (3)
months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign
qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in the disqualification of your
SALARY : R1 162 200 per annum (Level 13), all-inclusive salary SMS package is payable to
the successful candidate subject to the signing of a mutually agreed performance
agreement after three months from assumption of duty. The successful candidate
will be subjected to security clearance and is required to disclose financial interest.
CENTRE : Cedara – Head Office
REQUIREMENTS : An NQF level 7 degree in Public Administration / Public Management /
Intergovernmental Relations and a valid code EB driver’s license. Experience: 5
years middle management in public administration / intergovernmental and
international relations field. Knowledge: RSA Constitution, Public Service Act,
Public Service Regulations, PFMA, Labour Relations Act, Intergovernmental
Relations Framework Act, EPMDS, Basic Conditions of Employment Act,
Community Development, Social Facilitation, Development Finance, Public
Participation, Project Management Skills, Millennium Development Goals, National
and Provincial Practice Notes, SCM Practices and Procedures, National
Development Plan, Youth Employment Accord, Provincial Growth and
Development Plan, Treasury Regulations, Intergovernmental maters, Ministerial
Handbook, Protocol Manual of South Africa, Trade, Marketing and Economics.
Skills: Language, listening, presentation, analytical thinking, interpersonal
relations, computer, strategic planning, organizational, research, financial
management, time management, report writing, problem solving, communication,
be self-disciplined and be able to work under pressure, leadership, project
management, relationship management, decision making, diplomacy and protocol
DUTIES : Oversee the coordination of the Department’s participation in structures and
institutions to promote intergovernmental relations services. Promote compliance
with resolutions of cooperative government structures. Oversee the maintenance
of stakeholder relationships. Manage the development and implementation of
policies. Manage the resources of the Directorate.
ENQUIRIES : Ms NZ Ndlela Tel No: (033) 355 9623
APPLICATIONS : The Chief Director, Human Resource Management & Development, Department of
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078,
Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand Delivered To: The Chief Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor,
South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg for the attention
of Mr LA Zulu. (Applications received after this date will not be accepted).
Applicants can also submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following email address
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the new Application for Employment Form (Z83)
available from any Public Service Department and should be accompanied by a
comprehensive CV. The Department discourages applications sent by registered
mail and will not be held responsible for applications sent via registered mail which
are not collected from the post office. It is the responsibility of the applicant to
ensure that the application reaches the Department timeously. Failure to comply
with any instruction will disqualify applicants. Appointment is subject to a positive
outcome obtained from State Security on the following checks (Security Clearance,
Citizenship, qualification verification, criminal records, credit records and previous
employment). Faxed or late applications will not be accepted. Should applicants
not receive any response from the Department within three months of the closing
date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The Department is an
equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is committed to empowering
people with disability.
skills, Good communication skills (verbal & written), Computer literacy in MS office,
A valid code 8 drivers license.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be required to provide a research service to the
commission with the following key responsibilities: - Formulation of research
proposals on succession and boundary disputes submitted to the Commission,
Conducting research and providing expert advice to the Commission, Providing
guidelines for conducting research and analysis, Facilitating the implementation of
research findings; and, Facilitating the buy-in of stakeholders when conducting
research for the Commission, Provide advice and guidance to the Commission on
research and genealogical analysis, Guide and advise the Commission in drafting
research reports and the making of recommendations supported by evidence
collected through research.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E Mthiya Tel No: (033) 897 5606
resource related issues, Administration of the correspondence of the Commission,
Management of the Commission’s database, Management of the secretariat
services, Conducting preliminary data searches, Provide general administrative
support to the Commission.
ENQUIRIES : Mr E Mthiya Tel No: (033) 897 5606
This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, whose aim is to promote representivity
in all occupational categories in the department.
Department: Ophthalmology
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, all-inclusive salary packages. Other
Benefits: (this inclusive package consist of 70% basics and 30% flexible portion
that can be structured in terms of applicable rules) Plus 18% Inhospitable
Allowance Plus Commuted overtime which is determined by service delivery needs
of the department.
CENTRE : Ngwelezana Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Appropriate qualification that allows registration with
the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in
Ophthalmology. Appropriate tertiary qualification in the Health Science (MBChB).
Initial and current registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology. A minimum of 3 years
appropriate experience as a Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology after registration
with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical
Specialist. Valid driver’s license. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and Abilities
Appropriate specialist procedures and protocols within field of expertise.
Understanding of basic Human Resource matters including Labour Relations.
Control of budget, monitoring expenditure and project management. Assessment,
diagnose and management of patients within the field of expertise. Managerial and
financial management skills. Computer skills. Driving skills. Problem solving skills.
Concern of excellence. Courtesy and interpersonal relation skills. Stress tolerance
and innovation skills. Awareness of cross-cultural differences.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate specialist services for the discipline within Region 4 (King Cetshwayo,
Zululand and Umkhanyakude Districts) to ensure equitable distribution of all
resources to achieve optimal patient care within defined levels of institutional
responsibility. Participate in the development of tertiary services in the entire
Region. Provide clinicians with expert advice and opinion to aid diagnosis,
management, and treatment of patients. Render specialist services to out-patient
and in-patient and provide expert opinion where required and participate in
provisioning of a 24 hour service. Provide vision, strategic direction and inspire
employees to deliver excellent quality health services. Strengthen clinical
governance. Manage the performance of allocated human resources. Develop and
coordinate the on-going delivery of under and post graduate teaching in specialized
fields. Ensure that the environment complies with Health and Safety Act, staff
adheres to the safety precautions and that staff is maintained to attain optimal
productivity. Formulate and manage protocols in accordance with departmental
policies that will have a positive impact on staff and ensure that staff is aware of it.
Compile medium- and long-term expenditure framework and implement fiscal
measures on an ongoing basis. Provide measures and guidance on quality
assurance to comply with set quality standards. Comply with National Core
ENQUIRIES : Dr. RS Moeketsi Tel No: (035) 901 7260
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM – Ngwelezana
Hospital, Private Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human
Resource Department, Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni,
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Component: Medical Services
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum, all-inclusive package
Grade 2: R2 061 837 – R2 252 583 per annum, all-inclusive package
All-inclusive package consist of 70% basics and 30% flexible portion that can be
structured in terms of applicable rules). Other benefits: 18% Inhospitable
Allowance, Plus Commuted overtime which is determined by service delivery
needs of the institution.
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : A qualification in the appropriate Health Science, Plus Registration with the Health
Professionals Council of SA as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine. At least Five
(5) years post registration experience as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine.
Research experience and management training will be a recommendation.
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Good interpersonal relationship. Good
communication, team building and motivational skills. Clinical knowledge of general
practice at a District/Regional Hospital level. Experience with Pre-Hospital EMRS
system and clinical management of trauma patients. Experience with Disaster
medicine and practice. Knowledge of current Health and Public Service Legislation,
Regulations and Policy including Medical Ethics, Epidemiology and statistics.
Information management and quality assurance experience.
DUTIES : Provision of high-quality emergency medicine and trauma services at a regional
hospital. To ensure maintenance of standards of care and implementation of quality
improvement programmes within the department. Formulate and monitor
implementation and compliance with policies and procedures for medical
emergency services. Management of Human Resources in all areas of emergency
medicine and trauma department. Ensure supervision and support of interns,
community service officers and junior staff. Lead training and formal teaching in the
department. Ensure multidisciplinary approach and efficient utilization of available
resources in the emergency medicine and trauma department. To oversee and
manage the integration of the pre-hospital services (EMRS) with the hospital
emergency services. To achieve and sustain acceptable waiting times in line with
existing norms and standards for emergency units. To assist in developing and
sustaining a functional hospital disaster plan. To develop relationships with
academic institutions and facilitate the accreditation of the unit for training
purposes. To conduct and promote operational research. NB: Performance of
commuted overtime is compulsory.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Lesenyeho (Manager: Medical Services) Tel No: (032) 437 6000
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General
Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka
Street, Stanger, 4450.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign
qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when
shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1
post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take
note that due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management
reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Proof of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resources (Certificate of Service) will be requested from shortlisted
candidates for submission on or before the interview date.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
Department: Urology
SALARY : R1 887 363 – R2 001 927 per annum. Other Benefits: All-inclusive salary packages
per annum (this inclusive package consist of 70% basics and 30% flexible portion
that can be structured in terms of applicable rules) Plus 18% Inhospitable
Allowance Plus Commuted overtime which is determined by service delivery needs
of the department.
CENTRE : Ngwelezana Tertiary Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Appropriate qualification that allows registration with
the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in
Urology. Appropriate tertiary qualification in the Health Science (MBChB). Initial
and current registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in Urology. A minimum of 3 years appropriate
experience as a Medical Specialist in Urology after registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist. Valid driver’s
license. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and Abilities Appropriate specialist
procedures and protocols within field of expertise. Understanding of basic Human
Resource matters including Labour Relations. Control of budget, monitoring
expenditure and project management. Assessment, diagnose and management of
patients within the field of expertise. Managerial and financial management skills.
Computer skills. Driving skills. Problem solving skills. Concern of excellence.
Courtesy and interpersonal relation skills. Stress tolerance and innovation skills.
Awareness of cross-cultural differences.
DUTIES : Co-ordinate specialist services for the discipline within Region 4 (King Cetshwayo,
Zululand and Umkhanyakude Districts) to ensure equitable distribution of all
resources to achieve optimal patient care within defined levels of institutional
responsibility. Participate in the development of tertiary services in the entire
Region. Provide clinicians with expert advice and opinion to aid diagnosis,
management, and treatment of patients. Render specialist services to out-patient
and in-patient and provide expert opinion where required and participate in
provisioning of a 24 hour service. Provide vision, strategic direction and inspire
employees to deliver excellent quality health services. Strengthen clinical
governance. Manage the performance of allocated human resources. Develop and
coordinate the on-going delivery of under and post graduate teaching in specialized
fields. Ensure that the environment complies with Health and Safety Act, staff
adheres to the safety precautions and that staff is maintained to attain optimal
productivity. Formulate and manage protocols in accordance with departmental
policies that will have a positive impact on staff and ensure that staff is aware of it.
Compile medium and long term expenditure framework and implement fiscal
measures on an ongoing basis. Provide measures and guidance on quality
assurance to comply with set quality standards. Comply with National Core
ENQUIRIES : Dr. RS Moeketsi Tel No: (035) 901 7260
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM, Ngwelezana
Hospital, Private Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human
Resource Department - Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni,
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
HPCSA as a Medical Practitioner, A valid driver’s license, Adequate experience in
HAST will be an added advantage. (No copies/certified copies/proof on application,
only Z83 and CV). Knowledge and Skills Required: Sound clinical knowledge,
competence and skills in a clinical domain. Good communication, leadership,
interpersonal, ethical, operational, professional and supervisory skills. Ability to
manage a Medical and Allied Health Professionals domain independently.
Knowledge of current Health & Public Service legislations, regulations and policies
administered by the Department of Health. Extensive knowledge of TB, HIV, AIDS
and MMC Programmes.
DUTIES : To Perform: Provide leadership, management and support to all Cluster Managers,
Clinical Heads, and Clinical Managers, Pharmacy and Allied Health Professionals
and staff under their supervision. Development, implementation and review of
clinical management protocols, procedures and guidelines for clinical services
aimed at improving service delivery in the in accordance with the current statutory
regulations and guidelines. Lead clinical governance functions within the hospital.
Assists clinical personnel in the Medical and Allied Health professionals’ domain
with quality assurance, quality improvement projects, morbidity and mortality
reviews. Monthly audits and development of clinical guidelines and policies.
Facilitate resuscitation programs and disaster management systems. Performs
clinical duties as per departmental requirements including afterhours and weekend
calls services (24 hours medical coverage must be ensured) Clinical responsibility
including examine, investigate, diagnose and oversee treatment of patients.
Willingness to perform overtime onsite and night call duties. -Ensure effective,
efficient and economical management of all allocated resources: (Human,
Financial, Assets, Manage EPMDS) Manage potential risks and mitigating
strategies Maintain accurate record and appropriate health records in accordance
with legal and ethical considerations and continuity of patient care. Ensure
compliance in terms of Occupational Health and safety, infection Prevention and
Control as well as IHRM and OHSC Liaise with other stakeholders within and
outside department of health such as Chief Specialist and other Hospital
Management teams, District office and Medical school on medical and
management issues.
ENQUIRIES : Mr M.S Mgoza Tel No: (031) 460 5004
APPLICATIONS : Applications may be sent to: Wentworth Hospital, Private Bag X02 Jacobs, 4026 or
Hand deliver: 1 Boston Road, Jacobs, 4026 (drop off at the gate by the security
Hospital main gate)
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the attention of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment without delay. Also notify all
candidates that qualify for the post in this circular minute even if they are absent
from their normal work place. Directions to candidates, the following documents
must be submitted: Applications for employment are required to complete and
submit Z83 form (Obtainable at any Government Department or from website –
www.kzn and Curriculum Vitae (CV). Z83 form must be completed
in full in a manner that allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a
candidate based on the information provided in the form. The reference number
must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83. Application for
employment are not required to submit copies of qualification and other relevant
documents on application but must submit Z83 form and detailed Curriculum Vitae
(CV). The certified copies of qualification and other relevant documents will be
requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR on or
before the day of the interview. Failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Fax, email, incomplete and late applications will not be
considered. Please note that due to a large number of applications we envisage
receiving, applications will not be acknowledged. However, should you not receive
any response after two months of the closing date of this advert; consider your
application as unsuccessful. People with disabilities should feel free to apply for
this post. The appointment is subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State
Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance vetting), criminal
clearance, credit records, citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by
SAQA, verification of previous experience from employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Component: Medical
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 214 805 – R1 288 095 per annum, all-inclusive package
Grade 2: R1 386 069 – R1 469 883 per annum, all-inclusive package
Grade 3: R1 605 330 – R2 001 927 per annum, all-inclusive package
All-inclusive package consist of 70% basics and 30% flexible portion that can be
structured in Terms of applicable rules. Other benefits: 18% Inhospitable
Allowance, Plus Commuted overtime which is determined by service delivery
needs of the institution.
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current registration
with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa as a Specialist in Emergency
Medicine. One (1) year relevant experience after registration as a Medical
Specialist with a recognized Foreign Health Professional Council in respect of
foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required to perform Community
Service as required in South Africa. Candidates in the process of HPCSA
registration as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine are welcome to apply. Grade 2:
A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current registration with the
health. Professionals Council of South Africa as a Specialist in Emergency
Medicine plus Five (5) post registration experience as a Medical Specialist in
Emergency Medicine or Six (6) year relevant experience after registration as a
Medical Specialist with a recognized Foreign Health Professional Council in respect
of foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required to perform Community
Service as required in South Africa. Grade 3: A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or
equivalent), plus A valid registration with the Health Professionals Council of South
Africa as a Specialist in Emergency Medicine OR Ten (10) years post registration
experience as a Medical Specialist in Emergency Medicine. Eleven (11) year
relevant experience after registration as a Medical Specialist with a recognised
Foreign Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees of
whom it is not required to perform Community Service as required in South Africa.
Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies required: Sound Clinical knowledge and
experience of procedures and protocols in Emergency Medicine. Good verbal and
written, communication and interpersonal skills. Cross cultural awareness. Sound
teaching & supervisory abilities. A concern for excellence and quality care. The
ability to function in a multi-disciplinary team.
DUTIES : Assists the Head Of clinical Unit (HCU) to ensure optimal Emergency Medicine
Service. Assist the HCU in the development of management protocols/policies for
the department. Provide emergency clinical care and oversight as expected of a
specialist in Emergency Medicine. Assist with quality improvement imperatives
including clinical audits (morbidity & mortality reporting and reviewing Clinical
documentations audits etc.) and continuous professional development activities.
Training of registrars, nurses, junior doctors and colleagues and promote ongoing
staff development in accordance with individual and departmental needs. Maintain
satisfactory clinical, professional and ethical standards in the department. Engage
in research and supervise registrar research. Partake in outreach programmes of
the DOH. Supervise, teach & assess medical students and Emergency Medicine
registrars. NB: Performance of commuted overtime is compulsory.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Lesenyeho (Manager: Medical Services) Tel No: (032) 437 6000
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General
Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka
Street, Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign
qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when
shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1
post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take
note that due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management
reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Proof of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resources (Certificate of Service) will be requested from shortlisted
candidates for submission on or before the interview date.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
Component: Medical Management Services
SALARY : Grade 1: R906 540 – R975 738 per annum, all-inclusive package
Grade 2: R1 034 373 – R1 129 116 per annum, all-inclusive package
Grade 3: R1 197 150 – R1 491 627 per annum, all-inclusive package
All-inclusive package consist of 70% basics and 30% flexible portion that can be
structured in terms of applicable rules). Other benefits: 18% Inhospitable
Allowance, Plus Commuted overtime which is determined by service delivery
needs of the institution.
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current registration
with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa as a Medical Practitioner.
Grade 2: A tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current registration
with the Health Professionals Council of South Africa as a Medical Practitioner.
Five (5) years post registration experience as a Medical Practitioner. Grade 3: A
tertiary qualification (MBCHB or equivalent), plus Current registration with the
Health Professionals Council of South Africa as a Medical Practitioner. Ten (10)
years post registration experience as a Medical Practitioner. Knowledge, Skills and
Competencies: Knowledge of General management principles of all paediatric and
neonatal patients. Good communication skills. Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary
team. Resilience and ability to cope with change. Ability to make a difference.
DUTIES : Clinical paediatric services including ward rounds, outpatient clinics and
emergency department. Participation in the training programme as well as teaching
and supervision of junior staff. Participation in departmental audit activities.
Conduct Research. Maintain and continuously improve professional and ethical
standards Perform overtime in line with hospital needs.
ENQUIRIES : Dr J van Lobenstein (Head Clinical Unit - Paediatrics) Tel No: (032) 437 6076
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General
Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka
Street, Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign
qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when
shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1
post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take
note that due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management
reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Proof of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resources (Certificate of Service) will be requested from shortlisted
candidates for submission on or before the interview date.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
and Experience: Basic diagnostic, clinical, investigative surgical skills. Must be
service delivery orientated: Program planning, implementation and evaluation.
Information management. Human resource management Quality assurance
programs. Current Health and Public Service legislation, regulations and policy.
Medical ethics, epidemiology and statistics.
DUTIES : Incumbent to provide services in the Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Hospitals
Complex which includes Grey’s and Harry Gwala Regional hospitals. Participate in
the delivery of a 24-hour in-patient and out-patient surgical care within the
Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Hospitals Complex; Assist with the administration
and management of surgical wards / clinics (SOPD, PSOPD) Development,
monitoring and support of Surgical Services in the drainage area of the
Pietermaritzburg Hospitals Complex. Participate in the development and ongoing
provision of under and post-graduate teaching. Participation in clinical support and
outreach to facilities referring to Pietermaritzburg hospitals. Participation in Clinical
Research in the Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Complex To maintain moral and
ethics at all costs. To ensure that Batho Pele principles are upheld.
ENQUIRIES : Dr V Govindasamy Tel No: (033) 897 3379
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to: The Human Resources Management Office, Greys
Hospital Private Bag X9001, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.
FOR ATTENTION : Mrs M. Chandulal
NOTE : Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of experience/certificate
of service endorsed by HR Department NB! Applicants are not required to submit
copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must
submit the new Application for Employment Form (Z83) - 81/971431 effective 01
January 2021 and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applicants must fill all sections of
Z83. The Employment Equity Target for this post is: African Male, African Female
or Coloured Male.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
clinical data and participate in clinical audits and morbidity and mortality meetings.
Participate in research. Knowledge to provide care and rehabilitation in relation to
the relevant section of MHCA in the general psychiatric, forensic and prisoners with
mental illness. Use of bio-psychosocial knowledge and skills in assessment, care
and treatment of MHCU.
ENQURIES : Dr. V.H Khanyile Tel No: (034) 328 8007
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted to: The Recruitment Officer, Madadeni Hospital,
Private Bag X6642, Newcastle, 2940
FOR ATTENTION : The Recruitment Officer
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department or from the website - The application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a
detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of ID, Highest educational qualification
and other relevant documents will be requested for submission only from shortlisted
candidates. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. MAD 01/2016. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not
be acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted
candidates only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be
considered for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R811 560 – R952 485 per annum (Level 11), (all-inclusive package)
CENTRE : Zululand Health District Office, Ulundi
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Bachelor’s Degree/ National Diploma in Finance or
Accounting. 3-5 years of managerial experience in financial field. Only shortlisted
candidates will attach proof of (Certificate of service of official letters of service from
previous / current employers, signed and stamped by HR. Valid Driver’s License
(minimum code EB). Only shortlisted candidates will submit proof. Skills: Good
knowledge of Public Finance Management Act. Supply Chain Management
Framework. Division of Revenue Act. National Tertiary Service Grant Framework,
Treasury Regulations. Solid experience in budgeting, financial planning and
analysis, asset management, Vulindlela and Basic Accounting System (BAS).
Have ability to perform independently and under pressure as well as report writing
& presentation at short notice. Decision – making, Problem solving, good
communication, Advance proficiency in Microsoft Excel with excellent quantitative
and Analytical skills. Strong leadership, innovation, concern for excellence, drive
and enthusiasm. Ability to handle sensitive financial information in strictest
confidence. Knowledge in budgeting, financial planning and analysis.
DUTIES : Ensure that the budget is aligned to the Departmental Strategic Plans, Hospital
business plan. Monitor and interpret cash flows and report on financial projections
to District management and other relevant management officials within the
department. Provide input towards the development of strategic, annual
performance and business plans. Ensure the effective management of budgetary
and expenditure control functions for a District. Take effective and appropriate
steps to ensure maximum collection of revenue due to District. Implement and
manage efficient, cost effective and integrated Supply Chain Management
throughout the District. Perform Employee performance Management and
Development (EPMDS) for stuff as required. Ensure appropriate management and
utilisation of resources allocated to the component. Regulations / procedures and
proper internal control / SOP’s are in place and adhered to at all times, overall
responsibility and management of staff in Finance Component. Design, develop
and implement financial strategies to ensure effective monitoring and action to keep
monthly and progressive expenditure within budget limits. Ensure implementation
of financial policies and management systems within broad Provincial guidelines
and to counteract on going audit findings. Assist mangers and clinical staff within
the institution to implement central cost structure i.e. cost centres. Actively assist
managers with budgetary control and the management of budget variances.
Ensure compliance with risk Management Policies. Ensure effective and efficient
management of assets. Actively participate in infrastructure project management.
Ensure cooperation and responsiveness to emergency service delivery situation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr SV Vilakazi Tel No: (035) 874 0713
APPLICATIONS : KwaZulu-Natal, Zululand Health District Office, Private Bag X81, Ulundi, 3838, King
Dinuzulu High way, LA Building Ground floor, Ulundi, 3838
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Form Z.83), which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the
website (New Z83 form), Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae. Educational
qualifications, SANC registration certificates, Driver’s License, ID Copy, SANC
receipts and proof of experience will be requested from shortlisted candidates only,
don’t include in your application. The Reference Number must be indicated in the
column provided on the form Z.83. Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply
for the post. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify the
applicants. Faxed and e-mailed Applications will not be accepted. Only shortlisted
candidates will submit proof. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that
Curriculum Vitae is detailed enough to reflect all information associate with the post
applied for. Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of
appointment is received within 3 months after the closing, they must accept that
their applications were unsuccessful. Please not that due to financial constrains no
S&T claims will be considered for payment to candidates that are invited for
interviews, (This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer,
whose aim is to promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories
in the Department).
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R683 838 per annum. Plus 13th Cheque, Medical Aid: Optional, Housing Allowance
(Employee must meet minimum requirements)
CENTRE : Addington Hospital: KwaZulu Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Degree / Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery. Registration Certificate with
SANC as a General Nurse and Midwife. Current registration receipt (2023) with
SANC. Diploma / Degree Post Basic qualification in the relevant Specialty:
Orthopaedic or Ophthalmic. Post Basic registration certificate accredited by SANC
in the relevant Specialty: Orthopaedic or Ophthalmic. Certificate of service.
Experience: A minimum of 10 years appropriate/recognizable Experience after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. At least 6 years
of the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognisable experience in
Orthopaedic after obtaining the 1 year post-basic qualification In orthopaedic or
Ophthalmic. At least three (3) years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable experience at management level. Recommendation:
Nursing Management would be an advantage-degree or diploma and registration
with SANC if applicable. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge, Skills Training and
Competencies Required: Sound knowledge and understanding of Public Service
Policies, Acts and Regulations. Sound management, negotiation, interpersonal and
problem solving skills. Good verbal and written communication skills. Knowledge
of Labour Relations and disciplinary processes. Computer Literacy and information
management. Analytical, Leadership, Change Management, Conflict Management
DUTIES : Provide professional, technical and management support for the provision of quality
patient care. Control utilization, performance and evaluation of staff including
monitoring absenteeism and nursing care standards. Manage the provision of
nursing care in the designated areas through instituting quality programs and sound
supervision. Exercise proper utilisation of all available resources. Ensure that all
relevant Acts and Regulations are adhered to. Participate and co-ordinate the
formulation of policies and procedures. Ensure control and discipline including
analysing and monitoring the training and development of staff. Provide leadership
in the implementation of National Core Standards. Utilise information technology
and other management systems for the enhancement of service delivery. Advocate
and ensure the promotion of nursing ethos and professionalism.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs B.N Ndhlovu Tel No: (031) 327 2000
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Addington Hospital, P O Box 977, Durban,
4000 or dropped off in the Application Box at Security, Staff Entrance, Prince Street,
South Beach, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : The Human Resource Department
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applications are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application.
Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other relevant documents
will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR
on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed and e-mailed applications
will not be accepted. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment
is received within 3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their
applications were unsuccessful. Please note that due to the large financial
constraints no S &T and settlement claims will be considered for payment to
candidates that are invited for the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R627 474 – R703 752 per annum. Allowances: 8% rural allowance, 13th cheque,
housing allowance and medical aid (employee must meet the prescribed
CENTRE : Imbalenhle CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Senior certificate/ Grade 12, Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Degree / Diploma) in
Nursing and Midwifery or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the
SANC as a Professional Nurse. Post basic qualification with a duration of at least
1 year in Primary Health Care. Registration with SANC as General Nurse, Midwifery
and Primary Health Nurse. Current SANC receipt (2023). A minimum of 9 years
appropriate / recognizable Nursing experience after registration with SANC in
General Nursing. At least 5 years of the period referred to above must be
appropriate/ recognizable experience after obtaining the 1-year post basic
qualification in Primary Health Care. Only shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit certified copies of documents on or before the day of the interview.
Recommendations: Previous experience in managerial or supervisory position.
Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook). A valid driver’s
license. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Nursing
Care, Processes, Procedures, Nursing statutes and other relevant legal framework
such as Nursing Act, Health Act, Occupational health and safety Act, Batho Pele
Principles, Patient right Charter, Public service regulations. Demonstrate an in-
depth understanding of nursing legislation, related legal and ethical nursing
practices. Extensive knowledge of National and Provincial Clinical protocols to be
followed as management of clients within a PHC setting. Knowledge of Human
Resources procedures in the Public Service and Conditions of Service. Sound
knowledge of norms and standards pertaining to quality service delivery. Ability to
lead a team, to develop and revise a community profile with Health risks prioritized.
Leadership, supervisory, organizing, decision-making, problem-solving skills.
Conflict management. Knowledge of disciplinary and grievance procedure.
DUTIES : Facilitate the provision of integrated comprehensive PHC package in the facility
and implementation of quality improvement programs to comply with NHI. Develop
the Facility operational plan together with relevant stakeholders and monitor the
implementation and submit the progress reports. Ensure implementation and
monitoring of HAST, NCD’s including MNCWH priority health programs and ensure
that the expected targets are met. Participates in clinical audits in the facility and
ensure implementation of quality improvement plans supported by strong work
ethics. Supervise and support the community outreach teams including CCMDD,
Sibaya Samadoda/Men’s clinic. Manage effectively the utilization and supervision
of all allocated resources. Coordination of the provision of effective training, career
pathing and research. Evaluate and monitor compliance with the Clinical
Governance pillars. Ensure Batho Pele principles, Norms and Standards and Ideal
Clinic priorities are implemented and sustained. Ensure staff development and
monitor staff performance according to EPMDS. Collate, analyze and interpret
statistics weekly and monthly and facilitate implementation of remedial action.
Compile monthly statistics and other relevant reports timeously. Ensure that
financial risk management is being practiced all the time. Co-ordinate special
projects and health promotion projects in line with the health calendar. Establish
and maintain constructive working relationship with staff and other stakeholders
maintain inter sectorial collaboration with other government sectors and provide
support to OSS activities. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and self-
development. Exercise control over discipline, grievances, abscondment and other
labour issues. Strengthen Nursing ethics and professionalism standards amongst
staff. Work extended hours according to community needs.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs LH Sibiya Tel No: (033) 398 9100
APPLICATIONS : Applications Must Be Forwarded To: Human Resources Department Imbalenhle
Community Health Centre, Private Bag X9104, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand
delivered at Imbalenhle Community Health Centre- HR, Unit 3, Thwala Road,
Imbali, Pietermaritzburg.
NOTE : Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit documents/certified copies of
documents on or before the day of the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R627 474 per annum. Other Benefits: 12% Rural Allowance, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional) and Housing Allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Vryheid Hospital (Surgical and Medical Services)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate B degree/National Diploma in General nursing or equivalent
qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Registration certificates with SANC in General Nurse. Current registration with the
SANC 2023.A minimum of 8 years appropriate experience/ recognisable
experience in nursing after registration as professional nurse with the SANC in
General nursing At least 3 years of the period referred to the above must be
appropriate/ recognisable experience at management level NB: Proof of working
experience endorsed by Human Resource, will be required from shortlisted
candidates (service certificate). Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies
Required: Knowledge of Public Service Policies, Acts and Regulations. Knowledge
of Code of Conduct, Labour Relations, Conflict Management and negotiation skills.
Ability to function within a team. Skills in organizing, planning and supervising.
Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Delegate supervise and coordinate the provision of effective and effective patient
care through adequate nursing care. Participate in the analysis, formulation and
implementation of nursing guidelines practices, standards and procedures
Delegate activities commensurate with the abilities and scope of practice of other
nurse practitioners. Deal with grievances and labour relations issues in terms of
laid down policies and procedures i.e. manage workplace discipline. Carry out
regular reviews and explore opportunities for professional development and ensure
training and development of staff. Collaborate with members of the health and
social care teams and participate in decision making pertaining to health care
delivery. Consult within the multi-disciplinary health teams, organizations and
special interest groups when dealing with community health issues and needs.
Participate in peer review based on the agreed upon quality assurance monitoring
indicators and tools. Conduct nursing staff meetings to disseminate information
such as new developments on nursing, policies, circulars etc. Apply the scientific
process of nursing and principles to the nursing care of individuals, groups and
communities. Participate in the development of the business plan and promote or
identify ways of containing health care cost without compromising standards.
Ensure that spending is maximized in line with strategic objectives. Ensure effective
data management according to DHMIS policy.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 9822111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Vryheid District
Hospital, Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department OR from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered”.
Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered
for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R627 474 per annum. Other Benefits: 12% Rural Allowance, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional) and Housing Allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Vryheid Hospital (Post-Natal Ward and Nursery)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate B degree/National Diploma in General nursing and Midwifery or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery. Registration certificates with SANC
in General Nurse, and Advanced Midwifery. Current registration with the SANC
2023.A minimum of 9 years appropriate experience/ recognisable experience in
nursing after registration as professional nurse with the SANC in General nursing.
At least 5 years of the period referred to the above must be appropriate/
recognisable experience in the specific speciality after registration in the specific
speciality. NB: Proof of working experience endorsed by Human Resource, will be
required from shortlisted candidates (service certificate). Knowledge, Skills,
Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Policies, Acts
and Regulations. Knowledge of Code of Conduct, Labour Relations, Conflict
Management and negotiation skills. Ability to function within a team. Skills in
organizing, planning and supervising. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and
patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Coordination of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standard and professional/ legal framework. Advocates implementation of code of
ethics for nurses, including all aspects like confidentiality, autonomy and
accountability. Provide direct and indirect supervision of all nursing staff/
safekeeping and give guidance. Demonstrate competence in the effective
management and utilization of resources. Ensure availability and adherence to
protocols and guidelines of the department when managing clinical condition.
Delegate duties and support staff in the execution of patient care delivery. Execute
disciplinary code and grievance procedure up to a certain level refer to the nurse
manager. Plan/ organize and monitor the objective of the specialized unit in
consultation with subordinates. Provision of effective support to nursing service by
assisting with the relief of duties of supervision and partake overall specialized unit
functions i.e. team building. Maintain professional growth/ ethical standard and self-
development. Coordination of the provision of effective training and research.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM Vryheid District
Hospital Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department OR from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered”.
Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered
for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R627 474 per annum. Other Benefits: 12% Rural Allowance, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional) and Housing Allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Vryheid Hospital (Theatre)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate B degree/National Diploma in General nursing and Midwifery or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Post basic qualification in Operating Theatre. Registration certificates with SANC
in General Nurse, and Operating Theatre. Current registration with the SANC
2023.A minimum of 9 years appropriate experience/ recognisable experience in
nursing after registration as professional nurse with the SANC in General nursing.
At least 5 years of the period referred to the above must be appropriate/
recognisable experience in the specific speciality after registration in the specific
speciality. NB: Proof of working experience endorsed by Human Resource, will be
required from shortlisted candidates (service certificate). Knowledge, Skills,
Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Policies, Acts
and Regulations. Knowledge of Code of Conduct, Labour Relations, Conflict
Management and negotiation skills. Ability to function within a team. Skills in
organizing, planning and supervising. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and
patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Coordination of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standard and professional/ legal framework. Advocates implementation of code of
ethics for nurses, including all aspects like confidentiality, autonomy and
accountability. Provide direct and indirect supervision of all nursing staff/
safekeeping and give guidance. Demonstrate competence in the effective
management and utilization of resources. Ensure availability and adherence to
protocols and guidelines of the department when managing clinical condition.
Delegate duties and support staff in the execution of patient care delivery. Execute
disciplinary code and grievance procedure up to a certain level refer to the nurse
manager. Plan/ organize and monitor the objective of the specialized unit in
consultation with subordinates. Provision of effective support to nursing service by
assisting with the relief of duties of supervision and partake overall specialized unit
functions i.e. team building. Maintain professional growth/ ethical standard and self-
development. Coordination of the provision of effective training and research.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM Vryheid District
Hospital Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department OR from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered”.
Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered
for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : Grade 1: R627 474 per annum. Other Benefits: 12% Rural Allowance, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional) and Housing Allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Vryheid Hospital (Labour Ward)
REQUIREMENTS : An appropriate B degree/National Diploma in General nursing and Midwifery or
equivalent qualification that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery Registration certificates with SANC
in General Nurse, and Advanced Midwifery. Current registration with the SANC
2023.A minimum of 9 years appropriate experience/ recognisable experience in
nursing after registration as professional nurse with the SANC in General nursing.
At least 5 years of the period referred to the above must be appropriate/
recognisable experience in the specific speciality after registration in the specific
speciality NB: Proof of working experience endorsed by Human Resource, will be
required from shortlisted candidates (service certificate) Knowledge, Skills,
Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Policies, Acts
and Regulations. Knowledge of Code of Conduct, Labour Relations, Conflict
Management and negotiation skills. Ability to function within a team. Skills in
organizing, planning and supervising. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and
patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Coordination of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care provided within set
standard and professional/ legal framework. Advocates implementation of code of
ethics for nurses, including all aspects like confidentiality, autonomy and
accountability Provide direct and indirect supervision of all nursing staff/
safekeeping and give guidance. Demonstrate competence in the effective
management and utilization of resources. Ensure availability and adherence to
protocols and guidelines of the department when managing clinical condition.
Delegate duties and support staff in the execution of patient care delivery. Execute
disciplinary code and grievance procedure up to a certain level refer to the nurse
manager. Plan/ organize and monitor the objective of the specialized unit in
consultation with subordinates. Provision of effective support to nursing service by
assisting with the relief of duties of supervision and partake overall specialized unit
functions i.e. team building. Maintain professional growth/ ethical standard and self-
development. Coordination of the provision of effective training and research.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM Vryheid District
Hospital Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9 NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department OR from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities should
feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive outcome
obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit records,
qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment verification). Failure
to comply will result in the application not being considered”. Due to the large
number of applications, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged. However,
correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Please note that due
to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered for payment to the
candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R627 474 – R703 752 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional), Housing Allowance (employee must meet the prescribed requirements)
Plus 8% Inhospitable Allowance
CENTRE : Ngwelezana Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Diploma / Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery
that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Registration with the
SANC as a Professional Nurse. A post basic qualification with a duration of at least
one year in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care
(Primary Health Care). Current SANC receipt. A minimum of 9 years
appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional
Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 5 years of the period referred to
above must be appropriate / recognizable experience after obtaining the one year
post basic qualification in the relevant field. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and
Abilities: In depth understanding of nursing legislation and related legal and ethical
nursing practices and how it impacts on service delivery; Nursing Act, Health Act;
Occupational Health and Safety Act, Patient Rights Charter, Batho Pele Principles,
Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary Code and Procedure, Grievance
Procedure; Performance Management and Development policy. Basic
understanding of human resources and financial policies and practices. Effective
communication skills with stakeholders. Teamwork and report writing skills.
Leadership, organizational, decision-making and problem solving abilities.
Diversity Management and change management. Good interpersonal relations and
basic computer skills.
DUTIES : Ensure effective clinical governance through quality improvement processes-
clinical auditing, process mapping and management of health risks. Monitor and
evaluate the performance of primary health care services within the designated
service area in line with public health indicators. Analyse health policies and
programs with the view to develop customized implementation strategies to guide
the primary health care service providers in service area towards complying with
stated norms and standards. Ensure effective performance management of staff in
line with Performance Management and Development system policy of the
department. Effective management of complaints, ideal clinic, and national core
standards initiatives prioritization. Effective implementation of disciplinary code and
procedures fairly and equally. Ensures effective records management and
submission of monthly reports /stats accordingly. Ensure the disciplinary measures
are implemented according to labour relations act. Reduce the burden of diseases.
Ensures effective, efficient and economical use of resources. Implement key
CARMMA Components. Ensure proper and efficient data management at all level
of care and is timeously submitted to facility information officer. Work in
collaboration with internal and external stakeholders within uMhlathuze sub-district.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S Mtshali Tel No: (035) 901 7298 / 7224
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM, Ngwelezana
Hospital, Private Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human
Resource Department, Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni,
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
GJGM67/2023 (X1 POST)
Component: Nursing Management Services
SALARY : R627 474 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Homeowners Allowance &
Medical Aid. (To qualify: Employee must meet all the prescribed policy
requirements). Other benefits: 8% Inhospitable Allowance.
CENTRE : General Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate. A Minimum of Seven (7) years appropriate recognizable
experience in Nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with midwifery.
Five (5) years post basic qualification in Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science
(Advanced Midwifery). Registration with SANC. Recommendations:
Diploma/Degree in Nursing Management. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies:
Knowledge and insight into nursing processes and procedures. Nursing statutes
and other relevant Public Service Acts. Decision making and problem solving skills.
Interpersonal skills in dealing with conflict management. Knowledge and
implementation of norms and standards and ideal hospital realization and
maintenance framework. Good communication skills. Supervisory and analytical
thinking skills. Application of the APIER and SMART approach. Ability to work
under pressure. Willingness to work shifts, night duty, weekends and public
holidays including hours when the need arises.
DUTIES : Ensure that maternal and neonatal programmes are implemented. Develop and
implement standards, practices and indicators for maternal and neonatal care.
Ensure elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV is maintained through the
implementation of relevant policies and guidelines. Facilitate and monitor ESMOE,
BANC, PPIP and HBB in the unit. Improve data management system and ensure
timeous submission to FIO. Ensure effective utilization of resources. Ensure
adherence to the principles of IPC practices in the unit. Monitor and evaluate staff
performance (EPMDS). Implement plan of action in Obstetric emergency situation
according to protocols, SOP and guidelines. Maintain constructive working
relationship with multidisciplinary team members.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs DS Khanyezi (Assistant Nurse Manager) Tel No: (032) 437 6000
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General
Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka
Street, Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign
qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when
shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1
post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take
note that due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management
reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Proof of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resources (Certificate of Service) will be requested from shortlisted
candidates for submission on or before the interview date.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
08/2023 (X1 POST)
Directorate: SMCHC
SALARY : R627 474 – R703 752 per annum. Plus 12% rural allowance. Plus 13th Cheque,
Medical Aid (optional), Housing/Home Owners allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed conditions)
CENTRE : St Margaret’s Community Health Centre
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) standard 10/or (Vocational National
Certificate, Registration with SANC as general Nurse (Current South African
Nursing Council receipt-license to practice 2023). Basic R425 qualification (i.e.
Degree, Diploma in Nursing qualification that allows registration with South African
Nursing Council as a Professional Nurse. Registration with SANC General Nurse
(Current South African Nursing Council receipt –license to practice 2023. A Post
basic qualification in Primary Health Care with duration of at least one year,
accredited with the South African Nursing Council PHC. A minimum of 9 years
recognizable experience in Nursing after registration as a professional Nurse and
Midwifery with the SANC in General Nursing. At least 5 years of the period referred
to (as 9 years recognizable experience) must be recognizable experience in PHC
specialty after obtaining 1 year post basic qualification in PHC. Recommendations:
HIV/AIDS Certificate, Driver’s License, Computer Certificate and NIMART Training.
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competence Required: In depth understanding of
nursing legislature and related legal and ethical practices and how it impacts on
service of nursing; e.g. Nursing Act; Occupation health and Safety Act, Patient
Right’s Charter, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary
Code and Procedure, Grievance Procedure; Performance Management and
Development policy; Basic understanding of Human Resource and financial
policies and practices; Effective Communication skills with stakeholders;
Teamwork, and report writing skills; Leadership, organizational, decision making
and problem solving abilities; Diversity Management and Change Management;
Interpersonal Relations and Basic Computer skills.
DUTIES : Provide primary health care supervision, monitoring and evaluation of system for
all clinics under St Margaret’s CHC. Ensure clinical nursing practice by the nursing
team in accordance with the scope of practice and nursing standards as determined
by St Margaret’s Community Health Centre. Promote quality of nursing care as
directed by the professional scope of practice and standards in line with facility
operational plan. Ensure effective performance management of staff in line
Performance management and Development system policy of the department.
Effective management of complaints, ideal clinic and national core standards
initiatives prioritization. Ensure effective utilization of resource allocated to the clinic
in line with allocated budget including training and development of staff. Effective
implementation of disciplinary code and procedures fairly and equally. Ensure
effective records management and submission of monthly report/ stats accordingly.
Ensure that risks and hazards are identified and dealt with accordingly in line with
departmental imperatives.
ENQUIRIES : All enquiries must be directed to Mr. SP Adonis: Deputy Manger Nursing Tel No:
(039) 2599 222.
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be directed St Margaret’s CHC, Private Bag X517, Umzimkhulu,
3297 or Hand delivered to: St Margaret’s CHC Clydesdale Location, UMzimkhulu,
3297. All online applications should be forwarded to this Email Address:
FOR ATTENTION : Mr. TL Nzimande: Human Resource Manager
NOTE : An application for employment Form (Z83) must duly be completed and forwarded
which is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website
180 Note: Applicants are Not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the z83
and detailed curriculum vitae only. These will be requested only from shortlisted
candidates. This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer
whose aim is to promote candidates representatively at all occupational categories
in the department. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref
SMCHC08/2023. Please note that failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Please note that the selected candidate will be subjected to
a pre-employment screening and verification process including a CIPC (Companies
Intellectual Property Commission) screening. Due to the large number of
applications we receive, there will be no acknowledgement of applications. Should
you not hear from us within 60 days of the closing date, kindly consider your
application as unsuccessful. And only shortlisted candidates will be advised of the
outcome of interview. Please note that due to financial constraints, there will be no
payment of S&T claims covering transport fees to the interview venue.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
SALARY : R627 474 per annum .13th cheque, housing allowance (employee to meet
Prescribed requirements), medical aid (optional).
CENTRE : Umzimkhulu Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate/Matric or equivalent qualification. Degree/Diploma in General
Nursing (R425 qualification or equivalent) that allows registration with the SANC as
a Professional Nurse. Registration Certificate with SANC as a Professional Nurse.
Diploma in Post Basic Psychiatric Nursing Science/Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
with a duration of at least one year, accredited with the South African Nursing
Council. A minimum of 9 years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in General Nursing. At least 5 years
of the period referred above must be appropriate/recognizable experience after
obtaining the 1-year post basic qualification in Psychiatric Nursing Specialty.
Registration with South African Nursing Council as a General and Psychiatric
Nurse (2023 SANC receipt). Certificate of service which is obtainable from your
Human resource office, previous or current experience. Knowledge, skills, training
and competencies required: Demonstrate an in depth understanding of nursing
legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices and how this impacts on
service delivery. Knowledge of National Core Standards, Ideal Hospital Realization,
Infection Prevention and Control programmes and Mental Health Care Act. Basic
understanding of Human Resources Management and Financial Management
policies and practices. Good verbal and written communication skills, time
management, and report writing skills Decision making, analytical thinking, problem
solving and report writing skills. Supervisory and change management skills.
Interpersonal skills, conflict management skills, problem solving and decision
making skills.
DUTIES : Demonstrate basic computer literacy as a support tool to enhance service delivery.
Participate in planning, organizing and monitoring of objectives of the unit in line
with strategic and operational plan of the institution. Ensure a comprehensive
clinical nursing practice by the nursing team in accordance with the scope of
practice and nursing standards as determined by the legislative framework and
National Core Standards. Supervise and ensure the provision of effective and
efficient patient care through adequate nursing care. Coordinate and monitor the
implementation of nursing care plan and evaluation thereof. Ensure provision of
optimal, holistic, specialized care in accordance with laws and regulations relevant
to nursing and health care in the unit. Provide relevant health information to health
care users to assist in achieving optimal health care and rehabilitation of patients.
Ensure that all programs related to psychiatric nursing are implemented. Provide
guidance and support in management of psychiatric patients. Participate in the
analysis, formulation and implementation of nursing guidelines, practices,
standards and procedures. Maintain professional growth/ethical standards and
development of self and personnel, by analysing their needs, formulating and
implementing the training and developmental strategies and monitoring its
effectiveness. Ensure compliance to professionalism and ethical practice. Manage
and monitor proper utilization of human resources, financial and physical
resources. Monitor and evaluate staff performance (EPMDS) and deal with
identified developmental needs. Exercise control over discipline and manage
grievances and staff conflicts in terms of laid down policies and procedures. Provide
a safe therapeutic environment as laid down by the Occupational Health and Safety
Act and all other applicable prescripts. Manage complaints and patient safety
incidents according to departmental policies. Ensure effective records
management, data management and timeous submission of monthly reports
Monitor and ensure that all nurses are licensed to practice. Perform duties as
delegated by the supervisor and relief duties of the Assistant Manager’s Office as
ENQUIRIES : Ms. P.N. Mbelu Tel No: (039) 259 0310, ext. 111
APPLICATIONS : Applications to be forwarded to the Human Resource Manager, Umzimkhulu
Hospital, Private Bag X514, Umzimkhulu, 3297 or Drop Off in the application Box,
Umzimkhulu Hospital or email:
FOR ATTENTION : Mr. E.N. Bangani
NOTE : Directions to candidates: The following documents must be submitted: Application
for employment form (Z83 fully completed), which is obtained at any Government
Department or from the website: Educational qualifications,
SANC registration certificates, Driver’s License, ID Copy, SANC receipts and proof
of Experience will be requested from shortlisted candidates only, don’t include in
your application. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided
on the form Z83, e.g. UMZ 02/2018. Failure to comply with the above instruction
will lead to disqualification of applicants. Please note that due to the large number
of applications, we anticipate to receive applications will not be acknowledged.
Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Please note that due
to financial constraints no S&T and resettlement claims will be considered for
payment to candidates that are invited to interviews. Please note that pre-
employment screening and verification process, including CIPC, criminal records
verification will be undertaken. It is applicant responsibility to have foreign
qualifications and national certificate (where applicable) evaluated by the South
African Qualification Authority (SAQA). The Department reserves the right not to fill
the posts. The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability
checks and other Vetting procedures. This department is an equal opportunity,
affirmative action employer whose aim is to promote respectively in all levels of all
occupational categories in the department. People with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R497 193 per annum. Other Benefits: Medical Aid (Optional) 13th Cheque, Housing
allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Emmaus Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). Diploma/ Degree in general nursing and midwifery
that allows Registration certificate with SANC as a professional nurse. A minimum
of 7 years appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
professional nurse with SANC as a general nurse and midwifery. Current SANC
Receipt.2023. Knowledge & Skills: Knowledge of legislation current public service,
health related legislations and quality assurance framework. Knowledge of hospital
quality assurance practices, risk management and patient safety incident reporting.
Knowledge of hospital quality functions and operations. Practical experience in
quality assurance and accreditation. Knowledge of national and provincial priority
programmes and guidelines. Knowledge of clinical governance framework and
implementation. Knowledge of norms and standards and ideal hospital realization
and maintenance framework. Ability of critically analyses complex information and
to interpret hat in relation to performance, health outcomes relevant o institution
and performance reports. Proficient in the application of computer software
packages. Strong leadership, planning and organizational skill. Project
management skill. Decision making skill and problem solving skills. Ability to work
independently and under pressure. High level of communication skill both written
and verbal. Data management skill.
DUTIES : Develop and implement a quality assurance programmes within the institution and
satellite clinics. Facilitate and ensure effective functioning of the sub-district quality
assurance committee. Ensure assessment are conducted and monitor the
compliance of the institution to quality programs for regulated norms and standards
ideal clinic and health hospital realization and maintenance framework. Conduct
surveys waiting time surveys patient experience of care within the institution and
satellite clinics. Monitor the implementation of quality improvement plans from
regulated norms and standards ideal clinic and ideal hospital realization and
maintenance assessments on a quarterly basis through quality assurance random
departmental rounds/clinic support visits and progress reports. Facilitate and
participate in the development of institution standard operating procedures and
protocols with regards to quality. Reporting and monitoring of all patient safety
incident in the and in still a good clinical and corporate
governance culture. Monitor evaluate and report on the delivery of quality care at
sub-districts level including clinical care waiting times and patients experience of
care in the institution and the satellite clinics. Provide in-service training on relevant
quality assurance issues. Facilitate clinical audits and ensure implementation of
action plans on identified gaps. Maintain accurate reports and records of quality
assessment and ensure timeous intervention on non-compliance. Provide advice
on various aspects of quality care to all departments within the institution and the
satellite clinics and PHC mobiles. Compile and submits monthly/quarterly reports
to senior management for timeous submission to the districts. Develop and
implement quality assurance operational plan and participate in the development
of the institutional plan develop and implement the business plan for quality
assurance department and exercise control over utilization of such budget.
Represent the sub-districts in the district’s quality improvement committees.
perform quality improvement audits surveys and assessments according o plans
and reports of senior management. Monitor and evaluate delivery of quality care at
the hospital and the satellite clinics.
ENQUIRES : Mrs. K.S Dunne Tel No: (036) 488 8224
APPLICATIONS : Please forward the application quoting the reference number to the Department of
Health, Private Bag X16, Winterton, 3340. Hand delivered applications may be
submitted at Human Resource Registry, Emmaus Hospital.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Application should be submitted on the most recent form Z83 obtainable from any
Public Service Department and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV
only (with detailed previous experience). Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified copies of qualifications.ID and driver’s license (certified
copies of certificates should not be older than six months) on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. No faxed or e-
mailed applications will be considered. Applications received after the closing date
and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications and national certificates
(where applicable) evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and other
vetting procedures. If notification of an interview is not received within three (3)
months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application as
unsuccessful. NB: No Subsistence and Travelling, Resettlement allowance will be
paid for interview attendance.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023 at 16:00
Department: Medical Ward
SALARY : R497 193 – R559 686 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(Optional), Housing Allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements)
Plus 8% Inhospitable Allowance Plus.
CENTRE : Ngwelezana Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Diploma / Degree in General Nursing that allows
registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse. Registration with the SANC as
a Professional Nurse. Current SANC receipt. A minimum of 7 years appropriate or
recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional Nurse with the
SANC in General Nursing. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and Abilities: Advanced
knowledge and skills of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes
and other relevant legal framework. Strong interpersonal, communication and
presentation skills. Ability to make independent decisions, problem solving and
conflict resolution. Ability to prioritize issues and other work related matters and to
comply with time frames. High level of accuracy. Insight into the public health sector
strategies and priorities including nursing strategy, standard procedure and policies
pertaining to nursing care. Basic computer skills.
DUTIES : Provide effective and professional leadership in medical ward. Provide a safe
therapeutic environment that allows for the practice of safe nursing care as laid by
the Nursing Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act and all other applicable
prescripts. Demonstrate effective communication with patients and other health
professionals and junior colleagues including complex report writing as required.
Display a concern for patients, promoting, advocating and facilitating proper
treatment and care and ensuring that the unit adheres to the principles of Batho
Pele. Develop and implement quality assurance programs, policies, operational
plan, standard operating procedures and guidelines for the unit. Improve quality
care through reduction of patient complaints. Promote quality of nursing care as
directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as determined by the
institution and other regulating bodies. Develop/establish and maintain constructive
working relationship with nursing and other stakeholders. Ensure that infection
control and prevention policies are implemented in the unit. Manage and supervise
effective utilization of all the resources e.g. human, financial material. Develop,
monitor and evaluate staff in terms of EPMDS. Exercise control over discipline,
grievance and all labour relations issues. Perform both clinical and administrative
duties as required. Attend to meetings and workshops as directed. Serve as a
paymaster for unit pay point. Adhere to correct channels of communication as per
the hospital organogram. Perform other duties as assigned by the supervisor and
hospital management. Ensure implementation of NCS, Make Me Look Like a
Hospital, Ideal Hospital and other departmental initiatives including provincial
priorities. Provision of effective support to Nursing Service i.e. assist with relief of
the supervisors and partake overall specialized unit function in team building.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. RM Sithole Tel No: (035) 901 7258
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM, Ngwelezana
Hospital, Private Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human
Resource Department, Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni,
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R497 193.per annum. Benefit: 13thCheque, homeowner’s allowance, and Medical
aid optional (Employee must meet prescribed conditions)
CENTRE : Ilembe Health District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (senior certificate) Standard 10/or (Vocational National Certificate)
Degree / Diploma in General Nursing, Current registration with SANC as General
Nurse. A minimum of 7 years appropriate/ recognizable nursing experience as a
General Nurse. Valid Driver’s License (Code 8). Computer Literacy Ms Office
(Word, Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint). NB: all the above mentioned documents
need not be attached on application will be requested (only if shortlisted). Strong
interpersonal and communication skills. Report writing. Knowledge on District
Health systems. Knowledge of relevant regulation and policies. Ability to translate
and transform objectives into practical plan. Leadership, organizational, decision
making and problem-solving abilities within the DHS framework. Information
Management Skills. Ability To Work Under Pressure. Sound Project Management
Skills. A Strong Policing/ Auditing Attitude. Previous and current work experience
(Certificate/S of service) endorsed and stamped by HR Office will be requested
(only if shortlisted).
DUTIES : Manage the implementation of Quality Assurance plans in the District. Monitor the
improvement of service delivery in order to satisfy the requirement of the district
client base. Ensure the development of a culture which is sensitive to Quality
Assurance issues among health workers at all levels. Conduct inspections to
ensure that Quality Assurance plans are implemented and that practices are
according to specified policy. Monitor Quality Assurance indicators and report
thereon to assist in the improvement of service delivery at all district health
institutions. Identify best practice and implement these to continuously advance
Quality Assurance procedures and practices. Perform training and guidance
activities to instil a culture of service delivery in all service areas within the district.
Interact with university and Ideal clinic role players to enhance the Quality
Assurance procedures and practices. Evaluate the extent to which the service
delivery improvement plans are implemented. Report on Quality Assurance
statistics and practices including understanding of policy intentions.
ENQUIRIES : Dr R Sahadeo (Dep District Director: Plan M&E) Tel No: (032) 437 3500
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The District Director: Human Resource
Management Services, ILembe Health District Office, Private Bag X10620,
KwaDukuza, 4450 or Hand delivered to: 1 King Shaka Street, King Shaka Centre,
and KwaDukuza, 4450.
NOTE : Directions to Candidates: The following documents must be submitted, the most
recent Z83 application form for employment which is obtainable at any Government
Department or the website:, The Z83 form must be
completed in full. The reference number must be indicated in provided form Z83 e
g. ILE/03/2022. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV). Information such as educational
qualification dates(s) of registration with council, relevant work experience and
periods in service should be clearly indicated on the CV. Applicants are not required
to submit Copies of qualification and other relevant documents on application. Such
documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only. Applications must
be submitted on or before the closing date. Please note that due to the number of
applications anticipated, applications will not be acknowledged. Correspondence
will be limited to short listed candidates only. If you have not been contacted within
two months after the closing date of the advertisement, please accept that your
application was unsuccessful. The appointment is subject to positive outcome
obtained from NIA to the following checks (security clearance, credit records,
qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment verifications and
verification from the company Intellectual Property (CIPC). The Department
reserves the right not to fill the post (s). Persons with disabilities should feel free to
apply for the post Further, respective successful candidate will be required to enter
into a permanent employment contract with the Department of Health and a
Performance Agreement with his/her immediate supervisor. Applicants are
respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment is received within 3
months after the closing date, they must accept that their applications were
unsuccessful. The Department Reserves the Right to or not to make
appointment(s) to the advertised post(s) Applicants in possession of a foreign
qualifications are not required to submit Copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application. Such documents will be requested only if shortlisted.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
SALARY : R497 193 per annum. Plus 13th Cheque, Medical Aid: Optional, Housing
Allowance (Employee must meet minimum requirements)
CENTRE : Addington Hospital: KwaZulu Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 /Senior certificate, Degree/Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery.
Registration Certificate with SANC as a General Nurse and Midwife. Current
registration receipt with SANC (2023). Certificate of Service. Experience: A
minimum of seven (7) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in general nursing. Knowledge,
Skills, Training and Competence Required: Knowledge of nursing care processes
and procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal frameworks. Good
verbal and written communication and report writing skills. Decision making and
problem-solving skills. Conflict management and negotiation skills. Project
Management skills. Must have good knowledge of Cardiac Conditions Basic
Computer skills.
DUTIES : Provide comprehensive, quality nursing care to patients/clients in a specialty unit
in a cost-effective, efficient manner. Assist in planning, organizing and monitoring
of objectives of the specialised unit. Manage all resources within the unit effectively
and efficiently to ensure optimum service delivery. Able to plan and organize own
work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Display a
concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including
awareness and willingness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and
expectations (Batho Pele). Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure
good nursing care. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors
and other clinicians, including report writing when required. Ensure compliance with
all National, Provincial and Professional prescripts in order to render a safe patient
service and improve client satisfaction. Participate in the analysis and formulation
of nursing policies and procedures. Assist in EPMDS evaluation of staff within the
unit and participate in monitoring the training need of staff. Provide direct and
indirect supervision of all staff within the unit and give guidance. Order appropriate
level of consumables and monitor utilization. Ensure that equipment in the unit is
adequate and is checked and functional. Provide for a safe, therapeutic and
hygienic environment. Work effectively and amicably, at supervisory level, with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Demonstrate
an understanding of Human Resource and Financial Management Policies and
Procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care and Management of all patients and
ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.
ENQUIRIES : Matron B.N Ndhlovu Tel No: (031) 327 2000
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: Addington Hospital, P O Box 977, Durban, 4000 or
Dropped off in the “Application Box “, at the Security Dept-Staff Entrance, Prince
Street entrance, Addington Hospital, South Beach, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applications are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application.
Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other relevant documents
will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR
on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed and e-mailed applications
will not be accepted. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment
is received within 3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their
applications were unsuccessful. Please note that due to the large financial
constraints no S&T and settlement claims will be considered for payment to
candidates that are invited for the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
/ 2023
Branch: Human Resources
Security Agency (SSA)to the following checks: security clearance (vetting), criminal
clearance, credit records, citizenship, verification of educational qualification by
SAQA, and verification from the Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). Please note
that due to financial constrains no S&T claims will be paid to candidates invited for
the interview. The Employment Equity target for this post is African Male. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to
promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R497 193 per annum. Plus 13th Cheque, Medical Aid: Optional, Housing
Allowance (Employee must meet minimum requirements)
CENTRE : Addington Hospital: KwaZulu Natal
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 /Senior certificate, Degree/Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery.
Registration Certificate with SANC as a General Nurse and Midwife. Current
registration receipt with SANC (2023). Certificate of Service. Experience: A
minimum of seven (7) years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in general nursing. Knowledge,
Skills, Training and Competence Required: Knowledge of nursing care processes
and procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal frameworks. Good
verbal and written communication and report writing skills. Decision making and
problem-solving skills. Conflict management and negotiation skills. Project
Management skills. Must have good knowledge of Cardiac Conditions Basic
Computer skills.
DUTIES : Provide comprehensive, quality nursing care to patients/clients in a specialty unit
in a cost-effective, efficient manner. Assist in planning, organizing and monitoring
of objectives of the specialised unit. Manage all resources within the unit effectively
and efficiently to ensure optimum service delivery. Able to plan and organize own
work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Display a
concern for patients, promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including
awareness and willingness to respond to patient’s needs, requirements and
expectations (Batho Pele). Work as part of the multidisciplinary team to ensure
good nursing care. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors
and other clinicians, including report writing when required. Ensure compliance with
all National, Provincial and Professional prescripts in order to render a safe patient
service and improve client satisfaction. Participate in the analysis and formulation
of nursing policies and procedures. Assist in EPMDS evaluation of staff within the
unit and participate in monitoring the training need of staff. Provide direct and
indirect supervision of all staff within the unit and give guidance. Order appropriate
level of consumables and monitor utilization. Ensure that equipment in the unit is
adequate and is checked and functional. Provide for a safe, therapeutic and
hygienic environment. Work effectively and amicably, at supervisory level, with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Demonstrate
an understanding of Human Resource and Financial Management Policies and
Procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care and Management of all patients and
ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.
ENQUIRIES : Matron B.N Ndhlovu Tel No: (031) 327 2000
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: Addington Hospital, P O Box 977, Durban, 4000 or
dropped off in the “Application Box “, at the Security Dept-Staff Entrance, Prince
Street entrance, Addington Hospital, South Beach, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applications are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application.
Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other relevant documents
will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR
on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed and e-mailed applications
will NOT be accepted. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment
is received within 3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their
applications were unsuccessful. Please note that due to the large financial
constraints no S&T and settlement claims will be considered for payment to
candidates that are invited for the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R431 265 - R497 193 per annum. Other Benefits: Medical Aid (Optional) 13th
Cheque, 8% Rural allowance, Housing allowance (employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Emmaus District Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 certificate /Senior Certificate, Diploma/Degree in general Nursing
Science and Midwifery, A minimum of 4 years appropriate/ recognizable nursing
experience after registration as a professional nurse with SANC, Post basic
qualification with duration of at least one year accredited with SANC in advanced
Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science, Only shortlisted candidates will submit
proof Knowledge & Skills Leadership, Management, planning, organizing and co-
ordination skills, Knowledge of relevant acts, prescripts, policies and procedures
governing health care services delivery, Sound knowledge of nursing care delivery
approaches and scope of practice in the areas under their control. Sound
knowledge of priority programs, clinical guidelines, protocols, policies and
procedures and best practices in nursing care service delivery. Good
communication, interpersonal, negotiation, decision-making, problem solving,
conflict management, counselling, teaching, mentorship and supervisory skills.
DUTIES : Provide holistic nursing care to patients in all clinic streams in a cost effective and
efficient manner, To execute duties and functions with proficiency in support of the
vision, mission and strategic objectives of the institution and within the prescripts
of all other legislations. Ensure utilization of maternal and guidelines and protocols.
Ensure Effective Data Management. To participate in the sub- district perinatal
meetings ensuring compliance in MNCWH programmes. Ensure reporting of within
his/her unit. Take charge of the unit during the absence of Operation Manager and
manage unit accordingly. Provision of nursing care that lead to improved services
delivery. Ensure that clinical governance principles are adhered too and ensure
that audits are conducted. Ensure that all quality and infection control initiatives are
adhered i.e. OHSC/idea Hospital, Evaluation and monitor compliance with clinical
protocols, norms and standards of the hospital, Ensure staff ongoing education and
training on OSMOE, MBFI, EMTCT etc. Do readjustments as required on the shift
to provide adequate nursing coverage. Monitor implementation of EPMDS and
EPOC. Participate in implementation of EPMDS and EMTCT. Project and advocate
rights of the patient regarding health care. Audit patients records and monitoring of
results. Utilize knowledge of development and life stages in the provision of overall
care of pregnant women and neonates. Take responsibility and accountability for
own decisions, actions or omissions in maternity care delivery. Participates in
ethical decisions making within the multidisciplinary team. Utilizes a family centered
approach in providing maternal& neonatal nursing care. Ensure implementation of
mother baby friendly initiatives.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. T.N Maphumulo Tel No: (036) 488 1570, ext. 8315
APPLICATIONS : Please forward the application quoting the reference number to the Department of
Health, Private Bag X16, Winterton, 3340. Hand delivered applications may be
submitted at Human Resource Registry, Emmaus District Hospital.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Manager
NOTE : Application should be submitted on the most recent form Z83 obtainable from any
Public Service Department and should be accompanied by a comprehensive CV
only (with detailed previous experience). Only shortlisted candidates will be
required to submit certified copies of qualifications.ID and driver’s license (certified
copies of certificates should not be older than six months) on or before the day of
the interview following communication from Human Resources. No faxed or e-
mailed applications will be considered. Applications received after the closing date
and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications and national certificates
(where applicable) evaluated by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA).
The successful candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks and other
vetting procedures. If notification of an interview is not received within three (3)
months after the closing date, candidates may regard their application as
unsuccessful. NB: No Subsistence and Travelling, Resettlement Allowance will be
paid for interview attendance.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Department: Various Clinics
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional), home owners allowance (employees must meet prescribed
CENTRE : East Boom CHC
REQUIREMENTS : National senior certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent, Diploma / Degree in General
nursing and Midwifery or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the
South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a Professional Nurse, Current
registration with the SANC 2023 as a General and Advanced Midwife, One (1) Year
post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery accredited with the SANC, A
minimum of four (4) years appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
Knowledge, Skills, Trainings and Competencies Required for the post: Knowledge
of Nursing Care, Processes and Procedures, Nursing Statues and other relevant,
legal frameworks such as Nursing Acts, Health Act, Patient Rights Charter, Batho
Pele, Principles, Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary Codes and Procedures in
the Public, Service, Leadership, organizational, decision making, problem solving
and interpersonal skills within the limits of the Public Sector, Personal Attitudes,
Responsiveness, Professionalism, Supportive, Assertive and must be a, team
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and within
a professional legal framework, Ensuring clinical nursing practice by the nursing
team in accordance with the Scope of, Practice and nursing standards as
determined by the relevant health facility, Implement activities aimed at the
improvement of women's health, Ensure high quality nursing care is rendered to all
clients accessing maternal services in the facility by considering CARMA
objectives, ESMOE, KINC, Helping Babies Breath (HBB)and safe Caesarean
checklist, Identify high risk clients during ante-natal and post-natal periods, manage
and refer, accordingly, Ensure that other antenatal care programs i.e. BANC are
implemented to enhance, antenatal care to all pregnant women, Ensure
implementation and integration of HAST programs in O&G departments within the
facility, Ensure accurate and proper record keeping for statistical purposes, Ensure
adherence to the principles of infection prevention and control practices in the, unit.,
Assess and identify the relationship between normal physiological and specific
system, alterations associated with problems, disorders and treatment in the
pregnancy, labour, puerperium and neonates, Able to identify, manage, assist
medical officer and refer obstetric emergencies according to protocols and
guidelines, Participate in training, monitoring and research with a view to increasing
the body of knowledge in the midwifery practice. Assist in planning and coordinating
of training and promote learning opportunities for all nursing categories, Ensure
compliance to quality, IPC, Ideal Hospital realization and maintenance (IHRM), and
Norms and Standards, Complete patient related data, partake in PPIP and attend
peri-natal meetings, Collate and analyse data before submitting to the next level,
Promote, instil and maintain discipline, professionalism and work ethics among,
employees, Manage the utilization and supervision of resources, Demonstrate an
in depth understanding of legislation and related ethical nursing, practices and how
this impact on service delivery, Maintain a constructive working relationship with
multidisciplinary team members, Monitor and report patient safety incidence and
patients’ complaints, Assist in orientation, induction and mentoring of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs S Gopichand Tel No: (033) 264 4900
APPLICATIONS : East Boom CHC, Private Bag X4018, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 or hand
delivered to 541 Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Practices
NOTE : Please note: Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other
relevant documents on application but must submit fully completed Z83 form and
detailed curriculum vitae, only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
CBH34/ 2023 (X1 POST)
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum. Other Benefits: Medical Aid: optional, commuted
overtime, 13th Cheque 8% Rural Allowance
CENTRE : Catherine Booth Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Standard 10 or Grade 12. Degree / Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery. A
Post Basic Diploma in Operating Theatre. A minimum of 4 years appropriate /
recognizable experience after registration as a professional with SANC. Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit proof of all documents Sound
knowledge of latest technology in Theatre Nursing. Sound knowledge of nursing
care. Sound of nursing care delivery approach. Sound knowledge of IPC, H&S and
other policies. Knowledge in record keeping and communication skills.
DUTIES : Ability to handle all operations and able to operate all theatre equipment and ensure
safe keeping and utilization. Provide safe, therapeutic environment as laid down by
Nursing Act. Provide optimal, holistic specialized nursing care set standards and
be within a professional and legal framework. Delegate duties and support staff in
the execution of patient care. Effective utilization of human and material resources.
Assist with supervision of the unit in the absence of the Operational Manager.
Ability to manage all operations and emergencies in the absence of other qualified
staff. Manage SDU and keep records. To partake in overall specialized unit
functions. Good management of all resources within the unit. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit proof of all documents.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. P.Z. Mbonambi Tel No: (035) 474 8402
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Catherine Booth Hospital: Private Bag
X105, Amatikulu, 3801 or Hand deliver to: KwaKhoza Reserve, Ezingwenya Area,
UMlalazi Municipality Ward15, Amatikulu, 3801
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for employment form
(Z83), obtainable at any Public Service Department or from the website-, A comprehensive CV indicating three reference persons:
Names and contact numbers. Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualification. Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other
relevant documents will be requested from shortlisted candidates only, which
maybe submitted to HR on or before the day of an interview. It is applicants
responsibility who have the foreign qualification to be evaluated by SAQA (South
African Qualifications Authority). Reference checks will be done on nominated
candidate(s), Security checks, security vetting, qualification verification and
criminal checking. Note: Failure to comply with all of the above-mentioned
directions to candidate(s) will result in your application not being considered.
Please note that due to the large number of applications we envisage to receive;
only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to financial constraints, no S&T
allowance will be paid to candidate for attending interview and no resettlement
allowance during appointment be paid out. Preference will be given to African Male
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: Addington Hospital, P O Box 977, Durban, 4000 or
dropped off in the “Application Box “, at the Security Dept-Staff Entrance, Prince
Street entrance, Addington Hospital, South Beach, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applications are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application.
Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other relevant documents
will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR
on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed and e-mailed applications
will not be accepted. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment
is received within 3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their
applications were unsuccessful. Please note that due to the large financial
constraints no S&T and settlement claims will be considered for payment to
candidates that are invited for the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
with all National, Provincial and Professional prescripts in order to render a safe
patient service and improve client satisfaction. Participate in the analysis and
formulation of nursing policies and procedures. Assist in EPMDS evaluation of staff
within the unit and participate in monitoring the training need of staff. Provide direct
and indirect supervision of all staff within the unit and give guidance. Order
appropriate level of consumables and monitor utilization. Ensure that equipment in
the unit is adequate and is checked and functional. Provide for a safe, therapeutic
and hygienic environment. Work effectively and amicably, at supervisory level, with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Demonstrate
an understanding of Human Resource and Financial Management Policies and
Procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care and Management of all patients and
ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.
ENQUIRIES : Matron B.N Ndhlovu Tel No: (031) 327 2000
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: Addington Hospital, P O Box 977, Durban, 4000 or
dropped off in the “Application Box “, at the Security Dept-Staff Entrance, Prince
Street entrance, Addington Hospital, South Beach, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Department
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) which must be originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Applications are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application.
Certified copies of qualifications, proof of registration and other relevant documents
will be requested from shortlisted candidates only which may be submitted to HR
on or before the day of the interview. The Reference Number must be indicated in
the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form. NB: Failure to comply with
the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Faxed and e-mailed applications
will not be accepted. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained
from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance
(vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, and citizenship), verification of
Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous experience from
Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property Commission
(CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of appointment
is received within 3 months after the closing date, they must accept that their
applications were unsuccessful. Please note that due to the large financial
constraints no S&T and settlement claims will be considered for payment to
candidates that are invited for the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Management and negotiation skills. Ability to function within a team. Skills in
organizing, planning and supervising. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and
patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Nursing excellence for quality outcomes in practice, education, research, advocacy
and management. Advocates implementation of Code of Ethics for nurses,
including all aspects like confidentiality, autonomy and accountability. Commitment
to professional and social responsibility Demonstrate competence in the
management role e.g. human and material resources and data management
Ensure availability and adherence to protocols and guidelines of the department
when managing clinical condition. Provide optimal, holistic specialized nursing care
according to the set standard and within professional and legal framework.
Delegate duties and support staff in the execution of patient care delivery Execute
disciplinary code and grievance procedure up to a certain level then refer to the
nurse manager. Plan/ organize and monitor the objectives of the specialized unit in
consultation with subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Vryheid District
Hospital, Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department or from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered”.
Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered
for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
obtaining the 1- year post-basic qualification in the relevant specialty. Knowledge,
Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge of Public Service Policies,
Acts and Regulations. Knowledge of code of conduct, Labour Relations, Conflict
Management and negotiation skills. Ability to function within a team. Skills in
organizing, planning and supervising. Knowledge of Batho Pele principles and
patients’ rights charter.
DUTIES : Nursing excellence for quality outcomes in practice, education, research, advocacy
and management. Advocates implementation of Code of Ethics for nurses,
including all aspects like confidentiality, autonomy and accountability. Commitment
to professional and social responsibility Demonstrate competence in the
management role e.g. human and material resources and data management
Ensure availability and adherence to protocols and guidelines of the department
when managing clinical condition. Provide optimal, holistic specialized nursing care
according to the set standard and within professional and legal framework.
Delegate duties and support staff in the execution of patient care delivery Execute
disciplinary code and grievance procedure up to a certain level then refer to the
nurse manager. Plan/ organize and monitor the objectives of the specialized unit in
consultation with subordinates.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Khumalo NJ (Deputy Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 9822111, ext. 5916/11
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Vryheid District
Hospital, Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post office.
NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions must
notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if they are
absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to Candidates: the
following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment form (Z83)
which is obtainable from any Government Department or from the website - application form (Z83) must be completed in full and
accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted candidates will
be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents
on or before the day of the interview following communication from Human
Resources. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the
form Z83 and on the back of the envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply
with the above instructions will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities
should feel free to apply for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verification). Failure to comply will result in the application not being considered”.
Due to the large number of applications, receipt of applications will not be
acknowledged. However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates
only. Please note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered
for payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Labour Relations Act, Grievance Procedures etc. Leadership, organizational,
decision making and problem solving, conflict handling and counselling. good
listening and communication skills. Co-ordination and planning skills, Team
building and supervisory skills, Good interpersonal relationship skills, Good insight
of procedures and policies pertaining to nursing care. Ability to assist in formulation
of patient care related policies.
DUTIES : Provide quality comprehensive Primary Health Care by providing promotive,
preventative, curative and rehabilitative services for the clients and community.
Ensuring proper utilization and safekeeping basic medical equipment, surgical
pharmaceutical and stock. Assist in orientation, induction and monitoring of all
nursing staff. Provide direct and indirect supervision of all nursing staff and to give
guidance. To provide nursing care that leads to improved health service delivery
by upholding principles of Batho Pele. Execute duties and functions with proficiency
and perform duties according to scope of practice. Implement infection control
standards and practices to improve quality of nursing care. Ensure proper
implementation of National Core Standards, quality and clinical audits. Improve the
knowledge of staff and patients through health education and in service training.
Implement standards, practices criteria for quality nursing. Maintain a constructive
working relationship with nursing and other stakeholders. Supervision of patients’
reports and intervention, keeping a good valid record on all client interventions.
Ensuring proper utilization of Human, material and financial resources and keeping
up to date records of resources. Ability to plan and organize own work and that of
support personnel to ensure proper nursing care in the clinic. Motivate junior staff
regarding development in order to increase level of expertise and assists patients
to develop a sense of self-care. Strengthen data systems and treatment outcomes
by assisting and capturing on o Assist with capturing patients on patient
registration (HPRS) system. Support the realization and maintenance of Ideal Clinic
Programme in the facility. Coordinate and manage the provision of the services to
manage COVID 19 pandemic.
ENQUIRES : Miss S. Shezi Tel No: (039) 834 7500, Ext No. 7533.
APPLICATIONS : Applications may be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Private Bag X542,
Ixopo, 3276 or Hand delivered to: Christ the King Hospital, Human Resource Office,
No 1 Peter hauff Drive, Ixopo, 3276
FOR ATTENTION : Mr Z.C Mhlongo Human Resources Tel No: (039) 834 7500
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new FormZ83, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the
highest required qualification, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to
HR on or before the day of the interview date. The reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83 e.g. CTK 19/2023. Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s. N.B. Failure to comply with the
above instructions will disqualify applicants. No e-mailed or faxed applications will
be accepted. Appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from State
Security Agency (SSA)to the following checks: security clearance (vetting), criminal
clearance, credit records, citizenship, verification of educational qualification by
SAQA, and verification from the Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). Please note
that due to financial constrains no S&T claims will be paid to candidates invited for
the interview. The Employment Equity target for this post is African Male. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to
promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Branch: Human Resources
Shortlisted Candidates will be required to produce all relevant Qualifications and
Registration Certificates as well as submit proof of work. Experience endorsed by
Human Resource component / Department. Knowledge, Skills, Training, and
Competencies Required: Knowledge of Nursing Care, Process and Procedures,
nursing statutes, and other relevant Legal frameworks, such as Nursing Acts,
Health Act, Patient Right Charter, Batho Pele Principles, Public Service
Regulations, Disciplinary Code and Procedures in the Public Service. Leadership,
Organisational, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Co-ordination, Liaisons and
Interpersonal Skills within the limits of the Public Sector. Personal Attitudes,
Responsiveness, Professionalism, Supportive, assertive and must be a team
DUTIES : Demonstrate an in depth understanding of legislation and related ethical nursing
practices and how this impact on service delivery. Provide a therapeutic
environment for staff, patients and public. Manage utilization of all resources
efficiently and effectively. Maintain competence in the execution of her/his duties,
while managing high standards of performance including for others. Assist in the
coordination and implementation of the National Core Standards in A & E. and in
the whole institution for better quality patient care. Manage the unit in the absence
of the Supervisor. Ensure adherence to principles of IPC practices in the unit. Assist
with the allocation / change list, day and night duty rosters and inputs for leave.
Assist in orientation, induction and monitoring of all nursing staff. To complete
patient related data and partake in research. Demonstrate effective communication
patient and families with the multi- disciplinary team, other department within the
hospital. Ensure accurate record keeping for statics purposes Ensuring clinical
nursing practice by the nursing team in accordance with the scope of practice and
nursing standards as determined by the relevant health facility.
ENQUIRES : Miss MLN Mthembu Tel No: (039) 834 7500, Ext No. 7503.
APPLICATIONS : Applications may be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM, Private Bag X542,
Ixopo, 3276 OR Hand delivered to: Christ the King Hospital, Human Resource
Office, No 1 Peter hauff Drive, Ixopo, 3276
FOR ATTENTION : Mr Z.C Mhlongo Human Resources Tel No: (039) 834 7500
NOTE : The application must include only completed and signed new FormZ83, obtainable
from any Public Service Department or on the internet at, and detailed
Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the
highest required qualification, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to
HR on or before the day of the interview date. The reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on the form Z.83 e.g. CTK 19/2023. Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post/s. N.B. Failure to comply with the
above instructions will disqualify applicants. No e-mailed or faxed applications will
be accepted. Appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from State
Security Agency (SSA)to the following checks: security clearance (vetting), criminal
clearance, credit records, citizenship, verification of educational qualification by
SAQA, and verification from the Company Intellectual Property (CIPC). Please note
that due to financial constrains no S&T claims will be paid to candidates invited for
the interview. The Employment Equity target for this post is African Male. This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to
promote representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Clinical Nursing Science. Current proof of registration with SANC for 2023 will be
required from shortlisted candidates. NB: Proof of current/previous work
experience endorsed and stamped by the employer will be required from shortlisted
candidates Grade 1: A minimum of 4 years appropriate / recognizable nursing
experience after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing. Grade 2: A minimum of 14 years appropriate / recognizable nursing
experience after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General
Nursing. At least 10 years of the period referred above must be appropriate /
recognizable experience after obtaining the 1- year post-basic qualification in the
relevant specialty. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required:
Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedure. Knowledge of Nursing Act,
Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act. Display a concern for patients,
promoting and advocating proper treatment. Sound understanding of legislations
and related ethical nursing practices within a primary health care environment.
Report writing skill.
DUTIES : Perform a clinical nursing science in accordance with the scope of practice and
nursing standards as determined for a primary health care facility. Promote quality
of nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and standards as
determined for a primary health care facility. Demonstrate a basic understanding of
nursing legislation and related legal and ethical nursing practices within a primary
health care environment. Work effectively and amicably at a supervisory level, with
person of divert intellectual, cultural race or religious differences. Able to manage
own work, time and that of junior colleagues to ensure proper nursing service in a
unit. Develop contacts, build and maintain a network of professional relations in
order to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs Sibiya ATS (Assistant Manager Nursing) Tel No: (034) 982 2111, ext. 5918
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Assistant Director: HRM Vryheid District
Hospital Private Bag X9371, Vryheid, 3100 or be hand delivered at Human
Resource Office no 9. NB: Applicants are encouraged to used courier service since
we are experiencing challenges with post offices
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
leads to improve service delivery by upholding Batho Pele principles. Maintain
clinical competencies by ensuring that scientific principles of nursing are
implemented in the clinic. Supervision of patients and provision of basis patient
needs e.g. oxygen, nutrition, elimination fluids and electrolyte balance, safe and
therapeutically environment in the clinic using EDL guidelines. Ensure clinical
intervention to clients including administering of prescribed medication and ongoing
observation of patient in the clinic. Motivate staff regarding development in order to
increase level of expertise and assist patient to develop a sense of self care. Ensure
proper utilization and safe keeping of basic medical, surgical pharmaceutical and
ENQUIRES : Z.E. Mhlanga Tel No: (036) 342 7232
APPLICATIONS : All documents to be posted to: The Chief Executive Officer, Estcourt District
Hospital, Private Bag X 7058, Estcourt, 3310 for the attention of Human Resource
Section or be hand delivered to Human Resource Office, (Estcourt Hospital) No.
01 Old Main Road Estcourt.
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the new Z83 form obtainable from any Public
Service Department or at website and should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV (previous experience must be
comprehensively detailed Please note that to due financial constraints no S&T will
be considered for payment to candidates that are invited for interviews. This
Department is an equal opportunity, Affirmative Action employer, whose aim is to
promote representatively in all levels of all occupational categories in the
Department. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
staff within the unit and participate in monitoring and training needs of staff. Provide
direct and indirect supervision of all staff within the unit and give guidance. Order
and monitor appropriate levels of consumables. Ensure that equipment in the unit
is adequate and checked and is in working order. Provide for a safe, therapeutic
and hygienic environment. Work effectively and amicable, at supervisory level, with
persons of diverse intellectual, cultural and racial and religious differences.
Demonstrate an understanding of Human Resource and Financial Management
Policies and Procedures. Monitor and evaluate the care of management of all
patients and ensure the maintenance of accurate and complete patient records.
ENQUIRIES : Ms M Stevens (Assistant Nursing Manager – Internal Medicine) Tel No: (032) 437
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be directed to: Deputy Director: HRM, Private Bag X10609,
Stanger, 4450 or hand delivered to: The Human Resource Department, General
Justice Gizenga Mpanza Regional Hospital, Corner of Patterson & King Shaka
Street, Stanger, 4450
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment form
(Z83) obtainable at any government department or from the website which must be originally signed, initialled and dated.
Applications received on the incorrect Z83 will not be considered. All required
information on the Z83 must be provided. Failure to complete or disclose all
information will automatically disqualify the applicant. The Z83 should be
accompanied by a comprehensive CV only (with detailed experience). Persons with
disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject to
positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following
checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records, citizenship),
verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from
Human Resources. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation
report issued by SAQA. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign
qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation (when
shortlisted). Applicants: Please ensure that you submit your application before the
closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1
post, submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Please take
note that due to the large number of applications received, applications will not be
acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only.
Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the
advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Management
reserves the right to allocate employee. GJGM Regional Hospital is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the institution. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Proof of current and previous work experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resources (Certificate of Service) will be requested from shortlisted
candidates for submission on or before the interview date.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
ten (10) years of the period referred to above must be appropriate /recognizable
experience after obtaining the One year Post Basic qualification in the relevant
specialty. Senior Certificate/Grade 12 or Equivalent. Degree /Diploma in General
Nursing and Midwifery. One year Post Basic Qualification in Operating Theatre
Nursing Science. Current Registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023
receipt). A minimum of four (04) years appropriate/recognizable experience after
registration as a Professional Nurse with SANC in Genera Nursing. Proof of
current/previous work experience endorsed and stamped by HR. Successful
candidate will have to spend minimum one year in service. Unendorsed valid Code
B driver’s license (Code 08). Certificate of Service endorsed by Human Resource
Department. Knowledge Skills Training and Competencies Required: Knowledge
of Nursing Care, Processes and Procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant
Legal frameworks, such as Nursing Acts, Health Act, Patient Right Charter, Batho
Pele Principles, Public Service Regulations, Disciplinary Code and Procedures in
the Public Service. Financial and Budgetary knowledge pertaining to relevant
resources under management. Insight into procedures and policies pertaining to
nursing care. Leadership, Organizational, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Co-
ordination, liaisons and Interpersonal Skills within the limits of the Public Sector and
Institutional policy framework. Interpersonal skills including Public relations,
negotiating, conflict handling and counselling skills. Computer skills in basic
DUTIES : Assist in planning/organizing and monitoring of the objectives of the specialized
unit in consultation with subordinates. Demonstrate effective communication to
patients, families, multidisciplinary team members and other stakeholders within
the hospital. Ensure that high quality of nursing care is rendered to all clients
accessing Operating Theatre unit at Dr Pixley KaIsaka Seme Memorial Hospital.
Manage utilization and supervision of resources. Coordinate the provision of
effective training and research, focusing on the programs aimed at the
improvement Operating Theatre nursing. Instil discipline, professionalism and work
ethics amongst employees. Ensure compliance to quality, infection prevention and
control (IPC) programs e.g. Ideal Hospital realization and maintenance (IHRM)
Norms and Standards (N&S). Maintain a constructive working with multi-
disciplinary team members. Provide effective support to nursing services e.g. assist
with relief duties to nursing management.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs YYN Ngema (Assistant Nursing Manager Theatre) Tel No: (031) 530 1419
APPLICATIONS : To be hand delivered to 310 Bhejane Street (Hospital Gate Number 2) Kwamashu
or emailed to:
FOR ATTENTION : Deputy Director: HRM
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted, Application for employment form
(Z83), which is obtainable at any Government Department or form website- No attachments on application, only Z83 and CV.
Applications must be submitted on or before the closing date. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 e.g. DPKISMH
40/2023. NB: Failure to comply with the above instruction will disqualify applicants.
Please note that due to the number of applications anticipated, applications will not
be acknowledged. Correspondence will be limited to short listed candidates only. If
you have not been contacted within two months after the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. The
appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from NIA to the following
checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous
experience employment verifications and verification from the company Intellectual
Property (CIPC). The Department reserves the right not to fill the post (s). This
Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote
representivity in all levels of all occupational categories in the Department. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. advertisement, please accept
that your application was unsuccessful. The appointment is subject to positive
outcome obtained from NIA to the following checks (security clearance, credit
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience employment
verifications and verification from the company Intellectual Property (CIPC). The
Department reserves the right not to fill the post (s). This Department is an equal
opportunity, affirmative employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
levels of all occupational categories in the Department. Persons with disabilities
should feel free to apply for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023.
Department: Orthopaedic Ward
204 which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Department: Psychiatry
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Department: Oncology
components, fluids and electrolyte replacements and other oncology treatments as
prescribed. Perform nursing assessments and triage of patient care needs for new
and ongoing patients. Provide education to patients, families, and significant
others, acts as an information resource to students, health care professionals,
patients and public. Provide family support as required, including applicable
referrals and bereavement counselling. Follows established departmental policies,
procedures and objectives, continuous quality improvement objectives and safety.
Train and guide other nursing and support staff engaged in clinical activities, may
participate in research and related activities. Performs miscellaneous job related
duties as assigned. Ensure the unit complies with Infection Prevention and Control
as well as Occupational Health and Safety policies. Strengthen ethics and
professionalism. Provide safe and therapeutic environment for patients, staff and
public. Participate in staff development using EPMDS System and other work
related programmes and training. Maintain accreditation standards by ensuring
compliance with National Norms and Standards and Ideal hospital programmes.
Ensure effective and efficient management of resources and availability of essential
equipment. Attend to meetings, and assist with relief duties of supervision as
assigned by the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Ms RM Sithole Tel No: (035) 901 7258
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM, Ngwelezana Hospital, Private
Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human Resource
Department, Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni 3880
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Department: Thokozani Clinic (Men’s Clinic)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Senior Certificate / Grade 12. Diploma / Degree in General Nursing and
Midwifery that allows registration with SANC as a Professional Nurse. Registration
with the SANC as a Professional Nurse. A post basic qualification with a duration
of at least one year in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and
Care (Primary Health Care). Current SANC receipt. A minimum of 4 years
appropriate or recognizable experience in nursing after registration as Professional
Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. Grade 2: Senior Certificate / Grade 12.
Diploma / Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery that allows registration with
SANC as a Professional Nurse. Registration with SANC as Professional Nurse. A
post basic qualification with a duration of at least one year in Clinical Nursing
Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (Primary Health Care). A
minimum of 14 years appropriate or recognizable experience in nursing after
registration as Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing At least 10
years of the period referred above must be appropriate/recognizable experience in
Primary Health Care. Current SANC receipt. Knowledge, Skills, Attributes and
Abilities: Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes
and other relevant legal frameworks such as Batho Pele Principles, Patient’s rights,
Nursing Act etc. Good communication, verbal, written, leadership, interpersonal,
problem solving, conflict management and decision making skills. Knowledge and
experience in implementation of Batho Pele Principles, Patients right’s Charter and
code of conduct. Basic knowledge of Public service regulations. Good
communication and interpersonal relation skills. Conflict handling and counselling
skills. Ability to function well with a team. Decision making and problem solving
skills. Project management skills. Financial management skills. Report writing
DUTIES : Monitor and evaluate performance of Clinic staff according to set standards, norms
targets and to ensure effective reporting. Ability to plan and priorities issues and
other work related matters and to comply with time frames. Ensure provision of
Nursing Care through adequate supervision. Provide nursing care that leads to
improved service delivery by maintaining client satisfaction especially men. Ensure
the efficient and effective control of surgical sundries pharmaceuticals, equipment
and miscellaneous stores. Maintain accurate and complete patients records
according to legal requirements. Co-ordinate of services with the institution and
other services related to community health (NGO, CBO, and CHW). Deal with
grievances and Labour relations issues in terms of laid down procedures/policies.
Initiate treatment, implementation of programmers and evaluation of patient’s
clinical conditions. To provide total nursing care that improves of men’s health by
service delivery. Maintain a constructive working relationship with nursing
personnel and stakeholders. Provide knowledge and information to patient through
health education men’s related issues. Ability to plan and organise own work and
that of supporting personnel to ensure proper running in men’s clinic.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. S Mtshali Tel No: (035) 901 98 / 7224
APPLICATIONS : should be directed to: The Deputy Director: HRM, Ngwelezana Hospital, Private
Bag X20021, Empangeni, 3880 or Hand Delivered to: The Human Resource
Department, Ngwelezana Hospital, Thanduyise Road, Empangeni, 3880
NOTE : Applicants are submitting Z83 and CV only, no other attachments must accompany
the application. The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at
and a detailed Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate, evaluation certificate with SAQA for applicants who
are in possession of foreign qualification, confirmation letter of relevant experience
from supervisors in an official letterhead of the employer, highest required
qualification as well as driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted by
shortlisted candidates to Human Resource on or before the day of the interview
date. Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Application for Employment
form (Z83) obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website which must be originally signed and dated. The application
form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae. The Reference
Number must be indicated in the column (Part A) provided thereof on the Z83 form.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. Persons
with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. The appointments are subject
to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the
following checks (security clearance (vetting), criminal clearance, credit records,
and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no
notification of appointment is received within 6 months after the closing date, they
must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. All employees in the Public
Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above
of the advertised post are free to apply. Due to cost-cutting measures, S&T and
Resettlement will not be paid to eligible candidates due departmental budgetary
constraints. Management reserves the right to allocate employees outside the
appointment domain as determined by service delivery demands.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
may arise. Advocate for Nursing Ethics and Professionalism standards. NB: The
incumbent will be expected work on day and night shift including weekends.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs LH Sibiya Tel No: (033) 398 9100
APPLICATIONS : Must be forwarded to: Human Resources Department, Imbalenhle Community
Health Centre, Private Bag X 9104, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand delivered at
Imbalenhle Community Health Centre- HR, Unit 3, Thwala Road, Imbali,
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Directorate: SMCHC
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum. Plus 12% rural allowance. plus 13th Cheque,
Medical Aid (optional), Housing/Home Owners allowance (Employee must meet
prescribed conditions)
CENTRE : St Margaret’s Community Health Centre (St Margaret’s Gateway Clinic)
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 1: Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) standard 10/or (Vocational National
Certificate, plus Degree/Diploma in General Nursing Science and Midwifery plus,
(1) year post basic qualification in Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment,
Treatment and Care plus, Minimum of 4 years appropriate/Recognisable
Experience as a General Nurse. Grade 2: Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) standard
10/or (Vocational National Certificate, plus Degree/Diploma in General Nursing
Science and Midwifery plus,(1) year post basic qualification in Clinical Nursing
Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care plus, Minimum of 14 Years
appropriate/Recognisable nursing Experience after registration as a General Nurse
with SANC of which 10 years of the period must be appropriate/recognisable PHC
experience after obtaining a one year post basic qualification in Primary Health
Care. Recommendations: Valid driver’s License, Computer Literacy, NIMART
training. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competence Required: Knowledge of all
applicable legislation such as Nursing Acts, Mental Act, OHS Act, Batho Pele
Principles, Patients’ Rights Charter, Labour Relations Act, Grievance Procedure
etc., Leadership, Organizational, decision making and Problem solving, Conflict
handling and counselling. Good listening and communication skills, Co-ordination
and planning skills. Team building sills and supervisory skills. Good Interpersonal
relationship skills, good insight of procedure and policies pertaining to nursing care.
Ability to assist in formulation of patient care related policies.
DUTIES : Provide administrative services: Plan and organise the clinic, ensure completion of
statistics, ensure ordering and control of stationery and consumables, ordering of
medication. Ensure implementation of 95 95 95 strategy in all aspects of all
programmes. Provision of educational services: In-service training, personnel
development, health education to patients. Provision of clinical services: Initiate the
implementation of programme and evaluation of patients conditions, initiate minor
treatments, individual consultation sessions. Function as a member of the
therapeutic team. Continuous evaluation of nursing care and nursing services.
Identify community needs. Ensure effective crisis management in the clinic. Initiate
resuscitation if necessary. Assist in regional and departmental research projects.
Ensure accurate data and information management systems. Ensure accurate
monthly reporting to the Operational Manager or Deputy Manger nursing. Ensure
implementation of the ideal CHC standards.
ENQUIRIES : All enquiries must be directed to Mr. SP Adonis: Deputy Manger Nursing Tel No:
(039) 2599 222.
APPLICATIONS : applications must be directed: St Margaret’s CHC, Private Bag X517, Umzimkhulu,
3297 or Hand delivered to: St Margaret’s CHC Clydesdale Location UMzimkhulu
3297. All online applications should be forwarded to this Email Address:
FOR ATTENTION : Mr. TL Nzimande: Human Resource Manager
NOTE : An application for employment Form (Z83) must be completed and forwarded which
is obtainable from any Public Service Department or from the website Note: Applicants are not required to submit copies of
qualifications and other relevant documents on application but must submit the Z83
and detailed curriculum vitae only. These will be requested only from shortlisted
candidates. This Department is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer
whose aim is to promote candidates representatively at all occupational categories
in the department. People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The reference
number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83, e.g. ref SMCHC
09/2023. Please note that failure to comply with the above instructions will
disqualify applicants. Please note that the selected candidate will be subjected to
a pre-employment screening and verification process including a CIPC (Companies
Intellectual Property Commission) screening. Due to the large number of
applications we receive, there will be no acknowledgement of applications. Should
you not hear from us within 60 days of the closing date, kindly consider your
application as unsuccessful. And only shortlisted candidates will be advised of the
outcome of interview. Please note that due to financial constraints, there will be no
payment of S&T Claims covering transport fees to the interview venue.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
SALARY : R424 104 per annum. Plus 13th Cheque, Medical Aid (Optional), Housing
Allowance (Employee Must Meet Prescribed Requirements)
CENTRE : Northdale Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate Grade 12/Standard 10 Certificate, Degree / Diploma in
Financial Management (NQF Level 7), Three (3) – five (5) years’ experience in
Finance or Supply Chain Management and a valid driver’s license Code B (08)
Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required For The Post: Management and
skills, good listening, writing and communication skills, MS Office, proficiency in
Microsoft Excel, Good leadership, Management and decision making skills,
Knowledge of current Health Public Service Policies, Regulations and Legislation
including medical ethics, epidemiology and statistics, Extensive knowledge of BAS
and knowledge of PERSAL system.
DUTIES : Improve Financial Management for the hospital and the clinics. Ensuring the facility
has an effective cash flow management system. Monitor the percentage (%) of
budget spent according to projection. Ensure the facility has an approved
Procurement Plan and Improve Supply Chain Management. Ensure department
meets in strategic objective and Budget is aligned to APP. Approved Bid Committee
to ensure effective SCM processes. Ensure the implementation of the total quality
management framework and compliance to National Core Standards. Ensure
effective functioning of Cash Flow Committee, Board of Survey, Quotation
committee and loss control committee. Ensure the equipment, goods and services
are procured in a cost effective way. Ensure the facility conducts quarterly and
annual stock take and timeously submission of report to Provincial SCM. Conduct
analysis on expenditure trends and do budget estimates and link with services
delivery outcomes. Maintain adequate availability and efficient utilization of staff in
the finance section. Recruitment, selection and placement of personnel in his/her
section. Staff performance assessed in terms of the departmental performance
management system. Ensure compliance with PFMA, Treasury Regulations, Public
Service Act and Regulations. Conduct internal audit and risk management. Ensure
that adequate policies, systems and procedures are in place to enable prudent
management of financial resources, planning of financial resources mobilization.
Timeous updating of bin and leger cards to avoid stock losses. Cases of fraud or
corruption are timeously disclosed to the accounting officer. Disclose of
interest/conflict of interest at appropriate structures/times for e,g SCM Committees.
Develop and implement and monitor measures designated to optimize the
collection of revenue. Checking cash analysis for accuracy and elimination of risk.
Ensure revenue reconciliation statements are reported monthly. Advocating the
use of all follow-up procedures for recovering outstanding fees before accounts can
be considered for write-off.
ENQUIRIES : Ms N Xulu Tel No: (033) 387 9007
APPLICATIONS : All applications to be posted to: The Human Resource Department, Northdale
Hospital, Private Bag X9006, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
NOTE : The applicants must include only completed and signed new Z83, Obtained from
any Public Service Department or on the internet at and a detailed
Curriculum Vitae when they apply. Certified copies of identity Documents, Senior
Certificate, and the highest required qualification as well as driver’s license where
necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the
day of the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
SALARY : R424 104 per annum. Other Benefits: Medical Aid (optional) and Housing
Allowance (employee must meet prescribed requirements)
CENTRE : Port Shepstone Regional Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 / Matric Certificate. Degree/3 years National Diploma in Public
Management. 3 ‐ 5 years supervisory experience in Systems management
environment. Computer literacy Microsoft Word and Excel Certificate. Valid
unendorsed driver’s license. Certificate of service. Note: All shortlisted candidates
will undergo advanced pre-screening test assessment for the post. Knowledge,
Skills and Competencies Required: Knowledge of PFMA, LRA, OHS, Public
Service Act, EPMDS and Infection Control. Good verbal and written
communication, problem solving, conflict resolutions skills and good interpersonal
relations. Computer literacy - proficient in the MS package (Word/ Excel/ Outlook/
PowerPoint. Competence in human resources management, financial
management, conflict management and change management. Ability to plan,
organize and negotiate and work as a team. Health and Safety /Quality Assurance
/Waste Management knowledge is critical. Understanding of information
Technology and IT system. Knowledge of relevant acts and regulations for
engineering and maintenance management, safety and waste management, IT
systems and auxiliary services.
DUTIES : Effective management of the following sections: Security, Catering, Laundry,
Mortuary, Registry, Telecommunications, Transport, Staff Accommodation,
Grounds, Cleaning and Porter-ring Services, Health and Safety, Waste
Management, Maintenance, and infrastructure. Develop integrated strategies
within auxiliary services to achieve optimal technical expertise that supports the
vision of the institution. Manage human resources effectively and efficiently and
promote sound labour relations. Implement and monitor effective hospital policies,
protocols, practices within the day-to-day operational areas. Contribute as a
member of a multi-disciplinary management team towards the effective
management of the hospital. Oversee compliance with all systems non-negotiables
requirements. Monitor the provision of all hotel services and facilities by contractors
in order to ensure contract adherence, with service level agreement and highest
level of quality. Monitor and ensure proper utilization of financial and physical
resources. Contribute to the formulation of a hospital disaster plan and its
compliance. Ensure that safety program requirements are adhered to by all staff.
Oversee and provide support on infrastructural engineering and maintenance
ENQUIRIES : Mr DG Gounden Tel No: (039) 688 6111
APPLICATIONS : Applications should be posted to: The Human Resource Manager, Port Shepstone
Hospital, Private Bag X5706, Port Shepstone 4240
NOTE : Detailed application for employment (Z83) and Curriculum Vitae. (Only shortlisted
candidates will be requested to submit proof of qualifications and other related
documents). Please note that due to financial constraints, there will be no payment
of S&T Claims. The appointments are subject to positive outcomes obtained from
the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (criminal clearance, credit
records, and citizenship), verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA,
verification of previous experience from Employers and verification from the
Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). Due to financial constraints,
S&T claims will not be paid to candidates who attended interviews. The
appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the NIA to the following
checks: security clearance, credit records, qualification, citizenship and previous
experience employment verifications.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R359 517 – R420 402 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional), home owners allowance (employees must meet prescribed
CENTRE : East Boom CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12), Appropriate Degree/National Diploma in
Environmental Health/ Four year B. Tech degree/ National Diploma in Safety
Management, A minimum of 3 to 5 years’ experience in Safety Management.
Recommendations: Valid code 08/10 drivers license, Qualification in Project
Management, Computer literacy (Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Vast knowledge of
Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993, Vast knowledge of Compensation of
Injuries and Disease Act 130 of 1993, Good communication and negotiation skills
(Verbal & written), Good report writing and presentation skills, Ability to identify,
monitor, control and investigate hazards and accidents., Strong leadership
qualities, good decision making, communication skills and problem solving skills,
Sound computer skills(MS Office applications), Ability to work in a team
DUTIES : Identify potential situations that could lead to injury/disability/death of a staff
member or visitor, property damage or loss, internal disasters, medico legal claims
and reporting thereof to the Assistant Director: Facilities Management, Assisting in
the development and compilation of manuals, policies and protocol that will be
included in the rolling out of health & safety training, orientation and induction
programs, Ensure that the delegated management and administrative functions are
carried out timeously and correctly to ensure the effective functioning of Health and
Safety in the C.H.C., Participate in safety audits for the clinic in compliance with the
Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993, Assist the Systems Manager in ensuring that the
building, construction, plants and machinery meet and maintain compliance
certificates that are regulated by the Occupational health and Safety Act 85 of 1993
and its regulations, Liaise with the Compensation Commissioner regarding Injuries
on Duty, Ensure compliance with KZN Health & Safety and Patients’ Rights
Charter, Meet COHSASA standards for Health & Safety, Ensure that the Health
and Safety Committee is functional, Ensure safety statistics are captured,
analysed, interpreted and reported, Ability to function in a resource constraint
ENQUIRIES : Mr EJ Wynia Tel No: (033) 264 4904
APPLICATIONS : East Boom CHC Private Bag X4018, Willowton, Pietermaritzburg 3201 or hand
delivered to 541 Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Practices
NOTE : Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other relevant
documents on application but must submit fully completed Z83 form and detailed
curriculum vitae, only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit documents.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07). Other Benefits: 13TH cheque/service bonus plus
Home owners allowances, Employee must meet prescribed requirements plus
Medical Aid (Optional)
CENTRE : Murchison Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Senior certificate/Grade 12/Standard 10. 3-5 years’ experience in the relevant
department (Mortuary). Current and previous experience endorsed and stamped
by Human Resource (Employment History) only shortlisted candidates will submit
proof. Recommendation: Possession of driver’s license code 8 or 10. Computer
literacy certificate. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Good
communication and interpersonal relations. Ability to work under pressure.
Knowledge of the procedures, regulations and relevant prescripts applicable to the
area of operation. Applicable public service policies, legislation and procedures.
Knowledge of office procedures, practices. Report writing/planning and organizing
skills/decision making skills and problem solving skills. Staff supervision/concern
for excellence/courtesy/drive and enthusiasm
DUTIES : Supervise mortuary staff. Collecting the deceased patients files from the wards to
the doctors. Ensure that BI-1663 form has been correctly filled. Ensure that all
administrative mortuary duties are performed according to SOP’s as well as in line
with relevant guide lines and regulations. Arrange pauper burial when need arises.
Ensure that all infection control measures are being taken care of.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. N. Sisilana Tel No: (039) 687 7315, ext. 125
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: Chief Executive Officer P/Bag X701
Portshepstone, 4240 or Hand delivered to: Human Resources Department
Murchison Hospital
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted: Application for Employment Form
(Z83) which is obtainable at any Government Department or from the Website - The Z83 form must be completed in full in a manner that
allows a selection committee to assess the quality of a candidate based on the
information provided in the form. Applicant for employment are not required to
submit copies of qualifications and other relevant documents on application but
must submit the Z83 form and detailed curriculum Vitae (CV). The certified copies
of qualifications and all other required relevant documents will be requested only
from the shortlisted candidates who may be submitted to HR on or before the day
of the interview. Faxed applications will not be accepted. The reference number
must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 e.g. MURCH/ 32/2023.
NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applicants. The
appointments are subject to a positive outcome obtained from the State Security
Agency (SSA) to the following checks (criminal clearance, credit records, and
citizenship), verification of educational qualifications by SAQA, verification of
previous experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual
Property Commission (CIPC). Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification
must have an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority
(SAQA) when the applicant is shortlisted. Non-RSA / Permanent Residents / Work
permit holders must submit documentary proof when the applicant is shortlisted).
Please note that due to large number of applications received, applications will not
be acknowledged. However, every applicant will be advised of the outcome of his
or her applications in due course. (This Department is an equal opportunity,
affirmative active employer, whose aim is to promote representivity in all
occupational categories in the Institution). If you have not heard from us within two
months from the closing date, Please accept that your application has been
unsuccessful. Employment Equity target for the post is African Male and people
with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Please note that due to the budget
constraints no S&T and Resettlement allowance will be paid to any successful
candidate on appointment.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07). Plus 13th cheque Medical aid: Optional
Homeowner’s allowance: Employee must meet prescribed requirements.
CENTRE : Umzinyathi Health District Office
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12). National Diploma/ Degree in Information
Technology/Management Information Systems/ Statistics/ Computer Science.
Valid Driver’s License (Minimum Code EB). 2-3 Year experience in Data
Management section with District Health Information Systems. Computer Literacy
(Ms. Word, Excel, Power point). Knowledge, Skills and Competencies Required:
Strong communication skills. In Depth knowledge and skills in information Systems
and Data Management. The ability to compile meaningful presentation and / or
graphic presentations of statistics and to compare to strategic objective with
reported results. High levels of accuracy. Technical Knowledge in the information
Technology Environmental. Ability to work under pressure and meet tight
DUTIES : Coordinate the total collection of quality routine and non-routine facility data and
the maintenance of the District Health Information systems. Monitor the
implementation of the all the Health Information systems in health facility within the
district (WEBDHIS/ TIER. NET/EVDS and other). Conduct training on routine
Health Information Systems (WEBDHIS/ TIER. NET/EVDS i.e Data Capturers, OM,
Programme Managers and other). Maintain and provide technical support to all
routine Health Information System (ART TIER.NET/ / District Health
Information System (WEB DHIS)/ Electronic Drug Resistance (EDR Web). Ensure
that quarterly reports are compiled, captured and submitted timeously to the next
level. Presentation of health information at the health information meeting. Ensure
accurate, consistence and timeously reporting of health programme data from all
facilities within the district. Co-ordinate the collection of routine and non-routine
data inclusive of survey (PEC). Maintain, manipulate and ensure security of the
district health and management information database. Ensure data and information
integrity to accurately represent the state of service delivery in the district. Compile
summary and comprehensive information feedback report (routine and non-
routine). Manage EPMDS of staff in the Data Management Section. Support
facilities and institution in terms of Data Management. Render administrative
support to the District information Office. Manage the utilization of resources
allocation to the unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. A Shabangu Tel No: (034) 299 9100
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The District Director, 34 Wilson Street,
Umzinyathi Health District Office, Dundee, Private Bag X2052, Dundee, 3000
NOTE : Please note that due to financial constraints, there will be no payment of S&T
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R294 321 – R334 194 per annum. Other benefits: 13th cheque. Medical aid
(Optional). Home Owner`s allowance: Employee must meet prescribed
CENTRE : Pomeroy CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12. 3 – 5 years’ work experience in patient administration.
Computer Literacy: MS Office software. Recommendation: Valid Driver’s license.
Knowledge; Skills; Training and Competencies Required: Supervisory and analytic
skills. Good interpersonal skills. Planning and organizing skills. Knowledge of Laws,
Regulations, Policies, Practices, Note, Public, Finance, Management Act, Treasury
Regulation and Treasury Guidelines. Good organizing ability to prioritize issues and
other related matter.
DUTIES : Ensure that patient related files are properly monitored and maintained. Ensure that
archiving policy is properly followed regularly. Implement disciplinary procedures
with the section. Conduct orientation and induction to the newly appointment staff
members. Proper assessment through EPMDS to staff under your supervision.
Ensure effective arching & disposal of records within CHC & clinics. Ensure billings
of paying clients to third party are done. Provide Patients/clients with information &
Ensure triaging took place. Assist in ensuring functionality of record committee.
Attend and resolve complains at patient administration. Manage the flow of patients
arriving at the reception desk for appointment prescription or queries. Ensure
capturing of HPRS on daily basis. Verify & Analyse Data before it is submitted to
Data Management. Put control measures in movement of files & manage health
records. Ensure filing & retrieval of patients records are done according to
prescripts of record management act/policy. Effectively manage all resources
allocated to the component.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. CS Ngcobo Tel No: (034) 662 3300
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted on: Human Resource Manager; Pomeroy CHC;
Private Bag X529; Pomeroy; 3020 or Hand Deliver at Pomeroy CHC Human
Resource Management Offices; Office Number 16-114.
NOTE : The following documents must be submitted and if not submitted the applicant will
be disqualified forthwith: Applications must be submitted on the prescribed most
recent Application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any
Government Department OR from the and must be
originally signed and dated. The application form (Z83) form must be accompanied
by detailed Curriculum Vitae. The communication from the HR of the department
regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted
candidates. Therefore only shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to
submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from HR. The reference number must be indicated in the column
provided on form Z83; e.g. Reference Number (POM 07/2023). Failure to comply
with the above instructions will disqualify the applicants. The appointments are
subject to positive outcomes obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA); the
following checks (security clearance vetting); criminal clearance; credit records;
Verification of Educational Qualifications by SAQA; verification of previous
experience from Employers and verification from the Company Intellectual Property
Commission (CIPC). (This institution is an equal opportunity; affirmative action
employer; whose aim is to promote representatively at all levels of different
Occupational categories in the institution and Persons with disabilities should feel
free to apply for the post/s). NB: Please note that due to financial constraints, there
will be no payment of S&T and resettlement payment for attending interviews.
accommodation will only be allocated when it is available otherwise successful
candidate must arrange their private accommodation prior to assumption of duty.
No interim accommodation in a form of bed and breakfast or hotel accommodation
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R241 485 – R281 559 per annum. Other Benefits: 13th Cheque, Medical Aid
(optional), home owners allowance (employees must meet prescribed
CENTRE : East Boom CHC
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12), 3 to 5 years’ experience in general support office
environment, Computer literacy (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, (Outlook), Proof of
previous and current work experience in Office Administration endorsed by your
Human Resource Department will be required only from shortlisted candidates.
Recommendations: Knowledge of operating a PABX/switchboard and
computerised billing system, National Diploma in Office Management/ Public
Management. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Applicable
knowledge of Public Service policies, legislation and procedures including but not
limited to Batho Pele, Labour Relations Act, Public Service Act, Public Service
Relations, and Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Principles and practices of
Public Administration, Knowledge of computerised telephonic billing system, Broad
knowledge of office procedures, practices and equipment, Good decision making,
verbal and communication skills, Ability to work under pressure and meet
deadlines, Must be driven, courteous enthusiastic and demonstrate a high level of
efficiency, Have a high level of planning and organisational skills.
DUTIES : Ensure that all telecommunication equipment is in working order at all times,
Ensure all telephonic and repo graphic equipment is tested regularly, All
telecommunication faults at East/Boom CHC and supported clinics to be reported
and followed up timeously, Communicate with service provider regarding
installation of new lines/handsets at supported facilities, Supervise all
telecommunication activities and staff, Administer the switchboard daily, receive
calls and transfer them to the relevant department, Take telephonic messages for
staff members, Meet with component Managers to determine staff telephone
access/restrictions for staff, Implement pin codes and barring levels on all
telephones at East/Boom C.H.C, Prevent misuse by identifying private calls made
by staff and billing accordingly, Control length of calls by imposing time limits
utilising computerised billing system, Monitor monthly usage of telephones in the
facility via computerised billing system, Identify private calls on system, extract,
print and distribute monthly telephone accounts, Ensure payment of telephone
accounts by staff and handing over of monies to Revenue Clerk.
ENQUIRIES : Mr EJ Wynia Tel No: (033) 264 4904
APPLICATIONS : applications to be submitted, East Boom CHC Private Bag X4018, Willowton,
Pietermaritzburg 3201 or hand delivered to 541 Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Practices
NOTE : Please note: Applicants are not required to submit copies of qualifications and other
relevant documents on application but must submit fully completed Z83 form and
detailed curriculum vitae, only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R436 per hour: Less than 5 years experience, after completion of community
R498 per hour: At least 5 years experience, but less than 10 years
R576 per hour: 10 Years and more experience, after completion of community
Hours worked will be limited to 15 sessions (15 hours) per week at the PHC clinic.
CENTRE : Northdale Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : MBCHB or equivalent Medical Degree. Registration with the HPCSA as an
Independent Medical Practitioner plus current registration certificate with the
HPCSA and renewal for 2023/ 24. Unendorsed valid Driver’s License. Doctors
should ideally be residing within uMgungundlovu District. Six years (6) relevant
experience after registration as Medical Practitioner with a recognized Foreign
Health Professional Council in respect of foreign qualified employees, of whom it is
not required to perform Community Service, as required in South Africa) NB: Only
shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified document on or before the
day of the interview following communication from HR. Knowledge, Skills and
Experience: Sound knowledge, experience and clinical skills in General Medicine,
but especially in the following fields: Primary Health Care, Antenatal care, Child
Health and IMCI, HIV and TB Medicine, Non-communicable Diseases, Emergency
care, Good communication and leadership skills, Knowledge and understanding of
National Health Insurance, Batho Pele Principles and Patient’s Rights Charter,
Ability to work as part of the PHC Team, Sound medical ethics, A Diploma in HIV
Care or Family Medicine would be an advantage.
DUTIES : Work as a consulting doctor in Primary Health Care Clinics in uMgungundlovu
District as per the requirements of the NHI Contract. Provision of good quality,
patient-centered and community-orientated care for all patients. Examine,
investigate, diagnose and treat patients, including: Acute and chronic illnesses, TB,
patients for ARVs, sick children, antenatal patients and mental health care users.
NHI doctors will be required to dispense medication in the consulting room.
Participate in CPD (Continuous Professional Development). Ensure compliance
with Essential Medicine List (EML) Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) and Adult
Primary Care (APC). Provide medical support to PHC nursing staff. Ensure that
relevant patient statistics are maintained, including Tick Register. Administration:
Sign the clinic security and attendance registers and submit monthly statistics
timeously. Maintain accurate health records in accordance with Legal Ethical
considerations. Provide preventive health interventions and measures to promote
health. Handle a limited number of disability grant assessments. Perform duties as
delegated by supervisor. The incumbent will be accountable to the Clinic
Operational Manager and supervising Institutional Medical Manager or Clinical
ENQUIRIES : Dr L Meneses-Turino Tel No: (033) 397 6512
APPLICATIONS : All applications to be posted to: The Human Resource Department, Northdale
Hospital, Private Bag X9006, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
NOTE : Cost for Kilometers travelled will be reimbursed, but capped at no more than 200km
return-trip per day and up to a maximum of 2.0 Litre engine capacity. Exclusion:
Doctors already working full time for the Department of Health will not be
considered for NHI posts. General practitioners in private practice may apply.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : Applicants must quote the relevant reference number on the application and
forward to the below addresses:
Head office: Polokwane; Tompi Seleka College of Agriculture, Madzivhandila
College of Agriculture; Mara Research Station; Mokopane Laboratory Services:
The Head of Department, Limpopo Agriculture and Rural Development, Private
Bag X9487, Polokwane, 0700 or hand delivered to: Office 48, Temo Towers Floor
2, 67/69 Biccard Street, Polokwane, 0699.
Mopani District: The Director Mopani District Limpopo Agriculture and Rural
Development, Private Bag X577, Giyani 0826 or hand delivered to: Old
Parliamentary Building, Giyani 0826.
Waterberg District: The Director Waterberg District Limpopo Agriculture and Rural
Development, Private Bag X1048, Modimolle 0510 or hand delivered to: NTK
Building, Modimolle 0510.
Capricorn District: The Director: Capricorn District, Limpopo Agriculture and Rural
Development, Private Bag X28, Chuenespoort, 0745 or hand delivered to: Block
28 Next to Traffic Government offices.
Sekhukhune District: The Director: Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Agriculture and
Rural Development, Private Bag X01, Chuenespoort, 0745 or hand delivered to:
Block 27 Next to Traffic Government offices.
Vhembe District: The Director: Vhembe District, Limpopo Agriculture and Rural
Development, Private Bag X2247, Sibasa, 0970 or Physical address: Handed in at
Makwarela Government offices.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023 at 16H00
NOTE : Applications should be submitted on the prescribed 2021 Z83 form obtainable from
all Government Departments or can be downloaded from Applicants
must utilize the most recent Z83 application for employment form as issued by the
Minister for the Public Service and Administration in line with Regulation 10 of the
Public Service Regulation, 2016, as amended, failure to do so will results in
disqualification. The z83 form must be fully completed, duly signed, dated and
initialed by the applicant. The following must be considered in relation to completion
of the new z83 form by the applicants: All the fields in Part A, Part C and Part D
should be completed. In Part B, all fields must be completed in full except the
following; South African applicants need not provide passport numbers, If an
applicant responds “no” to the question “ Are you conducting business with the
State or are you a Director of a Public or Private Company conducting business
with the State?” then the answer to the next question “In the event that you are
employed in the Public Service, will you immediately relinquish such business
interests?” can be left blank or indicated as not applicable. A “not applicable” or
blank response will be allowed on the question “if your profession or occupation
requires official registration, provide date and particulars of registration”, if you are
not in possession of such registration. Noting there is limited space provided for
Part E, F & G, applicants often indicate “refer to Curriculum Vitae (CV) or see
attached”, this is acceptable as long as the CV has been attached and provides the
required information. If the information required is not provided in the CV, the
applicant may be disqualified. It must be noted that a CV is an extension of the
application of employment Z83, and applicants are accountable for the information
that is provided therein. The question related to conditions that prevent re-
appointment under Part F must be answered. The declaration should be completed
and signed. The application must include only completed and signed Z83 form and
A recently updated comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience).
Certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required
qualification as well as a driver’s license where necessary, will only be submitted
by shortlisted candidates to HR on or before the date of the interview date. The
applicant may submit additional information separately where the space provided
on z83 form is not sufficient. Applicants who apply for more than one position are
requested to submit separate applications for each position they wish to apply for.
Correspondence will be limited to short-listed candidates only due to the large
number of applications we envisage to receive and if you have not heard from us
within 90 days of the closing date, please accept that your application has been
unsuccessful. However, should there be any dissatisfaction, applicants are hereby
advised to, within 90 days, request reasons from the Department for any
administrative action which has adversely affected them in terms of section 5(1)(2)
of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000. By virtue of applying, you
are consenting that the department should subject you to personnel suitability
checks e.g. the verification of educational qualifications, previous experience,
citizenship, reference checks, financial check and security vetting. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and
to provide proof of such evaluation report (only when shortlisted). Successful
incumbents will be expected to sign a performance agreement within three months
of the assumption of duty and be required to disclose their financial interest in
accordance with the prescribed regulations. Note: Shortlisted candidates for Senior
Management Services (SMS) will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends
to test relevant technical elements of the job, the logistics of which will be
communicated by the Department. Following the interview and technical exercise,
the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a generic managerial
competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA Directive on the
implementation of competency-based assessments). The competency assessment
will be testing generic managerial competencies using the mandated DPSA SMS
competency Assessment tool. In order to ensure that potential SMS members have
a background on processes and procedures linked to the SMS, Failure to comply
with above requirements will results in the disqualification of the application. The
Department reserves the right not to make any appointment to the advertised posts.
The employment decision shall be informed by the Employment Equity Plan of the
Department. Note: Due to austerity measure, the department will not carry any
related costs (transport, accommodation, and meals) for candidates attending
LDARD 03/08/2023 (X1 POST)
SALARY : R958 824 per annum (Level 12), all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with MMS dispensation.
CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 plus an appropriate NQF Level 7 qualification in Land Use Planning/
Agricultural Engineering Sciences/ ND Civil engineering/ BTech Civil
Engineering/Agriculture/Environmental or equivalent qualification as
recognised by SAQA. A valid driver’s license (with exception of people with
disabilities). A minimum of 5 years experience at junior management
level/Assistant Director and proven skills in management of Landcare and Land
Use. Knowledge, Competencies and skills: Knowledge of the legislation that
govern natural resources management viz. Conservation of Agricultural
Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983) Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act (Act 70 of
1970) including other collaborative legislation in land use and environmental
fraternities. Basic skills on the application of Global Positioning System (GPS)
and skills in Geographic Information System (GIS) and other satellite data.
Understanding of governmental service delivery environment, teamwork, Public
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Division of Revenue Act (DoRA), Expanded
Public Works Frameworks (EPWP), Limpopo Development Plan, Labour
Relations Act, Integrated Development Plans, Intergovernmental Relations
Framework Act, Implementation Framework for LandCare Programme, project
planning, conflict resolution, community development. Good interpersonal
relations. Computer proficiency. Report writing. Computer literacy will be tested.
DUTIES : Manage the provision of integrated sustainable land use planning. Facilitate and
manage the implementation of the Landcare Programme and coordinate
conservation agriculture. Manage the implementation of the Landcare projects in
line with the applicable prescripts and legislation. Develop and implement the
awareness and capacity building of Landcare. Provide and manage soil
conservation services. Coordinate and manage EPWP reporting on Landcare.
Management of budget and personnel.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mabula NJ Tel No: (015) 294 3582, Ms. Mtswene PV Tel No: (015)294 3395,
Ms. Mothapo RL Tel No: (015) 294 3235 or Ms. Kgobe MA Tel No: (015) 294 3587
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with MMS dispensation.
CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) plus an undergraduate (NQF Level 6)
qualification in Risk Management/Accounting /Internal Audit equivalent
qualification as recognized by SAQA. A postgraduate qualification in Risk
Management would be an added advantage. 3-5 years’ working experience in the
Risk and Integrity field. Registration with Institute of Risk Management South Africa
(IRMSA) would be advantage. A valid Code B driver’s license (with exception of
people with disabilities. Knowledge, Competencies and Skills; Sound working
knowledge of the legislative requirements relating to Enterprise Risk Management.
Good understanding of integrated Risk Management principles and practices such
as: Corporate Governance (King IV); Public Sector Risk Management Framework;
Public Finance Management Act; Public Service Regulations; COSO ERM
Framework; ISO 31 000 Frameworks; Code of Ethics and their incorporation into
various business processes; Fraud and Risk Assessment Methodologies.
Knowledge of the ISO 22301 Framework; the ISO 22313 Framework; the Good
Practice Guideline on Business Continuity Management, and the Treasury and
Public Service Regulations. Good interpersonal and communication skills. Good
computer literacy and use of standard packages. Ability to liaise with and
coordinate stakeholder engagement. Good Organisational, planning, coordination,
facilitation, negotiation, consultation, presentation and people management skills.
DUTIES : Coordination and Implementation of Business Continuity Management (BCM).
Facilitation and Implementation of the Risk Management Processes. Facilitation
and Implementation of Ethics Management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mabula NJ Tel No: (015) 294 3582, Ms. Mtswene PV Tel No: (015)294 3395,
Ms. Mothapo RL Tel No: (015) 294 3235 or Ms. Kgobe MA Tel No: (015) 294 3587
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with MMS dispensation.
CENTRE : Head Office: Polokwane.
REQUIREMENTS : National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) plus an undergraduate (NQF Level 6)
qualification in administration or equivalent qualification as recognized by SAQA. A
valid driver’s license (with exception of people with disabilities). 3-5 years’ working
experience in administration field. Knowledge, Competencies and Skills; Extensive
knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public
Service. Extensive experience in office management and administration. Ability
to work in a highly pressured environment and driven by a sense of urgency to
meet deadlines. Willing to work under changing and difficult circumstances.
Responsiveness; Pro-activeness; Supportive, Professionalism; Accuracy;
Flexibility; Independent; Co-operative; Team player. Good Organisational,
planning, coordination, facilitation, negotiation, consultation, presentation and
people management skills.
DUTIES : Provide administrative and management support. Ensure effective communication
between the Office of the HOD, Office of the MEC and Chief Directors. Coordinate
activities of the oversight bodies. Manage and utilise resources (human and
physical) in accordance with relevant directives and legislation.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mabula NJ Tel No: (015) 294 3582, Ms. Mtswene PV Tel No: (015)294 3395,
Ms. Mothapo RL Tel No: (015) 294 3235 or Ms. Kgobe MA Tel No: (015) 294 3587
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with MMS dispensation.
CENTRE : Sekhukhune District
REQUIREMENTS : Matric certificate and NQF Level 6 in Financial Management or relevant
qualification as recognized by SAQA. A minimum of 3-5 years’ experience in
Financial Management. A valid driver’s license (with exception of people with
disabilities). Knowledge, Competencies and Skills: Understanding of BAS,
PERSAL, FINEST and LOGIS. Knowledge of Excel and Power Point. Knowledge
of PFMA. Regulations, DORA and other various related regulations. Knowledge of
Finance policies & practices. Good communication, people management,
presentation, problem solving and reporting skills. Ability to interact at both strategic
and operational level. Computer literacy.
DUTIES : To facilitate the attainment of departmental objectives through budget planning and
control, expenditure management, compliance and implementation of Supply
Chain Management in the District. Management of procurement of goods and
services (Demand and Acquisition Management). Management of inventory. Asset
and disposal management. Budget planning and expenditure management.
Management of salary administration. Management of revenue collection.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Laka MA Tel No: (015) 632 7000 or Ms. Mphahlele RS Tel No: (015) 632 700
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with MMS dispensation.
CENTRE : Vhembe District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 plus a relevant tertiary qualification in Veterinary medicine (BVSc) and
current registration with the South African Veterinary Council and a valid driver’s
license (with exception of people with disabilities). Knowledge, Competencies and
Skills: Thorough knowledge of the Meat Safety Act. Animal Diseases Act and
supporting legislation and policies. Working knowledge of food safety risk
management system. Interest and knowledge in veterinary pathology. Excellent
interpersonal, negotiation and communication skills (verbal & written). Extensive
knowledge on disease control programmes, Knowledge of international trade and
legislation. Computer proficiency skills will be tested.
DUTIES : Manage animal disease control in the Local Agricultural offices. Management of
Veterinary Services personnel and resources in the Local Agricultural offices.
Formulation and implementation of disease control strategies and policies in the
Local Agricultural offices. Monitor and evaluate disease control strategies in the
Local Agricultural offices. Manage animal identification in the Local Agricultural
offices. Liaison with other role players.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Rathogwa M Tel No: (015) 963 2005 or Ms. Mashau VR Tel No: (015) 963
SALARY : R795 147 per annum, (OSD), all-inclusive package to be structured in accordance
with OSD dispensation.
CENTRE : Sekhukhune District
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 plus Engineering Degree (B Eng./ BSC Eng. Compulsory registration with
ECSA as Professional Engineer. Three (03) years post qualification experience.
Sound knowledge and understanding of engineering legislation and policy
frameworks, Sound knowledge and understanding project management, A valid
driver’s license (with exception of people with disabilities). Knowledge,
Competencies and Skills: Agricultural Engineering on planning, design,
development and implementation. Project management, financial management,
strategic management and construction and contract management, Report writing
skills, communication and interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Planning of infrastructure projects, Provide designs with specifications for
Agricultural Engineering solutions. Provide clients/producers with Engineering
advice. Provide farm structures and mechanization services. Provide irrigation
support services. Provide project management for the RESIS programme. Provide
soil and water engineering. Assist with final certificate issued for infrastructure
constructed. Attend Departmental administrative obligations and official meetings.
Serve and represent the department in relevant inter-governmental structures at
district and local level. Prepare and submit reports for the engineering programme
performance. Ensure a sound financial management and accountability. Ensure
effective human resources and asset management in line with relevant legislation
and policies.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Laka MA Tel No: (015) 632 7000 or Ms. Mphahlele RS Tel No: (015) 632 7000
and procedures to incorporate new technology; and Produce technical designs with
specifications and submit for evaluation and approval by the relevant authority.
Perform administrative and related functions: Provide inputs into the budgeting
process as required; Compile and submit reports as required; Provide and
consolidate inputs to the technical/engineering operational plan; Develop,
implement and maintain databases; and Supervise and control technical and
related personnel and assets. Research and development: Continuous
professional development to keep up with new technologies and procedures;
Research/literature studies on technical engineering technology to improve
expertise; and Liaise with relevant bodies/councils on engineering-related matters.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Laka MA Tel No: (015) 632 7000 or Ms. Mphahlele RS Tel No: (015) 632 7000
09/09/2023 (X1 POST)
DUTIES : Develop the in-year monitoring reports (IYM). Coordinate and Consolidate Cash
Flow projections. Analyses & interprets expenditure reports and implements
measures to address significant variances. Ensure correctness allocations of
transactions for Departmental Code Structure. Compile Appropriation statement for
AFS. Coordinate and consolidate departmental personnel costing. Assist in
preparation of Roll-Overs request. Assist to co-ordinate and evaluate the MTEF
budgets submissions from different programmes during the planning phase and
final stages of the MTEF budgets. Provide financial performance reports. Capturing
of approved budget/shifting/virements on BAS.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Mabula NJ Tel No: (015) 294 3582, Ms. Mtswene PV Tel No: (015)294 3395,
Ms. Mothapo RL Tel No: (015) 294 3235 or Ms. Kgobe MA Tel No: (015) 294 3587
secretarial functions during shortlisting and interviews. Verifying appointment
credentials (Personnel Suitability Checks) of the shortlisted candidates. Compiling/
writing appointment memorandum (Temporary & Permanent) for approval of the
District Director. Implementing all transactions on the PERSAL System relating to
appointments of permanent and contract employees, etc.. Facilitate transfer and
translation of employees. Facilitate probations. Administer all Service Benefits
functions. Capture/amend applications for leave on PERSAL System. Audit Leave
Files and compile monthly statistics. Implement Conditions of Services (Leave,
Housing, Medical, Injury on Duty, Long Service Recognition and PILIR.
ENQUIRIES : Capricorn District: Ms. Sebatjane LD Tel No: (015) 632 8609 or Ms. Moeti M Tel
No: (015) 632 8619
Waterberg District: Mr. Matjiu SK Tel No: (014) 717 4949 or Ms. Kekana MR Tel
No: (014) 717 2523.
Record basic minutes for the meetings of the Director where required; Draft routine
correspondence and reports; Do filing of the documents for the Director and the
unit where required; Administer matters like leave forms, leave registers and
telephone accounts; Handle the procurement of standard items like stationery and
refreshments; Collect all relevant documents to enable the Director to prepare for
meetings; Provide a secretarial/receptionist support service to the Director:
Receive telephone calls and refers the calls to the correct role players if not meant
for the Director; Record appointments and events in the diary for the Director; Type
documents for Director; Operate office equipment like fax machines and
photocopiers; Remain up to date with regards to prescripts/policies and procedures
applicable to his/her work terrain: Study the relevant Public Service and
departmental prescripts/policies and other documents to ensure that application
thereof is understood properly; Remain abreast with the procedures and processes
that apply in the office of the Director.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Sebatjane LD Tel No: (015) 632 8609 or Ms. Moeti M Tel No: (015) 632 8619
LDARD 21/09/2023 (X1 POST)
ENQUIRIES : Mopani District: Ms. Malatji MA, Chaka NS and Hlungwani G Tel No: (015) 812
3210 / 18
DUTIES : To perform routine manual farming activities. Control over movement of cloven
hooved animals. Stop, register and search vehicles from the redline area. Check
meat, dairy products, dung, grass, hides, skins, etc. Confiscate all products listed
in (ii) above. Open and close the gate. Report confiscated products to the
supervisor for further attention. Conduct fence patrol. Routine check of the redline
fence. Repairs of fence breakage. Trace animal tracks along the redline fence.
Clear bushes along the redline fence. Control over quarantined animals. Check
permits for animals to be quarantined. Liaise with the Animal Health Technician for
inspections. Keep records. Keep permit register. Keep register for quarantined
animals. Keep register for vehicle movement.
ENQUIRIES : Vhembe District: Ms. Rathogwa M Tel No: (015) 963 2005 or Ms. Mashau VR Tel
No: (015) 963 2007
Mopani District: Ms. Malatjie MA Tel No: (015) 812 3210 or Ms. Nkuna NS Tel No:
(015) 812 2275
SALARY : Grade 1: R1 214 805 – R1 288 095 per annum, (Depending years of experience in
terms of OSD).
Grade 2: R1 406 565 – R1 469 883 per annum, (Depending years of experience in
terms of OSD).
Grade 3: R1 605 330 – R2 001 927 per annum, (Depending years of experience in
terms of OSD).
CENTRE : Rob Ferreira Hospital (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Appropriate qualifications that allows registration with the Health Professions
Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Medical Specialist in Anaesthesiology
(2023). A valid work permit will be required from non-South Africans. Sound
knowledge of medical ethics. Multidisciplinary management and team work and
experience in the respective medical discipline. Knowledge of current Health and
Public Service regulations and policies. Additional experience in Anaesthesiology.
Skills in terms of consultations, history taking, examination, clinical assessment and
clinical management. Grade 1: None after registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Specialist (Independent Practice). Minimum of one 1 year relevant experience after
registration with a recognized Foreign Professions and / or the HPCSA as a Medical
Specialist (Anaesthesiology) for foreign qualified employees. Grade: 2: A minimum
of five (5) years’ experience after registration with the HPCSA as Medical
Practitioner (Independent Practice). A minimum of six (6) years relevant experience
after registration with a recognized foreign health profession council and / or the
HPCSA as a Medical Specialist (Anaesthesiology) for foreign qualified employees.
Grade 3: A minimum of ten (10) years’ experience after registration with the
HPCSA as Medical Practitioner (Independent Practice). Minimum of eleven (11)
years’ relevant experience after registration with a recognized foreign health
profession council and / or the HPCSA as a Medical Specialist (Anaesthesiology)
for foreign qualified employees. Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competences
Required: Sound knowledge of medical ethics. Multidisciplinary management and
team work and experience in the respective medical discipline. Sound clinical
knowledge. Competency and skills in general clinical domains. The ability to work
independently and under pressure and beyond normal working hours and work with
diverse team. Good communication, leadership, interpersonal, and supervisory
skills. Ability to manage patients independently, diligently, responsibility and
engage when necessary. Knowledge of current health policies, legislation,
programs and priorities within the domain. Ability to teach, guide and junior staff
within the department. Behavioural Attributes: Stress tolerance, to work within a
team, self-confidence and the ability to build and maintain good relationship.
DUTIES : Supervising the management of and managing Anaesthesiology and coordinate
services. To execute duties and functions with proficiency, to support the aims and
objectives of the Institution that consistent with standards of patient care. Accept
responsibility for the management of patients admitted in a level 2/3 package of
service facility. Assist in the preparation and implementation of guidelines and
protocols. Participate in academic and training programs. Sound clinical knowledge
with regard to medicine. Ability to deal with all medical emergencies. Knowledge of
ethical medical practice. Assist with clinical audits actively participate in continuous
professional development. Provide support to hospital management towards an
efficient standard of patient care and services is maintained. Comply with the
Performance Management and Development System (contacting, quarterly
reviews and final assessment).
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R683 838 – R767 184 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Rob Ferreira Hospital (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification plus Basic R425
qualification (i.e. Diploma/ Degree in Nursing) that allows registration with the
'South African Nursing Council' (SANC) as a Professional Nurse and Midwifery
(2023). A post basic nursing qualification, with duration of at least one (01) year
accredited with the SANC in Advanced Midwifery Nursing. Minimum of ten (10)
years appropriate/recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with South African Nursing Council (SANC) in General Nursing
(2023). At least six (06) years of period referred to above must be
appropriate/recognizable in the specific specialty after obtaining the one (01) year
post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery Nursing. At least three (03) years of
the period referred to above must be appropriate/recognizable experience at
Management Level. Skills: Knowledge of nursing care processes and procedures,
nursing statutes and other relevant legal frameworks such as Nursing Act, Health
Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act Patient’s Rights Charter, Batho-Pele
Principles Sound knowledge and skills in implementing disciplinary code and
procedure, grievance procedure Leadership, organizational, decision making and
problem solving abilities within the limit of the public sector and institutional policy
framework .Good interpersonal skills including public relations, negotiating, conflict
handling and counselling skills. Knowledge of financial and budgetary prescripts
and processes pertaining to the relevant resources under management Insight into
public health sector strategies and priorities including the nursing strategy,
standards procedures and policies pertaining to nursing care, computer skills in
basic programs.
DUTIES : Provide effective management and professional leadership in the specialized units.
Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors, other health
professional and junior colleagues including more complex report writing when
required Effective management, utilization and supervision of all resources Display
a concern for patients, promoting, advocating and facilitating proper treatment and
care and ensure that the unit adheres to the principles of Batho Pele Maintain
clinical competence by ensuring that scientific principles nursing and clinical
governance are implemented Exercise control of discipline, grievance and any
labour related issues in terms of laid down procedures. Provide supportive
supervision and comply with PMDS evaluation of staff, formulate training programs
and participate in training and development of staff and nursing students Monitor
implementation of PMDS, monitor implementation of NCS and Ideal Hospital
framework and interpret its impact on service delivery. Co-ordinate and participate
in health promotion activities and monitor and evaluation of data. Demonstrate
basic computer literacy as a support tool to enhance service delivery.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R627 474 – R724 278 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Barberton Hospital (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the South African Nursing Council in Terms of Government Notice
425, (i.e. Diploma / Degree in Nursing) or Equivalent qualification that allows
registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse (2023) plus a post basic nursing
qualification, with duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC in terms of
Government Notice No R212 in Advanced Midwifery. A minimum of nine (09) years
appropriate / recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional
Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing. At least five (05) years of the period
referred to above must be appropriate / recognizable experience in Midwifery after
obtaining the 1 year post basic Advanced Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science.
A post basic qualification in Nursing Administration will be an added advantage.
Competencies/Knowledge/Skills: Leadership, ward Management/Administration,
planning, Organizing, co-ordination, and communication skills. Ability to take
charge and make appropriate independent decisions. Knowledge of administrative
policies and Guidelines. Display empathy for patients, promoting advocacy and
Facilitate holistic treatment and Nursing care.
DUTIES : The candidate will be responsible for planning, Organizing, Managing, and
coordinating as well as maintaining an optimal, Specialized Nursing Services as an
Operational Manager in Postnatal ward. Develop / establish and maintain
constructive working relationships with Nursing and Stakeholders (i.e., inter-
professional, inter-sector and multi – disciplinary team workers). Participate in the
analysis, formulation, and implementation of Nursing guidelines, practice,
Standards, and Procedures. Perform clinical nursing practice in accordance with
the scope of practice and nursing standards. Implement quality improvement
programmes, e.g. PMTCT, MBFI, ESMOE, PPIP, MOMCONNECT, HBB, etc.
Maintain Professional Growth / Ethical standards and self-development.
Demonstrate effective communication with patients, supervisors, other health
professionals, and junior colleagues including more complex report writing when
required. Deliver a supportive service to the Nursing Service and the institution by
talking overall supervision after hours and on weekends. Ensure implementation
and compliance with the Norms and standards and Ideal Hospital Framework and
develop Quality improvement plans. Manage Performance and Development staff
as well as participating in the Managers Scheduled meetings. Exercise control of
discipline, Grievance, and other labour related issues in terms of laid down policies
or procedures. Manage data in the unit and ensure submission to facility
information office. Identity, develop and control Risk Management Systems within
the unit. Provide safe therapeutic environment as laid by Nursing Acts,
Occupational Health and Safety Acts and well the applicable prescripts.
Implementation and management of infection Prevention and Control protocols.
Uphold the Batho Pele and Patients Right Principles.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
the sub-district on data collection on a monthly and quarterly basis. Support
facilities and districts on data quality, data analysis and data clean-up. Provide
logistical support on training and capacity building of information officers and data
capturers. Support audit processes and the implementation of performance audits
for all facilities. Provide / supervise logistical support to the Information
Management in the district.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R497 193 - R559 686 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Steve Tshwete Sub-District (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus Basic R425 qualification (i.e. Diploma / Degree
in Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a
Professional Nurse (2022). A minimum of seven (7) years appropriate /
recognisable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional nurse with
SANC in General Nursing. Experience in infection control and prevention. Training
in infection control will be an added advantage. Computer literacy. Understanding
of infection control policy, good interpersonal skills, ability to plan and organize,
presentation skills, conflict management skills, people management.
DUITES : Coordinate Mother, Child, Women, Youth and Health (MCWYH) programme in the
Sub-District and liaise with Districts and other sectors on issues related to the
programme. Develop strategic plans, policies and protocols on implementation of
MCWYH programme. Support Sub Districts with the implementation of national and
provincial policies. Render technical support, advices and capacity building of
personnel. Manage the MCWYH services in the Sub-District. Support the
implementation of norms and standard for MCWYH programme. Manage the
programme’s finances and budget. Monitor and evaluate the impact of the
programme. Compile reports.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Middelburg Hospital (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic nursing
qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC in terms
of Government Notice R212 specialty in Theatre Nursing Science. Minimum of four
(4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC. Recommendations: Ability to function
independently and to prioritize work. Leadership and sound interpersonal skills,
problem solving and decision making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health care
services in the in Theatre Care Unit. Ensure effective and efficient management of
resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and standards. Participate in
quality improvement programs. Supervise and implement patient care standards.
Implement and practice nursing health care in accordance with the statutory laws
governing the nursing profession, labor and health care. Implement constructive
working relations with nurses and other stake holders. Ensure compliance of
Infection Prevention and Control policies. Ensure that equipment are functional and
ready all the time. Ability to prioritize, coordinate activities of patient management
according to protocols. Able to plan and organize own work and that of support
personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Participate in staff development and
performance management. Report patient safety incidence, challenges and
deficiencies within the unit. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons
of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Ensure adherence to
Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Rob Ferreira Hospital (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic nursing
qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC in terms
of Government Notice R212 specialty in Advanced Midwifery Science. Minimum of
four (4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as
a Professional Nurse with the SANC. Recommendations: Ability to function
independently and to prioritize work. Leadership and sound interpersonal skills,
problem solving and decision making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health care
services in the in Advanced Midwifery Unit. Ensure effective and efficient
management of resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and
standards. Participate in quality improvement programs. Supervise and implement
patient care standards. Implement and practice nursing health care in accordance
with the statutory laws governing the nursing profession, labor and health care.
Implement constructive working relations with nurses and other stake holders.
Ensure compliance of Infection Prevention and Control policies. Ensure that
equipment are functional and ready all the time. Ability to prioritize, coordinate
activities of patient management according to protocols. Able to plan and organize
own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Participate
in staff development and performance management. Report patient safety
incidence, challenges and deficiencies within the unit. Work effectively, co-
operatively amicably with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious
differences. Ensure adherence to Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R497 193 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Rob Ferreira Hospital (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent qualification plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic nursing
qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC in terms
of Government Notice R212 specialty in Theatre Nursing Science. Minimum of four
(4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as a
Professional Nurse with the SANC. Recommendations: Ability to function
independently and to prioritize work. Leadership and sound interpersonal skills,
problem solving and decision making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health care
services in the in Theatre Care Unit. Ensure effective and efficient management of
resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and standards. Participate in
quality improvement programs. Supervise and implement patient care standards.
Implement and practice nursing health care in accordance with the statutory laws
governing the nursing profession, labor and health care. Implement constructive
working relations with nurses and other stake holders. Ensure compliance of
Infection Prevention and Control policies. Ensure that equipment are functional and
ready all the time. Ability to prioritize, coordinate activities of patient management
according to protocols. Able to plan and organize own work and that of support
personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Participate in staff development and
performance management. Report patient safety incidence, challenges and
deficiencies within the unit. Work effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons
of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious differences. Ensure adherence to
Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right Charter.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R431 265 – R 497 193 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Rockdale CHC (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 qualification or equivalent plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (i.e. Diploma /
Degree in General Nursing) or equivalent qualification that allows registration with
the SANC as Professional Nurse and Midwifery (2023), a post-basic nursing
qualification, with a duration of at least 1 year, accredited with the SANC in terms
of Government Notice R212 specialty in Primary Health Care Science. Minimum of
four (4) years appropriate /recognizable experience in nursing after registration as
a Professional Nurse with the SANC. Recommendations: Ability to function
independently and to prioritize work. Leadership and sound interpersonal skills,
problem solving and decision making skills. Good supervisory and teaching skills.
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional/legal framework. Provide comprehensive health care
services in the in Primary Health Care Unit. Ensure effective and efficient
management of resources. Provide quality patient care, follow norms and
standards. Participate in quality improvement programs. Supervise and implement
patient care standards. Implement and practice nursing health care in accordance
with the statutory laws governing the nursing profession, labor and health care.
Implement constructive working relations with nurses and other stake holders.
Ensure compliance of Infection Prevention and Control policies. Ensure that
equipment are functional and ready all the time. Ability to prioritize, coordinate
activities of patient management according to protocols. Able to plan and organize
own work and that of support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Participate
in staff development and performance management. Report patient safety
incidence, challenges and deficiencies within the unit. Work effectively, co-
operatively amicably with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural, racial or religious
differences. Ensure adherence to Batho - Pele Principles and Patient’s Right
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
with the ability to work on Microsoft Word, Power point, Micro, Excel and access,
good analytical skills, Good written and verbal communication skills, Good report
writing skills, good presentation skills, Good Inter-personal relations and the ability
to work independently and under pressure, ability to apply technical and
professional skills, Support the implementation and coordination of health
information management policies, a Minimum of 7 Years extensive Knowledge of
the district health information systems (DHIS ,, Datcov, HPRS,) and
National Tertiary Services grant System.
DUTIES : Responsible for supervision of Data Capturers, Conduct Database management of
DHIS and other relevant systems in the Hospital, Conduct facility data audits and
wards support, tertiary services data collection. Coordinate the implementation of
health information processes in the hospital, Monitor Collection, Capturing and
timeous submission of accurate statistics from wards to information office daily.
Check files to ensure that data captured is correct and complete, Conduct facility
data reviews, Support Managers with reports, Ensure accuracy of Data
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : Grade 3: R303 486 - R339 840 per annum, (Depending years of experience in
terms of OSD)
Grade 4: R359 691 - R406 461 per annum, (Depending years of experience in
terms of OSD)
CENTRE : EMS Mbombela Central (Ehlanzeni District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent. Ambulance Emergency Assistant /
Emergency Care Technician / Critical Care Assistant / National Diploma in
Emergency Medical Care / Bachelor of Technology in Emergency Medical Care.
Minimum of three (3) years’ experience after registration with the Health
Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as ANT / ECT / Paramedic ECP.
Current registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
(2023). Unendorsed driver’s license (C1) and valid professional drivers permit
(PrDP). Candidates are expected to write an assessment test and test driving. Be
able to work under pressure and excessive hours. Basic knowledge of labour
relations. Computer literacy. Good communication skills (verbal and written).
DUTIES : General office administration be responsible of all EMS activities on a shift Human
Resource Management. Analyse Patient Report Forms. Rendering of patient
management at an Intermediate Life Support level or above. Compile Management
Reports. Maintain response times. Maintain discipline on shift. Complete trip
authorities for staff. Maintain checklist for vehicles and equipment’s.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R293 670 – R409 275 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Evander Hospital (X2 Posts)
Standerton Hospital (X2 Posts)
(Gert Sibande District), Waterval CHC (X1 Post)
Machadodorp Clinic (X1 Post) (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 qualification or equivalent plus Basic qualification
accredited with the SANC in terms of Government Notice R425 (I.E. Diploma/
Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery) or equivalent qualification that allows
registration with the SANC as Professional Nurse (2023). Grade 1: A minimum of
1-10 years appropriate / recognizable Theatre experience in nursing after
registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in General Nursing.
Recommendations: Ability to function independently and to prioritize work.
Leadership and sound interpersonal skills, problem solving and decision making
DUTIES : Demonstrate an understanding of Nursing legislation and related legal and ethical
nursing practices. Perform a clinical nursing practice in accordance with the scope
of practice and nursing standards as determined by the health facility. Promote
quality of nursing care as directed by the professional scope of practice and
standards. Participate in the implementation of the National Core Standards and
Ideal Hospital Realization Framework. Demonstrate effective communication with
patients, supervisors and other clinicians, including report writing when required.
Work as part of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure quality nursing care. Work
effectively, co-operatively amicably with persons of diverse intellectual, cultural,
racial or religious differences. Able to plan and organize own work and that of
support personnel to ensure proper nursing care. Display a concern for patients,
promoting and advocating proper treatment and care including awareness and
willingness to respond to Patient needs, requirements and expectations (Batho-
Pele). Effectively manage resources allocated in your unit.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R239 682 – R269 730 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of
CENTRE : Middelburg Hospital (Nkangala District)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 plus registered as Post- Basic Pharmacist Assistant
with South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) (2023). Valid work permit will be
required from non-South Africans. Skills in terms of consultations. Knowledge of
current health and public service legislation, regulations and policies. Good
communication, problem solving and conflict management skills. Professionalism,
accuracy, flexibility, independence and ethical behavior.
DUTIES : Ensure proper receipt recording and storage of all medicines and consumables
according to standard operating procedures handled in the area of operations.
Ensure responsibility and accountability for safe patient medicine use.
Compounding and preparation of any medicines as delegated. Promote correct
evaluation prescriptions and legal processing of medicine prescription, stocktaking
and distribution of supplies to the client. Promotion of Public Health. Ensure
accurate recording of statistics and administrative requirements as required by
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
SALARY : R197 343 - R255 087 per annum, (Depending years of experience in terms of OSD)
CENTRE : Middelburg EMS Station (Nkangala District Office)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior Certificate / Grade 12 or equivalent. Ambulance Emergency Assistant
certificate. Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa
(HPCSA) as an Ambulance Emergency Assistant (2023). Unendorsed driver’s
license (C1) and valid professional drivers permit (PrDP) for transporting patients.
Candidates are expected to write an assessment test and test driving. Knowledge,
Skills and Competencies: The incumbents of these posts will report to the EMS
Station Manager: Emergency Medical Services, and will be responsible to provide
pre-hospital treatment within the scope of Intermediate Life Support and transport
patients to an appropriate health facility in order to minimize the loss of life. The
ideal candidates must: Possess knowledge of Intermediate Life Support Protocols.
Have understanding of EMS and its line of business. Possess knowledge of basic
Medical Rescue. Possess knowledge of Rules and Regulations of Road Traffic
Ordinance. Possess good communication skills. Have practical patient
management skills. Have the ability to implement emergency procedures. Have the
ability to work under pressure. Be able to operate in any EMS environment i.e.
Emergency ambulance, Obstetric ambulance, inter-facility ambulance,
communication centres and Patient Transport Services as per the allocation or
deployment by EMS management.
DUTIES : Treat, stabilize and transport patients according to the Intermediate Life Support
scope of practice as per HPCSA Protocols. Respond to all calls as dispatched by
the Communication Centre or as requested by other medical professionals to assist
with Intermediate Life Support of patient treatment. Maintain best clinical practice
in accordance with quality standards and maintaining Continuous Professional
Development (CPD). Maintain vehicle and medical equipment, check the allocated
vehicle and equipment and complete the checklist, report all losses, damages and
discrepancies to the Shift Leader. Wash, clean and disinfect the interior/exterior of
the vehicle and maintain the vehicle in a clean condition and good working order at
all times. Change and replenish surgical sundries and medical gases and ensure
that all items are used before expiry date. Assist in maintaining a clean and tidy
station. Complete and submit all paperwork to the Shift Leader before the
termination of the shift or as required. Hand over the vehicle and equipment to the
next shift/relevant authority fully replenished, clean and in good working order.
Abide by the EMS Standard Operational Procedures. Actively participate in training
and quality assurance programs. Perform any other duties as delegated by the
supervisor. Candidates are expected to work shifts, they should be mentally and
physically fit to perform their duties.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. Emmanuel Makokoropo Tel No: (013) 766 3384 / Ms. Gugu Nkosi Tel No:
(013) 766 3103 / Ms. Nomsa Maphanga Tel No: (013) 766 3207 / Ms. Sebenzile
Mthisi Tel No: (013) 766 3339 and IT related queries: Help desk Tel No: (013) 766
APPLICATIONS : Departmental Online Application System:
programmes related to forensic pathology personnel and other participating
stakeholders. Partake in relevant death review programmes. Assist the Head
Clinical Unit in the Managerial activities and with the supervision of the clinical and
administrative component within the Region.
ENQUIRIES : Dr J Verster Tel No: (021) 931 8043, or Dr D Lourens Tel No:
(023) 347 5353,
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via (click
“online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Candidates who
are not in possession of the stipulated registration requirements may also apply.
Such candidates will only be considered for appointment on condition that proof of
application for registration with the relevant council and proof of payment of the
Department of Health prescribed registration fees to the relevant council are
submitted on or before the day of the interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
SALARY : R906 540 per annum, (A portion of the package can be structured according to the
individual’s personal needs.) (Non-pensionable rural allowance of 12% of basic
CENTRE : Vredenburg Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Basic qualification accredited with the South
African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) that allows registration with SAPC as a
Pharmacist. Registration: Registration as a Pharmacist with the South African
Pharmacy Council. Experience: A minimum of 3 years appropriate experience after
registration as a Pharmacist with the South African Pharmacy Council. Inherent
requirement of the job: Valid (code B/EB) driver’s license. Good verbal, as well as
written communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the
Western Cape. Willingness to register as a Responsible Pharmacist. Ability and
willingness to supervise, tutor and train students and staff. Competencies
(knowledge/skills): Knowledge of National and Provincial Health Policies as well as
the Acts and Laws that govern the practice of Pharmacy. Ability to cope with
pressure and maintain a high standard of professionalism. Sound Management,
communication, and conflict-handling skills. Computer skills (MS Office, Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint).
DUTIES : Take leadership in the hospital and sub-district to establish a value-driven
pharmacy service and implement policies and guidelines in keeping with the Batho
Pele, SAPC, National Drug policy and National and Provincial standard treatment
guidelines. Manage, assess, and monitor compliance with Good Pharmacy
Practice, Ideal Clinic and National Core Standards. Human Resource Management
for the hospital staff and support within the sub-district. Monitor and facilitate
effective Medicine Supply Management in the hospital and sub-district. Effective
monitoring of pharmaceutical expenditure, implementation, and evaluation of
budgetary control measures for the pharmacy and the sub-district. Participate in
continuous quality improvement initiatives.
ENQUIRIES : Mr C Lintnaar Tel No: (022) 487-9265
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via (click
“online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. Shortlisted
candidates may be subjected to a practical test.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
SALARY : R811 560 per annum, (A portion of the package can be restructured according to
the individual’s personal needs)
CENTRE : Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Rondebosch
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum educational qualification: Appropriate 3-year National Diploma/Degree in
Human Resource Management/Business Management/Public Administration.
Experience: Extensive experience in people administration and people practices in
the public sector. Inherent requirements of the job: A valid Code B/EB driver’s
license. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Behavioural: Analysing; Leading and
Supervising; Persuading and Influencing; Planning and Organising; Deciding and
Initiating Action; Working with People Delivery Results and Meeting Customer
Expectations; Relating and Networking. Values: Integrity; Making a Difference;
Appreciation of Diverse People; Continuous Growth Mindset; Caring; Respect
Accountability; Person-Centred; Authenticity; Being of Service; Teamwork;
Recognition; Collaboration. Skills: Analytical Thinking; Auditing Skills; Critical
Reasoning; Attention to Detail; Excellent Written and Verbal Skills; Proficient in
Report Writing; Numeracy; Literacy; Driving; Computer Literacy; Project
Management; Interpersonal Skills and Conflict Management; Expert Consulting
and Advisory Skills. Knowledge: Public Service Act; Public Service Regulations (as
amended); PERSAL functions and training; DPSA and NDOH policies, prescripts
and directives linked to all PM administration and practices(such as recruitment
and selection, transfers, promotions, leave, pension, overtime, retirement benefits,
appointments, pay progression, salary gratuities, death benefits, working hours,
RWOEE); Employment Equity Act, 1998; Codes of Good Practice Guides linked to
EEA; Labour Relations Act, 1995; Protection of Personal Information Act, 2021;
Procedural Administration and Justice Act, 2000; Promotion of Access to
Information Act, 2000.
DUTIES : Overall responsibilities for the Comprehensive Human Resource function for
RCWMCH. Ensure effectiveness for the management of all aspects of Human
Resources. Manage employee relations including disciplinary and grievance
procedures and practices at the institution. Overall responsibility for corporate
governance including all aspects of Support Services which include Food services,
Transport and fleet, Telephone services, Registry and messenger/Porter services,
Security, Linen Services, and cleaning services etc. Manage service providers on
the hospital estate in line with the strategic objectives of the Institution. Responsible
for disaster management and risk management analysis at RCWMCH. Promote a
safe and healthy working environment through compliance with the Occupational
Health and Safety Act and Universal Precaution Against Infection Policy rules. Will
function as part of Top Management of RCWMCH and will provide /analysis and
Interpret information to ensure management. Resource management and training.
ENQUIRIES : Dr AN Parbhoo Tel No: (021) 658 – 5005
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via (click
“online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
Experience in designing of building services engineering systems (air conditioning,
ventilation, plumbing, drainage, medical gas, fire reticulation) for healthcare
facilities. A health-sciences-related post-graduate qualification will be beneficial.
Experience in and understanding of the design and construction of complex
buildings (e.g., Hospital). Proven experience with feasibility studies in terms of life
cycle costing of mechanical elements, green building technologies, technical
specifications and commissioning principles for both Capital and Maintenance
projects. Understand how to interpret existing and develop new Functional and
Technical Norms and Standards. Knowledge of risk analysis and risk mitigation
strategies. Knowledge and experience in terms of fire regulations is a
recommendation. Experience in the preparation of reports, submissions and
presentations in English and sound interpersonal and good verbal and written
communication skills in at least two of the three official languages of the Western
DUTIES : Development, interpretation and customisation of functional and technical norms
and standards Investigate proposals for innovative service delivery mechanisms
and undertake feasibility studies. Compile briefing documentation and
specifications. Investigate mechanical engineering installations and equipment,
undertake design work and implement corrective measures, where necessary.
Oversee implementation (construction) and commissioning of mechanical
engineering installations. Research/literature studies to keep up with new
technologies and procedures including interaction with professional
ENQUIRIES : Mr I Parker Tel No: (021) 483-9359
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
Garden Route District
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for these posts.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
programs and occupational health and safety programs including development of
policies and procedures to enhance the quality-of-service delivery. Conduct
department specific clinical audits, outbreak investigations, review morbidity and
mortality registers, manage complaints and compliments system, identify adverse
incidents, and ensure adverse incident database is updated inclusive of strategies
to reduce incidents. Monitor patient’s perceptions by conducting annual patient
satisfaction and waiting time survey including developing action plans and
strategies to address negative aspects of service delivery. Management and
oversight of the Occupational Health Clinic.
ENQUIRIES : Dr B Patel Tel No: (021) 404-3178
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via (click
“online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
research skills and attention to detail. Report-writing. Computer literacy (Word,
Excel and PowerPoint). Excellent written and verbal communication.
DUTIES : Provide an integrated demand, acquisition and contract management service of
critical goods and service commodities within the Department of Health with a focus
on End-to-end management of the sourcing process: integrated demand,
acquisition and contract management service of clinical goods and services
commodities. Commodity-based lifecycle costing: conduct market research within
commodity range, research new developments and best practice, identify
opportunities to reduce cost base through efficient procurement. Supplier
relationship and performance management. Internal and external stakeholder
management. Human resource management.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A Jacobs Tel No: (021) 483-6093 or email;
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Revenue Generation. Inherent requirements of the job: Willingness to travel and
spend long periods away from the office. A valid (Code B/EB) driver’s license.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good knowledge of the Uniform Patient Fees
Schedule (UPFS)and or other tariff structures, Managed Health Care or Hospital
Information Systems and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). Knowledge of the
Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998 and the application of Prescribed Minimum
Benefit (PMB) legislation i.e., the Chronic Disease List (CDL) and Diagnostic
Treatment Pairs (DTP). Experience in ICD-10 Code assignment and the ability to
link patient diagnosis with procedural codes. Ability to work with Excel spread
sheets, Microsoft Word, and web-based programs (medical aids).
DUTIES : Co-ordinate the workflow processes between clinical and admin personnel by
liaising, guiding, and supporting the fees department and the relevant hospital staff
with the identification of prescribed minimum benefits. Efficiently and effectively
communicate and update clinical information for externally funded clients. Control
the correctness of the hospital bills, medical aids, road accident fund and privately
funded patients by the efficient and effective interpretation and implementation of
Case Management policies, protocols, and procedures within the hospital. Assist
with the implementation of departmental case management policies and
procedures by providing onsite skills development and training of relevant role
players in matters relating to Case management. Provide quotations to privately
funded and foreign patients.
ENQUIRIES : ME Van Vuuren Tel No: (022) 709-7213
APPLICATIONS : Applications are submitted online via (click
“online applications”).
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post. This post will not
be linked to any of the Occupational Specific Dispensations.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : This post will not be linked to any of the Occupational Specific Dispensations. No
payment of any kind is required when applying for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
all authority levels while also being capable of working independently and
DUTIES : Identify, flag, and analyse potential financial and budgetary risks. Prepare cost
estimates and make recommendations on plans, while providing necessary
reporting, documentation, and financial assessments. Develop and analyse key
service volume indicators, assessing their impact on resource management and
expenditure efficiency. Develop automated financial reporting models and
forecasting tools based on key trend indicators and ratios to be used in financial
planning and monitoring. Continuously update and maintain large databases to
ensure accurate information. Extract, test, and clean up data to maintain data
integrity. Monitor and support cash flow management and expenditure control for
specific business units within the organization. Provide training to
Sectors/Institutions in appropriate projection techniques by explaining complex
financial data clearly.
ENQUIRIES : Mr J De Beer Tel No: (021) 815-8610
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
Component renders a 7-day week function successful candidate will be required to
work shifts, weekends and public holidays. Ability to communicate in at least two of
the three official languages of the Western Cape. Competencies (knowledge/skills):
Computer literacy, problem-solving, decision-making, time management,
presentation and managerial skills. Sound numerical skills.
DUTIES : Manage the Food Service Unit: 24 hours per day and 7 days per week on rotation
basis. Manage the preparation, distribution and serving of meals including special
diets. Manage meal plan and meal production. Manage personnel and equipment.
Manage /Administer human physical and financial resources. Responsible for
hygiene and safety standards. Effective utilisation of the Food Service team. Apply
departmental regulations and protocol.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R Keyser Tel No: (021) 938-4135
APPLICATIONS : Applicants apply online: (click “online
NOTE : No payment of any is required when applying for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
West Coast District
NOTE : Candidates may be subjected to a competency test. No payment of any kind is
required when applying for this post. Only officials employed within the Provincial
Government: Western Cape will be considered for the post.
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
REQUIREMENTS : Minimum requirement: Basic literacy and numeracy skills. Experience: Appropriate
porter experience in a hospital environment. Inherent requirement of the job:
Willingness to work shifts and over weekends. Ability to perform tasks such as lifting
patients from/onto beds, trolleys, and wheelchairs. Ability to communicate (written
and verbal) in at least two of the three official languages of the Western Cape.
Competencies (knowledge/skills): Good interpersonal and communication skills.
DUTIES : Safe transport of patients on trolleys and wheelchairs to and from different
departments/wards and in and out of ambulances. Deliver specimens to
laboratories and ensure a safe and hygienic work environment. Assist with shifting
of medical equipment. Take responsibility for the transportation of corpses from
wards to the mortuary and perform relevant duties in mortuary. Respond to
requests from wards/departments.
ENQUIRIES : Ms E Lester Tel No: (022) 709-7257
APPLICATIONS : The Manager: Medical Services, Vredenburg Hospital, Private Bag X3,
Vredenburg, 7380.
NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.
CLOSING DATE : 29 September 2023
CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023
APPLICATIONS : Only applications submitted online will be accepted. To apply submit your
application online only: via or
CLOSING DATE : 02 October 2023
NOTE : Only applications submitted online at: or will be accepted. All shortlisted candidates
must make themselves available to be interviewed at a date, time and place as
decided by the selection panel. Please ensure that you submit your application on
or before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. The selection
process will be guided by the EE targets of the employing department. Kindly note
that technical support is only available from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16.00.
Should you experience any difficulties with your online application you may contact
the helpline at 0861 370 214. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a
technical exercise that intends to test relevant technical elements of the job, the
logistics of which will be communicated by the Department. Following the interview
and technical exercise, the selection panel will recommend candidates to attend a
generic managerial competency assessment (in compliance with the DPSA
directive on the implementation of competency-based assessments). The
competency assessment will be testing generic managerial competencies using
the mandated DPSA SMS Competency Assessment tools. The nominated
candidate will be required to complete the Senior Management Pre-Entry
Programme before they may be appointed into this post. The purpose of the Senior
Management Pre-Entry Programme, which is a public service specific training
programme applicable to all applicants who aspire to join the SMS, is to ensure that
potential SMS members have a background on processes and procedures linked
to the SMS. The duration of the online Pre-Entry Programme is 120 notional hours
(15 days). Full details may be sourced by the following link: Furthermore,
thanks to the huge public interest we receive many applications for our positions,
and as such will not be able to respond personally to all applications. Therefore,
should you not hear from us within 10 weeks from close of advert please consider
your application unsuccessful.
SALARY : R2 158 533 per annum (Level 16), (all-inclusive package to be structured in
accordance with the rules for SMS) plus a 10% non-pensionable HOD allowance
CENTRE : Provincial Treasury, Western Cape Government
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) plus a postgraduate
qualification (NQF Level 8) as recognised by SAQA, A minimum of 8 years’ senior
management experience within the financial environment of which 3years must be
within any organ of state as defined in the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996.
Recommendation: A postgraduate degree in Finance, Economics and/ or Future
studies will serve as an advantage; Senior Management experience within the
economic and financial sectors. Competencies: Knowledge of the latest advances
in public management theory and practice; Advanced knowledge of modern
systems of governance and administration; Knowledge of the policies of the
government of the day; Knowledge of global, regional and local political, economic
and social affairs impacting on the provincial government of the Western Cape;
Knowledge of Constitutional, legal and institutional arrangements governing the
South African public sector; Knowledge of inter-governmental and international
relations; Proven knowledge and understanding of public service procedures,
processes and systems; Knowledge of communications, media management,
public relations, public participation and public education; Strong conceptual,
interpretive and formulation skills; Strong leadership skills with specific reference
to the ability to display thought leadership incomplex situations; Excellent
communication skills; Outstanding planning, organising and people management
skills; The ability to multi-task, deal with ambiguity and manage under rapidly
changing and pressurised circumstances; Persuading and influencing skills.
DUTIES : Render financial governance and asset management services; Render fiscal and
economic services; Provide an effective financial management support service to
the Department; Render strategic and operational management support services;
Render an administrative support service to the Provincial Minister; Define and
review on a continual basis the purpose, objectives, priorities and activities of the
Department; Drive the Departmental strategic planning process; Drive the
development and management of the strategic and business plans for the
Department; Evaluate the performance of the Department on a continuing basis
against pre-determined key measurable objectives and standards; Report to the
Provincial Minister on a regular basis on the activities of the Department and on
matters of substantial importance to the Administration; Monitor and ensure
compliance with relevant legislation and prescripts in respect of adequate and
appropriate record keeping of the activities of the Department, and of the resources
employed by it; Participate in the recruitment of employees in the numbers and
grades appropriate to ensure the achievement of the Department’s Business Plan;
Motivate, train and guide employees within the Department, to achieve and
maintain excellence in service delivery; Actively manage the performance,
evaluation and rewarding of employees within the Department; Monitor information
capacity building within the Department; Ensure involvement in the compilation of
a workforce plan, a service delivery improvement programme, and an information
resources plan for the Department; Promote sound labour relations within the
Department; Actively manage and promote the maintenance of discipline within the
Department; Manage participation in the budgeting process at Departmental level,
and at Branch/Chief Directorate level; Ensure the preparation of the Annual and
Adjustment Budgets for the Department; Assume direct accountability for the
efficient, economic and effective control and management of the Department’s
budget and expenditure; Assume direct accountability for ensuring that the correct
tender and procurement procedures are adhered to in respect of purchases for the
Department; Report to the Provincial Minister and relevant oversight role
players/committees on all aspects of the Department’s finances; Diligently perform
all duties assigned to the post of Head Official: Provincial Treasury; Assume overall
accountability for the management, maintenance and safekeeping of the
Department assets; Ensure that full and proper records of the financial affairs of
the Department are kept in accordance with any prescribed norms and standards.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Louise Esterhuyse Tel No: (+27 21) 483 5856
terminated. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of
this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
SALARY : R811 560 per annum (Level 11), all-inclusive package to be structed in accordance
with the rules for MMS
CENTRE : Head Office, Cape Town.
REQUIREMENTS : A relevant recognised 3-year qualification (Degree or National Diploma) plus at
least 3-5 years practical experience in a supply chain environment plus Valid
Driving Licence and have at least 3 years proven managerial and/or supervisory
experience. Recommendation: This is a middle management position that requires
an individual with good people management skills to manage large teams with
experience in working in large departments and/or organisations. Knowledge of
SCM Practices, processes and procedures, Knowledge of HR management
practices, PFMA, BBBEE Act, Preferential Procurement and Financial legislation,
Knowledge of BAS, LOGIS or similar transversal procurement systems and an
electronic quotation system (EPS). Skills: Computer literacy in MS Word, Excel and
Access; Good verbal and written communication skills; organisational and planning
skills; report writing, problem solving and numeracy skills, negotiation and conflict
management skills, Attributes: Ability to work within a team as well as
independently whilst focussed on achieving targets; prioritize and organize work
whilst functioning under pressure to handle high volumes and meet strict deadlines;
disciplined, orderly, systematic; effective communication good interpersonal
DUTIES : Exercise control over the sub-directorate SCM Policy, Planning and Performance
Management and Logistical Services. Ensure the effective monitoring and
compliance of the supply chain management prescripts and legislative framework.
Ability to draft the applicable supply chain policies in line with the requirements of
National and Provincial Treasuries. Ensure that the departmental Accounting
Officer’s System is updated as and when required. Manage the Demand
Management functions and have the ability to establish and manage Demand
Management Plan, Systems and Controls. Drafting and verification of the
departmental Procurement Plan and facilitate the approval thereof. Conduct Market
Research Analysis, analyse historical procurement data and establish best
practices/sourcing strategies for the procurement of goods and services. Manage
the administration of Requisitions received and Reporting databases. Manage the
performance management and SCM compliance monitoring assessments. Ensure
that all the compliance reporting requirements are adhered to and submitted in
accordance with the dates as determined by the National and Provincial Treasury.
Ensure the dissemination of all supply chain related prescripts. Manage the
capacity building and training needs of SCM officials. Manage the performance of
employees in accordance with PERMIS requirements. Manage the SCM
Performance Management section and ensure compliance to the requirements of
the Internal audit process and findings, the AGSA findings, Internal Control
monitoring and compliance monitoring and evaluation of SCM processes.
Appointment as Chairperson of the Head Office Quotation Committee.
ENQUIRIES : Ms R De Bruyn Tel No: (021) 467 2821