240211sunday Next Before Lent - Eucharist
240211sunday Next Before Lent - Eucharist
240211sunday Next Before Lent - Eucharist
S T . T H O M A S ’ C AT H E D R A L , M U M B A I
The Church of North India ● A member of the worldwide Anglican Communion
The basis for our worship is the Book of Common Prayer , our common li-
turgical heritage with Anglicans across the world (all churches descended
from the Church of England). We are rooted in tradition but celebrate the
richness and diversity of the Communion. Music and hymnody represent
the best of the Anglican choral tradition.
Follow the readings and the Order of Service for the Lord’s Supper
from The Book of Common Prayer (refer page numbers).
The hymns can be found in The English Hymnal.
Order of Service
The congregation is asked to join in all text printed in bold.
Call to Worship
Presbyter We have faith, hope, and love,
All but the greatest of these is love.
Presbyter Pursue love.
Please be seated
Sung by the choir to a chant by Foster. Psalm
26: 1 - 7
Judica me, Domine
Please be seated
Gradual Hymn | # 506
To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love omit v.5* Tune: EPSOM
Please be seated,
The Revd Avinash Rangayya, Cathedral Presbyter
The Liturgy of the Sacrament
All stand
The Peace
The Celebrant offers a greeting of peace.
Christ is our peace.
He has reconciled us to God
in one body by the cross.
We meet in his name and share his peace.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.
Let us offer one another a sign of peace.
At this time the altar is set with the gifts of bread and wine and the
gifts of the people are gathered and presented. Thank you for your generosity.
See inside front cover for bank details to make your offering.
Kneel as able or remain seated.
T h e C o n s e c r a t i o n | page 277
T h e C o m m u n i o n | page 284
Proceed to the High Altar for receiving Communion.
During the administration of Communion, while seated we sing
The Blessing
All join in singing Hymn at the Closing
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm, 1866 -1960 Music: William M. Runyan, 1870 -1957
Fantasia in B minor, BWV 563 … … Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685 - 1750
Please stay back after the service for a time of fellowship over a cup of coffee.
Introduce yourself to the Presbyter if you are worshipping with us for the first time.
Birthdays this week
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Rebekah Paul (11), Rhea John (12), Mayon Pastala (15), Rachel Joseph (16)
Please remember to pay your annual subscription before 31st March 2024.
A Bible quiz will be conducted on Sunday 25th February 2024. Questions will be
based on the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah and Paul’s first epistle to the Corin-
14th February 2024
7 am Eucharist (said)
Lady Chapel
6.30pm Eucharist (choral)
There will be imposition of ashes at
both services.
Holy Week
and Easter
Lent Holy Week
and Easter
Wednesday 14th February
ASH WEDNESDAY Palm Sunday 24th March
7.00 am Holy Eucharist with the Procession and the Blessing
imposition of ashes and Distribution of Palms
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said)
6.30 pm Holy Eucharist with the 8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral)
imposition of ashes
Monday in Holy Week 25th March
Sunday 18th February 6.30 pm Holy Week Meditation
First Sunday in Lent in Word and Organ Music
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said)
Tuesday in Holy Week 26th March
8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral)
7 pm “The Cross of Christ”
Sunday 25th February A Service of Readings
Second Sunday in Lent and Music for Holy Week
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said) Wednesday in Holy Week 27th March
8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral) 6.30 pm Holy Week Meditation
in Word and Organ Music
Sunday 3rd March
Third Sunday in Lent Thursday 28th March
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said) THE MAUNDY THURSDAY LITURGY
8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral) AND THE WASHING OF FEET
6.30 pm Holy Eucharist (choral)
Sunday 10th March
Mothering Sunday GOOD FRIDAY 29th March
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said) 9 am to 12 noon Meditation on the
8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral) Seven Words from the Cross
Sunday 17 March 8 pm Lighting of the Paschal Candle
Fifth Sunday in Lent and the First Eucharist of Easter
7:00 am Holy Eucharist (said) EASTER DAY Sunday 31st March 9 am
8.45 am Holy Eucharist (choral) A joyful sung service of Holy Eucharist with
canticles, hymns, readings and sermon
Pray with us
† THE WORLD As the anniversary of the terrible earthquake in Turkey
reminds us of the devastation it caused, we pray for God’s continued healing for
losses in the lives of so many. Our prayers for peace in the Holy Land are also for
Europe, as French victims of Hamas are mourned, and ripples, or waves travel there
after Israel rejects the latest ceasefire proposal. As lives continue to be lost in the
Russia – Ukraine conflict, we pray for skilled national leaders to continue to seek
diplomatic solutions as the war grinds on.
† OUR COUNTRY Following the announcement of this years recipients of
the Bharat Ratna, we thank God for the contribution to national life of this years’
awardees of India’s highest civilian award.
† THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH For the Church universal as the faithful pre-
pare themselves for the season of Lent ● In the Anglican Communion for the Prov-
ince of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and the Most Revered Justin Badi Ara-
† THE CHURCH IN INDIA The 19th century evangelist and educationist, Al-
exander Duff is commemorated on 12th February. He contributed significantly to
developing higher education in the country ● Christian Frederick Schwartz, the 18th
century evangelist is commemorated on 13th February. He served for 11 years at
Tranquebar, where he mastered Tamil, Portuguese, and English. He made every
effort to find and train young Indians for the ministry ● The Diocese of Nasik ●
The Diocese of East Kerala and the Right Reverend V. S. Francis.
† THE DIOCESE OF BOMBAY This week for St. Peter’s Church, Palghar and
the Reverend Sanjay Salvi.
† OUR CATHEDRAL All senior citizens and those who are unwell. Pray for
their care providers ● All pupils writing their examination.