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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 742-745


Ronia parbin
Ph.D Research Scholar Department of Education, University of Science and Technology

Nowadays the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the education
sector plays an important role, especially for special educational needs. Being aware of the
significant role of ICT in our life, especially in the educational activities, education authorities
should be wise enough in implementing the strategies to empower ICT in supporting the
teaching and learning process in the classroom. ICT is not just the bloom of the educational
activities, but also it will be the secondary option to improve the effective and meaningful
educational process.

Key Words: Digital divide, Digital inclusion, Inclusive Education, Benefits.

Introduction with a visual deficiency (among many other possible

The educational needs of people with examples). From this point of view ICTs develop the
disabilities are vastly diverse. On the one hand, they students’ ability to control their environment, make
must, as their peers, get knowledge and skills choices about their experiences, support problem-
required in the society in which they live. On the solving, give access to information, thereby
other, they have (by definition) additional demands enhance communication with others both in the
(often referred to as special educational needs) immediate environment and around the world. In
caused by functional limitations which affect other words, technology can recoup or substitute the
learners’ ability to access standard educational lack of natural functions.
methods of instruction, therefore, prevent ICTs for Didactic Uses
educational progress. ICTs used as a learning tool have prompted
In this context, ICT application is very a new dimension of education and launched the
important as it plays an essential role in providing transformation of the educational approaches. ICT
high quality education for students with disabilities. application brings a variety of new teaching and
ICTs have been introduced into the teaching-learning assessment strategies for students with different
process in order to improve quality, support educational needs.20 here we must note that
curricular changes and new learning experiences. In information technologies as a didactical tool are
this way it is possible to meet the specific learning suitable for implementing the inclusive education. In
needs of different learner groups, including students order to enhance personal development, educational
with disabilities. Though specific applications of initiatives within the inclusive curriculum must aim
ICTs are extremely diverse and varied, they may be at meeting unique needs, differences, and abilities of
grouped into the following main categories: an individual; hence they must be fully supported to
• Compensation uses. achieve these goals at an appropriate pace.
• Didactic uses. Information technologies, thereupon, will become a
• Communication uses. valuable resource for inclusion.
With this in mind, the role of ICTs in special ICTs for Communication Uses
education will be described in accordance with Technologies can mediate communication
the primary categories. with people having disabilities (often referred to as
ICTs for Compensation Uses Alternative and Augmentative Communication).
That is the use of new technologies as a Assistive devices and software to meet the needs of
technical assistance that allows students with special students with definite communication difficulties are
needs to take active part in the process of interaction specific to every disability. We talk about the
and communication: if a person has motor disability computer as a resource that eases and makes the
he may be helped to write, or to read if a person is communication possible, allowing a person with
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743 Journal of Positive School Psychology

communicative disorders to exhibit his/her abilities new skills or updating existing ones;
in a more convenient way, or people with motor and ÿ Improving the access to information;
communicative disorders to start communication, ÿ Overcoming geographical or social isolation via
show the needs and make the demands. Furthermore, communication support and networks;
where teachers are in short supply (as in special ÿ Improving the image/perception of an area by
education) distance teaching methods can help enhancing motivation and awareness regarding
provide special services between geographically theICT benefits in SEN.
dispersed students and teachers. It is also important to recognize that with
ICTs alone we cannot solve all problems. The
second step requires the willingness of educators to
Objectives of the study develop innovative teaching methods or to change
1. To study the importance of Information and and adopt the existing approaches to accommodate
Communication Technology in people with new concepts of special needs education and modern
SpecialEducation Needs. technologies. If a learner is unable to manage a
2. To study the role of ICT in Inclusive Education particular activity (due to physical or sensory
barriers), alternative activities must be designed or
Methodology adapted, so that he/she gets a chance to receive the
For the present study descriptive method and needed information and demonstrate the results. To
secondary data is used. As per nature of the study implement this intention ICTs must be fully
descriptive method is considered appropriate. integrated in SEN curricula. Curriculum
Supporting Inclusive Education through ICT modification is not about its simplification for some
Implementation Inclusive education presents students or lowering of academic requirements or
an opportunity for students with special needs to standards. The modified curriculum must preserve
attend mainstream classrooms with their age-group the skills or knowledge required for a particular
peers. To realize this we need to provide for the course and distributes knowledge and training
relevant conditions of overcoming the barriers to the resources in a more creative way and on a more
learning process. Particularly speaking, these equal basis.
conditions are attained via the facilitation of ICT In the new millennium, online delivery has
infrastructure for SEN, integration of ICTs into SEN become the most prevalent way of presenting the up-
curriculum and training of ICT specialists in SEN. to-date information to students in the quickest, most
Promoting ICT infrastructure for SEN is flexible and innovative ways possible. Educational
necessary in order to provide for the appropriate courses can utilize a variety of technologies to
conditions of teaching and learning in the SEN facilitate learning and interaction between
context. The conditions in every type of inclusive participants: asynchronous and synchronous
educational area cannot be successfully created communication and collaboration tools (e-mail,
without the appropriate ICT tools applied. Assistive bulletin boards, whiteboards, chat rooms,
tools must be used to allow students with SEN to videoconferencing, and teleconferencing),
participate in the educational process based on interactive elements (simulations, immersive
special techniques and equipment. environments, and games), various testing and
For some students, a technological solution evaluation methods (self- assessment, multiple
will be the only way to ensure that they can make choice testing, etc.). Educational content can be
their needs, opinions, and views known. For them, presented in various media: text on a website,
access to ICT-based solutions is a lifeline to multimedia, such as digital audio, digital video,
inclusion. ICT support in inclusive education is animated images, and virtual reality environments.
important because it covers issues that apply to a This content can be created in a multiplicity of ways,
spectrum of potential learning needs. The key ways utilizing a variety of authoring tools. As a result,
in which ICTs can support educational opportunities ICTs transform educational dynamics by providing
for people with SEN are as follows: alternative, authoritative sources of information,
ÿ Identifying the preliminary level of personal which requires teachers to become facilitators and, in
development (experiences and skills), that is to some cases, intermediaries between specific
saythe starting point of a student; information sources and a learner. At the same time,
ÿ Assisting in personal development by shaping ICTs can break teacher’s isolation, providing them

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744 Journal of Positive School Psychology

with prospects to communicate beyond the understanding of access technology used by

traditional school-management hierarchy students (Waddell, 2000);
Benefits of ICT Use in Education for People with ¸ Enhances professional development and the
SEN effectiveness of the use of ICTs with students
According to the research of British through collaboration with peers (Detheridge,
Educational Communications and Technology 1997; Lewis and Ogilvie, 2002);
Agency (BECTA, 2003), ICT usage in schools to ¸ Materials already in electronic form (for
support students with SEN can enable learners to example, from the Internet) are more easily
communicate, participate in lessons, and learn more adapted into accessible resources such as large
effectively. Key evidence is outlined below. print or Braille (Waddell, 2000).
General ICT benefits ICT benefits for Parents and Careers
ÿ Enables greater learner autonomy. ICT helps in reducing social inequalities
ÿ Unlocks hidden potential for those with between pupils, as they work in cohesion to achieve
communication difficulties. a given task- the very principles that parents want to
ÿ Enables students to demonstrate achievement inculcate in their children. Parents should embrace
in ways which might not be possible with the endless possibilities that come armed in ICT and
traditional methods. leverage in to secure a bright future for the words.
ÿ Enables tasks to be tailored to suit individual Use of voice communication aids encourages parents
skills and abilities. and careers to have higher expectations of children’s
ÿ Provides opportunities for human being to sociability and potential level of participation
interact with one another in new ways easily. (Worth, 2001).
In conclusion, we must stress that there exists a
ICT benefits for students considerable potential in the educational uses of
v Computers can improve independent access ICTs alongside with many challenges and dangers.
for students to education (Moore and Taylor, New technologies can provide the means to explore
2000; Waddell, 2000); new forms of learning that break the traditional
v Students with special educational needs are hierarchies of educational systems and develop
able to accomplish tasks working at their own genuine alternatives to rigid, passive approaches to
pace (ACE Centre Advisory Trust, 1999); learning of people with SEN. However, these
v Visually impaired students using the internet technologies can turn up as obstacles to education if
can access information alongside their sighted they are applied without a commitment to the
peers (Waddell, 2000); principles of equality, participation, and
v Students with profound and multiple learning responsibility
difficulties can communicate more easily Key Terms
(Detheridge, 1997); Digital divide: A term which refers to the gaps
v Students using voice communication aids gain between those who can effectively use new
confidence and social credibility at school andin information and communication tools, such as the
their communities (Worth, 2001); Internet, and those who cannot.
v Increased ICT confidence amongst students Digital inclusion: Several initiatives that work
motivates them to use the Internet at home for socially and technologically in order to reduce the
schoolwork and leisure interests (Waddell, existing gap in access to information and
2000). communication technologies and networks for
people with special needs.
ICT benefits for Teachers, Non-Teaching staff Information Age: The period of social development
¸ Reduces isolation for teachers working in special when the production of information is more
educational needs by enabling them to important than the production of physical goods; the
communicate electronically with colleagues service sector is much larger than the manufacturing
(Abbott and Cribb, 2001; Lewis and Ogilvie, sector.
2002); Supports reflection on professional Information Society: Characterizes the level of
practice via online communication (Perceval- community development being formed as a result of
Price,2002); the fusion of information, media and
telecommunications including far-reaching
¸ Improved skills for staff and a greater
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745 Journal of Positive School Psychology

organizational and institutional changes in all aspects Knowledge-Economy, National Academy of

of human activity (e.g. workplace, leisure, shopping, Science,Washington D.C., 10-11 January 2005.
commerce, education).
Summary Nelson, R. (2000): “Knowledge and innovation
o The current period of educational system systems”, Centre for Educational Research and
development is characterized by the increasing Innovation, Editor, in Knowledge Management in
role of ICTs which have become an important the technology.
new component of the curriculum, adding a
valuable set of new resources and didactical ACE Centre Advisory Trust (1999) : The Use of
tools suitable to support the learning process. Telecommunications Technology to Provide Remote
o Speedy development of the Information Age Support and Training to Young People with Access
brings people with special needs a danger of Difficulties. ACE Centre Advisory Trust.
losing their most basic rights, caused by new
threatening barriers. Online:
o In order to exploit the whole potential of the
ICTs to provide for the equality, it is necessary oc
to understand the barriers to learning faced by
those who are seen to have SEN. Meijer and Amanda Watkins (2001): Special
o Barriers to learning prevent students from Needs Education: European Perspectives.
getting sufficient level of knowledge as well as Proceedings of the International Conference.
from giving a teacher a true evaluation of the Organized by The European Agency for
students’ competence. Though the applications Development inSpecial Needs Education, Brussel.
of ICTs in education of people with special
needs are extremely diverse, there are three main
areas for their use – compensation uses, didactic
uses, communication uses.
o In order to implement inclusion in education
there is a need to create appropriate conditions
for students with SEN.
o The achievement of conditions for successful
inclusion in all areas of education can be realized
by means of providing for appropriate
technological infrastructure, modification of the
curriculum, and training of new specialists in
special education, capable to use ICTs.

Bates, A. W. (1995): Technology, e-learning and
distance education. New York: Routledge.
Cunningham, S.,

Ryan, Y., Stedman, L., Tapsall, S., Bagdon, S.,

Flew, T., Coaldrake, P. (2000): The business of
borderless education. Canberra, Australia:
Australian Department of Education, Training and
Youth Affairs.

David, P.A. (2004), “Toward a cyber infrastructure

from enhanced scientific collaboration:
Providing its ‘Soft’ foundations may be the hardest
threat,” Paper presented at the International
Conference Advancing Knowledge and the

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