Amt Positive Psychology
Amt Positive Psychology
Amt Positive Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 742-745
Nowadays the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in the education
sector plays an important role, especially for special educational needs. Being aware of the
significant role of ICT in our life, especially in the educational activities, education authorities
should be wise enough in implementing the strategies to empower ICT in supporting the
teaching and learning process in the classroom. ICT is not just the bloom of the educational
activities, but also it will be the secondary option to improve the effective and meaningful
educational process.
communicative disorders to exhibit his/her abilities new skills or updating existing ones;
in a more convenient way, or people with motor and ÿ Improving the access to information;
communicative disorders to start communication, ÿ Overcoming geographical or social isolation via
show the needs and make the demands. Furthermore, communication support and networks;
where teachers are in short supply (as in special ÿ Improving the image/perception of an area by
education) distance teaching methods can help enhancing motivation and awareness regarding
provide special services between geographically theICT benefits in SEN.
dispersed students and teachers. It is also important to recognize that with
ICTs alone we cannot solve all problems. The
second step requires the willingness of educators to
Objectives of the study develop innovative teaching methods or to change
1. To study the importance of Information and and adopt the existing approaches to accommodate
Communication Technology in people with new concepts of special needs education and modern
SpecialEducation Needs. technologies. If a learner is unable to manage a
2. To study the role of ICT in Inclusive Education particular activity (due to physical or sensory
barriers), alternative activities must be designed or
Methodology adapted, so that he/she gets a chance to receive the
For the present study descriptive method and needed information and demonstrate the results. To
secondary data is used. As per nature of the study implement this intention ICTs must be fully
descriptive method is considered appropriate. integrated in SEN curricula. Curriculum
Supporting Inclusive Education through ICT modification is not about its simplification for some
Implementation Inclusive education presents students or lowering of academic requirements or
an opportunity for students with special needs to standards. The modified curriculum must preserve
attend mainstream classrooms with their age-group the skills or knowledge required for a particular
peers. To realize this we need to provide for the course and distributes knowledge and training
relevant conditions of overcoming the barriers to the resources in a more creative way and on a more
learning process. Particularly speaking, these equal basis.
conditions are attained via the facilitation of ICT In the new millennium, online delivery has
infrastructure for SEN, integration of ICTs into SEN become the most prevalent way of presenting the up-
curriculum and training of ICT specialists in SEN. to-date information to students in the quickest, most
Promoting ICT infrastructure for SEN is flexible and innovative ways possible. Educational
necessary in order to provide for the appropriate courses can utilize a variety of technologies to
conditions of teaching and learning in the SEN facilitate learning and interaction between
context. The conditions in every type of inclusive participants: asynchronous and synchronous
educational area cannot be successfully created communication and collaboration tools (e-mail,
without the appropriate ICT tools applied. Assistive bulletin boards, whiteboards, chat rooms,
tools must be used to allow students with SEN to videoconferencing, and teleconferencing),
participate in the educational process based on interactive elements (simulations, immersive
special techniques and equipment. environments, and games), various testing and
For some students, a technological solution evaluation methods (self- assessment, multiple
will be the only way to ensure that they can make choice testing, etc.). Educational content can be
their needs, opinions, and views known. For them, presented in various media: text on a website,
access to ICT-based solutions is a lifeline to multimedia, such as digital audio, digital video,
inclusion. ICT support in inclusive education is animated images, and virtual reality environments.
important because it covers issues that apply to a This content can be created in a multiplicity of ways,
spectrum of potential learning needs. The key ways utilizing a variety of authoring tools. As a result,
in which ICTs can support educational opportunities ICTs transform educational dynamics by providing
for people with SEN are as follows: alternative, authoritative sources of information,
ÿ Identifying the preliminary level of personal which requires teachers to become facilitators and, in
development (experiences and skills), that is to some cases, intermediaries between specific
saythe starting point of a student; information sources and a learner. At the same time,
ÿ Assisting in personal development by shaping ICTs can break teacher’s isolation, providing them
Bates, A. W. (1995): Technology, e-learning and
distance education. New York: Routledge.
Cunningham, S.,