Edtech 2 Summary

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Educational Technology 2- Lessons 1-18( Summary, Reflection, Application)


The Educational Technology (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become
aware, appreciative and equipped for the educational technology tools ranging from the traditional to
modern educational media. In ET-1, the learner was also oriented towards averting the dangers of
dehumanization which technology brings into societies, through ideological propaganda, pornography,
financial fraud and other exploitative use of technology.

The Educational Technology 1 served:

· To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of Educational Technology in society.

· To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues
teaching- learning processes in the school.

· To uplift human learning through the use of learning technology.

· To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology – enriched teaching-
learning process.

· To acquaint learners on basic aspects of community educational, functions of the school media
center, and finally,

· To introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer.

REFLECTION: The Educational Technology 1 serves some of the important details for the learners to
become more familiar, more oriented, more aware, and to become more skillful in learning through the
use of technology. Learners reflect the way they act from what they have learned.


On the application of educational technology to instruction, Educational Technology 1 showed the four
phases of educational technology in teaching and learning namely: (a) setting of learning objectives, (b)
designing specific learning experience,(c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-avis
the learning objectives and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of
it, for further improvement of future instructional activities.


Educational Technology 2 is concerned with ‘Integrating Technology into teaching and learning
“specifically, this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending knowledge and
skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology.
Educational Technology 2 will be involving a deeper understanding of the computers as well as hands on
application of computer skills. But this is not to say that the goal of the course is to promote computer

The course aims to infuse technology on the student- teachers training, helping them to meet and adapt
to rapid and continuing technological changes particularly in the thriving global information and
communication technology (ICT) environment.

REFLECTION: By using the computers, learners will know much more than of what they have already
know by scanning, surfing through the use of computers.

APPLICATION: It will be easier to work with computers as a future teacher. It may widen our mindsets.


The concern for new learners is valid. On the other hand, it is to be admitted that our
teachers today generally use the traditional education program applicable to learners if the past,
acquainted with linear, textual and sequential learning.

It is observed that the new learners spend much time with friends on their cell phones, sending text
messages, interacting through social internet media like facebook, playing video games and surfing the
worldwide web.

Lest the concerned for new learners is not well understood, it serves to know what scientists says as

· There are positive benefits derived from the use of information technology or digital resources and
these counterbalance possible negative effects of technology on children.

· Daily exposure to high technology personal computers, video game gadgets, cell phones, internet
search sites- stimulates the brain by strengthening and creating naval circuit.

· A current technological revolution is creating an intellectual revolution, faster and better than ever

The 19th century psychologist Jean Piaget presented a chart from childhood to adulthood with the first
two years of susceptible minds, six years of acquiring communication skills, teenage years of transition
concrete thinking and adult years of abstract thinking and reasoning.

Truly, there are valid concerns which must be met and among this is the feared underdevelopment of
new learners along social face-to-face interaction skills. On the other hand, there is the phenomenon of
the young generation taking on multi tasking as they perform task simultaneously. Watching video,
chatting online, downloading pictures and music, surfing the web, etc. True to say, research shows that
multi tasking can be determined since this prevents concentration and the completion of specific tasks.
REFLECTION: Technology right now is very wide in young generation or Y- generation. Being one of the Y-
G, the diff. social networking sites helps us a lot of things when it comes to studies. But as far as we are
all concern, many teens right now are abusing the good benefits of the high tech. The attitudes of the
learners or young g. reflect the situation that is happening in our society today.

APPLICATION: As a future teacher, I will apply this different high tech. In order to have a wider
knowledge and to elevate the learning attainments of the learners. By using this, the learners can be
able to participate well as well as to concentrate and listen well because they can see it through their
eyes the things which they are usually saw and use which they can relate on.


The older generation often feels there is a generation gap between them and the younger
generation. This is apparent of simple things like the manner of dressing socializing, more intimate
relationship s like friendship and marrying, etc. Even in education, schooling has hardly changed even
with the clear evidence of a digital world.

In the field of new education, a huge generation also exists and it will continue to widen
unless change are adopted at the proper time. But given the rapid emergence of Digital technology, at
times referred to information and communication technology (ICT).

REFLECTION: The older generation having a gap with the younger generation that they cannot easily
adapt to the modern world of the young generations. Also reflects in a true to life situation.

APPLICATION: As a future teacher to be, we need to unite and bridge the distance between the old
generations and young generations. Even they cannot easily work with a computer we must also help
them bring to the digital world.


What the older generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in
their life, work and leisure. The state dictates Educational priorities based on the preparation on the
country’s need to strengthen its agricultural, business, or industrial economy.

In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perceptions between old
and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed.

Single and multi- task activity Patterns *

Text versus Visuals- Our parents read book text, enriched by illustrations and photos. In order to
research, they go to the school library, they use card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow
books for home reading. The technology or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals (photos and
video) compared with texts.

Linear versus Hypermedia- The past 30- years old generation has obtain information in linear, logical and
sequential manner. On the positive side, this has made them more logical, focused and reflective

Independent versus Social learners- The traditional education system gives priority to independent
learning prior to participate work. New learners however are already acquainted with digital tools that
adapt to both personal and participative work.

Learning to do versus learning to pass the test- Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass
tests and complete the course requirement. On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to
acquire skills, knowledge, and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.

Delayed reward and instant gratification- The traditional reward system of the older generation in
education consists in the grades, honor certificate, medals and diplomas. Including future jobs, the
traditional schools reward system consists of unclear rewards for performance.

The memory versus fun learning- Teachers feel obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning
of which is measurable by standard tests. Digital learners prefer fun learning which is relevant and
instantaneously useful to them.

REFLECTION: The technology helps a lot for the improvement of the learning processes
and as well as to the country’s needs. Educational technology plays a wide role in our school because
through these references, the learners enhance their knowledge by the help of the modern world.

APPLICATION: Learners and the society may uplift their skills and gain another new idea
because as what the older generation practices inside the school, the teachers in new generation may
apply the strategies they are being used in the traditional way to the modern one. In this way, the older
and new generation may transform and improve when it comes to the educational system.


As teachers adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information
and communication technology (ICT) they must be clear on what basic knowledge, skills, value (literary)
need to be developed by digital learners. This basic literacy will not replace the 3R’s (reading, writing and
rhythmic) but they will be complemented by six essential skills to equip students for success in the
millennial world.
REFLECTION: Teachers feel too obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of
which is measurable by standard tests. Digital learners and not surprisingly there is much fun in the
digital world outside the school.

APPLICATION: Teachers and the digital world were joint to form a more essential learning system but
the essence of the 3R’s cannot be replaced by any of these digital gadgets. The purpose of learning starts
with the basic concept until it develops and widens the skills and knowledge of the learners. As a future
teacher, we must first apply the basic concept of the different strategies up to the higher level of the


The standard student’s evaluation of learning must change. This is justified by the fact that not
only has the generation changed into digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into
a digital world. This is a literary that uses digital tools in preparing students to face a high- tech. world.
Teachers must adapt a new mindset both for instruction and evaluation. Evaluation must be geared to
assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively, and
creatively in a new world.

Mass Amateurization- Today, the change of evaluation approach is referred to as a mass amateurization.
A term which implies a mass reach of student outputs. The personal and group creative activities in
school should aim at bridging the gap between amateur creators of outputs to professional creators of
future outcomes and promotes in the real world.


To improve our digital skills for the longer term we need to start with our schools. We need to support
teachers to acquire new subject knowledge and develop their teaching style for the new computing

APPLICATION: Teacher must know the different aspects in handling a computer and any educational
gadgets in order to know the diff. Strategies that they may apply in school. As a teacher to be, I must
learn as early as possible on how to develop even more better in the field of the modern teaching.


In this lesson, we shall discuss four types of IT- based project which can effectively be use in
order to engage students to activities of a higher plane of thinking.

For IT-based projects conducive to develop higher-thinking skills and creatively among


In this project, the teacher steps out the traditional role of being a content expert and information
producer and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. The general flows of intents
in resource based project are:

1. The teacher determine the topic for the examination of the class (e.g. Definition of man)

2. The teacher presents the problem to the class.

3. The students find information on the problem-questions.


Students can also be assigned to create their software materials to supplement the need for relevant and
effective materials.

In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be acquainted with ingenuity or high


The production of self mode multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:

1. As an instructive tool, such as in the production by students of a power point pros. Of a selected

2. As a communication tool as when students do a multimedia presentation with events graphs,

photos, a variation interviews, video clips, etc. to stimulate a television new shows.


Students can be made to create the posts web pages on a given topic. Creativity projects as tool in the
teaching – learning process can be achieved with the assistance of advisers in the technical use of
internet resource.

It is the students themselves who demonstrate higher thinking skills and creativity through such
activities searching for information, organizing and synthesizing ideas, creating presentations, and the

APPLICATION: The educator acts as a facilitator, assess the students in maintaining and developing
their skills using the different types of IT- based project.


Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along with
computer literacy. Much Like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages;
even respond to questions or to computer commands. Again like writing, the learner can form messages
using computer language or program.

Some computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized
learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill, exercises that uses color,
music and animation. The novelty of CAI has not waned to this day especially in the basic education level
as this is offered by computer-equipped private schools. But the evolving pace of innovation in today’s
Information Age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in
education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT)
in education.

The Personal Computer (PC) as ICT*

Until the nineties, it was still possible to distinguish between instructional media and the
educational communication media.

Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhanced and enrich the teaching-
learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film and video.

On the other hand, educational communication media comprise the media of communication. For
example, the distance learning was implemented using correspondence, radio, television, or the
computer satellite system.

Close to the turn of the 21st century, however, such a distinction merged owing to the advent of
the microprocessor, also known as the personal computer (PC). This is due to the fact that the PC user at
home, office and school has before him a tool for both audio-visual creations and media communication.

puter messages; even respond to questions or to computer commands. Again like writing, the learner
can form messages using computer language or program.
REFLECTION: Through computer technology: Educators saw the amplification of learning along computer
literacy much like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages; even respond
to questions or to computer commands like writing, the learner can form messages using computer
language or program.

APPLICATION: Teachers and learners no longer have to rely solely on printed books and other materials
in physical media housed in library and available and limited quantities for educational needs. I CT's also
facilitate access to persons- mentors, researchers, professional, business leaders,and peers all over the


The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving to teach of many activities in his/ her
personal role as a class tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace
the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning
environment controller. Even with the available computers and CAI software, the teacher must:

· Insure that students have the needed knowledge and skills for any computer activity.

· Decide the appropriate learning objectives.

· Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives.

· Look the student’s achievement by uses of the specific expected outcomes.


CAI computer learning should not stop with the drill and practice activities of the students on
effects, CAI works best in reinforcing learning through repetitive exercises such that students can practice
basic skills or knowledge to various object areas.


Simulation software materials are another kind of software that is constructive in nature.
Teacher’s strategies rules applied to real life situations.


While relating to low- level learning objectives, instructional computer games are the
elements of competition and challenge.


These are sophisticated than the dull and practice exercises and allow students to learn and improve on
their problem solving ability.

The multimedia encyclopedia can store a huge database with texts, images, animations, audio and video.
Students can across any desired information, search its vast contents, and even download/ point
relevant positions of the data for their composition or presentation

Electronic books provide textual information, for research supplement by other types of multimedia info.
(Sounds, spoken words, animations).

REFLECTION: The computer can be a tutor, in effect, relieving the teacher of many activities
in his personal role as classroom teacher. The computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the
teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment

APPLICATION: We used to use the computer as our helper in our works, especially in
researching. Researching is usually done inside the school, so as a future teacher, computers are so
important for us.


In this lesson, we shall again look at the computer lend this time from another perspective in the
computer and the teacher’s handy tool. It can in fact support the constructivist and social constructivist
paradigms, of learning.

Constructivism was introduced by Piaget (1980) and Burner (1990), They gave them to knowledge
discovery of meaning/ concepts principles in the learning process.

While knowledge is constructed by the individual learners in constructivism, knowledge also is socially
constructed. Social Constructivism effort t show that the constructivist of knowledge it governed by
social, historical, and outer context.

REFLECTION: Computer has a great help for both the teachers and the learners, for the teachers it
facilitate their instructional methods and improve their instructional materials; for the learners it
contributes a lot in their cognitive development and learning experiences.A unique aspect of computers
is that they not only represent process, but they also naturally keep track of the actions used to carry out
a given task, so that the process and its trace can become an object of study in its own right.

APPLICATION:Computers can be a great tool for the needs of a teachers and also to me as a
future teacher. By using this as a tool, we can construct new ideas and knowledge.

The idea of student – centered learning is not a recent idea. In this lesson, we should see the
students can expand his options to make learning effective and relevant in the text works, design.


Designing gives effectiveness, efficient, and effective classroom. Administration economies have also
adopted the aspect. Students have now become active that they can interact with other learners,
strengthen their self- awareness in the learning processes.


Searching information in the internet, Brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans as
needed the teacher facilitating instruction also gives individualized instructional to serve individual


Traditional classroom setting is great for exposition instruction approach .SCL Classrooms through ICTs
Schools in developed economies have desire to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in
administration and instruction.


The creativity of the teacher will have to respond to the situation and to cooperative
learning will truly be the answer to the implementation of IT supported learning our schools. But the
situation may not be that bad since there are motivational and social benefits to cooperative learning
and this can compensate for the lack of hard ware that educators face.

Defining cooperative learning*

Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students to work together in a

common learning task.

5 Elements of Cooperative Learning*

1. A common goal

2. Interdependence

3. Interaction

4. Individual accountability
5. Social skills

REFLECTION: The creativity of the teacher will have to respond to the situation, and so cooperative
learning will likely be the answer to the implementation of IT. Cooperative or Collaborative Learning is
learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task. It is also called
Group Learning.

APPLICATION: By cooperating, and socializing with peer group, Students becoming impatient with
others in the group ceasing to work cooperatively.By these, it helps to improve the teacher's


It’s more difficult to reduce, however that the computer hardware can hardly be useful
without the program that tells what the computer machine should do. This is called the software.

There are two kinds of software*

1. The system software.. This is the operating system that is found or bundled inside the computer

2. The applications software...this contains the system that commands the particular task or solves a
particular problem.

· Applications software*

a. A custom software ----system software that is made for specific tax offer by large corporations.

b. Commercial software packaged for personal computer that helps with a variety of task such as
writing paper, calculating, drawing graphs, playing games, and so much more.

Windows microsoft

---Referred to as program

it is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system

,,,also called a shell,it as a layer that creates the way the computer should work.

Windows is in itself as self-cultured operating system that provides:

· User Convenience – Just click a file to retrieve or click program to program as easy as changing
channels in your TV screen.

· Information Center- Windows puts all communications activities (e-mail, downloads, etc. in a single
screen icon adapts/ configures the computer for Internet.
· Plug and Play – Configures the computer with added components, such as for sound, and video.

REFLECTION: Learning software for young learners provides entertaining immersive environments which
help children learn English by participating. In contrast to other software programs, Bubbles is conceived
as an aid to developing spoken communication skills between participants using the software.

APPLICATION: Software as an educational resource is a big help for us. Students tend to get bored
easily and using a software like a PowerPoint presentation can catch their attention especially with a
colorful material and /or nice pictures along with a certain topic. When they see a picture or a nice
colorful background, border or text related to the topic tendency is for them to pay more attention to
the next slide awaiting for the next topic which results to an interactive learning between teacher and


From the educational Technology/ cause, the student has already become aware of
multimedia or an audiovisual package that includes more than one instructional media (means of
knowing) such as text, graphics, audio animation and video clip.

Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include:

· Tutorial software packages

· Knowledge WebPages

· Simulation instructional games

· Learning project management and others

Characteristics of hypermedia applications

1. Learner control. This means the learner makes hus own decision on the path,flow,or events of

2. Learner wide range of navigation routes. For the most part ,the learner controls the sequence and
pace of his path depending on his her ability and motivation.

3. Variety of media= hypermedia includes more than one media (text ,grahics,audio,animition and
videoclips)but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation.

GIGO - garbage in ..garbage out ..is the very First principle that should be rembered about the computer.
The presentation of information learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non- linear
manner meaning the learner may follow his path of activities. Thus, providing environment of learner
autonomy and thinking skills.

REFLECTION: It is assumed that educators and pedagogues are the fundamental instructional designers
in the creation of educational software, and the model must thus be workable and understandable by
such people.

APPLICATION:As a future teacher, I think hypermedia is a very good software to use if I am

promoting self-directed learning in my students since learning through multimedia is based on
preference and interest of the learner. I would suggest the use hypermedia to my students but of course
only those that I have examined. Since hypermedia offers a non-chronological way of learning, I think I
would first introduce my students to the concept of the lesson and leave to them the reviewing or
relearning of the concepts that aren’t clear to them with the use of hypermedia soft wares.


Transmission control protocol/ internet protocol..TCP/IP = Standardized protocol or a set of rules for
exchanging data.

Server- has special program that uses the internet protocol

Browsing - the most attractive way to move around the internet using the program called BROWSER

WORLD WIDE WEB - an internet subset of text ,images and sounds are linked together to allow user to
access data or information neede.

The Internet, simply called the Net, is the largest and far- thing network (system of all

Getting around the net.*

The most attractive way to move around the Internet is called browsing. Using a program
called a browser can use a mouse to click on screen icons to surf the internet, particularly the world wide
web , an internet subset of text, images, and sounds are linked together to allow users to account data or
information needed.

Today, schools are getting up to take advantage of internet access , where they can plug,
let the literary of congress, make virtual visits to famous I the world, write celebrities, and even said
questions to leads of states.
REFELCTION: The value of today’s educators learning to navigate and teach technology cannot
be underestimated. Teachers should be at the frontline, up-to-date with access to software they can use
with their students.

APPLICATION:Computers and the Internet are a great resource for classroom teachers!
Teachers can find suggestions, lesson plans, practical support, information, and materials through the
Internet. In fact, using a computer can make a teacher's life easier and more efficient.Teachers who want
to know how someone else handled a situation, where to go to get some particular resource, what the
latest news is on a particular subject, how to help a child with a specific type of need, or any other
education-related question can find colleagues to talk with through listservs and bulletin boards.


This is the practicum phase of the course which can be done, as seen fit by the teachers
either at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between the lessons.

EdTech 2 Practicum is a performance phase, which offers students the experiential process of adapting
to technology. This is the practicum phase consist of hands-on computer tutorials and requirements such

Ø Computer laboratory or special classroom with adequate computers for learning

Ø Participation of computer lab assistant- to assist the learners in the use of computer

Ø Assigned number of hours base on the requirements needed by the course

The practicum phase consists of:

1. Basic Microsoft Word. 6 hours

- Tutorial familiarizes each individual learner to the basics of Microsoft Word by learning how to
use the toolbars and software; they will be taught how to encode, edit and format text; creating,
formatting, editing and saving documents and printing as well.

At the end, the learner shall be able to create, open and save word documents; insert graphics,
tables or charts; apply format on the text, hyperlink or creating standard documents.

2. Microsoft PowerPoint 6 hours

- Tutorial is focus on the familiarization on the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to

enhance the teaching of subjects. Coverage of learning includes PowerPoint fundamentals,
enhancement of powerpoint presentation with the use of graphics, audio or videos, using templates,
presenting and printing a slide.
At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to create and open PowerPoint presentations,
insets objects to creative presentations and templates to enhance presentations.

3. Internet as tool of Inquiry 4hours

- Tutorial will facilitate the finding of sources of information appropriate to a learning task. Its
coverage includes accessing the internet, use of internet tools and search techniques.

Thus, at the end the learner may able to search and retrieve information from the web, acquire
skills in locating appropriate information, acquire ability to use internet tools, gain knowledge of
techniques use and learn the ability to execute the research.

Therefore, the practicum phase brings the learners and educators a challenge of a new age by
integrating technology in the teaching-learning process. In each phase students were expected to know
and understand such task and in the end they will be able to perform and apply it. Thus, practicum is a
preparation to encourage the educators to instil learning with the aid of technology and shall be
empowered to meet the technology challenges of the 21st Century.


Technology undeniably plays a central role in modern life. Personal, domestic, and international
interactions, including commerce, occur via technology.

The increasing tide of globalization and widespread communications accentuate the importance of our
students’ learning to effectively use the tools available. The internet is not designed to be merely a social
networking venue, but provides bountiful information, and can offer a portal into other cultures.

APPLICATION:Accordingly, practicum is considered to be the most highly valued component of

teacher education program that aim to prepare teachers who are thoughtful, reflective and inquiring.
One of such approach is to give students adequate school based practical experience. Therefore, the
academic component of teacher education program must incorporate practicum so that the students
can understand the sociocultural, political and economic factor underpinning education, and learn in
context from firsthand experience.


Media Center is a place where audio-visual materials and equipment for instructional
support were housed.It provides a venue for multimedia learning for a more effective instructional
process in school. The Educational Media Center is a unit indispensable to the teacher-training programs
of the College.

The mission of the Educational Media Center (EMC) is to provide quality support for teaching and
learning through the integration and use of technology.

Responsibility of Media Specialist in Education*

· · Plan instructional programs

· · Share information about resources and search strategies

· · Help with the operation of a peace of Help with the operation of a peace of equipment

· · Suggest specific resources for a particular unit particular unit

· Provide conducive learning environment

Basic Services of Educational Media Center*

· · Accessibility of Resources

· · Collection

· · Reference

· · Instruction

· · Production

· · Consultation


I learned that educational media center plays a vital role in the field of education , it
gives or help or provide a quality support for teaching and learning through the integration and use of
technology. So we should be thankful that because of them we embraced technology in learning our


As a future teacher, media centers are a big help for us especially in schools for the
elevation of the standard of a school.Having a media Center also helps students a lot so that they can
easily study and they may be able to feel comfortable during school days.

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