Rubric For Creative Writing-Story

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LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND LITERATURE Rubric to Evaluate “Personal Story” 2020

Name of the student to be evaluated Date Course

Criteria Very accomplished Accomplished Regular Achievement Poor Achievement I can't

Attitudinal 15 12 09 06 03
Autonomously practices Autonomously practices Autonomously No Autonomous
Practice autonomously and Practice autonomously and habits and attitudes aimed at habits and attitudes aimed at practices attitudes practice of attitudes
persevere mood, habits and persevere mood, habits and promoting learning and promoting learning and aimed at promoting aimed at promoting
attitude favor-oriented attitude favor-oriented establishing learning goals; establishing learning goals learning. learning.
reinforce learning and set reinforce learning and set study in advance, organizing and organizing their time.
learning goals; study in learning goals; study in your time
advance, organizing your advance, organizing your
time. time.

Respect rules of virtual He never manages to He is unable to

He always manages to Generally manages to Occasionally he manages to
coexistence in educational respect the rules of participate in the
respect the rules of respect the rules of respect the rules of
wibenars to clarify doubts coexistence in educational wibenars
coexistence in educational coexistence in educational coexistence in educational
educational wibenars to clarify doubts.
wibenars to clarify doubts wibenars to clarify doubts wibenars to clarify doubts
to clarify doubts.
Contents 10 8 6 4 2
Write narratives that: have Write a personal story that Write a personal story with a Write a story that tells manages to write a
Write a personal story that
a clear structure; clearly has: character-setting plot, where you describe a plot and mentions story without
has a clear structure;
descriptions and dialogue; descriptions and develops a characters and environment characters. mentioning
descriptions of characters
that develop the plot, the plot. characters and
and setting; dialogue and
characters and the setting
develops a plot.
Use and relate the use of Relate the use of temporal Relates the use of temporal Relate the use of temporal Relates the use of Does not relate the
Temporal connectors with connectors to the four connectors to three connectors to two moments tempo connectors use of any temporal
structure moments of the narrative moments in the structure of in the structure of the rales with a mo ment connector with the
text structure (Beginning, the narrative text narrative text (Beginning, of the structure ture structure of the
Break, development and (Beginning, Break, Break, development and of the text na rrative narrative text
outcome). development and ending). ending). (Home, Who bre, (Beginning, Break,
development and development and
outcome) ending)
Use Word software to Use Word software to Use Word software to Does not use Word
Use Word software to Use Word software to organize and communicate organize and communicate communicate in software to organize
organize and communicate organize and communicate in writing; Use the start tool in writing; Use the start tool writing so that the and communicate in
in written form; use the in written form; use the to select the font (Arial 12) to select the font (Arial 12) “Personal Story” has a writing.
start tool to select the font start tool to select the font and 1.5 line spacing, so that so that the “Personal Story” formal presentation.
(Arial 12) and 1.5 line (Arial 12) and 1.5 line the “Personal Story” has a has a formal presentation.
spacing; Page layout to spacing; Page layout to formal presentation.
select the sea gene (normal) select the sea gene
so that the “Story” has a (normal) so that the “Story”
formal presentation. has a formal presentation.

Skills 20 15 10 5 0
Creatively write narratives The “Personal Story” shows The “Personal Story” shows The “Personal Story” shows The “Personal Story”
The “Personal Story”
(stories of personal a large number of novel, some novel, striking and very at least two novel, striking shows at least one
nal” does not present
experiences) striking and very effective effective ideas. and very effective ideas. novel, striking and
novel, striking and
ideas. effective idea.
effective ideas.

Establish production Establishes writing Establishes writing strategies Establishes writing strategies No Establishes
strategies for narrative strategies for the four for three stages of narrative for two stages of narrative strategies for the
Establishes writing
writing stages of narrative writing writing development writing development development of
strategies for a stage
development (Planning, (Planning, Production, (Planning, Production, narrative writing
of narrative writing
Production, Review and Review and Editing) Review and editing) (Planning,
Editing) Production, Review
(Planning, Production,
and editing)
Review and editing)

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