Turkish Grammar

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Vocal Harmony

The front vowels (e, i, ö, ü) have to be followed by the front vowels and the back vowels (a, ı , o, u) must
be followed by the back vowels. This rule is called "palatal harmony" (Büyük ünlü uyumu), ex: çiçek
(flower), gömlek (shirt), küçük (small).

The plain vowels (a, e, ı, i) have to be followed by the plain vowels; but rounded vowels (o, u, ö, ü) must
be followed by low and flat vowels (a/e) or high and rounded vowels (u/ü). This rule is called "lip
harmony", e.g. oduncu (woodcutter), kömürcü (charcoal digger), köylülerle (with the peasants). All
suffixes also observe the same rules.

According to these rules, each vowel can be followed by only two vowels, which are:

Vocal next vowel

and Yo

Yo Yo
either or

or or

to Yo

Yo Yo
either or

or or

There are exceptions to vowel harmony:

In Turkish, words that do not agree with the "vowel harmony" rule are generally words of foreign origin
(most are of Arabic and Persian origin, but there are also some of European origin). However, the
suffixes added to such words also agree with the vowel of the last syllable. Ex: memur (official), memuru
domates (tomato) hakim (judge) otobüs (bus)

However, there are a small number of "Turkish" words that do not agree with the rule, these are the
words that have changed over time:

anne (mother), kardeş (brother), elma (apple), haydi (anda), hadi (anda), hangi (which), dahi (also), hani
(where), şişman (thick), inanmak (believe)

Some compound words do not comply with vowel harmony (e.g. bilgisayar, formed by bilgi (information)
and sayar (calculator) ilkbahar (spring), formed by ilk (first) and bahar (spring)

The tonic accent normally falls on the last syllable, except in some combinations with suffixes and words
such as masa /'masa/ (table). Also, in proper names the stress is transferred to the penultimate syllable,
as in İstanbul, although there are exceptions to this rule such as Ánkara.

Special Turkish Phonemes

YO i [dotted i] as in 'thread' in 'row'.

Yo ı [i without dot] equivalent to English in 'fuss' and 'plus'.

or as 'cone'.

ö German equivalent sound 'ur' and 'fur'.

OR u as in 'light' or 'blouse'.

OR ü German or French equivalent 'für' or 'tu'.

c c Spanish equivalent “y” or “ll” Argentine as “lluvia”, “yo”.

Ç ç [c-cedilla] 'ch' as in 'chancho' and 'chacra'

g g strong guttural sound as in “gato.”

Ğ ğ – unpronounced lengthens preceding vowels.

Yes s soft sound as in “soft.”

Ş ş - [s-cedilla] equivalent in English to 'sh' as in 'show' and 'should'

2. The order of the words in the sentence

- Adjectives precede the noun. Ex.: büyük ev - big house (big house)

- The locative usually goes at the beginning of the sentence. Ex:

Masada bir kalem var - there is a pencil on the table (there is a pencil on
the table).

İstanbul'a gideceğim/ I will go to Istanbul.

Halı almak istiyorum/ I want to buy a folder.

3. Declension

In Turkish there are six cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, locative and ablative).

The nominative is simply used to name a noun and its main functions are the subject of the sentence
and the indeterminate direct object of the verb. It is formed with the root of the noun without adding any

The accusative defines what object the action of the verb falls on. In Spanish it is equivalent to the direct
object of the verb (e.g.: sing a song, read a book, watch a movie). But unlike other languages, such as
Latin, the direct object of the verb is not always in the accusative case, since it sometimes appears in the
nominative case. The accusative ending is -i. Ex: kavuni yeyer (she eats a melon).
The dative has two different values. On the one hand it indicates the direction (I'm going to the park),
and on the other the beneficiary of the action of the verb or indirect object (I give a gift to my brother).
The ending is –(y)a/-(y)e. Ex: Bankaya gitti (he went towards the bank), Otele gitti (he went towards the

The indirect object can also be expressed through the nominative + postposition construction "için" (for).

The locative expresses the place where the action of the verb takes place. It is constructed by adding
one of the following endings to the noun, following the rules of vowel harmony: -da/-ta; -of/-te. Ex:
lokantada /in the restaurant; parkta /in the park; üniversitede /at the university; markette /in the market.

The ablative expresses the origin of an action. Its endings are –dan/-tan, -den/-ten (following the same
rules as for the locative). Ex: lokantadan /from the restaurant; parktan /from the park; üniversiteden /from
the university; marketten /from the market.

For the genitive, –ın, -in, -un, -ün is used for the possessor and –ı/-sı, -i/-si, -u/-su, -ü/-sü for the
possessed object. Ex: Mehmet'in evi/ Mehmet's house.

4. Gender and Number

There is no masculine or feminine in Turkish, words like erkek (masculine), kız (female), kadın (woman)
can be used for human nouns and (female) for animals. Ex: dişi köpek/ bitch, kız çocuk/ daughter.

In Turkish there is singular and plural. The plural form is obtained with the help of the suffix -ler/-lar. Ex.:
kitaplar/ books, mumlar/ candles, perdeler/ curtains, öğrenciler/ students, bankalar/ banks, oteller/ hotels.
The plural suffix is not used when the noun is accompanied by a numeral. Ex.: iki (tane) portakal / two
oranges (two pieces of orange).

The third person plural suffix –ler/-lar is omitted followed by non-human subjects. Ex: These pencils are
red = Bu tükenmez kalemler kırmızıdır (instead of kırmızıdırlar). Note that the words BU, ŞU and O
(these, those and those) do not take plural particles.

Or kitaplar benim. Those books are mine.

Şu çocuklar camı kırdı. Those children have broken the


Bu arabalar eskidir. These cars are old.

Bu kitap çok kalın. This book is very thick.

Bu tükenmez kalemler kırımızı These pencils are red.

O çok uzun. He is very tall.

Mehmet çok neşeli bir çocuk. Mehmet is a nice boy.

Onlar İngiliz. They are British.

However, it is used when specific information is given.

İstanbul tarihi bir şehirdir. Istanbul is a historical city.

Sezen Aksu ünlü bir şarkıcıdır. Sezen Aksu is a famous singer.

Türkiye'nin başkenti Ankara'dır. The capital city of Türkiye is Ankara.

5. The Word

In Turkish, the infinitive suffix is -mak/ -mek. The negative infinitive is formed by adding -me-, -ma- to the
verbal root. Ex.: almak/ take, almamak/ Do not take.


In Spanish, the existence of an element is expressed by the verb haber in its "hay" form. In Turkish, it is
expressed through the use of the following nouns:

var: expresses the existence of an object. Ex.: Masada kalem var (there is a pen on the table)

yok: expresses the nonexistence of something. Ex.: Ofiste su yok (there is no water in the office)

These nouns are also used to express possession in the same way that the verb "tener" does in
Spanish. In Turkish, the construction is genitive construction + var/yok:

Benim arabam var (I have a car).

Ahmet'in büyük evi var (Ahmet has a big house)

Onun arkadaşları yok (he has no friends)

Both constructions can be expressed in the past tense by adding the endings -mış or -dı: varmış, vardı
(there was); yokmuş, yoktu (there was not)

1. The verb SER/ESTAR

This is represented by the terminations: (zengin= rich).

ben -(y)im Zenginim/ I am rich.

sen -without Zenginsin/ You are rich.

EITHE -dir Zengindir/ He/She is rich.


Biz -(y)iz Zenginiz/ We are rich.

siz -siniz Zenginsiniz/ You are rich (you)

Onlar -dir(ler) Zengindirler/ They are rich.

These endings follow the rules of vowel harmony.

1.1 Negative Sentence

In the present, the word “değil” is used, which is placed after the word that denies and the conjugation is
added to this word.
Mutlu değilim. Öğretmen değilim.

Mutlu değilsin. Öğretmen değilsin.

Mutlu değildir. Öğretmen değildir.

Mutlu değiliz. Öğretmen değiliz.

Mutlu değilsiniz. Öğretmen değilsiniz.

Mutlu değildirler. Öğretmen değildirler.

The accent falls on “değil”: Öğretmen değilim. “Değil” without a person suffix negates the preceding

Mehmet öğretmen değil, mimardır. Mehmet is not a teacher. He is an architect.

Yasemin evde değil, okulda. Yasemin is not at home. She is in the school.

O zayıf değil, şişman. He/She is not thin. He/She is fat.

1.2 Interrogative Sentence

The verbal suffix is added to the interrogative particle –mi.

Öğretmen miyim? Mutlumuyum? Üzgün müyüm?

Öğretmen mission? Mutlu musun? Üzgün müsün?

Öğretmen measure? Mutlu mudur? Üzgün müdür?

Öğremen miyiz? Mutlu Muyuz? Üzgün müyüz?

Öğretmen misiniz? Mutlu musunuz? Üzgün müyüz?

Öğretmen midirler? Mutlu mudurlar? Üzgün müdürler?

The accent falls on the word before the particle -e.

This particle does not always come at the end of a sentence. When you want to emphasize it, it loses the
suffix and is placed after the word of emphasis on which the accent falls.

Zeynep öğretmen measure? - Is Zeynep a teacher?

Zeynep mi öğretmendir? - Is Zeynep a teacher? (accent on Seynep)

Did you araba mavi mi, lacivert mi? - Is that car blue or dark blue? (accent falls on
mavi mi, lacivert mi)

The particle –e is not used in sentences containing interrogative words, such as “ne” (What?), “kim”
(Who?), “nasıl” (How?), “niçin”, “neden”, “niye” (Why?) and “ne zaman” (When?). Examples:
Hasan nerede/nerde? Where is Hasan?

Nasılsın/ Nasılsınız? How are you?

Bu ne? What is this?

İşe nasıl gidiyorsunuz? How are you going to work?

Niçin sinınıfta değilsin? Why aren't you in class?

1.3. Interrogative negative sentence

Öğretmen değil miyim?

Öğremen değil mission?

Öğretmen değil mi?

Öğretmen değil miyiz?

Öğretmen değil misiniz?

Öğretmen değil midirler?

The accent falls on “değil”

The verb SER/ESTAR is assisted in compound, future and subjunctive tenses by OLMAK.

3. Present:

3.1. Present General (Geniş zaman)

The suffixes -ar, -er, -ır, -ir, -ur, -ür are used. Verbs with monosyllabic stems use -ar, -er while
monosyllabic stems ending in –l, -r and -n, use -ır, -ir, -ur, -ür. In the case of a vowel, just add -r. This is
accompanied by suffixes of people. Examples: almak- Alır/ She buys/takes; gitmek- Gider/ She goes.


FIRST PERSON: -ım, -im, -um, -üm. Ex: Alırım, I buy/tome.


(informal): -sın, -sin, -sun, -sün. Ex: Alırsın/ You buy.

(formal): -sınız, -siniz, -sunuz,-sünüz. Ex.: Alırsınız/ You buy/take.

THIRD PERSON: does not add suffix. Ex.: Alır/She buys/takes.


FIRST PERSON: -ız, -iz, -uz, -üz. Ex.: Alırız/ We buy/take.

SECOND PERSON: -sınız, -siniz, -sunuz, -sünüz. Ex.: Alırsınız/ You buy/take; you buy/take
THIRD PERSON: -lar, -ler. Ex.: Alırlar/ They buy/take.

3.1. Present Continuous (Şimdiki zaman)

The suffixes -ιyor, -iyor, -uyor, -üyor + present person suffix are used. Example: Alıyor/ He is
buying/taking; Gidiyor/ He is going.

4. Past tense

4.1. Perfect Simple(-di'li geçmiş zaman)

The suffixes -dı, -di, -du, -dü + past person suffix are used. Example: Aldı/She bought/took; Gitti/She
went. It also translates as Past Perfect Compound.


FIRST PERSON: -m. Ex.: Gittim/ I went- I have gone.


(informal): -n. Ex.: Gittin/ you were- you have gone

(formal): -nız, -niz, -nuz,-nüz. Ex.: Gittiniz/ You were-you have gone.

THIRD PERSON: does not add suffix. Ex.: Gitti/ She was- has gone.


FIRST PERSON: -k. Ex.: Gittik/were-we have gone.

SECOND PERSON: -nız, -niz, -nuz, -nüz. Ex.: Gittiniz/ you were-you have gone.

THIRD PERSON: -lar, -ler. Ex.: Gittiler/ were-have gone.

4.2. Narrative (-miş'li geçmiş zaman)

The suffix –miş, -mış, -muş, -müş + present person suffix is used. Example: Almışım/ I say I drink.
Gitmiş/ They say that he is going/ that he has gone.

5. Future (Gelecek zaman)

The suffixes -acak, -ecek + present person suffix are used. Example: Alacak/ will take or buy;
Gideceğim/ I will go.

6. Conditional

This uses the particle -se, -sa + person suffix in the past tense, and indicates desire and hope in the past
tense. Example: alsek/ If we were about to buy. Gitseler/ If they were about to go.

7. Subjunctive

This tense uses the following suffixes: -e/-a + person in the subjunctive.

FIRST PERSON: -eyim, -ayım. Ex: Giteyim/ that I go.


(informal): -eyin, -ayın. Ex.: Giteyin/ that you go.

(formal): -esiniz, -asınız. Ex.: Gitesiniz/ that you go.

THIRD PERSON: -e, -a. Ex.: Gite/ let him go.


FIRST PERSON: -elim, alım. Ex.: Gitelim/ that we go.

SECOND PERSON: -esiniz, -asınız. Ex.: Gitesiniz/ that you go.

THIRD PERSON: -eler, alar. Ex.: Gitteler/ let them go.

7. Interrogative Phrase:

Use the particle mı, mi, mu, mü at the end of the sentence. Examples: Alıyor mu?/ Is she shopping?
Gidecek mi?/ Will she go?


These beats are called modes and there are 6 modes, which reuse time suffixes to create compound
beats. That is, the modes are SIMPLE (previous basic conjugation), PRETERITE, CONDITIONAL,

1. Past Imperfect:

The suffix –iyor-+ di- +past person suffix or –acak is used, -ecek + -di + past person suffix. Except in the
3rd person plural, in which the order is -iyor + person + di and –acak, -ecek + person + -di.

Bilmek/ Saber

ben biliyordum (I knew) biz biliyorduk (we knew)

sen biliyordun (you knew) siz biliyordunuz (you knew)

or biliyordu (he knew) onlar biliyorlardı(they knew)

2. Past Pluperfect:

Use the double suffix -di-+-di + past person suffix or -di-+ past person suffix + -di. You can also use -miş-
+ -di + past person suffix. Example: Gittiydim or Gittimdi / I had gone.

3. Present Past:

This tense uses the general present but to explain past events. Then use -ar, -er, -ır, -ir, -ur, -ür + -di+
person suffix in the past tense. It translates as… used to, used to + verb. Ex: portokalı anlırdik/ we used
to buy oranges.
4. Past Continuous:

Use the present continuous plus the past tense. That is, -iyor- + -di + past person suffix. Ex.: Istanbul´a
gibiyordun/ He is going to Istanbul- He was going to Istanbul.


It only exists for second person and third person.

Person Singular Plural

root+ -in (formal) or

2° root
root + -iniz (public)

3° root + -sin root + sinler

7. Postponements

The value of some Spanish prepositions are expressed in Turkish through postpositions. They are
independent words that, unlike in Spanish, are placed after the words they accompany. The different
postpositional constructions also require that the noun be declined in some cases.

için (for) göre (according to)

gibi (like) once (before)

kadar (until) smile (after)

ile (with) beri (since)

hakkinda (about) yan (side)

iç (interior) alt (bottom)

dιş (exterior) üst (top)

ön (front part) orta (middle)

ark (rear) ara (interval)


Hello Merhaba

Reply to Hello Selam

Good morning! Günaydın / İyı günler

Good afternoon! İyi akşamlar

Good night! İyi geceler

Bye bye! Allaha ısmarladık

Have a good trip! Güle güle

Welcome! Hoş geldiniz

Response to welcome Hoş bulduk

What her name? Adınız ne?

My name is… Adım…

How are you? Nasılsınız?

Fine, thanks İyiyim, teşekkür ederim / Sağolun.

Well, how are you? İyiyim, siz nasılsınız?

I'm fine too Ben from iyiyim.

Sorry! Affedersiniz, pardon

But Evet/hayır

Hanım + name Mrs., Miss.

Bey + name Mr.

Sayın + surname Mrs., Miss.

Bay + last name Mr.


Please Lütfen.

Here you go Buyurun(uz).

Thank you Teşekkürler/ Sağol/ Mersi.

You are welcome! Rica ederim

It doesn't matter! Bir şey değil.

Hello/ My dear Alo/ efendim

Friend Arkadaş

Let it pass! Geçmiş olsun

I share your sentiment Başınız sağolsun

Health be in your hands (to praise Elinize sağlık

the food prepared by a person or a
good job).

Enjoy afiyet olsun

Let it be light to you (to someone Kolay gelsin

who is at work)

May it be healthy for you (if you took

Sıhhatler olsun
a shower, shaved or cut your hair)

See you around! görüşürüz

Sweet dreams! Tatlı Rüyalar

Pleasure meeting you. Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum.

The pleasure is mine. Ben from memnun oldum

Happy holiday. İyi yolculuklar

Good luck! İyi şanslar

good wishes İyi dileklerimle

Happy new year! İyi yıllar

Happy Birthday Mutlu yıllar

How are your husband? Eşiniz nasıl?

See you tomorrow Yarın görüşürüz

I love you seni seviyorum

kolay gelsin! Wear it soft! Don't worry!


I want to drink water Su içmek istiyorum

I'm hungry Acıktım

I'm thirsty Susadım

I'm lost Kayboldum

Okay. Tamam

It is important! Onemli

Help! İmdat
Hurry up! Acele et

I understand Anlıyorum.

I don't understand Anlamıyorum.

HE Biliyorum.

I don't know Bilmiyorum.

Wanna İstiyorum.

I don't want to İstemiyorum.

Help me! Bana yardım edin.

Where are you from? Nerelisiniz?

I'm from Costa Rica. Costa Rikayım

I'm from costa rica Costa Rikaliyim

Where are they staying? Nerede kalıyorsunuz ?

What I can help? Nasıl yardımcı olabilirim ?

What can I do for you? Buyurun ne istemiştiniz?

I come from Germany Almanya'dan geliyorum.

I'm italian İtalya'nım

How far? Ne kadar uzaklıkta?

How do I get there? Oraya nasıl gidebilirim?

How long? Ne kadar zamandır?

What should I do? Ne yapmalıyım?

Where can I find…? Nerede.......bulabilirim?

Where can I get…? Nerede.......alabilirim?

What's happening? Sorun nedir?

What would you like? Ne istiyorsunuz?

Has ...? Size ......... var me?

You can help me? Bana yardım eder misiniz?

Can I help you? Size yardım edebilir miyim?

Can you tell me? Bana söyleyebilir misiniz?

Can you show me….? Bana......gösterebilir misiniz?

That? Ne?

As? Nasil?

Who? Kim?

Because? Niçin, neden?

When? Ne zaman?

Which? Hangisi?

What is this? Bu ne?

How much? Kaç/kaç tane?

What does it mean? Ne demek?

It gives me... ... bana verin

I want ... ... istiyorum

this bu(nu)

that su(nu)

that o(nu)

Where is she ... ? ... nerede?

Train station Garistasyon

Bus station Grant

Hotel hotel

sanitary Tuvalet

Restaurant Lokanta

Hospital untilne

Mail Postane, PTT

Room Ode

Shower Duş

Bathroom Banjo
Turkish bath Hamam

laundry Çamasır

Light(s) Işık(lar)

street, avenue sokak, cadde

Luggage Bagaj

museum muze

market peace

home ev

building inşaat, bani, yapı

airport havaalani

soap Sabun

Toilet paper Tuvalet kâğıdı

Hot water Sıcak su

A glass of water please bir bardak su lütfen

What are you doing? Ne yapiyorsun?

where you live? Nerede oturuyorsun?

how old are you? Kaç yaşındasin?

I want to talk with you seninle konuşmak istiyorum

come on gidelim

what is your job? Ne iş yapiyorsun?

What is today's date? Bugünüm tarihi ne?

What day is today? Bugün günlerden ne?

What time is it? Saat kaç ends?

Missing xxx for the zzz. Saat zzz+ -e xxx var.

At xxx for zzz. Saat zzz+ -e xxx kala.

It's xxx and zzz. Saat zzz+ -i xxx geçiyor.

At xxx and zzz. Saat zzz+ -i xxx geçe.


Sağda. On the right

Weld To the left

Önde For the front

Arkada Behind

İlerde In front

straight Tam karşıda/ dosdoğru


hot-cold sıcak-soğuk

first last ilk-son

heavy light ağır-hafif

full empty dolu-boş

easy hard kolay-zor

fast-slow hızlı-yavaş

Fast slowly çabuk-yavaş

big small büyük-küçük

new old yeni-eski

old young genç-yaşlı

opened closed açık-kapalı

good bad İyi-kötü

correct-incorrect doğru-yanlış

pretty ugly güzel-çirkin

free-busy serbest-meşgul

early late erken-geç

clean dirty temiz-pis

cheap expensive ucuz-pahalı

right left sol-sağ

straight doğru

here there there burada-şurada-orada

near far yakın-uzak

One way/round trip gidiş/gidiş-dönüş

Long short uzun-kısa

dark light koyu-acık

High Low yüksek-alçak

opened closed açık-kapalı

thin thick ince-kalın

thin fat zayıf-şişman

dry wet kuru-ıslak

Narrow width dar-geniş

poor rich fakir-zengin

bitter sweet tatlı-acı

soft hard yumusak-katı

pointed-rounded sivri-yuvarlak

crazy-healthy deli-akıllı

private public genel-özel

strong weak kuvveltı- güçsüz

coarse-fine iri-ince


silver for

map Harita

ticket bilet

plane uçak

train train
ship I groaned.

bus otobus

tire lastik

car arab

vehicle araç

truck kamyon

bicycle bisiklet

motorcycle mopet

gasoline benzin

Unleaded petrol kurşunsuz benzine

diesel Mazot/Motorin


diary hergün

second seniye

minute dakika

hour saat

day gün

week hafta

month Oh

year sene, yıl

yesterday Dün.

today Bugün

tomorrow Yarın.

tomorrow Sabah.

late Öğle.
late Akşam.

evening Gece.


Sunday Pazar

Monday Pazartesi

Tuesday I left

Wednesday Carsamba

Thursday Persembe

Friday Cuma

Saturday Cumartesi

Months of the year

January Ocak

Fecrero Subat

March Martin

April Nissan

May Mayıs

June Haziran

July Temmuz

August Agustos

Septemberhttp:// Eylül

October Ekim

November Kasım

December Aralik

Sayılar (Numbers)
0 sıfır 30 otuz

1/4 çeyrek 40 kırk

1/2 yarım-buçuk 50 the Li

1 bir 60 altmış

2 iki 70 yetmiş

3 üç 80 seksen

4 dört 90 doksan

5 beş 100 yüz

6 altı 200 iki yüz

7 yedi 1000 bin

8 sekiz 2000 iki bin

9 dokuz 10,000 on bin

10 on 1x10 6 milyon

11 on bir 1x10 9 milyar

12 on iki 1x10 12 trilyon

13 on üç 1x10 15 katrilyon

20 yirmi

1° birinci 30° otuzuncu

2° ikinci 100° yüzüncü

3° üçüncü 157° yüzelliyedinci

10° onuncu 1000° bininci

20° yirminci 1,000,000° milyonuncu

Renkler (Colors)
white beyaz-ak grey gray

black siyah-kara brown kahverengi

yellow sari orange turuncu

red kırmızı pink pembe

blue mavi magenta macenta

green yesil beige bej

altın renkli golden gümüz renkli silver

turquoise turkuaz lilac eflatum

purple mor

Sebzeler (Vegetables)

lettuce marul dad potatoes

eggplant patlican onion soğan

zucchini kabak tomato domates

cucumber salatalık - hıyar peppers bottle

peregil maydanoz cabbage lahana

cauliflower karnıbahar carrot havuç

Içecekler (Beverages)

Beer bira coffee kahve

Tea çay juice Meyva suyu

Water his came sarap

Coca Cola line vinegar Sirke

milk sut whiskey viski

Soda water sod cognac kanyak

chocolate çikolatalı icecek drink içki

Meyvalar (Fruits)

melon kavun peach şeftali

apple elma banana muz

watermelon karpuz grape üzüm

orange portakal tangerine mandalina

cherry kiraz pineapple pineapple

lemon lemon avocado avokado

pear armut strawberry çilek

pink grapefruit greyfurt fig incise

apricot kayısı Kiwi kivi

plum erik Blackberry ahududu

bramble böğürtlen blueberry dut

sour cherry vişne happens kuşüzümü

Yemekler (Meals)

sweet tatlı rice pilav

breakfast kahvaltı peanut yerfıstığı

lunch oğle yemeği bean fasulye

dinner akşam yemeği wheat bugday

salad salata oatmeal yulaf

meat et shelter bezelye

egg yumurta chickpea nohut

olive zeytin sugar şeker

salt tuz oil yağ

cheese peynir goat cheese kaşar

butter tereyag Turkish sausage sucuk

salami Salam sausage sosis

bread ekmek

Adverbs, conjunctions

and go very çok

either go already Yeah eğer

worse loves sometimes bazen

because çünkü often yes yes yes

now simdi never did

again tekrar, yine, bir daha all bütüm

too much fazla each her

later daha smile at the moment scarf

next gelecek, ertesi, bir sonraki every moment Her zaman

always daima something bir şey

nothing hiçbir şey while vakit

Maybe belki

Vücudumuz (Our body)

head kafa-baş a tırnak

body vücut-gövde nose burun

arm kol mouth ağız

leg bacak tooth diş

hand he language dil

foot ayak slap yanak

finger parmak chin I ate dinner

index finger isaret parmak throat boğaz

thumb bas parmak neck boyun

eye goz eyebrow kaş

ear kulak eyelash kirpik

hair saç eyelid göz kapağı

forehead alın doll bilek - kol bileği

ankle ayak bileği elbow dirsek

entrances (front) şakak knee say

lip doubt moustache bıyık

beard sakal shoulder omuz

waist bel Toe ayak başparmağı

abdomen karın heel topuk

organ organ heart kalp

lung akciğer liver karaciğer

kidney böbrek stomach measure

come to damar - toplardamar blood khan

brain beyin intestine bagırsak

Hayvanlar (Animals)

lion aslan pig domuz

tiger kaplan horse at

sheep koyun donkey eşek

cow inek turkey Hindi

bull vogue dog köpek

ox öküz cat kedi

hen tavuk mouse fare

rooster horoz fish balık

whale ballina Dolphin yunus

shark köpek balığı octopus ahtapot

insect böcek butterfly kelebek

bee ari ant karınca

wolf kurt deer geyik

bat yarasa beaver kunduz

seagull martı falcon şahin

squirrel sincap sea urchin kirpi

stork leylek buzzard akbaba

worm kurt - solucan wasp eşek arısı

millipede kırkayak hyena sirtlan

grasshopper çekirge zebra zebra

fox tilki snake yılan

elephant fil bear ayı

giraffe zürafa penguin penguen

spider örümcek cococryl timsah

lizard kertenkele tortoise kaplumbağa

rabbit tavşan bird kuş

frog kurbağa bun maymun

rhinoceros gergedan ostrich devekuşu

crab yengeç goat keçi

shrimp karides-denizde teke lobster ıstakoz

lamb kuzu

Karakterler (Temperaments)
behavior davranış curious meraklı

honest dürüst funny komik

patient sabırlı bored sıkıcı

impatient sabırsız cruel zalim

generous kibar extrovertive konuşkan

proud gururlu Well iyi

cuts kibar bad kötü

spoiled kaba Innocent saf

decent terbiyeli - nazik optimistic iyimser

skilled yetenekli pessimistic kötümser

intelligent zeki - akıllı shy utangaç

reserved suskun - sessiz strange garip

sensible duygusal crazy çılgın

tolerant toleranslı Without grace sakar

tidy düzenli messy düzensiz

friendly cana yakın cheerful memnun

worker çalışkan lazy tremble

hesitation neşeli happy mutlu

unhappy mutsuz sad üzgün

amazing şaşırtıcı Serious ciddy

elegant çekici angry sinirli - kızgın

idiot apt arrogant küstah

jealous kıskanç understanding anlayışlı

liar özür obedient itaatkar

asset actif pure Life hoş

scary eğlenceli modest alçak gönüllü

fearful korkan strong emin

Ev (House)

door kapı bathroom banjo

room ode Sanitary service tuvalet

Front door ön kapı balcony balcony

back door arka kapı runner koridor

window pencere garden bahçe

kitchen mutfak basement bodrum

room yatak odası first floor zemin kat

dining room yemek odası garage garage

hall oturma odası terrace teras

children room çocuk odası yard avlu

second floor üst kat penthouse tavan arası

ladder merdiven passed Basamak

elevator asansör wall duvar

basement kiler ceiling çatı

chimney şömine ceiling tavan

tree ağaç sheet yaprak

field tarla sand kum

floor toprak rock taş

bridge köprü

Esyalar (Furniture)

table mass garbage collector çöp kutusu

shelf kitaplık shovel kül tablaı

chair sandalye tub küvet

wardrobe gardrop bath mat paspas

shelf Raf Heater kalorifer

couch koltuk-kanepe candle mum

armchair koltuk key anahtar

shower duş lamp lamba

had musluk Wooden house çerçeve

connector priz take fiş

mirror ayna doorbell kapı zili

radio radio TV televizyon

computer bilgisayar frying pan tava

glass bardak bottle whether

dish tabak spoon kaşık

fork catal covered bıçak

refrigerator soğutucu oven fırın

kitchen soba bed yatak

napkin havlu Cup farm


sick until sore Ulser

headache baş ağrısı cancer kanser

to catch a cold soğuk almak faint bayılmak

flu grip hiccup hıçkırık

mumps nezle migraine migrate

toothache diş ağrısı heart attack kalp krizi

stomachache karın ağrısı itch kaşıtı

contagious bulaşıcı chop kaşınmak

angina anjin bronchitis bronşit


German Alman Dutch Hollandalı

American Amerikalı English İngiliz

Arab Arap Iranian İranlı

Albanian Arnavut Irish Irish

Bulgarian Bulgar Spanish İspanyol

Chinese Cinli Swedish İsveçli

Danish Danimarkalı Swiss İsviçreli

Finnish Finlandiyalı Italian İtalyan

French Fransız Japanese Japan

Mexican Meksikali Egyptian Mısırlı

Pakistani Pakistani Polish Polonyalı

Russian Russia Turkish Türk

Greek Yunanlı Costa Rican Kosta Rikalı


Germany Germany Iran Iran

USA America Ireland Ireland

Albania Arnavutluk Spain Spain

Bulgaria Bulgaristan Portugal Portekiz

China Cin Sweden İsveç

France French Swiss İsviçre

Holland Holland Italy Italy

United Kingdom İngiltere Japan Japan

Mexico Meksika Egypt Mısır

Pakistan Pakistan Poland Poland

Russia Russia Saudi Arabia Suidi Arabistan

Türkiye Türkiye Greece Yunanistan

Costa Rica Kosta Rika Brazil Brezilya

Argentina Arjantin Colombia Kolombiya

Cuba Kuba Canada Kanada

India Hindistan Hungary Macaristan

Cyprus Kıbrıs Lebanon Lübnan

Palestine Filistin Chili sili

Aile (Family)

Paternal uncle amca niece Kız yeğen

Paternal aunt Hala cousin Kuzen

Maternal uncle dayı cousin kuziın

maternal aunt teyze father-in-law Kayınbaba/ kayınpeder

dad Slime mother-in-law Kaynana/kayınvalıde

mother Anne son-in-law damat

Baby Bebek daughter-in- gelin


brother Erkek kardes sister in law baldız

sister Kız kardeş brother in law enişte

Eldest brother Abby grandson Erkek torun

Older sister abla granddaughte Kız torun

son Oğul/erkek çocuk wife eş/ karı/ hanım

daughter Kız/ kız çocuk husband koca

Grandfather Dede/ büyükbaba twin ikiz

grandmother Niıne/ büyükanne stepmother üvey anna/ anne

Maternal anneanne stepfather üvey baba


Paternal babaanne stepson üvey evlat


nephew Erkek yeğen step brother üvey erkek kardeş


sun güneş world dunya

moon Oh city şehir

cloud bulut center merkez

fire ateş Civil engineer İnşaat mühendisi

beach sahil engineering Mühendislik

air hava civil engineering İnşaat mühendisliği

dick yarrak town koy

homo ibne dictionary sözluk

take sikişmek newspaper Gazette

suck yalamak-emmek magazine dergi

person kişi sea deniz

Fiiller (Verbs)

begin Baslamak build ince elmek

work çalışmak live ikamet etmek/ oturmak

want istemek read okumak

to hurt ağrımak look for aramak

dry off kurumak close kapatmak

wait beklemek hear dinlemek

walk yürümek get marry evlenmek

sleep uyumak carry götürmek

talk konuşmak lose kaybetmek

meet someone tanısmak learn öğrenmek

To love each sevişmek kiss each other öpüşmek


say soylemek meet by chance rastlamak

transport taşımak play oynamak

forget unutmak feel hiıssetmek

Go far Fazla olmak like beğenmek

hear duymak miss özlemek

Esvaplar (Clothes)

shirt gömlek blouse bluz

jeans blucın coat sweater

socks çorap briefs İç çamaşırı

Dress elbise brazier sutyen

pants pants wad of bills kuşak

shoe ayakkabı hat şapka

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