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Span : 5.2 m
Dimensi : 1400 mm b
1600 mm h

1. Reinforcement
1.1 Stage #1 (saat tumpuan sederhana) :
a. Load
- qDL = (1.15 x 1.4) m² x 2.4 ton/m³= 3.864 ton/m
- qfloor = (0.45 x 5.15) m² x 2.4 ton/m= 5.562 ton/m +
9.426 ton/m
qLL = 0.25 ton/m x 5.15 m = 1.288 ton/m

b. Member Force
L = 5.2-0.9 = 4.3 m

MDL = (1/8) . qDL . L² = 21.786 ton.m

VDL = (1/2) . qDL . L = 20.266 ton

MLL = (1/8) . qLL . L² = 2.976 ton.m

VLL = (1/2) . qLL . L = 2.768 ton

Service Load
Ms = MDL + MLL = 24.762 ton.m
Vs = VDL + VLL = 23.034 ton
Mu = 1.2 MDL + 1.6 MLL = 30.904 ton.m
Vu = 1.2 VDL + 1.6 VLL = 28.748 ton

c. Reinforcement
Data Properties:
K = 400 kg/cm2
f'c = 332 kg/cm2
f'c = 33 MPa
fy = 3900 kg/cm2
Section Properties:
b = 100 cm
h = 25 cm
c = 8 cm
diam = 2.5 cm
As,1 = 4.91 cm2
d = 15.75 cm (Stage 1)

Flexural reinforcement:
Stage 1 :
Mu = 2.46 ton.m
Mn = 3.078 ton.m
a1 = 5.567
a2 = 0.769
As = 5.136 cm2
n = 2
Dipasang = D25 - 100

Based on SAP2000 Analysis

Model: ………..
Service Limit State SLS
M (+) = 43.81 ton.m
M (-) = 39.86 ton.m
V = 142.48 ton

Ultimate Limit State ULS

M (+) = 60.50 ton.m
M (-) = 58.34 ton.m
V = 196.35 ton

Data Properties
K = 300 kg/cm2
f'c = 249 kg/cm2
fy = 3900 kg/cm2
Section Properties
b = 100 cm
h = 150 cm
c = 10 cm
diam = 2.5 cm
As = 4.91 cm2
d = 136.25 cm (Stage 2)

Flexural reinforcement:
Stage 2 :
Positive rebar:
Mu = 60.500 ton.m
Mn = 75.625 ton.m
a1 = 15.813 CHECK MIN REBAR
a2 = 2.914 rmin 0.00359
As = 14.386 cm2 Amin 48.910 cm2
n = 4 nos n 9
Dipasang = D25 - 200

Negative rebar:
Mu = 58.337 ton.m
Mn = 72.921 ton.m
a1 = 15.248 CHECK MIN REBAR
a2 = 2.810 rmin 0.00359
As = 13.866 cm2 Amin 48.910 cm2
n = 3 nos n 9
Dipasang = D25 - 200
Shear reinforcement:
Shear reinforcement calculated based on the ultimate shearing force that is as follow:
Vu = 196.35 ton
= 1924210.40 N

 f 'c 
Vc      bw  d
 6 
 
fVc = 846115.18 N
Vu - fVc = 1078095.22 N

b = 1000 mm
h = 1500 mm
c = 100 mm
d = 1356.5 mm
f'c = 249
diam = 16 mm
fy = 390 N/mm2
n = 4 leg
Av = 804.248 mm2

A v  fy  d  
Vu  Vc
s = 295.991 mm
Place = 4D16-100 [support area]
= 4D16-200 [span area]

Deflection Control
3. Section Capacity

Data: Calculation: SPAN

h = 1500 mm I) Asy for condition es' = ey
b = 1000 mm es' = 0.0019
fc' = 25 MPa Xy = 373.32 mm
e'cu = 0.0030 ay = 317.32 mm
b1 = 0.8500 fs' = 390.0000 MPa
fy = 390.00 MPa Ccy = 6,716,083.11 N
Es = 205,800 MPa Csy = 905,257.29 N
ey = 0.0019 Ty = 7,621,340.39 N
Clear cover = 100 mm Asy = 19,541.90 mm2 compression bar not yield
Dia. of Stirrup = 25 mm
Tensile Bar : II) As(max) allowed
As(act) = 2,454.37 mm2 es = 0.0019
dia. = 25 mm Xb = 835.03 mm
No. of bar = 5 X(max) = 626.27 mm
No. of layer = 1 a(max) = 532.33 mm
No. of bar in layer 1 = 5 es' = 0.0023
No. of bar in layer 2 = 0 fs' = -285.82 MPa
Clear distance between layer = 0 mm Cc = 11,266,775.78 N
CG distance between layer = 0.00 mm Cs = -753,450.26 N
d = 1,362.50 mm T(max) = 10,513,325.52 N
As(max) = 26,957.24 mm2 OK
Compression Bar
As'(act) = 2,454.37 mm2 III) Mn(act) Calculation
dia. = 25 mm A = 17,990.25 N/mm
No. of bar = 5 B = 463,470.82 N
No. of layer = 1 C = -202,485,464.00 N-mm
No. of bar in layer 1 = 5 X = 93.99 mm
No. of bar in layer 2 = 0 a = 79.89 mm
Clear distance between layer = 0 mm es' = -0.0014
CG distance between layer = 0.00 mm fs' = -285.82 MPa
d' = 137.50 mm Cc = 1,690,884.01 N
Cs = -753,450.26 N
Due to Loading: Ty = 937,433.75 N
Mu = 60.50 t-m Mn(act) = 1,313,310,043.52 N-mm
Mn = 75.63 t-m Mn(act) = 134.01 t-m OK
Data: Calculation: SUPPORT
h = 1500 mm I) Asy for condition es' = ey
b = 1000 mm es' = 0.0019
fc' = 25 MPa Xy = 373.32 mm
e'cu = 0.0030 ay = 317.32 mm
b1 = 0.8500 fs' = 390.0000 MPa
fy = 390.00 MPa Ccy = 6,716,083.11 N
Es = 205,800 MPa Csy = 905,257.29 N
ey = 0.0019 Ty = 7,621,340.39 N
Clear cover = 100 mm Asy = 19,541.90 mm2 compression bar not yield
Dia. of Stirrup = 25 mm
Tensile Bar: II) As(max) allowed
As(act) = 2,454.37 mm2 es = 0.0019
dia. = 25 mm Xb = 835.03 mm
No. of bar = 5 X(max) = 626.27 mm
No. of layer = 1 a(max) = 532.33 mm
No. of bar in layer 1 = 5 es' = 0.0023
No. of bar in layer 2 = 0 fs' = -285.82 MPa
Clear distance between layer = 50 mm Cc = 11,266,775.78 N
CG distance between layer = 0.00 mm Cs = -753,450.26 N
d = 1,362.50 mm T(max) = 10,513,325.52 N
As(max) = 26,957.24 mm2 OK
Compression Bar:
As'(act) = 2,454.37 mm2 III) Mn(act) Calculation
dia. = 25 mm A = 17,990.25 N/mm
No. of bar = 5 B = 463,470.82 N
No. of layer = 1 C = -202,485,464.00 N-mm
No. of bar in layer 1 = 5 X = 93.99 mm
No. of bar in layer 2 = 0 a = 79.89 mm
Clear distance between layer = 0 mm es' = -0.0014
CG distance between layer = 0.00 mm fs' = -285.82 MPa
d' = 137.50 mm Cc = 1,690,884.01 N
Cs = -753,450.26 N
Due to Loading: Ty = 937,433.75 N
Mu = 58.34 t-m Mn(act) = 1,313,310,043.52 N-mm
Mn = 72.92 t-m Mn(act) = 134.01 t-m OK
4. Section Shear Capacity

Vu = 196.35 ton Vu = 130.90 ton
Vu = 1,924,210.40 N Vu = 1,282,806.93 N
Vn = 3,207,017.33 N Vn = 2,138,011.56 N
h = 1,500.00 mm h = 1,500.00 mm
b = 1,000.00 mm b = 1,000.00 mm
d = 1,367.50 mm d = 1,367.50 mm
fc' = 24.9 MPa fc' = 24.9 MPa
fy = 390.00 MPa fy = 390.00 MPa
Vc = 852,976.41 N Vc = 852,976.41 N
5Vc = 4,264,882.06 N 5Vc = 4,264,882.06 N
0.5Vc = 426,488.21 N 0.5Vc = 426,488.21 N
Vn > Vc Vn > Vc
Dist. of bar. = 100 mm Dist. of bar. = 200 mm
Dia. of bar = 25 mm Dia. of bar = 25 mm
n = 4 leg n = 4 leg
Stirrup needed Stirrup needed
Avmin = 85.47 mm2 Avmin = 170.94 mm2
Av = 441.39 mm2 Av = 481.90 mm2
Av(act) = 1963.50 mm2 Ok !!! Av(act) = 1963.50 mm2 Ok !!!
Vs(act) = 10,471,811.89 N Vs(act) = 5,235,905.94 N
Vn(act) = 11,324,788.30 N Ok !!! Vn(act) = 6,088,882.36 N Ok !!!
Vn(act) = 1,155.59 ton Vn(act) = 620.68 ton
5.1 Stress Evaluation on R/C Section

b = 1000 mm fc' = 24.9 MPa

h = 1500 mm fy = 390.00 MPa
fcr = 1.247 MPa
Cover 100 mm Ec = 23,453 MPa
Es = 210,000 MPa
n-1 = 7.954

Calculation of Transformed Section Properties

Segment B H Y No.of bars Diam A A.y Ix0 dIx

Concrete 1 1000 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

2 1000 1500 750 1.50E+06 1.13E+09 2.813E+11 0.000E+00
3 0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
Steel 4 137.5 5 25 1.95E+04 2.68E+06 7.626E+05 7.324E+09
5 1362.5 5 25 1.95E+04 2.66E+07 7.626E+05 7.324E+09
6 0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
7 0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
8 0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
A trans 1.54E+06 1.15E+09 2.813E+11 1.465E+10

Ycen.(mm) = 750.00 Ix trans. (mm4) = 2.959E+11

Design Load
M 0.4381394 MN.m 43.81394 t.m
P 0 MN

Stress evaluation

e cen 0 (strain at the centroid of the section)

f= 6.313509E-08 (curvature)
stress ratio
ec top = -4.735131E-05 fc top = -1.110528 4.46%
ec bot = 4.735131E-05 fc bot = 1.1105281 89.02%
es 4 = 3.867024E-05 fs 4 = 8.1207504 2.08%
es 5 = -3.867024E-05 fs 5 = -8.12075 -2.08%

a = 750.000 mm

Checking by Stress Equation

P/A trans M.y/Itrans Total

stop 0 -1.111 -1.11 (MPa)
sbot 0 1.111 1.11 (MPa)

Crack Width Calculation

sm = 2(c+s/10)+k1k2db/ref (crack spacing)

wm = ecf .sm (mean crack width)
wk = 1.7 wm (characteristic crack width)

c= 100 (concrete cover)

s= 100 (spacing of main bars)
db = 25 (diameter of main bars)
k1 = 0.4 (for deformed bars)

k2 = 0.25*(e1 + e2)/2e1

e1 = ec bot = 4.7351315E-05
emb = 287.500 mm (effective embedment depth of concrete)
ye = 462.500 mm ( = a - emb )
eemb = e2 = 2.9199977E-05

k2 = 0.202
Ac eff = 287500 mm2 (effective area of concrete)
r eff = 1.71% (effective ratio of reinforcement)

sm = 338.3582 mm
wm = 0.0160 mm
wk = 0.0272 mm

OK --> Wk < 0.15mm

5.2 Stress Evaluation on R/C Section

b = 1000 mm fc' = 24.9 MPa

h = 1500 mm fy = 390.0 MPa
fcr = 1.247 MPa
Cover 100 mm Ec = 23,453 MPa
Es = 210,000 MPa
n-1 = 7.954

Calculation of Transformed Section Properties

Segment B H Y No.of bars Diam A A.y Ix0 dIx

Concrete 1 1000 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00

2 1000 1500 750 1.50E+06 1.13E+09 2.813E+11 0.000E+00
3 0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
Steel 4 137.5 5 25 1.95E+04 2.68E+06 7.626E+05 7.324E+09
5 1362.5 5 25 1.95E+04 2.66E+07 7.626E+05 7.324E+09
6 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
7 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
8 0.0 0 0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
A trans 1.54E+06 1.15E+09 2.813E+11 1.465E+10

Ycen.(mm) = 750.00 Ix trans. (mm4) = 2.959E+11

Design Load
M 0.3986236 MN.m 39.86236 t.m
P 0 MN

Stress evaluation

e cen 0 (strain at the centroid of the section)

f= 5.744093E-08 (curvature)
stress ratio
ec top = -4.30807E-05 fc top = -1.01037 4.06%
ec bot = 4.30807E-05 fc bot = 1.0103696 80.99%
es 4 = 3.518257E-05 fs 4 = 7.3883398 1.89%
es 5 = -3.518257E-05 fs 5 = -7.38834 -1.89%

a = 750.00 mm
Checking by Stress Equation

P/A trans M.y/Itrans Total

stop 0 -1.010 -1.01 (MPa)
sbot 0 1.010 1.01 (MPa)

Crack Width Calculation

sm = 2(c+s/10)+k1k2db/ref (crack spacing)

wm = ecf .sm (mean crack width)
wk = 1.7 wm (characteristic crack width)

c= 100 (concrete cover)

s= 100 (spacing of main bars)
db = 25 (diameter of main bars)
k1 = 0.4 (for deformed bars)

k2 = 0.25*(e1 + e2)/2e1

e1 = ec bot = 4.3080699E-05
emb = 287.500 mm (effective embedment depth of concrete)
ye = 462.500 mm ( = a - emb )
eemb = e2 = 2.6566431E-05

k2 = 0.202

Ac eff = 287500 mm2 (effective area of concrete)

r eff = 1.71% (effective ratio of reinforcement)

sm = 338.3582 mm
wm = 0.0146 mm
wk = 0.0248 mm

OK --> Wk < 0.15mm

7. Shear Capacity

b h


7.1 Property
Pad area:
b = 1000.00 mm
h = 450.00 mm

Slab property:
t = 450.00 mm

7.2 Loading
Ultimate Load:
Mu (+) = 41.33 ton.m
Mu (-) = 26.58 ton.m
Vu = 85.89 ton

7.3 Shear Check

Shear capacity calculated based on the ultimate shearing force is as follow:
Vu = 85.89 ton
= 841682.80 N

t = 450.00 mm
c = 80 mm
d = 332.5 mm
d kel = 318.198051534 mm
bo = 5445.58 mm
f'c = 332 kg/cm2
= 33 N/mm2
diam = 25 mm

Vc    
f ' c   b0  d
3 

fVc = 2583328.88 N
= 263.60 ton

0.75Vc > Vu --> OK

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