Assignment 01 PSY403
Assignment 01 PSY403
Assignment 01 PSY403
1. Your task is to study personalities of two children from your surroundings to exemplify
their personalities based upon their parenting styles. One child should be with high self
esteem and one with low self esteem and similarly their parenting styles should also differ.
You need to justify how the parenting styles contributed in making them so? (5+5)
While conducted the personality study of two children namely ‘A’ and ‘B’, it is known that
they have two different personality characteristics like high self esteem and low self esteem
respectively due to being raised under influence of different parenting styles. Self esteem
means the way one thinks, behaves and sees about him self or her self and parenting styles
contribute a lot in making the high or low self esteem in the children as it is evident from the
following two paragraphs:
Child ‘A’ is being raised by Authoritative parents who set limits and carry out rules for
their child. They love and exert firm control on their child when necessary. Consequently, the
child is having high self esteem and he always likes to make new friends. He does not care
about how others think about him. He never hesitates to express himself in front of others. He
has positive attitude and has innovative way of thinking. He is willing and motivated to do
his class and homework. He is determined to get first position in the class and he always gets.
Child ‘B’ is being raised by Authoritarian parents who have absolute control over their
child. They always punish him over petty mistakes. They always enforce their wishes and
orders on the child. Consequently, the child is having low self esteem and he prefers to
remain alone and hesitates to make new friends. He thinks that it is difficult for him to
succeed in examinations. He never tolerates the mistakes and faults of other children. He is
shy and always avoids speaking in front of others. He has complaining attitude and has
impulsive personality.
2. In your opinion, how parenting styles play an important role in developing self esteem in
general people of Pakistani society? (5)
Parenting style is a general pattern of behavior displayed by parents while raising their
children. Parenting styles play an important role in developing self esteem in general people
of Pakistani society. There are four different parenting styles namely; Authoritative,
Authoritarian, Permissive and Uninvolved.
Authoritative parents create loving and helping home environment. They set high
expectations and standards for their children while raising them. They explain to their
children that why some behaviour is right while other is wrong. They share their family
decisions with their children. That is why children raised in such environment are self
confident, inquisitive, happy and respectful of others because of high self esteem.
Authoritarian parents provide less emotional affection than authoritative parents. They
expect high standard of behaviour from the children and enforce strict rules without knowing
requirements. They do not like to hear any words or arguments from the children. That is why
children raised in such environment are low in self confidence, unhappy, aggressive in
dealings and disobedient because of low self esteem.
Permissive parents seldom punish their children despite of again and again doing
inappropriate deeds and actions. They are more supportive and loving to their children even
in unacceptable behaviour. They never check eating, drinking, sleeping or moving etc
decisions of their children. That is why children from such environment are normally selfish,
less motivated, impulsive and coercive because of low self esteem.
Uninvolved parents are less concern with their children issues especially emotional ones.
They do not have any careful concern with standards of behaviours for the children even they
have very less interest in children activities. That is why children from such environment are
usually demanding, having less self confidence, disobedient and having emotional aspect of
personality due to low self esteem.