1stQuarter-English-Week 5
1stQuarter-English-Week 5
1stQuarter-English-Week 5
GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area
Teaching Date: Quarter
B. Establishing a purpose for the This lesson focuses on medial words This lesson focuses on medial words This lesson focuses on medial words This lesson focuses on medial words
lesson with CVC pattern and short / a/ or with CVC pattern and short / a/ or with CVC pattern and short / a/ or with CVC pattern and short / a/ or
/æ/, /e/, / i /, /o / and /u/ sounds to /æ/, /e/, / i /, /o / and /u/ sounds to /æ/, /e/, / i /, /o / and /u/ sounds to /æ/, /e/, / i /, /o / and /u/ sounds to
enhance Phonics Word Recognition. enhance Phonics Word Recognition. enhance Phonics Word Recognition.
enhance Phonics Word Recognition.
At the end of the lesson, you are At the end of the lesson, you are At the end of the lesson, you are
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: differentiate words with expected to: differentiate words with expected to: differentiate words with
expected to: differentiate words with different medial vowels (e.g. cap-cop- different medial vowels (e.g. cap-cop- different medial vowels (e.g. cap-cop-
different medial vowels (e.g. cap-cop- cup, fan-fin-fun); and read words with cup, fan-fin-fun); and read words with cup, fan-fin-fun); and read words with
cup, fan-fin-fun); and read words with short [a, e, i, o, u ] sounds, phrases, short [a, e, i, o, u ] sounds, phrases, and short [a, e, i, o, u ] sounds, phrases,
short [a, e, i, o, u ] sounds, phrases, and sentences (e.g. children, feet, sentences (e.g. children, feet, teeth). and sentences (e.g. children, feet,
and sentences (e.g. children, feet, teeth). teeth).
C. Presenting Examples/instances Present a paragraph with a CVC Present a paragraph with a CVC Present a paragraph with a CVC Present a paragraph with a CVC 1. Do you study your lessons?
of new lesson pattern. pattern. pattern. pattern.
D. Discussing new concepts and Present a chart with separate vowel Present a chart with separate vowel Present a chart with separate vowel Present a chart with separate vowel 2. Present the materials before taking
practicing new skills #1 and consonant letters. and consonant letters. and consonant letters. and consonant letters. the test.
The short vowel sound /a/ or / æ / is The CVC spelling pattern with short The CVC spelling pattern with short
pronounced as /ah/. This can be The short vowel sound /i/ is vowel sound /o/ is pronounced as /oh/. vowel sound /u/ is pronounced as /uh/.
produced by opening the mouth wide pronounced as /ih/. This can be This can be produced by opening the The sound of short vowel /u/ is like the
enough to release the air from the produced by opening the mouth as if mouth like the letter O and releasing sound when someone punches the
lungs. you are smiling and releasing the air the air from the lungs. stomach. This can be produced by
from the lungs. slightly opening the mouth and
Examples: bar cap fat ham Examples : sob hop ton not hog releasing the air from the vocal chords.
Examples : rib tip sit wig
The short vowel sound /e/ is Examples: but sun rub cud
pronounced as /eh/. This can be
produced by opening the mouth
slightly wide enough to release the air
from the lungs.
F. Developing mastery Let the learners give example of words Let the learners give example of words Let the learners give example of words Let the learners give example of words
(Leads to Formative Assessment) with CVC patterns. with CVC patterns. with CVC patterns. with CVC patterns.
Short /a/and /e/.
G. Finding Practical applications of 4. Give the standards in taking the test.
concepts and skills
H. Making generalizations and CVC is the acronym for Consonant- CVC is the acronym for Consonant- CVC is the acronym for Consonant- CVC is the acronym for Consonant- 5. Categorize the ability of the pupils
abstractions about the less Vowel-Consonant spelling pattern. Vowel-Consonant spelling pattern. Vowel-Consonant spelling pattern. Vowel-Consonant spelling pattern. in taking the test.
I. Evaluating Learning Learning Task 1 : Pick the correct Learning Task 2: In your notebook, Learning Task 3: In your notebook, Learning Task 4: Complete each 6. Have you got a high scores to the
word that describes each picture. complete the puzzle by writing the copy and circle the CVC word/s in sentence with the correct CVC word. tests you taken?
correct CVC word as described in the each sentence. 1. The contestant ran
given clues. 1. The _______ gives energy to all
creatures .
2. Juvy and Haryl pat each other’s 2. The tailor has a sewing _______ 3.
back. The pupils _______ down what their
3. Mother used ten eggs to make a teacher dictated.
leche flan. 4. The janitor uses a ______ to clean
4. Yuki’s son helped us carry the box. the floor.
5. They throw their waste in the bin. 5. The _______ makes you safe from
the heat of the sun.
J. Additional activities for In your notebook, use the following 7. Who among you passed the test?
application or remediation CVC words in sentences. You are
expected to write five (5) sentences. 1.
hop 4. tan 2. mug 5. pet 3. pin
V. REMARKS 8. Study the missed items.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.