Art 4 - Ut - Mandatory Appendix Ix

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V-2019 ARTICLE 4


IX-410 SCOPE (c) one subsurface flaw

This Mandatory Appendix provides requirements for When the scan plan to be utilized subdivides a weld
the qualification12 of ultrasonic examination procedures into multiple examination zones, a minimum of one flaw
when flaw sizing (i.e., length and through-wall height) per zone is required.
and categorization (i.e., surface or subsurface) determina-
IX-435.6 Flaw Size. Demonstration block flaw sizes
tion are specified for fracture-mechanics-based accep-
shall be based on the demonstration block thickness
tance criteria.
and shall be no larger than that specified by the referen-
cing Code Section
IX-420 GENERAL (a) maximum acceptable flaw height for material less
than 1 in. (25 mm) thick, or
The requirements of Article 4 apply except as modified
by this Appendix. (b) for material equal to or greater than 1 in. (25 mm)
thick, an aspect ratio of
(1) 0.25 for surface flaws
(2) 0.25 (a /l) or 0.50 (h /l ), as applicable, for subsur-
IX-435.1 General. The following Article 4 paragraphs NOTE: a /l aspect ratios are used by Sections I and VIII. h /l aspect
apply to demonstration blocks: T-434.1.2, T-434.1.3, ratios are used by Section B31.
T-434.1.4, T-434.1.5, T-434.1.6, and T-434.1.7.
IX-435.2 Preparation. A demonstration block shall IX-435.7 Single I.D./O.D. Flaw Alternative. When
be prepared by welding or, provided the acoustic proper- the demonstration block can be scanned from both major
ties are similar, the hot isostatic process (HIP) may be surfaces during the qualification scan [e.g., joint I.D. and
used. O.D. have a similar detail, diameter of curvature is greater
than 20 in. (500 mm), no cladding or weld overlay pres-
IX-435.3 Thickness. The demonstration block shall ent, etc.], then only one surface flaw is required.
be within 25% of the thickness to be examined. For welds
joining two different thicknesses of material, demonstra- IX-435.8 One-Sided Exams. When, due to obstruc-
tion block thickness shall be based on the thinner of the tions, the weld examination can only be performed from
two materials. one side of the weld axis, the demonstration block shall
IX-435.4 Weld Joint Configuration. The demonstra- contain two sets of flaws, one set on each side of the weld
tion block’s weld joint geometry shall be representative axis. When the demonstration block can be scanned from
of the production joint’s details, except when performing both sides of the weld axis during the qualification scan
TOFD examinations of equal thickness butt welds in ac- (e.g., similar joint detail and no obstructions), then only
cordance with Mandatory Appendix III. one set of flaws is required.

IX-435.5 Flaw Location. Unless specified otherwise

by the referencing Code Section, the demonstration block
shall contain a minimum of three actual planar flaws or
three EDM notches oriented to simulate flaws parallel
to the production weld’s axis and major groove faces. IX-442 QUALIFICATION DATA
The flaws shall be located at or adjacent to the block’s
groove faces as follows: The demonstration block shall be scanned and the qua-
(a) one surface flaw on the side of the block represent- lification data saved per the procedure being qualified
ing the component O.D. surface and shall be available to the Inspector and Owner/User
(b) one surface flaw on the side of the block represent- along with a copy of any software necessary to view the
ing the component I.D. surface data.

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Copyright ASME International (BPVC)

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 07/02/2019 13:29:23 MDT

IX-480 EVALUATION flaw recorded responses meet the requirements of

IX-482(a) and/or it is used for the detection of transverse
IX-481 SIZE AND CATEGORY reflectors. Acceptable performance, unless specified by
Flaws shall be sized and categorized in accordance with the User or referencing Code, is defined as the demonstra-
the written procedure being qualified. tion block’s flaws being
(a) sized as being equal to or greater than their actual
IX-482 AUTOMATED AND SEMIAUTOMATED size (i.e., both length and height)
(b) properly categorized (i.e., surface or subsurface)
Acceptable performance shall be as specified by the re-
ferencing Code Section. When the referencing Code Sec-
tion does not specify the acceptable performance, the
following shall apply:
(a) detection of all the flaws in the demonstration block IX-492 DEMONSTRATION BLOCK RECORD
(b) recorded responses or imaged lengths, as applic-
The following information shall be recorded:
able, exceed the specified evaluation criteria of the proce-
(a) the information specified by the procedure being
dure being demonstrated
(c) the flaws are properly categorized (i.e., surface or
subsurface) (b) demonstration block thickness, joint geometry in-
(d) the flaw’s determined size is equal to or greater cluding any cladding or weld overlays, and flaw data
than its true size, both length and height [i.e., position in block, size (length and height)], separa-
(e) the flaw’s determined length or height is not over- tion distance to nearest surface, category (surface or
sized by more than 50% subsurface)
(c) scanning sensitivity and search unit travel speed
IX-483 SUPPLEMENTAL MANUAL TECHNIQUE(S) (d) qualification scan data
ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE (e) flaw sizing data [same information as flaw data in
Demonstration block flaws may be sized and categor- (b)]
ized by a supplemental manual technique(s) outlined in (f) supplemental manual technique(s) sizing data, if
the procedure, only if the automated or semiautomated applicable [same information as flaw data in (b)]

Copyright ASME International (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 07/02/2019 13:29:23 MDT

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