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Adv Diff Exp - and - Log

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Calculus 2

Lia Vas

Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

Logarithmic Differentiation

Derivative of exponential functions. The natural exponential function can be considered as

“the easiest function in Calculus courses” since

the derivative of ex is ex .

General Exponential Function ax . Assuming the formula for ex , you can obtain the formula
for the derivative of any other base a > 0 by noting that y = ax is equal to eln a = ex ln a . Use chain
rule and the formula for derivative of ex to obtain that y 0 = ex ln a ln a = ax ln a. Thus

the derivative of ax is ax ln a.

Derivative of the inverse function. If f (x) is a one-to-one function (i.e. the graph of f (x)
passes the horizontal line test), then f (x) has the inverse function f −1 (x). Recall that f and f −1 are
related by the following formulas

y = f −1 (x) ⇐⇒ x = f (y).

Also, recall that the graphs of f −1 (x) and f (x) are symmetrical with respect to line y = x.
Some pairs of inverse functions you encountered before are given in the following table where n
f x2 xn ex ax
is a positive integer and a is a positive real number. √ √
f −1 x n x ln x loga x
With y = f −1 (x), dx denotes the derivative of f −1 and since x = f (y), dx
denotes the derivative
of f . Since the reciprocal of dx is dx
we have that
(f −1 )0 (x) = dx
= 1
dx = 1
f 0 (y)

Thus, the derivative of the inverse function of

f is reciprocal of the derivative of f .
Graphically, this rule means that

The slope of the tangent to f −1 (x) at point (b, a)

is reciprocal to
the slope of the tangent to f (x) at point (a, b).
Logarithmic function and their derivatives.

Recall that the function loga x is the inverse

function of ax : thus loga x = y ⇔ ay = x.
If a = e, the notation ln x is short for loge x
and the function ln x is called the natural loga-
The derivative of y = ln x can be obtained
from derivative of the inverse function x = ey .
Note that the derivative x0 of x = ey is x0 = ey =
x and consider the reciprocal:

1 1 1
y = ln x ⇒ y 0 = = = .
x0 ey x
The derivative of logarithmic function of any base can be obtained converting loga to ln as
y = loga x = ln x
ln a
= ln x ln1a and using the formula for derivative of ln x. So we have

d 1 1 1
loga x = = .
dx x ln a x ln a

The derivative of ln x is x1 and y ex ax ln x loga x

To summarize,
the derivative of loga x is x ln1 a . y0 ex ax ln a 1
x ln a

Besides two logarithm rules we used above, we recall another two rules which can also be useful.
loga (xy) = loga x + loga y loga ( ) = loga x − loga y
ln x
loga (xr ) = r loga x loga x =
ln a
Logarithmic Differentiation.
Assume that the function has the form y = f (x)g(x) where both f and g are non-constant
functions. Although this function is not implicit, it does not fall under any of the forms for which
we developed differentiation formulas so far. This is because of the following.

• In order to use the power rule, the exponent needs to be constant.

• In order to use the exponential function differentiation formula, the base needs to be constant.

Thus, no differentiation rule covers the case y = f (x)g(x) . These functions sill can be differentiated
by using the method known as the logarithmic differentiation.
To differentiate a function of the form y = f (x)g(x) follow the steps of the logarithmic differenti-
ation below.

1. Take ln of both sides of the equation y = f (x)g(x) .

2. Rewrite the right side ln f (x)g(x) as g(x) · ln(f (x)).

3. Differentiate both sides.

4. Solve the resulting equation for y 0 .

Example 1. Find the derivative of y = xx .

Solution. Follow the steps of the logarithmic differentiation.
1. First take ln of each side to get ln y = ln xx .

2. Rewrite the right side as x ln x to get ln y = x ln x.

3. Then differentiate both sides. Use the chain rule for the left side noting that the derivative of
the inner function y is y 0 . Use the product rule for the right side. Obtain y1 y 0 = ln x + x1 x.

4. Multiply both sides with y to solve for y 0 and get y 0 = (ln x + 1)y. Finally, recall that y = xx
to get the derivative solely in terms of x as

y 0 = (ln x + 1)xx .

Example 2. Compare the methods of finding the derivative of the following functions.

(a) y = 2sin x (b) y = xsin x

Solution. (a) Since the base of the function is constant, the derivative can be found using
the chain rule and the formula for the derivative of ax . The derivative of the outer function 2u is
2u ln 2 = 2sin x ln 2 and the derivative of the inner function is cos x. Thus y 0 = 2sin x ln 2 cos x.
(b) Since neither the base nor the exponent of the function are constant, neither of the formulas
for xn and ax work. The logarithmic differentiation must be use. First, take ln of each side to get
lny = ln(xsin x ) = sin x ln x. Then differentiate both sides and get y1 y 0 = cos x ln x + x1 sin x. Solve for
y 0 to get
sin x sin x sin x
y 0 = cos x ln x + y = cos x ln x + x
x x
Practice Problems:
1. Find the derivatives of the following functions. In parts (g), (h) and (p) a and b are arbitrary
2 +3x e2x +e−2x
(a) y = (x2 + 1)e3x (b) y = ex (c) y = x2
2 +3x 3x −3−x
(d) y = 3x (e) y = x 53x (f) y = 2
2 +1 √ 2
(g) y = xeax (h) y = 1 + aex (i) y = (2x + ex )4
(j) y = ln(x2 + 2x) (k) y = log2 (3x + 4) (l) y = x ln(x2 + 1)
x ln x
(m) y = log3 (x2 + 5) (n) y = x2 +1
(o) y = ln(x + 5e3x )
(p) y = ax ln(x2 + b2 ) (q) y = (3x)5x (r) y = (5x)ln x
(s) y = (ln x)x (t) y = (3x + 2)2x−1
2. Solve the equations for x:

(a) 2x−1 = 5 (b) 32x+3 = 7

(c) e3x+4 = 2 (d) (3.2)x = 64.6
(e) log3 (x + 4) = 1 (f) log5 (x2 + 9) = 2
(g) ln(ln x) = 0 (h) ln(x + 2) + ln e3 = 7

3. This problem deals with functions called the hyperbolic sine and the hyperbolic cosine. These
functions occur in the solutions of some differential equations that appear in electromagnetic
theory, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and special relativity. Hyperbolic sine and cosine are
defined as follows.
ex − e−x ex + e−x
sinh x = and cosh x = .
2 2
Find derivatives of sinh x and cosh x and express your answers in terms of sinh x and cosh x.
Use those formulas to find derivatives of y = x sinh x and y = cosh(x2 ).


1. (a) Using product rule with f (x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = e3x and chain for derivative of g(x)
obtain y 0 = 2xe3x + 3e3x (x2 + 1).
2 +3x
(b) Use the chain rule. y 0 = ex (2x + 3)
(c) The quotient rule with f (x) = e2x + e−2x and g(x) = x2 and the chain for f 0 (x) = 2e2x −
2x −2x 2 2x −2x 2x −2x ) 2x −2x )
2e−2x produces y 0 = (2e −2e )xx4−2x(e +e ) = 2x((x−1)e x−(x+1)e
4 = 2((x−1)e x−(x+1)e
3 .
2 +3x
(d) Use the chain rule. y 0 = 3x ln 3(2x + 3)
(e) Use the product rule with f (x) = x and g(x) = 53x and the chain for g 0 (x) = 53x ln 3(3)
so that y 0 = 53x + 3x ln 5 53x .
(f) y = 12 (3x −3−x ). The derivative of 3x is 3x ln 3 and, using the chain rule with inner function
−x, the derivative of 3−x is 3−x ln 3(−1) = −3−x ln 3. Thus y 0 = 12 (3x ln 3 + 3−x ln 3) =
(3 + 3−x ).
ln 3 x
(g) Use the product rule with f = x and g = eax +1 . Use the chain rule to find the derivative
2 2 2
g 0 as eax +1 a 2x. Thus y 0 = eax +1 + 2ax2 eax +1 .
(h) Use the chain rule. y 0 = √ae
2 1+aex
2 2
(i) The chain rule with inner 2x + ex and another chain rule for derivative of ex produces
2 2 2 2
y 0 = 4(2x + ex )3 · (2 + ex 2x) = 8(1 + xex )(2x + ex )3 .
(j) Chain rule: y 0 = 1
x2 +2x
(2x + 2) = 2x+2
x2 +2x

(k) Chain rule: y 0 = 3

ln 2(3x+4)
(l) Chain and product y 0 = ln(x2 + 1) + x2 +1

(m) Chain rule: y 0 = 2x

ln 3(x2 +5)
(ln x+1)(x2 +1)−2x2 ln x
(n) Product and quotient: y 0 = (x2 +1)2
(o) Chain rule twice: y 0 = 1
(1 + 5e3x 3) = x+5e3x
(p) Product and chain: y 0 = a ln(x2 + b2 ) + 2x
x2 +b2
ax = a ln(x2 + b2 ) + x2 +b2
(q) Use logarithmic differentiation ln y = ln(3x)5x = 5x ln(3x) ⇒ y1 y 0 = 5 ln(3x) + 3
5x ⇒
y 0 = (5 ln(3x) + 5)y ⇒ y 0 = (5 ln(3x) + 5)(3x)5x .
(r) Use logarithmic differentiation y = (5x)ln x ⇒ ln y = ln xln 5x = ln x ln 5x ⇒ y1 y 0 = 1
ln 5x+
1 ln 5x ln x 0 ln 5x ln x ln x
5 ln x = x
+ x
⇒y = x
+ x
(5x) .
(s) Use logarithmic differentiation ln y = ln(ln x)x = x ln(ln x) ⇒ y1 y 0 = ln(ln x) + 1 1
ln x x
0 1 0 1 x
y = ln(ln x) + ln x
y ⇒ y = ln(ln x) + ln x
(ln x) .
(t) Use logarithmic differentiation ln y = ln(3x+2)2x−1 = (2x−1) ln(3x+2) ⇒ y1 y 0 = 2 ln(3x+
2) + 3(2x−1)
⇒ y 0 = 2 ln(3x + 2) + 3(2x−1)
y ⇒ y 0 = 2 ln(3x + 2) + 3(2x−1)
(3x + 2)2x−1 .

2. (a) Take log2 of both sides. Get x − 1 = log2 (5) ⇒ x = log2 (5) + 1 = 3.32. Alternatively, take
ln 5
ln of both sides and get (x − 1) ln 2 = ln 5 ⇒ x = ln 2
+ 1 = 3.32.
log3 (7)−3
(b) Take log3 of both sides, get 2x + 3 = log3 (7). Solve for x and get x = 2
= −.61.
ln 2−4
(c) Take ln of both sides. Get 3x + 4 = ln 2 ⇒ x = 3
≈ −1.1.
ln 64.6
(d) (3.2)x = 64.6 ⇒ x ln 3.2 = ln 64.6 ⇒ x = ln 3.2
= 3.58.
(e) log3 (x + 4) = 1 ⇒ 3log3 (x+4) = 31 ⇒ x + 4 = 3 ⇒ x = −1.
2 +9)
(f) log5 (x2 + 9) = 2 ⇒ 5log5 (x = 52 ⇒ x2 + 9 = 25 ⇒ x2 = 16 ⇒ x = ±4.
(g) ln(ln x) = 0 ⇒ ln x = e0 ⇒ ln x = 1 ⇒ x = e1 = e ≈ 2.72
(h) Note that ln e3 simplifies as 3. Thus ln(x + 2) + 3 = 7 ⇒ ln(x + 2) = 4 ⇒ x + 2 = e4 ⇒
x = e4 − 2 = 52.6.

3. The derivative of sinh x = 21 (ex − e−x ) is 12 (ex − e−x (−1)) = 21 (ex + e−x ) = cosh x. Similarly,
obtain that the derivative of cosh x is sinh x. Using the product rule obtain that the derivative
of y = x sinh x is y 0 = sinh x + x cosh x. Using the chain rule obtain that the derivative of
y = cosh(x2 ) is y 0 = sinh(x2 )(2x) = 2x sinh x.

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