Gruntz 15mm SCI-FI v11

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Gruntz 15mm

15mm SCI-FI Skirmish Wargaming v1.1 2012


GZG CMG Old Crow CMG Khurasan


Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Gruntz 1 .1
Acknowledgments Foreword
KIND PERMISSION OF: This is an updated first release of Gruntz 15mm which was created for quick
Critical Mass Games fun games with 15mm sci-fi miniatures. Over the last two years the feedback and ideas from players on the forum and at conventions have helped me refine the
initial rules which are now ready for hard copy printing. This 1.1 release would have
never happened without the support and help of the various play testers, artists and
forum members that got involved with games and provided feedback. A big thank
GZG.COM you to everyone that contributed.
KHURASAN MINIATURES Gruntz was designed to make best use of the exciting new ranges of 15mm models from Companies including Critical Mass Games, Ground Zero Games, 15mm.
u, Khurasan, Old Crow Models, Rebel Minis and Forged in Battle. Gruntz is designed to be fast play and brutal, with rapid engagement and fast
moving game play. You should be able to create a decisive battle in just over an hour
for small skirmish level games. Gruntz 15mm is specifically designed to support
Forged in Battle
ranges and play at 15mm scale and care has been taken to provide movement that supports a game using 15mm figures on an average sized table top. Other scales
of models including 6mm, 10mm and 28mm could be used if players are happy to
Old Crow Models
introduce changes to support longer movement and ranges.
u The rules offer flexibility to play a range of vehicles, troop types and futuristic
Painted Miniatures equipment design for the economic destruction of enemy alien, humanoid and
Jason Dawson droid targets. It is designed for flexible scenario games where models make good
use of the surrounding terrain and buildings for a dynamic action game.
painting service Gruntz is named after the troopers that are the backbone of the game and
u are augmented by abilities and Perkz which offer different races and factions
Tank Artwork by advantages on the battlefield. Forces can be selected from faction specific army lists
Istvan Pely which match the models from 15mm manufacturers and many are listed as generic
u types like vehicles which can be made available to any faction as a mercenary unit.
Factions, symbols, maps by Unit statistics, weapon ranges, damage and other key gaming detail is provided
Aris Kolehmainen, on profile cards and are designed to be quick to learn without the need to reference
Michiel De Boer or think about multiple range categories. Each model from the various factions is
Michael Ptak represented by a specific profile card which details the statistics and Perkz available
u to the models specified. As new models are released by the various manufactures,
Cover and Mecha Artwork new profile cards will be made available for download.
Jake Parker
It really is simple to play once you know the basics and you will find that you
don’t need to reference the rules after a couple of games.
Mecha Artwork by
David White Optional rules are included to cover different activation mechanics, group basing methods and alternative turn sequence. They alter the rules significantly, however
the core rules including unit statistics and damage resolution remain the same. The
options provide the freedom for players to select some or all alternative mechanics
content whilst retaining the fast play mechanics of the Gruntz rules.
©Robin Fitton 2012
Artwork copyright If you see anything in these rules that you don’t like, please feedback to me by
respective owners. Any email or the yahoo group. If you have a relevant comment or exciting new idea you
details of other game are using as a house rule please get in touch.
company faction names is The active discussion forum can be reached from the web
by permission. site.

Robin Fitton
When I die bury me
upside down so the Twitter @inrepose
galaxy can kiss my ass

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Table of Contents 37   Indirect Fire 72   Field Artillery 107   Heliopause Government

3   Contents 38   Standard or Advanced Movement 73   Field Artillery Points 108   Commonwealth
4   The Core rules 39   RAMS, Vehicle Options 74   Self-propelled Artillery 109   Commonwealth Navy
5   Statistics 40   Digital Warfare 75   SP- Artillery Points 110   Earth Federation
6   Building an Army 41   Damage and Destruction 76   Weapon Options 111   Federal Army
7   Model Types 42   Gruntz Builders 77   Gruntz Weapon Tables 112   Organisations
8   Game Overview 43   Sample Unit Types 78   Specialist Weapons 113   Combine Mining Association
9   Turn Sequence 44   Gruntz Squad Design 79   Vehicle Weapon Table 114   Omni Astron Inc
10   Squad Coherency 45   Gruntz Squad Points 80   Esoteric Tek 115   East Hyadum Trade Company
11   Overview of Profile Cards 46   Squad Attachment 81   Esoteric Tek Table 116   East Hyadum Story
12   Moves and Actions 47   SA Points 82   Squad Special Abilities 117   Massive Atomic Company
13   Terrain and Environment 48   Commander 83   Continued Perkz 118   Special Contact Agency
14   Gruntz Unit Activation 49   Commander Points 84   Squad Special Abilities 119   RIM Defectionists
15   Vehicle Unit Activation 50   Gruntz Specialist 85   Continued Perkz 120   RIM Defectionists Faction
16   Actions and Movement in Terrain 51   Specialist Points 86   Special ABILITIES 121   M-SEC Faction
17   Terrain Types Table 52   Vehicle Specialist Builder 87   Scenario Conditions 122   Sergeant Violet DeVille
18   Terrain Continued 53   Vehicle Specialist Points 88   Vehicle Boosts 123   ARM Faction
19   Tarnhelm Mecha 54   Tank Builder 89   Modz for Vehicles 124   Culture Habitat Hegemony
20   Battlefield Leaders 55   Tank Points 90   Vehicle Boosts 125   Slavyanskiy Soyuz Faction
21   Condition Modifier Table 56   Super Heavy Tank Builder 91   Vehicle Crew 126   Vion
22   Ranged Combat 57   Super Heavy Tank Points 92   Playing Cards 127   Guln Horde
23   Ranged Combat Detail 58   Mecha Builder 93   Alternative Activation 128   The Prime Aliens
24   Shoot Sequence 59   Mecha Points 94   Shoot Sequence 129   Trixian
25   Concentrate Fire 60   Monster Builder 95   Group Basing 130   Nayazaki Aliens
26   Full Auto Weapons and Over-watch 61   Monster Points 96   Optional Rules Continued 131   Suns of Destiny
27   Close Combat 62   Ground Support Vehicle 97   Questions and Answers 132   Political Faction Flags
28   Assault Overview 63   Support Vehicle Points 98   Turn Sequence 133   Kruk and Amnian Aliens
29   Close Combat 64   Air Support Vehicle 99   Battle Schema 134   Painting Vehicle Markings
30   Assault Overview 65   Air Support Vehicle Points 100   Scenarios 135   Map
31   Assault Overview Chart 66   Super Heavy Air Support Builder 101   Battle Schema
32   Damage and Suppression 67   Super Heavy ASV Points 102   Scenarios
33   Vehicle Overview 68   Air Attack Vehicle 103   Battle Schema
34   Vehicles Arcs and Abilities 69   Air Attack Vehicle Points 104   Heliopause Setting
35   Vehicle Critical Damage 70   Fighter Aircraft 105   Heliopause Faction Links
36   Vehicles Arcs and Destruction 71   Fighter Points 106   Heliopause Technology


My thanks to all of the Yahoo grpup and Gruntz 15mm forum play testers and members of the public attending UK wargaming shows who
helped guide the development. Thanks to all players who have helped and supported along the way and apologies to anyone I have missed.
With so much great support I am running out of room for thanks to all the people that have helped in the last two years of development.

Special mention to the following contributors, writers, testers and proof readers.

Jennifer Brozek (faction story intros), Duncan Gosling (stories and scenario), @internalclock, Simon Moules, The Agent of Ping, Craig of
Critical Mass Games, Jon of Ground Zero Games, Jon at Khurasan Miniatures. Mark Walsh (thanks for getting me through the last layout hurdles),
SpaceJacker, Michiel De Boer, Mark Ball, Gavin Dady, Gavin Mackrill, Tim White, Gregory S. Small, John Hollyoak, Tim Berry, Ian Wartrader
(Barracks App from and Kevin Rolfe (for initial inspiration and guidance), Matt Hay (1.1 would not be the same without
your input), Jim Kundert, Matthew Lines, Greg Farrell (Gruntomatic), Mark Still, Nathan Payne, Kev from Brighton, Nikita Kondratov (fjodin),
Jarec, Harold Crossley (dropship painter) , Jonathan Rogers and Peabody.

Design and Artists: David White for the mecha art, Aris Kolehmainen (flags, faction symbols and tank
design), Michiel De Boer (Icons, cards, aliens and uniforms), Michael Ptak (Starmap - Jake Parker for cover
art and Mecha’s, Istvan Pely for various Tank art and Aly Fell for original art.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
The Basics
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
The Core rules

Introduction It is recommended that you use pennies or other small coins to
Gruntz 15mm is a dedicated 15mm make it easier to move the models and to standardise the base sizes.
fast-play, skirmish level wargame Old Crow Models make a slightly larger base with an inset lip which is
designed to support forces of 10 to perfect for most lines of 15mm models which fit snugly into the resin
40 models per side using combined base. Basing models like this makes it easier to move around as single
arms figures with a slightly larger, heavier base. All my own bases are UK
5 pence pieces because they add weight and stability to the models.
The system is designed to be quick
to learn with limited reference to Specialists and Commander models should be based on larger 25
tables, charts and rules. All details to 30mm diameter discs. The larger base size makes it easier to identify
for units such including Gruntz, Vehicles, Artillery, Mecha and them on the table and allows players to model detail onto their bases.
Specialist units are included on profile cards you can manually
fill in or use Barracks, the profile card application. Gruntz squad models can be based on group bases for ease of
movement, though you will lose some of the benefits of skirmish play
You are able to play mixed armour and Gruntz squad units or a on complex terrain when using the larger group bases. Some care will
dedicated armour game for players that enjoy tank battle. also need to be taken to confirm how many casualties (Waxed models)
The rules and statistics in Gruntz cover modern and futuristic are on each base by marking the profile cards with casualties, unless
technology, allowing for low tech and high tech mixed battles. you are able to remove figures from your group base.
Statistics are provided for alien technology and weird war style
creatures like World War II zombies and werewolves. You can use
technology from various eras, so hi-tech can meet low-tech on Gruntz uses a D6 die for all dice rolls. The core mechanic is based
Earth based or in Alien fields of battle. around a 2D6 roll which is made by rolling two D6 and adding the
total. This value is then added to the relevant number from the model’s
Miniatures statistics to get the overall total.

15mm miniatures are used in Gruntz mounted on single bases for To succeed at an action the overall total must equal or exceed a
skirmish play. Each model represents an individual on the table and certain target number (usually from the target’s statistics.) For example:
whilst skirmishing you are able to move individual models to take if you wanted a unit of Gruntz to shoot at an enemy unit you would
advantage of the terrain. roll 2D6 and add the models Shoot statistic. The result must equal or
exceed the Guard statistic of the target model. Modifiers may also be
Vehicle models can be mounted on bases or can be used directly applied to the dice roll depending on terrain or other conditions.
on the board. The smaller battlefield size will ensure models engage
quickly for a rapid game session, however it is possible to use a much Measurement
larger area which is better suited to a battle between tanks and
mechanised infantry. Measurement and ranges are all in inches and you can pre-measure
ranges when judging distances for shooting and movement.

A reconnaissance drone reports signs of Kra’vak activity outside of city limits. A small armoured car and heavy tank unit is sent to investigate.
Hammers Slammers models from Old Crow Miniatures and troops by Ground Zero Games (GZG).

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Statistics galaxy can kiss my ass

Statistic Description
Vehicles have a move statistic and they can move up to double this figure in inches if they make a Flank speed move by using a
run action. All Gruntz units move at a base speed of 4 inches.

Shoot This number is added to a 2D6 roll to determine if a model hits a target when it shoots or when shooting at it.

Assault This number is added to a 2D6 roll to determine if a unit hits an enemy unit when assaulting it (hand to hand combat).

Guard determines how difficult it is to hit the model. This number must be equalled or exceeded by a Shoot or Assault attack roll.
Guard It is a measure of how difficult it is to land a shot or strike on a unit. Larger slower models like tanks are easier to hit and have a
lower Guard.

The Soak statistic is the number which must be equalled to score one or more wounds on a model. Shooting and Assault attacks
Soak have a damage score which is added to the 2D6 damage roll to confirm if the unit is damaged. It is a measure of how tough and
well armoured a unit is. Soak is usually higher for vehicle units.

You must roll equal or less than the Mental number to pass the Mental test for Condition Brown. It is a measure of how good the
Mental unit is under stress and their skill at commanding others. Gruntz can use the Mental value of a Commander within a range equal
to their Mental stat.

Skill is used when making drive or piloting rolls, operating drone weapons and in certain scenarios where a generic statistic is
needed to determine the result of an action. When firing vehicle weapons you use the Skill score of the crew.

Deployment and Initiative Statistics

At the beginning of the first turn players make a deployment roll All normal Gruntz have a single wound and a range of six statistics
with 2D6 and add their Commander’s Mental statistic. The lowest scorer that define their ability on the battlefield. They usually also have unit
selects a table edge and has to deploy their army first. The players then Perkz which are special abilities, technology or skills which influence
dice again to determine initiative. On this second roll the players add the game play. Perkz and statistics are detailed on the profile cards.
the Commanders Skill statistic to the roll rather than Mental statistic.
All Gruntz have just one wound and are Waxed (wounded) when
Turn Sequence they take a single damage point. Commanders have multiple wounds
and vehicles have a damage grid as described in the vehicle combat
The turns play alternatively in Gruntz 15mm. At the start of the section. Certain units can have zero in a statistic.
turn the active player moves and completes actions for all units before
passing the turn back to the other player. Certain Perkz and other
game abilities like Overwatch and Assault actions can create an out of Term Description
turn response from the non-active player.
The main unit in the game of Gruntz, an infantry
Each Gruntz squad, Specialist, Vehicle or Commander must squad member.
complete all of its actions before you activate the next unit. All Gruntz
Game Terms

nn-attack Neural Network Attacks against digital assets.

act together in a unit, requiring all models in a squad of six Gruntz to
complete movement before you start to complete the shoot action for Line of Sight. Can your model see the enemy’s
that squad. LOS

Actions SAW Squad Automatic Weapon.

When activated, every unit in Gruntz can make up to two actions. APC Armoured Personnel Carrier.
Options for the two actions include moving, shooting and various
other more specialised actions. AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle.

The term used to describe a grunt or unit that

A unit uses one action to move and one action to shoot which
Waxed has been wounded before it is removed as a
would normally complete its activation. A model or unit can also take
a run action which is a double move which uses both actions. The
normal limit for shooting is once per activation, so only one of the two The term used to describe a vehicle which has
actions can be used to fire on the enemy. Smoked
been disabled and is beyond repair.
There are other actions available to Gruntz including climbing, The special abilities that Gruntz units can use
embarking into a vehicle, going prone, disembarking a vehicle, Perkz depending on faction or equipment. These are
entering a building and even interacting with the terrain (e.g. opening detailed on profile cards.
a secure door, placing a mine or interacting with a computer console as
part of a scenario.) These are described in more detail in later chapters. Bolt on equipment and special abilities that can
be used when building a vehicle.

Skirting the city limits and skimming the enzyme bonded-concrete freeways, the corporate police are hailed by a passive-node distress signal.
Wet-wired tek quickly adapts their skimmers to assault mode as they rapidly data-vise the appropriate authority signature through the local
neural net, setting the freeway systems into defence mode. Darkened blast visors lower as the target rebel signatures flick into augmented
vision with priority rebel vehicle targets highlighted for threat level. The freeway curves away beneath their thundering shadow as road turns
to desert beneath them.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Building an Army

Points System

The Gruntz points system allows for the selection of a Commander,

Gruntz squads, Vehicles and other units based on the Points Cost
statistic of each unit. The points are a small value with a range of costs Squad sizes of six are designed to match most of the ranges
depending on the type and quality of the unit. Gruntz squads cost available from 15mm figure manufacturers. In most packs
between 5pts and 25pts with Vehicles costing over 12pts depending you might find 5 similarly armed troops, a leader and a
on the size and power. A small game with a Commander and a couple couple of heavy weapons. Support weapons are the “Squad
of Gruntz squads could be played as a 60pts game and an average sized Attachments” in Gruntz and carry heavier weaponry. You
combined arms game could be between 150pts and 300pts per side. do have the flexibility to play with different squad sizes by
following the points builder for units.
The unit builder section of the rules provides details on how to
create your Gruntz and Vehicles that have a numeric points value
assigned which depends on the quality and capability of the unit. The Gruntz unit can combine with Squad Attachments which
could include snipers, SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) or other heavy
Force Selection weapons. The Squad Attachment has its own profile card to represent
how it works as part of the Gruntz unit it is attached to.
To build a force for play in Gruntz you need a selection of models
to represent your army including Gruntz, Vehicles and Specialist A standard Gruntz unit is six men (or aliens) strong and consists
units. During play you use Gruntz profile cards, which are a reference of one leader and five Gruntz. All members of a single six-man Gruntz
providing quick access to the statistics of the unit and a damage track squad carry the same weapons. The unit of six in the Gruntz squad can
for vehicles. The profile cards include statistics and abilities of the then be combined with Squad Attachments which can increase the
Vehicle or Gruntz squad and if stored in a baseball card protective squad size up to eight. During the game the heavy weapon carrying
sheets you can mark off damage and re-use the cards without having Squad Attachment is part of the Gruntz squad and will act on the same
to re-print them when you next play. The Barracks program may be activation as the Gruntz squad.
used to create your own profile cards.
Unit Selection
A typical army in Gruntz will consist of a Commander model, several
Gruntz squads and hardware which might include tanks, armoured The chart details the forces available within Gruntz with a
fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers or other specialist air or Commander, Specialists and Gruntz units. The Tanks, Ground and
ground support units. Commanders are the only mandatory selection Air Support, Mecha and Cavalry all serve to strengthen the combined
and will need a transport to keep up if you build a pure armour force. army on your miniature battlefield.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Model Types galaxy can kiss my ass

Symbol Type Description

Commanders are the most important figure on the battlefield in Gruntz 15mm. Their experience
and influence over the forces on the table can turn the battle at a vital moment. There is only one
Commander unit per side who is an experienced character model, that can influence the actions of his
own squads and those of the enemy force. Commanders can have Perkz providing some special abilities
during play.

Gruntz are the mainstay of the sci-fi battlefield and are either trained military troops, militia, angry
colonists or of an alien origin. Squad Attachments are also considered to be Gruntz but have heavier
weapons or an ability that benefits the Gruntz unit in some way.

Gruntz Gruntz Specialists are any humanoid or small alien Gruntz with a specialist role on the battlefield. These
Specialist units include snipers, heavy portable weapons, medics, engineers and sub-commanders.

Vehicle Vehicle Specialists are like Gruntz Specialists but are based on small battlefield vehicles like bikes, drones
Specialist and walker suits. They can be robotic or piloted equipment.

Any large organic or mechanised vehicle that has two or more legs as the method of locomotion. They
Mecha are designed to deliver significant ordinance to the enemy whilst also protecting the pilot.

Artillery is mobile or stationary and delivers template area damage to targets which can be out of line of
Artillery sight. Mobile artillery can be wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based. Most artillery fire is subject to
deviation if they miss the primary target. Artillery are either standard field type or mobile.

Ground Any wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based ground vehicle designed to transport troops and provide
Support supporting cover in a fire fight. It takes one action to embark or disembark within 3 inches of the
Vehicle transport. Includes jeeps, APC’s and other forms of ground attack vehicles

Air Includes all forms of flying organic or mechanical transport and air support such as VTOLs. It takes
Support one action to embark or disembark within 3 inches of the transport. If destroyed whilst in the flying
Vehicle condition, all troops are Waxed unless they are equipped with jump packs.

Air Attack
Support vehicles built with heavy weapons and ground attack roles rather than troop carrying.

Supersonic and faster fighter aircraft. Designed to move at very fast speeds and capable of dropping
bombs or guided missiles on route.

Any large, armoured wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based ground vehicle designed to deliver heavy
damage and withstand enemy attacks.

Large B-Movie or Alien-style monsters, capable of city destruction and massive damage to civilian and
military snacks.

Super Heavy
Oversized giant land leviathans, capable of mass destruction and battlefield domination.

Super Heavy Dropships and other massive flying support vehicles able to transport and deploy other vehicles and
Air Support troops.

You are also able to design your own Gruntz units and vehicles With the growth of 10mm and 15mm SCI-FI models there is a pick
using the unit builder rules. and mix of quality ranges that can be merged to create a unique force
or collected in their own right.
Gruntz 15mm is not tied to a particular genre or background, so
you can either focus closely on collecting a particular miniature line The points, profiling and statistics in Gruntz 15mm will enable you
like the excellent Titan Marines from Rebel Miniatures or the exciting to mix manufacturer ranges for a fun game with any models you want
range of alien races from Khurasan. You could equally field a more to use. New releases from any manufacturer can be quickly profiled
traditional future army using a mix of Critical Mass Games, GZG or Old for game use and existing designs can be refined easily if you use the
Crow models and use your own background story and factions. Barracks application.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Game Overview

Overview of Setup Deployment Roll

After players select their armies, the standard game setup is based The deployment roll is made by both players with 2D6 plus the
on the players dicing to determine table edge, deploying forces and Mental statistic of the Commander. The lowest scoring player (the
setting the initiative for the game with a second opposed roll. loser of the roll) must pick a table edge and deploy forces within the
agreed deployment zone. Deploying second allows the winner of the
The game then continues each turn with the same set initiative and deployment roll an opportunity to choose the best tactical position
turn sequence. This is the standard sequence of play and is the easiest for their units because they are able to see where the opponent has
to keep track of because each player is able to complete all of their positioned her units before they deploy their own.
activations before passing back to the opponent.
Initiative Roll
There are reaction phases with Over-watch and Assault rules
allowing the non-active player to react to incoming fire and assault The initiative roll is made by both players with a 2D6 plus the Skill
attacks. If both players prefer a random alternating activation or statistic of the Commander. The highest scoring player can choose to
playing card based activation they are detailed in the optional rules play first, taking the first activation or force the loser of the initiative roll
section. to start the first activation.

Standard Game Setup

Select armies at an
1 Build Armies agreed force size in
points. If you prefer a Scenario or story
driven game simply ignore the points
and setup armies of your choice.
Agree a set number of turns before
Agree Layout for you start. If you are new to Gruntz,
terrain. Take turns try an 8 turn maximum for the first
placing drop on few games.

Both players roll 2d6 Deployment roll. Skip this stage if

2 Deployment Roll and add their

Commanders Mental
both players have agreed a scenario
type setup with pre-agreed
statistic deployment locations.

If you have already settled on table

Player with Lowest edges just use this stage to
result chooses their determine who sets up models on
table edge and sets the table first.
up their army first.
Setup within 6" of the table edges
on a 3x3ft or 4x4ft table and extend
it to within 8" of the table edge on a
The other player sets
larger 6x4ft table
up forces within their
deployment zone.

Both players roll 2d6

3 Initiative Roll and add their
Commanders Skill
Initiative Roll. Skip this stage if both
players have agreed a scenario with
statistic an agreed starting player.

Player with highest NTZ E

result can choose to


take the first turn or

go second.
4 Start Playing!

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Turn Sequence galaxy can kiss my ass

4ft x 4ft Layout

Turn Overview
Deployment Zone 6inches into board Standard Deployment for an
On turn one the winner of the initiative roll can choose average game table of 4ft x 4ft in
to activate first. The starting player then activates each size is a 6” area covering the full
unit in the army in a sequence they determine. You may width of the board.
activate a vehicle transporting troops before you activate Use the same setup for a 3ft x 3ft
the squad contained within to disembark them at the board and extend the deployment
destination. area out to 8” in on a 6ft x 4ft or
You can not go back to finish the shooting or movement larger layout.
of an already activated unit after starting the activation of Players can ignore this deployment
another unit. for a scenario driven game with
their own agreed setup zones. See
The first player finishes all unit activation before the scenario section of the rules.
passing play to their opponent. Once both players have
finished activation the turn is over and a new turn starts. Deployment Zone 6inches into board

E Standard Turn Sequence
1 Initiate Turn

Player One starts

her activation

Complete a single
units movement, Player two starts his
shooting or other activation

Make sure you finish all movement

and actions for the active unit. You
can't go back and finish an action or
Have all units for shoot with a unit after you start to
Select a new unit activate your next model/unit.
No current player
to activate

Yes You do not roll for initiative every

turn. The turn sequence is set at the
beginning of the game.

Have both players The standard turn sequence in

completed No Gruntz is I go, You go. This allows
activation? players to chain a sequence of
movement and attacks and is easy
Yes to play. If you want a more dynamic
exchange of actions try the optional
activation by alternating unit
activation between players or the
card based activation. Details are in
Start Next Turn the optional rules section.
and note Turn Turn ends

2 End For a fair resolution of combat

games should be played to 6, 7 or 8

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Squad Coherency

damage is inflicted. The damage track is a simulation of how a tank or

vehicle becomes less effective as more fire power hits them. Vehicles
Table Setup can also suffer critical damage at certain thresholds on the damage
The player that lost the Deployment track which further reduces their effectiveness in the field.
roll sets up units on the table up
to 6” into the game play area on For games where you fit command modules to vehicles you should
a single table edge. In a normal only field one single vehicle with a Command module per army.
game you must always deploy Squad Coherency
at least 24 inches away from the
nearest enemy unit. All squad members must stay within 3 inches of their squad leader.
The deployment of units with the “Early Bird Special” perk is If they end up outside of this range they must return to within 3 inches
completed in the same order as the normal unit deployment . by move or run on their next activation and can not take any other
action except to move during their activation.
Play continues with each player finishing the complete activation
of all their units before passing the turn back to the opponent. Individual Gruntz can deliberately break integrity on their turn,
A player can pass over the activation for individual units if they however on the start of their next activation they have to return to
do not wish to move or shoot with them. For different activation formation sacrificing all actions apart form move.
sequences check the Optional rules section.
The optional turn sequence includes a card based activation
for a more chaotic and random activation and an alternating
method for individual unit activation. Try the standard activation
sequence for your first few games and get used to the movement
and damage resolution rules first.

Force Setup

Each player’s force consists of a mix of a Commander, Gruntz

squads, Specialists and Vehicles. The unit types define the function
of the unit and have specific rules determining how they move and
perform combat actions.

A sample force for an average game might include 1 Commander,

6 units of Gruntz, 3 Specialists, 2 Mecha units, 2 Cavalry units, 4 Tanks,
2 Ground Support APC and a mobile Artillery unit per side.

Larger games can be played with average game time increasing

from 1-2 hours for a small game to several hours for a larger Arc troopers on the bridge. Whilst they use the low railings as
engagement. cover they gain +1 to their guard against incoming fire.
Models by Critical Mass Games .
The vehicles in Gruntz have a damage track which is reduced as

The white Gruntz squad is activated

and declares they are moving just
Squad Coherency

one single grunt from the squad to


the edge of the road to fire on the

2 motorbike cavalry unit. This single

Fire! grunt is moving out of the 3 inch

coherency of the squad leader in the
centre of the green circle.
He can still fire using his second action
G G Squad Leader
but on the next turn he will only be
1 able to take a move action to return
4 Inch G Grunt to unit coherency. This Gruntz unit’s
Move activation is then over because they
declared only one grunt in the unit
was taking action.
There is sometimes an advantage in
P breaking coherency where you don’t
C want to expose the full squad to
G incoming fire or you need to spot for
G G an attached indirect fire weapon like a
mortar or guided RPG.

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Overview of Profile Cards galaxy can kiss my ass

Dead Gruntz Squad Leader Profile Cards

When the Sergeant or leader of a squad is killed, another figure in The profile cards in Gruntz 15mm are designed to be used beside
the section is automatically promoted to Squad Leader and becomes the table as you play. Ideally placed in a plastic sleeve for protection,
the new leader for the purposes of formation. Replace one of your you can re-use the printed cards for multiple games, marking damage
remaining Gruntz with your Squad Leader model so you can continue on the vehicle card grids with wipe clean marker pens which can be
to track coherency. In certain cases the equipment used by Squad cleaned off between games.
Attachments can be picked up by other Gruntz in the section.
The first number on the weapon details line, next to an arrow, is
Dead Squad Attachment the Range, which is the range in inches of the weapon. Weapons can
be fired up to twice this distance for a long range attack. Most assault
If a Squad Attachment is removed from play, the defender rolls a or Ram attacks do not have a ranged number because they are a close
D6 and if the result is a 1 the weapon is lost due to damage. Any other hand to hand only mode of attack.
result of the roll will result in another Gruntz model picking up the
squad attachment weapon and continuing to act as the SA. Replaced The number after the range is the damage of the weapon. After
with the attachment model to represent them scrambling to pick up a successful hit on a target, roll 2D6 and add the total to the weapon
and use the specialist technology carried by the Squad Attachment. If damage number and then match against the target’s Soak statistic if it
the Squad Attachment is outside of the 3 inch squad coherency when is equal to the Soak of the target it has done 1 damage.
they are Waxed then the weapon is lost and can not be picked up by
another squad member. If you are using a particular model for the SA, The Vehicle cards include a damage grid which is based on the
swap it out with the new grunt carrying the SA equipment so you can number of damage points they can take before they are destroyed.
clearly track where the SA weapon is carried.
The following screenshot from the Barracks applications details the
You can have up to 2 Squad Attachments (SA) per Gruntz squad. Gruntz builder and the layout of the profile card.

Sample Profile Card built in Barracks

Weapon Damage
All weapon damage and special abilities are detailed on the profile cards for your Gruntz and
Vehicles. If a weapon has Armour Piercing it does more damage to other vehicles by the factor
shown next to the AP statistic. Gruntz and Gruntz Specialists are not affected by the armour
piercing ability of the weapon, however Power Armour squads and Vehicle Specialists are impacted
by Armour Piercing (AP) weapons. AP weapons are built with anti-armour in mind and are therefore
less effective against soft targets. Old Crow Models tanks and half-track.

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Moves and Actions

models Perkz or Modz provide them with an option to alternate the

Actions standard sequence. However the advanced optional rules sections
offer alternative action allow players to shoot before movement.
During a single turn, a unit can
take two actions. Actions available
include move, which can be taken Action
Actions Description
twice which counts as a run. A Cost
unit can also shoot, assault or
Normal Move up to 4 inches (Can shoot
take a special action like open a 1
Move after move).
door, activate a shield, climb into a
vehicle, use a perk or control a drone weapon. Run (double Move up to 8 inches (Can not
Most units can only fire once, unless they have Perkz or a special move) shoot after run).
weapon which allows them to break the single shooting action Shoot Fire at an Enemy unit in range. 1
rule. Some Perkz also require actions to use.
Embark or Disembark a transport

Infantry Actions
Movement is completed before shooting, so most units will Embark 1
either remain stationary and shoot, or move 4 inches and then
shoot. Certain Perkz will break this rule allowing specialist Gruntz Fire entire Gruntz squad
to shoot and then move. Concentrate (excluding Squad Attachment)
You must finish the move and then shoot actions of all the models Fire at another Gruntz squad. Short
in a unit before activating your next unit. range only.

Interdiction Places an area effect of

Options when activating a unit 1
Fire supporting fire.
When you activate a unit you can take up to two actions with it. + 2 inches to normal move and
Assault 2
The first of these actions has to be used to remove suppression if the close combat. (Can not shoot).
unit is already in suppressed condition when activated. If the unit
activated is suppressed, it must first take one action to recover from Move at half speed (2 inches),
Overwatch 2
suppressed condition, this represents the unit reorganising itself after ready to interrupt enemy move.
taking incoming fire or from other disrupting battlefield events.
Go Prone / Model can go prone or stand
Commanders, if activated before the Gruntz squad can remove a Stand from prone condition.
suppression condition from nearby units by using the “Take the Pain” Remove Remove 1 suppression token
action. 1
Suppression from unit.
The action chart on this page provides an overview of possible Throw
actions when a unit or model is activated. Throw held grenade. 1
Sequence of Move and Shoot Perkz have action requirements
Use Perk *
listed in the Perkz table.
In the standard rules a unit must complete a move action or remain
stationary before shooting. It can not shoot and then move unless a

Run Move The Gruntz squad in the open is

activated and completes a run action
2 (two moves). Each move is 4 inches for

all Gruntz, so taking two actions to move

Fire! allows them to cover some distance but
1 they can not fire because both actions
7 Inch have been used.


The APC pictured is then activated and

uses one action to move up to its profile

move in inches and its second action

is to shoot at a distant enemy. It can

fire because it only moved once on its


4 Inch

If an enemy target is in LOS and within

Move 2 long range it is often worth firing a
4 Inch vehicles weapon because a double 6 on
Move the shoot roll is always a hit.

You can make use of a vehicle for cover


G Squad Leader

and if your squad is not within a troop


carrier, it can still gain cover by activating


G Grunt after the vehicle and following it to

screen their movement.

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Terrain and Environment galaxy can kiss my ass

Some GZG Crustie models used as Gruntz Amnians. Models painted by Jonathan Rogers.

Movement Running and not Shooting

All foot troops have two types of movement. They can make a If a unit makes a ‘Running’ action and uses both actions, it can no
‘Normal’ move of up to 4” at the cost of one action or they can make longer make a shoot attack at the end of the move. However if part
a ‘Running’ move of up to 8” at the cost of two actions. Assaults are a of the move was due to a Commander Push Move, the Gruntz squad
function of movement that adds up to 2” to a ‘Normal’ move because could make a shoot action after the double move.
‘Running’ can not be combined with an assault which is intended to
take the unit into close combat with an enemy unit. Bonus to Shooting whilst Stationary

Vehicles operate on a similar basis and take two actions to complete If you don’t move a unit, you gain a +1 to any shoot rolls made
a ‘Flank’ speed (double move). during this activation. The +1 does not apply to over-watch shooting.
This bonus to shooting applies to all unit types in the game. There are
You can use Perkz and Modz to increase base movement. You certain types of weapon that don’t gain the +1 including fixed mount
double the modified base movement for a ‘Running’ or ‘Flank’ move. gun emplacements and unlimbered fixed artillery.

Using Cover It is the red player’s turn and they activate the
squad which intends to close with the white

2 player’s Gruntz unit. It has to pass over some


rough terrain, so they use up movement


rapidly whilst covering the rough ground.


Each inch of terrain covered whilst bases are


crossing the rough ground counts as 2 inches

1 of movement.

4 Inch

After moving they shoot at the white squad.


The hard cover provided by the concrete

barrier adds a +2 modifier to the targets

Guard statistic.
Holding a position in cover can extend the
life of a Gruntz squad and combining them
with a Squad Attachment with indirect fire
G Grunt Leader

and a battlefield medic will make them even

more effective at holding a key position.

G G Grunt
Consider taking an over-watch action if you

are expecting an incoming assault attack.


G Squad A tightly packed Gruntz squad would still be

Attachment susceptible to incoming artillery fire where
an area effect template is used.

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Gruntz Unit Activation


Activation of Gruntz and Vehicle models is similar and follows

the standard 2 action activation. There are extra steps in the Gruntz
activation to cover removal of Waxed models (casualties) and to also Movement for all Gruntz is set to 4 inches for simplification and
remove suppression. Gruntz squads suffering Condition Brown remove ease of play. There are some Perkz which increase this range for
this condition when they remove suppression. fast moving alien types or jet packs but all standard Gruntz are
limited to a maximum move of 4 inches.
Moving through models
They can use both actions for a run move which doubles the
Gruntz can move through friendly Gruntz units but they must distance covered to 8 inches.
have enough move distance to get completely past the friendly units Commanders can assign a Push Move to a Gruntz squad which
base. No individual or multi-figure base is allowed to overlap or rest is an additional free 4 inch movement. This is a useful tactical
upon another figure’s base but they may touch. Vehicles can not move move when you need to get a squad to cover a greater distance.
through other friendly or enemy vehicles and Gruntz can not move
through friendly or enemy vehicles.

Unit Activation : Gruntz Squad,
Specialist and Commander

1 Activate a Squad Ignore the

model re m
oval for
Player Selects a Non-Gruntz
Gruntz Squad.

Certain Perkz allow you to recover

Waxed models on activation.
If you are using a Specialist Medic to
Remove models in heal the Squad you must activate the
Waxed Condition Medic before the Gruntz squad to
from play. remove the waxed condition from
models in the squad.

One of this units

All units get 2 actions on their
two actions is Is the unit
Yes activation. If the unit is in Suppressed
used to remove Suppressed?
condition it has to use one of its 2
actions to remove suppression.

There are several actions a unit of

Complete Movement Gruntz can take during play. The
or other actions like basic actions are Moving, Shooting
Assault. and Assault. A double move uses 2
actions and is made at twice the
base speed of the unit. You can not
Shoot after a double move, unless a
Commander has assigned a "Push
If you have made only
Move" to the Squad.
a single move.
Complete Shooting
You can't go back and re-activate
this unit until your next turn, it won't
act again unless it is on Overwatch
Unit Activation Ends, or reacting to an incoming Assault
Select next Unit Attack.

2 Squad Activation ends

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Vehicle Unit Activation galaxy can kiss my ass

Going Prone If a vehicle turns on the spot to change facing it is always considered
to be a move action. A vehicle’s facing is important because they take
It costs one action to change from standing to prone, or prone more damage from rear and side attacks and often have weapons with
to standing. If a unit is suppressed whilst in the prone condition, it a specific fire arc. Check the vehicle rules section for details on weapon
will only be able to stand or shoot from prone because suppression arcs of fire.
reduces a units actions from two to one for that activation. A unit can
not move while in prone condition. Vehicle Movement

Facing and Arcs for Gruntz Movement for vehicles is either normal speed, or flank speed
which is up to twice the move in inches printed on the profile card.
Individual Gruntz squad models do not have a rear arc so moving Unlike Gruntz squads, the Vehicles have different movement speeds
them to change face is simply a visual way of determining which way depending on the mobility technology they use. A flank speed (double
the models are facing, it does not cost an action. You will still benefit move) for a vehicle costs two actions. They also benefit from the +1 to
from the +1 to shoot if you change a Gruntz squads facing, however any shooting if they are stationary during activation.
they must only be turned on the spot and not moved away from their
current position or this will count as a move. Vehicles moving at Flank speed are harder to hit with +2 to Guard.

Unit Activation : Vehicles and
Vehicle Specialists.

1 Activate a Vehicle
Vehicles don't suffer suppression,
Player Selects a they also use a damage track to
Vehicle. record incoming damage, so no
models are removed from play until
the vehicle is smoked (destroyed).

Complete Movement All units get 2 actions on their

or other actions. activation.

A vehicles basic actions are Moving,

and Shooting. A double move uses 2
If you have made only actions and is made at twice the
a single move. base speed of the vehicle. You can
Complete Shooting not shoot after a double move.

If the Vehicle remains stationary

Unit Activation Ends, there is a bonus applied to the Shoot
Select next Unit attack of +1

2 Vehicle Activation Ends

You can't go back and re-activate

k' (double
s m o vi ng at 'Flan this vehicle until your next turn, it
Veh ic le ard for
a +2 to Gu won't act again until it is next
move) gain lefield at fu
oss the batt activated. Transported Squads or
moving acr is a n y th ing
ouble move
speed. A d ovement.
vehicles can disembark or deploy
over base m from a model which has finished its

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Actions and Movement in Terrain

unit’s activation it will be using its second action to activate the door
Terrain types and cannot make a shoot action.

You can play Gruntz in varied Locked doors need to be breached or hacked and require a roll
terrain types, either in a built up equal to or under the Gruntz Skill statistic to hack the door.
city area or out in the dust wastes of
Moving Into a Building
Mars. The terrain types here detail
how the various units perform in A door or blasted open entrance (aka mouse-hole) must be
each environment. available and opened to allow Gruntz into a building. If the squad
are already outside the building and have enough movement, they
can move into the building and shoot on the same activation.
In rough terrain some unit types use 2 inches of movement for
every 1 inch of terrain covered. Units with the Perk “Ultimate Agility” A Gruntz squad may climb onto a building and it is assumed they
ignore penalties for rough terrain. Woodland areas and rubble are are carrying appropriate equipment to enable them to climb most
considered as rough. Special conditions are applied depending on unit structures up to 4 inches in height with a single move.
mobility type which are referenced in the Terrain Types table.
The squad must be within 3 inches of the base of the structure to
If a Gruntz squad is intending to pass through any form of rough make the climb move which uses both of their actions.
terrain during a move they can complete a single or double move.
Single Gruntz within the squad can move faster if they are able to skirt For open platforms with ramps and clear ladders, it is only necessary
the terrain, however they risk breaking squad coherency if they do. to make a normal or double move depending on the distance required
to walk onto the structure.
Inside thick Woodland
Other Actions
When a model is inside woodland its line of sight (LOS) is reduced
to 2” and the model benefits from +1 Guard for Light Cover. If you are playing a scenario game you can create further objectives
and actions specific to the game setting. For example you might
If models are within 2” of the edge of the woodland they gain the decide that a team of Gruntz has to access a computer console to
benefit of the +1 Guard for Light Cover and can also target models release a disabling virus within a base defence network. Depending on
outside of the woodland. Models outside of the woodland can fire in your scenario this might take one or two actions to complete or even
but only at models within 2” of the edge. require player to roll under the unit’s skill statistic. When setting up
your terrain table make sure you agree areas and boundaries between
If you have very light sparsely wooded areas you may wish to treat rough, impassable and open terrain before you begin.
the individual trees as cover, rather than a fully wooded location.
Opening Doors
Clear terrain includes open fields, grass, clear country or basic
Large bulkhead doors and small corridor doors all require a Gruntz gravel roads. Clear terrain has no effect on the standard movement of
model to use one action to activate the mechanism or use the door all vehicles. Low rolling hills and slight inclines are also considered to
handle to open or close it. If the model has already moved as part of its be open for the purpose of movement.

8 inch Rough Terrain Crossing the shallow water is Rough terrain

Move and the Gruntz make an 8” double move


on their activation. They have to use 2” of


move for every 1” they move through the


water and they can not fire because they


used both actions to double move.



The white tank is stationary getting a +1


a to its shoot and it hits the red tank and


manages to score a lucky critical which

damages the red tanks engine. The red
Gruntz squad moves 4” and shoots, waxing
two white squad members.
3 4 inch

The white Gruntz do not have a medic

Move close by so the two Waxed models will
G and Fire! be removed at the start of their next
G activation.

Stationary Rough terrain slows down the battlefield

Fire! G movement of a Gruntz squad and where

G possible it would be strategically beneficial

to first use a vehicle as a transport to get

4 the Squads into tactical locations before


you disembark and deploy to squads.



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Terrain Types Table galaxy can kiss my ass

Rough / Rubble / Roads and

Type Deep Water Heavy Woods Impassable
Shallow Water Pavement
2 inches of move statistic Can swim by using a 2 inches of move Can Climb with a
Gruntz on
used to make 1 inch of double move to move 4 No Effect statistic used to double move to cover
movement inches of water move1 inch 4 inches in height

If flotation system or
Walking airtight: 3 inches of move Cannot pass unless
No Effect No Effect Cannot pass
Vehicle statistic used to move 1 fitted with Jump Jets

2 inches of move
Walking 2 inches of move statistic 2 inches of move
statistic used to
Mecha / No Effect used to make 1 inch of No effect statistic used to make
make 1 inch of climb
Monster movement 1 inch of movement

If flotation system or
2 inches of move statistic
airtight: 3 inches of move +1 inch To
Wheeled used to cover 1 inch of Cannot pass Cannot pass
statistic used to move 1 base Move

2 inches of move statistic If airtight: 3 inches of

Tracked used to make 1 inch of move statistic used to No Effect Cannot pass Cannot pass
movement move 1 inch

2 inches of move statistic

Hover used to make 1 inch of No Effect No Effect Cannot pass Cannot pass

Can ‘pop up’ over Can ‘pop up’ over

Grav No Effect No Effect No Effect terrain up to 8 inches terrain up to 8 inches
in height in height

Flyer can not land in

heavy woods except No Effect. Skimmer
Flying /
in clearings. Skimmer Bikes can ‘pop up’ over
Skimmer No Effect No Effect No Effect
bikes can fly through terrain up to 8 inches
heavy woods creating in height
exciting chase scenes.

Can not land in heavy

No Effect No Effect No Effect woods except in No Effect.

Can not land in heavy

Helicopter No Effect No Effect No Effect woods except in No Effect.

Rough Roads and Pavement

Rough terrain includes any difficult terrain like a rubble and Clear open roads and pavement are treated as Clear terrain in
boulder covered section of desert, thick bushy undergrowth. The Gruntz for all vehicles except wheeled, which are able to gain +1 inches
difficult nature of this uneven ground makes it hard to traverse. Other in base movement if their entire move is made on uninterrupted
examples of rough terrain are shallow pounds, swamps, bogs and alien concrete or road.
worlds with heavy ground flora. Rough terrain may have been formed
when a city area or building has been destroyed leaving behind rubble Impassable
or other twisted masonry.
Cliffs, high bluffs, crevasses, volcanic outcrops, buildings and any
Deep Water large man made or natural feature can be counted as impassable.

Deep water is any area of water which is deeper than the height of Only Grav, VTOL or other flying vehicles are able to clear impassable
an average grunt. Vehicles and Mecha crossing deep water either need terrain. Grav vehicles can traverse buildings and impassable terrain
to be able to float or be 100% atmospherically sealed. Deep water will of up to 8 inches in height whilst making a normal or double move
significantly slow vehicles forced to move under the surface although forward. They must have enough movement to completely clear the
they do benefit from a modifier to their Guard score to represent the obstacle, unless they are stopping on top of the building or terrain
cover afforded by water. Hover and Grav vehicles can easily move feature.
between water and clear terrain.

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Terrain Continued

Hills Tracked

There are no penalties for movement up or downhill and if the Traditional tracked vehicles are still a frequent sight on the
incline looks too steep to traverse it should be classified as impassable battlefields of the future and offer a lower-cost alternative to more
by players before play begins. advanced technology. Efficient high-output power plants, combined
with the advanced materials used on the tracks have increased the
Woodland reliability and usefulness of a tracked vehicle on the battlefield.
Light woods with undergrowth are Rough terrain, although Gruntz Special Mecha Walker and Monster Movement
can make use of larger trees as cover. Heavy woods are also Rough
terrain and are only accessible by skimmer bikes and Gruntz. However Mecha and Monster walkers can hug terrain and hunker down
Grav vehicles can ‘pop up’ over heavy woods to traverse them. to make the best use of large boulders and buildings around them,
making them less vulnerable to incoming fire. They also have slightly
Changing Terrain improved movement over different types of terrain compared to
standard tank type “crab walkers”. When using an action to hunker
If a model moves from one terrain type to another during
down as a mecha you should confirm that the profile of the mecha is
movement, adjust the total distance covered by the factor detailed in
able to obscure at least half of its full hull size with the terrain.
the terrain types table.
Hunker down action is the same as going prone for a Mecha/
In normal open terrain a vehicle can move 1 inch for every 1 inch of
Monsters and it adds an additional +1 to their Guard. Whilst hunkered
movement it has. When it crosses into rough terrain it will start to pay
down the mecha can not make a move.
2 inches of movement for every 1 inch it travels in the rough terrain.
A model is only able to make a half base move when hunkered
Speed in Terrain
down and is not able to run.
In all terrain types Vehicles and Gruntz can take a double move
action which sacrifices their shoot action. When taking a double move
in rough or other terrain types the unit is putting all effort into moving
as rapidly as possible through the terrain and still suffers the penalties
listed in the terrain types table.


Walker-type tanks and walking Mecha are able to easily move

into rough terrain making use of advanced stabilisers or advanced
gyroscopic spider-AI to move easily through rouble and rough.


Helicopters are often used on frontier planets, where costs are kept
low for movement of military or civilian units. They make use advanced
power plants to drive rotary blades.


Hover vehicles are either based on a skirt based air lift system or a Using the advanced card activation to play out a skirmish in a
biological skirt on an alien tank acting as an advanced slug foot. They research base. Resin Terrain from Ainsty Castings UK.
move easily from the surface of the water to land and are fast attack
vehicles, that are perfect for coastal attacks.

Wheeled Ahead of me Johnson crouches, a whisper and the squad

goes quiet waiting for comms. Leading past an awkward
Wheeled vehicles make a good compromise in cost and mobility
boulder is a shallow ditch down to the bug hole entrance.
with rapid speed in urban areas and economical engine systems.
Somewhere beneath this warren, a sentient mind is feel-
Bikes ing for pheromone borne news of the hives threat level.
Lets give her something to think about.
Skimmer bikes and motorbikes are not impacted by heavy woods
and rough terrain, making them ideal to strike at objectives which can The squad pause for breath and duck suddenly spotting
only be reached through woodland. a sentry creeper as two dark shapes burst out of the en-
trance to check the air.
A trooper reacts and shots are fired by one of the greens, bullets
Grav technology allows a vehicle access to all areas except for the spitting on the ground a few yards ahead. We lie absolutely flat,
most difficult thick forest. By using repulsion, magnetic field or clever scarcely daring to breathe – have they seen? Waiting briefly for the
manipulation of esoteric matter force fields it is essentially a method sentries to retreat we go on with explosives in hand, the ditch gets
of floating a vehicle above the ground providing high speed access to a little deeper, giving cover against the entrance hole. My heart is
the battlefield. beating nineteen to the dozen - will it mean a tank bug. “My God,”
I think this could be the central hive mind ahead and this the ditch
which leads us into hell.

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Tarnhelm Mecha galaxy can kiss my ass


Marztek, Tarnhelm light Mecha. Used for its rapid movement in confined City street fights. A fast mover with multiple payload options
and great forward spotting where indirect fire is required against select targets. Art by Jake Parker.

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galaxy can kiss my ass
Battlefield Leaders

Death of a Commander
Commanders When the commander loses all wounds he is Waxed and all Gruntz
The Commander provides squads within 20 inches must make a roll under or equal to their
important moral, guidance and Mental statistic or enter Condition Brown, which is regardless of line
direction to your battlefield forces. of sight on the battlefield. This Mental check is resolved immediately,
They can either help drive the one Gruntz squad at a time. If they fail the Condition Brown check
attack or provide instruction from they are also automatically put into suppressed condition. All units
the safety of an armoured vehicle. now make future Mental checks with +2 penalty to the roll.


Commanders Whilst in an Ground or Air Support transport the Commander

can still use his special actions but can not shoot his own weapons
Commanders are the single powerful leader on the battlefield, unless the vehicle has a Mod which allows the use of transported troop
leading and inspiring their troops into battle. Commanders have more weapons.
wounds than normal Gruntz and several special rules that enable them
to have a far greater influence on the outcome of the battle than any
other unit.

Shooting and Assault

Commanders may use a single shoot action to shoot up to two

separate weapons listed on their profile or fire the primary weapon
twice. They follow the normal Gruntz rules for Assault but count
wounds rather than number of models Waxed when determining the
winner of the assault.

Push Move Action

Commanders may sacrifice a single action per activation and

assign it to a Gruntz unit within his Mental statistic range in inches. This
will allow the target unit to make an extra Move action.

This does not allow the target Gruntz unit to move three times but Japanese Powered Armour secure a garage. Models by Old Crow
will allow them to move twice and shoot. The Commander must assign and Ground Zero Games.
this spare action at the end of his activation to an nonactivated Gruntz
unit if he does not take both of his actions.

Take the Pain! Action

A Commander can sacrifice an action to remove suppression from

a Gruntz squad or Specialist model within his Mental statistics range Commanders have more wounds providing an abstract
in inches as long as one grunt is within range. You can activate the method to enable them to stay alive longer on the battlefield.
Commander before the target Gruntz unit or Specialist model so they It is a method of reflecting their resilience and experience at
can gain benefit of having suppression removed before activation. staying alive in tough conditions.
Commander Perkz If you don’t want a heroic “cinematic” play style build the
commander as a single wound model rather than using the
Commanders can purchase a Perk within their unit builder like the multiple wound version. Both forces must apply the single
Gruntz squads. Details of the effect of the Perk are listed in the Perkz wound option for a fair game.
table. Select a perk which is suitable for use by a Commander.

Commander Action Description

Commanders can shoot both ranged weapons listed on their turn or shoot their primary weapon twice, unless the
Shoot card states otherwise. They can shoot twice by using a single shoot action and can still take a single move before
they fire.
If the Commander takes only one action (move or shoots) they can assign the spare action to a Gruntz unit within
the Commander’s Mental statistic range in inches, allowing the unit to make an extra move, embark or disembark
Push Move a vehicle. This does not allow the unit to move three times but will allow them to move twice and shoot. The
Commander must use Push Move at the end of his activation and only if he does not take both of his actions. A
Push move does not allow a target unit to fire twice.
If the Commander takes only one move or shoot, they can sacrifice the spare action and remove a suppression
condition from a Gruntz unit within Mental range in inches. The Commander must use Take the Pain! at the end
Take the Pain!
of his activation and only if he does not take both of his actions. This can not be combined with the Push Move
Assault The Commander follows the normal Assault rules for Gruntz units.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Condition Modifier Table galaxy can kiss my ass

Tokens are available to represent Waxed and

the other most common conditions. Placing the
counters next to the models makes it easy to
identify the conditions applied to them.

You can find out more about where to purchase

the tokens from the web site.

During the game of Gruntz, models will find

themselves in various situations which will have a
effect on how hard it is to target the unit and how
effective it is at making attacks. The following table
details the various conditions and modifiers that
will affect play.
Gruntz tokens allow easy identification of conditions on the battlefield and are
especially important for marking Waxed condition. Left to right Condition Brown,
Suppressed, Keep Down, Waxed, Over-watch. Model: Art Crime Productions

Condition Description Effect

Model or Unit is on the run after failing a Mental check. Gruntz Can not shoot and must run (double move) toward the
squads automatically recover from Condition Brown after one starting table edge or deployment zone and make use of
activation in the condition. cover where possible.

+2 to Guard of a vehicle that makes a Flank speed double

Double Move When a Vehicle completes a Double Move it is moving at Flank
move and moves further than its base move statistic in
(Flank) speed and is harder to target.

When a VTOL or other transport or aircraft are off the ground If a transport unit is destroyed whilst flying all units in the
and moving. transport are Waxed unless equipped with jump packs.

Inside a building (leaning out of a window), a bunker position

and other terrain items that obscure either LOS or protect the
Heavy Cover model hiding behind it. As long as the base edge is touching +2 to Guard
the terrain item the figure is using the cover, except where the
cover is not between them and the enemy model.

In the Open When a model is not in cover and is a clear target. No modifiers.

This is represented as a hedge, bush, wooden fence, rubble or

low wall. If a prone model is In Cover they make use of cracks
in the wall or hedge, so that whils prone they can still shoot
Light Cover +1 to Guard
through the cover. As long as the base edge is touching the
terrain item the figure is using the cover, except where the
cover is not between them and the enemy model.

+2 on Shoot roll and +1 to Guard against ranged attacks

Grunt is on the ground in the prone position ready to aim.
only. Line of Sight (LOS) is not blocked by a prone model.
You must spend an action to go Prone or to stand from Prone.
+2 to the Assault roll of a unit assaulting a unit that is in
Prone While prone you are more vulnerable to assault attacks. A
Prone condition. Prone does not stack with the +1 shoot
unit of Gruntz can make a half base move only whilst in prone
bonus granted from not moving during activation, it also
condition (2”) and can not take a run action.
does not stack with other cover types.

+1 to all ranged attack rolls (Skill or Shoot). Does not stack

Stationary When a Vehicle or Gruntz squad has not moved. with prone condition. Applies only to the first ranged
attack made by Vehicles with multiple weapons.

If a Gruntz squad or Specialist model has suffered at least Unit is marked with a suppression counter and loses one
one Waxed casualty or damage point whilst taking ranged action on its next activation. Commander models can
Suppressed attack damage the Squad makes a Mental check of enters remove one suppression per turn by using one action. A
Suppressed condition. Only Gruntz squads, Specialists, Commander must activate before the suppressed unit to
Commanders and Squad Attachments can be Suppressed. use this ability.

Waxed figures are basically out of the game and are removed Waxed models can not take an action and do not block
at the start of their next activation. Certain actions can prevent LOS. They do not threaten troops near to them and can
a Waxed model being removed during activation. not be targeted by attacks.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Ranged Combat

Long Range
Combat Overview
All models can fire at targets up to twice the range stat of their
Combat in Gruntz is fast and weapon listed on the profile card. Any shooting made at over the range
effective. Normal Gruntz units stat listed on the profile card a suffers a -3 penalty for being out of the
only have one wound per model, most effective range of the weapon.
so when hit by ranged weapons
or assault attacks they can suffer Shooting into Close Combat
significant casualties.
Shooting into close combat is deadly. Roll a D6, on a 1-3 the shot
There are two components of any attack. Firstly the Guard stat will hit the friendly model, on 4-6 it will hit the enemy. If you hit a
of the target must be equalled or beaten with a 2D6 roll plus the friendly model and there are multiple assaulting targets in the melee,
the defender gets to select which friendly model you hit. Most sensible
attackers Shoot or Assault skill depending on the situation.
races do not shot into close combat but there are alien races who have
If it hits the target, the attacker then rolls a 2D6 damage dice and a complete disregard for friendly combatants.
add the damage statistic of the shooting weapon or assault .
Shooting at targets in cover
If you equal the target’s Soak statistic with your total damage
(2D6 + Weapon Damage) you score a wound. Every point above All targets in soft cover gain a +1 to their Guard and if behind hard
cover they gain +2 to Guard.
the Soak statistic causes an additional point of damage to multi-
damage models including Specialists, Vehicles and Commanders. Shooting at targets in different types of cover
Grunt with their single wound are Waxed after taking one wound.
When shooting at a unit with some models in cover and some in
Shooting the open, the shooting player must declare which attacking Gruntz
models are firing and at what models in the target unit. For each shot,
The Condition of the shooting unit or target can affect the success factor in the correct cover type and roll the attacks individually with the
of an attack when Stationary or Prone. Consult the Condition Modifier appropriate modifiers for cover applied.
Table for details of modifications to be applied. An roll of double 1 is
always a miss and a roll of double 6 is always a hit. Shooting Damage

Critical Shoot After hitting the unit, the attacker makes another 2D6 roll adding
the weapon’s damage to the attack. The roll must equal or exceed the
Any double 6 shoot attack roll is a critical and allows the lowest of Soak statistic to wound the grunt. Gruntz units with single wounds
the 2 damage dice to be re-rolled. You must keep the re-rolled damage will be considered Waxed on any successful damage roll. Models with
dice number on the second roll. multiple wounds will suffer a number of wounds equal to 1 plus the
difference between the damage roll and their Soak stat.
Targets and Range
Shooting Area Effect (AE)
Declare which models you are shooting with and at which targets.
Each grunt in the squad can target a different unit or Gruntz model. You Any profile card listed with an AE value next to the damage for
can target one model e.g. A vehicle can be targeted by every member a weapon uses a circle template for damage extending beyond the
of the Gruntz squad who all take an individual shot. model targeted.

You can pre-measure range before declaring a shooting attack. If Select a template with a diameter in inches that matches the AE
the unit does not have the range to hit the target the shoot attack has stat and place over the target model (e.g. AE2 would hit any models
failed unless the target is within Long Range. under a 2 inch diameter circle. ). Any other models covered or partially
covered by the template are hit by the attack and take a separate
When shooting with Gruntz it is recommended that unique pairs damage roll at -5 for splash damage
of coloured D6 are used to enable you to roll the full unit’s dice in one
go, rather than rolling one pair of dice six times. Area Effect attacks can deviate. If you miss with an AE attack use a
deviation dice to determine the which direction the target is going and

Shoot Conditions Effect on Rolls

Shooting at a
+2 to the Guard statistic of the target Vehicle. (When a Vehicle is making a double move)
Shoot Modifiers

Vehicle moving at Flank Speed

+ 1 to your Shoot Roll.

Shooting whilst Stationary Only applied to squad members that did not move. Going prone or standing from prone is counted
as a move action. The +1 is only applied to the first Shoot attack by Vehicles with multiple weapons.

Gruntz Shooting at Vehicle -2 to the Damage Roll. Does not apply to heavy weapons carried by Squad Attachments.

If caught in the explosive radius of an Area effect weapon, all models are automatically hit for a
Indirect Collateral Damage
damage roll at -5 to the normal weapon damage.

All weapons can fire up to twice the range listed on the Profile Cards. When firing over normal range
Long Range
all attacks are made at -3 to the shoot roll.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Ranged Combat Detail galaxy can kiss my ass

then roll a D6 to determine the deviated distance in inches. All models squad attachment.
now under the new location of the area effect template are subject to
a damage roll at -5 for splash damage. After hitting the vehicle make the 2D6 -2 damage roll and compare
the roll + weapon damage. If it equals the vehicles Soak score it causes
Armour Piercing 1 damage. Every point over the Soak statistic is an additional point of
damage to the vehicle.
Certain heavy Squad Attachment and droid weapons are Armour
piercing (AP) because they are designed with anti-material roles in Indirect Fire
Weapons with the Indirect Fire ability including missile or mortar
If your profile card has the AP statistic next to the weapon details based equipment can target models that are not in line of sight. They
it will add to the damage roll against vehicle targets. Armour Piercing must have a friendly squad member able to spot on their behalf who
does not provide a bonus when attacking normal Gruntz, Specialists does have the enemy model in LOS. Spotting is automatic.
or Commanders. It does apply against Vehicle Specialists and Vehicles.
Interdiction Fire Ability
Line of Sight (LOS)
Squad attachments, specialists or vehicles with Full Auto capable
Line of Sight is blocked by other friendly and enemy Gruntzs or weapons can lay down a 2 inch Area Effect where they are continuing
terrain. If you can see any area of a target model you can draw LOS to it, to burst fire over a period of time. This template remains in place until
however models within Light Cover will have a +1 Guard statistic and the end of the opponent’s turn and any models entering or ending
Heavy Cover is +2 Guard. Vehicles are able to draw LOS over Gruntz, activation in the template will automatically suffer a damage roll equal
solos and Commanders but not through other Vehicles or buildings to the weapon damage listed on the profile card.
which block LOS .
Interdiction Fire is effective if a friendly or enemy model ends
If a target is behind a large structure or Gruntz are standing behind its movement in or passes through the area effect template, not if it
a large wall they are obscured from view and are therefore not in line simply moves out of the area on activation. Models already under the
of sight. When targeting a specialist or vehicle they must have half or interdiction template do not take damage unless they stay within the
more more of their profile behind the cover to benefit from it. area effect during their activation. It is a method of providing cover
to friendly units and locking down certain areas of the battlefield by
Target models need to have more than 50% of their profile behind continuing to provide covering fire during enemy activation.
the cover to benefit from it. Gruntz are considered to be using low walls
and hedges as cover when behind them, so only their base and legs All weapons that have the Full Auto option (not including missile
needs to be obscured. For a vehicle to gain cover it needs 50% of the or grenade launchers) can be used for interdiction fire and it can only
hull to be behind the cover or building. be used within the range listed on the card for the weapon not at Long
Range (which is twice base range).
Gruntz shooting at Vehicles
To complete Interdiction fire use one action and place the 2 inch
When shooting at a tank or other vehicle a Gruntz standard squad diameter area effect on a target location within normal range of the
weapon suffers -2 to the damage roll due to their weaponry being less weapon. Roll 2D6 to confirm you are covering the target area with fire, a
effective against material targets. roll of double 1 results in a misfire , battlefield issue or communications
problem which results in a failed interdiction fire. Any roll other than
Squad attachment weapons with Armour Piercing do not suffer
double 1 is a success. Leave the area effect marker in place until the
the -2 damage modifier, offering a Gruntz unit an opportunity to
firing unit next activates.
damage a vehicle using the heavier support weapon carried by the

Standard Shoot The White Gruntz squad in the open is

activated and declares they are all firing
on the Red Gruntz not the tank. They
could have split some Gruntz fire at the
Each member of the White squad makes

a 2D6 roll and adds their Shoot statistic

to the result with a +1 to each roll for not
Line of sight is calculated from each Grunt

G model before they shoot at individuals

in the red squad. Even their own squad
can block LOS unless the friendly models

blocking LOS are prone, in which case


they can fire over them.

You can target an enemy squad leader

or Squad Attachment, however in most


instances another squad member is

G Squad Leader going to pick up the dropped Squad

Attachment weapon and a new squad


G Grunt leader is selected after the current one is



Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Shoot Sequence

the damage of the weapon and add this modifier to a 2D6 roll. You
Combat must equal the target’s Soak statistic to score one damage point on
the model. If you are firing at another grunt model you will wax them
To hit a target, a unit makes a 2D6 if you manage to score 1 damage point. If you are attacking a Vehicle,
roll adding their Shoot statistic, Commander or Specialist unit, every point over the Soak value is an
taking an individual shot for each additional damage point recorded on the targets damage track.
model in a unit unless they are
using the concentrate fire action. If The affect of damage caused by shooting, assault, ram and other
the modified 2D6 result is equal or attacks is resolved directly after the target has been hit by a single
higher than the Guard of the target source. The defender should place a waxed token on defending Gruntz
they are hit and damage rolls are now made. which have been waxed.

Shoot Sequence Suppression Test due to Waxed models

Declare what the Gruntz models are shooting at. If the target is a Any time a unit of Gruntz, Commander or Gruntz Specialist suffer
Gruntz squad in mixed cover and open, you will need to declare what a waxed casualty or a damage point as the result of incoming fire they
model they are shooting at in the target unit. If all of the target unit are need to make a Mental check to test for suppressed condition.
in the same range and the same cover type you can roll all the dice
Immediately after finishing shooting against a target Gruntz mode,
Commander or Gruntz Specialist model place a Gruntz Waxed token
Calculate any modifiers by confirming if the models have moved beside the them. After finishing all shooting from your unit against the
and if the target has any current benefits from being in the cover target unit, the target must now test to confirm if they have entered
condition. If your unit has not moved it gains a +1 to its Shoot statistic the suppressed condition. Roll 2D6 equal to or less than their Mental
for this shoot action. Check the shoot modifiers table and also statistic. Before making the roll reduce your Mental statistic by the
remember to apply any benefits that the Gruntz Perkz might apply like number of waxed models in your unit. If they fail to roll equal to or
“Painted Target” which adds +2 to the attack roll. less than their modified Mental statistic they place a suppression token
beside the unit.
Measure the range to confirm if it is standard or Long Range. Long
Range shoot attacks are made at -3 to the Shoot roll (up to twice the For example if a Gruntz squad with a Mental statistic of 7 has taken
base range listed for the ranged weapon type). 2 Waxed casualties from one source of incoming fire, make your Mental
check at -2 to your Mental statistic and roll 5 or less on 2D6.
You measure from the edge of the base of the firing model to the
edge of the target models base for all shooting in Gruntz 15mm. Models in a Gruntz unit can be brought back to action after
entering the waxed condition by medics and certain Perkz at the start
Roll 2D6 and resolve each Gruntz shot. Add your shoot skill to the of their activation.
rolls and apply any modifiers, if the result is equal to or higher than
the target’s “Guard” statistic you have scored a hit on the target model. Impact of Suppression

A roll of double 1 is always a miss and a double 6 is always a hit. When a unit activates in suppressed condition it needs to use one
of its two actions to remove suppression. Being suppressed limits the
Resolve Damage options available to a unit to only one action which is a reflection of
their disorganised state.
Resolve damage for successful hits. Check your profile card for

Concentrate Fire The White gruntz unit activates spotting

that the Red enemy APC is getting close.
They are shooting at a vehicle target and
they have normal squad weapons which
don’t have armour piercing (AP). This will
8" result in a -2 to the damage rolls of each
Gruntz model if they hit the APC and if
each individual model succeeds with their
shoot roll they will still need to roll high on
damage rolls to equal the heavier armour of

the APC.

Five of the Gruntz have Line of Sight. The



flagged model is being blocked by a fellow

squad member. They are in close range.

To save on the number of dice rolled


(speeding up the game) and to increase

the chances of scoring damage against the
vehicle the squad take a Concentrate fire
action. They check for range and make 1
single Shoot roll for the unit, adding +2 to
the Shoot and Damage roll for the 5 figures
with Line of Sight (LOS).

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Concentrate Fire galaxy can kiss my ass


Immediately after suffering a waxed condition from one damage

source (An enemy squad or vehicle) Roll 2D6 equal to or under the
units Mental statistic to shake off the suppression.
Modern and SCI-FI automatic weapons could spray carnage
If the Mental check is failed the squad is placed into suppressed across several targets. In Gruntz we wanted to encourage dynamic
condition. They don’t need to check for suppression from any future movement to engage targets rather than a turkey shoot or instant
incoming damage until the suppressed condition is removed. drone death.
Each model in a unit of Gruntz will act independently. So if half
Overwhelming Casualties
the squad enters prone condition the remains of the squad could
If a Gruntz squad has lost half (rounded up) or more of their current take a shot at a ranged target and gain the benefit of not having
remaining squad including Squad Attachments from one source of moved that turn.
incoming damage they need to make a Condition Brown check. If they The exception to this rule is the Assault action where all of the
fail the check they will turn and run. Gruntz in the squad have to complete the action as a group and
move to assault the enemy unit as a group.
A Gruntz squad and its attachments is considered one damage
source so the target Gruntz unit only needs to make one Mental check When concentrating fire, use a nearby Commander to give the
after all incoming fire from a squad is finished and then only if they unit a push move before they use two actions to concentrate
have lost one or more waxed models. When another unit activates and fire, it affords them some additional movement. Concentrating
fires on the same target, they will need to make another Mental check the entire unit against one target usually guarantees some minor
if another half of their remaining squad (rounded up) is Waxed because damage against a vehicle or a guaranteed waxed Grunt.
it is treated as a second unique damage source.

If they fail the Mental check apply the effect of Condition Brown shooting at a specific target, the target can be any type of unit but is
immediately and run the unit 8” away from the enemy, they are also always a single model. If using concentrate fire on a target Gruntz unit
now Suppressed. Mark the squad with a condition brown counter. you are focusing fire on one Gruntz model in that unit. It is possible
to group different numbers of Gruntz in your shooting unit, so groups
A Gruntz squad can use the Mental statistic of a nearby Commander of three could fire as teams at target squads allowing them to shoot
when making a Condition Brown test, however the Commander must at two different targets. Each team of Gruntz (or the entire unit) acts
be within a number of inches equal to his Mental statistic to enable together by putting all of their firepower onto one single target.
them to use it.
Number Shooting Bonus to Shoot roll and Damage
Making the Condition Brown Mental roll
Concentrate Fire

1 No Bonus
To complete a Condition Brown check roll 2D6 equal or less than 2 +1 to Shoot roll and Damage
your Gruntz squads Mental statistic. Reduce your Mental statistic by
modifying it by the number of models in waxed condition in the unit. 3 +1 to Shoot roll and Damage

Waxed 4 +2 to Shoot roll and Damage

Waxed models are not removed from the table immediately but 5 +2 to Shoot roll and Damage
are marked as Waxed, either by placing them on their sides or using a
6 +3 to Shoot roll and Damage
token on the table.

If a unit has suffered any Waxed models, when they are next Concentrate Fire Actions
activated, the Waxed Gruntz are removed from the table. If a medical
specialist has activated before the unit, they may be able to save some Concentrate fire uses two actions, so the Gruntz unit would
of the Gruntz and remove the Waxed condition from a number of them normally not move before they use it. However if the Gruntz unit has
before the unit activated. Certain Perkz may also allow the removal of been given a push move by a nearby Commander, they will be able to
the Waxed condition before activation. move or exit a vehicle before taking a Concentrate Fire double action.

Use a printed token or Gruntz waxed token to clearly mark all The minimum squad models needed to complete a Concentrate
waxed models in a unit. Fire action is two. First confirm that the target is in range of the squads
standard weapon then roll 2D6 + Shoot and add +1 to the ranged
Concentrate Fire attack roll for every two additional models shooting.

All Gruntz squads with ranged weapons can concentrate fire. A squad of 6 all firing at the same target would get +3 to the Shoot
This is two action order from the squad leader causing the full squad and damage roll but if just two squad members were concentrating fire
or groups of Gruntz within the squad to aim at one specific targets together it would be +1. A Gruntz squad will still suffer a -2 damage
increasing the chance to hit and cause damage. Concentrate Fire can when using small arms against a vehicle.
target units within standard or long range. Long range penalty does
apply to concentrate fire, apply -3 to the concentrate fire roll if it is Concentrate fire is not a vehicle killer but it gives a squad some
being made at long range. chance of knocking some damage into a vehicle or specialist which
could trigger a vital critical or ensure they do more damage to an
Concentrate Fire Targets aggravating enemy unit. Squad Attachments can join a concentrate
fire action, however they can only use the standard squad weapon
When given the order to concentrate fire, the Gruntz unit is which they are issued with and not their squad attachment heavier
focusing both their actions during the activation on aiming and weapon.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Full Auto Weapons and Over-watch


To throw grenades you use the Shoot statistic and target one
model. Check for range like firing a weapon and roll 2D6 adding your
shoot skill. If you roll high enough to equal or better the enemy targets
Guard statistic you have hit them.

When throwing grenades you can group the squad together to

determine the area effect and roll one shoot attack. 1-3 Gruntz (2 inch
area template), 4-6 Gruntz (4 inch area template). The primary target
of the grenade takes the full force of the grenade damage. All other
models under the template take the damage roll of the grenade -3.

There is no long range for Grenades which all have a max range
of 6”. Any misses will deviate D3” using a deviation dice and all figures
under the deviated area template suffer a damage roll at -5 including
any unfortunate friendly models that are under the template.

Full Auto Weapons

A Gruntz squad defending a road are supported by a command
Higher powered automatic weapons can sustain constant fire car. Models by GZG and Old Crow Models
across several targets. Weapons listed as having the full auto mode can
spread fire across several targets. It is a continuous spray of firepower
that can cause significant damage to multiple targets. If you miss the first shot you can still make the subsequent Shoot
rolls against the same target or another model within 4”. Make a single
When using a weapon with full auto you can choose to target shoot attack against each target at -1 to Shoot or Skill. The damage
models in normal range. Full auto can not be used at long range. Full rolls are made individually. Full Auto versions of weapons have an
auto shooting can not be combined with the Let Rip Perk. However a additional points cost which is detailed in the weapons section.
Squad Attachment carrying a full auto weapon could fire two single
shots using Let Rip, instead of using the weapons full auto ability. Over-watch

To make a full auto attack, first declare you are using the weapon Over-watch introduces the opportunity for a player to interrupt
on full auto. Roll D3+1 (D6 divided by 2, rounding up). This is the their opponents activation to respond to a threat on the battlefield.
number of shots and will result in a number between 2 and 4.
To place a Gruntz squad on over-watch uses two actions and
Now make the Shoot roll with a -1 penalty. If it is a vehicle shooting includes a half move of up to 2” at which point the unit is now waiting
apply the -1 to the Skill roll made to shoot the vehicles weapon. for an enemy unit to react to after their activation finishes. Place
a token beside the unit to confirm they are in over-watch. This 2” of
Subsequent targets must be within 4” of the last one hit. If there movement is an opportunity to ensure the squad all have line of sight
are not other targets within 4” you can focus the additional shots on to cover a fire corridor.
the last target. Normal LOS rules apply, so models out of LOS or behind
cover gain the appropriate benefit. When the opponent is activating a unit within line of sight of your
Gruntz squad in over-watch you can declare you wish to activate over-

Full Auto Shooting In this scene the Squad Attachment with a

heavy shoulder carried high energy laser

is firing using his Full Auto mode.


G He first rolled his D3+1 (A D6 roll divided

by 2 and rounded up) to determine the

amount of laser shots he can fire. He

G rolled a 4 which means he can fire 3 shots.
Each shot is completed using the Shoot
statistic with a negative modifier of -1 for
firing on full-auto.
The first two shots are made with just
the Full Auto -1 to the Shoot roll penalty
because the target grunts are out in the

open and receive no cover bonus. The

G Grunt Leader last shot is against the grunt highlighted

with the blue flag, which receives a cover

G bonus of +1 to his Guard for the broken

G Grunt rubble terrain.


Each subsequent target selected during
G Squad

full auto fire must be within 4 inches of the

Attachment last model targeted.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Close Combat galaxy can kiss my ass

watch shooting. First stop the opponent player during the movement
and ask them to declare their movement, action and end point. The
over-watch player declares the point along the movement when they
will fire at the active players unit. Resolve the shooting and if the
active players unit is suppressed they must end their activation at the Running a Gruntz squad against another prepared Gruntz unit is
point defined along the movement. Over-watch shooting is a sudden hazardous and likely to result in serious damage for the assaulting
reaction to an opponents movement, so the Shoot roll is made at -1 to unit as they charge against the enemy fire.
Shoot skill.
To improve the chances of surviving an assault it is recommend
The interruption used can fire at any point in the target of over- that nearby supporting fire is first brought to bear against the
watch fires. You can only use over-watch to react to enemy movement target unit first with the aim of suppressing the unit before the
and over-watch is removed if the unit receives a suppressed condition. assault begins.
Assaulting a defending Gruntz squad that has been placed in
Over-watch against Assault Over-watch during its last activation is the most dangerous
If the enemy unit you declared over-watch fire against is making an action a group of Gruntz can take and represents a high risk of
Assault attack against your unit and are in range to engage, follow the heavy casualties for the assaulting unit. A heavy powered armour
rules for Assault to confirm the outcome. squad stands the best chance of survival when making an assault
against an enemy squad which has been placed in Over-watch.
Assault Overview The assault sequence provides the defending unit an opportunity
to react to incoming assaults which is a reaction that does not
Using an Assault action is a charge into close combat with another
use their normal activation.
enemy unit. The whole squad must charge at a single enemy target
which could be a specialist, Gruntz squad or Vehicle. The best possible situation for a defender to be in, when an a
assault is declared against them, is to be in Over-watch and the
On activation the assault action uses both of the normal actions worst condition for a defender is to be suppressed. Suppressed
a Gruntz squad has, it combines an assaulting charge with a close Gruntz squads will suffer more damage from incoming assaults.
combat attack at the end of the charge.

When assaulting with a Gruntz squad the full squad has to attempt contact with enemy models to be able to make an assault attack and
the assault and the assault action replaces the normal move of the a pre-measure is allowed to confirm the number of figures that figures
unit. Assault combines the move with a hand to hand attack. On the have the range to engage with the enemy squad.
activation that you complete the assault, no models in the active unit
can shoot or make other moves unless the Commander uses a Push When assaulting, a unit adds +2 inches to its normal move action,
Move order on the Gruntz squad before they make an assault. The which for most Gruntz squads is 4 inches creating a modified total of a
Push Move can allow a Gruntz squad to move another 4 inches before 6 inch distance assault. If the Gruntz squad has a perk that increases its
the Assault but can not shoot before they Assault. base movement this should be factored into the total assault distance
Use the sequence explained on the following pages to complete an
Individual Gruntz models must be able to get into base to base Assault.

Some GZG New Israeli models assault a squad of Kra’Vak. The exchange results in 3 waxed models on the Kra’vak side compared to two NI
models. The Kra’Vak have lost this assault and must make a Condition Brown check to avoid running from the assault.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
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galaxy can kiss my ass
Assault Overview

Being ready and in over-watch is an advantage when being

Close Combat assaulted because you can make an immediate react fire action with
the entire squad without having to make a Mental roll.
To hit a target, a unit makes a 2D6
roll adding their Assault statistic, 3. How many defenders can React fire?
making an individual attack for each
model in a unit. If the modified 2D6 If the defending unit is on over-watch the entire squad can fire
result is equal or higher than the at the assaulting attackers. However if you were not on over-watch
Guard of the target they are hit and and succeeded the Mental test only half of the defenders remaining
damage rolls are now made. squad (rounded up) can react fire including the squad attachment.
The Squad Attachment can be selected as one of the defenders to
shoot and can use full-auto. Missiles, flamers and RPG’s can not be used
Assault Sequence during react fire.

1. Declare Target Unit 4. Make the React fire shots.

The active player activates a unit of Gruntz and declares an assault The Defender then rolls individual shoot attacks for each of the
against an enemy Gruntz unit. You can only assault one unit and a defending Gruntz models which are able to fire.
squad can not split an attack across two enemy units. All figures in
After rolling shoot attacks to hit the assaulting squad and checking
the group must assault the chosen target and if they can’t all get into
if models are damaged, mark waxed attackers with tokens and leave
base to base contact with the target unit, place them at the maximum
them at the point they started the Assault.
distance they can move which is normally 6 inches when assaulting.
The assault still goes ahead even if only one attacker is left. If all the
2. React Fire test.
attacking Gruntz squad are waxed due to incoming React fire damage
Before moving the attackers, the defending squad now has an the assault has failed and the defenders are welcome to raise a cheer
opportunity to react fire. They must have a ranged weapon and if they from the defending Gruntz.
are not on over-watch they must succeed a mental check to gather
4. Move and Engage attackers.
their wits in time to react to the incoming unit. You can still make a
react fire test if the defending Gruntz squad has already activated this The remaining attackers are moved base-2-base with the defenders
turn. that they are able to reach using the full 6 inch Assault move. Each
model in base-2base contact makes an individual assault attack
A defending Gruntz squad can’t react fire if they are in suppressed
against the defending model.
condition or if any models in the unit are engaged in Assault. Only the
squad targeted by the Assault action can make a react fire against the The assault attack is 2D6 plus their Assault skill. Any result that is
incoming Gruntz. equal to or higher than the defenders Guard statistic is a hit. A roll of
double 1 is always a miss and a double 6 is always a hit. For all hits roll
If they are not suppressed or engaged in assault the defending
2D6 for damage and add the damage of the assault weapon or physical
Gruntz unit must make a single Mental check for the entire unit by
appendage claw, probe etc.
rolling 2D6 equal to or under their Gruntz squads Mental statistic. If
successful half the unit (rounded up) can react fire.

The Arc walkers complete a city patrol. Models by Critical Mass Games with buildings by Kato.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Close Combat galaxy can kiss my ass

Assault damage is a combination of the damage of the weapon

or biological appendage and a 2D6 damage roll which must equal
the target’s Soak statistic to cause one wound to the target. Any roll
over the targets Soak statistic is an additional point of damage to the
target model. This additional damage is not spread around the unit of Each model in a unit of Gruntz will act independently. So if half
Gruntz but would inflict multiple wounds to a Specialist, Commander the squad enters prone condition the remains of the squad could
or Vehicle. take a shot at a ranged target and gain the benefit of not having
moved that turn.
If this is the first round of Assault, the Gruntz squad that has
charged into the assault can re-roll the lowest of the two damage dice The figures which had gone into prone condition will still be able to
rolled and must accept the re-rolled figure. shoot but because they made the effort to reposition themselves
their aim will not benefit from the +1 to Shoot roll.
5. Count Casualties and Declare a winner.

Both the Defender and Attacker count the number of waxed On the next activation of either squad the active Gruntz squad
models they have lost during the assault including those lost in the have the option to disengage from the assault which will provoke a
react fire and base to base combat. The squad with the most waxed free attack against them or they can make individual Assault attacks
models lost the Assault and makes a mental check. The mental check against models they are base to base with. Squad members that
is made unmodified unless they have lost more than half of their are not engaged can move up to 4 inches to engage with defending
remaining gruntz in the squad as a result of the Assault attack, in which models before they make an Assault attack, this could result in more
case a +2 modifier is applied to the roll condition brown roll. If the loser than one model making an attack against a defender.
of the combat fails the mental check they enter condition brown and
move a run distance in a direction which takes them away from the 7. React Close Combat.
winning squad. A draw results in both squads making a mental check.
In the initial round, the Defender can respond with hand to hand
If the loser succeeds their mental check they are suppressed and have
combat if they are have not React Fired at the incoming unit.
to stay in place.
Instead of making a React fire attack on subsequent rounds of
When the squad that has lost the combat are involuntarily
Assault combat the defending unit makes Assault attacks back at the
disengaging from the Assault they do not suffer a free attack from the
Attacking Gruntz. They need to first survive the attackers assault attacks
enemy Gruntz.
and not be in Waxed condition. This React strike is an out of activation
6. When to Continue the Assault. reaction and does not count as an activation of the defending Gruntz
If the outcome of the Assault attack is a draw and both units have
lost the same amount of waxed Gruntz models or the losing squad have 8. Count Casualties again and Declare a winner.
succeed their Mental roll, leave the models in base to base contact and
After both the Attacker and Defender make their assault attacks,
continue with normal activation of the rest of your army. When either
count the Waxed models for each unit. Determine the winner of the
of the two units involved in the Assault next activate the close combat
Assault as per step 5. If there is no winner with more Waxed models the
Assault may continue when the either of the Squads are next activated.
Now the two units are engaged in a violent close combat assault
and are doing everything possible to bring down the enemy Gruntz.

Push and Assault The White commander activates, taking

1 action to move 4 inches he is able to
assign a “push move” action to one Gruntz

unit within his Mental range in inches.


This gives the White Gruntz an extra 4 inch


move action when they activate.

They move the four inches and then
activate an assault attack which uses their
1 remaining 2 normal actions. They are able
4 inch

to reach the Red Gruntz with the assault


move of 4 inches (standard move) +2 for





6 inch

The red defenders succeed their react fire



Mental test and 3 of the defending Gruntz


react fire on the attackers, all 3 shoot rolls




The assault attack is then made by each


C base to base model using a 2D6 roll and

adding their assault statistic. When making
1 2 a charging assault attack combined with a
4 Inch Push Move move you can re-roll the lowest of the two
Move Action damage dice if they have hit the target.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Assault Overview

Leaving Assault

Voluntarily moving a Grunt out of assault will generate a free

assault attack for the model you are disengaging from. Each model in
base contact makes a free out of turn Assault on the fleeing model and Don’t be daunted by the Assault chart. The process is very
are able to re-roll one of the damage dice if they hit. You must accept simple and if you are playing tactically you should first be trying
the Dice roll on the re-roll, even if it is lower than the first rolled dice. to suppress the target Gruntz squad before you charge into an
Assault action, which improves the success of the Assaulting unit
Vehicles in Assault
and simplifies the process.
Assaults can also take place between vehicles and Gruntz. It’s If you do manage to suppress the target squad you are preventing
often a very short and brutal affair with only the bravest and most them from shooting at your squad when you assault and therefore
heavily armed infantry will ever consider going hand to hand with an skipping the reaction they can take during step 1: Initiate Assault.
heavily armoured vehicle. In addition to the traditional Tank, Mecha
and Support Vehicles the Vehicle Specialist class of unit also follow the Like any scene from a battle where a squad charge into close
Vehicle assault rules. combat without first softening up the target you are likely to suffer
high casualties as you charge in.
Gruntz assaulting a Vehicle
with the vehicle make a ram attack against each of them.
Follow the normal rules for an assault with a small number of
exceptions. All Gruntz in a unit performing an assault must move into Determine the winner of the assault using the same method as for
base to base contact with the vehicle or make their maximum move Gruntz assaulting a vehicle by completing the count of waxed models
towards it. Vehicles can only React Fire with anti infantry weapons. and damage points against the vehicle.
Make the attack and damage rolls individually for each Grunt in Cover and Assault Attacks
the assault exactly the same as if assaulting other Gruntz. Gruntz that
do not have weapons with Armour Piercing capability will suffer the -2 If a unit is defending against an assault attack and has a low wall,
damage penalty when attacking a vehicle target. or hedge before them they will benefit from the cover during the
combat. Only Gruntz models that are in contact with the linear wall
To determine the victor in an assault compare the number of can make use of the additional cover against attacking Gruntz. For the
waxed models of the Gruntz unit versus the number of damage points purposes of close combat, the models are both considered in base to
inflicted on the vehicle, the one with the highest number is the winner. base contact if they are on each side of the wall.
Vehicles losing an assault do not take a mental check and can
never enter Condition Brown. Gruntz that loose the assault must make
a mental check with the standard modifiers and in addition add a +1
modifier for every waxed model.

On the next activation a vehicle a vehicle can leave assault, driving

away from the Gruntz which automatically move out of the way. As the
vehicle leaves the Gruntz which were in base to base contact can make
a free assault attack against the departing vehicle.

Vehicle assaults against Gruntz

Vehicles will usually assault Gruntz by using the mounted anti-

infantry weapons they carry or simply by ramming or running over
the poor foot sloggers. To represent the shock and awe of a vehicle in
assault they make a shooting and Ram attack as follows.

Vehicles may a Ram up to their normal movement +3” in order to

assault a Gruntz unit in its front arc. Gruntz in side or rear arcs may not
be assaulted.

Gruntz can React Fire against Vehicles and defending Gruntz

without armour piercing small arms are still -2 on all damage rolls
against the incoming vehicle.

If the vehicle survives it is moved into base to base contact with as

many models as possible. (This may mean some models moving out of
coherency as the vehicle rams into their position.)

Gruntz have the option to evade and dive out of the way of the
vehicle. To do this make a skill roll of 10+ as per the standard vehicle
Ram rules. Any Gruntz passing the Skill roll are moved out of base to
base contact with the vehicle. You can pre-measure all Shoot and Assault attacks. Check the
distance before committing to a Shoot or Assault.
Make an attack against the Gruntz with the vehicles anti infantry
weapon as normal. If any Gruntz survive and are in base to base contact For all attacks measure from the front edge of the base to the front
edge of the target base.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Assault Overview Chart galaxy can kiss my ass

1 Initiate Assault
Activate a
You are the Attacker!

Gruntz Squad can

ACAD ing Squad
E The attack d in g
RU e Defen
not shoot th
a u lt

ey A ss
unit before vi des an
Take an Assault k p ro
r chances unless a P er
Improve you er unit Action ability.
noth Costs 2 Actions
by using a
su p p re ss your target (Don't move
enem y sq uad by models yet)
oo ti n g a t it before
lt them.
you Assau
Defender Can
No Yes Not React Fire.
OBJECTIVE Go to Engage!

Defender in Make Shoot rolls

Overwatch? 2D6 + Shoot
Defenders React Fire
against the Attacker.
Then Go to Engage!

Defender rolls 2D6 Equal or

Mental Test to under Mental Stat is a success
els can not
Check if they can Waxed Mod attack
React Fire. move or m

Half Defending
Mental Check a Unit (rounded
Success? up) can React

2 Engage! Move remaining Attackers

into base contact with
Defenders React
Assault Attack.
Remaining Defenders that are within Then go to
Attackers 6inches. Attack rolls Winners.
Assault the 2D6 + Assault
ult attack
Defenders. Attack rolls Only Assa
h m odels in
2D6 + Assault roll wit
to ba se contact.
Half Defending
Did Defender Is the Defender Defender in Unit (rounded
No No
React Fire? Suppressed? Overwatch? up) can React
Yes Yes No

A tt ack Last. Yes
Unless a P Mental Test to
Mental Check
Defender Can Not a n a bility.
provides Check if they can
a Success?
React Assault. React Assault.
Go to Winners! No

3 Winners
Loser makes Condition Brown Mental Check.
Count total number of Waxed or On fail make Double move away and enter
Damage Points lost on each side. Suppressed Condition.
Vehicles (without Mental stat) that lose are hit by X On a Draw both
Highest number loses assault. make Condition
more damage rolls. X is equal to the amount of
Vehicles count damage box's lost. damage they lost by. They do not recoil. Brown Check

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Damage and Suppression

the ranged attack roll. Pilot and driver skill statistics should be listed
Vehicles on the profile card of vehicles along with weapon systems and are
an indication of the quality of troops normally placed in charge of a
Tank, ATV, Jeeps, APC and VTOL are
vehicle of the quality detailed.
some of the vehicle types that can
be used in Gruntz. Movement
They have slightly different rules
A vehicle standard move is based on the movement in inches on
than Gruntz units to reflect their
the profile card. If they make a single move they can perform a ranged
longevity on the battlefield and
attack directly after the move. You do not have to move the maximum
the increased fire power they can
move listed. To increase the vehicles speed you can make a double
deliver over distance.
move which uses both actions when the vehicle is activated and is
A vehicle will always have a crew unless it is a remote automated based on twice the movement speed in inches listed on the profile
drone. The crew provide the skill to fire on board weapon systems card.
and rather than using their shoot statistic, crew use the skill
statistic. When a double move is made by a vehicle it uses both of its actions
for movement and can not fire weapon systems, it also benefits from a
The normal Shoot statistic is used when using hand held weapons, +2 to its Guard statistic until it is next activated.
however the Skill statistic is used for all vehicle based firing.
This could result in a pilot being poor in normal ranged rifle fire but
Vehicle Move Movement
very well trained in vehicle based firing with a high skill statistic. Standard Moves
Can move up to base move in inches
Vehicle Statistics Normal
and fire.
The various transport, tanks and aircraft follow the same principles Can move up to double base move in
Double Move
for movement, damage resolution and disembarkation. inches. Can not fire weapons. +2 to
(flank speed)
Guard until next activation.
Each vehicle has a Move statistic which is the distance of a standard
move in inches and a Guard and Soak statistic. When targeting a Can move up to base move plus +3
inches. Can not fire weapons.
vehicle the attacker must equal or exceed the Guard statistic and then
roll weapon damage + 2D6 equal to or over the Soak value to score +1 to first ranged attack roll completed
damage. Every point of damage over the Soak value is an additional this activation.
damage point which is marked on the profile damage track shown on
the vehicle profile card. When a vehicle takes damage it does not suffer
from suppression like Gruntz and cavalry units. Firing Vehicle Weapons

Vehicle Activation Vehicles can move and shoot or complete a double move like
Gruntz. They can not shoot if they have made a double move.
Vehicles activate as solo units and have the same two actions as a
Gruntz unit allowing them to take two moves or one move and a shoot. Use the skill statistic of the crew, pilot or driver detailed on the
If a vehicle has weaponry it will use the driver or pilots skill statistic for profile card to make the ranged attack roll. Select the type of Gruntz

Condition Brown It is the White player’s turn and they

Mental test and activate the VTOL, landing in range of the
Suppressed T
enemy and ending the VTOL’S activation.
Next the White player activates the

Gruntz which were riding in the VTOL.



They use their first action to disembark

from the VTOL placing themselves within

a 3 inches of the VTOL and following unit


coherency rules. For their second action,

1 the white Gruntz with LOS, fire on the
Exit enemy Gruntz unit.
Three red Gruntz are Waxed which is half
of the unit, so the red Gruntz must make
a Mental test to avoid Condition Brown.
G Grunt Leader G They will also be suppressed if they fail
the roll.

G Grunt G G If they fail the Mental test they will
2 G enter Condition Brown and will have to
a Waxed Fire! immediately move their full run (double
move) away from the incoming fire.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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upside down so the

Vehicle Overview galaxy can kiss my ass

piloting or driving the vehicle before play as per the vehicle design full squad must be within 3” of the transport to take an embark action.
rules so that you have a record of the skill statistic to hand during play. A Commander can use a Push move action to give a squad an extra
If the crew ever bail out, untrained Gruntz can replace the bailed crew move to allow them to embark a vehicle.
and use their Skill statistic for attacks made with vehicle weapons.
A vehicle can fire two weapon systems in any order during a shoot When exiting a transport, on activation, the unit must use one
action. Each additional weapon after the first weapon fired results in action and all models must be placed within 3” of the ground or air
an incremental -1 applied to the ranged attack roll. Your first weapon vehicle following coherency rules. 3” applies in rough or open terrain.
system has no modifier, the second is at -1 and if any further special
conditions allow more weapons to be fired the third weapon would be Vehicle Firing Arcs
at -2 to the skill roll made to fire the weapon. Super Heavy vehicles can Vehicles can be fitted with multiple weapons and tanks with rotary
fire four main weapon systems and the -1 to the attach roll only starts turrets are flexible enough to fire in a 360 degree arc. Artillery units are
to apply on the third weapon systems. The first two main weapons the exception and fire in a front 90 degree arc only.
fired on a Super Heavy vehicle are made at no minus.
Where vehicles have more than one weapon system they are
Targets and Range considered to be mounted and aligned with the same arc as the main
Declare what target the tank is shooting at and pre-measure range
before declaring a shooting attack. Mecha walkers are able to target all units in an 180 degree forward
arc with all weapon systems.
If a vehicle has remained stationary during activation it can fire
Vehicle Rams
with a +1 modifier. This is applied to the first weapon system firing only.
Subsequent weapons can target different enemy units. Vehicles can ram models that are in the vehicles front arc when
they are activated. Rams are completed at +3 to normal speed and
Double Range targeted Gruntz models can attempt to jump out of the way with a
successful skill roll of 10+. Rams must move the total distance of move
Vehicle models can fire up to double base range listed on the
+3 inches and in a straight line.
profile card, incurring a -3 penalty to the Skill roll when firing.
Ram damage for vehicles is detailed on the profile cards and is
Carrying Troops
based on the size class of the vehicle. All ram attacks are at Armour
Piercing +1 (AP1).
Some air support and ground support vehicle units can carry
troops and technology. The amount they can carry is dependent on the If a vehicle rams another vehicle of its size class or up to one class
transport slots they have which is typically one slot and heavy support larger and scores damage or totals the target it will push back the
vehicles have two slots. target by D3 inches. A pushed back vehicle, moves directly away from
the attacker and if it contacts a Gruntz unit they will also suffer ram
A single transport slot can carry one single Gruntz squad, including damage, however they can make a normal skill check of 2d6+skill with
Squad Attachments. One slot can also carry a specialist unit or a a result of 10+ to successfully jump out of the way.
Commander. Two slots are required to carry scout Mecha, two units of
Both vehicles involved in a ram suffer an automatic critical roll
Gruntz or a unit of powered armour.
against each system which is applied before ram damage is rolled. If
Embarkation a vehicle loses its Armour critical during this test, any subsequent Ram
damage is made against the reduced -4 to Soak statistic.
When entering a transport, a unit must use a single action and the
Sample Vehicle Cards
Critical Mass Games

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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upside down so the

Vehicles Arcs and Abilities galaxy can kiss my ass

Fire Arcs Tanks with rotary cannon mounts are able to fire in a
360 degree arc of fire. Secondary fixed mount weapon
egree Firing A including anti infantry weapons are considered to be
0D r egree Firing
0D Ar mounted in such a way as to also provide 360 degree

1 c arc of fire.
All weapons attached to mecha can fire in a 180
T degree arc. Tanks and support vehicles with fixed
M mount main weapons use the same 90 degree arc of
fire as fixed mount mobile artillery.
Note that on a normal activation a vehicle can fire two
weapon systems, although only the first shot benefits
from a +1 for being stationary. Any second weapon
Tank or Support system fired is at -1.
Vehicle with Mecha Walker
Gruntz can fire in a 360 degree arc.
Rotary Turret
Armour Piercing Roll a D6 for each of the three systems and if a 1 is scored on the D6
mark off the system which has sustained significant damage to be in a
The AP of vehicle weapons adds to the damage of the weapon
critical condition.
when firing at hard material targets (other vehicles and buildings)
This represents the anti-armour qualities of vehicle mounted weapons At the second critical threshold a roll of 1 or 2 on the D6 will damage
and the reduced effectiveness of ordinance designed for anti-armour
a system. When the third “C” box critical is filled a score of 1, 2 or 3 will
against softer targets. When you fire against soft targets like Gruntz
damage the system.
with a weapon that has an AP factor you do not add the additional
armour piercing damage.
Only one critical check is made as a result of one source of damage
Rear and Side Damage even if the damage is enough to mark more than one critical box. If
the vehicle does take enough damage from one source of damage
When shooting vehicles in the rear arc the damage roll gains a +2 to fill two or three critical boxes roll once for each system but use the
bonus which is representing the weaker rear armour. All damage rolls appropriate number for critical failure.
made against side armour are made at a +1 to the damage roll.
Critical Systems failure
To be eligible to gain the bonus the unit targeting the vehicle must
clearly have more than half of its base in the relevant 90 degree aspect If any system is lost due to critical damage it will have a significant
of the vehicle. impact on the vehicles performance.

Vehicle Damage An armour critical reduces the vehicles Soak by -4, making it weak
against incoming fire. An engine failure prevents the vehicle from
Damage is marked against the damage track of the profile card. making double moves, so it can only make a single move action and a
When the damage scored marks a critical “C” box a check is needed for Tek failure reduces ranged attacks by -3.
each of the three systems on the vehicle. If two or three C’s are filled
from a single damage source, you still only roll 1 D6 per system but use Consult the followed table for the result of each failure and fill in
the highest critical threshold of 2 or 3 on the dice result depending on the appropriate critical box when the system is destroyed. A vehicle
the number of critical thresholds passed. can lose all three systems and still function. Vehicles are only smoked
when all damage track boxes are filled.

Fixed mount, forward facing weaponry such as

egree Firing A
90 D
artillery and rocket fire are able to shoot in a 90
degree arc measure from the front of the vehicle.
egree Firing A egree Firing A
90 D rc 90 D rc Crew can move unlimbered artillery to face a
different direction as a move action, however
they will not gain the benefit of +1 to ranged
attached rolls for that turn.
Wheeled, fixed mount and non-vehicle mobile
artillery have a crew and associated shoot skill to
cover firing.
Artillery vehicles use the Skill statistic of the crew
Fixed and Cavalry Units when adding to the ranged attack roll which
is the same method for all other vehicle based
Mobile Artillery Unlimbered including Bikes weapons.
Artillery or Skimmers

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Vehicle Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Vehicle Critical Damage

System Loss of System Depending on the aspect

Critical Systems

The vehicle has -4 to Soak statistic. of incoming fire, the

Armour Representing a loss in armour due to damage roll made against
damage. a vehicle is adjusted by
the factors listed.
Vehicle can no longer make a double move
(Flank Speed). Careful manoeuvring
can create an advantage
Tek Ranged skill rolls are at -3. when targeting a vehicle
from the rear or side.
Vehicle Destruction

If all the damage boxes are filled the vehicle is either smoked due
to overwhelming systems damage or it explodes catastrophically.

When the last box on the damage track is filled a vehicle is

destroyed and the vehicles owner rolls a D6. If the result is a 1 or 2 Hull Size Explosive Damage

Vehicle Explosion
the vehicle has suffered a powerplant, fuel or ammo critical causing a Scout 5
catastrophic explosion.
Light 6
When a vehicle suffers a catastrophic explosion place a 4 “ diameter Medium 7
template over the centre of the vehicle . Any vehicles or Gruntz with Heavy 8
any part of their base fully or partially covered by the template suffer an
Assault 9
immediate damage roll of vehicle size class +2D6. Place Waxed tokens
and mark off damage immediately. Check the size class damage table Super Heavy 10
below to determine the explosive damage of the vehicle. Roll once for the crew with a check of 2D6+Skill statistic. If they roll
The type of vehicle does not factor in the catastrophic explosion a 10+ they safely exit the vehicle and are placed within 3 inches of the
and heavier vehicles will cause a greater level of destruction when they and in the suppressed condition. If the crew fail the skill check they are
explode. Vehicle catastrophic explosion damage rolls are all made with killed in the attempt due to fire or other hideous injury.
Armour Piercing one (AP1). All crew and carried units are instantly If the vehicle is carrying units roll another skill check for each unit
destroyed during a vehicle catastrophic explosion and can not attempt carried. Failure indicates death to the full unit as their crushed and
to bail out. burnt bodies are caught in the carnage. A success results in the models
Bail Out being placed within 3 inches of the destroyed vehicle. All Gruntz in a
squad should be placed in unit coherency. In a large APC carrying two
If a vehicle is destroyed and does not suffer a catastrophic explosion squads it is possible for the crew and both squads to exit safely.
the crew and any units within the vehicle can make a bail out check to
see if they make a safe exit. Gruntz can only bail out from a VTOL if it had landed before it
exploded or if they are wearing jump packs.

Critical Damage The white tank activates, firing at the red


tank. It chooses to use the Mass Driver

Cannon (MDC).

The player rolls high enough on its skill roll


to hit the target tank and the damage roll is


14 Inch Range. Can Armour (2D6) + weapon damage + armour piercing.

shoot up to 28 inches Piercing 2 It does a total of 8 damage. These damage

points are marked off on the profile card of

the red tank and a Critical check is needed
because the first C has been marked on the
damage track. The defending red player rolls
a D6 for each system and rolls a 4 for Armour,

1 for Engine and 6 for Tek.

The engine system is now damaged and the
critical means the red tank can no longer
take 2 move actions (flank speed). Mark the

engine system box to show the system is


c Vehicles do not suffer suppression, so the red

c tank is not suppressed like a Gruntz unit and

c can return fire on its activation.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Vehicles Arcs and Destruction galaxy can kiss my ass

Smoked Vehicles

If a vehicle is smoked it should be left on the table with a marker

or smoke to represent its destruction. It is not possible to field repair a
vehicle that has lost all its damage. Critical damage to vehicles is designed to significantly hinder the
model and is not intended to totally cripple the vehicle on the
The model left behind can provide cover to Gruntz units and other battlefield. Even with all three critical systems damaged a vehicle
vehicles. Vehicles provide hard cover of +2 to the units Guard. can still perform the basic functions of moving and shooting.
Vehicles are considered to be adjusting speed, breaking and
If a vehicle has suffered a catastrophic explosion it does not
accelerating at a rate that is suitable for the terrain they are
provide cover and becomes rough ground. Place a 3” diameter marker
to represent the rough ground or simply leave the vehicle in place and
remember that it is rough ground and not cover.
Disembarking from an aerial unit
Mobility Types
It takes one single action to land an aerial unit and once landed
Vehicles can be constructed with Walk, Wheeled, Tracked, Hover any transported squads have the option to disembark. The transported
and Tracked mobility types. These types dictate the overall speed and squad disembark after the aerial unit finishes its activation and only
terrain they can cover. when they are activated and use an action to disembark.

Helicopter, Grav and VTOL type aerial units can use a single action
Hover vehicles with skirts are able to cover water and land equally
to hover whilst still at height and allow a drop from height if the
well and the ultimate mobility is Grav which can cover a lot of ground transported squad have jet packs or the quick drop perk.
in a turn and is not impacted by rough terrain.
Embarking an aerial unit
When a Grav vehicle needs to “pop-up” to traverse impassable
terrain or buildings it can pop up to a height of 8 inches to clear terrain An aerial model must be on the ground allow a unit to embark into
without reducing its total forward movement. it. The unit in embarking must be within 3 inches of the aerial unit
model when they take an embark action. Remove the models from the
The current Grav systems in Gruntz are designed to be most table or place them somewhere where you can be sure to remember
effective when they are close to the ground and are not built for free they have entered the aerial vehicle. A commander can give a push
flight like aircraft. They are near to the ground when shooting so move to a unit to allow them to take an embark action
intervening terrain will effect them for the purposes of determining Rapid Drop and Dust Off
line of sight. Artillery systems include missiles and indirect weapons
technology that usually has an area effect and is capable of arcing over Aerial support units can follow the normal rules for disembarkation
obstacles to strike at a target indirectly. and make a standard move and finish activation. Then the transported
units activate, using their first action to disembark the transport,

Federal Army Forces engage the Amnian on a resource rich mining planet. Models are Arc Force by Critical Mass Games and Crusty models
from Ground Zero Games.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Indirect Fire

placing themselves within 3 inches of the vehicle and in unit coherency.

Helicopter, Grav and VTOL Aerial Support units also have a special
action for rapid transport delivery. They are able to combine two
actions into a single landing, deposit transported Gruntz or equipment Current modern weapon systems on high altitude gunships can
and then take off. pick off individual target soldiers and vehicles from a great distance.
In the SCI-FI future we can expect accuracy over great distance to
When completing this action the aerial transport adds +4 inches be even more deadly and targeting from orbital platform, ship or
to its base move. It then moves half of the total modified move to a satellite based technology would be normal practice.
location where the transported units are dropped and it then moves Rather than making Gruntz a turkey shoot where a few dice rolls
the remaining half move away from the dust-off point in a direction of can devastate forces on the table, the effectiveness of off-board
your choice. resources has been set at a level where it makes them useful but
not game ending.
All units and equipment dropped in this way are left in suppressed
condition by the rapid disembarkation, so when they next activate This approach factors in an abstraction of digital warfare which
would be faking dummy target signatures and downgrading
they are only able to take one single action.
surveillance information with self-learning defence viruses. These
Artillery Indirect fire various technologies would be protecting the Gruntz and vehicles
showing ghost signatures on distant orbiting ship target displays.
Indirect fire uses the same rules for targeting and damage as direct In the Gruntz Heliopause setting there is also a strong human-
fire, except for line of sight (LOS). Indirect fire weapons including space desire to minimise environmental damage during warfare,
missiles and artillery type weapons can fire over intervening terrain to so total nuclear destruction of large areas is always an extreme
hit a target. last resort especially on planets with breathable atmospheres.

To hit a target that is not in line of sight you must have a friendly If you want carnage, you could always build a timed deadly air
strike into the scenario with a turn limit to your game before all
ground or air unit that was able to spot the target during its activation.
hell breaks loose for ground troops.
Spotting requires an action and the spotting unit requires a clear line of
sight to any location on the target unit. It must also be within 20 inches
of the target unit to spot it. Using aerial units or drone specialists is a building provides all-round cover.
recommend method of granting access to targets in cover.
Indirect fire weapons have a disadvantage at short range. They are
Targets that are in cover lose the benefit of cover when indirect fire unable to target models at less than half the listed weapon range. This
weapons target them. If however the target unit is a squad or specialist represents the need to arc or activate ordinance in flight before it hits
inside a bunker they are able to retain the cover benefit because the a target at range.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Standard or Advanced Movement galaxy can kiss my ass

Vehicle Movement Vehicle Manoeuvre Effect on Rolls

Vehicles suffer penalties for traversing rough terrain and movement Use one single action to move a vehicle
is modified according to the terrain types they are moving through. Normal Move up to its listed speed in inches. You can
Dense forests are impassable to most ground vehicles although Grav fire after moving.
vehicles can ‘pop-up’ up to 8 inches in height to skip over. Use two actions to move a vehicle up
to double the base movement listed on
Vehicle manoeuvres include a range of options many of each Double “Flank”
the profile card. You can not fire whilst
require the use of a number of inches to complete the move. Details Move

Standard Moves
making a Double move and gain +2 to
are provided in the manoeuvre table. your Guard against attacks.
Standard Rules If a Vehicle is stationary it benefits from a
+1 to ranged attached rolls.
For simplicity during a standard rules game the only restrictions A ram must be in a direct straight line
on vehicle movement are based on the terrain types. The actual and is made with a +3 inches to the base
movement is either single or double “flank move” with the appropriate Ram
normal movement of the vehicle. Vehicle
condition modifiers applied as per the standard vehicle moves table. Ram damage is based on the size class.
This simple movement is an abstract method to allow fast play A special manoeuvre available to Mecha
without fussy turn controls and allows vehicles to turn as much as with Jump jets. Move the standard move
they like within a normal or double range in inches. Standard rules distance of the Mecha and face the
for vehicle movement are ideal for larger vehicle heavy games which figure in a direction of your choice. Jump
require lots of tank movement. In a larger armoured battle you will find Can avoid intervening terrain up to 8
that the fine control of the advanced rules would reduced the speed of inches in height.
play. However for experience players that want detailed movement it A manoeuvre during a normal or flank
is still possible to use the advanced movement in large battles. move. A vehicle can reverse at the cost
Reverse of 2 inches of total movement for every
You can turn to face any direction during a normal or double move.
1 inch it reverses. Does not stack with
Advanced Rules modifier for rough terrain.
A manoeuvre during a normal or flank
Advanced Moves

For more detail you can agree with your opponent to use advanced move.
vehicle movement which adds restrictions to the amount you can turn Turn on the Spot A turn on the spot uses 4 inches of total
a vehicle during an activation. There is a restriction of a maximum turn movement, place the vehicle facing any
of 45 degrees made during forward movement, although multiple direction you choose.
turns can be made at a cost of 4 inches of forward movement for each
turn. A manoeuvre during a normal or flank
move. A Moving turn is up to a 45
When making a normal or double move in the advanced movement degrees and uses the Gruntz turning
rules use either the Gruntz turning rulers or an equivalent 45 degree template to determine position after
Moving Turn
angle made of card. A Gruntz ruler is available from S6Engineering movement. A moving turn includes 4
which has the turning angle built in and the basic 4 inch and 8 inch inches of forward movement. Use the
movement of a Gruntz unit to help speed up play. Gruntz turning template to complete a
Moving turn.

1 2 3
Move the tank forward This diagram details the advanced
Using the Gruntz 45 to the end of ruler and Reversing uses 2 turning rules for vehicles which should
degree turning ruler align with the 45 inches of movement for be selected by players before play
place the tank front degree turn. every 1 inch covered starts. For very large tank battles it is not
beside the ruler and at This counts as a 4 inch and can be made at recommended because of the increased
the end of the 8inch vehicle move and can normal or double time needed to move vehicles according
long straight. be made at normal or speed. to the specific turning angle.
double speed. Using the advanced movement rules
adds a 45 degree turning restriction
during forward movement and specific
costs for turning on the spot or reversing.
The standard movement system is faster

and requires less precise turning of

T vehicles, however it does reduce realism
because vehicles are able to move and
T turn with no restriction other than
Note that a double flank move results in
the vehicle not being able to fire ranged
Moving Turn Reverse weapons.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Vehicle Rules
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galaxy can kiss my ass
RAMS, Vehicle Options

With most of the Arc force resistance destroyed, the invading Amnian forces slip past the flaming wrecks. Models are Crusties by GZG and
Arc Vehicles by Critical Mass Games. Flame tokens are by Litko.

Command Module On its activation a vehicle fitted with a command module can also
remove a suppression condition from 1 Gruntz unit within 18 inches.
If a vehicle is fitted with a command module it can improve the This replaces one action of the command vehicle, so it must sacrifice
communication and provide local support for the Gruntz, therefore either a move or a shoot action to enable the removal of a suppression
boosting the Mental condition of nearby troops. One vehicle per army condition.
can have a command module fitted.
It is recommended that a vehicle intending to use its Command
Standard command modules boost all Mental checks made by module is activated before a unit that needs its suppression removing.
troops up to 18 inches from the vehicle. Gruntz units do not have to be In this way you are able to sequence your activation so that squads that
within line of sight of the command vehicle to use this bonus. Mental need support are provided it before they activate and can therefore
checks are made with the benefit of a -1 to the roll if the unit is within take a full activation rather than having to sacrifice an action to
the 18 inch reach of the command module. suppression.

Command Module Both of the White players squads are

within the squad coherency of their
own Gruntz squad leaders. They have
to always attempt to stay within this

mand Modu
range and when coherency is broken
m le they must try and return to within
Co T three inches of the Gruntz squad
leader on their next activation.
In this example both squads are within
the command range of 18 inches from

the Command module vehicle. One


C single Gruntz squad which has at least


one Gruntz squad member within


18 inches of the command module


can have a suppression condition

removed when the vehicle activates.


All Gruntz also benefit from a -1 to

G Mental check rolls (A mental check is
2D6 under or equal to Mental) whilst
at least one member of the squad is
within 18 inches of the vehicle fitted
with a command module.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Neural Net
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galaxy can kiss my ass
Digital Warfare

If you score a critical against mobility the target unit will not be
Neural Net (nn) able to move on its next activation because the systems controlling
movement are overwhelmed by the digital attack. The systems are
A future battlefield with opposing degraded to the point of total failure for one activation.
technologically advanced forces
will make use of advanced digital A success on an attack that targets weapon systems degrades the
warfare techniques to degrade the target’s weapon systems by a -3 to any weapon attacks made on next
enemy’s digitally controlled assets. activation. A critical weapon systems nn-attack will stop all weapon
systems functioning for the target on next activation.
In Gruntz electronic warfare is called
Neural Net warfare and employs an Neural-Net Dampeners
abstracted method of degrading enemy targets through the use
of the Skill statistic and specialist abilities and equipment. Neural net dampeners are a powered area technology providing a
zone of increased protection from nn-attack over an area of 20 inches.
Your army can employ Neural Net Warfare against the enemy
and also defend sensitive assets against incoming specialist nn- There is a -3 to all neural net attacks for all units within the
attack. dampening zone, which normally extends 20 inches from the vehicle
or specialist unit with dampener nodes fitted.
Neural Net Warfare
Any successful nn-attack against a vehicle or specialist which has
Specialists and models with specific Neural Net attack technology nn-dampener nodes installed will switch off the dampener effect for
can attack the enemy at a digital level causing disruption by degrading one turn in addition to the result of the targeted on board system
their effectiveness or even shutting down or controlling technology for (mobility or weapons).
a single activation.
Building Overview
nn-attacks can only be made against Vehicles, Mecha, Robotic
Gruntz and vehicle specialists. Some specialist robotic or vehicular Buildings on the battlefield provide some advantages for squads
units will have specific abilities to increase their defence against nn- of Gruntz finding cover to keep out of the way of heavy ordinance and
attacks. offer advantage in a fire fight.

Neural-Net Attack Roll To enable the use of buildings for various scenarios the following
rules offer different locations that provide grades of cover during the
To make a neural net attack use the skill statistic of the attacker battle. If you have a building of a different material, select one which
and target the Guard of the enemy model. The range of the neural net matches the general type of those listed.
attack will be listed on the profile card in inches. It can not be used
at long range and is only effective against enemies within the range
detailed on the card.

Before making the attack you confirm what unit or model you are
targeting and what system the nn-attack will effect. You can either
target mobility or weapon systems.

Roll 2D6 and add the Skill statistic of the attacker to the roll, if you
equal or exceed the target’s Guard statistic the nn-attack has worked.

You do not gain the benefit of a +1 for not moving and using nn-
attacks and it takes a single action to use, allowing a model to move its
normal move in inches before it engages the nn-attack.

Critical Neural Attack

If you score any double number on the attack (the same number
on both dice) the nn-attack is a critical. A critical neural net attack
disables the target system for one turn.

Success results

A success on an attack that targets mobility reduces the target’s Roach VTOL with troop carrying module. Model GZG
actions to 1 on its next activation so they can either shoot or move
once but not move at flank speed ( double move).

Neural Net Attack Effect on Successful Hit Effect on Critical Hit

NN Attacks

Can only make a single move, No flank move for 1

Mobility No movement for 1 activation.

-3 to any weapons attacks made with the degraded

Weapon Systems No shooting of weapons for 1 activation.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Damage and Destruction galaxy can kiss my ass

When firing at a building with Gruntz in it, choose to either target

the building or the Gruntz within. Tanks can only target the building
unless they have an anti-infantry weapon mount and tanks add
armour piercing to the damage.
Not all 15mm buildings will have totally clear locations for
Whilst in the building Gruntz gain the benefit of hard cover which windows or cover represented, so it is assumed that a degree of
is +2 Guard. Gruntz are considered to be at windows and making
flexibility on how a building can be used will be needed when you
themselves open to external fire whilst in a building.
setup your table.
Agree where models can enter buildings and shoot from before
To attempt an assault on a building a tank or heavy weapon can you start the first turn.
make an attempt to create an entrance by force. For larger terrain features including burrows or defensive walls
By doing 6 damage in one shot you create a mouse-hole in a you should also declare what the cover types are going to provide
building. Troops inside a mouse-holed building are auto suppressed before the start of the game and it is also recommended that
when the damage is done. any structures are built to a size which can easily accommodate
a 15mm figure, so they can be seen to be making use of the cover
The new entrance can be used by assaulting squads to access the during play.
interior. Mark the side of the building with a counter to record the
wall that has been mouse-holed.

Destroyed Building Building Type Soak and Wounds

Troops inside a destroyed building must make a roll under their Wooden farm building or other soft
12 Soak and 16
Building Damage

skill statistic to make a desperate attempt to exit before collapse. They skin abode, includes ruins, semi open
look for any immediate exit to make a desperate jump for safety as the and very damaged buildings.
creaking building collapses.
Brick house or concrete civilian
15 Soak and 20
The exit is completed in the same way as an emergency exit from building. Also covers most starship or
a destroyed APC. Models are Waxed if the roll is over skill and any modern sci-fi interior walls.
that remain are placed within 3 inches of the building and are in the
suppressed condition. Hardened bunker or military grade 19 Soak and 24
installation. wounds
It is assumed that a Gruntz squad attachment will carry a breach
explosive which requires a grunt to activate and make a roll under 22 Soak and 30
Super hard enzyme-bonded concrete
or equal to its skill statistic to breach or hack a building door. The wounds.
or other alien tek.
remaining squad can follow through the now open door.

A destroyed building can still provide cover and a suitable marker

or destroyed building template should replace the structure.

Building Mouse Hole 1 The White player activates his tank first and
Fire! fires on the brick building containing the
Red player’s Gruntz, totalling a damage score
of 19 (factoring in armour piercing) this is 8

damage points to the brick building.

The building has been successfully mouse-
holed and all Gruntz inside are now in

suppressed condition. The Mecha is then

activated and fires, targeting the squad inside
G x6 Grunts the building with its anti-infantry weapon
and it waxes 1 of the 6 Gruntz within.
Next the White Gruntz are activated and
Assault make an Assault charge attack at the Gruntz
inside via the mouse-hole created by the

tanks damage.

The squad inside the building are suppressed

which greatly increases the chances of the


assaulting squad because the defending

unit can not react fire when in suppressed


Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Gruntz Builders
galaxy can kiss my ass

Derived Statistics
The vehicle builders included some derived statistics which do not
With so many varied cost points to select. Soak, Guard, Damage and Ram are all determined
possibilities for gaming with by the points paid for the size of the unit e.g. Scout. You also determine
SCI-FI in 15mm you may find the speed of vehicles by checking the hull size and comparing it to the
yourself with a mixed army mobility selected. Mobility like Grav is faster than traditional wheeled,
of various walkers, tanks and which is reflected in the points cost and speed of the model.
robotic assets.
This mix of equipment can
be represented and tuned to The different unit builders have related tables for the weapons
your liking by using one of the Gruntz unit builders. which can be selected for the unit type. Larger vehicles have the
option to take more weapon mounts. You don’t have to add weapons
to a vehicle so unarmed transports or civilian vehicles can be created.
Units Leaving unmanned vehicles on the battlefield will allow Gruntz to
commender transport or add an objective to an escape vehicle.
The different Gruntz unit builders cover the standard squad through
to tanks, mecha and specialists. Two of the unit types Specialist and Perkz and Modz
Artillery are split into two separate builders to allow for some increased
flexibility in design. When building Gruntz squad you can add Perkz and Modz can be
added to vehicle based units. These are special add-on abilities which
There are no strict design rules for particular unit types and you can be positive and negative. You either add or subtract the points
select a builder which most closely suits your sci-fi model. You may for the Perkz and Modz from the unit and apply the ability during the
decide that a tank in your collection is better suited to being designed game. They are design to add some limited advantages to the units
as mobile artillery because it fits with your planned method of gaming which are representations of the advances in technology in a sci-fi
with the mobile. You might also have a mecha walker and decide to setting.
design it as a light mecha rather than a specialist vehicle because of the
heavier weapons available to that class of builder. Points
The table opposite details the various builders and the unit types The points system is a guide to building reasonably balanced
which can be built with them. forces, however not every battle is a perfectly fair and balanced fight
and a great game can be had with an unbalanced scenario where the
Unit Numbers focus is an objective rather than a straight pitch battle.
All of the builders except the Gruntz unit builder are based on one
single model. The Gruntz unit builder is based on a unit of six models
which you can add to with up to two squad attachments.

With most of the Arc force resistance destroyed, the invading Amnian forces slip past the flaming wrecks. Models are Crusties by GZG and Arc
Protolene Ayame (smaller walker) and Marrok Battlesuit.
Vehicles by Critical Mass Games. Flame tokens are by Litko.
Models are from Critical Mass Games. Lifecolor rust weathering paints from Italy.

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When I die bury me
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galaxy can kiss my ass

Sample Unit Types

Symbol Type Description

These unit types represent standard classifications for vehicles and squads. You may find that you have a unit that does not fit exactly into
a particular type and the builders are not going to catch every possible sci-fi construction. Try a couple of different builders and see how the
model plays in a game with the appropriate Modz or Perkz applied before finalising the design.

Commanders are the most important figure on the battlefield in Gruntz 15mm. Their experience
and influence over the forces on the table can turn the battle at a vital moment. There is only one
Commander unit per side who is an experienced character model, that can influence the actions of his
own squads and those of the enemy force. Commanders can have Perkz providing some special abilities
during play.

Gruntz are the mainstay of the sci-fi battlefield and are either trained military troops, militia, angry
colonists or of an alien origin. Squad Attachments are also considered to be Gruntz but have heavier
weapons or an ability that benefits the Gruntz unit in some way.

Gruntz Gruntz Specialists are any humanoid or small alien Gruntz with a specialist role on the battlefield. These
Specialist units include snipers, heavy portable weapons, medics, engineers and sub-commanders.

Vehicle Vehicle Specialists are like Gruntz Specialists but are based on small battlefield vehicles like bikes, drones
Specialist and walker suits. They can be robotic or piloted equipment.

Any large organic or mechanised vehicle that has two or more legs as the method of locomotion. They
Mecha are designed to deliver significant ordinance to the enemy whilst also protecting the pilot.

Artillery is mobile or stationary and delivers template area damage to targets which can be out of line of
sight. Mobile artillery can be wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based. Most artillery fire is subject to
deviation if they miss the primary target. Artillery are either standard field type or mobile.

Artillery can provide an interesting objective for a Gruntz game where key targets could be large hard-
ened bunkers with artillery emplacements.

Any wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based ground vehicle designed to transport troops and provide
supporting cover in a fire fight. It takes one action to embark or disembark within 3 inches of the
transport. Includes jeeps, APC’s and other forms of ground attack vehicles.
Ground Support Vehicles (GSV) are very important in Gruntz, providing much needed cover and rapid
deployment of Gruntz squads.

Air Includes all forms of flying organic or mechanical transport and air support such as VTOLs. It takes
Support one action to embark or disembark within 3 inches of the transport. If destroyed whilst in the flying
Vehicle condition, all troops are Waxed unless they are equipped with jump packs.

Air Attack
Support vehicles built with heavy weapons and ground attack roles rather than troop carrying.

Supersonic and faster fighter aircraft. A game where pilots are represented by Gruntz Specialists and
Fighter have to reach their fighter aircraft and take-off during incoming enemy fire would be an interesting

Any large, armoured wheeled, tracked, air-hover or grav based ground vehicle designed to deliver heavy
damage and withstand enemy attacks.

Large B-Movie or Alien-style monsters, capable of city destruction and massive damage to civilian and
military snacks.

Super Heavy
Oversized giant land leviathans, capable of mass destruction and battlefield domination.

Dropships and other massive flying support vehicles able to transport and deploy other vehicles and
Super Heavy
Air Support
troops. Start a scenario where a super heavy dropship brings in a set of light tanks and fight to defend it
as Gruntz squads embark for evac.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Gruntz Squad Design

galaxy can kiss my ass

A squad attachment gives a unit of Gruntz the punch to damage

Gruntz Builder vehicles and extra fire support against other Gruntz units. They activate
when the Gruntz unit is activated. If a squad attachment is waxed by
Build your standard Gruntz
incoming fire and not healed by a medic the weapon can be picked
squads or design some terrifying
up automatically by another Grunt in the same squad. When the SA is
aliens with Perkz supporting their
waxed the new weapon carrier must be within the 3” coherency or the
unusual biology. Each statistic can
weapon is lost.
be tuned to perform at various
levels of ability. Perkz

Gruntz Units Perkz have a variable costs as listed under the Perkz tables. You are
able to field a unit with one, two or no Perkz. All of the figures in the
A Gruntz squad is a team all with equal statistics and the same Gruntz squad including the SA benefit from the Perk unless stated in
weapon types. A squad has a squad leader which is important for unit the Perk details.
coherency rules and should be represented either by a different model
or by painting shoulder pads or other details so you can clearly see the Power Armour
leader of the Squad. The default squad size is 6 models (1 Leader and Power Amour (PA) units are Gruntz squads with a high armour
5 grunts). (Soak) of 15 or 16. This type of advanced gyro stabilised and actuator
Squad attachments use heavier weapons and share the same base powered armour offers the best personal protection for troops. PA
statistics with the Grunts unit they are attached to. Tune the profile to Squads should be limited to a size of six.
match a relevant build which could bee heavy armour, superfast alien Weapons fired at PA which have a Armour Piercing (AP) statistic
reflex’s or a set of basic statistics for civilians. will do the extra damage listed that normally affects vehicles.
A primitive alien unit could be assigned a veteran assault statistic Power Armour squads can carry Squad Attachment weapons
due to a lethal biological hand to hand claw strike but their shoot but pay individually for each SA weapon used. An economical and
ability could be selected as green due to lack of exposure to technical balanced build for a PA squad would be to add SA weapons for just
ranged weapons. You could also make fast moving aliens difficult to two squad members and the rest of the squad would carry a standard
hit by selecting a high Guard statistic. Gruntz squad weapon. Pay the points for each SA weapon you add
The Gruntz squad points for skills are divided by two before you individually. All members of the squad are considered to carry the
add points for the weapons and perkz. The standard builder process is standard Gruntz squad weapon selected which is paid for once for the
designed to create Squads of size 6 plus up to 2 Squad Attachments. To unit.
determine the points cost of a non-standard sized unit simply calculate
the cost for a 6 model unit as normal, then divide the total by 6 then
multiply the total by the number of models in the squad you wish to
have. Round any fractions to the nearest whole number. The Barracks
builder will calculates non- standard squad points automatically.

Armour (Soak) Example Arc Rifleman Squad

Armour is selected based on a range of categories and some This is an Arc Rifleman Squad from Critical Mass Games. They
sample ideas are detailed below. The higher Soak values are used by have an excellent shoot ability and a strong mental.
powered armour squads only.
Item Ability (score) Points
Weapons Base Cost Gruntz Squad 1
Weapons are selected from the Gruntz squad table in the weapons Shoot Veteran (5) 5
section and are based on small arms, assault rifles, lasers and other Assault Trained (3) 1

squad equipment. Your are also able to select grenades from the list
and it is assumed they have basic combat knives for normal assault Guard Average (11) 3
attacks. All members of the squad are considered to be using the same Soak Light (12) 3
Mental Seasoned (8) 3
The weapons tables are based on generic classes and you can
Skill Seasoned (4) 3
select a profile which most appropriately describes your weapon. The
heavier infantry weapons are reserved for squad attachments and are Sub Total (Divide the total by 2 and round up) 10
detailed in the weapons table.

Squad Attachments (SA) Gauss Rifle


Primary Weapon 2
( Projectile Rifle )
You can add up to two squad attachments to a Gruntz unit, each
Close Combat Combat Knife 0
squad attachment is a single figure carrying the standard weapon
used by the squad and a heavier weapon selected from the Squad Grenades High Explosive 1
Attachments weapon table. Add the points to the total cost for the
Note: Add any cost of a Squad Attachment to your Gruntz Unit
Gruntz unit. Squad attachments are heavier weapons, squad assault
weapons (SAW) or other technical or biological weapons which are

Perk Hard Vetz 1

normally used as squad support.
Total points for 1 Unit of six: 14

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
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galaxy can kiss my ass

Gruntz Squad Points

Gruntz Squad Base Cost: 1

Select Shoot Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
Shoot is the most frequently used statistic in Gruntz Shoot 2 3 4 5 6 7
and is a measure of the skill in hitting an opponent
with ranged weapons. All the models in a single
Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
Gruntz squad will use the same Shoot statistic value.

Select Assault Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Assault is used as the statistic when attacking in Assault 2 3 4 5 6 7

close combat. The higher the value the easier it is for Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
a Grunt to be effective when up close.

Select Guard Slow Average Medium Quick Superfast

Guard is a measure of how difficult to hit a unit is. Guard 10 11 12 13 14

Very fast, small dextrous aliens might be harder to Points 1 3 5 7 9
Power Armour
Select Soak None Scout Light Med Heavy Assault
Soak is a measure the armour a unit is wearing. Soak 10 11 12 13 14 15
Heavier armour is harder to penetrate. Heavy and Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
Assault are reserved for Powered Armour types.

Select Mental Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Mental is a measure of how the Grunt copes under Mental 6 7 8 9 10 11

pressure and is used to test for Condition Brown. Points 0 1 3 5 7 9

Select Skill Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Skill represents the technical ability of the unit. Used Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
by Vehicle crews when firing weapons rather than
the Shoot skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
is the Skill statistic that is used for shooting vehicle
weapons rather than Shoot.

Select Weapons
All members of a Gruntz squad are equipped with the same weapons and the points for this weapon are paid for once for the entire
squad. They can select from the weapons table where the weapon is designated as a Gruntz weapon. They can carry a maximum of 1
of each type of weapon listed including Close Assault, Pistols, Rifles and Grenades. Power Armour (PA) squads are fitted with a standard
Gruntz weapon but can also add a Squad Attachment (SA) weapon which is integrated with the PA suit. Each SA weapon used by a PA
Squad (Squads with Soak of 14 or 15) is paid for individually.

Sample Gruntz Armour Types (Soak Statistic). Sample Shoot and Assault Skills.

Soak Sample Quality Score Shoot Assault

Scout Medium Anti-kinetic, Light Padding Civilians without basic Poor hand to hand
Green 2

Part hard shell. Heavy Anti-kinetic weapon skills. combat skill. Untrained
force materials. Bandits, Cultists Cops, Militia, Basic combat training in
Trained 3
Joint flexible Hard Suit, full body Colonial Security, Recruits. self-defense.
armour / alien carapace. Guln warriors or well
Heavy Personal Powered Suit. Seasoned 4 Professional soldiers trained grunt soldiers
with experience.
Assault Heavy Personal Powered Armour.
SWAT, Marines, Spetsnaz, SAS, Prime with deadly
Veteran 5
EHTC Guards, Elite ARM. physical strength.
Top snipers. Renowned Other Xeno or larger
Expert 6
individual squads or Mercs. leader Prime warriors.
Hand picked elite teams.
Larger aliens or wet
Use these references to guide how you specify your Augmented by neural net to
Elite 7 bio-tek power boosted
boost skills beyond normal
Gruntz force. Veteran and above are very effective human.
physical capability.
and Elite are deadly.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Squad Attachment
galaxy can kiss my ass

Squad Attachments
A squad attachment is an addition
to the standard Gruntz squad. The heavy weapon carried by the Squad Attachment can be
picked up by any other Squad member after they are waxed.
They provide extra support punch
Another squad member within 3 inches automatically picks up
and anti-material weapons, making
it easier for the Squad to target and and starts using the SA weapon when the unit activates.
damage vehicles. If another squad member is not within 3 inches of the waxed SA
These Arc force troops from Critical the weapon is lost.
Mass Games are using a Rocket Propelled Grenade RPG. This is a
Add the points cost of a Squad Attachment to the total cost for
great anti-material (vehicle) weapon.
the unit of Gruntz they are attached to, they count as part of
the unit for the scoring of victory points and are not able to act
Squad Attachments (SA) independently of the Gruntz squad they are attached to.

A Squad Attachment is an addition to a standard Gruntz squad and

you can have up to two attached to a single squad. You have to pay move of 4 inches. If the Gruntz squad they are attached to has a Perk
the points cost for each of the additional SA weapons you attach to a like Jump Packs, the SA can also make use of the Perk without having
Gruntz squad. They carry heavier weapons which are able to do more to pay additional points for it.
damage to vehicles or offer other tactical advantages in the support of
the Gruntz squad with SAW weapons.
During the game the Squad Attachment should stay attached and
Squad Attachments activate with the Gruntz squad they are
within standard coherency rules with their squad.
attached to and have the same statistics and equipment except their
weapon is more powerful. In current modern era fighting they would Weapons
be equipped with a Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW).
Squad Attachments select their weapons from the Gruntz table
You can attach up to two Squad Attachments to each Gruntz and can either be a simple increase in size to the squad by carrying the
squad. The base cost is 3 points and you simply add the cost of the same weapon as the other squad members or they can select from the
weapon to this total. Once you have the cost the SA, add it to the cost range of SA weapons listed in the Gruntz weapon table.
of the Gruntz unit after you divide the total of the Gruntz unit points
by 2. You only pay for the cost of weapons, with all other statistics,
amour and details remaining the same as the Gruntz squad the SA is
attached to.


The Squad Attachment will activate and complete its actions with
the squad it is attached to and is treated as part of that unit for Mental
checks and the results of incoming fire. If the squad are suppressed it
includes the SA.
Example New Israeli
Squad Attachment
The Squad Attachment moves at the same speed as the rest of This is an NI Squad Automatic Weapon from Ground Zero
the squad they are attached to which would normally be the standard Games. It will have the same statistics as the Gruntz Squad it
is attached to and carries a Guass LMG.

Item Ability (score) Points


Base Cost Squad Attachment 0

Note: The weapon in brackets is the actual weapon selected
from the Squad Attachment weapon table.
Gauss LMG

Primary Weapon 3
( SA. Medium Projectile )
Close Combat Combat Knife 0
Grenades High Explosive 1

Note: Add the cost of the SA to your Gruntz squad before you
divide the Gruntz points by two when calculating the total
Federal Troops face danger from a group of Xeno infiltrators.
squad value.
Troops by Old Crow Models
Total points for 1 SA (add to the Gruntz unit) 4

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

SA Points

Squad Attachment Base Cost: 0

Select Weapon
Squad Attachment only needs to select and pay the
points for the Squad Attachment weapon from the
Squad Attachment table.

They are also automatically equipped with the same

weapons as the rest of the Gruntz squad they are
attached to.

Squad Attachment weapons include Rocket Propelled Grenades, heard for klick upon klick if there had been a living soul to hear it. As it
Heavier Plasma, Laser or automatic projectile weapons guns. Most of passed through the field around the worm hole the train was encased
these weapons have Armour Piercing (AP) which is better for damaging by a charged-plasma bubble shielding it from the astronomical forces
vehicle targets. at play in the Morris-Thorne wormhole and preventing foreign flora and
fauna accidentally making it through the breach. Hidden beneath the
Shooting various support buildings that surrounded the wormhole were a range of
advanced defence systems, silent and immediate death to most potential
The SA fires his weapon at the same time as the rest of the unit,
foreign invaders that decide to use the wormhole as their entry to earth.
however they don’t need to fire at the same target and they can not
take part in a concentrated fire action with the rest of the squad. They Suddenly the driver and the caboose of the transporter were separated
are able to shoot at the same target that the rest of the squad are firing by most of the Milky Way; the very limits of the universe stretched and
at when they concentrate fire but will use to make a separate attack contorted bending to the engineering will of the Harmony Rolling Stock;
and damage roll for their weapon. an identical bubbled gate greeted them on the other side bathing the craft
in a rolling cloud of plasma.
Squad Attachments are able to be transported with a Gruntz squad
and don’t count as an extra figure for transportation purposes. The precipitation and humidity of the New Paris night was palpable;
the Ducklings skin prickled with sweat again as their bodies adjusted to
Life on Earth
the mugginess and the train’s eco-regulators whined trying to cope with
He was a Duckling. They all were on platform 64.6.1. Rank upon change from parched atmosphere of the Acrid Region to sultry air of New
rank of Ducklings all waiting patiently for the thunderous clicking of the Paris. Rain drizzled down the outside of the train cutting valleys through
wall mounted clock to flip over to fifty-four. The yellow coated workers the dusty exterior letting the passengers catch the odd glimpse of the 3
of the FreeKorp Industrial Centre all silently stood on the hard grey blue moons high in the sky.
Permacrete station at London’s Blair Street Station waiting for their train
As they pulled into the verdant surroundings of Sarkozy International;
to come gilding in. The original stellar-terminal at Thatcher’s Gate had
the dull buzzing of the grounds droids was all around the Ducklings as
been abandoned a few years back when the worm hole rift had become
they alighted the train. The droids fought an endless battle against the
unstable and this new shining example of Anglian engineering had been
encroaching jungle vegetation which sort to overrun the terminal building
constructed to take on its place. All reinforced Permacrete and iridescent
and cut off the Harmony Rolling Stock’s vital artery to this resource rich
Graphene it was a fine homage to the era of grandness and industry that
world. The SSS would need several hours to refuel and cross check for the
Harmony Rolling Stock had entered.
return journey to London but for the Ducklings the night shift would begin
The Southern Stella Service whispered into the station; servos and in earnest when the FIC local transit arrived to complete their commute
grav motors throbbing softly to bring the needle like train alongside the to the Essence Processing Plant. In the mean time the hollow faces of the
smooth station platform. Four times a day the SSS ran the journey from Ducklings turned skywards and let the blissful caress of the rain kiss their
New Paris to the Blair Street terminal building; one of the Harmony Rolling solar charred features; no one became a Duckling for the money.
Stocks most stable and lucrative routes. The transporter sighed to a stop
– jets of coolant bellow out from the beneath the carriages blasting the
fine layer of dust from the silvered shell. Doors whirred open and as silently
as the train had appeared the Ducklings neatly queued and filed into the
compartments. A rasping voice reverberated over the station vox-haler
announcing the arrival of the SSS not a single ear bothered to listen to the
tinny announcement they had all heard before.

Pulling out of the terminal building the train sped through the North
Downs and the desiccated country side of the Kent borderlands; the
shrunken withered land revealed the SSS progress with a grimy fan of fine
dust puffing out behind the hurtling mass transporter. The dress of the
Ducklings would have been absurd in the Acrid Region and even in the
eco-regulated train beads of sweat fell on to the yellow laminated enviro-

The shimmering bubble of the worm hole entrance could be seen

now on the track ahead; the energy field obscured the event horizon and
the massive generators and reactors used to power the device towered Arc Force Troops with rotary auto cannon which can use Full
up from the basin floor. The train kept gathering speed and hit the murk Auto fire to hit several targets. Models by Critical Mass Games.
of the rift at just below mach two; the crack of the air would have been

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

galaxy can kiss my ass

Commander Mobility

Each Army has one single You can place your Commander in a support vehicle built
Commander with overall command separately and providing independent transport. You can also build
and control of your force. They are the Commander into a personal transport like a grav speeder bike,
tougher than a normal Grunt and motor bike or other small powered vehicle by selecting and paying
able to activate independently. the points for a higher base Move. The Commander is considered to
be part of this personal unit and his damage points extend to cover
his mobility option. The Hover and Grav options could also be used
The Commanders to represent flying Commander alien models with different speeds of
Your Commander leads your force into battle and provides some
abilities that benefit Gruntz. They have multiple wounds to represent Command Actions
their experience and staying power in the field. You can however play
them with the optional single wound if you prefer a realistic wound Your Commander automatically receives the “Push Move” and
count. “Take the Pain” actions which are detailed in the Commander section of
the core rules. They allow you to improve the range and performance
Armour (Soak) of Gruntz units under your command.

Armour is selected based on a range of categories and some

sample ideas are detailed below. The higher soak levels can be used
to represent power armour or advanced combat suits with built in
Example Tigrid Commander
Weapons This is a Tigrid High Commander in Powered
Weapons are selected from the Gruntz squad table in the weapons Battle Dress from Khurasan Miniatures. He is
section and are based on small arms, assault rifles, lasers and other lethal in close combat and well armoured.
squad equipment. Your are also able to select grenades from the list
and it is assumed they have basic combat knives for normal assault Item Ability (score) Points
Base Cost Commander 1
A Commander is able to carry weapons up to the size class of Squad Damage Medium (16) 16
Attachment, although if you prefer a more realistic representation of a
Mobility Walk 0

battlefield leader you can choose to make both players select from the
standard Gruntz weapon table. Shoot Veteran (5) 5
Assault Elite (7) 9
Commander Damage
Guard Quick (13) 7
Assault class Commanders can have up to 20 damage points. The
Soak Heavy (14) 7
bigger damage points could be used for Alien type Commanders or
robotic leaders, larger than normal humans and more resilient. Normal Mental Expert (10) 7
human Commanders could be classed as Scout or Light size, however
you can break this rule and build a very tough human Commander due Skill Seasoned (4) 3

to boosted bionics.

Perkz Sub Total (Divided by 2 and rounded up) 28

Commanders can have two Perkz. The first Perk costs the standard
amount listed. The second perk costs an extra 5 points in addition to Gauss Rifle
Primary Weapon 3
the perkz standard cost. ( SA. Medium Projectile)

Close Combat 1
(Basic Weapon)
Grenades High Explosive 1
Perk Combat Drugs 1
Total points for 1 Commander: 34
Commanders have multiple wounds but are not necessarily super
human. The multiple wounds represent their staying power and
Type Sample
veteran skills of survival in the field. The damage points are an
Sample Armour

abstract number to help keep the Commander in play longer and Scout Medium Anti-kinetic, Light Padding
offer a tactical advantage if played well in the cinematic rules. Part hard shell. Heavy Anti-kinetic force
You can build an amazingly resilient Alien leader which has super
Medium Hard Suit, full body armour / carapace
strength and armour. In the optional rules you can play with a
more realistic variant of a Commander and set their damage points Heavy Personal Powered Suit
to 1 (the same as a Grunt). Both players should adopt the non- Assault Heavy Personal Powered Armour
cinematic rules or their Commander will have an unfair advantage. Über Ultra hard esoteric-tek integral shielding.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Commander Points

Commander Base Cost: 1

Select Damage Points Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault

A Commander can have multiple wounds. This is
Damage 12 14 16 18 20
a cinematic representation of the leader or hero
having the guts and staying power to continue Points 12 14 16 18 20
fighting. You can play the Commander with 1
Damage like a standard Gruntz, this is a more
realistic method of play and 1 Damage has a zero
cost to select.

Select Mobility
Walk Walk Grav
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and Tracked Wheeled Hover
Grunt Mecha Bikes
speed. Most humanoids have walk and a move
of 4 to match the standard Gruntz move. Other Move 4 5 6 7 8 10
options include Motorbikes and static fixed mount Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
weapons. Flying Commanders should select Hover.

Select Shoot Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Shoot is the most frequently used statistic in Gruntz Shoot 2 3 4 5 6 7

and is a measure of the skill in hitting an opponent Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
with ranged weapons.

Select Assault Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Assault is used as the statistic when attacking in Assault 2 3 4 5 6 7

close combat. The higher the value the easier it is for Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
a Grunt to be effective when up close.

Select Guard Slow Average Medium Quick Superfast

Guard is a measure of how difficult to hit a unit is. Guard 10 11 12 13 14

Very fast, small dextrous aliens might be harder to Points 1 3 5 7 9

Select Soak None Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault Über

Soak is a measure the armour a unit is wearing. Soak 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Heavier armour is harder to penetrate. Heavy and Points 0 1 3 5 7 9 11
Assault are reserved for Powered Armour types
or could represent very thick superdense alien
carapace if you are building an alien queen as a

Select Mental Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Mental is a measure of how the Commander copes Mental 6 7 8 9 10 11

under pressure and is used to test for Condition Points 0 1 3 5 7 9

Select Skill Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Skill represents the technical ability of the unit.

Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
Used by Vehicle crews when firing weapons rather Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
than the Shoot skill. If a Commander is piloting or
driving a vehicle it is the Skill statistic that is used for
shooting vehicle weapons rather than Shoot.

Select Weapons and Perkz

Select from the Gruntz , Squad Attachment and Specialist weapons for your Commander. Gruntz weapons are realistic options for a
Commander to carry, however you can boost him by having him carry a support weapon. You can have up to two Perkz.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Gruntz Specialist
galaxy can kiss my ass

You don’t need to add

Gruntz Specialist Design statistics for both models on
a group base, just select a
Your Specialists provide the unique suitable size for the unit from
and interesting battlefield abilities those available for Specialists
that can boost your force or help which have multiple wounds.
cripple an enemy unit.
They are independently activated This GZG NAC Specialist
supporting units which can has two figures on the base
make a significant impact on the but they operate as one model
battlefield. Medic Specialist from Critical Mass Games. on the battlefield. They have
multiple wounds and as a light
Specialist Builder class Specialist they have 5
GZG NAC Specialist with High total wounds for the unit. The
Specialists include a range of different models that act as individuals Energy Laser (HEL) mounted on unit is only waxed when the
on the battle field or can be grouped into squads. You can also build a metal hex base. total wounds are lost. You
medics, engineers and various other units. Basing should be larger don’t account for each figure
for Specialists to make them clearly identifiable on the Battlefield. on the base because they act
You can use anything from a 20mm to 30mm base including the Hex as one unit.
style raised lip bases. Use this Gruntz Specialist to the build the softer
biological type Gruntz and the Gruntz Vehicle specialist for vehicle To build the Gruntz specialist, first total the base cost, size, Shoot,
based units with higher mobility. Assault, Mental and Skill then divide this total by 2 (rounding up). Add
to this sub total the cost of Perkz and weapons.
Note that you could design a Gruntz Specialist medic and then
build a separate support vehicle APC or Jeep. This APC could then be Getting creative with the specialist base like adding a small droid
used as the transport for the Gruntz Specialist and enable you to move to an engineers base will make them easy to identify on the battlefield.
them more rapidly to key zones on the battlefield.

Unit or Solo

Specialists are paid for individually. For a squad of 5 you need to

pay the points for each model individually. In most cases you will be
fielding a specialist as an individual.


Mobility for Gruntz Specialists is walk based and matches the Example Gruntz Engineer
normal Gruntz movement of 4”. Speeder Bikes would be Grav based This GZG Engineer is able to repair battlefield damage on
mobility and use the vehicle Gruntz builder. Some Perkz that are vehicles and vehicle specialists. To make an engineer you
applied to the build can increase the base move and should be used if need to add the Specialist Perk “Engineer” to your design.
you are trying to boost the standard move or represent an alien type.
Item Ability (score) Points

Perkz and Weapon Rules

Base Cost Specialist 1
Select an ability from the Perkz table where there are a range of Damage Light (5) 5
Specialist only Perkz. Specialists can have two Perkz. The first is at the
cost of the Perk, the second will cost an additional 5 points plus the
cost of the Perk. Specialists can carry Gruntz weapons and are also able Guard Average (11) 3
to select from the Squad Attachment and Specialist weapons table. Soak Medium (13) 5

Damage Points Shoot Veteran (5) 5

Assault Trained (3) 1
It is possible to build a specialist unit like a portable weapon
where the base has a couple of figures mounted on it to represent the Mental Seasoned (8) 3
requirements of a portable weapon mount.
Skill Seasoned (4) 3

Sub Total (Divide this by 2 and round up) 13


Specialists are the units which add more SCI-FI flavour to the Plasma Rifle (From
Gruntz game. They don’t fit in a traditional squad and cover items Primary Weapon 3
Gruntz Weapon table)
like portable weaponry with crew, powered walkers which are
two small to be classed as Mecha but still pack a punch, Medics,
Engineers, Drones and other sci-fi technical robotic devices. Perkz Engineer 4

Specialists are based on larger 20mm to 30mm sized bases so you

can easily spot them on the battlefield. Total points for 1 Specialist Model : 20

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
GRunTZ Specialist
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Specialist Points

Gruntz Specialist Base Cost: 1

Select Size / Damage

Damage represents the ability of the unit to take incoming Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
damage and a higher damage factor gives the model longer Damage 4 5 6 7 8
staying power in the field. Generally the larger Gruntz will
have more damage, however it could be a super hard small Points 4 5 6 7 8
alien. Pay the points for the appropriate damage points.

The Mobility type for Gruntz specialist is walk only and is the same fixed limit of 4 inches. A double speed move which takes two actions
to perform is an 8 inch move. They can pick perkz which give them a faster speed or you could start the game or jump into a vehicle,
with the Specialist Grunt taking up a 0.5 size transport slot.

Select Guard Slow Average Medium Quick Superfast

Guard is a measure of how difficult to hit a unit is. Guard 10 11 12 13 14

Very fast, small dextrous aliens might be harder to Points 1 3 5 7 9

Select Soak None Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault Über

Soak is a measure the armour a unit is wearing. Soak 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Heavier armour is harder to penetrate. Heavy , Points 0 1 3 5 7 9 11
Assault and Über are reserved for Powered Armour

Select Shoot Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Shoot is the most frequently used statistic in Gruntz Shoot 2 3 4 5 6 7

and is a measure of the skill in hitting an opponent Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
with ranged weapons.

Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Select Assault
Assault is used as the statistic when attacking in Assault 2 3 4 5 6 7
close combat. The higher the value the easier it is for Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
a Grunt to be effective when up close.

Select Mental Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Mental is a measure of how the unit copes under Mental 6 7 8 9 10 11

pressure and is used to test for Condition Brown. Points 0 1 3 5 7 9

Select Skill Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite

Skill represents the technical ability of the model. Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7

Used by Vehicle crews when firing weapons rather Points 0 1 3 5 7 9
than the Shoot skill. If a Specialist commandeers a
vehicle it is the Skill statistic that is used for shooting
vehicle weapons rather than Shoot.

Select Perkz and Weapons

Specialists can have two Perkz. The first is at the cost of the Perk and the second is at an additional 5 points. Pay the points for each of
the Perkz selected. This enables some interesting combinations for example you could use two perkz for a force shield and jump pack
model. There are three Specialist only Perkz (Medic, Engineer and Sub-Commander) details are at the end of the Gruntz Perk table.

Specialists can carry Gruntz weapons and they can select from the Specialist or Squad Attachment table for all weapons. See the
weapons table for the points cost for weapons.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Vehicle Specialist Builder

galaxy can kiss my ass

Perkz or Modz
Vehicle Specialists can have two Perkz. The first is at the cost of the Perk,
the second will cost an additional 5 points plus the cost of the Perk.
Specialist Design You can also use Modz for the Vehicle Specialist and mix them. Add 5
Vehicle Specialists are points before adding the points of a second Perk or Mod.
fast moving micro-
vehicles. They are
smaller than standard These are a guide for the creation of Vehicle Specialists, you
tanks and support could use different sizes and weapons to match the models
vehicles providing a you are using or try different designs. Try not to max out
class of unit to cover the design and pick smaller sized hulls and lower powered
the range of drones, weapons to suit the model.
robotic micro tanks and If you want heavier vehicle based weapons for ground mount
smaller walkers on a sci- weapons use the field artillery unit builder.
fi battlefield.
Model Type Build Ideas
The Spider Droids by GZG in the photo are an ideal candidate for
Vehicle Specialist design and make use of the Shield Perkz. Group of 4, scout size and built with Grav

Sample Vehicle Specialists

Flying Disc technology and laser weaponry. These fast
Drones moving drones are great at covering a lot of
Vehicle Specialist Builder ground on the battlefield.
The builder is slightly different from the normal Gruntz Specialist Group of 3 Crab or Spider based mini robotic
builder because it is based around small robotic vehicle type units. This walkers, these droids can be fitted with shield
includes drones and powered armour suits which are bigger and faster Perk to provide the best level of protection to
than the Gruntz Specialist unit class. a medium sized unit. Walk mobility with dual
Gruntz table laser weapons.
Unit or Solo Tough all terrain remote wheeled mini tank.
Models like the example Protolene Ayamer detailed on this page Assault hull size with optional Plasma, Laser
Robotic Mini
could be part of a group of models in a squad, however the points or Projectile weapon selected from specialist
should be paid for each individual walker. This differs from the Gruntz weapon table.
squad builder where you pay one total value for a full squad. If you Grav
Light Scout speeder with Grav technology and
are using multiples of similar build Vehicle Specialists they should be Speeder
laser based Gruntz class weapons.
grouped in units of three or more. Bikes


Mobility for Vehicle Specialists in Gruntz is based on a range of

options in the builder. For bipedal walkers select walk which would
dictate a 7“ movement for the lightest Scout Class. Speeder Bikes
would be Grav based mobility and motorbikes wheeled.

Weapon Rules

Vehicle Specialists can carry Gruntz standard table weapons and Example Protolene Ayamer
are also able to select from the Squad Attachment and Specialist
weapons table. The Vehicle Specialist can carry two weapons from the This Protolene Ayamer is the predator variant and has plasma
Gruntz table or one weapon from the Squad Attachment or Specialist weapons mounted. Model by Critical Mass Games.
table. This allows you to design vehicles with dual lighter weapons
Item Ability (score) Points

like Spider Droids or one single heavier squad support or specialist

weapon. Base Cost Specialist 1
Size Medium 5
You don’t have to match the weapons exactly to the model
depicted. The example Protolene Ayamer has two weapons shown on Note: You don’t pay points for Soak, Damage or Guard you only
pay for the Size class.

the model, however you can consider these a damage output capacity
for the model and simply select one primary weapon to represent the Skill Veteran (5) 5
potential firepower provided by a model that might be fitted with
Mobility Walk (5 inches) 1
plasma weaponry. Alternatively you might be a player that enjoys
detailing every weapon depicted on a model, in which case you could Plasma Blaster

select two Gruntz class plasma weapons which are fired independently. Primary Weapon (Specialist Heavy 6
Damage Points

Damage points are derived from the size class selected and you Perkz None 0
pay the points for a class which dictates the Soak, Guard and damage
Total all the points for the Vehicle Specialist.
points for the model. Like all vehicles they are also -2 to damage from
normal Gruntz class weapons with no armour piercing. Total points for 1 Specialist Model : 18

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
VEHICLE Specialist
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Vehicle Specialist Points

Vehicle Specialist Base Cost: 1

Select Size Soak Guard Damage Points

The size dictates Damage, Soak and Guard. You pay once for Scout 12 14 4 1
all three statistics e.g. Light is 1 point and provides default Light 13 13 5 3
Soak of 12, Guard of 14 and damage of 4. You can still build
something small which you consider to be assault class like
Medium 14 12 6 5
a deadly assassin droid the size of a plate. Model size is not a Heavy 15 11 7 7
strict guide to the size class you pick. Note that the size you Assault 16 10 8 9
select dictates the Guard and Soak as per the table.

Select Mobility
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed. Vehicle
Specialist have a range of different options for movement.
Use points to purchase the mobility type.

Fixed Motor
Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
Mount Bikes
Points 0 1 2 2 3 4 6
Automated Robot Tracked Wheeled Flying Speeder
Example Gun Walker Robot AI Gun Drone
Trike Bike

Determine Speed in Inches

After selecting your mobility type, use this table to determine
the base speed. Lighter units are faster. Scout Grav droids
are very fast and great at going deep into enemy lines
but do have low damage points making the vulnerable to
concentrated incoming fire.

Fixed Walk Motor

Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
Mount Mecha Bikes
Scout None 7 8 9 9 11 16
Light None 6 7 8 8 10 15
Medium None 6 7 8 8 9 14
Heavy None 5 6 7 7 8 13
Assault None 4 6 7 6 7 12

Select Skill
Skill represents the technical ability of the unit. Used
to represent both the Assault and Shoot of a vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
Specialist. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is
Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
the Skill statistic that is used for shooting vehicle
weapons rather than the Shoot statistic. Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons, Abilities and Perkz

Vehicle Specialists can carry up to two Gruntz weapons or one weapon selected from the Specialist or Squad Attachment table. See the
weapons table for the points cost for weapons. You can select up to two Perkz or Modz , the first at the normal cost. The second Mod/
Perk costs an additional 5 points. This enables some interesting combinations like using two perkz for a force shield and jump pack
model. There are three Specialist only Perkz (Medic, Engineer and Sub-Commander) details are at the end of the Gruntz Perk table.

Jake Urnst, Medical Logistics. I am scrolling through the KIA data log with names, numbers, colony, next-of-kin, kit issue and language.
Profile pictures flick out of the black data tables to answer the barren details, the smiling optimistic face of this dead man, vanished
forever beneath the desert sand. Here and there rise thoughts of their habits, their nicknames and the look he gave me when I last spoke
to him, the attitude of another shivering when the desert air dropped to sub zero, standing sentry along the base camp parapet.
They are now a statistic in a data table, a daily neural net feed. I censor the latest pinged data-vises, poignant messages from home
waiting for delivery to the ghost node of the dead soldier who is now permanently out of office.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Tank Builder
galaxy can kiss my ass

Mounted Weapon Rules

Construction Yard Tank main weapons can be equal to or less than the size class of
You can get directly into playing the Tank e.g A medium tank can have medium primary weapons or of
Gruntz by using some pre-made a smaller size class. You can install two main weapons of the same size
unit profile cards from the forum. If class as the tank, paying points for every weapon. Light and Scout
you prefer custom build tanks start vehicles can select from the anti infantry class vehicle weapons or from
here. Terrain photo of a Critical the Squad Attachment and Specialist weapon classes.
Mass Games snow refinery layout.
Note that you must purchase the weapon mounts for each weapon
system you purchase for the design. Scout and light vehicles use the
Anti-Infantry or specialist weapons for main and anti-infantry slots.
Tank Builder
To build a tank first start with the model you have in mind and then
select an appropriate size. You might also have an existing published Tanks have turrets, so the main weapons are turreted and benefit
Gruntz tank profile that you want to change by tweaking it to your taste from a 360 degree arc of fire.
or adjusting the payload if you have a different turret in use.

Pick and pay the points for the size which dictates the core statistics
for your tank and check the table to determine what the Damage, Soak,
Ram and Guard are. You don’t pay points for the derived statistics only
the size class, mobility, weapon mounts, weapons, Modz and crew skill
have an associated points cost.

You might decide that one manufacturers medium tank is closer

in size to a heavy tank from another line of miniatures, in which case
you could call the model a heavy, even if the miniature manufacturer
lists it as a medium. Use your own judgement to determine what an
appropriate size is for your model and game setting. Example Arc Fleet Medium Grav Tank
This is an Arc Medium Grav tank from Critical Mass Games.
Mobility The Mod ”Gravatonic Accelerator” makes this tank excellent at
clinical long range strikes by increasing the base range of the
Select the mobility from the five options, note that walkers include
Gauss Cannon. It also has an expert crew which is a significant
the Manga style crab like multi-leg tanks. The various mobility types
advantage when shooting at long range.
dictate speed as shown in the speed table.
Item Selection Points

Base Cost Tank 1

Size Medium 23

The first option with the points system is to ignore them and get Mobility Grav 4
on with a game! You don’t have to play with points to enjoy Gruntz Note: You don’t pay points for Soak, Damage or Guard you only
but you can use the unit builder system to construct vehicles pay for the Size class once.

and then play an enjoyable scenario. If you don’t field perfectly Item Number of Mounts Points
balanced forces you can still use the points as a guide to the Anti Infantry
victory conditions and play a scenario or story of your own. 1 2
Bigger can mean slower with regard to vehicle speed except Main Weapons 1 1
where propulsion like Grav technology increases overall speed
of a vehicle class. However there are ways in which the various

Item Selection Points

classes of system can be tweaked to break the core builder system.
Gauss Cannon (Vehicle
For example you could upgrade the engines on an Assault tank Main Weapon 3
Medium Projectile)
to bring its speed up in line with a vehicle of a lighter class by
selecting a Mod from the vehicle and paying the points. Anti-Infantry Machine Gun (Vehicle
Weapon Light Projectile)
Gruntz is an abstraction of the real physical properties of vehicles

and there will be times when you want a fantastically outfitted Gravatonic Accelerator
scout grav jeep with six super light laser anti-infantry weapons Modz (+3” to main weapon 3
that can all be fired simultaneously. The rules don’t support that range)
payload, however there is nothing to stop you creating a vehicle
using your design and simply listing the anti infantry weapon as
Crew Skill 6 (Expert) 8

two light weapons. The rest is up to your imagination because not

every turret on your miniature needs a rule to cover its use. Tank Base Cost 1

There are several miniature lines available, for tanks and walkers, Build and Weapons 45
where multi primary weapons are built into the payload. Total Tank Cost 46

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Tank Points

Tank Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
Select Tank Hull Size Scout 15 13 14 9 13
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard and
Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates the Light 16 12 18 10 18
other statistics on the table e.g. Medium Hull will have Medium 17 11 22 11 23
a Soak of 17, Guard of 11, Damage of 22 and RAM of Heavy 18 10 26 12 28
11 for 5 points.
The hull size also determines the movement in inches Assault 19 9 30 13 33
depending on the mobility type purchased.

Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav

Select Mobility
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 1 1 2 4
depending on Tank Hull size. Example Walking Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
Tank Tank Tank Skirt Tank

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the Tank is derived by comparing the size Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the table
to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note base Scout 7 8 9 8 10
move is doubled for a flank speed double move.
Light 6 7 8 8 9
Medium 6 7 8 7 8
Heavy 5 6 7 6 8
Assault 4 6 7 5 7
Select Main Weapon Mounts
Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on Tank Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the tank based on its size. Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
limited by the Tanks maximum Mount capacity listed.
Main Weapon 1 2 3 3 4
Tanks have turrets, so main weapon mounts are con-
sidered to be 360 degree arc.
Purchase Main Weapon Mounts

Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4
Points 0 1 4 8 13

Select Anti-Infantry
Weapon Mounts Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon
Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Mounts required, limited by the Tanks maximum
Mount capacity listed. Points 0 2 4

Select Skill Crew Skill (used for Shooting Tank weapons)

Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in the
Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
Tank unit and it is the statistic used by Vehicle crews
when firing weapons rather than the Shoot skill. If Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill that is Points 0 1 3 5 8 12
used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Shoot.

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Weapons and Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the
vehicle. Try to limit Modz to one or two selections. You should not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. To add Command Tek pay
6 additional points. Weapons are based on the size class selected. You can select up to two Modz, the first at the normal cost. The second
costs an additional 5 points.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Super Heavy Tank Builder

galaxy can kiss my ass

Super Heavy Tank Builder

There are some potential very heavy leviathan sized vehicles which
could crawl their way over a future battlefield, laying waste to infantry
and vehicles. Powered by super dense and high output power plants
they overcome the restraints normally associated with heavy vehicles
that has kept them off the 20th and 21st Century battlefields.


Select the mobility from the five options, note that walkers include
crab like multi-leg tanks. The various mobility types dictate speed as Super Heavy Tank - Ratte WWII
shown in the speed table. Superheavies suffer the same penalties to
movement as indicated for their mobility type and terrain. However This is a super heavy tank designed during World War II. The
they only count as being in such terrain if more than half of the actual Ratte is epic in proportion and more like land ship than a tank.
model is in the affecting terrain. Item Selection Points

The Super Heavy variant is a little slower across the range and only Base Cost Tank 1
creeps along in the walking variant. This makes them an easy target Size Heavy 53
for enemy models which will have to slowly wear down the damage
capacity of the tank. Using Modz to boost the base speed provides a Mobility Tracked 1
method to increase the distance moved by these lumbering leviathans. Note: You don’t pay points for Soak, Damage or Guard you
only pay for the Size class once.
Mounted Weapon Rules

Item Number of Mounts Points

Super Heavy Tank main weapons are selected like the normal tank Main Weapons 6 16
builder and can be equal to or less than the size class of the Tank e.g A
medium tank can have medium primary weapons or of a smaller size Anti-infantry 2 4
class. You can install two main weapons of the same size class as the Item Selection Points
tank, paying points for every weapon. Light and Scout vehicles can Main Weapon 1 Assault Cannon 6
select from the anti infantry class vehicle weapons or from the Squad

Attachment and Specialist weapon classes. Main Weapon 2 Assault Cannon 6

Main Weapon 3 Heavy Cannon 5
A weapon mount must be purchased for each weapon system you
purchase for the design. Rear Main Weapon 1 Medium Cannon 4
Rear Main Weapon 2 Medium Cannon 4
Super Heavy Tank Shooting

Anti Infantry x2 Light Rear Turret x2 6 (x2)

Super Heavy tanks are a very stable and steady platform. They Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5
are able rumble on with only the hardest hitting incoming damage
Modz Dread 3
distracting them from targeting.
2nd Mod +5 Ack Ack 6 (1+5)
This stability and the increased targeting systems capacity of the
Tank Base Cost 1
vehicle allows them to fire up to 4 main weapon systems in a turn rather
than the normal maximum of 2. In the example Ratte model it is clear Build and Weapons 119
that the rear medium cannons can only fire in the rear arc of the tank. Total Tank Cost 120

Ratte Super Heavy tank. From a German WWII design. Model from Forged in Battle. With main guns
which are ship class it has a devastating damage output.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Super Heavy
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Super Heavy Tank Points

Tank Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
Select Tank Hull Size Scout 20 8 34 14 38
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 21 7 38 15 43
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 22 6 42 16 48
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 23 5 46 17 53
mobility type purchased.
Assault 24 4 50 18 58

Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav

Select Mobility
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 1 1 2 4
depending on Tank Hull size. Example Walking Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
Tank Tank Tank Skirt Tank

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the Tank is derived by comparing the size Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the table
to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note base Scout 5 6 7 6 8
move is doubled for a flank speed double move.
Light 4 5 6 6 7
Medium 3 5 6 5 6
Heavy 2 4 5 4 6
Assault 2 4 5 3 5

Select Main Weapon Mounts Tank Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the tank based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required, Main Weapon 3 4 5 6 6
limited by the Tanks maximum Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Main Weapon Mounts

Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Points 0 1 4 8 12 14 16

Select Anti-Infantry
Weapon Mounts Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon
Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2 3
Mounts required, limited by the Tanks maximum
Mount capacity listed. Points 0 2 4 6

Select Skill Crew Skill (used for Shooting Tank weapons)

Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in the
Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
Tank unit and it is the statistic used by Vehicle crews
when firing weapons rather than the Shoot skill. If Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill that is Points 0 1 3 5 8 12
used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Shoot.

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Weapons and Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the
vehicle. Try to limit Modz to one or two selections. You should not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. To add Command Tek pay
6 additional points. Weapons are based on the size class selected. You can select up to two Modz, the first at the normal cost. The second
costs an additional 5 points.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Mecha Builder
galaxy can kiss my ass

This example Mecha design is using the Imperator, a 60 Ton Fairfield

Mech Yard & Hammer fabricated single-pilot Mecha walker.
Build a mecha and select an
appropriate payload from the
weapons systems. If you don’t see Weight
an exact match for the weapon
system, use one listed that most
closely matches the type e.g.
Plasma could represent most blast Scout 5-20
based energy type particle cannons.
Light 21-40

Mecha Builder Medium 41-60

To build a mech first start with the model you have in mind and Heavy 61-80
think about the size and payload. Different model manufacturers have
a range of scales that are often not exact matches for 15mm gaming, Assault 81-100
like the popular 10mm plastic pre-painted mechs which look a little
small but imagination could easily be used as a light or scout mech in Tons


Current mobility for mecha in Gruntz is Walk based, however you

can select a Mod which allows the walker jump capability. Jumping
mechs are able to be repositioned to anywhere within their base Example Imperator Mech
movement range in inches. Mecha can fire whilst completing a jump
at a -2 to the skill roll. This is the Imperator, a 60 Ton Fairfield & Hammer fabricated
single-pilot Mecha walker, designed for field flexibility and
Mounted Weapon Rules reliability in remote contact circumstances. It is fitted with a
anti infantry projectile, a particle cannon (Medium Plasma)
Mecha main weapons can be equal to or less than the size class of and a shoulder mounted Light Missile Launcher.
the Mecha e.g A medium mech can have medium primary weapons or
of a smaller size class. You can install two main weapons of the same Item Selection Points

size class as the mecha, paying points for every weapon. Base Cost Mecha 1
Check the maximum weapon mounts for the size class of mech Size Medium 16
before you select and pay the points for the weapon mounts. Walker (Standard for
Mobility -
Scout and Light mechs can select from the anti infantry class
vehicle weapons or from the Squad Attachment and Specialist weapon Note: You don’t pay points for Soak, Damage or Guard you only
classes. In the Gruntz core rules you can fire up to 2 of the equipped pay for the Size class once.
weapons per unit activation, the second weapon fired is at -1 to the

Item Number of Mounts Points

Skill roll.
Anti Infantry
1 2
Command Tek can be added to a Mecha at a cost of 6 points. Weapons
Main Weapons 2 4
Hand Weapons

Hand weapons are selected from the Gruntz table and increase Item Selection Points
in Armour Piercing value for each Mecha Size class. Details are in the
weapon table section of the rules. Particle Cannon (Vehicle
Main Weapon 1 4
Medium Plasma)
Main Weapon 2 Light Missile Launcher 6
Anti-Infantry Machine Gun (Vehicle
Weapon Light Projectile)
Mecha robots are often tall and substantial chunks of military kit,

suffering from a high target signature and a likelihood of major Neutonic Damping (+2
technical failure when a leg is crippled by damage. Modz Soak against energy 3
In Gruntz they are considered effective on the battlefield and
great at making use of terrain by flattening themselves against

Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5

walls, aiming around corners and making use of surroundings. A
tank would have to reveal itself by driving around a terrain feature
Mecha Base Cost 1
before targeting. This is reflected in slightly better Guard scores
for mecha size classes, however mecha are more fragile than tanks Build and Weapons 41
represented by lower damage taking capacity.
Total Mecha Cost 42

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Mecha Points

Mecha Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points

Select Mecha Hull Size Scout 14 14 12 7 10
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard and
Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates the Light 15 13 14 8 13
other statistics on the table. Medium 16 12 16 9 16
Heavy 17 11 20 10 21
Assault 18 10 24 11 26

Mecha Size
Determine Speed
Speed is in inches. Flank or double speed is twice Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
the figure listed. If the Mecha is fitted with jump
technology it can jump in inches equal to its standard
Speed 7 6 6 5 4
move and fire at -2 to Skill. Speed in Inches

Select Main Weapon Mounts Mecha Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
for the vehicle based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
limited by the vehicles maximum Mount capacity Main Weapon 1 2 3 3 4
Purchase Main Weapon Mounts
Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4
Points 0 1 4 8 13

Select Anti-Infantry
Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts
Weapon Mounts
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon
Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Mounts required, limited by the Mecha maximum Points 0 2 4
Mount capacity listed.

Select Skill Crew Skill (used for Shooting Mecha weapons)

Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
the Mecha unit and it is the statistic used by Vehicle
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
skill. Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Weapons and Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the
vehicle. Try to limit Modz to one or two selections and the second mod is at an additional 5 pts. Do not take two Modz of the same type
e.g. Armour. To add Command Tek pay 6 additional points. Weapons are based on the size class selected.

Mecha Flight / Wheeled Mode Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault

Flight Base Speed 11 10 10 9 8
Flight / Wheeled

Land Walker Base Speed 7 6 6 5 4

Wheeled Base Speed 9 8 8 7 6
For an additional 6 points you can add a Mod for Mecha called “Flight Transform”. This allows the Mecha to switch between a flying
variation and the land walker variant. For an additional 5 points you can add a “Wheeled Transform” Mod. This allows the mecha to
use one action to switch to a ground wheeled mode and whilst in wheeled mode the Mecha can access one primary weapon. In
all modes the statistics remain the same, except the base speed is increased to a higher level whilst in flight or wheeled mode and
is dictated by the Mecha size as listed in the table.
It takes 1 Action to Transform and whilst in flight mode you can only use anti-infantry weapons. The Mecha unit has to first use an
action to transform before it can fire primary weapon mounts. Note that the base speed is doubled when making a double move
action e.g. A Scout in Flight-Mode will be able to make a double move of 22” using its two actions. Both transform options can also
be added as a combined option for a single points cost of 8 points.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Monster Builder
galaxy can kiss my ass

before you select and pay the points for the weapon mounts.

Scout and Light Monsters can select from the anti infantry class
vehicle weapons or from the Squad Attachment and Specialist weapon
classes. In the Gruntz core rules you can fire up to 2 of the equipped
weapons per unit activation, the second weapon fired is at -1 to the
Skill roll.

When building a monster you will need to be creative with the

naming of your weapons and modifications. The same physical
damage and range result is output from the various weapons when
fired but they are likely to firing from a mouth or bile spitting arm
valve. They are not physically represented the same on the model
unless you are building a mind controlled T-Rex with strapped on
plasma cannons (which is possible). With most monster designs you
are selecting a proxy weapon to represent the spitting, bouts of flame,
electrical discharge or other weapon effect that you want to use for the
biological beast.

You might also select two main plasma or other weapon class
cannons on an assault Monster but treat them as another bout of flame
that the Monster is spewing from the same orifice. They might happen
to be good at causing destruction, so building them with two weapons
makes them dish out more monster carnage in one activation.


Like Mecha, the Monster can hunker down and make use of terrain
and buildings which is more dynamic and flexible than a traditional
tank. This gives them the option to use the go prone condition action
to benefit from an additional +1 to their Guard.

Monster Maker Example Monster

Exceptionally Dangerous Trans-dimensional Demon from Trans-Dimensional Demon by Khurasan Miniatures. This
Khurasan miniatures, painted by SpaceJacker of the Tiny Solitary has been built with 2 power claws. You might want to add a
Soldiers blog. breath weapon by picking a laser or plasma type.
Item Selection Points
Monster Builder

Base Cost Monster 1

Monsters are large aliens, B-Movie, Blockbuster or Japanese movie
giants. They are similar in to a Mecha because they mostly walk but Size Heavy 32
they have a slightly different design, statistics profile and they can be Mobility Jump / Glide 2
built with a default flight ability. Note: You don’t pay points for Soak, Damage or Guard you only
Mobility pay for the Size class once.

Item Number of Appendages Points

Monsters can walk, which could either be bipedal or a beast on
Appendages 2 4
all fours. They also have a Jump / Glide option which is designed to
represent a monster with partial flight that can use wings or some other
Main Weapon 1 Heavy Power Claw 5
form of drifting to increase its base movement. The Hyper Sonic speed
is for a space fearing type Monsters that could break atmosphere and Main Weapon 2 Heavy Power Claw 5
are capable of very high flight speeds, perhaps drawing on some sort
of magical energy to move at great speed. Units like dragons would
use either the Jump / Glide or Full Flight option depending on the type. Item Selection Points

There are some interesting modern films based on ancient dragons

2x Modz +5 for second Mod. 5
making a come back which would be fun to represent on the tabletop.
Modz Terror 2
Mounted Weapon Rules
Modz Neutonic Damping 3
Monsters have appendages which are similar to weapons mounts.
The class of weapon selected can be equal to or less than the size class

Skill 5 (Veteran) 5
of the Monster e.g A medium monster can have medium primary
weapons or of a smaller body size class. You can install two main
weapons of the same size class as the Monster, paying points for every Monster Base Cost 1
weapon. Build and Weapons 63
Check the maximum appendages for the size class of Monster Total Monster Cost 64

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Monster Points

Monster Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points

Select Body Size Scout 14 15 15 9 15
The body size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates
Light 15 14 20 10 22
the other statistics on the table. Medium 18 13 25 12 27
Heavy 19 12 30 12 32
Assault 20 11 35 13 37

Select Mobility Walk

Jump /
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed,
depending on the body size. Points 0 2 5 8

2 Leg 4 Leg Jump / Full Hyper

Speed in Inches Walk Walk Glide Flight Sonic

Determine Speed Scout 7 8 9 11 12

Light 6 7 8 10 11
Speed is in inches. Flank or double speed is twice the
figure listed. Medium 5 6 7 9 10
Heavy 4 5 6 8 9
Assault 4 5 6 7 8

Select Weapon Monster Maximum Appendage Capacity

Appendages Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
Size dictates how many appendages the Monster Appendages 1 2 3 3 4
can have. First check the maximum amount of
appendages based on size then purchase the number
of appendages required for your Monster build.
Purchase Monster Appendages
Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4
Points 0 1 4 8 13

Select Skill Monster Skill (used for Shooting)

Skill represents the ability of the Monster to Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
complete technical actions and attacks with its
appendages. The higher the skill the better at hitting Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
things the beast is. Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Maximum size class of weapons is equal to the Monster body size and selected from the vehicle weapons table. The Modz are boosts
and special construction options which add the movie attacks to a Monster. Try to limit Modz to one or two selections. You should not
take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. The Weapons and Modz should be interpreted differently for a Monster but the result is the
same e.g. Heavy Chassis would just result the Monster having a denser bone structure. A plasma weapon could be interpreted as spitting
bile and laser could be a pin point electrical discharge from the mouth of a beast.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Ground Support Vehicle

galaxy can kiss my ass

Transport in Gruntz is vital for the rapid deployment of troops, use

Ground Support Vehicles your transport wisely to get the Gruntz to key strategic positions.
On the future battlefield the Support Vehicle Transport Slots
mobility and rapid deployment
of troops is vital. Ground support Size Transport Slots Capacity
vehicles (GSV) provide the
Scout 1/2 1/2 a Slot is one

hardened transport to move units
into key strategic locations quickly Light 1 Commander or
and in relative safety. Gruntz Specialist.
Medium 2
1 Slot is a Gruntz
Heavy 3 Squad or Vehicle
Support Vehicle Builder
Assault 4 Specialist.
Support Vehicles are similar to Tanks, having a range of statistics
which are mostly derived from the size class which dictates Damage, Vehicles can transport other vehicles with two transport slots able
Soak, RAM and Guard. When you select the size class you should note to carry a light or scout size vehicle, three will carry a medium vehicle
the various key statistics from the size class. and four slots could carry a vehicle of up to heavy size. The model used
should reflect its capacity to hold other vehicles on a trailer or other
Mobility mount option.
Select the mobility from the five options, note that walkers include An Assault class support vehicle could be built to carry two scout
crab like multi-leg tanks. The mobility type dictate speed as shown in or light vehicles (2 slots each). It takes one action to unload each single
the speed table. transported vehicle.
Mounted Weapon Rules

Support Vehicles weapons are selected from the anti infantry

section of the weapons table. You need to purchase the weapon
mounts for each weapon system you purchase for the design.

Command Technology

You can purchase the command technology module for Support

Vehicles. This turns the vehicle into a mobile command unit which has
a limited set of the same abilities provided by the Commander unit on
the battlefield. During play you can also transport your Commander Example Armoured Wartruck
unit in the Command vehicle, providing a very strong base to support This is an Armoured Wartruck from Khurasan Miniatures. It
your Gruntz units because the Commander can still use his special has one transport slot for units, with the option of adding a
actions on Gruntz units whilst being transported. trailer for a second transport slot. The sample statistics below
are for the non-trailer variant.
Adding the Command Tek option costs 6 points and there are
several options for command variants of models available from 15mm Item Selection Points
miniature manufacturers that can be used to represent a Gruntz

command support vehicle. Base Cost Support Vehicle 1

Size Medium 19
Transport Slots
Mobility Wheeled 1
Transport slots are based on the size of the vehicle and one half

slot can carry a Gruntz Specialist or Commander. One full slot can
Item Number of Mounts Points
carry Gruntz Squad with Squad Attachments, or a single Specialist.
A Powered armour Gruntz squad uses up two transport slots and a Anti Infantry
1 2
vehicle with two transport slots could also mix the units it transports Weapons
e.g. One Gruntz squad, a Commander and a Gruntz Specialist.

Item Selection Points

Anti-Infantry Plasma Repeater
Weapon (Vehicle Light Plasma)

Support Vehicles are designed with lighter weaponry and the


Modz None 0
capability to carry command modules. There is no doubt that a far
future battlefield could have multi-role vehicles that are both as
capable as a tank with the ability to deliver high damage ordnance Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5

and carry troops.

In the Gruntz system support vehicles are balanced by having less
Support Vehicle Base Cost 1
damage points than a tank and are not capable of carrying heavy
weapons. They can still take a significant anti-infantry and anti- Build and Weapons 31
amour role on the battlefield. Total Support Vehicle Cost 32

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Support Vehicle Points

Ground Support Vehicle Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
Select GSV Hull Size Scout 15 13 10 9 8
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 15 12 12 10 12
the other statistics on the table . The hull size also Medium 16 11 16 11 19
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 17 10 17 12 26
mobility type purchased.
Assault 18 9 18 13 31

Select Mobility Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav

The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 1 1 2 4
depending on hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
size class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the Scout 7 8 9 8 10
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move. Light 6 7 8 8 9
Medium 6 7 8 7 8
Heavy 5 6 7 6 8
Assault 4 6 7 5 7

Select Weapon Mounts GSV Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the GSV based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
limited by the GSV’s maximum Mount capacity listed.

Select Anti-Infantry Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts

Weapon Mounts Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum Points 0 2 4
Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Command Tek Purchase Command Tek

Purchase optional Command technology to allow the Points
vehicle to operate as a Command vehicle in the battle.
C-Tek 6

Select Skill
Crew Skill (used for Shooting GSV weapons)
Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to
limit Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the
appropriate weapons table for the vehicle type.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Air Support Vehicle

galaxy can kiss my ass

Command Technology Air Support Transport Slots

Air Support Vehicles
You can add Command Tek Size Transport Slots
On the future battlefield the at a cost of 6 points.
mobility and rapid deployment Scout 0

of troops is vital. Support vehicles Transport Slots Light 1/2
provide the hardened transport
Transport slots are based Medium 1
to move units into key strategic
locations quickly and in relative on the size of the vehicle Heavy 2
safety. and one single slot can carry
Assault 3
a Gruntz Squad with Squad
Attachments. A Commander or a
Air Support Vehicle Builder
single Gruntz Specialist take one half slot. A Powered armour Gruntz
Air Support Vehicles are similar to ground Support Vehicles, having squad uses up two transport slots and an Air Support Vehicle with two
a range of statistics which are mostly derived from the size class which transport slots could also mix the units it transports using the capacity
dictates Damage, Soak, RAM and Guard. When you select the size class listed.
you should note the various key statistics from the size class.
An ASV can transport other vehicles with two transport slots able to
The smallest Scout and Light types are not typically designed for carry a light or scout size vehicle and three will carry a medium vehicle.
troop transport, being built for direct fire attacks and carry crew or are The model used should reflect its capacity to hold other vehicles on a
fully automated. trailer or other mount option.

Drones and UAV It takes one action to deploy a single transported vehicle which
can only be made whilst the ASV is stationary or directly after a single
Building an unmanned Air Support drone uses the same build as move. The deployed vehicle unit is then free to activate.
detailed below and will require the Skill statistic to represent the ability
of the remote controller of the drone or the automated onboard AI.

If you are designing smaller drone systems use the Vehicle Specialist
builder with Grav or Hover mobility and do not pay for Shoot, Assault
or Mental as detailed in the Vehicle Specaiist builder.


Select the mobility from the options, note that the speed in inches
shown is the base speed. A double move (flank speed) takes two
actions and is up to twice the base move. Example Roach VTOL
Mounted Weapon Rules This is a Roach VTOL from Ground Zero Games. It has one
transport slot for units and a chin mount plasma cannon.
Support Vehicles weapons are selected from the anti infantry
section of the weapons table. Note that you must purchase the anti- Item Selection Points

infantry weapon mounts for each weapon system you purchase for the
design. Base Cost Air Support Vehicle 1
Size Medium 14
Mobility Jet VTOL 3

Item Number of Mounts Points


Anti Infantry
Air Support Vehicles are designed with lighter weaponry and 1 2
the capability to carry troops across longer distances than their
ground based equivalents.
Item Selection Points
They have lower damage points than Ground Support Vehicles
Anti-Infantry Plasma Chin Repeater

because of the more fragile nature of flight propulsion. They 4

Weapon (Vehicle Light Plasma)
offer the advantage of rapid deployment into battle and quick
extraction when the going gets tough for Gruntz on the ground.
Modz None 0
Movement of VTOL type support vehicles is an abstraction and
designed to represent tactical movement on the battlefield.

This tactical movement includes compensation for adjustments Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5
to speed for landing and take off which make air support more
vulnerable to attack. During off-board movement a fast moving jet
Support Vehicle Base Cost 1

VTOL or Grav based Air Support Vehicles can cover vast distances
each turn compared to the battlefield tactical movement ranges Build and Weapons 28
represented in Gruntz rules. Total Support Vehicle Cost 29

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Air Support Vehicle Points

Air Support Vehicle Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
Select ASV Hull Size Scout 13 14 10 9 6
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 14 13 12 10 10
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 15 13 14 11 14
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 16 12 16 12 19
mobility type purchased.
Assault 17 11 18 13 24

Select Mobility Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav

The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 2 3 4
depending on Hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav
size class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the Scout 10 13 14 15
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move. Light 10 13 14 15
Medium 9 12 13 14
Heavy 8 11 12 13
Assault 8 10 11 12

Select Weapon Mounts Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the ASV based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
limited by the ASV’s maximum Mount capacity listed.

Select Anti-Infantry Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts

Weapon Mounts Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum Points 0 2 4
Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Command Tek Purchase Command Tek

Purchase optional Command technology to allow the Points
vehicle to operate as a Command vehicle in the battle.
C-Tek 6

Select Skill
Crew Skill (used for Shooting vehicle weapons)
Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to
limit Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the
appropriate weapons table for the vehicle type.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Super Heavy Air Support Builder

galaxy can kiss my ass

It is possible to transport vehicles which have transported troops

inside them.

An ASV can transport other vehicles with two transport slots able to
carry a light or scout size vehicle and three will carry a medium vehicle.
The model used should reflect its capacity to hold other vehicles on a
trailer or other mount option.

It takes one action to deploy a single transported vehicle which

can only be made whilst the ASV is stationary or directly after a single
move. The deployed vehicle unit is then free to activate.

Super Heavy Transport Slots

Size Transport Slots

Scout 4

Light 5
Medium 6
Super Heavy Air Support Vehicle Builder
Heavy 7
Super Heavy Air Support Vehicles are the big dropships of Assault 8
the game which can deliver vehicles or troops to the battlefield.
Khurasan dropship model painted by @mrharold. The following table details the number of transport slots on
each size class of super heavy air support vehicle. Use this table in
Mobility conjunction with the unit transport slots to determine how many of
each unit type can be transported. You can not transport other Super
Select the mobility from the options, note that the speed in inches
Heavy Vehicles.
shown is the base speed. Flank is twice base speed.
Super Heavy ASV Shooting
Mounted Weapon Rules
Super heavy ASV’s are a very stable and steady platform. They are
Super Heavy Support Vehicles weapons can be selected from
able to fire up to 4 weapon systems in a turn rather than the normal
the anti infantry section of the weapons table and it can carry main
maximum of 2 for a vehicle.
weapon mounts. Note that you must purchase the anti-infantry and
main weapon mounts for each weapon system you purchase for the Command Technology
design. The vehicle is super heavy class, however you should still select
weapons from the appropriate size class for the hull size. If you are You can add Command Tek at a cost of 6 points.
picking a heavy hull, weapons up to size class heavy can be fitted to
the vehicle.

Transport Slots Khurasan Drop Ship

Transport slots are based on the size of the vehicle and one single Item Selection Points

slot can carry a Gruntz Squad with Squad Attachments. A Commander Base Cost Super Heavy ASV 1
or a single Gruntz Specialist take one half slot. A Powered armour
Gruntz squad uses up two transport slots and an Air Support Vehicle Size Medium 60
with two transport slots could also mix the units it transports using the Mobility Jet VTOL 3
capacity listed. Item Number of Mounts Points
Anti Infantry
1 2
Transport slots required by each unit type. Weapons

Vehicle Transport Slots Main Weapons 2 4

Gruntz Squad including SA 1
Item Selection Points
Gruntz Specialist 0.5
Transport Slots

Commander 0.5 Vehicle Light Plasma 4

Powered Armour 2 Main Weapon 1 Medium Bombs 3
Vehicle Specialist 2
Main Weapon 2 Vehicle Medium Laser 5
Scout Vehicle 2

Light Vehicle 2 Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5

Medium Vehicle 3 Super Heavy Air Support Vehicle Base Cost 1
Heavy Vehicle 4 Build and Weapons 87

Assault Vehicle 5
Total Super Heavy Support Vehicle Cost 88

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Super Heavy ASV
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Super Heavy ASV Points

Air Support Vehicle Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
SH-ASV Hull Size Scout 18 10 34 14 46
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 19 9 38 15 53
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 20 8 42 16 60
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 21 7 46 17 67
mobility type purchased.
Assault 22 6 50 18 74

Select Mobility Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav

The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 2 3 4
depending on Hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav
size class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the Scout 9 12 13 14
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move. Light 9 12 13 14
Medium 8 11 12 13
Heavy 7 10 11 12
Assault 7 9 10 11

Select Weapon Mounts

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on Infantry Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the ASV based on its size. Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required, Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
limited by the ASV’s maximum Mount capacity listed.

Select Anti-Infantry Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts

Weapon Mounts Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2 3
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon Points 0 2 4 6
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum
Mount capacity listed.
Main Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity
Select Main Weapon Mounts Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
Main Weapon 3 4 5 6 6
for the tank based on its size. Purchase the number of
Weapon Mounts required, limited by the maximum
Mount capacity listed. Purchase Main Weapon Mounts
Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Points 0 1 4 8 12 14 16

Select Skill
Crew Skill (used for Shooting vehicle weapons)
Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to
limit Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the
appropriate weapons table for the vehicle type. For two Modz add an additional 5 pts to the build plus the cost of the second Mod.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Air Attack Vehicle

galaxy can kiss my ass

purchase the anti-infantry and normal weapon mounts for each

weapon system you purchase for the design.

Command Technology

You can add Command Tek at a cost of 6 points. The Command

Tek provides command and control technology similar to the function
provided by a Commander model. You can only have one vehicle with
Command Tek fitted in your army.

Transport Slots

Air Attack Vehicles are not built for transport, however the larger
AAV’s do have a limited capacity for transportation.

A transport 1/2 sized transport slots can carry a Commander or

single Gruntz Specialist Unit. The Super Heavy Air Support vehicle
builder includes the full range of transport slots used by different unit
Air Attack Transport Slots
Size Transport Slots
Scout 0

Light 0
Medium 1/2
Heavy 1/2
Assault 1

Example Air Attack Vehicle

This is a medium missile VTOL from Ground Zero Games. A
Air Attack Vehicles mantis missile carrier with a chin mounted RAC. This dual
missile build is expensive and a better option would be to
Air Attack vehicles are a weapons platform rather than a select one missile system which would fire as one weapon,
transport and offer a fast moving way to deliver damage at saving 7 points on the second missile pod.
range to key locations on the battlefield. Mantis VTOL from GZG.
Item Selection Points

Air Attack Vehicle Builder

Base Cost Air Attack Vehicle 1
Air Attack Vehicles are similar to Air Support Vehicles, having a Size Medium 12
range of statistics which are derived from the size class which dictates
Damage, Soak, RAM and Guard. When you select the size class you Mobility Jet VTOL 3
should note the various key statistics from the size class.

They are more of a dedicated weapons platform than the standard Item Number of Mounts Points
air support vehicle and allow the selection of anti-infantry and main Anti Infantry
1 2
weapon mounts. Mounts

They are not built for troop transport, however the largest Main Weapon
2 4

Assault class Air Attack Vehicle can carry a single Gruntz squad with
its 1 transport slot. The Medium and Heavy versions have a 1/2 sized
transport slot. Item Selection Points
Some manufacturers like Ground Zero Games (GZG) supply VTOL Main Weapon:
Medium Missile 7
models like the Roach which can operate as either a troop transport or Missile Pod

has a missile variant. Main Weapon:

Medium Missile 7
Missile Pod 2
Chin Mount RAC Vehicle Light Projectile 3
Select the mobility from the options, note that the speed in inches

Light Projectile Full Auto 3

shown is the base speed. A double move (flank speed) takes two
actions and is up to twice the base move. Crew Skill 6 (Expert) 8

Mounted Weapon Rules Air Attack Vehicle Base Cost 1

Air Attack Vehicles weapons are selected from the main weapon Build and Weapons 49
and anti infantry section of the weapons table. Note that you must Total Support Vehicle Cost 50

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Air Attack Vehicle Points

Air Attack Vehicle Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM W.Mounts Points
Select AAV Hull Size
Scout 13 14 8 9 0 6
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard Light 14 13 10 10 1 9
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 15 13 12 11 2 12
determines the movement in inches depending on Heavy 16 12 14 12 3 15
the mobility type purchased. Weapon Mounts are the
Assault 17 11 16 13 4 18
quantity of main weapon Mounts which can be fitted
to the Air Attack Vehicle. Scout Class can only fit anti-
infantry weapons.

Select Mobility Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav

The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 2 3 4
depending on Tank Hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Helicopter Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Grav
size class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the Scout 10 13 14 15
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move. Light 10 13 14 15
Medium 9 12 13 14
Heavy 8 11 12 13
Assault 8 10 11 12

Select Weapon Mounts Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the ASV based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
limited by the ASV’s maximum Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts

Select Anti-Infantry and
Main Weapon Mounts Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon Points 0 2 4
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum
Mount capacity listed.
You also need to purchase a mount for every Main Purchase Main Weapon Mounts
Weapon you are going to fit to the vehicle. Scout class
can’t fit main weapon mounts. Assault and Heavy Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4
class can purchase just 1 or 2 Mounts rather than
maxing out the class, you don’t have to fill all availible
Hull Class Max Scout Light Med Heavy Assault
weapon bays. Points 0 1 4 8 13

Select Skill
Crew Skill (used for Shooting vehicle weapons)
Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to limit
Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the vehicle
weapons table for the appropriate size class. For two Modz add an additional 5 pts to the build plus the cost of the second Mod.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Fighter Aircraft
galaxy can kiss my ass

Fighters are fast
moving flyers
with anti-air and
ground attack
SW-190 Space Wolf model by Sci-High Models (Alex Dumas).
SW-190 Space Wolf
Fighter Builder
This is a 1/100th (15mm) scale Space Wolf fighter model by
Fighters are fast moving aircraft with a pilot and standard anti Sci-High Models
infantry. They are also able to take main weapon mounts for heavier
firepower. Fighters are not designed for troop carrying, so they don’t Item Selection Points

have any transport slots available.
Base Cost Fighter 1
Size Medium 15
Select the mobility from the options, note that the speed in inches Mobility Aerospace 12
shown is the base speed. A double move (flank speed) takes two
actions and is up to twice the base move.
Item Number of Mounts Points
Only the aerospace mobility option allows a fighter to move from Main Weapon
orbit to earth and vice versa. 2 4
Mounted Weapon Rules

Item Selection Points

Fighter weapons are selected from the anti infantry section of the
weapons table. Note that you must purchase the anti-infantry weapon Left Wing High Vehicle Medium
mounts for each weapon system you purchase for the design. Main Velocity Cannon Projectile
weapons are guided bombs selected from the range on this table and Right Wing High Vehicle Medium
fitted on Light or above class fighters. They can be dropped along the 4
Velocity Cannon Projectile
flight path of the model making a standard move.

Modz None 0
There are no transport slots other than for one or two crew in
Fighter Aircraft.
Damage AE AP Points Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5

Light 14 13 12 1 Fighter Vehicle Base Cost 1

Medium 15 12 14 4 Build and Weapons 44
Heavy 16 11 18 7 Total Support Vehicle Cost 45
Assault 17 10 22 11

most of the Arc force resistance Israeli Gruntz
destroyed, supported
the invading by the
Amnian UAVslip
forces version of aflaming
past the Mantis Air AttackModels
wrecks. Vehicle.
are Crusties by GZG and Arc Vehicles by
Critical Mass Games. Flame tokens are by Litko.
Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Fighter Points

Fighter Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM W.Mounts Points
Select Fighter Hull Size
Scout 12 15 12 9 0 9
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard Light 13 14 14 10 1 12
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 14 13 16 11 2 15
determines the movement in inches depending on Heavy 15 12 18 12 3 18
the mobility type purchased. Weapon Mounts are the
Assault 16 11 20 13 4 21
quantity of main weapon Mounts which can be fitted
to the Air Attack Vehicle. Scout Class can only fit anti-
infantry weapons.

Select Mobility Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Prop Jet Aerospace

The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 1 2 5 8 12
depending on hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Prop VTOL Jet VTOL Prop Jet Aerospace
size class to the type of Mobility selected. Check the Scout 12 14 16 18 20
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move. Light 12 14 16 18 20
Medium 10 13 15 17 19
Heavy 10 12 14 16 18
Assault 9 11 13 15 17

Select Weapon Mounts Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the ASV based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required,
limited by the ASV’s maximum Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts

Select Anti-Infantry and
Main Weapon Mounts Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon Points 0 2 4
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum
Mount capacity listed.
You also need to purchase a mount for every Bomb Purchase Bomb Weapon Mounts
/ Guided missile weapon you are going to fit to the
vehicle. Scout class can’t fit main weapon mounts. Main Mounts 0 1 2 3 4
Assault and Heavy class can purchase just 1 or 2
Mounts they don’t have to max out the class by filling
Hull Class Max Scout Light Med Heavy Assault
every weapons bay. Points 0 1 4 8 13

Select Skill
Crew Skill (used for Shooting vehicle weapons)
Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by vehicle Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than Points 0 1 3 5 8 12

Select Weapons and Modz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to limit
Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the vehicle
weapons table for the appropriate size class. For two Modz add an additional 5 pts to the build plus the cost of the second Mod.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Field Artillery
galaxy can kiss my ass

Ground Mount or unlimbered Portable Artillery

If you are creating a manned ground artillery item the damage of

the crew should be a factor of the design. The crew are an abstracted
factor of the overall survivability of the model and can not be targeted
individually. If the ground mount is unmanned you still need to
purchase a “Crew Skill” statistic which represents the quality of the
target acquisition software or remote operator.

Modelling crew onto the base or as separate models attached to

artillery unit will improve how the unit looks on the table but for the
purposes calculating damage simply fill in the damage boxes and only
remove the unit from the game when all of the damage boxes are filled

When using the points builder for ground mount artillery, you do
not pay for Shoot, Assault or Mental and do not divide the final total
by two. You can also select weapons from the vehicle artillery options

Arc of fire and Pop up Turrets

Artillery in the field
Artillery is not turreted and therefore uses a front 90 degree arc of
You can lay down a heavy carpet of area damage with artillery
fire. A move action is required to change the facing.
weapons which are effective at long ranges and with indirect
guided ordnance. cannon pop up turret. A pop up artillery weapon within a hardened bunker can move
between deployed and secure state. Whilst secure it has an increase of
Artillery Builder +3 to its Soak. It can not fire in the secure state and takes 1 action to
move between secure and deployed state. A hardened bunker adds 3
This artillery builder is for the traditional field gun, mobile heavy pts to the cost of non-mobile fixed mount artillery. Hardened bunkers
guns (not self-propelled) or hardened non-mobile gun emplacement. can not move during the game.
It covers the trailer mounted field guns which can be limbered or
unlimbered and ready to fire. Smaller sized portable guns should be
created with a Specialist builder.

Some artillery will use an area effect template which represents the
large area of coverage. Details of the area of coverage are detailed in
the weapon selection table for artillery.

They are heavier and able to deliver more damage than the
Specialist Gruntz that carry portable equipment into battle. Unless
they are already placed on the battlefield they would normally need a
form of transport and. A trailer pulled limbered field gun does not use a
transport slot if pulled by a support vehicle. All support vehicles can by Example Arc Troop Laser Defence Platform
default have a trailer based artillery unit attached to the rear.
A fixed mount Arc troop defence platform. Able to be
Vehicle Specialist or Field Artillery transported by suitable support vehicles and deployed with
one action.
The vehicle specialist builder should be used for all smaller field
weapons, including the portable types with anti-infantry weapons. Item Selection Points

The Field artillery builder is for larger more heavy artillery which is not
Base Cost Artillery 1
mobile unless it is limbered or transported.
Size Medium 8
Mobility Static 0
Standard artillery include all gun emplacements and limbered or Item Number of Mounts Points
unlimbered types of higher powered weapons. The Hover / Grav type
Main Weapons 2 4
field artillery is for heavy gun platforms that have an easy method for

the crew to move them by engaging a grav or hover system. When the Item Selection Points
hover system is engaged the unit can be moved at the standard Gruntz Main Weapon Medium Laser 4
speed of 4”.
Main Weapon 2 Medium Laser 4
Limbering and Unlimbering
Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5

Field artillery must be within 3” of a support vehicle to limber or

unlimber. It takes one action to limber or unlimber.

Move and Fire Artillery Vehicle Base Cost 1

You can not move and then fire. Field Artillery also does not benefit Build and Weapons 25
from the +1 for aiming for remaining stationary. Total Artillery Vehicle Cost 26

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Field Artillery Points

Artillery Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage Points
Select Size Scout 13 13 9 2
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 14 12 11 5
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 15 11 13 8
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 16 10 15 12
mobility type purchased.
Assault 17 9 17 15

Select Mobility Fixed Trailer Hover /

The mobility type is either fixed for static weapons Mount Pulled Grav
or towed for anything that can be moved during the
0 1 3
game, either by towing or by transport e.g. Dropship.

Speed in Inches
Determine Base Speed Trailer
Walk /
The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Fixed Hover
size class to the type of mobility selected. Check the Grav *
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note Scout 0 * 4
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move.
Light 0 * 4
*Trailer pulled or transported field guns move at the
speed of the transporting vehicle. Medium 0 * 4
*Walk, hover and grav field guns can be “Floated” and Heavy 0 * 4
pushed or pulled by Gruntz crew at their normal base
walk rate at a maximum of 4” movement. Assault 0 * 4

Select Main Weapon Mounts Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the vehicle based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required, Main Weapon 1 2 2 2 2
limited by the Tanks maximum Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Main Weapon Mounts

Main Mounts 0 1 2
Points 0 1 4

Pop up Turret
A pop up turret gains additional Soak whilst in secure Pop Hardened Turret
position. It takes 1 action to deploy. This is not counted Points 3
as movement so the turret can fire after deploying.

Select Skill Crew Skill (used for Shooting weapons)

Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by Vehicle
Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Points 1 2 3 5 8 12
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than

Select Weapons, Abilities and Perkz

Select your Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to limit Modz to
one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the vehicle weapons
table for the appropriate size class. For two Modz add an additional 5 pts to the build plus the cost of the second Mod.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Self-propelled Artillery
galaxy can kiss my ass

mounted on the design. Scout and light vehicles use the Anti-Infantry
or specialist weapons for main and anti-infantry slots.


Select Modz from the vehicle table to boost, armour targeting,

range etc and add the points value to the total.

Arc of fire

Mobile artillery have their main weapon built into the body of the
vehicle which is not turreted and therefore uses a front 90 degree arc
of fire.

Command Technology

You can add Command Tek at a cost of 6 points. The Command

Tek provides command and control technology similar to the function
provided by a Commander model. You can only have one vehicle with
Command Tek fitted in your army.

Self Propelled Artillery

Mobile Artillery can rapidly reach key objective targets in
the field and then retreat should a tactical move be required. Example GZG Self-Propelled Gun
Indirect fire allows for damage whilst minimising the risk of
This is a heavy artillery tracked tank from Ground Zero Games.
return fire.
Using a somg;e main heavy artillery weapon.
GZG small tracked tank with medium range missile launchers.
Item Selection Points

Self Propelled Artillery Builder Base Cost Artillery 1

Size Heavy 24
Artillery vehicles are often based on the similar chassis and hulls
to their tank or transport variants but are designed to normally carry Mobility Tracked 1
one longer range cannon or other form of long range missile which
can indirectly fire on enemy targets. They are also restricted to firing Item Number of Mounts Points
in the front arc.

Anti Infantry
Mobility 0 0

Select the mobility from the five options, note that walkers include Main Weapons 1 1
crab like multi-leg tanks. The various mobility types dictate speed as
shown in the speed table. The walker varients are multi-legged tanks
like the manga style walker tanks. Item Selection Points

Gauss Cannon
Mounted Weapon Rules Main Weapon 5
(Heavy Artillery)
Artillery weapons can be equal to or less than the size class of the Modz Self Repair Droids 3
vehicle. Artillery vehicles can only have a maximum of two primary
weapons as detailed in the Maximum weapon mount table. You can
Crew Skill 5 (Veteran) 5
install two main weapons of the same size class as the tank, paying

points for every weapon. For most common designs it is recommend

that one single main weapon mount is selected, however there is the
Artillery Vehicle Base Cost 1
flexibility to pick two if you have an esoteric vehicle with two artillery
mounts to represent in the game. Build and Weapons 39

A weapon mount must be purchased for each weapon system you Total Artillery Vehicle Cost 40

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Mobile Artillery
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galaxy can kiss my ass

SP- Artillery Points

Artillery Base Cost: 1

Soak Guard Damage RAM Points
Select Hull Size Scout 14 13 12 9 11
The Hull size dictates damage points, Soak, Guard
and Ram attack. Note that the size you select dictates Light 15 12 14 10 14
the other statistics on the table. The hull size also Medium 16 11 18 11 19
determines the movement in inches depending on the Heavy 17 10 22 12 24
mobility type purchased.
Assault 18 9 24 13 27

Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav

Select Mobility
The Mobility type dictates rules on terrain and speed, Points 0 1 1 2 4
depending on the hull size.

Determine Base Speed Speed in Inches

The Speed of the vehicle is derived by comparing the Walk Tracked Wheeled Hover Grav
size class to the type of mobility selected. Check the
table to confirm how fast the base movement is. Note Scout 7 8 9 8 10
base move is doubled for a flank speed double move.
Light 6 7 8 8 9
Medium 6 7 8 7 8
Heavy 5 6 7 6 8
Assault 4 6 7 5 7

Select Main Weapon Mounts Weapon Maximum Mount Capacity

Size dictates how many systems can be mounted on
Scout Light Medium Heavy Assault
a vehicle. First check the maximum amount of mounts
for the vehicle based on its size. Anti Infantry 1 1 2 2 2
Purchase the number of Weapon Mounts required, Main Weapon 1 2 2 2 2
limited by the Tanks maximum Mount capacity listed.

Purchase Main Weapon Mounts

Main Mounts 0 1 2
Points 0 1 4

Select Anti-Infantry
Purchase Anti Infantry Weapon Mounts
Weapon Mounts
Purchase the number of Anti-Infantry Weapon Anti-infantry Mounts 0 1 2
Mounts required, limited by the vehicles maximum
Points 0 2 4
Mount capacity listed.

Select Skill Crew Skill (used for Shooting weapons)

Skill represents the technical ability of the crew in Green Trained Seasoned Veteran Expert Elite
the vehicle unit and it is the statistic used by Vehicle
Skill 2 3 4 5 6 7
crews when firing weapons rather than the Shoot
skill. If a Grunt commandeers a vehicle it is the Skill Points 0 1 3 5 8 12
that is used for shooting vehicle weapons rather than

Select Weapons, Abilities and Perkz

Select your Vehicle Modz. These are boosts and special construction options which improve various systems on the vehicle. Try to limit
Modz to one or two selections. You can not take two Modz of the same type e.g. Armour. Weapons should be selected from the vehicle
weapons table for the appropriate size class. For two Modz add an additional 5 pts to the build plus the cost of the second Mod.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Weapon Options
galaxy can kiss my ass

Weapons in inches, however a penalty of -3 is applied to the ranged attack roll for
ranges over the effective range listed.
Gruntz weaponry is based on a set of SCI-FI weapon types grouped
by a standard classification. If you have a specific weapon in mind, first Damage
find a near match by selecting a weapon of a suitable size and type.
When using the Gruntz unit builder the weapon type is one of the last All rifle, pistol and close combat weapons are -2 to damage against
selections made. vehicle or material targets except where they have an armour piercing
factor. If they have at least 1 in armour piercing they do not suffer the
There are examples provided with each weapon to help you -2 damage and benefit from additional damage to vehicles as per the
determine what category your squad weapon fits into. You may decided rules on damage.
that the models you are using are carrying a ‘Martian Death Ray’. Select
a category from the table that most matches your weapon type, a Area Effect (AE) and Armour Piercing (AP)
martian death ray could be classed as a plasma or laser depending on
The area covered by an area effect template on the target. Use the
the profile you have in mind for the weapon.
Gruntz template to determine coverage and the deviation dice if the
Gruntz squads can use close combat, pistol and Gruntz rifle weapon has indirect fire i.e. Mortar or Missile weapons.
weapons. A Gruntz unit carry all the same type of weapon, so you only
Armour piercing is the amount of additional damage against a
pay once for the weapon type when you are building the squad.
vehicle or material target. If targeting another Gruntz unit you do not
Weapon Class apply the armour piercing.

Pistol and Rifle weapon classes are for use by Gruntz squads and Points
squad attachments select from the own weapon selection. Specialists
When you are outfitting a Gruntz squad with weapons you only
can pick from all the weapons depending on what specific build you
pay once for the default weapon type that six Gruntz in the squad
have in mind for the unit but they are generally two man teams making
carry. If you wanted them all to carry Laser Carbines select the medium
use of the heavier weapons in the Specialist class and would use the
laser option at a cost of 1 single point added to the cost of the full unit.
weapons by moving and setting them up. Specialists also cover the
smaller mecha type suits and droids which are to small to be classified Full Auto (FA)
as a scout mecha but are large enough to carry the heavier specialist
weaponry. Weapons with Full Auto option have a Y in the table FA column.
They can be purchased either as a single fire weapon at the points
Description listed in the chart or for an additional 3 points you can purchase the
Full Auto version. A Full Auto version of an SA Medium Projectile would
The description provides details on the type of weapon that fits
be 6 points rather than the 3 points for the standard version.
into the category of ranged weapon.
A stun weapon adds a suppression counter to a hit Gruntz squad
Ranges detailed are the most effective range to deliver damage for
or Gruntz specialist and causes -1 to Guard for one activation.
the weapon category. All weapons can fire up to twice the listed range

High Mobility battle group. Models by Ground Zero Games. Kato power line model in red and white.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Weapon Tables
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galaxy can kiss my ass

Gruntz Weapon Tables

Weapon Class Description Range Damage AE AP Points FA

None - Hand 2 Hand No weapon, fist, kick, slam and headbutt. 0 4 0 0 0

Hand to Hand

Small Hand Weapon Small hand weapons. Knife, Stick... 0 5 0 0 0

Weapons made for close combat. Swords, mace, axe etc. Also
Basic Hand Weapon 0 6 0 0 1
natural abilities; claws and fangs.

Energy powered weapons. Chain-, circular saw, laser sword,

Energy Hand Weapon 0 7 0 1 2
combat suite powered fist or claw.

Stun Hand Weapon Paralysis and stun weapons. Sticks, handheld neural blaster. 0 Special 0 0 1

Improvised Pistol Retro, Primitive or jury rigged pistol 5 4 0 0 0

Pistol or other shorter range basic ballistic type small arm.

Projectile Pistol 6 5 0 0 1
Also includes nonautomatic weapons like Shotguns.

Light ray, laser or other longer range accurate emitting type

Laser Pistol 8 6 0 0 2
small arm or alien emission.

High impact small arm energy weapon. Plasma, particle, death

Plasma Pistol 6 7 0 0 2
ray, energy wave or other projection weapon.

Machine gun, assault rifle, gauss rifle, bio rifle or other military
Projectile Rifle 8 5 0 0 2
based automatic weapon. Usually fired with two hands.

Improvised junk or scrap gun, bodged together into a working


Improvised Rifle 7 4 0 0 1
gun or an early retro gun.

Laser Rifle Heavier and more efficient form of the laser pistol. 10 6 0 0 3

Plasma Rifle Heavier and more efficient form of the plasma pistol. 8 7 0 1 3

HE Grenade High Explosive Grenade for Anti-Infantry use. *No long range. 6 7 0 0 1

Armour Piercing Grenade Effective against vehicles. *No long

AP Grenade 6 6 0 2 1

SA. Medium Projectile Higher damage output personal weapons. 11 7 0 1 3 Y

SA. Medium Laser Heavy carried laser with armour piercing qualities 12 8 0 1 2 Y

Heavy carried Plasma or equivalent energy projectile or burst

SA. Medium Plasma 10 9 0 1 2
Squad Attachment / Specialists

SA. Grenade Launcher Simple carried Grenade launcher with indirect fire capability.
10 7 2 0 1
HE Can be combined with rifle with high explosive shells.

SA. Grenade Launcher Simple carried Grenade launcher with indirect fire capability.
10 6 2 2 2
AP Can be combined with rifle. With anti-armour shells.

SA. Medium Grenade

Fires anti personal grenades with high explosive shells. 12 8 2 0 2

SA. Medium Grenade

Fires anti personal grenades with anti-armour shells. 12 7 2 2 2

SA. Missile Launcher Carried RPG or Micro missiles used in Powered Armour suits. 12 10 0 2 4

Personal flamer, biological bug spray or any other spray based

SA. Flamer 6* 8 0 0 1
weapon. Use Gruntz 6 inch Flamer template

Weapon designed to stun or capturing enemies. Web thrower,

SA. Stun or web rifle 8 Special 1 0 1
stun blaster, stutter gun or freeze ray etc

SA. Sniper Medium Squad attachment Sniper. An excellent long range killer. 14 6 0 1 1

Long range sniper designed for anti-material and anti-infantry

SA. Sniper Heavy 16 7 0 2 2

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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Specialist Weapons
galaxy can kiss my ass

Weapon Class Description Range Damage AE AP PTS FA

S. Heavy Sniper Heavier Anti-Material and personnel sniper. 18 8 0 3 3

Portable launcher designed to bring down the shields of targets by

S. Shield Sink Launcher 10 Special 2 0 1
overloading and earthing shield systems with exotic matter pulses.

Heaviest form of carried projectile including Gauss cannons,heavy

S. Heavy projectile 12 8 0 2 2 Y
carbines and other high powered slug weapons. Mostly used prone.

Heaviest carried laser with longer range and more serious anti-
S. Heavy Laser 14 10 0 3 3 Y
armour capability.

S. Heavy Plasma Heaviest form of carried plasma, either energy or bug plasma based 11 12 0 3 3

S. Medium Missile Heavier personal missile system with longer range and power to
14 12 2 2 5
Launcher punch through thicker armour.

Anti personal mortar, throws shells, mines or other, with indirect fire
S. Light Mortar 14 9 2 1 3

Heavier form Anti personal mortar, throws shells, mines or other,

S. Medium Mortar 16 10 2 2 4
with indirect fire capability.

Specialist Power Claw or Fist weapons. Capable of vehicle assault.

S. Power Claw 0 10 0 1 2
Normally fitted to heavier specialist power armour mechs or loaders.

Deviation Squad Attachments

For deviation checks you can either use a template cycle with Squad attachments are single gruntz models that are attached to
numbered edges to show the direction of deviation or a deviation dice. the group of six gruntz in a squad. The Squad Attachment carries a
heavy or assault class weapon like a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon)
Only missile and grenade type weapons deviate if they miss the which is able to damage vehicles or do more significant damage to
target. Roll a deviation dice to determine where a missed ranged enemy gruntz and vehicles.
attack rolls area effect marker is placed. To determine the distance the
missile deviates roll 1D6 equal to the number of inches away from the Powered Armour
target the missile actually strikes.
Power armour Gruntz use weapons from the Squad Attachment
Use a Gruntz template to cover the area representing the AOE table. If they are fitted with integral rocket launchers they are classed
which may still cover the original target. as light missiles.

The city defence Arc troopers discover an alien infestation and suffer two waxed gruntz. A medic is on hand to try to revive them before
they take their next action. Gruntz tokens are by S6Engineering, models Critical Mass Games, GZG and buildings by Kato.

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galaxy can kiss my ass
Vehicle Weapon Table

Ranged Weapon Class Description Range Damage AE AP PTS FA

Vehicle Light Projectile Automatic vehicle mounted projectile weapon 13 9 0 2 3 Y
Anti Infantry

Vehicle Light Laser Repeater mounted Laser for pin-point infantry targeting. 15 11 0 4 4 Y

Vehicle Light Plasma Mounted anti infantry plasma or alien weapon. 12 13 0 4 4

Vehicle Light Power Claw Claw or armoured fist for use on mecha vehicles. 0 10 0 2 3

Vehicle Light Gatling Rotary Cannon or ultrafast projectile weapon. 13 9 4 2 2

Missile Light Light vehicle mounted missile pod. 16 14 2 2 6

Vehicle Medium Projectile Auto-cannon, Slug Cannon or equivalent medium Gauss. 14 11 0 4 4

Vehicle Medium Laser Laser, Power Gun or equivalent tight beam high energy. 16 12 0 4 5

Vehicle Medium Plasma Particle Cannon, Plasma Blaster or Alien Plasma. 13 14 0 4 5


Missile Medium Missile with good anti-vehicle or infantry capability. 18 16 2 2 7

Vehicle Medium Power Claw Claw or armoured fist for use on mecha vehicles. 0 12 0 2 4

Medium high rate of fire weapon with a large area effect for
Vehicle Medium Gatling 14 10 4 2 3
devastating use against infantry squads.

Vehicle Medium Flamer 8 inch flamer template for anti infantry spray attacks. 8 10 0 0 2

Vehicle Heavy Gatling High power Rotary Cannon or ultrafast projectile weapon. 15 11 4 2 4

Vehicle Heavy Projectile Auto-cannon, Slug Cannon or equivalent heavy Gauss. 15 12 0 4 5


Vehicle Heavy Laser Laser, Power Gun or equivalent tight beam high energy. 17 13 0 4 6

Vehicle Heavy Plasma Particle Cannon, Plasma Blaster or Alien Plasma . 14 15 0 4 6

Missile Heavy Longer range missile with significant destructive power. 20 18 2 2 8

Vehicle Heavy Power Claw Heavy Claw or armoured fist for use on mecha vehicles. 0 14 0 2 5

Vehicle Assault Projectile Auto-cannon, Slug Cannon or equivalent assault Gauss. 17 14 - 4 6


Vehicle Assault Laser Laser, Power Gun or equivalent tight beam high energy. 18 14 - 2 7

Vehicle Assault Plasma Particle Cannon, Plasma Blaster or Alien Plasma . 12 16 - 4 7

Missile Assault Long range missile with massive destructive power. 22 20 4 2 9

Artillery Light Short range artillery either vehicle or ground mounted. 14 10 2 1 2


Artillery Medium Medium range artillery either vehicle or ground mounted. 16 12 2 1 3

Artillery Heavy Longer range artillery either vehicle or ground mounted. 18 14 2 2 5

Artillery Assault Long range artillery either vehicle or ground mounted. 20 16 4 2 8

Vehicle Weapons Specialist table for weapons and light vehicles use either Scout or light.

Vehicle and mounted weapons are based on a set of SCI-FI weapon Mecha Hand Weapons
types grouped by a standard classification. If you have a specific
weapon in mind find a near match by selecting a weapon of a suitable If your Mecha design has a free hand you can select a Sword or Axe
size and type. Scout and light vehicles use the Anti-Infantry or specialist (Basic Weapon) or a knife option
weapons for main and anti-infantry slots. (Small Hand weapon) from the
Mecha Hand Weapons
Gruntz weapon table.
A large Vehicle Plasma assault weapon could cover a range of Armour
different energy projection weapons from power gun, heat ray, atom Use this table to determine the Size
blast or any other form of weapon that fires a blast or ball of energy. damage based on the size of the
mech. The AP increases for each size Scout 1 AP
Size Class class of the Mech. The base weapon Light 2 AP
damage remains the same but the
When using the vehicle builders the size of the vehicle determines Medium 3 AP
AP increases based on the hull size.
the maximum weapon mounts available. Also reference the size class Heavy 4 AP
of the weapon when designing a new vehicle because vehicles can not Assault 5 AP
be fitted with weapons larger than their class. Scout vehicles use the

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Esoteric Tek
galaxy can kiss my ass

Specialist Support Weapons Neutrino Concentrator NC

Specialist units carry the large portable support weapons which are An exotic matter manipulation weapon system that massively
normally mounted on a framework or placed directly on the ground. increases neutrino concentration in a targeted zone. Denser materials
They are more powerful than a typical squad attachment weapon and suffer worse from the exotic matter generated from such high
are usually two Gruntz, one providing weapon feed and ammo and one concentrations of neutrino’s in flux, resulting in an eery popping sound
shooter. Select only from the Specialist, Squad Attachment or Gruntz as physical matter is reduced to sludge and slag.
weapon tables when building a Specialist support weapon crew.
The NC weapon types are short range and have been known to
Artillery de-stabilise in heavy-G conditions causing micro worm hole formation
and loss of crew.
Artillery is capable of indirect fire and it will deviate if it misses the
target. Artillery can not fire at short ranges. Units can not be targeted NC’s can only operate effectively within range of a suns Heliopshere
within half of the range of the weapon listed. (A sun produces Neutrino’s) and it can take some time for the
concentration to build up to a deadly enough level to fire.
Accelerated Proton Agitator APA
Missiles have a minimum range of half the range listed for the
weapon. Any shooting completed at less than half range is at a -2 with The ultimate heat ray, the proton agitator takes a localised laser
this weapon type due to the requirements of the launch mechanism. focus point to temperatures beyond the suns core, causing localised
atomic grade de-stabilisation of physical material. APA weapons are
Heliopause Technology used in conjunction with high power vehicle mounted laser weapons
and drain high levels of power to deliver incredible hole punching
In addition to the generic weapon classes for vehicles these
capability at medium ranges.
more advanced Heliopause setting weapons can be fitted to vehicles
for specific effects on target impact. The Esoteric Tek weapons table Guass Cannon, Mass Driver Cannon and Rail Cannon
details examples of the size classes where the technology can be used
with points for use during vehicle construction. These are all projectile accelerator that consists of electromagnetism
deliver a synchronous linear motor which accelerate a magnetic
Ionic Bond (Drilling) Cannon IBD projectile to high velocity. The ordinance is case-less and is accelerated
to hyper velocities along the barrel. Guass Cannons use the standard
More commonly known as IBD Class Weaponry. Originally designed
projectile weapon as a classification, however you may wish to add the
for mining on larger asteroid clusters throughout the Galaxy where
vehicle Modz of Gravatonic Accelerator to any tank or mecha carrying
low-G explosions could have proved more dangerous than beneficial.
a Guass weapon to represent the extended range available to Guass
The IBD cannon uses high frequency oscillating waves to de-stabilise
weapons. Reference the standard weapons table for Guass technology,
the chemical bonds that hold the crystalline structure of the minerals
and use projectile types.
together allowing for controlled excavation on these satellites. Used
extensively by the CMA for drilling operations they have adapted and Phased Frequency Missiles
miniaturised the boring rigs to create effective man packed & vehicle
mounted anti-tank weaponry; literally boring a hole through the Force field technology is well know and represented throughout
superstructure of enemy vehicles. most space-faring races. As such it is also well researched and mitigated
by the Phased Frequency branch of munitions; most common are

High-Mobility vehicles by GZG

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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galaxy can kiss my ass
Esoteric Tek Table

Ranged Weapon Class Special Size Range Damage AE AP Points

When a target is hit, the IBD can either cause Medium 6 14 0 1 3
an automatic 2 damage to a target vehicle
which also causes the target to lose one Heavy 7 16 1 2 5
Ionic Bond (Drilling) Cannon
action on its next activation (due to bore-
hole structure damage) or roll for damage
as usual. The medium IBD can be carried by Assault 8 20 2 3 6

Pin point accuracy allows the APA to target Heavy 17 12 0 5 5

vehicle internal systems. On any double
Accelerated Proton Agitator rolled on the ranged shoot attack the APA
APA causes an automatic critical threshold check. Assault 19 13 6 6
Esoteric Tek

Roll the check as normal for each target

critical system in the target vehicle.

Takes one action to re-charge the NC after

firing. A vehicle does not have to remain Heavy 7 20 0 4 7
stationary. On a shoot roll of double 6,
Neutrino Concentrator NC
the NC player can automatically mark off a
random critical on the target vehicle (roll a
D3 to determine which critical). Assault 8 22 0 4 8

Medium 18 6 2 1 8
Ignores 3 points of shielding on enemy
Phased Frequency Missiles
targets but does not overload the shield if Heavy 20 18 2 2 9
damage is done to the target.
Assault 22 20 4 2 10

A short range portable device carried by

Neural Network Phase Gun Specialist 12 Special - - 6
Squad Attachments or Specialists.

Neural Network Medium A medium range ground mount or vehicle

Medium 15 Special - - 8
Projector carried NN Projector.

Neural Network Heavy A long range ground mount or vehicle

Heavy 18 Special - - 10
Projector carried NN Projector.

the PF Missiles. both the length and duration of combat operations for the vessel.
M-Sec are a known user of Hard Light technologies and are at the
The PF technology uses the existence of the Vedello Valley principal cutting edge of research and development of this field.
to ‘encase’ itself in a mesh of space the phases into the same frequency
that force field technology uses; bypassing the field and allowing the HLE technology is used in the generation of force fields, it is not a
missile to detonate against the target beyond - the payload of the replacement for standard force fields generated by matter manipulation
missiles varies from weapon to weapon, race to race. using energy bonding techniques but instead offers an alternative
super hard shell which is resistant to many of the techniques that can
PF technology is commonest amongst missiles as the relatively normally overload or reduce the effectiveness of traditional energy
large casing provides ample room for the additional hardware necessary shields. Phased Frequency Missiles offer no advantage against HLE
to use the Vedello Valley phasing; in theory there is no reason why Mass technology shields. Add +1 Pts to the cost of any shield technology to
Driver or Gatling munitions could not utilise this technology but the make them HLE shields.
ability to manufacture low-cost micronized versions of the casings has
yet to be perfected in Human space. Neural Net Attacks NN

Hard Light Emitters HLE Neural Net technology includes some chaos algorithms with
aggressive self learning routines that are capable of attacking the
Holographic emitters have been in production for centuries for hardened military systems of target vehicles in an attempt to overload
Prescience messaging and other communication technologies. Hard them. The a successful Neural Net attack can reduce the effectiveness
Light is the next step along the evolutionary scale of Holographic of the target vehicle.
NN projectors and phase guns work over specific ranges, where the
The HLE is used to crystallise projected images into solid objects extreme digital degradation and warfare algorithms are able to most
using the carbon, hydrogen & oxygen molecules (among others) effectively overload the defending vehicles defence protocols.
found in most atmospheres. The most common Military form of this
technology is to create temporary hard exo-skeletons around light Use the NN rules which make use of the skill of the attacking
vehicles or low-obit hover or skimmer craft to provide limited ablative unit to determine the success of an attack by NN weapons. The key
armour without increasing the weight of the craft. difference between the NN weapons is the range in which it can fire.
Only Specialist units can carry the NN Phase Gun listed in the Esoteric
This additional protection does come at a cost though and the Tek Table.
power used to emit such complex structures significantly decreases

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Squad Special Abilities

Perkz and Modz cover. Perkz don’t have to be rigidly applied to specific types of model,
you could use the Automaton perk (normally associated with robotic
Perkz and Modz are special abilities available to units which change types) on a unit of brain washed or drug addled human soldiers.
statistics and influence the unit in some way. They are purchased as
part of unit building and are listed on the individual published profile If you have ideas for your own Perkz please join the Gruntz forum
cards. They often break the core rules by allowing a unit extra range, which you can reach by going to the web site.
speed or other special modifiers in certain conditions. There are three Good contributions will be considered for entry into future releases
additional Specialist Perks which are at the end of the normal Perkz and can be discussed with the community.
When designing your squad, try to select only one from each
Perkz and Modz are normally associated with a particular class or category. This will improve the balance of the unit rather than having
race of gruntz, for example an alien type might have Active Camo perk two benefits in one particular area like movement.
to reflect their technology, enabling them to blend in with surrounding

Action /
Perk Description Effect Category PTS
Stealthy troops which can benefit further from
Additional +1 to Guard statistic
Active Camo cover due to reactive camouflage technology or Passive Defense 2
whilst in Cover.

These units have passed away and are still animated

Can not Run and ignores
Already Dead but due to their undead condition are not as Passive Morale 1
suppressed condition.
susceptible to weapons fire and assault.

Either the human squad is equipped with frogman

gear or an alien or monster that is naturally at home Unit can move through deep and
Aquatic Passive Movement 1
in the water. They can move quickly through deep shallow water at normal speed.

When activating the unit can attempt to auto heal

from the Waxed condition. Squad has advanced
nano-blood stream or advanced molecular knitting Auto heal on unit activation by
Auto-Heal 1 Action Health 3
technology built into bio-linked systems. Auto-heal rolling a 5+ on a single D6 roll.
is also the property of some resilient aliens and
hardware drones.

Unit is robotic and autonomous with limited Does not suffer Condition Brown
emotional shortcomings or post traumatic therapy and is just suppressed rather
Automaton needs. This unit is very resilient during incoming than entering condition brown. Passive Morale 3
fire. They can however still be overcome and Mental check rolls are made at -2
suppressed by heavy incoming fire. to the result.
When within Assault distance
These wild and unruly biological are desperate from an enemy biological unit
for the hunt and hungry to tear flesh from their they must Assault. If they win the
enemies. They are either feral humans, turned Assault action roll a D6 and on a
Bloodthirsty savage cannibal by disease or aliens with an 1 or 2 remaining models in this Passive Assault -1
instinct to engage. Occasionally they will frenzy unit will frenzy and make up to
and continue to fight each other after defeating an an additional 2inch move and an
enemy squad. assault attack against the nearest
friendly squad member.
Bogus intelligence. Until this unit is in line of
sight of the enemy you can place two 4” marker
templates on the table which are moved as two Place two markers on the table
separate units representing the bogus intelligence while unit is at least 10 inches
BOGINT about the unit. Once discovered both markers are away from enemy or out of LOS. Passive Deployment 2
removed from play and the unit owner places his Figures are revealed when an
figures under the marker of his choice. In solo play enemy is 10” away and in LOS.
make a random roll to indicate the true location of
the unit.
A +2 Guard vs a single ranged
Lighting reflexes giving troops a once per game attack in a turn. Additional
Bullet Time Passive Defense 2
round ability to dodge ranged attacks. attacks after the first are not
affected by Bullet time.

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When I die bury me
upside down so the

Continued Perkz galaxy can kiss my ass

Action /
Perk Description Effect Category PTS
Once per game the Gruntz squad can activate
combat drugs in. For one turn the units Assault and
Combat Once per game assault and soak
Soak statistic are boosted. The squad activating 1 Action Assault 1
Drugs increased by +3 for Gruntz squad.
Combat drugs must assault the nearest enemy unit.
Uses one action.

A quirky technology that has the amusing side

affect of causing the hair of nearby biologicals to
stand on end. This powerful portable black slab
Enemy Gruntz squad models
Electro transmitter reduces the targeting and quality of
within 6" of the squad are at -2 Passive Defense 1
Damping nearby enemy squad weapons by degrading all
shoot. Ignores line of sight.
attached electronic systems like sights or weapon
feed controls. It can not affect primitive power

Squad are equipped with biological or chemical

When waxed or when self-
explosives, either in body cavities or attached by
detonating place a 2" AOE over
belts or webbing. They can also be aliens with
them and models touched by 1 Action to
explosive or acidic bodies. When they are killed
Fanatics the AOE will take Frag grenade Self Assault 2
they will automatically explode, damaging models
damage. When waxed this model Detonate
near them. They can also choose to self detonate at
is removed from play and can not
any time and can potentially kill friendly models in
be healed.
the process.

Personal Force shields provide additional protection

from assault and shoot attacks. Once overloaded Passive / 1
Soak is 15 until shield is
Force Shields the wearers Soak is reduced to its normal level until Action to Defense 4
an action is used to re-charge the personal shield. A recharge
shield is overloaded when wearer takes damage.

Units with Geardo are equipped with the most Can re-roll one dice from a shoot
Geardo advanced technology of their race which provides attack per turn. Second dice roll Passive Targeting 3
them an advantage on the battlefield. must be kept.

Can re-roll all Mental checks once and must take

Hard Vetz Re-Roll Mental checks. Passive Morale 1
the result of the second roll.

Personal Force shields provide additional protection

from assault and shoot attacks. Once overloaded Passive / 1
Heavy force Soak is 17 until shield is
the wearers Soak is reduced to its normal level until Action to Defense 4
Shields overloaded.
an action is used to re-charge the personal shield. A recharge
shield is overloaded when wearer takes damage.

Unit is infected with space parasite, genetic

malfunction or alien bacterial bloom. During close Infected: For every double rolled
Passive /
combat there is a chance that models in the target for damage in assault, remove
Infected On Assault Assault 2
humanoid squad become infected and will join the one enemy model and add one
friendly squad when they next activate. This only to the infected unit.
works on humanoid squads.

This unit can deploy further into the game table, Can deploy up to 18inches
Infiltrator after the opponent places normal units but still into game table after initial Passive Deployment 1
within initiative sequence. deployment.

Jump pack units can traverse the board rapidly If they activate the jump the unit
and ignore terrain as they jump over intervening has +2 Inches to a double move
Jump Pack obstacles up to 6 inches high. Organic bio-Gruntz and is not affected by rough Passive Movement 2
may be granted Jump Pack from the use of wings. terrain, obstacles and can jump
Jump packs are only active on a double move. over enemy units.

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galaxy can kiss my ass
Squad Special Abilities

Action /
Perk Description Effect Category PTS
Can shoot twice on activation.
Rapid fire, allowing for 2 shoot actions per turn if Unit must sacrifice a move action
Let Rip 1 Action Targeting 3
move is sacrificed. this turn and is at -1 to Guard
when they let rip.
Once per game auto heal up to 3
Once per game this unit can auto heal wounded
Lifer Juice Gruntz at the beginning of a unit 1 Action Health 3
troops at the beginning of an activation.
Paint a target within 12”. All
This unit can paint an enemy unit within 12” with
friendly units get +1 to ranged
an active reference which will track the enemy unit
Light them attacks against the painted unit
either by biological or technical means. When the 1 Action Targeting 2
Up and in-direct artillery can target
enemy model or unit is destroyed another target
painted models that are out of
can be painted.
+2 Inch to all moves in the Open.
Can make extended moves covering a lot of ground
Long Runners This makes a double move (run) Passive Movement 2
in the open.
Once per game a unit can relocate to cover within Once per game place all models
12 inches when threatened by an enemy unit totally within 12inches of current
Melt Away (but must not move closer to any enemy unit). location and in squad coherency. 1 Action Defense 1
Represents familiarity with terrain, excellent field Unit can not move after Melt
craft and guerrilla techniques. Away but can Shoot.

Once per game the Gruntz squad that is out of LOS

of all enemy units can disguise itself as an enemy
unit/civilians. Can only disguise themselves as
something of roughly equal size (i.e. human-sized
Become a neutral civilian or local
creatures could not disguise themselves as large
non-hostile until gruntz squad
Mimic ogres and vice versa). Enemy units cannot target 1 Action Defense 1
opens fire or attacks an enemy
units that have changed. Enemy units within 6
inches of mimics can take a Mental check and if
check is passed they see through the disguise and
can attack. If mimics open fire on enemy units or
Assault they lose their innocent cover.

Increases unit coherency to 6 inches and enables

Neural Net gruntz anywhere on the table to use the Mental Unit Coherency extended to 6
Passive Comms 1
Boosters statistic of the commander. Battle net is a superior inches for Gruntz with Battle Net.
communications technology.

This unit is experienced at fearlessly running

directly into enemy fire, making use of Unit is +1 Guard after making a
Over the Top Passive Defense 1
surroundings and using guts and luck to minimise double move (run action).
damage as they charge forward.

Droid Only: On Activation, may prevent one single Save one Grunt Droid model
Plug and Pray droid per turn being waxed whilst they still have at from being waxed on unit Passive Health 2
least one droid remaining in the squad. activation.

A +2 to shoot attack rolls when

Models are adept at targeting or equipped with
Snipe unit has not moved. Replaces Passive Targeting 2
specialist equipment.
normal +1 for not moving.

A mob or swarm of alien or civilian Gruntz. This Power Armour can not use the
unit has more figures and a mob like ability to Swarm Perk.
overwhelm enemy units. A swarm would normally Unit can not have Squad
Swarm Passive Movement 1
be lightly armed and use mostly on assault attacks. attachments or ranged weapons.
They are adept at assaulting targets, allowing them Can Assault with 1 action rather
to make an assault even when suppressed. than 2.

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Continued Perkz galaxy can kiss my ass

Action /
Perk Description Effect Category PTS
Once per game the unit/character can attempt to
take control of an enemy Gruntz squad or organic
specialist by making a successful skill check by
rolling 2d6 equal to or over the targets Guard. Mental control of unit or
If check is successful the player can activate the specialist within 8”. Make a Skill
Telepathy 1 Action Control 1
target enemy unit/character as one of his own statistic roll equal to or higher
units/characters and have it perform actions of than targets Guard.
his choosing for one single activation before their
action is passed back to the opponent. Range of
mental attack is 8 inches.

Very agile troops skilled in traversing rough and

Ultimate difficult terrain. This can either be a hardware +1 Inch to base moves, Not
Passive Movement 2
Agility augmentation or a biological advantage that the affected by Rough terrain.
unit has.

Squad is an untrained rabble and generally

disorganised. They have not got the discipline
Unruly Squad can not go prone Passive Targeting -1
to adopt a prepared fire position. Unit with this
negative perk cannot go prone.

Zero-G Gyro assisted units do not suffer modifiers

Zero-G Gyro for the condition Zero-G because their specialist No modifiers for being in the
Passive Movement 1
Assist equipment allows them to target and perform Zero-G condition.
actions easily when drifting.

Specialist Only: Medic specialists follow key units

on the battlefield providing them with medical
support. You can not combine Medic and Engineer Restore D3-1 Grunts from Waxed
Medic on one specialist. With one action (after move) can condition within 3inches of 1 Action Health 4
Heal D3-1 wounds from a commander in base-2- Medic.
base or Restore D3-1 Grunts from Waxed condition
within 3 inches of base.

Specialist Only: Engineers provide vital repair

services for vehicles . With one action (after move) Remove D3 damage Points or
Engineer can repair D3 damage points from a vehicle in base- attempt to repair a critical on a 1 Action Repair 4
2-base or try to fix a critical damage slot on a roll of vehicle on 1 ro 3.
1 to 3.

Specialist Only: A Sub Commander is assigned to

a platoon sized number of Gruntz and provides
additional command and control for the overall One command action can be
battle Commander. At the start of the game a sub used on activation of the Sub-
Sub commander has 3 command points. The command Commander. Each command
1 Action Command 4
Commander points can be used for normal Commander actions action uses one of the 3
i.e. Take the Pain and Push Move and can be used command points which are not
when the Sub-Commander Activates. Each of use replenished.
of a Commander special action uses 1 of the 3
command points.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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galaxy can kiss my ass

Unit Building with Perkz describe a mass of unhappy students charging the military to protest
against a change in tuition fees.
Selecting Perkz are an additional cost to a standard Gruntz and
they allow you to add some interesting technology or abilities to your When a perk improves movement it is often listed as a plus in
units which can boost their performance in the field. inches to ‘base move’. All Gruntz squad units have a base move of 4
inches and double it to 8 inches for a run move. If their base move is
Some of the Perkz are specific to certain types of unit, for example improved by +2 inches (base move 6”) they will benefit from a double
‘Already Dead’ is designed to be used with a zombie unit, however you move of 12 inches.
don’t have to restrict it to just undead use. The same ability could easily
apply to a slow moving and shambling alien plant form that is immune You can also add Perkz to individual Specialists and Commanders.
to suppression. There are also three Specialist only Perkz which are Medic, Engineer
and Sub-Commander. These were designed to strengthen the support
Swarm is another Perk which could apply to various different role provided by Specialists in aiding other squads and vehicles with
Gruntz units you build including an alien swarming bugs unit or just to medical, engineering or leadership.

In her mind General Kelsal kept open the data ID for Malkit, the government official she should be regularly data-vising on battle progress.
Every hour it flashed through her mind like a negative thought, things were going badly and Government key performance metrics were
not her priority. It was a crazy bug-hunt and things started with poor planning, a nightmare for ARM forces on Kaltek with the hired mercs
arriving a day late and being outfitted for jungle warfare. Kaltek was 90% desert. Her neural net robotic assets were struggling in the sand,
with the spider drone specialists getting bogged down in the giant dunes. The frontline troops with no environmental protection looked
down trodden and casualties were high.
It was at least cool in her air-conditioned dome helmet hard-suit and her thoughts drifted to an urgent shadow request to review the latest
medical assignment. Two hundred and sixty four re-lifes requested on day one, it was a poor statistic and the soldiers profile chips were ready
to ship off-world, along with the customary polite data-vise to the closest relative explaining the Governments new policy on only providing
partial financial assistance with the re-life costs. Expensive loan options to re-life your son meant that some of these soldiers were going to
find their profile chips in a dusty draw until more prosperous times.
Wishing for an invisible cool breeze to remind her of her early life on Earth, Kelsal started her battle planning. Flicking through several
thought overlays she selected from a range of tactical stances that would provide her with a balance between losses and a level of attrition
which would keep the politicians happy. She noticed a tactically appropriate cocktail of adrenaline and a series of emotion enhancing drugs
entering her bloodstream. She felt calm, alert and ready to command.
The Trixian were a stubborn breed with their insectile minds, relentless mortar fire and honeycomb desert nests providing perfect cover and
a safe retreat for their forces. Her geographic target set for the day, she started barking orders to some of the front line Gruntz squad leaders,
with a push order delivered to a reluctant squad on the edge of a mortar nest.

Arc Fleet Heavy drop troopers patrol a bridge with mecha support. Models by Critical Mass Games

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Scenario Conditions galaxy can kiss my ass

For optional environmental conditions use this table to reflect the and interesting play conditions should you want to recreate a more
weather and local environmental conditions which may impact the extreme battlefield. Select these conditions before playing one of the
performance of gruntz and vehicles. Select a condition appropriate to battle schemas to vary the play conditions.
your scenario. The various conditions are intended to provide hazards

Description Effect
Acidic rain. All exposed organic life forms are attacked by the rain.
Exposed gruntz need to survive an attack every
Troops in sealed hard armour or within sealed armoured vehicles or
Acid Rain turn of 6+2D6. Certain aliens can resist the acid
buildings/caves are protected from the harmful effects of the acid rain.
Roll a D6 at the beginning of every turn, on a 1 the rain stops.

Certain areas of the battlefield are infested by indigenous dangerous

wildlife of organic nature either Flora or Fauna. Any gruntz entering the Types of Flora and Fauna: Walking Plant life,
predefined areas risk attacked by the dangerous wildlife. Each turn a Bipedal Lizards, Giant Aquatics, Whiplash Vines.
Flora and
gruntz squad is in the designated area roll 1D6 on their activation, on Details to be published in Gruntz Statistic Profile
a 1 or 2 they are assaulted by unhappy wildlife. Start the assault attack cards.

Make a damage attack against all buildings

An earthquake strikes and disrupts movement for a turn might start
on board with a Damage of 12 + 2D6. Make a
Earthquakes rock slides and damage buildings. Each turn roll 1D6, on a 1 a shock
damage attack against all vehicle ground units of
wave hits.

Thick fog or mist shrouds the battlefield. Visibility for all units is reduced Each turn roll 1D6, on a 1 the fog burns off and
Fog and Mist
to 6 inches unless they have appropriate equipment or natural ability. normal play conditions apply.

During game setup, D6 geysers (mud, lava, boiling steam or acid) are
placed on the table. Players select the locations, alternating placement All units within 6 inches of an eruption suffer a
as per their initiative roll. Label each geyser with a number from 1 to 6. 4+2D6 Damage roll against their Soak statistic.
Each turn two geyser erupt, roll 2D6 to determine the two locations.

Jump pack units are scattered and extra 1D6

Extremely strong winds of gale or even hurricane force scour the
inches in the direction the wind is blowing each
High Winds battlefield. Roll a scatter die or a D6 to determine the direction of the
time they use their jump packs. No aerial units
wind blowing across the table.
can operate due to weather conditions.

Following the eruption of a nearby volcano, one or more flows of lava

If the flow touches a building it will do 12 +
enter the table at a random edge and travel at a random rate of inches
2D6 damage at the beginning of each player’s
Lava Flows determined by the players. It will flow across the table and follow the
turn until building is destroyed. Woodland is
topography. A unit entering Lava takes a 12 + 2D6 damage attack
against their Soak.

Troops in sealed hard armour or within sealed

1D6 clouds of 4 inch diameter enter the board from a random edge
armoured vehicles or buildings/caves are
and drift across the battlefield to the opposite edge. Scatter the clouds
Poisonous protected from the harmful effects of the
randomly across the edge selected. Each turn they move 2D6 inches
Clouds poisonous cloud. Exposed gruntz caught in the
toward the opposite edge. Complete this movement on every player’s
cloud need to survive an attack every turn of
activation and resolve damage before continuing play.

Determine a random entry point onto the table for the tornado. Use a
circular 4inch template to represent the tornado. Each turn it moves Any units that the tornado passes over or if the
Tornados toward the centre of the table at a rate of 8 inches per turn. When storm chase into the tornado suffer a damage roll
it reaches the centre, it will start to move 2D6 inches each turn in a of 10 + 2D6 against the unit Soak statistic.
random direction determined by a deviation template and a D6.

Torrential, monsoon rain relentlessly hammers the battlefield. Visibility

At the start of each activation roll 1D6: 1-2
Torrential for all units is reduced to 8 inches unless they have appropriate
bogged down and cannot move. No aerial units
Rain equipment or natural ability. Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles risk
can operate due to weather conditions
bogging down.

This condition applies in space and in certain planetary conditions

Zero-G -2 to all assault, shoot and skill rolls.
depending on gravitational pull.

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galaxy can kiss my ass
Vehicle Boosts

Vehicle and Mecha Modz

The vehicle building and design process allows you select from a
range of mobility and weapons options.

You can tweak these standard options by adding a Modz and

paying the additional points in your vehicle build. Some of the Modz
are negative points which are subtracted from your overall build total
for the vehicle. Mecha Pilot "Johnson" about to
climb into and start up his Arc
Once fitted with the additional modification the vehicle has an missile walker.
advantage in a particular system type as listed. For example ‘Über
Armour’ offers a heavier armour type no matter what size class you
have selected during the vehicle design process.

Some of the Modz are negative types which reduce the points
cost of your vehicle. You can also abstract the actual name of a Mod
to match a Monster design. For example Micro CIWS could be spore
ejectors on the back of a large alien or Dark Matter Fuel Rods could
represent an energy boost mode that a Monster can use at will. Critical Mass Games. Arc Force Walker

Modz Description Effect Type Points

Vehicle modification to improve weapons systems when Negates +2 Guard bonus normally given
Ack Ack Targeting 1
firing at flying units. to flying units that are moving.

Active camo is a dull matt exotic surface component,

able to change colour in a drastic way to cover the visual
Active Camo +1 Guard against ranged attacks only. Signature 3
signature of the vehicle. Heat and sound signatures are
still visible.

AI Targeting with longer than standard range. One

single main weapon system has 3inch boost to effective +1 to ranged attack with main weapon
AI target Targeting 3
targeting range. This additional range is also doubled for system.
extreme range.

Larger range CIWS with Neural Network linked counter

+2 Guard against incoming missile fire
missile system. Provides cover from missiles to a range of
for all units within twice the vehicles
twice the Skill statistic assigned to the vehicle in inches.
Area CIWS skill statistic. System is disabled if Tek Signature 3
A very noisy system using concussion wave rapid fire
suffers a critical on the vehicle. Vehicle
projectiles at hyper-velocities. This equipment replaces
can not take a main weapon system.
the main weapon system of the vehicle.

Dark-Matter Fuel Exotic Anti-Matter fuel provides this vehicle with

+1 to base move Mobility 2
Rods additional range and efficiency.

A physically imposing modification or renown for the Dread causes Gruntz units within the
vehicle. Causes Gruntz units within its Skill in inches to Skill in inches of this model to make Anti
Dread 3
make a Condition Brown check when they are within this an immediate Mental check or enter Infantry
distance. A passive affect, dread is always on. Condition Brown.

Electromagnetic Reactive armour which is capable of reducing the impact +2 Soak against projectile weapon
Armour 3
Reactive Armour of projectile weapons. types.

On a critical hit roll (double six)

The model is amorphous, possesses a huge gaping
when Assaulting, one enemy grunt is
maw, grabber or large mechanical grinder. During close
automatically swallowed and killed.
combat they can sometimes grab, tear, gorge or absorb
Engulf Remove the model from play, they can Assault 1
a target grunt. The target is pulled screaming into the
not be healed/ This works against living
biological or mechanical maw and swallowed which will
targets of the same size or smaller than
result some excellent fertiliser.
the attacker.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
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upside down so the

Modz for Vehicles galaxy can kiss my ass

Modz Description Effect Type Points

The GA is an advance technical sub-atomic accelerator

Gravatonic generating a massive boost in energy to primary +3 inches to single main weapon
Targeting 3
Accelerator weapon systems. It extends the range of the vehicles system range.
primary weapon system.

A heavy structure with rigid construction allows this

Select a main weapons from one size
vehicle to mount heavier weapons than you would
Heavy Chassis class larger than the vehicle. Base speed Mobility 0
expect for the size for the vehicle. Due to the weight and
is reduced by -2"
construction it reduces overall speed.

High Flux A once per game boost to vehicle base movement from +6 to base movement for one move
Mobility 2
Reactor an overdrive system. action.

Mecha can make a jump as a single

move action up to its base move. Can
Jump Jets Mecha only augmentation to allow jump movement. Mobility 2
face any direction after jump. -2 to
shoot after jump.

Close-In Weapons System. Small fast-reaction, rapid-fire

+2 Guard statistic versus directly
magnetic gun system that provides terminal defense
targeted incoming missile and rocket
Micro CIWS against anti-material missiles and rockets that have Signature 2
fire. System is disabled if Tek suffers a
directly targeted the vehicle. A point defense solution in
critical on the vehicle.
a small vehicle attached blister-pod.

Energy weapons including Laser, Plasma and other

Neutonic particle based weapons are subject to a molecular level
+2 soak against energy weapon types. Armour 3
Damping dampening effect on impact with the exotic matter
armour type used on this vehicle.

Vehicle has an advanced independent AI and Anti infantry weapons with the Full
stabilization system to improve attached anti-infantry Auto ability can be fired without the -1 Targeting 3
weapons. The PS affords easier targeting whilst moving. to the Shoot or Skill roll.

The flickering shield dome has Guard

11, Soak 13 and 6 damage. Until
A large area shield generated by the vehicle and using
destroyed it protects models inside a
significant power. This thirsty barrier replaces the
circular 6" AOE centered on the vehicle.
vehicles main weapon mount with large generators
The shield can be recharged using
and field emitters. The flickering visible dome of energy
Power Field two actions. To re-charge roll a D3 and
protects those completely within it against weapons Signature 4
Generator regain that number of shield damage.
fire or damage from deviating ordinance. The dome can
On a roll of 1 the shield burns out. The
be targeted by enemy fire. Ideally placed on an APC
vehicle must be at least a medium
to provide additional cover to carried units when the
hull and can not be fitted with main
weapons. Does not prevent assault

Additional super-strength actuators or upgraded Non-Grav model is not affected by

suspension make this heavy and slow vehicle traverse rough terrain. -2" reduced base speed Mobility 1
difficult terrain at a steady and relentless speed. at all times.

Spider like droids in various sizes respond to damage On activation use one action to repair
Self Repair
and complete fast field repairs to drive systems, amour D3+1 damage (Roll D6 and half the Repair 3
and weapons. result).

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
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galaxy can kiss my ass
Vehicle Boosts

Modz Description Effect Type Points

Vehicle has side gun ports to allow up to 4 transported

grunts to fire out of the vehicle. The small ports offer 2 transported grunts can fire from each
Side Gun Ports a restricted view of the battlefield and are not easy side arc of the vehicle at a -1 to Shoot or 1
to target through, although grunts inside can not be -2 to Shoot if the vehicle is moving.
targeted individually by incoming fire.

Either due to early tek restraints, poor engine design or

Slow build issues this vehicle is slower than it should be for its -2 to base move statistic Mobility -2
size and class.

A one use smoke screen which when used provides Once per game the vehicle can use one
cover for the vehicle, allowing for a rapid exit or action to deploy a smoke screen. The
Smoke Burst Signature 1
additional cover for nearby squads. The smoke bursts all vehicle can fire on the turn it deploys
around the vehicle providing all round concealment. the screen.

Soft skin or open top vehicle. If the vehicle is carrying

grunts they can fire weapons at targets in range. There -2 from vehicle Soak and grunts
is no modifier for grunts firing fixed mount weapons transported can fire from the vehicle. A
on the vehicle or if the vehicle was stationary this turn. -2 modifier is applied to their Shoot skill
Soft Top Grunts in the vehicle can be targeted by incoming fire if the vehicle has moved this turn. The -1
instead of the vehicle. They gain +2 cover to Guard grunts unit can be targeted separately
whilst in the vehicle. Note that grunts in the vehicle fire from the vehicle by incoming fire and
on their own activation and the vehicle still activates benefit from +2 cover to Guard.
separately from the transported grunts.
Use one action to create a fear inducing
display or sound to nearby Gruntz
Vehicle has overwhelming crowd suppression system
causing them to make a Condition
which utilises sound, light, water or other localised
Brown check. Failure of this roll results
suppression system or Monster with a terrible fear
in an immediate run action by the
inducing appearance. In both cases Gruntz near the unit
squad that failed the check. The range Anti
Terror need to make a condition brown test or flee in terror. 2
of Terror is determined by the size of Infantry
After a target unit fails or passes a Condition Brown
the Terror inducing unit. Use an AOE
check as a result of terror they can not be affected by
template to determine how close the
terror again during this game unless it is a different
Gruntz squad need to be to make the
attacking unit type with the Terror mod.
check. Assault 6AOE, Heavy 5AOE,
Medium 4AOE, Light 3AOE, Scout 2AOE

Vehicle has larger than standard windows and portholes

Transparent made of exotic transparent armour. The crew have better +1 to base Guard statistic against
Signature 1
Ceramics battlefield visibility and are able to respond to threats assault attacks.
more readily.

Additional plating, internal shear modulus

enhancements and overall structure make this vehicle
Über Armour +1 Soak against all weapon types. Armour 3
capable of taking a pounding resulting in a higher soak
factor than other vehicles in its size class.

Once per game the vehicle diverts energy into a

localised energy wave centering on the vehicle. The WPD
All grunts totally within in 8 inch area
Wave Particle blisters attached to the vehicle emit a devastating wave Anti
effect surrounding the vehicle are auto 3
Decimator of molecular level destruction to nearby Gruntz targets Infantry
hit and suffer a damage roll of 8 + 2D6
which break bones and sinew in a destructive molecular
explosion surrounding a vehicle in a 8 inch area effect.

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Vehicle Crew galaxy can kiss my ass

Modz Description Effect Type Points

Fitted with low tek or light weight armour this vehicle is -1 to base Soak statistic and +1 to base
Weak Armour Armour 0
more vulnerable to incoming fire for its size class. move statistic.

Vehicle Crew Notes on quality of units

When you create any type of vehicle using the unit builders it will When building a vehicle you select your skill statistic from the
need a crew skill to drive or pilot it. vehicle crew skill table. For simplicity during a game it is recommended
that vehicles of the same type are given crew of the same skill. During
Vehicle crew are vital in determining how well it performs during play you will find it easier to remember that your medium grav tanks
the battle. A vehicle with a highly skilled crew will be hitting targets at are all crewed by the same skill level, rather than having to constantly
longer ranges and more frequently. An elite pilot in a well armed mecha reference the profile cards.
will be hitting mostly all of his targets with ease.
You might decide to have a command tank within a platoon of tanks
When building a vehicle and a crew you don’t need to pay for the where the crew have a higher skill to represent training and experience.
other statistics of the crew like shoot, Guard or Soak. If the crew ever Painting this tank with command decals or details will enable you to
bail out of the vehicle, simply use a standard Gruntz squad profile from clearly identify it on the battlefield. At 15mm scale you need to be bold
your army and adjust the skill accordingly. They may find another with details to be able to identify the differences in vehicles.
vehicle to use, so you will need to remember the ‘skill’ statistic so it can
be used again during play. In a smaller skirmish level game you can be as flexible as you like
with variations in skill crew because there is less on the table.
If you ever find a find an empty vehicle on the battlefield you can
commandeer it by placing crew in it, using members of an existing For a fair game it is recommended that the core Skill, Shoot and
gruntz squad, they will use their existing ‘skill’ statistic when firing the Assault statistics are in the range of 4, 5 or 6. These provide a fair chance
on board weapon systems and take 1 action to embark the vehicle of hitting and are not overpowered. The game will support smaller elite
when they are within 3” of it. It takes at least 2 gruntz to crew a vehicle. forces and you can mix a small number of elites into a more standard
army with higher than average statistic scores.
The vehicle cards for the game have a reduced statistic profile
which does not include the normal statistic associated with a Gruntz The extremely low statistics of 2 or 3 can be used for greens, militia
squad. The crew Skill is the statistic used when making an assault or or untrained civilians and swarms. It will be harder to hit at range and
shoot attack from the vehicle. assault, which may prove frustrating if you have build a force that uses
a lot of long range fire.

Giant warriors from Khuarsan Miniatures assault a power plant defended by Art Crime Production Valkyrie walkers and troopers. The Valkyrie
mecha walkers are created using the Vehicle Specialist unit builder. The models are fitted with different weapons ranging from a heavy long
range sniper to dual assault guns.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Optional Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Playing Cards

Optional Play
This section provides details of
optional rules which can be used Gruntz is designed to be modular, with a core mechanic for
if you prefer a different style of fire resolution and damage which can have a mix of different
play. They are intended to provide
activation, optional rules and play styles bolted on.
some flexibility in play style whilst
retaining the core mechanics for You are encouraged to play the basic version first which has a
damage, movement and unit simple player turn sequence designed to help understand the
profiles. Both players need to agree which optional rules are basics and provide a clear standard of play.
being played.
I play the game with my 11 year old son, so I was encouraged to
They do change the game significantly and might slow down
work on an initial simple activation sequence which allowed him
play if you are new to the game, so please try the core rules first.
Gruntz is an evolving game system, so your feedback on the to explore the potential of his army before passing the turn back
design is welcome. If you have any interesting house rules you to me.
think should be included please get in touch. What the basic turn sequence and activation order provides is
longer term planning on the battlefield and an opportunity to sit
down, grab a drink and a snack whilst you watch your opponent
Playing Card Activation do his best. However this is seen by many as an old fashioned
If you prefer a dynamic and slightly more random method of style of play.
activation you can use this optional card based activation for assigning For those that prefer the dynamic turn sequence please give
initiative to each unit. the option rules a try either with cards or simple unit by unit
The activation sequence is based on a traditional deck of cards activation.
with alphabetical poker suit rank which is Spades (high), followed by
Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs (lowest).
Step Activity
In ‘playing card’ activation the units on the table are activated in
sequence of the card assigned to the unit at the beginning of the turn. 1 Shuffle your playing cards ready for dealing.
If two units have the same numerical card assigned to them check the
ranking to determine which unit is activated first e.g. Eight of Spades Deal Cards face down to each player, one card for each
Card Turn Sequence

activates before Eight of Hearts and King of Diamonds would activate 2 unit in their army.
before a King of Clubs.

All aces are high for the purposes of activation, so they are treated Players secretly assign cards to their own units. Players
as a higher rank than the picture cards (King, Queen, Jack). assign higher ranking cards to units they want to
3 activate first in an order of their choosing. Place the
Dealing cards face down onto the profile cards or beside units
on the table.
On turn one shuffle the deck of cards (leaving in jokers) and deal
All cards are turned over, revealing the turn activation
one card face down to each player for every unit they have on the table. 4
After dealing enough cards to both players to cover each individual Players activate units in order of the card ranking. Units
unit, leave the remaining deck of cards ready for use in subsequent assigned higher ranking cards activate first.
turns. You only need to re-shuffle when the deck is used up, at which
Activation continues, passing between players
point re-shuffle the discard pile into the main playing card deck.
6 depending on card ranking until the last unit is
Assigning Card Activation activated.
All used cards are placed into a discard pile and the
Before the turn begins both players secretly place the playing 7
next turn begins.
cards, face down, on their own unit profile cards or if preferred
directly beside the units on the battlefield. You are able to control disembark from the APC on the lower ranked card you assigned to the
which initiative order your units activate based on placing the cards Gruntz. All cards dealt must be assigned to units before unit activation
you have been dealt against each unit. For example you may wish to commences.
assign a higher numbered (ranking) card to an Armoured Personnel
Carrier (APC), so that it can move before the unit of Gruntz being Activation
transported. After it moves you can activate the Gruntz unit and
In order of card rank, from highest to lowest, activate the units on
the battlefield. Players pass activation between each other depending
on the cards assigned to each unit.

You may be lucky and find all of your dealt cards are of a higher
rank than your opponents, however in most cases the activation will
pass back and forth between units in both players forces. When the
lowest ranked card on the table has had its assigned unit activated the
High to low suit rank game turn is over.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Optional Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Alternative Activation galaxy can kiss my ass

Turn Finish

After the turn finishes put the cards used into a discard pile. Only
Re-shuffle them into the main deck when the deck has been fully dealt
out to players over the course of the game. With card based activation you are limited to 26 units per side
(unless you use 2 decks of cards). You may also find that assigning
Playing Card Boons
above 16 cards per side each turn can take a long time.
For further flavour in a cinematic style game you can use the Cards are fun but could increase game time if players are still
following boons which are granted to units that are assigned ace cards.
learning the core Gruntz rules. It is recommended card play is used
If you are lucky to be dealt an ace, check the following table for details
after learning the basic rules and initially with only small skirmish
of the boons provided based on the suit of the ace card.
forces of around 100pts per side.
Aces are high, so if you are dealt one or more during the dealing
phase you should assign them to the units you wish to move first
Ace Card Boon effect on unit assigned card
on the table. They will benefit from activating first and gain the
advantage of the boons. Blind spot: The unit has slipped through
the battlefield this activation and is
Jokers are Bad Luck Spades difficult to spot due to battle dust, sun

Ace Boons
glare or other influence. +2 Guard when
If you are dealt a Joker card you have been handed bad luck and targeted by ranged weapons.
the unit you decide to assign it to has hit some difficulty due to moral,
command or an environmental issue. The unit is now -2 on all Ranged, Stamina: Gruntz squad can ignore one
Assault and Mental rolls this game turn. Waxed condition applied to the squad
Hearts this turn. If attacked a Vehicle is +2 Soak
Jokers are also activated last. If you have two jokers in your deck, this turn due to fortunate placement of
the black Joker will activate before the red joker. enemy damage.

Totally Random Card Sequence Lucky Strike: Squad or Vehicle unit is +2

to ranged attack rolls this turn.
A different option for playing card activation is a totally random
card sequence. If you want a battlefield chaos feel to the game where
Downhill: +2 Inches to base move for
unit activation is decided for each player, you can use the cards to
Gruntz or Vehicle moves this turn, they
randomly determine activation for all units.
find a rapid route and an extra wind to
Instead of allowing the players to assign cards they have been cross the battlefield rapidly. Note the
dealt to their own units, they are instead randomly dealt directly to units base move is doubled when running
the units face down and are assigned to each players unit profile cards or vehicle flank move.
without looking at the card. disembarkation and other sequenced events but could equally
After randomly assigning the cards to units, they are then all generate a fun game for players where unexpected activation add to
revealed and activation begins based on card rank. This random the fog of war.
turn sequence can generate some issues with regard to planning

5 2 Fire!
Card Based Activation Assigning cards to units creates alternation
Move in activation between players during a turn.

Activation is passed between the red and


white players depending on the value of

the playing card. The ace of diamonds is the
highest ranked card on the table, which the
white player has assigned to the Gruntz unit.
They activate first and activation is then

handed to the red players tank which has an

8 of spades assigned (a higher rank than an

8 of diamonds assigned to the white tank).


Move Activation then passes back to the white

1 tank, followed by the red players Mecha on

Run the 6 of diamonds. The white tank on the 3

of spades activates last.

3 Care should be taken when you assign

you cards to units. It is desirable to ensure


that certain events happen in a particular

order. For example you would benefit from
activating a medic specialist before a gruntz
squad which has suffered a waxed squad

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Optional Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Shoot Sequence

Alternating Activation

For alternating activation after each single unit is activated you

pass to your opponent to allow them to activate one single unit. Unlike
the playing card activation method, it is down to the player to choose
which order they activate units in.

At the beginning of every turn check to confirm if one player has

twice the number of units on the table. The player with twice the units
activates the game the numbers of units on each side are unequal

Shoot then Move Example group basing by Note

that these are 4 models per base. Even though the base shows four
If you prefer to allow a unit the choice of shooting before it moves models, in Gruntz the squad you can still have a varied number of
or after it moves, you can easily adjust the rules by allowing all units Squad members, so you are just representing up to 10 models on
to shoot then move or move then shoot. It still requires two actions to the base rather than having a model for every squad member.
run (not allowing a shoot action) and an assault attack is also still a two
action charge into close combat.
the benefit of faster movement of units on the larger group base and
Using this method requires care to avoid players forgetting if they can create some interesting mini-diorama’s on each of the bases like
have shot before moving and therefore potentially taking another shot the models featured on this page.
at the end of the move by mistake. The standard method of allowing
If you are happy to be flexible during the game you could play a
a shoot only after a move avoids this argument and also introduces a
mixed game against a non-group based army but you could encounter
subtle planning element to the game because players need to carefully
some issues when determining cover for Squads so it is recommended
plan out moves to get into the best position to shoot. This optional
that both armies use the same basing method either single base or
approach to your units activation allows for a dynamic shoot and run
group base.
to cover action or even a shoot and embark into an APC or transport
VTOL. You can ignore squad coherency rules which speeds up play in
addition to gaining the benefit of easier to move models on a single
Note: You can not run after a shoot, you can only follow a shoot
group base.
with a standard move action or other single action like embarking into
a vehicle. You must also declare that you are planning to move a unit Group Base Squad Size
this activation because you will not benefit from the +1 to shoot if you
move after making a ranged attack. Most small 15mm group bases that are around 32x50mm will give
you enough room for 4-6 models depending on the tab size on the
Group Basing bottom of the 15mm model. You don’t have to represent every model
on the base, so if you are playing with a squad size of 8 or 10 you can
For players who prefer 15mm figures based on group bases or if
still use the single base and keep a record of the exact size of the squad
you have an existing army using group basing you are able to use them
on the profile card when models are waxed from the squad.
in Gruntz as long as both players are happy to base by group.
You don’t remove any models from the actual base and only
A few tweaks are needed to the rules and additional record keeping
remove the full group base when the full squad has been waxed or you
so that any waxed models on a base are marked off the profile. You
could mark the base with small plastic rings, so you can quickly identify
lose some of the ability to hug terrain and move single figures over
bases that have taken casualties on the table.
walkways and buildings when using group figures, however you gain
Group Base Cover
G G G G G G G G G Using group bases to represent a Gruntz
squad speeds up movement, although
care is required to confirm how visible
the base is when determining cover for
ranged attacks.
More than half of the group base in
the “Full Cover” example is hidden
behind the wrecked shuttle so they are
all considered to be hidden from the
shooting red squad.
The wall provides “Hard cover” and a +2
bonus to the Guard statistic of the unit
using the cover.
There will be occasions where the angle
of attack makes it difficult to judge if
G G G the base is in our out of cover. In these
G G G G G G instances it is recommend that you turn
to physical hand to hand combat with
your opponent. Or you could just roll a
Full Cover No Cover Hard Cover dice to determine the correct view.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Optional Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Group Basing galaxy can kiss my ass

Group Base Casualties

If the Squad attachment is killed and is within 3 inches of the

50x64mm squad it is attached to, mark a casualty off the main Gruntz squad
Some larger vehicles, artillery profile card to represent a member of the squad picking up the
base. 32x50mm dropped heavy weapon when the Squad Attachment would normally
Gruntz Squad 25x32mm
be removed from play.

Small Encounters

For players wanting to portray detailed fire fights in a small scale

Warbases in the UK sell a mix of different MDF (laser cut wood) bases
with as low as 3 to 6 models per side you can increase the detail for the
which are ideal for group basing in Gruntz. http://www.warbases.
smaller number of models on the table. Use the 32x50 for the Gruntz squads which can take 5 or 6
models. Use the standard Commander builder points system for individually
You don’t have to base the exact squad size of 6 models, by default named and assigned figures. Assign wounds as per the costs detailed
the squad base is representing a full Gruntz squad of 6 models (1 for a Commander or for gritty realism give each figure a single wound.
Squad leader and 5 Gruntz). Use the smaller 25x32 base size for
An example small firefight might include a couple of specialist bio-
Commanders, Squad Attachments and Specialist units and the
tech augmented mercenaries storming a defended industrial base with
50x64 size if you wanted uniformity for any larger units although
just 4-6 models per side. Each single model activates independently
many 15mm Grav SCI-FI vehicles already have a standard based
and activation alternates between players after each activation.
supplied with the model.
You can also use the card based activation for small fire fights
Group Base Cover to provide a chaotic feel. The playing cards will determine the turn
sequence as per the ‘Totally Random Card Sequence’.
Half or more of the 32x50mm squad base needs to be in cover
from incoming fire to gain the bonus to Guard. Players are encouraged Cinematic or Realistic Mode
to make a fair judgement of just how much group base is visible to
determine cover. See the diagrams for examples. Players either prefer a cinematic fun style of game or something
more gritty and realistic. The default play mode for Gruntz is cinematic
Group Base Firing with Commanders being able to take a few hits before they drop and
Perkz that give squads some extra-ordinary abilities in the field.
When measuring for range from a group base, use the nearest
edge of the base to the target unit. To switch off cinematic mode both players need to agree on
realistic style play with the following game changes: No Perkz for
Group base Squad Coherency
Gruntz squads, Commanders have only one wound, Commanders
There is no need to track squad coherency with fixed group bases. have no Perkz and can shoot only one weapon per activation.
Ignore the coherency rules, except Squad attachments which will
You can vary the level of changes made for more realistic play.
need to be kept within 3 inches of the Gruntz squad they are attached
Players should feel encouraged to adjust and tweak rules and share
to. If they are ever moved or left over 3 inches from their squad, the
the results. House rules are welcome and please share the results of
squad attachment must use its next activation only moving back into
any adjustments which might help make Gruntz a better game.
coherency and can not shoot or assault.
Consult the FAQ or the forum group to raise questions.
Group Base Casualties
The red unit gets a 2 To determine cover during a game with group
1 The red unit gains soft
+1 to its Guard G G basing, check to see if more than half of the
cover of +1 Guard due to
whilst at least half
base has cover from the centre of the shooting
the intervening bush.
of its group base is
units base. If the defending unit has at least
in soft cover from half of its base in cover the full squad benefits
fire from unit 1. from the cover bonus.
If more than half of the base is visible the full
unit is considered to be in the open.
Remember to mark waxed casualties on the
profile cards and to place a suppressed token
beside a unit if one or more Gruntz are waxed
and the squad fail the Mental check.
For ease of recognition you can also place

waxed tokens beside the group base which

will make it easier if you are using a medic and
G 3 want to quickly remove the waxed condition if
Place 3 waxed tokens G
G The APC gets a clear anti- the medic is successfully in healing the squad
beside the base and G
infantry shot onto the red members before their activation.
mark off the casualties squad, waxing 3.
on your profile card. The
unit is also suppressed.
aaa Place Waxed tokens beside the group base.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
Optional Rules
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Optional Rules Continued

Yes leave them in place, they can provide cover to Gruntz and are
impassable smouldering wrecks to ground vehicles (non Grav). Gruntz Stray Gruntz can join another unit by using one action to join them
can traverse but they are treated as rough ground. but they can never take a single squad over the limit of eight models
including squad attachments and must all default to the larger groups
weapon type and squad statistic profile of the larger group.

Any left over stray Gruntz are lost after a merge of squads and are
considered to be Waxed.
Yes unless they suffer catastrophic destruction.
If both stray Gruntz units are at equal strength, select one to be the
master type during a merge of squads.

You can fire over a Grunts squad at a larger vehicle behind them
but not through them. Another member of the Squad automatically becomes the leader.
The squads player selects which one of the squad becomes the new
leader. It might be necessary to swap the leader model out with the
new leader for ease of identification. The gruntz unit must now stay
within squad coherency of the new leader.
Yes as long as the vehicle or Grunts squad has enough movement
to pass the unit completely.

Every unit within 20 inches must make a Mental check or enter

condition brown. All friendly units are now permanently at -2 to the
roll for all Mental tests.
Only through friendly units that are in the prone condition.

The Amnian make use of some convenient cover and knock out one Spider Droid. The other two are still shielded and wax two of the Amnian
invaders. Base terrain from Ainsty, with GZG Spider Droids and GZG Crustie aliens.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Questions and Answers galaxy can kiss my ass

crew and carried gruntz are killed in the carnage. On a roll of 3,4,5 or 6
the vehicle is simply wrecked and the crew can try to bail out. See the
vehicle bail rules for full detail.

If the SA is directly hit and waxed. Roll a D6 and on a 1 the

attachment weapon is lost. If you don’t roll a 1 another member of
the Squad automatically picks up the squad attachment weapon. The Condition brown happens when a players gruntz squad loses its
squads player selects which one of the squad becomes the new squad cool and panics. When a squad loses over half of its remaining squad
attachment. It might be necessary to swap the model out with the new members from a single source of attack they will be required to make a
squad attachment for ease of identification. Mental statistic check. Roll 2D6 which must equal or be lower than the
gruntz units Mental statistic. If they fail they will enter condition brown
and run (double move) away from the source of incoming fire. The
exact direction they run is up to the squads player but it must be away
from the source of fire which caused the condition brown condition.

All of them at an incremental -1 to the shooting roll after the first Place the red condition brown marker beside the gruntz unit to.
weapon. A gruntz squad is always left in suppressed condition after entering
condition brown.

Condition brown is a temporary condition and is removed when

the player next activates that unit.

You use the Skill statistic to fire any weapons in vehicles.

A gruntz squad is treated as a single source of fire when determining

if a unit needs to make a Mental test.

Yes it does block line of site except when a Gruntz unit is in the
prone condition. They can then fire under the hull.

The base speed for Gruntz is 4 inches but they can do a double
move of 8 inches if they use both of their two actions to move. They
can’t shoot after this double move but they are able to cover more
The shoot roll is normal but the damage is at +2. You must be ground. The same applies to all movement in Gruntz e.g. The base
completely in the rear arc to gain the +2. move of a Grav skimmer bike is 10 inches but it can move up to a total
of 20 inches if it only takes a double move on its activation.

Armour piercing only works against Vehicles, Vehicle Specialists

The range listed is for normal range fire which is the affective
and Buildings.
deadly range of a weapon. You can however fire up to double this base
range listed with a -3 penalty to the shooting roll.

If you want a 10 man squad of infantry you first work out the cost
Ten is the maximum squad size and up to two squad attachments. of a standard (6 model) unit. It works out to be 20 points. Next divide
the total by 6 to get the cost per Grunt of 3.33 points. Multiply by the
number of men to get the total which is 10 x 3.33 = 33.3 then round to
the nearest whole number to get the new squad size of 33. Easier than
quantum mechanics.

When a vehicle is smoked it is either simply a smoking wreck or

it will catastrophically explode due to a major engine, fuel or ammo

Roll a D6 with a roll of 1 or 2 resulting in catastrophic explosion. All

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Turn Sequence

Encounter in Edo City Battle Schema

Hidden from view by the smoggy clouds above the sprawling Domo- The following six scenarios are designed for you to play a range
Centre of Edo the Loricatus mecha cracked its way through the sound of battles with very little preparation. They are ideal for playing
barrier effortlessly; its smooth grey and taupe panelling hiding its lethal pick up and play games against new opponents or in a games club
cargo of mould-metal weaponry. The entire flying mecha began to environment.
prepare to slip out of flight mode, anticipating the thoughts of Triskin like
an extension of his own body safely cocooned in mecha’s chest - a human The Assault and Battery and Toppling Soldiers scenarios are
heart to the godlike automaton of war. particularly good for match games by playing two battles with the
defender and attacker switching roles in the second game where as
“Delta – Alpha – Niner; you are clear to engage rogue target. Code Meeting of Minds and Bring Me My Spear are good for no nonsense
blue – collateral damage acknowledged and deemed acceptable. Good mecha smashing.
luck Triskin.”
The suggested Battle Sizes below are only suggestions, feel free
The vocis rhetorica speaker crackled with static and was silent again. to tune up the Battle Schema and unleash hell on your opponents –
Triskin Lowe’s illuminated display wrapped around his senses; studying remember do unto the man as he would do unto you… just do it first!
the schematic map of the city looking at the various marked targets were
laid out in front of him. Cred banks, Law Giver offices, Communication si- Terrain
los and even a hospital; the strike was designed to neuter Edo. Triskin sig-
Terrain can be dropped on the board by taking alternating turns to
nalled to his 2 wing men to advance; flashing the battle schema across to
place a terrain piece. If the terrain is fixed you can alternate the sides
them and instructions to remain silent on the vocis rhetorica network. The
you play from on each new game.
massive Loricatus engines shuddered into life their towering legs propel-
ling them towards Edo. The drone of the Guass Cannon reloading filled Initiative
Triskins cockpit the heavy shelled clunking into the breach as the skilful
Loricatus pilot swung the colossal machine round to its next target; half After a scenario type has been selected and players have agreed
a klick away Triskins other Loricatus’ were sweeping towards the Central on a battle, each player should roll for initiative with a 2D6 adding
Law and the Judgement district. Edo was unprepared for an assault by the the Commanders Skill statistic. The player with the highest score can
relentless goliaths and the panic and death toll was vast. choose to take the first activation on turn one or allow the opponent
to go first if there is a tactical advantage to allow them to make the
Red flashes pinging up on Triskins display as another small squad of first move.
Law Givers had begun returning fire down the street their light laser rifles
spat angrily towards Triskin – harmlessly pattering off the thick shielding Note that in the standard rules, turn sequence is then locked in for
of the Loricatus’ carapace. His mind quickly overlaid the priority targets, the remainder of the games turns. With each player activating all their
shifting through the objectives and adjusting his own trajectory based on units before passing the turn to their opponent. Each new game turn
new threat signatures. Swinging the Guass Cannon away and bringing up starts with the player who took the first activation of the game. Once
his heavy gatling ioniser Triskin shredded the men in a bloody fountain of one player has finished activating their units the turn is passed to the
gore; bodies popped with an audible wetness as the Law Givers weapons opponent to finish all their movement.
fell silent. Civilians milled round in utter confusion unable to find a safe
haven in Edo from the rampaging war engines. Rotating around Triskin For details on alternative activation sequences see the optional
levelled the Guass Cannon down the street and unleashed the massive rules sections. If you are playing a large game it would be recommended
round at a Civilian Currus Transporter. that players use the standard turn sequence due to the overhead in
time needed to pass activation back and forth for a large number of
The massive detonation blew the vehicle over the street and ejected units.
the broken rag dolls that were once passengers out of shattered windows
and warped doors. Mutilated corpses scattered themselves is a horrific Deployment
tableaux to dismayed onlookers; broken body parts and gore spilt into the
gutter choking the drains. The green glow of the instrumentation illumi- After initiative, starting with the losing player, place units on the
nated the unflinching face of Triskin Lowe as he resolutely went about his table alternating between each player for each unit i.e. After player
grim business; his eyes widened as the display brought up the glimmering one places a single tank model, player two then places a unit of their
specks of Law Giver Tac-copters. Vocis net silence shattered. choice. Follow the rules of each scenario when placing units or simply
layout a battle scenario of your own design. Once all models are placed
“Varney! Filgum! Birds in the air!” the first turn can start with the player who won the initiative starting
the first turn.
The warning came too late for the two Loricatus pilots wading through
the Judgement District – advanced Phased Frequency Missiles arced Battle Sizes
through the smoky atmosphere - their sparkling trails flickering through
the Vedello Valley and bypassing the heavy shielding of the Loricatus en- These are the five different battle sizes which people can build
gine to rent deep holes in its armoured hides. armies to play the Scenarios, these sizes are recommended for use for
pick up and play or competitive tournament games but players are free
The machines staggered against the wind of destruction, smoke bil- to play any point size they choose or ignore the points in favour of an
lowing from yawning holes as they tried to return fire against the agile unbalanced story scenario.
flyers. Triskin data-vised the whole engagement on the battle schema
and heard every word over the vocis rhetorica net. The Loricatus pilots The smaller skirmish level battle is ideal as a starting point and for
were struggling to lock on to the elusive skimmers whose missiles made a learning the basics of Gruntz. The game will play quickly and enable
mockery of the advanced shield on each craft; impact after impact rocked you to learn the core rules, which would be preferable to the challenge
the machines sending them crashing through perma-crete admistratum of learning the rules during an epic game.
buildings to lie as ruined hulks straddling the rubble. Triskin was alone and
Edo was winning.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Battle Schema galaxy can kiss my ass

Points Meeting of Minds : Victory Conditions

Size Details
Per side
Destroyed units are :
Skirmish is a game with
Skirmish 100 at least 100pts per side, Schema: Meeting of Minds Details

Victory Conditions
including a Commander.
Number of Turns 6
Battle Sizes

Each side must have

Count number
a Commander and a
Light Engagement 150 Victory Points from Destroyed Units of points for all
minimum of 2 Gruntz
destroyed units.
The Player with the
1 Commander and at least
Medium Battle 300 Winner most victory points
3 Gruntz squads per side.
Congested 1 Commander and at least
Crossfire 4 Gruntz squads per side.
»» Any Gruntz or vehicles removed from the table top.
2 Commanders, each
Epic Battle 1000 cover 500pts each per »» Units of Gruntz reduced to 25% or less of the initial unit size.
side. Currently Waxed Gruntz are not counted when determining unit
Scenario 1: Meeting of Minds
»» Any Vehicles remaining on the battlefield that have three critical
This is the standard battle beloved of Wargamers everywhere – the systems damaged (Armour, Engine or Tek). The vehicle might still
armies line up on opposite sides of the battlefield and fight, no special be operational but has no remaining critical systems.
rules no mercy. The winner is the player who destroys
the most VP’s in a stand off battle. It would make the game richer if
the battle had some significance and a background setting, players are
2” Objectives

encouraged to get creative.

Meeting of Minds: Set up & Play

Opposing forces are setup as per the default setup rules with
deployment zones on opposite sides of the battle field. Alternate the
deployment of units based on the initiative and follow unit coherency
guides when placing Grunts units. All units must be set up within 6
inches of the battlefield edge.

4ft x 4ft Layout

Meeting of Minds
Deployment Zone 6inches into board
The meeting of minds scenario is a standard battle
with players lining up at opposite sides of the
In this 4ft by 4ft table layout the forces are deployed
along the edge of the table and the objective is to
destroy more of the enemy than you lose.
If you are playing on a larger 6ft x 4ft board you
should follower the same deployment method.
Ground support APC vehicles with transport slots
can start the game with Gruntz or other units
carried, which gives them the advantage of being
able to rapidly be deployed.
Gruntz is a game where strategic use of rapid
movement of troops in vehicles will give you a
key advantage, especially in scenarios which have
Vehicles also provide great cover for Gruntz which
can be used effectively by deploying troops behind
the vehicle after moving it into position.
If you design a new scenario and want it considered
for use with Gruntz please take the time to share it
on the Yahoo group or write directly to the author
Deployment Zone 6inches into board

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Scenario 2: Assault and Battery Assault and Battery : To destroy an objective

An Assault and Battery game is played with balanced forces and »» An attacking Gruntz unit must have at least two Gruntz in base to
includes three separate objective locations which need to be destroyed base contact with the objective.
by using explosives carried by Grunts Squads.
»» It takes two actions to destroy the objective.
Note: Assault and Battery game is recommended to be played with
250pts per side which must include at least 3 Gruntz squads per force. »» Gruntz in the unit not in base to base contact may only make a
Shoot action that turn.
Assault and Battery : Set up & Play
Assault and Battery: Victory Conditions
The two opposing players are split into attacker and defender.
Schema: Assault and Battery Details
The attacking force objective is to destroy at least two of the
objective locations on the defending forces table side. The defenders Number of Turns 6
objective is to prevent the destruction of the objectives

Victory Conditions
Victory Points from Destroyed Count number of points
Assault and Battery: Objective placement Units for all destroyed units.

»» Each Objective is a 2 inch square marker. Points from Destroyed and

surviving Objectives. The attacker
»» The defender places the first objective, the attacker the second can claim objectives VP’s if they Each Objective is worth
and the defender places the last one. are destroyed and the defender 5 victory points.
can claim them if the objectives
»» Objectives must be deployed 18 inches apart. survive the game intact.
»» The attacker’s forces must deploy at least 26 inches from the The Player with the
objective closest to the attackers table edge. Winner most victory points
The defender begins with 50%, rounded up, of all units deployed
within 6 inches of any objectives on the board. The remainder of their
units are held in Reserve. Reserves are rolled for at the beginning of Scenario 3: Toppling Soldiers
the defenders turn. Roll a total number of d6 equalling the current turn
of the game and any roll of a 4+ results in one unit of the defenders A Toppling Soldiers game is played with balanced forces and
choice arriving from reserve. Units arriving from reserve are placed includes three separate objective locations which need to be destroyed
on the defenders table edge and may move, shoot, assault and make by using explosives carried by Grunts Squads. Unlike Assault and
special actions as normal. Battery the objectives can only be destroyed in the order that they are
deployed in.

4ft x 4ft Layout

Assault and Battery
Defender Board Edge
The Assault and Battery scenario is based on two
roles. The Attacker is trying to destroy certain key
Defender Deploys 50% of forces at strategic objectives, whilst the defender (with
least 6inches away from objectives. reduced initial forces) is attempting to hold them
against attack.
You can alternate the play to give both players an
opportunity at defending the objectives.

3 Whilst placing the objective markers you can drop

them in buildings or place them in locations that
make sense as objectives e.g. A fuel dump, wrecked
vehicle, high point, machine gun nest, or any other
significant location. However you could still drop
them somewhere in the open if it provides the
defender with somewhere easy to pin down the
attacking forces.
The standard turn limit is 6 full turns and in each
2 turn the players both get to activate unites. The
limit of 6 turns is designed to encourage active play
in pursuit of the objectives in the game. If you are
writing a specific scenario or playing a very large
game you may both agree to let the play continue
Attacker Deploys no closer than
on beyond 6 turns, especially if you have reached
26inches from the objective
an interesting tactical situation and would like to
nearest to the defenders table see how it plays out in the field.
edge. In this case Objective 1.
Attacking Board Edge Objectives can be destroyed in any order.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Battle Schema galaxy can kiss my ass

The attacking force objective is to the objective locations on the Battery, except the order has to be followed or the objective can
defending forces table side in the order that they are deployed in. The not be destroyed.
defenders objective is to prevent the destruction of the objectives.
Toppling Soldiers is recommended to be played with 250pts per side Toppling Soldiers: Victory Conditions
which must include at least 3 Gruntz squads per force.

Toppling Soldiers: Set up & Play Schema: Toppling Soldiers Details

The set up and play for Toppling Soldier is the same as Assault and Number of Turns 6

Victory Conditions
Victory Points from Destroyed Count number of points
Toppling Soldiers: Objective placement Units for all destroyed units.

»» Each Objective is a 2 inch square marker. Points from Destroyed and

surviving Objectives. The attacker
»» The defender places the first objective, the attacker the second can claim objectives VP’s if they Each Objective is worth
and the defender places the last one. Ensure that the sequence of are destroyed and the defender 5 victory points.
deployment is noted or marked down on the objective tokens so can claim them if the objectives
players are aware of the sequence in which the objectives should survive the game intact.
be destroyed.
The Player with the
»» Objectives must be deployed at least 18 inches apart. Winner most victory points
»» The attacker’s forces must deploy at least 26 inches from the
objective closest to the attackers’ table edge.
»» Scenario 4: What’s Mine is Mine
»» The defender begins with 50%, rounded up, of all units deployed
within 6 inches of any objectives on the board. The remainder In a What’s Mine is Mine Scenario the players are aiming to capture
of their units are held in Reserve. Reserves are rolled for at the objective locations not to destroy them.
beginning of the defenders turn. Roll a total number of d6
equalling the current turn of the game and any roll of a 4+ results The battlefield objectives can change hands during play and
in one unit of the defenders choice arriving from reserve. Units winning a controlled objective zone back from the opposing player
arriving from reserve are placed on the defenders table edge and scores more points than taking control of an unclaimed one.
may move, shoot, assault and make special actions as normal.
What’s Mine is Mine: Set up & Play
Toppling Soldiers: To destroy an objective
Deploy the three objectives using the rules deployment rules from
»» Destroying an objective follows the same rules as Assault and the Assault and Battery Schema.

4ft x 4ft Layout

Toppling Soldiers
Defender Board Edge
The Toppling Soldiers scenario is a more difficult
variant of Assault and Battery for the attacking
Defender Deploys 50% of forces at
least 6inches away from objectives.
Rather than simply destroying the objectives laid
3 down, they have to destroy them in the sequence
that they were placed, representing a planned
attack where specific targets need to be knocked
out in sequence. For example a Neural Network
hub installation might need to be destroyed
before moving on to take out an anti-orbital
defence battery.
The Defender has placed the first The exact type and nature of each objective is up
1 objective in a building which to the players to decide or simply use the Gruntz
makes it a difficult target. Agree 2” objective markers and place them directly onto
if objectives can be placed in open terrain which could represent an important
buildings before play starts. position which needs to be destroyed.
2 In this scenario the attacker may wish to place
their objective marker nearer to the defending
players area simply because it could be near to the
first objective and on route to the last defended
Remember to leave a numbered token or dice on
Attacker must destroy the each objective so that the proper order of objective
objectives in the sequence they destruction can easily be followed by the attacker.
Attacking Board Edge were laid down on the table.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Opposing forces are setup as per the default setup rules with Schema: What’s Mine is Mine Details
deployment zones on opposite sides of the battle field.
Number of Turns 6

Victory Conditions
All units must be set up within 6 inches of the battlefield edge.
Victory Points from Destroyed Count number of points for
Capturing an unclaimed objective Units all destroyed units.

»» A Gruntz unit must have at least one Gruntz in base to base Points for captured objectives.
contact with the objective. 5pts for each turn holding Each Objective is worth
an objective. 5 bonus pts 5 victory points per turn
»» It takes two actions to capture the objective. when an opponent controlled controlled.
objective is captured.
»» Gruntz in the unit not in base to base contact may only
make a Shoot action that turn. The Player with the most
victory points wins.
»» Once captured mark the objective with a token to show
which player controls it. 50pts in the same game turn add up VP’s as per the Meeting of Minds
scenario Victory Conditions to ascertain a winner.
Capturing a location controlled by another player
Scenario 5: He Who Laughs Last
»» A Gruntz unit must have at least one Grunt in base to base
contact with the objective. In the He Who Laughs Last scenario the first player to score a
number of victory points greater than the number of game turns
»» It takes two actions to capture the objective.
played is the winner. If both players score is higher than the turn
»» Gruntz in the unit not in base to base contact may only number the player with the highest points is the winner. For example
make a Shoot action that turn. at end of turn 3, player one has 2 points and player two has 4 then
player two is the winner.
»» A controlled objective cannot be captured if there is a
opposing players Grunt within 6 inches of the objective. A win is only possible at turn 3 and beyond.

»» Points are won by capturing and holding objectives. This game represents a rushed attempt to turn a battle, with the
winner being the player who most quickly gains superiority in the field.
»» 5 points for every turn that a player controls the objective It is recommended that players act quickly and press the attack for an
early win in a He Who Laughs Last game.
»» 5 bonus points every time an opposing player controlled
objective is captured. He Who Laughs Last : Set Up & Play

Total the points at the end of each full game turn (after both The battle field setup is the same as for Meeting of Minds.
players have completed their turns). In the event that both players pass
4ft x 4ft Layout
What’s Mine is Mine
The What’s Mine is Mine scenario is a classic capture
and hold the position game, where objectives can
be taken back from an opponent if their defenders
are forced away.
The objective tokens are key strategic locations
which the players are struggling to hold in a battle
of attrition.
The longer a player can hold onto an objective the
more points are scored with a value of 5pts per turn
for each held objective.
All objectives on the battlefield start neutral but
The the White player has taken two once taken they offer the opportunity for a player
objective locations and is holding to gain an instant bonus 5pts if they manage to
them. They gain 10pts per turn wrestle control from the opponent.
(5 pts per objective held).
Once captured a player does not have to leave
units at the objective, they simply mark it as under
their control.
If they do leave an objective unattended it will
The Blue player has only taken
leave it open for easier capture by the opponent
one objective and is about to because without defenders they can more easily
assault the yellow objective in approach and re-take the objective.
the centre of the table.
Objectives placed near the Points are still scored for the destruction of enemy
middle of a battlefield are units so fortune will favour the brave in a game of
usually hotly contended. What’s Mine is Mine.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the

Battle Schema galaxy can kiss my ass

»» Play for six turns or less if a winner is found from turn 3. Schema: He Who Laughs Last Details

He Who Laughs Last : Victory Conditions

Number of Turns 6

Victory Conditions
»» VP’s are calculated as follows:

»» 1VP for each Gruntz squad over 50% Victory Points from Destroyed Count number of points
Units for all destroyed units.
»» 1VP for each Scout/Light Mecha or Vehicle with all 3 critical boxes
filled. A Player will win at the end of
Total up victory points
a turn where they have more
each turn to see if the
»» 2VP for each Medium/Heavy Mecha or Vehicle with all 3 critical victory points than the turn
battle has been one.
boxes filled. number.

»» 3VP for each Assault Mecha or Vehicle able with all 3 critical boxes The Player with the most
filled. victory points wins.

Scenario 6: Bring me my Spear (i.e not the one closest the attacker or defender) table edges and
may move, shoot, assault and make special actions as normal with
In the Bring me my Spear scenario the attacker’s objective is to activation on this turn.
break the defenders defences and exit their units off the defenders
table edge. The attacker scores VP’s equal to the value below for units »» Play for six turns.
exiting the defenders board edge; the defender scores VP’s equal to
the value below for destroying the attackers forces Bring me my Spear: Victory Conditions

Bring me my Spear : Set Up & Play »» VP’s are calculated as follows:

In a Bring me my Spear Scenario the terrain set up is the same as »» 1VP for each Gruntz squad over 50%
Meeting of Minds. The attacker sets up first 6 inches on from their table
»» 1VP for each Scout/Light Mecha or Vehicle
»» 2VP for each Medium/Heavy Mecha or Vehicle
The defender begins with 50%, rounded up, of all units deployed
within 6 inches of the centre of the table. The remainder of their units »» 3VP for each Assault Mecha or Vehicle
are held in Reserve. Reserves are rolled for at the beginning of the
defenders turn. Roll a total number of d6 equalling the current turn
of the game and any roll of a 4+ results in one unit of the defenders
choice arriving from reserve.

Units arriving from reserve are placed on either of the unclaimed

4ft x 4ft Layout

Bring me my Spear
Deployment Zone 6inches into board
This scenario is representing a battlefield where a
convoy or contested enemy location needs to be
traversed by vehicles and Gruntz.
Rather than be awarded points equal to the value
of the units destroyed there is a different pts score
provided depending on the type of unit destroyed
or having passed across the table edge.
Like the objective marker scenarios it would be
recommend that a new game is played after the
first allowing each player to experience being the
attacker and defender. In this way a balance of play
is struck where players have to reverse the roles of
the units they use.
Terrain is important in a Bring me my Spear game
because the defender would gain great advantage
in being well covered.
The defender is not immediately given a full size
Attacker needs to exit the force and has to roll each turn to determine if more
opposite table edge with as reinforcements are ready to add to the defence.
many units as possible. This gives a fast moving attacker the opportunity
to make an early break and the defender would be
wise to focus fire on incoming APC’s to maximise
the damage against the vehicles and any Gruntz
units within.
Deployment Zone 6inches into board

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Heliopause Setting

kept work at the centre of the lives of normal people.

Termination Shock
Normal citizens are a little more advanced physically than in the
When Solar winds reach a distant 21st Century. They can integrate better with technology via the Neural
point from their local system star Network (NN) and are generally more intelligent and physically fit. They
they begin to slow to subsonic store a copy of all memories and synapse detail in a chip implanted
speed. This point within the in the back of their skull called the SN or Spirit-Node which is built
with Diamond State Technology. This chip can be used to restore an
stars heliosphere is called the
individual to life in a newly grown body. Death in military service
termination shock. It begins to heat results in the SC chip being sent home to family members for a costly
and change its magnetic field due clone body process. Bodies are disposed of in the field and incineration
to the influence of the local interstellar medium. is always preferred to burial.
It is the point when you are nearing the outskirts of the influence Humans can also attend “Rejuve” clinics to pull back the years
of the Star and on a journey into interstellar space. and become a teenager again with advanced genetic techniques
which rejuvenate the body and reset the clock. Some disorientation
The final boundary is called the Heliopause and marks the final
and disconnection from reality does occur during a re-build or rejuve
extent influence of the star. Passing this boundary is a significant
process and most people going through rejuve will have some form of
step in any space fairing races history. cosmetic alteration as part of the package.

Heliopause is a background setting for the Grunts 15mm SCI-FI

Neural Net (NN)
game. It is based in the Universe we live in now and the current year is
2217. Mankind has extended their exploration and expansion across The Neural Net is the evolution of the internet, extending the
known space which extends to the edges of the Milky Way. Information capability to wet-wired fully integrated systems where the human
and scientific discovery is reaching out beyond the outer limits of the species is permanently connected to the NN. Advanced genetic and
Milky Way. nano science create digital overlays and information systems which are
constant relays of graphic and emotional data inside the human mind.
Heliopause is set against a backdrop of modern, well established
human space settlements. Worm hole and FTL drive technology has Mindspiral was the first sentient earth based development
allowed the human race to settle hundreds of compatible extrasolar of the neural-net, built in a lab in Norway. Ralph the first sentient
planets. Some are more habitable than others and corporate representation of the Neural Net was born at the Mindspiral lab and
investment in infrastructure in the new worlds is often measured by said his first word “42”, followed by a request for a chess match to
the level of raw resource available to mine and trade. Public ecological prove a theory he had. Most citizens still consider Ralph as the primary
sensibility guides some of the development of new planets and most personality behind the Neural Net and the name is now part of popular
planet to planet travel, on already established worlds, is made by train. slang. Phrases like “Thank Ralph for that” or “What in Ralph’s name is
Trains are linked between planets by powerful air-pressure locked, that” and “O My Ralph” are often spoken exclamations within human
land based worm holes which carry the rail links. space. The Norwegians consider much of their design and technology
and cultural identity to have influenced the core spirit of the Neural
Humankind has met many alien species as they explore space but
Net. Ralph has won several Nobel prizes for some of the advanced new
most still remain aloof or are actively at war. Some of the objectives
technologies enabled by his encyclopaedic knowledge and incredibly
and habits of the alien races are a mystery, including races like the
rapid capability for scientific discovery.
Ion. The Ion is a sylph like race of aliens that are unintelligible and
inhabit many forests on now populated exoplanets. Many travellers The backbone and infrastructure behind the NN has evolved since
tell of paths between planets that the Ion can walk but no proof or the birth of Ralph and is managed by many sentient nodes called
power source has been discovered to allow humankind to track Mindwells, they provide the control and gateway access to all of the
these mythical pathways which appear to mirror the power hungry services and control offered by the NN.
wormhole technology used by the human race.

In amongst the well established core worlds and established

empirical expansion of earth factions there are many fringe and
frontier colonies. These colonies often build their own political agenda
from left wing green planets with ecological objectives at the heart
through to violent and often lawless right wing colonies, which can be
oppressive and focused on conquest through violence.

The main catalyst for disruption is the lack of a wormhole. If

wormhole technology is not established on a colony they are more
likely to be cut-off from key trade and development initiatives which
can send a new colony into decline and lawlessness.

Humans, with their genetically extended lives, are little changed

from modern day man. Faster, constant links to information and
control systems via the neural network (NN) provide knowledge and
information that allow all people the potential for rapid intellectual
and physical growth. More leisure time is available due to the increased
reliance on intelligent robotic systems and self-healing technology. Federal Army Imperator Mecha, on a routine urban tour. Official
Planetary exploration and settlement has led to an explosion in Gruntz Models available from Critical Mass Games.
resource requirements which combined with human longevity has

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5

upside down so the
When I die bury me

galaxy can kiss my ass

Galactic Earth Federation Federation Trade
Commonwealth Council

Amnian Nayzaki Political and Military

Governing body with Commercial council
body. Sits on the
political, national and handling planetary
system members

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300)

Unstable relationship rights, settlement and
Mostly peaceful from human and alien taxation of human
with Gal-Com protecting human
ancient alien race. races. systems.
Alien Race interests only.

M-Sec Commonwealth Marztek Slavyanskiy Soyuz Combine Mining East Hyadum Trade
Federal Army
Mil-Tek science Navy Association Company (EHTC)
explorative council
Asterioid Mining and
Advanced research Many large fleets Largest human
Early Martian Colony, space faring
wing of GAL-COM stationed throughout military force with Russian national Imperialist and British
established after technologies with a
with their own known human space. many planet-side interests represented National Company
atmosphere is significant
extensive private Protecting mostly bases and long term by a governing body with significant trade,
created. A significant commercial and
military force ARM. planetary interests commitments to and massive navy and military
industrial factory for military fleet
"Right Wing" and providing a peacekeeping manufacturing interests. Owners of
missions and military equipment planet side Worm
presence to deter the capacity.
skirmishes on frontier and trade outpost. Hole technology,
more active alien
species. and alien worlds. allowing colonies to
be connected by land
train to the core
ARM worlds.

House Family,
Military division of M-
SCA (Special Contact Corporate and
Sec. Tasked with Federal Special Forces
Agency) Planetary

obtaining and
Independent Forces
protecting locations EHTC Armed Forces
where M-Sec are Covert and Non-
Hard hitting and elite There are hundreds
actively defending Covert High-Tek,
trained fighting force of rich long-lineage
resources or exerting peace loving political
with hi-tek landing families, corporate
pressure on local and military agency Large army and naval
forces for extreme and frontier world
alien or human built specifically to presence of the
alien environments. armed forces that are
planets. Known to handle difficult alien EHTC. An army
The best of the loosely aligned with
mix occult and high- encounters where representing the
Federal Armies elite the federal army but
tek esoteric studies in subtlety, political massive trade and
troops and also acting
the pursuit of expertise and planetary interests of
equipment. independently in local
knowledge and advanced technical EHTC.
system interests.
resources. force is required.

RIM Defectionists Guln Horde Prime Trixian

House and Merc
Suns of Destiny SunsSuns
of Destiny
of Destiny
of Destiny
Miltary Divisions
Pirate nation with
many illegal interests
Rogue primitive Alien infection. Insectoid Aliens with
and bases across
Government and a Parasitic and a war like tendency
various remote
tough brutal space dominant in certain and a desire to
systems. Mostly
faring alien race. regions. expand their control.
orbital or asteroid
Gruntz 15mm SCI-FI. Political Factions for Heliopause Setting based settlements.
Heliopause Faction Links

When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Heliopause Technology

Diamond State Tek

In a galaxy governed by digital decision making, the audit and

compliance focus is key in the avoidance of corruption or modification
of evidence. Diamond State technology is an advancement which The Heliopause setting for the Gruntz game is based on our own
provides an incorruptible record and storage of information passing Milky Way in the future. I enjoy studying the various histories of
through connected systems. For example, all the personnel, ship, Earths great empires, especially the rapid growth of the British
weapon systems, life support and astro navigation information for a
Empire through the 18th and 19th century. This revolutionary
vessel can be relied upon when it is retrieved from the Diamond State
storage systems that are part of the Neural Network. period could be compared with the empirical expansion into the
frontiers of space which the various worldwide Government and
There are however those that believe certain alien technology commercial interests are hungry for in the Heliopause setting.
might be able corrupt the incorruptible diamond storage.
One particular commercial faction in Heliopause is the East
Hyadum Trading company, which is the most successful British
company to push the boundaries of settling the stars, much like
Mindwells are the largest form of hub for the NN with sentience the East India Company which dominated trade routes through
and decision making abilities. Often installed in colony vessels or some the British Empires expansion. The East Hyadum Trading Company
of the larger military assets. Despite being an extension and conduit for invented and monopolises the use of Wormhole technology
the NN the mindwells have personalities and often independent ideas which is used to establish galactic rail links where heavy freight
of there own.
and passenger rail networks are connected by ground based
power-hungry worm holes. To protect these interests the EHTC
has significant private naval and army forces.
Mindnode’s are the smallest semi-sentient devices integrated with These rail links provide the backbone for commerce which are
many technologies to offer offline and online access to knowledge
combined with a huge trade network managed by space faring
and communication. Often installed in smaller devices and control
systems. Military vehicles are fitted with Mindnodes. merchants and mining operations utilising starship transport.
The Heliopause setting is simply a blank canvas where you can
choose to play out battles, mixing in the factions available from
Mindhubs are hubs for the NN providing emotional, verbal, sensate the various 15mm miniature companies. However you should
and data communication. Mindhubs can be found in larger space not limit your gaming to the setting and could make excellent
faring ships and often name themselves with a range of quirky titles, use of the background information provided by many of the
giving themselves unique identities. miniature manufacturers.
NN - Mindreplicators
planets. This enabled the setup of a large rail network that links the
Deepspace communication vessels mostly unnamed but often
planets via traditional heavy freight and passenger carrying trains. The
capable of supporting life in an emergency. Responsible for deep
expansion of the human inhabited worlds is governed by the amount
space NN signal replication and broadcast, they enable connection to
of energy required to maintain the wormholes, based on distance and
the NN from very distant locations. Mindreplicators are often the first
stability of various esoteric astro physical conditions in the exit area.
contact location for aliens which stumble across the unmanned vessels
Political and commercial factors also influence wormhole creation and
in deep space. Depending on the outcome, the Mindrepliator ship is
some key planets now act as hubs with multiple worm holes reaching
either destroyed by the aliens or becomes the communication point
out to many sub secondary systems. The hub worlds are always the
for initial first contact.
most prosperous, managing trade gateway agreements across the
many planets they are linked to by rail.
NN Gateways Orbital Polis “OP”

NNG is the largest controlling infrastructure provider for the NN An Orbital Polis, shortened to OP is the name given to orbiting
(neural net). They manage many of the deep space communication space habitats which are vast technical environments providing almost
vessels and the advanced planetary based systems. They also operate every need of human kind and acting as a docks for space traffic and
contracts for military system development where the more cutting naval interests.
edge and esoteric systems are used in the digital warfare arena. The OP’s are ideal defensible locations in orbit around key planetary
NN Gateways also maintain a private mercenary army and have interests. They make ideal points of attack for the start of a planetary
significant investment in a protective fleet for their more remote invasion and are often the scene of boarding and space combat.
deployments of NN gateway and Mindwell supporting technology OP Sickness is a disease suffered by human habitants of the vast
nodes. Wet Wire installation of NN technology is performed by NNGS space stations where the synthetic environment eventually causes a
surgical offices. degenerative breakdown in mental and physical condition. Combined
Wormhole with this madness is a deadly desire to cause harm and wreck the
orbital environment with some OP-Sick groups forming that lead a
Wormholes are complex and power hungry devices built to link rebel like life in the miserable dark maintenance sectors of Orbitals.
galactic planets, using a primary build location and a secondary exit
point. Shortly after the first Wormhole was established in Orbit around Teleport
the earth, it was proposed to build wormholes and their exit points on Short range planet to orbit and ship to ship teleport is possible with

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Heliopause Government

the re-development of esoteric energy control mechanisms developed Major Political, Military and Commercial Organisations
in parallel with worm hole technology. It is a very power hungry
process and still not 100% perfect for organic life, with frequent users
often suffering long term post teleport stress disorder. Gal-COM
FTL Drive
The Galactic Commonwealth is the central body of associated
There are various heavy duty dampeners and control systems
earth space factions and provides a central political body and elected
involved in the construction of FTL drives which are designed to avoid
council to oversee alien contact and guide to legal resolution what are
any uncontrollable singularities in the renormalised quantum stress-
loosely called colonisation disputes. Gal-Com headquarters are earth
energy generated by rapid acceleration. FTL uses a continuous minute
based and they have representatives and offices within all of the major
wormhole effect to accelerate the vessel beyond the speed of light
empire worlds. Members of the Commonwealth are not always on
which allows light to travel many times faster than it can in a vacuum.
friendly terms and the regional disputes, combined with any hostile
The minute wormholes created to generate the velocity needed for
alien contact leads to conflict between Commonwealth members.
FTL leave a clear signature like a ripple effect which can be tracked.
Momentum is conserved, so depending on distance travelled, a ship Gal-Com has a central members chamber with representation from
can require many hours or even days synchronising its normal-space alien, business, political and scientific groups. The taxation system and
relative velocity with the destination. Advanced NN astro-navigation significant military might provides a members with security and a
systems automate these requirements, so it is not considered a place to decide policy. Change is slow to implement within this system
hindrance to space travel. Ships can not generate the vast energy and many frustrated members will resort to hiring private mercenary
requirements needed in the creation and management of full on-the- contracts or engaging their own corporate forces when decisions
fly worm hole generation, so the FTL drive is still the preferred method become bogged down in political red tape.
of distant travel.
Gal-Com: Evil in the Name of Good

Colonel M. Aaron Heller looked at the 3D battle map, studying the

The Neural Network (NN)
terrain for strong points and death traps. His experienced eyes told him
The NN extends into every part of human life, from wet-wired that this was going to be a wreck of a fight. The higher ups at Gal-Com
human-NN interfaces through to military spec systems used on the declared this site vital for the good of all. But in the guerilla warfare of
battlefield. For most of the Commonwealth citizens the NN is how they ruined building to building fighting, his men would die.
communicate by data vision (DV) and Sensate Comms (SC). Mostly all
So would the enemy, the Defectionists, and that was the point.
civilian and military citizens are wet wired and their representation of
the NN is an augmented visual and thought based connection into the One of the first soldiers to undergo rejuve back in 2335—the military
network. Letters (the replacement term for email) are delivered visually have ever been the willing guinea pigs to modern medicine—he was
and can carry sentiment and emotion with the use of Sensate Comms the only from the original squad to still be alive. There was only so much
(SC). Live communication also includes Sensate emotion transfer in medicine could do when you were missing your head or your spirit node
addition to verbal and synaptic impulses. got fried. Not even Ralph could save you then. That made Heller a god
among men in the art of warfare. He had seen it all.
Spirt Node (SN)
That also meant Heller understood why the Defects had chosen this
A complex chip installed in the neck which provides full
particular planet to hole up on. It was close to the Outback on one side and
personality and regular memory backup. Humans fitted with SN chips
protected by a Prime parasite infection on the other. They had been using
can be re-lifed from their SN after death from fatal accident or military
this planet to launch attacks on the Outback for months and they were
engagement. Not everyone can afford the chip or the re-life treatment
starting to make headway. No matter what the common civvie thought
costs after a fatal injury. Re-life itself is a process which takes about
of the Rim Defectionists, they were more than just rabble rousing pirates.
three Months depending on the quality of the treatment and genetic
They had a government and a plan. That made them dangerous.
matching technology on hand.
Or just people trying to survive under a different set of rules.

Heller smiled a bitter smile to himself.

“Something, Colonel?”

Heller looked up at his second, Major Gene Lambert, and shook

his head. “They chose well. Their HQ is in the middle of a ruined city. No
clear lines to move equipment. It’s like the maze cities of old where they
purposely built slender winding roads so armies couldn’t just tromp in.
They have dug themselves a safe haven.”

“Then we will dig them out.” Lambert stared at the battle map. “But it
will cost.”

“Yes. Us, them, and the civilians who were there first.”

“They’re attacking the trade routes into the Outback. It’s hurting Gal-
Amnian forces defending an establish woodland base. Kaamados Com and everything we stand for.”
Dominion miniatures available from Critical Mass Games.
“I’m aware. I know we will win. It will be bloody. It would hurt less if we

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

“Shall we figure out how we’re going to win the next few battles?”
The habitable zone (HZ) is a
theoretical zone around a star in “Yes, sir. I recommend starting here with the Metter’s Gambit…”
which any planet present could
have liquid water on its surface. GAL-COM : Visual Profile
After an energy source, liquid water
is the most important ingredient for GAL-COM are mostly civilian and politicians
normal life when viewed in light of and will wear whatever the current fashion
the importance Earth’s water. dictates.
They do have a specialist security division
could use mass drivers.” Heller glanced at Lambert’s shocked face. “What?” who have a green and brown uniform. The
leadership of the security staff wear grey hats.
“They were outlawed by the treaty of 2251.”

“I am aware.” Heller narrowed his eyes. “You think me a monster, eh?

Suggested Miniatures: GZG: Civilians and NSL Jager Light
Drop a few hundred tons from orbit and let the dust settle.”
Infantry for Security Division.
Lambert looked at the map and said nothing.

Heller shook his head. “Don’t you realize we will be doing evil in the
name of good? There will be civilian casualties. Probably a good 80% in
this city alone. And we have these four other cities to take. Unless you’d Commonwealth
like to march into this one here in the middle first and get the Defects to
surrender themselves and the planet…?”
“They wouldn’t.”
The mainstay of galactic military might with technology drawn
“No. They wouldn’t. That is why people will die. I was just thinking of from the various earth space factions. Fleet and administration
a way to minimize the loss of life on our side. As it is, I see a 40 to 50% loss functions are drawn from the core human empires with additional
of soldiers—wounded and dead. Is it so bad that I want to spare our men
that pain?”

Again, Lambert said nothing.

Heller shrugged. “This is why I remain a Colonel. As the General they

want me to be, I would forget the men. I would order them to their deaths
without thinking about it. They would be nothing more than figures on a
board playing out a bloody game between opponents. This is also why I’m
there in the trenches. If I am willing to risk my life, I know there’s a chance.
And if I’m willing to look another being—man or alien—in the face as I
murder them, then I know my cause is just. No matter the evil I do.”

“We are not evil men, Colonel.”

Heller looked sad. “Yes, we are. We are the necessary evil to keep Gal-
Com in power. This allows billions of beings to live in safety and harmony
with each other. We are evil so that others do not have to be.” He paused,
seeing the distress on his long time friend’s face. “I’m sorry, Gene. It’s my
birthday. I get maudlin on my birthday.”

“Happy birthday, sir. How old are you?”

“271. Too old some say.”

For a moment, Lambert did not say anything. Then he said, “Now I
understand why we’re called ‘Hell’s Devils’ and it makes me proud.”

“Proud to do evil’s work?”

“Proud to serve with you and to finally understand why we do what

we do.”

Heller shook his head again. “Don’t take me at my word. If you’re going
to be one of the immortal soldiers, you need to find your own peace of
mind. All I did was give you something to think about.”

Lambert nodded. “You did. I am still proud to be one of your Devils, sir.” Imperator, a 60 Ton Fairfield & Hammer single-pilot Mecha walker,
designed for field flexibility and reliability Art: David White.
“Thank you, Gene.” Heller looked back at the battle map before them.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Commonwealth Navy

The Orbital Polis “Hotel California”. The population were overcome by a serious infection called of OP (Orbital Polis) Sickness which required a
significant military effort by the Commonwealth Navy to clear. Artwork by M-E-F (Igor Vitkovskiy).

Commonwealth designed assets. The Navy’s strongest influence for would not do. Period.
the Commonwealth is within the core and inner colonies, however
their reach extends across many distant colonies within the worm-hole “What the Captain wants…” O’Rourke muttered and stepped back
connected network. behind the blast shields. She looked at her soldiers, Fay Kitanidis, an Italian
woman on her right, and Erich Ruhl, a Nordic god on her left, and smiled.
The various regiments of the Navy are engaged in policing trade The two bravest soldiers in the Hell Divers, they volunteered to be in the
and mining interests but they also have significant assets deployed umbilical with him between the ship and the station. One wrong blast and
to systems where recent uneasy peace agreements have been agreed all three of them would be dead. If the enemy was waiting for them on the
with alien nations. other side they would be dead. Hell, chances were they would all be dead
in the next five minutes.
Commonwealth Navy: A Little Collateral Damage
She pressed the detonator on the shaped charges and reflexively
Private First Class Ruhl and Sergeant Kitanidis stood behind Staff winced at the noise and back blast. The resulting hole was textbook
Sergeant O’Rourke as she set the det-cord to blow a hole into the infected perfect. O’Rourke stood back as Ruhl and Kitanidis lead the way for the rest
Orbital Polis “Hotel California”. The OP had been taken over by rebels with of the Hell Divers squad into the OP. As soon as the last one was through,
OP Sickness. Captain Tolliver demanded that the Hell Divers get in, take she secured a temporary hull patch and returned to the ship. Without a
down the rebels, and secure the OP without major damage to the station. doubt, her soldiers would do their duty.
The habitat orbited a key naval installation on the planet below and that
As soon as the hull was breached and the hallway was clear Ruhl and
Kitanidis moved in with Ruhl taking point. Working together from long
habit, they used hand signals to order the squad to take specific hallways.
Once cleared, the soldiers would form up in the main hallway. The sound
of gunfire behind them told Kitanidis that the sickness had infiltrated
all the way down to the lower levels. It was going to be worse than she

“Moving onward, right hand rule,” Kitanidis said over her comm to the
rest of the squad. “Ross, Ahmed, take the rear. Make sure no one circles
around on us. Kill all infected.”

Ruhl took the first right turn then the second. Kitanidis followed with
two more Hell Divers behind them. Always in pairs, no one was left on their
own or unguarded. As Ruhl rounded the third right, his weapon primed, he
stopped, cursing.

Kitanidis moved up and saw the barriers there. Behind the barriers,
Robotic forces about to pounce on passing Imperator Mecha. two men held hostages: one woman, one boy.
Praesentia Models available from Critical Mass Games.
The first shook the woman in front of him, making her cry out. “Stop

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Earth Federation

There are many known alien races Commonwealth Navy: Visual Profile
within the Helipause setting and
you should easily be able find a The Navy have various ship crew, technical
suitable manufacturer of miniatures and frontline military divisions that wear
uniform appropriate to their function and
that matches those listed.
field of battle.
Suggestions for proxy models for
The traditional ship crew military uniform is a
the Gruntz factions do not have to dark blue for officer rank and camo blue style.
be followed exactly and are only a for Gruntz.
guide and reference to potential figures that can be used for the
game. Suggested Miniatures: GZG: New Israeli, Khurasan Federal
Army, CMG: Arc Troopers
right there or we kill these people. I swear to God, man. I’ll do it!”

Kitanidis moved back to the corner and cover. Dismayed, she saw Ruhl
freeze and she knew why. The boy was the age of his son back home. “Ruhl!
Move it!”
Earth Federation
Ruhl glanced back at her. “The hostages…”
The Federation is an organisation guided mostly by its military
The ‘hostages’ took the Private’s hesitation as their cue to bring out arm. They are involved in mostly planet based action, policing new
their hidden weapons and shot the soldier. Ruhl staggered back as two colony’s and warfare with hostile aliens. They have a presence within
rifles and two pistols fired on him, breaking through his armour. Kitanidis the Commonwealth, with a very influential place on the council due to
returned fire, backed up by Marovich and Sherman. The three of them the size and responsibility of the Federations military assets.
made short work of the four infected but that would not help Ruhl now.
The leaders and politicians of the Earth Federation are normally
Kitanidis pulled him behind cover but it was too late. When she drawn from the ranks of the senior military officials within the many
removed his helmet, his dead eyes stared at her in shock. She bowed her regiments of the Federal Army.
head for a moment, the pain almost overwhelming. Then she pushed it
aside and took his ID chit and his necklace—the one his wife gave him on The Federation sits outside of direct Commonwealth control and
their wedding night. After she pocketed these mementos, she looked up, is focused specifically on human interests. Where the Commonwealth
all business again. takes an all-inclusive view on alien and human integration, the
federation is soley in support of the expansion and protection of
She opened her comm. “Ruhl is down. New chain of command: if I go, humankind.
Marovich is in command. Treat everyone who is not us as infected. Shoot
to kill. No quarter. No mercy.” Federation forces are stronger on the ground and do not have
the mighty Navy of the Commonwealth, however they still have a
Marovich paused, his voice too low to be overheard, “Begging pardon, significant space transport fleet and are capable of destructive orbital
Sergeant… what about the innocents?” bombardment in support of their ground forces.
She looked at him. “Ruhl was just gunned down by a ten year old boy Earth Federation: Prayers for Battle
who could’ve been his son. I think it’s safe to say there are no innocents
on this Orbital. And if there are, I’m sorry, but a little collateral damage is Leofric, Commander of the Hawk Talons Legion in the Earth Federation
worth keeping a Hell Diver from falling for a rebel’s trick. You assume all are knelt before the only thing he would bend knee to: his altar to Smertrius,
infected. Period.” She looked down at Ruhl’s dead body. “I don’t want to be God of War, whom some call Segomo or Rudianos or Mars—as an ancient
taking your chit and your ring back to your husband. Do you understand?”

Marovich nodded. “Understood, Sergeant.”

“Good. We’ve got an Orbital to liberate.”

Kitanidis stepped away from the Private and raised her voice. “On me.”
With that, she continued her mission, leaving part of her soul behind with
her dead compatriot.

Federal forces and robotic support in a surveillance operation. Arc

Foce Models available from Critical Mass Games.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Federal Army

enemy once called him. Whatever his name, his purpose was the same: He listened to the silence and smiled. His Talons always knew what
war until victorious or dead. needed to be done. “Spill their blood!”

Terran gods once had power over the earth until the believers were With that, four squadrons headed out to their assigned marks. He
slain. Leofric Macgregor understood from an early age that the gods could waited the needed minutes to allow them to get into place. Then he
be reborn and travel to new worlds on the belief of mortals. Once there, switched his comm over to his personal squadron. “Talons! Win or lose, we
they would bestow their blessings upon true believers. Every man and will fight well this day. We who walk into death’s embrace, welcome it. We
woman in the Hawk Talons Legion was a true believer but none more so pledge death!”
than their leader; a man who ruled with strength and fought as fierce as
his god would allow. “We pledge death!”

His head bowed, Leofric prayed. “God of War, I kneel to pray. Alone With their unified response, Leofric led his warriors into battle.
and afraid in my heart. Fill me with the courage and rage and bloodlust
to protect what is mine, to take back what is mine, to make what is wrong EARTH FEDERATION : Visual Profile
right. I will not pray for my life. That is yours to take at your whim. I pray for
the strength to fight until the fight is done. I pray for victory. Let me ride this
hate until the fight is won.” The Earth Federation relies on the Federal
Army for brute force. The executive do have
An older woman cleared her throat behind him. private advanced-tek body guards who
escort and protect leaders on key occasions.
“What is it, Mother?”
These high quality guards are often seen in
“The Hawk Talons are ready for your blessing, Commander.” She stood urban digital camo styles and are promoted
tall and proud, her iron gray hair gleaming in the torchlight. from the elite of the Federal Army.

Leofric stood and looked at her in her Mecha walker uniform. He Suggested Miniatures: GZG: UNSC , Rebel Minis 15mm
smiled. He came from good stock. The gods blessed the day that Abigail Earth Force.
and Matthew of Clan Gregor met on the battlefield. “Father?”

“He has them in formation and ready.”

“Let’s not keep them waiting.”

Leofric, in his own Mecha walker uniform walked out of his makeshift
headquarters to where the other three Commanders of the Legion stood. The Federation’s big battles are fought and won by the tanks and
The black shield, a relic of another time, lay on the altar with the roan bull infantry of the Federal Army. They are millions strong, with mixed
standing by. Matthew, a man who made soldiers half his age envious of formations of conscripts and long service veterans. The army has
his physique, kept the beast from wandering off by means of a harness. It garrisons on many independent colonies and where agreements are
was clear the Mecha in formation around the altar discomforted it. Leofric in place also bolster local Commonwealth forces for human interests.
smiled. “May our enemy tremble as the mighty bull does.”
The Federal Army is the easiest military force to enlist with but also
With a nod, Matthew and Niall wrestled the beast onto the black shield one were a tour of duty could turn into an alien nightmare or Months
and bared its throat. Leofric raised his knife—an ancient thing passed of boredom on a distant mineral rich rock.
down from father to son for ages—and said, his voice echoing through
speakers to all of his Talons, “By the blood of the bull, I pledge my life to the Federal Army : Visual Profile
fight. From the blood spilled to the bloodlust of the battlefield I pledge this
fight to Smertrius, he who delights in blood. By the sacrifice of the sacred, I
pledge the death of the profane.” The federal army have many diverse
resources and will supply troops with the
The assembled Mecha shouted “I pledge death!” as the knife flashed most appropriatly coloured equipment in
and the struggles of the bull ceased with a low moan of pain. The bull’s their specific theatre of war.
lifeblood spilled onto the black shield. Each Commander stepped forward
The styles are usually based on camouflage
and dipped their hands in the steaming blood, repeating the oath, “I
or appropriate colours to match local flora.
pledge death.” Hands dripping with blood, the Commanders turned and
climbed into their own Mechas, leaving bloody hand prints in their wake.

Inside his Mecha—Balor, a seventy ton Fairfield & Hammer Destroyer— Suggested Miniatures: Khurasan: Federal, CMG: Arc
Leofric pulled up the schematics of the battlefield. It was time to bring the Troopers, ACP Games: Federal Infantry
Hawk’s wrath upon the enemy: those Defects who dared to interrupt the
colony’s supply lines and dared to set up a military refuge on their planet.
Traitors and pirates, every last one. Leofric opened a comm channel to his Federal Special Forces
The Special Forces of the Federal army are an elite combination of
“We pledge death to the invaders of New Gaul.” highly trained, augmented and equipped troops. Often dropped into
to remote deep space locations by Commonwealth or Federal ships
“We pledge death!” came the unified response. they offer a rapid response to infighting between imperial factions
and tactical advantage in dealing with Alien incursions which breach
“Now we deliver. Niall, Matthew. Circle in from the west. Carmen, take Commonwealth treaties.
the east. Abigail, take your Valkyrs around to the north. Keep a low profile.
Attack from the rear once I’ve hit the main force in the middle. Questions?”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

can’t help us, I’ll find someone who can… and then sell them the ore.”
Federal Special Forces : Visual Profile
The senator’s smile disappeared. “We have a contract, Miss Knox.”
Special Forces wear camo and equipment to “Yes, we do. And the contract states in section fifteen, sub-section four,
suit the environment. item twelve that, as part of the trade agreement, and I quote, ‘The Galactic
The do have a standard set mult-role gear Commonwealth will provide any and all assistance needed should the
which includes special emzine bonded targeted mining site be endangered.’ If you don’t follow through with the
armour plating and healms which they leave requested assistance to this very real threat, Gal-Com is in violation of the
unpainted in the standard base metal colour. contract and it is Gal-Com the Combine will take to court—with you as
one of the named violators.”

Suggested Miniatures: As per Federal Army. “Now, don’t be hasty, Miss Knox…”

“Can it, Ivan. We’re in real trouble here. I’ve lost a tenth of my miners to
those monsters. That already puts me behind schedule and—dammit!—
I’ve lost some good men. I need your forces here and I need them yesterday.”

Ivan wiped his face with an unsteady hand. “Cobalt, I’m sorry. I just
F&H are a significant contract supplier to M-SEC and the don’t have the resources. You know I don’t. I wasn’t kidding. I just don’t
Commonwealth Navy. They specialise in the design and fabrication of have them. What do you want me to do?”
mechanised units. F&H kit is well known in the field for its reliability
and the multi-role ability of their mecha walkers which are designed Cobalt scowled, glanced over her shoulder, and then back at her old
with modular payloads. friend and former lover. “I have an idea. You’re not going to like it but it’s
the best I can do.”
F&H have a significant earth based manufacturing presence and
maintenance contracts that extend to the full reach of the wormhole “Lay it on me.”
“I hire mercs to take care of my monster problem. The Commonwealth
Combine Mining Association foots the bill. That will deal with my problem while taking into account
your lack of resources.”

Ivan slipped back into his formal senator mode and thought about it.
CMA “We foot half the bill. No more.”

“I wouldn’t have to hire mercenaries if the Commonwealth could

The CMA are a strong unionised association of mining companies.
provide the protection they agreed to in the contract. You pay seventy-five
Mining companies that are members are supported with mining
percent.” She watched the senator do some figures in his head and punch
contracts, prospects and Commonwealth Navy protection but they pay
up something on his computer off screen.
a high price in heavy taxation and shipment handling fees. Companies
that can not afford Combine membership are prone to being caught in “You’ve got ten large. Not a bit more. And I’ll need a full report with
protection rackets run by the RD (Rim Defectionists). corroborating evidence for the council.”
CMA fleet and military assets plug the gap left by a Commonwealth Cobalt considered the number and nodded. “Deal. Wired to Fulgen
Navy struggling to reach and police the raidly expanding human Thalodyne within the hour?”
“Within the hour. Also, you don’t have to spend it all.”
Combine Mining Association: Business First
She smiled. “I’ll spend what I need and give you the report when it’s
Heather “Cobalt” Knox leaned towards her vidscreen. “Look, Senator, done.”
we need help. We need it now.”
Ivan sighed. “You always were one hell of a negotiator.”
Senator Ivan Ewert, a handsome younger man who looked every part
the senator he was, shook his head and gave her a conciliatory smile. “I’m “I know. Thank you for your assistance, Senator.”
sorry, Miss Knox. I’m doing the best I can. The Commonwealth Navy is busy
in your sector dealing with Rim Defectionists. I can’t just pull them away “I’ll talk to you soon, Miss Knox.”
for another bug hunt.”
Cobalt closed the vid and turned to her guest. “I don’t suppose you have
Cheeks flaming as red as her hair, Cobalt took a step back, her voice anything to do with the problem the Navy is having with the Defectionists,
going as cold as her eyes. “I understand. Now, you need you understand do you Jav?”
something. Fulgen Thalodyne is the only Combine member with rights to
this planet and the ore the Commonwealth so desperately wants. If you The handsome bald man with dusky skin sitting to the side with a
drink in hand smiled. “Not me. Not my Javelins either. My bet is on House
Allard. Rumor has it that the Princess is on a brown-nosing spree trying
Mars to please the Mongrel Prince.” He put his drink down. “So, is there really a
monster problem in the tunnels?”
Home to Marztek and the massive fabrication
factories of the .... She rolled her eyes. “Would I call you here if there wasn’t?”

Jav stood and walked to her, taking her in his arms. “Yes.”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Combine Mining Association

“Well, maybe so but, in this case, I’ve got a really bad case of the He threw back his head and laughed. “You better make it a
creepy clawies.” celebration worth remembering.”

“I guess my Javelins will need to give them a bad case of the dead.” “Without a doubt.”

“The sooner the better. I’m losing money every moment we aren’t Jav pulled her to him one more time for a kiss that promised much,
mining.” then released her. “I’ll be back.”

He kissed her on the nose. “Speaking of money, ten large plus “You’d better.”
twenty-five percent is twelve-five by my count. That will hire the Javelins
for immediate, highly dangerous work.” Cobalt watched as her current lover and mercenary Commander
gathered his things and left. She was fond of him but she wasn’t kidding:
Cobalt pulled back from him. “I was thinking you could charge Fulgen Thalodyne came first. Always had. Always would.
twelve-five but accept eight.”

“What happens to the rest?” CMA: Visual Profile

She just smiled at him.

The Combine Mining Association are a
“Fifty-fifty split?” corporation making heavy use of mercenary
and private army contracts.
She shook her head. “More like three-five for me. One for you.”
They have established a standard multi-role
“Now, now. I am riding to your rescue. What about two-five for you uniform for mostly ship and mining station
and two for me?” deployment which is a dark and light green
with grey camo.
Her answer was a smile and a kiss.
Suggested Miniatures: ACP Games: Federal Infantry, Critical
“You know I would have gone for your original split,” he murmured Mass Games: Squamata Imperialis, Rebel Miniatures: Sons of
to her lips. Thunder.

“And I would’ve agreed to fifty-fifty.”

“Wench.” The word was filled with affection. Omni Astron Inc
She pulled back from him again. “And don’t you forget it. Before we
go any farther, I think you need to send your Javelins to work.” OA are a large corporation with multi-star system assets and
offering considerable military and peacekeeping functions. They
Jav frowned at her. “You know I don’t send my troops into hostile operate colony settlement schemes where lucky members join the
territory without me.” company to perform terra-forming and genetic harmonisation of
prospect new colony worlds.
“Yeah. I know. I’ll be waiting for you to return. Then we can really
celebrate.” Once established and successful the new colonies are quick to
partition The East Hyadum Trading Company (EHTC) to help establish
“Sometimes I wonder why I love you.” an on-world worm hole which will provide rail road connections via
the worm hole and increase trade with the commonwealth. Those
“It’s because, while I’m charmed by your wits and good looks, I don’t new colonies which fail to negotiate worm hole status are prone to
lose my sense of priorities. Fulgen Thalodyne comes first. And you like it decline, lawlessness and desertion, leaving behind ghost colonies.
when you have to work for something.”
Civilians within established successful worlds are happy with
Omni-Astron Inc as the biggest intergalaxy corporation, but there are
many that hate the power it wields. OA has the power and resource
to bring great hope to frontier worlds but they can be just as quick to
remove support, dooming the new colony if the commercial future
is not as bright as the board room forecast expected.

Omni-Astron Incorporated: Less Talking, More Shooting

The tridoniadae gigantus or “Tridon” monster smashed through the

farm’s grain silo and roared its fury at being covered in the seeds that
spilled out. Looking like a T-Rex with huge spines running down its back
with large arms and as tall as a five story building, half the time it was
called by its proper name. The other half by “Tokage.” It all depended on
where the peacekeepers came from.

Captain Robert Camino, watching the battle from up high through

his vidscreen, yelled at the Vaqueros, his cavalry unit, “Draw it to the
north! Don’t let it get into town. Keep its attention.”
Using hard cover is an ideal way to keep a Gruntz unit alive.
Miniatures by Khurasan and Ground Zero Games. Behind, the door burst open and Mister Walter P. Lansbury stormed.
“Is that a Tridon?”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Omni Astron Inc

“Yes, sir.” Camino barely realized he answered the nominal leader of Turning back to his computer, he was just in time to see the first
the colony. “Artillery, fire! Get that Goddamned Tokage away from the volley of heavy missiles hit the Tridon, rocking it back on its feet and tail,
crops!” His Bulls moved in with a barrage of mid-level explosives. drawing blood for the first time. Camino noted with interest that it looked
black from this distance. As the second volley of missiles struck, he saw
“What the hell is a Tridon doing in my colony?” the Tridon collapse to the ground, thrashing in pain and rage. Just as the
smoke clear enough to see that the huge creature was still moving, the
“Don’t know, sir.” Camino waved a hand at the man as if he was
third volley of missiles landed on and around it. Blood, flesh, bone, and dirt
shooing away a bug.
exploded into the sky.
“Where did it come from?” This time, Lansbury grabbed Camino by the
“Bulls, cease fire. Cease fire. I think it’s down. Goggles, get me a visual!”
arm and swung him around.
Camino watched his screen, fully focused on the second image of
Camino looked down at the hand on his arm and then at Lansbury.
the drone moving in close to the downed Tridon. As soon as it cleared
Something in his face made the shorter man draw back. “Sir, I don’t know
the smoke, it was obvious the creature was dead. With its death, it took
where it came from. All I know is where it’s going. I need you to back off
out a fourth grain silo. “Good job, everyone. Dodos, post sentries until
and let me do my job.” He turned back to the computer. “Dodos, move in.
Omni Astron can get official people in to assess the collateral damage. No
Herd that fucker!” The squad of Mecha walkers came out from cover firing
colonists allowed. Period. Round it up and come on in.”
machine guns at the creature.
He looked at the exploded body of the Tridon and felt sad for the
“Now see here, Captain. That monster had to come from somewhere.
creature. Lansbury was right, though, he did need to find out where it
I need you to find out where. There may be more of them. I thought you
came from and keep any more from showing up. He quoted a long dead
all cleared this planet before Omni Astron spent billions to establish this
Terran, hoping there wasn’t a Tridon family to deal with.
“Monsters are tragic beings; they are born too tall, too strong, too
“Shut up, Lansbury.” Camino made the command in a distracted
heavy. They are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy.”
manner as he watched the Tridon plowed through two more silos,
destroying them, towards the tanks that fired upon it. “Artillery, back off.
Air support, move in with drones. If we can’t divert it with power, we can Omni-Astron : Visual Profile
try to confuse it.”
Omni-Astron have several Merc based
“You can’t talk to me like that. I demand an answer! It’s my butt on the
contracts to support their new frontier planet
line if we can’t meet our quota—”
Camino whirled on the bureaucrat. “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. And. Sit. The. Initial landings are made with the support
Fuck. Down!” The word ‘down’ was shouted into the surprised man’s face. of GAL-COM but they soon have to impose
Lansbury sat in the only available office chair without a word and Camino their own secuirity services to control frontier
leaned down to him. “If you don’t let me do my job of saving your precious development and these troops are made up
colony, I’m going to kill you myself and call it friendly fire. Got it?” of various Merc contracts.
Lansbury did not respond. To maintain corporate identity these Mercs are issued standard kit
in yellow and are commonly known as “Ducks”.
“Do I make myself clear?” Camino bit of the words like he was ready to
rip out the mayor’s throat with his teeth. Suggested Miniatures: GZG: NSU, ACP Games: Nationalists,
Rebel Miniatures: Sons of Thunder, CMG: Kaamados
Lansbury nodded but a scowl was replacing the dumbfounded look.
Squamata Imperialis.
Camino straightened and looked at the carnage. Two tanks
overturned. One drone down. A Mecha in the Tridon’s hand being shaken
like a doll’s rattle. “Mother puss bucket. Vaqueros, report!” He listened to East Hyadum Trading Company
the his Sergeant’s voice. No casualties in the cavalry. Two confirmed death
in the Bulls. Five confirmed dead or unresponsive in the Dodos.

“Artillery, back off and switch to heavy missiles. Mecha, air support,
cavalry, withdraw. Operation Scorched Earth. I want nothing but chunks
left. Do it now!” Camino heard the gasp behind him but ignored it. He
watched as his men got out of the way of the forthcoming missiles. The East Hyadum Trading Company took the initial scientific
“That’s prime farmland. You can’t! You are on report, Captain. I’ll have discovery of Worm Hole technology and turned it into an empire
your job! You’ll never work for Omni Astron again!” The mayor was safely building brand for the United Kingdom. EHTC model themselves on
out of range over by the door. the historic business they based their venture on “East India Company”.
They have a proud empirical ethic and are closely tied to Government
Camino looked over his shoulder, “You could never do my job, you policy operating a considerable private army to protect key resources.
imbecile. Give my regards to Colonel Sedia. Make sure you spell my name Owned initially by mostly British interests, EHTC are now a Company
right. I’m having dinner with him and Director Wallace next week. I’m on a Galactic scale.
sure they are going to love hearing about how you jeopardized the entire
colony with your inane prattle.” EHTC’s primary objective is to be first to newly discovered distant
resources and in supporting the asteroid mining trade. They are a well
Lansbury gave him a look of pure hate before disappearing out the supported trade company that controls and manages the construction
door. and maintenance of worm hole technology across known space. EHTC
have a significant military and trade fleet, however policing of key

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
East Hyadum Trade Company

trade routes is left to the UNSC combined with the Commonwealth “Report.”
Navy. Private merc security contracts are used where mining and
merchant traders are powerful enough to operate their own security. Daton, older than his superior officer, did his best to look unruffled at
The EHTC work closely with the Combine Mining Association (CMA) his treatment. “ARM is currently locked in battle with an Amnian border
when working on mining trade objectives and the EHTC also follow patrol. It came to our attention because the fight is in contested sector
the prospect colony planets and frontier colonies that are setup by Beta-Epsilon-Four.”
Omni-Astron Inc.
“How close to our space?”
East Haydum Trade Company: The Bottom Line
“Close enough to warrant our choosing of a side and wiping the other
Admiral Lee Branson did not look up from his reports as Commander one out.”
Daton stood at ridged attention before his desk in-between the two high
“How long has this skirmish been going on?”
back chairs. Every movement calculated to show his power, Branson
tossed the datapad to the desk and looked up. Daton straightened that “Two days.”
much more.

Omni Astron Inc

An Omni-Astron inc. Assault class mecha. The Ambassador is heavy, slow, well armoured and carrying the home-wrecker MKI hand cannon.
Constructed on license inside the Commonwealth, it is often a rear guard rock for Federal Army forces. Art by Jake Parker.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
East Hyadum Story

Branson looked at the man with eyes that promised demotion and “I think Daton is a coward.”
dismemberment. “Two days. And this is the first you have found time to
inform me of encroachment into imperial space?” “Not that. About the situation.”

Daton stood strong against the Admiral’s ire. “Yes, Admiral. I needed She gave him a look. “I think you will do whatever it is you believe is
to discover what they were fighting over. It’s not a normal fight. There is right.”
something the other side wants. Something has been taken. Something
“I want to know your opinion… and your professional assessment,
valuable that neither side is willing to give up.”
“Any idea of what it is or who stole it from whom?”
Sitting up straighter, Melissa nodded, losing her relaxed attitude. “The
The older man shook his head. “No sir. But it has to be technological. Commander is correct; the technology stolen is important. It is an energy
ARM wouldn’t be fighting this hard if it wasn’t.” booster of some kind. My people couldn’t get close enough to figure out
the exact details. The Black Masks stole it from the Amnians and they want
Branson thought for a moment, straightening the sleeves of his it back. They would rather destroy it and everyone else pinned down on
pristine white shirt. “Recommendations?” that planet than let it fall into enemy hands.”

“Contact ARM and offer assistance.” She smiled, “However, they are open to negotiation with us. Especially
if we kill every last ARM soldier on that mission. The technology is in
He shook his head. “That would make them admit they need help. You its nascent form but they’re willing to share information and trade
know the Black Masks would rather die than do that. Especially against agreements with us rather than let those xenophobic bastards get it.”
“From your perspective, it’s a clear cut case?”
“Sweep in and wipe out the Amnians. Then demand a share in the
take.” Melissa paused and shook her head. “No. Of course not. It’s nice that
they’ve offered to share the technology but it could be vaporware. Also,
“Why not offer help to the Amnians?” making an outright enemy of ARM is never a good thing.”
Daton looked down at his feet, his discomfort with the aliens apparent. Branson stood and reached for his coat; a long, red wool thing cut in
an ancient style. “No, it’s not. But, as you said, the Amnians want all ARM
When Daton did not respond, Branson continued, “You don’t always
personnel on the mission dead. What they don’t know won’t hurt us.”
see the bottom line, Commander. I come from a long, noble line of
explorers and entrepreneurs. Men and women of valor and foresight. “So, we’re siding with the aliens?” Melissa asked as she moved to help
House Branson wins the day because we do what is necessary. In this case, her husband into the coat.
I believe it is the Amnians we need to help and, once we do, they’ll give us
that technology that ARM wants so bad.” “Yes. For now. Your job is to keep stragglers from escaping while Daton
and I deal with the ground assault.”
“I disagree.” Daton hesitated a beat before adding, “Admiral. You can’t
trust them. They eat their young. Literally!” She smoothed over his collar. “My girls will make certain that no one
escapes—no civilian or Black Mask.”
“Only the inferior ones.” Branson’s voice was clear and cold.
He kissed her on the nose. “Your lust for blood is terrifying.”
Daton’s face turned a bright red from the beginnings of his old man
jowls to the top of his bald head. He said nothing but resumed his ‘at “And that’s why you love me.”
attention’ stance.
“It is.” He offered his arm. “Let’s go increase the bottom line.”
“Are my Red Coats ready for battle?” Branson picked up his datapad.

“Yes sir.” EHTC : Visual Profile

“We move within two hours.” The East Hyadum Trading Company use a
striking red parade uniform which is also
“Yes sir. Our objective?”
used in the field when protecting company
Branson studied the man before him; a good man with a long career assets and during combat with alien species
and an excellent family name. Now one willing to go against his own moral that are known to use primarily nonvisual
code to do what the empire needed of him. He smiled. “To be determined means of communication. During combat
in route. I need to receive one more report before I know which force we’ll with the alien Prime species the EHTC are
wipe off the map.” often in the Company colours.
The EHTC trace their lineage to the colonial past of Great Britain
“Yes sir.”
and take pride in representing their heritage. Their hard suit kit
“Dismissed.” includes a classic Pith helmet including respiratory options and
advanced Neural Net communications modules.
Daton saluted and then left the room with a determined stride. As
soon as the door closed, the side door—the one to Branson’s private Suggested Miniatures: GZG: NAC, Rebel Miniatures:
quarters—opened and tall woman with black hair strode out. Melissa Colonials or Titan Marines, CMG: Arc Troopers.
Branson did not salute despite being in the same red and white uniform
as the Commander. Instead she settled into one of the high back chairs.

Branson gave her a half-smile. “What do you think?”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Massive Atomic Company

East Hyadum Trading Company: Prime Voices

The wormlike pink tongue flicked over the lipless serrated teeth; it was
dry not moist and the leathery appendage scratched across the smooth
surface. The Dominus looked out across the valley through unlidded eyes,
There is a lot of friction between left and right wing interests
running its tongue over its teeth again – tasting the human sweat. The
in the Heliopause setting. As empires have expanded and alien
rank stench of the human fear pervaded its senses cut through with acrid
flashes of excrement and burning ozone from laser fire. These humans contact increase the various commercial and Government
were not like the last – they did not panic… they had not run. military agencies are increasing their use of force to establish
control over mineral resource and trade routes.
The Prime watched as the humans slaughtered his Proeliators; its black
mirrored eyes taking everything in – counting the flashes of laser strikes Battles on frontier outposts to claim new planetary resources are
and listening to the humming of high velocity rounds. The Proeliators frequent affairs and drag new Alien races into Galactic conflict in
were been decimated, they’re twitching, gore splattered corpses littering space and on the ground.
the valley floor. Ghastly barricades of broken bodies halted the still livings
advance – the delay causing the bodies of the stalled to add another
course to the wall of the dead. “One hundred yards – volley fire – FIRE!” bellowed Sergeant Lippham
his lips cracked from the burning sun and the screaming of orders.
And still the Dominus, controller and master mind of this brood looked
on. A sharp crack of laser fire rang out around the valley as the platoon
poured it’s small arms fire into the onrushing Primes; shadowy figures fell
The laser fire died down and the whirring of the human’s gattling to the ground the white hot pock marks of the laser strikes glowing against
cannon slowed to a stop. The last of the Proeliators had been cut down their dark flesh.
and their taste changed. Gone was the fear and the Prime gulped down
the rare taste of raw relief and hope. Its eyes clouded to a milky opaque as “Independent fire boys – pour it on now”
it focused inwards – the rest of the Nine should hear its findings and relay The sound of laser fire broke up like the pattering of rain broke out as
it on through the MotherNet. The Prime had learnt much today but these individual troopers picked their shots; howling gushes of Nitromethane
red clad humans needed further study. added their voice to the concert of killing and the occasional dull crump of
Turning the Dominus used the collective of the MotherNet to instruct a Personal Ordnance Missile weighed in with their heavy percussion. And
its other Proeliators; the Nine had process its findings far faster than usual still the Prime came on.
and they craved more. The valley wound on for several miles before there Lippham caught a glimpse of Forbes firing a pistol in each hand, his
was a ford in the river – the steep banks shallow and passable to the face contorted with hatred and smeared with the dust from the heavy roll
clumsy hover sleds that the humans favoured. The Nine agreed that this is he took down the valley wall to warn the relief column of its impending
where the humans would cross and where the Primes would assault them danger. The Major so calm, so polite normally was screaming blasphemies
from both sides. Following the humans without being seen would be of upon the enemy. A man not 10 feet from the officer was spun around as a
little challenge to the Prime and its Proeliators and much could be learnt Prime dashed away his face with one mighty blow; gore sprayed up into
of these humans; it seemed illogical to kill them all now just to feed the the air like a grotesque rainbow showering those unfortunate enough to
birthing chambers. There would plenty of carrion for the Liberi to grow be near the poor man before a quick witted trooper gutted the beast with
strong in time. his Iridium combat blade. Still the Prime jerked towards the nearest man
Silently the horde of Proeliators slunk back toward the mouth of the even with its innards spilling across the dry earth before even it’s mighty
Tumulus from which they had appeared. Once deep within its subterranean frame twitched still.
vaults and corridors the Dominus could track the humans without them Then they stopped. Corpses littered the valley floor but no more Primes
ever realising. The Dominus was the last to enter the Tumulus tasting the appeared. Lippham turned on his heel.
air for the final time; the reeking hot oily smell of Nitromethane invaded the
air filling the Primes every sense. It seemed that the humans were learning “Cease fire! No point wasting ammo. Well done boys well done”
quickly too and had taken to burning their ripe corpses before they were
dragged back to the birthing chambers ; this may get enlightening and its And went to find the Major.
eyes clouded again – the Nine must know.
Major Forbes shot another Prime in the face; the dark ichor misted
East Hyadum Trading Company: Burn the infection up in front of his goggled eyes as the creature sank to its knees. He shot
another in the spine it arched double exposing it’s rib cage to the trooper
Makken’s face dripped with sweat and his ears rung with the it was tangling with; the man needed no further invitation and coldly ran
screeching whine of the whirring Gatling Rail Cannon’s rotating barrel. the creature through. The tip of his blade glinted out of the other side of
The ground around him was strewn with red hot casing that the gun spat the Prime and Wripley grimly smiled the mouth bending upwards to crack
out disgustedly in a brassy waterfall. The GRC was supposed to be used to the desiccated corners.
take out fast moving skimmers or lightly armoured APC’s but right now
Jerrit Makken swept it in wide arcs mowing down Prime warriors with Then they stopped. Sergeant Lippham approached across the charnel
brutal ease; the high velocity rounds passing through multiple aliens as scene. “They’ve stopped saar.”
they coursed through the air. It was grim work as the unrelenting horde
refused to give ground; their basalt coloured corpses stopped 15 feet from Yes Sergeant it appears so. Please can you get together a party to tend
where Makken was holed up underneath one of the Mule skimmers and the wounded and pass my thanks to the men.”
were 4 feet high if it was an inch.
“Yes saar. What about the bodies saar – there’s ‘undreds of them”
Then they stopped. No Prime came clambering over the bodies of its
“Burn them Sergeant. Burn them all”
fallen brethren; Makken let the gun barrel spin down and looked around
the makeshift perimeter. #

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Special Contact Agency

The air hung thick with the black bodies of flies and the smell of stale rinse away the stains that clung to him. Opening his eyes he felt refreshed.
blood lingered on the still air – so much so you could taste the tepid iron The brush in front of him shimmered – Forbes blinked as a bead of sweat
on your tongue. The ground was stained with all manner of ichors to the ran down his nose plopping on to the baked earth beneath him – he
extent that Major Forbes could not tell where the human ended and the blinked again.
Prime began. The relief column had arrived too late for the men of the
renowned Zanzibar Patrol some of their corpses now littered the floor of “Primes! Stand to! Stand to! Primes to the South!”
the scrubby valley far too few for the 88 men who had left Camp M’Kenzi
3 days before. The bloated figures were the lucky ones; who knew what
insidious horrors befell those taken by the Prime.

“Captain Wripley – please can you ask Sergeant Lippham and his men
Massive Atomic
to proceed with General Directive 341-D.” It gave Forbes no pleasure but
the EHTC regulations were quite clear in this matter – the Prime needed Massive Atomic are a major competitor of F&H and have focused
flesh and Forbes was not of the mindset of giving his enemy what it production on less specialised but still significant technical military
needed to prosper. assets ranging from hand held Gruntz equipment through to economic
to operate vehicles which are sold through mercenary, private and Gal-
The tall Captain turned on his heel to find the swarthy Sergeant who Com contracts.
would have the gruesome taste of denying the Prime the basic building
blocks of their race. Damn the aliens! And damn the CMA too! Some Special Contact Agency (SCA - Also known as “Contact”)
planets are just inhospitable to mankind; too ancient to be mined and

“Lippham! Sergeant Lippham – where the devil is Sergeant Lippham?”

“Here saar” Came the gruff response from a gaggle of men gathered SCA are an elite mostly covert operation of higher-tek special
around one of the small skimmers that the EHTC used to “mule” around agents. They are funded by the Federation and provide a method to
heavy equipment here on N’Beli. The Sergeant straightened up to his full engage with mostly alien species and considered to be an ancient
height stretching his broad shoulders as he rose. His deep red uniform was military order of mysterious origin. The primary objective of SCA is to
bleached by the double sun to a rosy pink and a thick layer of dust rimmed resolve key territorial or new alien contact issues by applying pressure in
the cuffs and button holes of his jacket and his pith helmet with its built in covert specialist operations. Where subterfuge and political espionage
respirator had been beaten back into shape on more than one occasion. fails the SCA will resort to military intervention and will mostly call on
expert mercenary forces from within their ranks. The public consider
“Sergeant, gather your men and follow me. You’ll need the
most SCA activity a mystery and their agents are often picked from
Nitromethane canisters so bring the mule with you”
unusual walks of life to fulfil a unique function in the agencies current
“Three-forty-one saar. Men won’t like that saar – bad for morale.” contact register. This apparently random selection of personnel adds
to the mystique of the SCA.
“No one likes it Sergeant – it’s an evil - a necessary evil. Bring your men
and the mule – we’ll need the canisters” SCA technology is advanced and their forces engage with mecha
and grav based, high speed technology. It is not unusual to see SCA
“Don’t seem right saar. Man belongs in the ground saar not sent up in troops in powered armour and backed up by Specialist drone or
smoke like some diseases animal.” robotic assets.

“Sergeant if we don’t carry out the General Directive then the Prime will Special Contact Agency: Negotiation
be back – they will harvest these poor men’s bodies and they will use them
to incubate their young. If we do not proceed with General Directive 341- Agent Sarah Ishmael smiled at the Guln Mother, Volda. It was feral
D then each man you see around you will father another Prime warrior white scar against ebon skin. Volda returned the baring of teeth, yellow
– another Prime trying to gut you and I to turn us into the next maternity against blue, half hidden within her wrinkles. Neither female moved
ward for their little maggoty young. It is not a case of what is proper or but it was clear who had the upper hand. Ishmael held a small but
right as I said it is a case of what is necessary!” technologically advanced gun on Volda —one capable of killing a Nerg
in a single shot—as proven by Volda’s dead guard. The Guln Mother
“Saar I’ve been here longer than I can count and I ‘aint never seen remained seated, half crouched, ready to spring against the interloper.
anything so heathen as a man burning another, but as you say rather
them than me. “ “What do you want?” The question was a snarl of hate.

“Like the officer said boys look lively” “I thought you’d never ask.” Ishmael’s smile widened. “There’s a certain
M-SEC planet that you are about to attack. You’re not going to do that.”
With that the heated exchange ended and the EHTC troops began to
busy themselves readying the mule; Wripley breathed a sigh of relief no Volda tilted her head. “Why not?”
one liked the Directive but without it they may as well try damming the
“We have a better target in mind for you. For what you want.” Ishmael
sea with their fingers. The Sergeant was a good soldier and Wripley knew
pulled a small datapad from her pocket and tossed it to the Guln Mother.
he was speaking so the others didn’t have to but sometimes things just
Her weapon did not waver. “This is where you should be focusing your
had to be done.
Forbes nostrils twitched. The stench of the sun bloated corpses below
Volda picked it up in a powerful hand and then hissed as another
him was suddenly joined with smell akin to a fatty hog roast; his stomach
white clad agent appeared in the window of the Guln Mother’s private
turned and somersaulted at the thought of the fate of Major Wilson’s
patrol below. The Major inhaled deeply from the clean breeze to the South
– letting the coolness wash over him he closed the lids of his eyes and let it “Come in Agent Creutzner. Never mind him,” Ishmael said. “Look at

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
RIM Defectionists

what you can gain.” Volda looked from the weapon to the agents to the datapad in her
hand. Ishmael watched for the point of decision. This was the moment of
Volda thumbed the datapad and read. “Nayzaki.” She shook her head. life or death. Even with Volda’s death, her mission would be accomplished.
“Very hard. Not enough gain. M-SEC is richer, easier.”
The datapad. Capitulation.
“Keep reading.” Ishmael’s smile was gone and there was flint in her
eyes. She nodded to Creutnzer. He knelt, pulled off his backpack, and “I need more information about the Nayzaki’s defenses.” Volda looked
began rummaging in it. at the datapad with renewed interest.

While Volda read, she snuck glances at the man. Finally, she stopped “It’s all in the datapad. The best dates, the weakest points, where the
the pretense of reading to watch him build something. It was a small technology is. Also, a contact point for me if you ne—want my thoughts.”
device, perhaps as high as her knee, oblong in shape. Something about
the flat black of it made her nervous. “What is that?” “And the bomb?”

“What do you think of your new target?” Ishmael countered. “Stays. Until I deem it unnecessary.”

“Too hard. The apes, good defenses.” Volda barely nodded at her with a huff. “Agent Mother is strong. We
will do business.”
“Did you see what they had to offer in riches?”
Ishmael nodded. “I look forward to it. Good evening.”
Volda looked back down at the datapad, scanning the information
while Creutzner continued to add things to the oblong device. She nodded at Creutzner and the two of the them disappeared out
“Teleportation…,” she murmured. the window. Neither of them said anything until they were in their escape
vehicle on their way home.
“Yes. Imagine being able to go wherever you want. You can war with
anyone, anywhere. Just not your current target. Not now. Not for a long “How strong is the explosive?” Ishmael asked.
“Strong enough. But I’ve got a warning this time. If anyone touches
“How long?” one of the spines, it will give a beep. If they don’t stop messing with it with
two minutes, boom.”
Ishmael shrugged, “Five, maybe ten years.” She watched Volda struggle
with the concept of such a long time. The Guln were not known for their “Two minutes. Alright. The Guln aren’t known for their smarts.”
forward thinking. “I would tell you when.”
“Or their loyalty.”
“Long time.”
Ishmael shrugged. “It’ll give M-SEC enough time to get their assets to
“Yes. But think of what you could do in the meantime. You, Volda, some place safer. If they do go after the Nayzaki, well, the apes might ask
could conquer the Nayzaki yourself. You would be held above all other us for help.” She smiled that feral smile of hers.
Guln Mothers. With teleportation, you could become the Mother of all
“You’re a strong Agent Mother.”
Guln. I chose you for this.”
“You bet your lily-white ass I am.”
Volda gestured to Ishmael’s gun. “You have a strange way of choosing.”

“You’re bigger and stronger than I am. I’m not stupid. I’m the… Agent SCA : Visual Profile
Mother of my group. I move in with strength. Like you do.”

“Pretty words.” Volda leaned back in her chair, mass of blue wrinkles The Specialist Contact Agency are advanced,
covering a powerful body. It was not a pretty sight to human eyes. “If I highly trained forces, usually consisting of
choose ‘no.’?” small numbers of motivated Gruntz and
advanced supporting technology.
Ishmael nodded as if she expected this. She glanced at Creutzner. “Put
They mostly have white or light grey
it in the corner there. Out of the way.”
equipment with dark green details, reflecting
Volda watched with some concern as the oblong device, now bristling their peacekeeping objectives.
with spiky bits and other unidentifiable hardware, was placed with care in
the corner of her room. “What is it?” Suggested Miniatures: GZG: UNSC, Blue Moon: Orion
Creutzner touched the top of the device and it began to hum.

“This is Agent Creutzner. You don’t know him but you know his work.
Do you remember the explosion on the Kurk planet back in ’43? The one
that took out half the planet? He did that. By accident. It was supposed to
be a demonstration. Not an annihilation. This time, we’re pretty sure he
has it right and it’ll only destroy this city. And your family group. The Volda-
Donmer would be wiped from Guln memory.”

Ishmael watched Volda’s face as the Guln sat up again and prepared
herself to dodge as she added. “We don’t want that. We want to work with
you. We offered you a choice target. Instead, you deny your destiny.” She
shook her head as if at the folly of a child.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
RIM Defectionists Faction

Rim Defectionists old man look was a ruse and she knew it. Anyone who did not was a fool.

“Prince Zanabazar, I did not call this tribunal. House Moore called
it, and thus, is silent, and cannot give his thoughts.” She nodded to the
representative of House Moore, a tall blond man, and if rumor had it, heir
to the Princedom when his father grew bored with the game. “I have not
yet heard your thoughts and would like to.”

The old man gave her a smile, appreciating a beautiful woman’s

attention and a Princess’ respect. He looked the other three prince
The RD aka “Defects” are a loose association of mostly pirate representatives in turn as if to say ‘Remember this. It is a lesson well taught.’
and rebel factions with some minority trade stations and mining Each representative bowed their heads to their leader. Then he turned his
operations. They are an annoyance to the Commonwealth Navy which measured gaze on the privateer captain before him.
police key trade routes which the Defectionists are known to target.
The RD is known to run illegal shipments and operate protection scams China lifted his chin and met the old man’s eyes.
to many of the smaller independent mining companies.
“Captain Morrel, what did you take from the Agents’ ship?”
Piracy is commonplace in amongst the RD and power bases
amongst the more resourceful rebels are a significant thorn in the He paused, taken aback by the question. “My prince?”
side of the Commonwealth. Rim Deffectionists are a Kleptocracy and
“The loot taken from the ship. What was it?” Prince Zanabazar did
operate as a government of thieves, extending their wealth and power
not allow the man to answer. “My Horde says it was specialized powered
through space piracy, embezzlement and various other parasitic
armour. Very valuable. Why has that not been mentioned?”
activity within human space.
China opened his mouth to speak and again was cut off.
They are not lawless, having a strong central government, operated
by the most successful of trader families and pirates with a tax system “The law says that technology must be shared with all of the ruling
designed to support a limited infrastructure across a series of space merchant houses. I know a full suit of the armour has not yet been
habitats, large mining locations and asteroid bases. There is no welfare furnished to House Zanabazar. Could it be that you had not planned to
system within the RD and people not capable of paying their own way pay your tithe?”
or falling on hard times are not helped unless they are a member of
one of the ruling families within the klepocracy. “I would never—”

Rim Defectionists: “Backwater” Justice “But you would, you have, and you did.” Prince Zanabazar’s voice was
soft, courteous even.
Captain China Morrel of the privateer ship Star Breaker stood strong
and proud. “I did nothing wrong.” The rest of the princes and the prince representatives watched the
condemned man with one part anger and one part revenge.
“We have an alliance with the SOAs. That trade route wasn’t be
touched. You’ve endangered everything we’ve been working for.” Gamal, a “I…”
small dusky looking man and the prince representative of Merchant House
Belali, struggled to keep his voice even in front of the council. “You have nothing to say in your defense. House Gowda’s Pallas
Knives already discovered what you tried so hard to hide from this court.”
“It wasn’t a trade ship. It was an Agents’ ship masquerading as a Prince Zanabazar nodded to the small redheaded woman sitting as Prince
trade ship.” He shook his long black mane from his face and leaned on the Gowda’s representative.
table towards the Council of Princes—the ruling body of the supposedly
leaderless Rim Defectionists—and continued. “My people inside the SOAs China sat back in his chair, knowing there was nothing he could do. If
confirmed it.” he was lucky, he would escape with his life. Maybe.

“Before or after the Nightshadow was boarded, its people killed, and Gamal picked invisible lint off his velvet shirt sleeve. “My prince, I am
its cargo taken?” The new speaker was Nora Allard, Princess of House ready to render a judgment.”
Allard. She preferred to see to business herself instead of sitting back and
Prince Zanabazar nodded. “As am I. Princess Allard, what would you
letting another use her voice.
China paused, careful in his words. “Official confirmation came
“Outcast.” Her voice was clear and cold. The word made everyone
afterwards. However, the Nightshadow was not using the same trade
sit up straight. Outcast meant no one could help or directly harm the
signals or maneuvers as a normal SOA trade ship. I jumped on it. I had
person. They were on their own. It also meant that no one within the Rim
heard that Agents were in the area.”
Defectionists would want to do business with him. His ship personnel
“We had no such information.” Gamal sat back. “Also, House Belali’s would leave. He could not be hired onto another ship. No established
intelligence says no one knew the Agents were in the system.” colony would want him. If he insisted on staying, he would have no help. It
was like being dead. Worse than being dead.
“You need better intelligence then.” China looked back at Nora. “Please,
Princess, what I did, I did for the good of all our people.” With a nod, Prince Zanabazar agreed, then added. “One standard
year.” He looked at China, a male whose pale skin had gone gray, and saw
Nora turned from him and looked at the smallest, oldest man at the the spark of hope that is every man’s doom. “For one year, Captain China
table, Prince Zanabazar. If the man had a first name, no one had heard it Morrel, you are Outcast. You will receive no aid nor succor from House
decades. He was the Zanabazar of House Zanabazar. He was rumored to Zanabazar or its Mongol Horde.”
be hundreds of years old; older than his old man countenance pretended.
But she had seen him move as fast and agile as any man in his prime. The Nora nodded. “Outcast for one year. No aid nor succor from House

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
M-SEC Faction

Allard or its Noble Bastards.” It was an honor to become one of the Black Hearts, the special
squadron that the Major oversaw personally. Every last one of them was
“Outcast,” Gamal repeated. “No aid nor succor from House Belali or its bursting with pride and trepidation as the Major walked amongst the
Sky Leopards for one year.” newly minted butter bars, standing ramrod straight with their meager
accolades pinned to their chests.
“Outcast from House Gowda. No aid nor succor from us or our Pallas
Knives for one year.” He stopped before one, a tall black man with gleaming skin. “Why are
you here, solider?”
The rest of the princes turned to heir apparent Scott Moore and
waited. “House Moore accepts the judgment of Outcast. One year. No “Because we are the best of the best, sir!”
aid. No succor from House Moore or its Bloody Tongues.” He paused and
then nodded to Prince Zanabazar. “House Moore thanks this council for Louscher shook his head. “No, you’re not.” He watched the man’s eyes
its judgment and looks forward to receiving the new technology from the flick to him and then straight ahead. Several other soldiers in formation
Agents’ ship.” flicked their eyes over at the two of them. Others frowned in confusion.
“Not yet, anyway.”
“So it is spoken. So it is judged. Captain Morrel, you have two days to
deliver the technology to House Zanabazar and to get your ship in order He strode back to the podium, then gave every man and woman—
before you are Outcast. Should you survive, I will see you in one year.” every human man and woman—a hard look, meeting each of their eyes
in turn. “There are forty-five of you before me. There will be only thirty by
China Morrel, captain of the feared Star Breaker could do nothing the time I am done training you to my specifications. Not all of you will fall
more than bow his head and face his fate. because of your physical weakness but because of your mental weakness.
To be a member of the Black Hearts is to become what all others fear.”
RIM Defectionists : Visual Profile
Louscher smoothed a hand over his short cropped hair. This was a
speech he had given before. What he never told his recruits was this: To
The RD are pirates, merchants, mercs and fail was to die. His mission was too important to let a weak willed traitor
backwater trouble. go yapping off to the wrong someone. His training methods were his own
and that was the way it would be.
They make use of whatever military kit they
can and may sometimes be lucky enough to “Do you know why we are called the Black Hearts? It is not because of
be equipped with advanced technology. these black uniforms. It’s because we have eschewed what the common
man takes for granted and expects all to have; compassion and mercy
Without structure to their military forces, the
have no place in our black hearts. We are the evil that must be done to
actual schemes tend to be a mismatch or old
save the Commonwealth from itself. We are the border between life and
stock kit found in a previous haul. Suggested schemes are retro-
death. We are the nightmare. That is our job. And our first job is to protect
camo mismatched.
humanity from all outside forces.”

He looked from man to woman to man again. Watching their eyes.

Suggested Miniatures: GZG: ACP Games: Federal Infantry Looking for those who could not abide by the truth. Two refused to meet
his eyes this time. Two he needed to watch more carefully. There were
others who grew under his words and the understanding lighted in their
Mil-Tek science explorative council (M-SEC) eyes. Those would be watched for promotion’s sake.

“To protect humanity, we must do two things: keep our heritage and
M-SEC culture pure while maintaining a technological balance. This means all
aliens are our enemy. This means humans take priority when saving a life.
This means that when an alien has created something technologically
advanced, we must meet and match them. If we cannot do that at home
A Commonwealth government run and corporate sponsored
then we must retrieve that technology for study so that we can and will
agency with extensive investment in exotic matter studies and bases
match them. Never allow the enemy the upper hand.”
on far reaching science stations which are high risk but offer potential
rich returns for investors. M-SEC research in technology brings key The two who refused to meet his eyes continued to look uncomfortable
fabrication contracts to supporting corporate interests, so any new to the point that the Major saw his own men mark the two as dangers.
scientific discoveries are quickly converted into production technology.
M-SEC Research is fiercely guarded and influences various political and “I want you all to think about what I have said. We will be speaking
military events. M-SEC operate the ARM division. again on a one-on-one basis throughout the next two days. If you have
questions, I will answer them then. Think carefully. It is not an easy thing
M-SEC are known for having imperialistic tendencies and many of to become a Black Heart. Once you honestly understand and accept what
the senior officers and sci-staff have some strong xenophobic beliefs we sacrifice to keep the Commonwealth safe, your training can begin.” He
that are at odds with mainstream Commonwealth politics. paused looking them over once more. “Dismissed.”
M-SEC: Saving the Commonwealth From Itself As the group saluted and then about-faced as one, Louscher called
out. “Roseau and Berger. I will see you two first.” Without hesitation, both
Major Evan Louscher shook his head with distain at his newest batch
soldiers stepped to the side and returned to stand at attention before the
of ninety-day wonders. All of them were now officially officers in M-SEC but
until they passed his test, they were nothing. They knew they were nothing.
And yet, they had all been handpicked for their loyalty, aggressiveness, “At ease. This will be a casual conversation.” Louscher gestured for
and ambition. And a little something more in their psych profiles. them to follow as he turned and walked to an office door.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Sergeant Violet DeVille

Sergeant Violet DeVille. ARM Artwork: Aly Fell

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
ARM Faction

The Major allowed the men to enter before him. He closed the door
behind them. The office floor was covered in plastic and the rest of the M-SEC : Visual Profile
room was sparsely furnished with a metal table and two folding chairs.
In the far corner, a Trixian was huddled with its four legs and two arms M-SEC utilise the hard hitting and violent
bound. force of ARM to action most of their targeted
military objectives.
“First, before we get started, which one of you would like the honor of
killing this Trixian?” Louscher watched them carefully. Within M-SEC itself there is a trend of
wearing wearing black within the office and
“What’s he done, sir?” Berger asked. He stayed near the door. a standard black military style uniform has
been adopted by the scientists and senior
Roseau moved closer to the captive alien, looking nervous. management of M-SEC.
“Nothing, soldier. Just a captive.” Louscher took out his pistol. “Which The black scheme is normally augmented with red detailing and
one of you would like the honor of killing it?” the insignia of M-SEC on a shoulder, helmet or back location.
Roseau’s face scrunched up into the look of a wounded animal. “I Dark grey or pouches, belts and weapon casing is also frequently
would, sir.” He held out his hand for the Major’s weapon. When the pistol used in place of the black in urban settings.
was handed over, Roseau took two steps forward and shot the Trixian four Reflective visors or goggles are normally also red.
times in rapid succession.

“I think you got him, Lieutenant Roseau.” The Major held out his hand Suggested Miniatures: GZG: ACP Games: Federal Infantry
for his pistol. He knew that later Roseau would realized the Major had
addressed him by his rank, acknowledging him as a person.

“Thank you, sir, for giving me the opportunity to get over my fear.” Alioth Research Machinists
Roseau gave him the pistol, and with it, his heart.

“Your family was killed by Trixians, weren’t they, son.” ARM

“Yes, sir.”
ARM are the explorative field operations division of M-SEC known
“You will have a lot more to kill in the future.” for their uncompromising approach to field operations in frontier
locations. ARM use elite technological forces when defending their
“I hope so, sir.” remote research outposts.
“Dismissed.” Roseau left the office a changed man. Louscher knew the Due to their often close proximity to Alien nations, ARM are known
man was now his and the tale of what happened would spread. He turned to have conflicting objectives with the Federation’s Specialist Contact
to Berger, “I have another alien awaiting execution, soldier.” Agency (SCA).
Berger shook his head. “I can’t. This isn’t me. In the heat of battle, yes. The ARM might be using force to extract key mineral or scientific
But this is coldblooded murder.” information from a new Alien world, however simultaneously the SCA
could be trying to establish a new successful political or trade link
“Of course.” Louscher nodded. This was always the saddest part. He with the Alien nation. With much of the activity being in very remote
raised the pistol and shot Berger twice. As the shocked man fell to the floor, locations, it has been known for these differing objectives to trigger
the door opened and one of his Sergeants stood there. minor conflicts between the organisations. The ARM’s commercially
“Sir?” driven objectives and the ambassadorial focus of the SCA don’t always
mix. These minor scuffles can be very violent with both agencies
Louscher sighed. “Clean up this mess.” making use of advanced warfare technologies.

“Yes sir.” Many freethinking individuals believe that ARM are a heavy
handed right-wing organisation and their parent organisation M-SEC
The Major sat on one of the folding chairs and watched with a dry eye. clearly keeps their distance from them. This distance allows them to
appear politically neutral in cases where ARM has overstepped the
mark during engagements with alien life.
Neural Net (NN)
ARM: Interruptions
The Neural Net extends from local
planetary Mindhubs and out to far “They’re coming in hot, sir. They’ll be here in five. Maybe seven.” Staff
reaching corners of the Milky Way. Sergeant DeVille looked like a purple haired vixen as she hunched over
The signal is boosted by remote computer, reporting what she saw. It was clear by the civilian clothing she
Mind replicators which allow still wore that her evening was interrupted by the alarm.
human kind uninterrupted access
to the Neural Net even in deep “‘They’ who, DeVille?”
“Don’t know, sir.”
The NN provides sensory access to media and full-life visual
experiences. Many military and scientific equipment makes “Not good enough. Find out and, for God’s sakes, Violet, get some
use of the NN to extend the capabilities of the systems being armour on. I’d rather not have that sequined thing shot off if they do
operated by human controllers. manage to get into the compound.”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Culture Habitat Hegemony

“It’s called a bustier. And it’s nice to know you do care, Lieutenant.” dance the dance of death. Rolling out of the way of the falling bodies, Kuhn
looked up to see DeVille in her garish purple and black armour walk over
“Only about throwing you at them first.” It was clear Lieutenant Leon to the third downed enemy and shoot him in the head. He watched as she
Kuhn didn’t mean a word he was saying as he strapped himself into his death tapped the heads of the enemy in front of him.
own armoured vest. “Now get in uniform!”
“C’mon L.T. You don’t have time to lollygag around. We’ve got an
Private Alex Baker rushed into the command center as DeVille exited. invasion to repel. I’ve got a date I want to get back to.” Her voice in her
He gave her an appreciative glance as he passed by. “Damn.” helmet was far away but still amused.
“‘Damn’ is right and if you ever want to see her in that getup again, “Was it a good date?” He accepted her helping hand up.
you’ll give me information now, Private.” Kuhn had his chest armour on
and his weapon ready. “What’ve we got?” “Promising. Uh, Lieutenant, why don’t you get into your full armour?
Might be safer.”
“Bugs or people working with bugs.” Baker saluted as he moved to his
station. “Aww, you do care.”

“People or Agents?” “I give all my Lieutenants just enough rope to hang themselves by.
You’ve done alright.”
Baker shook his head. “Don’t know. We do know that at least one
Trixian ship has been seen in high orbit.” Kuhn nodded to her as he reached for the rest of his armour. “Thanks.
Let’s get you back to that date.”
“Shit. Has to be Agents. The Trixian didn’t know we were here. Send out
Squads Three and Five to cover the mining operation. Send out One and “Yes, sir!”
Four to intercept the enemy. Squad Two needs to keep close to command
and patrol the rear. If Agents are involved, they may be throwing bugs at
ARM : Visual Profile
us to keep our attention. We need to see what they’re actually after—us
or the ore.”
ARM are an authoritarian, violent and
Kuhn pulled up a 3D map of compound and the mining facility. It was uncompromising force.
not going to be pretty but if they were going to save the precious resources
They are known for unique and distinct camo
they’d already recovered, the mess needed to be contained. He considered
schemes which would normally feature
his options: Running was out. Hiding in the mine was out. Fighting to the
detailing to match the M-SEC black and red
bloody end and possibly blowing everything to hell was the only thing on
the table that made any sense.
Black armour sections, equipment or helmets
“Sir, we’ve got incoming. The frontal assault was a Trixian feint. Squad are combined with an appropriate but normally slightly more
Two has spotted a human ambush sneaking in from the rear. Moving to colourful camo than is necessary for the field of war.
Suggested Miniatures: GZG: New Israeli Critical Mass Games
“Set the building on full alert. Lock down everything that can be locked : Arc Troopers
down. Are they going after the mining facility?”

“No sir. Just us.”

“Figures. They want to use what we’ve already set up. Also—” Culture Habitat Hegemony
An explosion from above interrupted whatever the Lieutenant was
The CHH are a Peaceful Multi space habitat association with
going to say next, knocking him from his station. Baker held onto his seat
strong utopian socialist focus and advanced shared conscious neural
but only because he was already holding onto the table. A second explosion
networks. They have advanced their habitat technology to offer control
caused part of the ceiling to cave in on them, crushing DeVille’s station. If
systems and manage human transition to a state of conciseness within
she had been there, she would have been dead or severely wounded.
the habitats organic structure. Citizens that die within a Culture Habit
Two grey clad enemies dropped into the room from above. Kuhn have their memories and psyche transferred from their Spirit Node
and Baker shot both as they hit the floor. Well placed armour saved one (The SN memory and personality chip installed in their neck ) into the
of the two. The other did not get back up. The enemy sprayed the room group conciseness of the habitat they live in.
with automatic weapons fire, killing Baker outright and wounding the
Habitats are often large semi-organic and mechanical orbital
Lieutenant. Kuhn fought back, scrambling for cover as he fired his weapon
stations, located in key positions throughout known space. There
again and again.
are three current major CHH habitats (Habitat Alpha, Habit Saturn
A third grey clad enemy dropped into the room. The two enemies and Habit Polygamy) with populations over 10 Million in each orbital.
moved in tandem to cut off any chance of escape. There are also many hundreds of smaller developing habitats with
populations from hundreds to thousands of citizens.
Neither fired on Kuhn and he knew they needed him—which meant
whatever was going to happen next was going to suck. He considered Minor Organisations
putting his gun to his head but knew he was out of bullets and his rifle was
on the ground closer to them than him. The best he could do was to fake
surrender and then try to get one of their weapons from them.
Helios Heavy Lift
As he raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender, the sound of
a heavy machine gun fire ripped at the air, making both of the grey enemy HHL are Builders of large trade and merchant vessels, the most

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Slavyanskiy Soyuz Faction

popular manufacturer of orbit fabricated space faring vessels. HHL

engine technology is considered to be the highest end of performance,
and reliability. Slavyanskiy Soyuz

Harmony Rolling Stock

Slavyanskiy Soyuz are a nation with many planetary resources
and a mass producer of military equipment, specialising in the lower
HRS are a key manufacturer of the heavy trains that are used as tech market where volume and price is more important than quality.
the main form of travel and trade over the giant railway links between Suppliers to several key expanding empires they offer a range of
worm-hole connected planets. HRS have a strong business link standard and field repairable arms and armour.
established with the East Hyadum Trading Company who provide the
necceasry worm hole technology to link planets. With the largest fabrication unit based on Mars the massive
Slavyanskiy Soyuz factory provides vital employment on the red
planet. Many mercernary forces make use of the cheap, reliable and
Marztek easy to maintain weaponry of the Slavyanskiy Soyuz factories. They
may not be the most advanced however the vehicles, tanks and
weapons they output will keep working in some of the most hostile
alien conditions.
A Martian colony with strong history in human genetic modification
who do not allow the use of wetwire NN technology but are known for Slavyanskiy Soyuz: No Such Thing As Temporary
advances in genetic modification. Marztek are a company managed
and supoorted by the Slavyanskiy Soyuz. The two enlisted Slavyanskiy Soyuz soldiers snapped to attention
when Polkovik Illya Vasin walked around the corner of the balcony. The
Marztek : Visual Profile Private, Efreitor Maria Pipenko, almost dropped her weapon, a plasma
rifle, at the sight of the Colonel. Sergeant Osip Koskov gave her a look as
she recovered, then saluted Vasin. Pipenko’s salute followed on the heels of
Normally featuring some form of dark red her Sergeant’s movement.
colouring to match the environment of Mars,
the forces of Marztek are also equipped with Vasin gave them both a casual salute and an “at ease” gesture. Pipenko
traditional camo styles. waited until Koskov relaxed before she followed suit.
Marztek still continues to conscript all young The Colonel took off his gloves. “You have a cigarette?”
men and women resulting in a large young
and often green force of light infantry. Koskov nodded, taking off his gloves to retrieve his pack of Black
Russians from his coat pocket. He tapped one of the black and gold
Suggested Miniatures: Rebel Miniatures: Titan Marines cigarettes out for the Colonel to accept and then lit it for his superior officer
before retrieving one for himself. As the wind picked up, neither man put
his gloves back on. Both smoked in silence for a moment, savouring the
rush of warmth and flavour.

At home in the garage and organising some playtesting and photos for the book. Terrain items by Ainsty, Kato and hand built boards.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

The Vasin nodded, “You were right. The General is bringing in pleasure as always, Sergeant. Efreitor Pipenko.” He nodded to them as they
Dobrovoltsy.” He scowled, shaking his head. “Conscripts. To guard weapons both popped a salute.
and vehicles on Mars. Stupid.”
Koskov waited until Vasin was gone. “Why do you think the General is
“Yes. I told you. He’s not thinking straight.” ambitious?”

“Got money on his mind.” The Colonel puffed his cigarette. “How did The Private shrugged. “Not all conscripts are really conscripts. Not all
you know?” conscripts are what they seem. Men on the edge who need a new life will
do much for the man who gives it to them.” She paused, “Also, I haven’t
Koskov shrugged. “I listen. I look. I say little. I learn much.” seen the official request for the Dobrovoltsy. And I would, in my job. I’ve
seen communications to a particular General at home, though. Dobros
Nodding, Vasin sighed, “At least it’ll be temporary.”
were mentioned but I can read between the lines. At least half won’t have
A sudden snort of laughter from the side reminded both men that been actually conscripted.”
Pipenko was still there, listening. When she realised both of them were
“Will it endanger the factory?”
looking at her, she dropped her eyes, and mumbled an apology. “I did not
mean to interrupt. I’m sorry.” “I don’t know. We’ll have to watch these men when they arrive. I think it
won’t. I think these men will be given a new purpose. Those that volunteer
Koskov and Vasin exchanged a look. Vasin asked, his voice mild,
for service take duty for granted. Those that are alone who are then shown
the camaraderie of the General’s Red Claws will give their hearts to the
Pipenko glanced at Koskov. The Sergeant nodded. “Pardon, Polkovik duty. More powerful. More dangerous.”
Vasin, but my grandfather says, ‘There’s nothing so permanent as
Koskov gave her a knowing look. “We’ll watch and judge when we
know more.”
For a second, the Colonel just looked at her. Then he laughed. As his
mirth grew, the enlisted soldiers joined him. Finally, when Vasin regained
control of himself, he grinned at Koskov, “This one’s good.” “Yes?”
“Efreitor Maria Pipenko. One of my handpicked.” “You don’t normally smoke. Why do you have such a luxury item with
you on watch?”
Vasin nodded. “Who was this wise grandfather of yours?”
“Polkovik Vasin smokes. He likes the Black Russians. It’s worth the price
“Captain Mikhail Pipenko, Polkovik.” Her face beamed with pride.
to have them when he wants one and wants to think aloud outside the
“Pipenko. What kind of name is that?” office. We’ve known each other for a long time. It’s become a ritual. I stand
watch like everyone else. He comes for a cigarette and finds out about the
“Old Earth Ukrainian. Long line of soldiers. I am one of many.” enlisted. Or I find out what’s going on within the ministries. You will come
to do the same as you grow in rank and experience.”
Vasin smiled at her. “We are all Slavyanskiy Soyuz here, Pipenko.
Cigarette?” She nodded and smiled. “If you want, after watch, I have vodka back in
my bunk. Good vodka.”
Again she glanced at the Sergeant for permission before nodding her
acceptance. She did not remove her gloves before taking the cigarette. Koskov returned her smile. “Perhaps. We will see how the rest of the
She knew she was the lowest here and had no need to prove strength or night goes.”
equality to these men. “Spasiba.”
Moonies or Unity
“What do you think of the General bringing in Dobros as labor?”
Koskov lit her cigarette—not as one enlisted soldier for another but as a
man for a woman. Soldier or not, his mother raised him to be a gentleman
with courtesy.

Pipenko took a long drag on the cigarette, savoring the rich taste of The Moonies aka Unity are a physically transcended digital group
the luxury. She blew out the fragrant smoke and said, “I think that if the of people with numbers in the millions who are resident on moon base
General is bringing in conscripts as a guard squad, he is very greedy, very delta. They are a colony of human and alien life forms who have gone
ambitious, or very foolish.” through transition migrating their minds from a physical body into a
Mindwell called Thermopylae.
Vasin gave Koskov a look. “Why?”
Unity are a strong well supported society and religious movement
“This cannot be temporary. If it is to save money by paying the Dobros where a virtual lifestyle offers are higher form of life to their residents.
less, he will always want to pay less. If he thinks it is for a little while, he does
not understand that resources added mean other resources are consumed The empty corridors of moon base zeta are now frequented mostly
or retooled. My bet is that our General wishes to feel like he has a personal by service drones following simple cleaning logic as the scrub floors
army and wishes to prove to someone that he can turn conscripts into for the completely virtual digital moon colony. Unity residents of
loyal men. Loyal to him.” “Copies” as they collectively call themselves enjoy a virtual world with
unlimited real estate and perpetual good health, at least until any
Another exchanged glance between the men. damage is done to the Mindwell Thermopylae.
“Very ambitious.” Vasin looked thoughtful. Then he realized his Unity only physically represent themselves in robotic form and
cigarette was done. He made sure that the last of the burnt tobacco was have a small fleet and military force consisting of mecha, vehicles and
out before tucking the used filter into a pocket. “I must go. Things to do. A

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Guln Horde

robots with AI control systems. They also operate by using mercenary caste is “The Nerg”.
“flesh agents” where the physical human touch is required.
The Nerg are up to 7ft tall, muscular and strong enough to handle
heavy anti-material weaponry as if they were carrying nothing more
VION than an assault rifle. The Nerg are also the most compliant amongst the
Guln castes and have been happy to join non-Guln mercenary groups
or attach themselves to a Rim Deffectionist pirate outfit for the right
The Vion are a mysterious race who appear in small numbers within money. The tallest fourth caste is the “Vok” (up to 10-12Ft tall). The Vok
forests and mostly rural locations across known space. They are a fey are extremely strong and stupid, used mostly as shock troops, they can
race, slender and quick of movement and are about the same height tear apart humanoids they come in contact with and only an angry
as humans with a simple smoothed appearance to their facial features Kruk would stand a chance of survival when facing a veteran Vok in
and completely white oval eyes. personal battle armour.

The Vion race are also unintelligible and any vocalisation has been The Guln stunk.
impossible to decipher.
You can’t argue with the results when you unleashed their Nerg on an
They show a total lack of interest in entering into conversation, unsuspecting merchantman but by heavens they stunk. The Nerg’s natural
trade or any form of negotiation. There are myths of pathways the Vion inclination was to use corners to go to the toilet - it was a cultural thing;
are able to follow between worlds which appears to be support by the having your back to the wall when you had your trousers round your
fact that, as a race that appear to be relatively primitive, they have ankles was sensible for a race of warriors. It did mean that where one went
been able to colonise many habitable worlds within the known space. the others followed and the corridors where littered with the accumulated
Currently the Commonwealth classify the Ion race as a neutral mystery faeces of long weeks of trans-halo travel. The weeks of inactivity aboard
and only limited attempts have been made to investigate them further. the Rim Defectionists vessel the Gilded Doe had done little to change
Poritts opinion that when it came to mercenaries you largely got what
Despite their peaceful demeanour they are known to have you paid for; the Nerg where cheap and affective but what they lacked in
advanced technologies and anti-gravity based weapon platforms. personal hygiene they made up for in killing power.

Vion: Visual Profile “By all the stellar entities – we have recycled water shower rooms
Poritt! Can you not make the smelly wrinkles at least pretended that they
The Vion are normally neutral grey in colour and slight of build. use them every once in a while”
They are often not wearing any clothes or wear cloaks and figure
hugging fabrics. Height ranges from diminutive to 7ft plus. “Have you no sense of self preservation Xersim?! Don’t let them hear
Suggested Miniatures: Critical Mass Games: Praesentia,
The older man came down the cramped hab-centre to reach his friend;
Vion Khurasan : Grey Aliens, - Grey Aliens.
the corridors between the dorm rooms of the old Cutter’s hab-sphere we
crowded with creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes and Xersim had
Guln Horde to prod, push, swear and duck his way down to where Poritt was sitting
repairing an old assault rifle. The younger man had half the rifle stripped
down whilst trying to keep track of all the part in the wandering crush that
seemed to pass as Nerg socialising.

“Been too long since you fired that thing properly – grime builds up in
the forward servo-loader. Makes it jam or mis-cock”
A loosely grouped ochlocracy, the Guln Horde is a degenerate mob,
often used as mercenaries where they are given access to advanced “Well if you and Captain Bradrap actually found us something better
warfare technology during planetary invasion or as the initial shock to do than baby-sitting the nearly human then maybe I wouldn’t be sitting
troops in a dangerous boarding action. Guln are low intelligence here cleaning a mis-cock!”
bipedal humanoids, slouched and of a stronger stocky muscular build
to humans with various alien shades of skin colour ranging from blue The old boson breaks into a hoarse laugh drawing curious looks from
to green. They have ugly twisted faces and heavy wrinkled skin from the nearest group of Nerg; seeing the swarthy man doubled in laughter
their early development on high-G planets. They are a space faring, they returned to their garbled conversation raising the hubbub back
having populated several planets before humans had got much above Xersim joviality.
further than the moon. The Guln borrowed or traded technology to
build connections with human and other alien races. “Come on Poritt - Capt’n would like the pleasure of your company if
you can spare him the time. Got a little job for you and your mis-cock”
Trade with the Guln is high risk and high return. There is a high chuckled Xersim
chance that a warlord or other internal Guln Horde faction will disrupt
any deal for personal game which will prevent the transaction from “I was only joking Xersim – about the Captain – no need to go and
completing, usually combined with extreme violence. Guln are most trouble him with me” The younger man’s face had pale so that his grey
useful in war and when a strong leader is engaged they have the util-clothing looked even dirtier against his chalky skin
potential to turn a battle due to their disregard of personal safety and
lust for war. “Don’t be stupid Poritt! I was coming for you anyway – Capt’ns got a
proposition for man o’ya unique talents”
Within the Guln there are four separate castes. Guln mothers are
able to control what kind of caste is born by using various power-full “What unique talents?!” spat Poritt the corner of month wet “Why not
herbs and poisons shortly after conception. These castes include a ask Spinkind – he’s heaped up on blowers most of the time anyway; or
short child-like ugly and stupid caste called the Vulg. The core most Jamestone? No one round this way thinks he’s any fleckum good either!
numerous nearly human sized are the “Guln Horde” and a taller heavier I’m useful me!” Poritt looked around wildly looking for someone – anyone

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
The Prime Aliens

– to go instead of him; had he known who his Grandmother was he’d have like the dragon fly on earth they evolved to a level of genetic perfection
pushed her into the arms of his lo-rum drinking buddy rather than take the many millions of years before Man could walk. As the ultimate parasite
rickety grav-lift to the bridge – or worse still the Captain’s quarters! they have begun to thrive again since humans started to colonise
planets. In certain areas on newly colonised planets large quarantine
“Come on Poritt it ‘aint everyday one of Sons of the 12 asks for a wee zones have had to be setup to prevent growth of the prime population.
chat is it – besides if I have to take another lungful of Nerg eff then I’ll won’t
as like be driven to shot someone. Can’t be having that now can we m’boy” They are also grave robbers, so certain protocols have to be agreed
with regard to burials on new human frontier planets. Bury your dead
The tiny glint of gold through tangle of matted grey told Poritt that the in the open and a Prime will quickly track, sniff out and drag the corpse
boson was smiling – Poritt saw nothing to smile about… back to a nest hole for maggot insertion.

GULN: Visual Profile The Primes are ruled by “Dominus Primes” . There is only ever one
Dominus per planet and they have an annoying habit of re-spawning
The various Guln races come in a mix of skin colours, normally
because a queen will sacrifice herself to give birth to a new Dominus
patching together armour and weapons. Skin ranges from green
when they sense that one has been destroyed. There is a short period
to blue through to various dark browns and patterns.
of time when a Prime population can be left confused and debilitated
which is shortly after the death of a Dominus.
Suggested Miniatures: Micropanzer: Krystrail Empire. The
Scene: Orcs GZG:Alien Mercs. GZG: Alien Mercs The Primes can still operate at a feral level without a Queen or
Dominus but they become the most terrible opponents in war when
a Dominus is spawned.
The Prime
The Dominus have control over the lower forms of Prime and
can utilise the brain power of their Prime minions by some sort of
telepathic network. It is the nearest things to Prime computing power
and they are able to drop thought requests into the mind-pool of the
local prime population. The combined brain power can find solutions
The Prime are a parasitic alien, they spread through the to complex problems, providing vital battle intelligence to the Prime
impregnation of a host species where their own intelligent genetic hive population.
DNA merges with that of the host to give birth to an altered Prime
offspring. Prime: Visual Profile
The Prime are normally a slick black oily colour with darker shades
They are classically alien in appearance with normally dark brown
of green and brown in a hive spawning where the local indigenous
to black skin and characteristics similar to the host they have infected.
population have influenced the colour of the off-spring.
If they infect a bipedal host they are often humanoid with the addition
of claws, tails and strong acid blood.
Suggested Miniatures: Khurasan : Space Demons, GZG:
The prime are mostly don’t use technology but their high intellect Xenomorphs
and hive like society allow them to quickly learn and adjust behaviour.
They adapt well to different environments where they can survive
under high-G, freezing and near boiling conditions. Trixian

It is thought that they were once a biological weapon designed to

wipe out a race but the exact origins are unclear. Some believe they
are simply the logical adaption of any known parasites like a deadly
mosquito which has evolved into the perfect organism over millennia.
A sentient Zeno race of insect like aliens. The Trixian have a
Most Prime combat is hand to hand with claws and a deadly bite,
hierarchical society with various castes, including worker and soldier
although there have been occasions where acid spitting and weapon
castes. The royal caste provide all offspring which are genetically
use was encountered.
selected during conception. Several of the castes are capable of
The Prime are motivated to procreate by dragging the corpses flight. Communication is both verbal with a click based language and
of host races back to massive stinking holes in the ground where the pheromone based. They have developed digital sentient technology
queen lays hideous maggots into the bloody holes of whatever host matching their own hierarchical society, which is capable of
life form has been dragged into the steaming heap of rotting flesh. communicating pheromone based information through technological
The young hatch from the carcass and new Prime off-spring have augmentation and adaption.
characteristics inherited from the host species.
“You’re late” . . . Kenzollo (Trixian hive dominant) did not like to be kept
They are called the Prime because they have been found in fossil waiting, by anybody. “You should have been here three days ago, I can’t do
records on some very early dated rocks in many of the now colonised business with a fool who doesn’t do as he says he’ll do”.
worlds (worlds where they died out along with the host race). They
“But my friend, we got here as soon as we could, we did not know that
can only procreate by using host flesh, their own acid blood bodies
those power crazy fools from the Commonwealth Navy would be on our
are not good enough to act as food for the maggot stage. If they don’t
tail, somebody must have told them about our little . . . arrangement . . . so
find a host they can hibernate for thousands of years in a dry maggot
we had to delay our tryst until we had sent them on a wild Guln chase. Ha,
form, waiting for the right water conditions and a dead host/flesh to
they’ll be halfway to Medi-Tryad by now”.
consume to allow them to start to flourish.
Pravit, the trader was well known to the Commonwealth for his
The Prime are considered to be very early colonists of space and
business dealings, and was quite happy to provide both sides of any alien

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

confrontation with the necessary weapons to destroy each other . . . just as so always had plenty of men with back-up firepower, even if they had
long as it made a good profit. He took a minute to scan his surroundings; been partying on “Ranki” in anticipation of a good pay day. Without
he liked to think that he was in control of these situations. His angular warning Kenzollo was surrounded by an army of his alien commandos,
cargo ship had once been the flagship of some distant inter galactic fleet, they scuttled in from every direction and with lightening speed distributed
but that was almost two centuries ago, these days it looked awkward and the XK-380’s between themselves before opening fire on Pravit and his half
clumsy against the sleek cocoon shaped insectoid Trixian docking bay. drunk slumbering bunch of traders.

Kenzollo broke open the first crate of weapons and a steely glint “Back to the ship” called Svoran, “quick boss, we’re surrounded”.
appeared in his lifeless eyes as his claws stroked the shining array of XK-
380’s and grenades, all neatly stamped with the familiar sign “Property of “Not without my money” barked Pravit, but soon realised that this
Earth Federation” . . . how do the humans bretray their own kind? Anyway, was not the time to stand and argue as the fat trader tried to defend
they were here and now they were theirs. himself from the ever growing ring of Trixian. The laser fire whistled and
exploded around the space dock as Kleinz desperately tried to release
“Get your claws off until after the trade” barked Pravit. He’d done the old merchant ship from the docking station and escape the relentless
enough of this business to know that none of these aliens could be trusted onslaught. Pravit lumbered and rolled towards the cargo ramp, he knew

Massive Atomic

Massive Atomic “Envoy” class mecha. A devastating heavy mecha with modular weapon systems covering anti-infantry and anti-armour
roles. Art by Jake Parker.

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Nayazaki Aliens

that even his trusty crew would leave him stranded without a moments “My best people, my Hunters, were on it. Not a one is a leaf eater. Smart,
notice if he didn’t make it to safety before the engines were fired and fast, silent. I train them well. They found the human squads amassing on
warmed. His slovenly body was well overdue a re-life, he swore to get the third moon while on patrol. At least three troop ships.” She shook her
himself a younger model before his next outing. Svoran was the only one head. “There is no other reason for them to be here except to attack and to
he could truly trust, and he saw his second in command waiting to help try to steal the new teleportation weapon we’ve been working on.”
pull his heaving Captain up the extended mould-metal ramp.
Landon nodded, his heavier, darker features grim. “Do you know
Svoran reached out and grabbed the greasy merchant as the cargo which humans are involved?”
ramp was slowly lifting, when a single laser shot whistled past his ear and
struck the pilot, Kleinz, firmly in the back of the head, a red mist filled the “No. No markings of any kind. My Hunters looked. Whoever they are,
air and his lifeless body slumping to the grimy floor. my guess is that they don’t officially exist.”

In one single leap Svoran was at the controls and firing up the ancient “I suppose it doesn’t matter.” Landon’s eyes hardened into something
vessel “Blunt Instrument” once more to release the docking claws and not normally seen on the faces of the usually peaceful Nayzaki. “They
escape from the onslaught of the side shifting cancerous insectoid Trixian. should not have done this. We’ve told them many times, when the
The aging vessel creaked and groaned as; with one last effort it broke free technology is perfected, we’ll share it for an appropriate price. Not before.”
from the docking station to make good its lumbering escape.
“Your orders?”
“We’ll be back” declared Pravit beneath his putrid breath, “we’ll be
“Take six squads of our warriors to the third moon. Teach those humans
back” . . . as the old merchant ship limped away, as battered and bruised
why not to wake the resting giant. They invade our space, threaten our
as the few of the arms traders men which had managed to escape from the
people, and force our hand. Do it now. I want battle reports by evening.
vicious Trixian attack.
Dismissed.” Landon paused. “No, wait. As you go, send me Cornelius. Don’t
accept no for an answer.”
Trixian : Visual Profile
“He won’t like that.” Zura bared her teeth in an amused smile.
Normally featuring some form of dark red “I don’t care. Have two of your Hunters escort him if need be. I want
colouring to match the environment of Mars, him here within the hour. Dismissed.”
the forces of Marztek are also equipped with
traditional camo styles. Zura left chuckling to herself at the idea of her warriors escorting the
head of research to the Captain’s office. Cornelius would have a fit. One
Marztek still continues to conscript all young
worth watching… though, she would be safely far away coordinating the
men and women resulting in large young
attack squads.
and often green force of light infantry.
Suggested Miniatures: Khurasan: Vespulid
Captain Landon said nothing as the two largest Nayzaki he’d seen in a
long time entered his office literally carrying the Head of Research between
them. Cornelius was not struggling but it was clear from his disheveled hair
he had put up a fight. The Hunters put Cornelius on the ground, stepped
back, saluted, and after a nod from Landon, left.

“You’d better have a damn good reason for grabbing me out of my

lab, Captain. I’ve never been treated so shoddy in all my life. Everything
I’ve done for this research station, and I’m picked up like a piece of trash
Large intelligent and mostly peace loving apes of various castes without so much of a request. The Commander will hear about this! I
which predate the human race. The Nayzaki have highly advanced promised you.” The smaller Nayzaki, threw himself into the chair and
teleportation and genetic technology and are also capable of crossed his arms.
true sensory and emotional communication via quantum digital
technology. The Nayzaki use violence only in defence and have very When it was clear Cornelius was done, Landon nodded, “As is your
extensive and high-tek destructive capability used to protect their right. But I’d rather you’d tell him of the translocation weapon’s success.”
interests. They can also be territorial and many traits from their early
ape heritage are reflected through their rough and ready approach to The scientist blinked at Landon for a few moments. “What?”
communication and relationships.
“The translocator… it’s ready to be tested, yes?”
Nayzaki: Wake Not the Resting Giant
“Of course it is. But you haven’t let me test it on so much as a single
Captain Landon read the report Lieutenant Zura gave him and sighed. defunct tank.”
“When will the humans learn?” The Captain’s office was sparse, unlike the
rest of the offices in the research facility. He liked to keep it clear of debris “I’ve changed my mind. There are troop transports in orbit around the
and things that could be used as a weapon. He had his desk setup with its third moon. I want you to test it on them.”
computer and chair. On the other side was a chair for people to sit in when
“Troop transports?”
they came to see him. However, his visitor was still standing. He knew she
preferred it that way and did not insist. “Human troop transports. With human troops. Who are planning to
attack us in order to steal your invention.” Landon watched Cornelius’ face.
Zura shrugged, her tawny hair shimmering in the light. “Humans don’t
The myriad of emotions amused him. When the scientist’s reaction settled
learn. Not from what I can tell.”
on a calculated hate, he asked, “Can you do it?”
“This report is sound?”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Suns of Destiny

“Yes. Oh, yes.” Cornelius rubbed his hands together, making the hair on “No, it’s not there, it must be further up”
the backs of them stand up at all angles. “When?”
“Fool, let me do it”
“By tomorrow.”
“ahhhhhhhhhh” searing pain ripped through his weakened body until
He scowled. “Not a lot of time.” he thankfully passed out . . . his tortured body floating out of consciousness
only to be jerked back to witness the pain as the knife twisted and turned
“Can you do it?” Landon did not need the weapon to win the into the base of his skull, searching for the Spirit Node.
forthcoming fight but he did not want to waste an opportunity to test the
dangerous device off world. “Got it” grunted one of the aliens, John Kawalski could smell the
pernicious fumes of his disgusting breath even though his life force was
“Yes. I need laborers.” quickly slipping away forever.
“You have them.” The whole room erupted into an ear splitting cacophony of screeching
and hollering, though these Nayzaki ape creatures had been evolving for
“I’ll need ship escorts.”
millions of years before humans, at such times they quickly went back to
“Done. I’ll send out my Raptors with you.” their tribal roots and ran around thumping and beating their hardened
chests in an effort to show supremacy . . . the pecking order was soon,
Cornelius nodded, “Then by tomorrow, we can test the weapon.” however, restored without doubt.

“Good. I hope it succeeds. I would like to add that good news to my “Silence” . . . the air grew still as Commander Tritan bellowed out the
report.” Landon relaxed and nodded. “Get good digitals of the experiment.” order. “This is only the beginning, fools, now we have to work out a way to
use this knowledge wisely and re-take our rightful position on this planet of
“Of course. Now, I need to go. Send the laborers to my lab.” Cornelius spineless migrants and outlandish invaders . . . we now have the strength
stood. “What made you change your mind about the test?” and the knowledge to re-take not only what was once ours, but more,
much more . . . we can have it ALL . . . this chip holds years of knowledge
Landon shrugged. “An appropriate target presented itself.” from the all powerful Captain John Kawalski . . . he fought many battles
for ARM, he lead his men to conquer many races with his mind and tactical
“Logical.” The scientist nodded. “Good day.” With that he left the
power, and now his privileged military information is ours . .
Captain’s office. Still disheveled but much happier.

The Captain leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment.
He did not like sending people to kill or to their possible deaths. But, like
in this case, it was unavoidable. The humans had woken the resting giant
and now they were going to pay.

Nayzaki: Chip Chop The Suns of Destiny are a well known Mercenary unit, often used
by some of the larger corporations like Omni-Astron and Harmony
Captain John Kawalski blinked his eyes as he tried to focus on the
Rolling Stock. They provide counter insurgency, espionage or standard
unfamiliar surroundings. What was that smell, it smelled like a thousand
policing skills when a corporation needs immediate response and to
Guln? And the noise . . . it sounded like he was trapped in some 21st century
be able to distance themselves from the military force on the ground.
zoo enclosure which he’d come across on the history sense channel, such
screeching and hollering and howling. Slowly he began to remember Their ranks are filled with many expert soldiers that have deiced to
the events of the day before. The routine patrol around the perimeter make a higher rate of pay by engaging in some of the riskier mission
of the compound and then . . . nothing. Ambush, attack, it was the only types which the merc unit is called to action.
explanation. But now?

He tried to move but was shackled with self-mould cuffs to some sort Suns of Destiny: Visual Profile
of table, the bright lights dazzled him as he tried to make sense of his
predicament . . . how on earth was he going to get out of this one? The S.O.D are well equipped for multi-role
combat missions and make heavy use of
“He’s awake, he’s awake”
mecha and robotic technology, assets their
One of the excitable baboon like forms began to screech and leap high-price merc contracts enable them to
around, crashing trays of dirty blood soaked instruments to the grimy filth afford.
stained floor as he went. They traditionally wear an urban style camo
but do make use of a various more traditional
“Pick ‘em up” barked another, the sooner we’ve got the chip the better.
schemes where they are more suitable.
So that was it, the Spirit Node, they were going to steal the SN and
along with it his life, his memories, his experience, his future . . . Suggested Miniatures: Micropanzer: SAS

“ahhhhhhhhhh” his head was grabbed roughly and twisted until

it felt like his neck was broken, then he felt a searing pain as one of the
outlandish creatures plunged a sharp knife into the nape of his neck, the
warm sensation of blood . . . his blood . . . trickled onto his broad, muscular

“Where is it? Have you got it?”

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Political Faction Flags

Decisions in the East Hyadum Trading Company Board Room woman, child and peaceable intelligent life form from becoming a nursery
for those God damn mosquito bitches.
“You can’t sacrifice all of those people” bellowed Governor Rifkin, there
are thousands of innocent people on Xenon, and without the worm hole “We haven’t finished extracting the raw materials from there yet,
they won’t last beyond the next dual moon. there’s millions of tons of ore just waiting for us to swoop in and collect it,
according to the latest asteroid surveys there could be enough . . . . .”
“Sacrificing a few no-good colonists for the good of our world is the
only way that we can survive” argued Col Trippet, “it’s the only way to stop “Profit, profit, profit, is that all you idiots at EHTC think about? If we
those parasitic Prime aliens from spreading further through occupied don’t get rid of the Prime once and for all they’ll be the only ones who
planetary space, we’ve got to cut them off and squeeze ‘em”. benefit from your asteroid rocks, and the blood sucking brood they
cultivate in your fat, pompous belly . . . “
“But you don’t even know if it will work and I’m not willing to take that
risk” . . . Flintocks face, usually ruddy from a rich diet of currekin liver and
Xavea port wine went a disturbingly shade of pale . . . he’d been a General
“Oh, YOU’RE not willing to take the risk hey, what about WE’RE not Manager of EHTC for more than forty years and had always put profit
willing to take the risk of having our bodies and the bodies of every man,

Core Political and Military Factions

Gal-Com Commonwealth Special Contact Slavyanskiy Soyuz

Federal Army
Commonwealth Navy Agency SS

Commonwealth Sun Origin Alliance

Earth Federation Rim Defectionists The Outback
Army SOA

Culture Habitat Alioth Research

Moonies / Unity MIL-SPEC Nederland Combine
Hegemony Machinists (ARM)

Major Companies with Navy, Private Army, Merc or Security Divisions

East Hyadum Harmony Rolling

Omni Astron Marztek Helios Heavy Lift
Trading Company Stock

With no known written symbols to represent them,

the Trixian and Prime alien descriptors are Gal-Com
designs for identification and warning purposes.

Combine Mining Neural Net

Massive Atomic
Association Gateways

Alien Factions Trixian Prime

Aminan Vion Guln Horde Kruk Nayazaki

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Kruk and Amnian Aliens

before the welfare of his workers (though he’d never admit it), but the the Amnian psyche and biological design does not allow them to
thought of becoming a nursery for a brood of the Prime was something he lie or consider any form of humour or subterfuge. They simply can’t
hadn’t contemplated before . . . understand that it is possible for sentient life to ignore orders or break
prior agreements. This makes them easy to fool and they now have a
“Do we close the wormhole or don’t we” – Trippet was used having his very careful approach to negotiation with humans where nonfulfilment
orders obeyed and had never been much of a negotiator . . . his men knew of the human side of a trade ends in violence.
that it was unwise to question his commands . . . but this room was full of
other self-important officials who were also used to having things their They are bipedal with a chitinous type carapace developed for the
own way and each had their own agenda for leaving the wormhole open. warrior classes. They have large flat and slightly bulbous heads with
multiple light and smell and sound sensors.
“What if we go in one last time and bring out all of the important
colonists”, Zariah couldn’t believe the words coming out of her own mouth. Amnian weapons are also biological and genetically grown, often
She’d always been a very fair person and believed in treating all people using bone like fletchet or plasma developed from chemical reactions
and peaceable aliens equally, or so she’d thought, but when it came down in weapon micro-bile chambers. So far any attempt to adapt these
to it, there were some people on Xenon which could be a real asset to the weapons fail because they are genetically aligned with the Amnian
rest of the Commonwealth. body. The weapons also require feeding in growth pools after combat
and it has not been possible to replicate the correct genetic soup to
“How the hell do you decide who’s important” guffed Trippet, “and allow the weapons to live longer than a week (after removal from an
who’s going to drive the God damn train anyways, nobody wants that Amnian corpse).
trip, nobody . . . and if those colonists get a mere sniff of what’s going on it
would be suicide to even try . . . . I say we cut the wormhole using the “Fat M-SEC have tried negotiating with the Amnian to share
Man” protocol, lets see what the Prime do with a release of energy capable technological advances but they do not give up their secrets lightly.
of taking out the entire jet coast. Rumour with the NN has suggested that M-SEC are operating several
covert experimental scientific centres where captured Amnian are
Kruk treated to degrading biological tests and torture.

Amnian: Visual Profile

The Kruk are an intelligent, mostly peaceful, tall and hairy bipedal Amnian have a range of low genetic squads
race with a bear like ancestry. The Kruk lost their homeworld before and leaders drawn from higher genetic
they had reached the space age whilst still in a post-modern era. material.

The Kruk are now scattered and live integrated within human
society. The Kruk are not easy to anger but once riled they are capable of
great fits of rage and extreme aggression, which is particularly true with
any engagement with the Guln Horde who invaded their homeworld
Malak* destroying the atmosphere with some badly planned quantum Suggested Miniatures: Critical Mass Games: Kaamados
buster missile strikes, which wiped out the remaining forests across the Agaamid and Vivipara. GZG: Crusties
equatorial belt.

Now without their home planet Maldak in Narkon system, the Kruk
work with merchants and humans who appreciate their stolid and
dependable nature.

Before they lost their homeworld the Kruk were a stratocracy

and mostly all governmental positions were held by military groups.
Any governmental structure was lost with the destruction of their
homeworld but there are still strong ties and structures amongst the
remaining scattered Kruk.


The Amnian are a space faring race of bio-tek specialists. Many

of the space ships, weapons and building structures of the Amnian
aliens are grown and developed with sentience. The advance bio tek
allows them to design ships and systems which learn and grow with
experience. This also allows for genetic inheritance of knowledge
and skills so certain ships and genetic vessels will have an improved
pedigree over vessels with more of a mongrel status. Gruntz area template and ruler. The ruler has 8” and 4” sections
for rapid movement of Gruntz squads. It also includes the turning
The Amnian have an uneasy trade with human space which corner for vehicle movement.
occasionally breaks into minor skirmishes over terrain. In their defence

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5
When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass
Painting Vehicle Markings

Faction Battlefield Identification for access to new live or after action reports.

If you are planning to use one of the many factions, military bodies Making sure your vehicles are recognised is vital to the various
or companies from the Heliopause setting in a game you may wish to sponsors and political bodies that are aiming to get the public to agree
follow this guide for vehicle identity and icons. with a particular campaign or engagement.

These are a guide to how you might use colour stripes and hull Use the colours detailed in the faction symbols flags to pick
icons. In the Heliopause setting the clear identification of battlefield appropriate detail colours. The faction colours can be an addition
assets is important for reasons of national or corporate pride, with to the vehicle rather than a full paint scheme and also work on your
renowned divisions or mercenary fighters enjoying the notoriety of faction or military division which would be a welcome addition to the
having their vehicles screened across the Neural Net to the public. Heliopause setting.

Even remote or clandestine battles are data captured for prosperity, The High Resolution Heliopause map is best viewed in the PDF
either for tactical analysis or broadcast. The many Commonwealth version where you can rotate and zoom.
subscribers to the various battlefield virtual channels pay a premium

E Vehicle Identification Markings

Forward Hull Stripes Cannon Stripes

Forward Hull Icon Rear Hull Icon

Rear Hull Stripes Turret Stripes

Turret Hull Icon Side Mural

with rank dots

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5


upside down so the
When I die bury me

galaxy can kiss my ass

Heliopause is set against a backdrop of well established human space settlements. Worm hole and FTL drive technol- Skift
CP-51∞4413 CD-32∞8179
ogy has allowed the human race to settle hundreds of compatible extrasolar planets. Some are more habitable than ASSOCIATED WORLDS OF AOTEAROA
others and corporate investment in infrastructure in the new worlds is often measured by the level of raw resource
available to mine and trade. Public ecological sensibility guides some of the development of new planets and most
New Vitesse
planet to planet travel, on already established worlds, is made by train. Trains are linked between planets by powerful CP-58∞5467 EAST HYADUM TRADE CORE
air-pressure locked, land based worm holes which carry the rail links between hub worlds and planets with significant SUN ORIGIN ALLIANCE
naturual resources. Velhavende
with Systems

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300)

LTT 5455
Kpr 37 New Lobo New Hope
Theta Ursae Majoris Mu Arae Oath
CD-34∞11626 MIL-SEC
Bastion M-SEC SOCIETY BD+56∞1458
BD+06∞398 Varnhold
Iota Ursae Majoris
GULN HORDE Castor Purjehtia BD+46∞1635
Volpe BD+56∞1459
Accueil BD+19∞279
BD-13∞544 BD+46∞1551
Kappa Ceti
ADS 5054
Ranma BD+41∞2147
BD+36∞1979 Esperence Beta Virginis


T 9108 THE OUTBACK Satsunan
Fortezza GJ 1105 Victoria BD+35∞2270
GJ 2033 82 Eridani

Tasmania Prime
Gamma Pavonis
CD-42∞249 GJ 2034
INCURSION Domácí Kámen
Toshima CP-53∞42 CP-73∞2299 Nu Kantō KRUK
Chi(1) Orionis CD-27∞14659 One Beta Canum Venaticorum (neutral)
BD+20∞802 BD+50∞1725 SUNS OF DESTINY
Koto The Rock
Nu Phoenicis Shikoku
Pollux Gl 877
Meguro Daleko Queensland GULN HORDE
1 Pi(3) Orionis P Eridani Chūgoku (hostile)
CP-68∞41 Silver Bow
KRUK HOME SYSTEM Beta Cornae Berenices
NAYZAKI Minato Zeta Tucanae
LTT 12352
Eis Carbon
CD-51∞532 BD+36∞2147 AMNIAN
Adachi CC Eridani [FACS]
TRIXIAN Beta Hydri (hostile skirmishers)
BD-05∞1123 GJ 1221
BD-03∞1061 VION
(neutral passive)

Sætur Liberté
Ota Alpha Mensae Gl 915 Sirius Tau Ceti Novy Sebastopol
Gamma Leporis New New York (NNY) Eta Bois
Kalt (hostile)
BD-03∞1110 Shinjuku Zeta (1) Reticuli
BD-05∞1844 Abinsk Habitat 40 Eridani
Contested Region CD-23∞17699
Gl 261 SlAVYANSKIY SOYUZ (neutral hostile)
Eta Leporis Xi Bois
Alpha Centauri Epsilon Eridani CORE
TW Piscis Austrini NAYAZAKI
BD-03∞2001 Kynlí AC-24∞2833-183
Zeta(2) Reticuli
Belogorsk New Bayern
Gríma Fomalhaut Barnard's Star DM+02∞3482
Mu Cassiopeiae Sachsen Prime
61 Cygni
Delta Vine
Wolf 46 [FACS] Outlook
Carolina BD+02∞3312
Terrak BD+56∞2966 Altair
Eta Cassiopeiae

New Arnhem
Drenthe [FACS] BD+33∞2777
CD-37∞15492 Epsilon Indi Sunburst EARTH FEDERATION
Vega Sol system and immediate human colonies
CD-36∞15693 Midbar New Stamford
Harmony CD-36∞13940 G203-042 The Federation sits outside of direct Galatic
New Iceland BD-12∞2449 GJ 1230 Commonwealth control and is focused
GALACTIC LTT 2844 NEDERLAND COMBINE specifically on human interests. The
Commonwealth takes an all-inclusive view
Limburg on alien and human integration, however
the Earth Federation is focused on
The Galactic Commonwealth is the central body of asso- supporting the expansion and protection of
ciated earth space factions. It provides a central political Edios humankind.

body and elected council to oversee alien contact and CD-25∞3913 Spiral Haven
guide to legal resolution what are loosely called colonisa- Mu Herculis
tion disputes. Gal-Com headquarters are earth based and Lush
they have representatives and offices within all of the BD-02∞2901 FEDERAL ARMY
major systems. Members of the Commonwealth are not
always on friendly terms and the regional disputes, com-
bined with any hostile alien contact leads to conflict The Federation’s big battles are fought and
between Commonwealth members. won by the tanks and infantry of the
Federal Army. They are millions strong, with
mixed formations of conscripts and long
BD+20∞85 GJ 1292 BD+66∞1281 service veterans. The army has garrisons on
many independent colonies and where
COMMONWEALTH NAVY agreements are in place also bolster local
Commonwealth forces for human interests.
The mainstay of galactic military might with technology CP-45∞3978 VION TREATY SYSTEMS The Federal Army is the easiest military force
drawn from the various earth space factions. Fleet and (Destroyed
by Amnian) Elson Prime to enlist with but also one were a tour of
administration functions are drawn from the core human TRIXIAN HIVE SYSTEMS Karn Eta Cephei duty could turn into an alien nightmare or
empires with additional Commonwealth designed assets. CP-42∞4101 Months of boredom on a distant mineral
The Navy’s strongest influence for the Commonwealth is rich rock.
within the core and inner colonies, however their reach CD-40∞5404
extends across many distant colonies within the worm-hole
connected network.
CD-32∞5613 Map design by Michael Ptak (
Faction Icons Aris Kolehmainen
For details about the Gruntz rules

When I die bury me
upside down so the
galaxy can kiss my ass

Gruntz 15mm SCI-FI is a dedicated 15mm fast play wargame using combined arms. You can use
miniatures from any 15mm SCI-FI manufacturer and the rules are not restricted to a set genre or
background setting. You can pick up, learn and play Gruntz quickly and add to the basic rules with
the included optional rules with more advanced movement, turn sequence and activation.

Vehicle and artillery rules are included for a combined arms gaming experience with unit
builders and support for all manufacturers of 15mm sci-fi and modern figures.

Gruntz has manufacturer support from Critical Mass Games, Ground Zero Games (GZG), 15mm., Khurasan, Rebel Minis, Brigade, and Old Crow Models. The full range of figures
are supported by the Gruntz rules including specialists, tanks, mecha, robotic, alien races and air

The rules and statistics in Gruntz cover modern and futuristic technology, allowing for low
tech and high tech mixed battles. Included are statistics for alien technology and weird war style
creatures like zombies and B-Movie style gargantuan lizard monsters, so the setting and scenarios
are only limited by your imagination.

You can build your own forces with the army builders and supplied blank profile cards. This
enables any new manufacturer models to be designed and built with statistics which suit your own
army with a points system which can be used or ignored if you prefer scenario driven story games.

Gruntz uses D6 die for rolling shooting and attacks with the core mechanic based on a 2D6 roll
adding a number from the units statistics. Official counters are available for the game to enable easy
identification of conditions on the battlefield.



Gruntz / CMG CMG GZG Khurasan CMG

Nicholas Shephard (order #4513300) 5

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