Warmaster Reference Sheet

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Warmaster Revolution Reference Sheet

Command Phase Drive Backs (One D6 per hit))

Target in defended −1 dice
Target in fortified −2 dice
Units (not brigades) within 20cm of enemy may
Total = distance in cm driven back, on a 6 unit is confused.
1. Charge the closest enemy within 20cm (not art)
If a unit is driven back a distance greater than its full pace
2. Evade the closest enemy within 20cm, (cannot be ordered
move it is destroyed.
after evading). Flyers cannot evade
If confused cannot use initiative
Combat Phase
Flyers Home Back
Charging against enemy in the open +1
Flyers more than 20cm away from a character can Home
Back 10×1D6 before orders are issued Monster/chariot charging enemy in the open +1
Flyers can home back & be ordered in the same turn Pursuit attack +1
If confused may still home back Extra pursuit attack (per 3cm) +1
Fighting terrifying enemy −1
Command Order Range
Enemy facing own side or rear −1
General Battlefield Hero 60cm
Confused −1
Wizard 20cm Flyer within 20cm
Score to Hit (D6)
Orders (2D6 against Leadership value) Target in the open 4+
Per full 20cm distance −1 Target in defended position 5+
Each successive order to the unit −1 Target in fortified position 6+
Enemy within 20cm of unit −1
Combat Result
Within dense terrain −1
Each inflicted hit +1
Per casualty −1
Each supporting, not confused infantry stand +1
Up to 4 units can be brigaded and issued an order
Confused units cannot be ordered Win
A roll of 12 is a Blunder. See pg. 85 for chart.. 1. May fall back up to 3D6cm
Movement 2. Stand
3. Pursue/(enemy destroyed) Advance once 20cm
Type Full Half Terrain
Infantry 20cm 10cm All Pursuing Restrictions
Clear, hill, bridge, ford, 1. Infantry cannot pursue cavalry or chariots unless they
Cavalry 30cm 15cm charged cavalry or chariots in flank or rear
low linear obstacles
Clear, hill, bridge, ford, 2. Artillery never pursue
Monsters 20cm 10cm 3. Fortified units never pursue, can fall back or stand
low linear obstacles
4. Cannot pursue into terrain they cannot enter
Chariots 30cm 15cm Clear, hill, bridge
5. Non flyers cannot pursue flyers
Artillery 10cm 5cm Clear, hill, bridge
Machines Varies Lose
Flyers 100cm Must retreat difference in Combat results in cm
Characters 60cm Artillery are destroyed if they retreat

Fortified and irregular formations move half pace Draw

Both sides fall back up to 3D6cm, units must be at least 1cm
Shooting Phase away from enemy units after move
Shoot at closest enemy in line of sight A defended or fortified unit can stand its ground
Range of units differs ((see Army Lists pg. 181 ff))

Score to Hit (D6)

Target in the open 4+
Target in defended position 5+
Target in fortified position 6+

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