Digital Control Note
Digital Control Note
Digital Control Note
'•f > :
CllJ\PTER I '/
Introduction to Discrete Time Control System
I. I Introduction
1.2 Digital Control System
1.3 Quantizing and Quantization Error
1.4 Data Acquisition and Data Distribution System .
1.4.1 Analog Multiplexer
1.4.2 Demultiplexer
1.4.3 Sample and Hold Circuits
The z Transform
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 The z Transfonn 14
2.2. l Region of Convergence for z Transfonn 15
2.3 z Transfom1 of Elementary Function 16
2.4 Impo1tant Properties and Theorems of the z Transform 23
2.5 The Inverse z Transfonn 32
2.6 z Transform Methods for Solving Difference Equations 43
2. 7 Real Convolution Theorems 46
2.8 Complex Convolution Theorems 4.7
2.9 Parseval 's Theorems r 48
2.10 Some Examples 49
2.11 Problems 55
3.5.3 Pulse Transfer Function of Cascaded Elements 84.
3.5.4 Pulse Transfer Function of Closed-Loop Systems 86
3.5 .5 Pulse Transfer Function of a Digital Controller 87
3.5.6 Closed-Loop Pulse Transfer Function of a Digital Control System 88
3.5.7 Transfer Function of a Digital PID Controller 89
~ Realization of a Digital Controllers and Digital Filters 92
3.6.1 Direct Programming • 94
3.6.2 Standard Programming 95
3.6.3 Series Programming . 97
3.6.4 Parallel Programming 98
3.6.5 Ladder Programming 99
3.7 Problems 103
4.1 Mapping of the Left Half of the s-Plane into the z-Plane 106
4 .2 Stability Analysis of Closed-Loop System in the z-Plane., 107
4.3 Methods for Testing Absolute Stability 109
4.4 Stability Analysis by Use of the Bilinear Transformation and Routh 114
Stability Criterion
4.5 Transient and Steady-State Response Analysis 115
4.6 Sfoaa)(-State Error .Analysis 116
4 .7 Design 13ased,on the Root-Locus Methods 121
4.8 Design Based on the Frequency Response Methods . 126
4.8.1 Response of a Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time System 127
to a Sinusoidal Input '
4.8 .2 Bilinear Transformation and thew-Plane 130
4.8.3 Bode Diagrams ::.:.:.. . ;.• 133
4.9 Analytical Design Method 137
4.10 Problems 152
State-Space Analysis
5.1 Introduction 154
5.2 Concept of the State-Space Method 154
5.3 State-Space Representation of Discrete-Time System 156
5.4 Solving Discrete-Time State-Space Equation 171
5.4. I Solution of the Linear Time-Invariant Discrete-Time
State-Space Equation 171
5.4.2 State Transition Matrix I 71
5.4.3 z Transform Approach to the Solution of Discrete-Time 172
State Equation
5.4.4 Solution of the Linear Time-Varying Discrete-Time
State Equation 175
5.5 Pulse Transfer Function Matrix 177
5.6 Discretization of Continuous-Time State-Space Equations 178
5.6.l Review of Solution of Continuous-Time State-Space Equation 179
5.6.2 Discretization of Continuous-Time State-Space Equations 180
5. 7 Problems 185
References 187
1.1 Introduction:
The rapid advance-S in use of digital controllers and computers in control system are the
motivation for digital con~ or discrete time systems. Digital controls are used for
ma,imum producti, ity, efficiency, precision control etc. The current trend towards digital
rather than. ~al~g control of dynamic systems is mainly due to the availability of low-cost
Types of Signals:
1. Continuous-time (analog) signals:
It is defined O\ er a continuous range of time. The Fig: 1.1 shows the continuous-time
0 t
Fig 1.1
( Continuous-time analog signal )
In this type of signal the amplitude may assume a continuous range of values.
2. Co11ri1111ous-rime}qJJcpztized s[gnals:
The continuous time signals ~emg represen_ted by a distinct set of values-quan ti zed
values s quantized in amplitude only not in ti~e). The Fig . •1:2 shows the continuous -
time quantized signal.
Fig 1.2
3. Sampled-Data Signals:
- ---- -
The signal which is defined at discrete intervals of time is called the discrete time
signal. (ThatJs, one in which independen,'Vafiabte t is quantiz:d). If the ~ p_l~~1cle can
take a continuous range of values, then the signal is called sampled-data signal. A
sampled-data signal can be generated by sampling an analog signal at discrete intervals
of time. The Fig. 1.3 shows this type of signal.
2 3 4 5
Fig 1.3
( Sampled-data signal )
4. Di ital Signals:
/,,,,. .
It is a discrete-time signal with(quant1zed • de Cl early, _it is a signal quantized
amp 11tu
- -- -- -d.- . ✓, t II requires quantization of
both in amplitude and i!! tim~ The us~ oft11e 1g1ta con roet _
signals both in amplitude and in time as shown in Fig. 1.4.
0 t
2 3 4 5 6
Fig 1.4
( Digital signal) ✓
Most of the signals in the world are analog or continuous type so if the digital controllers are
to be used then signal conversion from analog to digital becomes necessary.
Tenninology such as discrete-time control systems,samplcd data control systems and digital
control systems refer to the same type or very similar type of control systems.
control systems we examine in this course are mostly linear and time-invariant. Linear
Discrete-time .
control systems differ. •
from continuous-t'rme control systems.. in those
•. •
s1gnnls . . control systems arc m
for d1scrcte-hme • samp led data form or i.._-,:..
di 1 ital
_ __ form_.
(iii) C_9ntinu~time systems, whose signals ares qntinug us in_time, may be_described by
EifTeren~ ~quati~ns ~ut in the _discrete-time systems, which involve sampled
or digital signals may_be_described by ~iff~nce_eguatio~ afier ap~~opriate
- -- ._......
discretization of continuous time signal~
T~e term "discreti~ rather than "sampling", are fi:cquently used m the analysis of
~1._!ltiple input-multiple-output system, although both the terms mean the same thing.
\ It is important t<? note that occasionally the sampling operation or discretization is entirely °'
fictitious and has been introauced only to simplify the analysis of control systems that
actuaily contain 9nly eon~inuous-time_signals. In fact, we oJl~n use a s~itable discrete-time
model for a continuous-time syst~m. An example is a digital computer simulation of a
contin.uous-time system. SucE.3 di_gital computer simulated systc_m can be analyzed to yield
parameters that will-optimize a given performance inde~.
• ,- - . . ) '
Digita l Control ~ms
The configuration of a basic digital control system is shown in Fig. 1.5.
input output
~ Actuator ...
Plant ~
Sensor or
Fig 1.5
( Block diagram of a digital control system)
Analog Digital Digital Analog
~ S/H& .. Digital .. DIA ~ Hold I
Comp~ter Circuit I
\~ Fig 1.6 t
--- - - - [cCQ0]1,. .- - -·
_ - -J'
( Block diagram of a digital controller)
The error signal is converted.to_the 9igital form by _sample and hold circuit and analog to
- · ----- 1,.- - - -
digital £Onverter. The cqnversion i~ done at the sampling time. The digit~ computer
-- - - - - . . ~ .
processes.the sequence of number by means of an algorithm and produces a new sequence of
The DIA converter and the hold circuit convert the sequence of numbers in numerical code
·- --- - - -~ -- - - - - - ----- -- -
into a ~cewise continuous time signa!:_ I_h~ output of the bold -circuit, a continu
--- -- -
- - -- - - -
signal is fed to the pl_~nt, either directly or through the actuator, to control the
Sa111pli11g or Discreti:ation: The operation that transfonns continuous-time signals into
discrete-time data is called sampling or discxetjzation. The reverse operation, the operation
# I l l transfonns disc1:cto-timc ~~ co;1ti;1:0-~me signal_is called 6)i>1i.J
The S/H and AI D conve11er convert the analog signal into a sequence of numerically coded
binary words. Such conversion is called coding or encoding. The DIA conversion process is
cal led decoding.
Some Defi11itio11s:
a) Sanmle a11-d-Nold:
!t d~scribes a circuit that ta~:_s an ana_!__og ~ c l : holds it at a const
specific period of time. Usually, the signal is electric~l-b e mechanical and optical
signals are also possible after converted into electrical signals:
d) Plant or Process:
A plant is any physical system to be controlled. Examples: chemical reactor,
spacecraft, machines, robots etc.
'5)/ Tra11sd11cer:
A~ransduccr is a device that c~nverts an input signal into an output signal o·f ~nother '
fonn. Such as a device that converts a rcssure signal into a vollagLJJ11put. The
output signal, in general, depends on the past history of the input.
Classification of Tra11s<111cers:
i) Analog Transducer: It is a transducer in which the input and output signals arc
continuo~nction of time. , /
ii) Sampled-data Tra11sc/11cer: It is one in which the input and output signal~ occur _only
@ctisc'.ete instants oftim~but the magnitudes ofth~ signais a r e ~
iii) D~gital Transducer: A digital transducer is one in which the input and output signals
oc~ur only· ~t} iscrete instants of time and the signal magnitudes ar~ quantiz~d.
Type,s of Sampling Operations: lb{,? ~i/-.,
_l. ~ic...Sampliug.,· In the case of periodic sampling, the sampling instants are equally
spaced, or tk == kT where k = b, 1,2. .... It is the most convenient type of the sampling
;ff}· Multip_k-_prder..SamplingJ he ~ of the tk 's is repeated periodically, that is, t k+r- tk
_✓. _j
Qunntizing nnd Qunntization Error
The main functions involved in ND conversion are sampling, quantizing ar)d coding. When
. -- ,
the value of any sam~ bJ:twecn two adjacent ~tted; output states, it must be. read
on the permitted state nearest the actual value of output signal. The process of representmg a
continuo~s or analog ~ n11l by finite ·number of discrete state is called ampli~ud~ (
~ -- ~
The output state of each _quantize~~ te is then des~ribe~_bt ~ num~rical .co~~. such a process t
is calJed cnco~ coding. Encoding is a process of assigning a digital word or cct<le' o •
each discrete state. ~
l Qua11tizi11g: The standard number system used for processing digital signal is th~binary
number system. In this system, the code group consists of n pulses each indicating either
'ON' (1) or 'OFF' (0). The n "ON-OFF'' pulses can represent 2" amplitude levels or output
_The quantization I~~cl Q is t~e range be~ween two adjacent decision pointymd is given by
lR v
Q=·FsR ,._ LsP.. -
-Where, FSR is full scale range.
Left most bit is called most significant bit (MSB) and has the highest value while the right
-- -
mos/ bit called least significant bit (LSB) has the least weight. LSB is the quantization level
' Due to the fact that the_bi__ts in~ digital word is finite, ND conversion
Q11a11tizatio11 Error:
results in a firyite resolution. The analog signals must be rounded off to a quantization level -
quantization error. The error varies between 0 al!d ± ½Q, N? matter how many bits one uses,
there is always some kind of quantization error when going ND conversion.
The Fig. 1. 7 shows a block diagram of a quantizer together with its input-output
characteristics. For an analog input x(t), the output y(t) takes on only a finite number of
l~hich ar..,:!nte~~Itiples of the qu~ization level Q.
Quantizer ] ►
0 Q 2Q X
Fig. 1.7
( Block diagram of a quantizer and its input-.o utput characteristics )
Since the quantizing process is an approximating· process in that the analog quan tity is
- . : . . . . - - - - - --
approximated by a finite digital number, the quantization error is a round-off error. Clearly,
~ y e_q q a ~ i s the sm~JlerJ~e o_und-off_err_or. /
The Fig. 1.8 shows an analog input x(t) and the discrete output y(t), which is in the form of
staircase function. The quantization error e(t) is the difference between the in~ut signal. and
the quantized output, or
e(t) = x(t) - y(t)
The magnitude of the quantized error is
- O~jc(t)j~_!_Q
For a small quantization level Q, the quantization error is like a random noise.
Fig 1.8
( Analog input x(t) and discrete output y{t) )
v••f Data Acquisition nnd Data Distribution Systems:
The Fig. 1.9 shows the block diagram of a data acquisition system .
./ "fl
- - - - - , '/ ,------,
Variable Transducer Sample
Amplifier Low Pass Analog
Filter Multiplexer &Hold
To Digital
Fig 1.9
( Block diagram of data acquisition system )
In this system, the input to the system is a physical vruiable such as_ ppsition, velocity,
~ cceleration, temperature _o!:__~ressure. Su_ch a physical variable is first converted into an
electrical signal (a voltage or current signal) by a appropriate transducer. The amplifier that
follows the transducer performs one or more of the following functions.
(i) ~t amplifies th:._voltag£_9_utput of the transducer.: _/
(ii) It converts the current signal into a voltage sign✓.
(iii) It buffers the ~ignal/ •
The low pass fitter that follows the amplifier attenuates the high frequency signal'
components, such as noise signals (The electronic noises are random in nature and may be
--- - -
reduced by low-pass filter). The output of the low-pass fitter is an analog signal. T~is signal
is fed to th~ analog m~ltiplexer. T~e output of the multiplexer is fed to the sample and ~old
circuit, whose output is fed to analog to digital converter. The output of the converter is in
r digital f~~ and it is fed to the digital computer (controll; r). ~ - - - --
- --- - -
The Fig. 1.10 shows the block diagram of data distribution system.
✓ --
✓ K Dl'>
--- -
Register Demultiplexer D~ Hold ...r
~ ~
r r r
Co(lY.C.[t To
-.. .... , .....__ .:~:
Fig I.IO
( Block diagram of data distribution system )
. . . process 1s
The reverse of the data-acqms1t1011 . the data- d'1stn'but'1on process• It consists
.. of
register, .
a demult1plexer, . .
d1g1tal-to-analog converter and ho Id circut
• ·ts. It converts the signal
in digital form (binary numbers) into analog fonn. ':[he output of DI A converter is fed to the
hold circ~it. !J1; output of the h~ld circuit is fed to the analog actuator, which in tum,
directly controls the plant under consideration...: ~
The analog multiplexer is a device that performs the function of time-sharing in AID
converter among many analog channels. If many ~gnals are ~o be_processed_by_a single
?igita! control!~! then these input signal~must be fed to the controllc~through a multipexer.
... (I.)
:;j c::
0.. ~
c:: (ll
1-----+--t--7 To Sampler
...... ..c
u ------·
Fig 1.11
( Schematic diagram of an analog multiplexer )
l.4.2 De11mltipJe.,'t:er:
The opposite of multiplexer js demultiplexer which separates the composite output digital
data from the digital controller into t h ~ e l s .
~ 1.4.3 '
Sample-a11d-/Jo/d Circuit:
A ~nplcr-ina d igital system c o ~ a l o g signal into a train of amplitudc-n~odulatc<l
-Y Th~ hold circu~t l~ol~s the value of the sampled p~ signal over a spcc1 1c pcno of
t ~ The sample-and-hold is necessary in the ND converter to produce a number that
accurately represents the input signal at the sampling instant.
The Fig. 1.12 shows the simplified diagram of the sample-and-hold circuit. 1he S/H circuit is
an analog ,circuit in which ~ (input voltage is acquirei)tnd then stored /on a high quality
capacito__~:}.vith low leakage rnd low dielectric abso~ h aracteristics.
• ' l vs1/ - l J 6- ...v
Arnp. 1
Amp. 2
An l In C- ' l /Qu..W-
~1-0-g-p-ut_ _(b_:..-----_~
_\ _._ _ _ _-+-!_ _ _-+-C-H.....--- -~
- An-al-o-g
Sampler -and-hold
Fig 1.12
( Sample and hold circuit)
As shown_in the Fig 1.12 an clectroni:_ s~~itch is connecte? lo the ~old capacitor. S)perational
amplifier 1 is[iui input buffer amplifier with a high input impedanceJQperational amplifier i-·
is the output amplifier which buffers the voltage on the hold capacitor. \Vhen the swi.tch is
- - - - -
• closed the capacitor charges up to the average level of the input signal that means the charge
acitor in the circuit tracks the input voltage. '!bis mode of operation is known as
==--.........~d-e_. -~O\~, when the switch is open the capacjtor starts to discharge very slowly
through the stray leakage hence the capacitor voltage holds constant for a specified time
r criod Hild this operation mode is k11ow11 as ~ HWC..
r··tg. 1.13 sho ws the tracking
. .'
-~ .T
--~: _ _ J _ ____ _
------ - -
:i I
0 I /\prr111rc
►t 1 ◄- 1i,11r
C -
I I 0 11 1pu l
u I I si~n:11
I !old con>r11311J
is Hivcn her c
Fig I. IJ
( Tracking mod..: and hold mode)
In foct, the switching from the tracking mode !o the hold mode is not instantaneous. _When
' '
!he :,old command is given while the circuit is in the tracking ~1'!_odc, then the circuit will stay
~ -
• J - . ' - .- • ...- - - - •
in ~11! trncking mode fo~ a\~e before reacting to tl1c hold conrn1~11d. }'he time intcrv;il
- . . . - . -
du ·111;~ which the swi!ching takes place is c:1llcc! !lie .aperture time.
j --- •
- - ----. - - -- • -- • - - - .-- -
Thc 011tput voltage during the hold mode may decrease slightly. The hold mode droo1~ may
_be rri~uced by using a hi_gh-input-impcdarfce optp11t bu er amplifier Such an Oltlput buffer
am?lificr must have very_!ow_bi~s cu~·c11t. / ·
Thi: sample-and-hold controllssl by.-a. criodic clock,---
The z-Trausforn1
2.1 Introduction
A mathematical tool commonly used f~r the analysis and synthesis of di screte-time control
systems is the z transfonn. The role of the z transfonn in discrete-time systems is simil ar to
that of the Laplace transfonns in-continuous-time systems.
Discrete-Time Siguals: The discrete-time signals arise if the system involves a _sampling
--- - -- - - - --·-- .
-- - - - - - - - - ---
operation of continuous-time signals. The sampled signal is x (OJ, x (T), x (2 T), .......... where
T is the sampling period. Such a sequence of values arising from the sampling operation is
--==-~ ==--~ -- -- -
--- -----
usually written as x (kT). If the system involves an iterative process caJTied out by a di gital
COI.!!IDJter, the signal involved is a number sequence x (OJ,~). x (2J, .......... The sequence of
number is usually written as x (kJ. Although x(k) is a number sequence, it can be considered
as a sampled signal of x (tJ when the sampling period T is 1 sec.
The 2
transform defined by Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) is referred lo as the one-sided z lransfonn .
The symbol 2 denotes "The z transform or•. In the one-sided z transform, we assume
x (t) == 0 for t < 0 or x (k) = 0 fork < 0 .
The z transfom1 ofx (t), where - oo < t < oo, or of x (k), where k takes integer values (0, ± 1, ±
2, ........), is defined by
X(z) =2 [x(k)]= :Ix(kT)z-k
-- - -
- -
is a power series which may not conv ge for all values of z. That is, the infinite sum may
not be finite. For any given' sequence, the set of values of z for which the z transfonn
converges is called the ~egion of convergence (ROC):::::_
Example 1. Find the region of convergence for the function x (k) == 1, k=0,1,2, ......
..,. .
X(z)=2[z(k)]= - -
converges if l z- I~ I i.e. I z I> 1 (ROC)
H- I ( ,I
( l (, \
Fig. 2.1 (Region of convergence)
.. • i.e. jzj) a
Example 3. x (k) = ( l/2)k u (k) + ( -1/3 )"u (k), where u (k) is the unit step function.
/ ./
Now,Zx(k)= +---
1- 12 z-1 1 + 13 z-•
l~z-•1Ll&-iz· Ll
l 1
1.e. lzl )-,
lzl )-
X 1 ~ { 1 (I) , t ~ 0
0, t O
The z transfonn is give by,
., .,
X(z) =2 [1(t)) = Itz•k = L:Z.1c
k=O k =O
=1+ z·' + z•2 + z·3 + ............. .
Sii) U11it-Ramp F1111ctio11: Let us find the z transform of the unit ramp function
(t)=: {j ;
X t~0
O· t<0
The z transform of unit ramp function is give by,
., .
X(z)= 2 [t] = Ix(kT)z-k
00 .,
= Ikrz·lc =T I kz•k
k=O k=O
=T -I
n - z-')
-T z. I)
- , (z - 1) 2 )
The figure below shows the sampled unit-ramp signal.
xro x~n
....,x(4T) -
0 T 2T 3T 4T ST )
ak k "7 0, I, 2, ..... .
x(k)== '
0, k<0
Where a is a constant.
The z transform is then given by,
"' 00
X(z)=2[a1:]= L x(k)z-k =Iakz•k
-_ 1 + az -I + a 2 z - 2 + a 3 z - 3 + .......... .
u Expo11ential F1111ctio11: Let us find the z-transfom1 of
x (t)= { e•at ; t~ 0
0 ; t <0
Since x (kT) = e•aH, k = 0,1,2,3, .....
we have
X(z) = ~[e-11 ] = Ix(kI)z-1c
k• o
.=L e - •kT z -le
= - - - -1
1- e - ar z-
Jjv) Sinusoidal F1111ctio11: Consider the sinusoidal function
sinw t ,t~0
x(t) =
{ 0 , t(0
A we know that
d1~1 = cos wt + j sin wt
c ~ml = cos wt - J• sm
w t.
Thus we have
We can write
=~( 1 __- I )
2 J 1-eiwTz- 1 1-e-io,,tz- 1
(ei"'T - e- i.,r)z-1
=-- -'---- -- - - - -
2j l-(e JwT +e- 1.,1) 2-1 +z-2
z- 1 sin wT
1- 2z - 1 cos w T + z -
' zsihwT
z - 2z cos w T + 1
;,_/ ,,q. ,d~:(:'<-~, '>-..,_.-,,
.1,··. ·;:=, ,/ .I/ . ,, .•
y xample ~ tain the1}[~~nn"6tlfe· cosine function
/ " {co'sco·t ,t ~ o'
x(t) =
0 ,t < 0
Solution. The z transform is given by ' \
- 19
-- 2-(e -J"'T +ef"'T)z -1
21-(el"'T +e-J"'T)z-' +z-2
l-z-1 coswT
= - - 1- -- - -
1- 2z- cosw T + z- 2
z - z cos w T / ,
- z' -2zcosmT+I~
Solution. Whenever a given function is in s-domain then there are mainly two approaches to
determine the z transform. The first approach is to convert x (s) into x (t) and then find the z
transform of x (t). And the second approach is to expand x (s) into partial fractions and use a
z transfonn table to find the z transform of the expanded tcnns. There are still other
approaches, will be explained later.
1 1
X(z) = 2[1 -e- 1] = --1 -
l-z- 1-e-Tz-1
= - _ . c __ _; _ __ _
( I - z -i )( 1 - e -r z _, )
-- T 2 [ z., +4z•2+9z. J+ 16z •4 + ..... .]
2 1
z • + ..... .]
- T z ., [ 1+4 z• +9z +16 •2 1 ,;·
= TT~z:.b + ~-\) / ~ ~ c,(' l.
I. - - Kronecker
delta~ l
. ,. I, k = 0
2. - - Oo (n- k)
1, n = k z-k
0, n * k
3. 1 1
- ../ --
s l(t) l(k) 1 -z
-1 l
4. s+a e/ e-akT 1-e z -1
- Tz-'
5. ~ i: KT (
(1- z- 1 )2
I. ·, -·
• "'
- -
T 2z -1(1 +z- 1)
' '7
J ..
6. ·t2 (kT)2 (I'- 2-1)J
~_,.1 l'"". J
1 T -aT -I
L-1,.., ~
10. (s + a) 2 te•al KTe·~kT (l _ ~ -aT 2_:1 )2
t...--- .,/ s- ~ 1-(1 +aT)~
11. (s +_av ( I - at)e·0 \ ( l - akT) e•akT (1- £-aT z~I)2
~ ,(.J-·) ..,.•·-·--;,
• ~ - rift
2 T 2 e - aT{] +-aT~-1) z -I
12. (s + a) 3 tl e•at (kT)2 e•akT (1- e-aT 2- 1 ) 3
a2 [(aT-1 + e-ar) + (1-e-•T - aTe-ar )z- 1 ]z- 1
13. s 2 (s+a) at-1 +e•at AkT-1+e•akT (1 - z- 1 )2(1 - e-.r z-1 )
nd l'\.f (.yl'](A ',
OJ z-'sinOJT
14. s2 +OJ2 sin ro t sin wkT v 1 - 2z- 1cosOJ T + z- 2
s l - z- 1cosro T
15. s2 +m2 ' cos rot cos rokT ✓ 1 - 2z-1cosm T + z-2
OJ c-•T z- 1sinOJ T
(s+a)2 +(t;2 1- 2c-•T 1 21 2
16. e•at sin rot e•aki sin rokT ✓ ___, z- cosm T + e- • z- ~
e•al COS ©t e-akt cos rokT
1- e-aT Z-1cosm T + e- 2• 1 z- 2
" e--=.,
18. ak 1 - az -1
a .v
19. 1- az -1
k = 1,2,3,....
20. ka
k-1 (l - az - I )2
z- 1(1 + az- 1)
21. k2 l ·l (l-az- 1) 3
z - 1(1+4az- 1 +a 2 z-2 )
22. k3 i" 1 (l-az- 1) 4
24. akcos k 1t l+az- 1
k(k-1) z-2
25. 2! (1-z-')3
k(k - 1) ... (k - m + 2) - m+ I
;;; aX(z)
(ii) Linearity of tile z trn11sform: The z transfonn possesses an important property:
linearity. If f (k) and g (k) are z transfonnable and a and p arc scalars, then x (k) formed by a
linear c~mbination x (k) = a f (k) + pg (k) has the z transfonn
X (z) = a F (z) + p G (z).
Where F (z) and G (z) are the z transfonns off (k) and g (k), respectively.
(iii) Multiplicatio11 by ak: If X (z) is the z transfonn of x (k), then the z transform of
- - --
ak x (k) can be given by X (a·1z):
2[a'<~X(a· z).
2[akx(k)]=I a1cx(k)z-1c
= Ix(k)(a-'zrlc
k =O _ __
(iv) Shifting Theorem: This theorem is also referred as the real translation theorem. If
x (t) = I fort< 0 and x (t) has the z transfonn X (z), then
2[x (t - nT)] = z·" x(z) .... ....... (2.5)
= z-nIx(kT- nT)z-(k-n)
k• O • · -
Let m = k- n
:. k=m+n
when k = 0, m = -n
k = oo, m = oo
= z"I f
t m•n
x(mT)z-m ].
where k + n = m (suppose)
so that when k = 0, m = n and
when k = oo, m = oo.
2[x(t + nT)] = z"r :t
x(mT)z-"' - f
m• O
x(mT)z-m ]
= z"[X(z)--Ix(kT)z-k] (proved)
k =Q
0 T 2T 3T 4T ST 6T
( Unit-step function delayed by l sampling period )
0 T 2T 3T 4T ST 6T
Fig 2.3
y(k) = L x(h) k = 0, 1 2..........
y(k) = Ix(h)
Y(z) - z-1Y(z) =X(z)
: 1
:. Y(z) = X(z)
(1 -z-1)
) {complex Tra11sfotin11 Theorem: lfx (I) has the z lransfonn X (z), then the z transfo"'.' ~
e· x (t) can be given b·y X (z c0 \ This is known as the complex transl ati on theorem.
Proof: As we know that
= Ix(kT)(zc•Trk
Thus, ,:e j conclude that to find the z transform of e•at x (t), we can just replace z in X (z)
byzeJ •
Example 10. Obtain the z transfonns of e•at sin cot and e•.it coscot, respectively, by using the
complex translation theorem.
. ] z -J sin {JJ T
Z [sm mt = - --1 -- - - -2
1- 2z- cos w T + z -e
Let us now substitute z eaT for z to obtain the z transform of e•at sin cot, as follows:
Similarly, ,
Let us now substitute z eaT for z to obtain the z transform of e•at cos (J)t, as follows:
Example 11. ~ n the z transfonn s oft c·~
(vi) Initial Value Theorem: I~b~t)Jp~ t!1e _z_ transfonn XJg and if lim X (~) ex ists, then
the initial value x (0) of x (t) or x (k) is given by ~ '2::-) c;o
Example 12. Detcnnine the initial value x (0) if the z transfonn of x (t) is given by .
Note: The given _X (z) was the z transform of x (t) = 1- e-1. So, when t = 0, x(0)=0 which
agrees with the result obtained by initial value theorem.
(v) Filial Value Theorem: Suppose that x (k), where x (k) = 0 for k < 0, has the z
transfonn X (z) and that all the poles of X (z) lie inside the unit circle, with the possible
exception of a simple pole at z = 1 (condition for stability). Then, the final value ofx (k), that
is, the value of x (k) ask approaches infinity, can be given by
lim x (k) = x (oo) = Jim [(1 - z- 1) X (z)]
Z➔ I
2 [x(k - 1)] = z-1X(z) = ~ x(k -1 )z-k . . ..... .. . (2.8)
~ -
k~-0 : _ _ - - - -
Hence, subtracting Eg·. (2.8) from (2.7), we get
.., ""
L x(k)z-k - L x(k-l)z-k = X(z)- z- x(z) 1
.. . ... .. .. (2.9)
lim [ Ix(k)z-1c-
"' "'
Ix(k-l)z-1c ] = lim [(l-z- 1 )X(z) ] ....... (2. 10)
z ➔ l k• O k• O z - >l
[x (0)- x (- 1)] + [x (1)-x (0)] + [x (2)- x (l)] + ...... = x (cx:) = Jim x (k)
• Hence,
lim x (k) = lim ((1 - z- 1) X (z)] ..... (2.11)
This Eq (2.11) proves the final value theorem. The final value theorem 1s useful m
detennining the behavior of x (k) as k➔oo from its z transform X (z).
1 1
X(z) = 1- z-1 1- e-aTz-• a>0
lim r ]
x(oo) = L(l-z -•)X(z)
-~ z ➔ 1 1~ 7
- I
lim [ _1 ( 1 1 \] '
=z ➔
1 (1 - z ) 1 -I
-z - 1
-e- aT z-I JI
• • .... • ,,, ~ ·# -
• .. • .. : . ; ; - ~ :· : . 'J
Note: The given X (z) was the z transform ofx (t) ~ t·-··~" 11
• So, x (ex:) = 1. Which agrees with "
the result obtained by final value theorem.
I -
2.5 The Inverse z Transform
The notation for the inverse z transfom1 is 2· 1. The inverse z transfonn of X (z) yields the
coITesponding time sequence x (k).
When X (z), the z transfonn of x (kT) or x (k) is given, the operation that detem1ines the
corresponding x (kT) or x (k) is known as inverse z transformation and is denoted by
x (k) = 2" 1 [X (z)]
\jt ~hould be noted that the inverse z-transfonn yields the sampled function x (k), not the
continuous-time function x (t).
Here, four methods, by which we can detennine the inverse z transform, are explained.
(i) Direct Divisio11 Jt1etlrod: The defining equation of the z transfonn i.e. X(z) = L x(kT)z -k
- ~=0
suggests that the inverse z transform can be determined simply by expan£ing the function
into an infinite series in powers of z· 1. This method is useful when it is desired to find only
the first several tenns of x (kT) or x (k) .
As we know that
X(z) = I x(kT)z-k
Then x (kT) or x (k) is the coefficients of z•k terms. Hence, the values of x (kT) or x (k) for
k = 0, 1,2,..... can be detennined by inspection.
Example 14. Find x (k) fork = 0, 1,2, .... when X (z) is given by
Solution. The function X(z) can be written as a ratio of polynomials in z·' as follows,
X(z) = 2 z
z -0.5z-0.5
= -- - 1- --
1- - 0.5z- 2 + 0.5z-3 -0.25z-3 - 0.25z-4
0.75z- 3 + 0.25z-4
0.75z-3 - .......... .
x(l) = l.
X (2) = 0.5
X (3) =0.75
\. \
X(z) = _!_
z +1
X(z) = -- = z - 1 -z-2 + z -l - z- 4 +~ ..... .
l +z-1
By comparing the infinite series expansion of X(z) with '
X (3) =+ 1
x(4) = -1
This is an alternating signal of 1 and -1, which starts from k = l. The Fig.2.4 below shows a
plot of this signal.
2 3 4 5
-1 0 1 k
, .
Fig 2.4
.,.. .· · .....
• ( Alternating signal of 1 and - I starting froR'I k=~,·): •
Example 16. Obtain the inverse z transfonn of X (z) = I + 2z~ •~ 3 z·2 + 4_ z_:
Solution. Since X (z) has a finite number of terms, it corresponds to a signal of finite length.
By inspection, we get
X (Q) = 1
x(l) = 2
X (2) = 3
x (3) = 4 and all other x (k) values are zero.
(iii) Partial-Fractio11- Expa11sio11 NIet/,od: i° n efljifl~~l1f\_J °Wh'CCLr\<Jri S eh --J_J,,.~ --z. - tyOr'\-!
b m b m-1
X(z)= oz + ,z + ........ + b m-lz+bm
Zn +a,z
n- 1
+ ........ +an_,z+an '
Let ~1s now-factorize the denominator of X(z) and find the poles of X(z):
We then expand X(z) into partial fractions so that each term is easily recognizable in a table
of z transform.
(b) For multiple poles: If X(z) involves a multiple pole, for example, a double pole at z = p 1
c = [(z-p )2 X(z)]
I I Z ■ p 1i
z _,
I •
)' , /,
_,, /I•II
X(z) = 2z3 + z
by use of the partial-fraction expansion method.
_ 2z 2 +1 /
- z-1 1z=2
= 8 +I
k, ={![~:~:;]L
= (z-1)(4z)- (22 + 1) I
(z-l)2 z=2
= -1
k - 2z 2 + 1
3 - (z-2)2 z=l
X(z) .9 1 3
-- = 2- - +--
z (z - 2) z-2 z-1
9z z • 3z
or, X ( z ) = - - - - - + -
(z-2)2 z-2 z- 1
- -c.-, \ '3. -=- 9\,,. ~ _,
• • <. ,- ::?-<..-. r... ,-
-i... 7--•
From the table of z transtonn, we can wntc ' - -z...-\
1- e-•T
k 1 = - --aT
} -aT
k2 = : : I Iz=e-aT
X(z) I.
--= - -----
z z-1 z-e-aT
x (kT) =l - e •JkT wl1ere k == 0, 1,2, .......
X(z) = Lx(kT)z-k .......... (2.12)
X (z) zk•I = x (0) zk-J + x (T) zk-2 + x (2T) i ·' + ..... + x (kT) z·1 + . . . . . . .. (2.14)
. ✓ ...,/
Let us integrate both sides along with the circle in counterclockwise direction,
{xcz)zk•I dz= {x(O)z k•l dz+ ... +{x(kT)z"1 dz+ .... .. ........ (2.15)
where c is a circle with its center at the origin of the z-plane such that all poles of X(z) zk•l
are inside it.
, Now, applying Cauchy's theorem, all the terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (2.15) become
zero except. /
{x(kT)z-:dz -/
· 11 we o b ta1p
From w 111c
./ ·
The Eq. (2.17) is the inversion integral for the z transfonn, which is equivalent to stating that
. x (kT) = L [ residues ofX(z) 2 k-l at the poles of X(z)].
(a) For a simple pole: If the denominator of X(z)zk•I contains a simple pole z = Zi then the
corresponding residue k is
(b) For a multiple pole: If X (z)l·1 contains a mult1ple pole Zj of order q , then the residue k
is given by ~
1\../"lim dq- 1
k = - -· __ r(z - Z )q X(z)z k-l]
(q-l)!Z ➔ ZjdZ~-•~ j
' .
Example 19. Obtain the inverse z transform of X(z) ~ T by using inversion
(z - 1) 2 (z - e-•)
~ integral method.
at po Ic z =c -•T ]
k2 =residue of z at double pole z = 1
· (z-l) 2 (z-e-•T)
1 Iim d [ 2 k+ ]
~(2 - l)!z ➔ ldz (z -e-•T)
= lim [<z-e-•T)(k+l)z• -zk+']
z➔l (z-e-•T )2
k e-•T
Hence, ·
Example ~Qbtain the inverse z transfonn of X(z) = Oz by using inversion
v< (z - l)(z - 2)
• integral method.
Solution. Since X(z) zk-t has two poles at z = 1 and z = 2. So, there are two residues k 1 and
Now, to evaluate the residue k 1,
lim [ 102 1c ]
- z ➔ I (z - 2)
=- 10
= z ~2[(~Q~:)]
= 1Q2k
= -e - al:T
:. X (kT) = 1 - e-akT, k = 0,1,2, ......
Table of /111porta11t Properties mu/ Theorems of the z-Tnmsform:
1. ax(t) AX(z) .
2. ax1(t)+bx 2(t) aX 1(z)+bX2(z)
3. x(t+T)or x(k+ l) zX(z)-zx(O)
4. x(t+2T) z"X(z)-zlx(O)-zx(T)
5. x(k+2) zLX(z)-z"x(O)-zx( 1)
6. x(t+kT) zKX(z)-zKx(0)-£1' · 1x(T)-... -zx(kT-T)
7. x(t-kT) z·Kx(z)
1LJ.O: tx(t) d
\.1-V kx(k)
dz .
J -2~ e·3~x(t) X(ze
·. i
14.-- al(x(k)
x(1) l
l.J5:' kaKx(k)
r -: z~x( ~)
dz a
20. n 1
I x(k) _
k=O 1-z
a x(t,a) a
aa aa
~22. k"'x(k)
(-z d~r X(z)
23. X(z)Y(z)
I x(kT)y(nT - kT)
24. .,
k ■O
4 4
(i) 2[x (k + 4)] = z X(z) - z x(O) -z3 x(l) - z2 x(2) - z x(3)
(viii) 2 [x (k - 3)] = z·3 X(z)
Exnr~1plc 22. Solve the following difference equation by use of z transfonn method:
x(k f 2) + 3x (k + 1) + 2x (k) = O. Given that x(O) = 0, x(I) = I
Now, taking z transfonn to the both sides of given difference equation, we get
2 ) 2 ,,
z X(z -z x(O)-zx(l)+3zX(z)-3zx(0)+2X(z) \ O _
(z2 + 3z + 2) X(z) - z = 0
(putting x(O) = 0 and x(l) = 1)
z z z
X(z) = -z-2 _+_3_z_+_2 = -z+-1 - _
z _+_2 ,_ __
x (k + 2) - x (k + 1) + 0.25 x (k) = 44-'(k +2)
By taking z transfonn to the both sides, we get
2 2
z 2 X(z)-z x(0)-zx(l)- zX(z)fzx(0)+0.25X(z)=z 2 U(z)-z u(0)- z u(I)
or, z X(z) j - ii- zX(z) -i+ 0.25 X(z) = z 2 U(z)-/ /
I I ~~
or, X(z) [z 2 - z + 0.25) = '.l§'A- z2 _z_ "I
7· z- ,
X(z) z +2z-2
or, . - =
z (z - 1)(z 2 - z + 0.25)
X(z) z 2 +2z-2
or, --=
kl =4,k2 =-3,k3 =2
4z 3z 3 z
So, X(z) = z - 1 - z - .!_ + 2 (z - !)2
• 2 2
l)k 3 (1 B a,
+ k ) -y;?',,,
2 2
Wherek = 0, 1, 2, ....
2.7 Real Convolution Theorem
Let us consider the functions x 1(t) and xi(t), where
x1(t) = O, fort<O
for l < 0
Ass umc that x,(t) and x,(t) arc z transfonnablc and their z lransfonns arc X,(z) and X,(z,(
respectively. Then
=2[x,1(k) * X2(k)] ,
This equation is called the re~] convolution theorem.
ao k
=I Ix,(hT)x 2 (kT-hT)z-k QI '
k=O h=O
"" k
=L Ix,(hT)x 2 (kT-hT)z-k ..........(2.19)
k• O h• O
Where the condition has been used is x2(kT - hT) = 0 for h > k. Now, let us define ':1 = k - h
such that when k = 0, m = -h and when k = ro, m = oo. Then
., .
= 2:X, (hT)z-b Ix(mT)z-m
hs O m=O J.. .
= X, (z)X 2 (z) ······ ····<2.21)
2.8. Complex Convolution Theorem
The complex convolution theorem is useful in obtaining the z transform of the product of two
sequences x1 (k) and x2(k). Suppose both x,(k) an'd x 2(k) are zero fork < 0. Assume that
where R1 and R2 ~e the radii of absolute convergence for x,(k) and x 2(k), respectively. Then
the z transform of the product of x 1(k) and x 2(k) can be given by
2[x 1 (k)x 2 (k)] = L x (k)x (k)z-k
1 2
. ........ (2.23)
k• O
The series on the right hand side of Eq (2.23) converges for Jzl > R, where R is the radius of
absolute convergence for x,(k) x2(k).
X2(k) = 2~ {x2(z)zk-ldz• .: . •
......... (2.25)
Noting that Eq (2.23) converges uniformly for the region lzl > R, we may interchange the
order of summation and integration, then Eq. (2.25) can be written as,
We have,
.. . ...... (2.27)
Where c is a contour (a circle with centre at origin) which lies in the region given by
/81 > R2 and 18· zl > R1 or
......... (2.28)
If this inequality satisfies for I z I= 1 or R 2 < 181 L -
Then by substituting /zl = 1 in Eq (2.27) of the previous theorem, we get
Let us set x 1(k) = x2(k) = x(k) then
2[x (k)]= _l.
. 2!()
f>-X(8)X(c5 - )dc5
1 1
= - -. rfz- 1 X(z)X(z- 1)dz ......... (2.29)
27rj 1: . :
. .. .......(2.30)
This Eq. (2.30) is known as Parseval's theorem and it is useful for obtaining the summation
ofx2(k). ...,,,-
2 [k 2 ]=f k 2
z -k =
+4z-2 + 9z- 3 + .....
k; O
Example 2. Obtain the z transform of the curve x(t) shown in fig. 2.5. Assume that the
sampling period Tis 1 sec.
5 6 7 8•
Fig 2.5
( Curve ofx(t))
Solution. From the above figure we obtain
x(0) = 0 .
x(l) = 0.25
x(2) = 0.5
x(3) = 0.75
x(4) = t,' k = 4, 5, 6, ....... .
X(z) = Ix(k)z-•·
We can verify this by the following way. As we know that the curve x(t) can be written as
x(t) = ¾t -¾ (t - 4)1(t - 4) ~ '\>
where 1(t -4) is the unit-step function occurring at t = 4. Since the sampling period T = I sec,
the z transform of x(t) can be given by,
X(z) = 2'[x(t)] = z[ z[
¾ t]- ¾<1 -4)1(1 -4)]
4(1-z-1)2 4(1-z- 1) 2
. = 1 z-• (l -.z- 4 )
4 (l-z-1 ) 2
Example 3. Obtain the inverse z transform of X(z) = z(z + 2) by use of all the methods
described in this chapter.
Met/rod 1 (Direct dfrisio11 met/rod): Let us write X(z) as a ratio of two polynomials in 2· 1.
X z _ 1+2z-1 _ 1+2z-•
( ) - (}
-z -1 )2 - 1- 2z-I +z -2
x(0) = 1
x(l) = 4 • . ._ . I,
·• .
x(2) = 7
x(3)= IO
M~I 2 (Parli[1l-fractio11-expa11sio11 met/Jot/): Let us expand X(z) into the following
r,(rtial fraction,
y, ( 1.,./ -
Hence we obtain,
x(O) = 1
x(k) = 3k + 1, k = 1,2,3,.......
X(z)z1:-1 = (z + 2)~1:
(z-1) ·
• Since X(z) l· 1 has a double pole at z = 1. So, we can find x(k) by,
. (z + 2)zk ]
x(k) = residue of at double pole z = 1
[ (z-1) 2
Solution. By taking the z transfonn .,of the given difference equation, we obtain
- z x(l◊)"-
[z X(z) - z2 x(Of
, 7
I .3679[z X(z) - z x(O))
+ 0.3679 X(z)
= 0.3679
[z U(z) - z u(O)] + 0.2642 U(z)
...... .... (2.31)
Solving for X(z), we get
Hence, \
X(2) == 2
0. +0. (1+0.21422·1 -0.21422-2 )
2 - l .3679z + 0.3679
_ 0.36792- 1 +0.34302- 2 -0.0222lz-3 - 0.05659z- 4
1-1 .36792-1 + 0.36792- 2
=0.36792-1 + 0.84632- 2 + z-3 + 2 - 4 + 2 -s + ......
Example 5. Consider the difference equation x(k +2) = x(k + 1) + x(ky<
where x (0) = 0 and x (1) = 1. Note that x (2) = I, x (3) = 2, x (4) = 3, ..... The series 0, 1, I,
2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..... is known as the Fibo_nacci series. Obtain the general solution x(k) in a
closed form.
z- -z - 1
Now, by substituting the initial data x(0) = 0 and x(l) = 1 into this last equation, we have
X(z) = 2 z
z -z-1
1 z, ,.. z
- ✓5 _1_+_✓
5 ~ 1- ✓5
z- - z- -
2 2
l 1 - I
= ✓§ 1- 1+ ✓5 z-1 ~ 1- ✓5 - I
2 z- - 2- z
x(k) ~ l[(1+/5)\(i-tr]
k = 0, 1, 2, ........... .
2.11 Problems
\_~ (t) = t (b) x(t) = t4
(c) x(t) = teat (d) x(t) = t3 e•at
.(e).,... x(t) = t e•at (f) x(t) = 1 .. e•at
(g) x(t) = e •at - e · bt (h) x(t) = (1 - at) e•at
(i) ~(t) = at - 1 + e•at
..(j) x(k). = ak•t, . k = 1,2,....
(k) x(k)'= k ak•I (I) x(k) = ~2 l.1
~T .\ ,2aT
( ) ..L--J'-----
(k) (l-:z-1)2
(m)} -I
z 1
(a) (b)
z+a z+a
1 3z 2 + 2z + 1
(c) (d)
z 2 -3z+2
3z 2 + 2z + 1 2z
J) 2
z +3z+2 ~ (2z - 1) 2
(g) z-0.4
i 2
z +z+2
z -4
(z -l)(z -2) 2
(a) (-a/
(b) (-af 1u(k-l)
(c) ak•1u(k-1) 1
(d) 38(k)-6u(k-1)+17(2f (k-1)
(e} 38(k) + 2(-lf u(k-l)-9(-2f 1u(k-1) (f) k(l/2/
(g)- ~
(-✓2/sin0k + ;(-✓
2)k-i sin0k-1u(k - 1)
0 =tan ·1 ✓7 •
(h) - ka k
c . - 0btai n the solution of the following difference equation in tenns of x(O) and x( I):
~ k+2) + (a+b) x(k+ l) +ab x(k) =Owhere a and bare constants and k=O, l , 2, . ...
Also assume case (i) a=b; case (ii) a;cb.
x(k)=!_I(-l)k +2(-2/
6 2 3
5. Solve the difference equation
Yimpulse Sampling
Let us consider a fictitious sampler commonly called an impulse sampler. The output of this
sampler is considered ,to be a train of impulses that begins with t = o, with the sampling
period equal to T and the strength of each impulse equal to the sampled value of the
continuous-time signal at the corresponding sampling instant. A pictorial diagr~ jmpulse
sampler is figure.
'd\.Lt) x•(t)
. 1
I •
The impulse-sampled output is a sequence~ f ir!!p~ses with the stren th of each impulse
equal to the magnitude of x(t) at the corresponding instant of time. That is at time t = kT, The
impulse is x(kT) 8 (t-kT). The notation to represent the impulse-sampled output is x•(t) . The
sampled signal x•(t), a train of impulses, can thus be represented by the infinite summation.
x * (t) =
I x(kT)b'(t - kT) -
l\ I -Y.J
or, x * (t) = x(O)o(t) + x(T)b'(t - T) + ..... + x(kT)b'(t - kT) + ....... ......... (3 .1)
Let us define a train O~J?rnpulscs as Ot(l).
The sampler may be consi~ercd a modulator with the input x(t) as the modulating signal and
..,-- -
• X * (S) =..L'[x *(t) ]=x(0)..L'[o(t) ]+ x(T)..L'[c5(t-T) ]+ x(2T)..L'[o(t-2T) ]+ ........... .
ex> -k
= ~x(kDz ··········· ··········<3.3)
s =- lnz k-O
- -- .!.--" T
The Eq.(3 .3) is the Z-transfo1m of the sequence x(O), x(t), x(2T) ...... generated from ~(t) at t =
kT, k = 0,1,2 .......... .
X*(s)=X*(..!_1nz)==X(z)= Ix(kT)z-k
T k==O
The signal h(t) during the time interval kT~ t ~ _Q0:l)T may be approximated by a
it is called a ~ T'
If the data-hold circuit is an nth-order polynomial, it is called an nth-order hold. Thus if n= 1,
h(kT + T) = x(kT)
x(kT h(t)
kT t
x(t) ~. ;--· _Zero-order
x_(k_T)---4--1. _ _ ___, ►
The figure above shows a ~ and a zero-order hold. The input signal x(t) is sampled at
discrete instants and sampled signal is passed through the zero-order hold. The zero-order
hold circuit smoothes the sampled signal to produce the signal h(t), which is constan.t from
theUast sampled valu"s)until the next sample is available, that is
shown below in Fig. 3.4(a). As we know that the integral of an ,,impuise function is a
constant, we may assume that the zero-order hold is an integrator and the input to the zero-
order hold circuit is a train of impulses. Then a mathematical model for a real sampler and
zero-order may be constru t d
(~ / l- T) :
I l{; ( <
~ ·c·,,
e e as shown in Fig. 3.4(b), where Gho(s) is the transfer funetion
of the zero-order hold and x"(t) . . •
' is the impulse sampled signal of x(t).
__/ x(kT) Zero-order \
T hold ',
v 'Y..' l - V
(a) ~ . ) t
h2(t) I
I ...
( l- . '2 •"'
_ _ / r-x*(t) ZOH - -l Y--)
or X*(s) Gho(s)
H2(s) ' I
(b) .
Fig 3.4, (A real sa pler, zero order
hold and'o)mathematical model that
consists of a!_l_im ulse sam ler and
transfer function Gh0 (s))
Consider the s:ampler _m=td zero order hole-&hewn-in Fi~{3 .4 (a) Assume that the signal x(t) is
zero for t<0. Then the output h1(t) is re1ated to x(t) as follows:
. .J
' , ..).,_i;; I '
~l , "i I
CX) ~ s~----- --,
hl (t) = x(O)[l (t) -1 (t - T)] + x(T)[! (t - I) -l(t - 2T)] + x(2T)[l (t - 2T) - I (t - 3T)] + ......
consider the mathen1 r
a ica1 model of Fig. 3.4(b). The output of this m~del must be same
as that of r~zer~or er ho~ .
-- 1-~-Ts CX)
Thus, H 2 (s) = _ _ tx(kT)e-kTs - ....................... (311)
s k=0 · ' ~ ·
From Fig 3.4(b), .
H~s) = Gh 0 (s)~*J;?
. , ;;' kT 7
Smce X*(s)= Ix(kT)c- s j
Hence from Eq. (3 .11 ),
1 -e -Ts
H 2 (s) =--X*(s) ................... (3.12)
Hence the transfer function of the zero-order hold may be given by,
-Ts 1 •- I
G (s)= -1 -_e_
ho s .,, ~
By applying the condition that
h( (k -1 )T) == x( (k -1)T)
. l:J
The constant a 1 can be detcmlincdr• .,._,
as 1011 ows: .,.
h((k-l)T)= - a T+~(kT) - ((k "'- "
1 - x - 1)T) ,,( )
.J..- /
Whcr~ 0 $ t < T. The extrapolation process of the first order hold is based on Eq.(3 .1G). The
continuous-time output signal h(t) obtained by use of the first-order hold is a piecewise-linear
signal, as shown in figure below.
x(kT h(t)
T '2.T '.f f
-, T
x(kT) First-order h(t)
hold ►
Fig 3.5 (Input and output of a first• order hold)
To derive the transfer function of the first-order hold circuit, it is convenient to assume a
simple function for x(t). For example, a unit step-function, a unit-impul~mction, and a
unit-ramp function would be the g~hoices for x{t)._
TTE an' ft 11 1 ft C ::>Gi & &Al=-
--· - - - - - - ; . r I-() ' I Id
LetU s choose a unit-step function as x ). Then, for t~cJ!i!!~plci:Jmd first-order ,o
shown 1~ 6(a), the output h(t) of the first-order hold consists of straight lines that arc
extrapolations of the two preceding sampled values. The output h(t) is shown in the diagram.
................ (3.17)
}-e·Ts 1-e·Ts
= - - + - 2-
s Ts
=(1-e· Ts) Ts+l
Ts 2
,, /
~ x(kT)
?.. . ')
-T T 2.T
The Laplace transfonn of the input x*(t) to the first-order hold Gh1(s) is
X*(s)= ~l(kT)c-kTs =
I - e-Ts
~}10-.,7Vt-,zr- (!,.'l) t-i'\J.-1 x_0:.1): l ./ ~ ;{ ~ -ir
• ~c-:~
n)' T~+l
Note that a real sarnpl~r combined· with a first-order hold is equivalent to an impulse sampler
combined with a transfer function
(l-e-Ts) 2 (Ts+l)
(Ts 2 )
3.3 Obtaining the Z-transf01.
. • rn by the Convolution Integral
Let us consider the impulse sa 1
mp er as shown in figure below:
_x_(t_)_ _--'-/
- - - - - -?
Here, X*(s) is the Laplace transform of the product of two time functio!} (t) and
- - - --
Z:o(t-kT) . Note that it can't be equal to the product of the t~ o corresponding Laplace
The Laplace transform of the product of two Laplace-transformable functions f(t) and g(t)
can l?e given by,
.l[f(t)g(t)] = f(t)g(t)e-s'dt
J c+joo
= -? • fF(p)G(s-p)dp ............ (3.20)
-trJ c- j:o
Note that inversion integral is,
c· -
1 c+jco
f(t) = - . J F(s)e st ds, t>0
27rJ c-jco
Because of the uniform convergence of the integrals considered we can invert the order of
1 c+ jco oo
.1 f(t)g(t) =-. J. F(p)dp Jg(t)e-(s-p)tdt.
21lJ C-JCO Q
Noting that fg(t)e-<s-p> dt =G(s-p)
We obtain
. 1 c~j,o
I o(t-kT)
Let us substitute x(t) and for f(t) and g(t) respectively. Then the Laplace
1 c+j., 1
imaging axis in the p-plane and separates the poles of X(p) from those of )rcs--p) . The
Eq.(3.21) is known as convolution integral. Such an integral can be evaluated in terms of
residues by forming a closed consisting of the line from c-joo to c+joo and a semicircle of
infinite radius in the left or right half-plane.
JJ,l Co111•olutio11 futcnmt •
0 11111
ie l eft Ila ff of the p-J>lrm e:
0 nc
◄ ·c ...
Poles of
X(p) X
A!. we have, Fig 3.8 (Closed contour in lhi.: lcfl half of 1hc p pbnc) )(
I r +i., ~
X * (s) = -2 .
J X{p) 1- e-1_
. ll>- 11)
r oles o ( ----::c---;
1 - t Th . pl
· :, <'-J "
He1 l! we asslimc that X(s) ~ q(s) and p(s) is of higher degree in s than q(s), that is
lim X(s) = O
s- •o,
Usi ng the con lour shown above, along the sc111icircle, as s - >oo , the integral->0, that is
X * (s) = - -cf X(p) d1
2Rj I - C- T(, - 11) I
""'[Residues of I X~~ ) at the poles of X(p)
- c -1t--,,1
f ,clli g z = cTs
X(z) = I[rcsiducs of t -(~{~ at the po !cs of X{p)]
By changing the complex variabl . .
' e notation from p to s we obtain,
X(z) = I[rcsiducs of X(s)z ]
z-e at the poles of X(s)
Case (i) For a simple pole: If a pole at s=s; is a simple pole then the corresponding residue kJ
ki = lim[(s-s .) X(s)z]
S➔s, J z-eTs
Case (ii} For a multiple pole: If a pole at s = s; is a multiple pole of order ni, then the residue
ki is
k . = - - - lim d n.t -1 [ s-s ni X(s)_z
(n . - l)!S➔s. n.-1 ( i) ,r,_ Ts
1 1 ds 1 ~e
Example 1. Given
;::-- X(s)= , I
s-· (s+l)
Obtain X(z) by use of the convolution integral in the left half plane.
Solution. The function X(s) has a double pole at s= 0 and a simple pole_at s= -1
X(z) = I[resi uf of ~ ~t the poles of X(s)]
r,x:m1plc 2. Given X(s) = s+3
(s1 l)(s -12)
Qb.riin X(z) by the method of convolution integral in the left half plane.
X( z) = ~[ • Iucs o f -X(s)z
L., res1( -.-. al the poles of X(s) ]
z-e ••
= 11111
(~.+"l)(s + 3)
z .
+ 11111
(s + 3)(,s,+"2). / z
)(s+ 2) ,. -cTs] s+2Ls+ I)(s-+ 1) z - cTs
= --_-=-
z- e
3.3.2 /11teg~a/ ill tlte Right I/tiff Pla11e: i_.
0 Re
roles ol
~ . .
Ii ;,• ,: ....~•-i-:~:_/ -•
..... , ..
e - T(s-p) =l
- T(s - p) = ±21r jk
1 .
s - p = ±- 2iZJk
P =s ± J -T k' (k =0, l ' 2,3)
In order to _evaluate the given convolution integral, let us choose the contour which cor_1sists
of the line from c-joo to c+joo and semicircle •R of an infinite radius in the right half of the p-
plane as shown in Fig 3.9. The closed contour encloses all poles of but it docs not
}-e -T(s- p)
_ _ l ,f X(p) d
- 21(J. 'jl - e -T(s- p) p - -2
J1 X(p) -T(s-p)
1(J -e
Let us consider the integral along the semicircle •R· Consider the degree of denominator of
X(s) is at least z greater than the degree of numerator, it can be shown that the value of
integral is zero, or
_I J X(p) -O
21(J• 1 -T(s-p) -
1(J -e
X*(s) =-21. 1 x~~~-p> dp
The integral along the closed contour can be obtained by evaluating residues. Hence,
X * (s) =
P• s+ j( ~ )
1 .,
- ~X( .21r
- TLJ s+ J-k)
k-o:, T
X(z) = [.!_
f k-ro
X(s + j 1r k)] -
T 1
s• - lnz
J ,_/ Jc--
Obtailliug Z Tra11sforms of F1111ctio11s J11vofl,i,zg the Term (l-:c-T )/s :
~ . .
S'uppose the transfer function G{s) follows the ZOH. Then the product of the transfer
function of the ZOH and G(s) become
• 1-e-Ts
X(s) = --G(s)
Now, the function X(s) can be written as
G (s) = G(s)
.................... .. (3.23)
The inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (3.23) can be given by convolution integral,
... - "" . . . ·, . .
, _::-·,.,- -x 1 (t) = Jg;;(t - r)g 1 (-r)dr
By letting,
= G 1 (z)-z-1G 1(z)
= (1 -z-1)G 1(z)
=(l-z-1)2[G 1(s)]
···· ·· ······••••(3 .24)
Hence, we can conclude that if X(s) involve a factor (1-e•Ts) then, in finding the z transf~rm
of X(s), the term (1-e·Ts) = (t-z·1) may be factored out so that X(z) becomes the product of
(l-z" 1) and the z transform of the remaining term.
_(1-c - ')z-•
) - C - T i'. - I
sh.: wn in figure below. This signal docs nol contain any rrcqucncy components ·above 0>1
I X(iw l I
- r
- w, 0 ,.,, w
The theorem states lhat, " If w = '21r , where Tis lhe samI)\ing period, is greater than 20>1, or
• T
wl •re 2w 1 corresponds to lhe rrcquency spcctr!llll of the continuous signal x(t). lhen the
si~.nal x(t) can be rcconslructcd completely from the sampled signal x" (t)".
I\; w,: know thal the Laplace transform of the sampled signal x*(l) is _given by,
.................. (3 .25)
X * Urv) = Tl
f XUcv + j cv k)'
"' \ I
The :o llowing Fig 3.1 1 shows the plot of IX * Ucv)I versus (J) .
I x·1,.,,1 I
Ear;h ~lot of X*Ucv) versus I {J) consists of IX * Ucv)\ repealed every cv~ =Trad/sec. In the
frequency spectrum of Ix*U<v)I , the component lXUw)l/r is called the primary component
ancl the other component IXLJ(cv±rv,k)~h is called complemenla1y component.
1r c,,,>2rni. no two components of IX * (iw)I will overl ap, and the sampled frequency
x(t) y(t)
G(s) l _ ➔ ~
L_l'I 7 y*(t)
Fig 3.13 ( Continuous - time system with an impulse sampler at the input)
Here, the sequence of impulses x*(t) is the input to the continuous-tim;f ant whose transfer
function is G(s). The output of the plant is a continuous signal y(t). lf"the output there is an
• anoiher sampler, which is synchronized in phase witbj nllli sampler and_QP.erate_g_~t the_same
~ g_period; thenJhe...outpuLis a train of impulses.
2 [y(t)] =Y(z) = L y(kT)z-k ................ (3.26)
The output y(t) is related to the input x(t) by the convo~ integral,
y(t)= g(t-,)x(r)d,
\\There g(t) is th e impulse - response function of the system. For discrete-time system; we
have a convolution summation, which is similar to the convolution integral. Since
.. ..
X * (t) = I x(t)o(t - kT) =I x(kT)o(t - kT) ............... (3.28)
k•O k•O
is a train of impulses, the response y(t) of the system to the input x*(t) is the sum of the
individual impulse responses. Hence,
g(t)x(O), 0s ts T
g(t)x(O) + g(t - T)x(T), T s t s 2T
y(t) = g(t)x(O) + g(t - T)x(T) + g(t - 2T)x(2T), 2T S t S 3T
Noting that for a physical system a response can not precede the input, we have g(t) = 0 for
t<O or g(t-kT)=O for t<kT. Hence the preceding equations may be combined into one
The values of the output y(t) at the sampling instants t = kT (k = 0, 1,2,3, ........) are given by
y(kT) = Ig(kT-hT)x(hT) ............... (3 .30)
I x(kT - hT)g(hT) '.............. (3.31)
The summation in Eq.(3.30) or (3.31) is called the convolution summation. ote that the
simplified notation
y(kT) =x(kT) * g(kT) ............... (3.32)
is also used for the convolution summation.
=I x(kT - hT)g(hT) ..................... (3.34)
h• O
Y(z) = I y(kT)z-k
.., ..
= I I g(kT-hT)x(hT)z-1t
lt • O h • O
., ..,
=LL g(mT)x(hT)z-<m•hl
., .,
= Lg(mT)z-m L x(hT)z-h
nt•O h ■O
................. (3.35)
YCJJ = G(z)X(z)
Where m = k-h and
G(z) =
.. .
Lg(mT)z-m =z transform of g(t)
m• O
Eq. (3.35) relates the pulsed Oul put X( ) From
Y(z) of the system to the pulse input z•
Eq.(3.35), we get
G(z) = Y(z)
X(z) ...................... (3.36}
Hence, the Eq. (3.36) gives the ratio of output Y(z) to the input X(z), called the pulse transfer
function of the discrete-time system. The figure below shows a block diagram for the pulse
transfer function G(z), together with the input X(z) and the output X(z).
X(z) Y(z)
---~7 G(z)
3.5.1 Starred Laplace Transform of the Signal Jnvofri11g Botlt Ortli11mJ a11d Starred
Laplace Transforms:
.- ---- - -
In analyzing discrete-time control systems, we oflen find that some signals in the system arc
starred-(meanmg that signals.,.2r.£J.mg_ul~e sampled) and others are not. To obtain pulse
transfer functions and to analyze discrete-time control systems, therefore, we must be able to
obtain the transfonns of output signals of systems that contain sampling operations in various
places in the loops. Let us consider an impulse-sampled system as shown in figure below.
x(t) • x*(t)
~--------~ G(s) >
X(s) Br ~ Y(s)
1} 80
Y(s) =G(s)X * (s) ................... (3.37)
Here, Y(s) is U1e product of X*(s), which is periodic with period 21r ' and G(s), which is not
periodic. The fact that the impulse-sampled signals are periodic can be seen from the fact that
X*(s) =X*(s±jcv k), 5 k = O,l,2 ,....... ................... (3.38)
Let us now take the starred Laplace transfonn of Eq (3.37) we may factor out x·(s) so that,
Y * (s) =[G(s)X * (s)] *
=[G(s)]* X * (s)
=G * {s)X * (s) ............ (3.39)
This fact is very important in deriving the pulse transfer function and also in simplifying the
block diagram of the discrete-time control system.
~ 1 General Procedures for Obtui11i11g Pulse Transfer F1t11ctio11s:
Let us consider a system that has an impulse sampler at the input as shown in fi gure (a). Let
~.s obtain t lie puJs~ transfer function. The pulse t;ansfer fun~tion G(z) of the system shown in
- - .
figure (a) is
Y(s) =G(s)
x(t) x*(t) y(t)
-;;1 G(s).
8r Y(z)
x(t) y(t)
X(s) 1 G(s)
'Jz) = <3.z)~(~}
For the system (b), the Laplace transform of the output y(t) is
Y(s) = G(s)X(s)
By taking starred Laplace transform, yields
Y ~ = [G(s)X(~) f r= [GX(s) ]*
- . -
In discussing the pulse transfer function, we assu~e tliat'ther_.e-is a ~ampler at the input of the
element in consideration.·Thep~~~7~-;; ;-~7; -s-;;~j~~~j~;~u-tput of the clement
(or the system) docs not affect the pulse transfer function, because, if the sampler is not
,..hysically resent at the output side of the system, it is always possible to assut~
.fictitious sampler is present at the output. . his means that, allhou h Jlll signal is
- -
_f.ontmuous,'.alues.of the muµulonl~at t = kT (k = 0, 1,2, .. .... ) and thus
get sequence x_~T). •
Note that only for the case where the input to the system G(s) is an i;11pulse sampled signal is
the pulse transfer function given by
G(z) = 2 G(s)
- - ------ - -
Solution. Since there is a sampler at the input of G(s), the pulse transfer function is
G(z) = 2 [G(s)]
Hence, G(z)
I -e -aT 2 -I
Example 5. Obtain the pulse transfer function of the system where G(s) is given by
~ 1 -Ts
G(s)= -e - -
, .., r; -: :--
s s(s+l) -
Note that there is a sampler at the input of G(s).
Solution. Since there is a sampler at the input of G(s), the pulse transfer function
/ G(z)= 2G(s).
. ..
•i: ~J~ • __
J.5.3 Pulse Transfer Functio,1 0,re
J ascatlcd Efcmeuts:
{L~___.- "
Consider the systems sh • . J rs re
own tn Fig 3. 17 (a) and (b). Let us assum~__ilii!tjhc~amp c
synchronized and have the s·1 . • · ff-" 3 17 (a)
; ; . t . . . - - - - - - - - - - - " = -= lllc..samphng-period. The pulse transfer function ig •
will be G(z) H(z) while the pulse transfer function of Fig 3.17 (b) will be GII(z), wi1ich is
different from G(z) H(z).
x(t) x*(t)
l y*(t)
71 u«-J
6T 1 G(s)
1 H(s)
Hence, by taking the starred Laplace transform of each of these two equations, we get
Y*(s) = H *(s)U*(s) = H*(s)G*(s)X*(s)
Y*(s) = G*(s)H*(s)X*(s)
~ l_..A ........
Y(z) = G(z)H{z)X{z) ,-
]lcncc, the pulse trnnsfcr runcti·o . .
n 1s given by,
X(z) = G{z)I l(z) ........ (3.40)
GH(s) = G(s)H{s)
Y(z) =GH(z)X(z)
Hence, the pulse transfer function is given by,
rWmple 6. Obtain the pulse transfer function for system (a) and (b) shown above where
,/ ~ 1 l
/ G(s) = - andH(s) = -
s+a s+b
_For s~m (a), the pulse transfer function is
Hence Y(z)
' X(z)
= G(z)H(z) = z[--]z[-
s+ a
1 1
s+ b
1 I
= 1-e-•T z- 1 1- e-bTz-1
For system (b ), the pulse transfer function is Y(z) = GIJ(z)
Y(z) r, [
Hence, X(z) = 2 LG(s}H(s}] = 2 _!__ _!__]
= 2[2--(
b-a ~-~
1 1 )]
Clearly, we see that the pulse transfer function of two systems are different; that is,
G(z)H(z)" GH(z). S'~ y, (?) ::: ,__ c "10 1 1-1 1 iJ }
-Pulse Transfer Fu11ctio11 of Closed-loop Systems:
~et us cons,ider the closed-loop control system as shown in figure below.
f- . _g
R(s) E(s)
.. G(s)
/> qs)
R *(s)•
• 1+qH*(s)
C*(s) == G*(s)E*(s)
We obtain ~
C(z) = G(z)R(z)
Hence, the pulse transfer function for the present closed-loop system is
C(z) G(z)
- = - --
R(z) l+GH(z)
~ · \
Pulse Trausfer F1111ctio11 of a Digital Co1ttroller:
The pulse transfer function of a digital controller may be obtained from the required input-
output characteristics of the digital controller.
In general, the output m(k) may be given by the following type of difference equation.:
m(k)+ a 1m(k-l) +a 2 m(k - 2)+ ........ +a 0 m(k-n)
¼e :bi tt -d c:::::~
or, ·
___..,.., __,_
l I J~ 2..-{ '' G, hl
- c G" (s) = G(s)
C * (s) =G * (s)E * ( )G • ~l
S D (s) ( (\) -, ? (CJ)}. ~ ;I.{()
E*(s) =R_*(s)-C*(s) \ l() r _ rl (J - \ (( I { )' (J (, ? (1
C*(s) = G*(s)G 0 *(s)
R*(s) l+G*(s)G 0 *(s)
C(z) _ G O (z)G(z) V
R(z) -l+G 0 (z)G(~ \
This equation gives the closed 1 I • · ·
- oop pu se transfer function of a d1g1tal controller.
The discrete is
m(kt) = Ke(kt)
Taking the z transfonn, we get
.M(z) = Iq:(z) ----- (3.44)
.. ,.
,. . , ,. , -
/11,rtr-i( Co1111-ol:· In this, the control action is proportional to the integral of the actuating
error. For continuous system, the output of the integral controller is given by,
m(t) =K[__!_ e(t)dt]
T; o
The corresponding discrete equivalent is obtained by the t~s:znidaJ smnmatio.n as,
Ti h- 1
m(kT) = K[.! c((h-l)T)+e(hT)]
2 .
e((h-1 )T) + e(hT)
2 = f(hT), f(O) = o
~ e((h-l)T)+e(hT) k
h• I
2 = L f(hT)
h• I
l [
= l-z-• F(z)-f(O)
] ·- •,· \, ; -c-h • /A..-'~ +
= -1 - -• F(z)
l+z- 1
Notice that F(z) =l[f(hT)] = - - E(z)
1 2 1
Hence, M(z) = K[_I.__ + - 1 ]E(z) ----- (3.45)
2Ti 1- z -
actuating error signal. For the continuous system output of the derivative controller is given
We can obtain the discrete equivalent by approximating the derivative tenn by a two-point
difference form.
)_ [ T l + z- T ----- (3.4 7)
M(z - K l + 2Ti 1- z-I + ; (l - z-1) E(z)
K P -K KT - Kl . .
- - - - K - - = Proporhonl gam
2Ti 2
KT .
K 1 = - = mtegral gain
KTd . . .
K 0 = - - = denvahvegam
Hence, the pulse transfer function for the PIO controller becomes
r(t) e(kT)
m(kT) C(t)
Digital PIO Zero-order • Plai1t
Controller Hold
T=l ~ •
lf_ ~Gh(s) Gp(s)
1 1
] = G(z) = 0.36792- + 0.2642z-
yl"-J ?
. 0~
•ow, ~ - • -'
s(s + l) ._....- (l-0.3679z-1 )(1..:.z-1)
_____ (3.49)
Wi th kp = 1' ki = 0.2, and ko = 0°.2, the pulse transfer function of the digita~ controller
G (z)= 1.4-l.4z-1+0.2z-2
D I -1 -=- 1/- -'I-- "I ----- (3.50)
-z \-"Z--1
A digital filter processes a digital signal by passing desirable frequency components of the
digital input signal and rejecting undesirable ones.
ln this section, we deal the bl k d. . . d clements
. . oc iagrnm realization of digital filters using cay I .
adders and multtphcrs. This block diagr"m 1· 1· b d bas1·s for the design of
• u rca 1za 10n can c use as a
software or hardware.
ln the block diagram realization a pulse transfer function of z·l represents a delay of one time
x(k) x(k-1)
X(z) >
Fig 3.21 (Pulse transfer function showing a delay of one time unit)
The general form of a pulse transfer function between the output and the input is given by
bo +biz-I+ b2z-2+ ........+ bmz-m
G(z) = -Y(z) =__;;_- . . . : . . _ -- = - ----..:.:::____ n>m ----- (3.52)
X(z) l +a 1Z -I +a z- 2 + ........+anz -n ' -
Where ai's and bi's are real coefficients (some of them may be zero). The pulse transfer
function is in this form for many digital controllers.
As for example, the pulse transfer function for a PID controller is given by
G 0 (z)=Kp + K,_, +K 0 (1 - z- 1)
_ [Kp(l-z- 1 )+K 1 +K 0 (l-z-1 ) 2 ]
- (l-z-1) .
KP -Kpz-1 +K1 +Ko(l-22-1 +z-2)
= (l - z-1)
b 0 + b,z- 1 + b 2 z-2
= -I
l +a 1z +a 2 z
bo = Kp + K1 + Ko
bi = - (Kp+2Ko)
.UJ✓Direct Progm,11111i11g:
In the Ji reel programming method the cocflicicnls a·; and bi appear directly as multipli ers. Let
us consider the general form of the pulse transfer function,
--1.0--i-□1 ··--►[J
-- ------{]--. ,
l~l"l '. in tl i1 t Pll)grn m1ni11g ic, li, ati on, we rc,lli1c the in1111c1.1tnr :111d clcnornina tor of the
,h-: 1r:111slLT f11nt: li n 11 usi 11 l' s . . . . .. •• •,l!I of Ill
P' • • ' · 1.: p , 11 ,II ' !-- ·Is or d ·lay ck111c111:-. '1'111.: 11111111.!1:iln t 11 ,c.;' • •
cl l:ly clements nncl dc110111inntor' uses
• ·rr,ercnl set o r 11 cc
a t11 I Iay elc1nc11t. ·1lw'i the tntal
1111 hcr of delay clement s use,t • 1· . . .
1)1 ' Ill< II CCt progra1111111ng IS m+n.
~ !J ~he he~~~~~·d programmin g method. Th is method uses a mini n:urn -
~ e_n~ cr of dch~y~ lemcnts. Let 11s cons ider the p~ lsc trans fer funct io n as
Y(z) l\, +h?.-, +h ,,.-1 + ..... ...... + h ,. - 11,
-- = •- - - . . c - ---=--- I ll
----- (3.53 )
X (z) (I + a , z -, + n ' z - 2 + ......... + a z _,,
~ - II
I ,rP",r ,b.,
Y(z) b -l -2 -m
0 + 1z + b 2 z + ......... + bmz
-- = b ----- (3 .55)
-------- -- - ----- (3 .56)
Now, let us draw block diagrams for the systems given by Eqs (3 .55) and (3.56).
Rewriting Eq (3.55),
Y(z) =b 11 H(z) + b, z- 1 H(z) + b ~z-1 H(z)+ ......... + b 111 z- H(z)
----- (3.57)
-Gi--- - - - - - -
-•□l~C~-►GJ--- I I
- - .. t '
t' ]· ·----□ - ----{]
•I ◄
---Fl- - - -- ------
► [] ---------
- --[]--- - --
Hc1~ec, in this method, we use only n delay clemen ts. The "CecCG · ·cnts a I , a2, ........ a,, appear
as rccdh:1ck rkmcn~ d_ thc codlicic11l s h11, ,hl.!_:.:.:,: •~11 appear as recd forward clements.
Thus, the stamlard programming is preferred as ii uses less number of delay elements.
series ,;onn~c t'1011 0 f fiu•st -order and/or second-order pulse transfer functions.
• If G(z) can be
wrillcn as a product of pulse transfer functions Gi(z), Gi(z), .......... Gp(z), or
G(,.) = G 1 (z)G ~ (,.)....... .... G ,. (z) ----- (3.59)
Then the digital filler for G(z) may be given as a series c.onneclion of the component digital
filt ers G,(z), G~(z), .......... G,,(z), as shown in figure below:
--~ G,(z) 1---- 7
fig 3.26 (Digital filler G(z) decomposed inlo a series connection ofG,(z), G1(z),...... G,,(z))
Lei us consider the pulse transfer function
G(z) = G 1 (;,;)G 1 (z)
I+ b.z· 1 I +c.z-' + f z"1
----- (3.60)
- J+a .z· 1 l + c.z-1 +d.z· 2
Y (z) l+b .z -1
The :)Jock diagram representation of - 1 - = - - ' -1 is shown below.
X1 (z) I +a;z-
( ~Q.. ,_r)
Y( ✓ ,
r Y'\ 1,., . . . .""' oJ
Fig 3.27
•-1 f - 2
Y,(z) l+c.z + .z
1 1
and that for - •• i$ shown he low
X ? (.z ) - l+c .z -I + d .z -2
- I I "
1 ·-----
~-. Ir --GJ-
Fig 3.28
Thus hy drawing lbcsc lwo cliagrnrns in series, we gel 1h.e block diagram rcprcscntiltion for
scri::s programming.
In ;!tc parallel programming methou the pul se lransl'cr li.111cti on is expanded into partial
fra:tions. If G(z) is expanded on a sum of A, G,(z), G2(z),........ Gq(z) or,
----- (J .C, I)
Where /\0 is a co11sla11t lhi..:11 tl1i..: block diagra 111 li.ll' thi..: digital lillL:r G(z) can bi..: oblaincJ as a
X(d ll:> conside r the pul se transfer fun ction for lhc digital filt er is
+ ri z
bi ci
G(z)= - ,.;.._,_+ , _,
• l + a z -• I +c,z.- + d, :t: -
[,cl 115 now draw Ilic blocl· diagrn 111 for
_\}t} .::: h, _
X,(r.) l +a,z-1
Fig 3.30
Again drawing the block cl iag1
Y,(z) e + f z- 1
- -- = I I
J' lkl,..
Y [1)
---CJ ◄-
Fig 3.J I
Now, by drawing these two diagrams in parallel, wc get the block diagram representat ion for
parallel progr:11n111i11g.
----- (3.62)
Let us define
G ce>(z) = I
" I ' ----- (3 .65)
- Bz+
n -
----- (3.66)
... .
v No.w, by the use.of functions G, CA)(z), ~~zj°'~md'(i2~8 >(~). the transfer function G(z) may be
written as follows:
G(z)=A 0 + 1
Bz+ - --
1 A1 +G/Bl(z)
=A 0 + l
= AO + G Iffi) ( z)
----- (3.68)
Notice that Gi< >(z) may be written as
G.<o>(z)= Y;(z) = l
----- (3.69)
' X i (z) Biz+G?l(z)
Xi(z) = Yi (z)Biz+ Yi (z)Gi<Al(z)
or, Y;(z)= ~i z- X;(z)- ~ - z-1G/"l(z)Yi (z) ----- (3. 70)
• r (ll) .
The block dtagram 1or Gi (z) given by Eq. (3.70) is shown below.
1 •I
B .I
----- (3.71)
1 I
Y;(z) =-X;(z)--Y;(z)G; . 11s1( z) . .... . (3.72)
A; Ai
The block diagram for G?>(z) given by Eq. (3.72) is shown below,
IO l
Y ,(z)
1-- - ---.-- - -?
G, 1 I(II)(i'.)
. ( )
f-ig 3.33 (nlock diagram fnr G;4'°'1(z) given by Eq. (3.72))
l·lc.1ce for lhe case 11 == 2, by combining componc11l cligilal filters as shown in fi gure (;i)
bclcw, it is possible lo draw the block diagram or the digital filler G(z) as shown in fig 3.34
(h) .
.- ~
fig 3.34 ( Component block d_iJgr:ims for l:iddcr program1~ing of G(z) gi_vcn by Eq
3.62 when 11=2 :ind co111hinal1on of componcnl block diagrams show111g ladder
progr:m1111ing of G(z)))
C'nnsi d1.:r a ,.crn-onkr hol 1 . . Ic
• prccclbl hy a sa111pkr. The following figure shows 11
input X(l) lo lhc sa1111 I . . · I
1 111d
er ' the 011lp11l y( l) or the zero-order hold . Obtain tic
expression ror y(l) Then 1- 1 \' . . ·d ·
• lllt (s) and obtain the tra11s!cr f'unction ol the zero-or Ct
'I .
\ - c · T,
Gh (s) = - - - '
...\- V 1...T ' J -
, 'l'- , ' ...
" s
I -h
Consider the runction X(s)- - c .
,._./ s '--.--L._J.__1_--1.._
0 T
_L.._ .1_..___.__ _ ,,_
2r JT 4T 5T GT 7T r
show that s= 0 is not a pole or X(s). Also show that Y(s) =-~ - Ts has a simple pole
s· -
al s ~ 0. ' '~
➔ _,..
I 7
,. / l ~ I s
-1-- -z-1
·" )
:. ~-
..... : : - - - ' '
,.) _/
J. ,. ~ Ot1ta1iy, rt z trnnsfonn or X(s) = , by using residue method.
,i<'} __/ . (s + l t(s+2)
2-2c -Tz- 1 - Tc -Tz -1 2
1 2
(l - c-tz- ) l -e -nz- 1
J ;,:,1in the discrete-time ou tput C(z) or ~he closecl-l~op control system shown
R(s) C(s)
) °' 1~ -- - - .
G1(s) G2(s) 1......----;>,
I l(s)
8. Consider the digital filter defined by ~
Y(z) 3(z-l)(z 2 +1.2z+l)
G(z) = - = __;_....;_:__ _ __
X(z) (z+O.l)(z 2 -0.3z+0.8)
Draw a series realization diagram and a parallel realization diagram/
Assume t\rnt a .u1g1ta 11 1ter 1.s given
1· • \ r. . by lhc fo llowing cl1. ffercnce equation:
y(k) +. a,y(k - 1) + a 2 y(k - 2) = b I x(k) + b 1 x(k-1)
Draw block drngrams for the !i\ler by using
( \) dirett progranm11ng, (2) standard programming, ancl
(3) \adder programming.
Consider the digital filter defined by
2+ 2.2z- 1 +0.2z-2
G(z)== l + 0.4z-1 -0.l2z- 2
. d the ladder scheme.
Realize this [i\ter in the series scheme, the parallel scheme, an
. TS
Smce ' .......
z=e and s=cr+jffi
We can \\'rite,
and L z=Tffi.
Since cr is negative in the left-half of the s-plane, the left-half of the s-planc corresponds to
The jffi axis in the s-plane where cr=O, corresponds to the unit circle in the z-plane (z= l ). That
- is the imaginary axis in the s-plane ~~sp_onds to the u~it_~jrc_le in_the z-plane, and the
-- the left-half
,. . -
of- ...the-....s-plane
- . ..r--
Note that since L z= ffiT the angle of z varies from -oo to oo as ffi varies from -oo to CJJ .
Consider a representative point on the jffi axis in the s-plane . As the point moves from _
_ jlm to jlw on the jffi axis, where IDs is the sampling frequency, we have I~ = l and_}:: 2
2 s ·2 s '
varies from -rr to rr in the counterclockwise direction in the z-plane. As the point moves from
j ½ws to j ~ ws on the jro axis, the corresponding point in the z-plane traces out the unit
·ir It.: once in the counter clockwisc <r.
. Thus, as the point in thcl:I~
11ccllon. vcs [rain -
11 11
, ,, ,. 11 ,,,.n11lhcj111:1:-;is.wclran.: lh·c • .• . •'
11111 1 t:i 1t·.k 111 the z - p l :1m.: :111 •111'1• 111•\c 11 u 111 \i1,•I• ll r1 · - cs.-
th 11151
~Cl \
' ml eacl1 st11··P O f width
· •
Ws in lhc left-hair or s-p\anc maps into e • '<l c f
the unit circle in the z-p\anc. This implies that the le ft-hal f of the s-plane may be divided into
,•in ir.linitc no. of periodic st,·,· P as s11own below. The primary
• strip 1
• extcn< s ,rom - J2<
• vs to• ~
.-1 ( !; . The complemcnlary slriJ.) extei,d
, ~-0111 J•·-I CtJ to J-CtJ
11 •3 •3 W to J-CtJ
J- • •••••• and from
J2 5 2 s 2 s' 2 s 2 s
I -1
- i J o1 Io - I 2· ro , ......... ..
.- s • s
,,,, t
., ~
. , •• , • • .• • • • !'li , )
.. . . ....:J. ··•., ; •1•~•: •,,• I
·I •
,··,uu11l1:11w1 ,r, 11 v
,..,. .,. ) J+l.tP,:
L p
(: 1 1mpl,:11wlll Jf 'f
!»h tj•
Fig 4 .1 (Periodic strips in the s-plane and lhc corresponding region in the z-plane)
R( s)
Example I.Consider the closed-loop control system shown below. Detennine the stability of
/r the system when k=l .
k I - e- s
s s(s + 1)
(_ r'!l Y'(-f: )
Solution. \ { ~ t J ('1 )
1- e-s 1 '(I (1 J : j
G(s) == s s(s + 1) ·v.
!'IOW, G~ =2[1 -;-• s(s~t)]
= 0.3G79z + 0.2642
(z - 0.3679) (z -1)
The closed loop pulse transfer funct' f . .
ion o t11e given system 1s,
C(z) = G(z)
R(z) l + G(z)
Hence, the characteristic equation is
which becomes,
(z-0.3679) (z-1) + 0.3679z + o. 2642 = 0
Oor, z2-z + 0.6321 =O.
The roots of the char equation are f~und to be
z1 =0.5 + j 0.6181 and z2;:::0.5- j 0.6181
I ·····"·······
-, Zn -
··- :ln-3 n,
b1 b-
••••••••••••• :l.2
b _1 bn.1
b.:.. ••••••••••••• b n-~ r
b r.4
•••••••••••·• b1 bu
- C3 .............. Cn-2
••••••••••••• Co
_n-5 Po Pl
P:! p3
_n....i p3 Pl Pt Po
_n-., qJ qi
---= q2
a a
b = 0 n-k
k an a
C = Q
k b
The sufficient condition for stability are.
/ !col> lcn-21
lqol > lq2I
C, j 0
_: b
z2 z3 z·'
10 7
2 2 ;1 10
3 -10 ,
K -10 -I
.- C)
4 -1 Q -10 -3
5 20 . --.
~~ 111
bo- 0.994 b3::..o._ 04
co=0.946, c2=0.3 l 5
Hence. the system is satisfied 1• e 11
• • a the ro 0 ts 11e
· ms1de
• • the unit circle in the z-plane.
Row zO z1 z2 z3
I0.21< 1 and
I- 0.91> I- 0.121conditions are ~
Hence, the system is critically stable.
..._____--"'-=--_ ____ - --
< z = 2;r _Q_
4.4 Stability Analysis by use of the Bilinear Transformation and Routh Stability
V _;;=
In the stability analysis of discrete time control system, another frequently used method is
Bilinear transformation-coupled with R-H criterion. This, method requires transfom1ation
from z-plane to co-plane then apply R-H criterion.
The bilinear transformation is defined by
-w-1 ✓
z +l
which gives, CtJ = -- J
z- 1
Example 6. Use bilinear transformation and R-H stability criterion to determine the stability
condition for the following characteristic equation.
P(z) =z3- 1.3 z2 -0.08z + 0.24 =O
CtJ + l
Solution . Let us substitute, z = -Ct)-- we get,
I ' I
I I I • I
It I j / I I I I
() ~
/:I - -l . ____ I __ _____ _ I
I - .. -·- - - - . . - ·- ··-· ----~
◄ ►
' ·
1 I
Fi!; -1 .-1 (Uni I sll'p rl'sponsc curve showing lr;insicnl rcspnnsc sp,·cilic;itions IJ. I,. 11,. 1\1P.
:1111! t )
I. Dda.r rime :- It is the time required to reach hal f Lhc linal value at the very first time.
1t is denoted hy t,1.
2. Rise time :- For over damped system it is from 0'1/c, to I 00%. For under damped
3. J'eak time! :- Ti me requi red for the response lo each th e fi rst peak or the overshoot. It
is denoted by l r.
11 5
Maxim 11111 overs/1001 :-
t ., ,
is lbe 111 axi1 nurn
JH.:c1k value of the rc,p0n'/,; c1.,r,c
111casmcd from t111i1y Ir 111 ,,1
• <.: 111w1 ·I - th-• 1·n :,,,
. " v,, uc of the rc~pomc differ•; from unity
nwx1111um overshoot is corn
111011 1
Yused as below.
01 M • c(t ) - c(uJ)
io ax1mum overshoot = p ,,
c{(/)) x lOO ¼
5. Settling lime :- The scttlii 1 • • ,
ig time 1s the time required for the response curve to rcacn
and stay within a range b b J
a out tI1c final value of a size specified as an a so ute
percentage of the final value, usually 2%.
Consider the continuous - time control system whose open-loop transfer function G(s) H(s) is
given by,
·- - -
k(Tas + 1)(Tbs+ 1)..... (Tns + 1)
G ~ = --;N
:-;--- - - " - - -- -
- S (T1s+l)(Ti5+l).:...(Tps+l)
The tenn SN is the denominator represents a pole of multiplicity Nat the origin.
A system is said to be type 0, typel, type 2, ifN=O, 1':,=l, N=2, .... respc_£tivcly.
Now, the discretc-tim; control~tem can be classified according to the number of open-
loop pole~ an open loop pole at z=l corresponds to an integration in the loop).
Suppose, the open-loop transfer function is given by the equation.
. _ _ B(z)
Open-loop pulse transfer function = N A{ )
(z - 1) 2
B(z) .
\/}lerc 7Jiicontains neither a pol •ri d a
\ / / (z). __ e nor a zero at z=t . Then the system can be class, ,c as
r(t) e(t)
1- e '
f,. c.2)
~ - - - - - ---l ll(s)
Consider the system is stable so that we can apply final value theorem.
From the diagram
e(t) = r(t) - b(t)
Final value theorem,
1- c-Ts ]
G(z) =2 s Gp(s)
G (s)
=(1-z - 1) 2 - p-
G (s)H(s)
and GH(z) = (l -z-1) 2
Then we have
C(z) G(z)
R(z) = 1 + GH(z~
-------- 117
or, E(z) = 1+ GH(z) R(z)
.......... (4.7)
substituting the value of E(z) to E (
q 4.6), We net
Jim [
ess =
z➔ 1
( 1- z- l )
~ R(z)
l ../
Let us consider three types of in ut . . . .
. . p • unit-st ep, unit ramp and unit-accclcration-inp11t as tn the
case of contmuous-ttmc control system.
Static P!!_sitiol_! Error~o11staut :-
~or a unit step input r(t) = l(t),
R(z) = l
(I-z- 1)
The steady-state actuating error in response to a unit step input becomes zero if kp =oo, which
requires that GH(z) have at least one pole at z=l
Static Velocity Error Co11sta11t :- For a unit ramp input,
r(t) = t 1(t),
Tz· 1
R(z) = -1 2
(1-z )
11 8
1.ct us ddin the stntic vclocit ..
. y c, 'or constant kv ns
kv = hm[~ ]
z - >1 T
l .
Then, e ss =-
= lim [
Z➔ l
The steady-state actuating error in response to a unit acceleration input becomes zero if
ka =cc. This requires GH(z) to possess a hiple pole at z=1.
The following table shows the system types and the corresponding steady-state errors in
response to step, ramp and acceleration inpu(s for the discrete-time control system.
y tel11 Steady State ITrror i11!{c!ip01lSC lo
Step input r (1) ~I R .
amp input r (l) -·t
Acc-c-lcr" l1·0 11
I 2
r (t) =-- l
Type 0 1/(1 +kp) 2
Type 1 0 00
rype2 llkv
0 00
The table below shows the static error constants for typical closed-loop configurati~ns of
discrete-time control system.
k = lim GH(z)
.... P z➔I
lim (1-z-')GH(z)
J ll{s) L
. -
kV = z ➔ 1 T
lim (l - z-1)2GH(z)
k, = z ➔ 1 y2
k = G(z)H(z)
P z➔l
~~T k -
Jim (l _.:.·2 - 1)G(z)H(z)
t I H(s) hr---
v-z ➔ l
k =
a z➔1
. T
k - lim G1(z)G2H(z)
P z 1
~ ~ ~ G (s)
Iim (l - z-1)G1(z)G2H(z)
k - .
v - z➔ l T
- - -
j •1
H{s) !14.,._ __
lim (l - z- 1)2 G1(z)G 2H(~
ka = z ➔ 1 Tl
d ll(s) _ k = Jim (1-z- 1)G 1(z)G 1 (:)H(z)
z - >I T
from the fac~orcd form or the open-loop pule transkr fonction, locate the open loop po!es
and zeroes in z-plane.
2. Find the originating points and terminating points of the root loci. The points on the
root loci corresponding to k=O are open loop poles and those corresponding to k = Cl)
arc open loop zeroes.
(z+p1) (z+p2) ............. (z+pn) + k (z+zi) (z+z2) ......... (i'.+zm)=O
n m
or, I (z + p.) + k I (z + z. ) = o
J=l ___.J
• • }
When k=O, this equation has roots at - p, U= l ,2, .... n) which arc open loop poles. The root
locus branches therefore start. at open loop poles.
I n I'Q
when k = oo, - L (z+p.)+ I: (z+z.)
k j=l J i=:_1
This equation has roots at -Zi (i=l, 2... m) which are open loop zeroes. The root locus
branches therefore terminate at open loop zeroes.
..,~i:. 111
II, th1.: op1.:n loop tr1111sfl.!r ~ ,
111 • • • llll ct 10 11 1ia s ( . . . . . .. , _
cs of root locus lcrminnt , . . 11
11 1
) 111 f ,1111 y . )
5. The asymptotes cross the real axis at a point known as centroid, dctcnninc<l hy the
_I I
real parts of poles- reals parts of zeroes
-a,, - - - - -- -- ----=~- ----=--- -- -
. no.of poles - no.of zeroes
6. The breakaway points (points at which multiple roots of the characteristic equation
occur) o ~ the root locus arc the solution of dz = 0
l +k B(z) =O
then, k = B(z)
dk A'(z)B(z}- A(z)[3'(z) =
So, -=- 0
dz B\z)
r' ihi' \':tl111• 111' 1' ('nrn·::pnndj 111 , 1 .
t • II ,I 10111 I 'I 1· dk
II II () • • • I I
· · l Since k · .. . d1 i:: po::11 1vl'. pni111 1. 1 11 is Ilic: in;:1,
,,,:iv polll • 1s ,lssumcd lo b , •
• t: ll011-11cg·1t j \' • • J'
ll1 point z= zo is not a bn.:·ik w· . ' c, Ilic value or k Illus obtained is negative
11 ' •1Ypo1111.
Si111ilarly, Ilic a11gk or arrival al a11 OJH.:11 loop 1.crn is giv(.; 11 by,
1-c -Ts
(i(z) = 2 [. s
0.3679~~z + 0.7_1_81)
G(i'.) ~' - (z-.l)(z-U.3679)
zeroes at z-- ·
(z - I )(z - .3679)
') = (U<>7'>(~ .;.- (i.11 K
.i l
\ - o 11~1
K •O
1- -
o ::G1'.J , h
K• O
-- ►
\ I
o r~ ~
2. Samplt11g.
. • •
p~riod I ··-, \\··1ll 1 T ,c/- G(z)•
• • __ ., ht:Cl)lllCS
II ... : ,, . \
l•n I
J • II
,.A. .. fJ
'"";;- ~,.
,_/ "'oJ•JJ~
• 'onmJ
j / ~ ·1 1 •. ••••
Th: crili_c:d gain k li.ll' stability is\.; -0.%53 . Fron icsc l·llJ't:t: c ;1st:s comm crcc 11011cc lha l the
Slllalkr lite s:11l1pling period is. the larger 1l 1
~-8 Drs ii.:11 Bas(·d 011 1h l' Fn·q 1H·11 ry l~l'.SJH111 st· I\ 1d h o<I
Thc .frcquc11cy response concept plays the same rok: in digital control systems as it do_cs i 11 •
' ' '
co11ti .111m1s-limc control systc.1ns. The ram iliarity with 11odc diilgrams (logarilhrni~ pl~ts) i~ .·
lll'tTssary j 11 the c:--tc 11 sin11 of tile ro11vcntional rn.:q11cncy n.:spn11sc tcclrniqui:s lo the an:dysis :
~.S.I /fr.,'}HJ/l~i<! ofa LinC'ur Time-ln\'i1ria11t Discrete-1'i111e System to" Si1111.rnit!al Input:-
const'der the stable linear time-invariant discrete-time system shown in Figure below. The. .
• 1to
1npU be system G(z) before sampling is .
u{l) = sin c,1t
u(t)~ _ u ( _ kT
_)_ _...PI Stable linear time -
. invariant discrete-time
T system
az . 1 + az- Jt1if + [tenns due to poles of G(z)] .. ......... (4.8)
Z- c'llJ z- C
Multiplying both sides . (4 ·S) by (z-d '•>T) /z, we ohtnin
of Eq
• T
- J"' ) Z - C j"'T
sincvT a(z-c +- ~ [tcnns due to poles or G(z)]
G( z ) - -~
=a + z -e i,,,t z
. second tcnn on the right-hand .
111c s1 0c of this last c .
,,r Since the system considered 1 . quation approaches zero as z approaches
d • . \ere is stable, the . . .
aches zero as z approaches ci(:)T th1rd lem1 on the nght-hand side also .
3ppro • Hence b I .
• .. ' y ettmg 2 approach c'0'r, we have
- G(·'/. ) -
·1 -
1I -
G( t;\ l••I )
z - c-J.. I l•c•~• - - ~
The coefficient a the complex conjugate of . .
a, 15 then obtam as follows: \
G(c-J111T )
• ,·
·1 ::: - - - - -
We find that the sinusoidal pulse transfer function G (d~',) is periodic, with\llC ;Jeriod equal
' . .,
10 'f,
w11cn.: u(kT) is Ilic inpul nnd x(kT) lht: outpu1.· Obtain the s1c,1dy-sta!c.: oulpul x(kT) when ~he : ·. ·.
input u(kT) is the sampled sinusoid; or. u(kT) = A sin kcoT. • • • ••. ::; :·.
:: .
Let:us substitute doiT for i in G(Z). Then sinusoidal pulse transfer function .G(e j~T) can~~ ...
obtained as
. ,. l 1
G(c'IV'):::; - 1. 1 = . . .
1- ae "' 1- a cos cvT + J a sincvT
=-;== A • (k T
= = = = Sm ' CV -tan
_1 a sin tVT )
~l+a -2acoscvT · 1-acoscvT
11 9
.. ... .,-..,.
.i :: •._ : J ; " ,..:
. as z = eiCc>T' if
pJon' the frequency appears
. • we treat frequency
• response in the z plane;. the ••
si11 1' rcilY of the lognn1hn11c plots will 1,c complc1cly lost. Thus, 1hc di reel npp_lication• of ••
1 1
freqtle cy-rcsponse · methods is 'not worthy of consideration. In fact·'·1 since the • z. .-:•
rans rrnation maps the primary and comp 1ementary stnps
! • •of the lcft half of the s plane_
; • mto
• ...• •
thC 11· · circle in the z plane, co11vcnti ona• I 1rcqucncy-rcsponsc
r. n1cthods, which deal with
• • the• :•_
111 1
,,,iira Jell half plane, do not apply to the 2 plane. •
Where Tis sampling period involved in the discrete-time control system under considCration.•• •
By Conv~rti ng a gi vcn pulse trans fer function in the z pIanc into a rationa I funeti on of ,y, _ih{ •••
.. ' :,.•
frcqncncy-rcsponsc methods can be extended to discrete-time control systems, lly solving
Eq (4.11) for w, we obtain the inverse relationship. :•:
... .. ..... (4.12)
z z-1
T z+l
Through the z transformation and the w transformation, the primary strip of the leri half of .:
the s plane is first mapped into the inside of the unit cire le in the z pIan c and then map peel·•••• •
inio 1i1e entire lefi half of the w plane. The two mapping processes are depicted. in figure
. ·•. •
below. (Note that in the s plane we consider only the primary strip). Notice that·the origin of :'. :
~ .'
the z plane is mapped into the point w -2rf in thew plane. Notice also that a varies froni-0. ·_:.. ·:.
lo /<o,/2 along the jw axis in the s plane, z varies from I to -1 along the unit eircJ_c in the z . • ;
plane and w varies from Oto oo along the imaginary axis in thew plane.
11 "' J 111,n ,
, , . \..~
l • I
f I
1;111: (l\'Cf lhL: rrcq11c111.:y ran ge 2 <ti_ .--__,, <tJ :.; <ti, 111:ips 111 the range -rfJ < v < rfJ, whl:rc v
1) 2
1~ iht: lil·1i1i1111s frl·q11c111.:y i11 w 11h• 11 1.: • Tlii·:,. 1m:a11 s 11 1a 1, al I I1out:I I II 1c I·n.:q m:ncy rcspon :-.c
ch;Hadcrislics or the analog filter will be reproduccJ in the discrete or digital · filter. thi.:
rrcqll'.:ilCY scale Oil wh idi the rcspo11sc occurs will bc co111pn.:sscd rrom all i:1fillite interval i11
lhL' an:iln): li ltcr to a linitc i11tc1Yal i11 the di1:iIal lilt cr.
Once 1hc pulse tra11srcr function (j(z) is 1ra11sror111cd i111n G(w) by means or the "
1ra11sk,n11atio11. ii may be treated as a conventional trans !cr runction in w. Conventional
lil·1;ucIK)' respon se tccl111 iqucs ca\\ then be uscd in thew plane, und so the well -establ ished
As noted earlier. v rep resents the lictilious frequency. 8y replacing w by jv, conventional
frc<pcncy-rcsponsc Lcchniqucs may be used to draw the Bode cli i1gram for the transfer
r1111~1io11 in w.
J\llho.1~h thew pl ane resembles 1he s pla1_1c gcomclrically, tile frequency axis in thew plan e
~ ,.
i-; 1· •t . , I 7'1 . 1- -t · · )tt s frcl ucncv v and the actu:il rrequcn cy c,> .ire related :1s fo llows:
· l IS 1)1 1U . l\.: ll 111 1 • I •
\\·I "
1 ·oil'
j \;ill I.I I
; . ... . .,.,.-
. '
? rJI'
_ ::-1nn-
,- T
2 ' .......... (4.13)
4 13) civcs the relationship between the nctunl frequency<,> and the nc1i1ious frcq11 ~11cy
!)l ( • .
tc that as the actual frequency w moves from -~cv lo O the· fictitious frequency v
,,. r-Jo . 2 s _ .
froll1 -co to 0, and as Cl> moves from Oto ~ w v moves from Oto Cf.l .
010\'C~ 2 J,
• g to Eq (4.13) th e _actual frequency Cll can be translated into the fictitious frequency v.
p.cfcrr1n .
__ / I -e
! Fig 4.13 (Transfer function system)
_1 z[ lO ]
= ( 1- z ) s(s + 10)
- z-0.3679
l3y use of the bilinear transformation we get,
1+ (T / 2)w 1+ 0.05w
= 1- (T / 2)w = 1- 0.05w
arc partl y compensated ro r h , ti 1e tra11s,orma11
r: •
on )
from the z plane mlo thew plane.
Nlllt.: th'at i r
boz"' + b,z m- 1 + ... ... + b"'
1 rn $ 11
/ ' I :I 1z"
• •
I .. .. . I ,I
\Vhi:rc tile a,'s and h,'s arc co11sta111s. is tra11sli..1nm·d i11lo tilt.: w plane hy lhL· lr,111s f"onnalio11.
I + tT / 2)w
z= · -- - - -
then G(w) takes the fo1111
Where the a i's and the Bi's arc constants (some of them nrny by zero). Thus, G(w) is a ratio of
pl1lyno111ials in ,v. where the degrees of the numerator and denominator may or may 1101 he
,t8.3 Hotle Diagm111s:- Design by means or Bode diagrams lws been wide ly used in
di.:aling \\'ilh si11glc-i11put-si11glc-output continuous-time control systcllls. ln part icu lar. ir the
transfer function is in a factored form, the simplicity and ease with which the asymp tot ic
Bode diagram can be <lraw11 and reshaped arc well known.
,\'!, '!,lnkd t'arli cr, 'th,
CC'll\V('lll i I r!
frcq 11 , •'✓ 11 1c 1,.. 111 •·frr
fu11cli1)1'S in the w Phti, •• cnty -rc1: pn11 Hc 111c1ho d ; appl y lo ; ' •• ,
, c. {ccall lhnt th 13 . I . II c,;
. . . . c ode d1agra111 consists of two separalo P ot S, 1
l01~.1nth1111 c magmtudc jGU )j ,.. . . •
v vcrsu~:log v. I I G(') ... log v
'k ·t ·I • , 1· I . - ,Int I 1c pha se :u1glc L JV vc1 s u s •
S 1.: l 1111 1;. o t 1c 1 ognrrth .. . .
llll<.: 111a11111 l ucle · • I
k 011
th1.' principle O r add • , , . . ~, 0 11 the fac1ori 11g o I' G(j v), so that It wor s
is )nscd
lllb the IIH!iv1dual r, , . . . . . . . .
~ - •. . . . ,Wlorccl tcn11s 111slcad ol'rnulliply111 g ,11d, v1d11al tcn11 s.
J•mrn 1,11 ,1symµto1 1c ()Iott · . •
ing lcclu • . •
. k Hques can be applied, nnd therefore the magnitude curve
can be qu1c ly drawn by · . . •
. llSlng st raight-line asymptotes. Using the Bode diagram , a di gi tal
colllpcnsatory or d1gil'II c" 110 . •
. . ' ~,n 11 er may ' b_e <Icsrgncc
• I with
• convent1011al
• • tee I1111ques.
design •
It 1s important to note lli·t( ti :-,
. ,
. 'Y I'Jc n d'tffcrcncc in the high.frequen cy rnag111lu
•. lCrc. Ill'\ • d cs 1·_or
GUrn) curve and GUv). The 1i· ij 1'.. .. . . .
ig frequency asymptote of lhc lognnlhm1c magrntude curve for
G(jv) mny he a constant _ de -1 ,11 . .
Cl lt.: inc (lha1 1s, a horiw11tal line).
On the other hand, if lim G( ) _ . . . •
s- ,,,, s - 0, then the magn1t11de ol GU(J)) always npproachcs zero
(·"' llfl) as rn approaches infin it F . .• • . <l
. Y: or cxampl~, rcfcrnng to the previous example we obta111e
G(w) for G(s) as follows: •
G(w) = 9.241( - O.OSw)
w + 9.241
Jim IGUv)
. I== lim ( 1- ·0.05jv)
9.24 l . = 0.4621
V ➔ CO V ➔ er., JV+ 9.241
The di!Tcre11cc in the □ode di1gra~1s at the higi1-freqL;ency end can be explained as follow~.
!; ' . ' •.• .
• , f~~ • ·1
First, recall thnt we arc inl cr~slc~.only ~i,_i the frequency range O $ OJ $ - rv,, which
,. -:; 2
. ~' •• "d ' .
• .. ,. ': l
corresponds O~ v ~ co . Then, noting hat v= ~ plane corr~sponds to m = in the
; ·., ·.:· .\ • ".· .
2 (J}s
. . ;,
constant. (It is important to note that these two .values arc generally not equal to each other.)
from the pole-zero point or view it
b . I . I.
cnn c s:11cl that when GUv) 1s a non •
zero cons1:111t at·
" :e: co it is implied that G(w) co t , ..
ns ants the same number of poles an<l zeros.
In general, one or more zeros of G(, ) 1· . . I Tl e presence of a
v 1c 111 the nght half of thew p ane. 1
;,'Cl'll i11 1he right h:it1· nr th, 1 I . . I c; 1n111~ rc.:r
1 c " P a n c 111ca11s 111111 G(w) i H 11 1m1111111 11111111n P 11 1 11
C(z) •
Go(z) Hold Plant
. -
I. First, obtain G(z}, the z transform of the plant preceded by a hold. Then transfonn •
G(z) into a transfer function G(w) through the bilinear transfonnation.
1 + (T / 2)w
. ...·
2. Substitute CD= jv into G(ro) and plot the Bode diagram for GUv).
Example 10 . Draw a Bode diagram for the control system shown below. Assume that the
sampling period is 0.2 sec, or T=0.2 and the value of k=2.
r(t) c·( t)
Gu*(s) I -c -Ts k
or C(z.) .
R(z) s s(s + I L .
I - -
~ext, we tr~msfonn the pulse transfer function G(z) into :1 transfer function G(w) by 11,1ean~ of ·:
the bilincnr transfonn:ition.
z -- .l .+. (T . - . - 1 1- 0.Jw'
.. / .2)\\'
. - 1 (T / ~)\v .· I O. Jw
Thus .
k( I+ - \\' X 1- -\V \ 1
:__ ~ 300 10 )
= .w{w +'l)
F~t!•11·c 4.1 (1 shows lhc bode diagram ror the ~ys1c111 . For the niagnituclc cmve we have used
s1rai \~ht - li11,: asy 1Hpl11ks. The 111ai:11iludc a11d the ph :1sc a11 1;k ur (i(jv) :ire show1 1 by dasll cd
1.'.llr'.r::s. TIH.: phase l\largin ca11 he read fro 111 lk limk diagr:1111 (dash ccl curv ' S) as 3o" all lilt:
no ~lcady -stale error, and no rippl es helwL:c11 lhL: samp li n!', instants, then thi s lypc or •
resp1)11sc is commonly called a deadbeat res!1011sc.
J)esi~II of Di~ita/ Co11trol/crs for Minimum SC'ttli11g Time 11•it!, 7.C'ro Stl'{tt/y-Stute frmr:-
Considcr the digital cot 1t 1 . I • h • the
' ro system shown in figure below. The error signal e(L), w llC 15
difference between the· ( · · )T
mput r L) and the output c(l), is sampling every time interva •
~c(kT) r----~
T - Oigilal
1-..--- ►
Con1rnllcr -►
Fig 4.18 (Digital control system and the diagram showing equivalent digital control system
The input to Lhc digitnl co11troller is the error signal c(kT). The oulpul ol' the digital controller
is the control signal u(kT). The _control signal u(kT) is fed to the zero-order bold, and the
output of the hold, u(t), which is a piecewise continuous-time signal, is feel to the plant. It is
desired to design a digital controller G0 (z) such that the closed-loop control system \yill
exhibit the minimum possible selling time with zero steady-stale error in response to a step, a
ramp, or an acceleration input. It is required that the output not exhibit inter sampling ripples
after the steady state is reached. The system must satis_fy riny other specifications, if rec'1uircd,
such as a specification for the static velocity error constant.
Let us define the 7. transform of the plant that is preceded by the zero-ore.I er hold as G(,,), or
Then the open-loop pulse transfer function becomes Gil (z) G(z), as shown in figure (b),
Next. di.:li11e lhc desired cl ,I1
I ·
USCl • uop pulse transfer fu11ctio11 as l·(z).
C(z) _ G 0 (z)G(z.)
R(z) - l +Go (z)G(z) = F(z) ..........(4.14)
Since it is rcquin.:tl lllat the s~slcm exhibit a finite scllling lime willl zero steady - 5 lale error,
th e 5Yst em muS t exhibit a finite impulse response. Hence, the desired closed-loop pulse
transfer function must be of the followiilg 1orn1.
II /. N I II / N. I
1-'(1) - II I , I . .. ...... I "N
\~here N '2:. n and n is the order of the system. [Note that F (z) must not contain any tenns
with positive powers in z, since such tenns in the series expansion of F (z) imply that the
nulpllt pn.:ccdcs lhc i11p11t, which is 1101 possible for a physii.:ally realizable syslcm.l In our
design approach, we solve the closed-loop pulse transfer funclion for the digital controller
Gn(z). That is, we find the pulse transfer function Gn(z) thnt will satisfy Eq (I, 14). Solving
Eq (i( 14) for G11 (z), we obtain,
'.\. Ir (1(1.) is expanded into n series in z· ' tl1e lo l I • o. f 1·l1c seri es expansion of
• •, wes -power crn1 •
F(z) in i' must be at least as large as that of G(Z). For example, if an expansion of G(z)
• • -l b 4 I 5)
into a scnes m z cgins with the z·' term, then the first tenn of F(z) gi ven by Eq ( •
11111st h!.! zero, or ao must
o·, ti la t •Is, t11e expansion
, has to he o rl I1c ,ol
r. •ll 1•
1 2
F( z) -a
- 12· + a2z• • +............ + aNz N
where N ~ n and n •is the order of the system. This means that the plant c_annot respond
instantaneously when~ control signal of finite magnitude is appl ied: the respond comes at a
delay ol'al least one sampling period if the series cxp;nsion of G(z) begins with a term in z·'.
In addition lo the physical rcalizabilty conditions, ~vc must pay allcntion to the stabili ty .
aspects of the syS tem. Specifically, we must avoid canceling an unstable pole of the plant
by a zero of the digital controller. If s~ch a cancellation is allempted, any err~r in the _pole-
~ero cancellation will diverge as time elapses and the system will become unstable . .
Si111il11rly. tile di~ilal ct111tnillcr pulse tn111sl'er f\ 1m·1io11 should 1101 i11volv • 1111slahh: poles 10 . •
1:1111n:l pl:111\ zeros that lie out.s ide the u11it circle,
Next. let us investigation _what will happen to the closed-Joor pulse trnnsfer function f(z) if ·
. .
G(z) involves an unstable (or critically stable) pole, that is, a pole z= a outside (~r .on) the·.· ..
. . . .. .
unit circle. [Note that the following argument applies equally, if G(z) involve~ t\~O or more •. •
1111st:1hle nr critically stable - poks,l \If; dcfi11c
'i, ( / )
( 1( /,)
z -· tJ
where G1(z) docs not include a term that cancels with z •a.Then the closed - loop pulse . ·••
transfer function becomes
.......... (4.17)
Since we require that no zero of Gu(z) cancel the unstable pole of G(z) al z = u, we must
' is. 1-F(z) must have z• = ,., .,
u. uS a 2C • • . • OfG(zJ,
• ,o. Also notice that from equation (4) if ;,cros
lo 11 ot cancel poles of G (z) ti • I ,
c D • , 1c zeros of G{z) becomc zeros ofr.( ) [r.(z)
1· z . 1• •
may invo vc
ad litionnl zeros.]
. .'.- ....
2. Zeros of G(z) that lie inside the unit circle may be canceled with poles of Go · (z).
However, zeros of G(z) that lie on or outside the unit circle must not be canceled wil'1
poles of Go(z). Hence, all zeros of G(z) that lie on or outside the unit must be
included in F(z) as zeros.
Now wc shall proceed with the design. Since e(kT) = r(kT) - c(kT), rcforri11g to Eci'( 4. 14) ,vc
I /, Il
·1•i / , - I ( I
R(z} = -· ·-· ------
2( 1- z- 1)3 •
Thus, in general, z transfor~llS of such time-domain polynomial inputs n1ay be written as
R(z) = -I q + I ..........(4.19)
(1 - z )
where P(z) is a polynomial in 2· . Notice that for a unit-step input P(z) =1 and q=O; for a unit-
ramp input, P(z) =Tz·' and q=l; and for a unit-acceleration input, P(7.) =½ T2;,-: 1( 1+z· 1) :ir!d
14 l
£3)' substituting Eq (4.19) into Eq (4 1S) .
• we obta111
E(z) = P(z)( 1- F(z)]
(1-z-l)q+I ..........(4.20)
To ensure that the system rcacl , . st. . . • · I· . J : .'
ics c,idy state in a linite number or s;1111pl111g pcnol 5 •111 :
maintains zero steady-state err E( ) . • b f
or, • z must be a polynomial in 2· 1 with a fi111tc num er 0
tcnns. The, by referring to Eq (4 ?Q) ••
·- , we choose the function J-f(z) to be of the fon11. ..
l-f(z)=( l-z· 1r+ 1N(z)
........... (4.21)
where N(z) is a polynomial in z-1 with a finite number of le,rn1s. Then, .
.•.·, .
E(z) =P(z) N(z) .. .
......... (4.22) .
which is a polynomial in z· with a finite number of terms. This means that the error .signal
becomes zero in a finite number of sampling periods. .' , "
From the preceding analysis, the pu!se transfer fu~ction of the digital controller can b~
dcl;pnn incd as follO\vs. By ~rst letting F(z) satisfy the physical rcnlizabi lity and stability · •• •_·
1 conditions and then substituting Eq (4.2 I) into Eq (4. i6) we obtain.
acceleration inputs.
' j
l:x111nplc l l • Consider the digital cont 1· I . I "tic r1 la11t trnnsfcr
•· 0 system 111 figure below, w 1crc 1
1(1) c(t)
/..,, r - -- - - .
---- T -► lligi1al
Design a digital controller Gn(z) such that the closed-loop system will exhibit ad~ad_b~at _
response to a unit-step input. (I~ deadbeat response the systc,ii should not exhibit i_nt_cr
~an1pling ripples in the output after the settling time is reached.) The snmpling period T is
w:'.,11 11wd li 1 lw I i:n· . Thl'11, w:i11p, 1111' dip,ilnl r111lli11lln < i 1, (1) rn • dl'!: ip_1wd, l11 vc:::1i11,:1l<i° lltr
- -z
- 1) [ z-
---- - --
( 1--;,_- l /
1 - + --- 1 --
( ~ ) l · OJ<>7 1J:t.- I
0.3679(1 + 0.7181 z-l )z-l
.......... (4.24)
== ( 1- z- 1)( 1- 0.3679z- I)
Now redraw the block diagram of the system as shown in figure below.
ll(t.) E(z)
Notice that if G(z) is expanded into a series in 2 · 1 then the first term will be 0.36792· 1. I lcncc,
F(z) must begin with a tern1 in 2· 1.
Since the input is a step function, we can write l-f(z)=( l-z" 1) N(z) ........ (4.26)
Since G(z) has a critically stable pole at z=l, the stability requirement states that 1-F(z) ~ust
have a zero at z= I. However, the function 1-F(z) already has a tern, l-7: 1 and therefore
satisfies the rcqui rcmcnl.
Since the system should not exhibit inter sampling ripples and the input is a step function, we ·
require c(t ~2T) to be constant. Noting that u(t), the output of the zero-order hold, is a
. .
continuous-time function, a constant c(t ~2T) requires that u(t) also be constant fort ~2T. In
terms of the z transfom1, U(z) must be to the following type of series in z· 1.
U(z) =b0 +b17: 1+b(z·2 +z· 3+z·.i+ ....... )
Where bis constant. Because the plant transfer function Gp (s) involves an integr~tor, b must _ •
be zero. (Otherwise, the output cannot stay constant). Conscqucnlly, we have
U(z) = bo+b1z·
From Fig (b), U(z) can be given as follows:
U(z) = C(z) = C(z) R(z) - . . R(z)
G(z) R(z) G(z) - F(z)G(z)
I( I . -I)
= F(z) -
-z (I-OJ67.9z-1) J-0.3679z- 1
1- z- 0 3679 -1 1 = F(z) - - - - -- 1- 1
• • (l+O.?l8Jz )2- 0.3679(1+0.718lz- )z-
for U(z) to be a series in 2· w·t~ I . .
1 1
on Ytwo tenns, F(z) must be of the following fonn .
F(z) :-e(l 10.71811." ) z·'F, ........... (4.27)
where FI is a constant. Then U(z) can be written as follows:
U(z) = 2.7 I 8I( I-0.3679z· 1)Fi ..........(4.28)
Eq (4,28 ) gives U(z) in terms of F1. Once constant F1is determined, U(z) can be given as a
series in z· with only two terms.
Now we shall determined N(z), F(z), and F,. By substituting Eq (4.25) into Eq (4.26).·wc
•I ., I
I-a 1z -u~z - = ( 1-z' )N(z)
The le fl-hand side of its last equation must be divisible by 1-z·'. Ir we divide the lcft-han<l
side by I 1-z·', the quotient is l+(l-a 1)2· 1 and the remainder is (l-a 1-a2)z' 2 . Hence, N(z) ·is
dctcnni;,cd as.
N(z) =I+( l-a1)2· 1 .......... (4.29)
and ·the remainder must be zero. This requires that
..... ..... ('U fl)
Division of the lcfi-hand side ·o f this last equation by 1+0.7 I 8 I z· 1 yields the quotient a, a~u.l
the remainder (a 2-0.718Ia,)z·' . By equating the quotient with F, and the remainder with ·
zero, we obtain.
a2•0.718 l a1 ;;;Q ..........(4.31)
Solving Eqs (4.30) and (4.31) for a, and a1 gives
a, =0.5820,
Thus. F(z) is dctcnnincJ :is
F(z) =0.582oz· 1+ 0.41802·2
.........(4.3 2)
F, =0.5820
l:q (4.2<J) ~ivcs i
GD (z) = F(z) -· _
u{z)( I - z- f JN(z)
= (l+0.718lz-')z- 1 (0.5820)
0.3679(1+0.7J81z- 1)z-' _, _,
(1-z ')(l-0.3679z ' ) {1-z )(l+0.4180z )
}.5820- 0.582Qz-l
I + 0.41802- 1
Willi IIIL' digi1al co111111llcr 1!111s dcsi,:11cd, th~ closed-loop pulse transfer function become
C(z) ,
R(z) = F(z) = 0.58202- 1
+ 0.4 I 80z-·
0.5820(z + 0.7181)
The system output in response to a unit-step input r(t) = 1 can be obtained as follows.
C(z) =F(z) R(z)
? .. - 1
=(0.5 8_o_ +0.4J8o_.. 1 > I _,
= 0.5820l + l
., ·2 .
T z-J + z• -I+......... .
c(O) =O
c(k) =I. k=2,3,4, .. ....
l l(,.) ~ - . 71, I ( l-0J(17'h'') (0.5820)
- I .5 , -0-0.58 20 z' '
= (0.5820 z· 1+0.4 l 80 2 -2) __z---,-"'T'"
==0.5820 2· +1.5820 2· 3+2 .5820 z-4+3.5820 z· 5+.......... .
For th e unit-ramp response, the control signal U(z) is obtained as follows . referring lo Eqs
(4.24) an<l (4.32),
= ( l.5820 - 0.5820z-l) _1
1- z
= I .5820 z·' + z•2+ •z•3 +z-4+ .......
The signal u(k) becomes constant (b==I) fork?: 2.· Hence, the system output will _not exhibit
Kv =
lim [l-z-
. T G0 (z)G(z)
Jim [ _1 F(z) ]
= z➔ 1 (t-
) (1- z-l )N(z)
= lim 0.58202- l + 0.4180z- = _
0 7052
z -► I 1 ·I· 0.41801.- 1
• 14 7
Exninpk 12 • Consider II tk:si , ,. 1t 1lr11
. . • L\ 11 I rnbkrn tli c s111111.: as thal or previous cx:1 111plc cxcc1 '
thl' st:111r ,. lnrny crrnr con . . k . . · l
. . . Sl,UH 1• 15 spcciftcd. (lkca11sc or thi s :1dcli1 io11 con st raint. 1 JC
sl.'111111~ t1111c will he lon!-\er tlnn , .. . . . . n is
. '" ' - sec.) I he block diagram of' the d1 g11:il ontrol sy 5ic, . •
sho\\'ll 111 figure below. The 11 . . . .
I ant transfer func11011 G1i(s) under cons1dcra11011 1s.
Gp(s) ::: -- - -
s(s + 1)
The design specifications n (1) 1 . . . . ·
< re t rnt the closed-loop system is to exh1b1t n firntc sett 1mg time
with zero steady-state error • ti • • I ·b· · t
in le u111t-step response, (2) that the output 1s not to ex 11 11 111 er
sampli11° ripple af1cr the s ttl' • • • • • · k•
~ c mg tune 1s reached, (3) that the static vcloc1ty error constant \·
is to be sec· , a nd (4) that the settling time is to be the minimum possible that will ~a;_isfy all
th ese spcci fications. The sampling period T is assumed to be I sec. Design ·a, digi t~!
controller Gn(7.) that satisfies the given specifica tio ns. After the conlrollcr is desi gned.
i!wcsligatc lhc response of the system to a unit-ramp input.
Solution , The z transform of the plant that is preceded by the zero-order hold was obtained
in the pl'cvious example as.
G(z) = 2 l - e-Ts • 1
[ s s(s +1)
Si 11cc the first term in the expansion of G(z) is 0.36 79z: 1• f,(z) 1_1111s t hcgi n wi th a term in ,." 1.
r.( z)
1· =a 1 z•I +a~z .~ +........ -,·a~z
, .• ~
where N ~ n and n is Lhe order of the system (that is, n =2 in the present case) . Because of the
added constraint, ,vc may assume N > 2. We shall try N =3. Thus, we assume.
• z) =a1z· l •I a~z • •I a.1 •z.J .. ... .. ... (4 ·-34)
(If a satisfactory result is not _obtained, we must assume N > 3.) Since the inpti't is a step
function we require that.
J-F(z) =( l-z· ) N(z) ... ... ... (4.35)
N11l' 1hal the pn:sc111 or;\ crit ' ,. II . ;( Z)
ic,1 Y. tahl c 1101,. . . .. ,, r.,r (1111ct1 011
. ' . . I 1:(• ) I C ,ll z n ) Ill the pl:1111 pul. C (1,111.,,c
r~lJ\ltl t:!i • z lo ia, c n zc1·c) t I z·'
• a z =- I 11 I r • tc.:rlll • •
. ~ . . • • owcvcr. lhc r1111cli o11 1-f,(z) alrc:1dy w., "
nn \ 1hc1c 01c snt1sfics the stnb 'I• . ,
. I ity rcqu1rcmcnt. .
The n.:q11in.:111c111 that the ~lat •. , ·I . • .
ic \ c oc11y err . .1
1 .- 11 , 1 •1 s follow s.
lim [ _ z - I ] 01 co11s1a111 be t sec c:111 ic w, 1 c1 ' ·
k,, = z ➔ I -:f"- Go(z)G(z)
Since tlic sySlem output should 1101 exhibit inter sampling ripples ancr· the selling time is
reached, we require U(z) to be of the following fom1. , · 1'
U(z) = bo+b1z- + b1z·2+b(z· 3+z-1+z" 5+........ .)
I3ccausc the plant transfer function Gp(s) involves an integrator, b must be zero.
Consequently, we have.
U(z) = bo+b,z- 1+ b2/? .
Also, from figure (b), U(z) can be given by
I - 0.3679z- l
= f-(z) - - - - - - r - - - = -
0.3679(1 + 0.718lz- 1)z- l
For U(z) lo be a series in z- 1 with three tcm1s, F(z) must be of the following form .
F(z) =(1+0.718lz· 1)2· 1F1(z) ......... (4.37) •
where r, 1 (z) is a first-<kg rcc polynomial in z· Then U(z) can be wriltcn as follows .
U(z) =2.718l(l-0.3679z" ) F1(z) .. ........ (4.38)
From Eqs (4.34) and (4.35), we have
I-F(z)-;::l-a 1z-1 -a2z .2-a3 z.J = (l -z·l)N(
. • • z)
........ :.(4 .39)
......... (4.40)
Nole· that from 12q (4 36) we r . I
. • c4lurc N(I) = ¼ . Therefore, by substituting-( 1=.I i~ 110 • ~q
(4.39) \\ e obtain. •
.......... (4.41)
Also, Eq (4.3 7) can be rcwrittc~ as
-+ ·I .,
:11 • a2z +a3z - -==( l+0.718 Jz·')r (z)
Division of the lcfi-hand side of thi~ last equation by I+0.7 181 2 - 1 yields the quo~icnl
The digital controller pulse transfer function Go(z) is then detem1 ined as follows:
0 1
()~ 'J I ~ •718 ~- ~ )1." 1(1.2ri1iM - 0.<,7'J801.- I) --
•• (179(l+0.71SJz- 1)%- l • ' • -2
(l-z-l)(l-0.3G79z-l)z-1 (1-z-1)(!-0.26 184z-1-o.48.817z )
c(O) =O
c(I) = 1.2618
c(2) = 1.4882
c(k) =I, k =3,4,5, ........... .
The unil-:<;lcp response s~quence has a maximum overshoot of approximately 50%. The
settling time is 3 sec.
Notice tlial from Eq (4.38) we have
U(z) =2.7181(1-0.3679 2· 1)(1.26184-0.67979 z·1)
= 3.4298-3. t 096 2· 1+.6798 2· 2
Thus, til e control signal u(k) becomes zero for k 2:: 3. Conscquc11tly, there arc •no
intersampling ripples in the response. Notice that the assumption of N=3, lh~t is, tht:
• !'
=(1.26184z· +0.22633z· -0.48816z· 3) _
(] - z 1)2
= 1.26 IS z·2+ 2. 7500 z•J·l-3.7500 z~1 +.. .......... .
In the unit-ramp response, the control signal U(z) is obtained as follows.
. /.
t5 I
l (I ) F(;,.) .- 1
( i(I.) I _ ,. I I _ ,. I
.t 10 Problems :
1. Consider the system desc.:ribcd by
y(k) -0.6 y(k-1) -0.S I y (k-2) + 0.67 y(k-3)-0.12 y(k-4) =x{k)
\\ here x (k) is the input and y(k) is the output of the system. Dc!crminc the stability
of the system. .._,/
Ans. Critical stable.
2. ~onsider the characteristic cqu:llion of the second-order system.
f(z) =a2Z-+a1z ao=O ; a2 > O
Detem1ine the stability of the system.
Ans. Unstable.
J. Consider the sampled. data system as shown in figure below. Determine its
characteristic equation 111 the z-domain and ascertain its stability via the bilinear
r( I) c(I) c•( t) 5
s(s + l)(s + 2)
Ans. Stable
• . 152 .
__ _____·-
ltillowing three sampling periods. T== I sec, T- 2 sec, and T== 4 sec.
__/ k c(t)
s(s + I)
5. Draw the Bode diagram in the w-plane for the transfer function of the pl?nt
1 .
G(s) === s(s+
' 2) which is preceded by a zero-order hold.
A mndi:rn
, = ''O"' • I ·'«y_...!~t!.!L!!!!.!Y
• I
-1ill'..C ·
many 111p111s and man 0111 rnrs. For 111u I11• 1c lllJHt
• 1s am I
The stalc-_~Racc method is based on the description of system equations in tcn11~ of_!!)irst-
- ----- ------ ___ . ·--- - --- -
' - -- --
qr~r difference equation. Which may be combined into a first-order vector-matrix difference
- - - - - - - - -- - - ---- - - - - - - '
equation. The use of the vector-matrix -l)Otatjo11 greatly simplifi_cs_Jh~_!l!~thcn~a~~ _
- - - ~----- - - - ---- . ' . . . .
representation of the cqua_tions of the ~ystcms. :-·,
The use of the state-space concept enables us to design control systems with respect to giv-e'b
performance imJcxcs. In the state-space the design c;in be carried out for a class of input ~.
instead of a specific input function such as the impulse function, step function, or sinusoidal
li.1tll:tio11 . Thi.: slate-space methods also enables us lo include i11itial co11clitio11s in the desi gn.
which is riot possible in the conventional methods.
/ .,
St~he stat~- of ad 'namic syste~ is th smallest set of variables (called state variables)
such that the knowlc<l~_c of th cse vanabl~~lJ=lo, comp.!£tely determines the behavior of the
~ ---- - - zz..: : : : : :
system for nny time t ~ 10 It is I0 l . only limited to
. • • )C noted that the concept or n stnlc l:i 110 1
phym~nl systems, but ulso 11111)1•. 11 . . . social systems
ICI\) c to h10\og1cnl systems, eco1101111c sy st em.
nnd oth1.:rs. •
Sime V£'ctor: Jt _n state variables arc needed to descri_hc complctflY _~l~c l?clrnvior of a gi~cn
SY st em, t.hcn these Jl stat~ variables can be considered the n components of a vcclo_r X. S_uch
a.vector i_s lh~s-a vect~r_th~t dctcnni~cs uniquely the system stale x(t) for any ti_~e t ~ to,
once the state at t=to is given and the input u(t) fort~ to is specified.
S~a.te Space: lhe n-dimensional space whose coordinate axes consist of the X1 axi.s, X2 a~is,
...... , ~n axis is called a state space. Any state can be represented by a po'int in the state space.
State- Space Equations : Ir~ state-space ~nalysis we need to _concern with _three' types of
variables that are inv?lved in the model_ing of dynamic syst~ms : il}Put variables, o_utpu_!
For time-varying (linear or n~!1-~ne~) discrete -time systems, the state equation may ~e
written as.
(k +I)= qx(k), u(k). k]
✓y(k) = g( x(k1_u(kl;l .......... (5,.2)
For Ji near time-varying discrete-times ~1_12s, the state equation and output cquati~n may be
- ~-- - -·- . - .
simplified to .
x(k + 1) = G (kJ + H (k) u(k) ............ (5.3)
r - - - - -- - __y
y(k) == C(k)x(k) + D(k)u(k)
............ (5.4)
\\'l 1l 'I\' .
\(\, ) II \ ·1·rt111
( ·. l:1k , ·, ·,·1,11 I
\'( \-) II\ \ ' l'L' l111
('. 111tp11( \'1T l111 J~
11 (k) : r - vector
(lllput ,·cclor)~
(i(k) :: 11 x 11111atrix
(state matrix)
H( kl ••• 11 x r 111:tlrix
(input 111:ilrix ) J
l '(k) =.: 111 x ') _111ati-ix
(ll ~1tp111111;1l rix ;
IJ(k) =: Ill X r lllalrix
(direct lr:i11smi ssio11 mat rix)
h11 Ilic I i1 11c - i 11,·;lfi ;uit s . . . • • •. 111
• Y ~IL!n til l · ~ l;ik l·, p1 ;11 i,111 ;111d 11 111p111 L·q11 a l1P11 L·; 111 li t: s,nqildil d
:qk+ .I J -=-G:xlk) + l lt1t l,; ) ........... .( 5.5 )
,, ___
Fig 5.1 ( ~lock diufir~1111 of o lmc.:Jr lirnc inv,irinnl di scrclr.- lirnc co11lrol system
rnprcscnlcc! in the sl<1 c sp:ic:~ )
_____-:-- __
SI atc-!:ipacc HcprC!iClllatio11 or Discrctl'-Ti111e Sysll'lll
__,...-,---- - -.--,,-~:----
Lei us .:nnsidcr tile d1scrc\ c- l1111c sys ti.: 111 described by
\Vh ,; rl' ,i(k) i s 1hc 111p111 and ylk) is tin~ oulpul of Ilic s ys k1n :11 tile ktl1 samplin g insl:llll. Noll.:
tli :it : tlllll' 1,1· tin; cm:lfo..:i c11t s :1, (i I .~. ... .. 111 and b,i U 0. 1.2...... , 11) m:1y he / .LTO . Th e l:q (5. 7:
;p • h· "' ' ittcll i n tliL· 1i 1r 111 11 1' 1111l :, t: 11:11 1s l t ·1 l 11 11t· t 11 111 :i s
Y(z) h + h z- l
0 I • +.. .. .. ... +b i'.- 11
= n
l ll1.) I + :il1. ··l .1 ·t . • _
····••• •• •••
. .... .. ,111 :: 11
Y(z) h0z11 + h zn - I
• I • + ... .. .+h
or. -U-(z-.) - n 1 n .. .. ....... .(5 .9)
z + .
alzn- + +"
.. . .. "ll
0 xI (k) 0
x1(k+I) 0 0
x (k) ()
:--: (k+l) () () ........... 0 2
= + u(k)
xn_ 1(k+ l ) 0 0 0 ........... 0
X (k)
x11 (k + l) -a• • 11 -a 11 ,- -a -al x 11 (k) I
1 n-2
.. ..... (5.10)
XI (k)
x-, (k)
y(k) = [ l_>n - a_,_lb~/ b
1 - a 11 _I bo:· .. :b 1 - a 1bo ] -; + b0 u(k) ............. (5. 11)
x 11 (k)
Eqs (5.10) and (5 . 11) arc the state equation and output equation respectively.
.. ......... (5 . l 2)
.. .... (5 .15)
. I
Let us define,
........... (5.1 S)
Let u. no,, define the st t .
a c variables as follows :
Xn-1(2) = z· 2Q (z)
Xn(z) == z· 1Q (z)
'lh.·11 \\'~' l'all writ~
z \i(Z) == Xi(Z)
Z X2(7.) = X3(Z)
z Xn.1(z) = X1i(z)
X11-1(k+ I) =xn(k)
y 1(k) = (b 11 -a 11 h0 ) ~,(k) ·'-- (bn .1-a11.rho) x~(k) +... .... ·l(h1-a1hri) x 11 (k) ... .... .(5 .24)
; l 1' I
:-. Ilk I l ) 0
X ( k I I) (I
0 xI (k) ()
() x (k) ()
:::: 2
u(k) .. 5.2(, )
:-- n - l t k l) 0 () ()
0 X (k)
:-. l k t I) I
11 - I
II - a -a
11 ll I - a - ·1 x (k)
. - 11 - 2 ·1 ll
and from Eq (5.25) we oct 11
' " ic output equation as below:
.. ... .. (5.27)
Exar·/lconsidcr lhc d. ·
~·C iscrctc-t,mc system defined by
Y{z) _ 0.36? (z+0.717) ;
U(z) - (z-1) (z-0.368) )
,Y(z) U(z) ,
or, - 7- = - - - - , - - - - - = - = Q(z)
OJGSz ~+0 .2Ci4z-- l-1.368z- 1 +0.368z- 2
or. Q (z) = .~z) + I .36sz· 1giz) - OJ<i8:(~ Q (z) ......... (5.28)
• '.,~ ,. - v1"/
and Y •z) = 0.J6sz· Q (z) + 0.264z.~Q (z) ....... .(5.29)
- - ·~ . --~
Q(z) = X2(z)
zX 1(z)=X2(z) --
~(?.) -::: z_ X2,C~)
x,lk t l) r 11(k) + l (C\ ........... (SJ I J
•• h) X~(k) • OJ(,8 Xt (k)
TI1c state-space representation of the discrete - time system given by equation may be put in
the followi ng form:
x (k + I) 0 0 0 0 - an ,,
1 x (k) b -a · b
x2 (k+ l) 0 0 0 - a 1 n n 0
n- 1 b
x2(k) n- l - a 11 - 1.b·, 0
= + u(k)
x (k+l)
n-1 (k) b2 - a2-bO
n-1 0 0 1 0 -a2
x 11 (k) bl-albO
x 11 (k+l) 0 0 0 - al
....... (5.36) •
' , x (k)
.,. x (k)
'' ,.
y(k) = [o 0 0 ·I] + b0u(k) ....... (5.37)
11 -- I
x11 (k)
lht: slal '•Spn 'l' r 'p1cst 111:11io11 g1v ·11 hy Eqs (5J(,) :ind (5J7 )
·;int111i ·a I forlll .
X 11 (z) = z- [b 1U(1.)-a Y(1.) + X _ (1.)]
1 11 1
X 11 _ 1(z) = z- [b 2U(z)-a Y(z)+\ _ (z)]
2 1 2
..... . .(5 .39)
~i1n1\ail y .
l . J I
!\•\\.-1 \ ) r
,, r , J',.I Y1,,; ~ rr T
d Jt1 I ·,.J) 't .
. I
Y(z.) _ 0.36Sz- 1' + 0.264.,.-i
U(z) - l - l J(18,.-l + OJ(i81.-2'
or, \'(z) = l.3(>8z- 1Y(z)- 0.368z- Y(z)
+ OJ68z- \U(z) + 0.2641,- U(z)
Let us define ,
X (z) ~ 7.- 1[1.36S Y(z) + 0.~6S U(z) + Xl (,.)]
i XI <.z) == z-ll 0.264 U(z) - 0.368 Y(i'.)1
: . Y(z) == X 2 (?.)
llcncc. the stale-space re " . . . ,jvcn ;is (o ll oW!i:
prcsentat1011 of the gi\'cn pulse tr:111sfer f1111ctior1 is g
If tllc poles of the pulse transfer function arc all distinct, then tile state-space representation
may be put in diagonal canonical fonn as follows :
x1(k+I) Pr 0 () xI (k)
x.,(k1l) (} p., () :-; 2 (k)
+ u(k) ... ... .... (5.42)
x 11 (k+I) () ()
Pn X11(k)
x (k)
y( k) = [C' I C1 .. ... C11 ] - .. .... .. ..... (5 . D)
X11 (k)
I z n- 1+.... .. .·I 1111
11 I 1
- ). = - -n- . 11-l ,- • - ,-:__ _
l j{ i'.. z+a 1,. •...... · 1
111 • all the poles f I Y(z) Y(z) • • be cx11:indcd
0 tic pulse transfer function __:_ are distinct. -U(· ) c,in • •
· U(z) i
in\n th l'l)\\ O\\ 111g
• form:
......... (5.46)
X 11 (z) = --U(z)
Z-P n
z X (z)
= p 1X 1(z) + U(z)
........... (5.4S)
z X (z) = p X/z) + U(z)
2 2
' .
, '
.. ....... (5.49)
/ '
- --------·-----
........ (5.51)
y(k)-= Ci Xi (k)+ C2 X2 (k)+ ...... + Cn Xn (k) + bo u(k)
Hence, th c st ate-space representation can be given as Eqs (5.42) and (S.4J).
• r function
t..xamp Ie 4• Ol1ta111
a state-space representation of the fo ll owrng
• ' 1rnlsc-trn11s1cr
system in the diagonal canonical form
Y(z) z- +6z+8
--= ?
U(z) z- + 41. + 3
') ~
_ 7. + )
=l+ 2 '
i + 4z+ 3
- 1+ •
- (z + l)(z+3)
Y(z) cl c2
or, - - = \ + - + - -..
U(z) z+l z+.,
_I 2z+5 (z+ l)l
cl -l(z+l)(z+3) Jz=-1
- <H-5
·:\ ·I· I 2
Y(z) - 3/2 1/ ,
or, -1+ - + -
U(z) Z+l ~
~ x,(z) = ~V(z) - ·
X?(z) == _!_U(z) 2 J -i
- z+ 3 ,- ...._ __..-,
or, z X.1(z) == U(z) _ x ,(z) .,
z X2(z) == U(: ) • 3 X (z) A/, .
2 ,.
and 3 1 .
Y(z) == U(z) + 2Xl (z) + 2X2 (z)
I l
x 1(k+l) == u(k)-x (k)
x2 (k + 1) == u(k) - 3~ (k)
3 ·, l ·
and y(k) = u(k) + x (k) + ~,-th1'
1- 1 ' 1- -
' 167
' . --
x111 (k + 1) 0 '
::: 0 0 0 0
-- .- ------
--- --- --- ----
xm+l (k + 1) 0 0 ·o 0
x11 (k + \)
0 0 0 0 0 Pn
• I
+ u(k) ..... ..... (5 .53)
Pi·oof : Since the system pulse transfer function can be written in the fom1
·I· Ill l· l C
z- )
- 1 +_ 111 •1- '>
.._ 1- e ll
1\1+ 1 z- J) . ....... -1•: - -- ... ... ....(5 .55 )
111+2 z- p11
Then, we obtain
Y(z) = b U(z) +
0 (z
rn U(z) +
c2 cm (
m+l U(z)
- Pl) . (z - P/11- I U( +.......+
z) z - p 1U z) + z - Pm+ 1
+ -=--=-U(z)+ Cn
z - p -, •.......+--=- U(z) • ..... .(5.56)
m+_ z-pn
; I ;-'
Xt (z) = t U(z)
(z -p l)m
X2 (z) = m-1 U(z)
(z- P1)
l .
Xm(Z);;:: ( ) U(z)
and the remaining (n-m) state variables Xm+i(z), Xm+2(z), ....... , Xn(Z) by the equation
X +'> (z) = - - - U(z) · .......... (5.57) •
Ill - z-p . +?
111 -
Xn (z) = - U(z)
xi (z) 1
X2 {z) l
X3(z) = z- Pt
........ (5.58)
Hence • by taking
. •
mvcrsc .z transform, we obtarn
Hence, from Eqs (5.59) and (5 .60), we obtain the state-space representation given by Eqs
Solvl1111h 1)1 SCl'P(('
· 'l'I
inc S111t"-
5 ./ J \' I 1 " pare l•.,11111111011
• • t~/' t/11• J /11 ,· . . .
• o Ill 011 ' ', Ff111(lt/OJI .' /II
.I I . • c '" I l1111•-fn1'11r/a111 J)/,\'l'l'l'll'-'J'IJ/tt' Slllll'·,\JJIU '- • ,
gene, n • t 1c <hscrctc-timc c • . . durc which is
. . quations arc solved by means of a recursion procc .
quite simple anc.l co, .
1Vcnicnt f, ct· •
. or igital computation.
Lct us cons1c.lcr the st .
, .
a1c cquat10
' 11 anc.I output equation as follows:
x(k+l) = Gx(k) +llu(k) .......... (5.61) .
. y(k) =Cx(k) +Du(k) ......... (5.62)
= G x(O) +GHu(O)+Hu(l)
x( 3) = Gx(Z)+Hu(2)=G3x(O)+Gi Hu(O)+G.Hu(l)+Hu(2)
Hence, it is clear that Eq (~.63) consists of two parts, one rcprcscnti1~g the contribution of i_hc
initial state x(O) and the other the contribution of the input uU), where j=O, 1,2, ..... ,k-l. Tl:e •
output y(k) is given by
k k-1 k •
y(k) = CG ·x(0)+Cj~O G ~J-lHuU)+Du(k) ........ (5.64)"
& .S III te .Tra11sitl011 Ma;rl< : It is possible to wri tc the so lu tio n o( the ho mo gen co us stat c
Y euat1on . '
. .
x(k+ 1) = Gx(k) .......... (5.65)
x(k) =G1.P(k), .......... (5.66)
Where \l 1(k) is a unique n x n matrix satisfying the condition
1.1' (k+ 1) = G1.l'(~). . I.Jl(O) = I
........ (5 .67) .. ..
Ckarl). 'l'(k) cnn be ,,,r·,,, ,.
l.:ll as
'l'(k) == k .. .. ...... (5.68)
k k-1 k .
•X(k) = G x(O)+I G·-J- 1 . ......... (5.69)
j==O HuU)
x(k) = tl1(k)x(O) + .L 'l'(k - j- I)I IuU) ..... .... (5 .70)
= \V(k)x(O) + .I \JIU)Hu(k - j - 1) ...... .. .(5.71)
k - k-1 k .
y(k)=CG x(O)+C).: G -J-lHuU)+Du(k) .......... (5 . 72)
z X(z)-zx(O)" GX(z) II U(7.) t
where ,.(z), .._ ::::
[ k)]
:x (
Th~11 nnd
U(z) == 2 [u(k)]
k-1 k- ·-1 [i
G J HuG) = 2-l (zI -G)-l HU(z)
......... (5.80)
Where k==l,2,3, ........
Solution . As we kn
ow that the i;tnt 11. . .
• c a11s1t1on matrix 11' (k) is
'\ \}'(k) - Gk
, - == 2•1[(zl-G)"1z]
' 1 hcrcforc, we nrst ol t •
' l 1'1ll (zl-Q)"!
(zl-G)-l==[z .· -1]-l _
0.16 z+ I
-[ •z + 1
(z + 0.2)(2 + 0.8) (z + 0.2)(z + 0.8)
4 I 5 5
j - ·3 3 + - 3
7.+0.2 + z+ 0,8 z+0.2 z+0.8
_ P.8
3· - ·3l + f j
z+0.2 z+0.8 z+ 0.2 z+0.8
4 z 1 z
= z-1 J z + 0.2 . J z + o.s 3sz +z0.2 - 35 z +z0.8 l
[ - 0.8 z +-0.8 -z- - I - - z
4 z
3 z + 0.2'- • 3 z + 0.8 3 z + 0.2 3 z + 0.8
~ • '
4( 5 l 5 •k ]
' - 3 -0.2) - 3(-0.~) k k k
3(- 0.2) - 3(- 0.8)
..... .... (5.81)
- 0.8 k • 0.8 I k 4 k
[ -3(-0.2) ' +3(-0.8)" -3 (- 0.2) +3(-0.8)
l z
Since U(z)=
-1 = -· -
y . ,. 22
" .. . . . . ··~ -
Hence :'\(z)==(zl-Gr lr· .
zx(O) I IU(;,)J
- (~ + 2)z
== (z + O.~) -r~-.·1-0,-8)-(i'.- .-~G
- (-;,.- ~ l.34z)z
(z + 0.2) (z + 0~8-~(z-~ I)
r -17
\ 6- z 25
9 z •• 2
7.+0.2 +- - + lL
z+ 0.8 z-1
3.4 -17.6 7
6 i'. z
-..L. 9 IS z
z+0.2 ' z + 0.8 + -z-1
Thus, the state\ cctor ""(k) 1·s .::,lven
o· t)y
Lei us define th c state
. trn11sitio11 ..·. . .
• Jb
• crn · dd111Ct y
Eq (5.82) as ll'(k . m,1t11x (funda111c.:ntal matnx) for tl1c syst
,h). It is a unic1uc .
nrntnx satisfying the comlitio11s
tJJ (k+l,h) ==G(k) tp (k I)
' ' 4'(h,h) =I •
where k=h,h+ I ' h+?-, .... It can be s • . • t rile
1 • ccn t11at the state transition matnx , 1 1s• given JY
• lfl(k I)
Notice that the first tcm1 on the right-hand side of Eq (5.85) is the contribution or_the initial
state X(h) to the current state X(k) and that the second tcm1 is the contribution of the input
u(h), u(h+ l ), ........ u(k-1 ).
. .'
we optain
x(k+ I) =G(k) \p (k,h)x(h)+ .L 4' (k+ 1j+ I) HU) uU) +\f'(k+ l ,k+ 1) H(k) u(k)
k-1 ]
=G(k) \}'(k, h)x(h) + .I 4-'(k,j + l)HU)u(j) + H(k)u(k)
[ J=h
ll nr for all k ,·:iluc , . i' I) , jsts tli cll tl 1c
im crsc oC\11 (k h) ti • co11s1clt.:rcd, so that tl!c: i11vcr~c of I (I, , 1 ex • • •
• • noted by \1, Ii . . .
\I r 1(k t,) - \l l ,k), IS given as t'oll ows·
' I - / (h,k) •
- -
function . Extension of the pulse-tr;i.nsfer-function c.oncept to a multiple-input-multiple~oi.1tput
discrete-time syslem gives _us the . pulse-transfer-function matrix. In this section we ' .shall •
investigate the relationship •between state-space representation and representation b~i the
' :
pulse-transfer-function matrix.
- -------..:_..:....
·. > ·
P( z) :::::C(zl-G)"'H+D
... .. .... .(5.90)
C!ca rly. the poles of f-(z) me the :t.cros of lz! - Gl = O. This means th al the characlerist;c
cc;ualion of the discrete-time sy~tcm is gi ven by
• /z!- GI = 0 •
Where lh t.: coeffic ients a, depend on the e:lcmcnts of G.
5.6) Dis cr~ti:.aHon of Continuous -Time State-Space Equations
Jn di gi tal con trol of continuous-time plants, we need lo co11vc:11 r.:ontinuous-timc state-space
equa tions into di screte-time state-space equations, Such conversion can be done ·by
in lroduci ng fi ctitious sampler~ and fi ctitious holdi11g devices into continuous-tin'le systc; is .
The cirnr inlroJuccd by discrctiza!ion may be made negligible by using a suflicicntly sn~all
i ~amp ling Jcriod compared with the significant time constant of the system.
5• 6•1 [,\>e,,,·,,l ,rs
' "''' oJ ol11tio 11 0,r C'011 111
• I , II
5 1' 1
first re v1·cw the
. J t 11011s-Time Stute Equatirms: We
m:itnx cx1mncnti 11 1, c"' Th. . .· •
• c ll\,lll IX cxpoI1c111i11I is ddi11cd by
i C
2 J\3t2
A+A t + - +
dt ·2! ....... (k-1)! ....
A2t2 Ak-ltk-1 ] At
=A[ l+At+-+....+ - - - - + ..... =Ae
2! (k-1)!
A2t2 Ak-ltk-1 ] At
= I+ At+--+ ......+ - - - - +..... A= e A
[ 2! (k-1)!
I • •
The matnx exponential has the property that
eA(t+s} =eAteAs
AtcAs = ( -; ~
= }:
Ak[ i tisk-i ]
i=O i!(k - i)!
k (t +
A .,;.__- =c
k=O k!
if AB ;t BA
We shall next obtain ti 1 .
1 . e so 1ution of the co11tin11ous-timc state equation
X == Ax+ nu
.......... (5 .91)
Where x is the state vcct 01. all n x 11 constant
. (n-vcctor), u the input vector (r- v ctor), A
matnx, and B an n
' x r constant matrix.
By writing Eq (5.9!) as
Eq (5.92) is the solution of Eq (5.91). Note that the solution of the state equation starting with
the initial state x(to) is
A(t-t ) . t A(t )
X(t)=e O x(t )+ fe -r U(r)dr ......... (5.93)
0 t
• .6.2) Discreti:ation of Co11ti11uo11s-Time State-Space Eq11alio11s : In what follows we
shall present a procedure for discrctizing continuos-timc state-space equations. We assume
that the input vcdnr u(l) rharn;cs only al
sampling operation here is fictitious. We shall derive the discrete-time stnle equation and
equal!µ~~ sampling instants. Nott; tl!_..1t . tile · • •
output equation that yield the exact values at t=kT, where k=O, 1,2, .....
Consi lcr the continuous-time state equation and output equation
In the following ana!J sis t0 . . n kT and (k+ I)T
• • ·' clanfy the prcsc11tatio11, we 11sc the notat io •
111stcad ofk and k+l T . fi
. . ., • he d1 scrctc•timc representation of Eq (5.94) will tal·c tile onn
x(k + l ) I) - G(·t·) (5 96)
- x(kT) +I l(T) u(kT) " ...... •
......... (5.98) .•
. . AkTkT - A
.. x(k T) = c AkT ,~(0) e
J c r Bu( r)d-r ..........(5 .99)
' 0
AT ~
t:Jf·~. A(k+l)T 1~•lff A
JT c- rBu(r)dr
Since from Eq (5.97) u(t) =u(kT) for kT :S t < kT +T, we may substitute u('t) =u(kT)=
constant in this last equation.
- T ----
• - - - - - -AT · AT - At 1
x((k + 1)T) = e x(kT) + e_: J e Bu(kT)dt
• 0 J
T ·-
=·cAT x(kT) + J ct A,1.Bu(kT)d;{.
0 J
....... .. (5.1 00)
H (T) ~ 0 c'" d,\) B, • ,, ,.,,., (5. I 02)
then Eq (5 .100) b
X((k+ l )T) =G(T) x(kT + - , .... .. .. (5.103 ) •
Which is Eq (5 96 ) I l(T)u(k f) . T ·111d H(T).
• ). Thus, Eqs (5 .101) and (5. I 02) give the desired matrices G( ) ' . . . :
. .
Note that G(T) and H . . . (S 95 ) the output
•. ' ( f) depend on the sampling period T. Refcmng to Eq • ' .
equation becomes, ,
- ·
Hence th ct·
' c 1scrcti
I version
. of ti
le sys1c111 equntions is
{2. I
Example 7 .Obtain the discrete-time slate and output equations and the pulse transfer
function (when the sampling period T=l) of the following continuous-time system: •
Y(s) 1 ..
G(s) = - - = - - ::' .
U(s) s(s+~
which may be rcprcs_ented in state space by the equations
'L •'
• 183
x.·_ 1((k +. l)T) ] - [ ' -l •(l - c-2T)][x (kT)] [1[T+ t ; - 2 T~ )
[ x ((k . l )l' - L l + _ u(kT)
•2 ,- .) O c-2T x1 (kT) 2 l - 2T
. - ·-
2 (! -. e )
When the sampling period is 1 sec, or T=l, the discrete-time state equat ion and the output
equation become, rcsrcct ivcly,
rz- 1 r0.2S3S]
;::(t l
- 0.4323 1-
z-0.1353_ lo.43~3 +o
-- _ 0.-1)23
::: [ I o] : - I (:-=if(: ~0. 1353 0.28JSJ
0 I [ (J.4323
:-0.1 353
= : ~ ~ ( ·l)
(Z-l)(z-0.1353) !)
== ~.~~DS;( l +0.14S5z- 2
{I - z- I) ( I - O. I 353z- I)
5.7 Problems.
I. .
Uh1ai11 a statc-spa1.:t: r1.:pr1.: st;11tat il)ll of' till.! fo llowing pulst: 1rn11sti;r 1'1 11 1<.: tio11 sy.; tt:111 in
the controllable canonical form.
Y(7.) z-l+Jz-2
,- - - - - . ---,a
: U(z) - I +sz-1 + 6%-2-
2- Obtain a state-space representation of the following pulse transfer function system i 1 1
5. Obtain a state~space representation of the follow ing system in the diagonal canonical
fo nn.
-I _?
Y(z) z + 2z -
U(z) = I +0.7z- l +0.1 2z- 2
- - - - - - - . . . . ; . _,
- al I 0
where. G = - a,
0 l , H = hhl
- a3 0 0
C" =(l 0 o]. r., =ho
Consider the discrcte-ti111c state equations.