Sample Risk Assessment For Dust Control
Sample Risk Assessment For Dust Control
Sample Risk Assessment For Dust Control
Assessment of Risk
Likelihood Severity Risk
Hazard L M H L M H L M H
Hazardous dust X X X
Nuisance dust X X X
Exposure limits X X X
Work operations X X X
Vehicles and mobile equipment X X X
Waste removal X X X
Maintenance X X X
Clean up operations X X X
Spread X X X
None Identified
Risk Control Measures
Hazardous dusts assessed prior to commencing work.
COSHH assessment carried out for all identified hazardous dusts.
Exposure to hazardous
Exposure monitored and controlled.
Dust exposure minimised and controlled (see dust exposure
through work operations).
Nuisance dust reduced as far as is practicable.
Exposure to nuisance dust Dust exposure minimised and controlled (see dust exposure
through work operations).
Hazardous dusts workplace exposure limits (WELs) identified.
Exposure controlled to below WELs.
Exposure limits
Health surveillance in place where necessary as a result of
COSHH assessment for the dust type.
Dust will be prevented where possible through alternative
Dust suppressed at source or contained to prevent or control
All cutting, grinding and sawing equipment fitted with dust
suppression to control dust at source.
Extraction (LEV etc) installed for fixed equipment to remove dust
Dust exposure through
from air.
work operations
Water supply established as necessary for damping down dust at
source (dust suppressant).
Drop heights minimised in equipment to reduce impact causing
dust clouds.
Avoid excessive blasting and scabbling of materials.
All equipment and controls maintained and regularly inspected
to ensure suitable performance and minimise dust exposure.
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