Sample Risk Assessment For Dust Control

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Risk Assessment

Activity: Dust Control Reference: RA163

Task Description: Managing and controlling dust in work operations
Assessor: Lloyd Welch Date: 30/03/21

Assessment of Risk
Likelihood Severity Risk
Hazard L M H L M H L M H
Hazardous dust X X X
Nuisance dust X X X
Exposure limits X X X
Work operations X X X
Vehicles and mobile equipment X X X
Waste removal X X X
Maintenance X X X
Clean up operations X X X
Spread X X X

Anglian Dental - Risk Assessment - Dust 1/5

People at Risk
Workers Adjacent Workers

Site Wide Personnel Occupants

Visitors Members of Public

None Identified

Risk Control Measures
Hazardous dusts assessed prior to commencing work.
COSHH assessment carried out for all identified hazardous dusts.
Exposure to hazardous
Exposure monitored and controlled.
Dust exposure minimised and controlled (see dust exposure
through work operations).
Nuisance dust reduced as far as is practicable.
Exposure to nuisance dust Dust exposure minimised and controlled (see dust exposure
through work operations).
Hazardous dusts workplace exposure limits (WELs) identified.
Exposure controlled to below WELs.
Exposure limits
Health surveillance in place where necessary as a result of
COSHH assessment for the dust type.
Dust will be prevented where possible through alternative
Dust suppressed at source or contained to prevent or control
All cutting, grinding and sawing equipment fitted with dust
suppression to control dust at source.
Extraction (LEV etc) installed for fixed equipment to remove dust
Dust exposure through
from air.
work operations
Water supply established as necessary for damping down dust at
source (dust suppressant).
Drop heights minimised in equipment to reduce impact causing
dust clouds.
Avoid excessive blasting and scabbling of materials.
All equipment and controls maintained and regularly inspected
to ensure suitable performance and minimise dust exposure.

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Risk Control Measures
PPE used as additional control measure based on COSHH
assessment or levels of dust present.
PPE issued and used by operatives including dust masks and
RPE to further reduce dust exposure.
Inhalation of dust by Respirators and masks used selected to be suitable for the type
operatives of dust.
All operatives given instruction and information on the dusts
present and the control measures in place.
Operatives given information from COSHH assessments on any
hazardous dusts.
Speed limits enforced on site to reduce dust emissions from
Dust exposure from
temporary traffic route surfaces.
operating vehicles and
Wheel washing carried out prior to leaving site if conditions
mobile equipment
Enclosed chutes and covered skips used.
Dust exposure during Drop heights minimised.
waste removal Wet cleaning controlled to avoid contaminating drains and
Do not shake out filters or clothing to remove dust.
Dust exposure during
Filters replaced as necessary.
All control measure maintained as required.
Wet / damp cleaning used to suppress dust during clean up
For high hazardous dusts, dry vacuuming by specialist unit (H/M
vac) used at source.
Dry sweeping of dust forbidden.
Do not shake out filters or clothing to remove dust.
Cleaning should be undertaken in areas that are adequately
Dust exposure during
ventilated and have the correct equipment available.
Welfare facilities provided on site with warm running water.
Where risk of dermatitis from dust present, barrier creams and
gloves provided.
Washing facilities separate from food preparation areas or
All operatives to wash before eating, drinking or taking breaks to
prevent accidental ingestion or cross contamination.
Enclosures used to prevent dust spread to other areas.
Control measures (e.g. LEV and cleaning) monitored and used to
Spread of dust prevent spread.
Doors, curtains and other barriers or enclosures to be kept closed
during operations.

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Risk Level

<L L M H !

Very Low Low Medium High Very High

safe to proceed safe to proceed proceed with proceed with unsafe DO NOT
work under work under caution under caution under proceed -
standard additional additional further controls essential further
control control controls supervised action needed
measures measures measures

Further Action Required

Action Required Date Complete By Name
Ensure adequate supervision is
provided and that control measures
remain valid for the duration of the
Safe systems of work are provided 1 Week
and issued to all staff and training Refresh at
provided in their use. Inductions
All staff to be trained in the
importance and use of correct 1 Week
Personal Protective Equipment and Refresh at
wearing of the correct PPE made a Inductions
condition of employment.
Identify type of dusts and levels of
exposure by type
Carry out COSHH assessments for
any hazardous dust present

Anglian Dental - Risk Assessment - Dust 4/5

Name Signature Date

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