AAC Brick Greener Building

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April 2014, Volume -1

News and Views

Towards a Greener Tomorrow

Trust in Architecture
An interview with renowned
Architect Mr. Srinivas Telaprolu
Green Buildings
Get Global Mandate
Greener Buildings Are
The Need of The Hour
An interview with
Why Prudent Builders
eminent Builder Mr. Anand Prasad Choose AAC Blocks
Plot No. 539, Vivekananda Nagar Colony,

Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072.

Ph: 800 849 6345 | 800 849 8345
Get Global Mandate
It took scores and scores of centuries for us humans to arrive at a civilization where human lives are comfortable at its best. But what the
greatest of civilizations much grander than ours couldn't do, industrial revolution and huge leaps in technology that followed did it in a
century – the most brutal of vandalisms that Mother Nature writhes to endure! This onslaught on Mother Nature will make us pay a
hefty price; if not our generation, the generations to
come. With technological innovations upgrading
rapidly, in a span of months NOT years; it is
...globally buildings account for 40% of extremely important for the technology to be
economically viable and most importantly
energy use, 38% of greenhouse gas environmentally viable.
emissions, 12% of potable water and 20% of Though environmentalists have been warning since
the late 60s about the magnanimity of damage
solid waste streams in developed countries." being done to the environment, it took two more
decades for the nations and their leaders to wake-
up and come to a common consensus to decelerate
the damage. The rst strategic step towards
conserving nature started with the UN Conference
on Environment and Development held at Rio de

Editor's Note Janeiro in 1992; further consolidated by signing of

the 'Kyoto Protocol' in 1997 by 192 parties to cut
down on their 'green house gas' emissions.

Of late, the importance of 'Green Buildings' was

I am quite jubilant to bring the rst issue of

PRIME INSIGHTS to you – a quarterly magazine
focusing on new technologies in the construction industry.
With this little journey so far, I realized I need to be more
proactive within the builder and architect community both
to update myself on the emerging trends and technologies
stressed by the business, trade, industry,
non-governmental organizations and other stake
holder groups at the UNCCC (United Nations
Since starting out in the green building industry a few years and to keep abreast of the fast changing construction Climate Change Conference) COP19 (Conference
back, it has been a wonderful journey so far – very landscape. Mindful of the old adage that 'knowledge grows Of Parties) during the event – An Integrated
educating and enlightening in fact! through sharing', I am starting this quarterly magazine to Approach to Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience
discuss and put forward the trends in construction in the Built Environment.
technologies before you. This magazine is my humble
Doing business in the competitive building materials It is said that globally buildings account for 40% of
effort towards disseminating knowledge and sharing energy use, 38% of greenhouse
domain is not easy, especially in the current times when thoughts that are relevant to the industry. gas emissions, 12% of potable
most of the builders are not very optimistic about the
water and 20% of solid waste
business prospects. However, AAC Blocks proved that by streams in developed countries.
proper value proposition and by educating customers, it is I earnestly request one and all to support the magazine and The Intergovernmental Panel on
not very difcult to make them switch to a “new” and wish the magazine binds the whole manufacturing, climate change constituted by
different product. In fact, my experience with AAC Blocks building, and architectural fraternity together as a close the WMO (World Meteorological
has shattered many myths about the Indian market – community. I also look forward to your opinion and Organization) and UNEP
general perception is that Indians are reluctant to change feedback in this venture. Please do not hesitate to drop a (United Nations Environment
and would not be inclined to try new things, more so in an line on your thoughts about this magazine and also let me Programme) has identied
industry like construction. After working for more than three know if you like to see any changes in the upcoming buildings as the greatest impact,
years with builders and architects, I can condently say editions. My contact coordinates below the undersigned. least costly way to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and
that the industry has not only welcomed but embraced new
address climate change.
products that offer proper value addition. The builder and Beyond emissions reduction
architect community in Andhra Pradesh is a group of highly and environmental protection,
Yours Sincerely
intelligent and skillful individuals in their respective green buildings have extensive
domains. This community can easily sense whether a co-benets, including cost-
technology has the potential to have a positive impact on savings, job creation, and
the business and the environment at large. The success of improved human health and
uPVC doors & windows and precast technologies is a (Vijay Bhaskar Suryadevara) productivity.
testimony to the industry's receptiveness . Email: vijay@primeaac.com
As mentioned AAC blocks offer

Prudent Builders
builders and residents an
assortment of advantages:
Advantages for residents:

Manufactured by non-allergenic inorganic components,
buildings constructed with AAC blocks are the best choice for
AAC blocks do not support mold growth as they are not a
source of food for them
Choose AAC Blocks  Great operating cost savings for the building owner as AAC
blocks reduce HVAC expenses by nearly 40%
 AAC blocks are non-combustible and easily achieve a 4 hour
AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks also known re rating
as ACC (Autoclaved Cellular Concrete), ALC
(Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete), cellular concrete  AAC blocks have excellent Noise Reduction Coefcient
and porous concrete are the invention of a Swedish providing great sound absorption and dampening effect – this
comes very useful where noise is a nuisance say, hospitals,
engineer Johan Axel Eriksson in the mid 1920s.
ofces, libraries, and schools
Invented 'out of necessity', as the timber was scarce for
construction in Sweden those days, AAC blocks
travelled through decades in time and successfully Advantages for Builders:
stood the test of time and are now globally
 Generally, the amount of steel used in construction by taking
acknowledged as a 'wise' and 'green choice' for
red bricks in to consideration is approximately 2.5 kg/sq ft to
constructions. 2.75 kg/sq ft of built up area. By using AAC Blocks, the steel
usage comes down to 2.25 kg/sq ft That's a saving of almost
The most eco-friendly among diverse construction 25 % in terms of steel usage in construction
"Great operating cost materials, AAC blocks offer an assortment of  The use of AAC blocks save the costs on implementing
advantages both to the builder and the residents. The expensive re-proong measures
savings for the building advantages of AAC blocks are largely underrated given
little awareness about the blocks among the builders
 AAC blocks also simplify the construction process by
minimizing the amount of construction material (such as
and general public. The awareness of these blocks and
cement – sand mortar) involved
owner as AAC blocks their acceptance as a viable and an economical building
material is slowly gaining momentum; with almost 40%  Easy to handle and shape the blocks based on the need
of constructions in the UK and 60% in Germany utilizing
reduce HVAC expenses AAC blocks. With steady increase of AAC block
 The time and money spent on labor is signicantly reduced

manufacturing plants across the world particularly in With more advantages, AAC blocks are denitely the choice of
prudent builders and prospective house owners.
by nearly 40%" India, China and the middle-east, AAC blocks are no
doubt going to be the sine qua non of constructions in
the future.
Trust in Architecture
Mr. Srinivas Telaprolu of Shivas Architects is one of the distinguished architects in Hyderabad
who has designed several commercial, corporate, residential and recreational spaces.

Mr. Srinivas Telaprolu has agreed for an interview for the rst issue of PRIME INSIGHTS
magazine; with his extensive experience and exposure to global architectural trends he has
answered several key questions of contemporary importance.

... Green Building starts right

Q. What is your opinion on the future of from planning, methodologies,
architecture in India? techniques and material
Unlike the conventional Architectural practice, the
Q. Given your experience and considering the speci cations."
evolution of architecture from the past 20 years,
contemporary Architect's role is no more limited to
how do you think the design and usage of buildings
visualization. I can see and feel the requirement of
is going to change in the future?
the industry to push the architectural practice
Q Do you think the industry will overcome the
towards 'one stop solution under one single roof'. In the past construction industry was primarily limited to plain
residential development, shelter being one of the dire macroeconomic issues with systemic solutions? If
Architectural practice has broadened so, what is your take on the below concerns?
necessities for life. Eventually development and progress
accommodating the scope for consulting all redened building and construction by giving it new
technicalities like project management skills, perspectives like luxury, comfort, convenience and a) labour issues
consulting for other services either with internal or entertainment started gaining importance. Also, one thing not to
miss out here is the concept of house as a status symbol. This b) safety in construction sites
external expert in concerned service. Architectural phenomenon is pushing the limits of architecture and internal
practice needs to withstand like a sheath anchor for planning especially the interior designing aspect of c) increase in construction cost
the project. That is the reason giant rms are growing architecture.
Yes we can! The following key factors will help in successfully
and serving huge developments. Happy to say, as part of the architects' fraternity; we are now overcoming such problems
serving different nature of designs with different exposure every
time. Hope this learning will never end.  Project management skills
In addition, it is just not enough to give service but
'optimized service' which is pushing architectural Q What is the scope of green building materials in the  Standardization
practice to adopt new trends, technologies and design of 'future buildings'?
standardization.  Technological advancement
I'm so keen to speak about 'Green Architecture' because I
generally notice people speaking of only building materials QWhat is your opinion on affordable housing? Why
when they talk about 'Green Building'. My view of a 'Green do you think it did not get the attention it deserves?
Building' starts right from planning, methodologies, techniques
and material specications. It's a great area of opportunity where experts have a lot of scope
to experiment because of possible threat in cost ratio.
We have to bear in mind that India is a rapidly developing I personally feel it's no longer going to remain as an untouched
country but that development should not be at the cost of the area as the industry is coming out from conventional practice
'eco system'. Hence 'Green Architecture' has greater and is starting to adopt new skills.
importance in the Indian context and we have to gear-up to
facilitate the same. Q What in your opinion has the potential to change
the construction industry in a positive manner?
Q How are the macroeconomic problems like the lack
of skilled manpower impacting the construction To change the construction industry in a positive manner we
industry? just need to change our view. Though we grow a lot in terms of
development we should stick to basics and need to be in
We should never be complacent about the basics of the harmony with the ecosystem. In other words “Trust in
construction industry – the 4 Ms i.e., Man, Money, Machine Architecture”.
Mr. Srinivas Telaprolu, and Material.

Shivas Architects Though it's possible to manipulate any of the 4 aforementioned

factors for streamlining the shortfalls during construction any
small variation in this management leads to uncontrolled
project cost. So it's always advisable to generate and retain
skilled resources.
and Materials are Q What is your opinion on the future of
construction landscape in India?

The Need of The Hour Indian construction landscape is more

concentrated in Six Metro cities because of the
migration of population. In the last one to one and
half decade, construction industry is transforming
itself to meet the demand in these metros.
Buildings have gone from multi storied to high-
rise. This growth is seen in both commercial and
residential buildings. We see adoption of western
techniques and technology in these cities to meet
the demand.

If we observe the data from 2008-2013, we can

certainly be convinced that Indian construction
Mr. Anand Prasad, landscape is slowly drifting towards Tier II and
Tier III cities. The demand in Tier II and Tier III
Bhavya's Constructions Pvt. Ltd.
cities is seen because people are likely moving
from vernacular buildings to well planned
engineered buildings.

Mr. Anand Prasad, MD of Bhavya's Constructions Pvt. Ltd.

was instrumental in constructing around
10 million sq ft. An entrepreneur par excellence,
Mr. Anand Prasad has ventured into building materials by
founding Bhavya Cements.
Q What is the scope of green building materials in design and construction in the near future?

Greener buildings and materials are the need of the hour for the construction industry today. This is one of the adoptions
that the Indian construction industry is looking at from the western construction Industry. As such construction industry is
...construction industry is directly or directly or indirectly responsible for large carbon foot print in the world. This is the least that the industry can give back to
mother earth. Demand for green buildings has just started to sprout. The exercise of using of Green materials and
indirectly responsible for large carbon foot products is something, which has to be started from the schematic stage of the project for a better result.

print in the world. This is the least that the We can also see few local Municipalities insisting on green building certication. This will slowly but effectively improve the
use of green building materials and products.
industry can give back to mother earth."
Q What is your opinion on affordable housing? Why do you think it did not get the attention it deserves?

As per the recent study by KPMG, India has a shortage of 18 million Homes. About 95% of this demand is among the LIG
(Lower Income Group) and the EWS (Economically Weaker Section) which are considered to be affordable housing. So
unquestionably, affordable housing is in demand and the Industry would like to cash in on it. But then there are few
government policies which have to be revived.

If we consider the price of a at/house, the major price component of this is the land. This Land-price component can be
brought down by removing FSI (Floor Space Index). Second major component of the price is the Bank Interest during
construction. Loans given to the construction industry carry a higher interest rate compared to any other industries.

Q How are the macroeconomic problems like shortage of skilled manpower impacting the construction

In India, despite the projected 95 billion sq ft of construction by 2020, the country will face a huge shortage of skilled
manpower and core skilled people. In a recent research by RICS, It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be a
shortage of 44 million ‘core’ construction related professionals.

Construction industry is facing a huge shortage of skilled and unskilled manpower which is directly associated with the
economic factor. Demand for skilled and unskilled manpower has been multiplying by a huge factor since at least a decade
or so. Construction cost has gone up by 7-8% from 2008-2013 each year due to various other factors which include
manpower shortage, material shortage, power and fuel prices, etc.

Q Do you think the industry will overcome the macroeconomic issues with systemic solutions? If so,
what is your take on the below concerns?

a) labour issues

b) Safety in construction sites

c) Increase in construction cost

Q From a builder's perspective, how do you think

Of course all these issues can be addressed with a systematic approach.
the design and usage of building materials is going
to change, considering the recent changes in the If we can plan our future works to retain our labor, I see an economical advantage at the macro level of the project.
construction industry? Continuous work will always help you retain staff and contractors.
Construction industry is always revamping and
experimenting with construction materials mainly due to 4 Safety being a key issue at construction sites, if addressed properly can solve most of the unforeseen incidents at the site;
reasons which is again related with the nancial component of construction.

i) Better Quality A perfectly planned and scheduled project has very low chances of seeing increase in construction cost, effecting the
project progress and timely delivery.
ii) Accessible material

iii) Minimizing labor involvement Having said the above, I would like to state that the most important aspect for construction industry to bear in mind while
moving forward is “End-User Satisfaction”. End-user is the one who can dictate on what exactly he needs and give a
iv) End-user satisfaction builder or developer an opportunity to satisfy him in terms of Quality, Time Frame, etc. Taking feedback from end-user and
attempting to answer the feedback will always help any industry to grow in a positive manner.
Construction industry has always been making efforts to
give better quality and timely delivery to the end-users. This
is possible only by experimenting with new and advanced
materials available for the industry today.

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