Pre Cast Structure
Pre Cast Structure
Pre Cast Structure
Precast High-RiseResidential
Projectsin India:DesignImplementation
Sudheer Bommi, Krishna Somaraju,
Krishnamurthy Senou, Amit D. Barde
Abstract: A realtime case study with a focus on design imple- The project was designed and constructed by Larsen & Tou-
mentation for Pragati Towers – Stilt+23 floors complete pre- bro Construction.
fabricated high rise residential project, designed & built by
Larsen & Toubro construction for the first time in India for a Monthly per Housing In Percent-
capita ex- shortage age
seismic zone III location is presented in this paper. Innovative
penditure inmillion
connections are implemented and their feasibility in regards (2012)
to the India construction industry is explained with reference
to other globally available systems. Two computational mod- EWS 0- 5000 10.55 56.18%
els were investigated to find the effect of modelling the verti- LIG 5001 - 10000 7.41 39.44%
cal joints between the wall panels are also presented in this MIG& above >10001 0.82 4.38%
paper. Challenges faced while implementing the adopted
Total shortage 18.78 100.00%
precast techniques such as technology acceptance, design
of connections, ensuring water tightness suitable to Indian Source: Report of the Technical group (12th Five year
building requirements are also discussed. Design concepts plan:2012 - 17) on estimation of urban housing shortage
to prevent progressive collapse are also highlighted. A stan- Table 1: Housing shortage in urban India
dard bench mark setup for precast housing solutions as a
fast tracktechnology achieved.
The demand for housing has increased significantly
during last decade all over the world. It is felt particularly
in countries where population growth rate is high and the
economy is developing fast. For instance, India is urbanizing
at a pace that is higherthan the world average. Its cities today
are unable to cope with burgeoning population. In India that
has a housing shortfall of nearly 18.7 million homes (Refer
Table 1), and project execution challenges including short-
ages in skilled manpower & time constraints. Inflationary
trends of Indian economy have increased the cost of build-
ing materials to the extent that many developers/contractors
find it difficult to offer an affordable housing to the citizens
The Masterbuilder | October 2014 |
Project Details
Pragati towers project in Mumbai, India consists of elev-
en residential high-rise, total precast buildings using precast Fig. 1 Pragati Towers (Part 1 of Phase 1)
concrete system. All towers rise about 70 m above ground.
Each tower consists of over 300 apartments with a total con- The project is divided into two phases. Phase 1 consists
struction area of around 2.6 million square feet. The proj- of six towers and Phase 2 has five towers. As of today, three
ect was developed by Larsen & Toubro Realty Limited and towers of Phase 1 are complete and the next three are under
Omkar Realtors & Developers Private Limited Joint Venture. construction. Phase 2 is scheduled to start during the later
Design Codes
Fig. 2 Pragati Towers - Overall Phase 1 Layout
Mumbai region is categorized as Seismic Zone 3 (Mod-
A typical apartment floor plan is shown in Figure 3. Each erate Seismic Zone - typical Seismic Zones are defined
apartment comprising of 269 square feet of carpet area, from Zone 2 (Least Active) to Zone 5 (Highest)). Mumbai is
consists of a living room, a study room, and a kitchen along also a coastal city with design wind speed of 44m/s (~ 98.5 The Masterbuilder | October 2014 |
with toilet and bath units, planned for a typical EWS family of mph) which was considered for this project. Seismic forces
four. Figure 4 shows the precast panel layout used for the governed the design. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
project. specifies building codes in India. IS 456 - 2006 is regarded as
the primary building code for reinforced concrete structures.
IS 1893 – 2002 provides guidelines for earthquake resistant
design and IS 13920–1993 provides detailing requirements
for ductility in concrete structures subjected to seismic forc-
es. IS 11447 - 1985 provides design guidelines for large panel
prefabricated construction. IS 15916-2010 is the most recent
addition that provides guidelines for Design and Erection of
Prefabricated Concrete.
Design Philosophy
As precast technology was adopted for a high-rise resi-
dential structure in India, the emulative design philosophy
was selected based on mutual agreement between the Cli-
ent, Consultant and Contractor. Onsite, wet grouted joints
Fig. 3 Pragati Towers - Typical Apartment Floor Plan for horizontal and vertical connections between walls and in-
Emulative System
Emulative detailing is defined as designing connection
system in a precast concrete structure so that its structural
performance is equivalent to that of a conventionally de-
signed cast in place, monolithic concrete structure. Emula-
tive design creates construction that either is monolithic at
the critical joint locations or provides connections that act as
if they are monolithic at those locations. In general, emula-
tive connections involve connecting reinforcing bars across
a joint by lap splicing, welding or couplers. Concrete is made
continuous by filling the joint with high quality non-shrink
(b) Discrete gapmodel
non-metallic high strength grout in horizontal & vertical
joints or cast in place concrete in vertical joints. The provi- Fig. 5. Side Views of Computational models (Top portioncropped)
Connections are needed not only to transfer loads but
also to provide continuity and overall monolithic behavior of
(a) Integrated Model the entire structure. A complete system of precast units can
Horizontal Joint
Fig. 7: Horizontal joint detail – splicesleeve system (courtesy: ACI 550.1R-01) [9]
The horizontal joint between the wall panels was adopt-
ed via projecting dowel bars from lower walls, inserted into the preparation of interface between two wall panels. Shear
the dowel tubes of upper wall and grouted using non-shrink, friction & shear key effects of concrete are neglected in this
non-metallic grout. The projecting length of dowel bar was method. Connection designed as dowel anchored in the con-
kept at anchorage length. The dowels were entered on the duit i.e in the upper & lower wall panels. Dowels are usually
thickness of the wall. Continuity is achieved through non- anchored by bonding the concrete. Load transfer between
contact lap splices of dowel bars in grouted steel corrugated bars is achieved by lap splices. Reinforcement bars develop
ducts. Traditional method i.e non-contact lap splices (refer yield strength when they are anchored by embedment in
figure 6.a), a construction friendly option with good erection corrugated duct filled with grout. The corrugated duct had
tolerances, was adopted as a replacement to the expensive sufficient concrete around it for adequate confinement. The
proprietary products such as splice sleeve system (refer fig- horizontal joint is designed in such a way to resist shear forc-
ure 7) which is a global practice. An alternate method i.e. es, tensile forces and compressive forces.
connection with mechanical splice (couplers, refer figure Vertical Joint
6.b)can also beproposed.
Horizontal joint design adopted is based on shear fric- Vertical joints are the structural joints which have to
tion concept recommended in PCI standards [8]. Shear fric- transfer shear forces. Vertical joints are designed based on
tion to be applied where it is appropriate to consider shear shear friction concept as a global practice. Dowel bars are
transfer across given plane, such as an existing or poten- provided in the form of projected rebar’s. Overlapping hoops
tial crack, an interface between dissimilar materials or an & drop in hoops are tied as confinement reinforcement and
interface between two concrete cast at different times. The the section is poured with cast in place concrete at joint lo-
basic assumption in shear friction concept is that concrete cations (Refer figure 9). However, an alternate method was
within direct shear area being considered will crack. Ductility adopted for Pragati towers i.e. Vertical joints were provided
is achieved by placing reinforcement across this anticipated with specially formed shear keys to increase shear stiffness
crack so that tension developed by reinforcement will pro- and the shear capacity. Direct diagonal compression trans-
vide a force normal to the crack plane. This normal force fer between keys, friction and dowel action are mobilized
in combination with friction at the crack interface provides due to shear displacements at the interface between the
shear resistance. The normal compressive reaction across prefabricated concrete panel and the insitu joint concrete.
the crack will result in shear transfer by friction along the The shear key works as mechanical locks preventing any
crack. Reinforcing bars placed across the joints will transfer significant slip along joint. The horizontal component of the
additional shear force by dowel action of the bars, while the inclined compressive force must be balanced by transverse
force induced by pullout resistance will increase the shear tensile stresses. For this purpose transverse reinforcement
transferred byfriction. must be provided connected by means of loops, anchored
The Masterbuilder | October 2014 |
An alternate method also adopted & connections are in the body of panel [10].Transverse reinforcement was pro-
checked as there may exist quality issues & uncertainties in vided in the form of wire loops (proprietary products) for
ease of erection where there is no site formwork required
(refer figure 8).Vertical joint was designed based on Indian
standards IS: 11447 – 1985[11] &fundamental principles. The
resistance calculated is only static resistance. As the project
falls in seismic zone 3 there is a possibility of vertical joint to
resist cyclic actions induced by earthquake loading. Shear
keys behave a significantly stiff component until the shear
key effect is destroyed by cracking or local crushing at the
heaviest loaded contact surfaces. When the shear key ef-
fect is decreases due to this degradation of the shear keys,
the behavior changes to frictional phase associated with
significant shear slip along the cracked section. As there is
insufficient literature & testing available regarding cyclic ac-
tions on shear keys, on the conservative front for the project
specified two models were generated & worst of the same
Fig. 6: Horizontal joint detail – Pragati towers results are adopted in the design [14].
Progressive Collapse
In prefabricated construction, the possibility of gas or
other explosions which can remove primary structural ele-
ments leading to progressive collapse of the structure shall
be taken into account. It is therefore necessary to consider
the possibility of progressive collapse in which the failure or
Fig. 8: Vertical joint detail (wire loop connection) – Pragati towers displacement of one element of a structure causes the fail-
ure or displacement of another element and results in the
partial or total collapse of building. The building is designed
to prevent progressive collapse as per the Codal provisions
For the stability of structure, three dimensional interac-
tions between structural members are necessary to produce
a robust design. The connections are normally designed for
shear and compression. But in the case of accidental load-
ing such asexplosion, high tensile stresses along with large
deformations will occur. To take up such forces, the connec-
tions should have sufficient strength, continuity and ductility.
Strength is to take up the extra forces acting, continuity to
redistribute the loading in case of accidental collapse and
ductility to accommodate large deformations as well as for
energy dissipation. To take care of these demands, tie re-
inforcements in all the three dimensions are an absolute
necessity.Figure11 schematically shows the provision of tie
reinforcement in the structure. The internal ties are to take
up the lateral forces from shear wall action. Peripheral ties
ensure the diaphragm action of the slabs. Floor to wall ties
take up the horizontal forces from anchorage of floors to
their support and vertical tiesensure the cantilever action of
Fig. 9: Vertical joint detail – C.I.P concrete at joints (courtesy: FIB 27) [13]
unite individual lateral load resisting elements into single horizontally, both internally and peripherally. Thereinforce-
ment at the shear key locations provide the horizontal tying gati Towers with respect to customer needs, architecture,
and that at the joint regionsgives the necessary vertical ty- seismic design and site logistics. Without the client’s coop-
ing effect. The horizontal ties provide a cantilever action to eration, patience and willingness to experiment with a new
hold the damaged parts. The vertical ties help to suspend technology, this project could not have been conceived and
the lower damaged elements to the intact upper portions. materialized.
The horizontal and peripheral tie systems provide a catenary
action to bridge the damaged portion. The wall-to-slab ties Design Philosophy
help to suspend the debris, and prevent the damaged floor Jointed construction has been a widely accepted design
from falling down on to the intact lower portions. philosophy globally for precast concrete construction. It of-
fers the added advantage of speed and ease of construction.
Water Tightness
However, in-situ reinforced concrete system has been the
The joint design was looked at, taking into consideration most accepted system for residential construction over the
the local tropical climate with heavy monsoons. The grouted last few decades in India. Thus, emulative design approach
joints helped achieve water tightness. Backer rods were was followed instead of jointed design approach. Several
placed at the exterior face of exposed to weather joints to methodologies were proposed and mock-up samples and
prevent water entry. In addition, waterproofing sealant was load tests of critical connections were completed to come up
applied at these joints as an additional line of defense. The with the final feasible options that would satisfy the design
gable end faces of the buildings were looked at in great detail intent.
due to the direct exposure to heavy rains. As shown in Figure
12, the horizontal joints on these elevations were detailed Design ofConnections
with an additional overlapping nib covering the joint across Overseas standard emulative connection details such
the length to avoid direct exposure of rain water. The nibs as sleeve connectors and loop connectors were weighed
also provided a horizontal band as an architectural feature against the local design constraints such as cost and pro-
on the elevation. duction/erection feasibility instead of blind adoption of meth-
ods used overseas. The approaches that worked well such
as loop connectors were used with minor modifications. On
the other hand, some approaches such as sleeve dowel con-
necters were avoided for high import costs and strict toler-
ances required for erection and production. Notched half
slab concept was used which provided the comfort of jointed
construction to a certain extent along with viable detailing to
achieve emulative behavior
ing precast technology was a daunting task. There was a system. The modelling of vertical joints without consid-
steep learning curve for all involved to understand the tech- ering the shear transfer through the shear keys, rein-
nology and global standard practices and apply the learnings forced with shear links, lead to a conservative design.
to the project in a workable fashion within the available re- 3. Vertical joints are designed based on shear friction con-
source constraints. Several aspects and standard practices cept as a global practice & dowel bars are provided in the
used overseas were modified to fit the Indian construction form of projected rebar’s, overlapping hoops & drop in
practices12. Some of the major aspects discussed in the paper hoops etc filled with cast in place concrete at joint loca-
are summarized below along with the respective solutions tions.
followed, in contrast with standard global practices, to adopt 4. For this project vertical joints are provided with specially
this technology. The knowledge and understanding acquired formed shear keys to increase shear stiffness and the
during this process will be carried forward to the new proj- shear capacity. The shear key works as mechanical
ects underway. locks preventing any significant slip along joint. Trans-
verse reinforcement provided in the form of wire loops
Technology Acceptance by the Client & Consultant
(proprietary products) for ease of erection where there is
The client and consultant graciously accepted the tech- no site formworkrequired.
nology based on the examples of precast buildings from 5. As there is insufficient literature & testing available re-
around the world. Most examples were selected such that garding cyclic actions on shear keys, on the conservative
they matched a majority of project parameters on Pra- front for this project specified two models are generated
i.e with & without influence of vertical joints& worst of [6]. IS: 13920 – 1993-Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures
the same results are adopted in the design. Subjected to Seismic Forces - Code of Practice, Bureau of Indian
Acknowledgement 7 Dr. Sudhir K. Jain, Dr. C.V.R Murthy, proposed draft provisions and
commentary on ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures
The authors are indebted to Dr. A. Meher Prasad, Pro- subjected to seismicforces.
fessor, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras as an inde-
pendent consultant & third party checking for this project 8 PCI design handbook, precast & prestressed concrete 7th Edition.
and Dr. Kelkar Consultants Private Limited as the owner’s 9 ACI 550.1R-01 Emulating cast in place detailing in precast concrete
consultant who approved the design for this project. structures.
10 State – of - art FIB 43, Structural connections for precast concrete
References buildings.
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The Masterbuilder | October 2014 |