Quantum Leap Formula Work Book

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Day 1: Unleashing Your Greatness - Igniting
Your Potential for Quantum Leap

Day 2: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs -

Reframing Your Self-Image 5

Day 3: Goal Achievement Process 7

Day 4: Embracing Commitment and Risk-


Day 5: Quantum Leap Activation 11

Day 1: Unleashing Your Greatness
Igniting Your Potential for Quantum Leap

To create a quantum leap you have to understand who you

really are. Recognize that you are not defined by your past or
your current outcomes.

You have greatness inside of you, achieving a quantum leap

requires tapping into this greatness. The only limits to your
results is yourself, as you build a bigger idea of yourself you will
jump into a new level of frequency and create new results.

Most people confine themselves to the realm of their five

senses, and allow themselves to be led by external reality, only
using a very limited portion of their potential. To break free
from this constraint, you have to build a vision of the future
grander than any past accomplishment, detach from your five
senses and direct your attention to your vision.

ACTION STEP: Determine what action steps you are going to

take, that are aligned with your vision, to step into your new

Am I focusing on what’s missing, what I really
want or from the past?

What can I commit to today that will allow me

to feed my mind with only a positive mental

2 Self-Image
Day 2: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Reframing Your Self-Image

Our self image is a direct reflection of what we draw into our

life. We can’t ever outperform it but it's within our ability to
change it. Your self-image is your personal boundary of
achievement, your attitude towards yourself.

Your actions are led by the image you hold of yourself, making
it imperative to first change this internal portrait in order to
create a new reality. Reflect on your current results; they serve
as a mirror reflecting where your self-image currently resides.

ACTION STEP: Write down in the present tense the

characteristics of the person you aspire to become.

Each morning, engage in mental rehearsal, embodying the

traits and behaviors of that ideal self.

Take inspired action aligned with this new self-image; let every
decision stem from the perspective of that envisioned person.

Embrace this new self-image and begin to embody it fully,

allowing your actions to reflect the person you aspire to be.

2 Self-Image

What is my dominate attitude towards myself?

How would I like to see myself?

Is my daily self-talk uplifting or demising?

Day 3: Goal Achievement Process

The goal achievement process starts with a want. Ask yourself:

What do you really want more than anything else?

What kind of experiences do you want to have?
What kind of life do you want to live?

Allow yourself to think beyond your circumstances, open your

mind and allow your imagination to take you where you want.

A common mistake people make is most people reject what

they want. They often fall into the trap of thinking, "this is way
too big for me," or "I could never reach this," promptly pushing
these aspirations aside. You have to embrace the magnitude of
your goals, accept those ideas.

ACTION STEP: Put on some classical music and take the time
to write down what you want.

Ask yourself, who do I need to become, what kind of behaviors

and habits do I need to embody in order to get those results?

What is my #1 goal that I want to accomplish
more than anything else?

What are my 3 non-negotiable behaviors for

me to achieve that goal?

Day 4: Embracing Commitment and Risk-Taking

Achieving your goals requires unwavering long term

commitment. While commitment is easy to make, it is hard to
live into. Commitment is what sets apart the average from the

Are you willing to pay the price, and do what it takes to make
your goals happen?
Are you willing to let go of your old story to step into a new life?
Are you willing to fail?

True commitment is non-negotiable; it demands action

regardless of external circumstances. Act from your vision
rather than allowing results to dictate your behavior, reject

Let your commitment be the anchor that fuels you to take

action. Understand that failure is a part of the process, be
willing to fail, have the courage to take risks by holding on to
the vision that you are working towards.

ACTION STEP: Get in touch with someone that will hold you
accountable, go to someone who you know will support you
and will not accept excuses.

Am I willing to get out of my comfort zone
every day?

What qualities, strengths, and achievements

would I like to create in my life?

Day 5: Quantum Leap Activation

As we culminate our journey towards a quantum leap, let's

recap some key principles of this transformative process:

Cystal Clear Vision: Your quantum leap begins with a vivid

and compelling vision of the life you desire. Nurture this
vision by reaffirming it daily, breathing life into it with each

Embrace Discomfort: Growth resides beyond your comfort


Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Adopt a mindset of

continuous growth. Act upon ideas that lie outside your
comfort zone, welcoming failures as stepping stones to
success. Remember, those who are willing to fail the most
often emerge as the greatest winners, as they dare to take

Seek Mentorship: A mentor can be the beacon that guides

you through uncharted waters, helping you navigate past
blind spots and accelerating your journey towards your
goals. Click here to book a strategy session.


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