Topic 5
Topic 5
Topic 5
Just to finish this point, I would like to point out that social and cultural elements are also positive for treating the
diversity of the class, since teachers can compare customs from different countries, including those which the
immigrant children come from, incorporating inter-cultural awareness.
Regarding this important issue, our current legislation (LOMLOE 3/2020) explicitly advocates for the Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) approach, supported by Meyer and Rose. It makes special emphasis on variety and
flexibility, giving all students the opportunity to succeed by providing different ways to learn. It is based on 3
Representation: presenting contents in a variety of ways and formats to support comprehension.
Action and expression: giving children more than one way to interact and work with the materials and to
show what they learn.
Engagement: stimulating and sustaining motivation and effort among pupils, by setting up safe, relevant and
engaging learning environment.