8 3-3-10th Term2 Earlystruggleintn
8 3-3-10th Term2 Earlystruggleintn
8 3-3-10th Term2 Earlystruggleintn
Early Revolts
against British Rule
in Tamil Nadu
Learning Objectives
To acquaint ourselves with
Palayakkarar system and the revolts of Palayakkarars against the
Velunachiyar, Puli Thevar, Kattabomman and Marudhu Brothers in
the anti-British uprisings
Vellore Revolt as a response to British pacification of south India
Vellore Fort
Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu 8
Prominent Palayakkarars of Tamil country and their resistance to the rule of East India Company
are discussed.
The wars waged by Puli Thevar, Velunachiyar, Veerapandya Kattabomman, followed by Marudhu
brothers of Sivagangai and Dheeran Chinnamalai against the British are elaborated.
The reasons for the Vellore Revolt and the ruthless manner in which it was suppressed by Gillespie
are detailed.
nswer the questions given REFERENCE BOOKS
under each caption
1. Burton Stein, Peasant State and Society in
1. Velunachiyar Medieval South India, New Delhi:Oxford
a) Who was the military chief of University Press, 1980.
2. P.M. Lalitha, Palayakararss as Feudatories
b) What were the martial arts in which
Under the Nayaks of Madurai, Chennai:
she was trained?
Creative Enterprises, 2015.
c) Whom did she marry?
d) What was the name of her daughter? 3. K. Rajayyan, South Indian Rebellion,
1800–1801, Madurai, Ratna Publication,
2. Dheeran Chinnamalai
2000 (Reprint).
a) When was Dheeran Chinnamalai born?
b) How did he earn the title “Chinnamalai”? 4. K.A. Manikumar, Vellore Revolt 1806
c) Name the Diwan of Tipu Sultan? (Chennai: Allied Publishers, 2007).
d) Why and where was he hanged to