8 3-3-10th Term2 Earlystruggleintn

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Unit - 6

Early Revolts
against British Rule
in Tamil Nadu

Learning Objectives
To acquaint ourselves with
„„Palayakkarar system and the revolts of Palayakkarars against the
„„Velunachiyar, Puli Thevar, Kattabomman and Marudhu Brothers in
the anti-British uprisings
„„Vellore Revolt as a response to British pacification of south India

Introduction Palayakkarars (Poligar

is how the British
After defeating the French and their referred to them)
Indian allies in the three Carnatic Wars, the in Tamil refers to
East India Company began to consolidate the holder of a little
and extend its power and influence. However, kingdom as a feudatory
local kings and feudal chieftains resisted this. to a greater sovereign.
The first resistance to East India Company’s Under this system,
territorial aggrandisement was from Puli palayam was given
Thevar of Nerkattumseval in the Tirunelveli for valuable military Viswanatha Nayaka
region. This was followed by other chieftains services rendered by any individual.
in the Tamil country such as Velunachiyar, This type of Palayakkarars system was in
Veerapandiya Kattabomman, the Marudhu practice during the rule of Prataba Rudhra
brothers, and Dheeran Chinnamalai. Known of Warangal in the Kakatiya kingdom.
as the Palayakkarars Wars, the culmination The system was put in place in Tamilnadu
of which was Vellore Revolt of 1806, this by Viswanatha Nayaka, when he became
early resistance to British rule in Tamilnadu the Nayak ruler of Madurai in 1529, with
is dealt with in this lesson. the support of his minister Ariyanathar.
Traditionally there were supposed to be 72
 Resistance of Palayakkarars.
6.1 Regional Powers The Palayakkarars were free to collect
against the British revenue, administer the territory, settle
disputes and maintain law and order. Their
(a) Palayams and Palayakkarars
police duties were known as Padikaval
The word “palayam” means a domain, or Arasu Kaval. On many occasions the
a military camp, or a little kingdom. Palayakarars helped the Nayak rulers to

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restore the kingdom to them. The personal to Tirunelveli.
relationship and an understanding between Madurai easily
the King and the Palayakkarars made the fell into their
system to last for about two hundred years hands. Thereafter
from the Nayaks of Madurai, until the Colonel Heron
takeover of these territories by the British. was urged to deal
Eastern and Western Palayams with Puli Thevar
as he continued to
Among the 72 Palayakkarars, created Puli Thevar
defy the authority
by the Nayak rulers, there were two blocs,
of the Company. Puli Thevar wielded much
namely the prominent eastern and the
influence over the western palyakkarars. For
western Palayams. The eastern Palayams
want of cannon and of supplies and pay to
were Sattur, Nagalapuram, Ettayapuram, and
soldiers, Colonel Heron abandoned the plan
Panchalamkurichi and the prominent western
and retired to Madurai. Heron was recalled
palayams were Uthumalai, Thalavankottai,
and dismissed from service.
Naduvakurichi, Singampatti, Seithur. During
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the Confederacy and Alliance with
Palayakkars dominated the politics of Tamil Enemies of the British
country. They functioned as independent,
Three Pathan officers, Nawab Chanda
sovereign authorities within their respective
Sahib’s agents, named Mianah, Mudimiah
and Nabikhan Kattak commanded the
Revenue Collection Authority to Madurai and Tirunelveli regions. They
the Company Rule supported the Tamil playakkarars against
The Nawab of Arcot had borrowed money Arcot Nawab Mohamed Ali. Puli Thevar
from the East India Company to meet the had established close relationships with
expenses he had incurred during the Carnatic them. Puli Thevar also formed a confederacy
Wars. When his debts exceeded his capacity to of the Palayakkars to fight the British. With
pay, the power of collecting the land revenue the exception of the Palayakkarars of Sivagiri,
dues from southern Palayakkarars was given all other Maravar Palayams supported him.
to the East India Company. Claiming that Ettayapuram and Panchalamkurichi also
their lands had been handed down to them did not join this confederacy. Further,
over sixty generations, many Palayakkarars the English succeeded in getting the
refused to pay taxes to the Company support of the rajas of Ramanathapuram
officials. The Company branded the defiant and Pudukottai. Puli Thevar tried to get
Palayakkarars as rebels and accused them of the support of Hyder Ali of Mysore and
trying to disturb the peace and tranquillity the French. Hyder Ali could not help Puli
of the country. This led to conflict between Thevar as he was already locked in a serious
the East India Company and the Palaykkarars conflict with the Marathas.
which are described below.
Kalakadu Battle
 Palayakkarars’ Revolt
6.2 The Nawab sent an additional contingent
1755-1801 of sepoys to Mahfuzkhan and the reinforced
(a) Revolt of Puli Thevar army proceeded to Tirunelveli. Besides the
1755–1767 1000 sepoys of the Company, Mahfuzkhan
received 600 more sent by the Nawab. He also
In March 1755 Mahfuzkhan (brother of
had the support of cavalry and foot soldiers
the Nawab of Arcot) was sent with a contingent
from the Carnatic. Before Mahfuzkhan could
of the Company army under Colonel Heron
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station his troops near Kalakadu, 2000 Ondiveeran
soldiers from Travancore joined the forces
of Puli Thevar. In the battle at Kalakadu, Ondiveeran led one of the army units
Mahfuzkhan's troops were routed. of Puli Thevar. Fighting by the side of
Puli Thevar, he caused much damage to
the Company’s army. According to oral
Yusuf Khan and Puli Thevar
tradition, in one battle, Ondiveeran’s hand
The organized resistance of the was chopped off and Puli Thevar was
palayakkarars under Puli Thevar gave an saddened. But Ondiveeran said it was a
opportunity to the English to interfere directly reward for his penetration into enemy’s fort
in the affairs of Tirunelveli. Aided by the causing many heads to roll.
Raja of Travancore, from 1756 to 1763, the
palyakkarars of Tirunelveli led by Puli Thevar (b) Velunachiyar (1730–1796)
were in a constant state of rebellion against the Born in 1730 to the Raja Sellamuthu
Nawab’s authority. Yusuf Khan (also known Sethupathy of Ramanathapuram, Velunachiyar
as Khan Sahib or, before his conversion to was the only daughter of this royal family.
Islam, Marudhanayagam) who had been The king had no male heir. The royal family
sent by the Company was not prepared to brought up the princess Velunachiyar,
attack Puli Thevar unless the big guns and training her in martial arts like valari, stick
ammunition from Tiruchirappalli arrived. fighting and to wield weapons. She was also
As the English were at war with the French, adept in horse riding and archery, apart from
as well as with Hyder Ali and Marathas, the her proficiency in English, French and Urdu.
artillery arrived only in September 1760. Yusuf
Khan began to batter the Nerkattumseval At the age of 16,
fort and this attack continued for about two Velunachiyar was
months. On 16 May 1761 Puli Thevar’s three married to Muthu
major forts (Nerkattumseval, Vasudevanallur Vadugar, the Raja of
and Panayur) came under the control of Sivagangai, and had
Yusuf Khan. a daughter by name
Vellachinachiar. In
In the meantime, after taking 1772, the Nawab
Pondicherry the English had eliminated the of Arcot and the
French from the picture. As a result of this Company troops
the unity of palyakkarars began to break under the command Velunachiyar
up as French support was not forthcoming. of Lt. Col. Bon Jour stormed the Kalaiyar Kovil
Travancore, Seithur, Uthumalai and Surandai Palace. In the ensuing battle Muthu Vadugar
switched their loyalty to the opposite camp. was killed. Velunachiyar escaped with her
Yusuf Khan who was negotiating with daughter and lived under the protection of
the palayakkarars, without informing the Gopala Nayakar at Virupachi near Dindigul for
Company administration, was charged with eight years.
treachery and hanged in 1764.
During her period in hiding, Velunachiyar
organised an army and succeeded in securing
Fall of Puli Thevar
an alliance with not only Gopala Nayakar but
After the death of Khan Sahib, Puli Hyder Ali as well. Dalavay (military chief)
Thevar returned from exile and recaptured Thandavarayanar wrote a letter to Sultan Hyder
Nerkattumseval in 1764. However, he was Ali on behalf of Velunachiyar asking for 5000
defeated by Captain Campbell in 1767. Puli infantry and 5000 cavalry to defeat the English.
Thevar escaped and died in exile. Velunachiyar explained in detail in Urdu all the
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problems she had with East India Company. Jagavira Pandya
She conveyed her strong determination to fight Kattabomman.
the English. Impressed by her courage, Hyder The Company’s
Ali ordered his Commandant Syed in Dindigul administrators,
fort to provide the required military assistance. James London and
Colin Jackson, had
Gopala Nayak, the Palayakkarar of
considered him a
man of peaceful Kattabomman
Gopala Nayak spearheaded the famous disposition. However, soon several events
Dindigul League, which was formed with led to conflicts between Veerapandya
Lakshmi Nayak of Manaparai and Poojai Kattabomman and the East India Company.
Nayak of Devadanapatti. He drew inspiration The Nawab, under the provisions of a treaty
from Tipu Sultan who sent a deputation to signed in 1781, had assigned the revenue of
show his camaraderie. He led the resistance the Carnatic to the Company to be entirely
against the British from Coimbatore and under their management and control during
later joined Oomaidurai, Kattabomman’s the war with Mysore Sultan. One-sixth of
brother. He put up a fierce fight at Aanamalai the revenue was to be allowed to meet the
hills where the local peasants gave him full expenses of Nawab and his family. The
support. But Gopala Nayak was overpowered Company had thus gained the right to
by the British forces in 1801. collect taxes from Panchalamkurichi. The
Company appointed its Collectors to collect
Velunachiyar employed agents for
taxes from all the palayams. The Collectors
gathering intelligence to find where the British
humiliated the palayakkarars and adopted
had stored their ammunition. With military
force to collect the taxes. This was the bone
assistance from Gopala Nayakar and Hyder Ali
of contention between the English and
she recaptured Sivagangai. She was crowned as
Queen with the help of Marudhu brothers. She
was the first female ruler or queen to resist the Confrontation with Jackson
British colonial power in India.
The land revenue
Kuyili, a faithful arrear from Kattabomman
friend of Velunachiyar, was 3310 pagodas in
is said to have led the 1798. Collector Jackson,
unit of women soldiers an arrogant English
named after Udaiyaal. officer, wanted to send
Udaiyaal was a shepherd an army to collect the
girl who was killed for not revenue dues but the Madras Government
divulging information on did not give him permission. On 18
Kuyili. Kuyili is said to Kuyili August 1798, he ordered Kattabomman
have walked into the British arsenal (1780) to meet him in Ramanathapuram. But
after setting herself on fire, thus destroying Kattbomman’s attempts to meet him in
all the ammunition. between proved futile, as Jackson refused
to give him audience both in Courtallam
(c) Rebellion of Veerapandya and Srivilliputhur. At last, an interview was
Kattabomman 1790-1799 granted and Kattabomman met Jackson in
Veerapandya Kattabomman became Ramanathapurm on 19 September 1798. It
the Palayakkarar of Panchalamkurichi at is said that Kattabomman had to stand for
the age of thirty on the death of his father, three hours before the haughty Collector

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Jackson. Sensing danger, Kattabomman of Aanamalai. Marudhu Pandiyar acted as
tried to escape, along with his minister its leader. The Tiruchirappalli Proclamation
Sivasubramanianar. Oomaithurai suddenly had been made. Kattabomman was interested
entered the fort with his men and helped in this confederacy. Collector Lushington
the escape of Kattabomman. At the gate of prevented Kattabomman from meeting the
the Ramanathapuram fort there was a clash, Marudhu Brothers. But Marudhu Brothers
in which some people including Lieutenant and Kattabomman jointly decided on a
Clarke were killed. Sivasubramanianar was confrontation with the English. Kattabomman
taken prisoner. tried to influence Sivagiri Palayakkarars, who
refused to join. Kattabomman advanced
Appearance before Madras Council towards Sivagiri. But the Palayakkarars of
On his return to Panchalamkurichi, Sivagiri was a tributary to the Company.
Kattabomman represented to the Madras So the Company considered the expedition
Council about how he was ill-treated by of Kattabomman as a challenge to their
the collector Jackson. The Council asked authority. The Company ordered the army to
Kattabomman to appear before a committee march on to Tirunelveli.
with William Brown, William Oram and
John Casamajor as members. Meanwhile, The Siege of Panchalamkurichi
Governor Edward Clive, ordered the release
of Sivasubramanianar and the suspension
of the Collector Jackson. Kattabomman
appeared before the Committee that sat
on 15 December 1798 and reported on
what transpired in Ramanathapuram. The
Committee found Kattabomman was not
guilty. Jackson was dismissed from service
and a new Collector S.R. Lushington
appointed. Kattabomman cleared almost all
the revenue arrears leaving only a balance of Panchalamkurichi Fort
1080 pagodas.
In May 1799, Lord Wellesley issued orders
from Madras for the advance of forces from
Tiruchirappalli, Thanjavur and Madurai to
Tirunelveli. Major Bannerman commanded
the troops. The Travancore troops too
joined the British. On 1 September 1799,
an ultimatum was served on Kattabomman
to surrender. Kattabomman’s “evasive
Pagodas (coins) reply” prompted Bannerman to attack his
fort. Bannerman moved his entire army to
Kattabomman and the Panchalamkurichi on 5 September. They
Confederacy of Palayakkarars cut off all the communications to the fort.
In the meantime, Marudhu Pandiyar Bannerman deputed Ramalinganar to convey
of Sivagangai formed the South Indian a message asking Kattabomman to surrender.
Confederacy of rebels against the British, Kattabomman refused. Ramalinganar
with the neighbouring palayakkars like gathered all the secrets of the Fort, and on
Gopala Nayak of Dindigul and Yadul Nayak the basis of his report, Bannerman decided

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the strategy of the operation. In a clash at organised resistance against the British. After
Kallarpatti, Sivasubramanianar was taken a the death of Kattabomman, they worked along
prisoner. with his brother Oomathurai. They plundered
the granaries of the Nawab and caused damage
Execution of Kattabomman
and destruction to Company troops.
Kattabomman escaped to Pudukottai.
The British put a prize on his head. Rebellion of Marudhu Brothers
Betrayed by the rajas of Ettayapuram and (1800–1801)
Pudukottai Kattabomman was finally Despite the suppression of Kattabomman’s
captured. Sivasubramanianar was executed revolt in 1799, rebellion broke out again in
at Nagalapuram on the 13 September. 1800. In the British records it is referred to as
Bannerman made a mockery of a trial for the Second Palayakarar War. It was directed by
Kattabomman in front of the palayakarars on a confederacy consisting of Marudhu Pandyan
16 October. During the trial Kattabomman of Sivagangai, Gopala Nayak of Dindugal,
bravely admitted all the charges levelled Kerala Verma of Malabar and Krishnaappa
against him. Kattabomman was hanged Nayak and Dhoondaji of Mysore. In April
from a tamarind tree in the old fort of 1800 they meet at Virupachi and decided to
Kayathar, close to Tirunelveli, in front organise an uprising against the Company.
of the fellow Palayakkars. Thus ended The uprising, which broke out in Coimbatore
the life of the celebrated Palayakkarars of in June 1800, soon spread to Ramanathapuram
Panchalamkurichi. Many folk ballads on and Madurai. The Company got wind of it and
Kattabomman helped keep his memory alive declared war on Krishnappa Nayak of Mysore,
among the people. Kerala Varma of Malabar and others. The
Palayakars of Coimbatore, Sathyamangalam
(d) The Marudhu Brothers
and Tarapuram were caught and hanged.
In February 1801 the two brothers of
Kattabomman, Oomathurai and Sevathaiah,
escaped from the Palayamkottai prison to
Kamudhi, from where Chinna Marudhu
took them to Siruvayal his capital. The fort at
Panchalamkurichi was reconstructed in record
time. The British troops under Colin Macaulay
retook the fort in April and the Marudhu
brothers sought shelter in Sivagangai. The
English demanded that the Marudhu Pandyars
hand over the fugitives (Oomathurai and
Sevathaiah). But they refused. Colonel Agnew
and Colonel Innes marched on Sivagangai.
Marudhu Brothers
In June 1801 Marudhu Pandyars issued a
Periya Marudhu or Vella Marudhu proclamation of Independence which is called
(1748–1801) and his younger brother Chinna Tiruchirappalli Proclamation.
Marudhu (1753-1801) were able generals of
Muthu Vadugar of Sivagangai. After Muthu Proclamation of 1801
Vadugar's death in the Kalaiyar Kovil battle The Proclamation of 1801 was an
Marudhu brothers assisted in restoring the early call to the Indians to unite against
throne to Velunachiyar. In the last years of the British, cutting across region, caste,
the eighteenth century Marudhu Brothers creed and religion. The proclamation was
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pasted on the walls of the Nawab’s palace (e) Dheeran Chinnamalai
in Tiruchirappalli fort and on the walls of (1756–1805)
the Srirangam temple. Many palayakkars of Born as
Tamil country rallied together to fight against Theerthagiri in 1756
the English. Chinna Marudhu collected in the Mandradiar
nearly 20,000 men to challenge the English royal family of
army. British reinforcements were rushed Palayakottai,
from Bengal, Ceylon and Malaya. The rajas Dheeran was well
of Pudukkottai, Ettayapuram and Thanjavur trained in silambu,
stood by the British. Divide and rule policy archery, horse riding
followed by the English spilt the forces of the and modern warfare.
palayakkarars soon. He was involved in
Dheeran Chinnamalai
resolving family and
Fall of Sivagangai land disputes in the Kongu region. As this
region was under the control of the Mysore
In May 1801, the English attacked the
Sultan, tax was collected by Tipu’s Diwan
rebels in Thanjavur and Tiruchirappalli. The
Mohammed Ali. Once, when the Diwan was
rebels went to Piranmalai and Kalayarkoil.
returning to Mysore with the tax money,
They were again defeated by the forces of Theerthagiri blocked his way and confiscated
the English. In the end the superior military all the tax money. He let Mohammed Ali
strength and the able commanders of the go by instructing him to tell his Sultan that
English Company prevailed. The rebellion “Chinnamalai”, who is between Sivamalai
failed and Sivagangai was annexed in 1801. and Chennimalai, was the one who took away
The Marudhu brothers were executed in the taxes. Thus he gained the name “Dheeran
Fort of Tirupathur near Ramanathapuram Chinnamalai”. The offended Diwan sent a
on 24 October 1801. Oomathurai and contingent to attack Chinnamalai and both
Sevathaiah were captured and beheaded at the forces met and fought at the Noyyal river
Panchalamkurichi on 16 November 1801. bed. Chinnamalai emerged victorious.
Seventy-three rebels were exiled to Penang Trained by the French, Dheeran
in Malaya. Though the palayakkarars fell mobilised the Kongu youth in thousands and
to the English, their exploits and sacrifices fought the British together with Tipu. After
inspired later generations. Thus the rebellion Tipu’s death Dheeran Chinnamalai built a
of Marudhu brothers, which is called South fort and fought the British without leaving
Indian Rebellion, is a landmark event in the the place. Hence the place is called Odanilai.
history of Tamil Nadu. He launched guerrilla attacks and evaded
capture. Finally the English captured him
Carnatic Treaty, 1801 and his brothers and kept them in prison in
Sankagiri. When they were asked to accept
The suppression of the Palayakkarars
the rule of the British, they refused. So they
rebellions of 1799 and 1800–1801 resulted in
were hanged at the top of the Sankagiri Fort
the liquidation of all the local chieftains of
on 31 July 1805.
Tamilnadu. Under the terms of the Carnatic
Treaty of 31 July 1801, the British assumed
6.3 Vellore Revolt 1806
direct control over Tamilagam and the
Palayakarar system came to an end with the Before reducing all palayakkarars of south
demolition of all forts and disbandment of Tamilnadu into submission the East India
their army. Company had acquired the revenue districts

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of Salem, Dindigul at the conclusion of the war sons and the family members of Tipu being
with Tipu in 1792. Coimbatore was annexed interned in Vellore Fort. The trigger for the
at the end of the Anglo-Mysore War in 1799. revolt came in the form of a new military
In the same year the Raja of Thanjavur whose regulation notified by the Commander-in-
status had been reduced to that of a vassal in Chief Sir John Cradock.
1798 gave up his sovereign rights over that According to the new regulations, the Indian
region to the English. After the suppression soldiers were asked not to wear caste marks or ear
of resistance of Kattabomman (1799) and rings when in uniform. They were to be cleanly
Marudhu Brothers (1801), the British charged shaven on the chin and maintain uniformity
the Nawab of Arcot with disloyalty and forced a about how their moustache looked. The new
treaty on him. According to this Treaty of 1801, turban added fuel to fire. The most objectionable
the Nawab was to cede the districts of North addition was the leather cockade made of animal
Arcot, South Arcot, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai skin. The sepoys gave enough forewarning by
and Tirunelveli to the Company and transfer refusing to wear the new turban. Yet the Company
all the administrative powers to it. administration did not take heed.
(a) Grievances of Indian Soldiers (b) Outbreak of the Revolt
But the resistance did not die down. The
On 10 July 1806, in the early hours, guns
dispossessed little kings and feudal chieftains
were booming and the Indian sepoys of the
continued to deliberate on the future course
1st and 23rd regiments raised their standard of
of action against the Company Government.
revolt. Colonel Fancourt, who commanded
The outcome was the Vellore Revolt of 1806.
the garrison, was the first victim. Colonel
The objective conditions for a last ditch fight
MeKerras of the 23rd regiment was killed next.
existed on the eve of the revolt. The sepoys
Major Armstrong who was passing the Fort
in the British Indian army nursed a strong
heard the sound of firing. When he stopped
sense of resentment over low salary and
to enquire he was showered with bullets.
poor prospects of promotion. The English
About a dozen other officers were killed
army officers’ scant respect for the social and
within an hour or so. Among them Lt. Elly
religious sentiments of the Indian sepoys also
and Lt. Popham belonged to His Majesty’s
angered them. The state of peasantry from
which class the sepoys had been recruited also
bothered them much. With new experiments Gillespie’s Brutality
in land tenures causing unsettled conditions
and famine breaking out in 1805 many of the Major Cootes, who was outside the
sepoys’ families were in dire economic straits. Fort, informed Colonel Gillespie, the
The most opportune situation come with the cavalry commandant in Arcot. Gillespie

Vellore Fort
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reached the fort along with a squadron of chief Sir John Cradock, the Adjutant General
cavalry under the command of Captain Agnew and Governor William Bentinck were
Young at 9.00 am. In the meantime, the held responsible for the revolt, removed
rebels proclaimed Fateh Hyder, Tipu’s from their office, and recalled to England.
eldest son, as their new ruler and hoisted The military regulations were treated as
the tiger flag of Mysore sultans in the withdrawn.
Fort. But the uprising was swiftly crushed (d) Estimate of Revolt
by Col. Gillespie, who threw to winds all
war ethics. In the course of suppression, The Vellore Revolt failed because
according to an eyewitness account, eight there was no immediate help from outside.
hundred soldiers were found dead in the Recent studies show that the organising
fort alone. Six hundred soldiers were kept part of the revolt was done perfectly by
in confinement in Tiruchirappalli and Subedars Sheik Adam and Sheik Hamid and
Vellore awaiting Inquiry. Jamedar Sheik Hussain of the 2 nd battalion
of 23 rd regiment and two Subedars and the
(c ) Consequences of Revolt Jamedar Sheik Kasim of the 1st battalion of
Six of the rebels convicted by the Court the 1st regiment. Vellore Revolt had all the
of Enquiry were blown from the guns; five forebodings of the Great Rebellion of 1857.
were shot dead; eight hanged. Tipu’s sons The only difference was that there was no
were ordered to be sent to Calcutta. The civil rebellion following the mutiny. The
officers and men engaged in the suppression 1806 revolt was not confined to Vellore
of the revolt were rewarded with prize money Fort. It had its echoes in Bellary, Walajabad,
and promotion. Col. Gillespie was given Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Nandydurg, and
7,000 pagodas. However, the commander–in- Sankaridurg.


The Palayakarar system is explained.


Prominent Palayakkarars of Tamil country and their resistance to the rule of East India Company
are discussed.

The wars waged by Puli Thevar, Velunachiyar, Veerapandya Kattabomman, followed by Marudhu
brothers of Sivagangai and Dheeran Chinnamalai against the British are elaborated.

The reasons for the Vellore Revolt and the ruthless manner in which it was suppressed by Gillespie
are detailed.

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dependent, a person who receives

protege பிறர் ஆதரவில் இருப்பவர்
support from a patron
the act of elevating or raising one’s செல்வாக்கை வளர்த்தல், ஆக்கிரமிப்பு
wealth, prestige and power செய்தல்

defiant resisting, disobedient பணிய மறுக்கும்

harmony, peace, free from

tranquillity அமைதி
treachery disloyalty, betrayal, breach of trust வஞ்சித்தல்

audacious daring, fearless பயமற்ற, துணிவுமிக்க

ultimatum a final dominating demand இறுதி எச்சரிக்கை

payment or reward – something

bounty க�ொடை
given liberally
an ornament, especially a knot of
cockade த�ொப்பியை அணிசெய்யும் குஞ்சம்
ribbon worn on the hat
cognizance notice, having knowledge of கவனம்

trounce crush, defeat த�ோற்கடி

interned imprisoned சிறைப்படுத்தல்


3. Who had established close relationship

I. C
 hoose the
with the three agents of Chanda Sahib?
correct answer
a) Velunachiyar b) Kattabomman
1. Who was the first c) Puli Thevar d) Oomai thurai
Palayakkarars to resist the East 4. Where was Sivasubramanianar executed?
India Company’s policy of territorial a) Kayathar b) Nagalapuram
aggrandizement? c) Virupachi d) Panchalamkurichi
a) Marudhu brothers 5. Who issued the Tiruchirappalli
b) Puli Thevar proclamation of Independence?
c) Velunachiyar a) Marudhu brothers
d) Veerapandya Kattabomman b) Puli Thevar
2. Who had borrowed money from the East c) Veerapandya Kattabomman
India Company to meet the expenses he d) Gopala Nayak
had incurred during the Carnatic wars? 6. When did the Vellore Revolt breakout?
a) Velunachiyar a) 24 May 1805
b) Puli Thevar b) 10 July 1805
c) Nawab of Arcot c) 10 July 1806
d) Raja of Travancore d) 10 September 1806

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7. Who was the Commander-in-Chief a) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
responsible for the new military b) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
regulations in Vellore fort? c) (iii) and (iv) are correct
a) Col. Fancourt d) (i) and (iv) are correct
b) Major Armstrong
2. i) 
Under Colonel Campbell, the English
c) Sir John Cradock
Army went along with Mahfuzkhan’s army.
d) Colonel Agnew
8. Where were the sons of Tipu Sultan sent ii) After Muthu Vadugar’s death in Kalaiyar
after the Vellore Revolt? Kovil battle, Marudhu Brothers assisted
a) Calcutta b) Mumbai Velunachiyar in restoring the throne to
c) Delhi d) Mysore her.
II. Fill in the blanks iii) Gopala Nayak spearheaded the famous
Dindigul League.
1. The Palayakkarars system was put in place
in Tamil Nadu by ____________. iv) 
In May 1799 Cornwallis ordered
the advance of Company armies to
2. Except the Palayakkarars of ____________,
all other western Palayakkarars supported
Puli Thevar. a) (i) and (ii) are correct
3. Velunachiyar and her daughter were under b) (ii) and (iii) are correct
the protection of __________ for eight years. c) (ii), (iii) and (iv )are correct
d) (i) and (iv) are correct
4. Bennerman deputed __________ to
convey his message, asking Kattabomman 3. Assertion (A): Puli Thevar tried to get the
to surrender. support of Hyder Ali and
5. Kattabomman was hanged to death at the French.
____________. Reason (R):  yder Ali could not help
6. The Rebellion of Marudhu Brothers was Puli Thevar as he was
categorized in the British records as the already in a serious conflict
___________. with the Marathas.
7. ___________ was declared the new Sultan a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is
by the rebels in Vellore Fort. not the correct explanation of (A)
8. _____________ suppressed the revolt in b) Both (A) and (R) are wrong
Vellore Fort. c) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
III. Choose the correct statement the correct explanation of (A)
d) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct
1. i) T
he Palayakkarars system was in
practice in the Kakatiya Kingdom. 4. Assertion (A): 
Apart from the new
military Regulations the
ii) P
 uli Thevar recaptured Nerkattumseval
most objectionable was the
in 1764 after the death of Khan Sahib.
addition of a leather cockade
iii) Yusuf Khan who was negotiating with in the turban.
the Palayakkarars, without informing the Reason (R): 
The leather cockade was
Company administration was charged made of animal skin.
with treachery and hanged in 1764. a) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct
iv) Ondiveeran led one of the army units of b) B
 oth (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
Kattabomman. the correct explanation of (A)
 Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu 12

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c) B oth (A) and (R) are wrong VII. Answer in detail
d) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is
1. Attempt an essay of the heroic fight
not the correct explanation of (A)
Veerapandya Kattabomman conducted
IV. Match the following against the East India Company.
2. Highlight the tragic fall of Sivagangai and
1. Theerthagiri - Vellore Revolt
its outcome.
2. Gopala Nayak - Ramalinganar
3. Account for the outbreak of Vellore
3. Bannerman - Dindigul Revolt in 1806.
4. Subedar Sheik Adam - Vellore Fort
VIII. Activities
5. Col. Fancourt - Odanilai
1. Teacher can ask the students to prepare
V. Answer the questions briefly an album of patriotic leaders of early
revolts against the British rule in Tamil
1. What were the duties of the Palayakkarars?
Nadu. Using their imagination they can
2. Identify the Palayams based on the also draw pictures of different battles in
division of east and west. which they attained martyrdom
3. Why was Heron dismissed from service? 2. Stage play visualising the conversation
4. What was the significance of the Battle of between Jackson and Kattabomman be
Kalakadu? attempted by students with the help of
5. What was the bone of contention between teachers.
the Company and Kottabomman? 3. A comparative study of Vellore Revolt and
6. Highlight the essence of the Tiruchirappalli 1857 Revolt by students be tried enabling
Procalamation of 1801. them to find out to what extent Vellore
7. Point out the importance of the Treaty of Revolt had all the forebodings of the latter.

 nswer the questions given REFERENCE BOOKS
under each caption
1. Burton Stein, Peasant State and Society in
1. Velunachiyar Medieval South India, New Delhi:Oxford
a) Who was the military chief of University Press, 1980.
2. P.M. Lalitha, Palayakararss as Feudatories
b) What were the martial arts in which
Under the Nayaks of Madurai, Chennai:
she was trained?
Creative Enterprises, 2015.
c) Whom did she marry?
d) What was the name of her daughter? 3. K. Rajayyan, South Indian Rebellion,
1800–1801, Madurai, Ratna Publication,
2. Dheeran Chinnamalai
2000 (Reprint).
a) When was Dheeran Chinnamalai born?
b) How did he earn the title “Chinnamalai”? 4. K.A. Manikumar, Vellore Revolt 1806
c) Name the Diwan of Tipu Sultan? (Chennai: Allied Publishers, 2007).
d) Why and where was he hanged to

13  Early Revolts against British Rule in Tamil Nadu

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