FRD Review

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General information:

Purpose: The system should have the ability to Connect the Agent portal with Hubspot CRM using the
API to track and sync with any changes done in the agent portal for real time maintenance of data.


In scope:

1) API changes
2) Email template
3) Notification
4) UI logic to trigger the API call
5) Db Update to track the status


1) Only change in agency portal will be notified.

2) Assuming the status will be modified to Active/Inactive.
3) Assuming Fname and Last name are mandated fields.

Integration Process:

Benefits of New process:

 The integration will help the real time data maintenance.

 It will help the user to get the notification via email when there will be change in the status for
the Agency/Agent’s .
 Better usage of the CRM portal to track the details of the agent’s and Agency upon status

Fields Need to be Synced With CRM from Agent portal.

Field Description
First Name Agent First name
Last name Agent Last Name
Email Email address of Agent
Phone Phone number of Agent
Agency Name Agency name
DBA Database Administrator
Address1 Address of the Agent
State State of the agent
City City of the agent
Zip Zip code of the agent addrres
Status Status of the Agent (Active/Inactive)

Steps: 1 The Input parameters will be validated for the correct input has been provided or not.

Step 2: The details of the Agents will be captured in the Body of the API and the POST APi will be

Step 3: Authentication of the API will be validated. We can use token to validate.

Step 4: Upon validation of the authentication the API will post the Agent details to the required fields on
the CRM.

Step 5: On success full response of the API , The email process will be triggered.

Step 6: The Fields will be mapped to the UI fields of the CRM to show the details for the Agent.

Input Type
User Id Defined User id
Token Token for authentication
User Type Type of the User

HTTP_Code Type
200 Successful
400 Bad request
401 Invalid request Parameter
404 Not found
409 Invalid Credential
500 Internal service error
User Defined Codes Validation field is missing
Phone Number Missing
Email Missing
Address Missing
City Missing
State missing
Zip Missing
We can add others by discussing with stake

1. Which are the mandated fields in the API ?

2. Why DBA field is added in the mapping? It is not providing any link to the details.
3. What kind of error we need to display for the missing fields ?
1. Sign up page
User Id
Sign Up success ful
2. Log in page
User Id
Successful- Login
Not successful- Please check your user id or password
Forgot user id/password
Email to reset
Password can rest using the below link
3. Resetting your password
New password
Old password
4. Details Page
Phone Number
Agency Number
Agency details
Button- Add
5. Update the Details Page
All the fields will be same
Update button
6. The details in add/update should reflect in the CRM
7. API

Customer :

Fname Char
Lname Char
Email varchar
Phone Number PK-Unique Integer
Agency Number Integer
Agency details varchar
DOB Date
Address varchar
State Char
City Char
Zip Int
User iD varchar
Password Varchar

Signup- Inserting the User Id and Password

Login- Proving the User Id and Password- Validated in the table-fetched and compared
Details Page- Get Call to fetch your details : if your information is not present then no get call
Put Call to insert your values
2nd scenario : If you values are inserted and you want to update: Update the fields and do a post

1. Loan – Open and Account

1. Name
2. DOB
3. ID num
4. Address
5. State
6. Zip
7. Phone number
8. Sal slip
9. Employer
10. Employer address
11. Pan
12. Form 16
13. Id proofs
14. Residential details
15. Current addesss
16. Current address proof
17. Existing loan
18. Bank account details
19. References
20. Civil score

Mock Up : All the details for a loan application .Submit. All the required fields need to filled

Submit It will go to bank manager

Flow charts


Agency Loan 1. Customer

2. Loan Manager

1. Customer
2. Customer care

-related to functionality
Non Functional
- Reliability
- Scalability
- Security

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