Week 7

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Magsaysay, Cordon, Isabela
3312 Philippines

QUARTER 1: September 25-29, 2023

Weekly Plan in Science 9
The learners demonstrate that an understanding on how changes in the environment may affect species
extinction is essential in boosting the ecosystems productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have
an important role to play.

The learners should be able to make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms, plants, and animals.


 Create a multimedia presentation of timeline of extinction; S9LT-lg-j-31

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Explain what are the extinction of animals
 Differentiate the protection of biodiversity from premature extinction
 Discuss the use of multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction
 Differentiate the advantage and disadvantages of conserving native species

II. TOPIC: Protection of Biodiversity from Premature extinction

• Ferriols – Pavico, Josefina Ma., et. al (2015) Exploring Life Through Science: Quezon City:
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc
• Alumaga, Marie Jessica B., et. al (2019) Science and Technology 9: Quezon City: Vibal Group
• Moros, Evelyn M., et. al (2018) Practical Science: Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems



Carry over due to insufficient amount of time

Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about how the plants extinct in the environment?

B. Motivation (Engage)
Show students pictures of extinction animals

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Differentiate extinction of animals to the environment
 Analyze how species undergo extinction

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learners explain the animals undergo extinction
E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)
Let learners ask questions for clarification. Describe the extinction of animals and how they undergo

F. Evaluation
Let the students answer about how the species undergo extinction?

Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about the extinction of animals

B. Motivation (Engage)
Let the students watch a video clip about how to protect the biodiversity

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Explain the importance of protecting the species
 Analyze how to conserve the ecosystem

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learners understand on how to protect the endangered species and sustaining ecosystems are part of
the goals of conservation biology. They will learn the importance of protecting the biodiversity from premature

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Let learners ask questions for clarification. Describe the importance of protecting and conserving biodiversity
from premature extinction

F. Evaluation
Let the students analyze on what they can do to protect and conserve biodiversity from premature extinction?

Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about How to protect and conserve biodiversity from premature extinction

B. Motivation (Engage)
Show them a picture of multimedia presentation and ask them about their observation.

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

Discuss that a multimedia presentation is an information that shows the timeline on how microorganisms, plants,
and animals undergo extinction.

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learner’s collect information about the extinction of microorganisms, plants, and animals that will
be used in their performance task.

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Let learners ask questions for clarification. Show a picture of an extinct species and let them give conclusion.

F. Evaluation
Let the students answer questions about extinction of microorganisms, plants and animals.
G. Additional/Enrichment Activity (Extend)
Let the students use a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction. Ask the learners to make
their own multimedia presentation using the information they collected. Let them know that their output will be
evaluated using the rubrics below:

Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Fair

Presentation The multimedia The multimedia presentation The multimedia presentation
presentation is clearly is neatly presented. Good lacks neatness. The design was
presented. Appropriate design related in the topic. not used properly.
design related in the topic .
Organization The multimedia The information is somewhat The multimedia presentation was
presentation is neatly organized but the reader has not organized and very confusing
organized. Information are a hard time determining the to readers.
clear. meaning and importance of

Explanation Explanation is clear and Explanation is somewhat clear. Explanation is incomplete with no
concise. It includes a Does not include timeline of timeline of extinction.
timeline of extinction. extinction.

Begin with classroom routine:
e. Prayer
f. Reminders of health and classroom protocols
g. Checking of attendance
h. Quick “kamustahan”

A. Recall (Elicit)
Ask the students knowledge about a timeline of extinction?

B. Motivation (Engage)
Show students pictures of extinction animals

C. Discussion of concepts (Explore)

 Explain the importance of conserving native species
 Differentiate the native species that we need to conserve

D. Developing Mastery (Explain)

Let the learners explain the advantage and disadvantages of conserving native species

E. Application and Generalization (Elaborate)

Let learners ask questions for clarification. Describe the ways on how to conserve native species

F. Evaluation
Let the students answer about how to conserve native species and its environment?

Activity 2. In your own way, how can you help in conserving our native species and prevent their extinction?
Write a brief explanation below.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Randy M. Manuel,LPT Bernie T. Alejo,LPT

Subject Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator

Approved by:
Arlene U. Punzalan,LPT
Subject Teacher Benalyn D. Duran,LPT,MaEd

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