AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Instructor Guide
AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Instructor Guide
AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Instructor Guide
- Coral Reef
Specialty Course Instructor Guide
Product No. 70242 (Rev. 11/07) Version 2.0
Instructor AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation
© PADI 2007
Printed in U.S.A.
Product No. 70242 (11/07) Version 2.0
Table of Contents
How to Use this Guide ........................................................................................ 4
Course Philosophy and Goals .............................................................................. 5
Course Flow Options .......................................................................................... 5
for information about the
Protect the Living Reef
campaign and other
conservation efforts
This section includes suggestions on how to use this guide, an overview of course philosophy
and goals, a flow chart to show you how course components and materials work together for
success, and ways you can organize and integrate student diver learning.
Section One:
Course Standards
This section includes the course standards, recommendations, and suggestions for
conducting the AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation course.
Standards at a Glance
Topic Course Standard
Minimum Instructor Rating PADI Instructor or Assistant Instructor
Prerequisites Interest in the aquatic world
Minimum Age None
Ratios Not applicable
Hours Recommended: 2
Materials Instructor: Student Diver:
• AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation • AWARE - Our
Specialty Course Instructor Guide World, Our
• Coral Reef Conservation Water manual
Instructional CD-ROM
Instructor Prerequisites
To qualify to teach the AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation course, an individual
must be a Teaching status PADI Assistant Instructor, Open Water Scuba Instructor
or higher.
Participant Prerequisites
Participants only need to have an interest in the aquatic world to enroll in the
course. There is no minimum age or experience requirement.
Participant Materials.
• A.W.A.R.E. – Our World, Our Water manual
Assessment Standards
To assess knowledge you may review the AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation
Knowledge Reviews with participants.
Section Two:
Knowledge Development
During a knowledge development session, you’ll use these presentation notes along
with the AWARE – Coral Reef Conservation Lesson Guides to cover the course
material. This course contains six main topics as listed on the Overview slide. Each
topic has several learning objectives that are written as questions and bolded in the
outline. The Summary section includes a complete list of course learning objec-
Miniature copies of the lesson guides appear next to the related information to
help guide your presentation. This outline may be used for direct presentation to
your students, however, you’ll want to customize it as appropriate to meet partici-
pant needs and cover local information.
See both short and long-term changes
Support conservation programs and
Project AWARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
initiatives such as:
• Volunteer monitoring that involves divers and water enthusiasts in projects and activi-
Underwater and beach cleanups
ties to conserve underwater environments. The Foundation also
CRC – 5
CRC – 6
area about the size of Ecuador or Nevada), yet are vital because they Nursery grounds to
25% of known marine species
Home to nearly 33% of
all known fish species
a. Of the 107 known genera of coral, the Atlantic and Pacific share
CRC – 9
only eight.
4. Scientists have identified about 80,000 species on coral reefs, but esti-
mates range from 600,000 to 9 million species.
5. This abundance of life means that reefs help maintain biological diver-
sity – Earth’s inventory of functioning parts.
V. Understanding Coral
Understanding Coral
A. What is coral and why is it difficult to classify? What is coral and why is it
difficult to classify?
Appears to be animal,
1. Scientists have had a difficult time classifying coral because it plant and mineral
Corals are animals with:
appears to be a unique combination of animal, plant and mineral. Symbiotic relationship
with algae called zooxanthellae
In the past, coral has been classified as either lithophytes (stone- Limestone houses
Some corals are soft, flexible
and don’t contain zooxanthellae
plants) or zoophytes (animal-plants)
CRC – 14
mass in between.
d. Connective membrane joins the polyps and transports both
nutrients and nerve impulses from polyp to polyp.
e. A series of tentacles around the mouth contains stinging cells,
or cnidocytes, that capture plankton. Corals can also absorb
Understanding Coral
B. What are zooxanthellae and what role do they play in
What are zooxanthellae and what role do
they play in coral physiology?
coral physiology?
Single-cell algae living within the coral
1. Zooxanthellae are single-cell algae that live deep within the tis-
2. Zooxanthellae provide corals with their primary food source.
a. Zooxanthellae use polyp waste products, such as carbon diox-
ide, in combination with photosynthesis to produce carbohy-
b. Zooxanthellae can supply up to 90 percent of the nutritional
requirement for some coral species.
c. Zooxanthellae benefit from this arrangement by getting food
for their own growth and a safe home.
C. How do coral reefs form?
Understanding Coral
How do coral reefs form?
Reefs are the oldest, most productive,
1. Coral reefs are the oldest, most productive and diverse ecosystems
diverse ecosystems in the sea, but
modern reefs are less than 9,000 years old in the sea that existed 500 million years ago. However, all modern
Two popular formation theories:
Geological subsidence reefs formed since the last Ice Age less than 9,000 years ago.
– fringing reefs lead to
barrier reefs which
lead to atolls 2. No single theory completely explains reef formation. Reefs form
Changing sea level and erosion
differently depending upon local factors such as tectonic forces,
CRC – 17
glacial periods, climatic and oceanographic conditions. Two
popular theories include:
a. Reef formation by geological subsidence.
• Over time, volcanic islands sink and fringing reefs form.
Narrow, shallow lagoons separate these reefs from land.
• Further sinking leads to barrier reefs, which are separated
from land by very wide, sometime deep lagoons.
• Further sinking leads to atoll development. Atolls are
elliptical reefs with no nearby land.
• As the island subsides, reef growth usually compensates
for the rate at which it is sinking.
b. Formation due to changing sea level and erosion. Similar to
the subsidence theory, changing land structures and water
levels allow reefs to grow. This is the case with most reefs
Understanding Coral in the Caribbean, around the Philippines, Indonesia, New
What other calcifying organisms help
maintain reef integrity? Guinea, Fiji and Florida, USA.
Organisms help cement reef together and
create tunnels and grottos:
Coralline algae
Encrusting fire coral D. What other calcifying organisms help maintain reef
• Soft corals
• Bryozoans
• Forams
VI. Complex Nature of Life on the Coral Reef Complex Nature of Life on
the Coral Reef
A. What limits coral reef distribution and how do coral reefs What limits coral reef distribution and
how do coral reefs exist in nutrient
1. Corals are found worldwide, but large coral reefs develop only in
Water clarity
the tropics.
Bottom type
2. Several physical factors control and limit warm-water coral reef CRC – 19
a. Temperature — Although some reef building corals can
survive for short times in water temperatures below 20º Cel-
sius (C)/68º Fahrenheit (F), warm-water coral reefs do not
develop in water temperature below 18º C/64º F.
b. Depth — Since zooxanthellae need light for photosynthesis,
most reefs grow in water 25 metres/80 feet or shallower.
• However, some corals thrive at depths. Often referred to
as cold or deep-water corals these extremely slow grow-
ing corals form in cold, dark, and deep waters beyond
the limits of scuba diving. They provide habitat for many
commercially important fishes but, since they are very
fragile, are threatened mostly by trawling as well as oil
and gas exploration activities.
c. Salinity — Corals cannot tolerate significant deviations from
the normal sea water salinity of 32-36 parts per thousand.
d. Water clarity — Heavy sedimentation smothers coral feeding
structures and reduces the light needed for photosynthesis.
e. Waves — Wave action provides constant oxygenated seawa-
ter, prevents sedimentation and renews the plankton supply
of food. Reef development is usually greatest in areas subject
to moderate wave action.
f. Bottom type — Coral reef development requires consolidated Complex Nature
bottom because coral larvae cannot settle on sandy or muddy Reefs in nutrient deficient waters. . .
Darwin’s Paradox
bottoms. – how do low nutrient
oceans produce the most
productive ecosystems
3. Unlike temperate oceans, tropical ocean waters are low in nutri- on earth?
Highly efficient nutrient recycling system
ents. Darwin’s Paradox asks how coral reefs in these low nutri-
• Reef produces massive algae growth
• Grazers eat alga
ent oceans can be the most productive ecosystems on earth. It is • Excess nutrients pass through
grazers back to reef
CRC – 20
Complex Nature
B. How do corals reproduce and grow?
How do corals reproduce and grow?
Asexual reproduction
1. Asexual reproduction is accomplished by budding (cloning) a
– cloning to increase
colony size genetically identical new individual from the parent.
Sexual reproduction
– free swimming larvae
create new colonies a. This increases the colony’s size, but doesn’t produce new
Young, small colonies
grow faster
Branching corals grow
CRC – 22
much faster than boulder corals
b. Branching corals can also grow asexually through fragmenta-
tion when pieces are broken off.
2. Sexual reproduction produces free-swimming larvae called
planula, which can settle to create new colonies.
a. Most corals reach sexual maturity at 7-10 years of age, or
when they are about 10 centimetres/4 inches.
b. Coral colonies can be male, female or hermaphroditic –
capable of producing both sperm and eggs.
3. Coral growth rates vary by species, the colony’s age, the coral’s
position on the reef and if the coral contains zooxanthellae.
a. Young, small colonies tend to grow more rapidly than older,
larger colonies.
b. Branching corals generally grow more rapidly than boul-
der corals. For example, a staghorn coral can grow 10-20
centimetres/2-8 inches in height per year, while a brain coral
may grow only millimetres/a fraction of an inch per year.
c. Coral longevity is unknown, but evidence suggests most colo-
nies are ten years or younger although some massive corals
may be hundreds of years old.
wide range of defensive and aggressive mechanisms. stinging tentacles and toxins
CRC – 24
from their trunk and branches to anchor them to the bottom. CRC – 29
and invertebrates
beyond recovery
In 2004, 20% dead
the remaining coral reefs were at immediate risk of destruction
from human activities.
CRC – 31
2. South and Southeast Asia, East Africa and Caribbean reefs are
at the greatest risk. In places like the Philippines, Indonesia and
Jamaica, the majority of the reefs are seriously damaged or dead.
3. Forecasts are that most reefs could be gone within the next 30-50
4. In 2000, research showed that 11 percent of the world’s coral
reefs were degraded beyond recovery, by 2004, 20 percent of reefs
were dead, in part due to raised sea surface temperatures causing
major bleaching events.
Coral Reefs in Peril B. What land-based activities are detrimental to coral reefs?
What land-based activities are
detrimental to coral reefs?
Poor land use that
1. Deforestation, mining, over-grazing, and poor land uses cause
causes erosion
Agriculture and sewage erosion and sedimentation.
discharge that causes
nutrient loading
Nonpoint source 2. Agricultural activities and sewage discharge cause nutrient loading
pollution carrying
(eutrophication). This shifts the competitive balance in favor of
CRC – 32 algae, sponges and other organisms that erode coral.
3. Nonpoint source pollution is caused by construction of impervi-
ous surfaces, such as parking lots, that increase runoff rates and
carry dissolved substances to the water. Even small amounts of oil
can disrupt coral reproduction.
Coral Reefs in Peril 4. Coastal development and habitat destruction often affects man-
Detrimental land-based activities . . .
Coastal development and
habitat destruction
groves and seagrasses, which normally act as filters for sediment.
Tourism that damages coastal habitats
and dumps wastes This has increased the sediments and nutrients reaching coral
5. Tourism— when viewed globally, comparatively little damage
CRC – 33 occurs to reefs from activities such as sport fishing, anchoring and
Destructive fishing practices
Collision and anchor damage
ing stock.
Coral mining
Coral collecting
protein source.
b. The overfishing of herbivores in many threatened reef areas
is directly associated with the shift from coral dominated to
algae dominated reef communities.
2. Destructive fishing practices such as blast fishing and cyanide
fishing affect the entire reef, not just the target species.
3. Fortunately, collision damage caused by large ships is relatively
rare. However, continual damage caused by small boats hitting
reefs, props chipping away at corals and anchors crushing habi-
tats is significant in some areas.
a. When a large vessel, freighter or super-tanker runs aground
on a reef, the immediate physical damage is extensive. The
potential for damage caused by leaking oil and chemicals
makes these accidents very destructive to the local environ-
b. Often more damaging is the constant abuse some reefs
endure from the poor operational practices of recreational or
small commercial boats.
4. Coral mining for building material and cement causes massive
5. Collecting coral for souvenirs, or for any other purposes, severely
alters a reef.
Coral Reefs in Peril
D. What detrimental effect does climate change have on What detrimental effect does climate
change have on coral reefs?
a. A rise in the sea surface temperature. Once past a critical Ozone depletion may allow more UV
radiation to reach the reef leading
to genetic damage
temperature, coral polyps lose their zooxanthellae and turn CRC – 35
Improved waste are available for cost-effective treatment of sewage to protect
– minimal or
no-discharge water quality in coral reef areas.
• Creating and expanding parks, reserves
and sanctuaries to protect multiple
ecosystems c. Marine Protected Areas. Creating a network of protected areas
CRC – 38 that protects multiple ecosystems and breeding grounds. How-
ever, for the network to be successful, all stakelholders must be
included in its design and management.
B. How can you promote coral reef conservation?
Protect the Living Reef 1. Avoid purchasing souvenirs made from coral or any threatened or
How can you promote coral reef
Avoid purchasing reef souvenirs
endangered marine species.
Choose conservation-minded resorts
Maintain and operate a 2. While traveling, choose resorts and tour operators that properly
boat properly
Choose dive operators
that use mooring buoys
treat all sewage and wastewater.
Select seafood wisely
3. When operating a boat, avoid vulnerable ecosystems such as coral
CRC – 39 reefs or seagrass beds, and maintain equipment to prevent oil or
fuel spills.
4. Whenever possible, choose dive or tour operators that use mooring
buoys or drift diving techniques rather than anchors.
5. Select seafood wisely and avoid items that are caught or farmed
using destructive or unsustainable practices, including poisons,
explosives and illegal equipment. (See the AWARE manual and
visit for the latest guide to sustainable seafood
8. Volunteer to help and report all coral reef damage to dive opera-
tors, scientific or conservation organizations that monitor coral
reef health.
C. What are responsible coral reef dive practices?
Protect the Living Reef
1. Coral tissue is very thin and easily damaged, so don’t touch any What are responsible coral reef
dive practices?
coral and resist the temptation to touch other creatures. Some
Don’t touch
Passively observe
Practice buoyancy control
Streamline and secure
Avoid kicking up sand
Be aware of body position
6. Remain at least an arm’s length from the reef unless you’re look-
Avoid feeding reef fish
Don’t collect souvenirs
[Show the Protect the Living Reef video – diver version or snorkeler ver- Protect the Living Reef
sion, as appropriate.]
Click to
CRC – 44
aquatic world?
B. Importance of Coral Reefs
2. Why are coral reefs vital ecosystems and how do they maintain bio-
logical diversity?
3. What benefits do coral reefs provide to islands, coastal areas and
4. How can coral reefs benefit human health?
C. Understanding Coral
1. What is coral and why is it difficult to classify?
2. What are zooxanthellae and what role do they play in coral
3. How do coral reefs form?
4. What other calcifying organisms help maintain reef integrity?
5. What limits coral reef distribution and how do coral reefs exist in
nutrient deficient waters?
D. Complex Nature of Life on the Coral Reef
1. How do corals reproduce and grow?
2. What is zonation?
3. How do corals battle for space with each other and compete with
other reef residents?
4. Why is grazing so important to reef ecology and how are reef fish
classified by what they eat?
5. What two related ecosystems are important to coral reef ecology?
E. Coral Reefs in Peril
1. What is the worldwide status of coral reefs and estimated loss?
2. What land-based activities are detrimental to coral reefs?
3. What ocean-based activities are detrimental to coral reefs?
4. What detrimental effect does climate change have on coral reefs?
F. Protect the Living Reef
1. Why is integrated coastal zone management and sustainable develop-
ment so important to coral reef conservation?
2. How can you promote coral reef conservation?
3. What are responsible coral reef dive practices?
Table of Contents
AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Knowledge Review ....................................29
AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Knowledge Review – Answer Key ..............31
1. Why are divers and snorkelers the natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment?
4. Corals are _________ that have a symbiotic relationship with __________ called zooxanthellae.
5. True or False. Reefs form differently depending upon local factors, however, the two popular
theories include geological subsidence and formation due to changing sea level and erosion.
6. What physical factors control and limit coral reef distribution? (choose all that apply)
a. Temperature
b. Depth
c. Rainfall
d. Water clarity
e. Waves
f. Bottom type
7. True of False. Because coral reefs have a highly efficient nutrient recycling system, they produce
large amounts of food beyond what’s needed by the reef community itself.
8. Corals constantly _______ for space with each other and with other reef residents.
10. True or False. By 2004, 50 percent of reefs were estimated to be dead, in part due to raised sea
surface temperatures causing major bleaching events.
11. What activities may be detrimental to coral reefs? (choose all that apply)
a. Dynamite or blast fishing
b. Deforestation and overgrazing
c. Sewage discharge
d. Coral mining
e. Destruction of mangroves
f. Oily runoff from parking lots
g. Overfishing
12. True or False. Atmospheric changes that lead to a rise in sea surface temperatures can cause coral
polyps lose their zooxanthellae and turn white, or bleach.
14. How can you promote coral reef conservation? (choose all that apply)
a. Don’t buy souvenirs made from coral.
b. When operating a boat, avoid vulnerable ecosystems and maintain equipment to prevent oil
or fuel spills.
c. Choose dive or tour operators that use mooring buoys rather than anchors, whenever pos-
d. Select seafood wisely.
e. Further your education and volunteer to help conservation organizations that monitor coral
reef health.
15. When snorkeling or diving, do not _____ coral and always be aware of your body’s position in
relation to the reef.
1. Why are divers and snorkelers the natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment?
Divers and snorkelers notice both short and long term changes in the aquatic realm. This intimate
familiarity makes them the natural ambassadors for the aquatic environment.
4. Corals are animals that have a symbiotic relationship with plants (algae) called zooxanthellae.
5. True or False. Reefs form differently depending upon local factors, however, the two popular theories
include geological subsidence and formation due to changing sea level and erosion.
6. What physical factors control and limit coral reef distribution? (choose all that apply)
a. Temperature
b. Depth
c. Rainfall
d. Water clarity
e. Waves
f. Bottom type
7. True of False. Because coral reefs have a highly efficient nutrient recycling system, they produce large
amounts of food beyond what’s needed by the reef community itself.
FALSE – the amount of biomass that can be taken from a coral reef on a sustainable basis is very limited.
8. Corals constantly compete (battle) for space with each other and with other reef residents.
10. True or False. By 2004, 50 percent of reefs were estimated to be dead, in part due to raised sea
surface temperatures causing major bleaching events.
FALSE – estimates are closer to 20 percent
11. What activities may be detrimental to coral reefs? (choose all that apply)
a. Dynamite or blast fishing
b. Deforestation and overgrazing
c. Sewage discharge
d. Coral mining
e. Destruction of mangroves
f. Oily runoff from parking lots
g. Overfishing
12. True or False. Atmospheric changes that lead to a rise in sea surface temperatures can cause coral
polyps lose their zooxanthellae and turn white, or bleach.
14. How can you promote coral reef conservation? (choose all that apply)
a. Don’t buy souvenirs made from coral.
b. When operating a boat, avoid vulnerable ecosystems and maintain equipment to prevent oil or fuel
c. Choose dive or tour operators that use mooring buoys rather than anchors, whenever possible.
d. Select seafood wisely.
e. Further your education and volunteer to help conservation organizations that monitor coral reef
15. When snorkeling or diving, do not touch coral and always be aware of your body’s position in
relation to the reef.