History of Lajna Ima'illah - Volume 1
History of Lajna Ima'illah - Volume 1
History of Lajna Ima'illah - Volume 1
istory of
ajna Ima’illah
Volume - 1
1st Jalsa
Salana Nikah of Hazrat Nawab
Hazrat Amma
Mubaraka Begumra
Foundation of the Ahmadiyya Community Janra marriage
1st Ahmadi Initiation of Lajna
Missionary in UK Ima’illah
Resolution of Amtul
Haye Library
Inauguration of
Fazl Mosque -
Formation of Lajna
Majalis at a Local
Establishment of the
Lajna Ima’illah flag Formation of
Central Lajna
Demise of Hazrat Amma Janra
Inauguration of Nusrat
Jahan Mosque-Denmark Inauguration
of MTA Lajna Ima’illah Centenary
Initiation of
Waqfe Nau Launch of Maryam
Scheme Shaadi Fund
ISBN: 978-1-84880-648-1
The following abbreviations have been used. Readers are urged to
recite the full salutations:
sa: sal-lallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, meaning ‘may the peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him’ is written after the name of
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
as: alaihis salam, meaning ‘may peace be upon him’ is written
after the names of prophets other than the Holy Prophet
ra: radi-Allahu ‘anhu/‘anha/‘anhum, meaning ‘may Allah be
pleased with him/her/them’ is written after the names of
the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa or of the
Promised Messiahas.
rh: rahmatullah ‘alaih, meaning ‘may Allah shower His mercy
upon him’ is written after the names of deceased pious
Muslims who are not companions of the Holy Prophet
Muhammadsa or of the Promised Messiahas.
aba: ayyadahullahu ta‘ala bi nasrihil ‘aziz, meaning ‘may Allah
support him with His Mighty Help’ is written after the name
of the current Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas.
Note to Readers
The readers will note a variation of spellings of some names and
titles in the book. This is due to different spellings used in quotation
we have taken from other publications. Urdu and Arabic words can
be transliterated differently.e.g. Hazrat/Hadrat. A list of some of the
spellings is underneath.
The reader may also notice that some portions are in Italics. They
are added to describe the background of the events.
Publisher’s Note
Please note that, in the translation that follows, words given in
parentheses ( ) are the words of the original debaters who penned
the papers. If any explanatory words or phrases are added by the
translators for the purpose of clarification, they are put in square
brackets [ ]. Footnotes given by the publisher are marked
‘[Publisher]’ casual conversational paraphrasing was distinguished
using italics.
ع ‘– a strong guttural, the pronunciation of which must be
learnt by the ear.
u ٰ
for _____(like oo in wood).
ū ٰ
for ( ____وlike oo in root).
Other vowels by:
The consonants not included in the above list have the same
phonetic value as in the principal languages of Europe. While the
Arabic نis represented by n, we have indicated the Urdu ںas ń. As
noted above, the single quotation mark ‘ is used for transliterating
عwhich is distinct from the apostrophe ’ used for ء.
We have not transliterated some Arabic words which have become
part of the English language, e.g. Islam, Quran, Hadith, Mahdi,
Jihad, Ramadan, and Ummah. The Royal Asiatic Society’s rules of
transliteration for names of persons, places, and other terms, are
not followed throughout the book as many of the names contain
non-Arabic characters and carry a local transliteration and
pronunciation style.
Title Page
Message from Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK xix
Acknowledgement xxii
Lajna Pledge 1
Introduction 2
Part 1
Chapter 1- The time of the Promised Messiah as 7
White Birds 9
Domestic Life of the Promised Messiahas 12
Hazrat Amma Jaanra – Ardent Prayer 14
Hazrat Amma Jaanra – Observance of Salat 15
Hazrat Maulvi Sahib’s Marriage 16
The Promised Messiah’s Directions for Marriage 18
A Subsequent Letter from the Promised Messiahas 18
A Fortunate Lady 20
Hospitality of Hazrat Amma Jaanra During Jalsa 21
Hazrat Amma Jaan’s sacrifice to provide food for Jalsa 22
Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Begum Sahibara 22
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria 23
Hazrat Amma Jaan’s financial sacrifices 24
The Promised Messiah’s Advice Regarding the 25
Treatment of Women
Advice for Women on Polygamy 27
Sacrifice from a silent couple 30
Sacrifice with endearment 32
Hazrat Shahjahan Bibira 33
Hazrat Hussain Bibi Sahibara 34
The First Ahmadi Woman Advances with the Sword of 35
the Pen
The dream of two hairs 36
Syeda Saeedatul-Nisa sahibara 38
Hazrat Amatul Rehman – The daughter of Hazrat Qazi 40
The demise of Sahibzada Mirza Mubarak Ahmad Sahib 41
The Nikah of Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Begumra 43
A sad dream 44
The Demise of the Promised Messiahas 45
Chapter 2- May 1908- March 1914 47
Hazrat Haji Hakeem Maulana Hakeem Noor-ud-Deenra 47
The Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira 49
A Significant Dream 49
Hazrat Sayyeda Sughra Begumra 50
The First Ahmadi Female Teacher Moves to Qadian 51
Madrassa for Girls 53
An Interesting Wedding 53
An Esteemed teacher 54
First Completion of the Holy Quran by Sayyeda Amatul 55
Hafeez Begum sahiba
Ameen (First Completion of the Holy Quran): 55
A Historical letter Written by Hazrat Amma Jaanra 56
Golden Accolade for financial Sacrifice for Alfazl 58
First Ahmadi Missionary onto British Soil 61
Regular Classes for Women 62
The sad Demise of Hazrat Kalifatul Masih Ira 62
Expression of Gratitude from the Women empowered 63
by their Khalifa
Chapter 3- March 1914-1922 66
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmadra 66
Continuation of Quran Classes 68
Obliterating Illiteracy 70
The Marriage of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra with Hazrat 70
Sayyeda Amatul Hayee sahiba
First Jalsa Salana for Ladies 71
Blessings of Ramadhan 72
Dars-ul-Quran continues 72
Extract from the speech of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra 73
on Women’s Education
Gift of Education for girls 74
Al Fazl’s First Supplementary for Women 75
The First Financial Appeal aimed at women 75
Sacrifice of the Daily Bread 77
Announcement of Women’s Contribution - The First 77
The UK Missionary Returns to Qadian 78
List of ladies who accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1917 79
Sacrifice - A Means to Success 80
Princess Responds to our Missionary in the UK 81
Jalsa Salana postponed 82
Purchase of Land for London Mosque 83
Tabligh in the UK 83
Fazl Mosque 87
London Mission House 90
An Appeal to Build a Mosque in Europe 90
Huzoor’s Address to the Ladies 91
Contribution with Devotion 93
Fazl Mosque Named 93
Part 2
Chapter 1 (1922 – 1930) 97
Special Chanda Appeal 97
Initiation of Lajna Ima’illah 98
The Fundamental Aims of Lajna Ima’illah 99
The Fourteen founding members 104
Initial Meeting for Naming of Institution and allocation 106
of duties
Lajna Ima’illah is assigned its First Responsibility 109
The Second meeting of Lajna Ima’illah 110
Shaking Hands in Light of Women’s Rights 113
A social gathering for Lajna 114
Appeal for Ladies Ward in Noor Hospital 116
Exemplary Sacrifice and Resolve by Ahmadi Women 117
during the Shuddhi Campaign
Surprising zeal shown by Ahmadi Women 117
Women encourage Men to Fulfil Commandments 118
A Pious Couple 119
Remarkable Financial Sacrifice by Lajna Ima’illah 119
Appeal for Funds for Berlin Mosque 120
A Poor Lady- an example of transformation 121
A donation of Goat for the Mosque 122
The pleasure when you sacrifice what you love 123
Women Attend the Consultative Body of the Jamaat - 124
Duties of Women towards their Children 125
Spiritual Nourishment for Women Continues 126
Berlin Mosque - Women Who Exceed the Call of the 128
Difficulties Faced in Building the Mosque 129
Special Dinner to Express Appreciation 130
Polygamy- Women’s Rights 131
The Wedding Ceremony of Sayyeda Amatul Salaam 132
The Foundation Stone of Fazl Mosque 133
The Text on the Plaque Fixed there Reads as Follows 135
Lajna Welcome Back their Khalifa 139
The Lady who was an Inspiration for Lajna Ima’illah 139
A resolution for Amatul Hayee Library 142
The Aims and Objectives of the Madrassa 143
Special appeal to lead a Simple Life 144
Wedding Ceremony of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra with 145
Sayyeda Sara Begum Sahiba
Islamic Instructions Regarding Haq Mehr 146
Jalsa Salana 147
For the Attention of Women of Jamaat Ahmadiyya 148
Inauguration of Fazl Mosque 149
Misbah- a Journal for Women 152
Initial Suggestion of Holding an Exhibition 153
The First Lajna Handicrafts Exhibition 154
External praise for Lajna Ima’illah 155
Holy Prophetsa Day 157
Proposal of Opening a Female Hostel 157
Appeal for Further Finance 159
Death of a Dedicated Woman 160
The Wife of Martyr of Kabul Passes Away 161
New Initiatives 161
Advise Against Rituals 162
Chapter 2- (1931 – 1940) 164
Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra Refuting 165
Objections on Purdah
A splendid Illustration of Financial Sacrifice 167
Financial sacrifices - Openly and Secretly 168
Jalsa Salana 169
Striking the Balance 169
Tabligh - Exemption for no one 170
Jalsa Salana – Women to take advantage of their rights 170
Large cooking pans for use during Jalsa Salana 175
Initiating Tehrik-e-Jadid 175
Jalsa Salana 178
The silver jubilee of King George 179
Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmadra Attacked 180
Wedding Ceremony of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra with 181
Sayyeda Maryam Siddiqa Sahiba
Formation of Lajna Majalis at Local Levels 182
Humanity Versus Self Sufficiency - Keeping the Balance 182
Directions 183
Organising Handicrafts Lessons 184
Trade and Minimal Profits 185
Initiation of Theology Classes 185
King George V passes away 186
An Ahmadi Women’s Exemplary Bravery 187
Tarbiyyat in Regards with modern Fashion 188
A Well-thought Idea 188
Persecution by Ahrar Continues 190
A Protest Meeting 190
Antagonism from the Ahrar 191
Living nations never rely on a single person 193
An Internal Mischief 194
Meeting of the female companions of the Promised 194
Jalsa Salana arrangements 195
Women’s Right to Inheritance 196
A Historical Journey 198
Khilafat Jubilee- A Blessing to celebrate 200
Organisation and moral training of Ahmadi Women 200
Main Mosques in Qadian in need of Extensions 203
Nasirat Meeting 204
A Model of Faith 205
Creating of the Ahmadiyya flag 210
Hoisting of the Flag on Khilafat Jubilee Celebrations 211
Message from the English Ahmadi ladies 212
Chapter 3- (1940 – 1950) 214
Prudent Decision by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra 214
Jalsa Salana 216
Proposals to end Rituals on Weddings 217
Important Speech by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra 217
Prohibition of Henna Party 218
The Incentive by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra to join the 219
To Part with a Treasure, for a Better Treasure 220
Wife of a Missionary in Palestine Passes Away 221
The Need and Importance of the Organisations in the 221
The Man who was a Prophecy 224
Revelation from Allah regarding The Prophecy of 224
Musleh Maud
Delhi Jalsa and the Prophecy about the Promised 225
Another Financial Appeal 227
The Body of a deceased Ahmadi Woman desecrated 228
Central Lajna Ima’illah- A separate entity 228
The Spinning Wheel Movement 229
Establishing Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya and its objectives 230
Nasiratul Ahmadiyya 230
Exceptional examples of Sacrifice 232
An Exceptional Sacrifice of an Ahmadi Lady from a Small 234
Mother’s Love – the Fuel of the Future 235
A Lady expresses her sincere emotion to her Imam 239
A Farewell Party 241
A Sad Chapter in the History of Ahmadiyyat 243
Appeal to Donate Property 244
Important advice regarding weddings 245
The Khalifa and the Jamaat- One heart 246
Preparing for the expected situation 247
A new Era begins for the Ahmadiyya Community 247
Transplanting the Entire Orchard 248
Consoling the Destitute 248
Agonising Cries 250
Wisdom in Adversity 251
A Brave mother – a brave soldier 258
Best of mankind 259
Jalsa Salana 1947 262
Scheme of Wasiyyat 263
Adjusting to the Times 266
The first Jalsa in Rabwah – held in April 1949 267
Settling Women in Rabwah and Educating them 268
Hygiene arrangements in Rabwah 268
Lajna Ima’illah Rabwah 268
Khalifa Settles in Rabwah 269
Darsul- Quran in Ramadhan 271
The Establishment of Lajna Ima’illah in London 271
The Best gift 272
Life Dedication Appeal to Women 273
Fincancial Contributions Continue 274
Lajna Activities in UK 275
Laying the Foundation Stone for Lajna Ima’illah’s 276
Central Office
Misbah re-Established 276
A Loving tribute to a much loved lady 277
Ladies Jalsa Salana in Rabwah 278
Chapter 4 – (1951 – 1958) 279
New Avenues for Education 280
Inspiring New Achievements and New Thoughts 282
Global assignments 283
Publication of Lajna Ima’illah London 284
Persecution of Jamaat in Pakistan 286
Hazrat Umme Dawoodra passes away 287
Special instructions to the ladies 288
Attempted Murder on Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra 288
Companions of the Promised Messiahas Contribute to 289
the Ahmadiyya Flag
The Wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira Passes Away 295
Gratitude For the Safe Return of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih 296
Holland Mosque Inaugurated 297
Lajna Pledge 301
Nusrat Industrial School Rabwah 302
Lajna Ima’illah’s First Annual Ijtema 303
The First Ijtema of Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya 304
Lajna Activities in London Revived 305
Election for the Central Lajna President 309
Annual General Reports of Lajna Compiled 310
Laal Pari – Messianic Healing 313
Hussain Bibi Sahiba - Mother of Khalid-e-Ahmadiyyat 315
Zainab Begum Sahiba - An Insightful Lady 316
Glossary 318
Message from Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK
ن الرَّ ِح ۡی ِ ِم
ِ ِ ِب ۡس ِ ِم الل ِہ الرَّ ۡح ّٰم
My dear sisters,
االسلممکیلع ورۃمحاہللورباکہت
Alhamdolillah, Allah the Almighty has enabled Lajna Ima’illah
UK’s Isha’at team to produce a book on history of Lajna
Ima’illah in English. There is a lot of demand out there,
especially among our youth to learn about the history of Lajna
Ima’illah but they struggled to find many resources in English.
The Isha’at team has taken out some important historical
events and incidents in early history of Lajna Ima’illah and
translated them in English for your benefit. It does not cover
the full 100 years period but I hope and pray that we continue
this work and bring to you the rest of the history in the future
inshaAllah. Lajna Ima’illah was a great gift of Hazrat Musleh
Maudra upon Ahmadi women and Lajna Ima’illah flourished
under the blessed guidance of Khilafat during the last 100
years worldwide.
Lajna Ima’illah is an important part of our daily life, our heart
and soul, an organisation we adore, a safe haven, a
community that has given us sisters for life, friendships
stronger than our kin, a platform where we learn new skills,
flourish and pass on our knowledge, where old and young
both learn from one another, all parts of the tree of the
Promised Messiahas, all under one Khilafat.
While we celebrate our achievements, it is very important
that we remind ourselves of its history. As someone famous
once said:
“Study the past if you would define the future”
Studying history of Lajna tells us the great vision behind its
inception; the thirst for knowledge and service of faith that
was evident in the early members and the sacrifices they
made. My own thoughts and prayers keep reverting back to
that young girl age 13 ( Hazrat Sayyeda Amatul Hayee sahiba)
who 3 days after her father (Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Awal ra)
passed away wrote a letter to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Sanira
to continue Dars-e-Quran among ladies like her father did.
Hazrat Musleh Maudra praised her courage and passion for
writing this letter to him. He also acknowledged that she was
the driving force behind the foundation of Lajna Ima’illah later
on when she became his wife, as her zeal and passion for
gaining religious knowledge and spreading it among her
sisters was second to none.
Hazrat Musleh Maudra wanted Ahmadi women to realise their
responsibilities towards their faith, and to equip themselves
with religious knowledge so they could raise the next
generation of pious and devoted Ahmadis and also to play
their role in defending Islam and in spread of Islam. He said
“… The future progress of the Jama’at is also greatly
dependent upon the role played by our women.” He invited
Ahmadi women to come together for this great mission,
helping and supporting each other, keeping the spirit of unity
and sisterhood at its forefront.
Recently at our Ijtema our beloved Huzooraba reminded us
again of our responsibilities as Lajna Ima’illah and said:
“If our Ahmadi women can fulfil their duties and objectives,
then InshAllah they can and they will bring about a great
moral and spiritual revolution in their homes, in their cities, in
their nations and the entire world.”
So, let us start this revolution by revisiting the founding
principles of this beloved organisation of ours and bring about
the great moral change within ourselves, our homes, our
nations and the entire world.
Hazrat Musleh Maudra has guided us how to do it. While
founding Lajna Ima’illah he said:
“As Allah is the Source of all help, blessings and successes, it
is necessary that we fervently pray to Him and also request
which fulfil the purpose of our creation. We should further
pray that He enables us to choose the best available means
and use them to the best of our ability for achieving this
purpose. We should also pray that we are granted a blessed
end and that our future generations are also recipients of His
guidance, through His grace, and that, according to God’s Will,
He always sustains this work, until the end of times, Ameen.”
Please remember all those sisters who worked hard in
translating and compiling this book in your special prayers.
Your sister
Fariha Khan
Serving as Sadr Lajna UK
The translation team and I are truly indebted to Allah the
Almighty for enabling us to complete this project which has been
a long-awaited goal.
Lajna Ima’illah UK is privileged to receive the nurturing support
and direct advice of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba. This inspires
our women always and we earnestly pray that we continue to
enjoy this Grace of Allah for a very long time. Ameen
I am grateful to Sadr Lajna Ima’illah UK, Dr Fariha Khan Sahiba
for her numerous prayers and steady guidance on this project.
My special thanks to Mrs Saliha Whittinger Sahiba and Mrs
Hadiqa Asma Sahiba who devoted enormous time and effort to
complete this project. The following ladies also deserve our
gratitude and prayers for their assistance with the translation,
formatting and related issues. Mrs Shaukat Bhatti, Mrs Tahira
Khawar, Mrs Asra Haleem, Mrs Sameera Shahid, Mrs Faiza
Usama, Mrs Hiba Ahmad, Mrs Bushra Tahir, Mrs Mahwish Habib,
Mrs Nadia Akbar and Mrs Atifa Ahmad.
Finally, I wish to mention Mrs Nasira Rashid Sahiba, who began
the first phase of this project with her team. This noble work did
not reach the last stages at the time, but I hope she will find
solace that some aspects of her team’s hard work were not lost,
and have been incorporated in this book. May Allah the Almighty
give the best of rewards to the aforementioned and grant
abundant blessings both in this world and in the hereafter to all
those who have assisted in any way; for He alone knows and sees
best of all.
Lubna Sohail
(Serving as Secretary Isha’at Lajna Ima’illah UK)
Lajna Pledge
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of this spirit that Lajna Ima’illah UK has attempted to
acknowledge the achievements of its pioneering members of
Lajna Ima’illah.
This book is a selective translation of the history of Lajna
Ima’illah from the book Tareekh e Lajna. It contains some
advice for women, rendered by the Promised Messiahas and
his Khulafa. It is coloured with anecdotes and personal
examples to improve Lajna in their moral and spiritual
development. In a world tinted by varying shades of darkness
and furthering into the abyss, women are at times being
bombarded with constant expectations from all dimensions,
confusing their aims in life. We also hope that this book
serves as a guide to empower women and make them aware
of their rights and responsibilities. It also helps to re-set the
needle in the compass of their lives, paving a way for
generations born to declare that
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
The Promised Messiah & Mahdi
Part 1
Chapter 1
The glory of Islam had been totally wiped out from the world.
Islam was depicted as a backward religion and attacked by
followers of all religions. Any aspiration to revive this paradise
on earth seemed nothing but an illusion. It was during such
times of fear and loathing for Muslims that from a remote
small town of Qadian (India) the Promised Messiahas made a
claim to be the Messiah and Mahdi who had been appointed
to bear the torch of Islam and revive it. Men and women alike
accepted his claim.
(Izala-e-Auham, https://www.alislam.org/library/books/The-Promised-
White Birds
The Promised Messiahas also relates a vision of his in the
following words:
“I saw in a vision that I was standing on a pulpit
in the city of London and was setting forth the
truth of Islam in the English language, in a very
well reasoned address. Thereafter I caught
several birds who were sitting upon small trees
and were of white colour and their bodies
resembled the bodies of partridges. I
interpreted this vision as meaning that though
I would not be able to travel to that country but
that my writings will be published there and
many righteous English people will accept the
(Tadhkirah, p.239-2009 Edition-https://www.alislam.org/friday-
More and more people including women were joining
Ahmadiyyat. Our master, the Holy Prophetsa had been a torch
bearer for women’s rights. The obscurity of circumstances
facing women’s rights demanded the re-ignition of the torch
and light from Allah. With the advent of the Promised
Messiahas this torch was passed to the Messiah and Mahdi of
the age. The Promised Messiahas took keen interest in the
rights of women and advised them whenever an opportunity
presented itself.
The roots of educating women stems from the time of the Holy
Prophetsa. Provision of education and its objective is to acquire
intellectual knowledge that leads to the nurturing of the moral
and spiritual consciousness. The Holy Prophetsa wished to take
women on board this journey whilst also ensuring the stability
of family life.
The first helper of Holy Prophetsa and believer in Islam was his
wife Hazrat Khadijara. She not only supported the Prophet in
every way, but bore him his entire lineage.
- 10 -
Hazrat Ama Jaanra also became the means to not only support
him but also to educate and nurture women at personal,
family and spiritual levels. Perhaps the most respected and
caring universal role that women enjoy in all societies is that
of a mother; thus the wife of a prophet is referred to as Ummul
- 11 -
- 12 -
sincere proposal. Mir Nasir Nawwab initially hid Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad’s letter from his wife Sayyedah Begum. He
was aware that she would have reservations due to Mirza
Sahib’s first marriage (which in practical terms had ended),
and the age difference.
Meanwhile other proposals came for Nusrat Jahan Begumra,
but Sayyedah Begum was not completely satisfied with any of
them, despite some being from affluent families… Mir Nasir
Nawwab Sahib expressed his frustration that his daughter
who was now 18 years old may be left a spinster, if his wife
continued to reject all her suitors. In response, Sayyedah
Begum replied “Better than any of these would be Mirza
Ghulam Ahmadas”. At this point, her husband promptly
showed her Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's letter, and said that she
should now make a decision quickly. She replied; “Very well,
you may write to him.” Hence Mir Nasir Nawab immediately
took out his pen and did so.’
(Hazrat Amman Jan – An Inspiration for Us All-p3-4)
- 13 -
In their twenty- four years of marriage everyone close to them
commented that there was never a raised voice, let alone an
argument between husband and wife. So harmonious was
their household that it was like a heavenly earth, fulfilling the
revelation that the Promised Messiahas and his wife would live
in an earthly “Heaven” together. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra
speaking of his mother has noted that it was a Divinely
ordained match which significantly took place in 1884, the
year in which the Promised Messiahas claimed to be the
Mujaddid (Reformer) of the time. Thereafter, Hadrat Amma
Jaanra was with him as his life long friend and companion. She
would affectionately remind the Promised Messiahas that;
“With my living in your house, the period of your blessings
began”, at which the Promised Messiahas would respond
smiling, “Yes, you are right.”
(Hazrat Amman Jan – An Inspiration for Us All-p21-22)
Hazrat Amma Jaan’s Ardent Prayer for the Fulfilment of the
Promised Messiah’s Prophecy:
Hazrat Amma Jaanra had an incredible belief in the
omnipotence of Allah the Almighty. The testimony of this is
presented here. When the Promised Messiahas prophesied
about Muhammadi Begum entering into marriage with him,
Hazrat Amma Jaanra faithfully and earnestly begged that Allah
- 14 -
fulfils this prophecy. She submitted this plea many a times to
God and expressed that:
“Although my womanly instincts are disgusted,
yet with a truthful heart and contented mind I
urge that the Words of God are proved true in
such a manner that the honour of Islam and the
Muslims shines forth. That falsehood declines
and is abolished.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol-1 p6-7)
From the time of the Promised Messiahas to the very end, there
was no financial sacrifice in which Hazrat Amma Janra was not
first to participate. She would sell the property she had
inherited including the land and jewellery and she would offer
any money she had towards each and every appeal that was
made. These included the building of Minaratul-Masih, Langar
Khana, various Lajna projects, the London Mosque, Tehrik-e-
Jadid and others. She always tried to fulfil her monetary
promises immediately, commenting that one should never
have any reliance on life and should pay “debts” immediately.
Hazrat Amma Jaanra was a lady of high fortitude and resolve.
This can only have been acquired through having a strong
bond with Allah. She faced several trials and tribulations in her
life including the deaths of her children; which no doubt were
celebrated by the opponents of Ahmadiyyat and increased her
pain. Yet she accepted the Divine Will with fortitude.
Observance of Salat:
The greatest testimony to the weight and importance Hadrat
Amman Janra gave to the observance of prayers on time, … is
- 15 -
Hadrat Amman Jan's astounding behaviour at the time of the
death of her son "Bashir-e-Awwal". Few mothers could not
even contemplate thinking of anything else but their child if
he happened to be critically ill. … It is hard to conceive a more
stressful situation for a mother, the devoted spouse of a
prophet and the mother of a spiritual community. Hadrat
Amman Jan's character was truly exemplary. Her son's
condition was absolutely critical but she still thought not to
miss her prayers, when the time arose. Hadrat Amman Janra
did her ablutions and performed her prayers with perfect
serenity, happy to be fulfilling Allah Almighty's
Commandments. After completing the prayers she enquired
how her son was, to be told that the little one had taken his
last breath. Hadrat Amman Janra responded "Inna lillahi wa
inna ilaihi raji un". After this she was silent. There was no
wailing or weeping. There were no shrieks or lamentations of
regret at the loss of her child, - a true indication that she was
indeed one of Allah Almighty's loyal servants.
(Hazrat Amman Jaan - An Inspiration for Us All-p34-36)
A most noble personality, who became acquainted with the
Promised Messiahas before his claim to prophethood, was
Hazrat Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen, who later became the
first to take his ba’ait and also became his first Khalifa. We
find below an interesting narration about his marriage.
- 16 -
second marriage. The Promised Messiahas had also been
looking to find him a suitable match. We find the details in this
regard from the following letter written by the Promised
“In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. We praise
and send blessings on His noble Prophet.
My Respected Brother,
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu
… I strongly feel that you should not take the matter of your
second marriage lightly. Rather, you should consider it
essential to remove indisposition and sorrow. We hope that
Allah through His Mercy will grant you pious progeny from the
second marriage. In my view, it is not essential for the
(proposed) wife to be already educated. I believe that if a man
or woman has an untainted mind and nature as well as good
faculties, then being uneducated is not an impediment. They
can swiftly grasp knowledge about worldly and religious
matters. The important point is that she should be intelligent
as well as good looking, in order to develop (mutual) love and
compliance. Please do explore about these conditions in the
proposal under consideration. If it is agreeable, then praise be
to Allah. Otherwise full concentration should be given to
continue the search. Man can make the effort, but it is Allah
the Almighty’s task to provide the desired results.
Nonetheless, efforts achieve good fruit in this world. Thus far
I have not written to anyone to search (for a match) because
I have not yet received a solid answer from you. I am
therefore giving you the trouble to kindly finalise the matter
- 17 -
in hand soon and inform me if there is a requirement for a
fresh search…” (29 February 1888)
(Hayate Noor-p145-146)
- 18 -
If your first wife has said something unpleasant, then you
should endure it. As a result of a weak nature and distrust to
the extreme, the first wives shatter the peace in their lives.
Allah is the only entity Who has no partners. Nevertheless,
women do not like partners either. A holy person relates that
once he had a neighbour who mistreated his wife. Later he
decided to take a second wife. His wife was very grieved and
told him that she had tolerated all his cruelty, but she could
not tolerate to share her husband with another woman. He
said that he felt pained to hear these words and searched for
something similar in the Quran. He found this verse.
َّ ّٰ ۡ َّ
َِّوِیغ ِف ُر َِّما ُِد ۡو َّنِذل ِک
- 19 -
You should unreservedly have relationship with her and love
her. Ask Allah the Almighty to create pure love between you;
which is in His Power. You have entered a new phase of life
with this marriage. Man is not to remain in this world till
eternity, so there are expectations for the blessings of a new
generation from this relationship. May Allah make it full of
blessings for you.
I have heard a great deal of praise for her from people in the
neighbourhood who know her well. She is a pious and chaste
woman in nature, and is wrapped in high morals. Please take
care of her education and moral training. Do teach her, as she
seems to possess high capabilities. It is Allah’s great blessings
to have brought you together as a couple. Otherwise, it is
almost rare to find such opportunities these days. …
Ghulam Ahmad
(Hayate Noor-p150-152)
A Fortunate Lady:
Sughra Begum Sahiba had the exceptional honour of having
been proposed for marriage to Hazrat Maulvi Hakeem Noor-
ud-Deen sahib by the Promised Messiahas. Huzooras and
Hazrat Amma Jaanra graciously attended their wedding. This
proved to be a match made in Heaven.
- 20 -
The Promised Messiahas initiated the Jalsa Salana in December
of this year. From there on Hazrat Amma Jaanra earnestly
fulfilled the role of a kind hostess for the guests of the
Promised Messiahas on a yearly basis.
- 21 -
Since the time of the Promised Messiahas till the very end,
there was no financial sacrifice in which Hazrat Amma Jaanra
was not the first to participate.
Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begumra:
Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begumra was the elder daughter of
the Promised Messiahas and Hazrat Amma Jaanra. She was
- 22 -
born on 2nd March 1897 on the 27th day of Ramadhan of that
She relates: “Hazrat Amma Jaanra told me on many occasions
that the Promised Messiahas had told her that he had been
devotedly praying the whole night. When it started to drizzle,
Huzooras thought that this was the exceptional time for the
acceptance of prayers during Lailat-ul-Qadr and (he) prayed
(Seerat-o-Sawaneh Hazrat Syeda Nawab Mubaraka Begum Sahiba-p30)
- 23 -
was also a part of the Empire. The Promised Messiahas took
the opportunity to write a special booklet for this occasion. It
was a gift for the Queen, propagating the Unity of God and
inviting her to the teachings of Islam. He named it “Tohfa-e-
Qaisariyyah” (Gift to the Empress). This was followed by
“Sitara Qaisariyyah” (The Star of the Empress) in 1899.
Monetary collections were made by the Holy Prophetsa
according to different needs of the time. How fortunate that
in this age too, a Muslim is given the opportunity to purify
their wealth through additional financial sacrifices.
- 24 -
Nowadays much is said about women’s rights and how they
should be upheld. However, what happens behind closed
doors is a different matter. We observe daily how violence or
abuse against women is rampant across the world. At times
we are struck numb at the barbarity of some men and
societies when we hear the atrocities they commit against
women. The solution to the abhorrence needs to be aimed
towards the perpetrators of domestic violence, ‘the men’. The
Promised Messiahas relates clearly how men should treat their
- 25 -
neither be so tyrannically overbearing that they
cannot afford to overlook the mistakes on her
A couple is an entity of two souls. When a man endeavours to
reach further in spirituality in life, he should lovingly pull his
other half in the same direction, nurturing gently a change
within the wife through his own improved conduct. The
Promised Messiahas states:
“If you wish to reform yourself, then it is
incumbent that you also improve the women of
your home.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1- p3)
The Promised Messiahas was a prophet for both men and
women alike. He came to reform all mankind. Thus, he had a
deep desire for women to improve their moral conduct as well
as develop in spirituality. Huzooras stated some specific advice
for women in his book ‘Noah’s Ark’ which encapsulates
shunning evil rituals and non-Islamic cultural traditions that
had warped into the thoughts of Muslim women at the time.
However, the advice of the Promised Messiahas is pertinent to
Ahmadi women of all ages, in order to help them objectively
scrutinize their inner state and strive for betterment.
- 26 -
Advice for Women on Polygamy:
The Promised Messiahas states:
“There are some un-Islamic innovations in this era
which have also engulfed women. They deeply
frown at the thought of (their husbands) taking
more than one wife. It appears that they do not
accept in this idea. They are not aware that God’s
Sharia embodies cures for all maladies. If Islam did
not teach the tenet of taking more than one wife,
the situations that arise for men to take a second
wife would have no curable solution. For
example, if a woman becomes insane or suffers
from leprosy, or if she becomes indisposed to an
illness which leaves her inadequate or something
else presents itself in which the wife deserves
sympathy, yet she remains inadequate at the
same time. The man also needs sympathy if he is
not content to be celibate. In such situations, it
would be unjust to him that he should refrain
from taking a second wife. The fact is that
considering these matters God’s Sharia has
opened this path for men. … In similar
circumstances, there is an opening for women as
well. If a man becomes inadequate, then she can
seek ‘Khula’ through a judge which is equivalent
to ‘Talaq’.The Sharia of God is akin to a pharmacy.
If the shop is not capable of dispensing medicine
for every ailment, then the shop cannot flourish.
So, is this not a fact, that some men face such dire
problems where more than one marriage
- 27 -
becomes an extreme necessity? What benefit is a
Sharia that does not encompass a comprehensive
cure for all possible tribulations. Look, in the
Gospel the only condition for divorce was
adultery. There is no mention of other hundreds
of scenarios, which lead to both men and women
to become bitter enemies of each other. For this
reason, the Christians could not tolerate this
imperfection (in their teachings) and in the end
America had to pass a law (for divorce). So now,
with the introduction of this law, where should we
place the Gospel? O ye Women! Do not get
concerned; the book you have been given is not
like the Gospel that requires any human
intervention. In this book the women’s rights are
protected precisely as the rights of men are
protected. If a woman is angered at the notion of
the husband taking more than one wife, then she
is at liberty to obtain ‘Khula’ through a judge. It
was incumbent for God to mention solutions for
different scenarios that could be presented in the
Muslim Ummah. Thus these solutions needed to
be mentioned in the Sharia, so that the Sharia
would not be deficient in any way. So, O ye
women! Do not blame God upon your husbands’
intention of a second marriage. In fact you should
pray that God protects you from trials and
tribulations. Without any doubt, a man who takes
two wives and does not do justice [between
them] is certainly cruel and accountable.
- 28 -
However, you on your part must not disobey God
and invite His Wrath. Each one of us will be
questioned in relation our deeds. If you become
pious in the eyes of God, then your husband will
also be made pious. If for different reasons in the
Sharia it is acceptable to take more than one wife,
remember that the Court of Allah is also open for
you (through prayers). If the law of Sharia is
unbearable for you, then plead and make use of
the Court of the Almighty God through prayers,
because the Court of the Almighty God of Divine
Decree overpowers the law of Sharia. Become
righteous. Do not attach yourself too much to the
world and its attraction. Do not take pride in your
nationality; do not mock or laughingly degrade
other women. Do not pester you husbands with
demands beyond their capabilities. Try your best
to become pure and innocent so that you enter
your graves in this state. Do not be negligent in
Salat, Zakat, etc as they are the obligatory
commandments of God. With your heart and soul
become your husbands’ confederates, as a great
deal of their honour lies in your hand. Thus, you
should uphold this responsibility in a manner that
in the Sight of God you are counted as a pious and
virtuous soul. Do not be a spendthrift or waste
your husbands’ wealth. Do not breach their trust,
steal or remonstrate with them. One woman
should not slander another woman or a man.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1–p 3-5)
- 29 -
Diamonds are commonly referred to as a Western woman’s
best friend, just as gold jewellery holds immense sentimental
value for South Asian women. Apart from adorning
themselves, these precious possessions serve as a safeguard
during difficult times or as an investment for their daughters’
weddings. However, when the call for the propagation of
Islam arises, Ahmadi women have readily sacrificed such
savings for a higher Divine purpose. In the early days, those
who joined the fold of Islam were individuals of modest means
but abundant generosity, and thus, their sacrifices often
meant enduring periods without even the most basic
- 30 -
the Jamaat, we sold a piece of my wife’s jewellery
for 60 Rupees and presented it to the Promised
Messiahas. Huzooras was extremely pleased and
prayed for Kapurthala Jamaat. After some time
Munshi Arora Khanra visited Ludhiana and
Huzooras jovially said: “Your Jamaat helped at a
crucial time.” Munshi Sahib was perplexed and
asked: “Huzoor what help? I am not aware of it.”
Huzooras replied: “When Munshi Zafar Ahmadra
came with 60 Rupees on behalf of Kapurthala
Jamaat”. To this Munshi Sahib replied: “Huzoor,
Munshi Zafar Ahmad did not mention anything to
me or to the Jamaat; I will question him as to why
he did not inform us”. Later, Munshi Arora Khan ra
came to me rather offended and questioned me
on this matter exclaiming: “Huzooras required
some assistance and it was not mentioned to
me?” I explained to him that as it was only a
modest amount thus I donated it by selling my
wife’s jewellery.’
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p10-11)
- 31 -
Sacrifice with Endearment:
Hazrat Munshi Imam Din Patwarira, was one of the earlier
companions of the Promised Messiahas. He and his wife
Hazrat Karam Bibira had a profound love and affection for the
Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Karam Bibi had opened a school
within her home for teaching the Holy Quran to women and
children. She had a great passion for serving the needy and
was ever ready to help the poor and destitute in the village.
When Hazrat Musleh Maudra made an appeal for donations to
build a mosque in London, she had a substantial amount of
jewellery. She retained a single item from it as a memento
from her mother and readily donated all the rest. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p13)
- 32 -
Hazrat Shahjahan Bibira:
Hazrat Shahzada Abdul Latif Sahib’s wife Hazrat Shahjahan
Bibira and his orphaned children faced many troubles and
were even imprisoned after his martyrdom. But, they stayed
loyal to Shahzada Sahib’sra admonition and demonstrated
great patience. Similar to her devoted husband, Hazrat
Shahjahan Bibi Sahibara would repeatedly express that if she
and her children are also threatened with death for accepting
Ahmadiyyat, she would not recant her faith; instead, she
would be evermore thankful to Allah for the blessings of
(Shahzada’s Agonising Sacrifice in the Way of God-P23)
- 33 -
Hazrat Hussain Bibi Sahibara:
Hazrat Hussain Bibi sahibara, the mother of Hazrat Chaudhri
Zafrullah Khan sahibra accepted Ahmadiyyat through one of
her dreams. She dreamt that she was busy in her home
making preparations to welcome a large number of guests.
Suddenly she perceived a glow of light in a room, which
surprised her as she could not recall that a lamp had been
placed in that room. She entered the room, found it brilliantly
lit, and saw an esteemed personage with a bright
countenance sitting writing in a note-book. She silently
moved towards his back, so not to disturb him. Perceiving that
someone had entered, he prepared to depart. She begged
him to stay a little longer as his presence had brought her
inexpressible joy. He stayed for a short while. When he was
about to depart, she asked him: “Huzoor, should anyone ask
me who is the esteemed personage you have seen, what shall
I say?” He replied: “Say you have met Ahmad.” When she
related her dream to her husband, he commented that
Ahmad is also the name of the Holy Prophetsa and she may
have seen this person in the vision of Holy Prophet sa. She
replied: “I do not have that feeling. I feel he is a contemporary
personage through whom God is pleased to guide me.”
In 1904 the Promised Messiahas accompanied by members of
his family and a few companions came to Sialkot. With her
husband’s permission Hazrat Hussain Bibi sahibara went to
visit him as she was keen to see if he was the personage she
had seen in her dream. Her husband advised her not to make
any commitments; to that she replied: “I feel that God, out of
His Grace, has chosen His Own way to guide me. If I find that
His Guidance points in this direction, I must proceed
- 34 -
accordingly.” Accompanied by her young son, Chaudhri
Zafrullah Khanra, she went to Hazrat Amma Jaanra and begged
her to arrange that she might have a glimpse of the Promised
Messiahas. As soon as she saw Huzooras, she humbly
requested him to take her Ba’ait. Huzooras graciously asked
her to repeat after him what he says. Commenting on the
event, Hazrat Chaudhri Zafrullah Khanra says: “It seemed that
there was complete spiritual accord between the seeker and
the sought. My mother's soul was at rest; her quest had led
her to her spiritual heaven. She never saw him again, except
in her dreams.” Upon their return, her husband asked if she
had made the visit. She affirmed that she had and she had
also taken the Ba’ait. Hearing this he remarked: “That was not
well done.” Her reply was that she had complied with the
demand of her faith and would be grieved if this displeased
her husband.
After making some further enquiries, a few days later her
husband Chaudhri Nasrullah Khan sahibra also took Bai’at at
the hand of the Promised Messiahas.
- 35 -
Sakinatun Nisa sahibara, the wife of Hazrat Qazi Muhammad
Zuhuruddin Akmalra was born in the village of Goleki
(Pakistan) to a family of Sufi background. She took ba’ait
alongside her family when she was twelve or thirteen years of
age. Subsequently, she visited Qadian three or four times
during the lifetime of the Promised Messiahas.
- 36 -
desire for matters of interest pertaining to women to be
included and also that they should be written by women.
‘Most Respected Editor Al-Badr,
Your newspaper (Al-Badr) is very dear to me. I swear to
God that I find comfort in it. Thus, today I thought of
making a humble request to you as follows. … ‘If you
would be kind enough to dedicate a column for women
in al Badr, then our sisters can partake in writing
The Editor of Al-Badr acknowledged her contributions
by stating the following:
“Since the column for ladies has been initiated, three
sisters have dedicated to its articles. Mrs Karam Ilahi
Sahiba, Mrs Akmal Sahiba and the daughter of Ghulam
Muhammad Pulwari.” May Allah bless these ladies
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p9-10)
By 1905, she was writing for Al-Badr and Al-Hakam. This was
in addition to her household duties of a young village
housewife and teacher. She successfully established a column
in Al-Badr for women or a page dedicated to women’s issues.
Thus, she was serving the Promised Messiahas in her capacity
as a woman performing ‘Jihad of the pen’.
- 37 -
(The information below (in Italics) has been extracted from
Mohsinat pages 22-23)
- 38 -
third must be some spiritual connection. This connection was
revealed much later also in the sense that a baby girl Sayyeda
Maryam Begum (Hazrat Umme Tahir) was born to them who
was later married to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. Hazrat
Sayyeda Umme Tahir was the mother of Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IVrh.
- 39 -
Hazrat Amatul Rehman - The Daughter of Hazrat Qazi
Fatima was the young girl who moved to Qadian with her
father Hazrat Qazi Ziauddinra and had the good fortune to
reside in the living quarters of the Promised Messiah as for
three years. Huzooras changed her name to Amatul Rehman
as an omen saying that Fatima had seen many adversities in
life. She then spent three years in these sacred surroundings.
She was treated with kindness both by the Promised
Messiahas and Hazrat Amma Jaanra. One of the tasks she was
entrusted with was to deposit any monetary gifts presented
to the Promised Messiahas in a designated safe.
Two endearing examples below demonstrate the kindness
shown by the Promised Messiahas during the years she spent
under their benevolent care. Amatul Rehman sahiba once
accidently smashed an expensive china cup which was part of
a tea set that belonged to the Promised Messiah’s household.
The other working ladies of the household made a loud
commotion in scolding her. This came to the attention of the
Promised Messiahas who was occupied with his work.
Huzooras came out of his room to investigate. The ladies
complained about the damage that had been caused. The
Promised Messiahas picked up the broken cup and lovingly
said: “It was our cup, and we broke it”. Hazrat Amatul Rehman
relates that upon Huzoor’s benevolent statement, the
surrounding heat and anger aimed at her evaporated.
(Her granddaughter, Safia Sheikh sahiba narrated the above
incident (in writing and audio) in 2006 to her own
- 40 -
granddaughter Shaukat Bhatti sahiba. There are no records to
establish the exact years of the above incident)
- 41 -
Hazrat Amma Jaan's first utterance on the death of this son
َّ ۤ َّ ّٰ َّ
ِِاناِلِل ِہ َِّوِ ِاناِ ِال ۡی ِہ ِّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َّن
- 42 -
Indeed, Hazrat Amma Jaan's was a shining example of one
who desired nothing but Allah’s Pleasure.
(Hadrat Amman Jaan- An Inspiration for us all-p152-153)
- 43 -
proposal; stating that only that the Nikah should be
performed that year and the send off ceremony should be held
at a later date.
Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra belonged to the Nawab
family from the princely state of Malerkotla. He was one of
the earlier companions of the Promised Messiahas and a
person of great spiritual status.
A Sad Dream:
Hazrat Amma Jaanra had been ill for some time and she
suggested to travel to Lahore with the Promised Messiahas for
treatment. Huzooras occupied himself with supplications
seeking guidance in respect of this journey. Huzooras also told
his elder daughter, Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begum to pray
as he was about to make an important decision. Next day she
told Huzooras that she had been praying sincerely and had
dreamt that Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen ra was seated in an
upper room holding a book in his hand. He said to her: “This
book contains revelations received by Hazrat Sahibas
concerning me. I am Abu Bakar”. The Promised Messiahas told
her not to mention her dream to her mother. Huzooras must
have interpreted the dream to mean that his death was
imminent and he did not wish to alarm Hazrat Amma Jaanra.
They made preparations for the journey and left for Lahore.
- 44 -
The Demise of the Promised Messiahas:
(The information below (in Italics) has been extracted from
Mohsinat pg 55-56)
26th May 1908 was a very sad day in the history of the Jamaat.
On this day the Promised Messiahas passed away in Lahore
after a short illness. Members of the Jamaat were shattered
with grief, more so because his death came after a very short
illness. Many Muslims as well as non-Muslims expressed their
sympathies and recognised Huzoor’s great qualities and
services to Islam. At such moments we can appreciate the
state of mind of Hazrat Amma Jaanra. However she was no
ordinary lady. Her reaction can only be expected from a lady
of exceptional spiritual status. During Huzoor’s last moments
Hazrat Amma Jaanra remained in full control of her emotions
and focused completely on prayers. She beseeched Allah: “O
my beloved Allah,! he is leaving us, but please You never
abandon us,”
When Huzooras breathed his last, she did not express despair;
nor did she engage in any kind of lamenting. She recited:
َّ ۤ َّ ّٰ َّ
ِِاناِلِل ِہ َِّوِ ِاناِ ِال ۡی ِہ ِّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َّن
- 45 -
Hazrat Haji Hakeem Maulana Hakeem Noor-ud-
Deen, Khalifatul Masih Ira
- 46 -
Chapter 2
1908 – 1914
The seed had been sown; the seedlings sprouted. Now they
required watering and nurturing in order to flourish into full
bloom or grow into strong trees. This task was duly
undertaken by the Khulafa of the Promised Messiahas.
- 47 -
knowledge of Arabic and Hebrew. He had the honour to stay
in Mecca and Medina for a couple of years enabling him to
perform Hajj. On 23rd March 1889 when under Divine
guidance, the Promised Messiahas initiated the Ba’ait, Hazrat
Maulvi Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen ra had the privilege of becoming
the first person to take the Ba’ait.
During the period of his Khilafat, (26th May 1908-14th March
1914) he carried out some extraordinary accomplishments.
The first foreign mission was established in London and the
Holy Quran was translated in English for the first time. Noor
Hospital and Masjid Noor were inaugurated in Qadian.
Various publications started during the blessed period of
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Awalra. Some of them are:
- 48 -
This is the testimony of his own master, at whose
feet he spent sixteen years (1892-1908).
(Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen-The Way of the Righteous-p194)
ُ َّربَّ َّناِلَّاِتُز ۡغ ُِق ُلوۡبَّ َّناِبَّ ۡع َّدِ ِا ۡذ َِّہ َّد ۡی َّت َّنا َِّو َِّہ ۡبِل َّ َّناِم ۡنِل َّ ُِدن ۡ َّک َِّر ۡح َّم ًۃِِۚ ِان َّ َّکِاَّن ۡ َّتِالۡوَّ َّہ
ِاب ِ ِ
“Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast
guided us; and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou
alone art the Bestower”.
When I woke up, I related this dream to the girl who was
standing next to my bed. She had probably come to wake me
up for prayers. … I then got up and related my dream to Hazrat
- 49 -
Khalifatul Masih Ira. He responded that he will pay emphasis
on this prayer himself and he will also mention it in his Dars.”
(Seerat-o-Sawaneh Hazrat Syeda Nawab Mubaraka Begum-p63)
- 50 -
them self confidence in life. She also provided shelter to some
deserving women in her own house.
The First Ahmadi Female Teacher Moves to Qadian:
(The information below (in Italics) has been extracted from
‘Hazrat Sakinat-un-Nisa sahiba’ published by Lajna Ima’illah
Canada pages 2-13.)
Hazrat Sakinat-un-Nisa sahibara lived in Goleki. Although she
frequently travelled to Qadian, she yearned to move to Qadian
and would cry in her prayers that Allah would fulfil her desire.
Her dream was fulfilled when she settled in Qadian after Jalsa
Salana 1908. She took this step against her mother’s wishes
but felt that she was giving precedence to her religious affairs
by doing so. She lived in Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I’s house,
where her husband had already been living. Hazrat Sakinat-
un-Nisa sahiba’s handwriting was so beautiful that once
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira remarked: “I have travelled all over
India, but I have not come across any woman whose
handwriting is as beautiful as hers.”
Hazrat Sakinat-un-Nisa sahibara related that when she met
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira for the first time, Huzoorra said:
‘”My wife says that someone else writes your articles for you.
- 51 -
Huzoorra then asked her to write something in his presence.
She wrote one line and Huzoorra turned to Hazrat Amma Jeera
and said: “Well, now you can’t tell me that it is not possible for
a woman to have such beautiful handwriting!”
She had the privilege of learning the Holy Quran from Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih Ira together with Hazrat Sayyeda Nawab
Mubaraka Begum sahibara (The daughter of the Promised
Messiahas.) They formed a strong bond from thereon. She later
became a teacher in the Madrassa for girls.
Since the beginning of Islam, education for women and men
has always been obligatory. One of the reasons the Holy
Prophetsa made alliances through marriages was to educate
the tribes associated with his wives. With the advent of the
Promised Messiahas women were encouraged to increase their
knowledge for their own benefit and for those they would
nurture in their laps.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira had always been keen to promote
religious knowledge, and especially Quranic teachings among
women too. During the time of the Promised Messiahas, the
small group of women was trained under the moral guidance
of the Promised Messiahas and his life companion Hazrat
Amma Jaanra.
In the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, these classes
continued with Dars of Quran and Ahadith. This proved to be
the foundation for the future achievements for Ahmadi
women. The weekly Al-Hakam and Al-Badr mention women’s
awakening in that period. According to ‘A Brief History of
- 52 -
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat’, a magazine for Ahmadi women
titled “Ahmadi Khatoon” was also initiated in 1912.
An Interesting Wedding:
(The information below has been extracted from ‘Hazrat
Amman Jaanra - An Inspiration for Us All’ page 107)
- 53 -
Khanra in Qadian. She emotionally placed her beloved
daughter’s hand into his care to start her new life as his wife
and returned home. This was an exemplary wedding in
compliance with the Islamic principles with no elaborate
rituals or unnecessary expenses. The Nikah had already been
performed during the lifetime of the Promised Messiahas.
An Esteemed Teacher:
Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Siyal Sahib has related that his
wife Hajira Begum was blessed with a good knowledge and
insight of the translation and meaning of the Holy Qur’an.
Thus she was requested to teach it to Hadrat Amatul Hafiz
Begumra and Sayyedah Amatul Salam Sahibahra (daughter of
Hadrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra). Upon completion of the Holy
Qur’an by the two girls, the couple were amazed when Hadrat
Amman Janra bestowed a gold necklace upon Hajira Begum as
a “thank you” gift. They had never previously taken any
payment for their help, yet they accepted the distinguished
gift (Siyal Sahib estimated that it would be worth a minimum
300 rupees). They considered it invaluable as a special sign, a
means of receiving blessings and a reward from Allah
Almighty. This incident illustrates the extent to which the
Promised Messiahas and Hadrat Amman Janravalued and
respected teachers. Indeed they recognized that there can be
- 54 -
no greater gift that a person can bestow than the knowledge
and understanding of Allah Almighty’s book, - the Holy
(Hazrat Amma Jaan - An Inspiration for Us All-p123)
- 55 -
- 56 -
The translation of the letter is as follows:
Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,
I have received your letter which informs me of the
situation. Maulvi sahib (Referring to Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih Ira) has advised that you should go for Hajj first.
My answer to this is that I have already dedicated you
to God for the service of faith, I therefore possess no
claim on you. Those who travelled for pleasure rather
than to serve the faith could possibly be in danger;
whereas you are not in danger. God, the Merciful will
take care of His servants Himself. I have assigned you to
God… Rest is all well.
Mother of Mahmud Ahmad. *
4 October 1912
*(Tradition used by ladies in the Indian subcontinent as a
replacement for their given name)
- 57 -
Unfortunately, the Jamaat’s funds at that time were very
limited. However, Allah Himself took the initiation forward.
Huzoorra emotionally mentions the two special women who
assisted him to fulfil his dream of publishing Al-Fazl, his first
wife Hazrat Umme Nasir sahiba and his mother Hazrat Amma
- 58 -
of any special treatment rendered to her before
or afterwards… Her enormous sacrifice is
engraved on my heart… Her elegant behaviour
not only provided me the practical strength to
serve my religion, but also gave me a new motive
in life. In fact, it has created a huge source of life
for the Jamaat too. It has been well said that ‘a
woman is a silent helper’. Her example is of a rose
from which perfume is made. People only
remember where they bought the perfume from,
but they do not ponder over the life of the rose
that died to give them that pleasure (perfume). I
wonder still, what I would have done if Allah had
not arranged this specific help for me. Which
other door would have opened for me to
eliminate the ever-growing dissention that was
growing within the Jamaat.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p18-19)
- 59 -
mission of propagating the true teaching of Islam to a wider
readership through Al-Fazl.
Huzoorra states with deep affection:
“The second campaign was instilled into the heart of Hazrat
Ummul-Momineen (Mother of the Believers) by Allah. She
sold a piece of land worth approximately one thousand
Rupees and donated it towards Al-Fazl. Mothers are indeed
one of the countless blessings bestowed on this world, but my
mother has been especially endowed with the characteristic
of graciousness, and I on the other hand am forever indebted
to her. Other children grow up and support their mothers, but
either I do not have the ability to support her or have been
deprived of a grateful heart to pay homage to her as she
deserves. In any case, she is still the gracious one and I am full
of regret and reproach. Even now she takes on my burdens
and I am in many ways an encumbrance for her. In this world
people support their parents financially or physically; I am
able to do neither. I do not have the finances to support them
or maybe am not gracious enough to offer true sacrifice. I
have a body but what kind of body it is! From dawn to dusk I
am occupied in never ending duties which continue even after
nightfall. I am obliged to carry this burden. When I ponder
over this situation, I cry tears of regret and reproach thinking
'Oh Allah! Was there ever an incompetent person the like of
me who has never shown graciousness to anyone but is
indebted to everyone around him for showing him
benevolence. Was I only born to be indebted with favours
from others’.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p19-20)
- 60 -
The first edition of Al-Fazl was published on 19th June 1913.
Whilst explaining the aims and objectives of Al-Fazl, Huzoorra
specifically mentioned in the order of the contents that two
columns within it will be “Exclusively for Women”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p20)
- 61 -
Regular Classes for Women:
The importance of educating women was deeply infused in the
heart of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira. Thus, Huzoorra undertook
this task diligently in his lifetime. This took the form of regular
classes on the commentary of the Holy Quran and Ahadith. At
times, Huzoorra would take specific subjects pertinent to
women’s issues and expound on them.
- 62 -
Mahmood Ahmadra came riding on a horse. There was a
sound: ‘This is the Khalifa that has been chosen!’ And so, she
took Bai‘at with full confidence at the hands of Hazrat Mirzā
Mahmood Ahmadra.
(Hazrat Sakinatun Nisa-p16)
- 63 -
kindness of their husbands. Additionally, this heavenly
enlightened scholar instilled a deep interest in religion in
women for them to follow the commandments of the Holy
Quran and to stimulate an appetite for the Word of Allah.
Huzoorra initiated the Dars for women from Bukhari.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p25-26)
- 64 -
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad,
Khalifatul Masih IIra
- 65 -
Chapter 3
1914– 1921
- 66 -
will bless him with an illustrious son with extraordinary
qualities, who would bring magnificent progress to Islam.
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad was born on
12th January 1889 in fulfilment of the prophecy. According to
the above prophecy he was also given the title of Musleh
Maud which translates as the Promised Reformer. His abilities
as foretold by Allah were astonishing. At the age of only 19 at
the demise of the Promised Messiahas in 1908, he stood by his
bed and made a pledge that: “Even if all the people leave you
and I am left alone I would stand by you and would face all
opposition to and onslaughts on your Mission.”
- 67 -
Before 1918 women in Europe did not have the right to vote.
Their constitutional rights differed from men. Ordinary
women in the UK took remarkable actions to make their views
heard. They even went to the extent of picketing, organising
vigils, hunger strikes, smashing windows and committing
arson to fight for women’s rights and to achieve parity with
men The Suffragettes movement vowed to make a change for
women through deeds not words. Yet on the other side of the
world, in South Asia, women were in a semi state of slumber
as regards to their needs. The fortunate ones were awoken by
a Divine voice of a Khalifa asking them to rise.
- 68 -
on some matters. I promised to him that God
willing, I would do my utmost to act upon them.
Huzoorra said: “Try your very best to learn the
Quran and also to convey it to others. If after me
the next Khalifa is Mian Sahib*, then please pass
on my message to him that the Dars for women
should continue.” Thus, I convey this dialogue to
you and hope that you will accept the request.
It is my wish as well as the wish of several other
women and girls that Mian Sahib should continue
with the Dars. I most humbly request that you
kindly start the Dars from tomorrow morning.
I would assuredly remain most grateful to you.
Amatul Hayee daughter of the late Noor-ud-Din”
(Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira)
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p25)
The first step taken by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra for the
education of women according to the will of Hazrat Maulana
Noor-ud-Deen Khalifatul Masih Ira was to start Dars of the
Holy Quran (for women). Huzoorra commenced with the Dars
of Surah Al-Ma'idah from the point where Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih Ira had left it. … Approximately 100 women attended
this class. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p27)
- 69 -
Education for women and its advancement has always been a
significant priority for the Jamaat. Empowering women with
knowledge equips them to confidently navigate life’s
challenges, such as the tragic loss of their husband or father,
enabling them to stand independently on their own two feet.
Further, an educated mother gives rise to an educated
progeny, elevating societal standards and fostering a
generation of knowledge seekers. Such perceptive thinking by
our Khulafa has resulted in the fruits we witness today in the
Jamaat, whereby women have in general surpassed the male
members in the Jamaat in higher education.
Obliterating Illiteracy:
On 12th April 1914, representatives from Punjab, (India)
gathered in Qadian. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra emphasised to
them that there should not remain a single illiterate person,
male or female. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p28)
- 70 -
First Jalsa Salana for Ladies:
Jalsa Salana is the formal Annual Convention of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, initiated by the Promised
Messiah . Whilst expounding on the fundamental purpose of
establishing this Jalsa, Huzooras had said that it should be a
means for the Jamaat to always increase their knowledge in
order to recognise Allah the Almighty - women are no
This year the Jalsa was held for 4 days, from 26th December to
29th December. However, the speeches for ladies were
arranged on three days only. The ladies’ attendance at the
Jalsa was 400. …
- 71 -
Blessings of Ramadhan:
(This year) Arrangements were made for women to attend
the Traveeh prayers in Masjid Aqsa during the month of
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p35)
Dars-ul-Quran Continues:
As mentioned earlier, the Dars of the Holy Quran for the ladies
had started during the Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira.
There was a short break in this due to the ill health of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra. When Huzoorra was able to resume the
Dars, it was delivered every other day.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p35)
- 72 -
Extract from the Speech of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra on
Women’s Education:
“The way you (men) feel that education is vital for
you, you should also educate the women in the
same spirit. This would result in your home not to
turn in to one where only you know the Quran,
whereas others remain ignorant. Your women
should also fully understand the commandments
about God, Angels, God’s Decree etc. Allah has
declared women to be part of men. Thus, where
any commandment applies to men, it equally
applies to women. Huzoorra stated in his speech
that despite his hectic schedule, he makes time to
educate the women of his own household.
He further stated: “We have seen the bitter
experience of those people in our Jamaat who did
not care to teach their women any religious
knowledge. Once they pass away, their widows
and their progeny abandon Ahmadiyyat. The
reason for this is only that (their men) did not
teach them anything. The women had remained
Ahmadi only because of their husbands; once
their husbands passed away, the wives turned
away from Ahmadiyyat”.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p36-37)
This year four ladies were among those fortunate ones who
entered the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat in London.
- 73 -
(The information below is from Al-Fazl dated 12th August
Mrs Hassan Rohash along with her husband entered
Ahmadiyyat in July. Mrs Violet Mary Croxford (Salma) having
heard many lectures and reading many books was convinced
of the truth of Islam Ahmadiyyat. She joined in late 1915.
Along with them were Mr Steward, Mrs Hameedah Steward
and Mrs S. Bashir Corio.
- 74 -
With this kind of encouragement, the men also started to
support women to achieve higher goals.
- 75 -
sacrifice, Huzoorra announced the first financial appeal for
women. Huzoorra stated:
“Allah has inspired my heart with a plan which I
present before you. Do act upon it. In this way,
two major objectives will be achieved
simultaneously. You will be fulfilling your promise
and (at the same time) the misuse of your
gender’s name will be cleared.
At the moment, the men are donating 8,000-
10,000 Rupees per month, which meets the
various religious requirements. The men are
outstretched to their limits and therefore they
cannot afford any further donations at present.
The expenses required for preaching in England
are forever increasing. Currently the expenses are
estimated at 500 Rupees per month. There is only
one person who is serving there, yet there is a
desperate need for two people. … So women
should endure this 500 Rupees bill which will be
approximately 1/16 of men’s donations. This way
they can fulfil their promise that they will give
precedence to faith over worldly matters.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p39)
- 76 -
Sacrifice of the Daily Bread:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra initiated a campaign for the ladies
living in rural areas to start an “Atta Fund” (Flour Fund). He
instructed that everyday ladies should take out one handful
of flour and place it in a separate container. They can then sell
whatever is collected during the week and send the money to
Qadian. They can contribute the money towards the ladies’
Preaching Fund (for England). In this way, a lot of money can
easily be collected from every village.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p40)
- 77 -
The UK Missionary Returns to Qadian:
Hazrat Sial Sahib appeared to have won people’s hearts
through his noble character and good example. He was given
an emotional farewell.
Chaudrey Fateh Muhammad Sial sahibra stayed in the UK from
1913–1916. He returned to Qadian after having diligently
performed his duties as a missionary in England.
(Seerat Hazrat Ch Fateh Muhammad Sial Sahib Pg -29).
The propagation of the Divine message of Islam has always been
at the forefront for Khulafae-Ahmadiyyat. Hazrat Khalifatul
MasihIIra was keen to witness the fruit of the efforts of the
missionaries in the UK. Alhamdolillah with his sincere prayers,
Huzoorra was receiving good news from the UK.
- 78 -
List of ladies who accepted Ahmadiyyat in 1917:
In Al- Fazl dated 14thAugust, 29th September and 10th November
1917, reports of new converts were published. Amongst the lists
Mrs Koreez
Mrs Doris Mrs Berslin
(Ayesha) (Majeeda
Mrs Mawsley
Mrs Netmouth
- 79 -
- 80 -
Princess Responds to our Missionary in the UK:
Princess Mary, the daughter of His Majesty the Emperor of
India, King George V always took a keen interest in the public
good. The public also showed her great respect and love. It
was her birthday in April. On this occasion, Mufti Muhammad
Sadiq sahibra wrote her a letter on behalf of Jamaat-e-
Ahmadiyya, congratulating her and presenting a brief
introduction of the Jamaat. Along with the letter, he sent a
book in proof of the truth of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, for which
he received a letter of acknowledgement.
(Al Hakam 22nd June 2018)
Miss Anni
Miss Spitan
- 81 -
Islam, a religion built on revelation and intellect commands us
that during a plague, we should not travel between places
spreading the disease. We have recently in 2020 witnessed
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba instruct the Jamaat to offer daily
Salat at home and to adhere to the Government guidelines to
contain the spread of Covid-19 virus. The Jamaat was faced
with a similar situation in 1918 as recorded in Lajna History.
- 82 -
considered the teaching of Quran an utmost religious duty.
Despite not having fully recovered, he would restart
delivering Dars to the ladies, albeit once a week. This
continued till 1955 when Huzoorra was seriously taken ill. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p50-51)
It will be noted with interest that after the end of World War I
in 1919, the British Pound had become dramatically devalued
against the Indian Rupee.
Huzoorra commented: “The British Pound has been devalued
at present. If the Jamaat is able to collect 30,000 Rupees, it
will be exchanged to the value of 50,000 in England; thus the
benefit will be an (extra) 20,000 Rupees.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p52)
- 83 -
a heavier workload. With both missionaries occupied in the
field of propagation and both suffering from ill health this year
as mentioned in Al - Hakam, it left them little time to write or
to reply to the hundreds of letters that the Mission House was
receiving. However Allah blessed them with converts during
this period.
This year has been very fruitful. The following ladies were
among the fortunate souls who joined the fold of Islam during
the year.
Al - Fazl Al - Fazl Al - Fazl 21st - Al - Fazl 7 Oct
29th March 13th May 24th June 1919 1919
1919 1919
Miss Miss Miss Bobby Mrs Halima
Burrows Parker South Best Khan
(Fazl) (Nur) (Maryam) Miss Best
Miss Majeedah
Williams Mrs
(Maryam) Muhammad
Miss Fatima
Mrs Shah
Miss Azizah
Miss Nellie
Taylor Miss Inayat
(Nur) Miss Berry
Al - Fazl 27th November Mrs Fatima Catherine
- 84 -
- 85 -
The Review of Religions July 1920
- 86 -
Fazl Mosque
A mosque is a sacred place within Islam. It is considered the
House of Allah and is open to anyone to pray in it as long as
they observe the etiquettes of the mosque and do not perform
“Shirk”. The Holy Prophetsa has placed great importance on
mosques. There is a beautiful Hadith stating that “Whoever
builds a mosque for Allah, Allah, the Exalted shall build a
house for such a person in Paradise.”
- 87 -
Fazl Mosque, London
- 88 -
Hazrat Musleh Maudra standing outside of 61 Melrose road,
London. Standing on the steps to the right is (Hazrat)
Sahibzada Mirza Tahir Ahmad.
- 89 -
London Mission House:
The building at 63 Melrose Road, London which had been
purchased for £2,225 (30,000 Rupees) was used as a Jamaat
Mission House. From 29th September 1920, all Jamaat
activities were transferred to this location. However, the
property at 4 Star Street London, also served as a mission until
January 1921.
(Al - Fazl 7th October 1919)
- 90 -
1920 holds a special significance in both the History of Ahmadi
women and Lajna Ima’illah. On 6th January after the Maghrib
prayers, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra appealed to the Jamaat to
build a mosque in England. He gave an estimate of 30,000
Rupees for its purchase. Huzoorra made the same appeal to
the women the following morning on 7th January.
Initially this initiative was not for women alone. Huzoorra had
instructed the participation of the entire Jammat. The pages
of Tareekh Lajna will unfold that later Huzoorra instructed that
the ladies should solely uphold this task. May thousands of
merciful blessings be on Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra who
provided Ahmadi ladies with such a magnificent opportunity
to reap the Blessings of Allah.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p51-52)
- 91 -
dedicated by women, compared to men.
Therefore, I hope that women will specifically
participate in this appeal.’’
- 92 -
Khulafa. An appeal to build a mosque in the West for
propagation of Islam was no exception.
Contribution with Devotion:
This passion of spending in the way of Allah was by no means
limited to a few affluent ladies in the Jamaat.
Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Ali sahibra went to the district of Syed
Abdul Sattar Shah sahibra to appeal for donations towards the
London mosque. His wife donated 10-15 silver coins for this
fund with a request to Hafiz sahib: “This is all I have, please
keep this matter confidential.” She had kept them for her
daughter Sayyeda Maryam Begum sahiba (Hazrat Umme
Tahir) hoping to give them to her on her wedding day.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p54)
Little did the lady know how Allah would bless her in this world
as well as the Hereafter. Her grandson became Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IVrh. Further as a Khalifa he led the most Salat
in this blessed mosque.
- 93 -
You will see, you will see, the Sun shall rise from
the West.
In the face of light, where now shall darkness
Know this that the injustice of the chieftains will
A segment of another on the same topic, is presented below:
That city, where the disbelievers centre
In which the faith of the first Messiah is
displayed proud
In God’s name we will unite them as one
We hereby declare, we will make a mosque for
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p55)
An important event that had an impact on Lajna Ima’illah this
year was Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra’s Nikah to Sayyeda
Maryam Begum Sahiba, the daughter of Hazrat Dr Syed Abdul
Sattar Shah Sahibra. Both her parents were prominent
Companions of the Promised Messiahas. The Nikah was
solemnised on 7 February 1921 by Syed Sarwar Shah Sahib (a
Companion of the Promised Messiahas). In his sermon he said,
- 94 -
“I am now advanced in years and would soon pass
away, but those who live would witness the
advent of servants of the faith born in this
wedlock with a Sayeda as occurred before. This is
my resolute conviction.”
And so, this Servant of the faith was born on 18th December
1928. He grew to be righteous and virtuous under the
guidance of his illustrious father and devout mother and with
divine blessings. He was elected as Khalifatul Masih IVrh and
left a poignant legacy of his Khilafat; a tribute to a well
deserving mother. Syeda Maryam Begum Sahiba commonly
known as Hazrat Umme Tahir remained at the forefront of
Lajna Ima’illah activities till her last breath.
(Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad- An introduction-Al Islam)
- 95 -
This part includes the revolutionary changes
to the administration of the women in the
Jamaat by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, which
turned the fate of the Ahmadi women.
- 96 -
Chapter 1
1922 - 1930
Initiation of Lajna Ima’illah
The Fundamental Aims of Lajna Ima’illah
First 14 Members
Responsibilities of Lajna Ima’illah
- 97 -
‘Special Alms Campaign’ to the Jamaat to ease the financial
strain on the Administrative Body of the Jamaat. Huzoorra
instructed that a large sum of money be collected within a
two months period. … Huzoorra divided the amount, and gave
the responsibility to the women of Qadian to collect 1000
Rupees. This scheme took foot by Hazrat Amma Jaanra
donating 100 Rupees. At the Majlis-e-Shura, the sub-
committee recommended that the women should be given
the responsibility of contributing 10,000 Rupees. Huzoor ra
accepted this proposal. Therefore, the total sum of
contribution from the women was set at 10,000 Rupees; out
of which the women of Qadian were to contribute 1000
Rupees. Additionally, in the same Majlis-e-Shura it was also
decided that Chanda Aam will now be regularly collected from
the women as well. Previously, the women were contributing
as they wished; and this was spent towards the expenses of
the London Mission.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p65-66)
- 98 -
The history of Lajna Ima’illah starts from 25th December 1922.
This day dawned to mark the birth of an auxiliary organisation
for Ahmadi women. No one at the time could predict that this
very foundation would play a pivotal role in Islam Ahmadiyyat
and in aiding the success of the Jamaat. These women would
soar in intelligence, academia, humanity and pious deeds
above others. They would be coated to the core with high
resolve for sacrifice, a necessity for women to possess for a
successful Jamaat. These women would become a beacon to
end the reign of idolatry and raise the voice of Oneness of God
in a Majestic way.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra later organised women to have
their first Shura, a parliamentary consultation body under this
very institution. This gave women a voice in the Jamaat’s
administrative affairs to discuss issues pertaining to women;
thus making the Ahmadi women become proactive in serving
the faith. The blessed son of the Promised Messiahas initiated
Lajna Ima’illah, a women’s organisation run by women for
- 99 -
When she married Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra this seed grew
further in her. She was presented with the perfect opportunity
to fulfil her desire when Huzoorra initiated the institution of
Lajna Ima’illah. She had an incredible passion to serve
humanity and the nation. On her impetus, Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra presented a specific structure before Lajna, which he
penned as the Lajna Constitution. Not all women
automatically became Lajna members; any woman who
wished to become a member of Lajna was instructed to read
and sign the constitution. The criteria was laid out as below by
“The purpose and objective of our existence is such that as
men should strive to achieve its goal, similarly women should
strive to do the same. As far as I believe, so far women have
not had the awakening for what Islam demands of them. How
should they live their lives; and which ways should they adopt,
that may please Allah to become the recipients of Allah’s
blessings not only in the hereafter but also in this world.
If we ponder over it, many women will not think that in
addition to their day to day work, there is any other work
worth doing. However, it is the women who have the ability
to instil a spirit to defend against the enemies of Islam. If there
exists something that can negate the ill thinking and the
misgivings hurled at Islam, then it is only women who can do
this. If there is a way to instil the duty of sacrifice in children,
that too can only be achieved through the mother. Thus, in
addition to her spiritual and secular advancement, the future
success of the Jamaat is dependent on womens’ efforts.
Another reason was that the way a child absorbs and accepts
an influence in its youth, cannot be equal to what is instilled
- 100 -
in their childhood. Similarly, the reformation of women can
be done through women… Keeping these views in mind, I
invite those sisters who may serve in supporting and follow
these views, to join and work to fulfil these aims.
If you are unanimous on these instructions, please inform me,
so that we can quickly start the work in hand.
There is a need that:
i) Women should strive together to enhance their knowledge
and spread the knowledge they have attained to others.
ii) A body is to be established for this purpose so that this work
can be carried out systematically.
iii) Certain rules and regulations are formulated to run this
body which should be binding upon all the members.
iv) The rules and regulations should conform to Islam as
interpreted by Silsila Aliya Ahmadiyya and be contributory to
its progress and strength.
v) Papers regarding various aspects of Islam particularly those
pertaining to contemporary issues be read in their meetings
and events and be written by the members themselves so
that they should learn to use their knowledge.
vi) In order to increase knowledge, this body should arrange
lectures on selected topics which it deems necessary to be
delivered by those versed in Islam.
vii) In order to preserve the spirit of unity in the Jamaat, the
affairs of this body shall be conducted in conformity with the
schemes prepared of whoever is the Khalifa of the time.
- 101 -
viii) You shall endeavour to be constantly active in promoting
unity among the Jamaat as enjoined upon every Muslim by
the Holy Qur’an, The Holy Prophetsa and the Promised
Messiahas and you should always be prepared to offer every
sacrifice for this cause.
ix) You should always pay attention to enhancement of your
moral and spiritual standard and should not merely restrict
your focus to just eating, drinking and clothing yourself. You
should fully help each other in this matter and think of and
devise ways and means to achieve this.
x) You should especially realise your duty regarding the
Tarbiyat of your children and shall not let them be alienated,
negligent or lazy in religious matters. Instead, you shall try to
make them active, alert and able to bear hardships. Teach
them all the matters about religion which you are aware of
and inculcate in them the love and obedience of Allah, The
Holy Prophetsa, the Promised Messiahas and the Khulafa. Instil
in them the passion to spend their lives for the sake of the
true religion and in accordance with their desire, and to
devise suggestions to make this possible and act upon them.
xi) When you start working together, you should overlook the
faults of each other. Efforts to reform should be carried out
with patience and perseverance. In no case should
resentment and anger be allowed to create differences and
divisions amongst you.
xii) Since every new project is ridiculed by people at the
outset, it is necessary, therefore, that you should disregard
their mockery and the lesson to bear taunts and insults with
fortitude and bravery (whether given privately or in public),
- 102 -
should be learnt beforehand so that by seeing your example
other sisters should also come forward to perform their duty.
xiii) In order to strengthen this scheme and to sustain it
permanently, you should go on to convince other sisters to
think along the same line and this endeavour can only be
achieved if every sister who joins the body considers it her
duty to develop the same way of thinking in other sisters.
xiv) To save the programme from disruption it is necessary
that only such sisters should be allowed to become members
of the body who are in full agreement with these aims. If, God
forbid, at some stage a member feels that she disagrees with
these aims, she should voluntarily disassociate herself from
the body or else be removed from it.*
*Note: At a later stage Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra decided
that membership of Lajna Ima’illah should be compulsory for
all Ahmadi women.
xv) The Jamaat (Ahmadiyya Jamaat) does not infer any special
denomination of people. It includes all classes of people;
young and old, poor and rich and therefore there should be
no discrimination between the rich and the poor in this body.
Instead love and equality should be inculcated amongst the
poor and the rich and the feelings of contempt and superiority
should be eliminated from their hearts, because despite the
differences in status, all men are brothers to one another and
all women are sisters to one another.
xvi) Suggestions should be presented to form plans for the
service of Islam and to help the poor and needy brothers and
sisters in a practical manner.
- 103 -
xvii) As Allah is the Source of all help, blessings and successes,
it is necessary that we fervently pray to Him and also request
others to pray that He kindly inspires us with such aims which
fulfil the purpose of our creation. We should further pray that
He enables us to choose the best available means and use
them to the best of our ability for achieving this purpose.
(Constitution of Lajna Ima’illah-p2-6)
- 104 -
5 Hazrat Sayyeda Maryam Begum sahiba , the wife
of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra (Passed away 5th
March 1944)
6 Hajirah Begum sahiba, the wife of Chaudhry Fateh
Mohammad Sial sahibra (Passed away 10th
December 1927)
7 Saleha Begum sahiba, the wife of Mir Mohammad
Ishaq sahibra (Passed away 8th September 1953)
8 Maryam Bibi sahiba, the wife of Hafiz Roshan Ali
sahibra (Passed away 12th July 1985)
9 Hameeda Khatoon Khursheed sahiba, the
daughter of Sheikh Yaqoob Ali Irfani sahibra
(Passed away 5th July 1928)
10 Razia Begum sahiba, the wife of Mirza Gul
Mohammad sahib (Passed away 7th September
11 Kulsoom Bano sahiba, the wife of Qazi
Muhammad Abdullah sahib (Headmaster Taleem-
ul-Islam High School) (Passed away 7th October
12 Memuna Khatoon Soofia sahiba, the wife of
Maulvi Ghulam Mohammad sahib (Passed away in
13 Saira Khatoon sahiba, the wife of Maulvi Raheem
Baksh sahib (Post Master) *(Passed away 7th
January 1983)
- 105 -
14 Bushra Begum sahiba, the daughter of Sheikh
Abdul Rehman sahib (Previously Mehr Singh)
(Passed away 11th September 1943)
*Her husband was later named Abdul Raheem by Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra. Maulana Abdul Raheem Dard sahib
served as the Imam of the Fazl Mosque London in its early
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p78-79)
- 106 -
instructions regarding Jalsa. InshaAllah I will address the other
matters at a later date. The Lajna are akin to a club; implying
like-minded women working together. Only those who
comply with each other’s views should be members. If at a
later stage anyone is unable to be complaisant with the
regulations of the club, should withdraw themselves. Firstly,
a Head should be elected through majority of votes who has
the following qualities:
1. She should urge others to adhere to the rules. She
should be authoritative over others but be subservient to the
2. She should not be of an angry temperament but still
be able to control others. She should be active in carrying out
tasks and not just display authority. She should be able to put
her aspirations forward but also be open to suggestion.
3. A Secretary should also be appointed. She should take
notes and notify people regarding events etc. This position is
referred to as Private Secretary as well.
At present we are dealing with the Jalsa arrangements. My
objective is that Lajna should undertake this task. Therefore,
I will give brief instructions in this regard.
- 107 -
ladies. You should be subservient and work in unity within the
v) The same person must be in charge of the stage and
Jalsa Gah.
vi) Following the rules and regulations a report should be
registered of any argument or dispute within the Jalsa Gah.
vii) Event organisation entails dealing with people of
different social standings and temperaments. Do not maintain
that you are in the right if a mistake has been made by you in
any matter. If there are any disputes within the organisers or
other people then they should be taken aside and dealt with
in private.
viii) Do not behave in a manner which exhibits your
authority. Dignity lies in soft, kind, gentle and loving speech.
Never use harsh words.
ix) Draft a temporary plan. This can be useful as an
alternative to the male speaker. Select some extracts from
‘Noah’s Ark’ and other key articles to be read by ladies who
have clear loud voices. Do the same for reciting nazms
Form relationships with the ladies who arrive as guests
staying at our home, or with the family of Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih Ira or any other families. Form a relationship with them
and enquire about their situation; how large is their Jamaat
and about the children’s education there. Expand on your
information in this manner.
After these instructions, members joined to deliberate and
appointed Sayyeda Mahmooda Begum sahiba (the first wife
- 108 -
of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra) as the President of Lajna and
Sayyeda Amatul Hayee sahiba, (the second wife of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra) as the Secretary for Jalsa. Only a few
administrative matters were determined.
According to the narratives by Sakina-tul-Nisa, the wife of
Zuhur-ul-Deen Akmal sahib, Maryam sahiba, the wife of Hafiz
Roshan Alira and Razia Begum sahiba, the first Lajna meeting
mentioned above was held under the presidentship of Ummul
Momineenra the wife of the Promised Messiahas. After the
election of the president, she held Hazrat Sayyeda Mahmooda
Begum sahiba by the hand and led her to the presiding chair.
Hazrat Mahmooda Begum sahiba then had the distinct
honour of serving Lajna from 1922 to 1958. The only
exception being the two years, when she was unable to fulfil
her duties due to ill health.
In addition to the offices of the President and the General
Secretary, Maimuna Soofia sahiba was given the duty of
collecting chanda and Maryam Bibi sahiba was appointed the
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p79-81)
- 109 -
- 110 -
fundamental principle. You should write speeches to increase
your knowledge. Through researching you get the
opportunity to open your mind and acquire new ideas. …
Unity is essential for the progress of the Jamaat. The Muslims
are facing humiliation by not understanding this point. …
At the time of the battle of Uhad, some companions were of
the opinion that the battle should take place in the city.
However, the opinion of those who had not participated in
the battle of Badr was that the battle of Uhad should be
fought in the open area. Thus, the Holy Prophetsa
compromised his own opinion for the sake of others. If the
consensus of opinion results in a mishap, then to repeatedly
draw attention to the mishap, eluding that ‘ if it had been
executed according to our opinion, the result would have
been positive’ is as good as creating dissention. You should
also be obedient to the Khalifa of the time … irrespective of
whomever God appoints …
Once there was a city in Europe where the plague spread. The
residents of the city made a resolution that no one will leave
the area nor will anyone come to assist them, not even
physicians. … Eventually the entire population of that place
succumbed to death. Not a single person survived … A large
group sacrificed themselves for the greater good of their
nation. To commemorate the love and sacrifice of these
people, their country erected a monument in their memory.
There is a dire need for morality and spirituality. Of course,
theft and murder is something that rarely takes place.
However, moral sins are generally committed by each of us
and at all times. Therefore, pay special attention to them.
- 111 -
Listen to one another and inculcate the habit of tolerance. If
someone points out a flaw, don’t become hostile in return;
instead be grateful. … Under no circumstances should the
person correcting these flaws, point them out in gatherings or
in the presence of others; it should be done in private.
Now you need to learn what good morals are. Often it is not
known what they are … So, give lectures on them, and listen
to such lectures. Do not make your children disheartened.
Inculcate the habit of serving the poor in them. Ignore each
other’s shortcomings. Resentment and anger will never serve
any purpose. Do everything with love and affection. Do not
worry about people’s mockery and focus on your work. Some
have natures that they become disillusioned and comment,
‘what is this; this is nothing; it is only a passion of a few days;
mere talk and no substance’. Never bother about such people
but always be motivated to improve them. This task is a
difficult one, so it needs to be done with cooperation. If it was
easy, it could have been achieved by one individual alone and
there would have been no need to establish an organisation.
Try to make ladies think alike. Once they are in full agreement
with your ideas, then after consultations in everyone’s
presence, formally propose their name and they can then be
included (in Lajna Imaillah).
The progress of a nation can only take place when the
disparity between the rich and the poor is no longer there. Try
to create equality … Serve Islam in practical terms. Supplicate
(Dua) in solitude and in congregation. There are many
benefits in praying in congregation. It is disappointing that
Muslims do not understand the importance of working as a
- 112 -
community. Christianity still continues with the tradition of
praying in congregation.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p87-88-90)
- 113 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra always had the welfare and
feelings for the poor and deprived in mind. He advised Lajna
Ima’illah to hold gatherings where they could invite women
from impoverished backgrounds and widows to dine with
them. Secondly, to arrange parties for orphans who equally
deserve affection and care in their lives.
- 114 -
these children’s morality which will be a means for their
education and moral training.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p92)
- 115 -
comfort in any situation to God’s creation appears to be at the
forefront of the Jamaat.
- 116 -
Exemplary Sacrifice and Resolve by Ahmadi Women during
the Shuddhi Campaign:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra states:
“At present the women of our Jamaat are contributing
towards the construction of the Berlin mosque and towards
the spread of Islam there with procuring a fund of 50,000
Rupees. They have already donated 30,000 Rupees. …”
- 118 -
A Pious Couple:
Another example of the passion of sacrifice by an Ahmadi
woman can be found in the letter written to Hazrat Khalifatul
MasihIIra by Mian Nizamuddin, the General Secretary of
Jamaat Qila Raipur in India.
“I am forwarding the sum of 13 Rupees and 8 Annas on behalf
of a woman from an impoverished household. She lives in
rented accommodation. She has donated all her possessions
for this appeal. Some of her belongings have been sold and
the remaining will be auctioned. The lady’s name is Zainab
wife of Faqir Muhammad sahib. She states that she and her
husband are both prepared to serve actively in connection to
the apostasy movement.”...
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p123)
Remarkable Financial Sacrifice by Lajna Imaillah:
The first financial appeal made solely to the ladies of the
Jamaat after the formation of Lajna Ima’illah was for funds to
build a mosque in Berlin. Hazrat Khalifatul MasihIIra had been
very keen to have a mosque built in Berlin. He instructed
Maulvi Mubarak Ali sahib to travel to Berlin from London and
once a suitable piece of land for a mosque had been
purchased Huzoorra made an announcement in his Friday
sermon of 2nd February 1923. He stated:
“After giving it a thorough consideration, I have decided that
the mosque intended to be built in Germany, should be built
with donations from the ladies. Undoubtedly, most ladies do
not possess personal properties; nevertheless, they do posses
- 119 -
jewellery. …They are able to donate their jewellery for Chanda
.… My reason for the mosque in Germany to be built by ladies
is that people in Europe have a common perception that we
treat women no better than we treat animals. … When
Europeans will pass by a mosque and discover that this
Mosque has been built solely by Muslim women they will feel
rather embarrassed and surprised at their misunderstanding
about Muslim women. The Mosque will in effect be always
delivering the message that the information around the
status of women in Islam had been deceptively falsified by
their priests. … I have assigned this task to the institution I
have named LajnaIma’illah.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p95-96)
- 120 -
pray for them which in turn will be the source of elevating
their status in the Hereafter.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p97-98)
- 121 -
with such living and passionate souls. I was overcome with
gratitude. A voice came from within me: “O my Lord! What a
magnificent person Your Messiahas was who was able to bring
about such a radical change in these Pathans. They once had
a reputation for robbing others, but he was able to transform
them to the extent that they now consider it a blessing to
offer their country, their loved ones and their possession as
sacrifice for the sake of Your religion.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p98-99)
- 122 -
The Pleasure when you Sacrifice what you Love:
While discussing the financial sacrifices of women, one such
example worth mentioning is that of Begum Shafi. Her
husband, Dr. Shafi Ahmad sahib Researcher and Editor of the
‘Daily Itefaq’ writes this incident with deep felt emotions. Let
us read it in his words:
“The Friday prayers are held in my office which is situated
right on the main street. During the last Friday sermon, the
missionary read out the sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul MasihIIra
which had been published in Al-Fazl. The Friday prayers were
attended by men and the only female attendee was my wife.
Whilst listening to this sermon I thought to myself that after
completing the Friday prayers, I will request my wife to
donate her gold anklet. The thought had hardly left my mind
when I heard a knock on the adjoining door. I went to see and
found my wife sitting on the prayer mat listening to the
sermon with tears flowing down her face. She didn’t say
anything to me and handed over her five-string gold necklace.
I took it from her and gave it to the missionary. I imagine it
amounted to 300 Rupees at that time.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p104)
Women suffragettes tried with great hardship to be seen and
understood amongst men in the West. They took violent
rebellious measures to achieve their aims. In comparison
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was awakening women from their
slumber and inspiring them to think differently. Huzoor’s aim
- 123 -
was to motivate their minds for a greater cause. The historic
year of 1923 marked the participation of Lajna in Majlis-e-
Shura for the first time.
- 124 -
generations can have stronger adherents of faith than us.
Knowledge has advanced; they should be armed with
beneficial knowledge, so they can impart it to their children.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p124-126)
- 125 -
confidence in themselves. Hazrat Khalifatul MasihIIra
understood this psychology of women in the Jamaat. We
witness how constantly, yet determinedly Huzoorra urges
women to achieve more for God and humanity. He gives a
voice to those women who within their culture had been told
not to think or to speak. He completely goes against the
thinking of the vast majority of men in South Asia, or even the
world at the time. This noble appointed man of God, Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra, asks women to improve in education and
speech in order to be heard in society.
- 126 -
Jalsa preparation started well in advance of the event. For the
first time an (action) plan for Jalsa volunteers was printed and
distributed. Food, medicinal and (nursing) care arrangements
were made for sick women and children. Naib Nazima,
Sayyeda Saliha Begum sahibara the wife of Mir Muhammad
Ishaq sahibra accomplished her services towards Jalsa with
great dedication and enthusiasm. Ever since the initiation of
the organisation of Lajna, Sayyeda Saleha Begum Sahibara also
familiarly known as Choti Mumani Jaan (younger aunty) and
Sayyeda Umme-Dawoodra amongst the women of the Jamaat
had the honour of carrying out this service which began with
the duties of Ziafat initially being assigned to the ladies until
her demise. She not only performed her duty with hard work,
immense dedication and devotion herself, but also trained
thousands of volunteers for this duty at Jalsa Salana. The
remarkable performance of Ziafat arrangements that Lajna
Ima’illah provides today, is the result of her initial service and
training. On occasions she would remain awake the whole
night and meet women individually to assess their needs, and
supervise the volunteers to ensure the work was carried out
properly. During the Jalsa period despite her fragile health,
she would be unconcerned about her health, own diet,
appearance or relaxation. The only thought in her mind would
be that the Jalsa guests are taken good care of and they don’t
suffer any inconvenience. She could be seen in different
places in a short period of time enabling her to personally
supervise the state of affairs. May Allah grant her a lofty
status in Jannah. Ameen.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p132-133)
- 127 -
Berlin Mosque - Women Who Exceed the Call of the Crier:
The Malkana were Rajput Muslims. There was a campaign by
the Arya Samaj sect of Hindus to reconvert Muslims to
Hinduism. Hazrat Khalifatul MasihIIra started a special
campaign to educate the Malkanas about Islam and to stop
them reconverting to Hinduism.
At the time when Hazrat Khalifatul MasihIIra launched an
appeal for the Berlin Mosque, there was another financial
appeal in connection with the Malkana movement in India.
Consequently, he extended the Berlin Mosque Fund for
another three months. He also increased the fund required
from 50,000 Rupees to 70,000 Rupees. If we convert the value
of this money into recent currency, we will realise the
enormous financial sacrifice undertaken by the Ahmadi
women, in response to the appeal from their Khalifa. They
practically presented anything they possessed in their houses.
The plot to build a mosque in Berlin had been purchased....
Mubarak Ali sahib, the missionary serving in Berlin announced
the purchase of land for the Berlin mosque. In his Friday
sermon of 27th July 1923, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
mentioned the women’s sacrifices in a very encouraging
fashion and announced that the foundation stone would be
laid on 5th August and that Huzoorra will also pray (dua) on
that day. Huzoorra said:
- 128 -
the external newspapers were in astonishment at what a
grand amount the Ahmadi ladies had collected. Shortly
afterwards the collection exceeded the promised amount and
reached 60,000 Rupees.”
(Tareekh LajnaIma’illah Vol 1-p112-113)
- 129 -
To express gratitude is part of faith. Those who provide any
service in the Jamaat’s largest annual gathering, the Jalsa
Salana feel that it is their good fortune to be able to render
any kind of service. Nevertheless, the Jamaat’s office bearers
sometimes like to invite the volunteers to dinner and to thank
them for their commitment.
- 130 -
Polygamy - Women’s Rights:
In the Majlis-e-Shura of 1924 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra not
only encouraged education and moral training of women, but
Huzoorra also tried his best to bestow women the full rights
and the status Islam entitles them to hold. The failure of
providing women their rights, present the opponents of Islam
an excuse to criticise Islam. During the same Shura, Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra made the following decision and stated:
“Whoever takes a second wife, based on the
promise that he will provide justice (between the
wives); if he then goes against this, he should be
boycotted. Sometimes a person becomes the
means for only a couple of people to abandon
Islam, but such a person (as above) drives millions
to detest Islam and humiliates us in the sight of
our opponents. … The Jamaat will not make
progress unless we express total abhorrence for
such people.”
Huzoorra further stated:
“A fundamental accusation made in Europe is
that women are abused in Islam. We explain this
to people who come here (Qadian), but their
response is that they would like to see this in
practice. If I give my own example, they say: ‘Of
course you are bound to act in this manner, but
please show us practical examples in the Jamaat.’
Therefore, those men who are unjust towards
their wives are guilty and those who attend their
weddings are also guilty. These are the people
- 131 -
who ruin the reputation of Islam. Will members of
the Jamaat disassociate with such people and
show resentment towards them? Shall I expect
that in future you will act upon this?”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p144)
- 132 -
The wedding ceremony of this special grandchild is noted later
in Lajna History as follows. Both the bride and the groom were
grandchildren of the Promised Messiahas.:
On 15th May 1924 the Nikaah of Sayyeda Amatul Salaam
sahiba, the daughter of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad sahibra,
with Mirza Rasheed Ahmad sahib, the son of Mirza Sultan
Ahmad sahib* was performed and the wedding ceremony
was held on the 3rd of July. Among the grand daughters of
the Promised Messiahas, only Sayyeda Amtul Salaam has the
distinction of being born during his lifetime. Sayyeda Amatul
Salaam sahiba later became an active member of both Lajna
Ima’illah Karachi and Lahore after Pakistan came into
existence. She also served as the Lajna President for Lahore
for a while.
*Son of the Promised Messiahas from his first wife.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p151)
- 133 -
here, with the laying of this stone in London. A mosque made
solely from the donations of Ahmadi women.
1924 holds a special significance for Ahmadiyyat as on 12th
July 1924, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra travelled to England to
spread the message of Islam. Huzoorra also laid the
foundation stone of Fazl Mosque in London. This is the
mosque for which he had appealed for donations in 1920, but
construction work started in 1924. He had previously
appealed for financial donations for a mosque in Berlin in
1920. Later Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra after consulting
women, decided that the collection made for Berlin Mosque
should be transferred towards the building of the London
Mosque. The total sum collected by men and women
amounted to 94,641 Rupees. The sum donated by the women
was used to construct the mosque and the rest of the money
was used towards constructing the Mission House and for
other expenses.
Hazrat Dr. Mir Muhammad Ismail sahibra recorded the total
sum of £8000 towards the purchase of the land and for the
construction of the London Mosque.
19th October 1924 was the historical day when Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra laid the foundation stone of Fazl Mosque,
the construction of which took two years. It was later
inaugurated by Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir on 3rd October 1926.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p152)
- 134 -
mosque. In addition to men, three Muslim ladies including an
Ahmadi poet and her daughter were among the people who
offered the Friday prayers behind him.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1- p152 - 153)
- 135 -
and the blessings of God be upon them both), radiating forth
in this country and other countries. Ameen
- 136 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra leading Salat prior to laying the
Foundation Stone of Fazl Mosque, London, UK —
19th October 1924
- 137 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra leading Salat at the ceremony of
laying the foundation stone of Fazl Mosque. The inscription
of Huzoor’s historic message at this occasion can be seen
on the white plaque to Huzoor’s right
London, UK — 1924
- 138 -
Lajna Welcome Back their Khalifa:
If you are accustomed to seeing the moon shine daily, it is
depressing to know that you will be deprived of its gleam for
a couple of months. Similar sentiments were felt by the
Jamaat during the short absence of their beloved Khalifa.
Their hearty welcome on Huzoor’s return expresses their
On Monday 24th November 1924 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
returned to Qadian from his successful journey overseas after
four and a half months. The Jamaat gave him a grand
welcome. As no specific arrangements had been made by the
Welcoming Committee for the women’s gathering, the
women gathered in front of the men at the roadside. Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra greeted them with “Assalamo Alaikum”;
and they responded with “Wa Alaikum Salam”. This provided
them an opportunity to see Huzoorra with great ease.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p154)
- 139 -
Secretary of Lajna Ima’illah, succumbed to her illness and met
with her Lord.
َّ ۤ َّ ّٰ َّ
ِِاناِلِل ِہ َِّوِ ِاناِ ِال ۡی ِہ ِّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َّن
- 140 -
her great father’s demise. She was not married to
me at the time. She wrote: “The late Maulvi Sahib
(Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira) always delivered Dars
to women during his lifetime. Now Allah has by
His Grace appointed you as Khalifa. During his last
moments Hazrat Maulvi Sahib had advised me
that after his death, I should convey his message
to you to continue delivering Dars to women. I am
conveying my father’s last wish to you. Please
continue the work that my father was doing.”
It was this letter that formed the basis of my
beginning to deliver Dars to women. Also, it was
because of this letter that I thought that I should
marry her. Therefore, if any of the women have
benefitted from this Dars, then Amatul Hayee
deserves the spiritual reward for it. I had no
intention to continue delivering Dars to women.
The truth is that she was the visionary of my
delivering sermons, lectures, associations and for
proposals and schemes related to women. At
times, she would even be displeased with me, a
way of her expressing love, that I was not paying
full attention to matters related with women.”...
In another speech that Huzoorra delivered on 13th December
1924, Huzoorra said:
“In my view a nation cannot progress unless its
women are educated. … Unless our women
possess religious education, I will not be proud of
it, irrespective of how progressive our nation
- 141 -
becomes. I married her (Hazrat Sayyeda Amatul
Hayeera) with a righteous intention; that it will
make it easier for me to educate women through
her. Thus, I decided to educate her quickly, but
she proved to be more determined than I was. ...
I am saddened and grieved that my plan for
educating women has at present been shattered.
I had prepared a special plan towards education
in my trip to Europe and I was intending to begin
work on it on my return.”...
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p156-157)
A Resolution for Amatul Hayee Library:
Hazrat Sayyeda Amatul Hayeera was the very first General
Secretary of Lajna Ima’illah. A special meeting was called to
pass a commiseration resolution in her memory, during which
it was decided that a library be constructed in her memory
and a scholarship awarded to a female student as Sadaqa
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p163)
- 142 -
which was established. Huzoorra wished that girls enjoy the
opportunity to study a variety of subjects. The girls’ school
proved extremely popular.
- 143 -
develop such a spirit of sacrifice in both the men and women
of the Jamaat.
- 144 -
Wedding Ceremony of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra with
Sayyeda Sara Begum Sahiba:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and Sayyeda Sara Begum’s Nikah
was performed on 12th April 1925. She was the daughter of
Maulana Abdul Majid Bhagalpurira, a companion of the
Promised Messiahas and a professor of Arabic. Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra decided to marry Hazrat Sayyeda Sara
Begum for the special purpose of educating and the moral
training of the women in the Jamaat.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1- p180-181)
- 145 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra explained the Islamic injunctions
regarding ‘Haq Mehr’ after a person made an enquiry from
Huzoorra in this regards. The Haq Mehr is to be given to the
bride by her husband specifically for her future needs. Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra explained the negative impact it could
have on a bride’s future if the parents of the bride kept the
Haq Mehr. Huzoorra spoke up to safeguard the rights of
women whenever the opportunity arose.
- 146 -
The other point that we must take into consideration
is the intention. If it becomes customary that the girl’s
parents take her Mehr, it will create a great danger
that the girl’s parents may not always keep to good
intentions and her best interest in mind at the time of
the marriage. … Therefore, if it is made permissible for
the parents to take the Mehr or keep a part of it for
themselves, then irrespective of the moral side of it
and what the Islamic law directs or the effect on the
cultural side, the dangerous result emerging from it
will be that the parents will not consider marrying their
daughter to a suitable young man, but instead they will
consider a partner who will bring them a larger sum of
money. They will not judge whether the match is
suitable or not.”
(Lajna History Vol 1-p185-186)
Jalsa Salana:
As usual the Jalsa Salana brings this year to an end.
In addition to male speakers … this year two Lajna members
Mrs Hafiz Roshan Ali sahiba and Mrs Qazi Zuhur-ud-deen
Akmal sahiba also delivered speeches. The Lajna’s General
Secretary presented the Annual Report. The number of
attendees reached almost 8000. … This year approximately
350 women took Bai’at and 900 Rupees was donated as
chanda. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p187-188)
- 147 -
- 148 -
feel the women of the Jamaat are content that the London
Mosque, the status of which has reached global fame is
attributed to them. It is my view that considering the
grandeur of London, it is most appropriate that a mosque
built by women be established in the heart of Christianity to
repel the allegations that Christians level against women’s
rights in Islam. This mosque should stand as a practical
response to this.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p116-117)
- 149 -
The inauguration ceremony of Fazl Mosque in London,
United Kingdom – 3rd October 1926
- 150 -
The inauguration ceremony of Fazl Mosque in London,
United Kingdom – 3rd October 1926
- 151 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had a profound vision for the
progress and empowerment of women. Huzoorra encouraged
women to actively participate in the spiritual and intellectual
fields. The impact of Huzoor’s desires was slowly but surely
taking bloom in the thinking of Lajna Ima’illah. Consequently,
Lajna requested permission to begin a women’s magazine.
The ongoing existence and success of this publication is a
testament to the environment of equality between men and
women that Huzoorra fostered in the Jamaat.
- 152 -
Grace of Allah this bulletin also serves the purpose of its name
and it is able to spread the light of knowledge in every home.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p201-202)
- 153 -
The First Lajna Handicrafts Exhibition:
On Saturday 30th October Lajna Ima’illah arranged an
exhibition in the compound of the house of Hazrat Mirza
Bashir Ahmadra. It exhibited cotton and woollen items
produced by Ahmadi ladies. Ladies were encouraged to
purchase these items. It had been decided that the income
generated by the sale will be donated to the Tabligh Fund. …
This was the first year for the craft exhibition to be held under
Lajna Ima’illah. Since 1926 with the exception of a few years,
this exhibition has been taking place every year. … To make
the crafts’ exhibition more successful and popular, in 1927 it
was announced for the first time that a medal will be awarded
to the person with the best crafted item. …
Later a separate department of Handicrafts and Exhibitions
was created. It continues to work within each branch of Lajna
Ima’illah, with prizes awarded for the best produced items.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p210-212)
The institution of Lajna Ima’illah was gradually spreading
outside Qadian. Ahmadi women became more active in the
life of the Jamaat. Lajna Ima’illah was being recognised and
praised even in its infancy period.
- 154 -
External Praise for Lajna Ima’illah:
With the Grace of God and the special attention from Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra Lajna Ima’illah had become so significant
during its four years of existence that even non-Ahmadis
started to observe its activities with interest.
Maulvi Abdul Majeed sahib Quraishi, the editor of ‘The
Tanzeem’ newspaper in Amritsar acknowledged the
Ahmadiyya Jamaat’s religious services. He wrote an article, in
which he mentioned some matters related to the Jamaat as
well as the services that Ahmadi ladies rendered. He stated:
'Lajna Ima’illah”
- 155 -
reformation in all places. Every scheme initiated by men is
made successful with the support of women. This institution
has practically associated every Ahmadi woman with the
objectives of the Jamaat. Women’s belief is more sincere
and consistent; they can safeguard the passion for religion
more in comparison to men. The number of tasks
accomplished by Lajna Ima’illah published in the newspapers
demonstrate that the coming generations of Ahmadies will be
stronger and more passionate than the present ones. The
Ahmadi women will always keep this garden revitalized which
was bound to lose its natural freshness through the passage
of time. Have the non-Ahmadi Muslims taken any steps for
such an establishment for their women?”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra encouraged the Jamaat to hold
special gatherings to highlight the high morals and teachings
of the Holy Prophetsa. This was not only to increase love for
the Holy Prophetsa in members’ hearts, but also as a means to
introduce the Holy Prophet of Islam to the non-Muslims. Lajna
- 156 -
Imaillah enthusiastically rallied to host such gatherings as
Holy Prophetsa Day:
During his Friday Sermon of 20th June 1928, Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra announced that public meetings should be held in
all localities to celebrate Holy Prophet Day. In these events
speeches should be delivered about the high character and
compassion of the Holy Prophetsa towards mankind. This will
be a means to introduce the high morals and magnificent
favours of this unique and great holy personality. It would also
stop the enemies of Islam taking advantage of people being
ignorant of his high qualities and character. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p238)
- 157 -
“The matter under discussion significantly relates to women.
I feel that they also deserve to put across their own views. …
If anyone wishes to speak, please do so! At the time of the
Holy Prophetsa, women would come into his meetings and put
their requests forward. Therefore, it will not be embarrassing
for any woman to speak out now. If my wives had been
present in this gathering and they spoke up, I would have
been proud of them and not embarrassed. I am giving the
opportunity to any woman who wishes to speak out.”
After consultation among themselves two ladies, Mrs
Maimuna Soofia sahiba and Maulvi Zulfiqar Ali Khan’s
daughter spoke on behalf of the women from behind the
partition. The gist of the speeches was that women would
happily agree to contribute towards the expenses and any
other services required of them. The ladies wish to accelerate
the matter for the construction of the hostel.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p240-242)
The need to spread the Word of Allah in the UK accelerated
after the building of a mosque (Fazl Mosque) in London.
Whenever Allah showers people with His Favours, invariably
their responsibilities also increase. Hence, the concept of
sacrifice in Islam is continuously encouraged. In the history of
Lajna Ima’illah, it is seen that each time members were asked
to sacrifice for the sake of Allah Almighty, they immediately
strove to do so.
- 158 -
Appeal for Further Finance:
On 17th October 1928 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra published an
article under the title of:
‘For the Attention of Ahmadi Ladies’.
Huzoorra assigned the collection of another chanda to ladies
stating the following:
“Through the completion of this mosque (London Mosque) the
Tabligh work has intensified in England. If after the completion
of a mosque the requirement of sufficient staff is neglected,
then the initial sacrifice to build the mosque would be in vain.
Thus, I have suggested to send a second missionary there. …
Since the budget does not allow this additional cost and it is also
essential for women to be a part of Tabligh activities to a certain
degree, therefore I have decided that this additional cost
should be carried by our women. The estimated cost of this is
approximately 4000 Rupees per annum. … At present the
mission in England is already in debt of 5000 Rupees. As the
budget is not able to stretch that far, I wish that this extra cost
may be borne by the women of our Jamaat. If they would
collect 9000 Rupees for both causes in this year, during the
coming years they will only have to contribute towards the cost
for the additional missionary. … Since the London Mosque was
built with women’s donations, it belongs to them. … They
should also bear all the running costs of this mission. Hence this
year an appeal of 9000 Rupees is made to women.” … As soon
as the appeal was launched, smaller and larger Lajna Majalis
began efforts to collect funds from their members. … Some
cities arranged special meetings, while members from others
- 159 -
presented cash and jewellery. … Some teachers from Silakot
presented their entire monthly salaries.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol1-p244-247)
Wealth may be a great attraction for some, however the
righteous strive for spiritual gems. Since their faith is their
greatest treasure, they never feel dejected at material loss.
Below is an example of an enviable member of Lajna Ima’illah,
fully devoted to her faith.
- 160 -
Ahmadiyyat and replied: “I will let you keep my money, but
for God’s sake please don’t abandon Ahmadiyyat.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p283-284)
New Initiatives:
The handicrafts exhibition seems to have built momentum
with the passing years. This year the handicraft exhibition was
opened a day before and a day after Jalsa Salana. One of the
days was allocated for men only. …
Lajna, Amritsar was especially mentioned in the following
Shura for their outstanding work in this department and
starting a new scheme by forming a non-government
- 161 -
Cooperative Society under Lajna Ima’illah to teach Ahmadi
women how to be prudent with finances.
Islam promotes support and equality for people with any kind
of disability. The following example shows how Lajna
members integrated its disabled members into their activities.
For the Handicraft exhibition among other prizes, a silver
medal for painting was awarded to a visually impaired lady
known as Bhabi Zainab sahiba, the wife of Pir Mazhar Qayum
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p287-288)
Huzoorra stated:
Bid’at (innovation) is a practice adhered to by people despite
having no definite grounding in Islamic teachings. People,
however, perceive it as essential based on what others say
about it. The purpose of it is ostentation and abiding by it is
lavishness. In addition, God has declared that the one who
indulges in extravagance is Satan's brother. Therefore, we
should stay away from innovations and we should try to
eliminate these destructive innovations as quickly as possible.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p291)
- 163 -
Chapter 2
1931 – 1940
● Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra refuting
objections on Purdah
● Jalsa Salana: Women to take Advantage of their Rights
● Initiating Tehrik-e-Jadid
● Formation of Lajna Majalis at a Local Level
● Initiation of Theology Classes
● An Ahmadi Woman’s Exemplary Bravery
● Meeting of the Female Companians of the Promised
● Khilafat Jubilee - A Blessing to Celebrate
● Creating of the Ahmadiyya Flag
- 164 -
Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra Refuting Objections on
The Annual General Meeting of the Indian Women’s
Association was held on 12th January 1931. On this occasion,
several Muslim women from affluent families joined the non-
Muslim women and protested against purdah. Similarly,
resolutions were approved against polygamy. It was
apparent that influenced by non-Muslim women, these
Muslim women were raising objections against the
exceptional rights that Islam has bestowed upon them.
It was necessary to stop this dangerous trend. Therefore, with
this objective in mind on Friday 16th January, Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra delivered a sermon and stated that this is an
element of mental servitude. The reason for this is that men
have not provided women their lawful rights. He directed
women’s attention to the fact that men alone cannot fight
against the trend of atheism and heresy, thus Ahmadi women
should stand alongside them. When the Ahmadi women will
tell them (other women) that by abiding to the Islamic
teachings, they are able to benefit from all their rights, then
those women will also begin to think that they can do the
same. With this purpose in mind, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
had raised the question of women having a vote at the Shura.
Huzoorra further stated: “Many years ago I had warned you
about the movement against purdah which has now been in
motion since the last two years. I had also raised the question
of women having a vote in Shura, commenting that it is our
duty to grant women the rights that Islam has bestowed upon
them. This would make them compassionate towards Islam.
- 165 -
Until they have these sentiments, they will not be able to
invite other women to act upon the Islamic teachings or
preach to them….
How would any woman who feels she herself is being
victimised, be able to preach to others? Thus, both these
matters are vital. Women must be given education as well as
their rights within Islam. We should unreservedly entrust
them with their valid rights so that they passionately involve
themselves in the war against Islam as if it was their own
battle. We should adhere to the freedom that Islam has
rightfully given them. ... In fact men should not try to impose
any restrictions other than those which have been
commanded. Women possess the same mental capacity as us.
… The principles behind purdah should be fully explained to
them. Once they feel content, they can join other women and
eradicate the wrong concepts against Islam. Otherwise, if
trend this influence spreads any further it will become difficult
to control it.”…
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p297-298)
- 166 -
some women exhibit courage, but there are others who give
up easily. It is our duty to encourage them to be courageous.
If we are unable to prepare them to participate in a war, we
should at least develop courage in them to the extent that if
any of us goes to sacrifice his life for Islam, rather than be
distressed, they feel proud to be of those who will share the
merits of it (War).”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p300)
- 167 -
comparison, she was only donating the money that she had
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p306)
- 168 -
Jalsa Salana:
On 27th December, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra came to the
ladies’ session of Jalsa to deliver a speech. Before beginning
Huzoorra said: “Last year I instructed women to read ‘Kishti-e-
Nooh’ and ‘Shahadat-ul-Quran’ (Books of the Promised
Messiahas). However, those who are unable to read should ask
other women to read it out to them. I would like those women
who have complied with my instructions to please stand
up.” At this, a large number of women stood up. Huzoorra then
said: “I again instruct you to read and listen to Kishti-e-Nooh’
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p315)
If Ahmadi young men marry outside the Jamaat, then it will
leave a disproportionate number of our girls unmarried.
Huzoorra showed his concern by devising a plan in the interest
of women in the Jamaat.
- 169 -
help solve this problem, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra extended
the time for such marriages not to take place till 1934.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p319)
- 170 -
and women; exactly as nerves and veins are interconnected.
Women from all nations are fighting for their rights. However,
the Ahmadi women must learn to use the rights Islam has
bestowed upon them rather than join in the same struggle
They should read the Holy Quran, the Hadith and the books
of the Promised Messiahas to familiarise themselves with their
Huzoorra advised the women that in order for their rights to
be beneficial to them, they need to make sacrifices. He drew
their attention towards adherence to the Nizam-e-Jamaat. He
gave them the responsibility of two specific matters for the
following year.
1. Design a burqa that is suitable from the Islamic
perspective as well as for health.
2. Improve the Annual Exhibition. In addition to sewing
and stitching, there should be a plan to send other
local handicrafts to the Annual Exhibition.
…Huzoorra mentioned that although the number of Lajna
attending the Jalsa this year was one and a half times more
compared to the previous year, the organisers did not extend
the Lajna Jalsa Gah.
When Huzoorra saw that more women were arriving and there
was no additional space available, he instructed the local
women of Qadian to leave in order to accommodate women
from outside Qadian. Huzoorra instructed the ladies Jalsa Gah
to be extended every year and a loud speaker to be provided
also. ...
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p325-326)
- 171 -
Lajna Ima’illah had now successfully completed ten years of
its journey. There is not much reported in the History of Lajna
Ima’illah for this year except for the sad demise of Hazrat
Sayyeda Sara Begum sahiba, the wife of Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih llra and the General Secretary of Lajna Imma’illa. Hazrat
Sayyeda Sara Begum sahiba’s life was a noble one indeed. She
sought no worldly acclaim or fame. She was constantly
seeking the Pleasure of Allah and her education was intended
for the benefit of others. If intentions and efforts are the
measure of success, she deserves the highest merit and
reward. She was a brave and heroic scholar indeed. She was
indeed a lady dedicated to acquiring knowledge to assist Lajna
Ima’illah. It was very unfortunate that only a few years after
her marriage, Sayyeda Sara Begum sahiba, the wife of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra passed away in childbirth on 13th May
1933 at the tender age of 26 years.
َّ ۤ َّ ّٰ َّ
ِِاناِلِل ِہ َِّوِ ِاناِ ِال ۡی ِہ ِّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َّن
- 172 -
In his speech of Jalsa Salana 1933, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
whilst explaining his point of view regarding female education
expressed his gratitude to members of Jamaat for their
messages of sympathy at the demise of Sayyada Sara Begum.
Huzoorra praised Sayyeda Sara Begum sahiba for her excellent
qualities and enormous efforts towards further studying after
her marriage.
Huzoorra further stated: “I wish to remove some
misunderstanding that may have been created as a result of
some of my comments or their own misconceptions about
her. I do not believe that the world is dependent on any
individual irrespective of how talented or potentially gifted
they may be. The prophets of Allah come to this world and
then depart. The world carries on after them; rather it still
continues in its progression. In my view, when Allah takes
something away from us which may be extremely dear and
precious to us, he bestows upon us something better in this
world or the hope that we will have that connection to it
again; if not in this world then maybe in the hereafter. Thus,
it is not correct to deem that the death of my wife is an
irrevocable loss. There is always wisdom in what Allah Wills.
… We cannot be true in our faith, unless we believe that any
calamity from Allah on us is for our betterment. Nevertheless,
after her death a thought came to my mind that our Jamaat is
repeating the same mistake about women’s education as
earlier. They are following women’s education according to
the universities. We must not follow this. There is a vast
difference between ourcircumstances. They don’t give value
to education outside the universities. In England, there are
great scholars who have received education outside
- 173 -
universities. In our countries, a person educated outside
university has no value at all. In comparison, if a person is
ignorant and irrational but holds a university degree, he is
valued. ... It is not a requisite for us to think that women must
be educated at universities. An important task for a woman is
to bring up her children and take care of their moral
upbringing. It is essential to educate them to be able to bring
up their children in a productive way and take care of their
moral training. They should be able to read and write. Women
who meet English women must learn English. They don’t
necessarily require degrees for this. ...I would like the Jamaat
to understand my view and reform the present method of
education. We have no choice but to send boys to colleges in
order to get degrees because they cannot gain employments
in government organisations without them. However, it is a
fact that boys are under bad influences while at college. If
they have mothers who also spent time reading romantic
novels, then how will our children be reformed? We need
mothers in our Jamaat who are acquainted with religion and
possess religious knowledge, which will enable them to
remove the bad influences their children receive.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p340-342)
There is a perception within the people outside the Jamaat
that only women cook at our functions. This may be the result
of their belief that women are inferior in Islam. They are often
surprised to learn that men are our main chefs in our Jamaat
events. As a matter of fact, it has always been the men taking
charge of the kitchens during our large gatherings.
- 174 -
Large Cooking Pans for use During Jalsa Salana:
The Ziafat department appealed for large pans for Jalsa use in
the Langar Khana. …The person in-charge reported that in
response to the appeal for eighty large pans, ample money
had been donated for the purchase of ninety-one pans. Out
of this number, thirty-four pans were donated by Lajna
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p345-347)
- 175 -
limits. As a result of this Divine scheme the Jamaat has been
able to establish its missions worldwide. Hundreds of mosques
and schools have been built since. These organs facilitate to
spread the message of Unity of Allah and the high status of
the Holy Prophetsa. Huzoorra explained it over a number of
Friday sermons.
In a sermon in 1935 Huzoorra said: “I hope that Tahrik-e-Jadid
will last for countless ages, just as the stars in the sky, so did
Allah say to Hazrat Ibrahimas that his progeny would be
countless. And Hazrat Ibrahim’s progeny greatly served the
faith, and the same is being done through Tehrik-e-Jadid.”
(Friday Sermon, 22 February, 1935)
- 176 -
It was always optional to participate in Tehrik-e-Jadid. Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra presented all the facts and solutions to
the Jamaat. He did not suggest a penalty if anyone is reluctant
to contribute. The decision of reward or penalty is left to for
Allah so those who participated would reap greater spiritual
rewards. Accordingly, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra gave clear
instructions not to pressurise the men. …Huzoorra particularly
indicated to the workers not to be concerned about the lack
of funds. Allah wants to test the Jamaat. He is Majestic and is
not in need of any wealth. This was Allah’s test for the Jamaat.
Allah holds Honour for Himself and He is not in need for
anyone’s money.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p364)
- 177 -
Ahmadis, this was indeed a remarkable achievement. Arjun
Singh Aajiz, the Sikh editor of an Indian newspaper ‘Rangeen’
published from Amritsar wrote:
“The Ahmadi Khalifa is always vigilant over their family life as
well. Time to time he sends instructions and if acted upon
them they lead happy lives. I will mention some of the
instructions of their Khalifa here, which will reveal why this
Jamaat is making progress. ... The Khalifa has instructed not
to purchase any new jewellery or unnecessary clothes, and
brocade laces etc for three years. It is astonishing to observe
how the Ahmadi men and women instantly listen to the
instructions issued by their Khalifa and relinquish all such
things. This is a huge sacrifice. Certainly, it will result in this
Jamaat excelling in comparison to others in India. People,
who are able to control their emotions and relinquish their
valid wishes will never fall prey to unlawful desires. It is
obvious that a person is lead to deterioration when they are
following their desires. Hence the Ahmadis hold a
distinguished position in this respect.”…
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p366-367)
Jalsa Salana:
Lajna Imma’illah were gradually improving the arrangements
made for ladies on Jalsa Salana. As a result of previous year’s
experience, the Jalsah Gah was widened. Marques were set up
with new entrances and walkways mapped out. Various
departments were formed to aid the smooth running of Jalsa
with a person in-charge assigned the responsibility for each.
Additionally two Lajna members were appointed for
- 178 -
inspection and producing reports. Alhamdulillah it proved
successful and the patterns have been followed since.
The Silver Jubilee of King George:
This year 1935 marked 25 years of King George V’s
coronation. An official announcement was made that all those
countries that accepted King George V as their sovereign will
mark this happy occasion on 6th May 1935. Official funds were
regionally set up for this. Lajna Ima’illah also contributed to
this fund.
Despite being in a situation of scarcity and short of means
themselves, the aim of the fund was to aid the destitute
widows, orphans, or those in need of medical treatment
affected by war.
The General Secretary Lajna Ima’illah Hazrat Umme Tahir
sahiba wrote a letter to encourage the Lajna to donate to this
“… God is Self Sufficient, and the Master of innumerable
treasures. If He had so wished He could have arranged a
solution from Himself, but His Divine decree is such that He
demands a sacrifice from this humble institution of men and
women to offer their services. So He can gauge the level of
dedication and genuine level of sacrifice and reward us
- 179 -
accordingly. So, my sisters, do not become anxious. I am
personally aware of your situation. I pray to God that He
showers His Blessings on you and envelops you in his Mercy.
May He remove far all the obstacles in our path and enable
us to strive for greater and better sacrifice. Ameen ...”
Umme Tahir Ahmad
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p374 5-376)
All true religions are sent by Allah; thus they are the branches
of the same tree. Yet diversity in religions or even within the
same religion is an undeniable fact. One would have thought
that there would be some intra-religious intolerance practised
at least among the followers of Islam. The Qur’an clearly says:
“There is no compulsion in religion.” (Sura Al-Baqarah 256)
Sadly, the attitude exhibited by some Muslims is totally the
opposite. The Promised Messiahas and also his followers
have been subjected to various forms of harassment since his
claim to Prophethood. We come across such an example in
1935, which involves the son of the Promised Messiahas.
Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmadra Attacked:
The Ahrar party (Indian Muslim Political Party who were bitter
opponents of Ahmadiyyat) became extremely provocative
during this period On 8th July 1935 Hazrat Mirza Sharif
- 180 -
Ahmadra, the youngest son of the Promised Messiahas was
unexpectedly attacked and beaten by a member of this party
whilst he was cycling home from his office. The news of his
attack spread all over Qadian like a wild fire. All Ahmadis were
extremely aggrieved.
In peaceful solidarity, Lajna held a special gathering on the
10th July to express their sadness and to condemn the attack.
The Ahrar were not content with their derogatory action.
They wanted to go further and also attack Ahmadi women.
Hence, it was decided to guard the Ahmadi homes and the
road leading to the Ahmadiyya Chauk. There was a particular
threat to girls when travelling toschool. Additionally, Amoor-
e-Ama cautioned women in general not to leave their homes
due to the imminent danger that was looming at that time.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p381)
- 181 -
Central Lajna Ima’illah. Affectionately known as “ChottiApa”,
she faithfully fulfilled her role with great care and love for this
sacred institution for a prolonged period of time.
Lajna Ima’illah has now successfully completed thirteen years
since its establishment. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra like a kind
father continuously kept watch over it and steered it in the
right direction whenever required. During the early stage of
Lajna Ima’illah, membership for Ahmadi women was not
automatically registered. This was a step devised much later.
- 182 -
families who work horrific hours in appalling conditions just to
feed themselves. Blessings are due from Allah. As per Islmic
teachings, those who are gifted with means should share with
those who are less endowed. Service to humanity is partially
to make someone stand independently on their own feet. Until
then, every human is entitled to be supported in respect of his
basic needs. Huzoorra instructed to keep in mind that every
deserving woman and child must be provided with housing
and two daily meals.
Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Tahir sahiba, the wife of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra was the General Secretary for Lajna
Ima’illah Qadian. She wrote an article in the periodical Misbah
under the following title.
Guidance: for Lajna Ima’illah
“Whilst instructing to establish Amila members in each local
Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra explained during the
commentary of the verse of the Quran
ۡ ۡ ۡ ُ ُ َّ َّ
َِّوِل ۡمِنکِنط ِع ُمِال ِم ۡس ِکی َّن
- 183 -
prepare a list of the needy and help them to earn a living, so
the habit of begging, which is tantamount to death can be
removed. It will be the most important task for Lajna to find a
means of income for the needy. …Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
has addressed us in these words. Let us hope that we are able
to say to Allah that we discharged our duty fully only by His
Grace; we were able to make sufficient arrangements that no
one in our Jamaat remained hungry or unclothed. We fully
acted upon Your Command. We need to look at the example
exemplification of the companions of the Holy Prophetsa…
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra also stated: “… Every person is
entitled to food, clothes and accommodation. These three
things are vital for everyone. It is the government’s duty to
provide these, but if they can’t do it, then people should take
up this responsibility. The principle that goes with it is that no
one should sit idle. Everyone should work hard and earn their
living and feed themselves and begging from another person
is akin to death.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p393-394)
- 184 -
learn handicrafts and personally produce items. In response
to this, handicraft work started on a large scale. Though,
members were already active in creating handicrafts, but
after Huzoor’s instructions, it was decided to create a
separate department for this. Thus unemployed women could
also learn new skills and work for remuneration; as the
products created would then be sold. ...
Initiation of Theology Classes:
An important episode this year was the initiation of theology
classes at Nusrat Girls High School. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
felt that the syllabus prepared by the government for the girls’
education was not beneficial for them. ...Thus, in April 1936,
on under Huzoor’s directive, Theology classes were started in
Nusrat High School for Girls. … The syllabus covered the
- 185 -
commentary of the Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqha, History of
Islam, as well as the books of the Promised Messiahas. …
Additionally, the girls were also encouraged to practice public
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p400-401)
- 186 -
Generally speaking, physical strength in comparison to men is
not endowed to women. In women’s self-defence classes, one
of the main jobs of the instructors is to help a woman realise
her personal strength. However, only in adversity does our
true strength shine. The example below is of a brave woman
who gathered enough strength to overcome male criminals.
- 187 -
them as they deserved. We congratulate you from the bottom
of our hearts for your courage and bravery, and pray that may
Allah protect you from every evil. May Allah give the same
kind of courage and confidence that you have expressed to
every Ahmadi sister. Ameen sum Ameen
Members of Lajna Qadian
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p405- 406)
A Well-thought Idea:
Like a General in action looking after all aspects of his army,
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra observes and formulates new and
inventive ways sothat all of his followers march forward in
splendour. In this case, Huzoorra brilliantly articulates the
inclusion of women to help their husbands in fulfilling their
chanda dues.
- 188 -
On 12th April 1936 during the third session of Shura, Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra said:
“…Through Lajna Ima’illah ladies have been encouraged to
inspire their husbands to pay the prescribed rate of chanda.
For this reason Lajna should be established everywhere, so
they can motivate women. Consequently in this way these
women can help awaken their husbands. … ”
“I know of some sincere women from our Jamaat who ask
their husbands to pay chanda before bringing their salary
home. Thus, if there are reminders both from outside the
house by the person collecting chanda and inside by the wife,
then there is no possibility for the man not to pay the chanda.
Women are sincere, and they can undertake a lot of work if
they are provided the opportunity to do so.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in his speech mentioned about an
Ahmadi woman’s devotion saying: “Only yesterday I was
informed that some young men from the Core (Referring to
National League Core) went to a gathering in Daska (for
recruitment). A mother who was also a companion of the
Promised Messiahas said to her son:
“I will be happy to hear the news that you have been killed
but I will not be able to bear the news that you fled rather
than face the enemy."
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p410)
- 189 -
it is a test from Allah. They will remain patient and hope that
Allah will reward them for it.
A Protest Meeting:
A protest meeting by Lajna Ima’illah Qadian was held on 19 th
June 1936. Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Tahir sahiba presided over
it. The following resolutions were approved.
1. This assembly of the women of Jamaat Ahmadiyya and
members of Lajna Ima’illah Qadian view the biased and
unjust behaviour of Daska police and especially that of
the Sub-Inspector of police with great sadness, anger,
grief and revulsion. Distressing examples of this attitude
were expressed earlier during and after the Town
Committee elections in Daska. We request the
- 190 -
Government to transfer the aforementioned Sub-
Inspector from Daska with immediate effect.
2. This special meeting of the women of Jamaat Ahmadiyya
Qadian wishes to direct the attention of the higher
authorities towards the heart vexing and revolting speech
by Faiz-ul-Hassan Alu Mahari. In his speech, he incited the
Muslims of Daska in the following words: “O Muslims of
Daska! Sharpen your swords and cut off the heads of the
Mirzais”. We demand that the Government of Punjab
activates its legal mechanisms to remove the negative
effects of this peace shattering and hate inciting speech.
3. This meeting looks at this inhumane and peace shattering
behaviour of the Ahrari protesters with extreme
contempt. They passed by in a procession in front of our
Ahmadi brothers’ houses in Daska, equipped with spears,
sticks and swords, and using foul abusive language
against the Ahmadi holy personages and raising hate
inciting slogans.
4. This special meeting expresses discontent at the biased
and unjust behaviour ofthe Qadian Police in relation to
the old graveyard in Qadian. Distressing examples of this
attitude have been continuously expressed for three
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p416-417)
- 191 -
love and safety of Khilafat, so do we find the same sentiments,
zeal and eagerness in women.
On 17th September 1936 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was
returning home by car from the Railway Station after having
seeing off his son Mirza Nasir Ahmad, who was returning to
England after his short stay in Qadian. A malicious man threw a
stone at the car Huzoor was travelling in. By the Grace of Allah
it only damaged the roof of the car and Huzoor ra did not come
to any harm.
All the Ahmadis were furious and pained by this incident. The
Central Lajna Ima’illah Qadian held a meeting on 24th
September 1936 presided by Maryam Begum sahiba, the wife
of Hafiz Roshan Ali sahibra. The following resolutions were
approved in this meeting.
1. This large gathering of the Ahmadi ladies views the
wicked and loath some nasty man who threw a stone at
Huzoor’s car with contempt. We are appalled by this shocking
2. This attack on Huzoor’s car was not a casual incident;
rather it was a result of an organised conspiracy. Lajna have
already approved resolutions to bring the cruel actions by the
Ahrar to the attention of the Government. Now, since our
National League has decided that we should not have any
expectations from the Government, we will only take our plea
to our Lord Who is the Ultimate Judge.
3. A submission should be made to Huzoorra that we are
purdah observing women, thus we are unable to make any
physical arrangement for hisprotection. Nonetheless, we are
- 192 -
fully prepared to sacrifice our lives, our wealth, our honour and
our children for Huzoor’s sake.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p421-422)
We start this year with an extract from the Friday sermon
delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra on 15th January 1936.
- 193 -
On 12th May 1937 the Coronation of King George VI and his
Queen was celebrated throughout the British Empire. At the
time India was included in the empire as “The Jewel in the
Crown”. King George and Queen Elizabeth were the last
British monarchs to accede to the title Emperor and Empress
of India. The cost of the coronation in London was estimated
at £454,000. The coronation was also celebrated as a joyous
occasion throughout India.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p437)
An Internal Mischief:
The anti Ahmadiyya movements that had thus far been
unsuccessful came together again with full force in 1937.
Another internal mischief initiated by Sheikh Abdul Rehman
Misri started at the same time. He eventually left the Jamaat.
He had falsely claimed to have lots of influence in the
Ahmadiyya Jamaat. In answer to his claim, the Jamaat
renewed their pledge to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. They
assured Huzoorra of their devotion and that they detested the
false claim made by Sheikh Abdul Rehman Misri. In the same
context Ahmadi women individually as well as members of
Lajna Ima’illah after holding meetings, sent declarations of
their loyalty and devotion to Huzoorra. They wrote to him:
“We are wholeheartedly prepared for every kind of sacrifice
for the honour of Khilafat.”
- 194 -
Umme Nasir sahiba presided over it. Razia Begum sahiba
presented the following resolution which was unanimously
1. We are the female companions of the Promised
Messiahas residing in Qadian. We truly believe in
Ameer-ul-Momineen’s Khilafat. We believe Huzoor to
be the ‘Promised Son,’ according to all of the
revelations of the Promised Messiahas. We deem that
the key to our personal success and for the Jamaat in
general, is to keep a strong connection with the true
Khilafat. We will always be loyal tothe Khilafat and be
prepared to offer any sacrifice at all times.
2. We abhor the hypocrites and the enemies of Khilafat
and consider their claims of knowledge ability and
influence nothing but boasting. We especially abhor
the lack of faith in those hypocritical women who
joined their husbands in this malicious and vile
mischief. We are pleased at decision that Huzoorra
had made to expel the element who spread vile and
malicious influence, from our Jamaat.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p439-440)
- 195 -
reminded to use their side of the road. They should not
expect women to make room for them to pass by. Instead
they should keep to one side of the road.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p443)
Historically, the culture in South Asia has no recognition of
women’s rights with regards to inheritance. This was neither
to be found in the Hindu scriptures, or the law of the land. The
Western countries fared no better in this particular regard
either. In England the inheritance went to the first born male,
with the exclusion of all other siblings. Within this context the
events below make an immensely powerful read for women’s
rights activists.
During the Shura in April 1937, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had
brought the attention of the Shura delegates to the matter of
women’s right to inheritance. Huzoorra asked members to
evaluate themselves in this respect.
- 196 -
this, then this problem will also be solved. If one landowner’s
land goes in the possession of others, then another
landowner’s land will come to him as well. Thus there is no
realistic cause stopping us to act upon this commandment. I
feel the time has now come when every sincere Ahmadi
should make a pledge that in future he will give his sister, his
daughter, his mother the share of their inheritance that
Islamic Sharia has enjoined him to give them. If he is not
prepared to act upon this, then he should separate himself
from us. …
After explaining the importance of this issue and proving that
the world can only be transformed with the revival of the
Islamic Sharia and the Sunnah. I will say something today
which I have not previously said. I ask those among you who
are prepared to act upon this in the future to please stand
As soon as the women sitting in the women’s JalsaGah heard
this, they became emotional and raised slogans to express
their love and appreciation for their beloved benefactor.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p446- 447)
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A Historical Journey:
On 1st October 1938, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra travelled to
Sindh. Thereon he proceeded to Karachi, Mumbai, Hyderabad
and Agra. On his return journey, he visited Delhi and then
returned to Qadian on 29th October. Huzoor’s notable
companions during this journey were myself (his wife Hazrat
Maryam Siddiqa sahiba), his sister, Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka
Begum sahiba and his daughter Amatul Quyyum sahiba.
It was during this blessed journey that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra had many spiritual revelations and huzoor started a series
of lectures named as‘Spiritual excursion- ’سیروحانی. ر These
continued intermittently from 1938 to 1958.… Huzoor wrote
the following preface for the second volume:
- 198 -
this book will pray for her. She will be the recipient of receive
the spiritual merit till eternity for all of the copies thatwill
beare published free of cost.
I instruct Shirkat-e-Islamia that as I will be making the
payment for two hundred copies on behalf of Maryam
Siddiqa, they should be sold to the poor and deserving to sell
two hundred books to poor and needy at a subsidised of 1/8
of the actual price. This is because I will pay all the
expenditure of its publication on behalf of Maryam Siddiqa.
This book will be given to those who will promise to readthis
preface and ask others also to read it and pray. Five hundred
books should be distributed amongst the deserving needy. A
fund named after Maryam Siddiqa should be established with
the revenue and profit of the remaining copies. This fund
should be used evermore forever to publish Islamic literature.
This perpetual Sadaqa should bemaintainedcontinued in
- 199 -
The year 1939, marked the Silver Jubilee of the Khilafat of
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. The blessings of Khilafat are
manifold. As a spiritual father, the Khalifa guides and leads
the Jamaat closer to Allah by continuing to work towards the
teachings of the Promised Messiahas. He also keeps the
followers united and strong in faith.
The completion of 25 years of the Khilafat of Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra coincided with the completion of 50 years of the
institution of the Ahmadiyya Khilafat. Lajna Ima’illah
participated in collecting funds to celebrate this auspicious
- 201 -
In 1926, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra started a special magazine
by the name of Misbah for women. He appealed to women to
write articles that enhance knowledge, assist with preaching
and recommend ways of moral training. This magazine is still
published and women take interest in it. During the same
period, Huzoorra also encouraged women to take interest in
handicrafts. This was primarily for them not to waste their
time and spend it doing something worthwhile; also earning
something. The third advantage was for the handicraft
industry to flourish in the country. A handicraft exhibition for
women was initiated which continues on a yearly basis on
Jalsa in Qadian. Ahmadi women exhibit their handicraft
samples in it.
Under this organisational programme, Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra also proposed that Ahmadi women should hold
their own Jalsa Salana. This will provide the opportunity for
women to practise public speaking, as well as enhance their
knowledge and moral training. Furthermore, they will not be
wasting their time while staying in Qadian. As a result, Jalsa
Salana for women is held every year in Qadian. Thousands of
women participate in this. In addition to women’s speeches,
some selected male speakers also deliver speeches with the
facility of a partition (between the speaker and the female
audience). Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra also personally delivers
a speech to the ladies. Thousands of Ahmadi women benefit
from these speeches and return from Qadian with a new
spirit. …
In brief, Ahmadi women have made tremendous progression
in all fields of life under guidance and directions Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra. In certain fields, their enthusiasm and
- 202 -
passion puts men to shame. This includes financial sacrifice
where they hold a leading position. The following single
incident can be produced as a showcase for their sacrifice
when in the beginning of 1923 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
made an appeal for only the Ahmadi women to raise funds to
build a mosque in Germany. Women collected over 100,000
Rupees in the space of a few months. This was all through
women’s donations. There was no contribution from men
includedin this. God had destined not to have this mosque
built in Germany. After consultation with women, this money
was spent to fulfil other vital religious needs. Nevertheless,
this incident is a magnificent example of women’s sacrifice at
the time. This amount was not the result of large donations;
rather the full amount was achieved through small
contributions. In most situations, women had donated their
jewellery instead of cash.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p69-72)
No Jamaat could wish for a more kind and considerate
Khalifa than Hazrat Musleh Maud, Khalifatul Masih IIra. At
every step of leading the Jamaat, Huzoorra ensured not to
burden the members in anyway, yet encouraged them to
strive for the sake of Allah.
- 203 -
that every earning man or woman should offer a minimum of
one Ana per head and a maximum of 10 Rupees per head for
this appeal. Any children and women, who do not have any
source of income, should pay only one paisa (penny) per head
so that no member of the Jamaat is deprived of participating
in this noble task.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p472-473)
Nasirat meeting:
The students of Nusrat Girls High School formed an
association and held its first meeting on 23 February 1939.
Hazrat Umme Nasir, the first wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra presided over this meeting.
The In-charge of Sadr Anjuman Annual records the following
in the Taleem-o-Tarbiyyat Report for 1938/39:
“Nasiratul-Ahmadiya has not been established for
a very long period of time. However, their
monthly meetings are regularly held at the school
on the last Thursday of every month. This
- 204 -
establishment is expected to undertake
constructive and beneficial work.”
Maimoona Sofia sahiba was the president of the
establishment where as Sahibzadi Amatul Rasheed Begum
sahiba, the daughther of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra was the
General Secretary.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p475-476)
A Model of Faith:
A devoted and passionate Ahmadi woman from Java, the
mother of Mansoor Sahib wrote the following to Hazrat
Khalifatul Masihra.
- 205 -
in-law reside. They were bitter opponents of
Ahmadiyyat. I remained with them for two weeks
and continuously preached to them. As a result,
my daughter stopped opposing Ahmadiyyat. I am
hopeful that she will soon enter the fold of
Ahmadiyyat. Nevertheless, my son-in-law is still
opposing Ahmadiyyat. My intention is to return to
them and preach to him again. I request Huzoor
to pray that may Allah guide them to accept the
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra wrote the following note in
“Jazakumullah. You have indeed expressed the
true model of faith.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p482)
- 206 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra going for the Golden Jubilee
Jalsa after the flag hoisting ceremony in Qadian, India on
28th December 1939
- 207 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra hoisting Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat at
the Golden Jubilee Jalsa
Qadian, India on 28th December 1939
- 208 -
Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat being preserved - 2013
- 209 -
Creating of the Ahmadiyya Flag:
The Majlis-e-Shura had proposed that on the Jubilee of
Khilafat, a flag should be prepared. Huzoorra approved this
suggestion and gave the following instructions:
“A collection from the companions of the Promised Messiahas
consisting of meagre amounts should be made. After this
small amount is collected from these selected Companions, it
should be used to purchase cotton and given to the female
Companions of the Promised Messiahas who should weave
this cotton into yarn. Then the Companions who are tailors
should make cloth from it.”
Allah fulfilled the noble wish of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
through a companion of the Promised Messiahas, Mian Faqeer
Muhammad, Amir Jamaat Ahmadiyya Wabkhwa, District
Gurdaspur. He came to Qadian and presented some cloth to
Hazrat Ummul Momineen saying that in accordance with the
instructions of Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra,, he personally
sowed some seeds, watered and harvested them. Then some
companions were asked to spin it. This was weaved at his
house. After getting this cloth, Maulana Abdur Raheem
Dardra, the Secretary Khilafat Committee sent a message to
Amir Jamaat Wabkhwa to send some more cotton, which they
had cultivated. On receiving this message, Bhai Abdur Raheem
Qadianira brought an additional eight kg of cotton to Qadian.
Maulana Dard Sahib sent this cotton to Hazrat Sayyeda Umme
Tahirra the General Secretary Lajna Ima’illah, with a request to
ask the female Companions of the Promised Messiah as to
make cloth out of the cotton as directed by Huzoor-e-Aqdas ra.
- 210 -
Hence, with great care she got the cloth made by the female
Companions of the Promised Messiahas in Daare Masih.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p487)
“Our Lord, accept this from us: For Thou art All-Hearing, All-
Knowing (Sura Al Baqarah – 2:128). Huzoorra raised the
Ahmadi ladies’ flag with his own hands. The pole for the flag
was 35 feet high and the cloth was 3¾ yards long and 2¼ yards
wide. In addition to the symbol of the Ahmadiyya flag, three
date palms were depicted under which there was a fountain.
The symbols on the flag were made from different coloured
silk threads which were machine embroidered on a satin
On the entrance to the stage, the pole had been erected on
the right hand side, next to the gallery. Huzoorra stood
underneath the pole, loosened the rope and raised the flag.
Hazrat Umme Tahir sahiba stood behind Huzoorra and held
the flagat mid point. Next to her was Hameeda Sabira sahiba
and the end of the flag was in her hand (As she was on security
duty in the gallery). On that day the ladies were in such high
spirits that without hesitation they proceeded to raise slogans
extensively. Maimoona Sofia sahiba was leading the slogans.
- 211 -
Family members of the family of the Promised Messiahas
including Hazrat Ummul Momineenra were present around
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. At the time of partition of India,
this flag was carefully transported from Qadian. However, in
April 1949 when the first Jalsa Salana was held in Rabwah,
whilst the objects were being transported to Rabwah, the box
containing this flag was accidently left on the train carriage. It
could not be located despite attempts to do so.
To mark the Khilafat Jubilee, Lajna Ima’illah presented a
watch and a pen to Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra upon which
Huzoorra thanked them.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p509-510)
- 212 -
founded by your Holiness. Secondly, because it is the first
mission of the community abroad. Thirdly, because to our
great good fortune, your Holiness undertook a journey of
thousands of miles to visit England yourself. Fourthly, because
your Holiness laid the foundation stone of our Mosque with
your own hands, and it is the first and the only Mosque in
Words cannot express our thankfulness to your Holiness and
as I am not a very learned person I cannot even find words,
which might befit this great occasion.
We are also proud of the fact that the Promised Messiah, the
Holy founder of our community saw a vision about us and we
know that his vision is being fulfilled through your Holiness.
We thank God for all this.
In the end I beg to leave to offer my sincerest congratulation
once more and request your Holiness to pray for this
unworthy disciple of yours and also for the rest of my
brethren in faith in England that God may grant us all strength
and firmness and make us the truest of Armadas. Praying for
your long and happy life.
I am.
Yours in Ahmadiyyat.
Saleema Banks
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p508)
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Chapter 3
1940 – 1950
● Prudent Decision by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II ra
● Proposals to end Rituals on Weddings
● Revelation from Allah Regarding the Prophecy of
Musleh Maud
● Establishing Nasiratul Ahmadiyya and its
● Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra moved to Rabwah
● Lajna established in London
● The launch of monthly Misbah from Rabwah
● Inauguration of Amatul Hayee Library
In Islam, the Mehr is a mandatory gift given by a husband to
his wife. It can be paid promptly or deferred. The Mehr should
be agreed upon whilst considering the income and situation of
the husband.
Prudent Decision by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra:
To eliminate and stop the spread of false customs and rituals
in the Jamaat, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra advised that the
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Dower (Haq Mehr) should be according to the earning status
of the groom and not for any pretentious reasons.
A case was presented to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra from
Qadha. A lady claimed that her Dower was agreed at 500
Rupees. The husband responded that he could not afford to
pay that amount of money; so either it should be reduced,
and whatever amount is determined should be paid in
instalments. Huzoorra made the following decision in this
"In response to condition number 6, my view is that the
respondent does not have the ability to pay 500 Rupees as a
lump sum. However, as it is becoming a trend in our Jamaat
to agree and demand large amount of Dower; which then
contravenes the Islamic Law (Sharia) that the Dower must be
paid as a lump sum and on demand. So for in this certain case,
I have decided as a penalty, that if the complainant (wife)
returns to her husband's house, then the respondent
(husband) must pay the total amount of 500 Rupees within a
month through Qadian General Affair Office. In case of non-
compliance, my directions are to deal with them according to
the penalty rules.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p516-517)
Lajna had now become fully trained and were able to organise
the Jalsa with their own programme including speeches by
female speakers. Huzoor’s speech on the men’s side could be
heard by lajna through the aid of loudspeakers. However
Huzoorra also delivered a speech in the ladies area. Below are
some extracts from that year’s Huzoor’s speech.
- 215 -
Jalsa Salana:
On 27th December 1941, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihra addressed
Lajna Ima’illah in the ladies Jalsa Gah. Huzoorra recited the
following verses from Sura Ibrahim Verse 24-26
ّٰ ۡ َّ َّ َّ ّٰ ّٰ ُ ُ َّ ُ
َِّوِا ۡد ِخ َّلِال ِذ ۡی َّن ِّٰا َّمنوۡا َِّو َِّع ِملواِالص ِل ّٰح ِت َِّجن ٍتِت ۡجرِ ۡیِ ِم ۡنِت ۡح ِت َّھاِالۡان ّٰھرُِخ ِل ِدیۡ َّن
ً َّ َّ ّٰ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ
ِ﴾ِال ۡمِترَِّک ۡی َّف ِِض َّر َّبِالل ُہ َِّمثلًاِک ِل َّمۃ۲۴﴿ِفِ ۡی َّھا ِِب ِاذ ِن َِّر ِب ِھ ۡمِِؕت ِح َّی ُت ُھ ۡمِفِ ۡی َّھا َِّس ّٰل ٌم
ۡ ُ َّ ُ ُ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ َّ َّ َّ ً َّ
ِ﴾ِت ۡؤت ِ ۡیِۤاکل َّھاِک َّلِ ِحی ٍۭن۲۵ِ﴿ِط ِی َّبۃِکش َّجرَّ ٍۃِط ِی َّب ٍۃِا ۡصل َّھاِث ِاب ٌتِوِف ۡر ُع َّھاِفِیِالس َّمٓا ِء
َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ّٰ ُ ۡ َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ
﴾۲۶﴿اسِل َّعل ُھ ۡمِیَّتذکرون
َّ ۡ ُ ِلن لِ َّ ِالل ُہِالۡاَّ ۡم َّث
ال ِب ِاذ ِنِر ِبھاِِؕوِیض ِرب
and stated: …
1."You should not be content only upon the fact that you have
recited the declaration of faith (Kalima) until the tree of ‘The
One God,’ has not been watered with your deeds, it shall not
bear fruits; rather it shall wither away.”
2. Huzoorra continued: “Tayyaba means good-looking,
aromatic, and succulently sweet. These are four attributes
which should be essentially internally, inherent within a
3. Your faith should be appealing and fragrant; your actions
in faith, beneficial for others and your words should be so
delightful to the heart, that they bring a spiritual revolution
in others.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p540-541)
- 216 -
- 217 -
others are unlawful. …For example the walima (the wedding
feast by the groom after the marriage has been
consummated) is a commandment of Islam. On the other
hand, extravagance is prohibited. This should not be
overlooked at the walima ceremony.
I get the impression that our Jamaat members are
extravagant in this regard. The rules we are making are not
permanent. If, the future generation wish, they may make
amendments to this. The rules made at present are to try to
harness bad habits that are coming into our Jamaat …. Our
Jamaat should always refrain from showing off and being
ostentatious, as this has negative effects on other people.”
- 218 -
Courage is an excellent moral quality and cowardice is a sign
of weakness. When a country beckons her men to defend a
good cause, only the hypocrite will shirk away.
- 219 -
comforts and leisure in India. She came to me and informed
me that she had written a letter to her father asking him to
join the army. I was surprised because her father was an
elderly man. Why did she write to her father to join the army?
I told her that I was unable to understand what she wanted to
say. She answered rather bashfully: “I have written to my
father to ask his permission to join the army.” Now I thought
she was referring to herself. I told her that girls are not
recruited in the army. She said that I had not understood her.
She had asked her father’s permission for her husband to join
the army. At that I understood what she was attempting to
“If a gentle woman can show such courage, that she is ready
to take the risk of losing her husband even before their
marriage has fully taken place, then I expect similar courage
from other members of our Jamaat.
- 220 -
Wife of the Missionary in Palestine Passes Away:
On 17th February 1943 a devoted Ahmadi woman, Fazl Begum
sahiba the wife of Chaudhri Muhammad Sharif sahib passed
way in Haifa, Palestine. She had accompanied her husband
who was serving as a missionary there. She was the first
Ahmadi woman to die while abroad. When an appeal was
launched for donation to restore Darul Ba’it, (the house
where the Promised Messiahas accepted the first bait) in
Ludhiana, she was only eighteen and was not yet married. She
presented the item of silver jewellery she had, to Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra without consulting anyone in her family.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p567)
- 221 -
Ima’illah who represent the members work in parallel to
awaken the members of the Jamaat, then there seems no
reason of the Jamaat to completely fall or to lack in making
progress. Whenever one of the two will fall behind, the other
will be there to remind them.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p577-578)
- 222 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra addressing Jalsa Musleh Maud
in Delhi in 1944
- 223 -
The Man who was a Prophecy:
Every Prophet of God is granted miracles to prove the truth of
their claim. A miracle granted to the Promised Messiahas was
the arrival of a son who would rise to a high calibre spiritually.
In 1944, Hazrat Musleh Maudra was informed by God, to be
that revered Promised Son mentioned in the prophecy, who
was destined to propagate the message of the Holy Prophet sa
and the Holy Quran to the ends of the earth. In the 52 years of
his blessed Khilafat, Huzoorra fulfilled this in a majestic way
despite all the obstacles and odds against him.
- 224 -
Delhi Jalsa and the Prophecy about the Promised Reformer:
During the Jalsa Musleh Maud- held in Delhi on 16th April
1944, a separate Jalsa Gah for women was arranged with the
facility of purdah. Lajna Ima'illah Delhi publicised the event
through posters, inviting ladies to attend. Prior to this Jalsa,
the non-Ahmadi scholars started to incite the public through
hate provoking speeches and posters. On the day of the Jalsa
lots of commotion from them started from the moment the
Jalsa commenced. While the speech of Hazrat Musleh Maudra
was in progress, a crowd of non-Ahmadi men began to
proceed towards the ladies’ Jalsa Gah expressing anti-social
behaviour. Gauging their intentions, Ahmadi young men on
duty responded with standing in a row to obstruct their path.
The opponents then pelted the Jalsa Gah with stones. It was
decided to evacuate the ladies from the scene by buses. Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra (Musleh Maudra) instructed to take special
measures for the safety of the non-Ahmadi ladies. Later, while
referring to the whole situation in his Friday sermon of 21 st
April Huzoorra stated:
“I stood up and saw a crowd consisting of hundreds of people
running towards the ladies’ Jalsa Gah to attack them. This is
a matter that no respectable nation would tolerate the police
also rushed to stop them. These persons were running
alongside the police, but they managed to get there before
the police could. Two marquees had been erected around the
ladies Jalsa Gah; an outer marquee, then an open space with
another marquee inside where the ladies were sitting in. If
this arrangement had not been in place, the results could
have been catastrophic; with a possibility of lots of bloodshed.
These men tore the outer marquee and pulled it down.
- 225 -
Meanwhile the police arrived. It seems that when they (men)
saw that there were no women inside the outer marquee,
they probably assumed that the ladies had left. They did not
proceed to the next marquees. Thus Allah saved us. … I
instructed that one hundred sturdy young men should stand
outside the ladies’ Jalsa Gah to guard it. Respect for women is
absolutely vital and crucial. Thus, only a person ready to give
up his life, should go. In fact, I went to the extent to say that
if any of them were not ready to die they should not go. They
should return. I am willing to go in their place. …
The relatives of the non-Muslim and non-Ahmadi ladies
present there (in the ladies Jalsa Gah) at the time sent
messages that they were very concerned about their ladies.
There was enormous danger, thus some arrangements must
be made. Upon this, I made an announcement to comfort
them that they should not get concerned. We will protect
their ladies before our own. They stand witness that we have
fulfilled that promise. My daughters accompanied some non-
Ahmadi ladies to their houses before returning to their own
Admiring the bravery of Ahmadi women, Huzoorra said:
“The non-Muslim and the non-Ahmadi women were very
aware of the danger; some were shaking with anxiety. Yet the
Ahmadi women also exhibited great courage at that time and
having made a circle around them said: ‘Please do not worry;
even if someone comes in, we will confront them’.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p590-591)
- 226 -
On 9th March 1944 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra approved the
extension of Mubarak Mosque, Qadian. As soon as Huzoorra
made an appeal for finances, women joined the men and
donated with great passion.
- 227 -
The Body of a Deceased Ahmadi Woman Desecrated:
The grave of an Ahmadi woman in Jalalpur Jattan was
exhumed and her body desecrated as a result of the anti
Ahmadiyya sentiments. The entire Ahmadiyya Jamaat was
extremely distressed and infuriated at his abhorrent action.
While resolutions were passed and sent to the government in
protest by the Jamaat, Lajna also expressed their grief and
sadness at the shameful incident committed by the enemies
of Ahmadiyyat in Jalalpur Jattan. They (Lajna) requested the
government to make a hasty enquiry in regards with this
incident and severely punish the offenders accordingly
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p612)
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- 229 -
Establishing Nasiratul-Ahmadiyya and its Objectives:
The aim of Nasiratul Ahmadiyya (Female Helpers of
Ahmadiyyat) is to provide a good Islamic upbringing for
Ahmadi girls, further their religious and secular knowledge as
well as create a sense of unity among the girls. The Holy
Prophetsa said that every child is born with a pious
constitution; it is the environment the child is brought up in
that makes him Jewish, Christian, or a hypocrite.
Whilst establishing Lajna Ima’illah, the idea of establishing an
organisation for girls was also brought up. Nasiratul-
Ahmadiyya will always be indebted to Sahibzadi Amatul
Rashid sahiba, the daughter of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
who encouraged the idea of establishing an organisation for
girls similar to Lajna Ima’illah.
Once established, a syllabus was designed for them to It was
endeavoured that qualities such as religious attachment,
trustworthiness, and truthfulness should be instilled in them
and that they may learn to strive to serve mankind. To
familiarise them from childhood with sacrifice, a chanda
system was also recommended. Thus alongside Lajna
Ima’illah young girls were also being taught and educated.
Later, with the Lajna Ijtema, Nasiratul-Ahmadiyya
programmes were simultaneously planned, in order to give
them the opportunity to practise oratory and writing skills.
Nasiratul Ahmadiyya:
This department had started several years ago under various
names. However, due to lack of supervision by Lajna Imaillah
its activities phased out. On 24th April 1945, Nasiratul-
- 230 -
Ahmadiyya was formally established with Sayyeda Tayyaba
Siddiqa sahiba, the wife of Nawab Masood Ahmad Khan sahib
appointed its first Secretary. The age for Nasirat members was
set as eight to fifteen years. Branches of Nasirat had been
established in every neighbourhood of Qadian by May 1945.
A syllabus was also devised.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p633)
- 231 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra commended women’s effort and
“Women have offered a better model of sacrifice than men.
Although, some errors in calculation were made due to their
limited knowledge of assessment, however I became aware
of them in time, and gave instructions to rectify them. They
then worked very hard and whole heartedly. In my view, if
men could instil the same spirit in themselves as the women
have shown, then our victory would come a hundred years
earlier… sp Women have done the work with so passionately
that some of them seem unrecognisable (due to tiredness).
They did not care about food, sleep or having taking rest. They
worked so hard that I think some may have lost three or four
kilos in weight.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p648-649)
- 232 -
circumstances that initiated this high spirit of sacrifice. Some
of the women, who came to cast their vote, were pregnant
and some were even in labour. Some fainted just after casting
their vote. A couple of them had given birth less than twelve
hours before and came to vote while being carried on a
stretcher. If this was only a single incident, then one could
ignore it; but there were more than a dozen ladies in such
sacrifice, including those who were in labour. …
Some of the ones who came to vote were so ill that they could
barely sit and had to be carried by relatives. Some were
brought with relatives supporting them from both sides in
case they fell down. There were more than a dozen of such
examples. …
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra at the end of the sermon said:
By exhibiting high level of sacrifice during the elections,
women have proved that they deserve to be remembered
forever. The examples of the sacrifice offered deserve to be
mentioned in the history of the Jamaat time and again. They
have exhibited an exemplary high level of devotion and
proved that they have stridden ahead of men in undertaking
national tasks.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p648-650)
- 233 -
An Exceptional Sacrifice of an Ahmadi Lady from a Small
In his Friday sermon of 22nd February 1946 Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra mentioned an astonishing sacrifice by a lady from a
small village. Huzoorra said:
"I later came to know of another exceptional
instance which indeed outshines the examples
coming from Qadian. One of our men who had
gone to perform his election duty narrated an
incident about an Ahmadi woman from a village.
She wanted to cast her vote; but they were not
aware of her. A couple of days prior to the
elections, she suffered a miscarriage. As they
(men) were unaware that she was eligible to vote
they did not arrange any transport for her.
On that particular day after a couple of hours, a
man informed them that a woman had been
found unconscious and she had been taken back
to her village. It appeared that she had come to
cast her vote. Our men went to the location
identified, but could not locate her there. …The
men then immediately arranged for transport
from her village. They were informed later that
the woman was ill but still started her journey
from her village. She passed out after walking a
distance of two miles. People from her village
took her back to the village but when she regained
consciousness, she again made attempts to
proceed, saying that she must vote. Meanwhile
- 234 -
the transport arrived and she was able to come
and vote. She told them that she had read in the
newspaper that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II has
instructed that anyone who can manage must
vote. Therefore she was trying her very best to
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1- p649-651)
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money. It is their duty to present everything for Islam without
any wavering. I believe that if such approach was shown, then
people with weaker faith would also be motivated to exhibit
greater devotion.
A person told me that his wife has turned him into a practising
Ahmadi. Whenever he brought home his salary, the first thing
his wife would ask was whether he has donated his Chanda.
He would reply that he will do it the following day; At this she
would instantly respond that she will not cook food from that
money. At times he would have to go and pay his chanda at
midnight and show her the receipt; only then she would cook
any food. … She would say that she was not prepared to cook
food with any unlawful money.
Hence, if women support us and tell their children that unless
they devote their lives, they develop the spirit of religion, the
mothers will not vouch that they have fulfilled their duty to
their mothers. They will tell God that their son had not
fulfilled his duty to her. She disowns him. He did not obey her.
If mothers take this stance, in a short period of time the
situation will be turned over and 99% of young men will be
reformed. 99% of young men will study harder and the spirit
of sacrifice will be awakened. Here I would like Ahmadi
women to invigorate the sense of devotion in the lives of their
sons for the sake of religion. Those who do not accept it,
should be motivated to monetary contribute from their
savings for the propagation of Islam Ahmadiyyat. If however,
their sons seem unwilling to do this, then every mother
should tell her son that he has not fulfilled his duty towards
her and on the Day of Judgement, she will plead before God
that her son was disobedient. My observation is that now the
- 236 -
time for great advancement for the Jamaat has arrived.
Nonetheless, we will not be successful in it without the
cooperation of women. The reformation of young men will
become easy the day women adapt this stance. They
(women) will energetically begin to work in every walk of life.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p654-655)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra appealed to the Lajna to collect
grains for the poor and needy in the community in order to
prevent starvation. He asked the ladies to save wheat from
their daily cooking in particular, and paid tribute to their
passion for financial sacrifice. The Khalifa’s success in all his
missions are intrinsically linked with the Divine Help of God
and proclamation from the Jamaat of ‘Labaik’, we obey. Lajna
members often raced to sacrifice their jewellery for the cause
of faith and to win Allah’s Pleasure.
During his sermon of 10th May 1946, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra had spoken about the need to save wheat for the poor.
This year he again reminded Lajna of this responsibility.
Huzoorra said:
“I hand over the responsibility of saving wheat to the ladies.
They can do wonders if they try. Sometimes women like to
please their husbands and offer to make them fresh hot
chapattis, when there are already chapattis made earlier.
There are se are minor points, and if the ladies look at these
and try to save, they can reduce their expenses and they are
well capable of doing it. Thus they will have the opportunity
- 237 -
to personally participate in this appeal and earn the Pleasure
of God.
This is a year of hardship and we do not wish our poor
brothers to die of starvation. So please do save wheat for the
needy. … At times mothers make little flour dolls to entertain
their children instead of toys. If they start to save that flour, it
will suffice to save hundreds of lives.”
In a subsequent sermon Huzoorra again drew the Jamaat’s
attention towards the poor. He mentioned the sacrifices
made by some women.
“There are arguments within married couples when the wife
asks the husband to get her some gold jewellery and the
husband says he cannot afford it. Yet I have witnessed
hundreds of arguments when the wife wishes to donate her
jewellery in the way of Allah and the husband disagrees with
it. He says that it may be come in use for a future. This is the
standard of sacrifice bestowed upon our ladies by Allah.
Normally ladies wish to acquire more jewellery, and here we
have our ladies approaching me rather wishing to donate
their jewellery.
When I launched the Waqf appeal, a lady brought all her
jewellery to me. I told her that I had just launched the appeal
and have not yet asked for donations. She agreed but said:
“What if I am desperate and need to sell it for some other
provision tomorrow. I do not wish to be deprived of the merit
of donating it for the sake of God. If you do not wish to take it
at present, I request you to keep it as a custodian. You may
spend it whenever there is a need in the way of religion.” I
insisted that I had not yet made such an appeal, but she
- 238 -
refused to take it back and said that she had donated it in the
way of Allah and cannot take it back now.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p664-666)
- 239 -
‘Therefore, go thou and thy Lord and
fight, and here we sit.’
Instead I am honoured to be amongst the
followers of Hazrat Muhammadsa, whose
companions said:
َّ ُ ْ َّ ْ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ّٰ
ِواللہِلَّاِنقوْ ُلِلک َِّماِقال ْتِبَّنوِْ ِا ْس َّراِ ِءیْ َّلِل ُِموْ ّٰسیِ ِاذ َِّہ ْبِان َّت َِّو َّربک
َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ ْ َّ ْ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ
ِفقاِ ِتلاِ ِانا ِّٰہ ُھناِقا ِع ُد ْو َّنِ َّول ّٰ ِک ْنِ ِاذ َّہ ْبِان َّت َِّو َّربکِفقاِ ِتلَّاِ ِانا
ُ َّ ُ
َّم َّعک َّما ُِمقاِ ِتلوْ َّ ِن۔
- 240 -
Rupees. Huzoor! I do not get any pocket money. I
save the money I receive as gifts on Eid and other
occasions. I will save these and present the
meagre amount am humbly present it to Huzoor.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p671-672)
The London mission activities continued and a new missionary
and his wife arrived in England.
A Farewell Party:
Chaudhri Mushtaq Ahmad Bajwa sahib was appointed as the
Missionary for England. He and his wife Kalsoom Begum
sahiba travelled to England. Lajna Ima’illah members
arranged a farewell party in her honour on 18 October 1946.
Later she had the honour of serving as the first President of
Lajna Ima’illah UK.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p669)
- 241 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra offering silent prayer at the
grave of the Promised Messiahas in Qadian, India, 1947.
- 242 -
The Independence of India was acquired at the price of India
divided into two independent countries with one of the largest
migrations of people with violent and traumatic scenes
displayed on both sides of the border. Due to the Partition of
India and Pakistan, most of the Jamaat felt compelled to
migrate from the centre in Qadian, India, to Pakistan. To
be displaced and uprooted from one’s country, leaving
behind homes, possessions and memories and fearing
death, is not a choice. This was the situation during the
Partition of 1947. The reason for including this historical
event in the history of UK Lajna, is to illustrate how
despite the immense hardships and sacrifices suffered by
the Jamaat, Lajna Ima’illah continued to strive and
- 243 -
not long afterwards that under the leadership of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra Lajna Ima’illah soon recommenced their
work and by the Grace of Allah it has now transformed it into
an international organisation.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p676)
- 244 -
comes when all men are killed. That will be the time for
women to fight against the enemies until the very last drop of
blood. That is what faith demands. However, until the men
are present, it is not the tradition of our Jamaat that we get
our women to raise slogans. When men perish then women
can certainly step forward and fight until their very last drop
of blood in order to keep the flag of religion raised.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p680-681)
- 245 -
reformation can take place rapidly. If they promise not to
attend any weddings where such conditions have been laid
from either party, then you will observe that in a short period
people will feel ashamed and refrain from such useless
activities. What could be more humiliating than girls treated
as animals for auction. Our Jamaat needs to refrain from such
degrading customs and assure that they will never attend
such weddings even if it is their own brother or sister’s.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p682)
- 246 -
Preparing for the Expected Situation:
Khawaja Ghulam Nabi sahib has written about the sad and
heart breaking incidents of in Qadian as follows:
“Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was very anxious and deeply
concerned for the whole duration while women and children
were trapped in Qadian. Huzoorra expressed some of his
concern in a letter addressed to the people of Qadian. It was
read out to everyone. Whereas after listening to this letter,
every man and woman felt stronger and their moral was
uplifted, they also realised how much Huzoorra loved and
cared for this vulnerable Jamaat of women and children. He
was extremely concerned about them and for their safety.
Evacuating thousands of women and children safely during
such dreadful and distressing circumstances is one of the
most magnificent achievements of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra.
It is not possible to truly comprehend its significance.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 1-p686-689)
- 247 -
struggles, this Community will triumph in any soil, in any part
of the world. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was vouchsafed by
Allah: ‘Wherever you are, Allah will bring you all
together’. (2:149) was the revelation received by Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra.
How does one console those who have lost their property,
land, possessions, and evaded death? Yes, only a Khalifa, a
man of God is endowed with inspiring hearts into consolation
of such destitute people by focusing ones sorrows towards
- 248 -
first page an important message from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra was printed in bold, “Are you a true Ahmadi?” Part of his
message is copied below:
“If you are a true Ahmadi, then make changes in
yourself as of today. Pay emphasise on supplications
(Dua) and Salat. If your wife is weak in Salat, encourage
her to offer it. If she doesn’t improve, then divorce her.
If your husband is weak in Salat, encourage him to
offer it. If he doesn’t improve ask for divorce. If your
children are weak in Salat, then stop talking to them
until they reform themselves.”
These words portray the feelings that Huzoorra had towards
supplications and Salat in that difficult period. It
demonstrates what he expected from the Jamaat’s men,
women and children. …
Upon reaching Lahore, under the special instructions and
supervision of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, continuous efforts
were made to move all women and children residing in
Qadian to Pakistan safely and rapidly. Initially, Huzoorra had
wished that no Ahmadi leave their home (Qadian). However,
when conditions became unmanageable to the extremes, he
instructed that only women and children should be moved.
Later when it became impossible for men to also remain
there, arrangements were made to also move them to
Pakistan safely . Only a few hundred men were instructed to
remain behind in Qadian to protect the holy places.
The following announcement was made through Al-Fazl:
“Not only Ahmadies but all Muslims are provided aid.
All efforts are being made to move women, children
- 249 -
and the elderly men from Qadian to different parts of
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p5-6)
Agonising Cries:
On the Shura held on 7th September 1947, it was decided to
make immediate arrangements to evacuate Ahmadi women
and children from Qadian and take them to Pakistan. In his
Friday sermon of 12th September 1947, Hazrat Khalifatul
Masih IIra drew members’ attention towards the dire
conditions and the steps to follow. Arrangements were
initiated for acquiring at least 200 coaches for this purpose.
Huzoorra stated:
“There are 8000 to 9000 women and children who
need to be evacuated; otherwise the situation with
food and the matter of safety will become difficult to
manage. The food situation is bad. There are no spices
left. Although I have arranged for these things and have
sent them over but still the situation is distressing. Flour
could not be arranged. Ghee is finished. There is no
- 250 -
wood for fuel. Women and children need to be
evacuated from there. Hence, whoever is able to,
should arrange for a coach. Once this has been
arranged, they should liaise with Mian Bashir Ahmed, so
women and children are evacuated through a proper
Wisdom in Adversity:
Khawaja Ghulam Nabi Sahib witnessed and narrated the
following incident, providing great insight and details as
observed at the time. His comprehensive and valuable report
is presented as follows:
"When the brutality and the atrocities of the Sikhs started
to rise in the surrounding villages of Qadian, a sudden
increase in looting, and murders of innocent people,
destruction of properties, and arson attacks began to
emerge. These thugs and robbers were supported and
aided by the police and the army. Their top priority
seemed to harm the Muslims as much as possible.
Danger was rapidly approaching Qadian. Hazrat
- 251 -
Khalifatul Masih IIra particularly paid attention for
security of Ahmadi women and children. Under his
instruction, the female workers from Lajna Ima'illah
prepared a list of the vulnerable that were either
suffering from heart problems or other
chronic health conditions. This group was to be given
priority to move to a secure place outside Qadian. I am
personally aware of ladies who despite suffering with
chronic diseases were strong at heart. … They desired
not to be sent away from Qadian in fear of death. If they
were destined to die, there was no better option than
to die in Qadian. Additionally, they plight was that they
did not wish to be deprived of serving the Jamaat at
such a crucial time. Once they were explained that due
to their health, their presence will hinder the men's
activities and they won't be able to fight the enemies
with full attention, these ladies reluctantly agreed to
leave Qadian.”
Not only was it impossible to arrange safe transport for ladies
and children outside Qadian, but the means of transport had
also become non-existent and the journey was considered
unsafe and dangerous. It was impossible to get hold of
coaches and buses that were travelling under secured army
supervision. Hence, considering the situation it was decided
that as soon as transport becomes available, the sick, the frail,
women with babies, teenage girls and young children should
be prioritised and transported to safe places. The Lists of
names were requested from the local presidents. After
careful consideration Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad sahibra,
issued the tickets with his signature depending on the
- 252 -
availability of space on the buses. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad
sahibra along with his team of carried out this work sometimes
throughout the night.
As soon as a few buses arrived, arrangements for their return
started. The situation worsened by the day. Under the
circumstances all attempts were made to evacuate as many
women and children as possible. For the same reason they
were strictly instructed to take minimal and only very
important items with them such as a few clothes and perhaps
a set of bedding.
Another dilemma was that a large number of refugees had
arrived from the surrounding villages. Some would force their
way into the buses, making it very difficult for those who had
been issued tickets to board. This was exacerbated by the
interference of the army who were armed. Despite these
difficulties, the sons of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and the
sons of Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad sahibra were personally
present to overcome these difficulties and accomplish the
task of putting the ladies onboard. This was the only way that
this difficult task could be undertaken appropriately.
Nevertheless, not only the violence and brutality of the army
and the police was increasing, but they were also creating
substantial challenges in the transportation of women. On
one occasion when ten to twelve buses were ready to leave
with women and children on board, the army announced that
half of the buses must be vacated immediately. They will then
seat passengers in them as they wish. When people
protested, the Hindu army took over all the buses and
physically dragged out the purdah observing women and their
- 253 -
children maliciously. They then took away the empty buses.
This resulted in not only some women and children being
deprived of travelling under the protection of Ahmadi army
officers; but they sustained injuries and their belongings were
The government were making announcements that unless
weapons were detected, the refugees’ luggage was not
checked nor taken away from them. Yet, in Qadian it was so
painstakingly checked that at times some buses were unable
to leave because the procedure that the luggage would end
up being destroyed. They were so keen to search the luggage
that on several occasions the buses were forced to remain
there the whole night as the search had not been completed.
On occasions women and children had to spend the entire
night in open grounds in fearful conditions; also facing issues
in terms of food and toilets.
Women and children would have left their houses at 4am or
5am to arrive at the designated areas to board the buses. Due
to the massive rush of refugees, the organisers, who were
mostly male members from the family of the Promised
Messiahas, faced great logistic problems.
In the early days, the sweltering heat from the sun was
unbearable. Once the buses were filled to their maximum
capacity, women and children were made to wait for
instructions from the army officers. After a long tiring wait
once the journey started, they were again stopped for
inspection near the railway line. Their personal belongings
were checked vigorously and scattered in the worst possible
way; making it difficult to re-collect it later. These were mostly
- 254 -
women and children travelling without any accompanying
male. There were occasions when women and young girls had
to spend the night with the fear of Sikh thugs, the army and
the police. They would be starving and tired which would
cause them immense misery.
I myself witnessed two such convoys. Our young men not only
helped to provide food to but it was Allah’s special Blessing
that these convoys were accompanied by heavily armed
Muslim army including some Ahmadi officers. They certainly
did justice to their roles.
The last convoy that left consisted of thousands of women
and children. A diligent English officer was in-charge of it. Ten
buses from this convoy had taken non-Muslim refugees to
Gurdaspur. They had orders to bring these buses to Qadian to
evacuate women and children from there. However, when
the buses did not arrive in Qadian at the expected time, the
committed officer himself drove his jeep to Gurdaspur and
brought the buses to Qadian. It was later discovered that
officers in Gurdaspur were not permitting the empty buses to
travel to Qadian. They wanted to fill them with people from
Gurdaspur itself. It was only because of the efforts of this
English officer that the buses arrived in Qadian. The following
day women and children were put on board these buses.
The dangerous situation in Qadian was clearly evident to him
(the British officer). Armed Sikh groups of gangsters were
lurking around. Even the military and police could not be
trusted. The dutiful officer realised that it was his duty to
protect the thousands of women and children, and thus he
should make full arrangements and effort for their safety and
- 255 -
protection. We must acknowledge that as far as the worldly
means are concerned, he fulfilled his duty wisely and
ingeniously. He arranged about a hundred buses in a circle.
He asked the people, who were travelling, to take rest in the
middle of the circle and on the outer side of the circle he
placed tight security. In addition to this he set up strong
pickets at the nearby houses and deployed army officers to
guard them. He was personally patrolling the area in an armed
The military mainly consisted of Ahmadi young men, who
were ready to face any danger throughout the night. The
night passed without any unpleasant incident and the convoy
left in the morning. This was the last convoy to take all the
women and children out of Qadian.
- 256 -
Gurdaspur; and the person who was in charge was an officer
of much lower rank. I saw Sahibzada sahib walking with him
arm in arm. This gesture of his filled my heart with gratitude
and happiness. I realised that the children of the Promised
Messiahas were trying their best to protect us.
After a little while Sahibzada sahib got permission to move the
convoy without any search taking place. In this way due to his
critical thinking and intellect he saved women and children
from great trouble. Incidentally the other convoy which had
arrived before them could not leave that day. It left the
following day.
Women were facing an additional issue while getting on the
buses. Almost all the Hindu army officers had some male and
female refugees from outside (Qadian) with them. They were
putting these people on the already overloaded buses by
force. Despite the protest, from the passengers on board,
they would put them on board. These were the helpless
people who had already lost their houses, and then handed
over their few belongings to these vicious people in order to
save themselves. …
- 257 -
and robbed people without any fear and abducted women
refugees in broad daylight. Anyone who resisted was shot
dead or killed with a Kirpan.
In these treacherous circumstances, the rescuing of
thousands of Ahmadi men, women and children who had
been surrounded for many days, from the cruel hands of
beast like enemies without any loss of life, is no ordinary
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p9-15)
- 258 -
Sahiba, the mother of a young Ahmadi man Ghulam
Mohammad son of Mistry Ghulam Qadir Sahib had advised
him that if he is ever put in a position to fight to protect Islam
and Ahmadiyyat, he should never turn his back. This selfless
and obedient young man fulfilled his mother’s advice to the
extent that he gave his life protecting the Ahmadi women of
Qadian. He did not turn his back on the enemies. Before dying,
this young man called his friend over and asked him to write
down his last words, as follows:
“I have firm faith in Islam and Ahmadiyyat. I surrender my life
having full faith (Iman). I left my house with the intention to
offer my life for the sake of Islam. Please all of you remain
witness that I have fulfilled my promise and also the purpose
which I came for. When I left home, my mother advised me,
‘Son, ensure you never turn your back to the enemy.’ Please
inform my mother that her son followed her advice and did
not turn his back and died fighting.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p25-26)
Best of Mankind:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had instructed that the men should
stay in Qadian and fulfil their responsibilities of protecting the
holy places as far as possible. However, the women and
children should be removed from Qadian as quickly as
- 259 -
possible. As a result of this instruction, all the convoys arriving
successively mostly consisted of women and children. A lot of
families came with only the females and children while their
men stayed behind in Qadian. Subsequently, the Jamaat had
to make arrangements for their food and boarding. The credit
for organising this successfully goes to on Hazrat Sayyeda
Maryam Siddiqa sahiba (The wife of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra). Under the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and
together with the assistance from volunteers she fulfilled this
difficult role round the clock. Her kind, loving and caring
manner made the women feel at peace and at ease, despite
the difficulties and trauma they had experienced. She would
personally order the food for everyone from the Guest House
and distribute it. She would arrange for clothes, bedding,
allocate sleeping arrangements and treatment facilities for
the sick. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p29)
- 260 -
Ladies who had come from Central Lajna Ima'illah Qadian,
along with the Lajna Ima’illah Lahore served the migrant
women and children. After a major attack in Qadian,
thousands of women were arriving in Lahore. Marquees were
erected in Ratan Bagh. Arrangements were also made at
Jodhamal Building, Jaswant Building and Cement building to
accommodate the migrant women. At times women arrived
in terrible conditions; often without shoes, clothes, utensils or
even their ‘Burka’. All of them were accommodated in the
camps. The volunteers including ladies from the family of the
Promised Messiahas served food. Bedding was arranged and
the sick given medicines. Hundreds of people came looking
for their missing relatives. Arrangements were made to help
them locate their relatives. Others required money to be
transported to their new homes. Although lots of ladies were
able to leave the camp, yet a large number of elderly and sick
ladies remained behind. …
In addition to looking after the women, a large room was
converted into a delivery room. Dr Amatul Hameed Mufti
sahiba performed medical duties. Several babies were born
every day. They needed to be taken care of, as well as the
mothers’ dietary requirements, clothes for the babies and
other necessary items. Often medicines were requested from
Lajna from various localities arranged to collect clothes,
shoes, burkas, utensils and beddings to distribute. About two
thousand duvets, blankets and quilts were distributed.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p31)
- 261 -
The proverb, ‘time and tide wait for none’ is indeed very true.
In the challenging and complex situation that the Jamaat was
experiencing, time was swiftly passing and it was time for
Jalsa Salana.
- 262 -
The Scheme of Wasiyyat:
The centre Qadian had been taken away temporarily for the
vast majority of the Jamaat. However, they firmly believed
that Allah would surely fulfil His Promise and return Qadian
back to them. To illustrate the belief in this Promise of Allah,
in his Friday Sermon of 28th May delivered in Lahore, Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra stressed upon joining the scheme of
Wasiyyat. Huzoorra said:
“At present my opinion is that at the very least there should
be an appeal for each member of the Jamaat to join the
scheme of Wasiyyat. There are specific timings to
demonstrate matter to world. As a result of having to leave
Qadian, the enemy are particularly concentrating on the fact
that we have lost Bahishti Maqbarah which was the reason
for people to join the scheme of Wasiyyat. They are saying
that people will no longer continue to join the system of
Wasiyyat. The only way to refute their claim is that every
Ahmadi joins it, and demonstates to the world that our faith
and belief in Allah’s Promise is not reliant on whether Qadian
remains in our possession or not.”
To accomplish the instructions from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra, the Central Lajna Ima’illah called a meeting on 28th May
1948. An additional position of a Secretary was added within
the Central Lajna to deliver the instructions from Huzoor ra to
the ladies. Professor Amatul Majeed sahiba, the daughter of
Chaudhri Wazir Muhammad sahib was appointed to this
office on 30th May 1948. She continuously made
announcements in this respect in Al-Fazl and explained the
ways to join the scheme of Wasiyyat as well as its conditions.
- 263 -
She specifically addressed 42 Lajna Majalis and appealed to
them to join the scheme. She requested all the Majalis to
enquire regarding the numbers of Moosiyat already in the
In this regard it was also announced that by that point only
Lajna South Sikandarabad had the privilege that with the
Blessings of Allah, all their members were Moosiyat. As a
result of the new initiative, many ladies joined the scheme of
In his Friday Sermon on 4th June 1948 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
IIra stated: “When I returned home after delivering the last
Friday sermon, I received many letters, both from men as well
as women. They were either notifications of new Wassiyat or
updated promises of donating additional chanda. I can see
that this trend is continuously increasing. I believe that if the
workers do their work properly, then withinsix6 months to a
year, the whole Jamaat will reach these levels.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p73-74)
- 264 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra leading the second Salat after
the migration to Rabwah, 1948
- 265 -
- 266 -
The First Jalsa in Rabwah - Held in April 1949.
Jalsa Salana could not take place in 1948 due to the critical
and tense situation after the partition of India and the
migration from Qadian. Instead it was held in April 1949 at the
Jamaat’s new Headquarters, Rabwah. On this occasion the
ladies’ Jalsa also took place.
This was the first Jalsa Salana for ladies in the barren land of
Rabwah. Ladies were guests as well as hosts. An
announcement was made in Al-Fazl that the ladies who had
previously volunteered during Jalsa Salana Qadian, should
volunteer their names to Nazima Jalsa Salana for duties. Along
with them many girls and ladies from Lahore also volunteered
their names. Ladies arrived in Rabwah two days before Jalsa
and started working according to the plans and the
programme. … Lajna Lahore provided a large amount of
buckets, spoons and lanterns which proved immensely
helpful. This was the first Jalsa in a new place, yet by the Grace
of Allah it was well managed Lajna members from Ahmed
Nagar and Chiniot also specifically participated in serving the
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p101)
- 267 -
Settling Women in Rabwah and Educating them:
After the Jalsa Salana in April 1949, under the instruction of
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Darul Khawateen was built. This
consisted of 24 temporary rooms and a spacious courtyard.
Families of Derveshan-e-Qadian were relocated there.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p103)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIrasettled in the barren land that
he named ‘Rabwah’, which translates as ‘an elevated
place’. The naming was accompanied with prayers that
the Jamaat would bloom and flourish in its new dwelling.
- 269 -
When Huzoor’s car crossed the river Chenab and entered
Rabwah, he started reciting the following Quranic prayers
which were taught to the Holy Prophetsa at the time of his
ً ۡ َّ ۡ َّ ۡ َّربِاَّ ۡد ِخ ۡلن ۡی ُِم ۡد َّخ َّل ِِص ۡدق َِّوِاَّ ۡخر ۡجن ۡی ُِم ۡخ َّر َّج ِِص ۡدق َِّو
ِِاج َّع ۡلِل ِ ۡیِ ِم ۡنِل ُدنک ُِسل ّٰطنا ٍ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ
ً َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ۡ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ َّ َّ ُ َّ ۡ َّ َّ ۡ ُ َّ ۡ َّ
﴾۸۲﴿ انِز ُہوۡقا ﴾وِقلِجٓاءِالحقِوِزہقِالبا ِطلِِؕ ِانِالبا ِطلِک۸۱﴿ن ِصی ًرا
- 270 -
That was an amazing sight. Hearts were full of joy and prayers
were being recited. On this occasion Sadaqat were given by
men and women of Rabwah. Along with an office for Huzoorra,
mud houses had been built for Hazrat Amma Jaanra and the
four wives of Huzoorra where they stayed. Lunch was served
by Darul-Ziafat and dinner was presented by the residents of
Rabwah. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p131-132)
Darsul-Quran in Ramadhan:
In the early days of Rabwah, a temporary mosque of clay
bricks was erected. It consisted of a large room and a
courtyard. Darsul-Quran started with the arrival of
Ramadhan. Lajna also benefited from it. In the last ten days of
Ramadhan some women were also able to carry out Etikaf.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p123)
1949 proved to be a significant year for Lajna Ima’illah UK,
since it was the year when Lajna was officially formed in
- 271 -
Bajwa sahiba was elected the Lajna President. Mrs. Dr
Mohammad Ramzan sahiba, the vice president, an English
lady Miss Janet Wells, the General Secretary, Miss Hameeda
Stafford the Secretary Khidmete Khalq and Mrs Liston, was
the Secretary Finance. Thereafter monthly meetings were
held. On a couple of occasions a small Meena Bazaar was also
organised for fund raising. Ladies prepared items with their
own money and the income received was used to cover the
expenses. Once a dinner party was arranged on a large scale;
a good number of non-Muslim ladies were also invited.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p134)
Patriotism is part of the Muslim faith. Lajna Ima’illah UK
consisted of English and Pakistani members who shared the
joy of the Royal family by sending a gift for their princess on
her second wedding anniversary.
- 272 -
Women are generally portrayed as being emotionally weak.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra encouraged women to dedicate
their lives for the faith and be more active in the field of
Tabligh (preaching), assuring them that their way of
preaching was very logical and effective.
- 273 -
will allocate their husbands to areas where women’s services
are more important.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p135)
- 274 -
Lajna Activities in the UK:
On 17th February Lajna Ima’illah held their monthly meeting.
Chaudhri Mushtaq Ahmad Bajwa Sahib, Imam of the London
Mosque delivered a speech to Lajna. After his speech there
was a discussion on the status of Hazrat Isaas according to the
Holy Quran.
On 19th March Lajna Ima’illah held their monthly meeting. An
Ahmadi Muslim convert, Ms Janet Wells delivered a speech
on Islamic teachings. Mrs Arif Naeem read the translation of
the Holy Quran and Mrs Ramzan, the Taleem Secretary
delivered commentary of the verses in English.
On 11thJune Mrs. Kalsoom Bajwa sahiba, the wife of Chaudhri
Mushtaq Ahmad sahib, was given a farewell party at the
London Mosque. She was returning to Pakistan in July. Her
services for the Muslim women were appreciated. She arrived
in Rabwah on 16th August where she was welcomed by Lajna
Ima’illah. On 9th November she talked about her experience
in the UK.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p203)
What greater blessing could Lajna Ima’illah have wished for
than to have the foundation stone of the Lajna Imaillah office
in Rabwah placed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, the same
blessed personage who established Lajna Ima’illah. Upon
Huzoor’sra direction, some respected companions of the
Promised Messiahas also laid foundation stones on that
momentous day.
- 275 -
Laying the Foundation Stone for Lajna Ima’illah’s Central
On 31st May 1950 at 6:30am Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
graciously laid the foundation stone for the office of Lajna
Ima’illah office in Rabwah… Huzoorra placed three bricks with
his blessed hands. …
The following day on 1st of June 1950 members of Lajna
congregated at 2:30 pm and Hazrat Amma Jaan ra laid a
foundation brick followed by the female Companions of the
Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Sayyeda Ume Nasir sahibara and
Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Dawood sahibara were the first ones to
receive this honour, followed by the rest of the female
companions. As bricks were not available for all the
companions, they were asked to pair up and lay a brick
together. This event ended with silent prayers.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p173)
Misbah re-Established:
The third most important event of this year after the migration
from Qadian was republishing the ladies’ monthly magazine
Misbah from Rabwah.
- 276 -
office was moved to Rabwah, the first issue was published in
April 1950. It consisted of 34 pages and Amatullah Khursheed
sahiba was the editor. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p183)
“I come across thousands of couples and thousands of cases
come to my attention. However, in all my years I have never
come across a more successful and joyful marriage. …I am
proud that she married me (Fazle Ummar p213)’’. This is how
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra described his dear wife Hazrat
Amatul Hayee sahiba. She embodied her father’s deep desire
for women to be educated, and she was taught by her
husband to fulfil this very aim; she dedicated her life
attempting to achieve this. Upon her sad demise, a library was
established in her memory, initially in Qadian and later a
branch was set up in Rabwah.”
- 277 -
seek knowledge and read books to improve their knowledge.
…I hope that Lajna members will take advantage of the library
so that this tiny plant grows out to be a large tree with strong
branches to benefit future generations.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p187-188)
As the time for Jalsa Salana approached, once again
preparations for it began. It is interesting to read the
beneficial instructions given at the time which can equally
apply today.
- 278 -
Chapter 4
1951 - 1958
● Establishment of Jamia Nusrat
● Persecution of Jamaat in Pakistan
● Attempted Murder on Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra
● Companions of the Promised Messiahas Contribute to
the Ahmadiyyat Flag
● Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Illness and Trip to Europe
● Hazrat Sayyeda Maryam Siddiqa - A Selfless Aide
● Death of Hazrat Amma Jee, the wife of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih Ira
● Establishing Nusrat Industrial School
● First Annual Ijtima of Lajna Ima’illah Central
● First Ijtima of Nasiratul Ahmadiyya
● Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Nasirra Passes Away
- 279 -
New Avenues for Education:
Having accomplished twenty eight years of its existence, Lajna
Ima’illah is progressing towards its new destination. The
activities of Lajna Ima’illah in the field of preaching, teaching
and educational activities were proceeding as usual. The mile
stone in Lajna history for this year was the establishment of a
female only college, ‘Jamia Nusrat for ‘Women’. This provided
the young ladies an opportunity to acquire religious education
as well as high standard secular education to degree level
while residing in the headquarters of Jamaat. Sixteen students
enrolled in the first year.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p225)
- 280 -
wishes to pursue material fields should keep in mind that
Islam has also laid emphasis on the love of God. They must
never disregard this; rather they should increase the love of
God in their hearts while engaged in material exertions. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p227)
- 281 -
Inspiring New Achievements and New Thoughts:
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra addressed the Lajna office holders
on 20th February at 4pm in the temporary office as follows:
“Everyone has different lines of thoughts; and some
among you must also have thoughts in regards with
various matters. … The question is what has your
thinking been thus far? Lajna Ima’illah was established
twenty-eight years ago, or perhaps even a year earlier.
What attempts have you made and what have your
thoughts been during these twenty-eight years; apart
from being handed something on a plate. Donating
chanda is something that everyone is keen to do.
Emotions arise when we see that others are donating
chanda, so we want to do the same... It is not a great
accomplishment to collect chanda. The main point is for
you to be mindful of the Jamaat you belong to and what
your responsibilities are. You are a member of a
messenger’s Jamaat and you have to bring the
(Spiritual) victory of Islam in the world. Victories are not
something that can be awaited for centuries. So, what
have you done in twenty-eight years?
We have established Jamaats in America, Africa and
England etc. How many branches of Lajna have you
established there? Have you planned and calculated in
how many years you will achieve the (spiritual) Victory
of Islam worldwide? … Your pattern seems to be that
you come, sit, talk and then leave. Lajna are not exerting
themselves to achieve goals of intellect and they are not
struggling to accomplish anything.
- 282 -
In connection with improving the work of Lajna, Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIra instructed:
“You must appoint a secretary who is educated;
someone who is familiar with English and is able to
correspond in English. She should know Arabic and be
able to correspond in Arabic. Tell me your plans
concerning even the smallest countries. Literature is
essential for Tabligh. You should publish small
pamphlets.… If you had been in correspondence with
America and asked them what kind of literature they
required, then you could have forwarded them
literature pertaining to special teachings related with
women …”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p266-267)
Global Assignments:
- 283 -
3. As there was no Arabic speaking lady at the time, thus
Sayyeda Umme Dawood was assigned the
responsibility for Arab countries.
Hazrat Amma Jaanra was the noble wife of the Promised
Messiahas. Her marriage took place in 1884 as a result of a
glad tiding. This was the same year when the Promised
Messiahas made the claim to be a ‘Mujaddid’. She had the
honour to be Huzoor’s wife throughout the period of his claim
as a Mujaddid and later as the Promised Messiahas. 1952
proved to be the sad year when the Jamaat lost this blessed
soul on earth. Nevertheless, Hazrat Amma Jaanra left behind a
progeny who are dedicated to aid mankind.The Jamaat has
- 284 -
witnessed several prodigious Khulafa from her pious lineage,
the illustrious Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra among them. May
this eminence continue throughout her descendants. Ameen
- 285 -
Persecution of Jamaat in Pakistan:
Sadly this year will be remembered for a year when the
Jamaat faced severe persecution by the non-Ahmadis in
Pakistan, adding to a long history of opposition and
mistreatment. The events of 1953, marked by violent riots and
casualties, were particularly distressing. However, the Jamaat
has remained steadfast, guided by their faith and the
benevolence of Allah. Ahmadi women once again
demonstrated examples of remarkable courage and self-
sacrifice in these challenging circumstances, serving as an
The strong message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra to the
Jamaat was not to lose hope and to continue with prayers.
Huzoorra said:
“You continue to supplicate; I am also praying. God
willing the victory will be ours. Have you ever
witnessed God abandoning me during the last forty
years? So, will He abandon me now? The entire world
may abandon me, but God willing He will never
abandon me. Rest assured He is hastily coming to my
assistance. He is with me. He is within me. The danger
is colossal, but with Allah’s Blessings, it will all fade
away. Control your egos (nafs) and tread on the path
of righteousness. God Himself will take care of the
Jamaat’s work.”
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p332)
- 286 -
Hazrat Umme Dawoodra Passes Away:
On 8th September 1953, Lajna Ima’illah had to endure the sad
demise of a lady of exceptional leading qualities. Hazrat
Sayyeda Saliha Begum sahiba, known as Umme Dawoodra,
was the soul and heart of Lajna. This noble and illustrious lady
served as the vice president of Lajna. She passed away in
Lahore on 8th September after a long illness. She was married
to Hazrat Amma Jaan’s brother, Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ishaq
sahibra, a renowned scholar of Hadith in our Jamaat. She was
the grand daughterof a righteous and well-known scholar
Soofi Ahmad Jaan sahib of Ludhiana. ... In addition to being a
sahabia and a moosia she was blessed with having true
dreams and spiritual experiences. She was among the first 14
members of Lajna. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p339)
Lajna Ima’illah has now completed thirty one years along its
journey. Undoubtedly it continues with passion and facing
new challenges along the way. No community or organisation
can claim to survive and progress without being through trials
and tribulations. In fact these hardest times often lead to
overcome obstacles in the way of progress.
Education and the moral training of Lajna Ima’illah was
always at the forefront of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s mind.
- 287 -
Huzoorra left no stone unturned to remind women of their
- 288 -
The assailant was immediately detained and handed over to
the police.
Subsequently Huzoorra sent the following message to the
“…Dear brothers, pray to Allah that if my time has
come, then He may grant my soul peace and
shower me with His Mercy. Also pray that Allah may
bless you with a leader who is better suited than I
am. I have always loved you all more than my own
wives and children. I have always been prepared to
sacrifice my dear and loved ones for the sake of
Islam and Ahmadiyyat. I expect the same from you
and from your future generations. May Allah
always be your Protector and Helper.”
Companions of the Promised Messiahas Contribute to the
Ahmadiyya Flag:
An interesting important contribution from the female
companions of the Promised Messiahas this year was for the
preparation of the Ahmadiyya flag.
- 289 -
On 12th July 1954, the Central Lajna received three bags full of
cotton from Central Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya for the
preparation of the Ahmadiyya flag. The female companions of
the Promised Messiahas were to separate the seeds from the
cotton wool. This cotton weighed 60kg. The instructions were
strictly not to mix it with any other cotton nor use it for
anything else. This cotton was sown and picked by the
companions of the Promised Messiahas.
On 22ndJuly the female companions of the Promised
Messiahas started working on it under the supervision of
Bhabi Zainab sahiba. …
After spinning the cotton carefully, it was returned to the
Central Majlis Khuddam-ul- Ahmadiyya.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p362-363)
- 290 -
Hazrat Musleh Maudra at a reception in
Switzerland in 1955
- 291 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra during his tour of Europe in
- 292 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra upon his arrival in London in
- 293 -
Now we enter the year 1955. The most significant incidents of
this year were the illness of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih llra and
Huzoor’s trip to Europe for treatment.
This trip is historically significant in many ways. The President
of Central (Markazia) Lajna Ima’illah, Hazrat Sayyeda Umme
Nasirra sahiba and the General Secretary Hazrat Sayyeda
Maryam Siddiqa sahiba received the honour of accompanying
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra on this journey. In their absence,
Sayyeda Naseera Begum sahiba, the wife of Sahibzada Mirza
Aziz Ahmad sahib adequately fulfilled the important
responsibilities of the Lajna General Secretary …
On 26th February 1955 Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra suffered a
serious ailment of the nerves. On hearing this news sadaqat
were offered immediately throughout Rabwah and special
congregational prayers were offered the whole night for
Huzoor’s health. … The Central Lajna Ima’illah as well as Lajna
overseas also participated in this. …
Folowing Huzoor’s illness, his wife Hazrat Sayyeda Maryam
Siddiqa sahiba, the General Secretary of Central Lajna
Ima’illah, spent a great deal of her time taking extremely good
care of Huzoorra. This continued for the following ten years
until Huzoor’s demise... She usually replied to any messages,
articles, letters and statements on behalf of Huzoor during
this illness. Thus she was not only partially fulfilling the duties
of Huzoor’s Private Secretary, but alongside she fulfilled her
responsibility of the General Secretary of Lajna Ima’illah with
- 294 -
full dedication. May Allah reward her in the best of manners.
In light of Huzoor’s illness, initially he was treated in Lahore,
but later the doctors and the Jamaat recommended that
Huzoorra should travel to Europe for medical advice and
treatment. … Huzoorra departed for London with his family on
26th March 1955 and returned to Rabwah on 25th September
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p375-377)
مہرموضیںیک ےہیہمتہپرظن
- 295 -
Hazrat Sughra Begum Sahibara was privileged that the
Promised Messiahas had himself chosen her to marry a
revered person such as Hazrat Khalifatul Masih lra. ... The
Promised Messiahas was also part of the ‘baraat’ (wedding
party from the groom’s side) who travelled to Ludhiana... She
was the first lady to take bai’at at the hands of the Promised
Messiahas with the exception of Hazrat Amma Jaanra. God
bestowed an additional honour upon her that her daughter
was later married to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra.
Hospitality was one of the highest qualities of Hazrat Amma
Jee. Her house was used for accommodating ladies attending
Jalsa Salana in Qadian. She took great care of the ladies
staying there. She offered her house for guests after moving
to Rabwah as well and always took pleasure in personally
taking care of them.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p381-383)
Her funeral took place on 7th August after Asr Prayer. At the
time Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had travelled to London as
part of his treatment, therefore, her funeral prayers were led
by Maulana Jalaluddin Shams sahibra. She was later buried in
the part of Bahishti Maqbarah in Rabwah where Hazrat Amma
Jaan’s tomb is situated. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p385)
- 296 -
They expressed their joy and pleasure by way of gratitude to
their Lord. Lajna Ima’illah also joined other Central
departments to welcome Huzoorra. … On the day Huzoorra
arrived, buildings were illuminated on a large scale. Nasiratul
Ahmadiyya stood within the compound of Tehrike Jadid
(Offices) facing towards the road reciting poems and holding
flags to express their feelings of joy. …
On 16th October a combined tea party was organised by the
Central Lajna Ima’illah and Lajna Ima’illah Rabwah in honour
of the female family members who had accompanied
Huzoorra on his trip. … A welcome address written in honour
of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was read out by Amatul Rashid
Shoukat sahiba who was representing both Lajna Central and
Lajna Rabwah. …
- 297 -
Chaudhri Zafrullah Khan Sahibra. Representatives from many
Muslim countries and renowned journalists attended the
event on this occasion. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p163)
- 298 -
On this auspicious occasion, the Missionary in-charge in
Holland sent a telegram of congratulations to Sadr Lajna
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p165)
- 299 -
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in Holland during his 1955 tour of
- 300 -
In an institution where views and beliefs are in common, a
pledge becomes a reminder of commitment and solidarity for
its members. It is an expression that they are willingly making
a promise to adhere to their faith and the rules of the
institution. The pledge below was introduced in the same
Lajna Pledge:
On 14 February during an Amila meeting, the following pledge
for Lajna was approved. It has since been repeated at every
Lajna event and meeting.
َّ َّ َّ ّٰ َّ َّٓ َّ َّ ْ َّ
ِاش َّھ ُدِا ْنِلاِ ِال ّٰ َّہِ ِالاِالل ُِہ َِّو ْح َّدِہِِلَّاِش ِریْکِلہ
ُ َّ َّ َّ ْ َّ
َِّوِاش َّھ ُدِان ُِم َّحم ًدا َِّع ْب ُدِہِ َِّو َّر ُسوِْلہ
- 301 -
With the passage of time, Lajna یIma’illah was expanding in
every field of life. Hazrat یKhalifatul یIIra wanted all Lajna
members to be useful tools of society. He wanted them to be
self-reliant in case of need, use all their potential, and excel in
the field they were proficient in. A noteworthy enterprise was
the opening of a female industrial school by Lajna یImaillah in
Mayیthis year.
- 302 -
… In 1954 a decision was made to employ a qualified teacher
to teach handicraft skills to young ladies and also organise
some paid work for them. …
- 303 -
the Khuddam and Lajna annual Ijtimas should be held on the
same dates to enable the ladies to travel with their men. …
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p424)
The first day’s proceedings took place in the Lajna hall and
were presided over by Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Nasir sahiba …
Shura Sub-Committees were formed and academic
competitions were held in the afternoon. …
On the second day, the morning session was presided over by
Hazrat Sayyeda Mehr Apa sahiba. Hazrat Sayyeda Maryam
Saddiqa sahiba presented the annual report of Lajna Imaillah.
The afternoon session was presided by Hazrat Sayyeda Umme
Nasir sahiba and Majlise-Shura was held.
On the third day, the morning session started at 07:30am. This
was presided over by Hazrat Sayyeda Umme Nasir sahiba. ...
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra arrived and graciously delivered a
speech to Lajna. ... The Ijtima was concluded with a speech by
Hazrat Maryam Siddiqa sahiba, the General Secretary, Central
Lajna Ima’illah.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p425-438)
- 304 -
On 25th October, Ijtima started at 8am and concluded at 5pm.
Three hundred Nasirat attended this Ijtima. Tilawat and
speech competitions took place as well as sports competitions
at the end. Each Nasirat Secretary presented her annual
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p546-547)
- 305 -
elected president and Mrs Rashida Begum sahiba, the
daughter of Hamed Khan sahib the General Secretary.
On 15th December 1957, a meeting was held under the Lajna
president Mrs Dr Naseem. She formulated the program for
the upcoming year. Mrs. Ashraf also assisted the president
diligently with Lajna activities for the next three years.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p472)
The most grievous incident of this year was the sad demise of
Hazrat Sayyeda Mahmooda Begum sahibara known as Umme
Nasir. She was the daughter-in-law of the Promised Messiahas,
the wife of Hazrat Khalifatul masih IIra, the mother of Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih IIIrh and the Sadr Lajna of Central Lajna
Ima’illah. She passed away on 31st July 1958.
َّ ۤ َّ ّٰ َّ
ِِاناِلِل ِہ َِّوِ ِاناِ ِال ۡی ِہ ِّٰر ِج ُعوۡ َّن
- 306 -
was the maternal grandmother of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V
through her daughter, Sayyeda Nasira Begum.
- 307 -
strange emotions in me. It reminds me again and again
of the critical condition of the Jamaat in which the
need of a newspaper was imperative; and it reminds
me time and again of my wife’s sacrifice. Neither my
early treatment deserved it nor has my subsequent
behaviour made me worthy of it. Till that time I had
not given her even a ring and later on, I just made her
one ring only. Indeed, her sacrifice has left an
imperishable mark on my heart and even if I were to
disregard her other sacrifices and considerations and
overlook my own harsh and strict behaviour, this one
kind gesture of hers is enough to overwhelm me. Her
generosity as it were, gave me hands to serve religion;
it turned a new leaf in my life and equipped the Jamaat
with an effective weapon. How true is this saying? A
woman is a quiet worker. Her example is that of the
rose from which perfume is derived. People
remember the shop from which they buy the perfume
but no one thinks of the rose which dies to provide
them pleasure. I wonder what would I have done, or
in what way would I have rendered some service, or
how the mischief that was gaining strength day to day
would have been suppressed, had not Allah provided
me in this way?’
(Lajna Souvenir 1922 to 1972 Page 29)
- 308 -
the centre of women’s attraction after the death of
Hazrat Ummul Momineen (ra). She was harmless by
nature; she never hurt anyone throughout her life. She
was the very image of innocence and she ranked high
in piety and righteousness. Probably, most people do
not know that she donated all her pocket money and
was among the earliest of Moosis (Those who
volunteer to donate for the propagation of Islam at
least one tenth of their income during their lifetime
and one tenth of their effects and property after
(Lajna Souvenir 1922 to 1972 Page 30)
- 309 -
Maryam Siddiqa sahiba vacated her seat for Maimoona Soofia
sahibara to preside over the elections. The Lajnat who had sent
their views in writing were also considered and Hazrat
Maryam Siddiqa sahiba was unanimously elected the next
president of the Central Lajna Ima’illah. After the approval
from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra was received, she assumed
her responsibilities.
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p520)
- 310 -
Report from October 1957 to September 1958 was published
and was distributed on Jalsa Salana 1958.
There are names of some Sahabiat that have been
mentioned in ‘Tareekh Lajna Volume 2’,. These have been
copied below for the benefit of readers, followed by some
faith inspiring incidents.
1. Chiragh Bibi sahibara, the daughter of Hazrat Munshi
Wazirul-Din sahibra
2. Maai Imam Bibi sahibara, the wife of Thekedar
Muhammad Akbar sahibra
3. Ameer Bibi sahibara, the mother of Maulvi Qamarul-
Din sahibra
4. Maai Kako sahibara, the sister of the two Seekhwani
5. Barkat Bibi sahibara, the daughter of Hazrat Munshi
Wazirul-Din sahibra
6. Sayyada Roshan Bibi sahibara, the wife of Sayyad
Muhammad Ismail sahibra
7. Ustani Maryam Begum sahibara, the wife of Hafiz
Roshan Ali sahibra
8. Ustani Rehmatu-Nisa sahibara, the wife of Master
Maula Baksh sahibra
9. Soobaan Bibi sahibara, the wife of Qutbul-Din sahibra
10. Sardar Begum sahibara, the wife of Master Faqeerullah
- 311 -
11. Sahib Biwi sahibara, the wife of Hazrat Maulvi Fakhrul-
Din sahibra
12. Sayyeda Amatul Latif sahibara, the wife of Hazrat Dr
Mir Muhammad Ismail sahibra
13. Nemat Bibi sahibara, the wife of Mistri Jaan
Muhammad sahibra
14. Ustani Muhammad Bibi sahiba the daughter of Hazrat
Maulvi Shadi Khan sahibra
15. Ustani Kaneez Fatima the daughter of Mirza
Muhamamd Ismail sahib
16. Ustani Ayesha Ayyub sahibara, the wife of Muhammad
Ayyub sahib
17. Sara Begum sahibara, the wife of Maulvi Chirag Din
18. Maai Rajo sahibara, the wife of Mehboob Ali sahib
19. Raheem Bibi sahibara, the wife of Chaudhari Noor
Muhammad sahib
20. Maryam Begum sahibara, the wife of Pir Mazharul-Haq
21. Ayesha Bibi sahibara, the wife of Muhammad Ismail
The Promised Messiahas through his Messianic healing from
God not only healed the spiritually sick but also the physically
unwell. Here is an example of the miraculous healing by the
Promised Messiahas.
- 312 -
Laal Pari - Messianic Healing:
Amatullah Begum alias Laal Pari sahiba was the daughter of
Syed Sahib Noor Khanra and the wife of Khan Mir Sahib
Afghan. After Syed Abdul Latifra, (companion of the Promised
Messiahas martyred in Afghanistan) was arrested by the
Afghan government, Laal Pari sahiba’s father migrated to
Qadian along with his brother Ahmad Noor Sahib Kabuli. Laal
Pari sahiba was privileged to serve the Promised Messiah as
along with her mother. She also had the opportunity to serve
Hazrat Amma Jaanra and the wife of Hazrat Mirza Bashir
Ahmadra. She demonstrated immense perseverance when her
son was martyred in the tribal areas in 1957 while her other
son, Sher Ahmad sahib, was serving as a Darwesh in Qadian.
Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra mentioned an occurrence about
Laal Pari sahiba in his speech during Jalsa Salana (1962):
“Now I will tell you about a poor migrant from Kabul,
who was healed by the Promised Messiah’s miraculous
Messianic spiritual power (Dam-e-Isa). Amatullah Bibi, a
resident of Khost in Kabul narrated to me that she
migrated at a very young age with her father and uncle
Syed Ahmad Noor. Her parents, uncle and aunt had
migrated after Syed Abdul Latifra was martyred. She
suffered from a severe eye infection since her
childhood. Her eyes used to get extremely red and too
painful to open. Her parents had tried various
treatments but nothing restored her health and her
eyes became worse. One day her mother was about to
put medicine in her eyes, but she was frightened and
ran off saying that she will request the Promised
- 313 -
Messiahas to invoke a prayer and blow over her
(Spiritual healing).
She narrates:
“I somehow managed to get to the residence of the
Promised Messiahas and exclaimed that I had
excruciating pain in my eyes which was making me
extremely restless; I was unable to open my eyes.
Please invoke a prayer and blow over me. The
Promised Messiahas looked at my eyes, which were
terribly infected and I was whimpering in pain. The
Promised Messiahas put some of his saliva on his
finger, paused for a while, (He may have been praying
during that time); then with tremendous love and
affection, he slowly rubbed his finger on my eyelids.
He then put his hand on my head and said, “My child,
you may go now. By the Grace of Allah you will never
suffer from this pain again.”
(Narrated by Amatullah Bibi-Migrant from Khost)
- 314 -
Hussain Bibi Sahiba - Mother of Khalid-e-Ahmadiyyat:
The Holy Prophetsa foretold of the companions of the latter
days as ‘those who have not yet joined them’ (62:4). The
success of Maulana Jalaludin Shams sahib was due to a pious
mother seeped in devotion and dedication of her faith; she
instilled her faith into her progeny. Her son was honoured to
be called Khalid-e-Ahmadiyyat (General of Ahmadiyyat) by
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IIra. Just like Hazrat Khalid bin
Waleedra defended Islam in the battle field, Hazrat Shams
Sahib defended Islam in his field of Tabligh.
Hussain Bibi Sahiba was born in 1870 and took bai’at at the
hand of the Promised Messiahas in 1891. Her husband Hazrat
Imamdin Seekhwanira was amongst the 313 companions of
the Promised Messiahas. She converted to Ahmadiyyat
alongside with her husband. She was Moosiya and paid 1/6th
of her assets in Wassiyat (The minimum rate is 1/10th). She
had a calm nature and sincerely followed her faith. She made
huge sacrifices for her faith. She portrayed immense
forbearance while her son Maulana Jalaludin Shams sahib ra
was away for a long time in Palestine and then in England as
a missionary. When her older son Bashir Ahmad was close to
death, he expressed the wish to see his brother Shams Sahibra,
but she did not convey the message to Shams Sahibra as she
did not want to distract him from his duties of serving his
faith. Her father and husband also passed away, but she
showed exemplary courage. When Hazrat Khalifatul Massih
IIra introduced Tehrik-e-Jadid, she donated her gold earrings.
She had great passion for offering prayers and refrained from
unnecessary rituals and customs. She passed away on
- 315 -
19thSeptember 1960 at the age of 90. May Allah grant her a
lofty place in Jannah. Ameen
- 316 -
She passed away on 13th March 1960 at the age of 72. May
Allah grant her a lofty place in Jannah. Ameen
(Tareekh Lajna Ima’illah Vol 2-p173-178)
- 317 -
Glossary of Terms
- 318 -
Dars Lecture on commentary
of the Holy Quran
Darul-Ziafat Jamaat Guest House
Dua Supplication to Allah
Fiqah Islamic Jurisprudence
Hadith A saying of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa.
The plural is Ahadith
Halqa Locality/area formed in
the Jamat for
administrative purpose
Hazrat A term of respect used
for a person of
righteousness and piety
Ijtima Large public meeting to
hold academic
Istighfar Ask forgiveness
Jalsa Salana Annual convention
Jalsa Gah Place/site where Jalsa is
being held
Jamaat Ahmadiyya Community
Janaza Funeral
- 319 -
Jehez Dowry given to the
bride on the wedding by
her parents
Kalima The Muslim Creed
Khalifatul Masih.
Khilafat The institution of
successorship in Islam
Khidmet-e-Khalq Social work
Khuddam Auxiliary organisation
for Ahmadi men
between the ages of
fifteen and forty
Khula Divorce instigated by
the woman
Kufr Denial of truth
Lajna Ima’illah Auxiliary organisation of
Ahmadi women above
the age of fifteen years
Langar Khana Community kitchen
Madrassa A Muslim school
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Madrassatul-Khawateen School for females
Majlis-e-Amila Executive Committee
Mehr Dower given to the bride
by the bridegroom at the
time of an Islamic
marriage in any form
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Nikah The announcement of
marriage in Isla
Nizam -e-Jamaat Order/System of the
Qadha Judiciary
Sadaqa Charity
Sadaqa Jariya Perpetual charity for the
soul of the decease
Sadr Anjuman Executive body of the
Sahabi/Sahabia Male/Female
Companion of the
Promised Messiahas
Sahib A term of respect for a
man, similar to the
English terms of Mr or
Sajda Prostration
Salat The second pillar of
Islam. Five obligatory
daily Prayers for
Muslims in the
prescribed form
Shirkat-ul-Islamia Islamic Publications
Shuddi A Socio-political
Movement in the early
1900 to reconvert
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Muslims and Christians
to Hinduism
Shura Consultative Council
Talaq Divorce instigated by
the man
Taleem Education
Tarbiyyat Moral training
The Holy Prophetsa A term used exclusively
for Hazrat Muhammadsa,
the Prophet of Islam.
Ummul Momineen Mother of the Faithful;
used for a Prophet’s
wife. Reference to the
Promised Messiahas’s
wife here
Umoor-e-Ama Department of General
Wassiyat Will (as per conditions
set by the Promised
Waqf Life dedication for the
service of Jamaat/Islam
Zakat The fourth pillar in Islam
known as obligatory
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istory of
ajna Ima’illah
Volume - 1
This book is a selective translation of the history of Lajna
Ima’illah from the book Tareekh e Lajna. It contains advices
for women, rendered by the Promised Messiahas and his
Khulafa. It is coloured with anecdotes and personal examples
to improve Lajna in their moral and spiritual development. In
a world tinted by varying shades of darkness and furthering
into the abyss, women are at times being bombarded with
constant expectations from all dimensions confusing their
aims in life. We hope that this book serves as a guide to
empower women and make them aware of their rights and
responsibilities; i.e it helps to re-set the needle in the
compassof their lives, paving a way for generations born to
declare that ‘we are here to light up the world.’ May the
reader make use of the wisdom and knowledge contained
within this book. Ameen