Technique of Preserving A Dead Body
Technique of Preserving A Dead Body
Technique of Preserving A Dead Body
The earliest known writing system in the world, writing system in the Ancient Near East.
2. Is a well-preserved ancient law code ancient Babylon. 3. Also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis, near present-day Al Hillah, Babil in Iraq, are considered to be one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 4. Is a numeral system with sixty as the base. It originated with the ancient Sumerians in the 2000s BCE, was transmitted to the Babylonians, and is still used in modified form for measuring time, angles, and geographic coordinates. 5. Is a building where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge at a point; are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. 6. Is a monocot belonging to the sedge family Cyperaceae. It is a herbaceous perennial native to Africa, and forms tall stands of reedlike swamp vegetation in shallow water. 7. Is the only surviving copy of part of an Ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery. 8. Technique of preserving a dead body. 9. Along with sundials, are likely to be the oldest time-measuring instruments. 10. Is an Ancient Egyptian artifact which was instrumental in advancing modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. 11. Is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena whom the people of Athens considered their protector. 12. Was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and was considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. 13. Is an oath traditionally taken by doctors swearing to ethically practice medicine.
15. Was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. 16. Was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Miletus in Asia Minor, and one of the Seven Sages of Greece. 17. Were an Ionian Greek philosopher and founder of the religious movement called Pythagoreanism. He is best known for the Pythagorean theorem. 18. Was a Roman citizen of Greek or Egyptian ancestry. He was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer and a poet of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology. He lived in Egypt under the Roman Empire, and is believed to have been born in the town of Ptolemais Hermiou in the Thebaid. 19. Is the practice of preventing women from being seen by men. Purdah exists in various forms in the Islamic world and among Hindu women in parts of India. 20. Is the religion articulated by the Quran, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of the single incomparable God (Allah), and by the Islamic prophet Muhammad's demonstrations and real-life examples (called the Sunnah, collected through narration of his companions in collections of Hadith). 21. Is the central religious text of Islam. 22. (seed) referred to as a kernel in some plants, is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food. It is the product of the ripened ovule of gymnosperm and angiosperm plants which occurs after fertilization and some growth within the mother plant. (Plow) is a tool used in farming for initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seed or planting. 23. records ground movements caused by earthquakes, explosions, or other Earth-shaking phenomena.
24. Refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in. 25. Is the founder of the religion of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as a messenger and prophet of God (Allah), the last and the greatest law-bearer in a series of Islamic prophets as taught by the Quran. 26. Is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in northern China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiongnu attacks during various successive dynasties. 27. Is a readily combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock normally occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds. 28. An Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. 29. An anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, (On the Workings of the Human Body). Andreas Vesalius is often referred to as the founder of modern human anatomy. 30. Also known as Alexander III of Macedon, was a Greek king of Macedon who created one of the largest empires in ancient history.
31.Cuneiform 32.The Code of Hammurabi 33.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 34.Sexagesimal (base 60) 35.The Egyptian pyramids 36.Cyperus papyrus 37.Egyptian medical papyr 38.Embalming or mummification 39. water clock or clepsydra 40.The Rosetta 41.The Parthenon
42.Hippocrates of Cos 43.The Hippocratic oath 44.Archimedes of Syracuse 45.Aristotle 46.Thales of Miletus 47.Pythagoras of Samos 48.Claudius Ptolemy 49.Purdah / Pardaa 50.Islam 51.Quran 52.Seed / plow 53.Seismograph 54.Yoga 55.Muhammad 56.Great Wall of China 57.Coal 58.Leonado Da Vinci 59.Andreas Vesalius 60.Alexander The Great