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Unit 1 Fundamentals of Data Communication And Computer Network 10 Marks

I 1 List and explain the components of Data Communication system with diagram. 4

Define the following terms: Protocol, Bandwidth, Data Transmission Rate, Baud Rate and
I 2 2
Bits per second.

I 3 List and explain 5 standard’s organizations related to data communication. 2

I 4 Compare Analog and Digital Signal 2

I 5 Define Computer Network. 2

I 6 List applications of Computer Network. 2

I 7 List any four types of Server. 2

I 8 Classify and explain computer network based on geography. 2

I 9 Define protocol. What are the key elements of protocol? 2

I 10 Explain half duplex system and full duplex system with diagram. 4

I 11 State the meanings of: i) Phase ii) Frequency iii) Bandwidth iv) Time Period 4

I 12 Differentiate between LAN and WAN. 4

UNIT SR NO Transmission Media And Switching Marks

II 1 Explain the Twisted Pair Cable State its types and Applications. 4
II 2 Explain Coaxial Cable, State its Applications 4
Explain with neat diagram Fibre Optic Cable. List Applications, Advantages
3 4
II anddisadvantages.
Describe the principles of packet switching and circuit switching techniques withneat
4 6
II diagram
II 5 Define transmission medium.Give its classification. 2
II 6 List advantages and disadvantages of Guided and Unguided Media. 4
II 7 Explain circuit switching network with neat sketch. 4
II 8 Differentiate UTP and STP 4
II 9 Explain the modes of propagation in Fiber Optic Cable with neat diagrams. 4
II 10 Describe line of sight transmission. 4
II 11 . Explain multiplexing techniques 4
II 12 What advantages does TDM have over FDM 4
II 13 Compare packet switched and circuit switched network 6
II 14 Explain satellite communication. 6

UNIT SR NO Error Detection, Correction and Wireless Communicaiton Network Marks

III 1 What is Error? Enlist types of errors. 2
III 2 State various IEEE standards for network. 2
III 3 Explain various IEEE Standards for Network topologies. 4
A System uses CRC on a block of 8 bytes. How many redundant bitsare sent per
III block?What is the ratio of useful bits to the total bits? 4
III 5 Explain VRC method of error detection with suitable example. 4
III 6 Explain LRC method of error detection with suitable example. 4
III 7 Describe various mobile generations in details. 4
III 8 Explain Bluetooth architecture. 4
III 9 Explain wireless LAN 802.11 architecture 4
III 10 Explain the term CRC along with suitable example. 4
III 11 Explain IEEE 802.5 standard. 4
III 12 What is ethernet? 4
III 13 Explain following IEEE standards: i) 802.4 ii) 802.5 4
III 14 Compare LRC and VRC. 4

UNIT SR NO Network Topoloigy and Networking Devices Marks

IV 1 What is topology? List its types. 2
IV 2 State advantages and disadvantages of Bus topology 2
IV 3 Describe the following and state the functions of: 1) Bridges and 2) Repeaters
IV 4 Draw diagram of hybrid topology. 4
Describe working of token ring. Give its advantages and disadvantages overconventional
IV ring topology. 4
IV 6 What is hub? Give types of hub. 4
Describe router with neat and labeled diagram. State the situation under which router
IV arenecessary in network. 4
IV 8 Describe different connecting devices used in computer network 4
IV 9 Compare Router and Repeater. 4
With suitable diagram describe & State the advantages and disadvantages: (i) STAR
IV topology (ii) RING topology 4
Draw and describe architecture for network using tree topology for an office in 3-storey’s
IV building 4
IV Design suitable network layout for an organization with five department (ten userseach) 4
IV What is the MAC protocol used in Token Ring LAN’s? What happens if the tokenis lost? 4
IV 14 Explain the working of hub, switch and bridge. 4
IV 15 Explain the working of following topologies :- (i) Bus (ii) Ring (iii) Tree 4
Compare circuit switching and packet-switching, consider following parameter orientation,
IV flexibility, technology and layer. 4
IV Differentiate between HUB and switch with respect to Layer, Port, device type, speed. 4
IV 18 Explain with the neat sketch the working of Router and switch. 4
Draw suitable network layout with star topology for a computer lab with 10 hosts and a
IV wireless printers. List all components in the Layout. 4

UNIT SR NO Reference Model Marks

V 1 Draw and explain layered architecture of OSI model. 4
V 2 Describe major functions of network layer in TCP/IP protocol suite 4
V 3 Compare between OSI and TCP/IP model. 4
Give the name of layer where following protocols are related to i) SMTP ii) TCP-UDP iii) IP
V iv) FTP 4
V 5 Describe functions of Data Link Layer 4
V 6 Compare IPV4 and IPV6 4
V 7 Draw and explain TCP/IP model. 4
V 8 Describe the process of DHCP server configuration. 4
V 9 What is Encapsulation? 4
V 10 Describe functions of physical layer and data link layer of OSI model 4
V 11 Compare TCP and UDP. 4
V 12 Explain configuration of TCP/IP protocol in network. 4
V 13 Define IP, subnet and supernet 2
V 14 Explain classful addressing in detail or Describe types of IP address classes. 4
V 15 Enlist and explain functions of application layer 2
V 16 Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP network model 4

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