Levitación Magnética
Levitación Magnética
Levitación Magnética
1 Project Overview
In this semester project, you will design a magnetic levitation system. The
goal is to have a relatively lightweight metallic object ”hover” suspended
at a small distance below the magnetic solenoid (Figure 1). The levitated
object is attracted by an electromagnet that is placed above the sphere.
The control problem consists of balancing the gravitational force against the
electromagnetic force in such a way that small disturbances do not change
the object’s equilibrium position. Specifically, the magnetic force F , which
is determined by the current I through the electromagnet, overcomes gravity
(the mass of the object is m) and pulls the object upward. For this purpose
of establishing feedback control, a distance sensor needs to be provided, and
the current through the solenoid needs to be controlled in such a fashion that
the distance of the levitated object to the solenoid is constant. The semester
project is largely a design project, and the path to a viable solution is not
prescribed. There are some mandatory components, however, and those are
specifically highlighted.
To provide an overview, the design steps comprise:
4. Design of a controller
Figure 1: Sketch of the process, that is, the magnetic levitation system and its
frame. A solenoid coil (S) is suspended from the frame (F). The levitated object
(L.O.) is attracted by the magnetic force of the solenoid. The attractive (upward)
force depends on the current through the solenoid. A distance sensor (D) provides
a signal that depends on the distance of the levitated object from the solenoid.
by the solenoid current and the number of turns. The wire gauge limits the
current, but a large wire diameter also limits the number of turns you can
wrap. You may opt to make your own solenoid or obtain an off-the-shelf
solenoid. In the latter case, very limited funds are available to purchase a
solenoid. In general, the price should not exceed $10. A self-wound solenoid
may be constructed as follows: Use a long 1/4 inch iron bolt (approx. 3 in
long) and cover it with some insulating material, such as thin PVC pipe:
The length of the Pipe could be 2 in. Two 3-in diameter disks with a 1/4
inch hole are placed at the ends of the pipe, thereby creating a bobbin. Use
approximately 170 meters of 22ga transformer wire and carefully wrap the
wire around the core. You should be able to create a coil with approximately
500 turns. Note that such a long copper wire has a non-negligible resistance
(approx. 5 Ohms), and a suitably high drive voltage is necessary. When
designing a coil, consider your current needs, the coil resistance, the neces-
sary voltage, and the power dissipation. Large coils can get very hot very
easily (this is why today’s MRI magnets are superconducting)! However,
your magnetic force increases with n2 (n=number of turns).
Next, find a relationship between the solenoid current, the distance of
the solenoid to the levitated object, and the force exerted on the object.
Hint: The equations are nonlinear. Ideally, you should support this rela-
tionship with experimental data, because this will help your design later.
• Evidence that the sensor’s output follows the measured variable in-
stantly or that the time constant can be neglected against the time
constant of the inertia
• Optional: Evidence that you can measure the first derivative with an
estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio. This element is optional, but it
puts you in an advantageous situation if you complete it.
A Vcc:1
B Vcc:1
C Vcc:1
L1 L1 D1 L1
T2 U1 C Q3
B Q1 B Q2
V(IN) T3
V(IN) E E V(IN) R1
2. Analog solution with PWM: You can still use a purely op-amp based
solution, but you use the transistor as a switch (Figure 2C). This will
require you to use some form of oscillator and comparator to generate
the PWM signal. It is possible to use discrete op-amps to build this
unit, but integrated chips (e.g., LM494) are an interesting alternative,
because you not only have the PWM generator integrated, but also a
complete error amplifier around which you can build your controller.
Irrespective of whether you use pure analog control or whether you prefer
a digital option with PWM, the overall effort is not fundamentally different.
In addition, you may change from PWM to purely analog (and vice-versa)
at a later point if needed.
In addition to the driver itself, you should attempt to drive the solenoid
with some scaled or amplified version of your sensor output (P-control) and
demonstrate that a deviation from the assumed equilibrium position causes
the magnet current to change in such a fashion that it would correct the po-
• How does the proposed controller transfer function lead to the desired
closed-loop pole location? What coefficients does the controller have,
and how do they influence the pole location?
drive the solenoid. Perform any fine-tuning of the controller that may be
necessary to obtain stable, non-oscillatory behavior.
Note: Individual help will be provided for this step. Try to make some
coefficients of the controller adjustable, for example, the placement of pole(s)
and zero(s), and the controller gain. Use either a sine-wave frequency sweep
(Bode diagram) or a square-wave signal (step response) to verify your con-
troller’s transfer function.
Voltmeters, a frequency generator and – most importantly – an oscillo-
scope are valuable tools for this step.
This step is successful if you can keep the levitated object at a constant
(and nontrivial) distance from the magnet, without any additional support
and for a prolonged period of time (at least 10 seconds). The functionality
of your final system can be demonstrated in the presentations. If you are
applying for one of the quantitative awards, you are responsible for demon-
strating the specified performance feature.
If you can demonstrate limited stability as defined above, you receive
the score of 40 points for this grading milestone. If the control system is not
operating, a partial credit of up to 10 points (for a valiant attempt) and up
to 25 points (for a system that is close to functioning) will be awarded for
this section.
On top of the regular score points, each project with a fully functional
control system 1 eligible for the awards listed below. Each award comes with
a bonus score of 10 points or more as specified below. One team can receive
multiple awards.
1. An automatic 5-point award is given to any team that uses LATEX for
their report (Milestone 9)
2. Award for the design with the highest load lifting capacity (the object
will be weighed on a scale. A maximum of one auxiliary magnet is
allowed): 10 points. Competing: All levitator projects.
3. Award for the design with the widest dynamic range (the largest pe-
riodic movement, measured by a ruler and a laser pointer, for a si-
nusoidal or square-wave setpoint input): 15 points. Competing: All
levitator projects.
4. Award for the design with the best disturbance rejection (defined as
the ratio of weights of the heaviest object levitated to the lightest ob-
ject levitated, with unchanged controller settings. No auxiliary mag-
nets are allowed): 15 points. Competing: All levitator projects.
5. Award for the design with the highest compatibility to any of the
other levitated objects (objects from other groups will be used with
the device under examination. Levitated objects may not be modified,
but controller settings may be changed. Tied projects share award
points): 10 points. Competing: All levitator projects.
6. Award for the best feature above and beyond this assignment – any
demonstrated, useful and justified feature that is not part of the project
assignment qualifies. Voted by the audience. Note: This award refers
to the built system, not to the presentation. Each student has one
vote. You cannot vote for your own team. The majority of votes de-
termines the team that gets this award: 10 points. Competing: All
7. Award for the most artistic design (voted by the audience. Each stu-
dent has one vote. You cannot vote for your own team. The majority
of votes determines the team that gets this award): 10 points. Com-
peting: All projects.
Stability requirement is met when the object remains levitated for 10 seconds or more