Week6 DLL Science
Week6 DLL Science
Week6 DLL Science
A. Content The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
Standard understanding of different types understanding of different types of understanding of different types of understanding of different types of understanding of different types of
of mixtures and their mixtures and their characteristics mixtures and their characteristics mixtures and their characteristics mixtures and their characteristics
B. Performance The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
Standard prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful
mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food, and mixtures such as drinks, food, and mixtures such as drinks, food, and mixtures such as drinks, food, and
and herbal medicines. herbal medicines. herbal medicines. herbal medicines. herbal medicines.
C. Learning explain the explain the explain the explain the explain the
Objectives importance of importance of separating importance of separating importance of separating importance of separating
separating mixtures in mixtures in our everyday mixtures in our everyday mixtures in our everyday mixtures in our everyday
Write the LC code our everyday life. life. life. life. life.
for each.