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GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level 6


Date Quarter 1 – WEEK 1

OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
Standard understanding of different types understanding of different types understanding of different understanding of different types
of mixtures and their of mixtures and their types of mixtures and their of mixtures and their
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
B. Performance The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able The learners should be able to
Standard prepare beneficial and useful prepare beneficial and useful to prepare beneficial and prepare beneficial and useful
mixtures such as drinks, food, mixtures such as drinks, food, useful mixtures such as mixtures such as drinks, food,
and herbal medicines. and herbal medicines. drinks, food, and herbal and herbal medicines.
C. Learning Describe the appearance and uses Describe the appearance and Describe the appearance and Describe the appearance and
Competency/ of uniform and non-uniform uses of uniform and non- uses of uniform and non- uses of uniform and non-
Objectives mixtures. uniform mixtures. uniform mixtures. uniform mixtures.
Write the LC code
for each.

II. CONTENT Describing Mixtures Describing Mixtures Describing Mixtures Describing Mixtures

A. References K-12 MELC- Guide pp 382 K-12 MELC- Guide pp 382 K-12 MELC- Guide pp 382 K-12 MELC- Guide pp 382
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning ADM / SLM ADM / SLM ADM / SLM ADM / SLM
A. Reviewing llustrate how the particles of What are mixtures? What is a homogeneous What is heterogeneous mixtures?
previous lesson or matter are arranged in the What are the two types of mixture? How does it differ from
presenting the new mixtures? homogeneous mixtures?
lesson following objects. Give examples.

B. Establishing a Have you ever tried eating delicious delicacies Look at the pictures below. Look at the picture and Look at the picture.
served in your school canteen during recess
D. Discussing new Let’s do this. Halo-halo is an example of a Most of the time, the formation of
concepts and mixture. A mixture is a this kind of mixture is associated
practicing new Show the class different solid substance with the process of dissolving.
skills #1 materials and liquid prepared in made by mixing other We say soluble if the solid solute
advance. substances together. When two completely dissolved in the liquid
or more elements solvent and insoluble if it is not.
Ask the pupils to combine two or compounds mix together, While if
substance and list the mixture on not necessarily in a definite the components are both liquid,
the board. Identify if it is a ratio and do not the term miscible or immiscible is
uniform or non-uniform interact chemically, then the used.
Mixtures are combinations of mixtures. resulting substance is known as Salt dissolves in water. Salt is the
two or more substances that a mixture. solute, and water is the solvent.
can be In Figure 1, can you identify This property of solutes is called
homogeneous or the components or ingredients solubility. It is measured in the
that were
heterogeneous. combined to make halo-halo?
amount of solute that can dissolve
Homogeneous mixtures in a fixed amount of solvent. Air
What are these materials?
is an
appear uniform all
In this kind of mixture, you example of gaseous solution.
throughout because they Metal alloys are examples of
can distinguish some pieces of
have the same proportion. corn, solutions in the
Heterogeneous mixtures banana, beans and other solid phase. Ammonia water is a
are not uniform in proportion materials that make up the liquid solution made up of
where combined substances mixture in halo-halo. The ammonia gas
are not evenly mixed materials can be dissolved in water. Ammonia gas
classified depending on the is the solute and water is the
spread or mixed. appearance of the resulting solvent.
mixture. Each of the
combined/mixed materials
can be identified or
distinguished from one
another. This kind of
mixture is called
heterogenous mixture. Each
property of the materials
in heterogenous mixtures do
not change.
E. Discussing new Directions: From the short Discuss the answers of the pupils. Types of Mixture
concepts and information that you have read There are two types of
practicing new about mixtures, answer Let them describe what mixtures
skills #2 mixtures. One is
the following questions. Write they made.
homogenous mixture
the answer in your journal.
which contains
1. What is a mixture?
2. What are the 2 types of
substances that are evenly
mixtures? __________ and mixed and is uniform
___________. throughout in terms of
3. Fill in the blanks to complete physical appearance. The
the following sentences: other one is
Homogeneous mixture appears heterogeneous mixture
___________ while a which contains
heterogeneous mixture component substances
_______________________. that are usually
4. A Homogeneous mixture is a easy to distinguish.
Examine the pictures in

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