July 26 Dawn Vocabulary

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26 July

Dawn Vocabulary 26 July 2024

Word: dismantling ‫ختم کرنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) take apart into its constituent pieces

Synonyms: annihilate, bankrupt, bare, break down, break up, decimate, demolish, denudate, denude, deprive,
destroy, disassemble

Antonyms: assemble, build, construct, erect, put together, raise, set up

Word: tussle ‫تکرار‬

Meaning: (Verb) fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters

Synonyms: altercate, argue, battle, bicker, buck, caterwaul, dispute, quarrel, raise Cain, roughhouse, row, rumble,

Antonyms: cooperate, share

Word: grievances ‫شکایت‬

Meaning: (Noun) an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes

Synonyms: affliction, beef, bellyache, big stink, bitch, blast, case, cross, damage, dido, distress, flack, grief, gripe,
grouse, hardship

Antonyms: commendation

Word: disregarding ‫نظر انداز‬

Meaning: (Noun) lack of attention and due care

Synonyms: apathy, brushoff, contempt, disdain, disesteem, disfavor, disinterest, disrespect, forgetting, heedlessness

Antonyms: consideration, thoughtfulness

Word: speculative ‫خیال‬

Meaning: (Adjective) not based on fact or investigation

Synonyms: abstract, closet, conjectural, formalistic, hypothetical, notional, speculative, theoretical

Antonyms: accessible, commonsense, functional, meaningful, ordinary, plain, practical, realistic, understandable

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26 July
Word: scrambles ‫رینگنا‬

Meaning: (Noun) rushing about hastily in an undignified way

Synonyms: clutter, commotion, competition, confusion, conglomeration

Antonyms: laziness, relaxation

Word: erupted ‫پھٹنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) become active and spew forth lava and rocks

Synonyms: appear, belch, blow up, boil, break out, burst, cast out, detonate, discharge

Antonyms: contain, hold, hold back, subside

Word: furious ‫تی‬

Meaning: (Adjective) marked by extreme and violent energy

Synonyms: beside oneself, boiling, browned off, bummed out, corybantic, crazed, demented, desperate, enraged,

Antonyms: happy

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