Jan 03 Dawn Vocabulary
Jan 03 Dawn Vocabulary
Jan 03 Dawn Vocabulary
03 January
Synonyms: apace, double-quick, expeditiously, flat-out, fleetly, full tilt, hastily, hotfoot, hurriedly, posthaste
Synonyms: admeasure, allocate, allot, allow, apportion, assign, deal, dispense, distribute, divide
Synonyms: audition, auditory, auditory range, detecting, distinguishing, ear, earshot, effect, extent, faculty, hearing
Antonyms: concealment
Meaning: (Noun) freedom from doubt belief in yourself and your abilities
Synonyms: aplomb, assurance, backbone, boldness, brashness, certainty, cool, courage, daring, dash, determination
Antonyms: improvement
Meaning: (Noun) counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy
Synonyms: ban, blackout, blue pencil, control, forbidding, hush up, iron curtain
Antonyms: encouragement
Synonyms: accommodation collar, apprehension, appropriation, bag, booby trap, bust, captivity, capture, collar,
commitment, confinement, constraint, crimp
Word: coordinate مشیکہ
Synonyms: alike, coequal, correlative, correspondent, counterpart, equal, equalized, like, parallel, same, tantamount
Synonyms: bow, buckle under, cave in, cede, come across, concede, defer, fold, give out, give up
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03 January
Word: inclination رغبت
Meaning: (Adjective) located, taking place, or traveling among the stars especially of the Milky Way galaxy
Synonyms: affection, appetite, aptitude, aptness, attachment, attraction, bag, bent, bias, capability, capacity, desire,
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