Jan 08 Dawn Vocabulary
Jan 08 Dawn Vocabulary
Jan 08 Dawn Vocabulary
08 January
Synonyms: clashing, contradictory, debatable, doubtful, equivocal, fluctuating, hesitant, inconclusive, irresolute,
Antonyms: certain, concrete, definite, no two ways about it, resolved, settled, sure, unequivocal
Synonyms: bag, bust, capture, collar, grab, nab, nail, run in, seize, take in, take prisoner
Word: punitive سا
Synonyms: access, crack, creep, edge in, filter through, foist, impregnate, insinuate, penetrate, percolate, permeate,
pervade, saturate
Synonyms: abort, annihilate, annul, axe, blot out, break down, butcher, consume, cream, crush, damage, deface,
desolate, despoil, dismantle, dispatch, end
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08 January
Meaning: (Adjective) giving or marked by complete attention to
Synonyms: bound, caged, confined, enslaved, ensnared, imprisoned, in custody, incarcerated, incommunicado,
jailed, locked up, penned, restricted, subjugated
Synonyms: aerial, blowy, breezy, drafty, exposed, fluttering, fresh, gaseous, gusty, light, lofty, out-of-doors,
Meaning: (Noun) a share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given
Synonyms: act on, affect, alter, change, disturb, impinge, impress, induce, influence, inspire, interest, involve,
Synonyms: abate, abolish, adios, annihilate, ax, blot out, deep six, demolish, deracinate, efface, eighty-six, eliminate,
Word: superior اعل
Synonyms: above, admirable, capital, choice, dandy, deluxe, distinguished, exceeding, excellent, exceptional,
exclusive, expert, famous
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08 January
Antonyms: inferior, worse
Synonyms: aspect, character, characteristic, facet, idiosyncrasy, indication, mark, note, particularity, peculiarity,
Synonyms: abasement, abuse, baseness, black eye, blemish, blur, brand, comedown, contempt, contumely,
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Translation, Dawn Newspaper, Magazine WhatsApp 03410280618