Jan 08 Dawn Vocabulary

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08 January

Dawn Vocabulary 08 January 2025

Word: warring ‫مخالف‬

Meaning: (Adjective) engaged in war

Synonyms: clashing, contradictory, debatable, doubtful, equivocal, fluctuating, hesitant, inconclusive, irresolute,

Antonyms: certain, concrete, definite, no two ways about it, resolved, settled, sure, unequivocal

Word: apprehend ‫پکڑنا‬

Meaning: (Verb) take into custody

Synonyms: bag, bust, capture, collar, grab, nab, nail, run in, seize, take in, take prisoner

Antonyms: discharge, free, liberate, release

Word: punitive ‫سا‬

Meaning: (Adjective) inflicting punishment

Synonyms: castigating, correctional, disciplinary, in reprisal, in retaliation, penal

Antonyms: damaging, harmful, hurtful, imparing, injurious

Word: infiltrate ‫جذب‬

Meaning: (Verb) pass into or through by filtering or permeating

Synonyms: access, crack, creep, edge in, filter through, foist, impregnate, insinuate, penetrate, percolate, permeate,
pervade, saturate

Antonyms: baptize, clarify, clean, cleanse, concentrate, filter, purify, refine

Word: destroyed ‫تباہ‬

Meaning: (Verb) do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of

Synonyms: abort, annihilate, annul, axe, blot out, break down, butcher, consume, cream, crush, damage, deface,
desolate, despoil, dismantle, dispatch, end

Antonyms: build, construct, create, preserve, repair, restore

Word: captive ‫اسی‬

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08 January
Meaning: (Adjective) giving or marked by complete attention to

Synonyms: bound, caged, confined, enslaved, ensnared, imprisoned, in custody, incarcerated, incommunicado,
jailed, locked up, penned, restricted, subjugated

Antonyms: at liberty, emancipated, free, liberated, unconfined

Word: soaring ‫بڑھنا‬

Meaning: (Adjective) moving to great heights with little apparent effort

Synonyms: aerial, blowy, breezy, drafty, exposed, fluttering, fresh, gaseous, gusty, light, lofty, out-of-doors,

Antonyms: closed, oppressive, stifling, stuffy

Word: doled ‫نصیب‬

Meaning: (Noun) a share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given

Synonyms: allotment, allowance, alms, apportionment, benefit, charity, dispensation, distribution

Antonyms: collect, gather, hoard, hold, keep, retain, store

Word: affecting ‫متاثر‬

Meaning: (Verb) act physically on have an effect upon

Synonyms: act on, affect, alter, change, disturb, impinge, impress, induce, influence, inspire, interest, involve,

Antonyms: leave unmoved

Word: eradicated ‫ختم‬

Meaning: (Verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots

Synonyms: abate, abolish, adios, annihilate, ax, blot out, deep six, demolish, deracinate, efface, eighty-six, eliminate,

Antonyms: breed, build, create, fix, generate, plant, propagate

Word: superior ‫اعل‬

Meaning: (Noun) one of greater rank or station or quality

Synonyms: above, admirable, capital, choice, dandy, deluxe, distinguished, exceeding, excellent, exceptional,
exclusive, expert, famous
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08 January
Antonyms: inferior, worse

Word: attributed ‫منسوب‬

Meaning: (Verb) decide as to where something belongs in a scheme

Synonyms: aspect, character, characteristic, facet, idiosyncrasy, indication, mark, note, particularity, peculiarity,

Antonyms: absolve, exculpate, exonerate, praise, vindicate

Word: disgrace ‫رسوائ‬

Meaning: (Noun) bring shame or dishonor upon

Synonyms: abasement, abuse, baseness, black eye, blemish, blur, brand, comedown, contempt, contumely,

Antonyms: credit, esteem, grace, honor, respect

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