Dawn Vocabulary 7 Oct
Dawn Vocabulary 7 Oct
Dawn Vocabulary 7 Oct
07 October
Synonyms: bone, clinker, conflict, contention, denial, difference, disaccord, disapproval, discord, dissension,
dissidence, disunity
Synonyms: ambiguous, borderline, chancy, contingent, dangerous, delicate, dicey, dubious, dynamite, equivocal,
hairy, hazardous, hot, iffy, impugnable, indecisive
Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, egg on, embitter, enrage, envenom, exasperate, excite, heat up, heighten, hit on, hot
up, increase
Antonyms: appease, assuage, calm, ease, mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, soften, soothe
Synonyms: adjoining, alongside, beside, bordering, close, close by, contiguous, near, neighboring, next door, next to,
Antonyms: apart, away, detached, disconnected, distant, far, faraway, remote, separate
Synonyms: actuation, appeal, bent, caprice, catalyst, desire, disposition, excitant, extemporization, fancy, feeling
Antonyms: caution, control, deliberation, inhibition, modernation, prudence, repression, reserve, restraint
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07 October
Synonyms: ability, allowance, backbone, bearing, capacity, continuing, cool, coolness, courage, enduring,
Antonyms: weakness
Synonyms: arresting, arrestive, conspicuous, curious, distinguished, exceptional, famous, fat, gilt-edged, gnarly,
Synonyms: VIP, big cat, big cheese, big fish, big gun, big man on campus, big wheel, bigwig, dignitary, fat cat, head
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