Lesson Plan Final
Lesson Plan Final
Lesson Plan Final
Department of Education
City Schools Division of Tanauan
Tinurik, Tanauan City, Batangas
S.Y. 2022-2023
At the end of the discussion, the Grade 10 learners are expected to:
1. determine if the statement is claim of fact, policy, and value,
2. construct different type of claims through an activity entitled “Battle of the Brilliants”,
3. appreciate the value of formulating claims of fact, policy, and value through active
participation with the given activities.
1. Prayer
“May I call the president of the class to lead (One student will lead the prayer.)
us the prayer? Let us all stand and feel the
presence of the Lord.”
2. Greetings
“Good morning class!”
“That’s good to know. Are you ready to learn a “It’s great Sir.”
new lesson?”
“Yes Sir!”
5. Review
Title: Sharites (Share It Test)
Instructions: Answer the question orally:
“Alright Sir”
6. Motivation
LEARNING TASK 1: Phone Prank
Instructions: While the learners are focused
on the discussion, a telephone ring tone will
be heard out of nowhere. The teacher will ask
who owns the phone which is ringing. Little
did they know that it is merely a prank and is
just part of the lesson. After that, the learners
will answer the question orally:
The message:
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have just
won PHP 100,000 from a contest!!! All you
need to do to claim your prize is to provide
your personal information, along with your
credit cards.
1. If you received this kind of text
message from an unknown number,
what would you do? “Sir, I will just ignore the text message
because it is a scam”.
A. Activity
LEARNING TASK 2: Disco Party
Step 1: I will show you sentences and all you
need to do is to identify if it is true or not. The
twist of this game is it’s like playing I Wanna
Be a Tutubi. You will pass a stone to your
“I’m glad that you enjoyed our game. Now, I “Yes Sir!”
have questions for you”
“Alright Sir”.
B. Analysis
1. Based on the scam text message and in
our game, Disco Party, what
information did they give us? Is it fact “Sir, what we have noticed from the text
or not? message and our game Disco Party was that
both of them gave us an information that
“Very good! Both used different information might be true or false”.
that might be true or false. Opinion and
assertion are examples of an information that
might be true or false.”
A. The death penalty should be abolished
because it does nothing to prevent
B. Legislation should be passed to stop
the sale of cigarettes.
C. Abstraction
Title: One-on-One Interview with Sir Rovic
1. Based on what we discussed earlier,
what do you think is the definition of
D. Application
LEARNING TASK 4: Battle of the
Formulating claims are very important not
only in an argument but also in decision-
making. If we know this type of claims, we can
provide valuable evidence that will support
our idea or claims.
V. Assignment
Instructions: Give 5 examples of each type of claims; fact, policy, and value.
Practice Teacher
Critique Teacher
Trait Criteria Points
2 3 4 5
CONTENT Presentation Presentation Presentation had Presentation ____
Did the presentation contained had moments a good amount had an
have valuable little to no where of material and exceptional
material? valuable valuable benefited the amount of
material. material class. valuable
was present material and
but as a whole was extremely
content was beneficial to
lacking. the class.
COLLABORATION It seems as It seems as It seems like It was evident
Did everyone though only a though certain everyone did that all of the
contribute to the few people people did not some work, group ____
presentation? worked on do as much but some people members
Did everyone seem the work as others. are carrying the contributed
well- versed in the presentation. presentation. equally to the
material? presentation.
ORGANIZATION The There were The presentation The ____
Was the presentation minimal signs had organizing presentation
well organized and lacked of ideas but could was well-
easy to follow? organization organization have been much organized,
and had little or preparation. stronger with well-prepared
evidence of better and easy to
preparation. preparation. follow.
PRESENTATION Presenters Presenters Presenters were Presenters
Did the presenters were were not occasionally were all very
Speak clearly? unconfident consistent confident with confident in
Was it obvious the and with the level their delivery and
material had been demonstrated of presentation they did an
rehearsed? little evidence confidence/ however the excellent job
of preparedness presentation was of engaging
planning they showed not as engaging the class.
prior to the as it could have Preparation is
presentation. classroom but been for the very evident.
had some class.