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Marwadi University

Faculty of Diploma Studies

Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and Advance Logic Gates.



Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital system. Logic gates are electronic
circuits having one or more than one input and only one output. The relationship between the
input and the output is based on a certain logic. Based on this, logic gates are named as

1. AND gate
2. OR gate
3. NOT gate

1) AND gate

The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) only if all its inputs are
high. A dot (.) is used to show the AND operation i.e. A.B or can be written as AB

Y= A. B

Figure-1: Logic Symbol of AND Gate Figure-2: Truth Table of AND Gate
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
A simple 2-input logic AND gate can be constructed using RTL (Resistor-Transistor-Logic)
switches connected together as shown below with the inputs connected directly to the
transistor bases. Both transistors must be saturated “ON” for an output at Q.

Figure-3:AND Gate through RTL logic

2) OR gate

The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or more of its inputs are
high. A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation. Y= A+B

Figure-4: Logic Symbol of OR Gate Figure-5: Truth Table of OR Gate

Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
OR gate can be realized by DRL (Diode-Resistance-Logic) or by TTL (Transistor-Transistor-
Logic). Presently, we will learn how to implement the OR gate using DRL (Diode-
Resistance-Logic). To realise OR gate, we will use a diode at every input of the OR gate. The
anode part of diode is connected with input while the cathode part is joined together and a
resistor, connected with the cathode is grounded. In this case, we have taken two inputs which
can be seen in the circuit below.

When both the inputs are at logic 0 or low state then the diodes D1 and D2 become reverse
biased. Since the anode terminal of diode is at lower voltage level than the cathode terminal,
so diode will act as open circuit so there is no voltage across resistor and hence output voltage
is same as ground. When either of the diodes is at logic 1 or high state then the diode
corresponding to that input is forward bias. Since this time anode is at high voltage than
cathode therefore current will flow through forward biased diode and this current then
appears on resistor causing high voltage at output terminal also. Hence at output we get high
or logic 1 or +5V. So, if any or both inputs are high, the output will be high or “1”.

Figure-6: OR Gate through DRL logic

3) NOT gate

The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of the input at its
output. It is also known as an inverter. If the input variable is A, the inverted output is known
as NOT A. This is also shown as A' or A with a bar over the top, as shown at the outputs.

Y= A'
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:

Figure-7: Logic Symbol of NOT Gate Figure-8: Truth Table of NOT Gate

NOT gate can be realized through transistor. The input is connected through resistor R2 to the
transistor’s base. When no voltage is present on the input, the transistor turns off. When the
transistor is off, no current flows through the collector-emitter path. Thus, current from the
supply voltage (Vcc) flows through resistor R1 to the output. In this way, the circuit’s output
is high when its input is low.

When voltage is present at the input, the transistor turns on, allowing current to flow through
the collector-emitter circuit directly to ground. This ground path creates a shortcut that
bypasses the output, which causes the output to go low.

In this way, the output is high when the input is low and low when the input is high.

Figure-9: NOT Gate through Transistor

Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
1) Electronic circuits that operate on one or more input signals to produce standard
output ___________.
a) Series circuits
b) Parallel circuits
c) Logic signals
d) Logic gates

2) A __________ gate gives the output as 1 only if all the inputs signals are 1.
a) AND
b) OR
c) NOR
d) Ex-OR

3)The Boolean expression of an OR gate is _______.

a) A.B
b) A’B+AB’
c) A+B
d) A’B’

4) Which of the following is not a logic gate?_______________________.

a) NOR
c) IF
d) NOT

5) Which of the following gates can function on a single input?

a) AND
b) OR
d) NOT

Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
1)AND Gate

Simulator 1:

Step-1) Connect the supply(+5V) to the circuit.

Step-2) Press the switches for inputs "A" and "B".

The switch in ON state is and the switch in OFF state is

Step-3) The bulb does not glow if any one or both the switches (2 and 3) are OFF and glows
only if both the switches (2 and 3) are ON.

The bulb in OFF state is and the bulb in ON state is .

Step-4) Repeat step-2 and step-3 for all state of inputs.

Simulator 2:
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
Step-1) Enter the Boolean input "A" and "B".
Step-2) Enter the Boolean output for your corresponding inputs.
Step-3) Click on "Check" Button to verify your output.
Step-4) Click "Print" if you want to get print out of Truth Table.

2)OR Gate
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
Simulator 1:

Step-1) Connect the supply(+5V) to the circuit.

Step-2) Press the switches for inputs "A" and "B".

The switch in ON state is and the switch in OFF state is

Step-3) The bulb glows if any one or both the switches are ON else it won't glow.

The bulb in OFF state is and the bulb in ON state is .

Step-4) Repeat step-2 and step-3 for all state of inputs.

Simulator 2:
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:

Step-1) Enter the Boolean input "A" and "B".

Step-2) Enter the Boolean output for your corresponding inputs.
Step-3) Click on "Check" Button to verify your output.
Step-4) Click "Print" if you want to get print out of Truth Table.

3)NOT gate
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
Simulator 1:

Step-1) Connect the supply(+5V) to the circuit.

Step-2) Press the switch 1 to connect battery to the circuit.
Step-3) Press the switch 2 for input "A" .

The switch in ON state is and the switch in OFF state is

Step-4) The bulb glows if switch 2 is OFF else it won't glow.

The bulb in OFF state is and the bulb in ON state is .

Simulator 2:
Marwadi University
Faculty of Diploma Studies
Department of Information and Communication Technology

Subject: Digital Logic and AIM: Implement and verify the functionality of Basic and
Design(09CT1104) Advance Logic Gates.
Experiment No: 01 Date: Enrollment No:
Step-1) Enter the Boolean input "A".
Step-2) Enter the Boolean output for your corresponding input.
Step-3) Click on "Check" Button to verify your output.
Step-4) Click "Print" if you want to get print out of Truth Table.

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