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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


A. Information about the applicant

Name of Applicant/Proponent and Position Agency/Functional Division:

TOMAS M. FERROL, III Division IPEd Focal Person

B. Profile of the Program or Course

i. Title of the Program or course:


ii. Rationale:

The Division Training on the MATATAG Curriculum IPEd Component is a

dynamic and intensive program designed to equip educators with the necessary
skills and knowledge to effectively implement the transformative MATATAG
curriculum in IP schools and schools serving IP learners. This program aims to
empower trainers with a deep understanding of the MATATAG principles and
methodologies, enabling them to cascade this knowledge to teachers and school
leaders within their respective areas. Through interactive workshops, engaging
discussions, and practical exercises, participants will explore key components of
the MATATAG Curriculum and learn innovative strategies for curriculum
delivery, assessment, and support mechanisms. By the end of the training,
trainers will be equipped with the tools and resources needed to facilitate
successful MATATAG Curriculum implementation, fostering an environment
conducive to producing competent, job-ready, active, responsible, and patriotic

The Department of Education's (DepEd) MATATAG agenda outlines a

comprehensive vision for reforming Philippine basic education. MATATAG, which
stands for Make the curriculum relevant to produce job-ready, Active and
responsible citizens; TAke steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education
services and provision facilities; TAke good care of learners by promoting learner
well-being, inclusiveness learning, and positive learning environment; and, Give
support for teachers to teach better, embodies key principles for transforming the
educational landscape. However, the successful realization of this agenda hinges on
equipping educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to
translate MATATAG's principles into impactful classroom practices.

In preparation for the initial phase of the "Matatag" curriculum's

implementation in the upcoming school year, DepEd commenced training sessions
for teachers and school leaders on February 5 to 9, 2024 with the National Training
of Trainers (NTOT), then to the Regional TOT. This revised basic education
curriculum, part of the K-12 program, spans from kindergarten to Grade 10 with
the aim of producing competent, job-ready, active, responsible, and patriotic

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
DepEd, through the Curriculum and Teaching (CT) Strand and the National
Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), is committed to making the
curriculum relevant and providing support to teachers, as outlined in the Matatag
Agenda. Therefore, the Training on the MATATAG Curriculum for Kindergarten,
Grade 1, Grade 4, and Grade 7 (K147) Teachers and School Leaders will be
conducted to prepare for the commencement of the initial phase of the Matatag
Curriculum Implementation.
The training sessions on the MATATAG Curriculum are designed to offer
professional development support for teachers and school leaders. The focus is to
ensure that they acquire an in-depth understanding of the MATATAG Curriculum
and develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and competences to effectively
implement the new curriculum in the forthcoming school year.

iii. Program or Course Description:

The Division Training of Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum is a dynamic

and intensive program designed to equip educators with the necessary skills and
knowledge to effectively implement the transformative MATATAG curriculum in
schools across the schools division office. This program aims to empower trainers
with a deep understanding of the MATATAG principles and methodologies, enabling
them to cascade this knowledge to teachers and school leaders within their
respective areas. Through interactive workshops, engaging discussions, and
practical exercises, participants will explore key components of the MATATAG
Curriculum and learn innovative strategies for curriculum delivery, assessment,
and support mechanisms. By the end of the training, trainers will be equipped with
the tools and resources needed to facilitate successful MATATAG Curriculum
implementation, fostering an environment conducive to producing competent, job-
ready, active, responsible, and patriotic citizens.

iv. Professional Development Priorities:


PPSSH Domain Strand Indicator
Targets Domain 1. Leading 1.5. Program Design and 1.5.2 Implement programs in the school that support the development of learners
Strategically Implementation
1.7 Monitoring and Evaluation 1.7.2 Utilize available monitoring and evaluation processes and tools to promote learner achievement.
Philippine process and tools 1.7.3 Design supplemental monitoring and evaluation tools following standard processes to promote earner
Professional achievement.
Standards Domain 3. 3.2. Teaching standards and 3.2.2 Provide technical assistance to teachers on teaching standards and pedagogies within and across Grade 4s
Focusing on pedagogies to improve their teaching practice.
for School Teaching and 3.2.3 Engage school personnel such as master teachers, head teachers, department heads in providing technical
Heads Learning assistance to teachers on teaching standards and pedagogies within and across Grade 4s to improve their
teaching practice.
3.5 Learning Assessment 3.5.2 Provide technical assistance to teachers in using learning assessment tools, strategies, and results
consistent with curriculum requirements to ensure accountability in achieving higher learning outcomes.
Domain 4: 4.1 Personal and Professional 4.1.2 Set personal and professional development goals based on self-assessment aligned with the Philippine
Developing Self development Professional Standards for School Heads.
and Others
4.3 Professional networks 4.3.2 Participate in professional networks to upgrade knowledge and skills to enhance practice.
4.3.3. Engage actively in professional networks within and across schools to advance knowledge, skills, and
Domain 5. Strand 5.3 Inclusive practice 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of inclusive practices, such as gender sensitivity, physical and
Building mental health awareness, and culture responsiveness to foster awareness, acceptance, and respect.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
PPSS Domain Strand Indicator
Targets Domain 1. Supporting 1.1 Curriculum Implementation 1.1.2 Support curriculum implementation through the management of programs, projects and activities aligned with curriculum
Philippine to Curriculum standards.
Professional Management and
Standards for 1.5 Learning Resource Management 1.5.2 Apply relevant processes to support learning resource management in divisions/districts, schools/or learning centers
Domain 2: 2.2 Technical Assistance Provision 2.2.2 Adopt and implement appropriate technical assistance modalities to divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers
Strengthening Shared based on quality assurance and evaluation results.
2.2.3 Mentor and coach colleagues in providing efficient and effective technical assistance to a targeted cluster of
divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers based on quality assurance, and monitoring and evaluation results.
Domain 3: Fostering a Strand 3.1 Support for Instructional 3.1.2 Apply appropriate instructional leadership support strategies to help divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers with
Culture of Continuous Leadership the continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process.
3.1.3 Mentor and coach colleagues in adapting relevant instructional leadership support strategies to address the harmonized
needs of clusters of divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers.
Domain 4: Developing Strand 4.1 Learning and Development 4.1.2 Ensure the delivery of different learning and development interventions to support divisions/districts/schools and/or
Self and Others learning centers.

Strand 4.2 Professional Networks 4.2.2 Participate actively in professional networks to enhance knowledge and skills in improving practice.

4.3 Personal and Professional 4.3.2 Set achievable personal and professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for
Development Supervisors.


PPST Targets Domain Strand Indicator
Philippine Domain 1: Content 1.1. Content knowledge and its 1.1.2. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum areas
knowledge and application within and across 1.1.3. Model effective applications of content knowledge within and across curriculum areas
Professional Pedagogy curriculum areas
Standards for
Teachers 1.2 Research-based knowledge 1.2.2 Use research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice.
and principles MT:1.2.3 Collaborate with colleagues in the conduct and application of research to enrich knowledge of content
and pedagogy

1.5. Strategies for developing 1.5.2 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
critical and creative thinking thinking skills.
MT:1.5.3 Develop and apply effective teaching strategies to promote critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills.
Domain 3. 3.3. Learners with disabilities, 3.3.2. Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
Diversity of giftedness and talents giftedness and talents.
4.1. Planning and management of 4.1.2 Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet
Domain 4. teaching and learning process curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
Curriculum and MT:4.1.3 Develop and apply effective strategies in the planning and management of developmentally sequenced
Planning teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
4.2. Learning outcomes aligned with 4.2.2 Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies.
learning competencies; MT:4.2.3 Model to colleagues the setting of achievable and challenging learning outcomes that are aligned with learning
competencies to cultivate a culture of excellence for all learners.
4.5 Teaching and learning resources 4.5.2 Select, develop, organize and use appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning
including goals.
MT: 4.5.3 Advise and guide colleagues in the selection, organization, development and use of appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address specific learning goals)
Domain 5: 5.1. Design, selection, organization 5.1.3. Work collaboratively with colleagues to review the design, selection, organization and use of a range of effective
Assessment and and utilization of assessment diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.
Reporting strategies
5.2. Monitoring and evaluation of 5.2.2. Monitor and evaluate learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data
learner progress and achievement 5.2.3. Interpret collaboratively monitoring and evaluation strategies of attainment data to support learner progress and
5.4 Strand Communication 5.4.2. Communicate effectively in speaking and in writing to teachers, learners, parents, and other stakeholders through
positive use of communication platforms, to facilitate information sharing, collaboration, and support.

Domain 7. Personal 7.3 Professional links with 7.3.3 Contribute actively to professional networks within and between schools to improve knowledge and enhance practice
Growth and colleagues
7.5 Professional development goals 7.5.3 Reflect on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal professional development goals and
assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own goals.

v. Professional Standards Covered (PPST, PPSSH or PPSS domain/s,

strand/s, indicator/s)


PPSSH Domain Strand Indicator
Targets Domain 1. Leading 1.5. Program Design and 1.5.2 Implement programs in the school that support the development of learners
Strategically Implementation
1.7 Monitoring and Evaluation 1.7.2 Utilize available monitoring and evaluation processes and tools to promote learner achievement.
Philippine process and tools 1.7.3 Design supplemental monitoring and evaluation tools following standard processes to promote earner
Professional achievement.
Standards Domain 3. 3.2. Teaching standards and 3.2.2 Provide technical assistance to teachers on teaching standards and pedagogies within and across Grade 4s
Focusing on pedagogies to improve their teaching practice.
for School Teaching and 3.2.3 Engage school personnel such as master teachers, head teachers, department heads in providing technical
Heads Learning assistance to teachers on teaching standards and pedagogies within and across Grade 4s to improve their
teaching practice.
3.5 Learning Assessment 3.5.2 Provide technical assistance to teachers in using learning assessment tools, strategies, and results
consistent with curriculum requirements to ensure accountability in achieving higher learning outcomes.
Domain 4: 4.1 Personal and Professional 4.1.2 Set personal and professional development goals based on self-assessment aligned with the Philippine
Developing Self development Professional Standards for School Heads.
and Others
4.3 Professional networks 4.3.2 Participate in professional networks to upgrade knowledge and skills to enhance practice.
4.3.3. Engage actively in professional networks within and across schools to advance knowledge, skills, and
Domain 5. Strand 5.3 Inclusive practice 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of inclusive practices, such as gender sensitivity, physical and
Building mental health awareness, and culture responsiveness to foster awareness, acceptance, and respect.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
PPSS Domain Strand Indicator
Targets Domain 1. Supporting 1.1 Curriculum Implementation 1.1.2 Support curriculum implementation through the management of programs, projects and activities aligned with curriculum
Philippine to Curriculum standards.
Professional Management and
Standards for 1.5 Learning Resource Management 1.5.2 Apply relevant processes to support learning resource management in divisions/districts, schools/or learning centers
Domain 2: 2.2 Technical Assistance Provision 2.2.2 Adopt and implement appropriate technical assistance modalities to divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers
Strengthening Shared based on quality assurance and evaluation results.
2.2.3 Mentor and coach colleagues in providing efficient and effective technical assistance to a targeted cluster of
divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers based on quality assurance, and monitoring and evaluation results.
Domain 3: Fostering a Strand 3.1 Support for Instructional 3.1.2 Apply appropriate instructional leadership support strategies to help divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers with
Culture of Continuous Leadership the continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process.
3.1.3 Mentor and coach colleagues in adapting relevant instructional leadership support strategies to address the harmonized
needs of clusters of divisions/districts/schools and/or learning centers.
Domain 4: Developing Strand 4.1 Learning and Development 4.1.2 Ensure the delivery of different learning and development interventions to support divisions/districts/schools and/or
Self and Others learning centers.

Strand 4.2 Professional Networks 4.2.2 Participate actively in professional networks to enhance knowledge and skills in improving practice.

4.3 Personal and Professional 4.3.2 Set achievable personal and professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for
Development Supervisors.


PPST Targets Domain Strand Indicator
Philippine Domain 1: Content 1.1. Content knowledge and its 1.1.2. Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum areas
knowledge and application within and across 1.1.3. Model effective applications of content knowledge within and across curriculum areas
Professional Pedagogy curriculum areas
Standards for
Teachers 1.2 Research-based knowledge 1.2.2 Use research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice.
and principles MT:1.2.3 Collaborate with colleagues in the conduct and application of research to enrich knowledge of content
and pedagogy

1.5. Strategies for developing 1.5.2 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
critical and creative thinking thinking skills.
MT:1.5.3 Develop and apply effective teaching strategies to promote critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills.
Domain 3. 3.3. Learners with disabilities, 3.3.2. Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
Diversity of giftedness and talents giftedness and talents.
4.1. Planning and management of 4.1.2 Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning process to meet
Domain 4. teaching and learning process curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
Curriculum and MT:4.1.3 Develop and apply effective strategies in the planning and management of developmentally sequenced
Planning teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
4.2. Learning outcomes aligned with 4.2.2 Set achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies.
learning competencies; MT:4.2.3 Model to colleagues the setting of achievable and challenging learning outcomes that are aligned with learning
competencies to cultivate a culture of excellence for all learners.
4.5 Teaching and learning resources 4.5.2 Select, develop, organize and use appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning
including goals.
MT: 4.5.3 Advise and guide colleagues in the selection, organization, development and use of appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT, to address specific learning goals)
Domain 5: 5.1. Design, selection, organization 5.1.3. Work collaboratively with colleagues to review the design, selection, organization and use of a range of effective
Assessment and and utilization of assessment diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements.
Reporting strategies
5.2. Monitoring and evaluation of 5.2.2. Monitor and evaluate learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data
learner progress and achievement 5.2.3. Interpret collaboratively monitoring and evaluation strategies of attainment data to support learner progress and
5.4 Strand Communication 5.4.2. Communicate effectively in speaking and in writing to teachers, learners, parents, and other stakeholders through
positive use of communication platforms, to facilitate information sharing, collaboration, and support.

Domain 7. Personal 7.3 Professional links with 7.3.3 Contribute actively to professional networks within and between schools to improve knowledge and enhance practice
Growth and colleagues
7.5 Professional development goals 7.5.3 Reflect on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal professional development goals and
assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own goals.

vi. Target Participant Profile (Career stage, Grade level, Learning Area)
CID Chief Education Program Supervisors (PPSS Career Stage 3/4)
Division Education Program Supervisors (PPSS Career Stage 2/3)
Public Schools District Supervisors (PPSS Career Stage 2/3)
School Heads (PPSSH Career Stage 2,3,4)
Teachers (PPST Career Stages 2,3)

vii. Number of hours (face to face instruction and or online learning, and
classroom application (if applicable)
40 hours of face to face instruction

viii. List of Resource Persons/ Learning Facilitators supported by CVs (See


ix. Modality (Formal Learning, possibly with Job-Embedded Learning (JEL),

Learning Action Cell (LAC), relationship and discussion-based learning,
among other modalities)
Formal Learning

x. Delivery Platform (Online, face –to-face and blended delivery)


 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
xi. Indicative Date of Implementation; and
July 8, 2024

xii. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Program Accreditation No. if


C. Program or course design

i. Objective/s or Outcome/s
General Objective:
The Agusan del Sur Division Training of Trainers on the MATATAG
Curriculum aims to equip Supervisors, School Heads and teachers with
the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively implement the
MATATAG Curriculum in schools across the region, thereby contributing
to the production of competent, job-ready, active, responsible, and
patriotic citizens.

Specific Objectives:
1. To deepen participants' understanding of the principles and
components of the MATATAG Curriculum.
2. To equip participants with innovative teaching methodologies and
assessment strategies aligned with the MATATAG Curriculum.
3. To enhance participants' ability to support and mentor teachers and
school leaders in implementing the MATATAG Curriculum effectively.
4. To foster collaboration and networking among trainers to facilitate
ongoing support and professional development in MATATAG
Curriculum implementation.
5. To develop School/Municiaplity Training Implementation tailored to
the needs and contexts of schools within the respective division for
successful MATATAG Curriculum implementation.

ii. Detailed Program or Course Matrix

Refer to the attached Instructional Design

iii. Modules or Learning Resources to be Used

Quality Assured and NEAP-Recognized Learning Resource Package on
MATATAG Curriculum Implementation (Session Guides, Instruction Design,
Session Slide Decks, Activity Sheets, etc.)

iv. Assessment Plan

Pretest and Posttest
QAME Daily Evaluation
QAME End Program Evaluation

D. Program or Course Implementation Plan

i. Schedule of Activities
Refer to specific course objectives and/or instructional design
ii. Budget Requirements
No Quantit
Unit Item Description Unit Cost Total Cost
. y
Meals and Snacks for the Pre
1 pax 35 350 12,250.0
Work Conference

iii. Funding Source

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
IPEd Program Support Fund 2023

iv. Monitoring and Evaluation

1. Strategies and tools for monitoring and evaluating the training’s effectiveness:
a. QAME Form 1, 2, 3
b. PD Program Documentation Form
c. Monitoring and Evaluation Visit Checklist
2. Schedule for reporting progress and outputs (30 working days after the
conduct of the division training)
Activity Completion Report

v. Gender and Development Mainstreaming

The program/ training management team ensures that gender perspectives

and needs are always considered in the design, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the training. Likewise, it seeks to ensure that participants
(regardless of gender preference) have equitable access to, and benefit from,
society’s resources and opportunities. Thus, the Equal Opportunity Principle
(EOP) and the promotion of non-discrimination, fairness, and transparency shall
be strictly observed and gender equality shall overrule in program
implementation and management.

vi. Minimum Health Standards (MHS)

The activity will be done through face-to-face modality. Despite post COVID,
health protocols/standards will still be implemented by the Program Management
Team and shall ensure that participants adhere to them, such as the following:
1. Conduct regular 5-minute exercise or dance zumba during snack and lunch
breaks to boost immune system.
2. Practice respiratory etiquette such as use of tissue or the inner portion of the
elbow to cover nose and mouth and when sneezing/coughing and practice
proper disposal of tissue after use.
3. Observe proper personal hygiene such as, frequent washing of hands, and use
of disinfectant in their hands and in their work area.

Prepared by the ff. proponents: Reviewed by:


Division IPEd Focal Person CID Chief ES

Certified Availability of Funds:


Budget Officer Accountant III

Recommended for Approval:


OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent/PDC Chair


 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456
Schools Division Superintendent

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
(085) 839-5456

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