Composing Business Messages
Composing Business Messages
Composing Business Messages
8 words 100%
15 words 90%
19 words 80%
28 words 50%
Fragment Revision
Fragments often can be identified by the words that introduce them—words such as although, as,
because, even, except, for example, if, instead of, since, such as, that, which, and when. These words
introduce dependent clauses. Make sure such clauses always connect to independent clauses.
Run-On (Fused) Sentences.
When two independent clauses are run together without punctuation or a conjunction, a run-on
(fused) sentence results.
A sentence with two independent clauses must be joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, or,
nor, but) or by a semicolon (;). Without a conjunction or a semicolon, a run-on sentence results.
Run-On Revision
Most job seekers present a printed Most job seekers present a printed
résumé some are also using Web résumé. Some are also using Web
sites as electronic portfolios. sites as electronic portfolios.
Comma-Splice Sentences.
A comma splice results when a writer joins (splices together) two independent clauses with a
comma. Independent clauses may be joined with a coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, but) or a
conjunctive adverb (however, consequently, therefore, and others). Notice that clauses joined by
coordinating conjunctions require only a comma. Clauses joined by a coordinating adverb require a
semicolon. The three following examples illustrate three ways to revise comma splices. Notice that
the first one uses a conjunction (and), the second uses a conjunctive adverb (however), and the
third uses just a semicolon.
Font changes
Selecting a small, or font draws interest.
Other means of achieving mechanical emphasis include the arrangement of space, color, lines,
boxes, columns, titles, headings, and subheadings. Software and color printers provide an extensive
array of capabilities for setting off ideas.
Achieving Emphasis Through Style.
You can emphasize ideas stylistically by using vivid words, labeling the main idea, and positioning
the main idea strategically.
More often a writer achieves emphasis stylistically. That is, the writer chooses words carefully and
constructs sentences skillfully to emphasize main ideas and de-emphasize minor or negative ideas.
Here are four suggestions for emphasizing ideas stylistically:
Use specific statements. Specific statements are emphatic because the reader can relate to them
more directly than general statements.
Someone will contact you as soon Ms. Wong will telephone you before 5
as possible. p.m. tomorrow, May 3.
Label the main idea. If an idea is significant, it can be emphasized. Networking and low prices are
the labeled ideas.
Unlabeled Labeled
Place the important idea first or last in the sentence. Ideas are easier to distinguish from
surrounding words when they appear first or last in a sentence. Observe how the concept
of productivity can be emphasized by its position in the sentence:
Place the important idea in a simple sentence or in an independent clause. Don’t dilute the effect of
the idea by making it share the spotlight with other words and clauses.
Although you are the first management You are the first
trainee we have hired for this program, we management trainee we
had many candidates and expect to expand have hired for this
the program in the future. (Main idea is lost program. (Simple
in a dependent clause.) sentence)
Our records indicate that you Our records indicate that your
were recently fired. employment status has recently changed.
Place the bad news in a dependent clause connected to an independent clause with something
positive. In sentences with dependent clauses, the main emphasis is always on the independent
Direct and Clear in Active Voice Indirect and Less Clear in Passive Voice
The manager completed performance reviews for Performance reviews were completed for all
all employees. employees by the manager.
Evelyn initiated a customer service blog last year. A customer service blog was initiated last year.
Toyota will accept applications after January 1. Applications will be accepted after January 1 by
Coca-Cola created a Sprite page in Facebook to A Sprite page was created in Facebook by Coca-Cola
advertise its beverage. to advertise its beverage.
Use passive voice to be tactful or to emphasize the action rather than the doer.
Less Tactful or Effective in Active Voice More Tactful or Effective in Passive Voice
The CEO made a huge error in projecting profits. A huge error was made in projecting profits.
I launched a successful fitness program for our A successful fitness program was launched for our
company last year. company last year.
We are studying the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley The effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on our
Act on our accounting procedures. accounting procedures are being studied.
The policy affected all vendors, suppliers, and those The policy affected all vendors, suppliers,
involved with consulting. and consultants. (Matches nouns)
Our primary goals are to increase productivity, Our primary goals are to increase productivity,
reduce costs, and the improvement of product reduce costs, and improve product quality.
quality. (Matches verbs)
We are scheduled to meet in Tokyo on January 5, we We are scheduled to meet in Tokyo on January
are meeting in Hong Kong on the 15th of March, 5, in Hong Kong on March 15, and in Singapore on
and in Singapore on June 3. June 3. (Matches phrases)
Shelby audits all accounts lettered A through L; Shelby audits all accounts lettered A through L;
accounts lettered M through Z are audited by Andrew audits accounts lettered M through Z.
Andrew. (Matches clauses)
Our World Cup ads have three objectives: Our World Cup ads have three objectives:
We want to increase product use. Increase product use
Introduce complementary products. Introduce complementary products
Our corporate image will be enhanced.
Skilled at graphic design, the Skilled at graphic design, DesignOne won the
contract went to DesignOne. contract.
To meet the deadline, your To meet the deadline, you must send us your Excel
Excel figures must be received figures by May 1.
by May 1.