History 10-12 Schemes
History 10-12 Schemes
History 10-12 Schemes
2. THE STUDY OF Definition of History i. Define History and trace Needham, D.E. et al
HISTORY Ways of learning History its origins as a discipline Question & (1988). From Iron Age to
Oral traditions of study. Answer Independence: A History of
Written records ii. State and explain the Central Africa.
Anthropology sources of history and Exposition Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Archaeology assess the strengths and Illustration Search of the Central
Linguistics weakness of each source. African Past.
Genetics iii. Demonstrate the Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron
Time and dates in History importance of time Age Cultures in Zambia.
Chronology (chronology and Any other relevant material
periodization periodization) and dates that deal with the specific
Dating historical (ancient) in History. outcomes
remains iv. Explain the methods used
Benefits of learning History to date ancient remains.
v. State, discuss and explain
the importance of
learning History.
3. Introduction to the Geographical setting of Southern Africa i. State the countries that Teacher G. Haantobolo: Senior
History of Southern make up southern Africa. Exposition Secondary History for
Africa Countries that make up southern ii. Describe the physical and Question & Central and Southern
Africa climatic conditions of Answer
Physical and climatic features of southern Africa. Map study
iii. Draw the map of southern N.E. Davis. A History of
southern Africa Southern Africa.
Settlement distribution of the Any other relevant material
iv. Analyse the influence of
inhabitants of southern Africa: physical and climatic that deal with the specific
the San, Khoikhoi, Bantu, Dutch features on the settlement outcomes
and British distribution.
4. Indigenous The San (Bushmen) i. Describe the physical and Picture G. Haantobolo: Senior
Communities of language features of the Study Secondary History for
Southern Africa Physical features San. Question & Central and Southern
Way of life ii. Discuss the socio- Answer Africa.
Social and political organisation economic, religious and Illustration
political organisation of N.E Davis. A History of
Religious structure Discussion Southern Africa.
the San.
Economic organisation Teacher Any other relevant material
Assessment Assessment Test Exposition that deal with the specific
5. Indigenous peoples of The Khoi-khoi (Hottentots) i. Describe the physical Question & G. Haantobolo: Senior
Southern Africa features of the Khoikhoi. Answer Secondary History for
Physical appearance ii. Discuss the socio- Teacher Central and Southern
Way of life economic, religious and Exposition Africa.
Political structure political organisation of
the Khoikhoi. Discussion N.E Davis. A History of
Social organisation Southern Africa.
iii. Compare and contrast the Picture
Economic structure study Any other relevant
San and the Khoikhoi.
Religious practices materialsthat deal with the
Relationship between the San specific outcomes
and the Khoikhoi.
6. Indigenous peoples of The Bantu i. Describe the movements Document G. Haantobolo: Senior
Southern Africa of Bantu speaking people Study Secondary History for
Migrations into Southern Africa into southern Africa and Question & Central and Southern
Settlement distribution their settlement patterns. Answer Africa.
Way of life ii. Discuss the socio- Discussion
economic, religious and N.E Davis. A History of
Political structure Teacher Southern Africa.
political organisation of
Social organisation Exposition Any other relevant
the Bantu.
Economic structure iii. Compare and contrast the materials that deal with the
Religious practices Bantu and the Khoisan. specific outcomes
Relationship between the Bantu
and the Khoisan
8. Indigenous peoples of The Nguni Speaking Peoples in the i. Identify and discuss the Question & G. Haantobolo: Senior
Southern Africa Eastern Wing kingdoms established in Answer Secondary History for
The Ngwane of the eastern and western Discussion Central and Southern
wings of Southern Africa. Teacher
Sobhuza Africa.
ii. State and discuss the Exposition
Dingiswayo’sMthethwa effects and results of the N.E Davis. A History of
The Ndwadwe of settlement of the Bantuin Southern Africa.
Zwide southern Africa. Any other relevant
The Basuto materials that deal with
The Shangawe the specific outcomes
The Kololo
The Bantu Groups in the Western Wing
The Ambo
The Herero
10. European Settler Dutch challenges at the Cape i. Discuss the challenges the Document G. Haantobolo: Senior
Communities Dutch faced at the Cape. Study Secondary History for
Land and labour shortages ii. Describe the Dutch-San Discussion Central and Southern
Limited markets for produce conflicts over hunting Teacher Africa.
Financial challenges grounds. Exposition N.E Davis. A History of
Growth of racial prejudice iii. Describe the Dutch- Southern Africa.
Khoikhoi conflicts over Any other relevant
The Dutch in the Interior grazing land. materials that deal with
iv. State and explain the the specific outcomes
Dutch relations with the San and Kaffir wars.
the Khoikhoi
Hunting grounds issues –
the San
Grazing land issues –the
Dutch relations with the Bantu
The Kaffir wars
11. European Settler The British i. Describe the first British
Communities occupation of the Cape. Question & G. Haantobolo: Senior
First occupation of the Cape: ii. State the reasons for the Answer Secondary History for
1795 second occupation of the Discussion Central and Southern
Second occupation of the Cape: Cape by the British. Teacher Africa.
1806 iii. Discuss the reforms Exposition N.E Davis. A History of
introduced by the British Southern Africa.
British reforms at the
during the second Any other relevant
Cape occupation of the Cape. materials that deal with
The British and the Dutch iv. Explain the conflicting the specific outcomes
political and economic
interests between the
British and the Dutch.
12 & 13 Assessment End of Term Examinations i. Assess and evaluate the Examining Examinations Syllabus.
effectiveness of the Past Examinations
coverage of the syllabus. Question Papers.
The Great Trek Definition trek. Past Exams History of
Characteristics of the trekkers iii. Discuss the features Question Papers Southern Africa.
of the trekkers. Any other
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
2. The Great Trek Causes of the Great Trek i. State and explain the G. Haantobolo:
long-term and short- Question & Senior Secondary
Long-term term causes of the Answer History for
Short-term Discussion Central and
Great Trek.
Teacher Exposition Southern Africa.
Course of the Great Trek ii. Discuss the Group discussion N.E Davis. A
organization of the History of
Organisation of trekkers trekkers. Southern Africa.
Routes taken by various iii. Describe the course Any other
groups of the great trek. relevant
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
3. The Great Trek Results of the Great Trek i. Outline and explain Teacher Exposition G. Haantobolo:
the immediate and Question & Senior Secondary
Immediate results long-term results of Answer History for
the Great Trek. Role-play Central and
Long-term results ii. Assess the impact of Southern Africa.
the great trek on the N.E Davis. A
Effects of the great trek on African African population History of
communities in the interior in the interior. Southern Africa.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
4. The Boer in the Creation of Boer states in the interior i. Discuss the events Document Study G. Haantobolo:
Interior of The Transvaal leading to the Question & Senior Secondary
Southern Africa The Orange Free State formation of the Answer History for
Natal three Boer states: Discussion Central and
End of Topic Test Transvaal, Orange Teacher Exposition Southern Africa.
Assessment Free State and Natal. N.E Davis. A
ii. Assess the History of
effectiveness of the Southern Africa.
coverage of the Any other
syllabus. relevant
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
6. The Mineral The first Anglo-Boer War: 1880 iii. Describe the first Document Study G. Haantobolo:
Revolution in Causes Anglo-Boer war and Question & Senior Secondary
Southern Africa Results discuss its causes Answer History for
The Discovery of Gold at Transvaal and effects. Discussion Central and
Background iv. Discuss the Teacher Exposition Southern Africa.
results of the discovery of gold discovery of gold at N.E Davis. A
The Uitlanders problem Transvaal. History of
v. Explain the socio- Southern Africa.
economic and Any other
political relevant
consequences of the materials that
discovery of gold in deal with the
southern Africa. specific outcomes
vi. Define the
Uitlanders and
explain the problems
brought about by
their presence.
The Mineral The second Anglo-Boer war: 1899 i. Describe the second Document study G. Haantobolo:
Revolution in Causes Anglo-Boer war and Question & Senior Secondary
8. Southern Africa Course discuss its causes, Answer History for
Results course and results. Discussion Central and
Teacher Exposition Southern Africa.
N.E Davis. A
History of
Southern Africa.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
9. The Mfecane Definition i. Define the Mfecane Question & G. Haantobolo:
Causes and state and explain Answer Senior Secondary
Course the factors that Elicitation History for
Teacher Exposition Central and
caused it.
Discussion Southern Africa.
ii. Describe the course N.E Davis. A
of the Mfecane Map/Document History of
focusing key battles study Southern Africa.
like the Mhlathuze Any other
and Blood river. relevant
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
10. The Mfecane Shaka and the Rise of the Zulu State i. Discuss Shaka’s Document Study G. Haantobolo:
background and Discussion Senior Secondary
Shaka’s background explain his rise to Teacher Exposition History for
Shaka’s rise to power and the power.
Central and
strengthening of the Zulu kingdom Southern Africa.
ii. Outline and explain N.E Davis. A
Shaka’s military, political and social the military, political History of
reforms and social reforms Southern Africa.
of Shaka in Any other
Nguniland. relevant
materials that
deal with the
specific outcomes
11. The Mfecane The Zulu State after Shaka i. Discuss the Map study
circumstances Question & G. Haantobolo:
Shaka’s death leading to Shaka’s Answer Senior Secondary
Dingane, Mphande, Cetawayo and assassination. Discussion History for
Sekhukhunes’ reigns Teacher Exposition Central and
ii. Describe the Zulu Southern Africa.
The downfall of the Zulu state state after the death Sketch map of the N.E Davis. A
Effects of the Mfecane of Shaka Zulu. Balkan states History of
iii. Discuss the downfall Southern Africa.
of the Zulu state. Any other
iv. State and explain materials that
empire resulting deal with the
from the Mfecane. specific outcomes
v. Assess both the
positive and
negative effects of
the Mfecane.
12 & Assessment End Termof Examinations ii. Assess and evaluate Examining Examinations
13 the effectiveness of Syllabus.
the coverage of the Past Examinations
syllabus. Question Papers.
its terms
3. The Union of South The 1908 Bloemfontein National Convention i. Discuss the Teacher G. Haantobolo:
Africa Why held 1908 Exposition Senior Secondary
Issues considered Bloemfontein Question & History for
Economic reconstruction national Answer Central and
The Union Constitution convention. Southern Africa.
Merits ii. Analyse the N.E Davis. A
Demerits terms/provisi History of
ons of the Southern Africa.
Union Act Any other
and assess its relevant
merits and materials that
demerits. deal with the
4. South Africa from The Apartheid Policy i. Define and Elicitation G. Haantobolo:
1910 explain Question & Senior Secondary
Origins apartheid. Answer History for
Main principles ii. State the Discussion Central and
Socio-economic formations in the apartheid era Teacher Southern Africa.
origins and N.E Davis. A
Consequences discuss the Exposition
History of
main Debate
Southern Africa.
principles of Any other
apartheid. relevant
iii. Describe the materials that
deal with the
apartheid era
socio- outcomes
iv. Analyse the
of apartheid
on indigenous
5. African Nationalism Definition of nationalism i. Define Question & G. Haantobolo:
in South Africa Factors that ignited nationalism nationalism Answer Senior Secondary
since 1910 Strategies employed by nationalists and explain Group Discussion History for
Teacher Central and
Problems faced by African nationalist movements the reasons
Exposition Southern Africa.
Successes and failures of nationalist movements leading to N.E Davis. A
in South Africa African Discussion History of
resistance to Southern Africa.
white Any other
domination. relevant
ii. State and materials that
deal with the
explain the
methods used outcomes
by nationalist
iii. Identify
faced by
movements in
South Africa.
iv. Assess the
successes and
failures by
movements in
opposition to
6. The Struggle for Liberation Movements i. Describe the Document Study G. Haantobolo:
Majority Rule in ANC and the Question & Senior Secondary
South Africa The African National Congress (ANC) and the PAC and Answer History for
Pan-Africa Congress (PAC) outline the Discussion Central and
Methods used by African movements to methods they Teacher Southern Africa.
press for a just socio-economic and used to press Exposition N.E Davis. A
for a just History of
political order
socio- Southern Africa.
Nelson Mandela and the struggle economic Any other
Background and early life order. relevant
Political activism up his arrest ii. Discuss materials that
Release from prison Nelson deal with the
Mandela and specific
highlight his outcomes
rule in
fighting for a
just socio-
economic and
The Struggle for Other key personalities in the struggle for i. Discuss the Question & G. Haantobolo:
Majority Rule in majority rule in South Africa role played Answer Senior Secondary
South Africa Oliver Tambo by Oliver Discussion History for
8. Teacher Central and
Chief Albert Luthuli Tambo,Golva
Exposition Southern Africa.
Golvan Mbeki n Mbeki, N.E Davis. A
F.W. De Klerk Chief Luthuli, History of
Desmond Tutu Desmond Southern Africa.
The women Tutu F.W. De Any other
Klerkand the relevant
women of materials that
deal with the
South Africa specific outcome
in the
struggle for
majority rule
in South
ii. Describe the
leading to the
end of
of majority
9. Post-Independence i. Discuss the Question & G. Haantobolo:
South Africa socio- Answer Senior Secondary
Socio-economic and political developments in economic and Teacher History for
South Africa after 1994 Exposition Central and
Desk research Southern Africa.
developments N.E Davis. A
in post- History of
independence Southern Africa.
South Africa. Any other
relevant materials
that deal with the
specific outcomes
10. The Liberation Background i. Describe the Document Study G. Haantobolo:
Struggle in South Liberation movements: SWAPO socio- Class discussion Senior Secondary
West Africa Key liberation leaders economic and Teacher History for
political set Exposition Central and
(Namibia) Liberation methods
up fostering Demonstration Southern Africa.
Path to independence the struggle N.E Davis. A
Post-independence era for History of
independence Southern Africa.
. Any other
ii. Identify relevant
prominent materials that
liberation deal with the
leaders of specific
SWAPO and outcomes
assess their
role in
iii. Discuss post-
in Namibia.
11. Overview/Summary Relationships between Indigenous Africans and the White i. List the main Map study G. Haantobolo:
of Southern African settlers occupants of Question & Senior Secondary
History Southern Answer History for
Master-servant relationships Africa and Discussion Central and
Appropriation of resources (land) and means of discuss how Teacher Southern Africa.
production by Europeans settlers their Exposition N.E Davis. A
economic History of
Africans’ struggle to repossess land and means of
activities Southern Africa.
production influenced Any other
Land as the epitome of conflicts the areas of relevant
settlement. materials that
ii. Describe the deal with the
socio- specific
economic outcomes
settlers and
iii. Analyse how
occupants of
Africa bred
2. The Unification of Background i. Describe the German Teacher Exposition Arnold, D. (1973).
Germany Bismarck and the unification process confederation before Question & Britain, Europe and
Early attempts at unification 1871. Answer the World: 1871 –
The three wars of unification ii. Explain the early attempts Document study 1971.
Birth of Germany at Germany unification. Kasoma, A.L.
iii. Outline and explain the (1992). Senior
Secondary World
steps taken by Otto Von
Bismarck to create a
Snellgrove, L.E.
united Germany state. (1981). The
iv. Describe the birth of Modern World
Germany as a united since 1870.
nation. Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
relevant material
learning outcomes
3. Bismarck’s Foreign Nature and Aims i. State and explain the aims Document Study Arnold, D. (1973).
Policy How Foreign Policy Aims were of Bismarck’s foreign Question and Britain, Europe and
Met(Bismarck’s Alliances 1871 – policy. Answer the World: 1871 –
1887) ii. Describe and discuss the Discussion 1971.
The 1872 Dreikaiserbund alliances Bismarck Teacher Exposition Kasoma, A.L.
The 1879 Dual Alliance entered into as he tried to (1992). Senior
Secondary World
The Renewed Dreikaiserbund achieve his foreign policy
The 1882 Triple Alliance aims.
Snellgrove, L.E.
The 1887 Re-insurance Treaty (1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
relevant material
learning outcomes
4. Bismarck’s Aims i. State and explain the aims Question & Arnold, D. (1973).
Domestic/Home How home policy aims were of Bismarck’s home Answer Britain, Europe and
Policy achieved policy. Group Discussion the World: 1871 –
ii. Describe how Bismarck Teacher Exposition 1971.
The Kulturkampf achieved each of his Kasoma, A.L.
The fight against socialists home policy aims. Discussion (1992). Senior
Prussianization of Germany iii. Explain why and how Role play Secondary World
The Triple laws and France managed to have History.
nationalization of key allies after Bismarck’s Snellgrove, L.E.
industries resignation in 1890. (1981). The
Bismarck’s Exit and why France was iv. Assess effectiveness of Modern World
able to have Allies after 1890 coverage of the syllabus. since 1870.
Assessment Wood, D. This
End of Topic Test Modern World.
Any other
relevant material
learning outcomes
5. Britain: 1870 – 1902 Introduction and status of Britain in i. Describe Britain’s Document Study Arnold, D. (1973).
1870 political and economic Question & Britain, Europe and
The Splendid Isolation Policy stature in the period 1870 Answer the World: 1871 –
Nature of the isolationist policy to 1902. Discussion 1971.
Why Britain followed an ii. Define the splendid Teacher Exposition Kasoma, A.L.
isolationist policy isolation policy and (1992). Senior
discuss the factors that Secondary World
Why Britain abandoned her encouraged Britain to History.
isolationist policy follow the isolationist Snellgrove, L.E.
How Britain abandoned her policy. (1981). The
isolationist policy iii. State and explain why Modern World
Britain abandoned her since 1870.
isolationist policy after Wood, D. This
1902. Modern World.
iv. Outline and discuss how Any other
Britain abandoned relevant material
splendid isolation. addressing
learning outcomes
6. European Scope and nature of imperialism i. Define the terms Question & Arnold, D. (1973).
Imperialism in Background to European imperialism, scramble Answer Britain, Europe and
Africa: 1870 – 1919 imperialism for Africa and partition Discussion the World: 1871 –
The scramble for Africa of Africa. Teacher Exposition 1971.
Definition ii. State and explain the Role play Kasoma, A.L.
reasons for low demand (1992). Senior
Why low demand for African for African colonies Secondary World
colonies among European before 1870 among History.
powers before 1870 European powers. Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other relevant
material addressing
learning outcomes
8. European Causes of the scramble for Africa i. State and discuss the Question & Arnold, D. (1973).
Imperialism in The 1884-5 Berlin Colonial factors that induced the Answer Britain, Europe and
Africa: 1870 – 1919 Conference scramble and subsequent Elicitation the World: 1871 –
Why it was held and the partition of Africa. Teacher Exposition 1971.
participants ii. Discuss the 1884-5 Berlin Discussion Kasoma, A.L.
Terms/Outcomes of the meeting Colonial Conference. (1992). Senior
iii. Describe and explain the Map/Document Secondary World
Course of the scramble for Africa
course of the scramble study History.
Participating European powers
and partition of Africa by Snellgrove, L.E.
and their aims for participating European powers. (1981). The
Territories occupied by each iv. Outline the territories Modern World
participating European state occupied by each of the since 1870.
participating European Wood, D. This
states and explain the Modern World.
aims/goals for taking part Any other relevant
in the scramble for material addressing
Africa. learning outcomes
9. European Disputes Arising from the Scramble i. Explain and discuss the Document Study Arnold, D. (1973).
Imperialism in for Africa North of the Equator Suez incident, the Discussion Britain, Europe and
Africa: 1870 – 1919 The 1875 Suez Canal Incident Fashoda incident, the Teacher Exposition the World: 1871 –
The 1898 Fashoda Incident Moroccan crisis, the Debate 1971.
The Moroccan Crisis Majuba hills battle and Kasoma, A.L.
Disputes Arising from the Scramble the 1899-1902 Anglo- (1992). Senior
Secondary World
for Africa South of the Equator Boer war as examples of
The 1881 Majuba Hills Battle disputes arising from the
Snellgrove, L.E.
The 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War scramble/partition of (1981). The
Consequences of the Scramble for Africa. Modern World
Africa ii. Discuss and analyse the since 1870.
consequences of the Wood, D. This
scramble for Africa by Modern World.
End of Topic Test Europeans on Africa. Any other
iii. Assess effectiveness of relevant material
the coverage of the addressing
syllabus. learning outcomes
10. The Balkan States: Introduction, nature and geography i. Locate on the map of Map study Arnold, D. (1973).
1870 – 1914 Conflicting interests in the Balkans Europe the Balkan states. Question & Britain, Europe and
and their consequences ii. Outline and explain the Answer the World: 1871 –
Formation of the Balkan League conflicting interests in the Discussion 1971.
Balkans and their effects Teacher Exposition Kasoma, A.L.
on relations in Europe. (1992). Senior
iii. Discuss the formation of Sketch map of the Secondary World
the Balkan League. Balkan states History.
Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other relevant
material addressing
learning outcomes
11. The Balkan States: The First Balkan war i. Describe and explain the Elicitation Arnold, D. (1973).
1870 – 1914 Countries involved first and second Balkan Question & Britain, Europe and
Results wars. Answer the World: 1871 –
The Second Balkan war ii. Assess the impact of the Class Discussion 1971.
Countries involved Balkan wars on relations Illustration Kasoma, A.L.
Results in Europe. Teacher Exposition (1992). Senior
Consequences of the Balkan wars Secondary World
Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other relevant
material addressing
learning outcomes
12 & Assessment End ofTerm Examinations i. Assess and evaluate the Examining Exam Syllabus.
13 effectiveness of the Past Examinations
coverage of the syllabus. Question Papers.
1. Writing Essays A look at essay-writing i. Identify Elicitation Arnold, D.
Establishing the demands of a question and instruction words Question & (1973). Britain,
meeting them in essay Answer Europe and the
Dos and don’ts in essay-writing questions and use Class Discussion World: 1871 –
them to meet the Illustration 1971.
The First World Introduction demands of a Teacher Exposition Kasoma, A.L.
War :1914-19 Long-term causes of the war question. (1992). Senior
ii. Outline and Secondary World
illustrate the dos History.
and don’ts in Snellgrove, L.E.
essay-writing. (1981). The
iii. Define the First Modern World
World War. since 1870.
iv. Discuss the long- Wood, D. This
term causes of Modern World.
WWI. Any other
relevant material
2. The First World Introduction i. Define the First Teacher Exposition Arnold, D.
War :1914-19 Short-term causes of the war World War. Question & (1973). Britain,
Long-term causes ii. State and explain Answer Europe and the
Short term cause the short-term Debate World: 1871 –
Course of the war causes of the Role play 1971.
First World War. Kasoma, A.L.
iii. Outline the (1992). Senior
course of the Secondary World
First World War. History.
Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
3. The First World Some important Battles, Strategies and Events i. Discuss some of Document Study Arnold, D.
War :1914-19 during the First World War. the key battles, Question & (1973). Britain,
Battle of Marne strategies and Answer Europe and the
The schlieffen plan events during the Discussion World: 1871 –
The defeat of the central powers First World War. Teacher Exposition 1971.
Why each of the major powers joined the war ii. State and explain Kasoma, A.L.
between 1914 and 1917 why each of the (1992). Senior
major powers Secondary World
joined the First History.
World War. Snellgrove, L.E.
iii. Explain why (1981). The
Germany scored Modern World
successes in the since 1870.
initial stages of Wood, D. This
the war. Modern World.
iv. Explain why the
Any other
central powers
lost the war. relevant
v. Assess the materials
economic, social addressing
and political learning
impact of the outcomes
First World War,
especially on
vi. Assess
effectiveness of
the coverage of
the syllabus.
4. The First World Why the central powers lost the war i. Explain why Brainstorming Arnold, D.
War :1914-19 Why central powers registered early Germany scored (critical thinking) (1973). Britain,
victories successes in the Class discussion Europe and the
Why central powers lost the war initial stages of Question and World: 1871 –
Consequences of the First World war the war. answer 1971.
ii. Explain why the Teacher exposition Kasoma, A.L.
End of Topic Test central powers (1992). Senior
Assessment lost the war. Secondary World
iii. Assess the History.
economic, social Snellgrove, L.E.
and political (1981). The
impact of the Modern World
First World War, since 1870.
especially on Wood, D. This
Africa. Modern World.
iv. Assess Any other
effectiveness of relevant
the coverage of materials
the syllabus. addressing
5. The 1919 Paris Introduction i. Assess the Question & Arnold, D.
Peace Conference Views of the authors of the peace settlement differences in Answer (1973). Britain,
(France, Britain, Italy and the USA) opinion of the Group Discussion Europe and the
Teacher Exposition World: 1871 –
Peace treaties signed “big four”.
The Versailles Treaty ii. State and discuss Discussion Kasoma, A.L.
Provisions Woodrow (1992). Senior
Germany’s reactions to it Wilson’s Secondary World
Weakness of the treaty fourteen points. History.
iii. Discuss the Snellgrove, L.E.
Versailles treaty, (1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Germany’s Wood, D. This
reactions to it Modern World.
and critique it. Any other
6. The 1919 Paris The Treaty of Neuilly (1919) i. Outline and Document Study Arnold, D.
Peace Conference The 1919 Treaty of Saint – Germaine discuss the peace Question & (1973). Britain,
The 1920 Treaty of Trianon treaties signed Answer Europe and the
with the defeated Discussion World: 1871 –
The 1920 Treaty of Severs
central powers Teacher Exposition 1971.
and assess the Kasoma, A.L.
impact of these (1992). Senior
treaties on the Secondary World
respective History.
powers. Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
Primary aim was formed. 1971.
Subsidiary aims ii. Outline and Kasoma, A.L.
The organization of the League of Nation discuss the aims (1992). Senior
of the League of Secondary World
Successes of the League of Nations
Nations and History.
Weakness and failures of the League of assess how far Snellgrove, L.E.
Nations they were (1981). The
achieved. Modern World
iii. Give an outline since 1870.
of the Wood, D. This
organization of Modern World.
the League of Any other
Nations and relevant
outline its materials that
failures. deal with the
9. The Weimar What it was i. Define the Question & Arnold, D.
Republic: 1919 - Background information Weimar Answer (1973). Britain,
1933 Contents/terms of the Weimar constitution Republic and Elicitation Europe and the
give some Teacher Exposition World: 1871 –
Weakness of the Weimar constitution
background to its Discussion 1971.
formation. Kasoma, A.L.
ii. Discuss and Map/Document (1992). Senior
explain the terms study Secondary World
of the Weimar History.
constitution. Snellgrove, L.E.
iii. Assess the (1981). The
weaknesses of Modern World
the Weimar since 1870.
constitution. Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
10. The Weimar Weaknesses of the Weimer Republic i. State the Document Study Arnold, D.
Republic Problems faced by the Weimar Republic weaknesses of Discussion (1973). Britain,
(Democratic Temporary solutions to the Weimar Republic the Weimar Teacher Exposition Europe and the
Republic and the World: 1871 –
Government): problems: 1924-29
problems the 1971.
1919-33 Rule of Gustav Stressman republic faced. Kasoma, A.L.
The Weimar Republic after Gustav’s death in ii. Outline the (1992). Senior
1929 temporal Secondary World
solutions to the History.
Weimer Snellgrove, L.E.
Republic’s (1981). The
problems. Modern World
iii. Discuss the great since 1870.
depression of Wood, D. This
1929. Modern World.
iv. Describe Gustav Any other
Stress man’s rule relevant
and outline his materials that
main successes. deal with the
11. The Rise of Germany’s Adolf Hitler i. Discuss Adolf Map study Arnold, D.
Dictators in Hitler’s Question & (1973). Britain,
Europe Hitler’s background background and Answer Europe and the
How Hitler rose to power explain his rise Discussion World: 1871 –
Factors that favored Hitler’s rise to power to power in Teacher Exposition 1971.
Germany. Kasoma, A.L.
ii. Outline the (1992). Senior
factors that Secondary World
fostered Nazism History.
and Hitler’s rise Snellgrove, L.E.
to power. (1981). The
iii. Analyse Hitler’s Modern World
political career, since 1870.
showing his role Wood, D. This
in the Second Modern World.
World War, 1939 Any other
– 1945. relevant
materials that
deal with the
12 & Assessment End of Term Examinations i. Assess and Examining Examinations
13 evaluate the Syllabus.
effectiveness of Past
the coverage of Examinations
the syllabus. Question Papers.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
2. The Rise of Italy’s Benito Mussolini i. Discuss Mussolini’s Arnold, D.
Dictators in Europe background and explain Question & (1973). Britain,
Mussolini’s background and his rise how he rose to power. Answer Europe and the
to power. Discussion World: 1871 –
ii. Outline the factors that
Factors that favored Mussolini’s rise Teacher Exposition 1971.
helped Fascism and Kasoma, A.L.
to power Mussolini’s rise to power. (1992). Senior
Mussolini’s consolidation of power iii. AnalyzeMussolin’s Secondary World
in Italy. political career, showing History.
his role in WW II: 1939 – Snellgrove, L.E.
1945. (1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
3. The Rise of Italy’s Benito Mussolini i. Discuss Mussolini’s home Teacher Exposition Arnold, D.
Dictators in Europe policy and show how he Question & (1973). Britain,
Mussolini’s Home Policy tried to meet his aims. Answer Europe and the
Nature ii. Describe and explain Group discussion World: 1871 –
Aims Mussolini’s foreign policy 1971.
How the aims were realized. and outline the steps he Kasoma, A.L.
took to achieve his foreign (1992). Senior
Mussolini’s Foreign Policy policy aims. Secondary World
Nature History.
Aims Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Achievement of the aims
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
relevant materials
that deal with the
4. The Rise of Russia’s Joseph Stalin i. Describe conditions in Document Study Arnold, D.
Dictators in Europe The 1917 Bolshevik revolution Russia under Tsarist rule. Question & (1973). Britain,
Stalin’s background and rise to ii. Discuss Lenin and the Answer Europe and the
power formation of the Discussion World: 1871 –
Stalin’s consolidation of power Bolshevik Party. Teacher Exposition 1971.
Stalin’s Home policy iii. Explain the factors that Kasoma, A.L.
Nature led to the October 1917 (1992). Senior
Aims socialist revolution. Secondary World
Achievements iv. Describe Stalin’s History.
Stalin’s foreign policy background and discuss Snellgrove, L.E.
Nature how he rose to power. (1981). The
Aims v. Describe and explain Modern World
Achievements Stalin’s domestic and since 1870.
Assessment foreign policy. Wood, D. This
End of Topic Test vi. Assess effectiveness of Modern World.
the coverage of the Any other
syllabus. relevant materials
that deal with the
5. The Spanish Civil General Francisco Franco and the i. Explain the causes of Desk research Arnold, D.
War: 1936 – 1939 Spanish civil war 1936- 1939 Spanish civil Group discussion (1973). Britain,
China: 1919 – 1939 Political and Economic war and the role played by Question and Europe and the
Japan: 1919 - 1939 developments in China between Francisco Franco. answer World: 1871 –
Teacher exposition 1971.
1919 and 1939 ii. Discuss the political and
Kasoma, A.L.
Political and economic economic developments in (1992). Senior
developments in Japan between China from 1919 to 1939. Secondary World
1919 and 1939 iii. Describe the political and History.
economic developments in Snellgrove, L.E.
Japan from 1919 to 1939. (1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
relevant materials
that deal with the
6. The Second World Introduction i. Give the background Document Study Arnold, D.
War Causes information on the Second Question & (1973). Britain,
Long – term causes World War. Answer Europe and the
Discussion World: 1871 –
Short-term cause ii. Discuss the causes of the
Teacher Exposition 1971.
Course of the Second World War. Second World War. Kasoma, A.L.
Effects of world war II iii. Describe the course of the (1992). Senior
Second World War Secondary World
focusing on key events, History.
strategies and incidents. Snellgrove, L.E.
iv. Explain the effects of the (1981). The
Modern World
Second World War.
since 1870.
v. Analyzeenvironmental Wood, D. This
impacts of World War II. Modern World.
Any other
relevant materials
that address the
8. Attempts at World The United Nations Organization (UNO) i. Brainstorm on the failures Question & Arnold, D.
Peace and the of the League of Nations. Answer (1973). Britain,
Balance of Power Background ii. Outline steps leading to Discussion Europe and the
Formation the formation of the UN. Teacher Exposition World: 1871 –
Aims and objectives iii. Describe the objectives, 1971.
Structure of the UNO structure and functions of Kasoma, A.L.
the UN. (1992). Senior
Functions of the UNO
iv. Assess the achievements Secondary World
Achievements of the UNO and failures of the UN. History.
Failures of the UNO Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
relevant material
addressing the
9. Attempts at World The North Atlantic Treaty Organization i. Describe the objectives Question & Arnold, D.
Peace and the Objectives and organisation of Answer (1973). Britain,
Balance of Power Organisation NATO, the Non-Aligned Elicitation Europe and the
The Non-Aligned Movement Movement and Warsaw Teacher Exposition World: 1871 –
Objectives Pact. Discussion 1971.
Organisation ii. Assess the effectiveness Kasoma, A.L.
The Warsaw Pact of the coverage of the Map/Document (1992). Senior
Objectives syllabus. study Secondary World
Organisation History.
Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Assessment End of Topic Test Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
materials that
deal with the
10. Contemporary The Middle East Crisis iii. Describe the creation of Document Study Arnold, D.
Issues The creation of Israel in 1948 Israel and assess the Discussion (1973). Britain,
Reaction of Palestine (Arabs) to the reactions of Palestine Teacher Exposition Europe and the
creation of Israel (Arabs) and the World: 1871 –
Israel-Palestine conflicts international community. 1971.
since 1948 iv. Discuss the causes, course Kasoma, A.L.
Reactions of the international and effects of the Rwanda (1992). Senior
community to the Israel-Palestine genocide. Secondary World
conflict v. Explain the origins of the History.
The Rwanda Genocide land problems in Snellgrove, L.E.
Causes, course and effects Zimbabwe. (1981). The
The Land Issue in Zimbabwe vi. Discuss efforts applied in Modern World
Genesis of land problems in conflict resolution and since 1870.
Zimbabwe management: arbitration, Wood, D. This
Attempts at resolving land conflicts mediation, prosecution Modern World.
and compromise. Any other
relevant materials
that deal with the
11. Other The African Union i. Describe the objectives Arnold, D.
International and organization of the Question & (1973). Britain,
Organisations Objectives and organization AU, Commonwealth, Answer Europe and the
The Commonwealth SADC and EU. Discussion World: 1871 –
Objectives and organization Teacher Exposition 1971.
The Southern Africa Development Kasoma, A.L.
Community (SADC) (1992). Senior
Objectives and organization Secondary World
The European Union (EU) History.
Objectives and organization Snellgrove, L.E.
(1981). The
Modern World
since 1870.
Wood, D. This
Modern World.
Any other
NOTE: The teacher relevant materials
can also consider all the that deal with the
organizations stated in specific
the syllabus.
12 & Assessment End of TermExaminations Assess and evaluate the Examining Examinations
13 effectiveness of the Syllabus.
coverage of the syllabus. Past Examinations
Question Papers.
NOTE: Refer to the syllabus at all times.
Southern Africa.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
2. Early history of Central The Stone Age in Zambia i. Describe and Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Africa Sub-divisions explain the Question & Search of the Central African
Early Stone Age material culture of Answer Past.
Middle Stone Age Discussion
the Stone and Iron Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Late Stone Age Teacher
Stone Age material culture Ages in Zambia. Exposition Cultures in Zambia.
The Iron Age in Zambia in ii. Describe the early Picture study Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
brief Iron Age trade at Secondary History for Central
Ing’ombeIlede Ing’ombeIlede. and Southern Africa.
iii. Compare and Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
contrast the Stone From Iron Age to Independence:
Age and the Iron A History of Central Africa.
Age in Zambia. Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
3. Introduction to Geographical setting of Central i. State the regions that Teacher Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central African Africa make up Central Exposition Search of the Central African
History Regions that make up Africa. Question & Past.
ii. Describe the physical Answer
Central Africa Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
and climatic Map study
Physical and climatic conditions Central Class Cultures in Zambia.
features of Central Africa Africa. discussion Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
iii. Draw the map of Secondary History for Central
Central Africa. and Southern Africa.
Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
4. Bantu Migrations into Definition of the Bantu i. Define the Bantu and Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa: 1500 - Origins of the Bantu trace their origins. Study Search of the Central African
1800 Causes of Bantu ii. State and explainthe Question & Past.
migrationsfrom Cameroon causes of the Bantu Answer Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Highlands into Katanga migrations. Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
Course of Bantu migrations iii. Describe the course of Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
from Cameroon Highlands the Bantu migrations. Exposition Secondary History for Central
Map study
to Katanga and Southern Africa.
Central route Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Eastern route From Iron Age to Independence:
Western route A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
5. Luba-Lunda Empire i. Explain the formation Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Bantu Migrations into of the Luba Empire in Answer Search of the Central African
Central Africa: 1500 - Formation of the Luba Katanga. Group Past.
1800 Empire ii. Discuss the Lunda Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Lunda kingdom of kingdom of Teacher Cultures in Zambia.
Mwatayamvo Mwatayamvo with Exposition Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Origin regard to its origin, Secondary History for Central
Expansion expansion and and Southern Africa.
Downfall collapse. Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
6. Bantu Migrations into Luba-Lunda Dispersals i. Define the expression Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa: 1500 - Luba-Lunda Study Search of the Central African
1800 Definition of Luba-Lunda dispersal. Question & Past.
dispersal. ii. Discuss the causes and Answer Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Causes and course of Luba- describe the course of Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
Lunda dispersals Luba-Lunda Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Areas of settlement of dispersals. Exposition Secondary History for Central
Luba-Lunda migrants in Map study
iii. Locate, on the map of and Southern Africa.
Zambia Zambia, the areas of Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Results of Luba-Lunda settlement of the From Iron Age to Independence:
migrations into Zambia Luba-Lunda migrants. A History of Central Africa.
iv. State and explain the Wills, A.J. (1990). An
results of the Bantu Introduction to the History of
migrations into Central Africa. Zambia,
Zambia. Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
Decentralized Societies Definition of Decentralized i. Define decentralized Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
in Central Africa Societies societies and identify study Search of the Central African
Examples of decentralized the decentralized Question & Past.
societies societies in Zambia. Answer Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Nature of decentralized ii. Describe and explain Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
societies the social, political, Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Social, political, economic economic and Exposition Secondary History for Central
8. and technological technological and Southern Africa.
formations formations among Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
decentralized societies. From Iron Age to Independence:
The Tonga iii. Discuss the Tonga and A History of Central Africa.
Bonds of kinship outline their way of Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Succession and life. Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Religion Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Political and social Any other relevant materials
organization and that deal with the specific
way of life in outcomes.
9. Centralized Societies of Definition of centralized i. Define centralized Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa societies societies and Answer Search of the Central African
Outline of the centralized outlinethe centralized Elicitation Past.
societies of Central Africa societies in Zambia. Teacher Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Nature of centralized ii. Explain the social, Exposition Cultures in Zambia.
societies economic, political Discussion Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Social, Political, Economic and technological Map/Docum Secondary History for Central
and Technological aspects of centralized ent study and Southern Africa.
formations societies in Zambia. Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
iii. Compare and contrast From Iron Age to Independence:
The Lunda Kingdom of the decentralized and A History of Central Africa.
MwataKazembe centralized societies in Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Origin Central Africa. Introduction to the History of
Rise and development iv. Depict the location of Central Africa. Zambia,
Long-distance the Kazembe kingdom Zimbabwe and Malawi.
on the map of Zambia Any other relevant materials
Location and give an account of that deal with the specific
Disintegration its origin, rise, outcomes.
development and
Assessment End of Topic Test
v. Assess effectiveness of
coverage of the
10. Centralized Societies of The Bemba Kingdom i. Discuss the Bemba Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa kingdom in terms of Study Search of the Central African
Origin and establishment its origin, Group Past.
Growth of the kingdom establishment, growth Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Economic aspects and downfall. Teacher Cultures in Zambia.
Social and Exposition Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
political Secondary History for Central
organization and Southern Africa.
Decline of the kingdom Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
11. Centralized Societies of The Kalonga Kingdom ii. Outline the origin, Map study Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa establishment, Question & Search of the Central African
Origin, establishment and location, growth and Answer Past.
location downfall of the Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Growth of the kingdom kingdom. Teacher Cultures in Zambia.
Downfall of the kingdom. Exposition Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Debate Secondary History for Central
and Southern Africa.
Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
12 & Assessment End Term Examinations iii. Assess and evaluate Examining Examinations Syllabus.
13 the effectiveness of the Past Examinations Question
coverage of the Papers.
1. A look at essay-writing Elicitation Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Essay Writing Establishing the i. Identify instruction Question & Search of the Central African
demands of a words in essay Answer Past.
Preparing for Exams Class
question and questions and use them Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
meeting them to meet the demands of Illustration Cultures in Zambia.
Dos and don’ts in a question. Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
essay-writing ii. Outline and illustrate Exposition Secondary History for Central
Key Ingredients to Good the dos and don’ts in Learners’ and Southern Africa.
Performance essay-writing Answer Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Regular and iii. Highlight and illustrate Scripts for From Iron Age to Independence:
the End of
consistent study key ingredients to A History of Central Africa.
Term 1
and practise of the good performance in History Wills, A.J. (1990). An
key historical skills History. Exam Introduction to the History of
Commitment and Central Africa. Zambia,
focus Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Discipline and hard Any other relevant materials that
work deal with the specific outcomes.
2. Centralized Societies of The Chewa Kingdom of Undi i. Explain the origin and Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa establishment of the Elicitation Search of the Central African
Origin and establishment kingdom. Discussion Past.
Reasons for its growth Question &
ii. State and discuss the Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Why the kingdom declined Answer
factors responsible for Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
the development and Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
resultant decline of Exposition Secondary History for Central
Undi’s kingdom. and Southern Africa.
Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials that
deal with the specific outcomes.
3. Centralized Societies of The Lozi Kingdom i. Discuss, explain and Teacher Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa outline the various Exposition Search of the Central African
Origin and establishment of aspects of the Lozi elicitation Past.
the kingdom kingdom in some Question &
Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
The Lozi economy detail. Answer
ii. Assess effectiveness of Class Cultures in Zambia.
Social and political Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
the coverage of the discussion
organization of the Lozi Secondary History for Central
Growth of the kingdom and Southern Africa.
Loss of the kingdom to the Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Kololo From Iron Age to Independence:
Restoration of Lozi rule A History of Central Africa.
LitungaLewanika’s rule Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Assessment Introduction to the History of
End of Topic Test
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials that
deal with the specific outcomes.
4. Exploration of Central Reasons for the exploration i. State and explain Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Africa of Africa the factors that Study Search of the Central African
Major European explorers induced the Question & Past.
exploration of Answer
David Livingstone Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Central Africa by Discussion
Henry Morton Stanley Europeans. Cultures in Zambia.
Major traders and hunters Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
ii. Identify Europeans
F.C. Selous Exposition Secondary History for Central
who opened up
Map study
George Cobb Central Africa and Southern Africa.
Westbeech prior to Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Portuguese activities in colonisation. From Iron Age to Independence:
iii. Describe the
Angola and Mozambique A History of Central Africa.
course of the
exploration of Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Central Africa. Introduction to the History of
iv. Discuss the Central Africa. Zambia,
Portuguese Zimbabwe and Malawi.
activities in Any other relevant materials that
Angola and deal with the specific outcomes.
5. Exploration of Central David Livingstone as an Explorer i. Discuss Livingstone’s Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Africa Livingstone’s early life background and Answer Search of the Central African
Livingstone’s journeys to outline his work in Group Past.
Africa central Africa. Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Importance of ii. Discuss Livingstone’s Teacher Cultures in Zambia.
Livingstone’s work in three journeys to Exposition Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Central Africa Africa. Discussion Secondary History for Central
iii. Assess the importance Desk and Southern Africa.
of Livingstone’s work research Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
in Central Africa. From Iron Age to Independence:
A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials that
deal with the specific outcomes
6. Missionary Work in Why and how early missionaries i. State and explain the Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa came to Africa factors that induced the Study Search of the Central African
coming of missionaries Question & Past.
The London to Africa. Answer Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Missionary Society ii. Give accounts of the Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
|(L.M.S) operations of the Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
The Universities various missionary Exposition Secondary History for Central
Missions to Central Research
groups that came to and Southern Africa.
Africa (U.M.C.A) Africa. Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
The Free Church of iii. Assess and analyze the From Iron Age to Independence:
Scotland activities of early A History of Central Africa.
The Paris missionaries in Central Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Evangelical Africa. Introduction to the History of
Missionary Society iv. Assess and analyze the Central Africa. Zambia,
(P.E.M.S) results of missionary Zimbabwe and Malawi.
The Jesuits and exploration work Any other relevant materials that
Other minor in central Africa. deal with the specific outcomes.
missionary groups
Colonialism in Central Origins of colonialism in i. Define colonialism and Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Africa Central Africa explain its origins. Answer Search of the Central African
Establishment of ii. Explain how the Discussion Past.
colonialism in Central BSACO and Christian Teacher Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Africa missionaries secured Exposition Cultures in Zambia.
Methods of land acquisition land from African Illustration Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Role of Christian chiefs through treaties. Debate Secondary History for Central
8. Role-play
missionaries and the British iii. Outline the steps and Southern Africa.
South Africa Company in leading to the colonial Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
establishing colonial rule occupation of Southern From Iron Age to Independence:
Colonial occupation of Rhodesia. A History of Central Africa.
Southern Rhodesia Wills, A.J. (1990). An
(Zimbabwe). Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Steps leading to Zimbabwe and Malawi.
the occupation Any other relevant materials that
of Southern deal with the specific outcomes.
9. Colonial Occupation Occupation of Northern i. Give an outline of Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Rhodesia steps leading the Answer Search of the Central African
Steps leading to the colonial occupation of Elicitation Past.
establishment of Northern Rhodesia and Teacher Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
colonial rule in Nyasaland. Exposition Cultures in Zambia.
Northern Rhodesia ii. Assess effectiveness of Discussion Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Occupation of Nyasaland the syllabus. Map/Docum Secondary History for Central
Steps leading to the ent study and Southern Africa.
occupation of Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
Nyasaland From Iron Age to Independence:
End of Topic Test A History of Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials that
deal with the specific outcomes.
10. Early Resistance to The Colonial Society and i. Define direct and Document Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Colonial Occupation its Economy indirect rule. Study Search of the Central African
The colonial states’ ii. Explain the merits and Class Past.
direct and indirect demerits of direct and Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
rule indirect rule. Role-play Cultures in Zambia.
Ownership of iii. Identify problems in Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
means of the colonial social Exposition Secondary History for Central
production economic formations. and Southern Africa.
Colonial social iv. Define and explain the Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
formations terms resistance From Iron Age to Independence:
movements, primary A History of Central Africa.
Resistance to European Domination resistance and Wills, A.J. (1990). An
in Southern Rhodesia secondary resistance. Introduction to the History of
v. Give reasons which led Central Africa. Zambia,
The first Ndebele war
The second Ndebele war to resistance against Zimbabwe and Malawi.
The Ndebele-Shona colonial rule. Any other relevant materials that
uprising vi. Discuss the course and deal with the specific outcomes.
outcomes of the wars
of resistance to
colonial rule.
11. Early Resistance to Resistance to European Domination i. Name and discuss Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Colonial Occupation in Northern Rhodesia and important welfare Role play Search of the Central African
Nyasaland associations, African Question & Past.
Christian churches and Answer Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Organized uprisings organized uprisings. Discussion Cultures in Zambia.
Chachacha ii. Describe how African Teacher Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
campaign Christian church Exposition Secondary History for Central
Chilembwe Debate
leaders resisted and Southern Africa.
uprising colonial rule. Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
African welfare iii. Explain the nature of From Iron Age to Independence:
associations grievances Africans A History of Central Africa.
Federation of presented to colonial Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Welfare Societies authorities. Introduction to the History of
in Northern Central Africa. Zambia,
Rhodesia Zimbabwe and Malawi.
African Welfare Any other relevant materials that
Societies in deal with the specific outcomes.
African Christian churches
12 & Assessment End of Term Examinations ii. Assess and evaluate Examining Examinations Syllabus.
13 the effectiveness of the Past Examinations Question
coverage of the Papers.
1. Revision/Remedial Revision Mock iii. Look for and identify Elicitation Examinations Syllabus.
Work Examination Papers clues in various types Question &
Picture, map and of questions. Answer Past Examinations Marking
passage-based iii. Identify errors made Class Schemes.
questions in the mock exam and Discussion
Meeting the demands correct them. Illustration
of exam questions iv. Answer questions Teacher
Answering questions briefly, directly and to Exposition
briefly, directly and the point. Learners’
clearly. v. Identify instruction Answer
Writing essays words in essay Scripts for the
Establishing the questions and use Mock Exam
demands of a question them to meet the
and meeting them demands of a
Dos and don’ts in question.
essay-writing vi. Outline and illustrate
the dos and don’ts in
federation. Central Africa.
iv. Describe the African Wills, A.J. (1990). An
opposition to the Introduction to the History of
federation and analyze Central Africa. Zambia,
their successes and Zimbabwe and Malawi.
failures. Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
3. End of Colonial Rule in African nationalism i. Explain the role of Teacher Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Central Africa. Organized mass protests educated Africans in Exposition Search of the Central African
Formation of political the struggle for Question & Past.
parties independence. Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
Impact of colonial rule on ii. Describe the methods discussion Cultures in Zambia.
Central Africa. employed by Africans Walking Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
Assessment End of Topic Test in resisting colonial debate Secondary History for Central
rule. and Southern Africa.
iii. Analyse the early Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
political parties and From Iron Age to
liberation movements Independence: A History of
in Central Africa that Central Africa.
fought for Wills, A.J. (1990). An
independence. Introduction to the History of
iv. Assess the impact of Central Africa. Zambia,
European domination Zimbabwe and Malawi.
on Central Africa. Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
4. Post-Independence Post-independence socio- i. Analyse the Question & Dasgupta, K.K. (1990). In
Developments in economic and political development of Answer Search of the Central African
Central Africa developments post-independence Group Past.
Discussion Fagan, B.M. (1967). Iron Age
economic and
Teacher Cultures in Zambia.
political systems Haantobolo, G. (2009). Senior
in Zambia, Exposition
Secondary History for Central
Malawi and Discussion and Southern Africa.
Zimbabwe. Needham, D.E. et al (1988).
From Iron Age to
Independence: A History of
Central Africa.
Wills, A.J. (1990). An
Introduction to the History of
Central Africa. Zambia,
Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Any other relevant materials
that deal with the specific
5–7 Remedial Work / Revision of past exams i. Highlight the Group Examinations Syllabus.
Preparation for Final question papers importance of discussion Past Exams Marking Schemes.
Exams following instructions. Illustration
ii. Answer questions
fully and accordingly. Question and
iii. General dos and answer
don’ts in
Refer to the syllabus at all times.
NOTE: It is of great necessity that the teacher administers End of Topic Tests, regular homework and the Mid-term Examination (as
well as the End of Term Examination). Over and above, the results of all these assessment activities must be critically analysedand
kept (filed) very securely as evidence of adherence as well as to help tracethe learners’academic progress sothat they inform timely and
appropriate interventions to be applied.