DLL Science Grade10 Quarter1 Week5 (Palawan Division)
DLL Science Grade10 Quarter1 Week5 (Palawan Division)
DLL Science Grade10 Quarter1 Week5 (Palawan Division)
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of: the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
B. Performance Standard Suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
C. Learning The learners should be able to describe the internal structure of the earth
Competencies/Write the LC LC Code : S10ES-Ia-j-36.4-36.6
code for each
Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:
1.Describe the properties of the 1.Discuss the continental drift 1.Distinguish and compare 1.Analyze the fossil 1.Find clues to solve a
layers of the earth 2.Identify the evolution of evidences that support the distribution across Problem.
2. Tell the composition of the Pangaea. continental Drift – different continents. 2. Recognize how the
layers of the earth a) the Continental Jigsaw continental Drift
Puzzle, and Theory was developed.
b) the Evidence from
Activity 2 : Activity 3 :
Our Dynamic Earth The Earth’s Mechanism The Evolution of Pangaea Distribution of Fossils Let’s Fit It!
Across Continents
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 36-37 37 38
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous 1. Let the learners tell us that the 1. Ask about information 1. Recall information about 1. Recall information 1. Ask students to present
lesson or presenting the inner core is made up of iron in Continental Drift and evidence of fossils about evolution of the distribution of
new lesson Pangaea. Pangaea. fossils
B. Establishing a purpose 1. Introduce the topic 1.Ask the learners if they 1. Introduce the evolution during 1. Show map about 1. Give an Idea how the
for the lesson “Our Dynamic Earth” had a chance to go a Permian Continent Continental Drift
mountain, stand on its Triassic and model of Theory was conceived.
peak and look at the Jurassic fossilized plants or
beauty that it offers and Cretaceous animals
if I looks exactly the Present Day
same as before or it might
be different all plain, no
plateaus, no mountain,
and how it different in
10 million years ago and
100 million years ago.
C. Presenting 1. Pre-Laboratory discussion 1. Show Video clip 1.Video play: How does 1. Show Video Clip on 1. Pre-Laboratory
examples/instances for 2. The teacher will present the on Continental Drift Pangaea evolve? the Following (10 Min) discussion
the new lesson Phases of earth’s layer, Pangea ( https://www.quara.com) “Distribution of Fossils 2. Presentation of
composition of layer and (www.nationalgeographic.org (5Min.) across Different Activity
some clues that the inner <continent... 2. Present the learning Continents” to be performed
core and the outer core are 2. Present the learning objectives http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dy 3 .Let them analyze the
made up of iron. objectives namic/continents.html) procedure of the
3. Present the learning activity
objectives 2..Glossopteris Fossil 4. Present the learning
(fossilmll.com) objectives
3.Mesosaurus Fossil
3. Present the learning
D. Discussing new concepts 1. Pre- Activity discussion 1. Discussion 1. The evolution of Pangaea 1. Class discussion by 1. Activity 3 :
and practicing new skills #1 2. Individual Activity: -Continental Drift (pubs.usgs.gov). the students “ Let’s Fit it !
Let the learners Analyze the -The evolution of
procedure on ML pp52 Pangaea
( 15 Min.)
E. Discussing new concepts 1. Do the Activity 1. Using technology and 1. Group Activity 1. Ask questions as to 1. Answer the Guide
and practicing new on LM 52, and instructional resources to Divide the whole class into what animal and plant Questions on LM pp58
skills # 2 2. Answer the Guide questions gather more information. 5 groups let them discuss fossils were found in
on LM pp 53(20 Min) how Pangaea evolve neighboring continents.
2. Triassic
3. Jurassic
4. Cretaceous
5. Present Day
F. Developing mastery 1. Presentation of answer 1. Let students present more 1. Presentation of answer 1. Group Presentation 1. Presentation of answer
(Leads to Formative ( 20 Min) information about the ( 20Min)
Assessment 3) Earth’s Mechanism.
G. Finding practical 1. Cite application about the 1. 1. Cite your opinion using 1. Let them realize the 1. Recognize how
applications of concepts useful of Mineral found on the scientific explanation in value of fossils in the Continental Drift
and skills in daily living composition of earth’s layer evolution of Pangea history of the earth Theory was developed
H. Making generalizations 1. Discuss/trace how Pangaea 1. Learners generalize the 1. Ask students to
and abstractions about the Discuss briefly about the Ask learners in Continental evolved into the seven (7) evidence of fossils generalize the
lesson presentation of the learners drift and evolution of Pangea continents nowadays.. Continental Drift
I. Evaluating Learning 1. Ask learners what they have 1. Give short situational 1. Give short situational 1. Short story telling 1. Write a short a
learned in the Activity identification test (5min) identification test (5min) (10Min.) paragraph about the
“ Our Dynamic Earth” Continental Drift
J. Additional activities for 1. Read and write an information 1. Write a necessary 1. How the Continental
application for remediation about Continental Drift and information in evidence the Drift Theory develoed?
Pangaea. continental jigsaw puzzle and
from fossil.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Appendix 1.