CaseStudy Realization FINAL
CaseStudy Realization FINAL
CaseStudy Realization FINAL
the price is great, and the Results now take advantage of modeling services
because The Realization Group has found
detail is all they need. My Speed, Affordability, Profit and a way to make it more affordable. “We can
Client Satisfaction now offer clients a wide range of models at
clients are demanding, but The benefits of speed and affordability
various price points and lead times, including
the fastest turnaround in the greater Miami
they’re delighted with this revealed themselves from the start. In early
region,” Tapanes says.
2006, a real estate developer was forced to
new service.” make significant revisions to a downtown
The result of the new speed and affordability
city block known as the Metropolitan Miami
of in-house 3D printing is that The Realization
– Rafael Tapanes (“The Met”) project, a mix of condos, stores
Owner Group and its clients are sharing in the cost
and entertainment venues in the heart of
The Realization Group savings and positive impact of the new
downtown. The developer needed entirely
service. Demand for the service is escalating
new physical models within two weeks for
rapidly as architects and their clients witness
an important meeting with city officials. He
the speed and affordability of the models
thought he was out of luck until he heard
they can obtain.
about The Realization Group’s new, ultra-fast
architectural model turnaround. Tapanes
“Clients love the models. The turnaround is
produced the model of the complex, including
fabulous, the price is great, and the detail is
two towers that stand more than two feet tall
all they need,” says Tapanes. “My clients are
each, well within the deadline. The same work
demanding, but they’re delighted with this
would have cost four to six times as much
new service.”
to produce by stereolithography due to the
premium for rush jobs. It would have taken
The Realization Group’s dealer for
four times as long with traditional laser-cut-
Z Corporation products is Quantum Leap
ting methods.
Associates of Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
In another example, a retail office and
residential complex in nearby Coral Gables
called Lancaster Plaza ordered a model of its
premises for marketing purposes. Impressed
by the speed, quality and the price of the
work, the company the next day ordered
100 models – one for every new tenant. The
Realization Group turned around the order in The Realization Group
an astonishing two days. Miami, Fla.