Sedimentology Mis
Sedimentology Mis
Sedimentology Mis
• These flows may be strong enough to carry coarse material along the
base of the flow and finer material in suspension.
• Air :Wind blowing over the land can pick up dust and sand and
carry it large distances.
• Ice: Water and air are clearly fluid media but we can also consider
ice as a fluid because over long time periods it moves across the
land surface.
– Rolling: the clasts move by rolling along at the bottom of the air
or water flow without losing contact with the bed surface.
• At low current velocities in water only fine particles (fine silt and clay)
and low density particles are kept in suspension
• At higher flow rates all silt and some sand may be kept in suspension
with granules and fine pebbles saltating and coarser material rolling.
• These processes are essentially the same in air and water but in air
higher velocities are required to move particles of a given size because
of the lower density and viscosity of air compared with water.
Terrestrial sedimentary environments
• Soils
• Desert deposits
• Lake deposits
• Glacial deposits
• River deposits
• Delta deposits (transitional between
terrestrial and marine realm)
Diagenesis collectively refers to the physical, chemical, and biological changes which may
occur during the formation of sedimentary rocks. Recrystallization, compaction,
cementation, and lithification, are all examples of diagenetic changes.
Compaction occurs when sediments are progressively deposited on top of one another,
and over time the weight of the accumulated sediments increases and compresses the
buried sediments. Continued compression of buried sediments reduces pore-spaces and
removes excess water, as a result the closely packed individual grains begin to slowly
compact into a solid rock.
Texture: Grain Size
Grain size is used to describe the size of the individual mineral grains,
rock fragments, or organic material that are cemented together to
form a clastic or chemical sedimentary rock
Grain Size Categories Grain Size Divisions
Classifying Sedimentary Rocks
Rounded rock fragments, Conglomerate
Gravel (> 2 mm)
Angular rock fragments, Breccia
Quartz (>50%), Quartz sandstone
Moderate – well sorted
CLASTIC Quartz with Feldspar, Arkose
Sand (0.0625 mm – 2 mm) Moderate –Well sorted
Quartz, Feldspar, Clays, Rocky Graywacke
Mud (< 0.0625 mm) Fine, thin layers, or cohesive clumps, Shale, Siltstone, and
Well-sorted Mudstone
clastic or non-clastic Calcite, CaCO3 Limestone
non-clastic Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2 Dolostone
INORGANIC non-clastic Microcrystalline quartz, SiO2 Chert
non-clastic Halite, NaCl Rock salt
non-clastic Gypsum, CaSO4 ۰2H20 Rock Gypsum
clastic or non-clastic Calcite CaCO3 Limestone
BIOCHEMICAL non-clastic Microcrystalline quartz, SiO2 Chert
non-clastic Altered plant remains Coal
Classification based on grain size
A simple classification of terrigenous clastic rocks and sediment is
based on the predominant grain size of the material:
Well sorted rocks contain almost all grains of the same size.
Texture: Rounding
Rounding is used to describe the relative shape of the grains. Classifications
are describe as deviations from rounded or spheroidal grain shapes.
Moderately rounded grains are in-between the sharp, angular edges of a poorly
rounded grain and the smooth, roundness of a well-rounded grain.
spheroidal grains Poorly–rounded,
angular grains
Texture and Weathering
The texture of a sedimentary rock can provide a lot of information about the types of
environments that the sediments were weathered in, transported by, and deposited in
prior to their lithification into sedimentary rocks.
Most sedimentary rocks consist of grains that weathered from a parent rock and were
transported by water, wind, or ice before being deposited.
Grain size is a good indicator of the energy or force required to move a grain of a
given size. Large sediments such as gravel, cobbles, and boulders require more
energy to move than smaller sand, silt, and clay sized sediments. Grain size is also
an indicator of the distance or length of time the sediments may have traveled.
Smaller grain sizes generally indicate greater transport distances and duration than
larger grains.
Sorting will generally improve with the constant or persistent moving of particles,
and thus can indicate if particles were transported over a long distance or for a long
time period. Sorting can also indicate selective transport of a particular grain size.
• Stratification can be
defined simply as
layering brought about
by deposition.
• Stratification comes
about by changes in
depositional conditions
with time.
• Stratification is usually obvious, especially on the scale of large
• In looking for the stratification, always think in terms of changes in
composition, texture, and/or structure from bed to bed.
• Here's a list of things that tend to make stratification apparent to
the eye:
• Stratification is officially
subdivided into bedding and
lamination, depending upon
the thickness of the
strata, and bedding and
lamination are in turn
subdivided according to
Bedding Planes
• Strata less than 1 cm thick are
known as laminations
Origin of Stratification
• Quiet-fluid deposition of particles by settling
– ocean bottom (plus lakes) mainly; low-velocity currents carrying a supply of
suspended sediment
– usually fine-grained but not always
– usually thin lamination, because deposition rate is slow
– usually nearly or perfectly even and planar, unless later deformed
Cross Stratification
• Cross stratification is stratification that is
locally at some angle to the overall stratification
as a consequence of changes in the geometry of
the depositional surface during deposition.
Flysch: old *Alpine+ name for thick sequences of turbidites “laid down in a deep trench
marking an active plate boundary (like a subduction zone).” PM p17
Graded Bedding (2)
Discuss “Younging
Graded Bedding
• In graded
bedding, the
largest grains
collect at the
bottom of a layer
and the grain size
decreases toward
the top.
Ripples and Sand Dunes
• A bedform is a morphological feature
formed by the interaction between a
flow and sediment on a bed.
• Ripples in sand in a flowing stream and
sand dunes in deserts are both
examples of bedforms.
• Ripples result from flow in water.
• Sand dunes are formed due to airflow.
• The patterns of ripples and dunes are
products of the action of the flow.
• The formation of bedforms creates
distinctive layering and structures within
the sediment that can be preserved in
• Recognition of sedimentary structures
generated by bedforms provides
information about the strength of the
current, the flow depth and the
direction of sediment transport.
Current Ripples
• Ripple marks are small waves of sand that develop on
the surface of a sediment layer by the action of
moving water.
• In plan view wave ripples have long, straight to sinuous crests which
may bifurcate (divide) whereas
• When viewed from the side wave ripples are symmetrical with
cross-laminae dipping in both directions either side of the crests.
Martrix (fine-grained - <0.03mm - material that is associated with the sand grains).
Rock fragments (sand grains that are made up crystals of two or more different