LS3 Math-DLP-JHS (Different Kind of Sets)
LS3 Math-DLP-JHS (Different Kind of Sets)
LS3 Math-DLP-JHS (Different Kind of Sets)
A. Content Standards Numeracy Skills
B. Performance Standards Show desirable attitudes and values in the application of mathematics in daily life
3. Curriculum Guide ALS K to 12 Basic Curriculum Guide 2019, LS 1 Communication Skills page 134
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Laptop, Projector, Manila Paper
A. Springboard/Motivation Guess the Game!
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson)
Gues what game is being illustrated in the pictures and tell how many
members are there in a different set of games.
(Morales n.d.)
B. Activity Pre-Test
(Review of previous lesson/s or presenting the
new lesson) Learners will answer the pre-test questions using the worksheets.
B. State, whether the given set is infinite (i), finite (f) or null(n).
As you can observe, there are some sets that has only one
element, some sets that share the same elements with other
sets, and some sets that do not contain anything. Let us get
to know what each of these sets are called.
Let’s Watch It!
For better understanding of the lessons lets watch a video all about
sets, why it is important and how do we represent sets.
E. Abstraction Ask
(Making generalizations about the lesson)
What is set?
What is union of sets?
What enclosed a set?
Each number inside a set is called ______.
Why should the elements of set is well defined?
F. Application Engage
(Developing mastery) Let learners answer the different questions below.
Activity 1
Directions: Identify the kind of set given in each item. Choose your
answers from the names in the box. Justify your answer. Write your answer in
your worksheets. Item 1 serves as an example.
Directions: Identify the subsets of the main set in each item. Choose
all letters that apply. Justify your answer. Write your answer in your
G. Valuing (Finding practical application Why it is important to know how to sort out things in each prescribe sets?
of concepts and skills in daily living)
H. Evaluation Directions: Identify the elements of the given intersection of sets.
(Assessing learning)
I. Agreement (Additional activities for application Study the lesson for better comprehension.
or remediation)
A. A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
Prepared by:
Process Observers:
Education Program Specialist II
Education Program Supervisor