Interview 4
Interview 4
Interview 4
Web services:
1) What is web services?
Web service is a function or program in any language that can be accessed over HTTP.
Message format can be XML, JSON, or any other program as long as the other
programs can understand and communicate. Web services can be synchronous or
asynchronous. Any web service has server-client relationship. Any web service can
have multiple clients
Eg: When a travel portal is selling tickets of an airliner, Portal is client and the Airline is the
server as it is selling its service
2) What is Restful?
REST stands for Representational State Transfer or RESTful web service. REST is a
client-server architecture which means each unique URL is representation of some
object or resource. Any REST API developed uses HTTP methods explicitly and in a way
that’s consistent with the protocol definition.
This basic REST design principle establishes a one-to-one mapping between create,
read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and HTTP methods.
According to this mapping:
To create a resource on the server, use POST
To retrieve a resource, use GET.
To change the state of a resource or to update it, use PUT.
To remove or delete a resource, use DELETE.
If we want to create a REST service that fetches the record of a customer then our URI
will be:
Where HTTP method is GET, Resource is customer And URI parameter is customer ID
which depicts for which resource we want to fetch the records
3) What is Soap?
4) What are the difference between both Soap and Rest Web services?
5) What are the difference between Soap and
6) What is web services API?
RAML file:
13) What is traits, resource type. Difference between traits and resource type? And
What is resources?
Mule any point studio and platform:
1) What are the different types of flows in mule?
Sub flow – A sub flow is always synchronous. It is similar to a synchronous flow, sub
flow executes in the same thread of the calling process. Calling process triggers the
sub-flow and waits for it to complete and resumes once the sub-flow has completed.
Synchronous Flow– Same as sub-flow, the only difference is that in synchronous flows
you need to separately define an exception strategy to it, it does not inherit the
exception strategy of its calling flow.
Asynchronous Flow – As in sub-flow and synchronous flow, calling process triggers
the sub-flow and waits for it to complete; for asynchronous flow the flow, calling
process triggers an asynchronous flow and moves ahead to its next activity. An
asynchronous flow executes in parallel to its calling/parent flow in a different thread.
An asynchronous flow does not return its output it its parent/calling flow.
Private Flow – flow that does not have an inbound connector in the source. Means a
private flow cannot start of its own on receiving the inbound message as it does not
have any inbound connector, A private flow can only be called using flow-ref same as
5) What are the different ways to connect a database with mule DB connector?
6) What all storage type can be configured in mule?
8) What are the shared resources in mule and how they are been used?
We can make connectors as an reusable component by defining them as common
resources and expose them to all applications deployed under a same domain, these
resources are known as shared resources.
These shared resource needs to be defined inside Mule Domain Project and then
referred to each of the projects that are meant to use the elements in it
The advantage of using a proxy is having a layer of separation to ensure that any attacks
against our API are stopped well before anyone interacts with our main servers. This creates
extra protection for our existing APIs. API Gateway acts as a proxy server that is dedicated to
hosting the proxy applications and for Lightning Connect to gather all the existing backend
APIs together which are either hosted in our on-premises standalone server or CloudHub.
The advantage of API Gateway is that it automatically creates an application that can proxy
the backend API from the URL that the backend API exposes, and we do not need to write any
code for it. Not only that, through API Manager, we can implement various runtime policies
on HTTP/HTTPS endpoints to govern our proxy API.
API Gateway solution is also very versatile, as it can be implemented both in CloudHub as well
as in on-premises
( or )
30) What Are Differences Between Mule And Other Commercial Esb’s ?
Prescriptive deployment model, whereas Mule supports a wide variety of deployment
strategies. Prescriptive SOA methodology, whereas Mule can embrace the
architectural style and SOA practices in place where it is deployed. Mainly focused on
higher-level concerns, whereas Mule deals extensively with all the details of
integration. Strict full-stack web service orientation, whereas Mule’s capacities as an
integration framework open it to all sorts of other protocols. Comprehensive
documentation, a subject on which Mule Source has made huge progress recently
45) What Are Available Approaches Used For Modularizing Configurations In Mule?
There are different following approaches that can be used when modularizing a
Independent configurations – a Mule instance can load several independent
configuration files side by side.
Inherited configurations – main idea is to express a formal parent-child dependency
between two configurations. By strongly expressing this dependency, you will have
the guarantee at boot time that no configuration file has been omitted. Simply by
using the same name for the parent and child models and by flagging the child as being
an heir, as shown here:
<model name="myConfig">
<model name="myConfig" inherit="true">
Imported configurations – You can easily import external Spring application context
files into your Mule configuration files. The following illustrates how instance.xml
would import its Spring context file:
<spring:import resource="instance-beans.xml" />
Heterogeneous configurations – It is possible to mix several styles of Mule
configuration in an instance. An instance can be configured with a Groovy script and
Spring XML configuration builders
46) Give An Example Of Studio Connector In Mule?
<studio:connector name="SystemStreamConnector" promptMessage="Please enter
something: " messageDelayTime="1000"/>
You will use inbound and outbound endpoints to communicate between components
and services inside Mule as well as with the outside world
51) What Is An Outbound Endpoint In Mule?
Outbound endpoints are used to send data. An outbound endpoint is used to do things
such as send SOAP messages, write to file streams, and send email messages
59) How to Send Only Certain Types of File from One Directory To Another In Mule?
Use the below element in file inbound to filter certain types of files
<file:filename-wildcard-filter pattern="file*.xml"/>
</file:inbound-endpoint> pattern indicates what pattern of file names should move
from one directory to another directory
74) How can you change the runtime changes using mediation primitive?
We have future called Promotable properties in ESB. We can configure this future
while development. Then we can make it changed at runtime without restarting the
server it can be published
75) What are all the configurations required for JDBC Adapter implementation?
Data Source needs to be created and need to configure with DB. If we have security,
then need to created security authentication
78) Why am I getting ‘Unable to get resource from repository’ while building the Mule
Mule has released a data integrator tool, it is a visual mapping tool which supports flat
file, java object, XML mappings, etc. Coding complex mappings can be very tedious and
additionally difficult to maintain, the mule data integrator with drag and drop facilities makes
building and maintaining mappings very simple
The mapping is done in eclipse (plugins required) and executed on a data integrator runtime
which sits on top of Mule ESB – this requires a license
84) Where to find the class Abstract Mule Test Case?
This is in 1.4/1.4.1 distributions but was missing from the 1.3.3 distribution – the class
is defined in <mulehome>/lib/mule/mule-core-<version>.jar
General :
1) At Mule soft we prefer to hire those with an education in computer science or other
related field. Walk me through your post-secondary education and training.
I recently completed my Diploma in Information Technology. I also have a great deal
of on the job training and certifications, all listed on my resume. One of the biggest
take-away's from my post-secondary experience was learning how to successfully
manage my time while working on multiple projects. I perfected my multi-tasking skills
and look forward to bringing those to work for Mule soft
3) We seek to hire highly ambitious people. Where would you like your career with Mulesoft
take you?
4) This role with Mulesoft is highly technical. What is your understanding of this position and
the responsibilities that come with it?
My understanding is that you seek a candidate with expert level skills in X, Y, and Z,
who can train junior employees. I am an expert user in all three of these areas. Do you
have any questions about my technical expertise?
5) In your opinion, what has been the biggest advancement in technology this past year?
The most impressive advancement in technology, in my opinion, is the continued
advancement of mobile integration. Most of the modern world is connected by tech
and we can do absolutely everything from our phones these days
6) Tell me about the most interesting project you have worked on this year and the biggest
thing you learned from it.
I find the majority of the projects that I have been working on this past year to be very
interesting. If I had to choose one, I would choose working on the Uber app. Since I
am still in my internship, I didn't have any major contributions; however, I learned a
lot about on-demand apps and building a friendly user interface
7) At Mule soft we take pride in our ability to stay one step ahead of our competitors. How
will you contribute to this trend?
I think that the best way to stay ahead of competitors is to keep your projects as simple
as possible while remaining innovative. People want simple, easy products, that they
can understand. What I've seen from my competitors lately is that they over
complicate their products. I offer clean and consistent work that your buyers would
relate to
8) Looking at our products and services, what do you think we do better at Mule soft than
any of our competitors?
After reading reviews on your company, I believe that your reputation is the most solid
and sincere of all your competitors. Amazing service is always the best way to stand
9) At Mule soft we take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. Are you willing to sign a
non-disclosure agreement, if hired?
I am happy to review any privacy and confidentiality agreements that you have
10) We consider research to be the backbone of what we do at Mule soft. Do you think it's
important to conduct research before beginning a project or would you rather jump right
Although there are some instances where jumping right in may be required, I always
prefer to research before I being a project. Rest assured, I would always follow your
preferred methods, should I be hired
11) I would like to have a full understanding of your experience and portfolio. What types of
industries have your previous projects been involved in?
A great alternative to explaining your projects is to bring a physical portfolio with you.
"I wanted to show you a full range of my experience so I have brought you a digital
portfolio of my work. Would you like to take a look?
13) Working at Mule soft, you will experience changes on a regular basis. When have you had
to change a major component of your project due to new information being presented?
I would say that being in the software and technology business means changing major
components on projects on a very regular basis. I am very well accustomed to
changing gears on a moment's notice and am able to adapt very well." (Give a recent
example, if you are able)
14) At Mule soft we value organization. Tell us about a time when you were particularly
effective on prioritizing tasks and completing a project on schedule.
Last week I was asked to lead our team while our manager was away. I created a
checklist of things that needed to be completed in order to reach our deadlines. I
gathered the team to discuss our goals and asked for input and ideas to get us there.
It was a great experience for me because not only was I able to exercise my leadership
capabilities, I was also able to learn more about prioritizing, from my team.
15) If you could start your career over again, what direction would you take?
I cannot even think of another career than the one that I have! If I had to choose, I
would pursue a career in the arts so that I could continue to exercise my creative side
16) Who would you say inspires you?
I am continually inspired by the books that I read! Whether it is the author, or the
characters themselves, I love to get lost in a good novel for inspiration
18) Culture fit is important to us at Mule soft. How would you describe your personality?
Try to include a variety of words that the interviewer does not hear all the time. Be
unique! Here are some ideas: - Adaptable - Considerate - Diligent - Intuitive - Persistent
- Resourceful - Sincere – Witty
19) We encourage innovation at Mule soft. When have you created a new product or service?
In my current position, I create new products and services nearly every week! The
most recent product that I created was X. It was well received by our customers and
we are continuing to expand on the product now
20) At Mule soft we seek to hire leaders. Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to
improve work related procedures.
I recently made suggestions to my manager in relation to the team messaging
application we were using. I found a team based app that offered a lower monthly
cost, with added features. He took the suggestion and it has worked really well for our
team! The company was happy with the cost savings as well
21) What do you think you will like about this role with Mule soft?
I am really looking forward to getting more experience in UI, and feel that Mule soft is
the best place for me. You have a great reputation for creating beautiful and easy to
use products
22) How do you keep up-to-date on new technologies and trends in this industry?
I keep up on new trends in this industry by taking additional coursework online,
whenever possible. I also follow a few of my favourite influencers on social media
25) We want to hire people at Mule soft who have the desire to lead others. How many
people did you supervise at your last position?
Although I did not officially supervise anyone in my most recent position, I always had
my eye out for opportunities to lead or mentor the more junior staff
26) What are your salary expectations?
I am looking for a base salary of $68-72,000 in my next position
Sample Projects: