Q3 DLL-PE9-Week2
Q3 DLL-PE9-Week2
Q3 DLL-PE9-Week2
Teaching Dates
Week 2 Quarter: THIRD
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness
B. Performance The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community practices healthy eating
Standards: habits that support an active lifestyle
● undertakes physical ● executes the skills ● executes the ● undertakes ● Involves oneself
activity and physical involved in the dance skills involved in the physical activity in community
C. Learning fitness assessments (PE9RD-IIIb-h–4) dance (PE9RD-IIIb- and physical service through
Competencies (PE9PF-IIIa-h-23) h–4) fitness dance activities
/ Objectives: assessments the community
(PE9PF-IIIa-h-23) (PE9PF-IIIgh-
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
Lesson 6: Non-Religious Lesson 7: Masskara Festival Lesson 8: Festival Shout- Lesson 9: Integrating Lesson 10: Project
Festival Out Weight Management and COrP
Fitness to Festival
A. References
1. Teacher’s
None None None None None
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
PE & Health pages 125- PE & Health pages 125- PE & Health pages 125- PE & Health pages PE & Health
126 126 126 125-126 pages 125-126
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other https://youtu.be/lVbaykNV_-4
Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=189QaHWYvN8
A. Reviewing Recall the previous lesson Ask the students to Warm-Up! Ask the students to Ask the students
previous by asking the students with identify the place of origin refer to their HR Log to group
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
lesson or the following: and industry being Direction: Let the on the previous themselves
presenting celebrated of the students do the dynamic physical fitness again according
the new ● What are the two following: stretching exercise for 5 activities and ask them to their place of
lesson classifications of festival minutes. After which, ask if they’ve reach the origin.
dancing? 1. Bangus them to do their HR Log minimum THR in every (preferably the
(ELICIT) on their notebook. activity. same groupings
● Why they are called 2. Bambanti
on the previous
Religious? Why Secular?
3. Binatbatan activity)
● Why do festivals (5 mins) (5 mins)
celebrate? 4. Ammungan
5. Masskara (5 mins)
(5 mins)
6. Mango
7. Ibon-Ebon
8. Panagbenga
9. T’nalak
10. Mammangui
(5 mins)
B. Establishing a JUMBLED LETTERS Present to the class this Appreciate the value of To explain the benefits To show the
purpose for picture and ask them the festival dancing to their derived from value of social
the lesson Direction: Arranged the following questions: fitness and well-being. participation in festival dance and dance
jumbled letters to reveal dancing. mixers in
(ENGAGE) the correct term. Use the improving fitness
picture as clue(s) of the and wellness;
festival. and Influence the
awareness of the
BANGUS value of fitness
through project
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
2. NAMOG Process Questions: (Community
MANGO 1. What festival does Program)
these props being
3. SASMAKAR wore?
MASSKARA 2. Where do the
Masskara festival
3. What the
5. BENGGAPANA characteristic of
Masskara festival?
(5 mins)
(5 mins)
C. Presenting Process Questions: Let the students recall Ask the students to do Present to the class You will now
examples/ the following basic the following tasks: the Fitness Triangle. extend your
instances of 1. What are these movements in festival fitness
the new festivals dancing. This may help 1.Group yourselves commitment to
lesson celebrating? them in the next activity. according to your the community.
place of origin Fitn
ess You will be
(EXPLORE) 2. What do you call 1. Running regardless of gender. Social
Chan assisted in
these types of
ge realizing the
festivals? 2. Skip 2.. Identify with your Cultural
goals of this
group the leading Literacy
3. What is Secular 3. Rotation activity. 2. You
industry in your own Training for
Festival? Discipline will be provided
4. Extension Immitation/ Movement with a GRASPS
(5 mins) 3.Upon identification, template to
5. Flexion
make this a theme Guide Question: accomplish as
6. Step which can guide your you go on with
creation of movement 1. What does the the conduct of
7. Pivot patterns and Fitness triangle the outreach
combinations for your tell? program.
(10 mins)
GRASPS stands
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
festival dance parade 2. How can one for Goal, Role,
achieve the Audience,
4.Integrate shouts that benefits of Situation,
distinguish your Festival Product and
festival from the other dancing Standard for
groups. This is called Assessment.
your festival shout-out. (5 mins) Accomplish the
template. An
5.Make about 5 figures
example is
of 32 counts each.
provided below
6.Upon mastery, for your
assemble yourselves reference.
in 4 columns with a
distance of about two
meters from each
D. * Discussing The teacher will discuss COUNTER- Independent-Practice The teacher will The teacher will
new concepts about the leading Secular DEMONSTRATION: discuss briefly about discuss about
and festivals in the Philippines the Fitness triangle of the GRASPS
practicing through a PowerPoint and Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch? Festival Dancing. and the template
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
7. Pivot (10 mins)
(15 mins)
E. Developing Questions to Ponder: The teacher will group Independent Practice Essay! The teacher will
mastery the class into 4. guide the
(leads to 1. Why do you think The students will be students with
formative festivals are asked to write a four- how you they
assessment) important to our paragraph essay that accomplish the
lives as Filipino Each group will be asked explains their GRASPS
(EXPLAIN) citizens? to master the routine interpretation of the template,
incorporating hand hierarchical especially on role
2. What is the movements and relationship of the in the activity.
importance of elements of dance elements indicated on
celebrating non - studied. the fitness triangle.
religious / secular
The teacher will provide
the music to use.
(10 mins)
2. Have you
prepared it
all? Can you
assure to take
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
given to you?
(5 mins)
G. Evaluating Complete the table below. Masskara Dance Let each group perform Students output will be List 5 benefits
learning Presentation! their festival dance assessed based on the that of festival
Festival Place Industry
integrating the shouts in rubric attached. dancing in the
(EVALUATION of The teacher will evaluate
Origin between figures or in the community.
) each group performance end of the whole Criteria:
Bangus based on the following sequence in continuous 1. Comprehensiveness
criteria: progression. Use the
attached assessment 2. Organization of Ideas
1. Mastery
Binatbatan guide.
2. Rhythm/
Ammungan Coordination (5 mins)
1. Mastery /
Masskara 3. Performance
2. Energy/Fitness
3. Behavior /
Panagbenga Teamwork
(5 mins)
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
H. Additional On your notebook, list Tiktok ala Masskara Master your routine for Remind the
activities for down the other secular the Community Outreach students to
application festival celebrated in the Take a video of yourself program. review lesson for
and Philippines. with any attire/props for the summative
remediation Masskara. Upload in your test.
own Tiktok account and
(EXTEND) mention your teacher. Or
Also, study in advance save a copy to submit to
Masskara Festival. the teacher.
A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________
B. Number of learners
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene
D. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation:
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did this
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
Author: Eugenio C. Dialino Jr. (Master Teacher II, Llorente NHS, Eastern Samar)
YouTube: Teacher Eugene FB Page: Teacher Eugene Files / Cher Eugene