Ties That Bind
Ties That Bind
Ties That Bind
The Falconer’s Regret duty compels them to help. If necessary,
cajoling, begging, and even offering of a reward
A coaching inn should be a welcome sight to will be tried in turn by the frantic innkeeper and
any traveler after a long days journey through his son.
the wilds. The Falconer’s Regret is no
exception. The largest structure in this small The Chase
and isolated farming community, the inn’s
success must be attributed to the fact that is it Tracking the troll through the fields of squash
the only civilized establishment for many miles and wheat proves fairly simple, as there are
in either direction along the Aver. A very good large footprints, downtrodden crops, and
model of a coaching inn exists on pages 17-18 occasional traces of sludge left behind. Due to
of the Game Masters Pack. Large fields and the these factors, a successful Easy (+20%) Follow
occasional farmhouse surround the inn, while Trail Test will allow a character to stalk the
gentle hills lie just beyond the farmland. troll across the fields. Occasionally, the trolls
Villagers can be seen bundling grain, and head and shoulders (and hence Esmer’s limp
harvesting squash. body) can be seen above the stalks. At the very
least, the unusually strong odor will allow the
Set the scene by describing to the players their party to continue in the right direction, and give
arrival at the inn. They will be coming in out of the least seasoned traveler a chance to realize
a light rain. A warm fire provides solace from that the kidnapper is a river troll. Fortunately,
the coming night‘s chill air, as locals in the bar the creature is heading away from the river, so
room chat excitedly about nearing the end of perhaps there is a chance of catching him before
Harvest-Tide. A jovial man wipes glasses he devours his victim.
behind the bar, while patrons of the inn await
their meals, and servers bustle about. The PC’s Trolls move faster then humans on foot; making
meals will be interrupted as you read them the it unlikely the PC’s will catch up to the
following highlighted text. Throughout the kidnapper. They may succeed in striking it with
adventure, highlighted text like this should be a few arrows or other missiles but this should
read or paraphrased to the players. not slow the troll due to his regeneration. The
constant drizzle makes the fields muddy, so
Shouts from outside rouse everyone as a crowd even horses will be unable to catch up. Hans
forms at the windows and doors. A woman can and the party will emerge from the tall grasses
be seen disappearing into the wheat field across to see the large from of the troll just
the road, slung over the shoulder of what disappearing into a hillside cave. Fear that this
appears to be a troll! “No,” shouts the frantic is a convenient place for the kidnapper to enjoy
innkeeper. “Esmer, my beautiful girl, someone his snack should prompt the group to follow.
help her!” It becomes apparent that very few
people here are willing to chase after the beast. The descent into the cave reveals a crude
A young boy named Hans joins the innkeeper, circular staircase, leading to an ancient wooden
trying to recruit other to go with him to rescue door that has been torn aside. Approaching the
his sister. door, anyone pausing to make a Listen Based
Perception Test will hear hushed voices and a
As the adventuring party will be some of the sound of grating stone coming from inside. A
stoutest patrons in the bar, they will eventually little stealth at this point will allow the party to
draw the attention of Hans and his father, Dieter surprise the group of goblins who are attempting
Plotreiber. It turns out that Dieter is not only to move aside the heavy stone lid of a
the bartender, but also the proprietor of the inn, sarcophagus. The sarcophagus lies in front of a
and he is desperate to save his only daughter semicircular fountain, topped by a statue of a
from the troll. Perhaps the PC’s will feel pity or mermaid with a dove perched on her finger.
Alternatively, rushing in will put both groups on Talents: Fearless, Frightening, Natural
an equal footing. The goblins, annoyed by the Weapons, Night Vision, Specialist Weapon
second intrusion, drop the stone lid and draw Group (Two-handed)
weapons as they face the party. Special Rules:
• Regeneration: At the start of its turn
Hans Plotreiber, Innkeeper’s Son each round, a Troll regenerates 1d10
Career: Servant Wounds. Wounds caused by fire cannot
Race: Human be regenerated. This ability ceases to
Main Profile function if the Troll dies
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel • Stink Baaaad: Due to the especially
46% 38% 37% 34% 43% 28% 44% 39% unpleasant stench of a River Troll, any
Secondary Profile opponents in melee combat have -10%
A W SB TB M Mag IP FP penalty to WS, unless they have no sense
1 13 3 3 4 0 4 0 of smell or some means of nullifying
Skills: Animal Care, Blather, Common said sense.
Knowledge (the Empire), Dodge Blow, Drive, • Stoopid: Trolls are quite stupid and they
Evaluate, Gossip +10%, Perception, Sleight of often forget what they are doing. Any
Hand, Speak Language (Reikspiel) time a Troll encounters something that
Talents: Acute Hearing, Flee!, Hardy, Very might distract it, such as a fresh corpse
Resilient, Warrior Born to eat or a particularly ripe smell to
Armor: None investigate, it must make an Intelligence
Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0 Test or stop whatever it was previously
Weapons: Hand Weapon (axe) doing to engage with the new distraction
Trappings: Good Craftsmanship Clothing, (in the above examples, eat the corpse or
Pewter Tankard, Tinderbox, Storm Lantern, investigate the smell). If the Troll is
Lamp Oil being attacked, it is far less likely to be
distracted and the test becomes Easy
Hans is a free spirited young man who stands to (+20%)
inherit his father’s position and business in a • Vomit: A Troll can vomit on a melee
few years. He is very concerned about his sister opponent as a full action, spraying
Esmer, so will be very serious till she is rescued. corrosive and ill-smelling digestive
Once this is done, he will revert to his free juices whose foulness defies description.
wheeling ways. If none of the PC’s manages to The vomit attack hits automatically for
keep the golden circlet from the sarcophagus for Damage 5, and ignores all Armor Points.
themselves, Hans will pitch in to help the story It may be dodged by not parried (for
along. obvious reasons).
Armor: None
River Troll, Hungry Kidnapper Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Main Profile Weapons: Claws and Great Club
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Slaughter Margin: Hard
36% 15% 51% 44% 22% 18% 27% 10%
Secondary Profile
3 29 5 4 6 0 0 0
Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Scale Sheer
Surface, Speak Language (Goblin Tongue),
Swim +10%
Quick Guide To The Barrow 4. Growls can be heard coming from this
room, beyond the portcullis, which
1. Entrance. A crude circular stone proves impossible to lift. It does not
stairway leads down from the hillside look as if the troll entered here, as the
cave entrance. The door to Room 2 is portcullis seems rusted shut. This room
barely still on its hinges. is not intended to be entered, but to
2. Crypt Room. Goblins have made a provide a distraction and mystery. In
campfire and several unlit torches hang reality, there is a Wyvern here, which
from the walls. The goblins are the undead have locked away. When it
attempting to open the ancient expires they plan to make it into a
sarcophagus, and have apparently mount.
imprisoned one of their number under 5. Fog fills the passageway leading up to
the hinged floor grate. A mermaid the main audience chamber of the
fountain bubbles on the south end, while Ancient Prince Osorkon. See the map
two statues of soldiers stand unmoving for where the fog begins and where it
at the north. starts to glow with light from the magma
3. Small Living Area. The door is slightly pit. The warmth and humidity increase
ajar, and no fire burns in the fireplace. near the entrance, and the fog obscures
However there is a pile of sleeping furs, the raised portcullis from view
a chest, and another statue behind the
door. This statue looks exactly like the The full-size map on page 6 shows squares in a
two in the north corner of the Crypt scale of 1 square = 2 yards/meters, which is the
Room. However this statue seems only standard WFRP scale.
half done.
The Barrow Under the Hill place. While there may be growls coming from
within, this is just a red herring so don’t spend
There are only four goblins trying to open the too much time on it.
sarcophagus, and they are probably not a serious
threat to the party. One of their number is The passageway just north of room 3 is blocked
locked under the hinged grate in the floor, so by a cave-in. Underneath the rubble is a half
there must have been some squabbling. The buried skeleton of some unfortunate who did not
prisoner is likely to survive the fight unless the make it out in time. He still wears a plate bracer
PC’s are feeling particularly mean (he is fairly on one of his arms. There is a full set of plate
helpless locked up under the floor as he is). He leggings buried under the rubble if someone
or any other goblins that are left alive will takes the time to dig the body out.
attempt to beg for their lives through gestures
and grunts. Room 3 may be of interest. While no fire burns
in the fireplace, someone might have holed up
They don’t speak any human language, and few here at one time. Another statue, identical to the
characters speak the Goblin Tongue. You may two found in room 2, stands partially completed
also choose to have them attempt to show that a behind the door. There are furs piled on some
large beast came through here, and that he was straw for someone to sleep on, and a chest. The
bearing someone on his shoulder. Acting this chest contains 7 shots worth of gunpowder, and
out for your PC’s could prove entertaining. The 73 brass pennies. Once the group decides to
goblin will mime a hunched beast with a continue down the eastern passage, they may
burden, and point down a hallway leading notice occasional sludge and seaweed,
deeper into the cave. One of the goblins has a confirming their choice of direction.
pouch containing 4 Mad Cap Mushrooms.
Where this passageway turns south, the party
A flickering campfire in the center of the room will find the air growing damp. Shortly
has the goblins’ dinner cooking over it. Two thereafter, a dense mist will obscure vision
old looking statues stand in corners of the room, beyond 4 yards, and make it dangerous to move
and there are a couple of cobweb covered, unlit at more than normal rate. At the next
torches in holders along the walls. The lid of intersection, be sure to inform your PC’s that
the sarcophagus lies most of the way open, and they can feel the humidity increasing, as sweat
something within glints in the dim firelight. beads up on their bodies. Also, inform them
that a dull yellow glow emanates from the
The lid can be removed completely with effort passage to the east.
from a couple of PC’s, revealing a complete
skeleton lying within. Traces of ancient, Anyone following the passage leading to room 4
decaying fabric cling to the bones, and a to the north will quickly encounter a warm, 1
delicate golden circlet crowns the skull. Most meter deep pool of water which stops at another
tantalizing of all is a sizable cut amethyst resting impassible portcullis. Feel free to have leeches
freely among the bones. or something else in the water if you want to
make it a bit nastier. However, following the
Hopefully, your players will remember their remaining passage will cause the PC’s to
reason for being here, and continue to track the emerge into room 5. The mist extends some 4
troll. As they proceed down the hallway, they yards into the room, so they will be completely
will encounter an intersection with a portcullis inside the room before the mist trails off and
and two possible directions to go. One leads to they can see for normal distances.
room 3, and the other leads further into the cave.
The portcullis proves impossible to open, as The first thing they will feel is the warmth of the
large amounts of rust seem to have frozen it in pit of magma at the north end. At the south end,
there is a burbling spring
surrounded by a pool of water.
The magma appears to be the
cause of the yellow light seen in
the mist, and together with the
spring, explains the extreme
humidity and foggy conditions.
Surprise Ending
As the fight draws to a close, or
if the PCs appear to be losing,
observant characters (making a
successful Listen Based
Perception Test) may catch the
creak of bows being drawn back.
Everyone will certainly notice
that the troll resembles an over-
used pin cushion a moment later,
as a number of arrows are now
protruding from his upper torso.
A heavy portcullis crashes down
just as the troll falls, and the
PC’s find themselves sealed in
the room. Anyone looking up
will notice many skeletal hands
holding the bows that were just
fired. It is difficult to see into
the shadows without Night
Vision, but those with it may
make out at least 30 skeletons
behind stone battlements on the
level above.
return later and take it. It will become apparent
why he does this. The last comment was a big clue, and should get
the party discussing what they could have taken.
A Rude Awakening Since Osorkon is no longer standing above
them, they have a better chance of noticing that
In the middle of the night, the party will be he wears a circlet on his head that bears a strong
awoken by a commotion and frantic calls from resemblance to the one from the sarcophagus
the other guests. Several people are staring out earlier. If the party is struggling, allow someone
the windows at a small army of the dead, which to make a Routine (+10%) Sight Based
has surrounded the inn. Play this up by Perception Test to notice this. If anyone is
allowing the PC’s to run to various windows, at brave enough to go stand before him and talk,
each they will see a line of skeletons. the Perception Test should become Easy
(+20%). Remember that all undead radiate
Some are armed with bows, and others with fear, and so anyone wishing to approach and
hand weapons. A few have torches, which hiss talk will have to pass a Fear Test in order to
in the rain. Some of the undead appear to be approach. If you wish to add complexity, the
zombies and wights, but in the dimness it is hard rain can drown out voices, such than someone
to tell. Osorkon and his priest (the translator must take the initiative to go and talk with the
from before) sit atop nightmares in front of the undead.
main entrance to the inn. Other undead can be
just seen lurking at the edge of the torchlight. In truth, Osorkon is only interested in the
headband circlet. It belonged to his wife in life,
The army will simply wait. It should again be and while she does not share his undead status,
obvious that the party faces an insurmountable he continues to honor her after death has parted
force. If someone is foolish enough to fire out a them. He will not leave until it is returned, and
window, or otherwise provoke them, some of is willing to burn the inn down if necessary to
the torchbearers may move forward, implying recover it. However, he knows he can get it
that they can set fire to the inn. Dieter and other back faster and more reliably if he doesn’t have
locals were blissfully unaware of this army of to raze the building and kill to get it. He is not
undead, as no one had the nerve to explore the evil, but neither is he a nice guy. He is a ruler
barrow before. The rain has rendered Osorkon who is used to acting in an imperious fashion
and his army very wet, so normal rules of and getting what he wants.
mummy flammability do not apply. Osorkon
has a mind for tactics, and is an experienced Feel free to reveal pieces of information to the
battle leader. He does not come unprepared. PC’s as they continue to talk, and remember that
Osorkon’s answers through his interpreter will
At this point, the PCs are faced with the be short and to the point. Think of it as if
dilemma of discovering why the mummy and someone has stolen your wedding ring, and you
his army have surrounded the inn. If someone want it back. He has no interest in the gem that
addresses the prince and his attendants, Osorkon was buried with his wife’s body, but will not
will respond through his translator as before, necessarily say so. Hence there is still a fairly
with the priest always speaking for his lord. In valuable prize the PC’s can walk away with.
a booming voice the priest will ask, “Art thou The idea here is to build tension as the guests at
thieves?” If there is no response, he will next the inn continue to wonder what it is the undead
say, “Return what has been taken!” The undead want returned. It should not be too easy, but
will be very terse, as Osorkon is quite annoyed. must be possible to determine who has it, as no
one is likely to walk out of here unless the item
is returned.
If any of the PC’s took the circlet, then it is up the rest of the inn’s guests at the mercy of the
to the party to get them to admit to it and hand it undead, who will raze the inn to the ground a
over. If none of them did, and Hans has it, he short while later.
will start to look around shiftily, and perhaps get
red faced. With a little prodding, he will burst It is fairly unlikely that the PC’s will press the
out with a confession. He is frightened for his point so far that the undead do decide to attack.
father’s inn, which is also their home. Osorkon is worried that in the confusion of a
Nonetheless, he is also afraid to admit that his full battle he might lose his precious circlet
actions brought the wrath of the undead to his forever. However, if pressed, he is prepared to
father’s doorstep. burn the inn and kill all of these pesky creatures
whom have built so close to his home. It should
Once it is out in the open that someone stole the not be necessary to go this far though, so give
circlet, it should be a simple matter to return it, your players every chance to realize what is
once again bearing in mind possible fear effects going on and return the property.
when approaching the undead. Assuming
someone walks out the front door and hands the Aftermath
circlet to one of the undead, it will be passed
quickly to Osorkon’s priest, and then to the Once Osorkon has the circlet, and his army has
prince himself. He will examine it, and then disappeared back into the barrow under the hill,
simply turn and leave. The undead army will calm returns and it will be as if the undead had
march back to the barrow and disappear. It is never risen. No sign will be seen of them even
ideal if this happens before sunrise, but these if someone watches the hillside cave for days.
undead will not be perturbed by light of day if it Now the PC’s know that there is an undead
takes that long. being of some power living not far from a small
village, they may decide to try and take some
action, or leave it to the witch hunters or some
other military force. The prince does, after all,
seem to have the ability to summon a large army
if pressed.
Experience Points
The PC’s receive 50 xp for Esmer’s rescue, 75
xp for successfully talking their way out of the
mummy’s wrath and solving the puzzle of who
stole what. Give 10-40 xp each for good
roleplaying and diplomacy. Consider giving the
character that actually took the circlet 25 xp,
especially if they follow a roguish career or
have a thieving nature. Remember also,
someone might have kept a cut amethyst worth
nearly 60GC.
Designer’s Notes
Leechu, though never mentioned by name, is
Osorkon’s priest, and the source of his
necromantic minions. He has existed in an
undead state for a long time and as such knows
many languages, making him an ideal translator.
He is a close approximation of a Liche Priest,
given that nothing has been published as yet on
them. For the most part, you should have no
need to show off his magic prowess in this
adventure, since he plays a passive role. It is
just there for reference. A mini bestiary is
Bestiary Skeletons
Main Profile
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
Goblins, Tomb Robbers 25% 20% 30% 30% 25% - - -
Main Profile Secondary Profile
25% 30% 30% 30% 25% 25% 30% 20% 1 10 3 3 4 0 0 0
Secondary Profile Skills: None
A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Talents: Frightening, Night Vision, Undead
1 8 3 3 4 0 0 0 Special Rules:
Skills: Common Knowledge (Greenskins), • Mindless: Skeletons are animated bones
Concealment, Outdoor Survival, Perception, with no mind or spirit of their own.
Ride, Silent Move, Scale Sheer Surface, Speak They have no Intelligence, Will Power,
Language (Goblin Tongue) or Fellowship, and can never take or fail
Talents: Night Vision Tests based on those Characteristics
Special Rules: • Shambling: Skeletons are relentless but
• Animosity: Goblins, like Orcs, are a slow. They cannot take the run action.
fractious lot and they need very little Armor: Light Armor (Leather Jerkin and
reason to squabble amongst themselves Leather Skullcap)
or mix it up with other Greenskins. A Armor Points: Head 1, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Goblin offered any kind of excuse must Weapons: Hand Weapon, Bow
make a Will Power Test or immediately Slaughter Margin: Routine
attack the offending Greenskins, be they
Hobgoblins, Orcs, or other Goblins.
• Elvses is Scary: Goblins find Elves
extremely unnerving. Whether this is
Main Profile
because of the ancient animosity
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
between the two races, or simply
because of the Elves’s superior 25% 0% 35% 35% 10% - - -
mannerisms and smell of cleanliness, a Secondary Profile
Goblin must make a Fear Test if it and A W SB TB M Mag IP FP
its allies do not outnumber the Elves 1 12 3 3 4 0 0 0
present by at least two to one. Skills: None
• Night Goblins: None of the Goblins in Talents: Frightening, Night Vision, Undead
this adventure are Night Goblins or Special Rules:
Fanatics, though one does carry a small • Mindless: see Skeletons
leather bag containing 4 Mad Cap • Shambling: see Skeletons
Mushrooms. Armor: Light Armor (Leather Jack)
Armor: Light Armor (Leather Jerkins) Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0 Weapons: Hand Weapon
Weapons: Hand Weapon, Short bow, Shield Slaughter Margin: Easy
Slaughter Margin: Easy
other Undead. Indeed, their will is such
Wights that lesser Undead, such as Skeletons
Main Profile and Zombies, obey them and they can
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel control Undead just like a necromancer
40% 35% 45% 45% 30% 25% 35% 20% (see WFRP, page 161) . Mummies will
Secondary Profile almost always be encountered with a
A W SB TB M Mag IP FP dozen or more Skeleton warriors at their
1 15 4 4 4 0 0 0 beck and call.
Skills: Perception, Speak Language (Classical) Armor: Heavy Armor (Plate and Chain) when
Talents: Frightening, Night Vision, Undead he rides out to the inn, none in his audience
Special Rules: chamber.
Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 5, Body 5, Legs 3
• Wight Blade: Wights wield ancient and
Weapons: Flail, Hand Weapon
deadly weapons infused with the power
Slaughter Margin: Hard
of undeath. In the hands of a Wight,
such a blade counts as a magical weapon
and inflicts SB+2 damage. Furthermore, Leechu, Osorkon’s Priest
when a Wight causes a Critical Hit, it Main Profile
makes two rolls on Table 6-2: Critical WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
Hits and inflicts the deadlier result. In 42% 37% 42% 46% 34% 53% 69% 20%
the hands of anyone else, a Wight Blade Secondary Profile
counts as a hand weapon. A W SB TB M Mag IP FP
Armor: Medium Armor (Full Mail Armor) 1 29 4 4 4 4 0 0
Armor Points: Head 3, Arms 3, Body 3, Legs 3 Skills: Academic Knowledge (Theology, Magic
Weapons: Wight Blade and Shield +10%, History, Necromancy +10%),
Slaughter Margin: Challenging Channeling +10%, Magical Sense +10%,
Perception, Read/Write +20%, Ride, Search,
Speak Language (Nehekharan, Classical,
Osorkon, Prince and Mummy Reikspiel, Khazalid, Arcane Elf)
Main Profile Talents: Arcane Lore (Necromancy, Shadow),
WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel Aethyric Attunement, Dark Magic, Fast Hands,
65% 33% 52% 61% 44% 48% 89% 30% Frightening, Meditation, Night Vision, Petty
Secondary Profile Magic (Arcane), Savvy, Undead
A W SB TB M Mag IP FP Special Rules:
3 32 5 6 4 0 0 0 • Transfixing Gaze: May transfix an
Skills: Academic Knowledge opponent within 6 yards/meters as a half
(Genealogy/Heraldry, History +10%, action. Target may resist with a
Necromancy +10%), Command, Dodge Blow, successful Will Power Test, otherwise he
Evaluate, Perception, Read/Write +20%, Ride is considered helpless for 1 round. May
+10%, Speak Language (Nehekharan) be maintained for a half action each
Talents: Frightening, Night Vision, Specialist round thereafter.
Weapon Group (Flail, Great Weapon), Strike to Armor: None
Stun, Undead Armor Points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Special Rules: Weapons: Staff
Slaughter Margin: Hard
• Ancient Will: Only individuals with iron
hard wills return to the world as a
Mummy. They cannot be controlled as